2019 - Hemant Gupta - Mastering The BDS 1st Year, 8th Ed

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Mastering the BDS Ist Year

(Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Mastering the BDS Ist Year
(Last 25 Years Solved Questions)
Thoroughly Revised and Updated According to the Latest Syllabus of DCI


Hemant Gupta MDS

(Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Microbiology and Forensic Odontology)
General Practitioner and Consultant
Shivom Multispeciality Dental Clinic
Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India


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Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)
First Edition: 2006
Second Edition: 2007
Third Edition: 2009
Fourth Edition: 2011
Fifth Edition: 2013
Sixth Edition: 2015
Seventh Edition: 2017
Eighth Edition: 2019
ISBN: 978-93-5270-575-7
Dedicated to
Almighty SAI BABA
My grandparents Shri HD Gupta and Smt Vijaylakshmi Gupta

In loving memory of my parents

Late Shri VK Gupta and Late Smt Anju Gupta
My wife Smita Gupta
for being so much understanding and
Last but not least
my lovely son Meetaan Gupta
for making life worthwhile

It is a matter of great pride and pleasure to introduce the eighth edition of Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years
Solved Questions). The aim of this text enables the students of dentistry to learn fundamentals. All the sections
are rewritten and the answers of each and every section are revised as per the latest syllabus. This new edition is
updated and expanded, bringing forth new information gained since production of last edition. The text has been
made more clinically oriented so as to better correlate the text with clinical aspects. The text consists of a large
number of illustrations, which enhances the understanding of written description. In this edition, additional matter is
added, which will help students to know the basic pattern of competitive examinations such as AIIMS, NEET, PGI, etc.
I, as an author, wish to express my hope that material presented is clear and understandable. The book is never
meant to replace any of the textbook. All the respective textbooks of all subjects should be read thoroughly to gain
the deep knowledge of subject. This book provides an idea of questions and answers in BDS examinations and
multiple choice questions (MCQs) in pre-PG examinations. I hope that the content will be enough to stimulate the
insight and new trends of thoughts in all the subjects of year.
Any of the suggestions and criticism should be welcomed at macrocyte@gmail.com.

Hemant Gupta

The subjects of first year still ring fear in the minds of students—baseless fear that rest on silent assumptions
and those that distort thinking. However, self-study, dedication, motivation and hard work are the virtues that go
a long way in the making of a genius—a success. Listen, think, read and analyze with an open mind and you
definitely cannot go wrong. I would like to clarify that this book is not meant to replace your standard textbooks, but
yet coupled with your effort and sincerity, it will definitely make you clinch and help you put your best foot forward
to reach great heights of success.

“When the actions become frequent than the words

Success become heavier than the dreams do more, say less.”
Hemant Gupta

This book is not meant as a replacement for the respective textbook of various subjects. It is truly an
exam-oriented book.

Hemant Gupta

Achievement of this book was possible by the help and support of Almighty “SAI BABA”, my grandparents, parents,
my wife, teachers and friends.
Special thanks to those who remain behind the curtain and help in arrangement of study material for the book.
Finally, my grateful thanks to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS
Mani (Group President) of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, especially Dr Madhu
Choudhary (Publishing Head–Education), Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head), Ms Sunita Katla (Executive
Assistant to Group Chairman and Publishing Manager), Mr Rajesh Sharma (Production Coordinator), Ms Seema
Dogra (Cover Visualizer), Mr Narsingh (Proofreader), Mr Nitesh (Graphic Designer), and Mr Kuldeep (Typesetter),
for making my dream come true by publishing this book.

Section 1: Anatomy

3 157
5 161

52 166
58 168
72 169
72 170
79 174
107 182
114 184
117 186

119 190
119 192
121 193
127 195

Section 2: Embryology
144 206
146 4. Further Development of Embryonic Disc 208
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

210 366
216 376
221 403
224 423
225 430

Section 3: Osteology


Section 4: Histology Section 6: Biochemistry

241 445
248 491
257 516
258 519
259 530

Viva-voce Questions for Practical Examination 273

Section 5: Physiology 542

Section 7: Dental Anatomy
306 547
315 555
332 3. Chronology of Tooth Development 558
Contents  xv



Section 9: Oral Physiology
Section 8: Dental Histology


639 743
650 744
659 745


Head, Neck and Brain 7. The Fourth Ventricle

1. Mandible 8. Cerebrum
2. Scalp 9. The Third Ventricle, Lateral Ventricle and Limbic
3. Face System
4. Side of the Neck 10. Blood Supply of Spinal Cord and Brain
5. Anterior Triangle of Neck Upper Limb and Thorax
6. The Parotid Region
1. Pectoral Region
7. Temporal and Infratemporal Region
2. Axilla
8. Submandibular Region
3. Scapular Region
9. Structures in the neck
4. Cutaneous Nerves, Superficial Veins and
10. The Prevertebral and Paravertebral Region
Lymphatic Drainage
11. Back of the Neck
5. Arm
12. The Cranial Cavity
6. Bone and Joints of Thorax
13. Contents of the Orbit
7. Wall of Thorax
14. The Mouth and Pharynx
8. Thoracic Cavity and Pleurae
15. The Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
9. Lungs
16. Larynx
10. Pericardium and Heart
17. The Tongue
11. Trached, Esophagus and Thoracic Duct
18. The Ear
19. Miscellaneous Lower Limb, Abdomen and Pelvis
Functional Anatomy of Musculoskeletal System 1. Front of Thigh
1. Skeleton 2. Popliteal Fossa
2. Joints 3. Joints of Lower Limb
3. Circulatory System 4. Male External Genital Organs
5. Abdominal Part of Esophagus and Stomach
Genetics 6. Kidney and Ureter
Neuroanatomy 7. Diaphragm
1. Introduction to Brain 8. Female Reproductive Organs
2. Meninges of the Brain and Cerebrospinal Fluid
Fill in the Blanks as per DCI and Examination
3. The Spinal Cord
Papers of Various Universities
4. Cranial Nerves
5. The Brainstem Image-Based Questions
6. The Cerebellum Additional Matter

2. In adults:
1. MANDIBLE Mental foramen opens midway between
upper and lower borders because alveolar and
subalveolar parts of bone are equally developed.
(Sep 2001, 4 Marks) Mandibular canal runs parallel with mylohyoid
Ans. The nerves and vessels related to mandible are: line.
Enumeration of nerves and vessels of mandible The angle reduces to about 110 or 120° because
Mental nerve and vessels ramus is vertical.
Inferior alveolar nerve and vessels 3. In old age:
Mylohyoid nerve and vessels Teeth exfoliate and alveolar border is absorbed,
Lingual nerve leading to reduction of height of body of mandible.
Masseteric nerve and vessels Mental foramen and mandibular canal are close
• Auriculotemporal nerve and superficial temporal to alveolar border.
artery The angle again becomes obtuse, i.e. 140° because
Facial artery the ramus is oblique.


Figs 2A to C: Age changes in mandible.

A. Infant, B. Adult, C. Old age
Q.3. Write a short note on general features of mandible.
(Sep 2006, 5 Marks)
Ans. Mandible has the following general features:
1. Parts:
Fig. 1: Nerves and vessels related to mandible a. Body: Part of mandible extending from the
(For colour version see Plate 1) canine to the anterior border of masseter muscle.
b. Ramus: Broad, superior, vertical extension from
Q.2. Write a short note on age changes of mandible. the posterior part of the body.
(Feb 1999, 4 Marks) (Apr 2010, 10 Marks) c. Angle: Junction formed by the ramus and body
Or of the mandible.
d. Symphysis: Region corresponding to the midline
Write a short note on age related changes in mandible.
of the mandible.
(Sep 2017, 3 Marks)
e. Parasymphysis: Region adjacent to the symphysis.
Ans. Age Changes of Mandible Are 2. Processes:
1. In infants and children: a. Condylar process: Rounded projection from the
– Two halves of mandible fuse during the first year upper border of the ramus which articulates with
of life. the temporal bone to form the temporomandibular
At birth, the mental foramen opens below the joint.
sockets of two deciduous molar teeth near lower b. Coronoid process: Sharp triangular projection
border because bone is made up of only alveolar from the upper border of the ramus that provides
part with teeth sockets. attachment to muscles of mastication.
Mandibular canal runs near lower border. c. Alveolar process: Part of the mandible that bears
The angle is obtuse, i.e. 140° or more because the teeth.
head of mandible is in the line of body. Coronoid 3. Ridges:
process is large and project upward above the a. External oblique ridge: Linear bony elevation
level of condyle. crest on the lateral aspect of the mandible that
4 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

extends from the first molar region and continues 4. Medial pterygoid elevates the mandible and protrude the
upward as the anterior border of the ramus. mandible.
b. Internal oblique ridge: Linear bony elevation 5. The medial and lateral pterygoid muscles of two sides
crest on the medial aspect of the mandible. contact alternately to protrude side to side movement of
4. Notches: mandible.
a. Mandibular/sigmoid notch: The curvature or
Q.5. Write a short note on ossification of mandible.
depression between the condyle and the coronoid
(Apr 2007, 4 Marks)
b. Coronoid notch: Depression/concavity on the Ans. Mandible is the second bone to ossify after the clavicle.
anterior body of ramus. • Greater part of the mandible ossifies in membrane.
5. Foramina: • Part which ossifies in cartilage is incisive part which
a. Mental foramen: Present on the anterolateral lies below the incisor teeth. Condylar and coronoid
aspect of the body of the mandible between the processes, upper half of ramus above the level of
two premolars. Mental nerve and vessels pass mandibular foramen.
through the foramen. • Each half of the mandible ossifies only from one
b. Mandibular foramen: Present on the medial center which appears at 6th week of intrauterine life
surface of the ramus. The inferior alveolar nerve in mesenchymal sheath of Meckle s cartilage near
and vessels are transmitted through the foramen. future mental foramen.
6. Fossae: At birth mandible consists of two halves which is
a. Submandilbular fossa: Shallow depression connected at symphysis menti by fibrous tissue.
present on the medial surface of the mandible Bony union occurs during first year of life.
to lodge the submandibular gland. Q.6. Write short note on inferior alveolar nerve.
b. Sublingual fossa: Shallow depression present on
(Nov 2009, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
the medial surface of the mandible to lodge the
(Sep 2017, 3 Marks) (Dec 2014, 5 Marks)
sublingual gland.
c. Digastric fossa: Depression on the lingual surface Inferior Alveolar Nerve
of mandible near the symphysis menti from ♦ It is the largest branch of mandibular nerve.
where the anterior belly of digastric muscle ♦ It descends medial or deep to lower head of lateral
originates. pterygoid muscle and lateraloposterior to lingual nerve
7. Tubercle: to the region between sphenomandibular ligament and
a. Genial tubercles: Small bony elevations that medial surface of ramus of mandible; where it enters
provide attachment to the geniohyoid and mandibular canal at the level of mandibular foramen.
genioglossus muscles. ♦ Throughout its path, it is accompanied by inferior alveolar
b. Lingula: Lip-like projection on the medial surface artery (a branch of internal maxillary artery) and inferior
of the mandible just above the mandibular alveolar vein. The artery lies just anterior to the nerve.
♦ In the mandibular canal, the three structures together are
Q.4. Name the nerves related to mandible. Describe the referred to as lnferior alveolar neurovascular bundle .
movements of mandible. ♦ It supplies the following structures:
(Sep 2006, 4 Marks) (Mar 2013, 4 Marks) Inferior portion of the ramus of the mandible
Or Entire body of the mandible
Pulps of the mandibular incisors, canines, premolars,
Write short note on movements of mandible.
and molars.
Ans. The nerves related to mandible are:
♦ The nerve, artery and vein travel anteriorly in mandibular
1. Lingual nerve.
canal, as far forward as mental foramen which is located at
2. Inferior alveolar nerve.
a point below and between roots of the premolars where
3. Mylohyoid nerve.
the nerve divides into its terminal branches
4. Mental nerve.
Mental nerve.
5. Nerve to masseter.
Incisive nerve.
6. Auriculotemporal nerve.
1. Mental nerve: It emerges from the mandibular canal
Movements of Mandible through the mental foramen in the form of a major
Muscles of the mastication causes the movements of mandible. bulk and divides into three branches that innervate:
1. Masseter muscle elevates the mandible to close the mouth. i. Skin of chin,
2. Temporalis elevates the mandible and posterior fibers of ii. Skin and mucous membrane of lower lip, and
the muscle retract the protruded mandible. iii. Buccal mucosa from the incisor to the premolars.
3. Lateral pterygoid muscle depresses the mandible to open It carries a few secretomotor fibers from chorda
the mouth. tympani to labial minor salivary glands.
Anatomy  5

2. Incisive nerve: It is the smaller terminal branch and ♦ Genioglossus muscle: It originates from superior genial
the continuation of inferior alveolar nerve within the tubercle.
substance of the body of the mandible, anterior to the Q.9. Write in short on pterygomandibular raphe.
mental foramen. (July 2016, 5 Marks)
It supplies the pulps of anterior teeth, central and lateral
incisors, and canine, and sometimes the first bicuspid,
supporting alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, and the Answer in brief pterygomandibular raphe.
overlying soft tissues anterior to the mental foramen. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
It is commonly found that the mandibular central Ans. Pterygomandibular raphé (pterygomandibular ligament)
incisor has a dual nerve supply from the incisive nerve is a tendinous band of the buccopharyngeal fascia,
on its own side and from the terminal twigs of the attached by one extremity to the hamulus of the medial
incisive nerve of the opposite side. pterygoid plate, and by the other to the posterior end of
Q.7. Write the name of various movements that the the mylohyoid line of the mandible.
mandible undergoes. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks) Its medial surface is covered by the mucous membrane of
Ans. Various movements which mandible undergoes are: the mouth.
Protrusion Its lateral surface is separated from the ramus of mandible
Retraction by a quantity of adipose tissue.
Elevation Its posterior border gives attachment to superior constrictor.
Depression Its anterior border, to part of buccinator.
Lateral movements.
Q.8. Write short note on genial tubercle. (Oct 2016, 3 Marks)
Write very short answer on genial tubercles.
(Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Genial tubercle is also known as mental spine.
Posterior surface of symphysis menti is marked by four
small elevations known as inferior and superior genial
Superior genial tubercles give origin to genioglossus
muscle and inferior tubercles to geniohyoid muscle.

Fig. 4: Pterygomandibular raphe

Q.1. Describe various layers, innervations, venous drainage
and arterial supply of scalp. (Sep 2002, 10 Marks)
Enumerate the layers of scalp. (Aug 2018, 1 Mark)
Fig. 3: Genial tubercles Ans. Soft tissues covering the cranial vault form scalp.

Relations Layers of Scalp

♦ Mylohyoid line: It runs obliquely anterior and inferior, ♦ Skin
behind the 3rd molar tooth which is nearly 1 cm inferior ♦ Superficial fascia
to the alveolar border towards the symphysis menti below ♦ Deep fascia in the form of epicranial aponeurosis or galea
the genial tubercles. aponeurotica with occipitofrontalis muscle
♦ Geniohyoid muscle: It originates from inferior genial ♦ Loose areolar tissue
tubercle. ♦ Pericranium
6 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 5: Layers of scalp

Skin Pericranium
♦ It is thick and hairy. ♦ This layer is the fifth layer of scalp.
♦ Skin adheres to epicranial aponeurosis via the dense ♦ This layer is loosely attached to surface of bone.
superficial fascia. ♦ Pericranium is firmly attached to their sutures where the
sutural ligaments bind pericranium to endocranium.
Superficial Fascia
♦ This layer is more fibrous and is dense in center as
compared to periphery at head. Scalp is supplied by ten nerves on each side. Out of these five
♦ Superficial fascia binds the skin to subjacent aponeurosis nerves (four sensory and one motor) enter the scalp in front of
and provide proper medium for passage of vessels and ear and other five behind the ear.
nerves to the skin.

Galea Aponeurotica with Occipitofrontalis Muscle

♦ This layer is freely movable on pericranium along with
overlying and adherent skin and fascia.
♦ Anteriorly the layer receives insertion of frontalis muscle,
posteriorly it receives insertion of occipitalis muscle and
the layer is attached to external occipital protuberance and
to highest nucal lines in between occipital bellies.
♦ On each side the layer is attached to superior temporal
line, but sends down a thin expansion which passes over
temporal fascia and attached to zygomatic arch.
♦ Occipitofrontalis muscle consists of two bellies, i.e.
occipital or occipitalis and frontal or frontalis. Both of the Fig. 6: Innervation of scalp
bellies are inserted in this layer.
♦ Occipital bellies are small and separate. Each belli arises A. Preauricular
from lateral two-third of superior nuchal line and is 1. Sensory nerves:
supplied by posterior auricular branch of facial nerve. Supratrochlear
♦ Frontal bellies are longer and wider, they are partly Supraorbital
united in the median plane. Each belly arises from the Zygomaticotemporal
skin of forehead and mingle with obricularis oculi and Auriculotemporal.
corrugators supercilli. It is supplied by temporal branch 2. Motor nerve: Temporal branch of facial nerve.
of facial nerve.
B. Posterior Auricular
Loose Areolar Tissue
1. Sensory nerve:
♦ Fourth layer is made up of loose areolar tissue. Posterior division of great auricular nerve
♦ This layer extends anteriorly into the eyelids, this is Lesser occipital nerve
because frontalis has no bony attachment. Greater occipital nerve
♦ This layer provides passage to emissary veins which Third occipital nerve.
connect extracranial veins to intracranial venous sinuses. 2. Motor nerve: Posterior auricular branch of facial nerve.
Anatomy  7

Venous Drainage ♦ Emissary veins connect extracranial veins with intracranial

venous sinuses to equalize pressure. Two of the emissary
♦ Supratrochlear and supraorbital veins unite at medial
veins are present, i.e.
angle of the eye and form angular vein which continues
1. Parietal emissary vein: It passes via parietal foramen
as facial vein.
to enter superior sagittal sinus.
2. Mastoid emissary vein: It passes via mastoid foramen
to reach sigmoid sinus.
♦ Diploic veins: These veins start from cancellous bone inside
the two tables of skull. There are four veins on each side, i.e.
1. Frontal diploic vein: It emerges at supraorbital notch
and open in supraorbital vein.
2. Anterior temporal diploic vein: It ends in anterior deep
temporal vein or sphenoparietal sinus.
3. Posterior temporal diploic vein: It ends in transverse
4. Occipital diploic vein: It opens either in occipital vein,
or into transverse sinus near median plane.

Arterial Supply
Two set of arteries five on each side, out of these five arteries,
three arteries lie in front of ear and two behind the ear.
Fig. 7: Venous drainage of scalp Arteries
(For colour version see Plate 1)
♦ Superficial temporal vein descend in front of tragus, a. Supratrochlear
enters parotid gland and joins maxillary vein to form b. Supraorbital
retromandibular vein. Retromandibular vein consists of c. Superficial temporal arteries
two divisions, i.e. Out of these arteries 1st and 2nd are the branches of
1. Anterior division of retromandibular vein unites with ophthalmic branch of internal carotid artery. The third
facial vein to form common facial vein which drains artery is branch of the external carotid artery.
into internal jugular vein.
Posterior Auricular
2. Posterior division of retromandibular vein unites with
posterior auricular vein and form external jugular Behind the ear there is posterior auricular artery. One more
vein which drains to subclavian vein. Occipital veins artery which is in the occipital region is known as occipital
terminate in suboccipital venous plexus. artery. These two arteries are branches of external carotid artery.

Fig. 8: Nerve supply and arterial supply of scalp

8 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

 Arresting of bleeding is done by applying pressure above

the ears by tight cotton bandage against bone.
♦ Due to density of fascia, subcutaneous hemorrhages are
not extensive, inflammation in this layer leads to little
swelling but more pain.
♦ Since pericranium is attached to the sutures, collection of
fluid deep to pericranium is called as cephalhematoma,
which take the shape of bone concerned.

(May 2014, 10 Marks)

(Sep 2015, 5 Marks)

(Sep 2017, 10 Marks)

(Jan 2018, 5 Marks)

Fig. 9: Layers of scalp

Anatomy  9

Q.7. Write a short note on dangerous area of scalp. 

(Jan 2012, 4 Marks) (Aug 2012, 4 Marks)
Give explanation about dangerous area of scalp.
(Feb 2013, 2 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
 (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
Dangerous Area of Scalp
The subaponeurotic layer (fourth layer) forms a potential
space filled with loose areolar tissue beneath the aponeurotic
layer. The emissary veins which communicate the veins of the
scalp with the intracranial venous sinuses, pass through this
space. This space is closed on all sides except anteriorly where
it extends into the upper eyelid. It is known as the dangerous
area of scalp.

(Apr 2018, 3 Marks)

Fig. 10: Dangerous area of scalp

(July 2016, 10 Marks)

Clinical Significance Or

♦ Fluid collected in this space tends to gravitate in the eyelid. Draw a well labeled diagram to show the blood vessels
In this way black eye is produced if there is bleeding in this and nerves supplying the scalp. (Oct 2016, 5 Marks)
space due to scalp injury on direct blow to the skull. The Ans. For diagram of venous drainage of scalp refer to Ans 1
infection in this space readily enters the cranium through of same chapter.

Fig. 11: Arterial supply and nerve supply of scalp

10 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.12. Enumerate layers of scalp. (May 2017, 3 Marks) Contd...

Ans. Following are the layers of scalp: Name of Foramen of Veins outside Venous
Skin emissary vein skull skull sinuses
• Superficial fascia Emissary vein Hypoglossal Internal Sigmoid sinus
Deep fascia in the form of epicranial aponeurosis or canal jugular vein
Galea aponeurotica with occipitofrontalis muscle
Condylar Posterior Suboccipital Sigmoid sinus
Loose areolar tissue
emissary vein condylar venous plexus
Pericranium foramen
Q.13. Answer in brief on black eye. (May 2017, 3 Marks) 2 to 3 emissary Foramen Pharyngeal Cavernous
Ans. As blood is collected in layer of loose connective tissue, it veins lacerum venous plexus sinus
leads to generalized swelling of scalp. Blood can extend Emissary vein Foramen Pterygoid Cavernous
anteriorly into the roof of nose and into the eyelids, since ovale venous plexus sinus
frontalis muscle has no bony attachment this causes
Emissary vein Foramen Veins of roof Superior
black eye. Posterior limit of hemorrhage is not seen when
cecum of nose saggittal
injury to scalp occur, it can only be seen when bleeding venous sinus
is due to local injury.


Fig. 12: Right eye—black eye due to injury to the scalp; left eye— (Apr 2018, 3 Marks)
black eye due to local injury

♦ In right eye, black eye occur due to injury to scalp. Sensory Nerve Supply
♦ In left eye, black eye is due to local injury. ♦ Ophthalmic divisions of trigeminal nerve:
Q.14. Answer in brief on emissary vein. Supratrochlear
(May 2017, 3 Marks) Supraorbital
Ans. The veins connecting the veins outside the cranium with Lacrimal
the intracranial dural venous sinuses by passing through Infratrochlear
foramina in the cranium are called emissary veins. External nasal.
Emissary vein connect pterygoid venous plexus to the
cavernous sinus. 1. Supratrochlear
2. Supraorbital
Emissary Veins in the Region of the Scalp
3. Lacrimal nerve
On each side of the midline in the region of the scalp two sets 4. Infratrochlear
of emissary veins are encountered, viz. 5. External nasal
1. Parietal emissary vein, which passes through parietal 6. Infraorbital
foramen and communicates with the superior sagittal 7. Zygomaticofacial
sinus. 8. Zygomaticotemporal
2. Mastoid emissary vein, which passes through mastoid 9. Auriculotemporal
foramen and communicates with the sigmoid sinus.
10. Buccal
Emissary Veins of Skull 11. Mental
12. Greater auricular
Name of Foramen of Veins outside Venous 13. Transverse cutaneous nerve
emissary vein skull skull sinuses
Parietal Parietal Veins of scalp Superior Fig. 13: Sensory supply of face
emissary vein foramen saggittal
venous sinus ♦ Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve:
Mastoid Mastoid Veins of scalp Sigmoid sinus
emissary vein foramen Zygomaticofacial
Anatomy  11

♦ Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve: Q.2. Describe sensory innervation of face.

Auricular temporal (Sep 2000, 4 Marks) (Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
Buccal nerve Or
Mental nerve.
♦ Cervical plexus: Describe in brief sensory nerve supply of face.
Anterior division of greater auricular nerve (Sep 2007, 4 Marks) (Mar 2008, 3 Marks)
Upper division of transverse cutaneous nerve of neck. Or

Sensory Nerve Supply Write a short note on sensory supply of face.

(Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
All these above mentioned nerves have following areas of

Name of the nerve Area of distribution
Ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve
Supratrochlear nerve Upper eyelid and forehead
Supraorbital nerve Upper eyelid, frontal air sinus, scalp (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
Lacrimal nerve Lateral part of upper eyelid
Infratrochlear Medial part of both eyelids
Blood Supply of the Face
External nasal Lower part of dorsum and tip of nose
Arterial Supply
Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
Infraorbital nerve Lower eyelid, side of nose and It is supplied by:
upper lip ♦ Facial artery
Zygomaticofacial nerve Upper part of cheek
♦ The transverse facial artery
♦ Arteries that accompany cutaneous nerves.
Zygomaticotemporal nerve Anterior part of temporal region
These are the small branches of ophthalmic maxillary and
Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve superficial temporal arteries.
Auriculotemporal nerve Upper two-third of lateral side of
auricle, temporal region
Buccal nerve Skin of lower part of cheek
Mental nerve Skin over chin
Cervical plexus
Anterior division of great Skin over angle of jaw and parotid
auricular nerve gland
Upper division of transverse Lower margin of lower jaw
cutaneous nerve of neck

Motor Nerve Supply

Motor supply of face is obtained through facial nerve. It emerges
from substance of parotid gland and divide into following branches:
♦ Temporal branch
♦ Zygomatic branch
♦ Buccal branch
♦ Marginal mandibular branch
♦ Cervical branch. Fig. 14: Arteries supply of face
Motor Nerve Supply
Venous Drainage
These terminal branches supplies to following muscles:
Name of the nerve Muscles supplied
Venous blood from face is drained by two veins, i.e. facial vein
and retromandibular vein
Temporal Frontalis, auricular muscle, orbicularis oris
1. Facial vein: This is the largest vein of face. This is formed
Zygomatic Orbicularis oculi at medial angle of eye by union of supratrochlear and
Buccal Muscles of cheek and upper lip supraorbital veins. As it is formed, it runs straight
downward and backward behind facial artery to reach
Marginal mandibular Muscles of lower lip
anteroinferior angle of massater. Here it pierces deep
Cervical Platysma muscle
12 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

fascia, crosses superficial to submandibular gland and hyoid bone. It runs upwards and crosses its passage in
join anterior division of retromandibular vein below angle cervical region in order to reach the face.
of mandible to form common facial vein which drains to
internal jugular vein. Tributaries of facial vein correspond Course of Facial Artery
to branches of facial artery. ♦ Facial artery enters the face by winding around the base
Deep connections of facial vein of mandible and by piercing the deep cervical fascia at
A communication between the supraorbital and anteroinferior angle of massater muscle.
superior ophthalmic vein. ♦ First the artery run forward and upward to a point 1.25 cm
Another connection with the pterygoid plexus lateral to angle of mouth. Now the artery ascends by the
through the deep facial vein which passes backward side of nose till medial angle of an eye where it terminates
over the buccinator deep to ramus of mandible and by supplying lacrimal sac and by anastomosing with dorsal
communicate with pterygoid venous plexus around nasal branch of ophthalmic artery.
lateral pterygoid muscle which communicate with ♦ Facial artery is tortuous and it lies between the superficial
cavernous sinus via emissary vein. and deep muscles of the face.
2. Retromandibular vein: It is formed by union of superficial
temporal and maxillary vein within parotid gland. On
leaving parotid gland, it is divided into two divisions, i.e.
anterior and posterior. Anterior division joins facial vein
to form common facial vein, while posterior division joins
posterior auricular vein to form external jugular vein.

Fig. 16: Course of facial artery

Branches of Facial Artery

The large anterior branches are:
1. Inferior labial: To lower lip
Fig. 15: Venous drainage of face
2. Superior labial: To upper lip and anteroinferior part of
nasal septum
Q.4. Write a short note on facial artery. (July 2016, 5 Marks) 3. Lateral nasal: To ala and dorsum of nose
(June 2010, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) 4. Branch to lacrimal sac.
(Apr 2017, 4 Marks) (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
Or Anastomosis

Write a short note on facial artery in the face. 1. The large anterior branches anastomose with arteries of
same name on opposite side and with mental artery.
(Aug 2016, 3 Marks) 2. The posterior branches anastomosis with infraorbital artery
Or and transverse facial artery.
Write short answer on facial artery. (Aug 2018, 3 Marks) 3. At medial angle of eye, terminal branches anastomose
Ans. Facial Artery with branches of ophthalmic artery. So this is a site of
Introduction: Facial artery is the chief artery of face. It anastomosis between external and internal carotid arteries.
is a branch of external carotid artery which is given off Q.5. Write a short note on lymphatic drainage of face.
in carotid triangle just above the tip of greater cornue of (Sep 1999, 4 Marks)
Anatomy  13

Ans. Lymphatic Drainage of Face Write a short note on dangerous area of face.
This is divided into three groups. (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
1. Upper territory: It drains into preauricular parotid  (Dec 2009, 5 Marks) (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
group of lymph nodes. It drains greater part of  (Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
forehead, lateral half of eyelids, conjunctiva, lateral
part of cheek and parotid area.
2. Middle territory: It drains into submandibular
lymph nodes. It drains the median part of forehead,
external nose, upper lip, medial halves of eyelids,
medial part of cheek and greater part of lower jaw.
3. Lower territory: It drains into submental group of
lymph nodes from area which includes central part
of lower lip and chin.

Fig. 19: Dangerous area of face

Ans. Dangerous Area of Face

Facial vein communicates with the cavernous sinus via
emissary veins, through these connection infection from
the face can spread in retrograde direction and causes
thrombosis of cavernous sinus. This is specially likely to
occur in presence of infection in upper lip and in lower
part of nose. Hence, the area is known as the Dangerous
area of the face.
Fig. 17: Lymphatic drainage of face
As facial veins and its deep connecting veins are devoid
of valves which provide an uninterrupted passage of
blood to cavernous sinus. So, squeezing the pustules or
pimples in the area of upper lip or side of nose or side
of cheeks can lead to infection which may be carried to
cavernous sinus leading to cavernous sinus thrombosis.

Q.7. Write a short note on extracranial course of facial nerve.

(Feb 1999, 4 Marks) (Mar 2008, 4 Marks)
(Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
Write a short note on extracranial part of facial nerve.
(Sep 2004, 10 Marks)
Write note on extracranial course of facial nerve.
(Apr 2008, 4 Marks) (Mar 2008, 4 Marks)
Describe in detail the extracranial course of facial nerve.
Fig. 18: Lymphatic drainage of face
(Mar 2008, 8 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
Q.6. Write a note on dangerous area of face. Or
(Sep 2002, 5 Marks) (Sep 2001, 6 Marks) 
Or (Mar 2013, 4 Marks)
14 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Ans. Extracranial Course of Facial Nerve

In its extracranial course the facial nerve crosses the
lateral side of base of styloid process. It enters the
posteromedial surface of parotid gland, runs forward
through the gland crossing the retromandibular vein
and external carotid artery. Behind the neck of mandible
it divides into its five terminal branches which emerge
along anterior border of parotid gland.

Fig. 20: Course of facial nerve

Branches of Facial Nerve

1. Greater petrosal nerve: It arises from the geniculate ganglion
and leaves the middle ear through tegmen tympani. It joins
with the deep petrosal nerve to form nerve to pterygoid
canal. This nerve conveys preganglionic secretomotor fibers
to the lacrimal gland and nasal mucosa. They relay in the
pterygopalatine ganglion.
2. A twig from geniculate ganglion joins the lesser petrosal
3. Nerve to stapedius: This arises in the facial canal behind
the middle ear and runs forward through a short canal to
reach and supply the stapedius muscle.
4. Chorda tympani nerve: It arises in the facial canal about
6 mm above the stylomastoid foramen and enters the middle
ear. It passes forward across the inner surface of the tympanic Buccinator muscle–muscle of cheek
membrane internal to the handle of malleus and then leaves Origin • Upper fibers: From maxilla opposite to
the middle ear by passing through the petrotympanic fissure molar teeth
to appear at the base of skull. Here it runs downwards and • Lower fibers: From mandible opposite to
forwards in the infratemporal fossa and joins the lingual molar teeth
nerve at an acute angle. The chorda tympani nerve carries: • Middle fibers: From pterygomandibular
a. Taste fibers from anterior 2/3rd of the tongue, except
from vallate papillae Insertion • Upper fibers: Straight to upper lip
b. Secretomotor fibers to the submandibular and • Lower fibers: Straight to lower lip
• Middle fibers: Middle fibers decussate
sublingual salivary glands.
5. Posterior auricular nerve: It arises just below the styloid Nerve supply Lower buccal branches of facial nerve
foramen. It further divides into two branches, i.e. Action • Puffing of the mouth and blowing
a. Auricular branch, which supplies the muscles of auricle. • Flattens cheek against gums and teeth
b. Occipital branch, which supplies the occipital belly • Prevents accumulation of food inside the
of the occipito-frontalis.
Anatomy  15

Lower Motor Neuron Facial Palsy

It is further of 2 types
1. Nuclear paralysis: It is due to involvement of the nucleus of
facial nerve. This can occur due to poliomyelitis or lesions
of the pons. The motor nucleus of facial nerve is close to
the abducent nerve which is also usually affected.
Effect: Paralysis of muscles of the entire face on ipsilateral
2. Infranuclear paralysis: This occurs due to involvement of
the facial nerve. Clinical effects vary according to the site
of injury of the nerve.
Facial nerve can get injured at various sites.
Site A: At or just above the stylomastoid foramen: It
leads to Bell s palsy which presents as loss of motor
functions of all muscles of facial expression leading
to the deviation of mouth toward the normal side,
inability to close the mouth and eye and accumulation
of food in the vestibule of mouth, flattening of
 expression lines, etc.
Site B: Above the origin of chorda tympani: All the
signs and symptoms of lesion A (i.e. Bell s palsy) along
with decreased salivation and loss of taste sensation
in the anterior two-third of the tongue.
Site C: Above the origin of nerve to stapedius: All the
signs and symptoms of lesion B along with hyperacusis
(Feb 2005, 8 Marks) (i.e. enhanced sensitivity to hearing).
Site D: At the geniculate ganglion: All the signs and
Or symptoms of lesion C along with loss of lacrimation.
Describe the extracranial course and branches of facial
Bell’s Palsy
nerve. Add a note on its applied anatomy.
(March 2007, 8 Marks) (Sep 2007, 3 + 1 = 4 Marks) Bell s palsy is a lower motor neuron type of facial nerve
Or involvement. It leads to paralysis of muscles of facial expression.
There may be associated symptoms according to the site of
lesion. Facial muscles of the same side are paralysed and this
leads to the following features:
1. Facial asymmetry — due to unopposed action of muscles
of the normal side. There is deviation of angle of mouth
to the opposite side.
2. Loss of wrinkles on forehead—due to paralysis of fronto-
occipitalis muscle.
3. Widening of palpebral fissure and inability to close the
eye—due to paralysis of orbicularis oculi.
4. Inability of angle of mouth to move upwards and laterally
during laughing — due to paralysis of zygomaticus major.
5. Loss of nasolabial furrow — due to paralysis of levator labi,
superioris alaeque nasi.
6. Accumulation of food into the vestibule of mouth — due
to paralysis of buccinator muscle.
7. Dribbling of saliva from the angle of mouth — due to
paralysis of orbicularis oris.
8. When one presses the cheek with inflated vestibule, the air
leaks out between the lips — due to paralysis of orbicularis
9. Loss of resistance while blowing out air in mouth — due
to paralysis of buccinator muscle.
16 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Crocodile Tear Syndrome C. Muscles of the eyelid

1. Orbicularis oculi
Lacrimation during eating occurs because of aberrant
2. Corrugator supercilli
regeneration after trauma. This is crocodile tear syndrome.
In case of damage to the facial nerve proximal to geniculate 3. Levator palpebrae superioris.
ganglia, regenerating fibers for submandibular salivary gland D. Muscles of the nose
grow in an endoneural sheath of preganglionic secretomotor 1. Procerus
fibers supplying the lacrimal gland. Due to this patient 2. Compressor naris
lacrimates during eating. 3. Dilator naris
4. Depressor septi.
Ramsay–Hunt Syndrome
Involvement of geniculate ganglia by herpes zoster leads to
this syndrome.
The syndrome consists of hyperacusis, loss of lacrimation,
loss of sensation of taste in anterior two-third of tongue, Bell s
palsy and lack of salivation, vesicles on an auricle.
Q.10. Write a short note on venous drainage of face.
(Sep 2005, 5 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter.
Q.11. Describe various drainage of face. (Aug 2005, 15 Marks)
Ans. For arterial supply and venous drainage refer to Ans 3
of the same chapter and for lymphatic drainage refer
to Ans 5 of the same chapter. Fig. 23: Muscles of eyelid and nose

Q.12. Describe venous drainage of face. Add a note on

dangerous area of face. (Sep 2006, 10 Marks) E. Muscles around the mouth
Ans. For venous drainage refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter. 1. Orbicularis oris
For dangerous area of face refer to Ans 6 of the same 2. Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
chapter. 3. Levator labii superioris
4. Levator anguli oris
Q.13. Classify and name the muscles of facial expression.
5. Zygomaticus major
Add a note on Bell s palsy. (Mar 2006, 10 Marks)
6. Zygomaticus minor
Ans. Classification and Names of Facial Muscles 7. Depressor anguli oris
A. Muscles of scalp 8. Depressor labii inferioris
1. Occipitofrontalis. 9. Mentalis
B. Muscles of the auricle 10. Risorius
1. Auricularis anterior 11. Buccinator.
2. Auricularis superior F. Muscles of the neck
3. Auricularis posterior. 1. Platysma.
For Bell s palsy refer to Ans 9 of the same chap-

Fig. 22: Muscles of scalp and auricle (Apr 2007, 4 Marks)

Anatomy  17

Ans. Ans. Nuclei of Facial Nerve

Fibers of the nerve arise from four nuclei situated in the
lower pons.
1. Motor nucleus (branchiomotor).
2. Superior salivatory nucleus (parasympathetic).
3. Lacrimatory nucleus (parasympathetic).
4. Nucleus of the tractus solitarius (gustatory).
Motor nucleus lies deep in the reticular formation of the
lower pons. The part of the nucleus that supplies muscles
of the upper part of the face receives corticonuclear
fibers from the motor cortex of both right and left
In contrast the part of the nucleus supplies muscles of
Fig. 25: Muscle attachment of hyoid bone
the lower part of the face receive corticonuclear fibers
only from the opposite cerebral hemisphere.
Q.15. Write a short note on facial palsy.
(Apr 2008, 3 Marks) Course of Facial Nerve
Ans. Refer to Ans 9 of the same chapter. Intracranial Course
Q.16. Describe facial nerve under following headings: Facial nerve is attached to brainstem by two roots, i.e. motor
(Dec 2010, 3+3+2 Marks) and sensory. Sensory root is known as nervus intermedius.
a. Nuclei and course of nerve Two roots of facial nerve are attached to lateral part of lower
b. Branches border of pons medial to vestibulocochlear nerve. Two roots
c. Bell s palsy run laterally and forward along with vestibulocochlear nerve
to reach internal acoustic meatus.

Fig. 26: Facial nerve and its distribution

18 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

In internal acoustic meatus motor root lies in groove on ♦ Small accessory lacrimal glands are found in conjunctival
vestibulocochlear nerve with sensory root intervening. Here fornices.
facial nerve and vestibulocochlear nerve are accompanied by ♦ It is of J shaped and is indented by the tendon of levator
labyrinthine vessels. At fundus of meatus the two roots sensory palpabrae superioris.
and motor fuse to form a single trunk which lies in petrous ♦ It consists of two parts, i.e.
temporal bone. Within the canal the course of nerve is divided 1. An orbital part: It is large and deeper
by three parts by two of its bands. The first part is directed 2. A palpebral part: It is superficial and smaller lying
laterally above the vestibule and second part run backward in within the eyelid.
♦ Lacrimal gland consists of a dozen of ducts which pierce
relation to medial wall of middle ear above promontory and
conjunctiva of upper eyelid and open in conjunctival sac
third part is directed vertically downward behind promon-
near superior fornix.
tory. First bend at junction of first and second part is sharp
♦ Most of the ducts of orbital part pass through palpebral
and is known as genu. part.
Second bend lies between promontory and aditus to the ♦ It is supplied by lacrimal branch of ophthalmic artery.
mastoid antrum. Facial nerve leaves the skull by passing ♦ It secretes lacrimal fluid which flows in conjunctival sac
through stylomatoid foramen. where it lubricate the front of eye and deep surface of
Extracranial Course
Refer to Ans 7 of the same chapter.
For branches of facial nerve refer to Ans 7 of the same chapter.
For Bell s palsy refer to Ans 9 of the same chapter.
Q.17. Enumerate extracranial branches of facial nerve.
(Jan 2012, 2 Marks)
Ans. The extracranial branches of facial nerve are:
1. Temporal
2. Zygomatic
3. Buccal
4. Marginal mandibular
5. Cervical.
Q.18. Write briefly on bell’s palsy.
(Aug 2012, 5 Marks) (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
Write short note on bell s palsy. (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
(Feb 2013, 5 Marks) (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 9 of the same chapter. Fig. 27: Lacrimal apparatus Conjunctival
Q.19. Describe lacrimal apparatus and its nerve supply.
(Feb 2014, 4 Marks)
♦ Conjunctiva lining the deep surface of eyelids is known as
palpebral conjunctiva and which lines the front of eyeball
Describe briefly lacrimal gland and its nerve supply. is bulbar eyeball.
(Nov 2008, 5 Marks) ♦ Potential space between palpebral and bulbar part is
Ans. Structures which are related to the secretion and drainage conjunctival sac.
of lacrimal gland forms the lacrimal apparatus. ♦ Lines at which the palpaberal conjunctiva of upper and
Lacrimal apparatus constitutes following parts, i.e. lower eyelids is reflected on eyeball are known as supe-
1. Lacrimal gland and its ducts rior and inferior conjunctival fornices.
2. Conjunctival sac ♦ Palpebral conjunctiva is opaque, thick and is vascular.
3. Lacrimal puncta and lacrimal canaliculi ♦ Bulbar conjunctiva covers the sclera and is thin, transparent
4. Lacrimal sac and is loosely attached to eyeball.
5. Nasolacrimal duct.
Lacrimal Puncta and Canaliculi
Lacrimal Gland
♦ Each single lacrimal canaliculus starts at the lacrimal
♦ Lacrimal gland is a serous gland which is situated chiefly punctum.
in lacrimal fossa on anterolateral part of roof of bony orbit ♦ It is 10 mm long.
and partly on the upper eyelid. ♦ A dilated ampulla is present at the bend.
Anatomy  19

Lacrimal Sac 2. Sympathetic:

a. Preganglionic fibers arise from T1 spinal segment of
♦ It is a membranous sac and is situated in lacrimal groove
spinal cord to superior cervical sympathetic ganglion.
behind the medial palpebral ligament.
b. Postganglionic fibers are the sympathetic plexus
♦ Upper end of lacrimal sac is blind and lower end is
around internal carotid artery to deep petrosal nerve,
continuous with nasolacrimal duct.
pterygopalatine ganglion zygomatic nerve, zy-
Nasolacrimal Duct gomaticotemporal nerve to lacrimal nerve to lacrimal
♦ Nasolacrimal duct is a membranous passage and is 18 3. Parasympathetic nerve: It carries secretomotor fibers.
mm long. a. Preganglionic fibers arise from lacrimatory nucleus
♦ It starts from lower end of lacrimal sac and run down- and via facial nerve goes to greater petrosal nerve
ward, backward and laterally and opens in inferior meatus of and join deep petrosal nerve to form nerve to ptery-
nose. goid canal and reaches to pterygopalatine ganglion
♦ Valve of Hasner, i.e. a fold of mucous membrane form an for relay.
imperfect valve at lower end of duct. b. Postganglionic fibers arise from cell of pterygopala-
tine ganglion and passes successively via maxillary
Nerve Supply of Lacrimal Apparatus
nerve, zygomatic nerve, zygomaticotemporal
1. Sensory: Sensory supply is by lacrimal branch of branch of maxillary nerve to lacrimal nerve and
ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve. from lacrimal nerve to lacrimal gland.

Fig. 28: Nerve supply of lacrimal apparatus

Q.20. Write a short note on chorda tympani nerve. Functional Components

(May 2014, 5 Marks) The nerve consists of:
(Apr 2017, 4 Marks) (May 2017, 3 Marks) ♦ General visceral efferent fibers: They are preganglionic
Or parasympathetic or secretomotor fibers to submandibu-
lar and sublingual salivary gland.
Write in brief on chorda tympani nerve. ♦ Special visceral afferent fibers: They carry taste sensa-
(Sep 2015, 5 Marks) tions from anterior 2/3rd of tongue.
Origin, Course and Relations
Answer in brief on chorda tympani nerve.
Chorda tympani nerve arises from facial nerve in the facial
(Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
canal at about 6 mm above the stylomastoid foramen within
Ans. Chorda tympani is the sensory nerve. Chorda tympani the posterior wall of the tympanic (middle ear) cavity. It enters
nerve is so called because it has intimate relationship the middle ear through the posterior canaliculus of chorda
with middle ear. tvmpani in the posterior wall, runs across the lateral
20 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

wall (tympanic membrane). Here it crosses medial aspect of Ans. Intracranial Course of Facial Nerve
handle of malleus and lateral aspect of long process of incus. Facial nerve is attached to the brainstem by two roots,
At the anterior margin of tympanic membrane it enters anterior i.e. motor and sensory. Two roots of facial nerve are
canaliculus in the anterior wall of the middle ear and passes via attached to lateral part of lower border of pons which
canaliculus and emerges at the base of skull through medial is just medial to eighth cranial nerve. Two roots run
end of petrotympanic fissure. It then goes medially, forwards laterally and forward with eighth nerve to reach internal
and downwards, grooves the medial side of the spine of the acoustic meatus.
sphenoid, running anteroinferiorly deep to lateral pterygoid to
join the posterior aspect of the lingual nerve about 2 cm below
the base of the skull.

♦ Chorda tympani nerve supplies secretomotor fibers to
submandibular and sublingual gland via submandibular
♦ It carries taste sensations from anterior 2/3rd of tongue.

Fig. 30: Horizontal disposition of deep cervical fascia

In the meatus motor root lies in a groove on eighth nerve

with sensory root intervening. At fundus of meatus two
roots, i.e. sensory and motor fuse to form a single trunk
which lie in the petrous temporal bone. In the canal course of
nerve is divided into three parts by two bends. First part get
directed laterally above vestibule, second part go backwards
in relation to medial wall of middle ear above promontory.
Fig. 29: Origin, course and relations of chorda tympani nerve Third part move vertically downwards behind promontory.
First bend is at the junction of first and second part is
Q.21. Describe facial nerve under following heads: sharp. This bend lies above the anterosuperior part of
(Oct 2014, 3+3+2 Marks) promontory and is known as genu. Second bend is
a. Nucleus gradual and lie between promontory and aditus to
b. Course and branches mastoid antrum. Facial nerve leaves the skull by passing
c. Applied anatomy stylomastoid foramen.
Ans. For nucleus of facial nerve refer to Ans 16 of the same
For extracranial course of nerve and branches refer to
Ans 7 of the same chapter.
For course of facial nerve refer to Ans 16 of the same
chapter. For branches of facial nerve refer to Ans 7 of For applied anatomy of facial nerve refer to Ans 9 of the
the same chapter. same chapter.
For applied anatomy of facial nerve refer to Ans 9 of the Q.24. Write a short note on retromandibular vein.
same chapter.
(Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
Q.22. Write a short note on blood and nerve supply of face. Ans. Superficial temporal vein descends in front of tragus
(Dec 2010, 5 Marks) and
Ans. For blood supply of face refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter. enters the parotid gland. Here it joins the maxillary vein
For nerve supply refer to Ans 1 of the same chapter. and form retromandibular vein.
Retromandibular vein on leaving parotid gland is
Q.23. Describe facial nerve under following heads: divided into two divisions, i.e. anterior and posterior.
(Apr 2015, 3+3+2 Marks) 1. Anterior division joins facial vein to form common
a. Intracranial course facial vein which drains to internal jugular vein.
b. Extracranial course and branches 2. Posterior division joins posterior auricular vein
c. Applied anatomy to form external jugular vein which drains to
subclavian vein.
Anatomy  21

Fig. 31: Retromandibular vein

 (Aug 2018, 10 Marks)

Ans. Following are the muscles of facial expression:
Name Origin Insertion Actions
Muscles of eyelid
Corrugator supercilii From medial end of superciliary arch Into the skin of mid eyebrow It produces vertical lines on forehead
Orbicularis oculi
• Orbital part, on • From medial part of medial • Into the concentric rings return • It protects eye from bright light,
and around the palpebral ligament, frontal process to the point of origin wind and rain by forcefully closure
orbital margin of maxilla and nasal part of frontal • Into lateral palpebral raphe of eyelids.
• Palpebral part, in bone • It pass laterally in front of tarsal • It closes eyelids gently as in
the lids • From lateral part of medial plates of eyelids to the lateral blinking and sleeping.
• Lacrimal part, palpebral ligament palpebral raphe • It dilates lacrimal sac for sucking of
lateral and deep • From lacrimal fascia and posterior lacrimal fluid into the sac, directs
to lacrimal sac lacrimal crest, forms sheath for lacrimal puncta into lacus lacrimalis.
lacrimal sac It also supports the lower lid
Muscles around nasal opening
Procerus From nasal bone and upper part of Into skin of forehead between It leads to transverse wrinkles
lateral nasal cartilage eyebrows and over the bridge of
the nose bridge of the nose
Compressor naris From maxilla just lateral to nose Into aponeurosis across the It leads to compression of nasal
dorsum of nose aperture
Dilator naris From maxilla over the lateral incisor Into the alar cartilage of nose It leads to dilation of nasal aperture
Depressor septi From axilla over the medial incisor Into the lower mobile part of nasal It pull the nose inferiorly
Muscles around the lips
Orbicularis oris
• Intrinsic part, • Superior incisivus is derived from • Into the angle of mouth It closes lips as well as protrudes lips,
deep stratum, maxilla and inferior incisivus, is • Into the lips and angle of mouth numerous extrinsic muscles make
very thin sheet derived from mandible it most versatile for various types of
• Extrinsic part, two • Thickest middle stratum is derived grimaces
strata, formed from buccinator; thick superficial
by converging stratum is derived from elevators
muscles and depressors of lips and their

22 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Name Origin Insertion Actions

It is the muscle of • Upper fibers are derived from • Upper fibers straight into the It flattens the cheek against gums and
the cheek maxilla opposite molar teeth upper lip teeth. It also prevents accumulation of
• Lower fibers are derived from • Lower fibers straight into the food into the vestibule
mandible, opposite molar teeth lower lip
• Middle fibers are derived from • Middle fibers decussate
pterygomandibular raphe
Levator labii From frontal process of maxilla Into the upper lip and alar cartilage It lifts upper lip and dilates the nostril
superioris alaeque of nose
Zygomaticus major From posterior aspect of lateral Into the skin at the angle of mouth It pulls the angle upwards and laterally
surface of zygomatic bone as in smiling
Levator labii From infraorbital margin of maxilla Into the skin of upper lateral half of It elevates the upper lip, forms
superioris upper lip nasolabial groove
Levator anguli oris From maxilla just below infraorbital Into the skin of angle of mouth It elevates angle of mouth and forms
foramen nasolabial groove
Zygomaticus minor From anterior aspect of lateral surface Into the upper lip medial to its It leads to elevation of the upper lip
of the zygomatic bone angle
Depressor anguli From oblique line of mandible below Into the skin at angle of mouth and It draws angle of mouth both
oris first molar, premolar and canine teeth fuses with orbicularis oris downwards and laterally
Depressor labii From anterior part of anterior line of Into the lower lip at midline, fuses It draws lower lip downwards
inferioris mandible with muscles from the opposite side
Mentalis From mandible inferior to incisor teeth Into the skin of chin It both elevates and protrudes lower
lip as it wrinkles skin on the chin
Risorius From fascia on to the massater muscle Into the skin at angle of mouth It retracts the angle of mouth
Muscles of the neck
Platysma • From upper part of pectoral and • Anterior fibers into the base of • It releases pressure of skin on
deltoid fasciae. mandible subjacent veins
• Its fibers run upward and mesially • Posterior fibers into the skin of • It depresses mandible
lower face and lip and can be • It pulls the angle of mouth
continuous with risorius downwards during frightening

Fig. 32: Muscles of facial expression

Anatomy  23

superficial lamina is thick and dense and is attached

4. SIDE OF THE NECK to zygomatic arch. The deep lamina is thin and is
attached to styloid process, mandible and tym-
Q.1. Write short answer on investing layer of neck. panic plate. Between styloid process and angle
(Apr 2018, 3 Marks) of mandible deep lamina is thick and forms
Ans. The investing layer of deep cervical fascia lies deep to stylomandibular ligament which seperates parotid
gland from submandibular gland and is pierced by
platysma, and surround neck like a collar. It forms the the external carotid artery. At base of mandible it en-
roof of posterior triangle of neck. closes submandibular gland superficial lamina is att-
ached to the lower border of body of mandible and
deep lamina to mylohyoid line.
A. Superiorly B. Inferiorly
1. External occipital protuberance 1. Spine of scapula
2. Superior nucal line 2. Clavicle
3. Mastoid process 3. Acromion process
4. Base of mandible 4. Manubrium
5. Between the angle of mandible and mastoid process, Fascia splits to enclose suprasternal and supraclavicular
the fascia splits to enclose parotid gland. The spaces.

Fig. 33: Horizontal disposition of deep cervical fascia

C. Posteriorly
1. Ligamentum nuchae
2. Spine of seventh cervical vertebrae
D. Anteriorly
1. Symphysis menti
2. Hyoid bone
Both above and below hyoid bone, it is continuous with
fascia of opposite side.

Other Features
1. The investing layer of deep cervical fascia splits to enclose
trapezius, sternomastoid, parotid, submandibular gland
and suprasternal and supraclavicular space.
2. It also forms pulleys to bind tendons of digastric and
omohyoid muscles.
Fig. 34: Vertical disposition of deep cervical fascia
24 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

(Aug 2012, 10 Marks)

(Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
(Feb 2016, 2 Marks)

Or (Oct 2016, 3 Marks)
Write a short note on carotid sheath.
(Sep 2017, 3 Marks) (Oct 2016, 3 Marks) Or
Name the contents of carotid sheath.
(Aug 2018, 1 Mark) (Dec 2012, 4 Marks)
Ans. It is the condensation of the fibroareolar tissue around Ans. Boundaries of Posterior Triangle
main vessels of neck and vagus nerve. • Anterior: Formed by posterior border of sterno-
• Posterior: Formed by anterior border of trapezius.
• Inferior or base: Formed by middle 1/3 of clavicle.
• Apex: Lies on superior nucal line where the trapezius
and sternocleidomastoid meet.
• Roof: Roof is formed by the investing layer of deep
cervical fascia.
• Floor: Floor of posterior triangle is formed by
prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia covering
the following muscles:
1. Splenius capitis
2. Levator scapulae
3. Scalenus medius
Fig. 35: Carotid sheath 4. Semispinalis capitis may also form part of floor.

Contents of Posterior Triangle

Contents Occipital triangle Subclavian triangle
A. Nerves 1. Spinal accessory 1. Three trunks of
nerve brachial plexus
2. Four cutaneous 2. Nerve to serratus
branches of cervical anterior
plexus 3. Nerve to subclavius
a. Lesser occipital 4. Suprascapular nerve
b. Greater auricular
c. Anterior
cutaneous nerve
of neck
d. Supraclavicular
3. Muscular branches
a. Two small
branches to
levator scapulae
b. Two small
branches to
c. Nerve to
4. C5, C6 roots of
brachial plexus
(Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
Or Contd...
Anatomy  25


Contents Occipital triangle Subclavian triangle

B. Vessels 1. Transverse cervical 1. Third part of
artery and vein subclavian artery
2. Occipital artery and vein
2. Suprascapular
artery and vein
3. Commencement
of transverse
cervical artery
and termination of
corresponding vein
4. Lower part of
external jugular vein
C. Lymph Supraclavicular and Few members of
nodes occipital lymph nodes supraclavicular chain

Fig. 38: Muscles forming floor of posterior triangle

Q.4. Write a short note on sternocleidomastoid muscle.

(Sep 2004, 10 Marks) (Feb 1999, 4 Marks)
(Apr 2007, 5 Marks) (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
(Aug 2016, 3 Marks)
Write short note on sternomastoid muscle.
(May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. Introduction: It is a largest muscle of side of neck and
divides it into two triangles, i.e. anterior triangle and
posterior triangle.
Origin: It takes origin from two heads.
1. Sternal head: It takes origin from superolateral part
in front of manubrium sterni.
2. Clavicular head: It takes origin from medial 1/3
of superior aspect of clavicle. It passes vertically
upward deep to sternal head with which it unites
to form a fusion belly.
Insertion: Muscle is inserted:
Fig. 36: Boundaries of posterior triangle
1. By a thick tendon into the lateral surface of mastoid
process from its tip to superior border.
2. By thin aponeurosis into the lateral half of superior
nuchal line of occipital bone.
Nerve supply
Spinal accessory nerve provides motor supply.
Branches from ventral rami of C2 are proprioceptive.

The sternocleidomastoid muscle is enclosed in the investing
layer of deep cervical fascia, and is pierced by the accessory
nerve and by the four sternocleidomastoid arteries. It has the
following relations.

Superficial Relations
♦ Skin
♦ Superficial fascia
Superficial lamina of the deep cervical fascia
Fig. 37: Contents of posterior triangle ♦ Platysma.
26 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ External jugular vein and superficial cervical lymph nodes ♦ When both muscles contract together:
lying along the vein. They draw the head forwards, as in eating and in lifting
♦ Great auricular the head from a pillow.
Transverse or anterior cutaneous. With the longus colli, they flex the neck against
Medial supraclavicular nerves resistance.
Lesser occipital nerve It also helps in forced inspiration.
♦ The parotid gland overlaps the muscle.
Applied Anatomy
Deep Relations
♦ Torticollis or wry neck: It is a clinical condition in which
♦ Bones and joints:
head is bent to one side and chin points to opposite side.
Mastoid process above
This occur because of spasm of sternocleidomastoid and
Sternoclavicular joint below.
trapezius muscles.
♦ Carotid sheath
♦ Muscles: ♦ Sternomastoid tumor: It is the swelling in middle third of
Sternohyoid sternomastoid muscle due to edema and ischemic necrosis
Sternothyroid caused by the birth trauma.
Three scaleni
Levator scapulae
Splenius capitis
Longissimus capitis
Posterior belly of digastric.
♦ Arteries:
Common carotid
Internal carotid
External carotid
Sternocleidomastoid arteries, two from the occipital
artery, one from the superior thyroid, one from the
Transverse cervical
♦ Veins:
Internal jugular
Fig. 39: Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Anterior jugular
Facial Q.5. Write a short note on external jugular vein.
Lingual (Oct 2016, 3 Marks) (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
♦ Nerves: (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
Vagus Ans. It is a large vein present in superficial fascia under cover
Parts of IX, XI, XII of platysma muscle.
Cervical plexus
Upper part of brachial plexus
Ansa cervicalis
♦ Lymph nodes, deep cervical.
Blood Supply
Arterial supply is from one branch, i.e. each from superior
thyroid artery and suprascapular artery and two branches
from the occipital artery supply the big muscle. Veins follow
the arteries.

♦ When one muscle contracts:
It turns the chin to the opposite side.
It can also tilt the head towards the shoulder of same
side. Fig. 40: The external jugular vein
Anatomy  27

Course ♦ Muscular branches:

♦ External jugular vein is formed by the union of posterior a. Two small branches to levator scapulae
division of retromandibular vein and posterior auricular b. Two small branches to trapezius
vein behind mandible just below parotid gland. c. Nerve to rhomboids.
♦ The origin lies within the lower part of parotid gland or ♦ C5 and C6 roots of brachial plexus.
just below it. The level corresponds to angle of mandible. Occipital artery: It crosses the apex of posterior triangle
From here vein run downwards and somewhat backwards superficial to splenius capitis
and ends by joining subcutaneous vein.
Spinal accessory nerve: It emerges little above the middle of
♦ The termination lies behind middle of the clavicle, near
posterior border of sternocleidomastoid. It runs via tunnel in
lateral margin of scalene anterior muscle.
the fascia and form roof of triangle and pass downward and
♦ The greater part of vein is superficial being covered by skin,
laterally and disappear under anterior border of trapezius.
superficial fascia and platysma. It pierces the deep fascia
near its termination to reach subcutaneous vein. Four cutaneous branches of cervical plexus: All the branches
♦ The vein crosses the sternocleidomastoid obliquely running pierce fascia covering floor of triangle and pass through the
downwards and backwards at the level of anteroinferior triangle and pierce the deep fascia to become cutaneous.
angle of posterior triangle. It pierces the deep fascia and 1. Anterior cutaneous nerve: Arises from ventral rami of C2
opens in subclavian vein. and C3 and run across sternomastoid to supply skin and
neck to sternum.
Tributaries 2. Supraclavicular nerve: Formed by ventral rami of C3
1. Transverse cervical vein and C4 nerves. The nerve emerges at posterior border of
2. Suprascapular vein sternocleidomatoid muscle.
3. Anterior jugular vein 3. Greater auricular nerve: It is the largest ascending branch
4. Posterior external jugular vein. of cervical plexus. It arises from ventral rami of C2 and
Oblique jugular vein connects external jugular vein with internal C3 nerves. It ascends on sternomastoid muscle to reach
jugular vein across middle one-third of anterior border of parotid gland where it subdivides into anterior and
sternocleidomastoid. posterior branches.
4. Lesser occipital: It arises from ventral ramus of C2 of spinal
Applied Anatomy
cord. It is visible at posterior border of sternocleidomastoid
♦ Right external jugular vein is examined to assess the muscle.
venous pressure; right atrial pressure is reflected in it ♦ Transverse cervical artery: It is a branch of thyrocervical
as there are no valves in it through its entire course. It is trunk. It crosses scalenus anterior, phrenic nerve, upper
straight. trunk of brachial plexus, nerve to subclavius, supra-
♦ As external jugular vein pierces the fascia, margins of vein scapular nerve and scalenus medius.
adhere to fascia. So if vein get cut, it should not be closed ♦ Muscular branches: These branches appear about middle
and air is sucked due to negative intrathoracic pressure. of sternocleidomastoid. Those to levator scapulae ends
This leads to air embolism for preventing this deep fascia into it and branches to trapezius runs below and parallel
has to be cut. to accessory nerve across the middle of the triangle.
Q.6. Discuss anatomy of posterior triangles of neck. Add a
note on its applied anatomy. (June 2010, 10 Marks) Subclavian Triangle
Ans. Posterior triangle is subdivided by inferior belly of It consists of:
omohyoid into: ♦ Three trunks of brachial plexus.
1. A large upper part which is known as occipital triangle. ♦ Nerve to serratus anterior.
2. A smaller lower part which is known as supraclavicular ♦ Nerve to subclavius.
or subclavian triangle. ♦ Suprascapular nerve.
Occipital Triangle ♦ Subclavian artery.
♦ Suprascapular artery.
From above to downward it consists of: ♦ Subclavian vein.
♦ Occipital artery at apex
Three trunks of brachial plexus: They emerge between scalenus
♦ Spinal accessory nerve
anterior and scalenus medius. It carries axillary sheath around
♦ Four cutaneous branches of cervical plexus, i.e.
a. Lesser occipital them. Sheath consists of brachial plexus and subclavian artery.
b. Greater auricular All the structures lie deep to the floor of triangle.
c. Anterior cutaneous nerve of neck Nerve to serratus anterior: It arises by three roots. Roots from
d. Supraclavicular nerves. C5 and C6 pierce the scalenus medius and join the root from
♦ Transverse cervical artery and vein C7 over the first digitations of serratus anterior.
28 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 41: Floor of posterior triangle of neck

Q.9. Write in short on deep fascia of neck.

(Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Ans. Deep fascia of neck is condensed to form following
layers, i.e.
Investing layer
Pretracheal layer
Prevertebral layer
Carotid sheath
Buccopharyngeal fascia
Pharyngobasilar fascia

Investing Layer
This layer lies deep to platysma and surrounds neck like a collar.
It forms roof of posterior triangle of neck.
For more details refer to Ans 1 of the same chapter.

Pretracheal Layer
Importance of this fascia is that it encloses and suspends the
thyroid gland and forms its false capsule.
(Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
Prevertebral Fascia
Ans. Muscles forming the floor of posterior triangle of neck
are: It lies in front of prevertebral muscles and forms the floor of
Splenius capitis posterior triangle of neck.
Levator scapulae
Carotid Sheath
Scalenus medius
Semispinalis capitis It is a condensation of fibroareolar tissue around the main
Muscular floor of posterior triangle is covered by the vessels of neck. It is formed on anterior aspect by the pretracheal
prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia which forms fascia and on posterior aspect by prevertebral fascia. Contents
first carpet of floor of posterior triangle of neck. are common or internal carotid arteries, internal jugular vein
Anatomy  29

 Pharyngeal vein which end in internal jugular vein.

Lingual vein which terminates in internal jugular vein.

(Aug 2018, 1 Mark)

Ans. It is a clinical condition in which head is bent to one side
and chin points to opposite side.


Q.1. Write a short note on boundaries and contents of
carotid triangle. (Sep 2004, 5 Marks)
Write short answer on contents of carotid triangle.
(Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
Ans. Boundaries of Carotid Triangle Fig. 42: Boundaries and contents of carotid triangle
• Anterosuperiorly: Posterior belly of digastric muscle
and stylohyoid C. Nerves:
• Anteroinferiorly: Superior belly of omohyoid. Vagus running vertically downwards Superior
• Posteriorly: Anterior border of sternocleidomastoid laryngeal branch of vagus, dividing in
muscle. external and internal laryngeal nerves.
Roof: Spinal accessory nerve running backward over internal
jugular vein
1. Skin.
Hypoglossal nerve running forward over external and
2. Superfacial fascia containing:
internal carotid artieries
a. Platysma.
Sympathetic chain run vertically downward posterior
b. Cervical branch of facial nerve.
to carotid sheath. Carotid sheath with its contents.
c. Transverse cutaneous nerve of neck.
3. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia D. Lymph nodes: Deep cervical lymph nodes are situated
along internal jugular vein, and include jugulodiagastric
Floor: It is formed by part of: node below the posterior belly of digastric and jugu-
1. Middle constrictor of pharynx loomohyoid node above the inferior belly of omohyoid.
2. Inferior constrictor of pharynx
Q.2. Write a short note on ansa cervicalis (Ansa Hypoglos-
3. Thyrohyoid membrane.
si). (Sep 2004, 5 Marks) (Dec 2010, 3 Marks)
Contents of Carotid Triangle (Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
A. Arteries:
Common carotid artery with carotid sinus and carotid Write short note on ansa cervicalis. (Sep 2018, 5 Marks)
body at its termination (Aug 2016, 3 Marks) (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
Internal carotid artery Or
External carotid artery with its superior thyroid,
Write short answer on ansa cervicalis.
lingual, facial, ascending pharyngeal and occipital
branches. (Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
B. Veins: Ans. It is a thin nerve loop that lies embedded in the anterior
Internal jugular vein wall of carotid sheath on lower part of larynx. It supplies
Common facial vein draining into internal jugular vein. infrahyoid muscles.
30 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Formation: It is formed by superior and inferior root.

Superior root is continuation of descending branch
of hypoglossal nerve. Its fibers are derived from
first cervical nerve. This root descends over internal
carotid artery and common carotid artery.
Inferior root is derived from second and third
cervical spinal nerves. As this root descends, it winds
round the internal jugular vein and then continues
anterioinferiorly to join superior root in front of
common carotid artery.

