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Fractional order calculus (FOC) applications in engineering field has

an increas- ing importance. FOC has the ability to make changes
the traditional way we observe, modeling and control of real-time
systems. Fractional order (FO) con- trol finds huge tendency in
solving the control problems due to accurate modeling and
controller performance enhancement feasibility. Nowadays, many
researchers are focused to develop linear and nonlinear FO control
algorithms.Applications of FOC in control systems engineering
have been well discovered. On the whole, it is predicted that the
integer order (IO) control concepts can be substituted with FO
control concepts in near future. Hence, in this thesis, it is intended
to design fractional order control algorithms to achieve good
performance for a class of lin- ear systems.
Chapter 1 presents a brief discussion of historical development of
fractional order calculus (FOC). Some basic back ground
preliminaries which are useful in control applications are discussed.
Chapter 2 presents a literature review of FOC in linear control is
presented. A brief review on structure and designing methods of
linear fractional controllers is presented.
Chapter 3 Presents development of Fractional Order Controller
design for a Type of Linear Systems. The proposed control
algorithm is tuned based on frequency domain approach. The
proposed controller is synthesized in simulation. Controller
performance is compared with existing literature. From the
simulation results, it could be observed that the proposed one
gives better performance than the exist- ing controllers in
Chapter 4 Prsents conclusion of the work.

Abstract vii

1 Chapter 1 1
1.1 General ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Preliminaries of fractional integral-derivative
operators in control systems engineering
1.2 Objective of the work ............................................................................ 3
1.3 Outline of the Chapters ....................................................................... 4
1.4 Summary ..................................................................................................... 4

2 Chapter 2 5
2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Linear FOPID controllers structures and design ....................... 6
2.2.1 Structures........................................................................................ 6
2.2.2 Design ............................................................................................... 7
2.3 Summary ..................................................................................................... 7

3 Chapter 3 9
3.1 General ......................................................................................................... 9
3.2 considered system and novelty of the work ................................ 9
3.3 Controller design ................................................................................... 12
3.4 Results and discussions ...................................................................... 16

4 Conclusion 19
4.1 Future Scopes ......................................................................................... 19
References .......................................................................................................... 21
List of Figures

3.1 Proposed control scheme without loosing the originality of

internal feedback loop.
3.2 Equivalent closed-loop control scheme. ...................................... 12
3.3 Actual and fitted Z = sα−1 vs α ....................................................... 15
3.4 Closed loop tracing curves with the proposed FOPI and PI[1]
con- trollers.
3.5 Control signals of the proposed FOPI and PI[1] controllers.
List of Tables

3.1 Controller parameters. ....................................................................... 16

3.2 Tracking and control action performance. ................................ 16


1.1 General
This chapter of the thesis aspires to the study on fractional order
controllers. This gives special emphasis to linear fractional order
controllers and a category of non- linear fractional orders, i.e
fractional order sliding mode controllers. FOC has the ability to
make changes the traditional way we observe, modeling and
control of real-time systems. Fractional order control finds huge
tendency in solving the con- trol problems due to accurate
modeling and controller performance enhancement feasibility.
Fractional order control advances control theory extensively
both in linear and nonlinear aspects. On the whole, it is
predicted that the integer order control concepts can be
substituted with fractional order control concepts in near future.
In ths unit, the history of FOC with a strong connection of
implementation of fractional order calculus in control theory is
discussed. Some basic back ground preliminaries about fractional
order calculus is described in this chapter. The objectives and
outlines of the thesis is presented in brief.

