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PRECLINICAL STUDIES the results of preclinical animal experiments

for several interventions—corticosteroids for
Extrapolating from Animals to Humans head injury or to prevent neonatal respira-
tory distress syndrome; antifbrinolytics for
John P. A. Ioannidis hemorrhage; tissue plasminogen activator
(tPA) or tirilazad for acute ischemic stroke;
and bisphosphonates for osteoporosis—for
Because of a variety of caveats, the safety and efectiveness of interventions in human
subjects can only be speculated from animal studies. Careful synthesis of data from
which there is unambiguous evidence of a
multiple animal studies is needed to begin to assess the likelihood of successful cross- treatment efect (beneft or harm) in clinical
species translation (Fay et al., this issue). trials in humans (2). Te results in animals
were ofen opposite of those seen in humans;
for example, in animal studies, corticoste-
A perusal of PubMed (search date: 21 July matters, this discussion will set aside mecha- roids had a therapeutic efect on head injury
2012) with the search term “animal” yields nistic research and focus on preclinical ani- but increased mortality in newborns; anti-
4,993,350 papers—almost a quarter of the mal studies that attempt to predict whether fbrinolytics did not reduce bleeding; and
biomedical literature—a number that ex- specifc interventions will have preventive tirilazad improved treatment of ischemic
ceeds that obtained by searching with the or therapeutic efects in human subjects. stroke. Conversely, tPA was benefcial in
term “patient” (N = 4,337,985 hits). Mice Empirical evaluations that have assessed the treating ischemic stroke in both humans and
and rats are king in the biomedical literature performance of animal research in this re- animals, and biphosphonates increased bone

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(N = 1,193,679 and N = 753,612 hits, respec- gard (2, 3) have not been favorable: Limited mineral density in both patients with osteo-
tively), although these rodents are arguably concordance exists between treatment efects porosis and animal models.
distant relatives of Homo sapiens sapiens. in preclinical animal experiments and clini- Potential explanations for the failure of
Other animals are also well represented; cal trials in human subjects. animal models to capture treatment efects
for example, the search term “rabbit” yields A large systematic evaluation examined in humans can be placed into two catego-
354,561 hits, and “rhesus monkey” yields ries: First, both the human
35,558 hits. Te phrase “animal model” and animal results are ac-
yields almost a half million papers (N = curate, but human physiol-
495,339). ogy and disease are not ad-
Although some research is performed equately captured by animal
purely for the sake of studying the physi- models. Second, the animal
ology and pathophysiology of animals, the literature is susceptible to
goal of the majority of animal studies is to biases in the study design,
gain knowledge and insights that are use- to reporting biases that dis-
ful for understanding human biology, the tort the published evidence,
response of humans to treatments or other or both. Indeed, although
interventions, or both. But how successful the scientifc literature re-
is this cross-species translation (Fig. 1)? In lated to human clinical tri-
this issue, Fay et al. (1) present a careful als sufers from biases (4),
synthesis of mortality data from 21 animal data from preclinical ani-
studies on the new recombinant protective mal studies appear to be as-
antigen (rPA) vaccines and the already- sociated with even greater
licensed anthrax vaccine adsorbed (AVA). bias, for a variety of reasons
discussed below.
ANIMALS VERSUS HUMANS Te frst category of ani-
How well treatment efects observed in mal data translation failures
animals translate to human subjects may is difcult to overcome. If
depend on the type of intervention, admin- the animal model is not a
istration protocol, disease complexity, ani- good representation of hu-
mal model, and other case-specifc factors. man physiology or disease,
Tere are strong opposing opinions among there is little that can be
enthusiasts and skeptics about the relevance done beyond identifying or

of animal data for humans. To simplify creating a new, more suit-

Fig. 1. Animal instincts. Half-horse, half-human, the mytholog-
able model—not a straight-
ical centaur Chiron (root, chirourgos: surgeon) taught all of the
great heroes with skills related to human health (Jason, Peleus, forward task. At a minimum,
Stanford Prevention Research Center, Department of
Medicine and Department of Health Research and Asklepios, and Achilles). Following in this tradition, most animal claims for efectiveness of
Policy, Stanford University School of Medicine, and studies are performed to gain insights into human physiology, interventions should be
Department of Statistics, Stanford University School pathophysiology, and response to new therapies. Unfortunate- made only afer the results
of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. ly, many other centaurs (like the female centaur shown here) are reproduced in diferent
E-mail: were more biased and profligate. species and settings. 12 September 2012 Vol 4 Issue 151 151ps15 1