♦ Superior root: To the superior belly of omohyoid.
♦ Ansa Cervicalis: To sternohyoid, sternothyroid and Fig. 44: Branches of external carotid artery
inferior belly of omohyoid.
Q.4. Write a short note on lingual artery.
Diagram of Ansa Cervicalis (Aug/Sep 1998, 4 Marks)
Ans. The lingual artery arises from the external carotid artery
opposite the tip of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone.
This artery is tortuous in its course. Its course is divided
into three parts by the hyoglossus muscle:
1. First part lies in the carotid triangle. It forms a
characteristic upward loop which is crossed by the
hypoglossal nerve. The lingual loop permits free
movements of the hyoid bone.
2. Second part lies deep to the hyoglossus along the
upper border of hyoid bone. It is superficial to the
middle constrictor of the pharynx.
3. Third part is called the arteria profunda linguae,
or the deep lingual artery. It runs upwards along
the anterior border of the hyoglossus, and then
horizontally forwards on the undersurface of the
tongue as the fourth part.
In its vertical course, it lies between the genioglossus
Fig. 43: Ansa cervicalis medially and the inferior longitudinal muscle of the
tongue laterally. The horizontal part of the artery is
Q.3. Enumerate the branches of external carotid artery. accompanied by the lingual nerve.
(Mar 2000, 4 Marks) (Apr 2007, 3 Marks)
During surgical removal of tongue the first part of artery is
(Sep 2007, 3 Marks) (Feb 2013, 2 Marks) ligated before it gives any branch to tongue or to the tonsil.
Name the branches of external carotid artery.
(Aug 2018, 1 Mark)
Ans. It gives off 8 branches which are:
A. Anteriorly
1. Superior thyroid artery.
2. Lingual artery.
3. Facial artery.
B. Posteriorly
1. Occipital artery.
2. Posterior auricular artery.
C. Medially
1. Ascending pharyngeal artery.
D. Terminally
1. Maxillary artery.
2. Superficial temporal artery. Fig. 45: Lingual artery
Anatomy  31

Q.5. Write short note on digastric triangle. 

(Feb 2013, 5 Marks) (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
(Aug 2016, 3 Marks)
Ans. Digastric triangle is so named because it is located
between the two bellies of digastric muscle and below
the base of mandible.
The boundaries of the digastric triangle are as follows:
• Anteroinferiorly: Anterior belly of digastric.
• Posteroinferiorly: Posterior belly of digastric and
• Superiorly (base): Base of the mandible and a line
joining the angle of the mandible to the mastoid
Roof: The roof of the triangle is formed by:
1. Skin.
2. Superficial fascia containing:
a. Platysma
b. Cervical branch of the facial nerve
c. The ascending branch of the transverse
(anterior) cutaneous nerve of the neck.
3. Deep fascia, which splits to enclose the sub-
mandibular salivary gland. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
Floor: The floor is formed by the mylohoid muscle
anteriorly, and by the hyoglossus posteriorly. A Ans. External carotid artery is the terminal branch of
small part of the middle constrictor muscle of the common carotid artery.
pharynx appears in the floor. External carotid artery gives off 8 branches:

Anterior Branches
♦ Superior thyroid artery: It passes deep to three long
infrahyoid muscles to reach the upper pole of lateral lobe
of thyroid gland. Apart from its terminal branches to
thyroid gland, it gives one important branch, i.e. superior
laryngeal artery which pierces thyrohyoid membrane in
company with internal laryngeal nerve.
♦ Lingual artery: The lingual artery arises from the external
carotid artery opposite the tip of the greater cornua of the
hyoid bone. This artery is tortuous in its course. Its course
is divided into three parts by the hyoglossus muscle:
First part lies in the carotid triangle. It forms a
Fig. 46: Boundaries of digastric triangle characteristic upward loop which is crossed by the
hypoglossal nerve. The lingual loop permits free
Contents movements of the hyoid bone.
Second part lies deep to the hyoglossus along the
A. Anterior part of the triangle upper border of hyoid bone. It is superficial to the
1. Structures superficial to mylohyoid are: middle constrictor of the pharynx.
a. Superficial part of the submandibular salivary Third part is called the arteria profunda linguae, or the
gland. deep lingual artery. It runs upwards along the anterior
b. The facial vein and submandibular lymph nodes are border of the hyoglossus, and then horizontally
superficial to it and the facial artery is deep to it. forwards on the undersurface of the tongue as the
c. Submental artery. fourth part.
d. Mylohyoid nerve and vessels. In its vertical course, it lies between the genioglossus
2. Structures superficial to the hyoglossus are: medially and the inferior longitudinal muscle of the
a. Submandibular salivary gland tongue laterally. The horizontal part of the artery is
b. Intermediate tendon of the digastric and the accompanied by the lingual nerve.
stylohyoid ♦ Facial artery: It arises from the external carotid just above
c. Hypoglossal nerve. the tip of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone. It runs
32 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

upwards first in the neck as cervical part and then on the

face as facial part. The course of the artery in both places
is tortuous.
Cervical part of the facial artery runs upwards on the
superior constrictor of pharynx deep to the posterior
belly of the digastric with the stylohyoid and to the
ramus of the mandible. It grooves the posterior border
of the submandibular salivary gland. Next the artery
makes an S-bend (two loops) first winding down over
the submandibular gland, and then up over the base
of the mandible.
Facial part of the facial artery enters the face at
anteroinferior angle of masseter muscle, runs upwards
close to angle of mouth, side of nose till medial angle
of eye.
The cervical part of the facial artery gives off the
ascending palatine, tonsillar, submental, and glandular (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
branches for the submandibular salivary gland and Or
lymph nodes. Write in brief on external carotid artery.
Ascending palatine artery arises near the origin
of the facial artery. It passes upwards between the (Sep 2015, 5 Marks)
styloglossus and stylopharyngeus crosses over the Ans. External carotid artery is one of the terminal branches
upper border of the superior constrictor and supplies of the common carotid artery. It lies anterior to the
the tonsil and the root of the tongue. internal carotid artery, and is the main artery of supply
Submental branch is a large artery which accompanies to structures in the front of neck and in the face.
the mylohyoid nerve, and supplies the submental
Course and Relations
triangle and the sublingual salivary gland.
♦ It begins inside the carotid triangle at the level of upper
Posterior Branches border of the thyroid cartilage opposite the disc between
♦ Occipital artery: It arises from the posterior aspect of the third and fourth cervical vertebrae. The artery runs
external carotid artery, opposite the origin of the facial upwards and slightly backwards and laterally, and
artery. Hypoglossal nerve cross this artery at its origin. In terminates behind the neck of mandible by dividing into
the carotid triangle the artery gives off two sternocleido- maxillary and superficial temporal arteries.
mastoid branches. Upper branch accompanies accessory ♦ External carotid artery consists of slightly curved course, so
nerve and lower branches arises near origin of occipital that it is anteromedial to internal carotid artery in its lower part
artery. and anterolateral to internal carotid artery in its upper part.
♦ Posterior auricular artery: It arises from posterior aspect of ♦ In carotid triangle, external carotid artery is comparatively
external carotid just above the posterior belly of diagastric. superficial, and lies under cover of anterior border of the
It run upward and backward deep to parotid gland and sternocleidomastoid. It is crossed superficially by the
superficial to styloid process. It crosses base of mastoid cervical branch of facial nerve, hypoglossal nerve, and
process and ascend behind auricle. It supplies back of facial, lingual and superior thyroid veins. Deep to external
auricle skin over mastoid process and over back of scalp. carotid artery lies:
The wall of the pharynx.
Medial Branches Superior laryngeal nerve which divides into external
and internal laryngeal nerves.
Ascending pharyngeal: It is a small branch which arises from
Ascending pharyngeal artery
medial side of external carotid artery. It runs vertically upwards ♦ Above the carotid triangle, external carotid artery lies
between the side wall of pharynx, tonsil, medial wall of middle deep in the substance of parotid gland. Within the gland,
ear and auditory tube. It send meningeal branches in cranial cavity it is related superficially to the retromandibular vein and
via foramen lacerum, jugular foramen and hypoglossal canal. the facial nerve. Deep to external carotid artery, there are:
Terminal Branches Internal carotid artery.
Structures passing between the external and internal
1. Maxillary artery: It is the larger branch and begins behind carotid arteries, i.e. styloglossus, stylopharyngeus,
the neck of mandible. It run forward deep to the neck glossopharyngeal nerve, pharyngeal branch of vagus,
of mandible below auriculotemporal nerve and enter and styloid process.
infratemporal fossa. Two structures deep to internal carotid artery, namely
2. Superficial temporal artery: Refer to Ans 7 of the same the superior laryngeal nerve and superior cervical
chapter. sympathetic ganglion.
Anatomy  33

Fig. 47: External carotid artery with its branches

Branches of External Carotid Artery ♦ Roof:

It gives off 8 branches which are:
Superfacial fascia containing:
Anteriorly – Platysma.
– Cervical branch of facial nerve.
♦ Superior thyroid artery.
– Transverse cutaneous nerve of neck.
♦ Lingual artery.
Investing layer of deep cervical fascia
♦ Facial artery.
♦ Floor: It is formed by parts of:
Posteriorly Middle constrictor of pharynx
Inferior constrictor of pharynx
♦ Occipital artery.
Thyrohyoid membrane.
♦ Posterior auricular artery.
♦ Ascending pharyngeal artery.
♦ Maxillary artery.

Q.9. Describe carotid triangle with labeled diagram.
(Apr 2018, 10 Marks)
Name any four contents of carotid triangle.
(Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
Ans. Carotid triangle is so called because it consists of all three
carotid arteries, i.e. common carotid, internal carotid and
external carotid.

Boundaries of Carotid Triangle

♦ Anterosuperiorly: Posterior belly of digastrics muscle;
and stylohyoid
♦ Anteroinferiorly: Superior belly of omohyoid.
♦ Posteriorly: Anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
muscle. Fig. 48: Boundaries and contents of carotid triangle
34 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Contents of Carotid Triangle Carotid Body

♦ Arteries It is a small, oval, red brown structure situated behind
Common carotid artery with carotid sinus and carotid bifurcation of common carotid artery. It receives rich nerve
body at its termination supply mainly from glossopharyngeal nerve but also from
Internal carotid artery vagus nerve and sympathetic nerve. Carotid body act as
External carotid artery with its superior thyroid, chemoreceptor and respond to changes occur in oxygen, carbon
lingual, facial, ascending pharyngeal and occipital dioxide and pH content of blood.
External Carotid Artery and Its Branches
♦ Veins
Internal jugular vein For details refer to Ans 8 and Ans 6 of the same chapter.
Common facial vein draining into internal jugular vein
Ansa Cervicalis and Ansa Hypoglossi
Pharyngeal vein which usually ends in the internal
jugular vein For details refer to Ans 2 of same chapter.
Lingual vein which usually terminates in the internal Q.10. Name the infrahyoid muscles. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
jugular vein.
♦ Nerves
Enumerate infrahyoid muscles in neck.
Vagus nerve running vertically downwards
Superior laryngeal branch of vagus, dividing into (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
external and internal laryngeal nerves Ans. Infrahyoid muscles are ribbon like and comprises of
Spinal accessory nerve running backward over internal following four paired muscles:
jugular vein 1. Sternothyroid
Hypoglossal nerve running forward over external and 2. Sternohyoid
internal carotid arteries 3. Thyrohyoid
Sympathetic chain running vertically downwards 4. Omohyoid
posterior to carotid sheath. Carotid sheath with its Q.11. Enumerate midline structures of neck.
contents. (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
♦ Lymph nodes: Deep cervical lymph nodes which are Ans. Following are the midline structures of neck from above
situated along the internal jugular vein, and include the to downwards:
jugulodigastric node below the posterior belly of digastrics Symphysis menti
and jugulo omohyoid node above the inferior belly of Fibrous raphae
omohyoid. Hyoid bone
Medial thyrohyoid ligament
Relevant Features of Contents of Carotid Triangle
Upper border of thyroid cartilage
Common Carotid Artery Angle of thyroid cartilage
Median cricothyroid ligament
Right common carotid artery is the branch of brachiocephalic
Cricoid cartilage
artery. It begins inside the neck behind the right sternoclavicular First tracheal ring
joint. Isthmus of thyroid gland
Left common carotid artery is the branch of arch of aorta. Inferior thyroid veins
It begins inside the thorax in front of trachea opposite to point Thyroidea ima artery
little to left of center of manubirum. It ascends to back of left Jugular venous arch
sternoclavicular joint and enters neck. Suprasternal notch
Inside the neck both arteries have same course.
Each artery run upward inside the carotid sheath under
cover of anterior border of sternocleidomastoid. At the level of 6. THE PAROTID REGION
upper border of thyroid cartilage, artery ends by dividing into
external and internal carotid arteries. 

Carotid Sinus
Termination of common carotid artery or beginning of internal
carotid artery shows slight dilatation known as carotid sinus. In
carotid sinus, tunica media is thin, while the tunica adventitia
is thick and receives rich innervations from glossopharyngeal
and sympathetic nerves. Carotid sinus act as baroreceptor and
regulates blood pressure. (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
Anatomy  35

Or External Features
 The gland resembles a three-sided pyramid with apex directed
downwards. It presents the following features:
An apex which is directed downwards.

(Aug 2018, 10 Marks) Four Surfaces

b. Relations 1. Superior surface or base
c. Nerve supply 2. Superficial surface
d. Applied anatomy 3. Anteromedial surface
Ans. Parotid is the largest of all salivary glands. It weights 4. Posteromedial surface.
about 15 g.
Situation: It is situated below external auditory meatus, Three Borders
between ramus of mandible and sternomastoid. They seperate the surfaces:
Anteriorly, the gland overlaps masseter muscle. A part 1. Anterior
of this forward extension is often detached and is known 2. Posterior
as accessory parotid, it lies between zygomatic arch and 3. Medial.
parotid duct.
Parotid Capsule
A. The apex
♦ Investing layer of the deep cervical fascia forms a capsule
It overlaps posterior belly of digastric and adjoining part
for the gland.
of carotid triangle.
♦ Fascia splits to enclose the gland.
Cervical branch of facial nerve.
♦ Superficial lamina is thick and adherent to the gland is
attached above to the zygomatic arch. The deep lamina is Two divisions of retromandibular vein.
thin and is attached to the styloid process, mandible and B. The superior surface
tympanic plate. It forms upper end of gland which is small and concave.
♦ A portion of the deep lamina extending between the It is related to:
styloid process and mandible is thickened to form the Cartilaginous part of external auditory meatus.
stylomandibular ligament which separates the parotid Posterior surface of temporomandibular joint.
gland from the submandibular salivary gland. External Superficial temporal vessels.
carotid artery pierces the stylomandibular ligament. Auriculotemporal nerve.

Fig. 49: Relations of parotid gland

36 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

C. The superficial surface: It is the largest of all four surfaces Structures within Parotid Gland
and is covered with:
1. Arteries: External carotid artery enters gland through
posteromedial surface. Maxillary artery leaves gland
Superfacial facia containing anterior branches of through anteromedial surface. Superficial temporal artery
great auricular nerve, preauricular lymph node and give transverse facial artery and emerges at anterior part
posterior fibers of platysma and risorius. of superior surface.
Parotid fascia is thick and adherent to gland
Few deep parotid lymph nodes embedded in gland.
D. Anteromedial surface: It is grooved by posterior border
of ramus of mandible. It is related to:
Lateral surface of temporomandibular joint
Medial pterygoid
Posterior border of ramus of mandible
Emerging branches of facial nerve.

Fig. 51: Arterial supply

2. Veins: Retromandibular vein is formed inside the gland

by the union of superficial temporal and maxillary veins.
In the lower part of gland, veins divide in anterior and
posterior division which emerge at close to apex of gland.

Fig. 50: Shape, surfaces and borders of right parotid gland

Fig. 52: Venous drainage
E. Posteromedial surface
It is moulded to mastoid and styloid process and structures 3. Nerve: Facial nerve exit from cranial cavity via stylomastoid
attached to them. So it is related to: foramen and enter the gland through upper part of its
Mastoid process with sternocleidomastoid muscle and posteromedial surface and divides into terminal branches
posterior belly of digastric inside the gland. Branches leave the gland via anteromedial
surface and appear on surface of anterior border. Facial
Styloid process with structures attached to it
nerve lies in relation to isthumus of gland which separates
External carotid artery enters the gland through this
large superficial part from small deep part of gland. Facial
surface and internal carotid artery lies deep to styloid
nerve divides into two branches, i.e. temporofacial and
cervicofacial. Temporofacial divides into temporal and
F. Anterior border
zygomatic branches, while cervicofacial divides into
It separates superficial surface from anteromedial surface.
buccal, marginal mandibular and cervical branches.
It is related to:
4. Parotid lymph nodes
Parotid duct
Parotid duct: It is thick walled and is about 5 cm long.
Terminal branches of facial nerve
It emerges from middle of anterior border of the gland.
Transverse facial vessels. It runs forward and slightly downward on masseter.
In addition the accessory parotid gland lies on parotid duct Because of oblique course of duct through buccinator
close to this border. inflation of duct is prevented during blowing. The
G. Posterior border: It separates superficial surface from duct run forwards for a short distance between the
posteromedial surface. It overlaps sternomastoid muscle. buccinator and oral mucosa. Finally the duct turn
H. Medial border: It separates anteromedial surface from medially and opens in vestibule of mouth opposite
posteromedial surface it is related to lateral wall of phaynx. the crown of upper second molar tooth.
Anatomy  37

Fig. 53: Nerve supply to parotid gland

Blood supply: Applied Anatomy

– Parotid gland is supplied by the external carotid ♦ Parotid swellings are very painful due to unyeilding nature
artery and its branches which arise inside the of parotid fascia.
gland. ♦ Mumps is an infectious disease of salivary glands caused by
– Veins drain into external jugular vein and internal the specific virus. Viral parotitis or mumps characteristically
jugular vein. does not suppurate. It leads to complications such as
Lymphatic Drainage orchitis and pancreatitis.
♦ Parotid abscess is caused by spread of infection through
Lymph drains first to the parotid lymph nodes and from there oral cavity. An abscess may also form due to suppuration
to upper deep cervical nodes. of parotid lymph nodes draining an infected area. Parotid
abscess is best drained by horizontal incison called as
Nerve Supply Hilton s method.
Motor Supply ♦ During surgical removal of parotid gland, the facial
nerve is preserved by removing gland into two parts, i.e.
a. Parasympathetic nerves are secretomotor. They reach superficial and deep parts separately, plane of cleavage is
the gland through the auriculotemporal nerve. The defined by tracing nerve from behind forwards.
preganglionic fibers begin in the inferior salivary nucleus ♦ Mixed parotid tumor is slowly growing, lobulated, painless
pass through the 9th nerve, its tympanic branch, tympanic tumor without involvement of facial nerve. Malignant
plexus and lesser petrosal nerve, and relay in otic ganglion. changes of such tumor are indicated by pain, rapid
The postganglionic fibers pass through auriculotemporal growth, fixity with hardness, involvement of facial nerve,
nerve and reach the gland. enlargement of cervical lymph nodes.
b. Sympathetic nerves are vasomotor and they are derived Q.2. Describe the parotid gland. Write a note on its
from plexus at middle meningeal artery. secretomotor fibers.

Sensory Supply

Sensory nerves to gland come from the auriculotemporal nerve.
Parotid fascia is innervated by the sensory fibers of greater
auricular nerve.
38 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

the inferior salivary nucleus pass through the 9th nerve,

its tympanic branch, tympanic plexus and lesser petrosal
nerve, and relay in otic ganglion. The postganglionic fibers
pass through the auriculotemporal nerve and reach the
Q.3. Write a short note on parotid duct.
(Mar 2000, 5 Marks) (Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
(Dec 2012, 3 Marks)
Ans. Introduction: It is thick walled and is about 5 cm long.
It emerges from middle of anterior border of the gland.
It runs forward and slightly downward on masseter.

♦ Superiorly: Accessory parotid gland, upper buccal branch
of facial nerve and transverse facial vessels.
♦ Inferiorly: Lower buccal branch of facial nerve.
At the anterior border of masseter it turns medially and
a. Buccal pad of fat. (June 2010, 15 Marks)
b. Buccopharyngeal fascia. Ans. For nerve supply refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
c. Buccinator. For histology refer to Ans 17 and 18 of HISTOLOGY
Because of oblique course of duct through buccinator SECTION.
inflation of duct is prevented during blowing. The
duct run forwards for a short distance between the Structures within the Gland
buccinator and oral mucosa. Finally the duct turn Structures within the parotid gland from medial to lateral side
medially and opens in vestibule of mouth opposite
the crown of upper second molar tooth.
1. Arteries: Refer to Ans 1 of same chapter
Q.4. Describe parotid under the following headings. (a) 2. Veins: Refer to Ans 1 of same chapter
Gross anatomy with nerve supply (b) Histology and 3. Facial Nerve: Refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
Development (in brief). (Apr 2008, 8 Marks)
Q.8. Write very short answer on parotid duct opening.
Ans. For gross anatomy with nerve supply refer to Ans 1 of
the same chapter. For histology refer to Ans 17 and 18 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
of HISTOLOGY SECTION. Ans. Parotid duct pierces the buccinator muscle and then
opens into the oral cavity on the inner surface of cheek,
Development: The parotid gland is an elongated
usually opposite the maxillary second molar tooth.
furrow running dorsally from angle of mouth between
mandibular and maxillary prominences. Parotid papilla is a small elevation of tissue that marks
opening of the parotid duct on the inner surface of cheek.
 The groove which is converted into a tube looses
its connection with the epithelium of mouth, except at
its ventral end, and grows dorsally into substance of
cheek. The tube persist as parotid duct and its blind 7. TEMPORAL AND
end proliferates in the local mesenchyme to form gland. INFRATEMPORAL REGION
Subsequently size of oral fissure is reduced by partial
fusion between maxillary and mandibular prominences 
and duct opens thereafter on inside of cheek at some
distance from angle of mouth.
Q.5. Write in short on parotid gland. (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) (Apr 2010, 20 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 1 of the same chapter. Or
Q.6. Describe parotid gland under following heading: 
(Feb 2013, 10 Marks) (May/June 2009, 15 Marks)
a. Introduction Or
b. Capsule
c. Relations Describe muscles of mastication.
d. Development (Sep 2017, 10 Marks)
e. Histology Or
Anatomy  39

Name the muscles of mastication. Tabulate them under

following headings: a. origin, b. course, c. insertion, d.
blood supply, e. nerve supply, f. action. (Feb 2004, 10 Marks)
(Aug 2016, 10 Marks) (Jan 2018, 10 Marks)
Enumerate muscles of mastication. Give origin, (Aug 2012, 10 Marks)
insertion, nerve supply. (Mar 2000, 6 Marks) Or
Or Write short note on temporalis muscle.
(Feb 2013, 5 Marks)

(Aug 2011, 10 Marks)

Or (Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
Enumerate muscles of mastication. Give origin,
insertion, nerve supply and action of massater muscle
(Feb 2016, 10 Marks)
(Feb 2016, 3 Marks)

Write short note on lateral pterygoid muscle.
(June 2010, 5 Marks) (Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
 (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
(Mar 2007, 4 Marks) Write short answer on relations of lateral pterygoid.
 (Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
Ans. Enumeration of muscles of mastication
Lateral pterygoid
(Apr 2018, 3 Marks) Medial pterygoid

Muscles of mastication
Blood Nerve
Muscle Origin Course Insertion supply Relations supply Action
Masseter a. Superficial • Superficial a. Superficial It is • Superficially: Are Masseteric a. Elevates
It is layer: From fibers pass layer: Into supplied skin, platysma, nerve, mandible
quadrilateral anterior 2/3 of downward lower part by risorius, zygomaticus branch of to close the
in shape lower border of and of lateral masseteric major, and parotid anterior mouth to bite
and covers backward gland duct, facial division of
zygomatic arch surface of artery b. Superficial
lateral at 45° nerve and transverse mandilbular
and adjoining ramus of fibers cause
surface of • Middle facial vessels cross nerve
ramus of zygomatic fibers pass mandible the muscle protrusion
mandible. process of vertically b. Middle layer: • Medially: Temporalis
It has three maxilla downwards Into central and Mandibular
layers b. Middle layer: • Deep part of ramus ramus. Fat separates
From lower fibers pass of mandible it anteriorly from
border of vertically c. Deep layer: buccinator. The
posterior 1/3 of downwards Into rest of massetric nerve and
zygomatic arch ramus of
• Posteriorly: Margin
c. Deep layer: From mandible is overlapped by the
deep surface of parotid gland, anterior
zygomatic arch margin projects over
buccinator and is
crossed below by
facial vein.
40 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Muscles of mastication
Blood Nerve
Muscle Origin Course Insertion supply Relations supply Action
Temporalis a. Temporal fossa Anterior fibers a. Margins and It is • Superficial: Skin, Two deep a. Elevates
It is fan b. Temporal fascia run vertically, deep surface supplied auricularis anterior temporal mandible
shaped middle fibers of coronoid by the and superior, branches b. Posterior
and fills obliquely process anterior temporal fascia, from fibers retract
temporal and posterior superficial temporal
b. Anterior and anterior protruded
fossa fibers vessels, auricular
border of posterior division of mandible
horizontally. temporal nerve,
All of them ramus of deep temporal branches mandibular c. Helps in
converge and mandible temporal of facial nerve, nerve side to side
pass through arteries zygomaticotemporal grinding
a gap deep which are nerve, apocranial movement
to zygomatic branches aponeuresis,
arch of the zygomatic arch and
internal masseter
• Medial: Temporal
fossa, lateral
artery pterygoid, superficial
head of medial
pterygoid, a small
part of buccinator,
the maxillary artery
and its deep temporal
branches, deep
temporal nerves and
buccal nerve and
• Posterior: The
tendon, massetric
vessels and nerve
that traverse the
mandibular incisure.
Fat separates its
anterior border from
the zygomatic bone
Lateral a. Upper Fibers run a. Pterygoid It is Superficial A branch a. Depresses
pterygoid head: From backward and fovea on supplied • Masseter from mandible
It is short intratemporal laterally and the anterior by • Ramus of mandible anterior to open
and conical, surface and crest converge for surface pterygoid • Tendon of temporalis division of mouth with
it consists • Maxillary artery
of greater wing insertion of neck of branches mandibular suprahyoid
of upper Deep
of sphenoid bone mandible of nerve muscle
and lower • Mandibular nerve
b. Lower head: b. Anterior maxillary b. Lateral
heads • Middle meningeal
From lateral margin of artery artery and medial
surface of lateral articular disc • Sphenomandibular pterygoid
pterygoid plate. and capsule ligament protrude
Origin is medial of temporo- • Deep head of the mandible
to insertion mandibular medial pterygoid c. Left lateral
joint Structures Emerging pterygoid
c. Insertion is at the Upper Border and right
posterolateral • Deep temporal medial
and is at pterygoid
• Masseteric nerve
higher level turn the chin
Structures Emerging
than origin at the Lower Border to left side
• Lingual nerve as a part
• Inferior alveolar nerve of grinding
• The middle meningeal movement
artery passes
upwards deep to it
Anatomy  41


Muscles of mastication
Blood Nerve
Muscle Origin Course Insertion supply Relations supply Action
Structures passing
through the Gap
between two heads
• Maxillary artery
enters the gap
• Buccal branch of the
mandibular nerve
comes out via gap
Pterygoid plexus of
veins surrounds the
lateral pterygoid
Medial a. Superficial head: Fibers run Roughned It is Superficial and deep Nerve to a. Elevates
pterygoid From tuberosity downwards, area of medial supplied heads of medial medial mandible
It is of maxilla and backwards surface of angle by pterygoid enclose the pterygoid, b. Helps in
quadrilateral adjoining bone and laterally and adjoining pterygoid lower head of lateral branch of protruding
and has b. Deep head: ramus of branches pterygoid muscle. the main mandible
a small From medial mandible below of trunk of c. Right medial
Superficial relations
superficial surface of lateral and behind maxillary mandibular pterygoid
pterygoid plate mandibular artery The upper part of the nerve with left
and a large
and adjoining foramen and muscle is separated lateral
deep head
process of mylohyoid from the lateral pterygoid
palatine bone groove pterygoid muscle by: turn the chin
• Lateral pterygoid to left side
• Lingual nerve
• Inferior alveolar
Lower down the muscle
is separated from the
ramus of mandible
by the lingual and
inferior alveolar nerves,
maxillary artery, and
Deep relations
The relations are:
• Tensor veli palatine
• Superior constrictor
of pharynx
• Styloglossus
• Stylopharyngeus
attached to the styloid

Fig. 54: Masseter muscle (superficial layer) Fig. 55: Masseter muscle (deeper layer)
42 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

(Jan 2012, 3 Marks)

Ans. Introduction: This is the larger terminal branch of
external carotid artery given off behind the neck of
mandible. It has wide territory of distribution and
supplies external and middle ears and auditory tube,
dura mater, upper and lower jaws, muscles of temporal
and infratemporal regions, nose and paranasal air
sinuses, palate, roof of pharynx. Maxillary artery is
Fig. 55: Temporalis muscle
divided into three parts, i.e. mandibular part, pterygoid
part and pterygopalatine part.

Branches of Maxillary Artery

1. First part, i.e. mandibular part
a. Deep auricular artery: Supplies to external auditory
meatus, tympanic membrane and temporomandibular
b. Anterior tympanic branch: Supplies to middle ear.
c. Middle meningeal artery
d. Accessory meningeal artery: Supplies to infratemporal
e. Inferior alveolar artery: Supplies to mandible
2. Second part, i.e. pterygoid part
It consists of:
a. Masseteric: Supplies to massater muscle
b. Deep temporal: Supplies to both branches of
Fig. 56: Lateral pterygoid muscle
c. Pterygoid: Supplies to lateral and medial pterygoid
d. Buccal: Supplies to skin of cheek.
3. Third part, i.e. pterygopalatine part
a. Posterior superior alveolar artery: It gives branches
which supply to molars, premolars and maxillary air
b. Infraorbital artery: It supplies to orbit, incisors and
canine. It also gives branches to lacrimal sac, nose and
upper lip.
c. Greater palatine artery: The branches of artery supply
to the gums.
d. The pharyngeal branch: Its supplies to part of
nasopharynx auditory tube and sphenoidal air sinus.
e. The artery of pterygoid canal: It supplies to pharynx,
auditory tube and tympanic cavity.
f. The sphenopalatine artery: The branches of artery
supplies to the paranasal air sinuses and posterior
Fig. 57: Medial pterygoid muscle septal branches to the nasal septum.
Anatomy  43

Fig. 59: Branches of maxillary artery (For colour version see Plate 1)

Q.3. Describe temporomandibular joint.

(Sep 2002, 10 Marks) (Apr 2003, 10 Marks)
 (Aug 2011, 10 Marks) (Dec 2014, 10 Marks)
 (Aug 2018, 10 Marks) (Apr 2008, 15 Marks)
Describe the temperomandibular joint. Add a note on
applied part. (Aug 2012, 10 Marks) (Oct 2014, 8 Marks)

(Dec 2010, 15 Marks)


(Apr 2015, 8 Marks)

(May 2017, 10 Marks)
a. Type, b. Articular surfaces, c. Ligaments, d. Movements
and muscle producing movements, e. Nerve and blood
(Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
Or Or
Write in short on temperomandibular joint. Write short note on movements of TM joint.
(July 2016, 5 Marks) (Aug 2018, 5 Marks)
Or Ans. Type B
Write a short note on TM joint. This is a synovial type of condylor variety joint.
(June 2010, 5 Marks) It consists of following parts of temporal bone forms upper
Or articular surface, i.e.
44 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ The articular tubercle ♦ Disc also distributes the weight across temporomandibular
♦ Anterior part of mandibular fossa joint by enhancing area of contact.
♦ Posterior non-articular part is formed by tympanic plate.
Relations of Temporomandibular Joint
Inferior articular surface is formed by the head of mandible.
Fibrocartilage covers the articular surfaces. ♦ Lateral: Skin and fasciae, parotid gland and temporal
Intra-articular disc divides joint cavity into upper and lower branches of facial nerve.
parts. ♦ Medial: Tympanic plate separates the joint from
internal carotid artery, spine of sphenoid with upper
Ligaments of Temporomandibular Joint end of sphenomandibular ligament attached to it,
auriculotemporal and chorda tympani nerves, middle
Following are the ligaments of temporomandibular joint: meningeal artery.
♦ Fibrous capsule: It is attached above the articular tubercle, ♦ Anterior: Lateral pterygoid, masseteric nerve and artery.
in front by circumference of mandibular fossa behind by ♦ Posterior: Parotid gland separates joint from external
squamotympanic fissure and below to neck of mandible. auditory meatus, superficial temporal vessels and
Above intra articular disc the capsule is loose and below auriculotemporal nerve.
it is tight. Synovial membrane lines the fibrous capsule ♦ Superior: Middle cranial fossa and middle meningeal
and neck of mandible. vessels.
♦ Lateral temporomandibular ligament: It reinforces and ♦ Inferior: Maxillary artery and vein.
provides strength to lateral part capsular ligament. Fibers
of ligament are directed downwards and backwards. Blood Supply
Ligament is attached above to articular tubercle and below It is supplied by the branches from superficial temporal and
to posterolateral aspect of ramus of mandible. maxillary arteries, veins usually follow arteries.
♦ Sphenomandibular ligament: This is an accessory
ligament which lies on deep plane away from fibrous Nerve Supply
capsule. The ligament is attached superiorly to spine of
Temporomandibular joint is supplied by the auriculotemporal
sphenoid and inferiorly to lingula of mandibular foramen.
nerve and masseteric nerve.
This is the remnant of dorsal part of Meckle s cartilage.
This ligament is related laterally to lateral pterygoid Lymphatic Drainage
muscle, auriculotemporal nerve and maxillary artery
while it is related medially to chorda tympani nerve Lymph from temporomandibular joint drains into:
and wall of pharynx. Near its lower end, it is pierced ♦ Superficial parotid nodes
by mylohyoid nerve and vessels. ♦ Deep parotid nodes
♦ Stylomandibular ligament: This is another accessory ♦ Upper deep cervical nodes.
ligament of joint. This ligament represents the thick part Movements of Temporomandibular Joint
of deep cervical fascia which causes the separation of
parotid and submandibular salivary glands. This ligament When temporomandibular joint of both the sides are in position
is attached above to lateral surface of styloid process and of rest, there exist a small free space between maxillary and
below to angle as well as adjacent part of posterior border mandibular teeth but lips are in contact. Various movements
of ramus of mandible. of mandible occur in this position.
Lower jaw can be depressed, elevated, protruded, retracted
Articular Disc and move from side to side due to movements of temporo-
♦ It is an oval fibrous plate which divides joint upper and mandibular joint.
lower compartments.
♦ Upper compartment leads to gliding movements and the Mechanism
lower compartment leads to both, i.e. rotatory as well as There are two basic movements which occur at temporoman-
gliding movements. dibular joint but with the help of muscles. Two basic movements
♦ Disc consists of concave convex superior surface and are gliding movement and rotational movement.
concave inferior surface. ♦ Upper meniscotemporal compartment of temporomandi-
♦ Periphery of articular disc gets attached to fibrous capsule. bular joint leads to gliding movements at the time of
♦ It also consists of an anterior extension, anterior thick protraction, retraction and chewing.
band, intermediate zone, posterior thick band and ♦ Lower meniscotemporal compartment permit rotation
bilaminar region which consists of venous plexus around two axis, i.e. transverse axis at the time of
♦ It prevents the friction between articulating surfaces. depression and elevation and vertical axis at the time of
♦ It act as a cushion and absorbs the shock. It also stabilizes side to side (chewing) movements.
the condyle by filling the space between articular surfaces. ♦ Movements occurring at temporomandibular joints are:
♦ Proprioceptive fibers present inside the disc regulate Depression (lowering of jaw to open the mouth):
movements of joint. During depression, head of mandible along with
Anatomy  45

articular disc glide forward in upper meniscotemporal pterygoids of each side. For e.g. chewing from left side is
compartment on both the sides by contraction of produced by right lateral pterygoid, right medial pterygoid
lateral pterygoid muscle. During same time head which pushes the chin over left side. Now left temporalis,
rotates forward underneath the articular disc due left massater chew food. Chewing over the right side
to contraction of suprahyoid muscles, i.e. digastrics involve left lateral pterygoid, left medial pterygoid, right
geniohyoid and mylohyoid. Gravity also provides temporalis and right massater.
help in opening the mouth.
Elevation (elevating of jaw to close the mouth): Applied Anatomy or Clinical Anatomy
At the time of elevation, movements take place in a ♦ Dislocation of mandible: During excessive opening of
reverse order to that take place in depression, i.e., first mouth or during a convulsion, the head of the mandible
head of mandible along with an articular disc glide of one or both sides may slip anteriorly into infratemporal
backward in the upper meniscotemporal compartment fossa due to which there is inability to close the mouth.
by temporalis, masseter, and medial pterygoid, and Reduction is done by depressing the jaw with thumb
then head rotates backward on the lower surface of placed on last molar teeth and at same time elevating the
the disc by posterior fibers of temporalis. chin.
Protrusion/protraction: In protrusion, mandibular ♦ Derangement of articular disc may result from any injury,
teeth move forward in front of maxillary teeth. In like overclosure or malocclusion which causes clicking and
this act, head of the mandible along with the articular pain during movements of jaw.
disc glide forwards in the upper meniscotemporal ♦ In operations on temporomandibular joint facial nerve
compartment on both sides by simultaneous action of as well as auriculotemporal nerve, branch of mandibular
medial and lateral pterygoids of both sides. division of trigeminal nerve should be preserved with care.
Retraction: In retraction, head of mandible along
with articular disc glide backwards in the upper
meniscotemporal compartment by the contraction of
posterior fibers of temporalis muscle and bring the
joint in the resting position. The retraction is assisted
by deep fibers of masseter, digastric, and geniohyoid
muscles. During end of this movement head of
the mandible comes to lie underneath the articular
Side-to-side (Chewing) movements: These move-
ments take place alternately in the right and
left temporomandibular joints. During chewing
movements, head of the mandible on one side glides
forwards along with the disc (as in protraction), but
the head of the mandible on the opposite side merely
rotates on the vertical axis. Due to which the chin
moves forwards and to one side, i.e. towards the side (Feb 2002, 10 Marks)
on which no gliding has taken place. In this movement,
the medial and lateral pterygoids of one side contract Or
alternatively with those of opposite sides.
Alternate movements of this kind on the two sides
result in side-to-side movements of the lower jaw. (Sep 2000, 18 Marks)
Muscles Producing Movements of Temporomandibular Joint Or
♦ Depression (opening of mouth): This is caused mainly by Describe mandibular nerve in detail.
lateral pterygoid. Digastric, geniohyoid and mylohyoid (Mar 2006, 15 Marks) (Nov 2008, 15 Marks)
muscles help when mouth is opened wide or against Or
Describe mandibular nerve with its applied anatomy.
♦ Elevation: It is caused by medial pterygoid muscle of both
(Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
sides, masseter, and anterior, vertical and middle oblique
fibers of temporalis muscle. These are antigravity muscles.
♦ Protrusion: It is done by lateral and medial pterygoids
as well as superficial oblique fibers of massater muscle. (Apr 2008, 8 Marks)
♦ Retraction: It is carried out by posterior horizontal fibers
of temporalis and deep vertical fibers of massater.
♦ Lateral or side to side or chewing movements: It is
carried out by alternate contraction of medial and lateral (Apr 2007, 3 Marks)
46 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Or the lateral part of trigeminal ganglion and leaves cranial cavity

via foramen ovale. Motor root lies deep to trigeminal ganglion
(Sep 2007, 8 Marks) and to sensory root. It passes via foramen ovale and join sensory
root below the foramen forming main trunk. Main trunk lies
Or in infratemporal fossa over tensor veli palatine, deep to lateral
pterygoid muscle. After a short distance main trunk divides
(June 2010, 10 Marks) into small anterior trunk and large posterior trunk.
Or Branches of Mandibular Nerve
Write short note on mandibular nerve.
♦ From the main trunk
(July 2016, 5 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Meningeal branch.
Or Nerve to medial pterygoid.
♦ From anterior trunk
(Jan 2012, 5 Marks) Sensory branch: Buccal nerve.
Motor branch: Masseteric, deep temporal and nerve
Or to lateral pterygoid.
Describe mandibular nerve under following heads: ♦ From posterior trunk
(Mar 2013, 2+2+2+2 Marks) Auriculotemporal nerve
a. Formation Lingual nerve
b. Course and relation Inferior alveolar nerve.
c. Branches
d. Applied anatomy From the Main Trunk

Or Meningeal Branch or Nervous Spinosus

It enters skull via foramen spinosum along with middle
meningeal artery and supplies dura mater of middle cranial
(Feb 2014, 2+2+2+2 Marks) fossa.
Or Nerve to Medial Pterygoid
Describe mandibular nerve with its applied anatomy. It arises close to otic ganglion and supply medial pterygoid from
(May 2014, 10 Marks) its deep surface. It gives motor root to otic ganglion which does
Or not relay and supply tensor palati muscle and tensor tympani
Write branches and distribution of mandibular nerve muscle.
with a note on applied anatomy. (Sep 2015, 10 Marks) From Anterior Trunk
All the branches are motor except buccal which is sensory.
Write short answer on branches of mandibular nerve.
(Aug 2018, 3 Marks) Buccal Nerve
Ans. Mandibular nerve is the largest mixed branch of This nerve is the only sensory branch of anterior division of
trigeminal nerve. mandibular nerve. This nerve passes between two heads of
lateral pterygoid, run downward and forward and supply
Formation of Mandibular Nerve to skin of cheek and mucus membrane which is related to
Mandibular nerve arises from the trigeminal nerve. It is a mixed buccinator. Labial aspect of gingiva of molar and premolar teeth
nerve with two roots—a large sensory root and a smaller motor is supplied by buccal nerve.
root. Sensory root of the mandible division originates at the
Masseteric Nerve
inferior angle of trigeminal ganglion, whereas motor root arises
in motor cells located in pons and medulla oblongata. Two roots It emerges at upper border of lateral pterygoid muscle mainly
emerge from cranium separately through foramen ovale, the in front of temporomandibular joint. It passes laterally via
motor root lying medial to sensory. They unite just outside the mandibular notch in company with masseteric vessels and
skull and form main trunk of third division. The trunk remains enters deep surface of massater. Temporomandibular joint is
undivided for only 2 to 3 mm before it splits into small anterior also supplied by this nerve.
and larger posterior division.
Deep Temporal Nerve
Course or Distribution and Relations
They are two in number, i.e. anterior and posterior. These nerves
Mandibular nerve starts from middle cranial fossa by large pass between the skull and lateral pterygoid. It enters at deep
sensory root and small motor root. Sensory root emerges from surface of temporalis.
Anatomy  47

Nerve to Lateral Pterygoid ♦ During running inside the mandibular canal, the inferior
alveolar nerve gives off the branches that supply the lower
It runs with the buccal nerve and enters deep surface of both
teeth and gums.
heads of lateral pterygoid muscle which it supplies.
♦ Mental nerve emerges at the mental foramen and supplies
From Posterior Trunk to skin of chin and the skin as well as mucous membrane
of the lower lip. Its incisive branch supplies to labial aspect
Auriculotemporal Nerve of gums of canine and incisor teeth.
It arises by two roots which run backwards and encircle
the middle meningeal artery and unite to form a single Applied Anatomy
trunk. It continues backward between neck of mandible and ♦ A lesion at foramen ovale involves mandibular nerve and
sphenomandibular ligament above the maxillary artery. Behind causes paresthesia along the mandible, in mandibular teeth
the neck of mandible it turn upward and ascend on temple and side of the face. There is also paralysis of muscles of
behind superficial temporal vessels. mastication and loss of jawjerk reflex as the nerve supplies
♦ Auricular part of nerve supplies skin of tragus, upper both afferent and efferent limbs for jaw jerk reflex.
parts of pinna, external acoustic meatus and tympanic ♦ Motor part of mandibular nerve is tested clinically by
membrane. asking the patient to clench his teeth and then feeling for
♦ Temporal part supplies skin of temple contracting massater and temporalis muscle on two sides.
♦ In addition auriculotemporal nerve also suppliesparotid If massater of one side is paralyzed, jaw deviates to the
gland and temporomandibular joint. paralyzed side, on opening the mouth by action of normal
lateral pterygoid of opposite side. Activity of pterygoid
Lingual Nerve muscles is tested by asking the patient to move chin from
♦ It is one of the two terminal branches of the posterior side to side.
division of the mandibular nerve. ♦ In patients with the cancer of tongue pain radiates to ear and
♦ It is sensory to the anterior two-third of the tongue and to temporal fossa over the distribution of auriculotemporal
the floor of the mouth. nerve as both lingual and auriculotemporal nerves are
♦ However, the fibers of the chorda tympani (branch of facial branches of mandibular nerve. At times lingual nerve is
nerve) which is secretomotor to the submandibular and divided to relieve interactable pain. This can be done where
sublingual salivary glands and gustatory to the anterior the nerve lies in contact with mandible below and behind
two-third of the tongue are also distributed through the last molar tooth and is covered by mucous membrane.
lingual nerve.
Course and Relations
It begins just l cm below the skull. It runs first between the
tensor palati and lateral pterygoid, and then between the lateral
and medial pterygoids. About 2 cm below the skull it is joined
by the chorda tympani nerve. Emerging at the lower border of
the lateral pterygoid, the nerve runs downwards and forwards
between the ramus of the mandible and the medial pterygoid.
Next it lies in direct contact with the mandible, medial to the
third molar tooth. It soon leaves the gum and runs over the
hyoglossus deep to the mylohyoid. Finally it lies on the surface
of the genioglossus deep to the myelohyoid. Here it winds round
the submandibular duct and divides into its terminal branches.

Inferior Alveolar Nerve

It is the larger terminal branch of posterior division of
mandibular nerve. It run vertically downwards lateral to medial
pterygoid and to the sphenomandibular ligament. The nerve
enters the mandibular foramen and runs inside the mandibular
canal. It is accompanied by inferior alveolar artery.
♦ Mylohyoid branch consists of all the motor fibers of
posterior division. The nerve arises just before the inferior
alveolar nerve and enters the mandibular foramen. It also
pierces sphenomandibular ligament along with mylohyoid
artery, runs in the mylohyoid groove, and supplies
mylohyoid muscle and anterior belly of the digastric.
48 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

maxillary and mandibular nerves. During the division the Relations

ophthalmic fibers which lie in superomedial part of root
♦ Lateral: Mandibular nerve
are preserved to spare corneal reflex this avoids damage
♦ Medial: Tensor palate muscle
to cornea.
♦ Posterior: Middle meningeal artery
♦ Lingual nerve lies in contact with medial to third molar
♦ Anterior: Medial pterygoid muscle.
tooth. In extraction of malplaced wisdom tooth, care
should be taken not to injure the lingual nerve. Its injury
Roots or Connections
causes loss of sensation from anterior two third of
tongue. ♦ The motor or parasympathetic root is formed by lesser
♦ During extraction of mandibular teeth, inferior alveolar petrosal nerve. Preganglionic fibers arise from inferior
nerve should be anesthetized. Drug is given inside the salivary nucleus. They pass through glossopharyngeal
nerve before it enters mandibular canal. nerve, its tympanic branch, tympanic plexus and lesser
♦ Inferior alveolar nerve travels the mandibular canal and petrosal nerve to reach otic ganglion. The postganglionic
can be damaged by the fracture of mandible. This injury fibers join auriculotemporal nerve to parotid gland.
is assessed by testing sensation over the chin. ♦ Sympathetic root is derived from the plexus on middle
♦ At the time of extraction of third molar, buccal nerve may meningeal artery. It contains postganglionic fibers
get involved by local anesthesia leading to temporary arising in superior cervical ganglion. Fibers pass via
numbness of cheek. otic ganglion without relay and reach parotid gland via
Q.5. Write short note on otic ganglion. (Oct 2016, 3 Marks) auriculotemporal nerve. They are vasomotor in function
(Feb 2016, 3 Marks) (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) and are responsible for thick salivary secretion.
(Mar 2000, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks) ♦ Sensory root comes from the auriculotemporal nerve and
Or is sensory to parotid gland.
Write short answer on otic ganglion. (Apr 2018, 3 Marks) ♦ Various other fibers which pass through ganglion are:
Ans. It is a peripheral parasympathetic ganglion which relay Nerve to medial pterygoid provides motor root to
secretomotor fibers to parotid gland. Topographically it ganglion which passes through it without relay and
is related to mandibular nerve but functionally it is the supply medially placed tensor veli palatine and
part of glossopharyngeal nerve. laterally placed tensor tympani muscle.
Chorda tympani nerve connected to otic ganglion and
Size and Location
also to nerve of pterygoid canal. These connections
It is usually 2 to 3 mm in size and is located inside the infra– leads to an alternative pathway of taste from anterior
temporal fossa below foramen ovale. two-third of tongue.

Fig. 62: Otic ganglion and its connections

Anatomy  49

♦ Medially: Internal carotid artery and posterior part of
(Sep 2005, 15 Marks) cavernous sinus
Ans. Extracranial Course ♦ Laterally: Middle meningeal artery
Both the roots pass through the foramen ovale and join ♦ Superiorly: Parahippocampal gyrus
to form the main trunk which lies in infratemporal fossa. ♦ Inferiorly: Motor root of the trigeminal nerve, greater
After a short course the main trunk divides into the small petrosal nerve, apex of petrous temporal bone and foramen
anterior and a large posterior division. lacerum.
For branches and distribution refer to Ans 4 of the same Associated Root and Branches
chapter. ♦ Central process of ganglion cells forms the large sensory
Q.7. Describe in brief the mandibular nerve. Add a note on root of trigeminal nerve which is attached to pons at its
trigeminal ganglion. (Sep 2006, 15 Marks) junction with middle cerebellar peduncle.
Ans. For mandibular nerve in brief refer to Ans 4 of the same ♦ Peripheral processes of the ganglion cells form three
chapter. divisions of the trigeminal nerve, i.e. ophthalmic, maxillary
and mandibular.
Trigeminal Ganglion ♦ Small motor root of trigeminal nerve attach to pons
superomedial to sensory root. It passes under the ganglion
♦ Trigeminal ganglion is the sensory ganglion of the fifth from medial to lateral side and joins the mandibular nerve
cranial nerve. at the foramen ovale.
♦ This ganglion is homologus with dorsal nerve root ganglia
of spinal nerves. Blood Supply
♦ It is made up of pseudounipolar nerve cells with a T ♦ Internal carotid artery
shaped arrangement of their processes. ♦ Middle meningeal artery
♦ The ganglion is crescentric or semilunar in shape with its ♦ Accessory meningeal artery
convexity directed anterolaterally. ♦ Meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery.
The three divisions of trigeminal nerve emerges from
Applied Anatomy
this convexity.
The posterior concavity of the ganglion receives the Intractable facial pain due to trigeminal neuralgia or carcino-
sensory root of the nerve. matosis may be abolished by injecting alcohol into the ganglion.

Situation and Meningeal Relation Q.8. Write short note on parts of temporomandibular joint.
(Mar 2006, 5 Marks)
Trigeminal ganglion lies on the trigeminal impression over Ans. Temporomandibular (TMJ) joint has two types of parts:
anterior surface of petrous temporal bone near its apex. Here it 1. Bone or hard tissue parts
occupies a special space of dura matter known as trigeminal cave 2. Soft tissue parts.
or Meckel s cave. Two layers of dura are present below ganglion.
Cave is lined by pia arachnoid, so, the ganglion along with motor Bone or Hard Tissue Parts
root of the trigeminal nerve is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid. The hard tissue parts of TMJ are:
Ganglion lies at depth of 5 cm from the preauricular point. ♦ Condyles of mandible: They are ovoid, convex processes
which are broader laterally and narrower medially.
Condyles are connected with the body of mandible by
narrow stalk on both the sides.
♦ Glenoid fossa of temporal bone: Articular surface
of temporal bone is situated on the inferior surface of
squamous part of the temporal bone. It articulates with
mandibular condyle and is known as glenoid fossa.
♦ Articular eminence: It binds mandibular fossa anteriorly
and form anterior root of zygomatic process.
Soft Tissue Parts
♦ Articular capsule: It is a thin part of dense cartilaginous
tissue which encloses joint cavity.
♦ Articular disc: It is a rough, oval, firm, thick plate of dense
fibrous cartilage which is located between condyle and
articulating surface of temporal bone. It divides joint into
superior and inferior compartments.
♦ Articular ligaments: TMJ has one major and three minor
Fig. 63: Relation of trigeminal ganglion ligaments. Temporomandibular is major ligament, while
50 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

The maxillary nerve originates at the middle of the

semilunar ganglion.
Q.11. Write short note on lingual nerve. (Aug 2016, 3 Marks)
(Feb 2013, 5 Marks) (Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
Describe briefly lingual nerve. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
(Oct 2007, 15 Marks)
Ans. It is one of the two terminal branches of the posterior
Ans. For mandibular division of trigeminal nerve in details division of the mandibular nerve.
refer to Ans 4 of same chapter. It is sensory to the anterior two-third of the tongue
Applied Anatomy of Branches of Mandibular Division of and to the floor of the mouth.
Trigeminal Nerve • However, the fibers of the chorda tympani (branch
of facial nerve) which is secretomotor to the
♦ In patients with the cancer of tongue pain radiates to ear and submandibular and sublingual salivary glands and
temporal fossa over the distribution of auriculotemporal gustatory to the anterior two-third of the tongue are
nerve as both lingual and auriculotemporal nerves are also distributed through the lingual nerve.
branches of mandibular nerve. At times lingual nerve is
divided to relieve interactable pain. This can be done where Course
the nerve lies in contact with mandible below and behind
Lingual nerve starts 1 cm below the skull. At about 2 cm below the
last molar tooth and is covered by the mucous membrane.
skull, it is joined by chorda tympani nerve at an acute angle. Then
♦ Lingual nerve lies in contact with medial to third molar
it lie in contact with mandible medial to third molar. Finally it lies
tooth. In extraction of malplaced wisdom tooth, care should
over the surface of hyoglossus and genioglossus to reach the tongue.
be taken not to injure the lingual nerve. Its injury causes
loss of sensation from anterior two-third of the tongue. Relations
♦ During extraction of mandibular teeth, inferior alveolar
nerve should be anesthetized. Drug is given inside the It begins just l cm below the skull. It runs first between the tensor
nerve before it enters mandibular canal. palati and lateral pterygoid, and then between the lateral and
♦ Inferior alveolar nerve travels the mandibular canal and medial pterygoids. About 2 cm below the skull it is joined by the
can be damaged by fracture of mandible. This injury is chorda tympani nerve. Emerging at the lower border of the lateral
assessed by testing sensation over the chin. pterygoid, the nerve runs downwards and forwards between
♦ At the time of extraction of third molar, buccal nerve may the ramus of the mandible and medial pterygoid. Next it lies in
get involved by local anesthesia leading to temporary direct contact with the mandible, medial to the third molar tooth.
numbness of cheek. It soon leaves the gum and runs over the hyoglossus deep to the
mylohyoid. Finally it lies on the surface of the genioglossus deep
Q.10. Draw diagram of distribution of maxillary nerve.
to the myelohyoid. Here it winds round the submandibular duct
(Apr 2007, 5 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks)
and divides into its terminal branches.
Ans. Maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve is entirely
sensory in function. Q.12. Write short note on nerve supply of maxillary teeth.
(Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
Ans. Maxilla is mainly supplied by maxillary nerve and its
Anterior superior alveolar nerve supplies the pulp,
investing structure and labial mucoperiosteum of
central incisor, lateral incisor and canine.
Middle superior alveolar nerve supplies the pulp,
investing structure and buccal mucoperiosteum of
first and second premolars and mesiobuccal root of
first molar.
Posterior superior alveolar nerve supplies the pulp,
investing structure and buccal mucoperiosteum
of maxillary first, second and third molars except
(1) Zygomatic nerve (2) Lacrimal nerve (3) Zygomaticotemporal mesiobuccal root of first molar.
(4) Zygomaticofacial nerve (5) Anterior superior alveolar Greater palatine nerve supplies palatal mucoperio-
(6) Posterior superior alveolar (7) Middle superior (8) Inferior steum of maxillary first, second and third molars
palpebral (9) External nasal (10) Superior labial (11) Greater and first and second premolars.
palatine (12) Middle palatine (13) Posterior palatine (14) Pharyngeal Nasopalatine nerve supplies palatal mucoperiosteum
(15) Nasopalatine. of central incisor, lateral incisor and canine, incisive
Fig. 64: Distribution of maxillary nerve papilla and gingiva behind incisor teeth.
Anatomy  51

Fig. 65: Nerve supply of maxillary teeth

Q.13. Answer in brief on trigeminal neuralgia. Q.15. Name the branches of maxillary nerve.
(Feb 2016, 2 Marks) (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
Ans. Trigeminal neuralgia is also known as Tic douloureux
Ans. Following are the branches of maxillary nerve:
or Fothergill s Disease.
• It is a clinical condition which is characterized Region Branches
by sudden paroxysmal attack of lancinating pain
In middle cranial fossa Meningeal branch
which lasts from few hours to several days which is
confined to the distribution of one or more divisions In pterygopalatine fossa • Ganglionic branches
of trigeminal nerve. • Zygomatic branches, i.e.
zygomaticotemporal and
It commonly starts in maxillary territory. zygomaticofacial (sensory branches)
It occurs more frequently on right side. • Posterior superior alveolar
• During attacks there is flushing of face, i.e. redness
In infraorbital canal • Middle superior alveolar
of the face. • Anterior superior alveolar
Q.14. Write short note on sphenomandibular ligament. On face Infraorbital branches, i.e. palpebral,
(Aug 2016, 3 Marks) labial and nasal branches (sensory
Ans. This is an accessory ligament which lies on deep plane
away from fibrous capsule.
The ligament is attached superiorly to spine of Q.16. Write short note on maxillary nerve.
sphenoid and inferiorly to lingula of mandibular (Apr 2017, 4 Marks)
foramen. Ans. Maxillary nerve is the second division of trigeminal is
This is the remnant of dorsal part of Meckle s
purely sensory.
This ligament is related laterally to: Course and Relations
– Lateral pterygoid muscle
– Auriculotemporal nerve This nerve arises from convex anterior border of trigeminal
– Maxillary artery ganglion and run forward in lateral wall of cavernous sinus
It is related medially to: below ophthalmic nerve. It leaves middle cranial fossa by
– Chorda tympani nerve passing via foramen rotundum. Maxillary nerve crosses upper
– Wall of pharynx. Near its lower end, it is pierced part of pterygopalatine fossa beyond which it continues as
by mylohyoid nerve and vessels. infraorbital nerve. In middle cranial fossa it gives off meningeal
Sphenomandibular ligament is an important branch. In pterygopalatine fossa the nerve is related to
landmark for administration of local anesthetic pterygopalatine ganglion and gives off ganglionic, posterior
during inferior alveolar nerve block. superior alveolar and zygomatic nerves.
52 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 66: Origin, Course and branches of maxillary nerve

Branches and Distribution

In Middle Cranial Fossa
In middle cranial fossa it gives off meningeal branch which
Q.1. Write a short note on digastric muscle.
supplies dura mater of middle cranial fossa.
(Mar 2000, 4 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks)
In Pterygopalatine Fossa (Oct 2014, 4 Marks) (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
♦ Ganglionic branches: Pterygopalatine ganglion is suspended  (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
by ganglionic branches and they are two in number. Ans. The muscle is so called because it consists of two belly
♦ Zygomatic nerve: It enters the orbit via inferior orbital which are united by an intermediate tendon.
fissure and runs along lateral wall outside periosteum
to enter zygomatic bone. Before or after entering the Origin
bone it divides into two of the terminal branches, i.e. ♦ Anterior belly from digastric fossa of mandible.
zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial nerves which
♦ Posterior belly from mastoid notch of temporal bone.
supply anterior part of temple and skin of face.
♦ Posterior superior alveolar nerve: It enters posterior surface Fibers
of body of maxilla and supply to three maxillary molar
teeth and adjoining part of gum. ♦ Anterior belly run downward and backward.
♦ Posterior belly run downward and forward.
In the Orbit
♦ Middle superior alveolar nerve: It arises in infraorbital
groove, run in lateral wall of maxillary sinus and supply
to maxillary premolar teeth.
♦ Anterior superior alveolar nerve: It arises in infraorbital
canal and run inside sinuous canal consisting of
complicated course in anterior wall of maxillary sinus. The
nerve supplies to maxillary incisor, canine teeth, maxillary
sinus and anteroinferior part of nasal cavity.
On the Face
♦ Palpebral branches turn upward and supply to skin of
lower eyelid
♦ Nasal branches supply to skin of side of nose and the
mobile part of nasal septum
♦ Superior labial branches supply to skin and mucus
membrane of upper lip. Fig. 67: Digastric muscle
Anatomy  53

Insertion Stylohyoid
Both the heads meet at intermediate tendon which perforates Parotid gland with retromandibular vein
stylohyoid and is held by fibrous pulley to hyoid bone. Submandibular salivary gland and lymph nodes
Angle of mandible with medial pterygoid.
Nerve Supply
B. Deep relation:
a. Anterior belly by nerve to mylohyoid branch of trigeminal Transverse process of atlas with superior oblique and
rectus capitis lateralis
b. Posterior belly by facial nerve.
Internal carotid, external carotid, lingual, facial and
Action occipital arteries
♦ It depresses mandible when mouth is wide opened or against Internal jugular vein
the resistance; it is secondary to lateral pterygoid muscle. 10th, 11th and 12th cranial nerves
♦ It leads to elevation of hyoid bone. Hyoglossus muscle.

Relations of Posterior Belly C. Its upper border is related to:

a. Posterior auricular artery
A. Superficial relation:
b. Stylohyoid muscle.
Mastoid process with sternomastoid, splenius capitis
and longissimus capitis D. Lower border is related to occipital artery.

(Sep 2000, 4 Marks) (Feb 2016, 3 Marks) ♦ Posterior fibers are inserted into the body of hyoid bone
Ans. This is a flat triangular muscle lying deep to the anterior ♦ Anterior and middle fibers are inserted into median raphae
belly of digastric. The right and left mylohyoid muscles between mandible and hyoid bone.
together form the floor of mouth, deep to anterior belly
of digastric. Nerve Supply

Origin It is supplied by mylohyoid nerve.

From mylohyoid line of mandible. Actions

♦ Elevates the floor of mouth during first stage of deglutition.
♦ Helps in depression of mandible and elevation of hyoid
Fibers run medially and slightly downwards. bone.
54 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Relations Glossopharyngeal nerve

Superficial Stylohyoid ligament
Lingual artery
♦ Anterior belly of digastric The diagram of superficial relation is mentioned in Ans 5
♦ Superficial part of submandibular salivary gland of the same chapter.
♦ Mylohyoid nerve and vessels Structures passing deep to posterior border of hyoglossus
♦ Submental branch of facial artery. from above downwards.
Deep Glossopharyngeal nerve
Stylohyoid ligament
♦ Hyoglossus with its superficial relations, i.e. styloglossus,
Lingual artery
lingual nerve, submandibular ganglion, deep part of
submandibular salivary gland, submandibular duct,
hypoglossal nerve and venae comitantes hypoglossi.
♦ Genioglossus with its superficial relations sublingual
salivary gland, lingual nerve, submandibular duct, lingual
artery and hypoglossal nerve.
Q.3. Write a short note on superficial relations of hyoglossus
muscle. (Sep 2017, 3 Marks) (Sep 2004, 5 Marks)
Ans. Superficial relations of hyoglossus muscles are:
Styloglossus, lingual nerve, submandibular ganglion,
deep part of submandibular gland, submandibular duct,
hypoglossal nerve and veins accompanying it.
Styloglossus muscle interdigitates with hyoglossus.
Lingual nerve crosses the upper part of muscle from
behind forwards
Submandibular ganglion lies between lingual nerve
and deep part of submandibular gland.
Deep part of submandibular gland and submandi-
bular duct. Gland lies in middle of hyoglossus
muscle and duct lies between the gland and muscle.
Hypoglossal nerve crosses lower part of muscle from
behind forwards. Fig. 69: Hyoglossus muscle
For diagram of superficial relations of hyoglossus refer
to Ans 5 of the same chapter. Q.5. Draw a well labeled diagram showing superficial
relations of hyoglossus muscle. (Oct 2014, 4 Marks)
Q.4. Write a short note on hyoglossus muscle.
(Sep 2001, 4 Marks) (Apr 2017, 4 Marks)
(Dec 2012, 3 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
(Dec 2014, 5 Marks) (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
Ans. Hyoglossus is a thin quadrilateral muscle and is a muscle
of tongue.
Origin: It originates from whole length of greater cornua
and in front of lateral part of body of hyoid bone.
Fibers and insertion: The fibers run upwards and
forwards and are inserted into side of tongue between
styloglossus and inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue.
Action: It depresses the tongue, make dorsum convex
and helps in retracting protruded tongue.

Relation Fig. 70: Superficial relation of hyoglossus

A. Superficial: The relations are mentioned in Ans 3 of the Q.6. Describe submandibular gland. Write a note on its
same chapter. secretomotor fibers. (Sep 2002, 10 Marks)
B. Deep:
Inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue
Genioglossus Write a short note on secretomotor pathway for
Middle constrictor of pharynx submandibular salivary gland. (Sep 2000, 4 Marks)
Anatomy  55

Or ♦ The lateral surface: It is related to:

 Submandibular fossa on mandible
Insertion of medial pterygoid
(Apr 2003, 10 Marks)
Facial artery.
a. Deep relation
b. Innervations
Ans. The submandibular gland is a large salivary gland
situated in anterior part of digastric triangle. It is of J-shaped.
It is divided into larger part superficial to muscles, and
smaller part deep to muscles. It lies in mandible bone
under submandibular fossa.

Superficial Part
The part fills digastric triangle. It extends upward deep to
mandible upto mylohyoid line. It has inferior, lateral and medial
surfaces. The gland is partially enclosed between two layers of
deep cervical fascia.
Superficial layer of fascia cover the inferior surface of gland
and is attached to, base of mandible while the deeper layer Fig. 71 Relations of superficial surface as well as relations of
covers medial surface of gland and is attached to mylohyoid anterior part of medial surface
line of mandible.
♦♦ The medial surface: It is extensively divided to three parts:
1. Anterior part is related to mylohyoid muscle,
Relations of Superficial Part
submental branch of facial artery mylohyoid nerves
♦ The inferior surface: It is covered by: and vessels.
Skin 2. Middle part (intermediate part) is related to hyoglossus
Platysma muscle, styloglossus muscle, lingual nerve, submandibular
Cervical branch of facial nerve ganglion and hypoglossal nerve.
Deep fascia 3. Posterior part is related to styloglossus muscle,
Facial vein stylohyoid ligament, the glossopharyngeal nerve and
Submandibular lymph nodes. the wall of pharynx.

Fig. 72 Relations of medial surface of submandibular salivary gland

56 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Deep Part ♦ Sensory fibers reach the ganglion through the lingual
It lies deep to mylohyoid, and superficial to hyoglossus and
styloglossus. Posteriorly, it is continuous with superficial part
round the posterior border of mylohyoid. Anteriorly it extend
to posterior end of sublingual gland.

Relations of Deep Part

They are present between mylohyoid and hyoglossus:
♦ Medially it is related to hyoglossus muscle
♦ Laterally it is related to the mylohyoid muscle
♦ Superiorly it is related to lingual nerve and submandibular
♦ Inferiorly it is related to hypoglossal nerve.

Fig. 74: Secretomotor pathway to submandibular gland

Q.7. Write a short note on submandibular salivary gland.

