Sop Maceration

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Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

TITLE: Extraction of medicinal plants using cold Origin Date: March,2010

organic solvents (maceration)
Document Number: TMMRD-TP#01 Revision status: Current
Section: Phytochemistry Page: 1 of 6

Purpose This procedure provides instructions how to separate the components with medicinal
properties that can be dissolved in organic solvents

rpm rotation per minute

Abbreviations Wt weight
%wt weight percentage
C Concentration
V Volume

Materials Organic solvents (alcohol, Chloroform, Hexane, pet ether, …etc)
Reagents preparation: Take the appropriate amount of the solvent and dilute
with distilled water if required.

Reagents stability and storage: Room temperature till expiry date

Filter paper
Volumetric flasks (1000 ml)
Beakers (250 ml)
Erlenmeyer Flasks (500ml)
Measuring cylinder (500ml)
Plastic containers
Glass rod
Washing bottles
Evaporating flasks (500ml)

Analytical Balance
Water bath
Rotary evaporator

Prepared by: Kissi Mudie Authority: EHNRI

NOTE: This is a CONTROLLED document for internal use only. Any documents appearing in paper form are not controlled and should be checked
against the electronic version prior to use.

Healthy, productive and prosperous Ethiopians

Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

TITLE: Extraction of medicinal plants using cold Origin Date: March,2010

organic solvents (maceration)
Document Number: TMMRD-TP#01 Revision status: Current
Section: Phytochemistry Page: 2 of 6

Sample Sample type Amount Transport and Stability

required Storage
Plant powder 100-300 gm At room Depends on the
temperature type and part of

Limitations: None

Sample retention: samples are discarded after 7 days

Special Safety - Refer to National Safety Guidelines


Procedure Step Action

1 Weigh the required amount of plant material using beam balance
2 Put the weighed plant material in an extraction flask
3 Soak the plant material with appropriate amount of cold organic
4 Put the soaked material on a shaker and shake at the speed of
150rpm for 72hrs
5 Stand the soaked or macerated plant sample until it settles
6 Decant and then filter the supernatant using Whatman filter paper
7 Concentrate the extract using the rotary evaporator
8 Pour the extracted solution in a labeled plastic container and put on a
water bath (40OC)
9 After the extract is dried, calculate the weight percentage and place it
in a refrigerator.

Calculation C1V1=C2V2 (Dilution Law)

%wt. = wt. of dried & collected extract X 100

wt. of the sample (powder)

Prepared by: Kissi Mudie Authority: EHNRI
NOTE: This is a CONTROLLED document for internal use only. Any documents appearing in paper form are not controlled and should be
checked against the electronic version prior to use.

Healthy, productive and prosperous Ethiopians

Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

TITLE: Extraction of medicinal plants using cold Origin Date: March,2010

organic solvents (maceration)
Document Number: TMMRD-TP#01 Revision status: Current
Section: Phytochemistry Page: 3 of 6

Result The products may be fluid extracts, powdered extracts, semisolid

Interpretation extracts, or tinctures.
Limitations Evaporation of the solvent
Hydrolysis may happen
Oxidation of the compounds

The crude material being extracted is reduced to pieces of suitable size,

Procedural Notes
mixed thoroughly with the specified extracting solvent, and allowed to
stand at room temperature in a closed container for an appropriate time,
with frequent agitation until soluble matter is dissolved. The mixture is
filtered, the insoluble material is washed with the same solvent used for
maceration, and the filtrates are combined and concentrated, usually
under reduced pressure, to the desired consistency.

Principle In the extraction practice for articles of botanical origin, the constituents
of interest are completely or partially separated from other components
with the aid of water, alcohol, alcohol-water mixtures or other suitable
solvents. This extraction process involves the removal of the desired
constituents from the plant matter with suitable menstrua, the
evaporation of all or nearly all of the solvent, and the adjustment of the
residual fluids, masses, or powders to the prescribed standards. Extracts
may be subjected to processes that increase the content of
characterized constituents, decrease the content of unwanted
constituents, or both. Extracts may be defined as preparations with
liquid, solid, or semisolid consistency.

Prepared by: Kissi Mudie Authority: EHNRI
NOTE: This is a CONTROLLED document for internal use only. Any documents appearing in paper form are not controlled and should be
checked against the electronic version prior to use.

Healthy, productive and prosperous Ethiopians

Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

TITLE: Extraction of medicinal plants using cold Origin Date: March,2010

organic solvents (maceration)
Document Number: TMMRD-TP#01 Revision status: Current
Section: Phytochemistry Page: 4 of 6

Clinical Utility For the extraction of biologically active compounds from natural products
that can be used interchangeable as drugs or as supplements.

Related - Manual for Phytochemical Screening of Medicinal Plants

Procedures and - Plant Drying & Processing SOP#

1. Harborne , J.B.(1973).Phytochemical methods, A guide to modern

techniques of plant analysis, Chapman and hall, London,
2. Yilma Desta (1988). Manual for qualitative analysis of medicinal plants.
Department of Traditional Medicine, Ministry of Health, Addis Ababa
3. Trease, G.E and Evans , W.C (1966). Pharmacognosy. 14th edin., WB
sounders company Ltd. London.
4. Harborne, J.B and Baxter, H. (1993). Phytochemistry dictionary, A
hand book of bioactive compounds from plants, Taylor and Francis ,

Prepared by: Kissi Mudie Authority: EHNRI
NOTE: This is a CONTROLLED document for internal use only. Any documents appearing in paper form are not controlled and should be
checked against the electronic version prior to use.

Healthy, productive and prosperous Ethiopians

Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

TITLE: Extraction of medicinal plants using cold Origin Date: March,2010

organic solvents (maceration)
Document Number: TMMRD-TP#01 Revision status: Current
Section: Phytochemistry Page: 5 of 6

Name Signature and Date

Prepared by: ------------------------ -----------------------------

Reviewed by: --------------------------- -----------------------------

Approved by: -------------------------- ------------------------------

(Director of Traditional and Modern Drug Research Directorate)

Prepared by: Kissi Mudie Authority: EHNRI
NOTE: This is a CONTROLLED document for internal use only. Any documents appearing in paper form are not controlled and should be
checked against the electronic version prior to use.

Healthy, productive and prosperous Ethiopians

Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

TITLE: Extraction of medicinal plants using cold Origin Date: March,2010

organic solvents (maceration)
Document Number: TMMRD-TP#01 Revision status: Current
Section: Phytochemistry Page: 6 of 6

I, the undersigned laboratory personnel, certify that I am conducting every steps of the
procedures incorporated in this SOP after a prior reading.

Name Signature and Date

1. _______________________ ______________________
2. _______________________ ______________________
3. _______________________ ______________________
4. _______________________ ______________________
5. _______________________ ______________________

Prepared by: Kissi Mudie Authority: EHNRI
NOTE: This is a CONTROLLED document for internal use only. Any documents appearing in paper form are not controlled and should be
checked against the electronic version prior to use.

Healthy, productive and prosperous Ethiopians

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