Te second category of translation fail- serious publication bias or other selective vaccines—and despite criticisms (12) and
ures, bias, is a common and more easily reporting biases, such as selective outcome intermittent lack of formal FDA approval,
remediable cause of poor concordance be- and analysis reporting. It is possible that an- persuasive cases have been made for creat-
tween preclinical and clinical outcomes. imal studies are published only if they show ing large national stockpiles of some of these
Empirical studies (5–7) suggest that animal that the tested treatment displays a thera- countermeasures for use as investigational
research ofen sufers from poor study de- peutic efect (traditional publication bias) or agents by consenting individuals in cases of
sign, and features of study quality correlate if they yield results that show that the treat- emergency and by military or other person-
with the robustness of results obtained. For ment is efective, even if it is not (selective nel at risk of exposure (11).
example, an evaluation of abstracts accept- outcome and analysis reporting bias).
ed to the Society for Academic Emergency LICENSING VACCINES
Medicine appraised 290 animal studies with THE ANIMAL RULE Te lack of licensing of any vaccine counter-
two or more experimental groups (5) and Because of these caveats, it is nearly impos- measures through the Animal Rule does not
found that 194 studies were not randomized sible to rely on most animal data to predict mean that research in this area has stalled.
and 259 studies were not blinded; the non- whether or not an intervention will have a Several vaccines against bioterrorism organ-
randomized and nonblinded studies had favorable clinical beneft–risk ratio in hu- isms are available, and more are being devel-
3.4- and 3.2-fold higher odds, respectively, man subjects. However, a particularly dif- oped for Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis,
of claiming a statistically signifcant out- fcult situation arises when testing inter- viral encephalitis agents, and Ebola virus.
come than did those that were randomized ventions for diseases or exposures in which But vaccine developers have not typically
and blinded. In another empirical evalua- human experimentation is unethical or made use of the Animal Rule because the

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tion of 13 meta-analyses of experimental otherwise not feasible. In 2002, afer years vaccines and countermeasures can be sold
stroke (6) that described outcomes in 15,635 of deliberation and in response to the rising to and used by the U.S. government without
animals, studies with unblinded induction threat of bioterrorism, the U.S. Food and FDA approval.
of ischemia and those that used healthy ani- Drug Administration (FDA) formulated the Fay et al. (1) present a careful synthe-
mals reported 13.1 and 11.5% higher efect so-called Animal Rule (10, 11), which ofers sis of data from 21 animal studies on an-
sizes than blinded studies and studies of ani- the ability to license medical countermea- thrax vaccines—new rPA vaccines and the
mals with stroke comorbidities, respectively. sures for biological, chemical, and radiation already-licensed (since 1970) AVA. Studies
Another recent systematic review of animal threats on the basis of efectiveness data in on anthrax vaccines date back to 1881, with
model studies on stem cell treatment of multiple species of animals coupled with work by Louis Pasteur and colleagues, and
stroke found larger benefts in nonrandom- immunogenicity and safety data in animals cell-free vaccines for use in humans were
ized than in randomized studies (7). and humans. developed in the 1950s. As early as 1962,
Te CAMARADES (Collaborative Ap- Between 2001 and 2011, more than $50 a publication on the results of a placebo-
proach to Meta-Analysis and Review of billion was spent by the U.S. government controlled trial documented clinical e%cacy
Animal Data in Experimental Studies) ini- on diverse aspects of biodefense, including of a cell-free vaccine (precursor of AVA) in
tiative has conducted several large-scale in- therapeutic discovery and development, and human subjects (13); proof of clinical e%ca-
vestigations of preclinical studies performed the rationality of this resource allocation has cy had required a study population of 1249
with animal models for diverse conditions, been questioned (12). Regardless, with this mill workers who were followed for 4 years
and they consistently show hints of serious magnitude of investment, one would predict to document 26 cases of anthrax. Such a trial
reporting bias (7–9). For example, one such that the Animal Rule has led to the licens- is no longer feasible in the United States:
empirical evaluation assessed the accumu- ing of dozens of countermeasures, includ- According to the Mortality and Morbidity
lated evidence on 16 interventions tested ing vaccines that protect against anthrax, Weekly Report of the Centers for Disease
in animal models of acute ischemic stroke, plague, smallpox, viral encephalitis, or Control, only three cases of human anthrax
a total of 525 unique scientifc publications Ebola hemorrhagic fever, all of which are have been reported in the past 5 years.
(8). Only one of the 16 stroke interventions too rare to make clinical trials feasible. Te study by Fay et al. (1) is remarkable
that yielded positive therapeutic results in However, only two licenses have been because of the meticulous way in which it
preclinical animal studies, tPA, functioned granted by the Animal Rule, and neither per- tries to approach the challenges of meeting
similarly in human subjects, and even this tains to a vaccine. In fact, these two licensed the four prerequisites of the Animal Rule to
agent was efective only in selected patients countermeasures had been developed in support the hypothesis that a vaccine shown
and circumstances. Only ten of the 525 pub- the past, and their manufacturers used the to be efective in animals in producing both
lications (2%) reported no statistically sig- Animal Rule to obtain formal licensing for an immunological response and in aborting
nifcant efect of the intervention on infarct new indications: Pyridostigmine bromide, mortality also will prevent deaths in human
volume, and only six (1.2%) did not report which is used to treat myasthenia gravis, subjects. Let us examine these prerequisites
at least one statistically signifcant favorable was newly approved for the management in the context of the Fay et al. data.
fnding. For all 16 interventions, regressions of exposure to Soman gas (a cholinesterase Te frst prerequisite is that “there is a
relating the efect size to the magnitude of inhibitor), and hydroxocobalamin, which is reasonably well-understood pathophysi-
the observed treatment efect found that already used to treat vitamin B12 defciency, ological mechanism of the toxicity of the
studies with smaller numbers of animals was newly approved as Cyanokit for treating substance and its prevention or substantial
showed more prominent therapeutic ben- (in much larger doses) cyanide toxicity (11). reduction by the product.” For an anthrax
efts than did studies with larger test-animal Still, a large number of other bioterrorism vaccine, this prerequisite seems to be met,
populations. Tis pattern is compatible with countermeasures exist—including several because the pathophysiology of the disease 12 September 2012 Vol 4 Issue 151 151ps15 2


