20CS2018L Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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19/03/2022, 16:00 DAA EXP-8.

ipynb - Colaboratory

20CS2018L Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Reg No : URK20CS2065

Ex. No: 8

Date : 09/03/2022


Video Link : https://youtu.be/1s8poUUTRGY

Floyd's All Pairs Shortest Path


To write a program to find all pairs shortest path using Floyd's algorithm.


The Floyd Warshall Algorithm is for solving the All Pairs Shortest Path problem. The problem is to
find shortest distances between every pair of vertices in a given edge weighted directed Graph.


Function main():

Input the number of vertices(tv) that are there in the graph.

Input the distances between each vertex in 2-d array. If there are no direct edges then assign
inf and put zero if the distance between the same vertex is to be assigned.
Initialize a path 2d list to store the intermediate paths.
Pass the inputs to the function floyd()

Function floyd():

Assign the contents of graph to variable c.

Iterate k from 0 to tv-1.
Iterate i from 0 to tv-1
Iterate j from 0 to tv-1
If c[i][j]>c[i][k]+c[k][j] then assign c[i][j]=c[i][k]+c[k][j] and path[i][j]=k.
Display the shortest path from each of the veritces and the path list.


1 from sys import maxsize
3 def find_path(path,i,j,route):
4     if path[i][j]==i:
5         return
6     find path(path,i,path[i][j],route)
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_p (p , ,p [ ][j], )
7     route.append(path[i][j])
10 def print_path(path):
11     for i in range(tv):
12         for j in range(tv):
13             if i!=j and path[i][j]!=-1:
14                 route=[i]
15                 find_path(path,i,j,route)
16                 route.append(j)
17                 print(f"The shortest path from {i} —> {j} is", route)
18             else:
19                 if path[i][j]==-1 and i!=j:
20                     print(f"There is no path between {i} to {j}")
23 def floyd(g,tv,path):
24     c=g.copy()
25     for i in range(tv):
26         for j in range(tv):
27             if i==j:
28                 path[i][j]=0
29             elif c[i][j]!=maxsize:
30                 path[i][j]=i
31             else:
32                 path[i][j]=-1
33     for k in range(tv):
34         for i in range(tv):
35             for j in range(tv):
36                 if c[i][j]>c[i][k]+c[k][j]:
37                     c[i][j]=c[i][k]+c[k][j]
38                     path[i][j]=path[k][j]    
39     print("\nShortest Distance Between Each vertices: \n")
40     for i in range(tv):
41         for j in range(tv):
42             if c[i][j]>=maxsize:
43                 c[i][j]="I"
44     for i in c:
45         print(i)
46     print("\nThe PATH: ")
47     print("******************************************************************")
48     print_path(path)
49     print("******************************************************************")
52 def main():
53     global tv
54     tv = int(input("Enter the number of vertices: "))  # getting the total number of ver
55     graph = []
56     I=maxsize
57     for i in range(tv):
58 h d(i t("E t th di t b t ti ") lit())
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58         graph.append(input("Enter the distances between vertices: ").split())
59     for i in range(tv):
60         for j in range(tv):
61             if graph[i][j]=="I":
62                 graph[i][j]=I
63             else:
64                 graph[i][j]=int(graph[i][j])
66     path=[[0 for i in range(tv)] for i in range(tv)]
67     floyd(graph,tv,path)
69 if __name__=="__main__":
70     main()
71     # 0 4 5
72     # 2 0 inf
73     # inf·-3·0
74     # graph = [[0, 5, I, 10],
75     #      [I, 0, 3, I],
76     #      [I, I, 0,   1],
77     #      [I, I, I, 0]
78     #      ]

Enter the number of vertices: 3

Enter the distances between vertices: 0 4 5

Enter the distances between vertices: 2 0 I

Enter the distances between vertices: I -3 0

Shortest Distance Between Each vertices:

[0, 2, 5]

[2, 0, 7]

[-1, -3, 0]



The shortest path from 0 —> 1 is [0, 2, 1]

The shortest path from 0 —> 2 is [0, 2]

The shortest path from 1 —> 0 is [1, 0]

The shortest path from 1 —> 2 is [1, 0, 2]

The shortest path from 2 —> 0 is [2, 1, 0]

The shortest path from 2 —> 1 is [2, 1]



Thus the program to get all pairs shortest paths using Floyd's Algorithm is written and tested for
various inputs.

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