(July 2016, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
(Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 7 of the same chapter.
Q.8. Write relations and histology of submandibular gland.
(Sep 2005, 10 Marks) (Apr 2010, 7 Marks)
Ans. For relations of submandibular gland refer to Ans 6 of
the same chapter.
Fig. 73: Relations of deep part of submandibular salivary gland
Q.9. Describe submandibular gland with its relation and
Blood supply: It is supplied by facial artery. Veins drain microscopic anatomy. (Mar 2006, 10 Marks)
into common facial vein and lingual vein. Ans. For description and relation refer to Ans 6 of the same
chapter and for microscopic anatomy refer to Ans 16 of
Lymphatic drainage: Lymph passes to submandibular
lymph nodes.
Nerve supply or innervations: It is supplied by branch Q.10. Describe submandibular salivary gland under
from submandibular ganglion. following heads: Position, parts, relations, secretomotor
nerve and histological structure. (Dec 2009, 15 Marks)
The branches convey:
Ans. Position
a. Secretomotor fibers.
b. Sensory fibers from lingual nerve. Submandibular gland is situated in anterior part of
c. Sympathetic fibers from plexus on facial artery. digastric triangle and extend upto stylomandibular
ligament. It is indented by the posterior border of
Secretomotor Pathway myelohyoid which divides the gland into larger part
♦ Secretomotor fibers pass from the lingual nerve to which is superficial to the muscle and smaller part which
the ganglion through the posterior root. These are is deep to the muscle.
preganglionic fiber that arise in superior salivary nucleus Parts
and pass through the facial nerve, chorda tympani and
lingual nerve to reach the ganglion. The fibers relay in Submandibular gland is divided into larger part which is
ganglion. Postganglionic fibers for the submandibular superficial to the muscle and smaller part which is deep to the
gland reach the gland through five or six branches from muscle, i.e. superficial part and deep part.
the ganglion. Postganglionic fibers for sublingual and
Superficial Part
anterior lingual glands re-enter the lingual nerve through
the anterior root and travel to gland through distal part This part fills digastric triangle. It extends upward deep to
of lingual nerve. mandible upto mylohyoid line. It has inferior, lateral and medial
♦ Sympathetic fibers are derived from plexus around facial surfaces. The gland is partially enclosed between two layers of
artery. It contains postganglionic fibers arising in superior deep cervical fascia. Superficial layer of fascia cover inferior
cervical ganglion. They pass through submandibular surface of gland and is attached to the base of mandible, while
ganglion without relay and supply vasomotor fibers to the deeper layer covers medial surface of gland and is attached
submandibular and sublingual glands. to mylohyoid line of mandible.
Anatomy  57

(Mar 2013, 4+2+2 Marks)

a. Relations of superficial part
b. Microscopic anatomy (Diagram only)
c. Course, structure and opening of submandibular
duct Fig. 75: Opening of submandibular duct at floor of mouth
Ans. For relations of superficial part refer to Ans 6 of same
Q.12. Write short note on deep part of submandibular gland.
For microscopic anatomy (diagram only) refer to Ans 16
(Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
Ans. For deep part of submandibular gland refer to Ans 6 of
Course, Structure and Opening of Submandibular Duct same chapter.
By its structure submandibular duct is thin walled and
is 5 cm long. Q.13. Write in tabular form, the origin, insertion, nerve
supply and actions of following muscles:
In its course the submandibular duct emerges from
(May 2017, 10 Marks)
anterior end of deep part of submandibular gland and
run forward on hyoglossus in between the lingual and a. Genioglossus
hypoglossal nerves. At anterior border of hyoglossus the b. Mylohyoid
submandibular duct is crossed by lingual nerve.
c. Buccinator
The opening of submandibular duct is on the floor of
mouth on summit of sublingual papilla at the side of d. Sternomastoid
frenulum of tongue. Ans. See following table.

Name of
muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action
Genioglossus Upper genial tubercle of • Upper fibers in tip of It is supplied It pulls up the root of tongue,
mandible tongue by hypoglossal approximate palatoglossal arches and
• Middle fibers into nerve closes the oropharyngeal isthumus.
• Lower fibers in thyoid

Mylohyoid Mylohyoid line of mandible • Posterior fibers: Body Nerve to • Pulls hyoid bone upwards and
of hyoid bone mylohyoid backward
• Middle and anterior • With other hyoid muscles, it fixes
fibers; median raphae, hyoid bone
between mandible and
hyoid bone

Buccinator • Upper fibers: From maxilla • Upper fibers: Straight Lower buccal • Puffing of the mouth and blowing
opposite to molar teeth to upper lip branches of • Flattens cheek against gums and
• Lower fibers: From mandible • Lower fibers: Straight facial nerve teeth
opposite to molar teeth to lower lip • Prevents accumulation of food inside
• Middle fibers: From • Middle fibers: Middle the vestibule
pterygomandibular raphe fibers decussate

58 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Name of
muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action
Sternomastoid It takes origin from two heads: The muscle is inserted on: • Motor When one muscle contracts:
1. Sternal head: It takes origin • By a thick tendon supply is by • It turn the chin to opposite side
from upper and lateral part of into lateral surface of the spinal • It can also tilt the head towards the
manubrium sterni. mastoid process, from accessory shoulder of same side.
2. Clavicular head: It takes its tip to superior border nerve When both the muscles contract:
origin from medial 1/3 of • By thin aponeurosis • Branches
• They draw head forward, as in
superior aspect of clavicle. into lateral half of from ventral
eating and lifting the head from
It passes vertically upward superior nuchal line of rami of C2 are
deep to the sternal head occipital bone proprioceptive
• With longus colli they flex the neck
with which it unites to form a against resistance
fusion belly • It also gives help in forced respiration.

Q.14. Name the nerves supplying digastrics muscles.

(Aug 2018, 1 Mark)
Ans. Anterior belly of the digastric muscle is innervated by  (March 2007, 8 Marks)
the mylohyoid branch of the trigeminal nerve. 
The posterior belly of the digastric muscle is innervated (2 Marks)
by the facial nerve.  (1½ Marks)
 (1½ Marks)


 (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)

(Nov 2009, 10 Mraks) Or
Or Describe thyroid gland under following headings:
 (Dec 2010, 4 + 2 + 2 Marks)
(Sep 2013, 10 Marks) a. Relations
 b. Histology
c. Development
(Feb 2016, 10 Marks) Ans. Thyroid is an endocrine gland situated in the lower part
 of the front and sides of neck.

Size of Thyroid Gland

Each lobe of thyroid measures about 5 cm × 2.5 cm × 2.5 cm and
the isthmus is 1.2 cm × 1.2 cm

Shape of Thyroid Gland

(Feb 2013, 15 Marks) Thyroid is a butterfly shape gland.

Or Situation or Location and Extent

  Describe the thyroid gland under following heads: ♦ The gland lies against vertebrae C5, C6, C7 and T1
(Apr 2015, 4+2+2 Marks) embracing upper part of trachea.
a. Size, shape and relations ♦ Each lobe extends from middle of thyroid cartilage to
b. Arterial supply and venous drainage fourth or fifth tracheal ring.
c. Clinical anatomy ♦ Isthmus extends from second to fourth tracheal ring.
Anatomy  59

External Features The Isthmus

♦ The gland consists of right and left lobes that are joined to It connects the lower parts of two lobes. It consists of the
each other by isthmus. Sometimes a third small pyramidal following parts:
lobe may project upwards from isthmus usually to left of Surfaces
♦ Not frequently it is connected to body of hyoid bone by 1. The anterior surface: It is covered by right and left
fibrous or fibromuscular band known as levator glandulae sternohyoid and sternothyroid, anterior jugular veins,
thyroideae. fascia and skin.
2. The posterior surface: It is related to 2nd to 4th tracheal
♦ Each lateral lobe of the gland extend upward to oblique line
of thyroid cartilage and below upto 5th or 6th tracheal ring.
♦ Isthumus extend across midline in front of 2nd, 3rd and Borders
4th tracheal rings.
1. The upper border: This is related to anastomosis between
Capsules of Thyroid the right and left superior thyroid arteries.
2. The lower border: Inferior thyroid veins leave the gland
a. True capsule is the peripheral condensation of the at this border.
connective tissue of the gland. A dense capillary plexus is
present deep to the true capsule.
b. False capsule is derived from the pretracheal layer of
deep cervical fascia. It is thin along the posterior border
of lobes, but thick on inner surface of gland where it forms
a suspensory ligament (of Berry) which connects the lobe
to cricoid cartilage.

The Lobes
They are conical in shape and consists of:

An Apex Fig. 76: Thyroid gland with its relations

The apex is directed upwards and slightly laterally. Blood Supply

A Base Arterial Supply
The base is on level with 9th or 5th tracheal ring. ♦ Superior thyroid artery is the first anterior branch of
external carotid artery. It runs downward and forward
in an intimate relation with external laryngeal nerve. At
1. The lateral or superficial surface: It is convex and covered pretracheal lobe it is divided into anterior and posterior
by sternothyroid, sternohyoid, the superior belly of branches. After providing branches to adjacent structures,
omohyoid and anterior border of sternomastoid. it pierces pretracheal fascia to reach upper pole of lobe
2. The medial surface: It is related to: where nerve deviates medially. At upper pole artery
a. Two tubes: Trachea and esophagus divides into anterior and posterior branches.
b. Two muscles: Inferior constrictor and cricothyroid. ♦ Anterior branch descends into anterior border of the
c. Two nerves: External laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal lobe and is continues with the upper border of isthmus
3. The posterolateral surface: It is related to carotid sheath to anastomose with its fellow of opposite side while the
and overlaps common carotid artery. posterior branch descends on posterior border of lobe and
anastomose with ascending branch of inferior thyroid
Border artery.
1. The anterior border: It is thin and is related to anterior ♦ Inferior thyroid artery is the branch of thyrocervical trunk.
branch of superior thyroid artery and seperate medial and It runs upwards then medially and finally downwards
to lower pole of gland. Its terminal part is intimately
posterior surfaces.
related to recurrent laryngeal nerve, while proximal part
2. The posterior border: It is thick and rounded and separate
is away from the nerve The artery divides into four or five
medial and posterior surfaces. It is related to inferior
glandular branches which pierce fascia separately to reach
thyroid artery, anastomosis between posterior branch of
lower part of gland. One ascending branch anastomose
superior and ascending branch of inferior thyroid arteries,
with posterior branch of superior thyroid artery and
the parathyroid glands and thoracic duct only on left side.
supply parathyroid gland.
60 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Sometime thyroid is supplied by lowest thyroid artery

which arises from bracheocephalic trunk or directly from
arch of aorta.
♦ Accessory thyroid arteries arising from tracheal and
esophageal arteries also supplies thyroid gland.

Fig. 77: Arterial supply of thyroid

Venous Drainage
Thyroid is drained by:
1. Superior thyroid vein: It emerges at upper pole and
accompanies superior thyroid artery. It ends in internal
jugular vein.
2. Middle thyroid vein: It emerges at middle of lobe and
enters internal jugular vein.
3. Inferior thyroid vein: It emerge at lower border of isthmus.
They form plexus in front of trachea and drain into left
brachiocephalic vein.

Fig. 78: Venous drainage of thyroid

Lymphatic Drainage
♦ Lymph from the upper part of the gland reaches the
upper deep cervical lymph nodes either directly or via
prelaryngeal lymph nodes.
♦ Lymph from the lower part of the gland drains to lower
deep cervical lymph nodes directly and also through
pretracheal and paratracheal nodes.
Anatomy  61

(Sep 2004, 5 Marks)

Write a short note on Internal jugular vein.
(Aug 2016, 3 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. It is a direct continuation of sigmoid sinus. It begins at
the jugular foramen and ends behind the sternal end
of clavicle by joining the subclavian vein to form the
bracheocephalic vein.
The origin is marked by a dilation, the superior bulb
which lies in jugular fossa of temporal bone. The
termination of the vein is marked by inferior bulb which
lies beneath supraclavicular fossae.

A. Superficially: Sternomastoid, posterior belly of digastric,
superior belly of omohyoid, parotid gland, styloid process,
internal carotid artery and glossopharyngeal, vagus,
accessory and hypoglossal cranial nerves.
B. Posteriorly: Fig. 80: Tributaries of internal jugular vein
1. Transverse process of Atlas
2. Scalenus anterior ♦ The thoracic duct opens into the angle of union between
3. Cervical plexus left internal jugular vein and left subclavian vein.
4. First part of subclavian artery. ♦ In the middle of the neck the internal jugular vein
C. Medially: Internal carotid artery, common carotid artery, may communicate with the external jugular vein via
and vagus nerve. oblique jugular vein which run across anterior border of
The tributaries of internal jugular vein are: Applied Anatomy
1. Inferior petrosal sinus ♦ Deep to lesser supraclavicular fossa, internal jugular
2. Common facial vein vein is very easily accessible for recording venous pulse
tracings. Vein can be cannulated by direct puncture
3. Lingual vein
in interval between sternal and clavicular head of
4. Pharyngeal vein
sternocleidomastoid muscle.
5. Superior thyroid vein ♦ During congestive cardiac failure or any other disease
6. Middle thyroid vein where the venous pressure is raised, internal jugular vein
7. Occipital vein. is markedly dilated and engorged.
62 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.3. Briefly describe cervical part of sympathetic chain. c. The external carotid branches forms a plexus around
(Mar 1998, 6 Marks) external carotid artery.
Ans. Cervical part of sympathetic chain, one on either side d. Pharyngeal branches take part in the formation of
of cervical part of vertebral column lies in front of pharyngeal plexus.
transverse processes of cervical of cervical vertebrae e. Left superior cervical cardiac branch goes to the superficial
and neck of first rib behind carotid sheath and in front cardiac plexus with right branch goes to deep cardiac
of prevertebral fascia. plexus.
Each trunk is continuous upwards into the cranial cavity
Branches of Middle Cervical Ganglion
as the internal carotid nerve accompanying the internal
carotid artery. Inferiorly, it becomes continuous with the a. Gray rami communication are given to ventral rami of 5th
thoracic part of the sympathetic chain at the neck of the and 6th cervical nerves.
lst rib. b. Thyroid branches accompany inferior thyroid artery to
The cervical part of sympathetic trunk does not thyroid gland. They also supply parathyroid gland.
receive the preganglionic fibers through white rami c. Tracheal and esopharyngeal branches.
communicates from the cervical segments of the spinal d. Middle cervical cardiac branches is the largest of
cord, but it does give gray rami communicantes to all the sympathetic cardiac branches. It goes deep to cardiac
cervical spinal nerves. Each trunk receives preganglionic plexus.
fibers from lateral horn cells of T1 to T4 spinal segments.
Theoretically, there should be eight sympathetic ganglia
corresponding to 8 cervical nerves, but due to fusion
there are three ganglia; superior, middle and inferior.

Superior Cervical Ganglion

This is largest of the three ganglia. It is spindle shaped and
about 1 inch long. It lies just below the skull, opposite to the
second and third cervical vertebrae. It is formed by fusion of
upper four cervical ganglion.
Communications: With the 9th, 10th and 12th cranial nerves
and with external and recurrent laryngeal nerves.

Middle Cervical Ganglion

♦ The ganglion is very small. It may be divided into two or
three smaller parts.
♦ It lies in the lower part of neck, in front of C6 just above
the inferior thyroid artery behind carotid sheath.
♦ It is formed by fusion of 5th and 6th cervical ganglia. It is
connected with inferior cervical ganglion directly and also
through a loop that winds round the subclavian artery.
This loop is known as ansa subclavia.

Inferior Cervical Ganglion

It is formed by fusion of 7th and 8th cervical ganglia.
♦ This is often with the first thoracic ganglion and
then is known as cervicothoracic ganglion or stellate
♦ It is situated between the transverse process of C7 vertebrae
and the neck of first rib. It lies behind the vertbral artery
and in front of ramus of spinal nerve C8. A cervicothoracic (Jan 2018, 5 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
ganglion extend in front of neck of first rib. Or
Briefly describe Horner’s syndrome.
Branches of Superior Cervical Ganglion (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
a. Gray rami communication pass to ventral rami of upper Ans. Injury to cervical sympathetic trunk produces Horner s
4 cervical nerves. syndrome. It is characterized by:
b. The internal carotid nerve arises from the upper end of a. Ptosis, i.e. drooping of upper eyelid
ganglion. b. Miosis, i.e. constriction of pupil
Anatomy  63

c. Anhydrosis, i.e. loss of sweating on that side of face. belly of digastric, facial vein, and internal jugular vein.
d. Anophthalmos, i.e. retraction of eyeball It is known as jugulodigastric node. It drains the lymph
e. Loss of ciliospinal reflex, i.e. pinching the skin on primarily from the palatine tonsil.
nape of neck does not produce dilatation of pupil. ♦ Lower group of deep cervical lymph nodes: One of the
Horner s syndrome can also be caused by a lesion within lymph nodes of this group lies above the intermediate
the CNS anywhere at or above the first thoracic segment tendon of omohyoid posterior to the internal jugular vein.
of spinal cord involving sympathetic fibers. It is known as jugulo-omohyoid lymph node. Since this
lymph node drains lymph primarily from the tongue, it is
Q.5. Write in brief on cervical lymph node. termed lymph node of the tongue. This node lies deep to
(Apr 2010, 5 Marks) sternocleidomastoid, and therefore, can be palpated only
Ans. if enlarged considerably.
Peripheral Lymph Nodes Some nodes of this group extend into the supraclavicular
fossa and are related to brachial plexus and subclavian
Peripheral lymph nodes are arranged in inner and outer circles
vessels. These are termed supraclavicular lymph nodes
♦ Outer circle: This is formed by lymph node groups which
(Virchow s lymph nodes). The left supraclavicular lymph
form pericervical or cervical collar at junction of head and
nodes are clinically important because they are common
neck and extends from chin in front to occiput behind. They
site of metastasis from malignant disease (cancer) of the
include submental, submandibular, superficial parotid,
massater and occipital nodes. Outlying extensions of
lymph node groups of pericervical collar:
Facial nodes: These are extensions of submandibular
nodes and include:
– A small buccal node lying on the lateral surface
of the buccinator along the facial vein.
– A small mandibular node which is frequently
present where facial vessels cross the lower border
of the mandible.
– A small infraorbital node lying just below the
Superficial cervical nodes: They are situated superficial
to sternomastoid (upper part) along the external
jugular vein. These are the extensions of parotid nodes.
Anterior cervical nodes: They are situated along
the anterior jugular vein. One member of this group
frequently lies in the suprasternal space (suprasternal
node). They are extensions of submental lymph nodes.
♦ Inner circle: The inner circle is formed by following lymph
node groups which lie deep to the investing layer of deep Fig. 82: Lymph nodes
cervical fascia:
Infrahyoid nodes: These lie in front of thyrohyoid Q.6. Write short note on styloid process.
(May 2017, 3 Marks)
Prelaryngeal nodes: These are situated in front of the
Ans. Styloid process with the structures attached to it is known
conus elasticus or cricothyroid membrane.
Pretracheal lymph nodes: These lie in front of trachea as styloid apparatus.
below the isthmus of thyroid gland. • Structures attached to the process are stylohyoid,
styloglossus and stylopharyngeous muscles and
Deep Cervical Lymph Nodes stylohyoid and submandibular ligaments. The five
These lymph nodes lie along and around internal jugular vein, attachments resemble the reins of a chariot
some of them inside the carotid sheath and some on the surface Styloid process is a long, slender and pointed long
of sheath under cover of sternocleidomastoid. process projecting downwards, forwards and slightly
These deep cervical lymph nodes are divided into upper and medially from temporal lobe. It descends between
lower groups. the external and internal carotid arteries to reach the
♦ Superior or upper group of deep cervical lymph nodes: side of pharynx. It is interposed between the parotid
They lie above omohyoid muscle. One lymph node of this gland laterally and internal jugular vein medially.
group is situated below the posterior belly of digastric From anterior surface of styloid process the
between angle of the mandible and anterior border of the styloglossus muscle arises and is inserted inside of
sternocleidomastoid in the triangle formed by posterior tongue.
64 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

(Dec 2009, 15 Marks)

Write in short on glossopharyngeal nerve.
(Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
Write briefly on glossopharyngeal nerve.
(Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
Ans. Surface Attachment on Brainstem
Special visceral efferent fibers arise in nucleus
ambiguous and supply stylopharyngeous muscle.
General visceral efferent fibers arise in inferior
salivatory nucleus and travel to otic ganglion.
Postganglionic fibers arise in ganglion to supply
parotid gland.
General visceral afferent fibers are peripheral
processes of cells in inferior ganglion of nerve.
They carry general sensation from pharynx, palate,
posterior one-third of the tongue, tonsil, carotid
body and carotid sinus to ganglion. The central
processes carry the sensations of these fibers to lower
part of nucleus of solitary tract.
Special visceral afferent fibers are peripheral
processes of cells in inferior ganglion. They carry
sensation of taste from posterior one-third of the
tongue including circumvallate papillae to inferior
ganglion.The central processes carry the sensations
of these fibers to nucleus of solitary tract.
• General somatic afferent fibers are the peripheral
processes of the cells in inferior ganglion of the nerve.
These carry general sensations from the middle ear,
proprioceptive fibers from stylopharyngeous. The
central processes carry the sensations of these fibers
to spinal tract of trigeminal nerve.

 (Feb 2013, 2 Marks)

Ans. Following are the lesions which lie in the midline of neck:
Ludwig s angina
Enlarged submental lymph node
Sublingual dermoid cyst
Thyroglossal cyst
Subhyoid bursitis
Goiter of thyroid, isthmus and pyramidal lobe
Enlarged lymph node and lipoma in substernal space
of burns Fig. 84: Superior attachment on brainstem and nuclei of
Retrosternal goiter glossopharyngeal nerve
Anatomy  65

♦ At base of skull glossopharyngeal nerve presents superior

as well as inferior ganglion. Superior ganglion does
not give off any of the branches while inferior ganglion
occupies notch on lower border of petrous temporal and
gives communicating and tympanic branches.

Branches and Distribution

♦ Tympanic nerve: It is the branch of inferior ganglion of
glossopharyngeal nerve. The nerve enters middle ear via
tympanic canaliculus which forms tympanic plexus and
distribute its fibers to middle ear, auditory tube, mastoid
antrum and air cells. One branch of plexus is called as
lesser petrosal nerve and it consists of preganglionic
secretomotor fibers for parotid gland and relay in otic
ganglion. Postganglionic fibers join auriculotemporal
nerve to reach the gland.
♦ Carotid branch: It descends over internal carotid artery
and supplies to carotid sinus and carotid body.
♦ Pharyngeal branches: They take part in the formation
of pharyngeal plexus with vagal and sympathetic fibers.
Glossopharyngeal fibers are distributed to mucous
membrane of pharynx.
♦ Muscular branch: It supplies to stylopharyngeus.
♦ Tonsillar branch: It supplies to tonsil and join lesser
palatine nerves to form a plexus from which fibers are
distributed to soft palate and palatoglossal arches.
♦ Lingual branches: They carry taste and general sensations
from posterior one third of tongue including circumvallate
Fig. 85: Course and distribution of glossopharyngeal nerve

Course and Relations Nuclei

There are three nuclei in upper part of medulla which are:
♦ In its intraneural course fibers of glossopharyngeal nerve 1. Nucleus ambiguous: It is branchiomotor
pass forward and laterally in between the olivary nucleus 2. Inferior salivatory nucleus: It is parasympathetic
and inferior cerebellar peduncle via reticular formation 3. Nucleus of tractus solitarius: It is gustatory.
of medulla.
♦ At base of brain nerve is attached by three to four filaments Q.10. Write short note on lymphatic drainage of oral cavity.
at upper part of posterolateral sulcus of medulla just above (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
roots of vagus nerve. Ans. Lymphatic drainage of the oral cavity is divided firstly
♦ In its intracranial course filaments get united and constitute into regional nodes and then into deep cervical nodes.
a trunk which passes forward and lateral to jugular foramen Parotid nodes lie upon the parotid gland and drain
by crossing and grooving jugular tubercle of occipital bone. it
♦ Glossopharyngeal nerve leaves the skull via middle part Buccal nodes lie on the cheek over the buccinator
of juglar foramen anterior to vagus and accessory nerves. muscle and siphon off the lymph that is collecting
♦ In jugular foramen nerve lies in a deep groove and leads in the submandibular nodes
to cochlear canaliculus and separated from both vagus and Submandibular nodes lie on the lateral wall of the
accessory spinal nerve by inferior peterosal sinus. submandibular gland and drain the cheek, the upper
lip, lower lip, maxillary sinus, upper and lower teeth,
Extracranial Course anterior two-third of the tongue, floor of the mouth,
♦ In its extracranial course the nerve descend in between vestibule and gums
internal jugular vein and internal carotid artery deep to Submental nodes are found in the submental triangle
styloid process and muscles attached to it. It turn forward below the chin and drain the tip of the tongue, the
and wind at lateral aspect of stylopharyngeous and pass floor of the anterior part of the mouth, the incisors,
between external and internal carotid arteries and reaches the central part of the lower lip and the skin of the
to side of pharynx. Here it gives off pharyngeal branches chin
and enters sub-mandibular region by passing deep to • Superficial cervical nodes lie on the external jugular
hyoglossus where it split into tonsilar and lingual branches. vein and drain the skin over the angle of the jaw and
66 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

the skin covering the lower portion of the parotid form two bundles which pierce the duramater separately
gland. near hypoglossal canal. The nerve leaves the skull via
Deep cervical nodes are as follows: hypoglossal canal.
Jugulodigastric node sits posteroinferiorly to the jaw Extracranial Course: Hypoglossal nerve first lies deep
and drains the tonsils and the tongue. to the internal jugular vein and inclines between the
Jugulo-omohyoid node is found close to the internal jugular vein and internal carotid artery. It
omohyoid muscle and drains the tongue. crosses the vagus and reaches in front of it.
Q.11. Describe hypoglossal nerve under following heads: The nerve descends between the internal jugular vein
(Feb 2014, 3+3+2 Marks) and internal carotid artery in front of vagus deep to
a. Course the parotid gland, styloid process, posterior belly of
b. Branches the digastric. At the lower border of the posterior belly
c. Applied anatomy of the digastric, it curves forwards, crosses the internal
Ans. Course and external carotid arteries and the loop of the lingual
Intraneural course: Fibers pass forwards lateral to the artery. The nerve then passes deep to posterior belly of
medial longitudinal bundle, medial lemniscus and the digastric to enter the submandibular region.
pyramidal tract, and medial to the reticular formation The nerve then continues forwards on the hyoglossus
and olivary nucleus. Hypoglossal nerve is attached to the and genioglossus, deep to the submandibular gland and
anterolateral sulcus of medulla in between the pyramid the mylohyoid muscle and enters the substance of the
and the olive, by 10 to 15 rootlets. These rootlets run tongue to supply all its intrinsic muscles and most of its
laterally behind the vertebral artery, and they join to extrinsic muscles.

Fig. 86: Course of hypoglossal nerve

Branches a. Meningeal branch contains sensory and sympathetic fibers.

b. Descending branch continues as upper root of the ansa
Branches containing fibers of the hypoglossal nerve proper:
cervicalis or descendens hypoglossi.
These branches supply extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the c. Branches to thyrohyoid and geniohyoid muscles.
tongue. Only extrinsic muscle, the palatoglossus is supplied
by fibers of the cranial accessory nerve through the vagus and Applied Anatomy
pharyngeal plexus. ♦ Hypoglossal nerve is tested clinically by asking the patient
to protrude his/her tongue. In normal people the tongue is
Branches of the hypoglossal nerve containing fibers of nerve C1: protruded straight forward but if the nerve is paralysed,
These fibers join the nerve at the base of the skull. tongue deviates to paralyzed side.
Anatomy  67

 Ans. It is a well separated joint which is formed between atlas

and axis.

Types and Articular Surfaces

♦ There are two lateral atlantoaxial joints between inferior
facets of atlas and superior facets of axis. They are the
plane joints.
♦ One median atlantoaxial joint between the dens, i.e.
(May 2017, 3 Marks) odontoid process and the anterior arch and between dens
Ans. Due to unilateral damage there is lower motor neuron and transverse ligament of the atlas. This is a pivot joint.
type of paralysis of muscles on the tongue over that It consists of two separate synovial cavities, anterior and
side. On asking the patient to protrude his/her tongue, posterior.
tip of the tongue deviates to paralysed side because of Ligaments
unopposed action of the muscles of healthy side.
On clinical testing of hypoglossal nerve, if there is ♦ Lateral atlantoaxial joint is supported by:
unilateral damage to hypoglossal nerve, the tongue Capsular ligament all around.
deviates to the side of the lesion or paralysis. Lateral part of the anterior longitudinal ligament.
Ligamentum flavum.
Q.13. Name the blood vessels supplying thyroid gland. ♦ Median atlantoaxial joint is strengthened by following, i.e.
(Aug 2016, 2 Marks) Anterior smaller part of the joint between anterior arch
Ans. Following are the blood vessels supplying thyroid gland: of atlas and dens is surrounded by a loose capsular
Superior thyroid artery ligament.
Inferior thyroid artery Posterior larger part of the joint between dens and
Lowest thyroid artery or thyroidea ima artery transverse ligament is often continuous with one
Accessory thyroid artery. of the atlanto-occipital joints. Here main support
is transverse ligament which forms a part of the

Q. 14. Name the structures attached to styloid process. cruciform ligament of atlas.
(Aug 2018, 1 Mark)
Ans. Structures attached to the process are: Transverse Ligament
Stylohyoid It is attached over each side to medial surface of lateral mass
Styloglossus of atlas. In median plane, its fibers are prolonged upwards
Stylopharyngeous muscles to basiocciput and downwards to body of axis, thus forming
Stylohyoid and submandibular ligaments. cruciform ligament of atlas vertebra. Transverse ligament
The five attachments resemble the reins of a chariot. embraces the narrow neck of the dens, and prevents its dislocation.
Q.15. Write very short answer on thyrocervical trunk.
Ligaments Connecting Axis with Occipital Bone
(Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. It is the short, wide branch of the subclavian artery. Ligaments which connect axis with occipital bone are the
membrana tectoria, cruciate ligament, apical ligament of the
Origin, Course, and Termination dens and the alar ligaments.
The thyrocervical trunk arises from the upper aspect of the ♦ Membrana tectoria: It is an upward continuation of posterior
first part of the subclavian artery at the medial margin of the longitudinal ligament. It lies posterior to transverse ligament.
scalenus anterior and lateral to the origin of vertebral artery. It Membrana tectoria is attached inferiorly to posterior surface
immediately terminates into three branches. of the body of axis and superiorly to the basiocciput.
♦ Cruciate ligament: Transverse ligament is attached
Branches over each side to medial surface of lateral mass of atlas.
In median plane, its fibers are prolonged upwards to
These are:
basiocciput and downwards to body of axis, thus forming
♦ Inferior thyroid artery.
cruciform ligament of atlas vertebra.
♦ Superficial cervical artery.
♦ Apical ligament of dens: It extends from apex of dens
♦ Suprascapular artery.
close to anterior margin of foramen magnum behind
the attachment of cruciate ligament. Mainly it is the
continuation of the notochord.
10. THE PREVERTEBRAL AND ♦ Alar ligament, one on each side, extends from upper part
PARAVERTEBRAL REGION of lateral surface of dens to medial surface of occipital
condyles. They are strong ligaments which limit both
Q.1. Write a short note on atlantoaxial joint. the rotation as well as flexion of head. They get relaxed
(Sep 2002, 3 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks) during extension.
68 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

First part of vertebral artery
Cervical part of sympathetic chain.

(Apr 2010, 5 Marks)

Ans. Introduction
Vertebral artery is one of the two principal arteries which
supply the brain. In addition it also supplies to spinal
cord, meninges, and surrounding muscles and bones.

Origin and Course

It arises from the posterosuperior aspect of first part of
subclavian artery near its commencement. It runs a long course
and end in cranial cavity by supplying brain.

Fig. 88: Vertebral artery with branches

Anteriorly: Carotid sheath with common carotid artery,
vertebral vein, inferior thyroid artery and thoracic duct on
left side.
Posterior: Transverse process of C7 vertebrae, stellate
ganglion and ventral rami of C7 and C8 nerves.
b. Second part of vertebral artery: It runs through foramina
transversaria of upper six cervical vertebrae. Its course
is vertically upto axis vertebrae. It then run upward and
laterally to reach foramen transversarium of atlas vertebrae.
1. Ventral rami of nerves C2-6 lie posterior to vertebral
Fig. 87: Course and parts of vertebral artery 2. The artery is accompanied by venous plexus and by
large branch from stellate ganglion.
c. Third part of vertebral artery: This part lies in suboccipital
Parts of Vertebral Artery triangle emerging from foramina transversarium of atlas,
Artery is divided into four parts as follows: the artery winds medially round the posterior aspect of
a. First part of vertebral artery: It extends from origin of lateral mass of atlas. It runs medially lying on the posterior
artery to the transverse process of 6th cervical vertebrae. arch of this bone and enter vertebral canal by passing
This part of artery run upward and backward in triangular deep to lower arch margin of posterior atlanto-occipital
space between scalenus anterio and longus colli muscles membrane.
known as scalenovertebral triangle. Relations
Scalenovertebral triangle Anteriorly : Lateral mass of atlas
It is present at the root of neck. Posteriorly : Semispinalis capitis
Boundaries Laterally : Rectus capitis lateralis
Medial: Lower oblique part of longus colli Medial : Ventral ramus of 1st cervical nerve
Lateral: Scalenus anterior Inferior : Dorsal ramus of C1 nerve
Apex: Transverse process of C6 vertebrae Posterior arch of atlas.
Base: First part of subclavian artery d. Fourth part:
Posterior wall: Transverse process of C7, ventral It extends from posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
ramus of C8 nerve, neck of first rib and cupola pleurae to lower border of pons
Anatomy  69

In vertebral canal, it pierces dura and arachnoid, Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
and ascends in front of root of hypoglossal nerve. Medullary arteries.
As it ascends, it inclines medially to reach the front Development of vertebral artery
of medulla. At lower border of pons, it unites with First part: From branch of dorsal division of 7th
its fellow of contralateral side to form basilar artery. cervical intersegmental artery
Branches of vertebral artery: First part gives off no Second part: From postcostal anastomosis
branches. Third part: From spinal branch of first cervical
Cervical branches intersegmental artery
Spinal branches from second part enter vertebral canal Fourth part: From preneural branch of first cervical
via intervertebral foramina and supply spinal cord, intersegmental artery.
meninges and vertebrae. Q.3. Write on origin, insertion, nerve supply and action of
Muscular branches arise from third part and supply prevertebral muscle in tabular form.
suboccipital muscles. (Apr 2007, 15 Marks)
Cranial branches Ans. Prevertebral muscles are:
These branches originate from fourth part: 1. Longus colli
Meningeal branches 2. Longus capitis
Posterior spinal 3. Rectus capitis anterior
Anterior spinal artery 4. Rectus capitis lateralis.

Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action

Longus colli a. Upper oblique part originates from a. Upper oblique part in anterior Ventral rami a. Neck flexion
It extends from atlas to anterior tubercle of transverse tubercle of atlas of nerve b. Oblique part flex
T3 vertebral process of C3, C4, C5 b. Lower oblique part in anterior C3-C8 the neck laterally
b. Lower oblique part from bodies of tubercle of transverse process c. Lower oblique part
upper T2-T3 vertebrae of C5 and C6 vertebrae rotates the neck to
c. Middle vertical part from bodies c. Middle vertical part in bodies opposite side
of upper three thoracic and lower of C2, C3 and C4 vertebrae
three cervical vertebrae
Longus capitis It originates from the anterior It is inserted in inferior surface of Ventral rami Head flexion
It overlap longus colli. It tubercle of transverse processes of basilar part of occipital bone of nerves
is thick above and narrow C3, C4, C5 and C6 vertebrae C1-C3
Rectus capitis anterior It originates from anterior surface It is inserted in basilar part of Ventral Head flexion
It is very short as well as of lateral mass of atlas in front of occipital bone ramus of
flat muscle. It lies deep to occipital condyle nerve C1
longus capitis
Rectus capitis lateralis It originates from upper surface of It is inserted in inferior surface of Ventral rami Head flexion laterally
It is a short flat muscle transverse process of atlas jugular process of occipital bone of nerves
C1, C2

(Apr 2007, 4 Marks)
Ans. Superior aspect of each lateral mass shows an elongated
concave facet which articulates with corresponding
condyle of occipital bone to form atlanto-occipital
• Main movement is flexion with a little lateral flexion
and rotation. Flexion is caused by longus capitis and
rectus capitis anterior.
Extension is caused by recti capitis posterior major
and minor, obliques capitis superior, semispinalis
capitis, splenius capitis and upper part of trapezius.
Lateral bending is caused by rectus capitis,
semispinalis capitis, splenius capitis, sternoclei-
domastoid and trapezius.
Fig. 89: Prevertebral muscles
70 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.5. Write short note on cervical plexus.

(Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
  Ans. Cervical plexus is formed by the ventral rami of upper
first four cervical spinal nerves C1, C2, C3 and C4. Rami
emerge between anterior and posterior tubercles of
cervical transverse processes grooving costotransverse
bars. Four roots connect to each other and form three

Position and Relations of Cervical Plexus

Cervical plexus is related:
a. Posteriorly to muscles which originates from posterior
tubercles of transverse process i.e. levator scapulae and
scalenus medius.
b. Anteriorly to prevertebral fascia, internal jugular vein and
Branches of Cervical Plexus
I. Cutaneous branches or superficial branches: These
branches provide sensory innervations to the skin. They
arise at the level of middle third of sternocleidomatoid
at posterior border to innervate skin of neck and scalp
between auricle and external occipital protuberance.
Branches and the regions innervated by them are:
a. Anterior cutaneous nerve of neck: Arises from ventral
rami of C2 and C3 and run across sternomastoid to
supply skin and neck to sternum.
b. Supraclavicular nerve: Formed by ventral rami of C3
and C4 nerves. The nerve emerges at posterior border
of sternocleidomatoid muscle.
c. Greater auricular nerve: It is the largest ascending
branch of cervical plexus. It arises from ventral rami
of C2 and C3 nerves. It ascends on sternomastoid
muscle to reach parotid gland where it subdivides
into anterior and posterior branches.
d. Lesser occipital: It arises from ventral ramus of C2
of spinal cord. It is visible at posterior border of (Apr 2007, 4 Marks)
sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Anatomy  71

Ans. In its upper part, scalenus anterior get separated from longus
capitis by ascending cervical artery.
Scalenus Anterior Muscle
Q.7. Write very short answer on phrenic nerve.
♦ Origin: Orignates from anterior tubercles of transverse (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
process of cervical vertebrae 3, 4, 5 and 6. Ans. Phrenic nerve is basically a mixed nerve which carries
♦ Insertion: Scalene tubercle and adjoining ridge on superior motor fibers to diaphragm and sensory fibers from
surface of the first rib. diaphragm, pleura, pericardium as well as part of
♦ Nerve supply: Ventral rami of nerves C4, 5 and 6. peritoneum.

It arises from ventral rami of third, fourth and fifth cervical
vertebrae but chiefly from fourth cervical vertebrae.

Course and Relations

♦ It is formed at lateral border of scalenus anterior, opposite
to middle of sternocleidomastoid, at the level of upper
border of thyroid cartilage.
♦ It runs vertically downwards on anterior surface of
scalenus anterior muscle. Since the muscle is oblique, nerve
appears to cross it obliquely from its lateral towards its
medial border. In this part, nerve is related anteriorly to
the prevertebral fascia, the inferior belly of the omohyoid,
Fig. 91: Relation of scalenus anterior
transverse cervical artery, suprascapular artery, internal
jugular vein, sternocleidomastoid and thoracic duct on
Actions left side.
♦ As the nerve leave anterior surface of scalenus anterior,
1. Anterolateral flexion of cervical spine.
phrenic nerve runs downwards on cervical pleura just
2. Rotates cervical spine to opposite side.
3. Elevates the first rib during inspiration. behind the commencement of brachiocephalic vein. Here
4. Stabilizes neck along with other muscle. it crosses internal thoracic artery from lateral towards
the medial side, and enters the thorax behind first costal
Relations cartilage. Over left side, nerve leaves (crosses) the medial
margin of scalenus anterior muscle at a higher level and
a. Anteriorly: Phrenic nerve covered by prevertebral fascia,
crosses in front of the first part of subclavian artery.
lateral part of carotid sheath containing internal jugular
vein, descendens cervicalis, sternomastoid and clavicle. Distribution
b. Posteriorly: Brachial plexus, subclavian artery, cervical
pleura covered by suprapleural membrane, scalenus ♦ Phrenic nerve alone provide motor supply to diaphragm
medius. ♦ It gives sensory innervations to diaphragmatic pleura,
c. The lateral border of muscle is related to trunks of brachial pericardium and subdiaphragmatic pleura.
plexus and subclavian artery which emerges at this border Q.8. Write very short answer on intervertebral joints.
and enter posterior triangle. (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. The joints of the neck include intervertebral joints between
Medial Border of Muscle is Related to
the lower 6 cervical vertebrae and craniovertebral joints.
In its lower part to an inverted V shaped interval which is The joints between the lower 6 cervical vertebrae are
formed by the diverging borders of scalenus anterior and longus typical cervical joints. These are similar to those in the
colli. This interval consists of many important structures, i.e. other parts of the vertebral column. They permit flexion,
♦ Vertebral vessels running vertically from base to the apex extension, and lateral bending but little rotation.
of this space
The joints between lst and 2nd cervical vertebrae and
♦ Inferior thyroid artery arching medially at level of 6th
those between lst cervical vertebrae and skull permit
cervical transverse process
rotation and nodding of head, respectively.
♦ Sympathetic trunk
♦ First part of subclavian artery traverses lower part of gap The joints of neck are clinically important due to high
♦ Over left side, thoracic duct arches laterally at level of 7th incidence of spondylosis, disc prolapse, and fracture
cervical transverse process dislocation in the cervical region.
♦ Carotid sheath covers all the structures given above All intervertebral joints are innervated by adjoining
♦ Sternocleidomastoid covers carotid sheath spinal nerves particular by their posterior divisions.
72 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

11. BACK OF THE NECK 1. Medially: Dense fibrous tissue covered by semi-
spinalis capitis.
2. Laterally: Longissimus capitis and occasionally
(April 2003, 10 Marks) splenius capitis
Or Floor: It is formed by:
Write short note on contents and boundaries of 1. Posterior arch of atlas.
suboccipital triangle. (Aug 2018, 5 Marks) 2. Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane.
Ans. Boundaries of Suboccipital Triangle
Contents of Suboccipital Triangle
Superomedially: Rectus capitis posterior major muscle
supplemented by the rectus capitis posterior minor. 1. Third part of vertebral artery.
Superolaterally: Superior oblique capitis muscle. 2. Dorsal ramus of nerve C1-suboccipital nerve.
Inferiorly: Inferior oblique capitis muscle. 3. Suboccipital plexus of veins.

Fig. 92: Boundaries and contents of suboccipital triangle

Third Part of Vertebral Artery ♦ Internal vertebral venous plexus

♦ Condylar emissary vein
Out of the four parts of vertebral artery only third part appears
in the suboccipital triangle. This part appears at foramen ♦ Deep cervical vein
transversarium of atlas vertebra. After emerging from foramen, ♦ Plexus of vein around vertebral artery.
the artery winds backward and medially behind the lateral mass
of atlas; lodges in the groove on upper surface of its posterior
arch, and finally leaves the triangle by passing deep to the thick 12. THE CRANIAL CAVITY
lateral edge of posterior atlanto occipital membrane to enter
vertebral canal where it continues as fourth part of vertebral 
artery. (Sep 2001, 5 Marks)
Vertebral artery is separated from posterior arch of atlas by Or
first cervical nerve and its dorsal and ventral rami. Briefly describe on falx cerebri. (Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
Ans. This is a large sickle shaped fold of dura mater occupying
Dorsal Ramus of Nerve C1–Suboccipital Nerve
medial longitudinal fissure between two hemispheres.
Dorsal ramus emerges between the posterior arch of atlas and It has two ends:
the vertebral artery and soon breaks up into five muscular 1. Anterior end is narrow and is attached to cristae
branches to supply four suboccipital nerves and semispinalis galli.
capitis. The nerve to inferior oblique gives off a communicating 2. Posterior end is broad and is attached along median
branch to the greater occipital nerve. plane to upper surface of tentorium cerebelli.
Suboccipital Plexus of Veins Falx cerebri consists of two margins:
It lies in and around the suboccipital triangle and drains to: 1. Upper margin is convex and is attached to lips of sagittal
♦ Muscular veins sulcus.
♦ Occipital veins 2. Lower margin is concave and free.
Anatomy  73

It has right and left surfaces each of which is related to medial

surface of corresponding cerebral hemisphere.
Three important venous sinuses are present in relation to
this fold.
1. Superior sagittal sinus lies along upper margin. (Sep 2013, 20 Marks)
2. Inferior sagittal sinus lies along lower margin. Or
3. Straight sinus along the line of attachment of falx to
Write a short note on cavernous sinus.
tentorium cerebelli.
(May 2014, 5 Marks) (Feb 2005, 5 Marks)
(Feb 2014, 3 Marks) (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
(Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
Write short note on relations of cavernous sinus.
(Aug 2018, 5 Marks)
Ans. Situation
Each cavernous sinus is a large venous space situated in
a middle cranial fossa on either side of body of sphenoid
• Floor and medial wall: Formed by endosteal dura
• Roof and lateral wall: Formed by meningeal dura
Fig. 93: Falx cerebri • Anteriorly: Sinus extends to medial end of superior
orbital fissure.
Q.2. Enumerate paired and unpaired dural venous sinuses. • Posteriorly: To apex of petrous temporal bone.
(Sep 2004, 5 Marks) Contents or Relations
Ans. There are 23 venous sinuses out of which 8 are paired
and 7 are unpaired. A. Structure outside the sinus:
a. Superiorly: Optic tract, optic chiasma, olfactory
Paired Venous Sinus tract, internal carotid artery and anterior perforated
1. Cavernous sinus
b. Inferiorly: Foramen lacerum, junction of body and
2. Superior petrosal sinus
greater wing of sphenoid.
3. Inferior petrosal sinus
c. Medially: Hypophysis cerebri and sphenoidal air sinus.
4. Transverse sinus
5. Sigmoid sinus d. Below laterally: Mandibular nerve.
6. Sphenoparietal sinus e. Laterally: Temporal lobe with uncus.
7. Petrosquamous sinus f. Anteriorly: Apex of the orbit and superior orbital
8. Middle meningeal sinus. fissure.
g. Posteriorly: Apex of petrosal temporal and crus cerebri
In above sinuses there is one sinus on each side.
of the midbrain.
Unpaired Venous Sinus B. Structures inside lateral wall of sinus: From above to
They are median in position: Oculomotor nerve: In anterior part of cavernous sinus,
1. Superior sagittal sinus nerve divide in superior and inferior divisions which
2. Inferior sagittal sinus leave sinus by passing via superior orbital fissure.
3. Straight sinus Trochlear nerve: In anterior part of cavernous sinus
4. Occipital sinus the nerve crosses superficial to oculomotor nerve and
5. Anterior intercavernous sinus enters orbit via superior orbital fissure.
6. Posterior intercavernous sinus Ophthalmic nerve: In anterior part of cavernous sinus,
7. Basilar plexus of veins. nerve divides into lacrimal, frontal and nasociliary
Q.3. Mention situation, boundaries, contents, communica- Maxillary nerve: It leaves sinus by passing via foramen
tion and tributaries of cavernous sinus. rotundum on its way to pterygopalatine fossa.
(Feb 2002, 10 Marks) Trigeminal ganglion: Ganglion and its dural cave
Or project inside the posterior part of lateral wall of sinus.
74 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Tributaries of Cavernous Sinus:

A. From the orbit.
a. Superior ophthalmic vein
b. A branch of inferior ophthalmic vein or sometimes
vein itself
c. The central vein of retina may drain either in superior
opthlamic vein or in cavernous sinus.
B. From the brain
a. Superficial middle cerebral vein
b. Inferior cerebral veins from temporal lobe.
C. From the meninges
a. Sphenoparietal sinus
b. The frontal trunk of middle meningeal vein may drain
either in pterygoid plexus via foramen ovale or in
sphenoparietal or cavernous sinus.
Fig. 94: Coronal section of cavernous sinus
Applied Anatomy
♦ Thrombosis of cavernous sinus may be caused by sepsis in
dangerous area of face, in nasal cavities and in paranasal
air sinuses. This gives rise to:
Nervous symptoms:
– Severe pain in eye and forehead in the area of
distribution of ophthalmic nerve.
– Involvement of 3rd, 4th and 6th cranial nerves
resulting in paralysis of muscles supplied.
Venous symptoms: Marked edema of eyelid, cornea
and root of nose with exophthalmos due to congestion
of veins.
♦ Communication between cavernous sinus and internal
carotid artery may be produced by head injury. When
this happens the eye wall protrudes and pulsates with
each heart beat. It is also known as pulsating exopthalmos.
Q.4. Write a short note on superior sagittal sinus.
Fig. 95: Communications and tributaries of cavernous sinus
(March 2000, 5 Marks)
C. Structure passing through medial aspect of sinus: Ans. Superior Sagittal Sinus
a. Internal carotid artery: With venous plexus and The sinus occupies upper convex attached margin of falx
sympa-thetic plexus around it. cerebri.
b. Abducent nerve: Infralateral to internal carotid artery.
Structurs in lateral wall and on medial aspect of sinus are
seperated from blood by endothelial lining.

♦ The cavernous sinus drains into transverse sinus through
superior petrosal sinus.
♦ Cavernous sinus drains into internal jugular vein through
inferior petrosal sinus and through plexus around internal
carotid artery.
♦ Cavernous sinus drains into pterygoid plexus of veins
through emissary veins.
♦ Cavernous sinus drains into facial vein through superior Fig. 94: Superior saggital sinus
ophthalmic vein. It begins anteriorly at cristae galli by union of tiny
♦ The right and left cavernous sinus communicate with meningeal vessels, there it communicates with veins
each other through anterior and posterior inter cavernous of frontal sinus and occasionally with veins of nose.
sinuses and through basilar plexus of veins. As the sinus run upwards and backwards, it becomes
All the above communications are valueless and blood can flow progressively larger in size. It is triangular in cross-
via them in either direction. section. It ends near internal occipital protuberance
Anatomy  75

♦ Superiorly: Diaphragma sellae, optic chiasma, tuber
cinerium and infundibular recess of IIIrd ventricle.
♦ Inferiorly: Irregular venous channels between two layers
of dura mater lining the floor of hypophyseal fossa,
sphenoidal air sinus and hypophyseal fossa.
♦ On each side: Cavernous sinus with its contents.

The gland has two main parts which differ morphologically,
embryologically and anatomically. The two parts are:
♦ Adenohypophysis:
It consists of the following parts:
Anterior lobe or pars anterior, pars distalis or pars
glandularis: This is the largest part of gland.
Intermediate lobe or pars intermedia: This is in the
form of thin strip which is separated from anterior
lobe by intraglandular cleft.
Tuberal lobe or pars tuberalis: It is an upward
extension of anterior lobe that surrounds and forms
the part of infundibulum.
♦ Neurohypophysis:
Posterior lobe: It is smaller than anterior lobe and lies
in the posterior concavity of larger anterior lobe.
Infundibular stem: It contains neural connections of
posterior lobe with hypothalamus.
Median eminence of tuber cinereum which is
continuous with infundibular stem.

(Aug 2005, 10 Marks)

Write short note on pituitary gland. (Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
Ans. Anatomy of Pituitary Gland
Situation: The gland lies in the hypophyseal fossa. The
fossa is roofed by diaphragma sellae. Stalk of hypophysis
cerebri pierces diaphragma sellae and is attached above
to floor of IIIrd ventricle.

Fig. 98: Arterial supply of pituitary gland

(For colour version see Plate 1)

Blood Supply
Arterial Supply
♦ The hypophysis cerebri is supplied by the following
Fig. 97: Parts of hypophysis cerebri in saggital section branches of internal carotid artery:
76 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Superior hypophyseal artery on each side. Q.8. Write short note on tentorium cerebelli.
Inferior hypophyseal artery. (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
♦ Each superior hypophyseal artery supplies to the ventral Ans. Tentorium cerebelli is a tent shaped fold of dura mater
part of hypothalamus, upper part of infundibulum, lower which form roof of posterior cranial fossa.
part of infundibulum via separate descending branch It separates cerebellum from occipital lobes
known as trabecular artery. of cerebrum and divides cranial cavity into
♦ Each inferior hypophyseal artery divides into medial and supratentorial and infratentorial compartments.
lateral parts which join to form arterial ring, the branches Infratentorial compartment is the posterior cranial
from ring supply to posterior lobe. fossa consisting of hindbrain and lower part of
♦ Anterior lobe is supplied by portal vessels arising from the midbrain.
capillary tufts which is formed by superficial hypophyseal Tentorium cerebelli consists of free margin as well
arteries. Long portal vessels drain median eminence and as an attached margin. Anterior free margin is of U-
upper infundibulum while the short portal veins drain shaped and is free. Ends of ‘U’ are attached anteriorly
lower infundibulum. to anterior clinoid processes. Anterior margin
bounds to tentorial notch which is occupied by the
Venous Drainage midbrain as well as the anterior part of superior
Short veins emerge on surface gland and drain into neighbouring
Outer or attached margin is convex and post-
venous sinuses. Hormones pass out of gland via venous blood
erolaterally and it is attached to lips of transverse
and carried to their target cells.
sulci on the occipital bone and on the posteroinferior
Applied Anatomy angle of parietal bone. Anterolaterally, it is attached
to superior border of the petrous temporal bone and
Pituitary tumors give rise to two main categories of symptoms: to posterior clinoid processes. Along the attached
A. General Symptoms: These are caused due to pressure over margin, there are the transverse and superior
surrounding structures. The symptoms are: petrosal venous sinuses.
Sella turcica is enlarged in size. Trigeminal or Meckel s cave is a recess of dura mater
Pressure over optic chiasma causes bitemporal which is present in relation to attached margin of
hemianopia. tentorium. Trigeminal cave is formed by evagination
Pressure over hypothalamus causes hypothalamic of the inferior layer of tentorium over the trigeminal
syndromes. impression on petrous temporal bone. It consists of
A large tumor may press upon the third ventricle trigeminal ganglion.
causing rise in intracranial pressure. • Free and attached margins of the tentorium cerebelli
B. Specific symptoms: These symptoms depend on the type cross each other near the apex of the petrous
of cell tumor temporal bone. Anterior to point of crossing, there
Acidophil adenoma causes acromegaly in adults and is presence of triangular area which forms posterior
gigantism in younger patients. part of roof of cavernous sinus, this is pierced by
Basophil adenoma causes Cushing s syndrome. third and fourth cranial nerves.
Chromophobe adenoma causes effects of hypo- Tentorium cerebelli consists of two surfaces i.e
superior surface and inferior surface.
Superior surface is convex and it slopes to either side
Posterior lobe damage causes diabetes insipidus.
from median plane. Falx cerebri is attached to this
Q.6. Describe pituitary gland under following heads: surface in the midline; the straight sinus lies along
(Dec 2010, 4 + 4 Marks) the line of this attachment. Superior surface is related
a. Gross anatomy to the occipital lobes of the cerebrum.
b. Microscopic anatomy • Inferior surface is concave and fits to convex superior
Ans. For gross anatomy refer to Ans 5 of the same chapter. surface of cerebellum. Falx cerebelli is attached to its
posterior part.
For microscopic anatomy refer to Ans 19 of SECTION
HISTOLOGY. Venous sinuses enclosed in the tentorium cerebelli on
each side are:
Q.7. Enumerate dural venous sinuses. Describe cavernous a. Transverse sinus—Lies within the posterior part of
sinus and give its applied anatomy. the attached margin.
(Dec 2012, 2+4+2 Marks) b. Superior petrosal sinus—Present within the
Ans. For enumeration refer to Ans 2 of the same chapter. anterolateral part of the attached margin.
For description of cavernous sinus along with applied c. Straight sinus—Present along the line of attachment
anatomy refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter. between falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli.
Anatomy  77

Fig. 97: Tentorium cerebelli

Q.9. Write short note on Meckel’s cave. (Nov 2009, 5 Marks) • The cephalic part of anterior lobe persists as the pars
Ans. Meckel s cave is also known as trigeminal cave or cavum tuberalis.
trigeminale. • Sometimes the stomodeal end of the pouch invades
It is an arachnoidal pouch containing cerebrospinal fluid. the roof of the nasopharynx and persists as the
It is formed by two layers of dura mater which are part pharyngeal hypophysis.
of an evagination of the tentorium cerebelli near the apex
of the petrous part of the temporal bone.
It envelops the trigeminal ganglion.
It is bounded by the dura overlying four structures:
1. Superolaterally: The cerebellar tentorium
2. Superomedially: The lateral wall of the cavernous
3. Medially: The clivus
4. Inferolaterally: The posterior petrous face.
Q.10. Write a short note on Rathke s Pouch.
(Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
Ans. • Anterior pituitary develops from a diverticulum that Fig. 100: Development of anterior and posterior lobe of pituitary
evaginates from the roof of the stomodeum in front of
the buccopharyngeal membrane. This diverticulum
is known as the Rathke s pouch.
• Rathke’s pouch extends up to the floor of the fore
brain vesicle.
• The Rathke s pouch separates from the stomatodeum
by the second month due to growth of the
surrounding mesenchyme.
• The cells covering the anterior wall of the pouch
gives rise to anterior lobe of pituitary.
• The posterior wall of the pouch forms the par
• Cavity of the pouch persists as the intraglandular
cleft. Fig. 101: Rathke’s pouch
78 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.11. Write about branches of internal carotid artery. which enters pterygoid canal and anastomose with greater
(Dec 2009, 5 Marks) palatine artery.
Ans. Internal carotid artery starts in the neck as terminal
branch of common carotid artery. It is divided into four Cavernous Part
parts which gives off its branches. In the cavernous sinus it gives off cavernous branch to trigeminal
ganglion and superior and inferior hypophyseal branches to
Cervical Part
hypophysis cerebri.
It lies in the carotid sheath. It does not give any branch.
Cerebral Part
Petrous Part
It lies at base of the brain after emerging from cavernous sinus.
It is the part of temporal bone. It gives off caroticotympanic It gives off ophthalmic, anterior cerebral, middle cerebral,
branches which enter middle ear and artery of pterygoid canal posterior communicating and anterior choroidal branches.

The ganglion is crescentric or semilunar in shape with

 (Feb 2016, 2 Marks) its convexity directed anterolaterally.
Ans. Following are the structures passing through the The three divisions of trigeminal nerve emerges from
cavernous sinus: this convexity.
Structures in the lateral wall of sinus from above to The posterior concavity of the ganglion receives the
downwards: sensory root of the nerve.
1. Oculomotor nerve Situation and Meningeal Relation
2. Trochlear nerve
Trigeminal ganglion lies on the trigeminal impression over
3. Ophthalmic nerve
anterior surface of the petrous temporal bone near its apex. Here
4. Maxillary nerve
it occupies a special space of dura matter known as trigeminal
5. Trigeminal ganglion. cave or Meckel s cave. Two layers of dura are present below
Structures passing through the medial aspect of sinus: ganglion. Cave is lined by pia arachnoid so that the ganglion
1. Internal carotid artery with venous and sympathetic along with motor root of trigeminal nerve is surrounded by
plexus around it cerebrospinal fluid. Ganglion lies at depth of 5 cm from the
2. Abducent nerve. preauricular point.
Q.13. Write short note on trigeminal ganglion. Relations
(Apr 2008, 3 Marks)
♦ Medially Internal carotid artery and posterior part of
Ans. Trigeminal ganglion is the sensory ganglion of the fifth
cavernous sinus
cranial nerve.
♦ Laterally Middle meningeal artery
This ganglion is homologus with dorsal nerve root ♦ Superiorly Parahippocampal gyrus
ganglia of spinal nerves. ♦ Inferiorly Motor root of trigeminal nerve, greater petrosal
It is made up of pseudounipolar nerve cells with a T - nerve, apex of petrous temporal bone and foramen
shaped arrangement of their processes. lacerum.
Anatomy  79

Associated Root and Branches Transverse sinus

Sigmoid sinus
♦ Central process of ganglion cells forms the large sensory
Sphenoparietal sinus
root of the trigeminal nerve which is attached to pons at
Petrosquamous sinus
its junction with the middle cerebellar peduncle.
Middle meningeal sinus.
♦ Peripheral processes of the ganglion cells form three
In above sinuses there is one sinus on each side.
divisions of the trigeminal nerve, i.e. ophthalmic, maxillary
and mandibular. Unpaired Venous Sinus
♦ Small motor root of trigeminal nerve attach to the pons They are median in position:
superomedial of the sensory root. It passes under the
• Superior sagittal sinus
ganglion from its medial to lateral side and join mandibular
• Inferior sagittal sinus
nerve at the foramen ovale.
Straight sinus
 Occipital sinus
Anterior intercavernous sinus
Posterior intercavernous sinus
Basilar plexus of veins.


Q.1. Give in tabular form the origin, insertion, nerve

supply and action of extraocular muscles.
(Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
(Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
Ans. Various paired intracranial venous system are: (Sep 2001, 5 Marks)
Superior petrosal
Inferior petrosal
Transverse (Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
Sigmoid Or
Write short note on extraocular muscles of eyeball.
(Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
Middle meningeal
Q.15. Write short answer on venous sinuses of dura mater.
Write short note on recti muscles of eyeball.
(Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
(Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
Ans. Venous sinuses of dura mater are the venous spaces, Or
walls of which are formed by the dura mater.
Write short answer on extraocular muscles.
They consist of an inner lining of epithelium.
(Apr 2018, 3 Marks)
There is no muscle present in their walls.
They also do not have any valves. Ans. Extraocular muscles are of two types:
Venous sinuses of dura mater receive venous blood I. Voluntary muscles
from the brain, meninges and bones of skull. 1. Four recti
• Cerebrospinal fluid is poured in some of them. a. Superior rectus
Cranial venous sinuses communicate with veins b. Inferior rectus
outside the skull via emissary veins. These c. Medial rectus
communications keep blood pressure in sinuses d. Lateral rectus.
constant. 2. Two oblique
There are 23 venous sinuses out of which 8 are paired a. Superior oblique
and 7 are unpaired. b. Inferior oblique.
3. Levator palpabrae superioris.
Paired Venous Sinus II. Involuntary muscles
Cavernous sinus 1. Superior tarsal muscle
Superior petrosal sinus 2. Inferior tarsal muscle
Inferior petrosal sinus 3. Orbitalis.
80 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Voluntary muscles
Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action
Voluntary muscle Four recti arise from Recti are inserted into sclera little All recti are a. Superior rectus: At vertical
1. Four recti a common annular posterior to limbus supplied by axis it elevates; At horizontal
a. Superior rectus tendon or tendinous oculomotor axis it adducts and at
b. Inferior rectus ring of zim. Ring is nerve except anteroposterior axis it rotates
c. Lateral rectus attached to middle lateral rectus medially (intorsion)
d. Medial rectus part of superior which is supplied b. Inferior rectus: At vertical
orbital fissure. Lateral by abducent axis it depresses; At
rectus consists of an nerve horizontal axis it adducts
additional tendinous and at anteroposterior axis it
head which arises rotates laterally (extorsion)
from orbital surface c. Lateral rectus: At horizontal
of greater wing of axis it abducts
sphenoid bone lateral d. Medial rectus: At horizontal
to tendinous ring axis it adducts
2. Two oblique muscle a. It is arises from a. It is inserted into sclera behind a. It is supplied a. Superior oblique: At
a. Superior oblique undersurface equator of eyeball between by trochlear vertical axis it depresses;
b. Inferior oblique of lesser wing superior and lateral rectus. nerve At horizontal axis it abducts
of sphenoid, b. It is inserted close. It is supplied b. It is supplied and at anteroposterior axis it
superomedial to by superior oblique a little below by oculomotor rotates medially (intorsion)
optic canal. and posterior to later nerve b. Inferior oblique: At vertical
b. It arises from the axis it elevates; At horizontal
orbital surface of axis it abducts and at
maxilla, lateral to anteroposterior axis it rotates
lacrimal groove laterally (extorsion)
3. Levator palpebrae It arises from the The flat tendon of levator splits It is supplied by It elevates the upper eyelid.
superioris orbital surface into superior and inferior lamella the oculomotor
of lesser wing of superior is inserted to anterior nerve
sphenoid, antero- surface of superior tarsus and skin
superior to optic canal of upper eyelid.
and origin to superior Inferior lamella is inserted to upper
rectus margin of superior tarsus and in
superior conjunctival fornix

Involuntary Muscles

Fig. 103: Insertion of oblique and recti muscles of eyeball

Fig. 104: Nerve supply of extraocular muscles
Anatomy  81

♦ Superior tarsal muscle: It is the deep portion of levator Functional Components

palpabrae superioris. It is inserted on upper margin of ♦ It is general somatic efferent for movements of eyeball.
superior tarsus. Elevates upper eyelid. ♦ Parasympathetic or general visceral efferent for contraction
♦ Inferior tarsal muscle: It extends from the facial sheath of pupil and accommodation.
of inferior rectus and inferior oblique to lower margin of ♦ General somatic afferent carry proprioceptive fibers
inferior tarsus. It depresses lower eyelid. from extraocular muscles to mesencephalic nucleus of
♦ Orbitalis: It bridges inferior orbital fissure and its action trigeminal.
is uncertain.

(Sep 2009, 10 Marks) Oculomotor nucleus is situated in ventromedial part of central
gray mater of midbrain at level of superior colliculus. Fibers for
Or constrictor papillae and for ciliaris arise from Edinger Westphal
 nucleus which forms part of oculomotor nuclear complex.
(Sep 2002, 10 Marks) Ventrolaterally, this is closely related to medial longitudinal
Ans. It is a 3rd cranial nerve. It is distributed to both bundle.
extraocular and intraocular muscles. It is in series with Connections of nucleus are:
4th, 6th and 12th cranial nerves along with ventral root ♦ To pyramidal tract of both sides which form supranuclear
of spinal nerves. pathway of nerve.