Chapter 1

1.1.1 Preliminaries of fractional integral-derivative opera-

tors in control systems engineering

FOC gained numerous attention in control systems engineering for

modeling and control design. Fractional integral-derivative
operator plays key role in addressing the control problems. In the
present section, some popular fractional operators are presented
which are useful in control applications.
Using Chauchey’s formula and Gamma function, Riemann
defined the fractional order integral operator as [2, 3, 4]:

1 f (G)
Iν (f (t)) , dG, (1.1)
Γ (ν) (t − G)1−ν

where ν is a complex order, i.e. ν ∈ C, ti < t and ti, t ∈ R. The Gamma

function of ν is defined as follows:-

Γ (ν) = e−uuν−1du. (1.2)


For ν ∈ R+, eq. (1.2) is defined as:

Itνi (f (t)) = gν (t − G) f (G) dG = g ∗ f, (1.3)

(t−τ )1−ν
where gν (t − τ ) = Γ(ν) . Laplace transform of eq. (1.3) is derived using
lution principle [4]. LT of Riemann FOC integral operator is defined as:

{ ν tν−1u (t) F (s)

L Iti [f (t)] = L [f (t)] . (1.4)
L Γ (ν) = sν

a t
By taking f (t) =
ator as [3, 5]: cje j , Liouville defined the fractional order derivative
j= oper-

L ∞
D ν[f (t)] = ajνc e ajt . (1.5)j

Riemann-Liouville defined the first papular fractional order derivative


1.2 Objective of the work

for a complex order ν [2, 3, 4, 5]. The operator is as follows:

1 dn f (G) dG , (1.6)
Dν [f (t)] 6 n 1−n+ν
Γ (n − ν) dt (t − G)

where n is the real part of ν+1. FOC applications in engineering

field had an increasing importance [6]. On the other hand, control
engineering is an interdisci- plinary engineering branch which
connects mathematics and engineering strongly. Therefore, the
FOC applications are strongly connected with control engineering.
In automatic control systems, FOC is used for two applications:

• To model the real-time processes.

• To design the controllers.

There are four control aspects in the feedback control systems [7]:

• Integer order (IO) model with IO controller.

• Integer order (IO) model with fractional order (FO) controller.

• FO model with IO controller.

• FO model with FO controller.

Reported works show that FO controllers give better performance

than IO con- trollers.

1.2 Objective of the work

From the above motivations, we have given special emphasis to
design FO con- troller for a type of Linear Systems. The objectives

of the current work are as follows:

• To design a linear FO controller for a Type of Linear Systems.

• To verify the performance of proposed controllers for

understanding the best choice of controller based on tracking
ability and as well as energy efficiency ability.

Chapter 1

• To verify the performances of the proposed controllers in simulation.

1.3 Outline of the Chapters

The entire thesis is divided into four chapters.

• Chapter-1 Deals with introduction of the thesis work.

• Chapter-2 Explains literature survey of the current work.

• Chapter-3 Development of Fractional Order Controller design

for a class of Linear Systems.

• Chapter-4 Concludes the work.

1.4 Summary
This chapter of the thesis aspires to the study on Fractonal Order
Controlers. History of the FOC with a strong connection of
implementation of FOC in control theory is discussed. Objectives
and outlines of the thesis is discussed.

C H A P T E R 2


2.1 General
From 2001 today, so many reported works identified in FOC
identification [8, 9, 10] and many authentic research works have
been made for FOC algorithms [11, 12, 13, 4, 14, 15]. Many books
provide the comprehensive coverage of FO
calculus applications in fractional order control [16, 6, 17, 18, 19].
There are sev- eral MATALB/Simulink toolboxes are available to
implement the fractional order models. The most popular
toolboxes are as follows: (i) CRONE toolbox [20]: useful in
fractional order system identification, MIMO robust control design
and analysis. (ii) Ninteger toolbox [21]: useful in SISO fractional
order control de- sign and performance assessments, FO system
Identfication and to approximate Fo models Io order models. (iii)

FOTF toolbox [22]: useful to implement SISO control algorithms.
(iv) FOMCON toolbox [23]: useful in solving the problems in the FO
control systems.

