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NPM : 20011112002


1. 10 sentences by using Simple Past Tense

a. I went to my friends house yesterday.
b. Aiko played badminton two days ago.
c. I became a police ten years ago.
d. I bought an apple last week.
e. My wife cooked fried chicken last night.
f. I saw you two years ago.
g. You were at Nias last month.
h. She left in Telukdalam in 2009.
i. I missed my plane last morning.
j. My sister listened to music.

2. 10 sentences by using Present Continous Tense

a. I am listening radio right now.
b. He is not going to Brenda's birthday party.
c. Tika and Tina are eating soto ayam now.
d. Linda is not going to school today because she is sick.
e. I am writing this letter to express my feelings to you.
f. They are going to Church today.
g. My wife is working right now.
h. Budi is swimming now.
i. It is raining and I am waiting for my husband to pick me up.
j. My boss is promoting Anton to be the new supervisor next week.

3. 10 sentences by using Past Continous Tense

a. They were talking about the weather.
b. We were watching movie in the cinema.
c. At the time, Lala was drawing a beautiful flowers garden.
d. He was seeking an inspiration in the art gallery.
e. Ronaldo was playing football.
f. We were having dinner with our parents.
g. I was looking the sunrise at Tureloto beach.
h. I was writing an novels when he calls me.
i. I was staying at home from 07.00 am to 03.00 pm two days ago.
j. You were sleeping in my bedroom all day yesterday.
4. a. The contest was hightlight this week.
(Kontes dipestakan minggu ini)
b. She joined the English class club at campus yesterday.
(Dia ikut kelas klub bahasa inggris di kampus kemarin)
c. It is raining and I am waiting for my mother to pick me up.
(Hari sedang hujan saya sedang menunggu ibu saya menjemput)
d. She is spending her holiday in Bali next week.
(Dia menghabiskan liburannya minggu depan)
e. They were not discussing my birthday party yesterday.
(Mereka tidak mendiskusikan tentang ulang tahun saya kemarin)
f. She was waiting for you yesterday.
(Dia menunggu kamu kemarin)

5. a. Borrow
 I borrow a book at library.
 My mother borrows her pan.
b. Imagine
* I can imagine the view.
* This picture is imagine’s reselt.
c. Received
* I have received your message.
* The letter was received.
d. Watch
* I watch a TV show.
* We watch a movie at bioskop.
e. Reason
* They have big reason about that problem.
* She has a reason about late.

6. Translate the following text into English

The grasp of politics is important in its history. Etymologically, politics omes from the greek language of police,
police to the city state. The political understanding that flourished in Greece could then be interpreted as a
process of interaction between individuals and others for the sake of mutual good.
According to the large English dictionary (KBB) the sense of politics is knowledge of statecraft (such as systems
Government, Government bass). Political action is also known as all social and political action (policies,
schemes, and so forth) about government or other countries.
Politics is about making deals between people so they can live together in groups such as tribes, cities, or
Meanwhile, political scince is one of the most beneficial subjects to understand what politics is. Political
science is the study of concepts. Political determination how to achieve that goal and all its consequences.
Political science studied government in all its forms and aspects, both theoretical and practical.

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