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Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 12 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 3 Exact Duration :_________

128. Two non-viscous, incompressible and immiscible liquids of densities

 and 1.5  are poured into the two limbs of a circular tube of radius R and
small cross section kept fixed in a vertical plane as shown in the figure. Each
liquid occupies one fourth the circumference of the tube.
(i) Find the angle  that the radius to the interface makes with the
vertical in equilibrium position.
(ii) If the whole liquid column is given a small displacement from its
equilibrium position, show that the resulting oscillations are simple
harmonic. Find the time period of these oscillations.

129. In a cylinder filled up with ideal gas and closed from both ends there
is a piston of mass m and cross-sectional area S (figure). In
equilibrium the piston divides the cylinder into two equal parts, each
with volume V0 . The gas pressure is p0 and the adiabatic index of
the gas is  . The piston was slightly displaced from the equilibrium
position and released. Find its oscillation frequency, assuming the
processes in the gas to be adiabatic and the friction negligible.

130. Consider the earth as a uniform sphere of mass M and radius R. Imagine a straight smooth tunnel made
through the earth which connects any two points on its surface. Show that the motion of a particle of mass
m along this tunnel under the action of gravitation would be simple harmonic. Hence, determine the time
that a particle would take to go from one end to the other through the tunnel. Consider two cases :
(i) The length of tunnel is 2R
(ii) The length of tunnel is R

131. A solid sphere (radius = R) rolls without slipping in a cylindrical

through (radius = 5R). Find the time period of small oscillations.

132. The pulley shown in figure has a moment of inertia I about its axis and
mass m. Find the time period of vertical oscillation of its centre of mass.
The spring has spring constant k and the string does not slip over the

133. A uniform rod of mass m  1.5 kg suspended by two identical threads

l  90 cm in length (figure) was turned through a small angle about the
vertical axis passing through its middle point C. The threads deviated in
the process through an angle   5.0. Then the rod was released to
start performing small oscillations. Find
(i) the oscillation period.
(ii) the rod’s oscillation energy.

DTS - 12 146 Level - 3 | Simple Harmonic Motion

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