Chapter 2

2.2 Linear FOPID controllers structures and de-

2.2.1 Structures

All the FO-PID controllers structures are described as follows:

• FO-PI controller is derived, when µ = 0, λ ∈ R+ and Kd = 0. The

controller structure becomes
C (s) = Kp + . (2.1)

• FO-PD controller is derived when λ = 0, µ ∈ R+ and Ki = 0. The
controller structure becomes
C (s) = Kp + Kdsµ. (2.2)

• To eliminate the noise in the control input and reduce the

probability of actuator saturation, a filter is incorporated in the
dervative of the FOPID controler. The most common FO-PID is
as follows:
Ki Kdsµ
C (s) = Kp + + , (2.3)
sλ τsµ + 1

• An another type of FO-controller structure is as follows [11, 24]:

Ki + Kds
C (s) = , (2.4)

eq. (2.4) is known as D1−λIλ controller.

• Other than the above generalized structures, in [25], a new

FO-[PD] con- troller structure was introduced as:

C (s) = Kp(1 + Kd)µ. (2.5)

• In [26], a new FO-[PI] controller structure was introduced as:

1+ i . (2.6)
C (s) = Kp s

2.3 Summary

• In order to have the ease of real-time implementation, a series

form of FO- PID controller structure [27, 13, 28] was
introduced as:

Ki 1 + ωsl
C (s) = p 1 .
+ s
K 1 +ω (2.7
eq. (2.7) is almost similar to first generation CRONE controller.

2.2.2 Design

In this section, tuning methods of lineear FO controlers are

discussed. In [13, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 11, 35, 36], optimization
methods are used to tune the linear FO controllers. However,
tuning of controller parameters using optimization methods is
highly dependent on initial guess and running time.

2.3 Summary
From the above motivations in the literature survey, In this work, a
novel Fo controler desigen algorithm is proposed for a Type of
Linear Systems.

C H A P T E R 3

Controller design

3.1 General
In the present work, a novel FO controller design algorithm is
proposed for a Class of Linear Systems. Control parameters are
tuned using chosen frequency domain desertification. As the FOPI
controller has 3 variables to tune, three frequency domain
spcifications such as Phase Margin (φm), Gain Cross-over frequency
(ωgc) and Velocity Error Constant (Kv) are chosen as desired
spcifications. Modified Ouaastaloup Recusive Approximation (M-
ORA) method is employed to realize the (Kv) specification. The
designed FOPI controller is demonistrated in simulation
environment. The results show that the designed FOPI controller
makes better outputs than the existing controller from literature.

3.2 considered system and novelty of the work
In the present work, a conventional form of a tpye of lineear system
is considered as follows:
G (s) = , (3.1)
τs +

Chapter 3

where k > 0andτ > 0 . DC servo motor, coupled tank system, and
DC motors, etc exhibits the dynamics described in (3.1). From the
literature works, it is observed that the classical PI controllers finds
better suitability to control the output variable of the system given
in (3.1). The reasons are:

• The system described in (3.1) is a first order system. Therefore,

there will not be oscillations in the response of the system. If
the oscillations are absent in the opened-loop response of a
system then the duty of derivative operator controller (D-
Controller) is not much significant.

• The cut-off rate due to D-Controller is +20dB. It is noticed that

the presents of cut-off rate diminishes the noise rejection
performance of over all closed loop system.

• In general, presents D-Controller lifts up the magnitude of

control input, which may causes to over limit of mechanical-

• In general, D-Controller lifts up the energy requirement for control


Therefore, due to above mentioned reasons a classical PI

controller described in (3.2) finds better suitability in the current
control problem.

Cpi (s) = + , (3.2)

where KP and KI are proportionl and integrl constants. In the

present work, a novel control scheme is proposed which makes the
classical integer order PI control scheme into fractional order PI
(FOPI) control scheme. The proposed control lay- out is given in
Figure 3.1. The external controller (Ce (s)) in Figure 3.1 adopts the
input and output signals simultaneously.

3.2 considered system and novelty of the work

Figure 3.1: Proposed control scheme without loosing the

originality of internal feedback loop.

