Look Up Comprehension Activities

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1st Year Pathways 2- Unit 3 May 2022

A) Vocabulary: write the words from the

box connected to technology under
the correct
click on log in/out download save commute work remotely hack
keep a hard copy make a back up copy scan connect plug/unplug switch
on/off install/ set up shut down upgrade delete share stalk
cyberbully surf the web community access sign in/out decode multi-task
attach videocall print edit redo undo screen, touch screen AI (artificial
Intelligence) scanner keyboard Bluetooth file computer hard disk browser
tablet smartphone smart tv social media social network web Wi-Fi
connection Hacker device instant message ghosting grooming stalker
online piracy icon app whatsapp boot user name password e-mail drive
virtual platform QR code bar code hardware menu digital immigrant/ native
software resource loudspeaker microphone camera cable charger server
spacebar document link URL screenshot antivirus wireless blended
learning, virtual learning analogue digital cyber entrepreneur visionary
youtuber mobile portable technological advanced
innovation multi-tasker
geek spoiler spam

LOOK UP!! by Gary Turk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3WadlIeGlQ With subtitles in English

Look at this picture and describe it

Guessing/ Predction:
What do you think the video is about? Tell me the story. Write down key ideas

Watch the video once and see who

watch the video again and complete the gaps

I have four-hundred-and-twenty-two friends, yet I am_______.

I speak to all of them everyday,
yet none of them really _______ me.

The problem I have sits in the spaces between

looking into their _______ or at a name on a _________.
I took a step back and opened my eyes,
I looked around to realize
the ________ we call it ______ is anything but.

When we open our _________, and it's our doors we _______.

All this technology we have it's just an ________.
Community companionship, a sense of __________ yet,
when you step away from this ___________of delusion,
you awaken to see a world of confusion.

A world where we're ________ to the technology we mastered,

where ___________ gets sold by some rich greedy bastard.
A world of ______ interest, ________ image, ______ promotion.
Where we all _______ our best bits, but, leave out the emotion.

We’re at 'almost happy' with an experience we share,

but is it the same if no one is _______?
______ there for your friends and they'll be there too,
but no one will be if a group _________ will do.

We _______ and exaggerate,

crave adulation.
We pretend not to notice the social __________.
We put our ________ into order and turn our lives a-glistening.
We don't even know if anyone is __________!

Being alone isn't a problem let me just emphasize;

if you read a _______, paint a ________, or do some ________.
You're being _________ and ________ not reserved and recluse.
You're being awake and attentive and putting your time to good _______.

So when you're in _______, and you start to feel alone.

Put your ________ behind your head, step away from the phone!
You don't need to stare at the ______, or your contact ______.
Just talk to one another, learn to __________.

I can't stand to hear the __________ of a busy commuter train

when no one wants to talk for the fear of looking __________.
We're becoming _____________,
it no longer satisfies to engage with one _____________, and look into someone's eyes. We're
surrounded by children, who since they were born,
have watched us living like __________,
who now think it's the norm.

It's not very likely you'll make world’s greatest dad,

if you can't entertain a child without using an __________.
When I was a child, i'd never be __________.
Be out with my friends on our bikes we'd roam.
I'd wear ________ on my trainers,
and graze up my knees.
We'd build our own clubhouse, high up in the ________.

Now the park is so quiet, it gives me a chill.

See no children outside and the swings hanging ________.
There’s no skipping, no hopscotch, no church and no steeple.
We're a generation of idiots, …smart phones… and dumb people.

So look up from your _________, shut down the _________.

Take in your surroundings, make the most of today.
Just one real _____________ is all it can take,
to show you the difference that being there can make.

Be there in the moment,

when she gives you the look,
that you remember forever as 'when love overtook'.
The time she first held your hand,
or first kissed your lips,
the time you first disagreed and you still love her to bits.
The time you don't have to tell __________ of what you've just done.
Because you want to share this moment with just this _______.
The time you sell your computer, so you can buy a _______,
for the girl of your _________, who is now the _______ thing.

