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Erasmus+ - ARTS NOW AND BEFORE - Mobility Eva‐

luation - C2 - PORTUGAL

25 11:54 Fechado
Respostas Tempo médio de conclusão Estado

1. Gender

Male 4

Female 20

Other 0

2. Country

Finland 6

Portugal 0

Germany 3

Croatia 7

Poland 2

Latvia 6
3. Position

Teacher  10

Student 14

4. The mobility period was...

Just right 14

Too short 10

Too long 0

5. How do you evaluate the support given before and during your mobility period?

1 - Poor 0

2 1

3 1

4 8

5 - Excellent 14

6. How do you evaluate your degree of satisfaction bearing in mind the objectives of
your mobility?

1 - Poor 0

2 0

3 2

4 9

5 - Excellent 13
7. Do you consider your language competences were enough for your mobility?

Yes 23

No 0

8. Evaluation of the activity programme

Poor Good Exceptional Excellent

Information provided before your arrival



Working places

Local transportation

Hosting by students/families

Learning activities

Cultural and socialization activities

Time management and punctuality

Presentations from the partner organizations

9. Overall evaluation of the mobility

1 - Poor 0

2 0

3 1

4 6

5 - Excellent 17

10. Indicate your most important impressions about this mobility.

Respostas Mais Recentes

18 "Hosting- amazing "

"the opportunity to meet a different culture and new people"

"I think the trip was verry interesting and informativ. I got to …

6 inquiridos (33%) responderam people a esta pergunta.

amazing people
Portuguese countries program

activities new people different diff

different countries amazing school culture new p
new connections new perspective different subjects Portugal culture

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