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////////////PART 1


--- Create a catalog account and a catalog type expenses

--- Create Document income with attributes(amount,account,expensetype) and document
expense with attributes(total,account,expensetype) and a tabular section


--- Create a procedure expenditure amount on change in a document form that

calculat the tatal and write into the field total
--- Create a Accumulation register called ledgar with Demensions account type
catalog account and a Resources amount type catalog amount
--- The accumulation register has two recordes income and expense
--- In Document expense, Posting I added a Record wizard to ledger with expense
--- The same thing for document income I added a record wizar with receive

////////////PART 2

--- In object module of expense document create on set new number procedure to set
prefis from the selected account prefix attribute


--- Create a constante Default account

--- Create common module Default module with a function get default account to
return the constante Default account
--- In Document income and expense I created a procedure on open to fill the field
with the default account from the constante


--- In catalog accout hierachy type I selecte folder and item hierachy
--- In catalog types expenses hierachy type I selecte item hierachy


--- In object module of income Create procedure before write to check if the
expense type is empty it replace it expence type other
--- The same thing in object module of expense


--- Create Information register budget with Demension expense type and a Resources
--- Create Accummulation register budget execution with Demensions expensetype and
Resources amount
--- The Accummulation register budget execution has expense in recorders
--- In procedure posting check if the Accummulation register ledger total balance <
0 cancel the posting and send an error
--- check if the Accummulation register budjet execution total turnover > planete
budget from information register budget cancel the posting and send an error


--- In posting procedure of object module document expense after checking ledger if
it doesnt existes in real time show this message('Document <document number> posted
on <date>, XX days ago')

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