From Figure 3.1, dynamics of the system from D (s) to Y (s) is

obtained as:

Y (s) G (s) Cpi (s) + G (s) Cpi (s) Ce . (3.3)

D (s) 1 + G (s) Cpi (s) + G (s) Cpi (s) Ce (s)

From (3.3), one obtains

Y (s) G (s) Cpi (s) [1 + Ce . (3.4)

D (s) 1 + G (s) Cpi (s) [1 + Ce (s)]

By considering CA = Cpi (s) [1 + Ce (s)] as apparent controller, The

dynamics in (3.4) are synthesized as shown in Figure 3.2.
Proposition: From PI to FOPI conversion
let us consider Ce (s) is as follows:

c1sα + (c0 − Kp) s − Ki

Ce (s) = (3.5)
Kp s +

where c0 > 0, c1 > 0, Kp > 0 and Ki > 0 and the limits of α is −1 <
α < 1. The converted FOPI controller from the classical PI controller
in (3.2) has the following coefficients:

c0 = Kpf , (3.6)
1 . (3.7)
c Kif
proof 0

By substituting (3.2) and (3.5) in the apparent controller CA = Cpi (s)

[1 + Ce (s)],

Chapter 3

obtains c1sα + (c0 − Kp) s − Ki + Kps +
CA (s) = KipK s + K

Kps + Ki
s (3.8)

From (3.8) one obtains,

( )
CA (s) = c0 + c1sα−1 = Kpf 1 + Kif sα−1 (3.9)

Hence, from (3.9), it can be observed that (3.6) and (3.7) holds true
and conversion of PI to FOPI is achieved.

Figure 3.2: Equivalent closed-loop control scheme.

3.3 Controller design

This sction describes the proposed FOPI control design. From
(3.9), for −1 < α < 1, CA (s) becomes FOPI controller. The
frequency domain representation of CA (s) is expressed as:

Kpf + Kpf Kif ωα−1

CA (jω) = ( )
(α − 1) π (α − 1) π
cos + jsin (3.10)
2 2

By considering A = 1 + Kif ωα−1cos

and B = Kif ωα−21sin (α−1)π , Phase

( )
the CA (s) is: ∠CA (s) = Tan (3.11)

Magnitude of

|CA (jω)| = Kpf A2 + B2 (3.12)

3.3 Controller design

Using φm [37], the phase of the open-loop system gives as shown

below equation

∠ (G (jω) CA (jω)) = −1800 + φm (3.13)

From (3.11) in (3.13), we can have

A = BTanθ, (3.14)

where θ = φm − 1800 − ∠ ([G (jω)]).

Using ωgc [37], we will be having

|G (ω) CA (ω)| = 1 (3.15)

From (3.1), (3.12) and (3.15), it is obtained as:

MAG Kpf A2 + B2× = 1, (3.16)

where MAG = |G (jω)|. From (3.7) in (3.9), we will be more convenently


Kpf Kif = (α−1)π . (3.17)
MAG × ωα−1 × Cos 2

Using Kv [37], the following condition can be having finely

lim SG (s) CA (s) = Kv. (3.18)


By substituting (3.1) and (3.9) in (3.18), one obtains

kag× Kpf 1 + kif lim Sα−1 = kv. (3.19)

The term lim sα−1 is realized by employing

− M − ORA
method. using M ORA
method [38], the sα model into a integermodel will be having
( ) N
Ds2 + s+Z . (3.20)
sα ≈C
D (1 − α) s2 + Bωhs + w=
dα 1

Chapter 3

From (3.20), it can be expressed as:

( ) N
Ds + s+Z , (3.21)
sBω h
≈ C
D (1 − α) s2 + Bωhs + w=
dα 1

for w = 1, 2, 3, ...., N , with η =ωl ωh
, zeros (Z) and poles (P ) are obtained from
(3.22) and (3.23) respectively.

