Comprehension Tasks Ryan's Well

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Comprehension tasks:

1. What is so special about Ryan? _________________________________________________________

2. What is the meaning of Plight?

a- claim b- answer c. order d. suggest

3. Ryan’s parents were supportive from the first moment. True or False

4. $70 is enough to dig a well. True or False

5. Finish this sentence with your own words: Ryan chose to build his first well…


6. How did the well diggers get to know about Ryan’s project?


7. Mention 4 problems students have at Angolo Primary School.





8. Ryan could really make a difference in the end. True or False

9. Amount of money needed for: a hand pump _________, a well ___________,

drilling and well construction equipment ________________

10.What impact did Ryan’s idea have on the lives of the people living in Uganda?





11.Pair work: Find evidence on the text that supports these themes or ideas.

Underline them on the text and share your opinion with the class

Creativity painful reality solidarity support

friendship The media unexpected surprise catchy chain

reaction determination hard work happy ending

12.Sum up the whole text in one paragraph. Write between 60 to 80 words.

Follow the draft guide. Don’t quote! This means use your own words. Use

connectors and check spelling and handwriting.

Brainstorming ideas that main help you

Moving Africa’s reality – raise money for a well – chores at home –

story on newspapers and TV – lots of donations to match Ryan’s –

many wells in Africa

Topic sentence 1: _____________________________________

Supporting idea 1: _______________________________________________________________

Details: _______________________________________________________________

Supporting idea 2: ________________________________________________________

Details: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting idea 3: ________________________________________________________

Details: _______________________________________________________________

(You can add more supporting ideas if you need)

Write your 1 draft and share it with your partner for revision. Then write your final

revised summary on your folder and hand it in for correction.








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