Fig. 105: Oculomotor nerve and its distribution

82 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ To pretectal nuclei of both sides for light reflex Q.3. Write a short note on ciliary ganglion.
♦ To fourth, sixth and eighth nerve nuclei by medial (Sep 2001, 4 Marks)
longitudinal bundle for coordination of eye movements. Ans. This is a peripheral parasympathetic ganglion placed in
♦ To tectobulbar tract for visuoprotective reflexes. course of oculomotor nerve.
Course and Distribution Location
♦ In its intraneural course, fibers arise from the nucleus and It lies near apex of orbit between the optic nerve and tendon of
pass ventrally via tegmentum, red nucleus and substantia lateral rectus muscle.
♦ At the base of brain, nerve get attached to oculomotor Roots
sulcus on medial side of crux cerebri. It has motor, sensory and sympathetic roots. Three roots enter
♦ Nerve passes between superior cerebellar and posterior its posterior end which is as follows:
cerebral arteries and run forward in interpeduncular
♦ The motor or parasympathetic root arises from nerve to
cistern to reach cavernous sinus.
inferior oblique. It consists of preganglionic fibers which
♦ Now, the nerve enters cavernous sinus by piercing the
begin in Edinger-Westphal nucleus. The fibers relay in
posterior part of its roof over lateral side of posterior
ciliary ganglion. Postganglionic fibers arising in ganglion
clenoid process. It descends into lateral wall of sinus where
pass through short ciliary nerves and supply sphincter
it lies above the trochlear nerve. In anterior part of sinus, papillae muscles and ciliaris muscle. These intraocular
nerve divides into superior and inferior division. muscles are used in accommodation.
♦ Both divisions of nerve enter orbit via middle part of ♦ The sensory root comes from nasociliary nerve. It consists
superior orbital fissure. Inside the fissure, nasociliary nerve of sensory fibers from eyeball. The fibers do not relay in
lies in between both the divisions but abducent nerve lies ganglion.
inferolateral to both divisions. ♦ The sympathetic root is branched from internal carotid
♦ Inside the orbit, small upper division descends over lateral plexus. It contains postganglionic fibers arising in superior
side of optic nerve supplies the superior rectus and levator cervical ganglion which pass along internal carotid,
palpebrae superioris. Larger lower division divides into ophthalmic and long ciliary arteries. They pass out of ciliary
three branches of medial rectus, inferior rectus and inferior ganglion without relay in short ciliary nerves to supply
oblique. Nerve to inferior oblique is the longest and gives blood vessels of eyeball. They also supply to dilator papillae.
off parasympathetic root to ciliary ganglion and then it
supplies inferior oblique muscle. Branches
♦ All branches enter the muscles on their ocular surfaces
The ganglion gives off 8 to 10 short ciliary nerves which divides
except that for inferior oblique which enters from its
in 15 to 20 branches and then pierce sclera around entrance of
posterior border.
optic nerve. They consist of fibers from all three roots of ganglion.
Applied Anatomy
♦ Complete and total paralysis of oculomotor results in:
Ptosis, dropping of upper eyelid.
Lateral squint.
Dilatation of pupil.
Loss of accommodation
Diplopia, double vision
Slight proptosis.
♦ A midbrain lesion causing contralateral hemiplegia and
ipsilateral paralysis of oculomotor nerve known as Weber s
♦ Supranuclear paralysis of 3rd nerve causes loss of
conjugate movement of eye.
♦ Ptosis or dropping of upper eyelid because of paralysis
of voluntary part of levator palpabrae superioris muscle.
♦ In an affected eye pupillary light reflex is absent.
♦ Because of paralysis of parasympathetic fibers to sphincter
papillae muscle there occurs dilatation of pupil.
♦ Compression of oculomotor nerve: Due to extradural
hematoma, compression of oculomotor nerve leads to
dilatation of pupil. Parasympathetic fibers which lie
superficially get affected first. Pupil dilates over affected Fig. 106: Ciliary ganglion and its roots
side and there is little response to light. (For colour version see Plate 2)
Anatomy  83

Q.4. Write short note on nasociliary nerve. numerous labial and buccal glands situated
(Sep 2011, 5 Marks) in submucosa of lips and cheeks open into
Ans. It is one of the terminal branches of ophthalmic division vestibule. Four and five molar glands situated on
of trigeminal nerve. buccopharyngeal fascia open inside the vestibule.
Nasociliary nerve begins in the lateral wall of anterior Except for the teeth, the entire vestibule is lined
part of cavernous sinus. It enters orbit via middle part by mucous membrane. Mucous membrane form
of superior orbital fissure between two divisions of median folds which pass from lips to gums and is
oculomotor nerve. It crosses above the optic nerve from called as frenula of lips.
lateral to medial side along with ophthalmic artery and Applied Anatomy
runs along medial wall of orbit between superior oblique
and medial rectus. It ends at anterior ethmoidal foramen by ♦ Papilla of parotid duct inside the vestibule of mouth gives
dividing into anterior ethmoidal and infratrochlear nerves. access to parotid duct for injection of radiopaque dye to
locate calculi in ductal system or gland.
Branches ♦ Koplik s spot are seen as white pin point spots around the
♦ Sensory communicating branch to the ciliary ganglion opening of parotid duct in measles which are diagnostic
form sensory root of ganglion. Often, it is mixed with of the disease.
sympathetic root. Q.2. Write short note on gums. (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
♦ Long ciliary nerves: They are 2 or 3 in number. These run Ans. It is also known as gingiva.
on medial side of optic nerve, pierce sclera and supply Gums are soft tissue which envelope the alveolar process
sensory nerve to cornea, iris and ciliary body. These nerves of upper and lower jaws and surround neck of teeth.
also carry sympathetic nerve to dilator pupillae.
Each gum has two parts:
♦ Posterior ethmoidal nerve: This passes through posterior
a. Free part surrounds the neck of the tooth like a collar.
ethmoidal foramen and supplies the ethmoidal and
b. Attached part is firmly fixed to the alveolar arch
sphenoidal air sinuses.
♦ Anterior ethmoidal nerve: This is the larger terminal of jaw. Fibrous tissue of gums is continuous with
branch of nasociliary nerve. It leaves orbit by passing periosteum lining the alveoli.
through anterior ethmoidal foramen. It appears for very Nerve Supply
short distance in anterior cranial fossa over the cribriform
plate of ethmoid. It then descends into the nasal cavity by ♦ Labial part of upper gums is supplied by posterior, middle
passing through a slit at the side of anterior part of crista and anterior superior alveolar nerves.
galli. Inside the nasal cavity the nerve lies deep to nasal ♦ Lingual part of upper gums is supplied by anterior palatine
bone. It gives off two internal nasal branches medial and and nasopalatine nerves.
lateral to mucosa of nose. Finally it emerges at lower border ♦ Labial part of lower gums is supplied by buccal branch of
of the nasal bone as external nasal nerve which supply to mandibular and incisive branch of mental nerve.
skin of lower half of nose. ♦ Lingual part of lower gums is supplied by lingual nerve.
♦ Infratrochlear nerve: This is the smaller terminal branch of
Lymphatic Drainage
nasociliary nerve which is given off at anterior ethmoidal
foramen. This nerve emerges from orbit below trochlea Lymphatics of upper gum pass to submandibular nodes.
for tendon of superior oblique and appears on face above The anterior part of lower gum drains into submental nodes,
medial angle of eye. It supplies to conjunctiva, lacrimal whereas posterior part drains into the submandibular nodes.
sac and caruncle, medial end of eyelid and upper half of
Q.3. Enumerate the muscles of palate. (Sep 2000, 4 Marks)
external nose.
Enumerate muscles of soft palate. (Feb 2002, 2 Marks)
14. THE MOUTH AND PHARYNX (Sep 2017, 2 Marks)

Q.1. Write a short note on vestibule of mouth. Or

(Feb 2002, 3 Marks) (Sep 2000, 4 Marks) Describe briefly soft palate. (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. Vestibule of mouth is a narrow space bounded externally Ans. Soft Palate
by lips and cheeks and internally by teeth and gums. It is a movable, muscular fold which is suspended
It communicates: from the posterior border of hard palate.
a. With exterior through oral fissure It separates nasopharynx from the oropharynx and
b. With the mouth open it communicates freely is often looked as traffic controller as crossroads
with oral cavity proper. between the food and air passages.
Parotid duct opens on the inner surface of cheek Soft palate has two surfaces, anterior and posterior,
opposite the crown of upper second molar teeth, and two borders, i.e. superior and inferior.
84 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Anterior surface is concave and is marked by median ♦ Special sensory or gustatory nerves carry taste sensations
raphe. from oral surface and are contained in lesser palatine nerves.
Posterior surface is convex and is continuous Fibers travel via greater petrosal nerve to geniculate ganglion
superiorly with the floor of nasal cavity. of facial nerve and from here to nucleus of tractus solitaries.
• Superior border is attached to the posterior border ♦ Secretomotor nerves are present in lesser palatine nerves.
of hard palate blending on each side with pharynx
Blood Supply
Inferior border is free and is bound to oropharyngeal
isthmus. From its middle there hangs a conical Arterial Supply
projection known as uvula. From each side of base of a. Greater palatine branch of maxillary artery.
uvula two curved folds of mucous membrane extend b. Ascending palatine branch of facial artery.
laterally and downwards. The anterior fold is called c. Palatine branch of ascending pharyngeal artery.
as palatoglossal arch or anterior pillar of fauces. It
consists of palatoglossus muscle and reaches the Veins
side of tongue at junction of its both oral as well They pass to pterygoid and tonsillor plexus of veins.
as pharyngeal parts. This fold creates the lateral
boundary of oropharyngeal isthmus or isthmus of Lymphatics
fauces. Posterior fold is known as palatophryngeal It drains to upper deep cervical and retropharyngeal lymph nodes.
arch or posterior pillar of fauces. It consists of
palatopharyngeous muscle. It leads to the formation Applied Anatomy
of posterior boundary of tonsillar fossa and merges ♦ Paralysis of muscles of soft palate due to lesion of vagus
inferiorly with the lateral wall of pharynx. nerve produces
Nasal regurgitation of liquids
Structure of Soft Palate Nasal twang in voice
Soft palate is a fold of mucous membrane which consists of Flattening of the palatal arch on the side of lesion
following parts: Deviation of uvula opposite to the side of lesion.
♦ Palatine aponeurosis: It is the flattened tendon of tensor veli ♦ Cleft palate is a congenital defect caused by non-fusion of
palatine which form fibrous basis of palate. Near median right as well as left palatal processes. It can be of different
plane, aponeurosis splits to enclose musculus uvulae. degrees. In most severe case, cleft in palate is continuous
♦ Levator veli palatine and palatopharyngeus lie over with harelip while in least severe type, defect should be
superior surface of palatine aponeurosis. confined to soft palate.
♦ Palatoglossus lie over inferior or anterior surface of Q.4. Write a note on Waldeyer s ring with applied anatomy.
palatine aponeurosis. (Feb 2002, 10 Marks)
♦ Numerous mucus glands as well as some of the taste buds Or
are present at soft palate. Answer in brief on Waldeyer’s ring. (Feb 2016, 2 Marks)

Enumeration of Muscles of Soft Palate Or

Write short note on Waldeyer s lymphatic ring.
1. Tensor palati: It tightens the soft palate chiefly anterior part.
It opens the auditory tube to equalize air pressure between (Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
middle ear and nose. Ans. In relation to oropharyngeal isthmus, there are several
2. Levator palati: It elevates soft palate and closes pharyngeal aggregations of lymphoid tissue that constitute Waldeyer s
isthmus. lymphatic ring. The most important aggregations are right
3. Musculus uvulae: It pulls up the uvula. and left palatine tonsils usually referred to simply as the
4. Palatoglossus: It pulls up root of tongue, approximates pala- tonsils. Posteriorly and above there is prolaryngeal tonsil;
toglossal arches and thus closes oropharyngeal isthmus. laterally and above there are tubal tonsils over posterior
5. Palatopharyngeus: It pulls up wall of pharynx and part of dorsum of tongue.
shortens it during swallowing. Lymph from lymphoid tissue of this ring drains
into precervical chain and deep cervical chain which
Nerve Supply constitutes external ring of Waldeyer.
♦ Motor supply: All muscles of soft palate except tensor
palati are supplied by pharyngeal plexus. Tensor palati is Functions of Waldeyer’s Ring
supplied by mandibular nerve. ♦ It filters the tissue fluid coming from inner surface of oral
♦ General sensory nerves: cavity.
They are derived from middle and posterior lesser ♦ It prevents entry of organism from outside and acts as a guard.
palatine nerves, which are branches of maxillary nerve ♦ It acts as first line of defence and protect body against
via pterygopalatine ganglion. ingested and inspired bacteria by producing antibodies
Glossopharyngeal nerve against invading organisms.
Anatomy  85

Describe position, nerve supply, blood supply and

applied importance of palatine tonsil.
(Sep 2000, 4 Marks)
Write short note on palatine tonsil. (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
(June 2010, 5 Marks) (Nov 2009, 5 Marks)
(Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
Write short note on blood supply of palatine tonsil.
(Sep 2017, 3 Marks)
Write a note on blood supply of palatine tonsil.
(Sep 2006, 3 Marks)
Fig. 107: Waldeyer’s lymphatic ring Or
Describe palatine tonsil under following headings:
Applied Anatomy (Aug 2018, 10 Marks)
Surgical neck dissection: Cancers arising in head and neck a. External features
region from structures such as nasopharynx, paranasal air
b. Tonsillar bed
sinuses, oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, and thyroid gland have
predictable patterns of spread via chains of lymph nodes in neck. c. Nerve supply and blood supply
When surgery is carried out to remove malignant lesion in this d. Applied anatomy
region, it is vitally important to understand these patterns of spread. Ans. Position
Surgeons classify lymph nodes in neck into the following levels: Palatine tonsil occupies the tonsillar fossa between
♦ Level I nodes are in the submental and submandibular palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches. It can be
triangles. seen through the mouth.
♦ Level II nodes lie around the upper portion of internal
jugular vein and upper part of spinal accessory nerve. They
extend from the base of the skull to the bifurcation of the
common carotid artery or the hyoid bone.
♦ Level III nodes lie around the middle third of the internal
jugular vein and extend from inferior border of level II to
the intermediate tendon of omohyoid (cricoid cartilage).
♦ Level IV nodes lie around the lower third of the internal
jugular vein and extend from the lower border of level III to
the clavicle. It also includes supraclavicular lymph nodes.
♦ Level V nodes are in the posterior triangle of the neck
related to the spinal accessory nerve. Fig. 108: Palatine tonsils
♦ Level VI nodes are nodes surrounding the midline visceral
structures and include the pretracheal and paratracheal External Features
nodes. Palatine tonsil consists of surfaces i.e. medial and lateral; two
♦ Level VII nodes are in the superior mediastinum. borders, i.e. anterior and posterior and two poles, i.e. upper
Knowing which levels of nodes are likely to be involved during and lower pole.
metastatic spread of a particular cancer, an appropriate nodal ♦ Medial surface: It is covered by stratified squamous
clearance is undertaken. epithelium and is continuous with that of mouth. Medial
Classical radical neck dissection involves the removal of level surface consists of 12 to 15 crypts. Largest cleft is known
I to level V nodes and removal of sternocleidomastoid muscle, as intratonsillar cleft. The cleft is semilunar in shape and
internal jugular vein and spinal accessory nerve. is parallel to dorsum of tongue.
Modified radical neck dissection involves the removal of ♦ Lateral surface: It is covered by sheet of fascia which
level I to V nodes but spares either or all of sternocleidomastoid forms hemicapsule of tonsil. Capsule is an extension of
muscle, internal jugular vein, and spinal accessory nerve. pharyngobasilar fascia. Capsule is only loosely attached to
The selective neck dissection involves some but not level I muscular wall of pharynx and is formed here by superior
to V nodes. constrictor and styloglossus, but anteroinferiorly capsule
Q.5. Write a short note on blood supply and clinical is firmly adherent to side of tongue just infront of insertion
importance of palatine tonsil. (Sep 2000, 4 Marks) on palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus muscle. This
attachment keeps the tonsil in place during swallowing.
86 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Tonsillar artery enters the tonsil by piercing superior B. Venous drainage: One or more veins leave the lower part
constrictor just behind firm attachment. of deep surface of tonsil, pierce superior constrictor and
Palatine vein descends from the palate in loose areolar join palatine pharyngeal or facial vein.
tissue on lateral surface of capsule and crosses tonsil
before piercing wall of pharynx. Lymphatic Drainage
More laterally, there is facial artery with its tonsillar Lymphatics pass to jugulodigastric node.
and ascending palatine branches. Internal carotid
artery is 2.5 cm posterolateral to tonsil. Nerve Supply
♦ Anterior border: It is related to palatoglossal arch along It is mainly supplied by the two nerves, i.e.
with its muscle. a. Glossopharyngeal nerve
♦ Posterior border: It is related to palatopharyngeal arch b. Lesser palatine nerve
along with its muscle.
♦ Upper pole: It is related to soft palate. Applied Importance or Clinical Importance
♦ Lower pole: It is related to tongue. 1. Tonsillectomy is usually done by guillotine method.
♦ Plica triangularis is a triangular vestigial fold of mucus Hemorrhage after tonsillectomy is checked by removal
membrane covering anteroinferior part of tonsil. of clot from raw tonsillar bed. This is to be compared for
♦ Plica semilunaris is the semilunar fold which may cross method of checking postpartum hemorrhage from uterus.
upper part of tonsillar sinus. These are only two organs in body where bleeding is
Tonsillar Bed checked by removal of clots. In other parts of body clot
formation is encouraged.
The bed of tonsil is formed from within outwards by: 2. Tonsillitis may cause referred pain in ear.
♦ Pharyngobasilar fascia 3. Suppuration in peritonsillar area is called quinsy. A
♦ Superior constrictor and palatopharyngeous muscles peritonsillar abscess is drained by making an incision at
♦ Buccopharyngeal fascia most prominent point of abscess.
♦ In the lower part, the styloglossus 4. Tonsils are often the site of septic focus. Such focus can lead to
♦ The glossopharyngeal nerve. serious diseases like pulmonary tuberculosis, meningitis, etc.
5. Tonsils are larger in children and they retrogress after the
Q.6. Enumerate the muscles of pharynx with their nerve
supply. (Sep 2002, 2 Marks)
Ans. Constrictors of Pharynx
There are three constrictors of pharynx namely:
a. Superior constrictor
b. Middle constrictor
c. Inferior constrictor

Fig. 109: Arterial supply of palatine tonsils

Blood Supply
A. Arterial supply
1. Main source: Tonsillar branch of facial artery.
2. Additional source:
a. Ascending palatine branch of facial artery
b. Dorsal lingual branch of lingual artery
c. Ascending pharyngeal branch of external carotid
d. Greater palatine branch of maxillary artery. Fig. 110: Constrictor and longitudinal muscles of the pharynx
Anatomy  87

The above muscles are supplied by pharyngeal plexus. Medial surface of mandible at posterior end of
Pharynx also consists of three muscles which run mylohyoid line
longitudinally Side of posterior part of tongue.
a. Stylopharyngeus ♦ Middle constrictor originates from:
b. Palatopharyngeus Lower part of stylohyoid bone
c. Salpingopharyngeus. Lesser cornue of hyoid bone
Upper border of greater cornue of hyoid bone.
Nerve Supply ♦ Inferior constrictor consists of two parts, i.e. the thyroph-
♦ Motor fibers are derived from cranial accessory nerve aryngeous part which originates from thyroid cartilage and
through branches of vagus, they supply all muscles of cricopharyngeal part which originates from cricoid cartilage.
pharynx except stylopharyngeus which is supplied by Insertion of Constrictors
glossopharyngeal nerve.
♦ Inferior constrictor receives an additional supply external Arrangement of all three constrictors is like that the inferior
and recurrent laryngeal nerves. constrictor overlaps the middle constrictor which in turn
overlaps superior constrictor.
Q.7. Write a short note on constrictor muscles of pharynx.
All the three constrictors of pharynx inserted inside the
(Mar 2000, 4 Marks) median raphe on posterior wall of pharynx. Upper end of
Or raphe reaches to base of skull where it is attached to pharyngeal
Write briefly on constrictors of pharynx. tubercle on basilar part of occipital bone.
(Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Ans. Muscular basis of wall of pharynx is formed by three Nerve Supply
constrictors, i.e. superior, middle and inferior. ♦ Superior constrictor and middle constrictor are supplied
by pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve carrying fibers of
cranial root of accessory nerve.
Origin of constrictors is situated anteriorly in relation to ♦ Thyropharyngeus part of inferior constrictor is supplied
posterior openings of nose, mouth and larynx. From here the by pharyngeal plexus and external laryngeal nerve,
fibers of muscles pass to lateral and posterior walls of pharynx, while cricopharyngeus part is supplied by the recurrent
fibers of two side meet in midline in fibrous raphe. laryngeal nerve.
♦ Superior constrictor originates from:
Action of Constrictors of Pharynx
Pterygoid hamulus
Pterygomandibular raphae All the constrictors help in deglutition.

Fig. 111: Origin of constrictors of pharynx

88 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

pterygomandibular raphae to cover the buccinator.

Between the buccopharyngeal fascia and pharyngeal coat
(Sep 2011, 15 Marks) there lies pharyngeal plexus of veins and nerves.
Ans. Anatomy of Pharynx
Pharynx is a wide muscular tube which is situated behind
the nose, mouth and larynx.

♦ Superiorly: It is bounded by base of skull including
posterior part of body of sphenoid and basilar part of
occipital bone in front of pharyngeal tubercle.
♦ Inferiorly: It is continuous with esophagus at the level of
sixth cervical vertebrae corresponding to the lower border
of cricoid cartilage.
♦ Posteriorly: Pharynx glides freely over prevertebral fascia
which separates it from cervical vertebral bodies.
♦ Anteriorly: Its communication is with nasal cavity, oral
cavity and larynx, so anterior wall is incomplete.
♦ Over each side:
Pharynx gets attached to medial pterygoid plate,
pterygomandibular raphae, mandible, tongue, hyoid
bone, thyroid and cricoid cartilages.
Pharynx communicates on each side with middle ear
cavity via auditory tube.
Pharynx is related on either side to styloid process
Fig. 112: Anatomy of pharynx (For colour version see Plate 2)
and muscles attached to it, common carotid, internal
carotid and external carotid arteries along with the
Blood Supply
cranial nerves related to them.
Arterial Supply
Parts of Pharynx
Arteries supplying pharynx are:
Pharynx is divided into three parts from above downwards 1. Ascending pharyngeal branch of external carotid artery
which are as follows: 2. Ascending palatine and tonsillar branches of facial artery
1. Nasopharynx, lie behind the nose 3. Dorsal lingual branches of lingual artery
2. Oropharynx, lie behind the oral cavity 4. Greater palatine, pharyngeal and pterygoid branches of
3. Laryngopharynx, lie behind the larynx maxillary artery.
Structure of Pharynx Venous Drainage
The wall of pharynx is composed of the following five layers Veins form a plexus on posterolateral aspect of pharynx and
from within outwards. collects blood from pharynx, soft palate and prevertebral region.
1. Mucosa It drains into internal jugular vein and facial vein.
2. Submucosa
3. Pharyngobasilar fascia: This is a fibrous sheet internal Lymphatic Drainage
to pharyngeal muscles. It is thickest in upper part where
It drains to retropharyngeal and deep cervical lymph nodes.
it fills the gap between upper border of the superior
constrictor and base of skull, and also posteriorly where it Mechanism of Deglutition or Swallowing
forms pharyngeal raphae. On its superior aspect, fascia get
attached to basiocciput, petrous temporal bone, auditory Swallowing of food occurs in three stages.
tube, posterior border of medial pterygoid plate and First Stage
pterygomandibular raphae. Over its inferior aspect, it lost
gradually deep to muscles and does not extend beyond ♦ First stage is voluntary in character.
superior constrictor muscle. ♦ Anterior part of tongue gets raised and is pressed against
4. Muscular coat: It consists of an outer circular layer made hard palate by intrinsic muscles of tongue mainly the
up of three constrictors and an inner longitudinal layer superior longitudinal and transverse muscles.
made up of stylopharyngeus, salpingopharyngeus and ♦ Movement occurs from anterior to posterior side which
palatopharyngeus muscles. pushes food bolus to oropharynx.
5. Buccopharyngeal fascia: It covers outer surface of ♦ Now the soft palate closes down on the back of tongue
constrictor of pharynx and extend forwards across and helps to form bolus.
Anatomy  89

♦ Hyoid bone move upwards as well as forward by Cartilagenous Part

suprahyoid muscles. Posterior part of tongue gets
It forms anterior and middle two-third of the auditory tube.
elevated upward and backward by styloglossi and
This is 25 mm long and lie inside sulcus tubae. This part is made
palatoglossal arches get approximated by palatoglossi.
up of a triangular plate of cartilage which is curled to form the
This causes pushing of bolus via oropharyngeal isthmus
superior and medial walls of auditory tube. Lateral wall as well
to oropharynx.
as floor gets completed by fibrous membrane. Apex of the plate
Second Stage gets attached to medial end of bony part. Base is free and forms
tubal elevation in nasopharynx.
♦ The stage is involuntary in character. During this food get
pushed from oropharynx to lower part of laryngopharynx. Relations of Cartilaginous Part
♦ Nasopharyngeal isthmus is closed by elevation of soft ♦ Anterolaterally: Tensor veli palatini, mandibular nerve
palate which occur due to levator veli palatine and tensor with its branches, otic ganglion, chorda tympani, middle
veli palatine and by approximation to it of posterior meningeal artery and medial pterygoid plate.
pharyngeal wall. This stops food bolus from entering nose. ♦ Postermedially: Petrous temporal bone and levator veli
♦ Inlet of larynx gets closed by approximation of aryepiglottic palatini.
fold by aryepiglottic and oblique arytenoid. This stops food ♦ Levator veli palatine get attached to its inferior surface
bolus from entering to larynx. and salpingopharyngeus to its lower part near pharyngeal
♦ Larynx and pharynx are elevated behind hyoid bone with opening.
the help of longitudinal muscles of pharynx and bolus is
pushed over posterior surface of epiglottis, closed inlet Blood Supply
of larynx and posterior surface of arytenoids cartilages ♦ Arterial supply of tube is derived from ascending pharyngeal
due to gravity and by contraction of superior and middle and middle meningeal artery and artery of pterygoid canal.
constrictors and of palatopharyngeus. ♦ Veins drain to pharyngeal and pterygoid plexus of veins.
♦ Lymphatics pass to retropharyngeal nodes.
Third Stage
♦ It is involuntary in character. Nerve Supply
♦ During this stage food passes from lower part of pharynx to ♦ At ostium by pharyngeal branch of the pterygopalatine
esophagus which is brought about by inferior constrictors ganglion.
of pharynx. ♦ Cartilaginous part by nervous spinosus.
♦ Bony part by tympanic plexus which is formed by the
Q.9. Write a short note on auditory tube.
glossopharyngeal nerve.
(Sep 2002, 3 Marks) (Apr 2007, 4 Marks)
Ans. • It is also known as pharyngotympanic tube or Function
Eustachian tube.
Auditory tube provide communication of middle car cavity with
Auditory tube is trumpet shaped channel which
the exterior which ensure equal air pressure over both sides of
connect middle ear cavity with nasopharynx.
tympanic membrane.
This is 4 cm long and is directed downward, forward
and medially.
• Auditory tube forms an angle of 45° with sagittal
plane and 30° with horizontal plane.

Parts of Auditory Tube

The tube is divided into bony and cartilaginous parts:

Bony Part
Bony part forms the posterior one-third of the tube. It is 12 mm
long, and lies in petrous temporal bone near tympanic plate. Its
lateral end is wide and opens on the anterior wall of middle ear
cavity. The medial end is narrow and is jagged for attachment
of cartilaginous part. Lumen of tube is oblong which is widest
from side to side.

Relations of Bony Part

♦ Superior: Canal for tensor tympani
♦ Medial: Carotid canal
♦ Lateral: Chorda tympani, spine of sphenoid, auriculo-
temporal nerve and temporomandibular joint.
90 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

each side of mandible. Third molars and some mandibular

second molars have two roots while maxillary molars have three
roots. All mandibular molars have crown which are roughly
quadrilateral. Mandibular permanent molars are the strongest
mandibular teeth because of their bulk and anchorage.

Diagram of Internal Structure of Canine Tooth

Fig. 114: Internal structure of canine

Q.11. Describe various nerves which supply teeth.

(Aug 2005, 15 Marks) (Mar 2010, 10 Marks)
Ans. Teeth are supplied by the branches of trigeminal nerve.
Branches of trigeminal nerve are ophthalmic, maxillary
and mandibular.

Maxillary Branch
♦ It supplies maxillary teeth. During its course when it passes
through pterygopalatine fossa it gives 5 branches out of
which one is posterior superior alveolar branch.

Fig. 115: Nerve supply of teeth

Anatomy  91

♦ An internal branch of posterior superior alveolar nerve Pulp is covered by a layer of tall columnar cells called
goes along with a branch of the maxillary artery through as odontoblasts which are capable of replacing dentin
the posterior alveolar canal which opens on the posterior during any time in life.
surface of the maxilla. 2. Dentin
♦ In the bone nerve passes down the posterior or posterolateral It is a calcified material containing spiral tubules
wall of the maxillary sinus, giving of sensory fibers. It then radiating from the pulp cavity.
supplies the maxillary molars except the mesiobuccal root Each tubule is occupied by protoplasmic process from
of the first molar. one of the odontoblasts.
♦ Within the depth of the alveolar bone or tooth socket some The calcium and organic matter are in same proportion
nerve fiber passes to supply the periodontal ligament where as in bone.
as other, the pulpal fibers passes through the apical foramina 3. Enamel
of the roots of the molar teeth to supply the dental pulp. It is the hardest substance in the body.
♦ When maxillary nerve passes through inferior orbital It is made up of crystalline prisms laying roughly at
groove and canal it gives the right angles to the surface of tooth.
1. Middle superior alveolar nerve: From inferior orbital 4. Cementum
canal it passes in a downward and anterior direction It is the boney covering over the neck and root of the
and supplies the maxillary bicuspid and mesiobuccal tooth but like enamel and dentin it has neither blood
root of the first molar. supply nor any nerve supply.
Over the neck, cementum overlaps cervical end of
2. Anterior superior alveolar nerve: The anterior superior
enamel or less commonly it can just meet enamel.
alveolar nerve descends in fine canal in the maxilla to
5. Periodontal membrane (ligament)
pass the roots of the maxillary central, lateral incisor
It holds the root in its socket.
and canine teeth.
It is present between the cementum and the socket
Mandibular Division of the root.
It acts as periosteum to both cementum and bony socket.
♦ It supplies mandibular teeth.
♦ Inferior alveolar nerve which is the largest of the branches
of the posterior division of the mandibular part of the
trigeminal nerve supply mandibular teeth
♦ In the inferior alveolar canal it gives off branches to the
mandibular teeth as apical fibers that enter the apical
foramina of the mandibular teeth to supply the dental
pulp of mandibular molars and bicuspid.

(Mar 2006, 10 Marks)

Ans. Parts of the tooth
Each tooth consists of the following three parts:
1. Crown: Anatomical crown is the part of tooth that
is covered by enamel whereas clinical crown is the
part which projects in oral cavity.
2. Root: This is embedded within the socket of jaw
beneath the gum. Fig. 116: Structure of tooth
3. Neck: It is the part of tooth present between the
crown and root and is surrounded by the gum. Time of Eruption

Structure of the Tooth Age of eruption of deciduous teeth

Tooth Maxillary Mandibular
Structurally, each tooth is composed of:
Central Incisor 7 months 6 months
1. Pulp:
It is found in the center of the tooth. Lateral Incisor 9 months 7 months
Pulp is a loose fibrous connective tissue containing Canine 18 months 16 months
vessels nerves and lymphatics, all of which enter the First Molar 14 months 12 months
pulp cavity through apical foramen. Second Molar 24 months 20 months
92 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Age of eruption of permanent teeth Or

Tooth Maxillary Mandibular Write short note on parts and structure of tooth.
Central Incisor 7–8 years 6–7 years (May 2017, 3 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 12 of the same chapter.
Lateral Incisor 8–9 years 7–8 years
Canine 11–12 years 9–10 years
Q.14. Enumerate deciduous teeth and their age of eruption.
(Sep 2006, 3 Marks)
First Premolar 10–11 years 10–12 years
Ans. Refer to Ans 12 of the same chapter.
Second Premolar 10–12 years 11–12 years
Q.15. Write a short note on baby teeth. (Sep 2006, 3 Marks)
First Molar 6–7 years 6–7 years Ans. Baby teeth are also known as deciduous teeth or primary
Second Molar 12–13 years 11–13 years teeth or milk teeth.
Third Molar 17–21 years 17–21 years Deciduous teeth begin to form prenatally at about 14
weeks in intrauterine life and completed postnatally
at 3 years of age.
Development of Teeth
Deciduous teeth begin to erupt at about 6 months
Refer to Ans 1 of chapter ALIMENTRY SYSTEM I: MOUTH, and all get erupted by end of second year or soon
SECTION. Teeth of lower jaw erupt slightly earlier than those
compared to upper jaw.
Clinical Anatomy Deciduous teeth remain intact till 6 years of age.
a. Decalcification of enamel and dentin with At about that time permanent teeth begin to erupt
consequent softening and gradual destruction of the in mouth.
tooth is known as dental caries. A carious tooth is tender For time of eruption of deciduous teeth refer to table
and mastication is painful. in Ans 12 of the same chapter.
b. Irregular dentition is common in rickets and upper For dental formula of deciduous teeth refer to Ans
permanent incisors are notched. In congenital syphilis also 24 of same chapter.
the same teeth are notched but the notching corresponds Q.16. Write a short note on Gomphosis. (Apr 2008, 3 Marks)
to a large segment of a small circle, i.e. hutchinson s teeth. Ans. It is also called as articulation dentoalveolaris.
c. As tooth is the hardest and chemically most stable tissue • Gomphosis is a type of fibrous joint.
in body it is preserved after death and may It is a peg and socket junction between tooth and its
be fossilized, due to this property teeth are very socket.
helpful in medicolegal practice for identification of Periodontal ligament connects dental element to
unrecognized dead bodies. alveolar nerve.
d. Infection of apex of root of tooth, i.e. periapical abscess occurs Gomphosis is an articulation between two bones.
when pulp is dead. This condition is seen on a radiograph.
e. Third molars or wisdom teeth erupt at the age of 18 to 20 Q.17. Write a short note on muscles of soft palate.
years, they may not erupt normally because of less space (Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
and get impacted causing severe pain. If persist for longer Or
duration can lead to dentigerous cyst.
f. Time of eruption of tooth helps in age assessment. Write briefly on muscles of soft palate.
g. Improper oral hygiene can lead to gingivitis and (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
suppuration with pocket formation between gums and Ans. Muscles of Soft Palate
teeth. This leads to chronic pus discharge at margin of
gums. This condition is called as pyorrhea alveolaris. It
is the common cause of foul breadth and patient hardly
consult the dentist as the condition is painless.
h. Maxillary canines are known as eye teeth as they consist of
long roots which reach to medial angle of eye. Infection of
these roots can spread to facial vein and causes thrombosis
of cavernous sinus.
i. Maxillary teeth need separate injections of anesthetic
over both buccal as well as palatal surfaces of maxillary
process just distal to tooth. Thin layer of bone permit rapid
diffusion of drug upto the tooth.
Q.13. Write a short note on structure of tooth.
(Mar 2006, 3 Marks) (Apr
(Dec 2017,
2014, 45 Marks) Fig. 117: Muscles of soft palate
Anatomy  93

Muscles of soft palate

S. No. Muscle Origin Insertion Action
1. Tensor Palati a. Lateral side of the auditory tube Muscle desends, converges to form a a. Tightens the soft palate,
b. Adjoining part of the base of delicate tendon which winds round the chiefly anterior part.
the skull hamulus, passes through the origin of the b. Opens the auditory tube to
buccinator, and flattens to form palatine equalize the air pressure
aponeurosis. between the middle ear and
Aponeurosis is attached to: the nasopharynx
a. Posterior border of hard palate.
b. Inferior surface of hard palate behind the
palatine crest.
2. Levator Palati a. Medial aspect of auditory tube. Muscle enter pharynx by passing upper a. Elevate soft palate to close
b. Adjoining part of inferior surface concave margin of superior constrictor pharyngeal isthumus
of petrous temporal bone muscle, it run downward and medially b. Helps in opening the
and spread out inside the soft palate. It auditory tube
is inserted on upper surface of palatine
3. Musculus a. Posterior nasal spine Mucous membrane of uvula Pulls up uvula forwards to its
Uvulae b. Palatine aponeurosis own side

4. Palatoglossus Oral surface of palatine Descends in palatoglossal arch, to the side Pulls up root of tongue,
aponeurosis of the tongue at the junction of its oral and approximate palatoglossal
pharyngeal parts. arches, and thus closes
oropharyngeal isthumus
5. Palatopharyn a. Anterior fasciculus: From Descend in the palatopharyngeal arch Pulls up the wall of pharynx
geus posterior border of hard palate and spreads out to form the greater part of and shortens it during
b. Posterior fasciculus: From longitudinal muscle coat of pharynx. swallowing
palatine aponeurosis. It is inserted into:
a. Posterior border of lamina of the thyroid
b. Wall of the pharynx and its median

Q.18. Write a note on palate. (Mar 2008, 3 Marks) Soft Palate

Ans. It is the partition between the nasal cavity and oral cavity.
Refer to Ans 3 of same chapter.
It is of two types: Hard palate and soft palate
Q.19. Describe soft palate under following headings.
Hard Palate (Nov 2009, 10 Marks)
Its anterior two-third are formed by the palatine process of 
maxilla and its posterior one-third by the horizontal plates of
the palatine bones.
The anteriolateral margins of the palate are continuous with
the alveolar arches and gums.
The posterior margin gives attachment to the soft palate.
The superior surface forms the floor of the nose and the
inferior surface forms the roof of the oral cavity.

Vessels and Nerves

♦ Arteries: Greater palatine branches of maxillary artery. (Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
♦ Veins: Go to the pterygoid plexus of veins.
♦ Nerves: Greater palatine and nasopalatine branches of the Or
pterygopalatine ganglion. Draw a well labeled diagram to show the structures
♦ Lymphatics: They drain mostly to the upper deep cervical seen in the oral cavity in a fully opened mouth.
nodes and partly to the retropharyngeal nodes. (Oct 2016, 5 Marks)
94 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Fig. 116: Structures seen in oral cavity (with mouth wide open)

Q.21. Write briefly on structure of cheek. (Aug 2011, 5 Marks) Ans. Bed of tonsil is formed from within outwards by:
Ans. Cheeks are fleshy flaps which forms large part of each • Pharyngobasilar fascia
side of the face. • Superior constrictor and palatopharyngeus muscle
Cheeks are continuous in front with the lips, and the • Buccopharyngeal fascia
junction is indicated by the nasolabial sulcus or furrow • In lower part, styloglossus
which extends from the side of the nose to the angle of • Glossopharyngeal nerve.
the mouth. Q.23. Write short note on dental formula.
Each cheek is composed of: (May 2008, 3 marks)
1. Skin Ans. The number and type of teeth present in the oral cavity
2. Superficial fascia containing some facial muscles, in one half of the face (either left side or right side)
parotid duct, mucous molar glands, vessels and nerves in primary dentition are expressed by the following
3. Buccinator covered by bucopharyngeal fascia and formula:
pierced by the parotid duct
4. Submucosa with mucous buccal glands I 2 C 1 M 2 = 10
2 1 2
5. Mucous membrane.
• In this formula each tooth is represented by its initial
Buccal pad of fat is best developed in infants and lies on
letter. I for incisor, C for canine and M for molar.
the buccinator partly deep to the masseter and partly in
– Each letter is followed by a horizontal line and
front of it.
the number of each type of tooth is placed above
  Lymphatics of the cheek drain chiefly into the sub- the line for maxilla and below the line for the
mandibular and preauricular nodes and partly also to mandible.
the buccal and mandibular nodes. – The formula includes one side only. The above
Q.22. Write short note on bed of tonsil. (Oct 2014, 3 Marks) formula should be read thus:
Or Incisors: Two maxillary and two mandibular.
Enumerate the only structures forming bed of tonsil. Canines: One maxillary and one mandibular.
(Sep 2005, 4 Marks) Molars: Two maxillary and two mandibular.
Anatomy  95

Similarly for permanent dentition (either left side or • The surface of the floor is formed by mucus
right side), the dental formula is as follows: membrane, which connects the tongue to the
I 2 C 1 P 2 M 3 = 16 • Laterally the mucus membrane passes from the side
2 1 2 3
of the tongue onto the mandible.
In this premolars have now been added to the
• Anteriorly the mucus membrane stretches from
In the case of permanent teeth, the formula should one half of the mandible to the other. The anterior
be read as: part of the floor is called sublingual region, which
Incisors: Two maxillary and two mandibular. intervenes between the ventral surface of the anterior
Canines: One maxillary and one mandibular. two-third of the tongue and the floor of the mouth.
Premolars: Two maxillary and two mandibular. • Clinical anatomy: The swellings of the submandibular
Molars: Three maxillary and three mandibular. gland can be palpated bimanually by putting an
To understand dental anatomy, the nomenclature index finger in the mouth and thumb below the angle
should be read first. of the jaw in relation to the position of gland, because
part of the gland lies in the oral cavity above the
Q.24. Answer in brief dental formula for deciduous child. floor of the mouth and part outside the oral cavity
(May 2017, 3 Marks) below the floor of the mouth. The submandibular
Ans. The number and type of teeth present in the oral cavity lymph nodes lying on the surface of the gland
in one half of the face (either left side or right side) cannot be palpated bimanually as they lie below
in primary dentition are expressed by the following the floor of the mouth (oral diaphragm). Thus an
formula. enlarged submandibular gland can be differentiated
I 2 C 1 M 2 = 10 from a mass of the submandibular lymph nodes by
2 1 2
bimanual palpation.
• In this formula each tooth is represented by its initial
letter. I for incisor, C for canine and M for molar.
• Each letter is followed by a horizontal line and the
number of each type of tooth is placed above the line
for maxilla and below the line for the mandible. PARANASAL SINUSES
• The formula includes one side only. The above
formula should be read thus: Q.1. Describe gross anatomy, blood supply, nerve supply
Incisors: Two maxillary and two mandibular. and applied anatomy of nasal septum.
Canines: One maxillary and one mandibular. (May/June 2009, 15 Marks)
Molars: Two maxillary and two mandibular.
To understand dental anatomy, the nomenclature
should be read first. Describe the nerve supply and blood supply of nasal
septum. (Sep 2002, 10 Marks)
Q.25. Write short note on effect if soft palate is paralyzed.
(May 2017, 3 Marks) Or
Ans. Following are the effects produced if soft palate gets Write short note on blood supply and nerve supply of
paralyzed: nasal septum. (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
• Nasal regurgitation of liquids (Aug 2011, 5 Marks) (Aug 2008, 5 Marks)
• Nasal twang in voice
• Flattening of palatal arch on side of lesion
• Deviation of uvula, opposite to side of lesion. Describe formation, blood supply and nerve supply of
Q.26. Enumerate type of pharynx. (Apr 2018, 2 Marks) nasal septum. (Mar 2000, 18 Marks)
Ans. Pharynx is divided into three parts from above Ans. It is a median osteocartilaginous partition between two
downwards which are as follows: halves of nasal cavity.
• Nasopharynx, lie behind the nose On each side it is covered by mucous membrane and
• Oropharynx, lie behind the oral cavity forms medial wall of both nasal cavities. It consists of
• Laryngopharynx, lie behind the larynx. three parts:
Q.27. Write very short answer on oral diaphragm. Formation of Nasal Septum
(Aug 2018, 2 Marks) I. Bony part: It is formed by:
Ans. Oral diaphragm is also known as floor of the mouth. 1. Vomer bone
• The floor of the mouth is a small horseshoe-shaped 2. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone. Moreover
region situated beneath the anterior two-third of the its margins recieve contribution from nasal spine
tongue and above the muscular diaphragm formed of frontal bone, rostrum of sphenoid and nasal
by two mylohyoid muscles. crests of nasal, palatine and maxillary bones.
96 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

II. Cartilaginous part: It is formed by: ♦ Posterosuperior part is supplied by sphenopalatine artery
1. Septal cartilage which is the main artery.
2. Septal process of inferior nasal cartilage. ♦ Posteroinferior part is supplied by branches of greater
III. Cuticular part: It is formed by fibro-fatty tissue palatine artery.
covered by skin. ♦ Anteroinferior part or vestibule of septum consists of
Lower margin of nasal septum is known as anastomoses between septal ramus of superior labial
branch of facial artery, branch of sphenopalatine artery,
greater palatine and of anterior ethmoidal artery. These
Nasal septum is rarely median. Its central part is
form large capillary network known as Kiesselbach’s
deflected to one or other side. Deflection is produced
by overgrowth of one or more parts.
Overall, septum, consists of four borders, i.e. Venous Drainage
superior, inferior, anterior, posterior and two
Veins forms a plexus which drains anteriorly into facial vein
surfaces, i.e. right and left surfaces.
and posteriorly through sphenopalatine vein to pterygoid
venous plexus.

Nerve Supply
♦ General sensory nerve arising from trigeminal nerve are
distributed to whole of septum.
• Anterosuperior part of septum is supplied by internal
nasal branch of anterior ethmoid nerve.
• Anteroinferior part: It is supplied by anterior superior
alveolar nerve
• Posterosuperior part: It is supplied by medial posterior
superior nasal branches of pterygopalatine ganglion
• Posteroinferior part is supplied by nasopalatine branch
of pterygopalatine ganglion. This is the main nerve.
♦ Special sensory nerves or olfactory nerves which are
confined to upper part or olfactory area.

Fig. 119: Formation of nasal septum

Blood Supply
Arterial Supply
♦ Anteriosuperior part is supplied by anterior ethmoidal
artery and posterior ethmoidal artery.
♦ Anteroinferior part is supplied by superior labial branch
of facial artery

Fig. 121 Nerve supply of nasal septum

Applied Anatomy
♦ Little’s area over the nasal septum is common site of
bleeding from the nose, i.e. epistaxis.
♦ Deviation of nasal septum pathologically is responsible for
repeated attacks of common cold, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis
and needs surgical correction.
♦ Artery of epistaxis is sphenopalatine artery.
Q.2. Enumerate openings in lateral wall of nose.
Fig. 120: Arterial supply of nasal septum (Sep 2000, 4 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
Anatomy  97

Ans. •  Opening of nasolacrimal duct is seen at inferior meatus Q.5. Write a short note on maxillary air sinus.
• Opening of frontal air sinus is seen in the anterior (Sep 2004, 5 Marks) (Mar 2000, 4 Marks)
part of hiatus semilunaris (Mar 2007, 3 Marks) (Sep 2007, 4 Marks)
• Opening of maxillary air sinus is seen in the posterior (Mar 2008, 4 Marks) (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
part of hiatus semilunaris (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
• Opening of anterior ethmoidal air sinus is present Or
at middle part of hiatus semilunaris
• Opening of middle ethmoidal air sinus is present at Write briefly on maxillary sinus. (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
upper margin of ethmoidal bulla. Or
• Opening of posterior ethmoidal sinus is seen in the Enumerate paranasal air sinuses. Describe any one of
superior meatus them. (Feb 2002, 10 Marks)
• Opening of sphenoidal air sinus is seen in the
sphenoethmoidal recess.
Enumerate paranasal air sinuses. Describe maxillary
Q.3. Draw a labeled diagram to show features of lateral wall
sinus in detail. Development and applied anatomy.
of nose. (Dec 2003, 7 Marks)
(Mar 1998, 18 Marks)
Enumerate paranasal air sinuses. Describe in detail
maxillary air sinus. (Sep 2012, 3 + 5 Marks)
Enumerate paranasal air sinuses. Discuss anatomy of
maxillary air sinus. (Sep 2012, 3 + 5 Marks)
(Apr 2017, 10 Marks)
State names of different paranasal air sinuses. Describe
maxillary air sinus under following headings:
Fig. 122: Features of lateral wall of nose
a. Situation (Aug 2016, 10 Marks)
Q.4. Draw a labelled diagram of lateral wall of nose showing b. Boundaries
various openings. c. Communication
(Dec 2010, 4 Marks) (Feb 2014, 4 Marks) d. Nerve supply
Or e. Blood supply
Draw a labelled diagram to show the openings in Or
lateral wall of nose. (Feb 2004, 7 Marks) Name the paranasal air sinuses. (Aug 2018, 1 Mark)
Ans. Ans.

Enumeration of Paranasal Air Sinuses

There are four paranasal air sinuses on each side and are named
after the bones containing them:
1. Frontal air sinus present in frontal bone.
2. Maxillary air sinus present in maxilla.
3. Sphenoidal air sinus present in sphenoid bone.
4. Ethmoidal air sinus present in ethmoid bone:
• Anterior ethmoidal air sinus.
• Middle ethmoidal air sinus.
• Posterior ethmoidal air sinus.
Clinically Sinuses are Divided into Two Main Groups
♦ Anterior group: It consists of those sinuses which drains
into middle meatus, i.e. frontal, anterior and middle
ethmoidal and maxillary sinus.
♦ Posterior group: It includes those sinuses which do not
drain into middle meatus, i.e. posterior ethmoidal and
Fig. 123: Openings in lateral wall of nose sphenoidal air sinus.
98 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Maxillary Sinus Blood Supply

Maxillary air sinus is the first sinus to develop. Arterial Supply

Situation Maxillary air sinus is supplied by:

♦ Facial artery
Maxillary sinus lies in the body of maxilla and is largest of all ♦ Infraorbital artery
paranasal air sinuses. ♦ Greater palatine artery
Shape Venous Drainage
It is pyramidal in shape with its base directed medially towards It drains into the facial vein and pterygoid plexus of veins.
lateral wall of nose, and apex directed laterally in zygomatic
process of maxilla. Nerve Supply
Posterior superior alveolar nerve from maxillary nerve, anterior
Boundaries with Relations
and middle superior alveolar nerves from infraorbital nerve.
♦ Roof is formed by floor of orbit. Infraorbital nerve and
artery traverse roof in bony canal. Lymphatic Drainage
♦ Floor is formed by the alveolar process of maxilla and Lymph drains to the submandibular nodes.
lies at about 1cm below level of floor of nose. This level
corresponds to level of lower border of ala of nose. Floor
is marked by several conical elevations produced by the
roots of upper molar and premolar teeth. Canine tooth
may project into anterolateral wall.
♦ Base is formed by the lateral wall of nose. It posses opening
or ostium of sinus in its upper part.
♦ Apex extends into zygomatic process of maxilla.
♦ Anterior wall is formed by the anterior surface of body
of maxilla and is related to infraorbital plexus of nerves.
In this wall runs the anterior superior alveolar nerve in
curved bony canal.
♦ Posterior wall is formed by the infratemporal surface Fig. 124: Maxillary sinus
of maxilla, separating sinus from infratemporal and Applied Anatomy
pterygopalatine fossa. It is pierced by posterior superior
alveolar nerves and vessels. ♦ Maxillary air sinus is commonly involved in the sinusitis. It
may be infected from nose or from carious tooth. Drainage
Communications of sinus is difficult because its ostium lies at the higher level
♦ Maxillary sinus communicates with other sinuses through than its floor. Another factor is that cilia in lining mucosa are
lateral nasal wall. destroyed by chronic infection. Hence, the sinus is drained
♦ Opening through which the maxillary sinus communicates surgically by making an artificial opening near the floor.
with the middle nasal meatus is termed as ostium ♦ Carcinoma of maxillary air sinus arises from mucosal
maxillare. It is about 3 to 6 mm in diameter and is found lining. Symptoms depend on the direction of growth
in a recess called hiatus semilunaris. which are as follows:
• Invasion of orbit causes proptosis or diplopia, i.e.
♦ Maxillary sinus may have septa that partially divide it
into intercommunicating compartments with separate
• Invasion of floor may produce bulging or ulceration
ostia may be found.
of palate.
Openings • Forward growth obliterates canine fossa and produces
swelling on face.
It opens into middle meatus of nose in lower part of hiatus • Backward growth can involve palatine nerves and
semilunaris. A second opening is often present at the posterior produce severe pain referred to upper teeth.
end of hiatus. • Growth in medial direction produces nasal obstruction,
In an isolated maxilla the opening of maxillary air sinus is epistaxis and epiphora.
large. However, in the intact skull the size of opening is reduced • Growth in lateral direction produces swelling on the
to 3 to 4 mm as it is overlapped by the following: face and palpable mass inside labiogingival groove.
♦ From above by uncinate process of ethmoid and
descending part of lacrimal bone. Development of Maxillary Sinus
♦ From below, by inferior nasal conchae. ♦ Among all the sinuses, maxillary sinus is the first to
♦ From behind, by perpendicular plate of palatine bone. develop.
Anatomy  99

♦ Maxillary sinus starts developing at 16th week of the Q.6. Describe paranasal air sinuses.
intrauterine life. (Feb 2005, 10 Marks) (Sep 2000, 9 Marks)
♦ It appears as a shallow groove on the medial surface of Or
maxilla during the fourth month of intrauterine life. It
Write short note on paranasal sinuses (PNS).
grows rapidly during 6 to 7 years of life.
(June 2010, 5 Marks) (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
♦ When the crown-rump length (CRL) of an embryo is (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
32 mm, the CRL expands vertically in primordium of
maxillary body.
♦ At first, the horizontal shift of the palatal shelves occurs. Describe the paranasal sinuses and their applied
These shelves then fuse with each other and also with anatomy. (Nov 2008, 15 Marks)
the nasal septum. As a result of this the oral cavity gets Ans. There are four paranasal air sinuses on each side and are
separated from the nasal chambers. named after the bones containing them:
♦ All these changes result in the expansion of the lateral nasal 1. Frontal air sinus present in frontal bone.
wall, which starts folding. 2. Maxillary air sinus present in maxilla.
♦ As a result of this folding, three nasal conchae and three 3. Sphenoidal air sinus present in sphenoid bone.
4. Ethmoidal air sinus present in ethmoid bone
meatuses arise. Superior and inferior meatuses remain as
– Anterior ethmoidal air sinus.
shallow depressions along the lateral nasal wall and the
– Middle ethmoidal air sinus.
middle meatus expands into the lateral nasal wall. – Posterior ethmoidal air sinus.
♦ Maxillary sinus expands and modifies in form and it Clinically, sinuses are divided into two main groups viz
reaches its final height after the eruption of all permanent 1. Anterior group: It consists of those sinuses, which drains
teeth. into middle meatus, i.e. frontal, anterior and middle
ethmoidal and maxillary sinus.
2. Posterior group: It includes those sinuses which do not
drain into middle meatus, i.e. posterior ethmoidal and
sphenoidal air sinus.

Description of Paranasal Air Sinus

♦ Frontal sinus: It lies in frontal bone deep to superciliary
arches. It extends upward above medial end of eyebrow
and backward into medial part of roof of orbit. It opens
in of middle meatus of nose at anterior end of hiatus
semilunaris through infundibulum or through frontonasal
duct. The sinuses are better developed in males than
females. They are well developed at 7th and 8th year of
age but reaches its full size only at puberty.
• Arterial supply: It is supplied by the supraorbital
Fig. 125: Beginning of development of maxillary sinus • Venous drainage: It drains into supraorbital and
superior ophthalmic vein.
• Nerve supply: It is supplied by the supraorbital nerve.
• Lymphatic drainage: Drains to submandibular nodes.
♦ Maxillary air sinus: It is described briefly in Ans 5 of the
same chapter.
♦ Sphenoidal air sinus: Right and left sphenoidal sinuses
lie within body of sphenoid bone. Each sinus opens into
sphenoethmoidal recess of corresponding half of nasal
cavity. They are separated by septum each sinus relates
superiorly to optic chiasma and hypophysis cerebri and
laterally to internal carotid artery and cavernous sinus.
Arterial supply: It is supplied by:
• Posterior ethmoidal artery
• Internal carotid artery.
Venous drainage: Into pterygoid venous plexus and
Fig. 126: Folding of lateral nasal wall cavernous sinus.
100 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

3. Posterior ethmoidal sinus: It also consist of 1 to 7 air

cells. It opens in superior meatus of nose. It is supplied
by posterior ethmoidal nerve and vessels and orbital
branch of pterygopalatine ganglion. Its lymphatics
drain to retropharyngeal nodes.

Applied Anatomy
♦ The maxillary air sinus is commonly involved in the
sinusitis. It may be infected from nose or from carious
tooth. Drainage of sinus is difficult because its ostium lies
at the higher level then its floor. Another factor is that cilia
in lining mucosa are destroyed by the chronic infection.
Hence, the sinus is drained surgically by making an
artificial opening near the floor.
Carcinoma of maxillary air sinus arises from mucosal
Fig. 127: Paranasal air sinuses (For colour version see Plate 2) lining. Symptoms depend on the direction of growth which
are as follows:
• Invasion of orbit causes proptosis or diplopia, i.e.
• Invasion of floor may produce bulging or ulceration
of palate.
• Forward growth obliterates canine fossa and produces
swelling on face.
• Backward growth can involve palatine nerves and
produce severe pain referred to upper teeth.
• Growth in medial direction produces nasal obstruction,
epistaxis and epiphora.
• Growth in lateral direction produces swelling on the
face and palpable mass inside labiogingival groove.
♦ Frontal sinusitis and ethmoiditis can cause edema of lids
which is secondary to infection of sinuses.
♦ Pain from ethmoidal air sinus is referred to the forehead
since both of them are supplied by ophthalmic division
of trigeminal nerve.
♦ Pain of maxillary sinusitis can be referred to maxillary teeth
Fig. 128: Formation of conchae and meatuses
as well as infraorbital skin as all of them are supplied by
the maxillary nerve.
Nerve supply: It is supplied by:
• Posterior ethmoidal nerve Q.7. Write a short note on pterygopalatine ganglion.
• Orbital branch of pterygopalatine ganglion. (Mar 1998, 4 Marks)
Lymphatic drainage: It drains to the retropharyngeal nodes. Ans. This is the largest parasympathetic peripheral ganglion.
♦ Ethmoidal air sinus: They are numerous intercommuni- It serves as relay station for secretomotor fibers to
cation spaces which lie in labyrinth of ethmoid bone. They lacrimal gland, paranasal sinuses, palate and pharynx.
get completed from above by orbital plate of frontal bone, Topographically, it is related to maxillary nerve, but
from behind by sphenoidal conchae and orbital process of functionally it is connected to facial nerve via its greater
palatine bone, anteriorly by lacrimal bone. Basically, they petrosal branch.
are three in number, i.e. Connections
1. Anterior ethmoidal sinus: It is made up of 1 to 11 air
cells. It opens in anterior part of hiatus semilunaris ♦ Parasympathetic or motor root:
of nose. It is supplied by anterior ethmoidal nerve • It is formed by the nerve of pterygoid canal.
and vessels. Its lymphatics drain into submandibular • Preganglionic fibers arises from neurons present near
nodes. superior salivatory nucleus and lacrimatory nuclei and
2. Middle ethmoidal sinus: It is made up of 1 to 7 air pass via nervus intermedius, facial nerve, geniculate
cells. It opens in middle meatus of nose. It is supplied ganglion, greater petrosal nerve and nerve to pterygoid
by anterior ethmoidal nerve and vessels and orbital canal to reach the pterygopalatine ganglion and relay.
braches of pterygopalatine ganglion. Lymphatics • Postganglionic fibers arise in pterygopalatine ganglion
drains to submandibular nodes. and supply secretomotor nerves to lacrimal gland,
Anatomy  101

mucous glands of nose, paranasal air sinuses, palate 4. Ethmoidal air sinus present in ethmoid bone:
and nasopharynx. – Anterior ethmoidal air sinus.
♦ Sympathetic root – Middle ethmoidal air sinus.
• It is derived from nerve of pterygoid canal. – Posterior ethmoidal air sinus.
• Postganglionic fibers arise superior cervical sym- Clinically sinuses are divided into two main groups viz:
pathetic ganglion which pass via internal carotid 1. Anterior group: It consists of those sinuses which drains
plexus, deep petrosal nerve and nerve to pterygoid into middle meatus, i.e. frontal, anterior and middle
canal to reach ganglion. Fibers does not relay and ethmoidal and maxillary sinus.
supply to vasomotor nerves to mucous membrane of 2. Posterior group: It includes those sinuses which do not
nose, paranasal sinus, palate and nasopharynx. drain into middle meatus, i.e. posterior ethmoidal and
♦ Sensory roots are derived from maxillary nerve. Fibers of sphenoidal air sinus.
sensory root does not relay in ganglion and they emerge Q.9. Enumerate the paranasal air sinus, give its functions
as various branches, i.e. orbital branch, palatine branches, and openings in nasal cavity. (Mar 2006, 5 Marks)
nasal branches, pharyngeal branch and lacrimal branch. Ans. For enumeration refer to Ans 8 of the same chapter.

Branches of Pterygopalatine Ganglion Function

Branches of ganglion are actually branches of maxillary nerve. ♦ Paranasal air sinus helps in both the functions olfactory
The branches are: as well as respiratory.
♦ Orbital branches: They pass through inferior orbital ♦ It causes humidification and warming of inspired air and
fissure, periosteum of orbit and orbitalis contribution to the olfactory.
♦ Palatine branches: They supply to hard palate, lateral wall of ♦ It is possible that if air is arrested in the sinus for a certain
time, it quickly reaches the body temperature thus
nose, lesser palatine nerve supply to soft palate and tonsils.
protects the internal structure, particularly the brain
♦ Nasal branches: The lateral posterior superior nasal nerve
against exposure of cold air.
supply to posterior part of superior and middle constrictor.
♦ Other contribution is in the response of voice, lightening
Medial posterior superior nerve supply to posterior part of of skull weight, enhancement of the faciocranial resistance
roof of nose and nasal septum the largest of these nerves is to mechanical shock, and the production of bactericidal
known as nasopalatine nerve which descends to anterior lysozyme to nasal cavity.
part of hard palate.
♦ Pharyngeal branches: It supplies to the part of nasopharynx Openings in Nasal Cavity
behind auditory tube. ♦ Opening of nasolacrimal duct is seen in the inferior meatus.
♦ Lacrimal branch: Postganglionic fibers pass back in maxillary ♦ Opening of frontal air sinus is seen in the anterior part of
nerve to leave it via zygomatic nerve and zygomaticotemporal hiatus semilunaris
branch to supply secretomotor fibers to lacrimal gland. ♦ Opening of maxillary air sinus is seen in the posterior part
of hiatus semilunaris
♦ Opening of anterior ethmoidal air sinus is present at
middle part of hiatus semilunaris
♦ Opening of middle ethmoidal air sinus is present at upper
margin of ethmoidal bulla.
♦ Opening of posterior ethmoidal sinus is the seen in the
superior meatus.
♦ Opening of sphenoidal air sinus is seen in the
sphenoethmoidal recess.
Q.10. Write a short note on openings in the lateral wall of
nasal cavity. (Mar 2006, 5 Marks)
♦ Opening of nasolacrimal duct is seen in the inferior meatus
Fig. 129: Connections and branches of pterygopalatine ganglion at junction of anterior one- third and posterior two-third.
The opening is guarded by lacrimal fold or Hasner’s valve.
♦ Opening of frontal air sinus is seen in the anterior part of
Q.8. Name the paranasal air sinuses.
hiatus semilunaris.
(Feb 2003, 3 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
♦ Opening of maxillary air sinus is seen in the posterior
Ans. There are four paranasal air sinuses on each side and are part of hiatus semilunaris. It is often represented by the
named after the bones containing them: two openings.
1. Frontal air sinus present in frontal bone. ♦ Opening of anterior ethmoidal air sinus is present at
2. Maxillary air sinus present in maxilla. middle part of hiatus semilunaris. It is mainly present
3. Sphenoidal air sinus present in sphenoid bone. behind the opening of frontal air sinus.
102 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Opening of middle ethmoidal air sinus is present at upper 2. Middle part is called as the atrium of the middle meatus.
margin of ethmoidal bulla. 3. Posterior part consists of conchae and the spaces separating
♦ Opening of posterior ethmoidal sinus is seen in the conchae are known as meatus.
superior meatus.
♦ Opening of sphenoidal air sinus is seen in the sphenoe- Conchae and Meatuses form the Main Features of the
thmoidal recess which is the triangular fossa just above Lateral Wall
superior concha. Conchae (also called turbinates) are the curved bony actions
Q11. Enumerate the paranasal air sinuses. What are the directed downwards and medially. Below and lateral to each
functions of these sinuses? Name the nerves supplying concha is a corresponding meatus. From above downwards
them. Add a note on their applied anatomy. the conchae are superior, middle, and inferior nasal conchae.
(Sep 2006, 8 Marks) Sometimes a 4th concha, the concha suprema is also present.
Ans. For enumeration refer to Ans 8 of the same chapter. For Skeleton of the Lateral Wall
function refer to Ans 9 of the same chapter. For applied
anatomy refer to Ans 6 of same chapter. It is partly bony, partly cartilagenous and partly made up of soft
Name of the paranasal
air sinus Nerve supplying
♦ Bony part: It is formed by
• Nasal
Frontal sinus Supraorbital nerve • Frontal process of maxilla
Maxillary sinus Posterior superior alveolar nerve • Lacrimal
from maxillary nerve, anterior and • Labryinth of ethamoid with superior and middle
middle superior alveolar nerves from conchae.
infraorbital nerve
• Inferior nasal concha made of spongy bone only.
Sphenoidal sinus Posterior ethmoidal nerve and orbital • Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone together with
branches of pterygopalatine ganglion orbital and sphenoidal processes.
Ethmoidal sinus • Medial pterygoid plate.
• Anterior ethmoidal • Anterior ethmoidal nerve ♦ Cartilaginous part is formed by:
sinus • Anterior ethmoidal nerve and • Superior nasal cartilage
• Midlle ethmoidal sinus orbital branches of pterygopalatine • Inferior nasal cartilage
• Posterior ethmoidal ganglion • 3 or 4 small cartilages of ala.
sinus • Posterior ethmoidal nerve and ♦ Cuticular lower part is formed by fibrofatty tissue covered
orbital branches of pterygopalatine
by skin.
Q.12. Write a note on lateral wall of the nose.
(Mar 2007, 4 Marks) ♦ Superior and middle nasal conchae are the projections from
Or the medial surface of the ethmoidal labyrinth.
♦ Inferior concha is an independent bone.
Write in short on lateral wall of the nose. ♦ The superior concha is smallest and inferior concha is
(Aug 2012, 5 Marks) (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) largest in size.
Write short note on lateral wall of nose. Meatuses
(Aug 2018, 5 marks) Meatuses are the passages (recesses) beneath the overhanging
Ans. Lateral wall of the nose is irregular and consists of three conchae. They are visualized once conchae are removed.
shelf like bony projections called conchae. ♦ Inferior meatus is the largest and lies underneath the
• Conchae increases the surface area of the nose for inferior nasal concha.
effective conditioning of the inspired air. ♦ Middle meatus lies underneath the middle concha. It
presents following features:
Lateral Wall Leads to Separation of the Nose
• Ethmoidal bulla (bulla ethmoidalis), a round elevation
♦ From orbit above with ethmoidal air sinus and intervening produced by the underlying middle ethmoidal sinuses.
maxillary sinus below • Hiatus semilunaris, a deep semicircular sulcus below
♦ In front by lacrimal groove and nasolacrimal canal. the bulla ethmoidalis.
• Infundibulum, a short passage at the anterior end of
Subdivision of Lateral Wall of Nose
middle meatus.
Lateral wall of nose is subdivided into three parts i.e. ♦ Superior meatus is the smallest and lies below the superior
1. A small depressed area in the anterior part is known as concha.
vestibule. Vestibule is lined by modified skin containing A triangular depression, above and behind the superior concha
short, stiff, curved hair called “Vibrissae”. is known as the sphenoethmoidal recess.
Anatomy  103

Fig. 130: Formation of lateral wall of nose

Openings of Lateral Wall of the Nose

♦ Opening of nasolacrimal duct is seen in the inferior meatus.
♦ Opening of frontal air sinus is seen in the anterior part of
hiatus semilunaris.
♦ Opening of maxillary air sinus is seen in the posterior part
of hiatus semilunaris
♦ Opening of anterior ethmoidal air sinus is present at
middle part of hiatus semilunaris.
♦ Opening of middle ethmoidal air sinus is present at upper
margin of ethmoidal bulla.
♦ Opening of posterior ethmoidal sinus is seen in superior
♦ Opening of sphenoidal air sinus is seen in the sphenoe-
thmoidal recess.

Arterial Supply
♦ Anterosuperior quadrant by anterior ethmoidal artery
♦ Anteroinferior quadrant by branches from facial and
greater palatine arteries.
♦ Posteroinferior quadrant by few branches of sphenopalatine
artery. Fig. 131: Arterial supply of lateral wall of nose
♦ Posterionferior quadrant by branches from greater palatine
artery. a. Anterosuperior quadrant by anterior ethmoidal nerve
branch of ophthalmic nerve.
Venous Drainage b. Anteroinferior quadrant by anterior superior alveolar
Venous form a plexus which drains: nerve branch of infraorbital, continuation of maxillary
♦ Anterioly into facial vein nerve.
♦ Posterioly into pharyngeal plexuses of vein c. Posterosuperior quadrant by lateral posterior superior
♦ Middle part by pterygoid plexus of vein. nasal branches from pterygopalatine ganglion.
d. Posteroinferior quadrant by anterior palatine branch
Nerve Supply of pterygopalatine ganglion.
I. General sensory nerves: They are derived from the II. Special sensory nerves: These are the olfactory nerves
branches of trigeminal nerve which supplies to the lateral which are distributed to upper part of lateral wall below
wall. cribriform plate of ethmoid bone upto superior concha.
104 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Medially with nose via sphenopalatine foramen.

♦ Laterally with infratemporal fossa via pterygomaxillary
♦ Inferiorly with the oral cavity via greater and lesser
palatine canals.

♦ Third part of maxillary artery and its branches which have
same name as branches of pterygopalatine ganglia and
accompany them all.
♦ Maxillary nerve and its two branches, i.e. zygomatic and
posterior superior alveolar.
♦ Pterygopalatine ganglion and its numerous branches
which consists of fibers of maxillary nerve mixed with
autonomic nerves.

