Lesson Plan: Truths and One Lie Game With Them. This Could Be Done

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Teacher Jorge Kaique Pereira Simplicio

Lesson TXP 1B - Unit 12 - LC 3
Global Goal Enable Ss to talk about festivals and celebrations.
Main Aim By the end of the lesson, Ss should be better able to analyze and process information off a text and employ
useful strategies for reading while dealing with a text regarding a festival in China. They should also be better
prepared to communicate their own ideas on the topic based on their inference of data from the text.
Materials Pictures of different festivals held in Brazil for the Warm Up stage; Internet connection and means to play
the video for the pre-listening; Prepare beforehand the group of questions for the Paper Race; A3 paper and
post-its for the LGL activity.
Assumptions So far Ss should be well integrated to the topic of festivals. Moreover, they have already been exposed to
lexis related to the weather. They should also be fairly comfortable with talking about actions in progress
and the past simple, as well as adjectives to describe places and people.

Rationale, Anticipated Difficulties and Actions

This lesson adopts a top-down approach to reading in order to have students work more actively in the process of
inferring information from the text, as well as to be able to more effectively activate Ss’ schemata. I chose to work with
prediction strategies as a means of provoking curiosity and making sure the activities were purposeful and that Ss were
engaged throughout the reading. The video is meant to engage them in the topic by comparing the visuals with previous
knowledge of the topic, and it segways into a gist activity which was taken from the book but done in a more hands-on style
making sure to cater for the more kinesthetic and visual Ss. The activity that follows, which is meant to focus on collecting
specific information, serves as to provide a good balance of high and low energy moments which is a big challenge in a reading
In order to make the acquisition of new lexis into something more active rather than passive I decided to take the
List-Group-Label approach where Ss have a bigger sense of ownership of the language and it serves as a good way to entice
critical thinking and group discussion. Finally, as an outcome of this process, Ss should be prepared to take on the last activity,
as they are now not only capable of inferring meaning from the original text but are also able to come up with their own
ideas on the topic and produce something in response to that.
Ss might show some difficulties with coming up with words of their own to create the lists, so to that I may refer
them to the Picture Dictionary in the Activity Pack.

Learning Cycle 3 (50’) - Planning

Stage Procedures Interactions Comments

Game: Show Ss a picture of a common Brazilian festival

and place on the board three sentences. Carry out a Two
Truths and One Lie game with them. This could be done
with boards, having them sit in groups where they
T - Ss
Warm up 5’ - 7’ converse with each other and write down the one they Ss - Ss
think is a lie. Depending on the group, you could have
more pictures of festivals and have this activity play out as
a competition but make sure this doesn’t take too much

Link: Tell Ss they will watch a quick video and that they
should say if the festival is held in Brazil or not.
(https://youtu.be/4Jgk4bPu-aU - Play the first 60” of the
Note: If an Internet connection is not available, use a
picture instead and exploit it with Ss.
Pre- Have Ss answer how they know it is not a Brazilian festival. T - Ss
3’ - 5’
Reading Ss - T
Answers will vary but they will probably come up with a
word related to weather.
Ask Ss if they have been to a place with similar weather
before and check if they know where the festival from the
video is held.
Play the rest of the video (01:45 - 02:40) and have them
check their predictions.
Stage Procedures Interactions Comments

Prediction: Books open. After Ss realize the festival is held

in China ask them what they know about about the
country, and what they know about the weather. Show
them a picture of the festival again and ask them to predict
what information they think will be in the text. Ss read and
check their predictions.
Gist: (SB pg. 126 exercise A1) Provide Ss with a word bank
from which they would have to create a sentence that
summarizes the idea of the text. T - Ss
Reading Ss - Ss
15’ - 20’
Detail: (Comprehension - SB pg. 126 exercises 2A-5B) Group Work
Prepare a sheet of paper with the questions from the (Competition?)
book and attach it to somewhere outside the classroom.
Ss should run outside, tear a piece of paper containing a
question, go back to class and search the answer in the
text. After answering the first one, they run back for
another question until every question has been answered
by the Ss.
Have Ss share the questions and answers with their peers
and then check with the WG.

(List-Group-Label Approach) Write the word Weather on the

board and ask Ss to underline in the text the words
related to that topic. Board their answers and elicit more
words from them, adding a few of your own.

Now ask Ss to group them in a way that makes sense to

them. Make sure to model the intended outcome first.
Once the first group of words is created, come up with a T - Ss
label for it. Provide Ss with a sheet of paper and some Ss - T
7’ - 10’ post-its in order for them to create more word groups of
Expansion PW or Groups
their own. Monitor and give Ss support while doing this (depending on
activity. group size)

Once done they’re done, they can share their groups of

words with the rest of the class, including the rationale
behind the grouping.

After this, ask Ss to do the Word Web in the book

(Comprehension - SB pg. 126 exercise B)

Link: Ask Ss to tell their peers what they think is the most
interesting thing and the least interesting about this
festival. They should report their findings.
Ask them what the perfect Winter Festival would be like.
T - Ss
10’ - 15’ Tell Ss they are going to create a poster for a Winter
Thinking Festival. They should choose the place as well as the Individual
interesting things to see and do there and present their Work
idea for a festival to the class.
Afterwards, you can conduct a poll on which of the
festivals they would like to go to and have them justify
their choice.

Break time (End of Learning Cycle 3)

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