Table 1. Making animal research credible. the safety of the AVA vaccine. Although
the vaccine now appears to be safe, these
Goal Actions debates represent an additional di%culty
Minimize publication and selective-reporting Consider preregistration of animal studies (espe- one must consider when evidence is lim-
biases cially experimental trials); promote work done by ited or based on data that can be questioned
all-inclusive, publicly visible consortia. with good or not-so-good intentions.
Improve study design, conduct, and reporting Use appropriate design and statistical methods;
avoid over-interpretation; maximize transpar- IMPROVING ANIMAL RESEARCH
ency; fully document all anticipated, iterative, or
exploratory steps in the research; use standard
Acknowledging the various unavoidable
reporting guidelines [for example, ARRIVE (15)]. di%culties, lessons learned from careful
animal work on vaccines for lethal, rare
Make raw data, analyses, and protocols available Allow other investigators to see the full workflow
and to repeat the analyses, if need be, to verify diseases also may be useful for improving
results and integrate them with other parallel or research conducted in animals for common
future efforts. diseases (Table 1). Enhancing the quality of
animal studies will directly improve a quar-
has been well characterized for more than ter function and rehabilitation in human ter of the biomedical literature and may also
a century, and humoral immunity seems to subjects (14). beneft much of the other three-quarters
play a clear role in protection against an- Last, the Animal Rule stipulates that that have an interface with animal research.
thrax. Obviously, this does not mean that “the data or information on the kinetics Eforts are needed to minimize publication

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we know everything there is to know about and pharmacodynamics of the product or and other selective-reporting biases. Study
anthrax disease and the human immune re- other relevant data or information, in ani- design, conduct, and reporting can be im-
sponse to infection by Bacillus anthracis. mals and humans, allows selection of an ef- proved—for example, by using the Animals
Te second prerequisite is that “the efect fective dose in humans.” Tis is considered in Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments
is demonstrated in more than one animal to be less of an issue for vaccines than for (ARRIVE) guidelines (15).
species expected to react with a response drugs, because on the basis of data collected Much animal research is iterative and
predictive for humans.” Fay et al. summa- from phase II and phase III trials in humans, exploratory, and it is not possible to lay out
rized the results of 21 diferent experiments it should be possible to select a reasonable in advance and in detail the research agen-
involving three diferent species—rabbits, dose to achieve immunogenicity in humans. da of all preclinical trials to be performed.
cynomolgus macaques, and rhesus ma- However, this does not mean that the dosage Tis means that at a minimum, careful
caques. Te disease manifestations in these will necessarily be the overall optimal one documentation and inclusion of all collect-
species bear substantial similarity to those for humans. For most vaccines, many ad- ed data (both published and unpublished)
in humans. For example, rhesus macaques verse events show dose-threshold and dose- is essential. Fay et al. ofer an example in
exhibit mediastinal, lymphatic, and pulmo- responses, and identifying the minimal nec- this regard by providing supplementary
nary lesions, and rabbits exhibit fulminant essary dose to maximize the efectiveness- data, R functions, and notes on how to ap-
systemic disease with necrotizing lymph- toxicity ratio is not straightforward, because ply them. Optimal documentation could
adenitis, splenitis, pneumonia, and vascul- it is unlikely that many diferent doses will be allow broad access to raw data and the
titis. But diferences also exist, such as in tested in large-scale studies. analytical codes (computational models,
the survival response curves across difer- For the Animal Rule pathway, when a bioinformatics algorithms, and statistical
ent species. Te authors are careful when vaccine is licensed, there may be very lim- methods) used to analyze datasets. Such
discussing the extent of exchangeability of ited data on safety in humans; however, it practices will maximize transparency, al-
the survival response curves by highlighting is crucial to carefully record adverse events low integration of multiple studies on the
the extent of the cross-species diferences. in humans a$er licensing. If toxicity signals same topic, and enhance trust in the results
Predictions for survival in humans vary emerge, manufacturers may need to revisit of animal research eforts.
from 54 to 84% depending on which animal the chosen dose or mode and schedule of
model is extrapolated, and confdence inter- administration. Some medical interven- REFERENCES AND NOTES
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Extrapolating from Animals to Humans
John P. A. Ioannidis

Sci. Transl. Med., 4 (151), • DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3004631

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