Fig. 132: Nerve supply of lateral wall of nose

Lymphatic Drainage
♦ From anterior half to submandibular nodes
♦ From posterior half to retropharyngeal and upper deep
cervical nodes.
Q.13. Write short note on pterygopalatine fossa.
(Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. It is also known as sphenopalatine fossa or ganglion of
Fig. 133: Pterygopalatine fossa along with its communications
hay fever.
Pterygopalatine fossa is a small pyramidal space which
Q.14. Write short note on openings of paranasal sinuses.
is situated deep below the apex of the orbit.
(Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
Boundaries Ans. Following are the openings of paranasal sinuses:
It is bounded: ♦ Opening of frontal air sinus is seen in the anterior part of
♦ Anteriorly by superomedial part of the posterior surface hiatus semilunaris.
of the maxilla. ♦ Opening of maxillary air sinus is seen in the posterior
♦ Posteriorly by root of the pterygoid process and adjoining part of hiatus semilunaris. It is often represented by the
part of the anterior surface of greater wing of the sphenoid. two openings.
♦ Medially by upper part of the perpendicular plate of the ♦ Opening of anterior ethmoidal air sinus is present at
palatine bone. Orbital and sphenoidal processes of the middle part of hiatus semilunaris. It is mainly present
bone are also involved. behind the opening of frontal air sinus.
♦ Laterally the fossa opens into infratemporal fossa through ♦ Opening of middle ethmoidal air sinus is present at upper
margin of ethmoidal bulla.
the pterygomaxillary fissure.
♦ Opening of posterior ethmoidal sinus is seen in the
♦ Superiorly by the undersurface of body of sphenoid.
superior meatus.
♦ Inferiorly it is closed by the pyramidal process of palatine
♦ Opening of sphenoidal air sinus is seen in the sphenoe-
bone in the angle between the maxilla and pterygoid
thmoidal recess which is the triangular fossa just above
superior concha.
Communications Q.15. Enumerate arterial supply of nasal septum.
It is communicated: (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
♦ Anteriorly by the orbit through medial end of the inferior Ans. Following is the arterial supply of nasal septum:
orbital fissure. • Anteriosuperior part is supplied by anterior
♦ Posteriorly with the middle cranial fossa via foramen ethmoidal artery and posterior ethmoidal artery.
rotundum; with foramen lacerum via pterygoid canal; and • Anteroinferior part is supplied by superior labial
with pharynx via palatovaginal canal. branch of facial artery.
Anatomy  105

• Posterosuperior part is supplied by sphenopalatine Unpaired Cartilage

artery which is the main artery.
♦ Thyroid cartilage (sheid like)
• Posteroinferior part is supplied by the branches of
♦ Cricoid cartilage (ring like)
greater palatine artery.
♦ Epiglottic cartilage (leaf like).
Paired Cartilage
16. LARYNX ♦ Arytenoid cartilage (cup shaped)
♦ Corniculate cartilage (horn shaped)
Q.1. Enumerate the cartilages of larynx. ♦ Cuniform cartilage (wedge shaped).
(Sep 2002, 2 Marks)
Unpaired Cartilage
Write briefly on cartilages of larynx Thyroid Cartilage
(Nov 2008, 5 Marks) ♦ It is V-shape cartilage.
Ans. Larynx is a organ for phonation. Larynx lies at anterior ♦ Thyroid cartilage consists of right and left laminae.
midline of neck extending from root of tongue to ♦ Each lamina is roughly quadrilateral, laminae are placed
trachea. In adult male it lies in front of C3, C4, C5 and obliquely relative to midline, their posterior borders are far
C6 but in children or in adult female it lies at the higher apart while anterior borders approach each other which is
level. 90° in males and 120° in females.
♦ Lower part of anterior border of right and left laminae
Laryngeal Cartilages fuse and form a median projection known as laryngeal
♦ Upper parts of both the anterior borders do not meet and
are separated by the thyroid notch.
♦ Posterior borders are free and are extended upwards
and downwards and are named as superior and inferior
cornua (horns).
♦ Superior cornua is connected with the greater cornua of the
hyoid bone by lateral thyrohyoid ligament, while inferior
cornua articulate with the cricoid cartilage to form the
cricothyroid joint.
♦ Inferior border of the thyroid cartilage concavo-convex,
i.e. convex in front and concave behind.
♦ In the median plane it is connected to the cricoid cartilage
by the conus elasticus.
Fig. 134: Laryngeal cartilages ♦ Outer surface of each lamina is marked by an oblique
line which extends from the superior thyroid tubercle in
Larynx consists of six cartilages out of which three are unpaired front of the root of superior cornua to the inferior thyroid
and three are paired. tubercle behind middle of the inferior border.
Cricoid Cartilage
♦ It is of ring shape.
♦ This cartilage encircles the larynx below the thyroid
cartilage and makes, foundation of larynx.
♦ This cartilage is thick and strong as compared to thyroid
♦ Its anterior part is narrow and is called as arch, while its
posterior part is broad known as lamina.
♦ Lamina projects upwards behind thyroid cartilage, it
articulate superiorly with arytenoids cartilages.
♦ Inferior cornua of thyroid cartilage articulates with side of
cricoid cartilage at the junction of arch and lamina.
Epiglottic Cartilage
♦ It is of leaf shape placed in anterior wall of upper part of
Fig. 135: Interior aspect of laryngeal cartilages larynx.
106 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Its upper end is broad and free, it projects upward behind Q.4. Write short note on thyroid cartilage.
hyoid bone as well as tongue. (Sep 2011, 5 Marks)
♦ Lower end or thyroepiglottic ligament is pointed and is Ans. •  Thyroid cartilage is V-shaped in its cross section.
attached to upper part of angle between the two laminae • Cartilage consists of right and left laminae. Shape of
of thyroid cartilage. each lamina is roughly quadrilateral.
• Laminae are placed obliquely relative to the midline
Paired Cartilage
and their posterior borders are far apart, but the
Arytenoid Cartilage anterior borders approach each other at an angle
♦ They are two small pyramid shape cartilage which lie over that is about 90° in the male and about l20° in the
upper border of lamina of cricoids cartilage. female.
♦ Apex of arytenoid cartilage is curved posteromedially and • Lower part of anterior borders of right and left
articulates with corniculate cartilage. laminae combine and form a median projection
♦ Base is concave and articulates with lateral part of upper known as laryngeal prominence.
border of cricoids lamina. This prolong anteriorly to form • Upper parts of both the anterior borders do not meet
vocal process and laterally to form muscular process. and are separated by the thyroid notch.
♦ Surfaces of cartilage are anterolateral, medial and posterior. • Posterior borders are free and are extended upwards
and downwards and are named as superior and
Corniculate Cartilage inferior cornua (horns).
• Superior cornua is connected with the greater cornua
♦ These are two small conical nodules which articulate
of the hyoid bone by lateral thyrohyoid ligament.
with apex of arytenoid cartilage which are directed
• Inferior cornua articulate with the cricoid cartilage
to form the cricothyroid joint.
♦ These conical lie in posterior part of aryepiglottic folds.
• Inferior border of the thyroid cartilage concavo-
Cuniform Cartilage convex, i.e. convex in front and concave behind.
• In the median plane it is connected to the cricoid
These are two small rod shaped pieces of cartilage placed in
cartilage by the conus elasticus.
aryepiglottic fold which are just ventral to corniculate cartilages.
• Outer surface of each lamina is marked by an
Q.2. Write short note on nerve supply of larynx oblique line which extends from the superior thyroid
(Apr 2008, 5 Marks) tubercle in front of root of superior cornua to the
Ans. A.  Motor nerve: All intrinsic muscles of larynx are inferior thyroid tubercle behind middle of inferior
supplied by recurrent laryngeal nerve except border.
cricothyroid which is supplied by the external • Thyrohyoid, sternothyroid and thyropharyngeus are
laryngeal nerve. part of inferior constrictor of pharynx is attached to
B. Sensory nerve: The internal laryngeal nerve supply oblique line.
mucous membrane upto level of vocal folds.
Recurrent laryngeal nerve supply it below the level
of vocal folds.
Q.3. Write short note on vocal folds. (Sep 2011, 5 Marks)
Ans. Within the laryngeal cavity, the mucous membrane presents
with two folds that extend on each side posteroanteriorly
from the arytenoid cartilages to the thyroid cartilage.
These are true and false vocal cords.
Vocal folds are also known as true vocal cords:
• These folds are produced by the underlying vocal
ligaments and vocalis muscle and lie below the false
vocal cords. Fig. 136: Anterior and posterior view of thyroid and cricoid cartilage
• Space between the right and left vocal folds is called
as ‘rima glottidis’ Attachments
• Vocal cords act as entry valves. They prevent entry ♦ Lower border as well as inferior cornua provides insertion
of all substances through rima glottis except air. to triangular cricothyroid.
• Speech (phonation) is produced by vibrations of the ♦ At posterior border connecting the superior and
vocal cords. Greater the amplitude of vibration, the inferior cornua is insertion of palatopharyngeus,
louder is the sound. Pitch of sound is controlled by salpingopharyngeus and stylopharyngeus.
the frequency of the vibrations. ♦ Over the inner aspect following are attached:
• Since males have longer vocal cords than females, they • Median thyroepiglottic ligament
have louder but low pitched voices than females. • Thyroepiglottic muscle over each side
Anatomy  107

• Vestibular fold over each side ♦ This area is rich in lymphatics. These lymphatics drain into
• Vocal fold over each side the upper deep cervical group of nodes. Malignancy in this
• Thyroarytenoid area has a tendency for distant metastasis.
• Vocalis muscle over each side. ♦ Foreign bodies such as fish bones commonly gets lodged
Q.5. Write short note on cricoid cartilage. (Sep 2011, 5 Marks) in piriform fossa. These bones scratch mucosa and person
feel foreign body sensation because of dull visceral pain.
Ans. •  Cricoid cartilage has a shape of signet ring.
♦ Piriform fossa is also known as smuggler’s fossa as it is
• It encircle larynx below thyroid cartilage.
used to smuggle precious diamonds and stones.
• The cartilage is thick and strong as compared to
♦ Pooling of saliva occurs in pyriform fossa if there is any
thyroid cartilage.
obstruction in the food passage (Jackson’s sign).
• It consists of narrow anterior part known as arch
and broad posterior part known as lamina.
• Projection of lamina is upwards behind the thyroid
cartilage and it articulate superiorly with arytenoid
• Inferior cornua of thyroid cartilage articulate with
side of cricoid cartilage at junction of arch and lamina.
For diagram of cricoid cartilage refer to Ans 4 of same

Attachment of Cricoid Cartilage

♦ Anterior part provides origin to cricothyroid muscle.
♦ Anterolateral part provide origin to lateral cricoarytenoid
♦ Lamina of cricoid cartilage give origin to posterior
cricoarytenoid muscle
♦ Cricothyroid and quadrate membranes are also attached.
Q.6. Write in brief about piriform fossa. (Sep 2015, 5 Marks)
Fig. 137: Piriform fossa
Write short note on piriform fossa and clinical
Q.7. Name the muscles of larynx. (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
significance. (Sep 2015, 5 Marks)
Ans. Following are the muscles of larynx:
Ans. Piriform fossa is deep recess broad above and narrow
below in the anterior part of lateral wall of the • Extrinsic muscles
laryngopharynx on each side of the laryngeal inlet. – Palatopharyngeus
These recesses are produced due to bulging of larynx – Salpingopharyngeus
into laryngopharynx. It is present one on each side of – Stylopharyngeus
– Thyrohyoid
inlet of larynx.
– Sternothyroid
Boundaries • Intrinsic muscles
– Cricothyroid
♦ Medial: Aryepiglottic fold and quadrangular membrane – Posterior cricoarytenoid triangular
of larynx. – Lateral cricoarytenoid
♦ Lateral: Mucous membrane covering the medial surface of – Transverse arytenoids
the lamina of thyroid cartilage and thyrohyoid membrane. – Oblique arytenoids and aryepiglottic
♦ The internal laryngeal nerve and superior laryngeal vessels – Thyroarytenoid and thyroepiglottic
pierce the thyrohyoid membrane and traverse underneath – Vocalis.
the mucous membrane of the floor of the fossa to reach
the medial wall.
♦ Above: Piriform fossa is separated from epiglottic vallecula 17. THE TONGUE
by lateral glossoepiglottic fold.
♦ Inferior: It continues as esophagus.
Q.1. Enumerate the sensory innervations of tongue.
Clinical Importance (Feb 2002, 2 Marks)
♦ Anatomically it is a hidden area. Any malignancy in
Describe position, parts, blood supply, and innervations
this area will initially cause fewer symptoms and has a
of tongue. (Feb 2002, 10 Marks)
tendency to present late symptoms.
108 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Describe muscles of tongue. (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) – Oral part is also known as anterior two-third of
Or tongue.
Describe the tongue and give its nerve supply. – Oral part presents a median furrow, representing
(Sep 2013, 10 Marks) bilateral origin of tongue as well as large number
Or of papillae
Write short note on nerve supply and lymphatic – Pharyngeal part or posterior one third by a V
drainage of tongue. (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) shaped groove known as sulcus terminalis. Two
Or limbs of V meet at median pit called as foramen
Write short note on blood supply and nerve supply of caecum. Both the limbs run laterally and forwards
tongue. (May/June 2009, 5 Marks) (Nov 2008, 5 Marks) upto palatoglossal arches.
Or – The third part is small posteriomost part.
Write short note on sensory innervations of tongue. 2. An inferior surface: This is confined to oral part only.
(July 2016, 5 Marks) (Apr 2007, 5 Marks) Mucous membrane lining this surface is thin, smooth
Or and purpulish. It is reflected onto the floor of the
mouth. The under aspect of the tongue presents the
Write a short note on innervation of tongue.
following features:
(Sep 2006, 5 Marks)
– Frenulum linguae, a median-fold of mucus
membrane connecting the tongue to the floor of
Write short note on nerve supply of tongue.
the mouth.
(Sep 2007, 3 Marks) (Apr 2015, 3 Marks)
– Deep lingual veins, may be seen through mucous
(Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
membrane on either side of frenulum linguae (the
lingual nerve and lingual artery are medial to the
Write a short note on lymphatic drainage of tongue. vein but not visible).
(Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) – Plica fimbriata, a fringed fimbriated fold of
(May 2017, 3 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks) mucous membrane lateral to the lingual vein
Or directed forwards and medially towards the tip
Write briefly lymphatic drainage of tongue and its of the tongue.
applied aspect. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
Describe tongue in detail and give its applied aspect.
(Nov 2009, 10 Marks)
Describe the tongue in detail. (Jan 2012, 15 Marks)
Write very short answer on lymphatic drainage of
tongue. (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
Write very short answer on extrinsic muscles of tongue.
(Aug 2018, 2 Marks) Fig. 138: Dorsum of tongue

Ans. Position of Tongue

Tongue is a muscular organ situated in floor of the mouth.

Parts of Tongue
Tongue consists of following parts:
♦ Root: It is attached to styloid process and soft palate above
and to mandible and hyoid bone below. In between the
mandible and hyoid bones it is related to geniohyoid and
mylohyoid muscles.
♦ Tip: Tip of the tongue forms anterior free end which rest,
lie behind maxillary incisor teeth.
♦ Body: It is divided into two parts:
1. Dorsum:
– This is convex in all the directions. It is divided
into oral and pharyngeal parts by V-shaped sulcus
terminalis. Fig. 139: Inferior surface of tongue
Anatomy  109

Muscles of the Tongue Extrinsic Muscles

Middle fibrous septum divides the tongue into right and left Muscle Origin Insertion Action
halves. Each half contains four intrinsic and four extrinsic
Palatoglossus From oral Descends Pulls the root
muscles. surface of inside the of tongue,
palatine palatoglossal approximate
Intrinsic Muscles aponeurosis arch to side of palatoglossal
tongue at the arches
These muscles occupy upper part of the tongue and attached to
junction of oral and closes
submucous fibrous layer and median fibrous septum. and pharyngeal oropharyngeal
parts isthmus
Intrinsic Hyoglossus From whole At the side Depresses
muscle Location Actions length of of tongue tongue,
greater cornua in between make dorsum
Superior Beneath the mucus • Shortens the tongue
as well as styloglossus convex, retracts
longitudinal membrane • Makes dorsum concave
lateral part of and inferior protruded tongue
Inferior It lies close to inferior • Shortens the tongue hyoid bone longitudinal
longitudinal surface between • Makes dorsum convex muscle
genioglossus and Styloglossus From tip and Side of tongue Pull tongue
hyoglossus part of anterior upward and
surface of backward i.e.
Transverse It extends from median • Makes tongue narrow
styloid process it retract the
septum to margins and elongated
Vertical It is found at borders of • Makes tongue broad Genioglossus From upper • Upper fibers • Depresses
anterior part of tongue and flattened genial tubercle into the tip the tongue
of mandible of tongue • Retracts the
• Middle fibers tongue
into dorsum • Pull posterior
• Lower fibers part of tongue
into hyoid forward and
bone protrude
forward. This
is also known
as life saving

Fig. 140: Intrinsic muscles of tongue

Fig. 142: Extrinsic muscles of tongue

Blood Supply

Arterial Supply of Tongue

It is chiefly supplied by tortuous lingual artery which is
branch of external carotid artery. Root of tongue is supplied
by the tonsillar artery a branch of facial artery and ascending
Fig. 141: Coronal section of tongue pharyngeal branch of external carotid artery.
110 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ These veins unite at posterior border of hyoglossus to form

lingual vein which ends in internal jugular vein.

Lymphatic Drainage
♦ Tip of tongue drains bilaterally to submental nodes.
♦ Right and left halves of remaining part of anterior 2/3 of
the tongue drains unilaterally to submandibular nodes.
Few central lymphatics drain bilaterally to deep cervical
lymph nodes.
♦ Posterior 1/3 and posteriomost part drains bilaterally to upper
deep cervical lymph nodes including juglodigastric nodes.
♦ Whole lymph finally drains to jugulo-omohyoid lymph nodes.

Nerve Supply
♦ Motor supply: All extrinsic and intrinsic muscles except
palatoglossus are supplied by the hypoglossal nerve.
Palatoglossus is supplied by the cranial root of accessory
nerve through pharyngeal plexus.
Fig. 143: Nerve supply of tongue
♦ Sensory innervations:
• Lingual nerve is general nerve of sensation and chorda
Venous Drainage tympani is nerve for taste for anterior 2/3 of tongue
♦ Deep lingual vein is largest and principal vein of tongue. except vallate papillae.
It is visible on inferior surface of tongue. • For posterior 1/3 and circumvallate papillae glossophar-
♦ Arrangement of veins of tongue is variable. Two venae yngeal nerve is nerve for both general and taste sensation.
comitants accompany lingual artery and one venae • Posterior most part is supplied by vagus nerve through
comitant the hypoglossal nerve. internal laryngeal branch.

Fig. 144: Arterial supply of tongue (For colour version see Plate 2)

Applied Aspect disease occurs in lymph nodes. Carcinoma of the posterior

♦ Carcinoma of the tongue is common. This is better treated one-third of the tongue is more dangerous due to bilateral
by radiotherapy than by surgery. But since facilities for lymphatic spread.
irradiation are not always available, the affected side of the ♦ Sorbitrate is taken sublingually for immediate relief from
tongue is removed surgically. All the deep cervical lymph angina pectoris. It is absorbed due to rich blood supply of
nodes are also removed because recurrence of malignant tongue and by passing of portal circulation.
Anatomy  111

Fig. 145: Lymphatic drainage of tongue (For colour version see Plate 3)

♦ Genioglossus is known as safety muscle of tongue, this is Dorsum of tongue is divided into oral and pharyngeal
because as this muscle get paralyzed, tongue will fall back parts by sulcus terminalis and the inferior surface is
to oropharynx and block passage of air. During anesthesia, confined to the oral part.
tongue should be pulled forward to clear the air passage.
Tip of the tongue forms the anterior free end.
♦ Genioglossus is the only muscle which protrudes forward.
It is used for testing integrity of hypoglossal nerve. If Dorsum of the tongue is convex from all aspects. It is
hypoglossal nerve over right side gets paralyzed, tongue on divided into an
protrusion deviate to right side. Normal left genioglossus will a. An oral part, i.e. anterior two-third
pull base to left side and apex will get pushed to right side. b A pharyngeal part, i.e. posterior one-third part
♦ Glossitis is usually a part of generalized ulceration of c. Posteriomost part.
the mouth cavity (stomatitis). In certain anemias tongue
becomes bald due to atrophy of the filiform papillae. Oral or Papillary Part
♦ Presence of a rich network of lymphatics and of loose
areolar tissue in the substance of the tongue is responsible It lies on the floor of the mouth. Its margins are free and in
for enormous swelling of the tongue in acute glossitis. The contact with the gums and teeth. In front of the palatoglossal
tongue fills up the mouth cavity and then protrudes out of it. arch, each margin consists of 4 to 5 vertical folds known as foliate
♦ Undersurface of the tongue is a good site for observation papillae. Superior surface of the oral part consists of median
of jaundice. furrow and is covered with papillae which make it rough. The
♦ In unconscious patients tongue may fall back and obstruct inferior surface is covered with a smooth mucous membrane,
air passages. This can be prevented either by lying the which shows a median fold known as frenulum linguae. On
patient on one side with head down or by keeping the either side of the frenulum there is a prominence produced by
tongue pulled out mechanically.
the deep lingual veins. More laterally there is a fold known as
♦ In patients with grand mal epilepsy tongue is commonly
plica fimbriata which is directed forwards and medially towards
bitten between the teeth during the attack.
the tip of the tongue.
Q.2. Describe the tongue under the following headings:
(Sep 2007) Pharyngeal (lymphoid) Part of the Tongue
a. Gross anatomy (3 Marks)
b. Histology (2 Marks) It lies behind the palatoglossal arches and sulcus terminalis.
c. Development and anomalies (3 Marks) Posterior surface of this part of tongue forms the anterior wall
Ans. Gross Anatomy of oropharynx and is also known as base of tongue. Mucous
Tongue consists of root, a tip, and a body which is membrane has no papillae, but consists of many lymphoid
divided into a curved upper surface of dorsum and an follicles which collectively constitute lingual tonsil. Mucous
inferior surface. glands are also present.
112 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Posteriomost Part Connective Tissue

Posteriomost part of the tongue is connected to the epiglottis It develops from local mesenchyme.
by three folds of mucous membrane which are known as
median glossoepiglottic fold and the right and left lateral Anomalies of Tongue
glossoepiglottic folds. On each side of the median fold there Following are the anomalies of tongue:
is a depression known as vallecula. The lateral folds separate ♦ Aglossia: Absence of tongue
vallecula from the piriform fossa. ♦ Ankyloglossia: Tongue is adherent to palate in
ankyloglossia superior and tongue is adherent to floor of
mouth in ankyloglossia inferior.
♦ Bifid tongue: In this, there is cleavage of tongue because
of lack of fusion of lateral halves of tongue.
♦ Microglossia: Tongue too small in size
♦ Macroglossia: Tongue is too large in size
♦ Hemiglossia: Suppression of one lingual swelling of tongue
♦ Median rhomboid glossitis: It occur due to incomplete
desent of tuburculum impar and entrapment of portion
which lies between lateral half of the tongue. In this, there
is absence of papilla in center of tongue.
Fig. 146: Dorsum of tongue Q.3. Write a short note on muscle movement and innervation
of tongue.
(Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
Enumerate the muscles of tongue and their nerve
(March 2006, 5 Marks)
Name the muscles of tongue. (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
Write the name of extrinsic muscles of tongue.
(Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
Enumerate muscles of tongue. (Do not describe)
(Feb 2013, 2 Marks)
Fig. 147: Inferior surface of tongue
Ans. Tongue: Tongue is a muscular organ situated in the floor
Histology of mouth.
• It is associated with the functions of taste, speech,
For histology of tongue refer to Ans 22 in SECTION HISTOLOGY. mastication, and deglutition.
• Tongue is divided into right and left halves by a
Development of Tongue
middle fibrous septum.
Epithelium • Each half contains four intrinsic and four extrinsic
♦ Anterior two-third: It develops from two lingual swellings muscles.
which arise from first branchial arch. So it is supplied by
Muscles of Tongue
lingual nerve of first arch and chorda tympani of second
arch. ♦ Intrinsic muscles:
♦ Posterior one-third: It develops from cranial part of • Superior longitudinal
hypobranchial eminence, i.e. from third arch. So it is • Inferior longitudinal
supplied by the glossopharyngeal nerve. • Transverse
♦ Posteriormost part develops from fourth arch. It is supplied • Vertical.
by the vagus nerve. ♦ Extrinsic muscles:
• Genioglossus
Muscles • Hyoglossus
They develop by occipital myotomes which are supplied by • Styloglossus
the hypoglossal nerve. • Palatoglossus.
Anatomy  113

Muscle Movement of Tongue Q.6. Name different types of lingual papillae.

(May 2017, 3 Marks)
Intrinsic muscles Muscle movement
Ans. Following are the lingual papillae:
Superior longitudinal Make tongue short and dorsum concave
• Vallate or circumvallate papillae: They are large in
Inferior longitudinal Make tongue short and dorsum convex size and 1 to 2 mm in diameter. They lie immediately
Transverse Make tongue narrow and elongated in front of the sulcus terminalis. Each papilla is a
Vertical Tongue become broad and flattened cylindrical projection which is surrounded by the
circular sulcus. Walls of papilla consist of taste buds.
Extrinsic muscles Muscle movement
• Fungiform papillae: They are numerous near the
Genioglossus Protrude the tongue tip as well as margins of tongue, some of them are
Hyoglossus Depress the tongue scattered over dorsum. These papillae are smaller
Styloglossus Tongue retraction than vallate papillae but larger than filiform papillae.
Each papilla has narrow pedicle and large rounded
Palatoglossus Tongue elevation
Innervations of Muscles of Tongue • Filiform papillae or conical papillae: They cover
presulcal area of dorsum of tongue and provide it
Refer to the heading nerve supply in Ans 1 of same chapter a velvety appearance. They are smallest and most
Q.4. Write sensory, gustatory and motor nerve supply of numerous of all lingual papillae of tongue. Each of
tongue. (Dec 2010, 4 Marks) them is pointed and is covered by keratin. Apex get
Ans. For sensory and motor supply refer to Ans 1 of same split into filamentous processes.
chapter. • Foliate papillae: They are very few in number. They
have in constant vertical grooves and ridges near
Gustatory Innervation margin in front of the sulcus terminalis. They are
Gustatory innervation carries taste sensations. rudimentary in humans.
Q.7. Write a short note on pathway of taste.
Area Gustatory innervation
(Sep 2017, 3 Marks)
Anterior 2/3 Chorda tympani branch of facial nerve (VII nerve)
Ans. Taste sensation from anterior two-third of the tongue
Posterior 1/3 Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX nerve) except from vallate papillae is carried by chorda tympani
Posteriomost part Vagus nerve (X nerve) of the tongue branch of facial nerve upto geniculate ganglion. The
central process reaches to tractus solitarius inside
Q.5. Answer in brief on tongue tie. (Feb 2016, 2 Marks) medulla.
Ans. Tongue tie is also known as ankyloglossia.
• Tongue tie is the condition which arises when the
inferior frenulum attaches to the bottom of tongue and
subsequently restricts free movements of the tongue.
• It can cause feeding problems in infants.
• It causes speech defects specially articulation of the
sounds l, r, t, d, n, th, sh and z.
• It leads to persistent gap between the mandibular

Fig. 149: Pathway of taste

• Taste sensation from posterior one-third of the

tongue include circumvallate papillae is carried by
glossopharyngeal nerve upto inferior ganglion. The
Fig. 148: Tongue tie central process reaches to tractus solitarius.
114 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Taste from posteriormost part of the tongue and • Point of maximum convexity lies at tip of the handle
epiglottis travels via vagus nerve upto the inferior of the malleus and is known as umbo.
ganglion of vagus. The central process reaches to • Membrane is thick at the circumference and is fixed
tractus solitarius. to tympanic sulcus of temporal bone on tympanic
• After relay in tractus solitarius, solitario thalamic plate. Superiorly sulcus is deficient.
tract is formed which becomes part of trigeminal • At sulcus membrane is attached to tympanic notch.
leminiscus and reaches to posteroventromedial • At ends of the notch two bands, i.e. anterior and
nucleus of thalamus of contralateral side. Another posterior malleolar folds get prolonged to lateral
relay from here takes them to the lowest part of post
process of malleus.
central gyrus which is the specific area for taste.
• Greater part of tympanic membrane is tightly
attached and is known as pars tensa.
18. THE EAR • Part between two malleoler folds is loose and is
known as pars flaccid.
Q.1. Write a short note on tympanic membrane. • Chorda tympani crosses pars flaccid and this part is
(Mar 1997, 4 Marks) more liable to rupture as compared to pars tensa.
Ans. • It is a thin, translucent partition which lies between • Tympanic membrane is held tense by the inward
external acoustic meatus and middle ear. pull of tensor tympani muscle which get inserted
• It is oval in shape and is placed obliquely at an angle in upper end of handle of malleus.
of 55° with floor of meatus.
• Membrane has outer and inner surface. Structure
• Outer surface of membrane is lined by thin skin and
Tympanic membrane consists of following three layers:
is concave.
• Inner surface provides attachment to handle of 1. The outer auricular layer of skin.
malleus which extends upto its center. Inner surface 2. The middle fibrous layer made up of superficial radiating
is convex. fibers and deep circular fibers.
3. The inner mucous layer is lined by a low ciliated columnar

Blood Supply
♦ Outer surface supplied by the deep auricular branch of
maxillary artery.
♦ Inner surface is supplied by anterior tympanic branch
of maxillary artery and by posterior tympanic branch of
stylomastoid branch of posterior auricular artery.

A Venous Drainage
Veins from outer surface drains to external jugular vein. Those
from inner surface drains into transverse sinus and into venous
plexus around auditory tube.

Fig. 150: A. External surface of tympanic membrane;

B. Inner surface of tympanic membrane Fig. 151: Inner surface of tympanic membrane
Anatomy  115

Lymphatic Drainage • Two limbs or crura: Anterior one is shorter and less
curved while posterior one is longer which diverge
Lymphatics pass to preauricular and retropharyngeal lymph
from neck and are attached to the footplate.
• Footplate, a footpiece or base: It is oval in shape and
Nerve Supply fits into the fenestra vestibuli.

♦ Outer surface: Anteroinferior part is supplied by auricu- Joints of Ossicles

lotemporal nerve and posterosuperior part by auricular
♦ Incudomalleolar joint is a saddle joint.
branch of vagus nerve along with communicating branch
♦ Incudostapedial joint is a ball and socket joint. Both of
from facial nerve.
them are synovial joints. They are surrounded by capsular
♦ Inner surface: It is supplied by tympanic branch of
ligaments. There are three accessory ligaments for malleus,
glossopharyngeal nerve via tympanic plexus.
and one each for incus and stapes which stabilize the
Q.2. Write a short note on auditory ossicles. ossicles. All ligaments are extremely elastic.
(Feb 2002, 3 Marks)
Ans. Auditory ossicles are also known as ear ossicles.
There are three auditory ossicles, i.e. malleus, incus and

♦ It is so called because it resembles as a hammer.
♦ Malleus is the largest and most laterally placed ossicle.
♦ It consists of following parts:
• Round head: It lies in epitympanic recess. Head
articulates posteriorly with body of incus. Head
provide attachment to superior and lateral ligaments.
• Neck: It lies against pars flaccida and is related
medially to chorda tympani nerve.
• Anterior process: It is connected to the petrotympanic
fissure by the anterior ligament. Fig. 152: Ossicles of ear
• Lateral process: It projects from upper end of handle
and gives attachment to malleolar folds.
Q.3. Write a short note on boundaries of middle ear.
• Handle: It extends downwards, backward and
medially, it is attached to upper half of tympanic (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
membrane. Ans. Boundaries of middle ear are as follows:

Incus or Anvil Roof or Tegmental Wall

♦ It is known as anvil because it resembles as an anvil which ♦ It separates middle ear from middle cranial fossa.
is used by Blacksmiths. ♦ This wall is formed by thin plate of bone known as tegmen
♦ Incus resembles a molar tooth and consists of following tympani. This plate is prolonged backwards as roof of canal
parts: for tensor tympani.
• Body: It is large and has an articular surface which is
directed forwards. It articulates along with the head Floor of Jugular Wall
of malleus.
• Long process: It projects downwards just behind and ♦ It is formed by thin plate of bone which separates middle
parallel along with handle of malleus. Its tip bears ear from superior bulb of internal jugular vein. This plate
a lentiform nodule which is directed medially and is the part of temporal bone.
articulates with head of stapes. ♦ Near medial wall, floor presents tympanic canaliculus
which transmit tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal
Stapes nerve to medial wall of middle ear.
♦ Stapes is so called because its shaped is like a stirrup.
Anterior or Carotid Wall
♦ This is the smallest, and the most medially placed ossicle.
♦ It consists of following parts: ♦ It is narrow because of approximation of medial and lateral
• Small head: It consists of a concave facet which walls and due to descendent of roof.
articulates with lentiform nodule of the incus. ♦ Uppermost part of anterior wall consists of opening of
• Narrow neck: This provides insertion, posteriorly, to canal for tensor tympani.
the thin tendon of the stapedius. ♦ Middle part consists of opening of auditory tube.
116 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 153: Boundaries of middle ear

♦ Inferior part of wall is formed by thin plate of bone which forms ♦ Promontory: This is a rounded bulging which is produced
posterior wall of carotid canal. This thin plate of bone separates by first turn of cochlea. This is grooved by tympanic plexus.
middle ear from internal carotid artery. The plate is perforated ♦ Fenestra vestibuli: It is an oval opening posterosuperior
by superior and inferior sympathetic caroticotympanic nerves to promontory. It leads inside vestibule of an internal ear
and tympanic branch of internal carotid artery. and is closed by footplate of stapes.
♦ Bony septum between canals for tensor tympani and ♦ Prominence of facial canal: It run backward just above the
auditory tube continued posteriorly on medial wall as fenestra vestibule and reach lower margin of aditus. Canal
curved lamina known as processes cochleariformis. now descend behind posterior wall to end at stylomastoid
Posterior or Mastoid Wall foramen.
♦ Fenestra cochleae: It is round opening at bottom of
It presents these features from above to downward: depression posteroinferior to promontory. It open inside
♦ Superiorly there is presence of an opening or aditus via scala tympani of cochlea and is closed by secondary
which epitympanic recess communicates with mastoid or tympanic membrane.
tympanic antrum.
♦ Sinus tympani: It is a depression behind promontory,
♦ Fossa incudis is a depression which lodges short process
opposite to ampulla of posterior semicircular canal.
of incus.
♦ Processus cochleariformis.
♦ Conical projection known as pyramid lie near junction of
posterior and medial wall. It consists of an opening at its ♦ Prominance of lateral semicircular canal above facial canal.
apex for passage of tendon of stapedius muscle. Q.4. Draw a labeled diagram of lateral wall of middle ear.
♦ Lateral to the pyramid and near the posterior edge of
(Mar 1998, 4 Marks)
tympanic membrane lies posterior canaliculus for chorda
tympani nerve via which nerve enters middle ear cavity. Ans.

Lateral or Membranous Wall

♦ It separates middle ear from external acoustic meatus
and is formed mainly by tympanic membrane along
with tympanic ring and sulcus and partly by squamous
temporal bone.
♦ Near the tympanic notch, there are two small apertures,
i.e. petrotympanic fissure which lie in front of upper end
of bony rim and anterior canaliculus for chorda tympani
nerve which lie either in fissure or in front of it. Chorda
tympani nerve leaves middle ear via this canaliculus to
emerge at base of skull.
Medial Wall
It separates middle ear from the internal ear. It shows following
features: Fig. 154: Lateral wall of middle ear
Anatomy  117

Q.5. Name the contents of middle ear cavity. Management

(Aug 2016, 2 Marks) I. Stimulation of salivary production:
Ans. Following are the contents of middle ear cavity: a. Local stimulation: By chewing gums, mints, paraffin
• Three small bones or ossicles, i.e. malleus, incus and citric acid containing lozenges and rinses.
and stapes. Upper half of malleus and greater part b. Systemic stimulation.
of incus remain in epitympanic recess. c. Bromhexine 1/m/4–8 mg TDS.
• Ligaments of ear ossicles d. Amethole trithionate 1/m/25 mg TDS.
• Two muscles, i.e. tensor tympani and stapedius e. Pilocarpine 1/m/5 mg TDS.
• Vessels supplying and draining middle ear II. Symptomatic treatment: Salivary substitutes are given.
• Nerves i.e. chorda tympani and tympanic plexus III. Suggestion to patient having xerostomia.
• Air. a. Try very sweet or tart foods and beverages such as
b. Try sucking ice cubes.
19. MISCELLANEOUS c. Use soft and liquid foods.
d. Avoid dry foods, chocolate, pastry.
Q.1. Give explanation of dryness of mouth. e. Avoid over salty foods.
(Feb 2013, 5 Marks) f. Have a sip of water in every few minutes which helps
Ans. It is also known as xerostomia. in swallowing.
It is the dryness of mouth, which is a clinical manifestation Q.2. Give explanation of lockjaw. (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
of salivary gland dysfunction. Ans. Lockjaw is also known as tetanus
It is a disease of nervous system characterized by
intensive activity of motor neuron and resulting in severe
1. Radiation induced: Ionizing radiation to head and neck muscles spasm.
region for treatment of cancer results in pronounced
changes in salivary glands located within primary beam. Mechanism of Lockjaw
2. Pharmacologically induced xerostomia: Drugs causes ♦ Clostridium tetani enters through large or small or even
decreased salivary flow are anticonvulsants, antiemetics, unrecognized wound. Deep, infected punctures are most
antihistamines, antihypertensives and antispasmodics. susceptible as organism thrives best anaerobically.
3. Systemic alterations resulting in xerostomia: Certain ♦ Exotoxins such as tetanospasmin and tetanolysin are
deficiency states like pernicious anemia, iron deficiency produced by bacteria.
anemia and deficiency of vitamin A and hormone can ♦ Tetnospasmin released by the bacteria travels along
cause xerostomia. perineural sheath, lymphatics along the nerve and via
4. Fluid loss associated with hemorrhage, sweating, diarrhea, blood to cause its effects.
vomiting and diabetes insipidus. ♦ Tetanospasmin cleave into light part, i.e. fragment A and
5. Developmental abnormalities of salivary gland. heavy part, i.e. fragment B.
6. Systemic disease. ♦ Fragment B binds to nerve receptors and fragment A blocks
the neurotransmitter.
Clinical Features
♦ Fragment A blocks release of inhibitory neurotransmitters,
A. Effect of xerostomia on oral functions: i.e. glycine and GABA. Loss of inhibition alters the firing
• Increased thirst, increased uptake of fluid while eating. rate of alpha motor neuron leading to lockjaw due to
• Frequent use of chewing gums and consumption of rigidity and spasm of muscles, sympathetic overactivity.
sour candy. ♦ Tetanospasmin rapidly bind to gangliosides at presynaptic
• Burning and tingling sensations in mouth. membrane of inhibitory motor nerve endings.
• Painful salivary gland enlargement.
Q.3. Give explanation about radiating pain of teeth.
• Oral infections, intolerance to dental appliances.
(Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
B. Effect of xerostomia on normal functions:
• Blurred vision and ocular dryness, itching, burning Ans. Radiating pain is also known as referred pain. The pain
in the eyes. sensation produced in some parts of body is felt in other
• Dryness of pharynx and skin. Itching and burning structures away from place of development. This is called
sensation of vagina. referred pain or radiating pain.
C. Clinical signs of xerostomia: Mechanism of Radiating Pain
• Dryness of lining of oral mucosa.
• Tongue blade may adhere to soft tissues. Dermatomal rule: Pain is referred to a structure, which is
• Increase incidence of dental caries. developed from same dermatome from which pain producing
• Candidiasis—pseudomembranous. structure is developed. This is dermatomal rule.
• Angular chelitis. A dermatome includes all the parts and structure of body.
118 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

For example, heart and inner aspect of left arm originate from III. Structural and functional classification
some dermatome so, pain in heart is referred to left arm. – Unicellular glands: They are made of single cells
Examples of referred pain: which are interspersed between nonsecretory
epithelial lining, e.g. goblet cell
1. Pain in ovary is referred to umbilicus
2. Pain in testis is referred to abdomen – Multicellular glands: It consists of many cells
3. Pain in diaphragm is referred to right shoulder in sheets or clusters with common secretory
4. Renal pain is referred to loin function, e.g. mucous lining of stomach
5. Tooth pain felt in ear. – Simple tubular glands without ducts: Cells
are arranged in a tubular fashion and open on
Q.4. Write short note on classification of glands. epithelial surface without a duct.
(Mar 2013, 3 Marks) – Simple tubular glands with duct: Secreting cells
Ans. Following is the classification of glands: are arranged in tubular shaped structures with
I. According to mode of secretion upper nonsecretory parts which act as ducts.
– Exocrine glands: Secretions are carried via ducts – Simple branched tubular glands: Consists of
to target cells single duct with branched tubular arrangement
– Endocrine glands: Secretions are secreted of secretory cells.
directly in circulatory system – Simple coiled tubular glands: Secretory part is
– Paracrine glands: Their secretions diffuse locally coiled and they have single duct
to cellular targets in an immediate surrounding. – Simple acinar or alveolar glands: Secretory part
II. According to mechanism of secretion is flask shape with connecting duct.
– Merocrine glands: Secretions are packed into – Compound glands: In these glands ducts are
vesicles. Vesicle membrane fuses with plasma branched. These glands may be branched
membrane to release their contents to exterior, tubuloalveolar or branched tubular or branched
e.g. simple sweat glands alveolar type according to shape of secretory
– Apocrine glands: In these glands some of apical part.
cytoplasm is lost along with secretion, e.g. IV. According to secretion
mammary glands – Mucous secreting or mucus glands: They secrete
– Holocrine glands: Cells are filled with secretory mucous, e.g. sublingual salivary gland.
products and entire cell disintegrate to release – Serous glands: They secrete serum, e.g. parotid
its secretion, e.g. sebaceous glands. gland.

1. SKELETON In Long Short Bones

♦ Nutrient artery enters inside middle of shaft and divides
Q.1. Write short note on blood supply of bone. to form plexus.
(Aug 2005, 4 Marks) ♦ Periosteal artery supplies to major part of bone and can
Ans. replace the nutrient artery.

Arterial Supply In Short Bones

In Long Bone They are supplied by the numerous periosteal vessels which
enter inside their nonarticular surfaces.
Blood supply of a long bone is derived from the following
In Vertebra
Nutrient Artery ♦ In vertebra, body is supplied by anterior and posterior
♦ This artery enters the shaft via nutrient foramen, runs vessels.
obliquely through cortex, and divides into ascending and ♦ Vertebral arch is supplied by the large vessels entering the
descending branches inside medullary cavity. bases of transverse processes.
♦ Each of the branches divides into number of small parallel ♦ Bone marrow is drained by two large basivertebral veins.
channels which get terminate inside adult metaphysis by ♦ Foramina lie over posterior aspect of body of vertebrae.
anastomosing with epiphysial, metaphysial and periosteal
arteries. Rib
♦ Nutrient artery supplies medullary cavity, inner two-third
It is supplied by the nutrient artery which enters just beyond
of cortex and metaphysis.
the tubercle and periosteal arteries.
♦ Nutrient foramen is directed away from growing end of
Venous Drainage
Periosteal Arteries There are numerous veins and they are larger in the cancellous,
♦ They are numerous beneath muscular and ligamentous red marrow containing bones (e.g. basivertebral veins). In the
attachments. compact bone, they accompany arteries in the Volkmann's
♦ These arteries ramify beneath the periosteum and enter canals.
inside Volkmann's canals to supply the outer 1/3 of cortex.
Epiphysial Arteries
♦ These arteries are derived from periarticular vascular
arcades also known as circulus vasculosus which is found
over nonarticular bony surface.
♦ Out of these multiple vascular foramina in this region, only
a few admit the arteries (epiphysial and metaphysial), and
rest are venous exits.
♦ Number as well as size of these foramina can give an idea
of relative vascularity of the two ends of a long bone.
Metaphysial Arteries
♦ They are derived from neighboring systemic vessels.
♦ These arteries pass directly into the metaphysis and
reinforce metaphysial branches from the primary nutrient
♦ Inside miniature long bones, infection begins in middle
of shaft rather than at the metaphysis because nutrient
artery breaks up into a plexus immediately on reaching
medullary cavity. In adults, the chances of infection are
decreased because nutrient artery is mostly replaced by
the periosteal vessels. Fig. 155: Blood supply of long bone
120 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.2. Describe in brief epiphysis. (Nov 2009, 5 Marks) independent bones which get attached to host bone
Ans. Epiphysis is the rounded end of a long bone, at its joint secondarily to receive nutrition. Example of this is the
with adjacent bone. coracoid process of scapula which has been fused in
• At the joint, epiphysis is covered with articular humans but separate in four legged animals.
cartilage; below that covering is a zone similar to 4. Aberrant epiphysis: These epiphysis are deviations from
the epiphyseal plate, known as subchondral. the normal and are not always present. For example, the
• It is the part of bone which ossifies from secondary epiphyses at the head of the first metacarpal bone.
Q.3. Classify bones. (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
• Epiphysis is filled with red bone marrow, which
produces erythrocytes (red blood cells). Ans. Following is the classification of bones:

According to Shape
♦ Long bones: Each of the long bone consists of an elongated
shaft (diaphysis) and two expanded ends (epiphyses)
which are smooth and articular. Shaft typically consists of
three surfaces separated by 3 borders, a central medullary
cavity, and a nutrient foramen directed away from the
growing end. Examples:
• Typical long bones like humerus, radius, ulna, femur,
tibia and fibula
• Miniature long bones have only one epiphysis like
metacarpals, metatarsals, and phalanges
• Modified long bones have no medullary cavity like
♦ Short bones: Their shape is usually cuboid or scaphoid.
Examples are tarsal and carpal bones.
♦ Flat bones: They resemble as shallow plates and form
boundaries of certain body cavities. Examples are bones
in the vault of the skull, ribs, sternum and scapula.
♦ Irregular bones: Examples are vertebra, hip bone, and
bones in the base of skull.
♦ Pneumatic bones: Certain irregular bones which consists
Fig. 156: Epiphysis of large air spaces which are lined by epithelium. Examples
are maxilla, sphenoid, ethmoid, etc.
Types ♦ Sesamoid bones: These are bony nodules which are found
embedded inside the tendons or joint capsules. They have
There are four types of epiphysis: no periosteum and ossify after birth. Examples are patella,
1. Pressure epiphysis: Region of the long bone that forms the pisiform, fabella, etc.
joint is called pressure epiphysis. For example the head of ♦ Accessory (supernumerary) bones: They are not always
femur which is a part of the hip joint complex is a pressure present. These may occur as ununited epiphyses developed
epiphyses. These epiphyses assists in transmitting the from extra centers of ossification. Examples: sutural bones,
weight of the human body and are the regions of the bone lateral tubercle of talus, tuberosity of 5th metatarsal, etc.
which is under pressure during movement, or locomotion ♦ Heterotopic bones: Bones sometimes develop in soft
hence they are named pressure epiphyses. tissues, e.g. horse riders develop bones in adductor muscles
2. Traction epiphyses: Regions of the long bone which (rider's bones).
are nonarticular, i.e. not involved in the joint formation
is called as traction epiphysis. It is mainly formed due Developmental Classification
to pull of muscles. Traction epiphyses ossify later than ♦ Membrane (dermal) bones: These bones ossify inside
the pressure epiphyses. Examples of these epiphyses are the membrane (intramembranous or mesenchymal
tubercles of humerus (greater tubercle and lesser tubercle), ossification), and are derived from mesenchymal
trochanters of the femur (both greater and lesser), etc. condensations. Examples are bones of the vault of skull
3. Atavistic epiphyses: As Homo Sapiens evolved from as well as facial bones.
being four legged to two legged, their lower limbs became • Cartilaginous bones ossify inside cartilage (intra-
stronger and hands became free from being actively cartilaginous or endochondral ossification), and
involved in locomotion. This fused certain bones together are derived from preformed cartilaginous models.
due to the change in functionality over generations. Examples are bones of limbs, vertebral column and
These type of fused bones are called as Atavistic. These thoracic cage.
Anatomy  121

• Membrano-cartilaginous bones ossify partly inside (bone formation) starts by the osteoblasts situated on the
membrane and partly inside the cartilage. Examples: newly formed capillary loops. The centers of ossification
clavicle, mandible, occipital, temporal, sphenoid. may be primary or secondary. The primary centers appear
♦ Somatic bones: Most of the bones are somatic. before birth usually during 8th week of intrauterine
♦ Visceral bones: These bones develop from pharyngeal life; the secondary centers appear after birth, with a few
arches. Examples are hyoid bones, part of mandible and exceptions of lower end of femur and upper end of tibia.
ear ossicles. Many secondary centers appear during puberty.
Regional Classification A primary center forms diaphysis, and the secondary
centers form epiphyses. Fusion of epiphyses with the
♦ Axial skeleton: It consists of skull, vertebral column, and diaphysis starts at puberty and is complete by the age
thoracic cage. of 25 years, after which no more bone growth can take
♦ Appendicular skeleton: It consists of bones of limbs. place. The law of ossification states that secondary centers
Structural Classification of ossification which appear first are last to unite. The
end of a long bone where epiphysial fusion is delayed
♦ Macroscopically, the architecture of bone may be compact is called the growing end of the bone.
or cancellous:
• Compact bone: It is dense in texture, but is extremely Growth of a Long Bone
porous. It is best developed in the cortex of the long
♦ Bone grows in length by multiplication of cells in the
bones. This is an adaptation to bending and twisting
epiphysial plate of cartilage.
♦ Bone grows in thickness by multiplication of cells in the
• Cancellous or spongy, or trabecular bone: It is open
deeper layer of periosteum.
in texture and is made up of a meshwork of trabeculae
♦ Bones grow by deposition of new bone on the surface and
between which are marrow containing spaces.
at the ends. This process of bone deposition by osteoblasts
Trabecular meshworks are of three primary types, i.e.:
is called appositional growth or surface accretion.
1. Meshwork of rods
However, in order to maintain the shape the unwanted
2. Meshwork of rods and plates
3. Meshwork of plates. bone must be removed. This process of bone removal by
Cancellous bone is an adaptation to the compressive osteoblasts is called remodelling. This is how marrow
forces. cavity increases in size.
♦ Microscopically: Bone is of five types, namely lamellar,
woven, fibrous, dentine and cementum.
1. Lamellar bone: Most of the mature human bones, 2. JOINTS
either compact or cancellous consist of thin plates of
bony tissue known as lamellae. These are arranged Q.1. Write in brief on fibrous joints.
in piles inside a cancellous bone, but in concentric (Aug/Sep 1998, 4 Marks) (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
cylinders, i.e. Haversian system or secondary osteon Ans. In fibrous joints bones are joined by fibrous tissue.
inside a compact bone. Fibrous joints are either immovable or permit slight
2. Woven bone: This is seen in fetal bone, fracture repair degree of movement.
and in cancer of bone Fibrous joint are grouped into three types:
3. Fibrous bone: This is found in young fetal bones, but 1. Sutures
is common in reptiles and amphibia. 2. Syndesmosis
4. Dentine
3. Gomphosis
5. Cementum occurs inside the teeth.
Q.4. Write short note on osteogenesis. (June 2010, 5 Marks) Sutures
Ans. Bones are first laid down as mesodermal (connective ♦ They are present only inside the skull.
tissue) condensations. Conversion of mesodermal models ♦ Two of the bones get separated by the connective tissue.
into bone is called intramembranous or mesenchymal ♦ Sutural side of each of the bone is covered by layer of
ossification, and the bones are called membrane (dermal) osteogenic cells or cambial layer, covered by the capsular
bones. layer which is continuous with periosteum.
However, mesodermal stage may pass through ♦ Area between the bones reduces with the age, so osteogenic
cartilaginous stage by chondrification during 2nd month surfaces get opposed.
of intrauterine life. Conversion of cartilaginous model ♦ Sutures become synostose and become obliterated as the
into bone is called intracartilaginous or endochondral age advances.
ossification, and such bones are called cartilaginous ♦ Sutures are peculiar to skull, and are immovable.
bones. ♦ According to the shape of bony margins, the sutures can be:
Ossification takes place by centers of ossification, each • Plane, e.g. internasal suture
one of which is a point where laying down of lamellae • Serrate, e.g. interparietal suture
122 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Squamous, e.g. temporoparietal suture

• Denticulate, e.g. lambdoid suture
• Schindylesis type, e.g. between rostrum of sphenoid
and upper border of vomer.
♦ Neonatal skull consists of fontanelles and these are
temporary in nature. At six specific points over sutures
inside the newborn skull are present membrane filled gaps
known as "fontanelles". These membrane filled gaps allow
underlying brain to increase in size. All these fontanelles
become bone by 18 months.

Fig. 159: Gomphosis

(For colour version see Plate 3)

Q.2. Write a short note on characteristics of synovial joint.

(Sep 2004, 5 Marks)
Fig. 157: Sutural joint
♦ Articular surfaces are covered by hyaline (articular)
Syndesmosis cartilage which is a fibrocartilage in certain membrane
This is the fibrous union in between the bones. This can bones. Articular cartilage is avascular, nonnervous and
be represented as interosseous ligament as seen in inferior is elastic. It is lubricated with synovial fluid, cartilage
tibiofibular joint or as a tense membrane in posterior part of provides slippery surfaces for free movements such as 'ice
sacroiliac joint. on ice'. Surface of articular cartilage shows fine undulations
which are filled with the synovial fluid.
♦ Between articular surfaces there is presence of a joint
cavity which is filled with synovial fluid. The cavity can
be partially or completely subdivided by an articular disc
or meniscus.
♦ Synovial joint is surrounded by an articular capsule which
is formed of a fibrous capsule which is lined by synovial
membrane. Due to its rich nerve supply, fibrous capsule is
sensitive to stretches imposed by movements. This sets up
most appropriate reflexes to protect the joint from any type
of sprain. This is known as 'watch-dog' action of capsule.
Fibrous capsule is often reinforced by:
• Capsular or true ligaments which represent thickenings
of fibrous capsule.
• The accessory ligaments which can be intra or
♦ Synovial membrane completely lines the interior of the
joint except for the articular surfaces covered by hyaline
Fig. 158: Syndesmosis
cartilage. The membrane produces a slimy viscous fluid
Gomphosis known as synovial or synovial fluid which provides
lubrication to joint and nourishes articular cartilage.
♦ Gomphosis is a type of fibrous joint.
♦ It is a peg and socket junction between tooth and its socket. Viscosity of fluid is because of hyaluronic acid which is
♦ Periodontal ligament connects dental element to alveolar secreted by cells of synovial membrane.
nerve. ♦ Varying degrees of movements are permitted by the
♦ Gomphosis is an articulation between two bones. synovial joints.
Anatomy  123

Synovial Joints According to Structural Classification of

♦ Plane synovial joints: In these joints articular surfaces are
more or less flat. These joint permit gliding movements
in various directions. E.g. intercarpal joints, intertarsal
joints, joints between articular processes of vertebrae,
cricothyroid joint, cricoarytenoid joint etc.
♦ Hinge joints: In these type of synovial joints articular
surfaces are of pulley-shaped. There are strong collateral
ligaments. Movements are permitted in one plane only at
around a transverse axis. Examples are elbow joint, Ankle
joint and interphalangeal joints.
♦ Pivot (trochoid) joints: In these type of synovial joints
Fig. 160: Synovial joint articular surfaces consists of a central bony pivot (peg)
which is surrounded by an osteoligamentous ring.
Q.3. Write a short note on gomphosis and arteries supplying Movements are permitted only in one plane at around a
various teeth. (Feb 2005, 15 Marks) vertical axis. Examples are superior and inferior radio-
Ans. The answer of gomphosis is given in same chapter in ulnar joints and median atlanto-axial joint.
Ans 1 and the answer of arteries supplying various teeth ♦ Condylar (bicondylar) joints: In these synovial joints
is given in chapter THE MOUTH AND PHARYNX in articular surfaces consists of two distinct condyles (convex
Ans 11. male surfaces) which fit inside reciprocally concave female
surfaces (which are also known as condyles). These
Q.4. Write a short note on synovial joints. joints permit movements mainly in one plane at around
(Sep 2006, 3 Marks) a transverse axis, but partly in another plane (rotation)
Ans. Synovial joints are also known as diarthrosis. around a vertical axis. Examples are knee joint and right
♦ Synovial joints are the freely movable joints, but in some and left temporomandibular joint.
of them movement is restricted due to the shape of their ♦ Ellipsoid joints: In these type of synovial joints articular
articulating surfaces and by ligaments which hold the bones surfaces include an oval, convex, male surface which fit
together. Such ligaments are of elastic connective tissue. into an elliptical, concave female surface. Free movements
♦ A synovial joint consists of fluid-filled cavity between its should be permitted around both axes, flexion and
articular surfaces which get covered by articular cartilage. extension around the transverse axis and abduction as well
Fluid present is known as synovial fluid. Synovial fluid is as adduction around the anteroposterior axis. Combination
produced by synovial membrane which lines the cavity of movements produces circumduction. Typical rotation
except for the actual articular surfaces and covers any around a third (vertical) axis does not occur. Examples
ligaments or tendons which pass through the joint. are wrist joint, metacarpophalangeal joints and atlanto-
♦ Synovial fluid basically acts as a lubricant. occipital joints.
♦ The form of articulating surfaces controls the type of ♦ Saddle (sellar) joints: In these synovial joints articular
movement which occurs at any joint. surfaces are reciprocally concavo-convex. Movements
are similar to those which are permitted by an ellipsoid
Classification of Synovial Joints According to Functional
joint, with addition of some of rotation (conjunct rotation)
Classification of Joints
around a third axis which cannot occur independently.
Type of joint Movement Examples are first carpometacarpal joint, sternoclavicular
joint, calcaneocuboid joint, etc.
Plane or gliding type Gliding movement
♦ Ball-and-socket (spheroidal) joints: In these ball and
Uniaxial joints socket joints articular surfaces include a globular head
• Hinge joint • Flexion and extension (male surface) which fit inside a cup-shaped socket
• Pivot joint • Rotation (female surface). Movements in these joint occur around an
Biaxial joints indefinite number of axes which consists of one common
center. Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, medial
• Condylar joint • Flexion, extension and limited rotation
rotation, lateral rotation, and circumduction, all the
• Ellipsoid joint • Flexion, extension, abduction,
adduction and circumduction
movements occur freely. Examples are shoulder joint,
hip joint, etc.
Multiaxial joints
Q.5. Enumerate the types of joints with example.
• Saddle joint • Flexion and extension, abduction,
(Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
• Ball-and-socket adduction and conjunct rotation
joint • Flexion and extension, abduction and
Ans. Joint is a junction between two or more bones and is
adduction, circumduction, medial and responsible for movement, growth or transmission of
lateral rotation forces.
124 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Structural Classification According to structural classification of joints synovial joints are:

♦ Fibrous joints ♦ Plane synovial joints
• Sutures, e.g. internasal suture and interparietal suture ♦ Hinge joints
• Syndesmosis, e.g. in posterior part of sacroiliac joint ♦ Pivot (trochoid) joints
• Gomphosis, e.g. joint between tooth and its socket. ♦ Condylar (bicondylar) joints
♦ Cartilaginous joints ♦ Ellipsoid joints
• Primary cartilaginous joints or synchondrosis, e.g. ♦ Saddle (sellar) joints
spheno-occipital joint ♦ Ball-and-socket (spheroidal) joints.
• Secondary cartilaginous joints or symphysis, e.g. Ball-and-Socket Joint
manubriosternal joints.
♦ Synovial joints ♦ It is a multiaxial type of synovial joint.
• Ball-and-socket or spheroidal joints, e.g. shoulder joint ♦ It is also known as spheroidal joint.
and hip joint ♦ In ball-and-socket joint the articular surfaces include a
• Sellar or saddle joints, e.g. sternoclavicular joint globular head (male surface) which fit inside a cup-shaped
• Condylar or bicondylar joints, e.g. knee joint socket (female surface).
• Ellipsoid joints, e.g. wrist joint ♦ Movements in these joint occur around an indefinite
• Hinge joints, e.g. elbow joint and ankle joint number of axes which consists of one common center.
• Pivot or trochoid joints, e.g. median atlantoaxial joint ♦ Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, medial rotation,
• Plane joints, e.g. intercarpal joint, intertarsal joint. lateral rotation, and circumduction, all the movements
occur freely.
Functional Classification (According to the Degree of ♦ Examples are shoulder joint, hip joint, talocalcaneonavicular
Mobility) joint and incudostapedial joint.
♦ Synarthrosis (immovable), like fibrous joints. Q.7. Write about classification of joints. (Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
♦ Amphiarthrosis (slightly movable), like cartilaginous joints. Or
♦ Diarthrosis (freely movable), like synovial joints.
Write briefly on classification of joints.
Regional Classification (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
♦ Skull type: Immovable. Ans. Following is the classification of joints:
♦ Vertebral type: Slightly movable. Structural Classification
♦ Limb type: Freely movable.
♦ Fibrous joints: Joined by dense irregular connective tissue
According to Number of Articulating Bones which are rich in collagen fibers:
♦ Simple joint: When two bones articulate, e.g. inter- • Sutures, e.g. internasal suture and interparietal suture
phalangeal joints. • Syndesmosis, e.g. in posterior part of sacroiliac joint
♦ Compound joint: More than two bones articulate within • Gomphosis, e.g. joint between tooth and its socket.
one capsule, e.g. elbow joint, wrist joint. ♦ Cartilaginous joints: They are joined by cartilage:
♦ Complex joint: When joint cavity is divided by an • Primary cartilaginous joints or synchondrosis, e.g.
intra-articular disc, e.g. temporomandibular joint and spheno–occipital joint
sternoclavicular joint. • Secondary cartilaginous joints or symphysis, e.g.
manubriosternal joints
Q.6. Enumerate the types of synovial joint and write in brief ♦ Synovial joints: Bones have a synovial cavity and are
about ball-and-socket joint. (Dec 2012, 4 Marks) united by the dense irregular connective tissue that forms
Ans. the articular capsule that is normally associated with
accessory ligaments.
Enumeration of Types of Synovial Joint
• Ball-and-socket or spheroidal joints
According to functional classification of joints synovial joints are: • Sellar or saddle joints, e.g. sternoclavicular joint
♦ Plane or gliding type • Condylar or bicondylar joints, e.g. knee joint
♦ Uniaxial joints • Ellipsoid joints, e.g. wrist joint
• Hinge joint • Hinge joints, e.g. elbow joint and ankle joint
• Pivot joint • Pivot or trochoid joints, e.g. median atlantoaxial joint
♦ Biaxial joints • Plane joints, e.g. intercarpal joint, intertarsal joint
• Condylar joint
Functional Classification (According to the
• Ellipsoid joint
Degree of Mobility)
♦ Multiaxial joints
• Saddle joint ♦ Synarthrosis: Permits little or no mobility. Most synarthrosis
• Ball-and-socket joint joints are fibrous joints, e.g. skull sutures.
Anatomy  125

♦ Amphiarthrosis: Permits slight mobility. Most amphiar- of nose and alimentary canal; the coccygeal body; the
throsis joints are cartilaginous joints, e.g. intervertebral erectile tissue of sexual organs; the tongue; the thyroid
discs. gland and sympathetic ganglia.
♦ Diarthrosis: Freely movable. All diarthrosis joints are • Specialized arteriovenous anastomoses are seen inside
synovial joints, e.g. shoulder, hip, elbow, knee, etc. the skin of digital pads as well as nail beds. They form
a number of small units known as glomera.
Regional Classification • Preferential thoroughfare channels are also a kind
♦ Skull type: Immovable. of shunts. They course via capillary network. Many
♦ Vertebral type: Slightly movable. true capillaries arise as their side branches. One
♦ Limb type: Freely movable. thoroughfare channel with its associated capillaries
forms a microcirculatory unit. The size of the unit is
According to Number of Articulating Bones variable from 1–2 to 20–30 true capillaries. The number
♦ Simple joint: When two bones articulate, e.g. inter- of active units varies from time to time.
phalangeal joints Q.2. Write short note on collateral circulation.
♦ Compound joint: More than two bones articulate within (June 2010, 5 Marks)
one capsule, e.g. elbow joint, wrist joint.
Ans. Collateral circulation is the process in which a system
♦ Complex joint: When joint cavity is divided by an
of small, normally closed arteries connect and start to
intra-articular disc, e.g. temporomandibular joint and
carry blood to part of the heart when a coronary artery
sternoclavicular joint.
is blocked, or to part of the brain when a cerebral artery
is blocked. These arteries can serve as alternate routes
of blood supply.
Cerebral Collateral Circulation
Q.1. Write short note on anastomosis. (Mar 2006, 3 Marks)
Blood flow to the brain is maintained via a network of collateral
Ans. Precapillary or postcapillary communication between
arteries that anastomose in the circle of Willis, which lies at the
neighboring vessels is known as anastomoses. Circulation
base of the brain. In circle of Willis so-called communicating
via anastomosis is known as collateral circulation.
arteries exist between the front (anterior) and back (posterior)
Types parts of the circle of Willis, as well as between the left and right
side of the circle of Willis.
♦ Arterial anastomoses: This is the communication between
the arteries or branches of arteries. It can be actual or Cardiac Collateral Circulation
• In an actual arterial anastomosis arteries meet end to Another example is where a person suffers an acute myocardial
end, e.g. palmar arches, plantar arch, circle of Willis, infarction (heart attack). Collateral circulation in the heart tissue
intestinal arcades, labial branches of facial arteries. will sometimes bypass the blockage in the main artery and
• In potential arterial anastomoses communication supply enough oxygenated blood to enable the cardiac tissue
takes place between terminal arterioles. Such to survive and recover.
communications may dilate only gradually for
Collateral Circulation in the Venous System
collateral circulation. So on sudden occlusion of main
artery, anastomoses may fail to compensate the loss, Hepatic cirrhosis arising from chronic congestion in the hepatic
e.g. it is seen in coronary arteries as well as cortical portal vein may give rise to collateral circulation between
branches of cerebral arteries. branches of the portal and caval veins of the liver, or between
♦ Venous anastomoses: This is the communication between the two caval veins. Consequences of newly established venous
veins or the tributaries of veins, e.g. dorsal venous arches collaterals arising from portal hypertension include esophageal
of hand and foot. varices and hemorrhoids (porta-caval collateral circulation).
♦ Arteriovenous anastomosis (shunt): This is a communi-
Q.3. Write short note on pulse points of head and neck.
cation between an artery and a vein. It serves as function
of phasic activity of an organ. (May 2014, 5 Marks)
• When an organ is active such shunts get closed and Ans. Pulse points are those where the arterial pulse is felt.
blood circulates via the capillaries. But, when the organ Following are the pulse points in head and neck:
is at rest, blood bypasses capillary bed and is shunted ♦ Carotid pulse: Common or external carotid artery can be
back via arteriovenous anastomosis. palpated in anterior triangle of neck. It is the strongest
• Shunt vessel can be straight or coiled and possesses pulses in the body. Carotid pulse is obtained by palpating
a thick muscular coat, and is under the influence of either the common carotid artery posterolateral to larynx
sympathetic system. or external carotid artery immediately lateral to pharynx
• Shunts of simple structure are found inside skin of midway between superior margin of thyroid cartilage
nose, lips and external ear; in the mucous membrane below and greater bone of hyoid bone below.
126 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Facial pulse: Facial artery can be palpated as it crosses

inferior body of mandible immediately adjacent to anterior
margin of masseter muscle.
♦ Temporal pulse: Superficial temporal artery can be
palpated anterior to ear and immediately posterosuperior
to the position of temporomandibular joint. Anterior
branch of superficial temporal artery can be palpated
posterior to zygomatic process of frontal bone as it passes
lateral to temporal fascia and into anterolateral region of
Q.4. Define end artery. (Aug 2018, 1 Mark)
Ans. Arteries which do not anastomose with their neighbors
are called end arteries.

Fig. 161: Pulse points of head and neck. Each pulse point
is named after the artery it is associated with

Q.1. Write a short note on Turner syndrome.

(Feb 2004, 5 Marks) (Aug 2012, 4 Marks)
(Dec 2011, 6 Marks)
Ans. Turner Syndrome
Turner syndrome is also known as Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome
or monosomy X or Ullrich-Turner syndrome.
♦ The syndrome is named after Dr Henry Turner, who was
one of the first to describe it, this is a genetic disease that
effects the development of the body in females.
♦ The disorder is caused by the complete or partial absence
of one of the two X chromosomes.

