Methodological Research

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The traditional method used here in our country, for the separation of copra and
shell from partially-dried split coconuts, is labor-intensive. Coconut meat removal is one
of the procedures that take several time and effort. Mostly they involve human labor
especially in the farmland, with the help of tools that are made from steel called
“lugitay”. To aid this problem of our farmers, a mechanical coconut de-shelling tool was
designed and developed. A coconut de-shelling tool comprising a pedal. The analysis
conducted was the mechanical tool was way faster than using the manual method.
Over decades many steps were taken to automate the de-shelling process but all were
invain due to lack of knowledge and interest, fear for breakage during the process, etc.
Now is the time to look into the great scope for the future in the field of agriculture. Our
machine will be great boon to the farmers and coconut vendors who always depend on
the labours for peeling the coconut.

Coconut is one of the main sources of income in urban areas, they waited every
three months to harvest and produced copra. It plays an important role in our economy.
Our country is the second producer of coconut in the world. This tree is not only
produced oil but can also produce foods, and beverages and the tree itself can be used
in housing products. The oil that is provided by its fruit can be used in cooking, hair
treatment, and other things that are used by this. Its fruit is composed of a thick outer
layer it takes time to dehusk this. Its outer shell can be pulverized and can be used as
cocopeat. next is the middle layer which can also be used as charcoal and cost around
15 pesos per kilogram. The last is the coconut meat which produced oil. The seed of
this coconut is the fruit itself, just leave the coconut after harvesting, and after a certain
period until it is developed and you see its sprout. Observe the coconut seedling and if
the seedling is matured you can plant this by burying this in soil. Approximately it is
said that 10 years till the coconut tree gets matured, this time it will produce flowers
and begins to develop. The maturity time of coconut may depend on what variant it is
the dwarf coconut usually became matured in four to six years on the contrary it has a
short lifespan compared to tall coconuts. The coconut tree will last until 80 to 90 tears,
expect more fruits in the tall coconut tree compared to the other type. Once your tree
begins producing coconuts, it does not mean that they are ready for harvest
immediately. In fact, once coconuts appear, it takes approximately one year before
the coconuts are ready for harvest. Even so, coconuts reach their full size at six
months. You can tell that the nuts are ready for harvest once they change from green
to yellow or brown. Coconuts appear in bunches, and each coconut reaches maturity
at the same time. It is important to note that coconuts are capable of falling from the
tree long before they reach maturity. When a coconut falls, due to the height of the
tree, it is a danger to anyone or anything sitting or residing below the tree. Coconuts
have been known to kill people standing below the tree when they fall. Therefore, to
ensure a safer environment with your tree, it is best to remove coconuts from the tree
before they have turned brown, indicating maturity. Remove the nuts before they
reach eight months or older. This decreases the chances of the nuts falling and
posing a danger.
Coconut is grown in more than 90 countries of the world and Indonesia,
Philippines, India are the major producing countries of the world. Coconut is grown in
more than 20.88 lakh ha in the country with an estimated 22167.45 million nuts during
2015-16 with an average productivity of 10614 nuts per ha. Traditional areas of
coconut in India are the states of Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,
Orissa, Goa, West Bengal, Pondicherry, Maharashtra and Islands of Lakshadweep and
Andaman and Nicobar. However, several states like Assam, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
Bihar, Tripura, Manipur, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh have emerged as non-
traditional areas for the cultivation of coconut.

