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Oily Water Separator General Engineering Knowledge

Lesson Overview

Lesson covers on oily water separator, the constructional details and the operation.

Key Words

Oily water separator.


2.1 Definition of a oily water separator.

2.2 The construction of the oily water separator.

2.3 The operation of the oily water separator.

2.4 The associated equipment.

2.4 The pollution control - MARPOL.

2.5 Procedures to overhaul and inspect the oily water separator.

Ref: Jackson and Morton, 1978, General Engineering Knowledge of'

Marine Engineers, Vol 8, Thomas Reed, London.
Taiko Oily Water Separator

GEH March 2006 1 Singapore Maritime Academy

Oily Water Separator General Engineering Knowledge
1 Oily Water Separators

Oily water separators are used to ensure that vessels do not discharge oil when pumping out bilges, oil
tanks or any oil-contaminated space.
International legislation relating to oil pollution is becoming more and more stringent in the limits set for
oil discharge. Clean water suitable for discharge is defined as that containing less than 15 parts per
million of oil. Oil/water separators using the gravity system can only achieve 100 parts per million and
must therefore be used in conjunction with some form of filter.

2 Construction

Please see the drawing for details.

Please note that all the internal surfaces are coated with tar epoxy.

GEH March 2006 2 Singapore Maritime Academy

Oily Water Separator General Engineering Knowledge

GEH March 2006 3 Singapore Maritime Academy

Oily Water Separator General Engineering Knowledge
To Alarm

Electrical Source

Light W. L.

Bilge Alarm

To Bilge

Control Air

Pure Water


Strainer Bilge

Oily Water Separator

Three Way Valve

From From From

Bilge Bilge Sea
Tank Well Chest
To Bilge To Waste Oil Tank

To Bilge Tank

GEH March 2006 4 Singapore Maritime Academy

Oily Water Separator General Engineering Knowledge

Preparation for running

1. Change over the bilge pump suction to seawater, and, open all valves in the pipeline from the bilge
pump to the overboard valve, through the oily water separator. Shut the valves or cocks for the oil
drain pipe of the OWS and the drain pipe in the bilge line.
2. Start the bilge pump and fill the OWS with seawater. Vent all the chambers.


1. Energize the automatic oil drain system in the OWS to start the operation.
2. Switch on the oil monitor.
3. Open all stop valves on the bilge drain pipe line and start the bilge pump.
4. If the OWS has been stopped for a long time, the oil content, suspended maters, deposits or
bacteria might be decomposed, and as a result, the oil concentration of treated water when drained
could be unusually high at the initial stage of the operation. Therefore to restart, pump the seawater
through the OWS for 5 to 10 minutes.
5. The OWS utilizes the differences of specific gravity between seawater and oil. Therefore, when
bilge is supplied to the OWS, it must have been filled with seawater. If the bilge is supplied with the
OWS being empty, no separation will take effect.
6. For concentrated oil in the bilge tank, do not pass through the OWS but pump directly into the bilge


1. After stopping the operation of the OWS, flushed the OWS with seawater for about 10 minutes, so
that the oil residues will be washed away instead of decomposing in the system.
Stop the bilge pump and shut the stop valve.
2. After flushing, isolate all the valves and open the oil drain valve and drain as much as possible the
remaining oil in the system. Switch off the automatic drain valve system.
3. Switch off the oil monitoring console.


1. Clean the strainer.

2. Check the bilge pump for any abnormalities.
3. Check all pressure gauges readings.
4. Check the oil content monitoring control panel.
5. Check the sample of the treated water from the oil content monitor.

Maintenance of the Coalescers

When the coalescers have reached its life span, replace them.

1. If the oil content of the treated water exceeds the specific value, or the increase in pressure loss is
more than 0.2 kgf/cmf, the coalescers are to be replaced.
2. Before replacement, remove the old coalescers, clean the internal.
3. Replace the new coalscers carefully.


1. Prior to disassembly, discharge the remaining bilges in the OWS.

2. Open and clean the inside. Repaint the damaged area with tar epoxy.
3. Use diesel or gasoline to clean the 2nd and 3rd chambers.
4. Renew the coalescers.
5. After assembly, fill the OWS with seawater to check for leakages.

GEH March 2006 5 Singapore Maritime Academy

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