As in many diseases of all types, symptoms between the
individuals vary in severity and presence.
♦ Most common deformity is short stature, starting out at
birth and continuing for the rest of a individual’s life
♦ About 90% of women experience early ovarian failure,
so that there are only enough hormones and egg cells
produced by the ovaries so that only secondary sexual
development occurs (poor breast development/ irregular
nipple spacing, no menstruation)
♦ Webbed neck (fold of skin stretching from the end of
shoulder to the bottom of chin)
♦ Small, narrow fingernails and toenails that turn up
♦ Elbow deformity called cubitus valgus (arms that turn out
slightly at the elbows)
♦ Nevi (brown spots appearing sparatically on the skin)
♦ Narrow, high-arched palate (roof of the mouth) Fig. 162: Turner syndrome
♦ Retrognathia (receding lower jaw)
Mental Problems
♦ Low-set ears and low hairline
♦ Slight droop to eyes ♦ On an average, most turner syndrome females have an
♦ Strabismus (lazy eye) overall normal intelligence with a variance similar to that
♦ Broad chest of the general population.
♦ Scoliosis (curvature of the spine) ♦ Spatial-temporal processing (imagining objects in relation
♦ Flat feet to each other) difficulties.
♦ Short fourth metacarpals (the ends of these bones form ♦ Nonverbal memory complexities.
the knuckles) ♦ Attention difficulties.
♦ Edema (fluid overload causing noticeable swelling) of These may cause further problems such as trouble with math, a poor
hands and feet especially at birth sense of direction, little manual dexterity, and poor social skills.
♦ Cardiac abnormalities including hypertension (high Karyotype of Turner Syndrome
blood pressure), dissection of the aorta, and a coarctation
(narrowing) of the aorta and bicuspid aortic valve (a valve ♦ Turner syndrome is the monosomy of sex chromosome.
with two leaflets instead of the usual three) ♦ For Turner syndrome the karyotype is 45, XO which is the
♦ Kidney problems that may result in urinary tract infections monosomy of X chromosome.
or an increased risk for hypertension ♦ Here one chromosome is missing, so no Barr body is seen,
♦ Hypothyroidism (low level of thyroid hormone) caused by though the individual is female.
autoimmune thyroiditis (inflammation of thyroid gland) Q.2. Write notes on Down syndrome. (Mar 2006, 5 Marks)
♦ Otitis media (ear infection), mainly in early childhood or (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) (Dec 2010, 3 Marks)
infancy. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks) (Sep 2015, 5 Marks)
♦ Sensorineural (nerve) hearing loss. (Apr 2017, 4 Marks) (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
128 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Ans. Down syndrome is also known as mongolism or trisomy ♦ By adulthood, XXY males look similar to males without
21. the condition, although they are often taller. They are
♦ Down syndrome is the most common congenital also more likely than other men to have certain health
anomaly which occurs because of nuclear aberration of problems, such as autoimmune disorders, breast cancer,
chromosomes. vein diseases, osteoporosis, and tooth decay.
♦ Dr down describe this syndrome in 1866.
♦ In down syndrome there is trisomy of chromosome 21. Karyotype of Klinefelter Syndrome
The number of chromosomes is 47, i.e. 47XX or 47XY. Sex ♦ Cases of Klinefelter have karyotype of 47, XXY with some
can be either male or female. It is seen to occur as 1 in 700 of the individuals showing mosaic pattern.
newborn. ♦ Here the individual is male with an extra X chromosome.
♦ It is seen in elderly primigravida or mother suffering from ♦ As there are two X chromosomes, one Barr body is present.
viral infection during pregnancy.
♦ In elderly primigravida the syndrome occur due to the
aging of the ovum. Since sperms form fresh everytime, so
aging factor is not applied for sperms.
♦ Males are more commonly affected than females.
Clinical Features of Down Syndrome
♦ Presence of mental retardation
♦ Palpebral fissure slant upwards at lateral end
♦ Protrusion of tongue out of the mouth
♦ Presence of flat nasal bridge
♦ On the eyes there is presence of epicanthic folds
♦ Short broad hands with simian crease
♦ Presence of small ears and small head circumference
Karyotype of Down’s Syndrome
♦ Trisomy of 21st chromosome most commonly leads to
Down syndrome.
♦ Karyotype in a trisomic Down is either 47 + XY or 47 + XX
♦ Source of extra 21st chromosome is mostly from nondys-
junction in maternal meiosis.
Q.3. Write a short note on Klinefelter syndrome.
(Dec 2012, 5 Marks) (Dec 2014, 5 Marks)
(Aug 2018, 5 Marks) (July 2016, 5 marks)
Ans. 47, XXY, or XXY syndrome is a condition in which human
males have an extra X chromosome.
Fig. 163: Klinefelter syndrome
♦ Females have an XX chromosomal makeup, and males an
XY, affected individuals have at least two X chromosomes Q.4. Write short note on karyotypes of Klinefelter and
and at least one Y chromosome. Because of the extra
Turner syndrome. (Sep 2017, 4 Marks)
chromosome, individuals with the condition are usually
Ans. Identification of chromosomes according to the length
referred to as “XXY Males”, or “47, XXY Males”.
of arms including position of centromere is known as
♦ In humans, Klinefelter syndrome is the most common
sex chromosome disorder and the second most common
condition caused by the presence of extra chromosomes. Karyotype of Klinefelter’s syndrome
♦ Affected males are almost always effectively infertile.
♦ Cases of Klinefelter have karyotype of 47, XXY with some
Features of Disease of the individuals showing mosaic pattern.
♦ Language learning impairment may be present. ♦ Here the individual is male with an extra X chromosome.
♦ In adults, possible characteristics vary widely and include ♦ As there are two X chromosomes, one Barr body is present.
little to no signs of affectedness, a lanky, youthful build
Karyotype of Turner’s Syndrome
and facial appearance, or a rounded body type with
gynecomastia (increased breast tissue). ♦ Turner syndrome is the monosomy of sex chromosome.
♦ Individual has very small pair of testes but a normal penis ♦ For Turner syndrome the karyotype is 45, XO which is the
and scrotum. monosomy of X chromosome.
♦ Secondary sexual characters do not develop fully and pubic ♦ Here one chromosome is missing, so no Barr body is seen,
and facial hair is scanty. though the individual is female.

c. Tertiary or third order sensory neurons: Seen

2. Motor neurons: Carry impulse from central
Q.1. Write a short note on types of neurons. nervous system to distal part of body. They are
(Sep 2006,5 Marks) of two types:
a. Upper motor neurons: Lie in motor area of
Write short note on classification of neurons. b. Lower motor neurons: Lie in cranial nerve
(May 2014, 5 Marks) nuclei and anterior horn of spinal cord.
Ans. Neurons are of various types, according to the polarity, 3. Parasympathetic neurons:
axon length, size and shape of neuronal cell body, i.e. a. Preganglionic neurons are located in cranial
soma nerves, i.e. III, VII, IX and X and in sacral 2–4
I. Types according to number of their processes segments of spinal cord
1. Multipolar neurons: In man most of the b. Postganglionic neurons are located close to
neurons are multipolar, e.g. all motor and wall or within wall of viscera.
internuncial nucleus. c. Parasympathetic outflow is known as
2. Bipolar neurons: These are confined to first craniosacral outflow.
neuron of retina, olfactory mucosa and ganglia 4. Sympathetic neurons
of eight cranial nerve. a. Preganglionic neurons are located in lateral
3. Pseudounipolar neurons: These neurons are horn of T1 to L2 segments of spinal cord.
unipolar to begin with but they become bipolar b. Postganglionic neurons are located in ganglia
functionally. These are found in dorsal nerve of sympathetic trunk away from viscera.
root ganglia and the sensory ganglia of cranial c. Sympathetic outflow is known as thora-
nerves. columbar outflow.
4. Unipolar neurons: They are seen in mesence- IV. Types according to shape of soma
phalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve and they also a. Stellate shape
occur during the fetal life. These neurons are b. Fusiform shape
common in lower vertebrates. c. Basket shape
II. According to axon length d. Pyramidal shape.
1. Golgi type I: They consist of long axons and V. According to size
numerous short dendrites. They are seen in a. Microneurons: The length of soma is less than
Purkinje cells of cerebellum, pyramidal cells of 7 µm
cerebellar cortex and anterior horn cells of spinal b. Macro neurons: The length of soma is more than
cord. 7 µm.
2. Golgi type II: They consists of small axons,
establish synapsis with neighboring neurons.
They are seen in cerebral cortex and cerebellar 2. MENINGES OF THE BRAIN AND
3. Amacrine neurons without axon only with
dendrite. They are seen in retina of eyeball. Q.1. Write short note on CSF. (Jan 2012, 4 Marks)
III. Functional classification
Neurons are classified into sensory neurons, motor
neurons and autonomic neurons, i.e. sympathetic Write short note on CSF circulation. (June 2010, 5 Marks)
and parasympathetic neurons. Or
1. Sensory neurons: They are divided into three types
Write short answer on cerebrospinal fluid.
a. Primary or first order sensory neurons:
Present as spinal or sensory neurons in dorsal (Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
root ganglion of spinal nerves. Ans. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is the modified tissue fluid. CSF
b. Secondary or second order sensory neurons: is contained inside the ventricular system of brain and in
Present in gray matter of spinal cord and subarachnoid space around the brain and spinal cord.
brainstem. CSF replaces lymph inside the central nervous system.
130 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Formation ♦ CSF is also absorbed partly by perineural lymphatics at

around first, second and eighth cranial nerves.
♦ Bulk of CSF is formed mainly by choroid plexus of lateral
♦ CSF is also absorbed by veins which are related to spinal
ventricles and in less amount by choroid plexus of third
and fourth ventricles.
♦ It is also formed by capillaries over surface of brain and Functions of CSF
spinal cord.
♦ Total quantity of CSF formed is 150 mL. This is formed at ♦ It decreases sudden pressure or forces on delicate nervous
the rate of 200 mL per hour or 5000 mL/day. tissue.
♦ Normal pressure of CSF is 60 to 100 mm of water. ♦ CSF nourishes nervous tissue. Only CEF comes in contact
with neurons. It provides nourishment and return product
Circulation of metabolism to venous sinuses.
♦ Neurons cannot survive without glucose and oxygen
CSF passes from each lateral ventricle to third ventricle via for 3–5 minutes. Both glucose and oxygen are constantly
interventricular foramen of Monro. From third ventricle CSF supplied by CSF.
passes to fourth ventricle via cerebral aqueduct. From fourth ♦ Pineal gland secretions reach to pituitary gland via CSF.
ventricle CSF passes to subarachnoid spaces of cerebrum ♦ CSF cushion the brain within its solid vault. Both brain
and vertebral canal via median and lateral apertures of and CSF have same specific gravity, so brain simply floats
fourth ventricle. Some of CSF passes to central canal of in the fluid.
spinal cord. ♦ Since there is no CSF brain barrier, so drugs can reach to
neurons via CSF.
♦ Blood CSF barrier is present, so there are no antibodies
♦ CSF is absorbed chiefly via arachnoid villi and granulations, in central nervous system which make infection of brain
it is thus drained into cranial venous sinuses. very serious.

Fig. 164: Circulation of CSF as shown by white arrows

Anatomy  131

Q.2. Describe briefly folds of dura mater. (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)

Name of
the fold Shape Attachments to the fold Venous sinus enclosed
Falx cerebri This is of sickle shape and leads to • Superiorly convex margins are attached to sides of • Superior sagittal sinus
the separation of right from the left groove lodging superior sagittal sinus • Inferior saggital sinus
cerebral hemisphere • Inferiorly the concave margin is free • Straight sinus
• Anterior attachment is to cristae galli and posterior is to
upper surface of tentorium cerebelli
Tentorium This is of tent shape and separates • It consists of anterior free margin and its ends are • Transverse sinuses,
cerebelli cerebral hemispheres from hindbrain attached to anterior clenoid processes. Rest of it is free superior petrosal sinus
and lower part of midbrain. It lifts off and concave
the weight of occipital lobes from • Its posterior margin is attached to lips of groove which
cerebellum consists of transverse sinus, superior petrosal sinus
and to posterior clinoid processes.
Falx This is a small sickle shaped fold • Its base is attached to the posterior part of inferior • Occipital sinus
cerebelli which partly separate two cerebellar surface of tentorium cerebelli
Diaphragma It is a small horizontal fold • Its anterior attachment is to tuberculum sellae • Anterior and posterior
sellae • Its posterior attachment is to dorsum sellae; laterally intracavernous sinuses
continuous with dura mater of middle cranial fossa

Functions of Folds of Dura Mater Function

♦ They divide cranial cavity into compartments to separate It carry the sensation of pain and temperature from opposite
different parts of brain and restrict their movement in half of the body.
cranial cavity.
♦ These folds enclose intracranial dural venous sinuses.


Q.1. Write short note on lateral spinothalamic tract.
(Dec 2010, 3 Marks)
Ans. Origin: Laminae I to IV of spinal grey matter.
Beginning: From substantia gelatinosa of posterior gray
Termination: Area 3, 1, 2 of cerebral cortex.
Crossing over: Fibers cross in the corresponding spinal
segment anterior to the central canal of spinal cord.

First neuron fiber starts in dorsal root ganglia. They relay by
synapsing with neurons which lie in the gray matter of lamina
II and III. Pain fibers relay in lamina II. Second neuron fibers
cross immediately to opposite sides close to central canal and
ascend as tract in lateral white column of spinal cord. 3rd order
neurons lie in the ventro-posterolateral nucleus of thalamus
and axons of these neurons ascend through the internal capsule
and then the thalamic radiations to area no. 3, 1, 2 of the Fig. 165: Lateral spinothalamic tract
cerebral cortex. (For colour version see Plate 3)
132 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.2. Describe spinal cord in detail. (Aug 2011, 10 Marks)

Ans. Spinal cord is the long cylindrical lower part of central
nervous system.
Spinal cord occupies upper two-third of the vertebral
canal and is enclosed in three meninges.
Spinal cord is 45 cm in adult male and 42 cm in adult
female. It extends from upper border of atlas vertebra
to lower border of first lumbar vertebra. Superiorly it
is continuous with medulla oblongata and inferiorly
it terminate as conus medullaris. Conus medullaris is
a lower tapering extremity. Apex of conus medullaris
continue as thin thread like filament known as filum

Fig. 167: Parts of lower end of spinal cord

Meninges Covering Spinal Cord

Spinal cord is surrounded by three meninges, outer is dura
mater, middle is arachnoid mater and inner one is pia mater.
Spinal cord is enclosed only by meningeal layer of dura mater.

Fig. 166: Lateral view of spinal cord showing exit of emerging

spinal nerves via intervertebral foramen

Fig. 168: Meningeal coverings of spinal cord

Anatomy  133

Spinal pia mater undergoes modification as: Gray Matter

a. Ligamentum denticulatum with 21 pairs of teeth like ♦ Gray matter is in the shape of H with gray commissure
projection which keep spinal cord in position. joining gray matter of right and left sides.
b. Linea splendens is the thickening seen at anteromedian
♦ Gray matter consists of one posterior horn and one anterior
horn on each side.
External Features of Spinal Cord ♦ In T1-L2 and S2-S4 segments an additional horn is present
which is known as lateral horn.
External features of spinal cord are:
♦ Structure of gray matter consists of nerve cells, neuroglia
1. Fissures and sulci. and blood vessels.
2. Attachment of spinal nerves.
3. Enlargements. White Matter
4. Cauda equina.
♦ White matter of spinal cord surrounds the central shaped
Fissures and Sulci mass of gray matter and it mainly consists of nerve fibers.
♦ The majority of nerve fibers are myelinated and provide
Anteriorly the spinal cord has a deep anterior median fissure
white appearance to white matter.
which lodges the anterior spinal artery. Anterior median fissure
is deep and extend along entire length of cord. Tracts of Spinal Cord
Posterior median sulcus is a thin longitudinal groove from
There are three types of tracts present descending, ascending
which septum runs in depth of spinal cord.
and intersegmental:
Each half of spinal cord is subdivided into anterior, lateral
1. Descending tracts or motor tracts: They conduct impulses
and posterior region by anterolateral and posterolateral sulci.
to spinal cord from the brain. Descending tracts are
Anterolateral region give rise to motor root and posterolateral
divided into pyramidal tracts, i.e. lateral corticospinal
region give rise to sensory root.
tract, anterior corticospinal tract and extrapyramidal
Spinal Nerves tracts, i.e. rubrospinal, tectospinal, lateral vestibulospinal,
olivospinal, medial and lateral reticulospinal.
31 pairs of spinal nerves emerges from the side of cord. Out of
2. Ascending tracts or sensory tracts: They conduct impulses
these 8 are cervical, 12 are thoracic, 5 are lumbar, 5 are sacral
from periphery to brain through the spinal cord. The
and 1 is coccygeal. Cervical nerves leave vertebral canal above
ascending tracts are lateral spinothalamic, anterior
the corresponding vertebrae with the exception of 8th which
emerges between C7 and T1 vertebrae. Remainder of spinal spinothalamic, fasciculus gracilis, fasciculus cuneatus,
nerves emerges below corresponding vertebrae. Each spinal dorsal spinocerebellar, ventral spinocerebellar.
nerve is attached to the cord by two roots, i.e. motor root or For diagram of ascending and descending tracts refer to
anterior root and sensory root or posterior root. Ans 5 of same chapter.
3. Intersegmental tracts: These are short ascending and
Enlargements descending tracts which originate and end in spinal
Spinal cord presents fusiform swellings, i.e. cervical and lumbar cord. They are present in anterior, posterior and lateral
enlargements. columns of white matter. These tracts interconnect the
neurons of different segmental levels. The intersegmental
Cervical enlargement extends from C5 to T1 whereas lumbar
tracts are dorsolateral fasciculus, septomarginal and
enlargement extends from L2 to S3 spinal segements.
comma tract.
Cauda Equina
Arterial Supply of Spinal Cord
Since spinal cord is shorter than vertebral column, length
Spinal cord is supplied by:
and obliqueness of spinal nerve roots increases from above to
downwards. As a result the nerve roots of lumbar, sacral and ♦ Anterior spinal artery
coccygeal nerves from caudal part of cord take vertical course ♦ Two posterior spinal arteries
and form bunch of nerve fibers around filum terminale which is ♦ Segmental arteries.
known as cauda equina. It is so called because of its resemblance Anterior spinal artery supplies the anterior two-third of cord
to horse of tail. while the two posterior spinal arteries together supplies
posterior one-third of the cord.
Internal Structure of Spinal Cord
Segmental arteries along with anterior and posterior spinal
Cross-section of spinal cord shows that it consists of inner core arteries form arterial trunks which communicate around a
of grey matter and peripheral zone of white matter. cord and form plexus known as arteriae coronae. This corona
White matter lies outside and gray matter lies inside. In the provides peripheral branches which supply to superficial region
center of gray matter is the central canal which consists of CSF. of spinal cord.
134 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 169: Arterial supply of spinal cord: A. Anterior view, B. Posterior view (For colour version see Plate 3)

Venous Drainage
Veins draining the cord form six longitudinal venous channels
around the cord, i.e.
♦ Two median longitudinal, one in the anterior median
fissure and other in the posteromedian sulcus.
♦ Two anterolateral, one on either side, posterior to the
anterior nerve roots.
♦ Two posterolateral, one on either side posterior to the
posterior nerve roots.

Function of Spinal Cord

♦ Execution of simple reflexes
♦ Transmission of impulses to and from the brain.
Q.3. Describe briefly spinal cord.
(Feb 2013, 5 Marks) (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 2 of same chapter.
Q.4. Write short note on radicular artery.
(Sep 2011, 5 Marks)
Fig. 167: Venous drainage of spinal cord Ans. Radicular artery is derived from various parent like
spinal branches of the vertebral, ascending cervical, deep
cervical, intercostals, lumbar and sacral arteries.
Anatomy  135

Fig. 171: Radicular arteries (For colour version see Plate 4)

There are 8 anterior and 12 posterior radicular 

arteries which reaches the spinal cord.
Radicular arteries are regular serial enforcements to
spinal arteries.
As fetus grow most of the radicular artery disappear,
those that remain, form anastomoses with the
anterior and posterior spinal arteries and are
commonly known as booster or feeder vessels. The
most largest of the feeder vessels is arteria radicularis
(magna of Adamkiewicz).
Many of these radicular artery branches are small
and are end by feeding the nerve roots. Few of them
(Dec 2014, 10 Marks)
which are large and contribute blood to the spinal
arteries. Ans. For description of spinal cord refer to Ans 2 of same
One of the anterior radicular branches are very chapter.
large and is called the arteria reticularis magna. Its TS at Midcervical Region
position is variable. This artery may be responsible (See Fig. 173)
for supplying blood to as much as the lower two- Q.7. Write short note on corticospinal tract.
third of the spinal cord.
(Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
The function radicular artery is to make contributions
to reinforce the longitudinal trunks.
Write briefly on pyramidal tract. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
Q.5. Write short note on lumbar puncture.
Ans. Corticospinal tract is also known as pyramidal tract.
(May 2014, 5 Marks)
Ans. Lumbar puncture is done for withdrawing cerebrospinal Origin: Most of the fibers of corticospinal tracts originate
fluid for various diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. from pyramidal cells of motor area of cerebral cortex.
• At the time of lumbar puncture a horizontal line Some of the fibers originate from other parts of cortex.
is drawn which joins the highest points of iliac Course: Fibers of corticospinal tract pass through
crest and the line passes via spine of L4 vertebrae. corona radiata, internal capsule, crus cerebri of cerebral
Now the interpinous spaces above and below this peduncles, ventral part of pons and pyramid of medulla
landmark are used with safety. oblongata.
136 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 172: Lumbar puncture (For colour version see Plate 4)

Fig. 173: Transverse section at midcervical region (For colour version see Plate 5)

In the lower part of medulla majority of fibers cross to the Uncrossed fibers descend in anterior white column of spinal
opposite side at pyramidal decussation of medulla and descend cord as anterior corticospinal tract. Anterior corticospinal tract
in lateral white column of spinal cord as lateral corticospinal is located in anterior white column close to anterior median
tract. Lateral corticospinal tract consists of some fibers which fissure.
arise from ipsilateral cerebral cortex. Lateral corticospinal tract At the lower level fibers of anterior corticospinal tract cross
is located in lateral white column in front of posterior horn and to opposite side in the anterior white commissure of spinal cord
medial to posterior spinocerebellar tract. at the level of their termination.
Anatomy  137

(Apr 2015, 3 Marks)

Ans. Following are the differences in spinal and cranial dura
Cranial dura mater Spinal dura mater
It is double layered It is single layer
It consists of an inner meningeal It consists of meningeal layer only
layer and outer endosteal layer
It form folds, i.e. falx cerebri, falx It does not form folds
cerebelli, tentorium cerebelli and
Fig. 174: Course and termination of corticospinal tract
diaphragma sellae
Epidural space is absent Epidural space is present
Most of the fibers of both lateral and anterior corticospinal 
tract terminate by synapsing with interneurons which project
(July 2016, 10 Marks)

Fig. 175: Position of various ascending and descending tracts in transverse section of spinal cord

♦ Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve for proprio-

4. CRANIAL NERVES ceptive impulses from extraocular muscles, muscles of
tongue and mastication.
 Q.2. Draw a well labeled diagram to show the structures
(Oct 2016, 2 Marks) present in the transverse section of the pons at the level
Ans. Following are the nuclei of trigeminal nerve: of its inferior border. Describe course and branches of
♦ Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve for pain and temperature the intracranial part of the facial nerve.
from face (Oct 2016, 10 Marks)
♦ Superior sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve for touch Ans. Structures present in transverse section of the pons at
and pressure from face the level of its inferior border.
138 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 176: Transverse section through lower part of pons

M= Medial longitudinal bundle, T = Tectospinal tract
R= Rubrospinal tract

Course of Intracranial Part of Facial Nerve ♦ Greater petrosal nerve: It arises from the geniculate
Facial nerve is attached to brainstem by two roots, i.e. motor ganglion and leaves the middle ear through tegmen
and sensory. Sensory root is known as nervus intermedius. tympani. It joins with the deep petrosal nerve to form
nerve to pterygoid canal. This nerve conveys secretomotor
Two roots of facial nerve are attached to lateral part of lower
supply to the lacrimal gland, nasal as well as palatal glands.
border of pons medial to vestibulocochlear nerve. Two roots
They relay in the pterygopalatine ganglion. Postganglionic
run laterally and forward along with vestibulocochlear nerve
fibers for lacrimal gland join zygomatic nerve and pass
to reach internal acoustic meatus.
through communicating branches to lacrimal nerve and
In internal acoustic meatus motor root lies in groove on lacrimal gland.
vestibulocochlear nerve with sensory root intervening. Here ♦ Nerve to stapedius: This arises in the facial canal behind
facial nerve and vestibulocochlear nerve are accompanied by the middle ear and runs forward through a short canal to
labyrinthine vessels. At fundus of meatus the two roots sensory reach and supply the stapedius muscle.
and motor fuse to form a single trunk which lies in petrous ♦ Chorda tympani nerve: It arises in the facial canal about
temporal bone. Within the canal the course of nerve is divided 6 mm above the stylomastoid foramen and enters the
by three parts by two of its bands. middle ear. It passes forward across the inner surface of
First part is directed laterally above the vestibule and second the tympanic membrane internal to the handle of malleus
part run backward in relation to medial wall of middle ear above and then leaves the middle ear by passing through the
promontory and third part is directed vertically downward petrotympanic fissure to appear at the base of skull. Here
behind promontory. First bend at junction of first and second it runs downwards and forward in the infratemporal fossa
part is sharp and is known as genu. and joins the lingual nerve at an acute angle. The chorda
tympani nerve carries:
Second bend lies between promontory and aditus to the
Preganglionic secretomotor fibers to submandibular
mastoid antrum. Facial nerve leaves the skull by passing
ganglion for supply of submandibular and sublingual
through stylomastoid foramen.
salivary glands.
Branches of Intracranial Part of Facial Nerve Taste fibers from anterior two-third of the tongue
except circumvallate papillae.
Following are the branches intracranial part of facial nerve: ♦ Posterior auricular nerve: It arises just below the
1. Within the facial canal stylomastoid foramen. It ascends in between the mastoid
Greater petrosal nerve process and external acoustic meatus and supplies to
Nerve to stapedius Auricularis posterior
Chorda tympani nerve Occipitalis
2. At exit from stylomastoid foramen Intrinsic muscles on back of auricle
Posterior auricular ♦ Digastric branch: It arises near the origin of posterior
Digastric auricular nerve. The nerve is short and supplies the
Stylohyoid posterior belly of digastric.
Anatomy  139

 Lateral Geniculate Body

It receives the lateral root of optic tract. Medially it is connected
to superior colliculus and laterally it give rise to optic radiation.
(Aug 2005, 8 Marks) Cells inside the body are arranged in six layers. Layer number
Ans. Optic pathway is also known as visual pathway. Optic 2, 3 and 5 recieve ipsilateral fibers while layer number 1, 4 and
pathway consists of the structures which are concerned 6 receive contralateral fibers.
with the reception, transmission and perception of visual
impulses. Optic Radiation
Various Structures in Visual Pathway It begins from lateral geniculate body and passes via
retrolentiform part of internal capsule and ends in visual cortex.
A : Retina
B : Optic nerve Visual Area Inside the Cortex
C : Optic chiasma
Optic radiation in striate area, i.e. area 17 where shape, color,
D : Optic tract, with its lateral and medial roots motion, size, illumination and transparency are separately
E : Lateral geniculate body appreciated. Objects get identified by the integration of all
F : Optic radiation of these perceptions with past experience which is stored in
G : Visual area inside the cortex. parastriate and peristriate areas. Area of the visual cortex which
receives impulses from macula is relatively larger than the part
Retina related to rest of retina.
Retina is a thin delicate inner layer of the eyeball. It is continuous
posteriorly with the optic nerve. Retina decreases in thickness Applied Anatomy
and is divided into three parts, i.e. optic, ciliary and iridial. ♦ Lesion inside the retina causes scotoma in this certain
Optic part consists of nervous tissue and is sensitive to light. points may become blind spots.
Ciliary and iridial parts of retina are formed by nonnervous ♦ Optic nerve damage causes complete blindness of that eye.
insensitive layer which covers ciliary body and iris. Fovea ♦ Lesion in optic chiasma, if it is central will cause bitemporal
centralis is the thinnest part of retina which has cones only and hemianopia but if it is peripheral on both sides, it will lead
is the site of maximum acuity of vision. Rods and cones are the
to binasal hemianopia.
light receptors of an eye. Rods have a pigment known as visual
♦ Unilateral complete destruction of optic tract, lateral
purple and they respond towards the dim light, i.e. scotopic
geniculate body, optic radiation or visual cortex lead to
vision while cones respond only to bright light, i.e. photopic
loss of opposite half of field of vision.
vision and these are also insensitive to color. Periphery of retina
consists of rods only while the fovea centralis has cones only. ♦ Lesion over right side causes left homonymous hemianopia.
Towards the periphery of retina, number of cones diminishes. ♦ Papilloedema: It occurs because of increased intracranial
pressure. It causes swelling of optic disc because of
Optic Nerve blockage of tributaries of retinal veins.
This is made by axons of ganglionic cells of retina. Strictly, ♦ Optic neuritis: This is the lesion of optic nerve which causes
optic nerve is not a peripheral nerve, this is because its fibers decrease of visual acuity. Optic disc is pale and smaller.
have no neurilemmal sheath. It is a tract and the fibers have no Methyl alcohol is the usual toxic chemical which causes
power of regeneration. blindness.
♦ Argyll–Robertson pupil: Here the accommodation reflex is
Optic Chiasma present but light reflex is absent. Pretectal area is mainly
In this, nasal fibers including those from nasal half of macula, affected.
cross the midline and enter opposite optic tract. Temporal fibers Q.4. Enumerate parasympathetic ganglion in head and neck.
pass through chiasma to enter optic tract of same side. (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
Optic Tract
Enumerate parasympathetic ganglia.
Each of the optic tract wind round to cerebral peduncle of
(Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
midbrain. Near to lateral geniculate body, it divides into
lateral and medial roots. Lateral root is thick and terminates Ans. Following are the parasympathetic ganglion in head and
inside lateral geniculate body. Few of its fibers pass to superior neck:
colliculus, pretectal nucleus and hypothalamus. Medial root is ♦ Ciliary ganglion
believed to consist of supraoptic commissural fibers. Each of the ♦ Otic ganglion
optic tract has temporal fibers of retina of same side and nasal ♦ Pterygopalatine ganglion
fibers of opposite side. ♦ Submandibular ganglion.
140 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Fig. 177: Attachment of cranial nerve to brainstem

 (Feb 2005, 8 Marks)

Fig. 176: TS of open part of medulla

Anatomy  141

Fig. 179: TS of at level of superior colliculus

Q.4. Draw a labeled diagram of transverse section of medulla ♦ Central gray matter is pushed backwards.
oblongata at the level of pyramidal decussation. ♦ Nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus appear as narrow
(Sep 2007, 3 Marks) (Mar 2008, 3 Marks) strip like projections and are continuous with central gray
Or matter.
Write short note on section of medulla oblongata at White Matter
the level of motor decussation. (Sep 2017, 3 Marks) ♦ Pyramids, anteriorly
Ans. ♦ Decussation of pyramidal tract form most important
The section at this level passes via the inferior half of medulla feature of medulla at the level of motor decussation. Fiber
and resemble closely to that of spinal cord. of each run backward as well as laterally to reach lateral
white column of spinal cord where they form lateral
Gray Matter corticospinal tract.
♦ Decussating pyramidal fibers separate anterior horn from ♦ Fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus occupy broad
central gray matter. Separated anterior horn form spinal posterior white column.
nucleus of accessory nerve laterally and supraspinal ♦ Other features of white matter are similar to that of spinal
nucleus for motor fibers of first cervical nerve medially. cord.

Fig. 180: TS of medulla oblongata at the level of pyramidal decussation

(For colour version see Plate 5)

Q.5. Write a short note on red nucleus. It is 0.5 cm in diameter and lies dorsomedial to
(Feb 2005, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks) substantia nigra.
It appears red in fresh specimen because of high
• Red nucleus is a cigar shaped mass of gray matter. vascular supply and iron containing pigment present
It appears oval shaped in cross-section. in cytoplasm of its cells.
142 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

It receives afferent from the superior cerebellar

peduncle, globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus
and cerebral cortex. It gives efferent to spinal cord,
reticular formation, thalamus, olivary nucleus,
subthalamic nucleus, etc.
• Red nucleus has inhibitory effect on muscle tone.

Fig. 181: Transverse section of pons at the level of facial nerve nucleus

Q.7. Draw a well labeled colored diagram of TS of midbrain passing at the level of superior colliculus.
(Aug 2011, 10 Marks)
 (Sep 2015, 10 Marks)

Fig. 182: TS of midbrain passing at the level of superior colliculus

Anatomy  143

Q.8. Write briefly on midbrain. (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) White Matter

Ans. Midbrain is upper and shortest part of brainstem. ♦ Crus cerebri consists of:
Midbrain is also known as mesencephalon and it Corticospinal tract at middle
connects hindbrain with forebrain. Frontopontine fibers at medial one-sixth
Cavity of midbrain is known as cerebral aqueduct and Temporopontine, parietopontine and occipitopontine
it connects third ventricle with fourth ventricle. fibers in lateral one-sixth.
Midbrain passes through tentorial notch. ♦ Tegmentum consists of ascending tracts which are:
Midbrain is related on each side to the optic tract, The lemnisci, i.e. medial, trigeminal, lateral and spinal
parahippocampal gyri, posterior cerebral artery, which are arranged in the form of band.
basal vein, trochlear nerve and geniculate bodies. Decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles is seen
Anteriorly it is related to interpeduncular structures, in median plane.
i.e. mammillary bodies, tuber cinereum, etc. Medial longitudinal bundle lie in close relation to
Posteriorly to splenium of corpus callosum, great trochlear nucleus.
cerebral vein, pineal body and posterior ends of Tectospinal and rubrospinal tracts.
right and left thalami.
Transverse Section of Midbrain at the Level of Superior
Midbrain like other parts of brainstem consists of gray
and white matter.
Gray Matter
Subdivisions of Midbrain
♦ Central gray matter consists of:
When examination of transverse section is done through Nucleus of oculomotor nerve with Edinger-Westphal
midbrain. Following are the subdivisions: nucleus in ventromedial part.
♦ Tectum is the small posterior part to cerebral aqueduct Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve in lateral
and consists of four colliculi, i.e. right and left, superior part. Oculomotor nuclei of two sides are very close
and inferior. to each other.
♦ Large anterior part is divided into two equal right and left ♦ Superior colliculus receive afferent from retina.
halves by a vertical plane known as cerebral peduncle. ♦ Pretectal nucleus lie deep to superolateral part of superior
Each cerebral peduncle is subdivided into three parts: colliculus.
Anteriorly as crus cerebri, posteriorly as tegmentum and ♦ Red nucleus is 0.5 cm in diameter and has inhibitory
in the middle as substantia nigra. influence on muscle tone.
♦ Substantia nigra.
White Matter
♦ Crus cerebri consists of same tracts as described in white
matter of midbrain at the level of inferior colliculi.
♦ Tegmentum consists of:
Same leminisci which is seen in the lower part except
for lateral leminiscus which is terminated at inferior
Decussation of tectospinal tracts from dorsal tegmental
Fig. 183: Transverse section of midbrain showing
its main subdivisions
Decussation of rubrospinal tracts from ventral
tegmental decussation
Internal Structure of Midbrain Medial longitudinal bundle
Emerging fibers of oculomotor nerve.
Transverse Section of Midbrain at the Level of Inferior Colliculi ♦ Tectum shows posterior commissure connecting two
Gray Matter superior colliculi.
♦ Central gray matter consists of: Arterial Supply
Nucleus of trochlear nerve in ventromedial part.
Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve inside the It is supplied by:
lateral part. ♦ Basilar arteries through its posterior cerebral and superior
♦ Inferior colliculus receive afferent from lateral lemniscus cerebellar arteries. Basilar arteries also supply by direct
and gives off efferent to medial geniculate body. branches to midbrain.
Substantia nigra is a lamina of gray matter which is ♦ Branches of posterior communicating and anterior
made up of deeply pigmented nerve cells. choroidal arteries.
144 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Venous Drainage White Matter

Veins drain into greater cerebral and basal veins. The white matter at this level comprises:
Q.9. Write in brief about Wallenberg syndrome. ♦ The trapezoid body that is a trapezium-shaped mass of
(Sep 2015, 5 Marks) white fibers which lie in the anterior part of the tegmentum,
just posterior to the basilar part of pons. It is formed by
Ans. It is also known as lateral medullary syndrome or
decussation of transversely running fibers which arises
posterior inferior cerebellary artery syndrome.
from cochlear nuclei of both the sides.
Wallenberg s syndrome is a neurological condition
♦ The medial lemniscus forms the transverse band over
caused by a stroke in the vertebral or posterior inferior
either side of the midline, behind the trapezoid body. This
cerebellar artery of the brainstem.
is joined by anterior spinothalamic tract.
Features ♦ The lateral spinothalamic tract lie lateral to medial
♦ Ipsilateral paralysis of muscles of soft palate, pharynx and ♦ The inferior cerebellar peduncle lie lateral to floor of fourth
larynx due to injury of nucleus ambiguus. ventricle.
♦ Difficulties with swallowing, hoarseness, dizziness, nausea ♦
and vomiting.
♦ Rapid involuntary movements of the eyes (nystagmus),
and problems with balance and gait coordination.
♦ Some individuals will experience a lack of pain and
temperature sensation on only one side of the face, or a
For diagram refer to Ans 6 of same chapter.
pattern of symptoms on opposite sides of the body—such
as paralysis or numbness in the right side of the face, with
weak or numb limbs on the left side. 6. THE CEREBELLUM
♦ Uncontrollable hiccups may also occur, and some
individuals will lose their sense of taste on one side of the Q.1. Describe briefly cerebellum. (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
tongue, while preserving taste sensations on the other side. Ans. Cerebellum is the largest part of the hindbrain. It is
Q.10. Enumerate the parts of brainstem. (Feb 2016, 2 Marks) situated in the posterior cranial fossa behind the pons
Ans. Following are the parts of brainstem: and medulla. Its weight is 150 g in male adult.
a. Medulla oblongata
b. Pons Relations
c. Midbrain. ♦ Anteriorly it is related to fourth ventricle, pons and
Q.11. Write short answer on sections of lower part of pons. medulla.
(Aug 2018, 3 Marks) ♦ Posteroinferiorly it is related to squamous occipital bone.
Ans. Transverse section through the lower part of the pons ♦ Superiorly it is related to tentorium cerebelli.
passes via facial colliculi.
External Features
The tegmentum at this level presents the following
features: ♦ Cerebellum has two cerebellar hemispheres which are
united to each other via median vermis.
Gray Matter ♦ It consists of two surfaces, i.e. superior and inferior
surfaces. Superior surface of cerebellum is convex and
The gray matter at this level comprises:
both the hemispheres are continuous with each other on
♦ The abducent nerve nucleus which lie beneath the facial
this surface. Inferior surface present a deep median notch
colliculus inside the floor of the 4th ventricle.
known as vallecula which separates both the cerebellar
♦ The motor nucleus of the facial nerve which lie in reticular
formation of pons. hemispheres.
♦ The superior salivatory, inferior salivatory, and lacrimatory ♦ Anterior surface of cerebellum is marked by the deep notch
nuclei lie medial to motor nucleus of the facial nerve. which consists of pons and medulla. Posterior cerebellar
♦ The nucleus of tractus solitarius lie lateral to superior notch is deep and narrow and lodges falx cerebelli.
salivatory nucleus. ♦ Each hemisphere is divided into three lobes. Anterior lobe
♦ The vestibular nuclei lie beneath the vestibular area in the lies on anterior part of superior surface. Anterior surface
floor of the 4th ventricle. is separated from middle lobe by fissura prima. Middle
♦ The dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei situated dorsal and lobe is largest of three lobes. Middle lobe is limited in
ventral to the inferior cerebellar peduncle. front by the fissura prima and by posterolateral fissure.
♦ The spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve and its tract Flocculonodular lobe is the smallest lobe of cerebellum.
located on the anteromedial aspect of the inferior cerebellar It lies on the inferior surface, in front of the posterolateral
peduncle. fissure.
Anatomy  145

Parts of Cerebellum Parts of vermis Subdivisions of cerebellar hemisphere

Cerebellum is subdivided into numerous small parts by fissures. Lingula —
Each fissure cut vermis and both hemispheres. Following are Central lobule Ala
the fissures:
Culmen Quadrangular lobule
♦ Horizontal fissure: It separate superior surface from the
Declive Simple lobule
inferior surface.
♦ Posterolateral fissure: It separates middle lobe from Folium Superior semilunar lobule
flocculonodular lobe over the inferior surface. Tuber Inferior semilunar lobule
♦ Fissura prima or primary fissure: It separates anterior lobe Pyramid Biventral lobule
from the middle lobe over the superior surface of cerebellum. Uvula Tonsil
Various parts of cerebellum where both superior and inferior
Nodule Flocculus
surfaces cerebellum are drawn in single plane.

Fig. 184: Subdivisions of cerebellum

Morphological and functional division of cerebellum: Flocculonodular Lobe

1. Archicerebellum: It is the oldest part of cerebellum is Its function is with vestibular system in controlling equilibrium.
formed by flocculonodular lobe and lingula.
It controls the axial musculature and the bilateral Connections of Cerebellum
movement used for locomotion posture and
Fibers entering or leaving cerebellum are grouped to form three
maintenance of the equilibrium.
peduncles which connect cerebellum to midbrain, pons and
2. Paleocerebellum: It is made up of the anterior lobe (minus medulla. Constituent fibers are:
lingual) and pyramid and uvula of inferior vermis.
It controls the tone, posture and movement. Peduncle Afferent tract Efferent tract
3. Neocerebellum: It is newest part of the cerebellum to Superior • Anterior spinocerebellar • Cerebellorubral
develop. It is made up of middle lobe minus pyramid and cerebellar • Tectocerebellar • Dentatothalamic
uvula of inferior vermis. peduncle • Dentato-olivary
• Fastigial reticular
It is concerned with the regulation of fine movement
of the body. Middle • Pontocerebellar —
Lateral Zone peduncle
It is connected with association areas of brain and is involved Inferior • Posterior spinocerebellar • Cerebellovestibular
in planning and programing muscular activities. cerebellar • Cuneocerebellar • Cerebello–olivary
peducle • Olivocerebellar • Cerebelloreticular
Intermediate Zone • Parolivocerebellar
This is concerned with control of muscle of hands, finger, feet • Reticulocerebellar
and toes. • Vestibulocerebellar
• Anterior external arcuate
Vermis fibers
This is concerned with control of muscles of trunk, neck, • Striae medullares
• Trigeminocerebellar
shoulder and hips.
146 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Grey Matter of Cerebellum

It has cerebellar cortex and cerebellar nuclei. Four pairs of
nuclei are present:
1. Nucleus dentatus is neocerebellar
2. Nucleus globosus
3. Nucleus emboliformis are paleocerebellar
4. Nucleus fastigii is archicerebellar.
Q.2. Write a short note on functions of cerebellum.
(May 2017, 3 Marks) (Feb 2003, 5 Marks)
Ans. Function of Cerebellum
1. It controls same side of the body. The effects are
ipsilateral. Cerebellum coordinates voluntary
Fig. 185: Cerebellar nuclei
movements and makes them smooth, balanced and
2. Archicerebellum and paleocerebellum control tone,
posture and equilibrium.
3. Cerebellum acts as comparator. It receives informa-

tion from cerebrum and spinal cord, it correct and
modify the movements through thalamocortical
projections, reticulospinal tract and rubrospinal
4. Neocerebellum leads to the fine tuning of (Apr 2015, 3 Marks)
motor performance for the precise movements. Ans.
Neocerebellum also helps in planning as well as
production of skilled movements with cerebrum.
Q.3. Write a short note on cerebellar nuclei.
(Apr 2007, 4 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. Cerebellar nuclei are four in number, i.e. nucleus
dentatus or lateral nucleus, nuclei emboliformis, globose
and fastigial nucleus.
The most lateral and largest of the cerebellar nuclei
is nucleus dentatus or lateral nucleus, medial to
which are small nuclei emboliformis, globose and
The emboliform, or anterior, interposed nucleus is
continuous laterally with dentate. Fig. 186: Floor of the fourth ventricle
Globose, or posterior interposed nucleus is located (For colour version see Plate 5)
caudal and medial to emboliform nucleus. It is
continuous with fastigial nucleus which is located Q.2. Write short note on floor of fourth ventricle.
next to midline, bordering on fastigium of fourth (Aug 2016, 3 Marks) (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
ventricle. Or
Globose and emboliform nuclei are collectively Write briefly on floor of fourth ventricle.
known as interpositus nucleus. (Apr 2008, 5 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Nucleus dentatus within white core of hemisphere
is an irregularly folded sheet of neurons which
encloses mass of white fibers largely derived from Describe floor of fourth ventricle of brain.
dentate neurons. (Sep 2015, 10 Marks)
Nucleus emboliform is partially covers dentate hilum, Ans. Floor of fourth ventricle is also known as rhomboid fossa
the nucleus globosus is located on dorsomedial side. since it is rhomboidal in shape.
• A large proportion of afferent fibers of fastigial It is formed by posterior surface of pons and posterior
nucleus crosses within cerebellar white matter and surface of open part of medulla oblongata.
anterior medullary velum in cerebellar commis- Deep to the floor there is presence of layer of gray matter
sure. which consists of cranial nerve nuclei.
Anatomy  147

Structural Layers Lateral Boundaries or Lateral Walls

Floor of fourth ventricle is lined by the following: On each side, the fourth ventricle is bounded to:
♦ Ependyma ♦ Inferolaterally by the inferior cerebellar peduncle, supple-
♦ Thin layer of neuroglia beneath ependyma mented by gracile and cuneate tubercles
♦ Layer of gray matter forming various nucleoli deep to ♦ Superolaterally by the superior cerebellar peduncles.
Floor of the fourth ventricle is divided into three parts, i.e. Floor of Fourth Ventricle of Brain
1. Upper triangular part: It is formed by the dorsal surface of For details refer to Ans 2 of the same chapter.
2. Lower triangular part: It is formed by the dorsal surface Roof
of medulla.
Roof of the fourth ventricle is of diamond shape and is divided
3. Intermediate part: It lies at the junction of medulla and
into superior as well as inferior parts:
pons. It is prolonged laterally on either side over inferior
cerebellar peduncle as floor of lateral recess. This part is ♦ Superior or cranial part of the roof is formed by the
marked by transversely running fibers of stria medullaris. convergence of two superior cerebellar peduncles and
These fibers represent fibers from arcuate nucleus to a thin sheet of white matter, i.e. the superior medullary
opposite cerebellum. velum. Superior cerebellar peduncles on emerging from
central white matter of cerebellum pass first cranially and
Common Features of Fourth Ventricle ventrally forming at first lateral boundaries of ventricles.
♦ Dorsal median sulcus divides floor into two symmetrical On approaching towards inferior colliculi, the penduncles
halves. converge and intermingle over ventricles to form part of
♦ Medial eminence: Median eminence is one on each side the roof. Superior medullary velum fills angular interval
of median sulcus. It is wider above and narrow below. It between two superior cerebellar peduncles. This is covered
presents facial colliculus just opposite as well as medial to over dorsal surface by lingual of superior vermis.
the depression known as superior fovea. Deep to colliculus ♦ Inferior or caudal part of the roof is formed by a thin sheet
is genu of the facial nerve formed by this nerve looping of nonnervous tissue, the inferior medullary velum which
around abducent nucleus. Hypoglossal triangle occupies is formed conjointly by the ventricular ependyma and
lower narrow part of eminence. Beneath this triangle lies the double fold of pia mater or tela choroidea that covers
is the hypoglossal nucleus. it posteriorly. Caudally, continuity of sheet is broken
♦ A sulcus limits medial eminence over the lateral side, by a gap known as median aperture via which cavity of
inside the uppermost part (pontine part) of sulcus limitans ventricle communicates freely with subarachnoid space in
overlies an area which is bluish in color and is known region of cerebellomedullary cistern. Inferior medullary
as locus coeruleius. The upper part of sulcus limitans is velum form small part of roof in region lateral to nodule
marked by a depression, i.e. superior fovea which lies of cerebellum. Superior to the region of inferior medullary
just lateral to facial colliculus. In medullary part of floor, velum over each side, layer of tela choroidea in contact
the sulcus limitans is marked by a depression known with ependyma of caudal part of roof reaches inferolateral
as inferior fovea. Descending from the fovea, there is boundary of ventricular floor which get marked by
a sulcus which runs obliquely towards midline. The narrow white ridge known as taenia. Two of the taenia
sulcus divides medial eminence into two triangles, i.e. are continuous below along with small curved margin.
hypoglossal triangle medially and vagal triangle laterally.
These overlie the hypoglossal nerve nucleus and of vagus Tela Choroidea of Fourth Ventricle
nerve, respectively. Between the vagal triangle above and
♦ This is a double layer of pia mater which occupies the
gracile tubercle below there is a small area known as area
interval between the cerebellum as well as lower part of
the ventricle.
♦ Vestibular area: This lies lateral to the inferior fovea (sulcus
♦ Posterior layer of tela choroidea provides a covering of
limitans) which overlies the vestibular nuclei. This area is
partly in the pons and partly in the medulla. pia mater to inferior vermis and after covering the nodule,
is reflected ventrally and caudally in immediate contact
For diagram refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
with ependyma.
Q.3. Describe in detail fourth ventricle of brain. ♦ Tela choroidea along with the vascular fringes which are
(Mar 2013, 8 Marks) covered by secretory ependyma form choroid plexuses of
Ans. Cavity of hindbrain is known as fourth ventricle. fourth ventricle. These projects inside the lower part of
Fourth ventricle is a tent-shaped space which is situated roof of fourth ventricle.
between pons and upper part of medulla oblongata in ♦ Each plexus either left or right, consists of a vertical
front and cerebellum behind. So usually it lies dorsal to limb which lie next to the midline and a horizontal limb
pons and in upper part of medulla oblongata as well as which extend into lateral recesses. Vertical limb of the
ventral to cerebellum. two plexuses lie side by side so that whole structure is
It consists of lateral boundaries, floor, roof and a cavity. T shaped.
148 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Vertical limbs of T shaped structure reach the median cerebellar peduncle (ventrally) and peduncle of flocculus
aperture and project into the subarachnoid space via it. dorsally reaching as far as the medial part of flocculus.
The lateral ends of horizontal limbs reach lateral apertures. ♦ One of the recess which is present in the median plane is
called as median dorsal recess. This extends dorsally in
Communication white core of cerebellum and lies cranial to nodule.
Cavity of the fourth ventricle communicates inferiorly with the ♦ Two lateral dorsal recesses, one over each side. Each lateral
central canal and superiorly with cerebral aqueduct. dorsal recess get extend dorsally lateral to nodule and
cranial to inferior medullary velum. These lie over either
Openings Present Inside the Roof side of median dorsal recess.
♦ Inside the caudal part of roof of fourth ventricle there are
three openings present, i.e. one median and two lateral.
♦ Median aperture of fourth ventricle alternatively known
as foramen of Magendie is a large opening which
is situated caudal to nodule. This opening provides
principal communication between the ventricular system
and subarachnoid space. The lateral apertures are also
called as foramina of Luschka and are situated at the
ends of lateral recesses and are partly occupied by parts
of choroid plexuses. Through these fourth ventricle also
communicates with subarachnoid space.

Following are the angles present, i.e.
♦ Superior angle: It is continuous with cerebral aqueduct.
♦ Inferior angle: It is continuous below with central canal
of spinal cord.
♦ Lateral angle: It lies one on each side towards the inferior 
cerebellar peduncles.
(Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Inside the caudal part of roof of fourth ventricle there are
three openings present, i.e. one median and two lateral.
Median aperture of fourth ventricle alternatively
known as foramen of Magendie is a large opening
which is situated caudal to nodule. This opening
provides principal communication between,
ventricular system and subarachnoid space.
The lateral apertures are also called as foramina
of Luschka and are situated at the ends of lateral
recesses and are partly occupied by parts of choroid
plexuses. Through these fourth ventricle also
communicates with subarachnoid space.

Fig. 187: Fourth ventricle along with its relations

Recess of Fourth Ventricle

They are basically the extensions of main cavity of ventricle.
Five recesses have been identified, i.e.
♦ Two lateral recesses present, i.e. one on each side. Each lateral
recess passes laterally inside the interval between inferior Fig. 189: Openings of fourth ventricle of brain
Anatomy  149

b. Long association fibers connect more widely

8. CEREBRUM distributed gyri to one another.
2. Projection fibers: Connects the cerebral cortex to the
 other parts of the CNS, e.g. brainstem, spinal cord,
(Mar 1998, 4 Marks) corticopontine, cortiocospinal and internal capsule
3. Commissural fibers: These fibers connect corres-
ponding parts of the two hemisphere.
a. Corpus callosum: Connects two hemisphere
b. Anterior commissure: Connecting the archipallia
of the two sides
c. Posterior commissure: Connect the two superior
d. Commissure of the formina: Connecting the
hippocampel foramen.
e. Habenular commissure: Connecting the
habenular nuclei.
Q.4. Write a short note on corpus callosum.
(Jan 2018, 5 Marks) (Dec 2012, 3 Marks)
(Nov 2009, 5 Marks) (Dec 2010, 3 Marks)
Fig. 190: Sagittal section of cerebral hemisphere (May/June 2009, 5 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
(Nov 2008, 5 Marks) (Dec 2014, 5 Marks)

Q.2. Draw a well labeled diagram of superolateral surface Or

of cerebrum showing functional areas. Write short note on corpus callosum of brain.
(Feb 2002, 4 Marks) (Sep 2001, 5 Marks) (May 2014, 5 Marks)
Ans. Corpus callosum is largest commissure of the brain. It
connects two cerebral hemisphere.
All parts of cerebral hemisphere are connected by corpus
callosum except the lower and anterior part of temporal
lobe which is connected by the anterior commissure.

Parts of Corpus Callosum

♦ Genu: Genu is the anterior end. It lies 4 cm behind the
frontal lobe. Genu is related anteriorly to anterior cerebral
arteries and posteriorly to anterior horn of lateral ventricle.

Fig. 191: Superolateral surface of cerebrum showing functional areas

Q.3. Enumerate white fibers of brain. (Feb 2002, 2 Marks)

Enumerate white fibers of cerebrum.
(Mar 2000, 4 Marks)
Ans. White fibers of cerebrum consist chiefly of myelinated
fibers and connect various parts of cortex to the another
and also to the other parts of CNS.
These fibers are classified into 3 groups.
1. Association (arcuate fibers): Connects different
cortical areas of the same hemisphere to one another
Fig. 192 Parts of corpus callosum
and are subdivided to:
a. Short association fibers connect adjacent gyri to ♦♦ Rostrum: It is directed downward and backward from
one another. the genu and ends by joining the lamina anterior in front
150 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

of the anterior commissure. Rostrum related superiorly 

to anterior horn of the lateral ventricle and inferiorly to
indusium griseum and longitudinal striae.
♦ Trunk: It is the middle part between the genu and
splenium. Superior surface of trunk is convex from before
backward and it is concave from side to side. Trunk is
related to anterior cerebral arteries as well as to lower
border of falx cerebri. Overlapping of trunk is done by
cingulated gyrus and it is covered by the indusium griseum (Feb 2002, 4 Marks)
and longitudinal striae. Inferior surface of the trunk is Or
concave from before backward and convex from side to
side. This surface provides an attachement to septum 
pellucidum and fornix, it forms the roof of central part of (Aug 2011, 10 Marks)
lateral ventricle. Ans. Internal capsule is a large band of fibers, situated in the
♦ Splenium: It is the posterior end of corpus callosum and it inferomedial part of cerebral cortex.
is the thickest part. It lies 6 cm in front of the occipital pole. • It appears V-shaped on cross-section with the
Inferior surface of splenium is related to tela choroidea concavity directed laterally. The concavity is
of third ventricle, pulvinar, pineal body and tectum of occupied by the lentiform nucleus.
midbrain. Superior surface of splenium is related to • Internal capsule contains fibers going to and coming
inferior sagittal sinus and falx cerebri. Posteriorly splenium from the cerebral cortex.
is related to great cerebral vein, straight sinus and free • When traced upward, the fibers of capsule diverge
margin of tentorium cerebelli. and continuous with corona radiata when traced
downward. The fibers converge and continuous
with the crus cerebri of the midbrain.

Fig. 193: Fibers of corpus callosum

Fig. 194: Boundaries and parts of internal capsule
Fibers of Corpus Callosum
♦ Rostrum: It connects orbital surfaces of two frontal lobes. Parts of Internal Capsule
♦ Forceps minor: It is made up of fibers of genu and it ♦ Anterior limb: It lies between the lentiform nucleus and
connects two frontal lobes. caudate nucleus.
♦ Forceps major: It is made up of fibers of splenium and it ♦ Posterior limb: It lies between the lentiorm nucleus and
connects two occipital lobes. thalamus.
♦ Tapetum: It is formed by some fibers from the trunk and ♦ Genu: It is the bend between the anterior and posterior
splenium of corpus callosum. It forms roof and lateral limb.
wall of posterior horn and lateral wall of inferior horn of ♦ Retrolentiform part: It lies behind the lentiform nucleus.
lateral ventricle. ♦ Sublentiform part: It lies below the lentiform nucleus.
Significance of Corpus Callosum Relations
It helps in coordination of activities of two cerebral hemi- ♦ Medially: Head of caudate nucleus and thalamus
spheres. ♦ Laterally: Lentiform nucleus.
Anatomy  151

Fibers of Internal Capsule ♦ Inferior thalamic radiation: They connect medial geniculate
body with primary auditory cortex.
There are three types of fibers present in internal capsule, i.e.
motor fibers, sensory fibers and constituent fibers. Constituent Fibers
Motor Fibers Following are the constituent fibers:
♦ Corticopontine fibers lie in the anterior limb, genu and Part of an
posterior limb. internal
♦ Frontopontine fibers begin from the frontal lobe to reach capsule Descending tract Ascending tract
pontine nuclei where they relay to reach opposite cerebellar Anterior limb Frontopontine Anterior thalamic
hemisphere. These are known as corticopontocerebellar fibers which is a radiation, i.e. fibers from
fibers. part of cortico– anterior and medial nuclei
pontocerebellar of thalamus
♦ Parietopontine and occipitopontine fibers lie inside the
retrolentiform part of internal capsule.
♦ Temporopontine fibers lie in the sublentiform part of Genu Corticonuclear fibers, Anterior part of superior
internal capsule. i.e. part of pyramidal thalamic radiation, i.e.
tract which is going to fibers from posterior
Pyramidal Fibers motor nuclei of cranial ventral nucleus of
nerves and forming thalamus
♦ Corticonuclear to nuclei of IIIrd, IVth, Vth, VIth, VIIth, their supranuclear
XIIth and nucleus ambiguus for IXth, Xth, XIth nerves of pathway
opposite side. Posterior limb • Corticospinal tract • Superior thalamic
♦ Corticospinal: These are the fibers for anterior horn cells of i.e. pyramidal tract radiation
muscles of head and neck which lie in the genu. for upper limb, • Fibers from globus
♦ Fibers for the upper limb, trunk and lower limb lie in the trunk and lower pallidus to subthalamic
posterior limb of internal capsule in the sequential order. limb nucleus
• Corticopontine
Extrapyramidal Fibers fibers
• Corticorubral fibers
They start from cerebral cortex as corticostriate and corticorubral
fibers and reach corpus striatum and red nucleus. Retrolentiform • Parietopontine and Posterior thalamic radiation
part occipitopontine is formed of:
Sensory Fibers fibers • Optic radiation mainly
• Fibers from or partly by the fibers
Thalamocortical fibers form thalamic radiations, i.e. 3rd order occipital cortex to connecting thalamus
neuron fibers: superior colliculus to parietal and occipital
♦ Anterior thalamic radiation: Fibers from the anterior and and pretectal lobes
dorsomedial nuclei of thalamus terminate inside the cortex
at frontal lobe. Sublentiform • Parietopontine and • Auditory radiation
♦ Superior thalamic radiation: Fibers of ventral group of part temporopontine • Fibers connecting
nuclei of thalamus reach sensory areas of frontal and the fibers thalamus to temporal
• Fibers between lobe
parietal lobes.
temporal lobe and
♦ Posterior thalamic radiation: All these fibers connect the thalamus
lateral geniculate body to area 17 and form optic radiation.

Fig. 195: Fiber component of internal capsule

152 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Blood Supply of Internal Capsule

Arteries supplying different parts of internal capsule are:
Part of internal capsule Artery supplying
Anterior limb Branch of anterior cerebral and its recurrent branch
Genu Branch of internal carotid artery and branch of posterior communicating artery
Posterior limb Branches of lateral and medial striate, anterior choroidal, posterior communicating arteries
Sublentiform part Branch of anterior choroidal and posterior cerebral arteries
Retrolentiform part Branches of posterior cerebral arteries

Fig. 196: Arterial supply of internal capsule

Applied Aspect Connections

♦ Lesion of internal capsule is vascular because of involvement ♦ Afferents: Optic tract
of medial and lateral striate branches of middle cerebral ♦ Efferents: It give rise to optic radiation which go to visual
artery. They lead to hemiplegia over opposite half of the area of cortex via retrolentiform part of an internal capsule.
body. This is an upper motor neuron type of paralysis.
Larger lateral striate artery is known as Charcot s artery Function
of cerebral hemorrhage. Lateral geniculate body is the last relay station on visual
♦ Thrombosis of recurrent branch of anterior cerebral artery pathway to occipital cortex.
leads to upper motor neuron type of paralysis of opposite
upper limb and of face.
♦ Lesion at genu of internal capsule lead to sensory and
motor loss at contralateral side of head. This may not be
complete as there is bilateral cortical innervation of most
of the cranial nerve nuclei.
Q.6. Write a short note on lateral geniculate body.
(Feb 2004, 5 Marks) (Sep 2005, 5 Marks)
Ans. It is a part of metathalamus and is a small oval elevation
which lies anterolateral to medial geniculate body below
thalamus. It is overlapped by medial part of temporal
lobe and gets connected to superior colliculus by
superior brachium.
Structure of lateral geniculate body is of six layers.
Layers 1, 4 and 6 receive contralateral optic fibers and layers
2, 3 and 5 receive ipsilateral optic fibers. Fig. 197: Layers of lateral geniculate body
Anatomy  153

3. Posterior commissure: Connecting superior colliculus

(Feb 2005, 7 Marks) 4. Commissure of fornix or hippocampel commissure
Or 5. Habenular commissure: Connecting habenular nuclei
Enumerate various commissural fibers of brain. 6. Hypothalamic commissure: Brachium for corpus callosum
Describe Corpus Callosum. (Aug 2011, 10 Marks) refer to Ans 4 of the same chapter.
Ans. The answer is given in chapter cerebrum in Ans 4 of
corpus callosum. Q.8. Draw a labeled diagram of superolateral surface of
cerebral hemisphere showing sulci and gyri.
Enumeration of Commissures of Brain (Feb 2004, 20 Marks) (Sep 2005, 10 Marks)
1. Corpus callosum: Connecting cerebral cortex of two sides. (Aug 2005, 8 Marks)
2. Anterior commissure: Connecting archipallia of two sides.

areas both integrate and analyze responses from

(Mar 2006, 15 Marks) different sources. Many such areas are known to
Or have motor or sensory functions. Motor as well
as sensory functions overlap in same region of
Write briefly about functional areas of cerebrum. cortex. If the motor function is predominant, this
(Feb 2013, 5 Marks) is known as motor sensory (Ms) while where the
Ans. Following are the three basic functional divisions of sensory function is predominant, it is known as
cerebral cortex: sensorimotor (Sm).
1. Motor areas: Primary motor area should be
identified on the basis of elicitation of motor Motor Areas
responses at low threshold of electric stimulation Primary Motor Area
which causes contraction of the skeletal muscles.
♦ This is located inside the precentral gyrus and also
These areas provide origin to corticospinal and
includes anterior wall of central sulcus and inside the
corticonuclear fibers.
anterior part of paracentral lobule over medial surface of
2. Sensory areas: In sensory areas, electrical activity
cerebral hemispheres. This mainly corresponds to area 4
can be recorded if proper sensory stimulus is given
of Brodmann.
to a specific part of the body. Ventral posterior
♦ Electrical stimulation of primary motor area leads to
nucleus of thalamus is the main source of afferent
contraction of muscles which are mainly at the opposite
fibers for first sensory area. Thalamic nucleus is
side of body.
an actual site of termination of all the fibers of
♦ Cortical control of musculature is mainly contralateral,
medial lemniscus and most of spinothalamic and
there is significant ipsilateral control of most of the muscles
trigeminothalamic tracts.
of head and axial muscles of body. Contralateral half of
3. Association areas: In these areas, direct motor or
the body is represented as upside down, except the face.
sensory responses should not be elicited. Such
154 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Pharyngeal region and tongue are represented in most cingulated gyrus. These include Brodmann s areas 9, 10,
ventral and lower part of precentral gyrus which is 11 and 12.
followed by face, hand, arm, trunk and thigh. Remainder ♦ Prefrontal cortex is connected to other areas of cerebral
of leg, foot and perineum is over medial surface of cortex, corpus striatum, thalamus and hypothalamus.
hemisphere inside paracentral lobule. ♦ It is connected to cerebellum via pontine nuclei.
♦ Another significant feature of this area is the size of cortical ♦ This area controls emotions, concentration, attention,
area for particular part of body is determined by functional initiative and judgement.
importance of part and its need for both sensitivity and
intricacy of movements in that region. Sensory Areas
Premotor Area First Somesthetic Area
♦ It coincides with Brodmann area 6 and is situated anterior ♦ It is the general sensory area and is also known as first
to motor area in superolateral and medial surfaces of somatosensory area (Sm I).
hemisphere. ♦ This area occupies postcentral gyrus on superolateral
♦ This area contributes to motor function by its direct surface of cerebral hemisphere and posterior part of
contribution to pyramidal and other descending motor paracentral lobule on the medial surface. This correspond
pathways. It also carries this by its influence on primary to areas 3, 1 and 2 of Brodmann.
motor cortex. ♦ Representation of body in this area is contralateral half of
♦ Premotor area program skilled motor activity and directs body is represented upside down except the face.
primary motor area in its execution. ♦ Area of cortex which receives sensation from a particular
♦ Both premotor as well as primary motor areas together part of body is not proportional to size of that part, but
referred as somatomotor area (Ms I). Both areas provide rather to intricacy of sensations received from it. So thumb,
origin to corticospinal and corticonuclear fibers and also fingers, lip and tongue have disproportionately large
receive fibers from the cerebellum after relaying in ventral
intermediate nucleus of thalamus.
♦ Different sensations, i.e. cutaneous and proprioceptive
Supplementry Motor Area (Ms II) are represented in different parts inside the sensory area.
♦ Ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus is the main source
♦ This is predominantly motor in its function.
♦ This area is in the part of area 6 which lie over medial of afferent fibers for sensory area. This nucleus is the site
surface of hemisphere anterior to paracentral lobule. of termination of all fibers of medial lemniscus.
♦ Different parts of body are represented in this area. ♦ Most fibers of spinothalamic and trigeminothalamic tract
carry fibers for cutaneous sensibility end at anterior part of
Motor Speech Area of Broca’s area and those for deep insensibility end at posterior part.
♦ It occupies both opercular and triangular portions of Second Somesthetic Area
inferior frontal gyrus which correspond to area 44 and 45
of Brodmann. ♦ It is also called as second somatosensory area (Sm II).
♦ This is present over left side in 98% of right handed persons. ♦ It is situated in superior lip of posterior ramus of lateral
In 70% of left handers it is present in left hemisphere. Only sulcus with postcentral gyrus.
in 30% of people it is present in right hemisphere. ♦ Parts of body are represented bilaterally.
Frontal Eye Field Somesthetic Association Cortex
♦ This lies inside the middle frontal gyrus just anterior to ♦ It lies in superior parietal lobule over superolateral surface
precentral gyrus. of hemisphere and in precuneus over medial surface.
♦ This is the lower part of area 8 of Brodmann over lateral ♦ It coincides with areas 5 and 7 of Brodmann.
surface of cerebral hemisphere, extending slightly beyond ♦ This area receives afferent from first sensory area and has
this area. reciprocal connection with dorsal tier of nuclei of lateral
♦ Electrical stimulation inside this area leads to deviation mass of thalamus.
of both eyes to opposite side. This is known as conjugate
movement of eyes. Receptive Speech Area of Wernicke
♦ Movement of head as well as dilatation of pupil can also ♦ It is also known as sensory language area.
take place. ♦ It has auditory association cortex and of adjacent parts of
♦ Frontal eye field is connected to the cortex of occipital lobe inferior parietal lobule. i.e. area 22.
which is concerned with the vision.
Areas of Special Sensations
Prefrontal Cortex
♦ It is the large area which lie precentral area.
♦ It consists of superior, middle and inferior frontal gyri; ♦ Visual area is located both above and below the calcarine
medial frontal gyrus; orbital gyri and anterior half of sulcus over medial surface of occipital lobe.
Anatomy  155


Fig. 199: Functional areas of: A. Superolateral surface of cerebral hemisphere; B. Medial surface of cerebral hemisphere

♦ This area corresponds to area 17 of Brodmann. Clinical Anatomy

♦ Chief source of afferent fibers to area 17 is lateral geniculate
Motor Areas
nucleus of thalamus by way of geniculocalcarine tract.
♦ Area 17 constitutes first visual area. It is continuous ♦ Lesion of primary motor area 4 leads to voluntary paresis
both above as well as below with area 18 and beyond of affected part of body. Spastic voluntary paralysis of
with this with area 19 of Brodmann which is known as contralateral side of body follows if the lesion spreads
visual association or psychovisual areas. As fibers of beyond area 4 or that interrupts projection fibers in
geniculocalcarine tract terminate in these regions also, medullary center or internal capsule. Irritative lesion
these areas are regarded as second and third visual areas. of motor region causes focal convulsive movements of
♦ Role of second and third visual areas are relating of present corresponding part of body known as Jacksonian epilepsy.
or past visual experience with recognition of what is seen ♦ Lesion in supplementary motor area 6 causes apraxia. In
and appreciation of its significance. apraxia there is difficulty in performing skilled movements
♦ All of the three areas are linked together by association once learned in the absence of paralysis, ataxia or sensory
fibers. loss. If disability affects writing, it is known as agraphia.
♦ Frontal eye field: Lesion in this region leads to conjugate
Hearing deviation of eyes towards the side of lesion. Patient is unable
♦ Auditory area lies in the temporal lobe. to move his eyes in an opposite direction voluntarily, but
♦ Most of the auditory area is concealed as it lie in that part this movement occurs involuntarily when he observes an
of superior temporal gyrus which form inferior wall of object moving across field of vision.
posterior ramus of lateral sulcus. ♦ Speech area: Lesion present on Broca s area over dominant
♦ It corresponds to area 41 and 42 of Brodmann. side of hemisphere leads to expressive aphasia. This
♦ Medial geniculate body of thalamus is principle source is characterized by hesitant and distorted speech with
of fibers which end in auditory cortex with these fibers relatively good comprehension.
constituting auditory radiation. ♦ Lesion at Wernicke s area and Broca s area leads to receptive
♦ There is presence of spatial representation in auditory area aphasia. In this auditory as well as visual comprehension of
with respect to pitch of sounds. Low frequency impulses language i.e. naming of objects and repetition of sentence
impinge over anterolateral part of area and high frequency spoken by examiner are all defective.
impulses get heared on posteromedial part. ♦ Lesion at Wernicke s area and superior longitudinal
♦ Cortex receives afferent from both the ears. fasciculus or arcuate fasciculus leads to jargon aphasia. In
♦ Auditory radiation does not only end in first auditory this speech is fluent but unintelligible jargon.
area but extend to neighboring area as well. This is called ♦ Voluntary smile in stroke patient will accentuate asymmetry.
as auditory association area or secondary auditory area.
Sensory Areas
♦ Second auditory area lies behind first auditory area in
superior temporal gyrus. This corresponds to area 22 of ♦ First somesthetic or general sensory area, i.e. areas 3, 1
Brodmann over lateral surface of superior temporal gyrus. and 2 of Brodmann: Lesion at this site produces a crude
This region of cortex is called as Wernicke s area and has form of awareness for sensation of pain, heat and cold
role in language functions. over opposite side of lesion. Stimulus is poorly localized.
There is also loss of discriminative sensations of fine touch,
Taste movements and position of part of body.
♦ Taste area or gustatory area is located at the dorsal wall of ♦ Somesthetic association cortex, i.e. areas 5 and 7 of
posterior ramus of lateral sulcus with extension in insula Brodmann: Lesion here causes defect in understanding
and correspond to area 43 of Brodmann. significance of sensory information which is known as
♦ It places taste area adjacent to first sensory area of cortex agnosia. Lesion which destroys a large portion of this
for tongue and pharynx. association cortex leads to tactile agnosia and astereognosis.
156 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

In this condition, patient is unable to recognize objects of hearing in both ears and loss is greater in opposite
held in hand, while eyes are closed. Person is not able to ear. Impairment is less because of bilateral projection
correlate surface, texture, shape, size and weight of object to the cortex.
or compare the sensation with previous experience. Auditory association cortex or secondary area 22:
Special Sensory Areas Lesion at this region causes loss of sound interpretation.