The time you want to start a family, and the moment when,
you first hold your little girl,and get to love again.
The time she keeps you up at night, and all you want is _________.
And the time you wipe away the tears as your baby flees the _________.

The time your baby girl returns, with a boy for you to hold,
and the time he calls you granddad and makes you feel real old.
The time you've taken all you've made, just by giving life __________.
And how you're glad you didn't waste it, by looking down at some ________.

The time you hold your wife's hand, sit down beside her bed,
you tell her that you love her and lay a kiss upon her head.
She then whispers to you quietly as her heart gives a final beat,
that she's lucky she got stopped by that lost boy in the street.

But none of these times ever happened, you never had any of this.
When you're too busy looking down, you don't see the chances you miss.

So look up from your phone, shut down those displays,

we have a final act existence, a set number of days.
Don't waste your life getting caught in the ________,
because when the end comes there's nothing worse than regret.
I'm guilty too of being part of this __________,
this ________ world, we are hear but not _________.

Where we _____ as we talk, and we read as we ______.

Where we spend hours together ________ making eye-contact.
So don't give into a life where you follow the _________.
Give people your love, don't give them your '________'.
Disconnect from the need to be heard and ___________,
go out into the world leave instructions ____________.

Look up from your phone.

Shut down that display.
Stop watching this video.
Live life the real way.
The info given in the video is told as if it were a poem. Circle all the
words that rhyme.

Find examples of Oxymoron and highlight them

( OXYMORON: a literary device that allows the author use contradictory,
contrasting concepts together, that actually ends up making sense in a
strange and complex way)

What simile does the speaker choose to describe this generation?

The video shows two possible stories. What are they? look at the
pictures and write 1 or 2

Story 1
Story 2

Share your stories with the class. Remember:

1. Organize your stories in 4 parts
2. Write your story using the verbs in the Past Simple and Continuous
3. Use connectors
Vocabulary practice: complete the sentences below with the words from the box
Vocabulary practice:
illusion inclusion companionship delusion glistering
isolation adulation emphasize coexist recluse reserved
attentive insane defined finite graze hype
1. Clearly expressed, explained or described _______________
2. The use of a lot of publicity and advertising to make people interested in
something. __________________
3. A given number ________________
4. Same meaning as scratch _____________
5.Same meaning as crazy _______________
6. To live together at the same time and same place _______________
7. Paying close attention to something __________________
8. A person who lives alone and avoids going outside or talking to other
9. Someone who keeps their feelings hidden and is almost shy. ________________
10. Give special importance or value to something ______________
11. To shine with a sparkling light ________________
12. Being separated from other people / A situation where you don’t have the
support of other people. _________________
13. Praise and admire someone more than they really deserve __________________
14. Similar word to illusion ____________________
15. Noun word for include ____________________
16. The good feeling that comes from being with someone else. _____________
17. An idea or belief that isn’t true Something that isn’t really what it seems to be.

1)It's a small room, but the mirrors create an …………of

2) Which word should I ………………… in my speech.
3) The hotel workers are friendly and ………….. .
4) Many deaf people have feelings of ………….. and
5)Because my sister and I had to ………………….. in the same
bedroom for four years, we were thrilled when we got our
own rooms.
6)A dog provides ……………………... to many people.
7) Despite all the ……………., I thought the book was pretty
8)Adam walked away from the crash with just a ……. on his
left shoulder.
9)You're driving me nearly ………………. with that noise.
Over to you: Oral discussion
List two “events” in the video that instead of face to face communication the
characters are on their digital devices.

In the past kids didn’t spend time outside. T/F

The story of the lost boy and girl emphasizes what we can miss if we spend
too much time on our phones T/F

Gary Turk doesn’t use digital devices. T/F

Would you “like” this video? Explain why

What problem does the video show? Do you agree with it? Why or
why not?

What is the message of the video? Do you agree with the


Have you missed any opportunities because of technology? Give examples

Have you gained any opportunities because technology? Give examples

What advantages does technology have?

Does the number of friends on your Facebook page show

how sociable you are? Explain your answer

Which sentence left a strong impact on you? Justify your choice.

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