Z = ω η( ),

P = ω η( ),

( )α Q M
Z , N is the order of IO model. In general, B and
where C dωb h
= j=
D are
selected as B = 10 and D = 9 [38]. ωl and ωh are the frequency limits.
rules of ωl, ωh and N are given in [39]. By employing lim on both sides of
it could be possible
lim sα−1 ≈ lim {C
S→0 S→0
( ) N
Ds + s+ (3.24)
Bωh Z
D (1 − α) s2 + Bωhs + w=
dα 1

From (3.24), it can be having

) N
( Z
lim sα−1 ≈C P (3.25)
s→0 dα j=1


Let us
consider, bωh
lim sα−1 ≈ C
=F (3.26)

By choosing ωl = 0.001 rad/s, ωh = 10 rad/s and N = 5, from (3.26),

(3.22) and (3.23), it could be possible that F is in terms of α. The F vs
α graph is plotted in Fig. 3.3. Thereafter, F vs α curve is fitted with
MATLAB curve − fitting − tool.

3.3 Controller design

The fitted value is obtain as:

lim Sα−1 ≈ 48.984e−6.514α. (3.27)


By substituting (3.27) in (3.19), one obtains


2.5 Actual L using M−ORA method

Fitted L



0.5 1 1.5 2

Figure 3.3: Actual and fitted Z = lim sα−1 vs α.


[ ]
kag × Kpf 1 + Kif × 48.984e−6.514α = kv. (3.28)

By dividing (3.28) with (3.17), one obtains

� \
1 (α − 1) π
Kif Kv × MAG × ω
α− × Cos =
K × Sinθ 1 + Kif × 48.984e−6.514α .


One can employ ’fsolve’ tool in the MATLAB software to solve the
equations (3.29) and (3.14). Kif and α variables are noticed, Kpf
might be identified from (3.17) and it is gave by
Kpf =
Kif . (3.30)
× M × ωα−1 × Cos (α−2 1)π

Chapter 3

Table 3.1: Controller parameters.

Controller Structure Paramet

PI [1] Kp + K
Kp=1.6103 and Ki=0.3463
Proposed Kpf + Kif Kpf =0.5826, Kif =0.9539 and α =
FOPI sα−1 0.6225

Table 3.2: Tracking and control action performance.

Tracking − performance Control-action-

Controller performance
ST (s) MP (%) ITAE /u/2 |u|max
PI [1] 15.941 16.077 18.421 6.824 1.6103
3 9 2 9
Proposed 11.339 7.2639 11.940 6.246 1.2374
FOPI 3 1 7

3.4 Results and discussions

This section presents the performance evaluation of the proposed
FOPI controller. The performance of the proposed FOPI controller
is compared with PI controller in [1]. By considering k = 10 and τ =
35 in the system (3.1) and φm = 700, ωgc = 5 rad/s and Kv = 1s−1 as
desired specifications, the controller parameters obtained are
given in Table 3.1. From Fig. 3.5 and TABLE 3.2, it is observed
that the


Step response


0.4 Proposed FOPI


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (s)

Figure 3.4: Closed loop tracing curves with the proposed FOPI
and PI[1] con- trollers.

proposed FOPI controller is 8.8466% energy efficient than the PI [1]


3.4 Results and discussions

1.2 Proposed FOPI

Control input
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (s)

Figure 3.5: Control signals of the proposed FOPI and PI[1]


Actuator saturation chance is 26.1896% low with the proposed FOPI

controller as compared to PI [1] controller.

C H A P T E R 4


This thesis contributed the design methodology of linear FOPI

controller. The Designed controler is employed in simulation of
MATLAB environment. The proposed FO control algorthm is
designed on the basis of frequency domain chosen specifications.
Modified Oustaloup Recursive Approximation (M-ORA) method is
imployed to relize the (Kv). The results show that the proposed
FOPI controller gives better results.

4.1 Future Scopes

The future scopes of the thesis are as follows:

• Linear FOPI controller design approach in Chapter 3 can be

extended to design adaptive linear FOPI controllers based on
the linear variable model of real-time systems.
• Designers may focus to design the adaptive fractional order
controllers which further improves the control performance.

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