♦ Primary visual area 17: Lesion in this region causes loss Q.10. Draw diagram of superolateral surface of cerebrum.
of vision in visual field of opposite side, i.e. homonymous (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
hemianopia Or
♦ Auditory area Draw and label the superolateral surface of cerebrum.
Primary auditory areas 41 and 42: Unilateral lesion (Mar 2007, 3 Marks)
involving auditory area leads to diminution in acuity

Fig. 200: Superolateral surface of cerebral hemisphere

 ramus of lateral sulcus. Upper end of sulcus extends

for short distance over medial surface.
Lateral sulcus: It starts at inferior surface. On
reaching to lateral surface, it divides into three rami,
i.e. posterior ramus, anterior horizontal ramus and
anterior ascending rami. Out of these three posterior
ramus is the largest and its posterior end turn
upward into the temporal lobe. Apart from this other
two rami extend to lower part of the frontal lobe.

Fig. 201: Superolateral surface of cerebral hemisphere showing sulci and gyri (For colour version see Plate 6)
Anatomy  157

Frontal lobe is further divided by following sulci i.e. ♦ Each lateral ventricle communicates with the third
– Precentral gyrus run parallel to central sulcus ventricle through interventricular foramen/foramen of
mostly little in front of it. Precentral gyrus lie Monro.
between two sulci. Each lateral ventricle consist of:
– Area which lie in front of precentral sulcus ♦ Central part.
is divided into superior, middle and inferior ♦ Three horns, i.e. anterior, posterior and inferior.
frontal gyri by superior and inferior frontal sulci.
– Anterior horizontal and anterior ascending rami Central Part
of lateral sulcus subdivides the inferior frontal This part extends from the intraventricular foramen in front to
gyrus into three parts, i.e. pars orbitalis, pars splenium of corpus callosum behind.
triangularis and pars opercularis.
Parietal lobe is further divided by following sulci, i.e. Boundaries
– Postcentral sulcus runs parallel to central sulcus,
Roof: Undersurface of corpus callosum.
little behind it. Postcentral gyrus lies between
two sulci. Floor: Formed lateral to medial side by:
– Area behind postcentral gyrus is divided into ♦ Body of caudate nucleus.
superior and inferior parietal lobules by intra- ♦ Stria terminalis
parietal sulcus. ♦ Thalomostriate vein
– Inferior parietal lobule is invaded by upturned ♦ Lateral portion of upper surface of thalamus.
ends of posterior ramus of lateral sulcus and Medial Wall
of superior and inferior temporal sulci. These
all divide inferior parietal lobule into three ♦ Septum pellucidum.
parts, i.e. anterior, middle and posterior parts. ♦ Body of fornix.
Anterior part is known as supramarginal gyrus
Choroid Fissure
and middle part is known as angular gyrus.
Both superior and inferior temporal sulci divide ♦ It is the line along which the choroid plexus invaginates
temporal lobe into superior, middle and inferior into the lateral ventricle.
temporal gyri. ♦ This is a C-shaped slit inside the medial wall of cerebral
Occipital lobe is further subdivided by following hemisphere.
sulci: ♦ Choroid fissure begins at interventricular foramen and
– Lateral occipital sulcus divides this lobe into passes around the thalamus and cerebral peduncle to
superior and inferior occipital gyri. uncus. So, it is present only in relation to central part and
– Lunate sulcus leads to separation of these gyri inferior horn of lateral ventricle.
from occipital pole. ♦ Convex margin of choroid fissure are bounded by fornix,
Area around the parieto-occipital sulcus is arcus fimbria and hippocampus, while the concave margin is
parieto-occipitalis. This is separated from superior bounded by thalamus, tail of caudate nucleus and stria
occipital gyrus by transverse occipital sulcus. terminalis.
♦ At fissure, pia matter and ependyma contact with each
Q.12. Enumerate parts of corpus callosum.
(Sep 2017, 2 Marks) other and both are invaginated into the ventricle by
Or choroid plexus.
Name the parts of corpus callosum. ♦ In the central part of lateral ventricle, choroid plexus is
(Aug 2018, 1 Mark) the narrow gap between the edge of fornix and upper
surface of thalamus. Invagination of gap is by choroid
Ans. Following are the parts of corpus callosum:
Rostrum Horns
Trunk or body
♦ Anterior horn: It lies in front of the intraventricular
foramen and extends into the frontal lobe. Anterior horn is
directed forward, laterally and downward, it is triangular
in cross-section.
9. THE THIRD VENTRICLE, LATERAL ♦ Posterior horn: It lies behind the splenium of corpus
VENTRICLE AND LIMBIC SYSTEM callosum extends in occipital lobe. It is directed backward
and medially.
Q.1. Briefly describe lateral ventricle of brain. ♦ Inferior horn: It is the largest horn of lateral ventricle
(Apr 2010, 5 Marks) which start at the junction of central part with the posterior
Ans. Lateral ventricle are two irregular cavity which lies in horn of lateral ventricle and extends into the temporal
each cerebral hemisphere. lobe.
158 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

The area belonging to the occipital lobe is supplied

(Aug 2012, 10 Marks) by the posterior cerebral artery.
Ans. The ventricles of brain are: The main artery supplying medial surface is anterior
Two lateral ventricles cerebral artery.
One third ventricle
One fourth ventricle. Arteries Supplying Cerebellum
♦ The cerebellum is supplied by the branches of basilar and
Applied Aspect of Ventricles of Brain
vertebral artery.
♦ Third ventricle is a narrow space which is easily obstructed ♦ The superior surface is supplied by the superior cerebellar
by local brain tumors or by developmental defects. The branch of the basilar artery.
obstruction leads to raised intracranial pressure in adults ♦ Anterior part of inferior surface is supplied by the
and hydrocephalus in infants. anteroinferior cerebellar branch of the basilar artery.
♦ Tumors in the lower part of the third ventricle give rise to ♦ Posterior part of inferior surface is supplied by the
hypothalamic symptoms like diabetes insipidus, obesity, etc. posteroinferior cerebral branch of vertebral artery.
♦ The site of obstruction can be found out by ventriculography.
In an anteroposterior view of the ventriculogram, the third 
ventricle is seen normally as a narrow, vertical midline
♦ Dilatation of the third ventricle would indicate obstruction
at a lower level, e.g. the cerebral aqueduct. If the obstruction
is in the third ventricle, both the lateral ventricles are dilated
symmetrically. Obstruction at an interventricular foramen
causes unilateral dilatation of the lateral ventricle of that side.
♦ Vital centers are situated in the vicinity of the vagal
triangle. An injury to this area is, therefore, fatal.
♦ lnfratentorial brain tumors block the median and lateral
foramina situated in the roof of the ventricle. This results
in a marked and early rise of intracranial pressure.
♦ Vital centers lie near fourth ventricle. Pressure on these
vital centers may cause deep comma and sudden death. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
Write short answer on circulus arteriosus.
(Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
Ans. Circle of Willis is an arterial circle which is situated at
the base of brain inside interpeduncular fossa.
It is formed by the anterior and middle cerebral branches
of internal carotid artery and posterior cerebral branches
of basilar artery.

Formation of Circle of Willis

Two anterior cerebral arteries get connected by anterior
communicating artery; middle and posterior cerebral arteries
of same side are united by posterior communicating artery.
Fig. 202: Ventricles of brain
10. BLOOD SUPPLY OF SPINAL ♦ Circle of Willis has cortical and central branches.
CORD AND BRAIN ♦ Cortical or the external branches run on the surface of
cerebrum, they anastomose freely and if they get blocked,
they produce small infarcts.
Q.1. Name the arteries supplying cerebrum and cerebellum.
♦ Central branches perforate white matter and supply to
(Sep 1996, 5 Marks)
thalamus, corpus striatum and internal capsule. They do
Ans. Arteries Supplying the Cerebrum
not get anastomose and if they get blocked, they produce
The anterior, middle and posterior cerebral artery
large infarcts.
supplying the cerebrum.
♦ Central branches are arranged in six groups are described
Greater part of superolateral surface is supplied by
the middle cerebral artery.
Anatomy  159

Anteromedial Group of its components. Hardly there is any mixing of bloodstreams

over right and left side of circle of Willis.
Largest branch is known as medial striate or recurrent artery
of Heubner. It supplies corpus striatum and the internal Clinical Anatomy
capsule which consists of motor fibers for face, tongue and
shoulder. They are arranged in two groups one over each ♦ Thrombosis of the lateral striate branches of middle
side. cerebral artery leads to motor and sensory loss towards
contralateral side of the body except lower limb.
Anterolateral Group ♦ Hemiplegia is a common condition. This is an upper motor
neuron type of paralysis of one-half of body which also
They are arranged in two groups. Largest branch is known as
includes the face. It occurs because of internal capsule lesion
lenticulostriate or Charcot s artery of cerebral hemorrhage. It
caused due to thrombosis of one of the lenticulostriate
supplies to internal capsule which consists of motor fibers for
branches of middle cerebral artery. Mainly, one of the
one side of body.
lenticulostriate branches is most frequently ruptured which
Posterolateral or Thalamogeniculate is called as Charcot s artery of cerebral hemorrhage. It leads
to hemiplegia with deep coma and is fatal.
They supply both, thalamus and geniculate bodies. ♦ Thrombosis of Heubner s recurrent branch of anterior
cerebral artery leads to contralateral upper monoplegia.
♦ Occurrence of occlusion proximal to anterior communi-
They supply both, thalamus and hypothalamus. cating artery is well tolerated due to cross flow. Distal
occlusion leads to weakness and cortical sensory loss in
opposite lower limb with associated incontinence.
It attempts to equalize the flow of blood to various parts of brain ♦ Thrombosis of paracentral artery leads to opposite lower
and provides collateral circulation in event of obstruction to one limb monoplegia.

(Mar 2006, 4 Marks) ♦ Occipital artery
Ans. ♦ Posterior auricular artery.
Branches of External Carotid Artery Medially
It gives off 8 branches which are: ♦ Ascending pharyngeal artery.

Anteriorly Terminally
♦ Superior thyroid artery ♦ Maxillary artery.
♦ Lingual artery ♦ Superficial temporal artery.
♦ Facial artery. For description of Circle of Willis refer to Ans 2 of same chapter.
160 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.4. Draw a labeled diagram to show the blood supply on

the superolateral surface of cerebrum.
(July 2016, 10 Marks)

Fig. 205: Venous drainage on superolateral surface of cerebrum

Fig. 204: Arterial supply on superolateral surface of cerebrum


♦ Deep lymphatics drain parenchyma, nipple and areola.

1. PECTORAL REGION ♦ 75% of lymph from the breast drains into axillary nodes;
20% to parasternal lymph nodes and 5% to posterior inter-
 costal nodes. Among axillary lymph nodes lymphatics
ends in anterior group and partly in posterior and apical
groups. Lymph from anterior and posterior groups pass
from central and lateral groups and via them to apical
(Feb 2013, 5 Marks) group. Lastly it reaches supraclavicular lymph nodes.
♦ Internal mammary nodes drain lymph from inner half and
outer half of breast.
Lymphatic Drainage of Breast ♦ Subareolar plexus of Sappy and most of lymph from breast
drains to anterior and pectoral group of lymph nodes.
Lymph Nodes
♦ Lymphatics from deep surface of breast pass via pectoralis
♦ Lymph from breast drains mainly in anterior axillary major muscle and clavipectoral fascia to reach apical lymph
lymph nodes. Posterior, lateral, central and apical groups nodes and to internal mammary nodes.
also receive lymph from breast. ♦ Lymphatics from lower and inner quadrants may communi-
♦ Lymph from breast also drains to Internal mammary cate with subdiaphragmatic and subperitoneal lymph plexus.
lymph nodes
Q.2. Write briefly on clavipectoral fascia.
♦ Some lymph from breast also reaches to supraclavicular
nodes, cephalic nodes, posterior intercostal node, (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
subdiaphragmatic and subperitoneal lymph plexus. Ans. Clavipectoral fascia is a fibrous sheet which is situated
deep to clavicular portion of pectoralis major muscle.
Lymphatic Drainage ♦ Clavipectoral fascia extends from clavicle above to axillary
♦ Superficial lymphatics drains the skin over breast fascia below.
except areola and nipple. Lymphatics pass radially to ♦ Upper part of clavipectoral fascia splits and enclose the
surrounding lymph nodes, i.e. axillary, internal mammary, subclavius muscle.
supraclavicular and cephalic. ♦ Posterior lamina gets fused to the investing layer of deep
cervical fascia and to the axillary sheath.
♦ Inferiorly clavipectoral fascia splits and enclose pectoralis
minor muscle.
♦ Medially fascia is attached to the external intercostal
muscle of upper intercostals space and laterally fascia is
attached to the coracoid process.

Fig. 206: Lymphatic drainage of breast

(For colour version see Plate 7) Fig. 207: Clavipectoral fascia
162 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Below the external intercostal muscle the clavipectoral Origin of plexus may shift by one segment either
fascia continues as suspensory ligament which is attached upward or downward, resulting in prefixed or
to the dome of axillary fascia and helps to keep it pulled up. postfixed plexus.
♦ Clavipectoral fascia is pierced by: • In prefixed plexus, contribution by C4 is large and that
Lateral pectoral nerve form T2 is often absent.
Cephalic vein • In postfixed plexus, contribution by T1 is large, T2 is
Thoracoacromial vessels. always present, C4 is absent and C5 is reduced in size.
Lymphatics passing from breast and pectoral region Roots join to form trunk.
to apical group of axillary lymph nodes. 2. Trunks
Roots C5 and C6 join to form the upper trunk.
Roots C7 forms the middle trunk.
2. AXILLA Roots C8 and T 1 joins to form the lower trunk.
3. Divisions of the trunks: Each trunk divides into ventral
and dorsal divisions. These divisions join to form
4. Cords:
Lateral cord is formed by the union of the ventral
division of the upper and middle trunks.
The medial cord is formed by the ventral division of
(Sep 2006, 3 Marks)
the lower trunk.
Or Posterior cord is formed by the union of dorsal division
 of all the three trunks.
(Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
Branches of Brachial Plexus
A. Branches of the root
Enumerate branches of posterior cord of brachial
1. Nerve to serratus anterior (C5, C6, C7)
plexus. (Do not describe) (Feb 2013, 2 Marks) 2. Nerve to rhomboids (C5)

Ans. Formation of Brachial Plexus 3. Branches to longus colli and scaleni muscles and
The plexus consist of roots, trunks, divisions and cords. branch to phrenic nerve.
1. Roots B. Branches of the trunk: These arises only from the upper
They are constituted by anterior primary rami of spinal trunk. It gives two branches:
nerves C5, C6, C7, C8 and T1, with contributions from 1. Suprascapular nerve (C5, C6)
anterior primary rami of C4 and T2. 2. Nerve to subclavius (C5, C6)

Fig. 208: Brachial plexus

Upper Limb and Thorax  163

C. Branches of the cords The deformity is also known as policeman s tip hand or
1. Branches of the lateral cord Porter s tip hand .
a. Lateral pectoral (C5 C7)
b. Musculocutaneous (C5 C7) Disability
c. Lateral root of median (C5 C7). The following movements are lost:
2. Branches of Medial Cord
1. Abduction and lateral rotation of the arm at shoulder joint.
a. Medial pectoral (C8, T1)
2. Flexion and supination of forearm.
b. Medial cutaneous nerve of arm (C8, T1)
3. Biceps and supinator jerks are lost.
c. Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm (C8, T1)
4. Sensations are lost over a small area over the lower part
d. Ulnar (C7, C8, T1). C7 fibers reach by communicat-
of the deltoid.
ing branch from lateral root of median nerve.
e. Medial root of median (C8, T1) Q.3. Write briefly on Erb’s point and Erb’s paralysis.
3. Branches of posterior cord (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
a. Upper subscapular (C5, C6) Ans. Erb’s Point
b. Nerve to latissimus dorsi (C6, C7, C8)
Erb s point is the one region of upper trunk of brachial
c. Lower subscapular (C5, C6)
d. Axillary (C5, C6)
e. Radial (C5 C8, T1). Erb s point is the meeting junction of six nerves, i.e.
A. Ventral ramus of cervical five segment of spinal cord.
Q.2. Write short note on Erb’s paralysis.
B. Ventral ramus of cervical six segment of spinal cord
(Aug 2005, 4 Marks) (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
(June 2010, 5 Marks) (Aug 2011, 5 Marks) The above two rami join and form upper trunk i.e.
Ans. Injury to the upper trunk of brachial plexus causes Erb s C. Suprascapular nerve from upper trunk
paralysis. D. Nerve to subclavius from upper trunk
E Anterior division of upper trunk
In Erb s paralysis arm cannot be abducted. Elbow is
F. Posterior division of upper trunk.
extended and forearm is pronated. This is Erb s paralysis.
The above divisions give fibers to deltoid, brachialis,
Causes of Injury biceps brachii and supinator.
1. Birth injury
Erb’s Paralysis
2. Fall on shoulder
3. During anesthesia. Refer to Ans 2 of same chapter.

Nerve Roots Involved

Mainly C5 and partially C6.
Muscle Paralysed
Mainly biceps brachii, deltoid, brachialis and bronchoradialis
and partially supraspinatus, infraspinatus and supinator.

Fig. 210: Erb’s point

Q.4. Write briefly on axilla. (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)

Ans. Axilla is a pyramidal space which lies in between the
upper part of arm and the chest wall.
It resembles a four sided pyramid and consists of an apex, a
base and four walls, i.e. anterior, posterior, medial, lateral.
Fig. 209: Erb’s paralysis
Deformity and Position of Limb
Apex is directed upwards and medially towards the root of neck.
Arm: It hangs by side, it is adducted and medially rotated. Apex is truncated and correspond to a triangular interval which is
Forearm: Extended and pronated. bounded anteriorly by posterior surface of clavicle, posteriorly by
164 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

superior border of scapula and medial aspect of coracoid process, Posterior Wall
medially it is bounded by outer border of first rib. This oblique
It is formed by subscapularis above, teres major and latissimus
passage is known as cervicoaxillary canal and axillary vessels,
dorsi below.
axillary veins and brachial plexus pass via this canal to enter axilla.
Medial Wall
It is convex laterally and is formed by upper four ribs with
It is directed downwards. It is formed by skin, superficial, intercoastal muscles and upper part of serratus anterior
axillary fasciae. This is convex upwards in congruence with muscle.
concavity of axilla.
Lateral Wall
Anterior Wall
It is narrow and is formed by Upper part of shaft of humerus
It is formed by pectoralis major in front, clavipectoral fascia in bicipital groove and Coracobrachialis and short head of
and pectoralis major. biceps brachii.

Fig. 211: Wall and contents of axilla (For colour version see Plate 7)

Contents of Axilla Axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral vessels

pass backwards close to surgical neck of humerus.
1. Axillary artery and its branches
♦ Medial wall of axilla is avascular, except for few small
2. Axillary vein and its tributaries
branches from superior thoracic artery.
3. Infraclavicular part of brachial plexus
Long thoracic nerve (nerve to the serratus anterior)
4. Five groups of axillary lymph nodes and associated
descends on surface of muscle.
Intercostobrachial nerve pierces the anterosuperior
5. Long thoracic and intercostobrachial nerves
part of medial wall and crosses the spaces to reach
6. Axillary fat and areolar tissue in which other contents get
medial side of arm.
♦ Axillary lymph nodes are 20 to 30 in number and are
Layout arranged in five sets, i.e.
Anterior group lies along the lower border of pectoralis
♦ Axillary artery as well as brachial plexus of nerves run from
minor, on the lateral thoracic vessels.
the apex to base along the lateral wall of axilla, nearer to
Posterior group lies along the lower margin of
anterior wall as compared to posterior wall.
posterior wall along with subscapular vessels.
♦ Thoracic branches of axillary artery lie in contact with the
pectoral muscles, lateral thoracic vessels running along Lateral group lies posteromedial to axillary vein.
the lower border of pectoralis minor. Central group lies inside the fat of axilla.
♦ The subscapular vessels run along the lower border of Apical group lies behind and above pectoralis minor,
subscapularis. medial to the axillary vein.
Subscapular nerve and the thoracodorsal nerve cross Q.5. Write briefly on posterior cord of brachial plexus.
the anterior surface of subscapularis. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
Circumflex scapular vessels wind around the lateral Ans. Posterior cord of brachial plexus is formed by union of
border of scapula. dorsal divisions of all the three trunks.
Upper Limb and Thorax  165

 ♦ Suprascapularis on the lesser tubercle of humerus

♦ Pectoralis major, teres major and latissimus dorsi on
intertubercular sulcus of humerus.
There is origin of:
♦ Coracobrachialis and short head of biceps brachii from
the coracoid process
♦ Long head of biceps brachii from supraglenoid tubercle
♦ Long head of triceps brachii from infraglenoid tubercle
♦ Lateral head of triceps brachii from upper part of posterior
(Feb 2016, 2 Marks) surface of humerus
Ans. Following are the branches of lateral cord of brachial
a. Lateral pectoral (C5 C7) ♦ Anterior circumflex humeral
b. Musculocutaneous (C5 C7) ♦ Posterior circumflex humeral
c. Lateral root of median (C5 C7). Nerve
For diagram please refer to Ans 1 of same chapter. Axillary nerve.
Joints and ligaments
3. SCAPULAR REGION ♦ Musculotendineous cuff of shoulder
♦ Coracoacromial ligament.

(Feb 2003, 5 Marks)
Or All burase around shoulder joint, including subacromial or
Write short note on deltoid muscle. (Apr 2008, 3 Marks) subdeltoid bursa.
(Jan 2012, 4 Marks) (May 2014, 5 Marks)
Applied Anatomy of the Deltoid Muscle
Ans. Deltoid muscle is the muscle of scapular region.
♦ Intramuscular injections are often given into the deltoid.
Origin They should be given in the lower half of the muscle to
1. Anterior border of the adjoining surface of lateral one third avoid injury to the axillary nerve.
of clavicle. ♦ Clinical test and paralysis of deltoid: The deltoid muscles
2. Lateral border of the acromion where four septae of origin are tested by asking the patient to abduct the arm against
are attached. resistance and feeling for the contracting muscle.
3. Lower lip of the crest of spine of scapula.
Deltoid muscle is inserted into the deltoid tuberosity of humerus
where three septae of insertion get attached.
Nerve Supply
By axillary nerve (C5, C6).

1. Acromial fibers are powerful abductors of the arm at
shoulder joint from starting to 90°.
2. Anterior fibers are flexors and medial rotators of the arm.
3. Posterior fibers are extensors and lateral rotators of the arm.
Structures Under Cover of Deltoid
♦ Upper end of humerus
♦ Coracoid process

There are insertions of:
♦ Pectoralis minor on the coracoid process
♦ Supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor on greater
tubercle of humerus Fig. 212: Origin and Insertion of deltoid
166 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.2. Write in short on quadrangular space. When median cubital vein is absent, the basilic vein
(Aug 2012, 5 Marks) is preferred over cephalic because former is more
Ans. Quadrangular space is one of the three intermuscular efficient. Basilic vein run along straight path whereas
spaces of the scapular region. cephalic vein bend acutely to drain into axillary vein.
In 3% of individuals the ulnar artery may arise high
It is the space in between scapular muscles. in arm and passes superficial to flexor muscles or
forearm and is known as superficial ulnar artery.
This variation should be keep in mind while giving
♦ Superiorly: intravenous injections, because if superficial ulnar
1. Subscapularis in front artery is mistaken for a vein it can be damaged and
2. Capsule of shoulder joint produce bleeding. If an irritating drug is injected
3. Inferior border of teres minor behind. into the artery the result can be fatal.
♦ Inferiorly: Superior border of teres major.
♦ Medially: Lateral border of long head of triceps brachii.
♦ Laterally: Surgical neck of humerus. 5. ARM
Contents Q.1. Write briefly on cubital fossa.
♦ Axillary nerve. (May/June 2009, 5 Marks) (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
♦ Posterior circumflex humeral vessels. Ans. Cubital fossa is a triangular hollow fossa that is situated
on the front of the elbow.


Q.1. Write short note on intravenous injections.
(Jan 2018, 5 marks)
Ans. Intravenous injections are most commonly given in
superficial vein in front of elbow and in the dorsum of
Intravenous injection can be given in cephalic vein,
basilic vein and median cubital vein.
Median cubital vein is often the vein of choice
for intravenous injections. This vein is preferred
– It has easy access, as it is superficial and
– It is well supported by underlying bicipital
– It is anchored by a perforating vein to deep veins
so that it does not slip during the procedure.

Fig. 214: Boundaries of cubital fossa

(For colour version see Plate 7)
♦ Laterally: Medial border of brachioradialis.
♦ Medially: Lateral border of pronator teres.
♦ Base: It is directed upwards, and is represented by an imaginary
line joining the front of two epicondyles of the humerus.
♦ Apex: It is directed downwards, and is formed by the
meeting point of the lateral and medial boundaries.
♦ Roof: It is formed by
a. Skin.
b. Superficial fascia containing the median cubital vein
Fig. 213: Intravenous injection in median cubital vein joining the cephalic and basilic veins.
Upper Limb and Thorax  167

c. Deep fascia. Applied Anatomy

d. Bicipital aponeurosis. ♦ Median cubital vein is often the vein of choice for
♦ Floor: It is formed by: intravenous injection.
a. Brachialis ♦ Blood pressure is universally recorded by auscultating
b. Supinator surrounding the upper part of radius.
brachial artery in front of elbow.
Contents ♦ Anatomy of cubital fossa is important while dealing with
fractures around elbow.
The fossa is very narrow. From medial to the lateral side, the
contents are: Q.2. Write short note on biceps brachii muscle.
♦ Median nerve: It provides branches to flexor carpi radialis, (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
Palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis and leaves Ans. It is the muscle of anterior compartment of arm.
the fossa by passing between two heads of pronator teres.
♦ Termination of brachial artery and beginning of radial as
well as ulnar arteries which lie inside the fossa. Radial artery It has two heads of origin, i.e.
is smaller and is more superficial as compared to ulnar 1. Short head arises with coracobrachialis from tip of coracoid
artery. It gives off radial recurrent branch. Ulnar artery goes process.
deep at both heads of pronator teres and run downward as 2. Long head arises from supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula
well as medially, being separating from the median nerve by and from the glenoidal labrum.
deep head of pronator teres. Ulnar artery gives off anterior
ulnar recurrent, posterior ulnar recurrent and common Insertion
interosseous branches. Common interosseous branch get
The muscle is inserted in:
divide into anterior and posterior interosseous arteries, they
♦ Posterior rough part of the radial tuberosity. The tendon is
later on gives off interosseous recurrent branch.
♦ Tendon of biceps brachii along with bicipital aponeurosis. separated from the anterior part of the tuberosity by bursa.
♦ Radial nerve appears inside the gap between brachialis and ♦ The tendon gives off an extension called as bicipital
brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus laterally. aponeurosis which extends to ulna and it separates median
When running inside the intermuscular gap, radial nerve cubital vein from brachial artery.
supply to three flanking muscles, and just below the level Nerve Supply
of lateral epicondyle it gives off posterior interossous nerve
and deep branch of radial nerve which leave fossa by The muscle is supplied by musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6).
piercing supinator muscle. Superficial branch runs infront
of forearm for some distance.

Fig. 215: Contents of cubital fossa Fig. 216: Biceps brachii muscle
(For colour version see Plate 7) (For colour version see Plate 8)
168 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Action muscle or a cervical rib. This leads to thoracic inlet syndrome or

scalenus anterior syndrome or cervical rib syndrome. It presents
♦ Biceps brachii muscle is strong supinator when the forearm
the following clinical features:
is flexed. All the screwing movements are carried out by it.
♦ Numbness, tingling, and pain along the medial side of
♦ It flexes the elbow.
forearm and hand, and wasting of small muscles of the
♦ Short head of the muscle is flexor of the arm.
hand due to the involvement of lower trunk of brachial
♦ Long head of the muscle prevents upwards displacement
plexus (T1).
of the head of humerus.
♦ There may be ischemic symptoms in the upper limb such
Clinical Testing as pallor and coldness of the upper limb, and weak radial
pulse due to compression of the subclavian artery.
Biceps brachii is tested by asking the patient to flex elbow against
resistance when the forearm is supinated. In this act, the muscle Q.2. Describe respiratory movements. (Apr 2015, 4 Marks)
forms a prominent bulge on the front of arm. Ans. Lungs get expand at the time of inspiration and retract
during the expiration. These movements are governed
by following two factors i.e.
6. BONE AND JOINTS OF THORAX Alterations in the capacity of thorax are carried
out by the movements of thoracic wall. Increase
Q.1. Briefly describe cervical rib. in volume of thoracic cavity produces negative
(Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) intrathoracic pressure which sucks air inside the
Ans. It is a small extra rib (cervical rib) which is attached to lungs. Movements of thoracic wall occur chiefly at
vertebra C7. costovertebral and manubriosternal joints.
Elastic recoil of pulmonary alveoli as well as of
It occurs in 0.5% of persons.
thoracic wall expels air from lungs at the time of
The condition can be unilateral or bilateral.
It is common in females and occur more towards
right side. Principle of Respiratory Movements
Cervical rib may have a blind tip or it articulate with
♦ Each rib can be regarded as a lever and its fulcrum lies just
first rib by fibrous band or cartilage or bone.
lateral to tubercle. Because of disproportion in length of
It may develop in root of the neck in association with
two arms of lever, slight movements at vertebral end of
the seventh cervical vertebra.
rib are greatly magnified at the anterior end.
Its presence may result in compression on the
♦ Anterior end of rib is lower as compared to the posterior
lower trunk of brachial plexus which leads to the
end. So at the time of elevation of rib, the anterior end also
paresthesia along ulnar border of forearm as well
moves forwards. This occurs mainly in vertebrosternal ribs.
as wasting of intrinsic muscles of hand supplied by
So in this manner anteroposterior diameter of thorax is
segment T1.
increased. Along with up and down movements of second
Cervical rib may also cause pressure on subclavian
to sixth ribs, body of sternum also moves up and down
which is known as pump-handle movements. This leads
to formation of sternal angle.
♦ The middle of shaft of rib lies at a lower level as compared
to the plane passing through the two ends. So at the time
of elevation of rib, shaft also moves outwards. This leads
to increase in transverse diameter of thorax. These type of
movements occur inside vertebro - chondral ribs, and are
known as bucket-handle movements.
♦ Thorax resembles as a cone which taper upwards. As a
result each rib is longer than the next higher rib. During
elevation the larger lower rib comes to occupy the position
of smaller upper rib. This also increases transverse
diameter of thorax.
♦ Vertical diameter is increased by piston movements of
thoracoabdominal diaphragm.
Respiratory Movements during Different Types of Breathing
Fig. 217: Cervical rib Inspiration
Cervical rib is associated with thoracic inlet syndrome. The Quiet Inspiration
subclavian artery and lower trunk of the brachial plexus arch
over the first rib, hence they may be stretched and pushed up by ♦ Anterioposterior diameter of thorax gets increased by
the presence of a congenitally hypertrophied scalenus anterior elevation of 2nd to 6th ribs. Here the first rib remains fixed.
Upper Limb and Thorax  169

♦ Transverse diameter is increased by elevation for 7th to Boundaries of Typical Intercostal Space
10th ribs.
♦ Superiorly: Sharp lower margin of upper rib and its cartilage.
♦ Vertical diameter is increased by descent of diaphragm.
♦ Inferiorly: Blunt upper margin of lower rib and its cartilage.
Deep Inspiration ♦ Anteriorly: Lateral border of sternum between costal
♦ Movements at the time of deep respiration are increased. notches.
♦ First rib is elevated directly by scalene and indirectly by ♦ Posteriorly: Body of corresponding thoracic vertebra.
Contents of Typical Intercoastal Space
♦ Concavity of thoracic spine is decreased by erector spinae.
1. Intercostal muscles.
Forced Inspiration
2. Intercostal arteries: Two anterior and one posterior
♦ Here the movements which are described are exaggerated. intercostals artery in each space.
♦ Scapula is elevated and gets fixed by trapezius, levator 3. Intercostal veins: Anterior and posterior intercostals veins.
scapulae and rhomboids so that serratus anterior and 4. Intercostal nerves: One nerve in each space.
pectoralis minor muscles can act on ribs. 5. Intercostal muscles: External intercostal muscle, Internal
♦ Action of erector spinae is increased. intercostal muscle and Inner intercostal muscle.
Expiration Applied Anatomy of Typical Intercostal Space
♦ Quiet expiration: Air gets expelled by elastic recoil of ♦ Local irritation of the intercostal nerves by such conditions
chest wall and pulmonary alveoli and partly by tone of as Pott’s disease of the thoracic vertebrae (tuberculosis)
abdominal muscles. may give rise to pain that is referred to the front of the chest
♦ Deep and forced expiration: It is carried out by strong
or abdomen in the region of the peripheral termination of
contraction of abdominal muscles and latissimus dorsi.
the nerves.
♦ Local anesthesia of an intercostal space is easily produced
by infiltration around the intercostal nerve trunk and
7. WALL OF THORAX its collateral branch a procedure known as intercostal
nerve block.
♦ Insertion of an emergency chest drain. For example for a
(Oct 2014, 3+3+2 Marks) traumatic haemopneumothorax, is performed through the
a. Boundaries b. Contents 5th intercostal space in the midaxillary line.
c. Applied Anatomy
Ans. Space intervening between typical ribs and traversed by
vessels and nerves which are confined to the thoracic 8. THORACIC CAVITY AND PLEURAE
wall are known as typical intercostal space. Third, fourth,
fifth and sixth intercostals spaces are known as typical Q.1. Write short note on pleura. (June 2010, 5 Marks)
intercostal spaces.
Ans. Pleura is a serous membrane which is lined by
Typical intercostal spaces are typical in nature because mesothelium.
their contents are limited within the thorax. Pleural sacs are two in number and lies one on either
side of mediastinum.
Each of the pleural sac is invaginated from its medial
side by the lung, so each pleural sac consists of outer
layer, i.e. parietal pleura and inner layer, i.e. visceral or
pulmonary pleura. Both the layers are continuous with
each other at hilum of lung and enclose a space between
them which is known as pleural cavity.
Visceral Pleura
♦ It is developed from the splanchopleuric mesoderm.
♦ It lines the surface of lungs including fissures.
♦ It is supplied by sympathetic nerves from T2-T5 ganglia
and parasympathetic innervations from vagus nerve.
♦ Visceral pleura is insensitive to pain.
♦ Blood supply of visceral pleura is through bronchial vessels
and veins drain into bronchial veins.
♦ Lymphatic drainage of visceral pleura is via tracheobron-
Fig. 218: Typical Intercostal space and its contents chial lymph nodes.
170 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Parietal Pleura ♦ Parietal pleura are developed from somatopleuric meso-

♦ It is thicker than the visceral pleura and consists of four derm.
parts, i.e. costal, diaphragmatic, mediastinal and cervical. ♦ It lines the thoracic wall, mediastinum and diaphragm.
♦ It is supplied by thoracic and phrenic nerves.
♦ It is sensitive to pain which can be referred.
♦ Blood supply of parietal pleura is through intercostals and
pericardiacophrenic vessels. Veins drain into azygous and
internal thoracic veins.
♦ Lymphatic drainage of visceral pleura is via intercostal
lymph nodes.


(Mar 2006, 2.5 Marks)

Fig. 219: Layers of parietal pleura

Fig. 220: Mediastinal surface of left lung

(For colour version see Plate 8)

Q.2. Write a short note on bronchial artery. On left side there are two bronchial arteries both of
(Sep 2007, 3 Marks) which arises from descending thoracic aorta, The upper
Ans. Bronchial artery supplies nutrition to bronchial tree and opposite vertebra T5 and lower just below left bronchus.
to pulmonary tissue. Deoxygenated blood is brought to lungs by
These are small arteries that vary in number, size and pulmonary arteries and oxygenated blood is
origin. They are as follows: returned to heart by pulmonary veins.
On right side there is one bronchial artery which There are precapillary anastomoses between
arises either from 3rd posterior inter costal artery bronchial and pulmonary arteries. These connections
or from upper left bronchial artery. get enlarge when any of them is obstructed in disease.
Upper Limb and Thorax  171

Bronchopulmonary Segments
Bronchopulmonary segments of right lung
Lobes Segment
Upper 1. Apical
2. Posterior
3. Anterior
Middle 4. Lateral
5. Medial
Lower 6. Superior
7. Medial basal
8. Anterior basal
9. Lateral basal
10. Posterior basal
Bronchopulmonary segments of left lung
Upper Division 1. Apical
2. Posterior
3. Anterior
Lower Division 4. Superior lingular
Fig. 221: Bronchial Artery 5. Inferior lingular
Lower 6. Superior
Q.3. Write a short note on bronchopulmonary segment. 7. Medial basal
(Sep 2007, 3 Marks) (Mar 2008, 3 Marks) 8. Anterior basal
(Aug 2011, 5 Marks) 9. Lateral basal
10. Posterior basal
Ans. 1. They are well defined sectors of lung, each one of
which is aerated by tertiary or segmental branches. ♦ Relation to pulmonary artery: The bronchi of pulmonary
2. Each segment is pyramidal in shape with its apex artery accompany bronchi. Artery lies dorsolateral to
directed toward root of lung. bronchus. So each segment has its own separate artery.
3. There are 10 segments on right side and 10 on left side. ♦ Relation to pulmonary vein: Pulmonary veins do not
4. Each segment consists of segmental bronchus, segme- accompany bronchi or pulmonary arteries. They run in
ntal artery, autonomic nerves and lymphatic vessels. intersegmental planes. So each segment has more than
5. Segmental venule is surrounded by connective one vein and each vein drains more than one segment.
tissue between adjacent pulmonary units of
Clinical Anatomy
bronchopulmonary segments.
1. Usually infection of segment remains restricted to it, although
some infections may spread from one segment to another.
2. Segments are no barriers to spread of broncheogenic
3. Knowledge of detailed anatomy of bronchial tree helps in
a. Surgical removal of segment.
b. Drainage of infection.
In understating why abscesses are more common in some
Q.4. Write short note on bronchopulmonary segments of
right lung. (June 2010, 5 Marks) (Dec 2010, 3 Marks)
Ans. They are well defined sectors of lung, each one of which is
aerated by tertiary or segmental branches. Each segment
is pyramidal in shape with its apex directed toward root
of lung.
There are 10 segments on right side of lung.
There are three lobes in right lung, i.e. upper lobe,
middle lobe and lower lobe.
Fig. 222: Bronchopulmonary segments of lungs. Numbers in the Upper lobe usually consist of three segments, i.e.
table represent the naming of the numerical apical, posterior and anterior.
172 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Middle lobe consist of two segments, i.e. lateral and

• Lower lobe consist of five segments, i.e. superior,
medial basal, anterior basal, lateral basal and
posterior basal.


Figs 224A and B: Left bronchopulmonary segment.

A. Costal Aspect, B. Medial Surface
(For colour version see Plate 9)

Figs 223A and B: Right bronchopulmonary segment. Bronchopulmonary segments of left lung
A. Costal aspect, B. Medial surface Lobes Segments
(For colour version see Plate 9)
Upper Lobe
Bronchopulmonary segments of right lung
Upper Division 1. Apical
Lobes Segments
2. Posterior
Upper 1. Apical 3. Anterior
2. Posterior
3. Anterior Lower Division 4. Superior lingular
Middle 4. Lateral 5. Inferior lingular
5. Medial Lower Lobe 6. Superior
Lower 6. Superior 7. Medial basal
7. Medial basal 8. Anterior basal
8. Anterior basal 9. Lateral basal
9. Lateral basal 10. Posterior basal
10. Posterior basal
Q.6. Describe right lung under following heads:
(Feb 2014, 3+3+2 Marks)
(Aug 2012, 3 Marks) a. Relations of mediastinal surface
Ans. They are well defined sectors of lung, each one of which b. Bronchopulmonary segments
is aerated by tertiary or segmental branches. Each c. Histology of lung.
segment is pyramidal in shape with its apex directed Ans. Relations of Mediastinal Surface of Right Lung
toward root of lung. The relations of mediastinal surface of right lung are:
There are 10 segments on left side of lung. 1. Right atrium and auricle
There are two lobes in left lung, i.e. upper lobe and 2. Small part of right ventricle
lower lobe. 3. Superior vena cava
Upper lobe usually subdivided into two divisions, 4. Lower part of right brachiocephalic vein
i.e. upper division and lower division. 5. Azygos vein
Upper division consists of three segments, i.e. apical, 6. Esophagus
posterior and anterior. 7. Inferior vena cava
Lower division consists of two segments, i.e. 8. Trachea
superior lingular and inferior lingular 9. Right vagus nerve
All over after combining all the segments of both 10. Right phrenic nerve.
divisions of upper lobe there are five segments. For right bronchopulmonary segment refer to Ans 4 of
• Lower lobe consist of five segments, i.e. superior, same chapter.
medial basal, anterior basal, lateral basal and For histology of lung refer to Ans 23 of S E C T I O N
posterior basal. HISTOLOGY.
Upper Limb and Thorax  173

Fig. 225: Mediastinal surface of right lung

(For colour version see Plate 9)

Q.7. Write briefly on roots of lungs. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)

Fig. 226: Roots of right lung
Ans. Root of the lung is the short and broad pedicle which
connect medial surface of lung to mediastinum. Relation of Root of Lungs
Root of lungs lies opposite to the bodies of fifth, sixth ♦ Anterior
and seventh thoracic vertebrae. Common over both sides
– Phrenic nerve
– Pericardiacophrenic vessels
Root of the lung is formed by following structures: – Anterior pulmonary plexus.
A. Principle bronchus over left side and eparetrial and On right side
hyparetrial bronchi over right side. – Superior vena cava
B One pulmonary artery – One part of right atrium.
C Superior and inferior pulmonary veins ♦ Posterior
D. One bronchial artery on right side and two bronchial Common over both the sides
arteries on left side – Vagus nerve
E. Bronchial veins – Posterior pulmonary plexus.
F. Anterior and posterior pulmonary plexuses of nerves On left side
G. Lymphatics of lung – Descending thoracic aorta.
H. Bronchopulmonary lymph nodes
I. Areolar tissue.

Arrangement of Structures in Root of the Lung

From anterior to posterior side roots are similar i.e.
♦ Superior pulmonary vein
♦ Pulmonary artery
♦ Bronchus.
From above to downwards roots are different on both the
♦ On right side:
Eparterial bronchus
Pulmonary artery
Hyparterial bronchus
Inferior pulmonary vein.
♦ On left side:
Pulmonary artery
Inferior pulmonary vein. Fig. 227: Roots of left lung
174 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Superiorly Area of distribution

On right side: Terminal part of azygos vein It supplies to right atrium, ventricles, i.e. greater
On left side: Arch of aorta. part of right ventricle except area adjoining anterior
♦ Inferiorly. interventricular groove and smaller part of left ventricle
♦ Pulmonary ligament. adjoining posterior intraventricular groove, posterior part
of interventricular system, whole of conducting system of
heart except a part of left branch of AV bundle.
10. PERICARDIUM AND HEART 2. Left coronary artery: It arises from left posterior aortic
sinus of ascending aorta. It is larger than right coronary
Q.1. Write a short note on blood supply of heart. artery.
(Feb 2003, 5 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks) Branches of left coronary artery are:
Ans. Large branches: Anterior interventricular, Branches to
diaphragmatic surface of left ventricle including large
Arterial Supply
diagonal branch.
Heart is supplied by two coronary arteries arising from Small branches: Left arterial, pulmonary and terminal.
ascending aorta. Both arteries run in coronary sulcus. The two
Area of distribution
arteries are:
It supplies to left atrium, ventricle, i.e. greater part of left
ventricle except the area adjoining posterior interventricular
groove and small part of right ventricle adjoining anterior
interventricular groove, anterior part of interventricular
septum, a part of left branch of AV bundle.

Venous Supply
Heart is mainly supplied by the 3 veins:
1. Coronary sinus: It is longest vein of the heart and receive
following tributaries, i.e. great cardiac vein, middle cardiac
vein, small cardiac vein, posterior vein of left ventricle,
oblique vein of left atrium of Marshall s, right marginal vein.
Great cardiac vein: It accompanies, first the anterior
interventricular artery and then left coronary artery
to enter left end of the coronary sinus.
Middle cardiac vein: It accompany the posterior inter-
ventricular artery and join middle part of coronary
Small cardiac vein: It accompany right coronary artery
at right posterior coronary sulcus and joins right end
of coronary sinus. Right marginal vein can drain inside
the small cardiac vein.
Posterior vein of left ventricle: It runs over diaphrag-
matic surface of left ventricle and ends into the
coronary sinus.
Oblique vein of left atrium of Marshall: It is the small
vein which runs over posterior surface of left atrium.
It terminates at the left end of coronary sinus.
Right marginal vein: It accompany marginal branch
B of right coronary artery. It may either drain to small
cardiac vein or can open directly inside the right
Fig. 228: Arterial supply of heart, A. Sternocostal surface; atrium.
B. Diaphragmatic surface 2. Anterior cardiac vein: They are 3 to 4 small veins which
1. Right coronary artery: It is smaller than left coronary artery. run parallel to each other on anterior wall of right ventricle
It arises from anterior aortic sinus of ascending aorta. and open directly in right atrium via anterior wall.
Branches of right coronary artery are: 3. Venae cordis minimi: They are smallest cardiac veins and
Large branches: Marginal and Posterior interventricular are numerous valveless veins present in four chambers
Small branches: Nodal, right atrial, Infundibular, terminal, of heart which open in cardiac cavity. They are more
right ventricular and conus. numerous on right side of heart.
Upper Limb and Thorax  175

Fig. 229: Venous supply of heart, A. Sternocostal surface;
B. Diaphragmatic surface

Q.2. Write a short note on coronary arteries.

(Mar 2007, 3 Marks) (Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
Write briefly on coronary arteries. (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
Ans. The heart is supplied by two coronary arteries, arising from
ascending aorta, both arteries run in coronary sulcus.
Right Coronary Artery
It is smaller than left coronary artery. It arises from anterior
aortic sinus.
♦ It first passes forward and to the right to emerge on surface
(Jan 2012, 10 Marks)
of heart between root of pulmonary trunk and right auricle.
♦ Then it run downward in right anterior coronary sulcus to Ans. For blood supply of heart refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
junction of right and inferior borders of heart. Applied Aspect of Heart
♦ It winds round the inferior border to reach diphragmatic
surface of heart. Here it run backward and to left in the 1. In an adult, normal heart rate is 72 80 beats per minute. This
right posterior coronary sulcus to reach posterior inter is normal rhythm of S.A. node. Increased heart rate is known
ventricular groove. as tachycardia and decrease in heart rate is bradycardia. An
♦ It terminates by anastmoting with left coronary artery. alteration in regularity is known as arrythmia.
176 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

External Features
1. Externally, the right ventricle has two surfaces anterior
or sternocostal and inferior diaphragmatic.
2. Interior has two parts.
The inflowing part is rough due to the presence of
muscular ridges called Trabeculae carneae.
The outflowing part or infundibulum is smooth and
forms the upper conical part of the right ventricle
which gives rise to the pulmonary trunk.
The two parts are separated by a muscular ridge called
as supraventricular crest or infundibul ventricular crest
situated between the tricuspid and pulmonary orifices.

Internal Features
1. The interior part has two orifices:
i. The right atrioventricular or tricuspid orifice, guarded
by the tricuspid valve.
ii. The pulmonary orifice is guarded by the pulmonary valve.
2. The interior of the inflowing part shows trabeculae carneae
or muscular ridges of three types:
i. Ridges
ii. Bridges
iii. Pillars or papillary muscles with one end attached to
the ventricular wall, and the other end connected to
the cusps of the tricuspid valve by chordae tendinae.
There are three papillary muscles in the right ventricle,
anterior, posterior and septal.
(Dec 2012, 4+2+2 Marks) Each papillary muscle is attached by chordae to the
a. Gross anatomy contiguous sides of two cusps.
b. Blood Supply 3. The septomarginal trabecula or moderator band is a
c Histology of cardiac muscle muscular ridge which extend from the ventricular septum
Ans. Gross Anatomy of Right Ventricle to the base of the anterior papillary muscle. It contains the
Right ventricle is a triangular chamber which receives right branch of the AV bundle.
blood from the right atrium and pumps it to the lungs 4. The cavity of the right ventricle is crescentic because of the
through the pulmonary trunk and pulmonary arteries. forward bulge of the interventricular septum.
It usually forms the inferior border of the heart and a 5. The wall of the right ventricle is thinner than that of the
large part of the sternocostal surface of heart. left ventricle, i.e. in a ratio of 1:3.

Fig. 230: Gross anatomy and blood supply of right ventricle

Upper Limb and Thorax  177

Interventricular Septum ♦ Myofibrils of cardiac muscle fibers consist of actin and

♦ This is placed obliquely. One surface of the septum faces myosin filaments. Cardiac muscles also A and I bands
and also the Z discs which are also seen in skeletal muscle
forwards and to the right while other faces, face backward
and to the left.
♦ Intercalated disc is the irregular transverse thickening of
♦ Upper part of septum is thin and membranous and
sarcolemma. Such discs are broken into number of steps
separates not only the two ventricles but also right atrium
and do not run straight across the fibers providing it stair–
and left ventricle.
case like appearance. This type of appearance of produced
♦ Lower part of septum is thick and muscular and separates
because adjacent sarcolemmas are interdigitating and
the two ventricles.
present longitudinal and transverse portions.
♦ Position of septum is indicated by anterior and posterior
♦ Transverse portions are thick and provide site of
interventricular grooves.
attachment of myofilament to sarcolemma whereas
Blood Supply of Right Ventricle longitudinal portions are thin and consists of gap junction.
♦ Right coronary artery supplies the greater part of Q.5. Write briefly on right atrium. (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
right ventricle, except the area adjoining the anterior Ans. Position
interventricular groove. Right atrium is the right upper chamber of heart.
♦ Left coronary artery supplies to the small part of right Right atrium receives venous blood from whole body
ventricle adjoining the anterior interventricular groove. and pumps it to right ventricle via right atrioventricular
Histology of Cardiac Muscle
Right atrium form the right border of heart as well as
♦ Cardiac muscle has long and thick muscular fibers. Such parts of upper border, i.e. sternocoastal surface and base
fibers show branching and so an individual fiber can of the heart.
appear as Y shaped.
♦ Each of the muscle fiber is formed by many cells which External Features
join from end to end at junctional specializations known ♦ Right atrium is elongated vertically and receives superior
as intercalated discs. vena cava at upper end and inferior vena cava at lower end.
♦ Each of the myocyte measures from 50 to 100 µm in length ♦ Upper end of right atrium is prolonged to left and form
and 15µm in thickness. Myocyte consists of single oval right auricle. Auricle covers root of ascending aorta and
nucleus which is centrally placed and is surrounded by partly overlaps infundibulum of right ventricle. Its margins
sarcoplasm, various organelles and myofibrils. Due to are notched and interior is sponge like.
high energy and oxygen requirements of cardiac muscle ♦ At right border of right atrium a shallow vertical groove is
fibers they have huge amount of mitochondria, glycogen, present which passes from superior vena cava to inferior
triglycerides and abundant myoglobin. Sometimes vena cava and is known as sulcus terminalis. Sulcus
myocyte may have two nuclei also. terminalis is produced by internal muscular ridge known
♦ Muscle fibers lie almost parallel to each other. Individual as crista terminalis. Upper part of sulcus terminalis has
muscle fibers branch and anastomose with myocytes of SA node.
neighboring fibers. ♦ Right atrioventricular groove separates right atrium from
right ventricle. It lodge the right coronary artery and small
cardiac vein.

Tributaries of Right Atrium

Following are the tributaries of right atrium:
♦ Superior vena cava
♦ Inferior vena cava
♦ Coronary sinus
♦ Anterior cardiac veins
♦ Venae cordis minimi
♦ Attimes the right marginal vein.

Right Atrioventricular or Tricuspid Orifice

Blood moves out of right atrium via tricuspid orifice and
Fig. 231: Cardiac muscle go to right ventricle. This orifice is guarded by tricuspid
♦♦ Cardiac muscle fibers also show cross striations. But these
cross striations are less prominent as compared to cross Internal Features of Right Atrium
striations of skeletal muscle fibers. Refer to Ans 6 of same chapter.
178 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.6. Write about internal structure of right atrium of heart. Intra-atrial Septum
(Dec 2009, 5 Marks) ♦ This part is derived from septum primum and septum
Or secundum.
♦ This septum has a shallow saucer shaped depression in its
Write in short on internal structure of right atrium.
lower part which is known as fossa ovalis.
(July 2016, 5 Marks)
♦ A prominent margin of fossa ovalis is known as annulus
Ans. Internal structure of right atrium of heart is divided into ovalis or limbus fossa ovalis.
three parts, i.e. ♦ Annulus ovalis represents lower free edge of septum
1. Smooth posterior part or sinus venarum. secundum.
2 Rough anterior part or Pectinate part including ♦ Annulus ovalis is distinct above as well as at side of fossa
auricle. ovalis and is deficient inferiorly. Its anterior edge continues
3 Interatrial septum. with left end of valve of inferior vena cava.
♦ Foramen ovale is a small slit like valvular opening which
lies between upper part of fossa and limbus. Its remnants
are rarely present.
Q.7. Write about external features of heart.
(Aug 2011, 5 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Ans. Human heart consists of four chambers i.e. right and
left atria as well as right and left ventricles. Atria lie
above and behind the ventricles. On surface of heart,
atria are separated from ventricles by an inter-atrial
groove. Ventricles are separated from each other by
interventricular groove which get subdivided into
anterior and posterior parts. Surfaces are demarcated
by upper, inferior, right and the left borders.
Grooves or Sulci
♦ Atria get separated from the ventricles by circular
atrioventricular or coronary sulcus.
♦ It is divided into the two parts i.e. anterior part and the
posterior part.
Fig. 232: Internal structure of right atrium ♦ Anterior part has both right and left halves.
(For colour version see Plate 9) ♦ Right half is oblique between right auricle and the right
ventricle and this lodges right coronary artery.
Smooth Posterior Part or Sinus Venarum ♦ Left part is usually small in between the left auricle and left
♦ This part is derived from right horn of sinus venosus. ventricle which lodges circumflex branch of left coronary
♦ At this surface the superior vena cava and inferior vena
♦ Anteriorly the coronary sulcus is overlapped by ascending
cava open at upper and lower end. Opening is guarded
aorta and pulmonary trunk.
by rudimentary valve or eustachian valve.
♦ Inter-atrial groove is faintly visible posteriorly, while
♦ Between the opening of inferior vena cava and right
anteriorly it is hidden by aorta and pulmonary trunk.
atrioventricular orifice there is opening of coronary sinus.
♦ Anterior interventricular groove lies near to left margin
This opening is guarded by thebesian valve. of heart. It runs downward and to the left. Lower end of
♦ Venae cordis minimi are present over this part, these are the the groove separates apex from the rest of inferior border
small veins which are present on walls of all the chambers. of heart.
These veins open in right atrium via small foramina. ♦ Posterior interventricular groove is situated over
♦ A very small projection, i.e. intervenous tubercle of Lower diaphragmatic or the inferior surface of heart. It lies near
is seen on posterior wall of atrium below the opening of to the right margin of inferior surface.
superior vena cava. ♦ Two of the interventricular grooves meet at inferior border
near to the apex.
Rough Anterior Part
♦ At crux of heart posterior interventricular sulcus meet the
♦ This part is derived from primitive atrial chamber. coronary sulcus.
♦ This part consists of musculi pectinati which is a series of
transverse muscular ridges. Apex of Heart
♦ Musculi pectinati originates from crista terminalis and run ♦ It is formed completely by left ventricle. Apex is directed
forward and downward towards atrioventricular orifice downward, forward and to left and is overlapped by
and provide appearance of teeth of a comb. anterior border of left lung.
Upper Limb and Thorax  179

Fig. 233: External features of heart: 1. Line of incision for right atrium;
2. Line of incision for right ventricle; 3. Line of incision for left ventricle

♦ This is situated inside the left fifth intercostal space 9 cm left auricle. Left atrium is not visible on this surface since
lateral to mid sternal line just medial to mid clavicular line. it is covered by aorta and the pulmonary trunk. Most
♦ In the living person pulsations can be seen and felt at this of this surface is covered by the lungs, but a part of it
region. which lies behind the cardiac notch of left lung remain
♦ Usually in children less than 2 years of age, apex is situated uncovered. While on percussion the uncovered area is
in left fourth intercostal space at midclavicular line.
dull which is clinically referred to as area of superficial
Base of Heart cardiac dullness.
♦ Inferior or diaphragmatic surface rest on central tendon
It is also known as posterior surface. Base of heart is formed by
left atrium and small part of right atrium. Related to base, the of diaphragm. This is formed in its left two third by left
openings of four pulmonary veins which open in left atrium ventricle and in its right one third by right ventricle. This
and the superior and inferior vena cava which opens in right is traversed by posterior interventricular groove and this
atrium are seen. Base of the heart is related to thoracic five to is directed downward as well as slightly backward.
thoracic eight vertebrae in lying posture, and descends by one ♦ Left surface is formed chiefly by left ventricle and at
vertebrae in erect posture. Base is separated from vertebral its upper end by left auricle. Over its upper part, left
column by pericardium, right pulmonary veins, esophagus and surface is crossed by coronary sulcus. This is related to
aorta. left phrenic nerve, left pericardiacophrenic vessels and
Borders of Heart by pericardium.

♦ Surfaces of heart are demarcated by four borders, i.e.

upper, lower, right and left.
♦ Upper border is slightly oblique and is formed by two atria
mainly left atrium.
♦ Right border is vertical and is formed by right atrium. It
extends from superior vena cava to inferior vena cava.
♦ Inferior border is nearly horizontal and is formed by right
ventricle. Small part of inferior border near apex is formed
by left ventricle. It extends from inferior vena cava to apex.
♦ Left border is oblique and is curved. It is formed mainly
by left ventricle and partly by left auricle. This seperates
anterior and left surfaces of heart. It extends from apex
to left auricle.
Surfaces of Heart
♦ Heart consists of anterior, inferior and left surfaces.
♦ Anterior or sternocostal surface is formed mainly by right
atrium and right ventricle and partly by left ventricle and Fig. 234: Gross features: Sternocostal surface of heart
180 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 235: Posterior aspect of heart

11. TRACHEA, ESOPHAGUS AND Fig. 236: Course of thoracic duct

THORACIC DUCT In Posterior Mediastinum

Q.1. Write in short on thoracic duct. (July 2016, 5 Marks) ♦ Anteriorly: Diaphragm, esophagus, Right pleural recess.
♦ Posteriorly: Vertebral column, Right posterior intercostal
arteries and Terminal parts of the hemiazygos veins
Write short note on thoracic duct. (Oct 2016, 3 Marks) ♦ Toward right: Azygos vein.
Ans. Thoracic duct is the largest lymphatic vessel inside the ♦ Towards left: Descending thoracic aorta.
Thoracic duct extends from upper part of abdomen to In Superior Mediastinum
lower part of neck, crossing posterior and superior parts ♦ Anteriorly: Arch of aorta and Origin of left subclavian artery.
of mediastinum. ♦ Posteriorly: Vertebral column.
It is usually 45 cm and 18 inches long. ♦ Towards right: Esophagus
Duct has beaded appearance due to presence of many ♦ Towards left: Pleura.
valves inside its lumen.

Course of Thoracic Duct

♦ It begins as continuation of upper end of cistern chili near
lower border of twelfth thoracic vertebra and enters thorax
via aortic opening of diaphragm.
♦ It then ascends via posterior mediastinum from level of
12th thoracic vertebra to 5th thoracic vertebra where it
crosses from right side to left side. It now courses via
superior mediastinum along the left edge of esophagus
and reaches the neck.
♦ Inside the neck, it arches laterally at level of transverse
process of seventh cervical vertebra. Finally it descends
in front of first part of left subclavian artery and ends by
opening into the angle of junction between left subclavian
and left internal jugular veins.

At Aortic Opening of Diaphragm
♦ Anteriorly: Diaphragm.
♦ Posteriorly: Vertebral column.
♦ Towards right: Azygos vein.
♦ Towards left: Aorta. Fig. 237: Tributaries of thoracic duct
Upper Limb and Thorax  181

Inside the Neck ♦ At the root of neck, efferent vessels of nodes inside the
♦ Thoracic duct forms an arch which rises about 3 to 4 cm neck form left jugular trunk, and those from nodes inside
above the clavicle. The arch has the following relations: axilla form left subclavian trunk. These trunks end inside
♦ Anteriorly: Left common carotid artery, left vagus and Left the thoracic duct.
internal jugular vein. ♦ The left bronchomediastinal trunk drains lymph from left
♦ Posteriorly: Vertebral artery and vein, sympathetic trunk, half of thorax and ends inside the thoracic duct.
thyrocervical trunk and its branches, left phrenic nerve,
medial border of scalenus anterior, prevertebral fascia
covering all the structures mentioned above, first part of Q.2. Write very short answer on muscles in oesophagus.
the left subclavian artery. (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. The esophagus consists of an internal circular and
Tributaries external longitudinal layer of muscle. Furthermore,
♦ Thoracic duct receives lymph from both the halves of body the external longitudinal layer is composed of different
below diaphragm and left half above the diaphragm. muscle types in each third of the esophagus:
♦ Inside the thorax, thoracic duct receives lymphatic Superior third: Voluntary striated muscle
vessels from posterior mediastinal nodes and from small Middle third: Voluntary striated and smooth muscle
intercostal nodes. Inferior third: Smooth muscle.

♦ Base: It is formed by the inguinal ligament
Q.1. Write short note on femoral triangle. (Apr 2008, 5 Marks) ♦ Apex: This is directed downwards and is formed by the
(Mar 2006, 3 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks) point where medial and lateral boundaries get crossed
(Aug 2011, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) ♦ Medially: Medial border of adductor longus
Ans. It is a triangular depression below the inguinal ligament ♦ Laterally: Medial border of sartorius
with the apex directed below, and is present in the upper ♦ Floor: It is formed medially by adductor longus and
1/3rd in front of thigh. pectineus and laterally by iliacus and tendon of psoas major.
♦ Roof: It is formed by the following structures i.e.
Superficial fascia: It consists of superficial inguinal
lymph nodes, femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve,
branches of ilioinguinal nerve, superficial branches of
femoral artery with accompanying vein and the upper
part of great saphenous vein.
Deep fascia: With saphenous opening and cribriform

Following are the contents of femoral triangle:
♦ Femoral artery and its branches: Femoral artery traverses
the triangle from its base at midinguinal point to apex.
Inside the triangle, it gives off six branches i.e. three
Fig. 238: Boundaries of femoral triangle superficial branches and three deep branches.

Fig. 239: Contents of femoral triangle (For colour version see Plate 10)
Lower Limb, Abdomen and Pelvis 183

♦ Femoral vein and its tributaries: Femoral vein accompany Divisions

femoral artery. Femoral vein lies medial to artery at base
Femoral sheath is divided into three compartments by septa:
of its triangle and is posteromedial to artery at its apex.
1. Lateral or arterial compartment consists of femoral artery
Femoral vein receives great saphenous vein, circumflex
and femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve.
veins and the veins which correspond to branches of
2. Intermediate or venous compartment consists of femoral
femoral artery.
♦ Femoral sheath: It encloses the upper 4 cm of the femoral
3. Medial or lymphatic compartment is small and is also
known as femoral canal. It consists of fatty connective
♦ Nerves
tissue, cloquet lymph nodes which drains in males in glans
Femoral nerve lies lateral to femoral artery outside
penis and in females to clitoris and cloquet lymph vessels.
the femoral sheath inside the groove between iliacus
and psoas major muscle Communication
Nerve to pectineus arises from femoral nerve just
above the inguinal ligament. It usually passes behind ♦ Superiorly it opens in abdomen.
femoral sheath to reach anterior surface of pectineus. ♦ Inferiorly it merges with tunica adventitia of femoral
Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve: It occupy vessels.
large compartment of femoral sheath along with ♦ Structures piercing femoral sheath
femoral artery. It usually supplies to the skin over ♦ Laterally the sheath is pierced by femoral branch of
femoral triangle. genitofemoral nerve.
Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh: It crosses lateral angle ♦ In front it is pierced by superficial epigastric artery,
of triangle. It runs over the lateral side of thigh and superficial circumflex artery, superficial external pudendal
ends up by dividing into both anterior and posterior artery.
branches. These nerves supply anterolateral aspect ♦ Medially it is pierced by great saphenous vein.
of front of thigh and lateral aspect of gluteal region.
♦ Deep inguinal lymph nodes: They lie deep to deep fascia.
They lie medial to upper part of femoral vein and receive Femoral sheath allows free gliding in and out behind inguinal
lymph from superficial inguinal lymph node, from glans ligament during movement of hip joint.
penis or clitoris and deep lymphatic of lower limb.
Q.3. Write briefly about femoral artery.
Q.2. Write short note on femoral sheath. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
(Nov 2008, 5 Marks) Ans. Femoral artery is the chief artery of lower limb.
Ans. Femoral sheath is a funnel shaped sleeve of fascia which
encloses upper 3 to 4 cm of femoral vessels. Origin
• Femoral sheath is formed by the downward Femoral artery is the continuation of the external iliac artery and
extension of two layers of the fascia of abdomen. starts behind inguinal ligament at midlingual point.
• Anterior wall of sheath is formed by fascia
transversalis. Extent
• Posterior wall of sheath is formed by fascia iliaca.
Femoral artery extends from midlingual point to adductor canal.
• Inferiorly the sheath get merges with connective
tissue around femoral vessels. Course
• Lateral wall is vertical and medial wall is oblique
and is directed downward and laterally. Femoral artery passes downward and medially first in femoral
triangle and then adductor canal. At lower end of adductor
canal, i.e. at junction of middle and lower third of thigh it passes
via an opening in adductor magnus to become continuous with
popliteal artery.

♦ Anteriorly: Skin, superficial fascia, deep fascia and anterior
wall of femoral sheath.
♦ Posteriorly: Psoas major, pectineus, adductor longus.
♦ Medially: Femoral vein.
♦ Laterally: Femoral nerve.

