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“Be tile Change you wish to see in the wotif’

•Mahalma Gandhi

July 14, 2020

To Whom It May Concern:

I am so excited to recommend Divya Radhakrishnan for graduation from Garza High School.
Divya is one of those amazing people who I am absolutely blessed to have met. She has a diligence and
persistence that has propelled her through four semesters of English with me! Thank you for giving me
the opportunity reveal the qualities she displayed in my classroom.

The first attribute I want to highlight about Divya is her ability to strive for her goals and keep
her eyes on the prize. Her ability to visualize and then execute has helped her stay on task for both class
periods she took with me. It is yen’ rare to see a student of her age with the maturity and capability of
seeking to finish coursework for 140 minutes in two consecutive blocks. Not only did she keep working
at it despite the difficulty of the assignment, but Divya also balances both thinking and asking for help
very well in an educational setting. When up against a harder topic or problem, she would first try her
best to reason and think it out. Then, when she would truly get stuck, she would ask me a question
about it. This shows that she understands how to best learn and grow as a student. This skill will carry
her throughout her studies in college as well.

In class, Divya is very friendly and willing to help the group. During our collaborative puzzle
solving time, Divya is always willing to contribute. She is very polite with everyone and seeks help
others in subtle ways. Even as lam writing this letter, I feel the effects of her patience. I am writing this
recommendation late, and this is the last thing Divya needs to graduate. However, she is just patiently
waiting in my class without putting too much pressure on me. I am sure she will be a bright light ofjoy
and happiness wherever life takes her in the future.

From the moment he entered to my class till now, Divya has proved herself over and over. Now
we are at the end of her high school degree, and I am so proud of her and excited for her next steps.
Divya will surely continue to achieve all that she puts her mind to in the future. If you have any
questions, please contact me at


Joel Lin


1600 Chicon Street, Austin, TX. 78702 * Phone: 512-414-8600

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