Related Literature
Rey (1955) reported a knife-shaped shallowspoon, which moved back and
forth upon the rotationof a cam, and in the process, the coconut meat wasscooped in
fragments. Mix (1957) designed a shellingmachine for removing the shell from the
freshcoconut meat, while Blandis and Glaser (1973) usedwater under pressure to
separate the coconut meatfrom the shell. Even in large processing units, about15-20
labours are used for de-shelling 20,000 to30,000 nuts (Singh,2004). This is a labour-
intensiveoperation and takes several hours to separate shelland copra. The fruits
were de-husked manually and split into halves using a splitting device developed at
CPCRI, Kasaragod, Kerala (Singh, 2004). The average moisture content of the
freshly harvested nuts was in the range of 81-94% (d.b.) and it was dried up to 25-
66% (d.b.) for de-shelling. The moisture content of the sample for drying tests was
determined using the copra moisture meter developed by Madhavan (1985). The
accuracy of the moisture meter was compared with AOAC (1995) and the moisture
readings were found to have an accuracy of ±0.5%. The hot air electric oven
(BAGSVIG) with 3 kW heaters with the maximum temperature of 150ºC was used to
dry the coconut. The experiment was conducted to optimize the number of rotations
of the de-shelling chamber
and moisture content of copra for the maximum de-shelling efficiency. t[4]. Mr. Varad
V. Bhalekar, Mr. Shubham M. Langarkar, Mr. S. B.Kamble discussed in “AUTOMATIC
present coconut de-husking methods their limitations and the need of the automatic
coconut de-husking
Mr. Ketan K. Tonpe Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN :
2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 7( Version 3), July 2014, pp.39-44 The major components of
the developed coconut de-shelling machine shown in Figure 3 are frame, Cross cutter,
conveying unit, driven and driver pulleys, rubber belt and motor and bearing
housing .The frame is the main supporting structure upon which other components of
this machine were mounted. The frame is a welded structure construction from
50x50x5 mm angle iron with dimensions of 650 mm length, 740 mm width and 1000
mm height. The de-shelling unit comprises of two shaft one is intermediate shaft and
other is cutter shaft. Intermediate shaft is a mild steel rod of 25mm diameter and 610
mm long and also mounted cutter shaft 25 mm diameter and 250 mm long supported
at both ends by ball bearing. A 1 H.P (0.745 motor, which is attached to the base of
stand transmits power from motor shaft to intermediate shaft No. 1 through single
groove pulley P1 (2.5”) and pulley P2 (11”) which are attached to motor shaft,
intermediate shaft respectively and is connected by Vbelt drive 680
T.Vidhan Singh and R. Udhaya kumar [1] this literature gives a view to develop a
power operated coconut de-shelling machine was designed and developed. The
capacity of the machine is 200 nuts or 400 cups per batch. The loading and unloading
is done manually. The optimum average moisture content for the maximum de-shelling
efficiency (92%) was 35% (d.b). The optimum rotating speed of the de-shelling
machine was 10 rpm and the time taken for de-shelling was four minutes per batch.
The time saved by using the de-shelling machine was four times as compared to the
manual method
) Satip Rattanapaskorn and Kiattisak Roonprasang [2] the author has analyzed the
feasibility of an design and development of semi-automatic cutting machine for young
coconuts. The purpose of this research is to design, fabricate, test, and evaluate the
prototype of a semi-automatic young coconut fruit cutting machine. The design concept
is that fruit cutting is accomplished by pneumatic press on a young coconut sitting on a
sharp knife in a vertical plane.
Abubakar Mohammed and Abdulkadir B. Hassan [10] This literature gives a view to
design the motorized and manually operated groundnut sheller was developed. The
sheller when operated electrically with 10kg of groundnut sample performed at 78%
and 85% for shelling and cleaning efficiency respectively, with a mechanical damage of
1.1%. It has a throughput capacity of 345.4kg/h. the manually operated sheller has 5kg
of groundnut sample and performed at 65% shelling efficiency with mechanical
damage of 2.8% and a throughput capacity of 118.9kg/h. with this performance,
efficient shelling has been achieved. The shelling machine if made available to small
and medium scale farmers, more groundnuts will be produced with less drudgery in
less time. The Sheller was design based on the physical and mechanical properties of
groundnut and therefore shell only groundnut.
T. Roshni , J. Jippu, C. S. Ratheesh,and J. Sachin [3] The author has analyzed the
feasibility of an power operated coconut punch-cum-splitter was developed for
extracting coconut water and coconut meat. The nut of the screw rod was rotated with
an electric motor and the drive was transmitted with a belt and pulley system. The
tender coconut was placed on the top of the screw rod in natural rest position and was
raised to press against either the punch or the blade fixed above the screw rod. The
average energy requirement for punching and splitting of the selected range were
found to be 11.74 kJ and 12.13 kJ. An electric motor assisted apparatus was
developed to punch and split open the tender coconuts. The force required for
punching and splitting was found with a mean value of 712 N and 1277 N, respectively.
) Bhaskar and V. K. Singh [4] this article focuses on an approach based on the aim of
present investigations is to evaluate the physical property-water absorptions and
mechanical property-compressive properties. Coconut particle reinforced composites
were fabricated by reinforcing shell particle (size between 200-800μm) by wt% of 20,
25, 30 & 35 into epoxy matrix. Composites plates were made by casting in open mould.
That is possible with very low cost and easy way. Experimental results showed that
water absorption increases with the increase of wt% of particle but compressive
properties increases upto 30wt% of particle approaches to actual compressive strength
of epoxy

Foale, M.A. The Coconut Palm. In: Chopra, V.L. and Peter K.V. edited
Handbook of Industrial Crops. Haworth Press, New York, 2005.
[2] APCC. Coconut Food Process – Coconut Processing Technology.
Information Document. Arancon, Jr, R.N., ed. Asian and Pacific Coconut Community.
Jakarta, Indonesia,1996.
[3] Brandis, C. and Glaser, F. (1973). Specification for separation ns of kernels
from coconuts. Philippine patent No: 9865. Mr. Ketan K.Tonpe Int. Journal of
Engineering Research and Applications ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue
7( Version 3), July 2014, pp.39-44 44 | P a g e
[4] Madhavan, K. (1985). Design and development of copra moisture meter. J.
Planta. Crops. 16: 113-116.
[5] Tilledaratne, H.A. Processing of Coconut Products inSri Lanka. Asian and
Pacific Coconut Informantion Document. Arancon, Jr., R.N., ed. Asian and Pacific
Coconut Community. Jakarta, Indonesia.
[6] Thampan, P.K. Handbook on Coconut Palm. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.,
New Delhi. 1996.
[7] Ohler, J.G.. Coconut, Tree of Life. FAO Plant Production and Protection
Paper 57. FAO, Rome, Italy, 1984.
[8] Rethinam, P. (2003). Prospects for the coconut industry. J. Planta. Crops.
31(1): 17.
[9] Rey, H.O. (1955). Device for removing meat from coconut. Philippine Patent
No. 793. Foale, M.A. The Coconut Palm. In: Chopra, V.L. and Peter K.V. edited
Handbook of Industrial Crops. Haworth Press, New York, 2005.
[2] APCC. Coconut Food Process – Coconut Processing Technology.
Information Document. Arancon, Jr, R.N., ed. Asian and Pacific Coconut Community.
Jakarta, Indonesia,1996.
[3] Brandis, C. and Glaser, F. (1973). Specification for separation ns of kernels
from coconuts. Philippine patent No: 9865. Mr. Ketan K.Tonpe Int. Journal of
Engineering Research and Applications ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue
7( Version 3), July 2014, pp.39-44 44 | P a g e
[4] Madhavan, K. (1985). Design and development of copra moisture meter. J.
Planta. Crops. 16: 113-116.
[5] Tilledaratne, H.A. Processing of Coconut Products inSri Lanka. Asian and
Pacific Coconut Informantion Document. Arancon, Jr., R.N., ed. Asian and Pacific
Coconut Community. Jakarta, Indonesia.
[6] Thampan, P.K. Handbook on Coconut Palm. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.,
New Delhi. 1996.
[7] Ohler, J.G.. Coconut, Tree of Life. FAO Plant Production and Protection
Paper 57. FAO, Rome, Italy, 1984.
[8] Rethinam, P. (2003). Prospects for the coconut industry. J. Planta. Crops.
31(1): 17. [9] Rey, H.O. (1955). Device for removing meat from coconut. Philippine
Patent No. 793.
Research Gap
However, no attempt has been made so far to develop a mechanical de-
shelling machine, With this objective, an attempt has been made in the present study
to develop a de-shelling tool. Some researchers made a de-shelling machine and focus
on using machine only for those who lived in a rural areas and for those who don’t
have electricity at home , it is so hard for them to purchase this ting because its no use
to them. So we decided to hear the side of those people who cant afford this type of
machine we analyze this matter and conclude even we use a gasoline type de-shelling
machine it cost a huge amount of money for the gasoline itself because of the inflation
rate. So we made a decision that side those farmers, and create an idea of making a
mechanical de-shelling tool that use only pedals to operate. As we witness in the de-
shelling machine they only focused in the coconut meat they didn’t think about the
endocarp, in our place we intend to keep the endocarp it is because it can be sell it can
be used as a charcoal and cost 15 pesos per kilogram. Our mechanical tool maximize
all the things that have a value.
Coconut de-shelling is one of the most difficult post-harvest tasks. Coconuts are
cultivated on a large scale in the country like ours. to be able to process such a large
number of coconuts, some suitable mechanism needs to be identified or developed.
Several attempts have been made to mechanize the peeling of coconuts. Some of
them were manually operated and others were powered operation. These mechanisms
have their own advantages and limitations. Some of them required skilled workers.
Some of them. It is bulky, consumes time and energy, and is uneconomical. I need to
develop a mechanism that works. It must be satisfying and economical. If necessary,
you need to choose the appropriate mechanism. Coconut production plays an
important role in national economy. Coconut is known for its versatility it can be found
in many uses in its various parts. It also has cultural and religious importance in many
societies. Copra is dried meat or coconut core. Traditionally, coconut shells are
manually processed to extract copra. But it takes more time and more time Therefore,
the physical exercise of workers, the main goal is to reduce time and physical exercise.
Coconut shell breaking machine. You need to work with less waste of copra. This
machine reduces possible accidents occurs during manual de-shelling.
1. This study aims to aid the problems of the farmer in intensive laboring that
cause a lot of money in the laborer. By this simple mechanical tool we can make
their work faster and make their earnings better.
2. This study aims to reduce human effort.
3. Increase efficiency than conventional system.

Significance of the study

This research will provide new insights into the coconut farming community on how to
maximize the tool that can help them in de-shelling process.

Through this research, the community will further realize promoting the use of
mechanical de-shelling tool, especially the handy one, as a tool that they can bring in
their farm land. Farmers and agricultural institutions may also consider de-shelling tool
as work multiplier comparing to the traditional one 

Moreover, the analysis that is presented in this study will convey valuable information
for future research that will explore the various farming tools benefits as they innovate
more for the future.

Scope and limitations

Today, coconut shelling is performed by a variety of machines such as mandrel,
conventional tools, pedaling machines, hydraulic and pneumatic machines. From all
the coconut shelling methods above, I understand that there are many limitations that
make coconut de-shelling difficult. In order to overcome these difficulties and increase
production, we decided to manufacture an "Mechanical coconut de-shelling tool".
There are also special attachments for coconut de-shelling. The following table lists
current machine issues or limitations and improvements.

Limitation of previous machine Improvements

More time is required Aster and more convenient
Electric based Handy
Gasoline based No cost value

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