Branches of Femoral Artery in Femoral Triangle

Femoral artery gives three superficial and three deep branches
Fig. 240: Femoral sheath and its contents in femoral triangle.
184 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 241:  Femoral artery and its branches

Superficial Branches Bilateral absence or feebleness of femoral pulse can occur

from coarctation or narrowing of aorta or thrombosis.
♦♦ Superficial external pudendal: Supply skin of external
♦♦ Stab wounds at apex of femoral triangle can cut all large
genital organs.
vessels of lower limb because femoral artery and vein, and
♦♦ Superficial epigastric artery: Supply skin and fascia of
profunda femoris artery as well as vein are arranged in one
lower art of anterior abdominal wall.
line. Injury to femoral vessels leads to fatal hemorrhage.
♦♦ Superficial circumflex iliac artery: Supply skin along
♦♦ As femoral artery is superficial in femoral triangle, it is
iliac crest.
easily exposed for purpose of ligation. Catheter is passed
Deep Branches upwards till heart for certain minor surgeries.
♦♦ Femoral vein is used in intravenous infusion for infants
Profunda femoris: It gives off following branches: and in patients having peripheral circulatory failure.
♦♦ Lateral circumflex femoral gives off following branches:
• Ascending branch takes part in spinous anastomosis.
• Transverse branch takes part in cruciate anastomosis. 2. POPLITEAL FOSSA
• Descending branch takes part in anastomosis around
knee joint. Q.1. Write a short note on popliteal fossa.
♦♦ Medial circumflex femoral gives off following branches: (Mar 2007, 3 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
• Ascending branch takes part in trochanteric anasto-
• Transverse branch takes part in cruciate Anastomosis. Write in briefly on popliteal fossa. (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Perforating branches are four in number and they perforate Ans. Popliteal fossa is a diamond shaped depression lying
adductor magnus. behind the knee joint, the lower part of femur, and the
♦♦ Deep external pudendal supplies scrotum or labium majus upper part of the tibia.
♦♦ Muscular branches supplies muscles of thigh.
Boundaries of Popliteal Fossa
Termination 1. Superolaterally: The biceps femoris.
It continues as popliteal artery through an opening present in 2. Superomedially: Semitendinosus and semimembranosus
adductor magnus. supplemented by the gracilis, sartorius and adductor magnus.
3. Inferolaterally: Lateral head of gastrocnemius and
Applied Anatomy supplemented by plantaris.
4. Inferomedially: Medial head of the gastrocnemius.
♦♦ Femoral artery can be compressed at midinguinal point 5. The roof of fossa is formed by deep fascia (popliteal fascia).
against head of femur or against superior ramus of pubis Superficial fascia over the roof consists of:
to control bleeding from distal part of limb inside the • Small saphenous vein and cutaneous nerves
thigh or leg. • Three cutaneous nerves:
♦♦ Pulsations of femoral artery can be felt at midinguinal 1. Branches and terminal part of posterior cutaneous
point, against head of femur and tendon of psoas major. nerve of thigh
Lower Limb, Abdomen and Pelvis 185

2. Posterior division of medial cutaneous nerve of   Popliteal vessels and the tibial nerve cross the fossa
thigh vertically and are arrange one over another. Out of these tibial
3. Peroneal or sural communicating nerve. nerve is most superficial, popliteal vein lies deep or anterior to
6. Floor: It is formed from above downwards by Popliteal tibial nerve and popliteal artery is deepest. Popliteal artery is
surface of femur, capsule of the knee joint and oblique crossed posteriorly by the vein and nerve.
popliteal ligament, and popliteal fascia covering the
popliteal muscle. Q.2. Write short note on common peroneal nerve.
 (May/Jun 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. Root value: Dorsal divisions of ventral rami of L4, L5,
Sl, S2.

Course of Nerve
Common peroneal nerve is the smaller terminal branch of the
sciatic nerve. The nerve lies in the superficial plane in which
the tibial nerve lies. The nerve extends from superior angle of
fossa to the lateral angle, along the medial border of biceps
femoris. It then continue downwards and forwards and winds
around the posterolateral aspect of neck of fibula, nerve than
pierces the peroneus longus, and divides into superficial and
deep peroneal nerves.

Fig. 242:  Boundaries of popliteal fossa

Contents of Popliteal Fossa

Fig. 244:  Common peroneal nerve

(For colour version see Plate 10)

♦♦ Cutaneous branches are of two types, i.e.
• Lateral cutaneous nerve of calf descend to supply skin
of upper two third of lateral side of leg.
• Sural communicating nerve arises inside the upper
Fig. 243:  Contents of popliteal fossa part of fossa. It runs over posterolateral aspect of calf
and joins the sural nerve.
1. Popliteal artery and its branches. ♦♦ Articular branches, i.e.
2. Popliteal vein and its tributaries. • Superior lateral genicular nerve accompany artery
3. Tibial nerve and its branches. of same name and lie above lateral femoral condyle.
4. Common peritoneal nerve and its branches. • Inferior lateral genicular nerve run with artery of
5. Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh. same name to lateral aspect of knee joint above head
6. Genicular branch of the obturator nerve. of fibula.
7. Popliteal lymph nodes. • Recurrent genicular nerve arises where common
8. Fat. peritoneal nerve divides into superficial and deep
186 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

peroneal nerves. This ascends anterior to knee joint partially covered by tunica vaginalis. Epididymis lies at
and supply to tibialis anterior muscle in addition to lateral part of posterior border. Medial surface of epididymis
knee joint. is seperated from testis by an extension of cavity of tunica
♦♦ Muscular branches donot arise from common peroneal vaginalis. This extension is known as sinus of epididymis.
nerve. But it can give a branch to short head of biceps femoris. 3. There are two surfaces, i.e. medial and lateral.
They both are smooth and convex.
Q.1. Write a short note on movements of ankle joint.
(Feb 2003, 5 Marks)
Ans. Active movements of ankle joint are as follows:
1. Dorsiflexion: In this movement the forefoot is raised
and angle between front of leg and dorsum of foot
is diminished. Wide anterior trochlear surface of
talus fits in the lower end of narrow posterior part
of lower end of tibia. During this movement there
are no chances of dislocation.
Principle muscles involved in dorsiflexion is tibialis
anterior and the accessory muscles are extensor
digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus and
Peroneus tertius.
2. Plantar flexion: In this fore foot is depressed and
the angle between front of leg and dorsum of foot is
Fig. 245:  Lateral aspect of testis
increased. Narrow posterior part of trochlear surface
of talus loosely fit in wide anterior part of lower end
of tibia.
Principle muscles involved in plantar flexion are Testis is covered by layers of scrotum and in addition it is also
gastrocnemius and soleus and the accessory muscles covered by three coats. From outward to inward the layers are
are plantaris, tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus tunica vaginalis, tunica albuginea and tunica vasculosa.
and flexor digitorum longus. ♦♦ Tunica vaginalis: It represents lower portion of processus
vaginalis. This is invaginated by testis from behind and so it
consists of parietal and visceral layer with cavity in between.
4. MALE EXTERNAL GENITAL ORGANS It covers whole of the testis except its posterior border.
♦♦ Tunica albuginea: It is a dense white fibrous coating which
Q.1. Write a short note on testis. (Feb 2003, 5 Marks) covers the testis all around. This is covered by the visceral
layer of tunica vaginalis except posteriorly where testicular
Ans. •  Testis is the male gonad.
vessels and the nerves enter the gland. Posterior border of
• Testis is suspended in scrotum via spermatic cord.
this layer is thickened to form incomplete vertical septum
• Testis lie obliquely, so that its upper pole is tilted
known as mediastinum testis. Numerous septa extend
forwards and medially.
from mediastinum to inner surface of tunica albuginea.
• Left testis is slightly lower shaped size than right
♦♦ Tunica vasculosa: Innermost vascular coat of testis lining
its lobules.
• Testis is oval in shape and is compressed from side
to side. Structure
• Testis is 3.75 cm long, 2.5 cm broad from before
backwards and 1.8 cm thick from side to side. Glandular part of testis has 200 to 300 lobules. A single lobule
has 2 to 3 seminiferous tubules. Each tubule is coiled. Tubules
External Features are lined by the cells which represent stages in formation of
Testis consists of: spermatozoa. Seminiferous tubules join at apices of lobules to
1. Two poles or ends, i.e. upper and lower. form 20 to 30 straight tubules, which enter mediastinum. In
Upper and lower poles are smooth and convex. Upper pole mediastinum they anastomose and form a network known as
gives attachment to spermatic cord. A small oval body is rete testis. Rete testis produce 12 to 30 efferent ductules which
attached to the testis known as appendix of testis. emerge at upper pole and enter epididymis. Here each tubule
2. There are two borders, i.e. anterior and posterior. become highly coiled and form a lobe of head of epididymis
Anterior border is smooth and convex and is covered by tubules end in single duct which is coiled and form body and
tunica vaginalis while posterior border is straight and is tail of epididymis, it is continuous with ductus deferens.
Lower Limb, Abdomen and Pelvis 187

Stomach lies obliquely in the upper and left part of the abdomen,
occupying the epigastric, umbilicus and left hypochondriac
region. Most of it lies under cover of left costal margin and ribs.

Empty stomach is ‘J’-shaped (vertical) when partially distended
it becomes piriform in shape. In obese person it is more

Size and Capacity

♦♦ Stomach is 25 cm long.
♦♦ Mean capacity is 30 ml at birth, 1 liters at puberty and
Fig. 246:  Structure of testis 1½ -2 liters or more in an adult.
Blood Supply External Features
Arterial Supply Orifices
Testicular artery is the branch of abdominal aorta which is given ♦♦ Cardiac orifice: It is joined by the lower end of the
off at the level of vertebra L2. The artery descends over posterior esophagus. It lies behind left 7th coastal cartilage, i.e. 2.5
abdominal wall to reach deep inguinal ring where it enter spermatic cm from its junction with sternum at level of vertebrae T11.
cord. At posterior border of testis, it is divided into branches. Some ♦♦ Pyloric orifice: Opens into duodenum. In an empty
of the small branches enter posterior border while larger branches, stomach or in supine position it lies 1.2 cm to right of
i.e. medial and the lateral branches pierce tunica albuginea and run median plane at level of lower border of vertebrae L1 or
over surface of testis to ramify inside tunica vasculosa. transpyrolic plane.
Venous Drainage Curvatures
Veins emerging from the testis form pampiniform plexus. ♦♦ Lesser curvature: It is concave and forms right border of
Anterior part of plexus is arranged around the testicular artery, stomach. It provides attachment to the lesser omentum.
middle part around the ductus deferens and its artery, posterior Most dependent part of curvature is marked by angular
part remain isolated. Plexus get condensed into four veins at notch or incisura angularis
superficial inguinal ring and into two veins at deep inguinal ♦♦ Greater curvature: It is convex and forms the left border of
ring. Such veins accompany testicular artery. Finally one vein stomach. It provides attachment to the greater omentum,
is formed which drains inside inferior vena cava over right side gastrosplenic ligament and gastrophrenic ligament. At the
and into left renal vein over left side. upper end greater curvature present cardiac notch which
separate it from oesophagus. Greater curvature is 5 times
Lymphatic Drainage longer as compared to lesser curvature.
Lymphatic ascend along the testicular vessels and drain into Surfaces
preaortic and paraaortic groups of lymph node at level of second
lumbar vertebra. ♦♦ Anterior or anterosuperior surface—faces forwards and
Nerve Supply ♦♦ Posterior or posteroinferior surface—faces backwards and
Testis is supplied by sympathetic nerves, which arises from
segment T10 of spinal cord. They pass via renal and aortic Subdivisions
plexuses. Nerves are both afferent for testicular sensation and Stomach is usually divided into two parts i.e. cardiac part and
efferent to blood vessels. the pyrolic part.
Large cardiac part is further divided into fundus and body
while small pyrolic part is subdivided into pyrolic antrum and
Cardiac Part
Q.1. Briefly describe stomach. (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) ♦♦ Fundus: It is the upper convex dome shaped part situated
Ans. Stomach is a muscular bag forming the widest and most above horizontal line drawn at level of cardiac orifice. This
distensible part of the digestive tube. It is connected above part is commonly distended with gas which is seen in
to lower end of esophagus and below to duodenum. radiographic examination under the left dome of diaphragm.
188 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 247:  External features and subdivisions of stomach

(For colour version see Plate 11)

♦♦ Body: It lies between the fundus and pyrolic antrum. 3. At greater curvature, it is supplied by right gastroepiploic
It is distended enormously along greater curvature. artery which is the branch of gastroduodenal
Gastric glands which are distributed in fundus and body
of stomach consists of three types of secretory cells, i.e. 4. Left gastroepiploic artery, which is the branch of splenic artery
mucous cells, chief cells and parietal or oxyntic cells. 5. Fundus is supplied by 5 to 7 short gastric arteries which
are also the branches of splenic artery.
Pyloric Part
♦♦ Pyloric antrum: It is separated from pyrolic canal by an Venous Drainage
inconstant sulcus, sulcus intermedius present on greater ♦♦ Veins of the stomach drains into the portal, superior
curvature. This is 7.5 cm long. Pyrolic glands are richest mesenteric and splenic veins.
in having mucous cells. ♦♦ Right and left gastric drains in portal vein.
♦♦ Pyloric canal: It is 2.5 cm long and is narrow and tubular. ♦♦ Right gastroepiploic ends in superior mesenteric vein
At its right end it terminates at pylorus. while left gastroepiploic and short gastric veins terminates
in splenic veins.
Blood Supply
Arterial Supply Lymphatic Drainage

Stomach is supplied along lesser curvature by: ♦♦ Upper part of left one third, i.e. area a drains into
1. Left gastric artery, which is the branch of coeliac trunk pancreaticosplenic nodes lying along splenic artery.
2. Right gastric artery, which is the branch of proper hepatic Lymph vessels from these node travel along splenic artery
artery to reach coeliac nodes.
♦♦ Right two third, i.e. Area b drains in left gastric nodes
which lie along left gastric artery. These nodes drain
abdominal part of oesophagus. Lymph from these nodes
drains into coeliac nodes.
♦♦ Lower part of left one third, i.e. area c drains into the
right gastroepiploic nodes which lie along the right
gastroepiploic artery. Lymph vessels arising in these nodes
drain to subpyrolic nodes which lie in the angle between
first and second part of duodenum. From here lymph drain
to hepatic nodes which lie along hepatic artery and finally
to coeliac nodes.
♦♦ Lymph from pyrolic part, i.e. area d drains into different
directions into pyrolic, hepatic and left gastric nodes and
passes from all these nodes to coeliac nodes.
♦♦ Lymph from all areas of stomach reaches coeliac nodes.
From here it passes via intestinal lymph trunk to cisterna
Fig. 248:  Arterial supply of stomach chyli.
Lower Limb, Abdomen and Pelvis 189

♦♦ At greater part of greater curvature two layers meet and

form greater omentum.
♦♦ At fundus both layers meet and form gastrosplenic ligament.
♦♦ Near to cardiac end, peritoneum over the posterior surface
is reflected on diaphragm as gastrophrenic ligament.
♦♦ Cranial to this ligament a small part of posterior surface
of stomach is in contact with diaphragm. This is bare area
of stomach.

Fig. 250:  Structures forming stomach bed

(For colour version see Plate 11)
Fig. 249:  Lymphatic drainage of stomach

Q.2. Describe briefly structures forming stomach bed. Visceral Relations

 (June 2010, 5 Marks) ♦♦ Anterior surface of stomach is related to liver, diaphragm,
Or transverse colon and anterior abdominal wall.
Enumerate structures forming stomach bed. ♦♦ Diaphragm separates stomach from left pleura, pericardium
 (Apr 2015, 3 Marks) and sixth to ninth nerves.
Ans. Posterior surface of stomach is related to the structures ♦♦ Costal cartilages get separated from stomach via
which form the bed of stomach. transversus abdominis. Gastric nerve and vessels ramify
All the structures are separated from the stomach by deep to peritoneum
cavity of lesser sac. ♦♦ Space between the left coastal margin and lower edge of
Structures forming the stomach bed are: left lung over stomach is known as Traube’s space.
1. Diaphragm Posterior surface of stomach is related to the structures which
2. Left kidney form the bed of stomach. All the structures are separated from
3. Left suprarenal gland the stomach by cavity of lesser sac.
4. Pancreas
Structures forming the stomach bed are:
5. Transverse mesocolon
6. Splenic flexure of the colon ♦♦ Diaphragm
7. Splenic artery. ♦♦ Left kidney
♦♦ Left suprarenal gland
Sometime spleen also come under the stomach bed and
♦♦ Pancreas
is separated from stomach through cavity of greater sac.
♦♦ Transverse mesocolon
Q.3. Describe stomach. Add a note on its clinical aspect. ♦♦ Splenic flexure of the colon
 (May 2014, 10 Marks) ♦♦ Splenic artery.
Ans. For location, shape, size, external features, subdivisions, Sometime spleen also come under the stomach bed and is
blood supply and lymphatic drainage refer to Ans 1 of separated from stomach through cavity of greater sac.
same chapter.
Nerve Supply
Relations of Stomach Both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves innervate the
Peritoneal Relations stomach.
♦♦ Stomach is lined by peritoneum over both of its surfaces.
Sympathetic Innervation
♦♦ At lesser curvature, peritoneal layers lines anterior and
posterior surfaces, they meet and continue with lesser The sympathetic nerves travel along the arteries which supply
omentum. the stomach. Sympathetic nerves are vasomotor, motor to
190 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

pyrolic sphincter but inhibitory to rest of gastric musculature, Clinical Aspect

chief pathway for pain sensation from stomach.
♦♦ Gastric pain is felt in epigastrum because stomach is
Parasympathetic Innervation supplied by T6 to T9 segments of spinal cord. Pain
is produced either due to spasm of muscle or due to
♦♦ Anterior and posterior gastric nerves provide para- overdistention. Ulcer pain is attributed to local spasm
sympathetic innervations. due to irritation.
♦♦ Anterior gastric nerve divides into multiple gastric ♦♦ Peptic ulcer can occur at site of pepsin and hydrochloric
branches for anterior surface of fundus and body of acid, first part of duodenum, lower end of esophagus
stomach. It also divides into two pyrolic branches, i.e. for and meckel’s diverticulum. It occurs commonly in blood
pyloric antrum and for pyrolus. group O.
♦♦ Posterior gastric nerve divides into small gastric branches
♦♦ Hyposthenic stomach is more prone to peptic ulcer
or posterior surface of fundus, body and pyloric antrum. It
while hypersthenic stomach is more prone to duodenal
also divides into larger coeliac branches for coeliac plexus.
Parasympathetic nerves are motor and secretomotor to
♦♦ Gastric carcinoma is common and occurs along greater
stomach. Their stimulation leads to increased motility
curvature. During this lymphatic drainage of stomach
of stomach and secretion of gastric juice rich in HCl and
gain importance. Metastasis occurs through thoracic duct
pepsin. They are inhibitory to pyrolic sphincter.
to left supraclavicular lymph node. These lymph nodes
are known as signal nodes.
♦♦ Pyrolic obstruction can be congenital or acquired. It leads
to visible peristalsis in epigastrum and vomiting after


Q.1. Write in brief on kidneys. (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
Ans. Kidneys are the pair of excretory organs which are
situated on posterior abdominal wall one on each side
of vertebral column behind peritoneum.

Kidneys are present in epigastric, hypochondriac, lumbar and
A umbilical regions.
Vertically kidneys extend from upper border of 12th thoracic
vertebra to centre of body of 3rd lumbar vertebra.
Right kidney is slightly lower in position as compared to left
kidney and left kidney is little bit near to median plane than
right one.

Shape, Size and Weight

Kidney is bean shaped. Kidney is 11 cm long, 6 cm broad and
3 cm thick. Left kidney is little longer and narrower as compared
to right kidney.
A kidney weighs 150 gm in males and 135 gm in females.
Kidney is reddish brown in color.

External Features
Kidney has upper and lower poles, medial and lateral borders,
anterior and posterior surfaces.

Poles of Kidney
♦♦ Upper pole is broader and is in close contact with supra-
Figs. 251A and B:  Nerve supply of stomach: renal gland.
A. Anterior gastric nerve; B. Posterior gastric nerve ♦♦ Lower pole is pointed.
Lower Limb, Abdomen and Pelvis 191

Surfaces ♦♦ Second part of duodenum

♦♦ Hepatic flexure of colon
Anterior surface is irregular and posterior surface is flat, but
♦♦ Small intestine.
it is difficult to recognize both anterior and posterior aspect of
kidney by looking their surfaces. Out of all anterior relations hepatic and intestinal surfaces
are covered by peritoneum. Lateral border of right kidney
Borders is related to right lobe of liver and to hepatic flexure of
♦♦ Lateral border is convex. colon.
♦♦ Medial border is concave.
Other Relations of Left Kidney
♦♦ Hilum or hilus is the middle part which shows depression.
Anterior Relations
♦♦ Left suprarenal gland
From anterior to posterior side following structures are seen ♦♦ Spleen
in the hilum: ♦♦ Stomach
♦♦ Renal vein. ♦♦ Pancreas
♦♦ Renal artery. ♦♦ Splenic vessels
♦♦ Renal pelvis, this is the upper expanded end of ureter. ♦♦ Splenic flexure and descending colon
Relations of Kidneys ♦♦ Jejunum.
Out of these gastric, splenic and jejunal surfaces are covered by
Common Relation to Both Kidneys
peritoneum. Lateral border of left kidney is related to spleen
♦♦ Upper pole of both kidneys are related to suprarenal gland. and to descending colon.
Lower poles lie at about 2.5 cm above iliac creast.
♦♦ Medial border of each kidney is related to suprarenal gland
above the hilus and ureter below the hilus.
♦♦ Posterior surfaces of both kidneys are related to:
• Diaphragm
• Medial and lateral arcuate ligaments
• Psoas major
• Quadratus lumborum
• Transversus abdominis
• Subcostal vessels
• Subcostal, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve.
Additionally right kidney is related to 12th rib and left
kidney to 11th and 12th ribs.
♦♦ Structures related to hilum, i.e. renal vein, renal artery
and renal pelvis. Fig. 253:  Posterior relation of right kidney

Capsule or Covering of Kidney

Following are the coverings of kidney:
♦♦ Level II fibrous capsule: It is a thin membrane which
closely invests kidney and lines the renal sinus. In normal
conditions it is removed easily from the kidney but in some
diseased conditions it become adherent.
♦♦ Level II perirenal fat or perinephric fat: It is the layer of
adipose tissue which lies outside the fibrous capsule. It is
thick at the borders of kidney and fills extra space inside
renal sinus.
♦♦ Renal fascia: Renal fascia has anterior and posterior layer.
Anterior layer is called as fascia of Gerota and posterior
Fig. 252:  Anterior relation of kidneys layer is known as fascia of Zuckerkandall. These two fascia
Other Relations to Right Kidney fused laterally to form lateral conal fascia.
♦♦ Pararenal body or paranephric body: It consists of variable
Anterior Relations amount of fat lying outside the renal fascia. It is abundant
♦♦ Right suprarenal gland posteriorly and towards lower pole of kidney. It fills
♦♦ Liver paravertebral gutter and form cushion for kidney.
192 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Blood Supply Applied Anatomy

♦♦ During surgical exposures of kidney, when at times the l2th
rib is resected for easy delivery of kidney, there is danger
of opening of pleural cavity must be kept in mind. The
lower border of pleura lies in front of 12th rib and behind
diaphragm. Order of structures from anterior to posterior
side being diaphragm, pleura and rib. When the 12th rib is
absent or is too short to be felt, the 11th rib may be mistaken
for 12th, and the chances of opening the pleural cavity are
greatly increased.
♦♦ Angle between the lower border of 12th rib and outer
border of erector spinae is known as the renal angle. This
overlies to the lower part of kidney. Tenderness in the
kidney is elicited by applying pressure over this angle,
by the help of thumb.
♦♦ Blood from ruptured kidney or pus in perinephric abscess
first distends to renal fascia and then forces its way inside
the renal fascia downwards to pelvis. It cannot cross
the opposite side due to the fascial septum and midline
attachment of renal fascia.
♦♦ Kidney should be palpated bimanually, with one hand
placed in front and the other hand behind the flank. When
enlarged, the lower pole of kidney becomes palpable on
deep inspiration.
Lymphatic Drainage ♦♦ A floating kidney can move up and down inside the renal
fascia, but not from side to side. In this condition posterior
Lymphatics of kidney drain into lateral aortic nodes located at
layer of renal fascia can be sutured with diaphragm and
level of origin of renal arteries.
kidney can be fixed at its position.
Nerve Supply ♦♦ Common diseases of kidney are nephritis, pyelonephritis,
tuberculosis of kidney, renal stones and tumours. Common
♦♦ Kidney is supplied by the renal plexus, an off shoot of manifestations of a kidney disease are renal oedema and
coeliac plexus hypertension.
♦♦ Renal plexus consists of sympathetic fibers which are ♦♦ A common congenital condition of kidney is known as
vasomotor. polycystic kidney which causes hypertension.
♦♦ Afferent nerves of kidney belong to segment T10 and T12.
♦♦ During chronic renal failure dialysis needs to be done. It
can be done as peritoneal dialysis or haemodialysis.
♦♦ Kidneys are likely to be injured because of penetrating
injuries to lower thoracic cage. They can also be injured
by kicks in renal angle i.e. the angle between the vertebral
column and 12th rib.
♦♦ Kidneys are likely to have stones as urine become
concentrated here.
♦♦ Kidneys stone lies on the body of vertebra while the
gallstones lie anterior to body of vertebra.


Q.1. Write short note on openings in diaphragm.

 (Dec 2010, 3 Marks)
Ans. There are three large and multiple small openings in
diaphragm which allows passage of structures from
Fig. 254:  Arrangement of arteries of kidney abdomen to thorax or vice-versa.
Lower Limb, Abdomen and Pelvis 193

Large or Major Openings of Diaphragm

(See following table)

Opening Shape Location Structure passing through Effects

Vena caval Quardilateral At level of T8 vertebra junction of right 1. Inferior vena cava On contraction
opening and median leaflet of central tendon 2. Right phrenic nerve undergo dilatation
3. Lymphatics of liver
Esophageal Elliptical At level of T10 vertebra, splitting of right 1. Esophagus On contraction
opening crus 2. Anterior and posterior vagal trunks undergo constriction
3. Left gastric vessels
Aortic opening Rounded At level of T12 vertebra, behind median 1. Abdominal aorta On contraction
arcuate ligament 2. Thoracic duct undergo no change
3 . Azygous vein

Small Openings of Diaphragm vagina pass up into uterus and from there to uterine
♦♦ Each of the crus of diaphragm is pierced by greater and tubes. Fertilization occurs in lateral part of tube.
lesser splanchnic nerves. Left crus is pierced in addition Situation
to hemiazygos vein.
♦♦ Sympathetic chain passes from thorax to abdomen behind Uterine tubes are situated in free upper margin of broad
medial arcuate ligament or medial lumbocostal arch. ligament of uterus.
♦♦ Subcostal nerve and vessels pass behind the lateral arcuate Dimension
ligament or lateral lumbocostal arch.
♦♦ Superior epigastric vessels and some of the lymphatics pass ♦♦ Each uterine tube is about 10 cm long.
♦♦ At its lateral end, uterine tube opens inside peritoneal cavity
between origins of diaphragm from xiphoid process and
via its abdominal ostium. The ostium is 3 mm in diameter.
7th costal cartilage. This gap is known as Larry’s space or
foramen of Morgagni. Subdivisions
♦♦ Musculophrenic vessels pierce diaphragm at level of 9th ♦♦ Lateral end of uterine tube is funnel shape and is called as
costal cartilage. infundibulum. It consists of number of finger like processes
known as fimbriae and that’s why it is called as fimbriated
end, one of the fimbriae is longer than others and is attached
to tubal pole of ovary and is known as ovarian fimbria.
♦♦ The part of uterine tube medial to infundibulum is called
ampulla. It is thin walled dilated and tortuous and forms
lateral 2/3rd of tube. Ampulla is site for fertilization.
♦♦ Isthmus succeeds the ampulla. It is narrow, rounded and
cord like and form medial one-third of tube.
♦♦ Uterine or intramural or interstitial part of tube lies in the
wall of uterus. It open in superior angle of uterine cavity
by narrow uterine ostium. The ostium is 1 mm in diameter.

Fig. 255:  Openings of diaphragm


Q.1. Write a short note on uterine tube.

 (Mar 2007, 3 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. Uterine tube is also known as fallopian tube or salpinx.
Uterine tubes are tortuous ducts which convey oocyte
Fig. 256:  Subdivisions, relations and blood supply of uterine tube
from ovary to uterus. Spermatozoa introduce inside
194 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Course and Relations Nerve Supply

♦♦ Isthmus as well as adjoining part of ampulla is directed ♦♦ Uterine tubes are supplied by sympathetic and parasymp-
posterolaterally in horizontal plane. Near to the lateral thetic nerves running along uterine and ovarian arteries.
pelvic wall, ampulla arches over the ovary and is related ♦♦ Sympathetic nerves from T10 to L2 are derived from
to its anterior as well as posterior borders, its upper pole hypogastric plexus. They contain both visceral afferent
and the medial surface. Infundibulum projects beyond free and visceral efferent fibers. Later ones are vasomotor and
margin of broad ligament. stimulate tubal peristalsis. Peristalsis comes mainly under
♦♦ Uterine tube lies in upper free margin of broad ligament hormonal control.
of uterus. Part of broad ligament between the attachment ♦♦ Parasympathetic nerves are derived from vagus for lateral
of mesovarium and uterine tube is known as mesosalpinx. half of tube and from the pelvic splanchnic nerves from
This consists of termination of uterine and the ovarian S2,S3,S4 segments of spinal cord for medial half. They
vessels and epoophoron. cause inhibition of peristalsis and cause vasodilatation.
Blood Supply Applied Anatomy
Arterial Supply 1. Salpingitis: Inflammation of uterine tubes.
2. Sterility: Inability to have child. Most common cause is
♦♦ Uterine artery supplies medial 2/3rd of uterine tube.
tubal blockage which is congenital, or caused by infection.
♦♦ Ovarion artery supplies lateral 1/3rd of uterine tube.
3. Tubal pregnancy: Sometimes fertilized ova instead of
Venous Drainage reaching uterus adheres to the walls of uterine tube and
start developing here. This is called as tubal pregnancy.
Veins run parallel to arteries and drain into pampiniform plexus Enlarging embryo can lead to rupture of tube.
of ovary and into uterine veins. 4. Tubectomy: For purposes of family planning a women
can be sterilized by removing a segment of uterine tubes
Lymphatic Drainage
on both side.
♦♦ Tubal lymphatics join lymphatics from ovary and drain 5. Transport of ovum: It chiefly occur due to muscular
into lateral aortic and preaortic nodes. contractions. Ciliary movements create an effective system
♦♦ Lymphatics from isthmus accompany round ligament of of lymph towards uterus which helps in nourishment of
uterus and drains into superficial inguinal nodes. ovum in lumen of tube over mucosal ridges.
Lower Limb, Abdomen and Pelvis 195


As per DCI and Examination Papers 1 Mark Each
of Various Universities

1. Name the arteries present in typical intercostal space. 9. Write name of cranial nerve which pass into internal
Ans. One posterior intercostal artery with its collateral branch auditory meatus.
and two anterior intercostals arteries Ans. Vestibulocochlear nerve and facial nerve.
2. Write the names of borders of lung. 10. Write name of unpaired intracranial venous sinuses.
Ans. Anterior, posterior and inferior Ans. Following are the unpaired intracranial venous sinuses:
3. Write name of various parts of stomach. ♦ Superior saggital sinus
Ans. Parts of stomach are: ♦ Inferior saggital sinus
♦ Straight sinus
♦ Cardiac part
• Fundus ♦ Occipital sinus
• Body ♦ Anterior intercavernous sinus
♦ Pyrolic part ♦ Posterior intercavernous sinus
• Pyrolic antrum ♦ Basilar plexus of veins.
• Pyrolic canal 11. Name the nerve supply of orbicularis oculi.
4. Write the name of all arteries which supply the thyroid Ans. Upper half of the orbicularis oculi muscle receives its
gland. innervation from the temporal branch of facial nerve,
Ans. Following are the name of arteries supplying thyroid while the lower half receives its innervation from the
gland: zygomatic branch of facial nerve.
♦ Superior thyroid artery 12. Name the largest sesamoid bone of the body.
♦ Inferior thyroid artery Ans. Patella
♦ Lowest thyroid artery or thyroidea ima artery
13. ........... is the nerve supply of anterior belly of digastrics.
♦ Accessory thyroid artery
Ans. Trigeminal nerve
5. Write the names of various components of hard palate.
Ans. Components of hard palate are: 14. Name two infrahyoid muscles.
♦ Palatine processes of maxillae in anterior two-third Ans. Following are two infrahyoid muscles:
♦ Horizontal plates of palatine bone in posterior one- 1. Sternothyroid
third 2. Sternohyoid
♦ Anterior and posterior parts unite by cruciform 15. Name the parts of corpus callosum.
suture to form hard palate Ans. Parts of corpus callosum are:
6. Write the names of all extrinsic muscles of tongue. ♦ Genu
Ans. Following are extrinsic muscle of tongue: ♦ Rostrum
♦ Genioglossus ♦ Trunk
♦ Hyoglossus ♦ Splenium
♦ Styloglossus 16. Name the branches of first part of maxillary artery.
♦ Palatoglossus Ans. Following are the branches of first part of maxillary
7. Write action of lateral pterygoid muscle. artery:
Ans. It depresses mandible to open mouth with suprahyoid ♦ Deep auricular
muscles. ♦ Anterior tympanic
♦ Middle meningeal
8. Write name of cranial nerve nuclei which are present
in midbrain. ♦ Accessory meningeal
♦ Inferior alveolar.
Ans. Following are the cranial nerve nuclei present in
midbrain: 17. Give two examples of secondary cartilaginous joint
♦ Nucleus of trochlear nerve (symphysis).
♦ Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve Ans. Two examples of secondary cartilaginous joints
♦ Nucleus of occulomotor nerve with Edinger– (symphysis) are:
Westphal nucleus 1. Fibrocartilaginous joint
♦ Pretectal nucleus 2. Hyaline joint
196 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

18. Erb’s point lies on……………..trunk of brachial plexus. 24. Define sinusoid.
Ans. Upper Ans. A small irregularly shaped blood vessel found in certain
19. ………. muscle is supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve. organs, especially the liver.
Ans. Stylopharyngeus 25. Name the parts of internal capsule.
20. Skin is lined by………………epithelium. Ans. Following are the parts of internal capsule:
Ans. Keratinized stratified squamous. • Anterior limb
• Genu
21. Name the lobes of left lung.
• Posterior limb
Ans. Following are the lobes of left lung:
• Sublentiform part
• Upper
• Retrolentiform part
– Upper division
– Lower division 26. Why thyroid swelling moves with deglutition?
• Lower Ans. Thyroid swelling moves with deglutition because the
22. Name the branches of maxillary artery. thyroid gland is enclosed within the pretracheal fascia
Ans. Following are the branches of maxillary artery: which is attached to larynx which moves up and down,
while swallowing and along with that thyroid and its
1. Branches of first part of maxillary artery:
swellings also moves up and down.
– Deep auricular
– Anterior tympanic 27. Name the tributaries of internal jugular vein.
– Middle meningeal Ans. Following are the tributaries of internal jugular vein:
– Accessory meningeal • Inferior petrosal sinus
– Inferior alveolar • Common facial vein
2. Branches of second part of maxillary artery: • Lingual vein
– Masseteric • Pharyngeal veins
– Deep temporal • Superior thyroid vein
– Pterygoid • Middle thyroid vein
– Buccal
3. Third part of maxillary artery: 28. Which nerve supply sternocleidomastoid muscle?
– Posterior superior alveolar Ans. It is supplied by accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI) and
– Infraorbital direct branches of the cervical plexus (C1–C2).
– Greater palatine
29. Name the cervical nerves taking part in the formation
– Pharyngeal
of ansa cervicalis.
– Artery of pterygoid canal
– Sphenopalatine. Ans. Following are the cervical nerves taking part in formation
of ansa cervicalis:
23. Name the four structures passing through superior
• Superior root by first cervical nerve
orbital fissure.
• Inferior root or descending cervical nerve from
Ans. Following are the four structures passing through second and third cervical spinal nerves.
superior orbital fissure:
1. Lacrimal nerve 30. Name the arteries supplying the heart.
2. Frontal nerve Ans. Arteries supplying the heart are:
3. Trochlear nerve • Left coronary artery
4. Superior ophthalmic vein • Right coronary artery
Lower Limb, Abdomen and Pelvis 197


1. Which muscle in given color picture is responsible for

mandibular protrusion?
a. Lateral pterygoid
b. Masseter
c. Medial pterygoid
d. Temporalis

Ans. a. Zone of proliferation

3. Which of the following structures does not pass
through the area marked in the figure?
a. Sensory branch of mandibular nerve
b. Lesser petrosal nerve
c. Motor root of trigeminal nerve
d. Maxillary nerve
Ans. a. Lateral pterygoid
2. In following H & E stained secondary cartilage of
condyle, identify the marked layer:
a. Zone of proliferation
b. Zone of hypertrophy
c. Zone of chondroid formation
d. Zone of maturation

Ans. d. Maxillary nerve

198 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Additional Matter

Various Landmarks of Skull Contd...

Name of the Name of the

landmark Meaning foramina Transmission
Asterion This is the meeting point of parietomastoid, Foramen • Vertebral artery
occipitomastoid and lambdoid sutures transversarium • Vertebral veins
Bregma This is the meeting point between sagittal and • Branch from inferior cervical ganglion
lambdoid sutures Jugular • Anterior part: Inferior petrosal sinus, meningeal
Lambda This is the meeting point between coronal and foramen branch of ascending pharyngeal artery,
sagittal sutures sigmoid sinus
• Middle part: 9th, 10th and 11th nerve
Obelion This is the point on sagittal suture between the • Posterior part: Internal jugular vein and
two parietal foramen meningeal branch of occipital artery
Pterion This is an area inside the temporal fossa where Supraorbital It transmits supraorbital nerve and vessels
frontal, parietal, temporal and greater wing of foramen
sphenoid join and form a H shaped suture
Infraorbital Infraorbital nerve and vessels
Vertex This is the highest point on the sagittal suture foramen
Mental Mental nerve and vessels
Various Foramina and their Transmissions foramen
Incisive • Terminal parts of greater palatine vessels
Name of the foramen • Terminal part of nasopalatine nerve
foramina Transmission
Mastoid Emissary vein which connect sigmoid sinus with
Foramen • From anterior part
foramen posterior auricular vein
magnum -- Apical ligament of dens
Meningeal branch of occipital artery
-- Membrana tectoria
• Via subarachnoid space Palatovaginal • Pharyngeal branch of pterygopalatine ganglion
-- Spinal accessory nerve canal • Pharyngeal branch of maxillary artery
-- Vertebral arteries
Greater • Greater palatine vessels
-- Anterior and posterior spinal arteries
palatine • Anterior palatine nerve
• Via posterior part
-- Lower part of medulla
-- Tonsils of cerebellum Lesser • Middle palatine nerve
-- Meninges palatine • Posterior palatine nerve
Foramen • Middle meningeal artery
spinosum • Meningeal branch of mandibular nerve Vomerovaginal Branches of pharyngeal nerves and vessels
• Middle meningeal vein canal
Foramen • Mandibular nerve Anterior • Hypoglossal nerve
ovale • Accessory meningeal artery condylar canal • Meningeal branch of hypoglossal nerve
• Lesser petrosal nerve • Meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal
• Emissary vein connecting cavernous sinus artery
with pterygoid plexus of veins • Emissary vein connecting sigmoid sinus with
Foramen Meningeal branch of pharyngeal artery jugular vein
lacerum Posterior Emissary vein connecting sigmoid sinus with sub
Carotid canal Internal carotid artery along with venous and condylar canal occipital venous plexus
sympathetic plexus around artery Optic canal • Optic nerve
Inferior orbital • Maxillary nerve • Ophthalmic artery
fissure • Zygomatic nerve
Foramen It is an inter ventricular foramen via which lateral
• Orbital branches of pterygopalatine ganglion
monro ventricles open in third ventricle
• Infraorbital vessels
• Inferior ophthalmic vein Foramen of Medial opening in roof of fourth ventricle of brain
Superior • In lateral part: Lacrimal, frontal and trochlear
orbital fissure nerves, lacrimal and middle meingeal artery Foramen of Opening of lateral recess of fourth ventricle
• In middle part: Occulomotor, nasociliary and Luschka
abducens nerves Internal 7th and 8th cranial nerves and labyrinthine
• In medial part: Inferior ophthalmic veinand sym- acoustic vessels
pathetic plexus around internal carotid artery meatus
Lower Limb, Abdomen and Pelvis 199

Various Craniosynostosis Contd...

Type of Occur due to Arterial

craniosynostosis Meaning premature closure of Name of and venous Lymphatic
the gland supply drainage Nerve supply
Brachycephally Expansion of skull Bilateral coronal
horizontally suture Postganglionic fibers
emerges from the
Oxycephaly All the sutures
ganglion and enter the
Plagiocephaly Asymmetrical, Unilateral coronal submandibular gland.
oriented to one side suture
Sublingual Both Lymph Nerve supply is same
Platycephaly Tower skull with Unilateral sublingual drains to as mentioned above in
peak at occiput occipitoparietal and sub­ sub mental submandibular gland.
Scaphocephaly Long and narrow skull Sagittal suture mental lymph node

Various Pneumatic Bones (Internal Cavities are Filled

Channels of Cavernous Sinus
with Air)
♦♦ Mastoid process of temporal bone Incoming channels Draining channels
♦♦ Maxillary sinus Superior ophthalmic vein Superior petrosal sinus
♦♦ Sphenoid sinus Inferior ophthalmic vein Inferior petrosal sinus
♦♦ Ethmoid sinus
Central vein of retina Superior petrosal sinus
Situation of Foramina in Base of Skull from Anterior to Superficial middle cerebral vein Emissary veins
Inferior cerebral vein Superior ophthalmic vein
♦♦ Foramen ovale Sphenoparietal sinus Intercavernous vein
♦♦ Foramen spinosum
Middle meningeal vein
♦♦ Jugular foramen
♦♦ Stylomastoid foramen
Various Nerves
Various Major Salivary Glands
Sensory • Olfactory I
Arterial • Optic II
Name of and venous Lymphatic • Vestibulocochlear VIII
the gland supply drainage Nerve supply
Motor • Oculomotor III
Parotid • External Lymph • Parasympathetic: • Trochlear IV
carotid drains first Preganglionic fibers • Abducens VI
artery to parotid start from inferior • Hypoglossal XII
• External nodes salivatory nucleus, pass
Mixed • Trigeminal V
jugular and from via glossopharyngeal
• Facial VII
vein there to nerve and lesser
• Glossopharyngeal IX
upper deep petrosal nerve and
• Vagus X
cervical relay in otic ganglion.
• Accessory XII
lymph Postganglionic fibers
nodes reaches parotid gland via
auriculotemporal nerve. Nerves Carrying General Visceral Efferent Fibers
• Sensory: This
nerve supply is via ♦♦ Oculomotor
auriculotemporal ♦♦ Facial
nerve. Parotid fascia ♦♦ Glossopharyngeal
is supplied by sensory ♦♦ Vagus
fibers of greater
auricular nerve House–Brackmann Score
Sub­ • Facial Lymph • Parasympathetic: ♦♦ This score grades the degree of nerve damage in facial
mandibular artery drains Preganglionic fibers nerve palsy
• Venous to sub­ start from superior ♦♦ Its measurement is determined by measuring upward
drainage mandibular salivatory nucleus, pass
movement of mid portion of top of an eyebrow and
to lymph via chorda tympani
common nodes. of facial nerve and outward movement of angle of mouth
facial or the lingual nerve to ♦♦ Each reference point scores 1 point for each 0.25 cm
the lingual reach submandibular movement, upto maximum of 1 cm. Score is then added
vein ganglion. to give a number out of 8.
Contd... ♦♦ This score predict the recovery in patient’s with Bell’s palsy.
200 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Movements of Jaw and Muscles Associated with them Various Parts of Body and their Drainage to Lymph Nodes

Name of movement of Drainage to

jaw Muscles responsible Parts of the body lymph node
Depression of mandible • Digastric • Tip of tongue Sub-mental lymph
or Mouth opening • Mylohyoid • Adjoining gum nodes
• Geniohyoid • Chin
• Lateral pterygoid • Central part of lower lip
• Upper lip Sub-mandibular
Elevation of jaw or closing • Massater
of mouth • Temporalis • Nose and paranasal sinus lymph nodes
• Medial pterygoid • Centre of forehead
• Anterior 2/3rd of tongue
Protrusion Lateral pterygoid and medial pterygoid • Floor of mouth
• Outer part of lower lip with underlying gum
Retraction • Geniohyoid
and teeth
• Masseter
• Digastric • Part of scalp above and behind the auricle Postauricular
• Posterior fibers of temporalis • Upper half of medial surface and the lymph nodes
margin of auricle
Lateral movements Medial and lateral pterygoid • Posterior wall of external acoustic meatus
• Parotid gland Parotid lymph
Various Facial Expressions and Muscles Responsible for • Temporomandibular joint nodes
• Temple
• External acoustic meatus
Name of the facial expression Muscles responsible • Parts of eyelid and orbit
Part of cheek and lower eyelid Buccal and mandi­
Smiling and laughing Zygomaticus major
bular lymph nodes
Sadness • Levator labii superioris • Larynx Prelaryngeal and
• Levator anguli oris • Trachea pretracheal lymph
Grief Depressor anguli oris • Isthmus of thyroid nodes

Anger • Dilator naris • Esophagus Paratracheal

• Depressor septi • Trachea
• Larynx
Frowning • Corrugator supercilii
• Posterior part of hard palate Retropharyngeal
• Procerus
• Nose lymph nodes
Horror, terror, fight Platysma • Soft palate
• Auditory tube
Surprise Frontalis
• Pharynx
Doubt Mentalis
Grinning Risorius Various Levels of Neck Lymph Nodes
Contempt Zygomaticus minor Name of
the level Description
Level I It includes submental and submandibular lymph nodes
Various Cephaly
Level II • It consists of upper jugular lymph nodes and is
Name of cephaly Meaning divided into sublevels IIA and IIB
• Level IIA lymph nodes lie anterior to spinal
Acrocephaly Both coronal and sagittal sutures are premature accessory nerve
resulting in pointed skull • Level IIB lymph nodes lie posterior to spinal
Anencephaly This is characterized by missing of greater part accessory nerve
of vault of skull Level III It consists of lymph nodes of middle jugular group
Brachycephaly Premature fusion of coronal sutures forces the Level IV It consists of lymph nodes of lower jugular group
skull to grow wide relative to its length which
Level V • It consists of lymph nodes of posterior triangle.
leads to short and broad skull
• This group consists of lymph node along spinal
Dolichocephaly In this skull is long and thin accessory chain, transverse cervical nodes and
supraclavicular nodes
Microcephaly There is small skull due to failure of brain to grow
Level VI • It includes anterior compartment lymph nodes.
Plagiocephaly There is asymmetric union of sutures which • It includes pretracheal, prelaryngeal and
leads to twisted skull paratracheal lymph nodes
Scaphocephaly It is the premature union of sagittal suture which Level VII This constitutes the lymph node group in superior
leads to boat shaped skull mediastinum, but are no longer used.


1. Some Preliminary Considerations 7. Face, Nose and Palate

2. Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis 8. Alimentary System I: Mouth, Pharynx and
3. Formation of Germ Layers Related Structures
4. Further Development of Embryonic Disc 9. The Nervous System
5. Formation of Tissues of the Body 10. Fate of Germ Layers
6. The Pharyngeal Arches
♦♦ Besides sex genes the sex chromosomes have also
1. SOME PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS autosomal genes, genes that codify several proteins related
to nonsexual traits.
Q.1. Discuss in brief sex chromosomes. ♦♦ Diseases caused by abnormal number of sex chromosomes
 (Nov 2009, 5 Marks) are called sex aneuploidies.
Ans. In diploid genome of human beings, there are 46 ♦♦ Main sex aneuploidies are 44 + XXX, or trisomy X (women
chromosomes, 44 of them are autosomes and two are whose cells have an additional X chromosome); 44 + XXY,
sex chromosomes. The individual inherits one of these or Klinefelter’s syndrome (men whose cells have an extra X
chromosomes from each parent. chromosome); 44 + XYY, or double Y syndrome (men whose
• Human sex chromosomes are called X chromosome cells have an additional Y chromosome); 44 + X, Turner’s
and Y chromosome. syndrome (women whose cells lack an X chromosome).
• Individuals having two X chromosomes (44 + XX)
are female.
• Individuals having one X chromosome and one Y 2. SPERMATOGENESIS AND OOGENESIS
chromosome (44 + XY) are male.
• There are two portions of human sex chromosome, Q.1. Write a short note on spermatogenesis.
i.e. homologous and heterologous portions.  (April 2003, 5 Marks) (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
• Homologous portion is that in which there are genes  (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
having alleles in both Y and X sex chromosomes. Ans. Spermatogenesis is the process of maturation of male
• Homologous portions are situated more in the gametes in the wall of seminiferous tubules.
central part of the sex chromosomes, near the • It consists of series of changes leading to the
centromere. conversion of spermatogonia into spermatozoa.
• Heterologous portion is that whose genes do • In the male, formation of gametes (spermatozoa)
not have correspondent alleles in the other sex takes place at the time of reproductive period, which
chromosome. begins at the age of puberty (12 to l6 years) and
• These genes are located more in the peripheral continues even into old age.
regions of the arms of the Y and X chromosomes. • Its duration is of 64–74 days.
• Various cell stages in spermatogenesis are spermato-
cytosis, meiosis and spermiogenesis. These stages
can be described as follows:

♦♦ This is the process of conversion of spermatogonia to
primary spermatocytes. It takes 16 days. It is by repeated
mitotic divisions.
♦♦ Formation of stem cells: The primitive germ cells give rise
to spermatogonial stem cells.
♦♦ Cell growth: From these stem cells, a group of cells
are formed at regular intervals and are called type A
spermatogonia. Production of type A spermatogonia
marks the beginning of spermatogenesis.
Fig. 1:  Chromosomes ♦♦ Mitotic divisions: Type A spermatogonia (44 + X + Y)
undergo a limited number of mitotic divisions and form
♦♦ The individual of male sex is XY, so he forms gametes a clone of cells. The last division of cells becomes Type B
containing either the X chromosome or the Y chromosome spermatogonia. The Type A spermatogonia are dark and
in a 1:1 proportion. Type B are pale in color. Type A spermatogonia are reserve
♦♦ The individual of female sex is XX and thus she forms only cells. The spermatogonia (Type B) (44 + X + Y) enlarge, or
gametes containing an X chromosome. undergo mitosis, to form primary spermatocytes.
♦♦ It is not only possible that an X chromosome of a woman
is from her father, it is certain. Every woman has an X Meiotic Divisions
chromosome from her father and the other X chromosome ♦♦ In this, there is conversion of primary spermatocytes to
from her mother. secondary spermatocytes and then spermatids. It takes
♦♦ In men, however the X chromosome comes always from 24 days.
his mother and the Y chromosome is always from his ♦♦ Primary spermatocytes (44 + X + Y) now divide so that
father. each of them forms two secondary spermatocytes.
204 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

This is the first meiotic division, i.e. it reduces the number • Golgi apparatus: Golgi apparatus is transformed into
of chromosomes to half. the acrosomic cap. Acrosomal cap covers two-thirds
♦♦ Each secondary spermatocyte has 22 + X or 22 + Y of nucleus.
chromosomes. It divides to form two spermatids. This • Centrosome: Centriole divides into two parts that are
is the second meiotic division and this time, there is no at first close together. The proximal centriole becomes
reduction in chromosome number. It is called equation spherical and comes to lie in the neck. The axial
meiosis. There occurs balancing of species specific filament appears to grow out of it. Distal centriole
chromosome number and DNA content by reduction and forms the distal end of middle piece, i.e. annulus.
equation divisions. Centrioles are concerned for movement.
• Mitochondria: Form a spiral sheath around middle
piece. The part of the axial filament between the
neck and the annulus becomes surrounded by
mitochondria, and together with them forms the
middle piece. The remaining part of the axial filament
elongates to form the principal piece and tail.
• Cytoplasm: Most of it is shed as residual bodies of
Renaud and are engulfed by Sertoli cells.
• Cell membrane: Persists as a covering for the
spermatozoon. Presents specialization for fertilization
that includes sperm-egg recognition, sperm-egg
binding and sperm-egg fusion.
Q.2. Write short note on oogenesis. (May 2014, 5 Marks)
Ans. The process of maturation and differentiation of primitive
germ cells to oogonia, primary oocytes, secondary
oocytes and to mature ova in the female genital tract.
• It is located in ovarian cortex.
• Peculiarities of oogenesis:
– Starts before birth (10th week)
– Stops in the middle (birth to puberty)
– Restarts at puberty (11–13 years)
– Continues up to menopause (45–55 years)
• Various processes in oogenesis are:
– Mitosis
– Meiosis
– Growth of follicles
Fig. 2:  Stages in spermatogenesis – Differentiation of follicles.
• Cortex contains many large round cells called
Spermiogenesis “oogonia”. All the oogonia to be utilized throughout
the life of a woman are produced at a very early
♦♦ It is the process of metamorphosis of spermatids to stage (possibly before birth) and do not multiply
spermatozoa and takes 24 days. thereafter.
♦♦ Process by which a spermatid (22 + X/22 + Y) gradually • On arrival in the gonad, the primordial germ cells
changes its shape to become a spermatozoon is called differentiate into oogonia. The oogonia pass through
spermiogenesis. It is the final stage in the maturation of the stages of primary and secondary oocyte and ovum.
spermatids into mature, motile spermatozoa. • Oogenesis at different phases of life can be described
♦♦ The spermatid is a more or less circular cell containing a here:
nucleus, Golgi apparatus, centriole and mitochondria. All
these components take part in forming the spermatozoon. Before Birth
♦♦ Major events in spermiogenesis: ♦♦ Before 3rd month: The primitive germ cells undergo mitosis
• Nuclear morphogenesis and condensation to form oogonia. This occurs in the absence of testicular
• Formation of tail differentiation factor.
• Formation of acrosome ♦♦ Before 7th month: The oogonia continue to divide mitotically.
• Rearrangement of organelles (Mitochondria, centrioles) The oogonia are surrounded by a layer of flat epithelial
• Shedding of excess cytoplasm. cells. Some of the oogonia enlarge to form primary oocytes.
♦♦ Various processes in spermiogenesis: ♦♦ 7th month to birth: Formation of primordial follicles
• Nucleus: Condensation of nucleus and its movement (primary oocyte with its surrounding flat epithelial cells)
to one pole forms the head. and multiplication of primary oocytes to produce millions
Embryology  205

of germ cells occurs. Primary oocyte enters prophase I of ♦♦ If fertilization does not occur, the secondary oocyte fails
meiosis I at that phase the meiosis is arrested by oocyte to complete the second meiotic division and degenerates
maturation inhibitor (OMI) factor. about 24 hours after ovulation.
♦♦ The oogonia are diploid (2n) in chromosome content.
Q.3. Briefly describe graafian follicle.
Many of these oogonia and primary oocytes degenerate
before birth.  (Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
Ans. Around 7th day of sexual cycle one of the tertiary follicles
increases in size in response to follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) and forms
the largest mature follicle that is known as “Graafian
follicle”. Remaining follicles degenerate and become
• A fully mature Graafian follicle is about 3–5 mm
in size. It reaches the periphery of the cortex and
starts projecting on to the surface of the ovary. The
follicular antrum is filled with fluid pushing the
primary oocyte with a layer of covering cells to one
side of the follicle.
• The layer of cells immediately surrounding the
oocyte and zona pellucida are called corona radiata
cells. The projection of granulosa cells covering the
Fig. 3:  Stages in oogenesis
primary oocyte projecting into the follicular antrum
is called cumulus oophorus. The area of attachment
Birth to Puberty of primary oocyte and corona radiata to the wall of
follicle is called discus proligerus.
♦♦ There will be both maturation and degeneration of
• As the follicle expands, the stromal cells surrounding
primordial follicle resulting in reduction in the number
the membrana granulosa become condensed to form
of primary oocytes.
a covering called the theca interna. Theca interna
♦♦ At the time of birth, all primary oocytes are in the prophase
increases in thickness and becomes more vascular.
of first meiotic division. At birth, approximately two lakh
The cells of the theca interna later secrete a hormone
primary oocytes in primordial follicles are present in each
called estrogen; and they are then called the cells of
the thecal gland. Outside the theca interna, some
♦♦ Instead of entering metaphase, the primary oocytes enter
fibrous tissue becomes condensed to form another
prolonged resting or diplotene stage.
covering for the follicle called the theca externa. The
After Puberty ovarian follicle is now fully formed.
• The follicle gradually increases in size and finally
♦♦ After puberty, cyclic preparation for fertilization is known bursts and expels the ovum. This process of
as ovarian cycle. shedding of the ovum is called ovulation.
♦♦ From the time of birth to puberty, there is degeneration of • Just before ovulation the primary oocyte of mature
number of primary oocytes. Rest of the primary oocytes Graafian follicle completes first meiotic division and
remain in prophase and do not complete their first meiotic forms secondary oocyte and first polar body.
division until they begin to mature and are ready to ovulate.
♦♦ The first meiotic division of a primary oocyte produces two
unequal daughter cells. Each daughter cell has the haploid
number of chromosomes (23). The large cell, which receives
most of the cytoplasm, is called the secondary oocyte, and
the smaller cell is known as “the first polar body”. The
secondary oocyte immediately enters the second meiotic
cell division.
♦♦ Ovulation takes place while the oocyte is in metaphase.
The secondary oocyte remains arrested in metaphase till
fertilization occurs.
♦♦ The second meiotic division is completed only if
fertilization occurs. This division results in two unequal
daughter cells. The larger cell is called ovum. The smaller
daughter cell is called the second polar body. The first polar
body may also divide during the second meiotic division
making a total of three polar bodies. Fig. 4:  Mature Graafian follicle (For colour version see Plate 11)
206 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Fate of spermatozoa in female genital tract: Around

3. FORMATION OF GERM LAYERS 200–500 million sperms are deposited in the female
genital tract and about 300–500 spermatozoa only
Q.1. Write short note on fertilization. reach the site of fertilization. The life span of
 (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) (Dec 2014, 5 Marks) spermatozoa after ejaculation is 24 to 48 hours.
Ans. Process of fusion of two highly specialized/highly They have greater motility; hence, they rapidly lose
differentiated/mature, haploid germ cells, an ovum and the fertilizing power. Acidic vaginal pH decreases
a spermatozoon resulting in the formation of a most and alkalinity increases motility of spermatozoa.
unspecialized/undifferentiated/diploid, mononucleated The spermatozoa are attracted to the ovum by a
single cell, the zygote. mechanism known as chemotaxis, i.e. release of certain
• Fertilization is a signal for completion of second chemicals by the follicular cells.
meiotic division. Out of a few hundred capacitated • Capacitation: It is the final step in maturation of
sperms, that surround the ovum, only one pierces spermatozoon before actual fertilization and it takes
the zona pellucida and enters the ovum. As soon place in female genital tract. It is a species-specific
as one spermatozoon enters the ovum, the second interaction between sperm and oocyte. The time
meiotic division is completed, and the second polar required for capacitation is 7 hours. It starts in the
body is extruded. uterus and continues into the tubes. The mechanism
• Site of fertilization: Fertilization of the ovum occurs of capacitation is not known.
in the ampulla or lateral one-third of uterine tube. ♦♦ Ovum transport: The structure of ovum at ovulation,
• Stages: The various events in fertilization can be transport of ovum from ovary to ampulla of uterine tube
described in three stages. and the viability of sperm are important for the success
1. Approximation of gametes of fertilization.
2. Contact and fusion of gametes • Structure of ovum at ovulation: At ovulation, the
3. Effects/results of fertilization. ovum contains secondary oocyte with 23 unpaired
chromosomes enclosed in vitelline membrane,
Approximation of Gametes surrounded by zona pellucida with proteins and
corona radiata with matrix rich in hyaluronic acid.
It is by transport of male and female gametes in the female
• Transport of ovum from ovary to ampulla of uterine tube:
genital tract.
Fimbriae of uterine tube moves over the ovary at
♦♦ Spermatozoon transport: Following events play an important
ovulation and the ciliary beats of fimbriae sweeps
role in successful fertilization. the ovulatory mass into the infundibulum. The ciliary
• Semen: It is also known as seminal fluid, is an heats of uterine epithelium and muscular contractions
organic fluid that contains spermatozoa. It includes of uterine tube are responsible for transcoelomic
secretions of seminal vesicle (60%), prostate (25%) migration of ovum from the surface of ovary into the
and bulbourethral glands (5%) and the spermatozoa ampulla of uterine tube. The ovum reaches ampulla,
(10%). The secretions from seminal vesicle are rich in the site of fertilization in 25 minutes.
fructose that provides energy for the spermatozoa. The • Viability of ovum: The ovum that is released at ovulation
normal amount of semen produced at each ejaculation is viable for 24–48 hours. In the absence of fertilization,
is about 2–3 mL. The number of spermatozoa released it degenerates.
in each ejaculation is 100 million/mL. The pH of semen
is maintained (7.2–7.6) by a base spermine present in Contact and Fusion of Gametes
it. The semen contains fibrinolysin that liquefies semen There are three barriers which the sperm has to penetrate before
in 30 minutes after ejaculation. fusing with the ovum. They are:
• Maturity and motility of sperms: During their passage 1. Corona radiata
through male genital tract the spermatozoa mature. 2. Zona pellucida
Movements of tail are important for their motility. 3. Vitelline membrane.
Motility is important for penetration of three barriers Four processes are involved in the penetration of these barriers.
surrounding the ovum. They are:
• Transport of sperms: Prostaglandins present in semen
stimulate peristaltic contractions of female genital Acrosome Reaction
tract at the time of sexual intercourse. During their ♦♦ Process of multiple contacts that capacitated sperm
transport, there will be reduction in the number of head establishes between plasma membrane and outer
spermatozoa due to the constrictions in female genital membrane of acrosomal cap, and discharging chemical
tract. Movements of their tails through uterus and substances that facilitate penetration of barriers around
tubes assisted by muscular contraction are responsible oocyte in succession.
for the movement of spermatozoa. Time taken for ♦♦ Coverings of sperm head: The head of sperm has three
transport to uterus is 5 to 45 minutes. coverings. From inside out, they are nuclear envelope,
bilaminar acrosomal membrane containing enzymes for Nuclear Fusion
penetration of oocyte and plasma membrane.
Both head and tail of spermatozoon (excluding plasma
♦♦ Release of acrosomal enzymes: The acrosome reaction
membrane) enters the cytoplasm of oocyte. Approximation of
must be completed to facilitate fusion of sperm with
pronuclei takes place near the middle of cytoplasm of ovum.
the secondary oocyte. It occurs when sperms come into
♦♦ Immediately after the entry of sperm head into the cytoplasm
contact with the corona radiata of the oocyte. Perforations
of the oocyte, the latter completes its second meiotic division,
develop in the acrosome. Point fusions of the sperm plasma
releases ovum with 1N DNA and second polar body. Second
membrane and the outer acrosomal membrane occur.
polar body extruded into perivitelline space.
The acrosome reaction is associated with the release of
♦♦ Reconstitution of oocyte chromosomes forms female
acrosome enzymes that facilitate penetration of the zona
pellucida by the sperm. The three acrosome enzymes
♦♦ The sperm head makes a rotation of l80° within the oocyte
that are released are hyaluronidase, the protease enzyme
cytoplasm with its nucleus swollen, transforms into a male
acrosin and acid phosphatase. The glycoprotein of the zona
pellucida is responsible for induction of the acrosomal
♦♦ Formation of zygote: Each chromosome in the male and
female pronuclei is made up of only one chromatid.
Replication of DNA takes place to form a second chromatid
Disintegration of Barriers
in each chromosome (lN—2N DNA) and two centrioles
The sperm has to pass through the following three barriers in appear. Disappearance of nuclear membranes and splitting
order. Disintegration of each barrier is by enzyme reaction: of each chromosome into two (as in mitosis) occurs.
♦♦ Corona radiata: Penetration of this first barrier depends The ovum is now called zygote. Meanwhile a spindle
on the release of hyaluronidase from the acrosome of forms between two centrioles and chromosomes from
sperm, tubal mucosal enzymes and movements of tail of each pronucleus (Haploid chromosomes with 2N DNA)
spermatozoon also aids in penetration of corona radiata. organizes on the spindle equator. One chromosome of
The hyaluronidase digests the cells of corona radiata. each pair moves to each end of the spindle. This leads
♦♦ Zona pellucida: The glycoproteins on the outer surface of to formation of two cells, each having 46 chromosomes.
sperm head binds with glycoproteins on the zona pellucida
of ovum. This is by binding to Zp3 and Zp2 receptors. Effects/Results of Fertilization
Acrosin causes digestion of ZP around sperm head. The From what has been said above, it will be clear that the results
reaction of zona is to prevent polyspermy. Alterations in of fertilization are:
the plasma membrane of oocyte and zona pellucida ensure ♦♦ Completion of second meiotic division of female gamete
that no other spermatozoon can enter the oocyte. The zona (secondary oocyte)
pellucida is altered due to release of lysosomal enzymes ♦♦ Restoration of diploid number (46) of chromosomes
by plasma membrane of the oocyte. This process is called
zona reaction.
♦♦ Vitelline membrane: When a spermatozoon comes in contact
with the oocyte, plasma membranes of two cells fuse. This
probably occurs at receptor sites that are specific for a
species. The disintegrin peptide released from sperm head
initiates fusion. The vitelline membrane contains integrin
peptides. This process takes 30 minutes.

Calcium Wave in Oocyte

The contact of sperm with vitelline membrane of oocyte triggers
calcium war (depolarization) in oocyte cytoplasm. This trigger
important event at fertilization.
♦♦ Secondary oocyte resumes second meiotic division.
♦♦ Contact of cortical granules with plasma membrane in the
periphery of ooplasm and release of lysosomal enzymes
from cortical granules produce vitelline block and prevents
♦♦ Alterations taking place in the plasma membrane of the
oocyte, and in the zona pellucida, ensure that no other
spermatozoon can enter the oocyte.
♦♦ Metabolic activation of egg. Entry of the sperm leads
to metabolic changes within the ovum that facilitate its
development into an embryo. Fig. 5:  Chromosomes during fertilization
208 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Determination of chromosomal sex of the future individual

♦♦ Initiation of cleavage (mitotic) division of zygote EMBRYONIC DISC
♦♦ Determination of polarity and bilateral symmetry of
embryo Q.1. Write short note on notochord. (Nov 2009, 4 Marks)
♦♦ Genetic diversity.  (Dec 2012, 3 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks)
 Embryo contains only maternal mitochondria—sperm Ans. Notochord
mitochondria are discarded. Notochord is a midline structure, that develops in the
The important points to note at this stage are that: region lying between the cranial end of the primitive
♦♦ The two daughter cells are still surrounded by the zona streak and the caudal end of primitive plate. During
pellucida. its development, the notochord passes through several
♦♦ Each daughter cell is much smaller than the ovum stages that are as follows:
♦♦ With subsequent divisions, the cells become smaller and 1. Cranial end of the primitive streak becomes
smaller until they acquire the size of most cells of the body. thickened.
Q.2. Write short note on stem cells. (May 2014, 5 Marks) This thickened part of the streak is called the
Ans. Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can primitive knot, primitive node or Henson’s node.
differentiate into specialized cells and can divide through
mitosis to produce more stem cells.
• They are found in multicellular organisms.
• In mammals, there are two broad types of stem cells:
embryonic stem cells, which are isolated from the
inner cell mass of blastocysts, and adult stem cells,
which are found in various tissues.
• In adult organisms, stem cells and progenitor cells
act as a repair system for the body, replenishing
adult tissues.
• In a developing embryo, stem cells can differentiate A
into all the specialized cells of ectoderm, endoderm
and mesoderm and also maintain the normal
turnover of regenerative organs, such as blood, skin,
or intestinal tissues.
• Embryonic stem cells are stem cells derived from
the inner cell mass of a blastocyst. Human embryos
reach the blastocyst stage 4–5 days post fertilization,
at which time they consist of 50–150 cells.
• Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent and give rise
to all derivatives of the three primary germ layers:
ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm.
• If these embryonic stem cells are exposed to certain
growth factors the stem cells can form various adult
cells, e.g. neuron, muscle cell, blood cell and cartilage
• Pluripotent adult stem cells are rare and generally
small in number, but they can be found in umbilical
cord blood and other tissues. Bone marrow is a rich
source of adult stem cells which have been used in
treating several conditions including spinal cord
injury, etc.
• It has observed that when the stem cells are
introduced into the tissues of living person, the
local environment help these stem cells differentiate
into cells which are similar to those of tissue in
which they are placed. This helps in treatment of
diseases like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer disease, Figs 6A to C:  Formation of: (A) Primitive knot, (B) Blastopore,
diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. (C) Notochordal process
Embryology  209

2. A depression appears in the center of the primitive 5. However, this process of flattening is soon reversed and
knot. the notochordal plate again becomes curved, to assume the
This depression is called the blastopore. shape of a tube. Proliferation of cells of this tube converts
3. Cells in the primitive knot multiply and pass it into a solid rod of cells. This rod is the definitive (i.e.
cranially in the middle line, between the ectoderm finally formed) notochord. It gets completely separated
and endoderm, reaching up to the caudal margin of from the endoderm.
the prochordal plate. These cells form a solid cord 6. As the embryo enlarges the notochord elongates
called the notochordal process or head process. considerably and lies in the midline, in the position to
The cells of this process undergo several stages of be later occupied by the vertebral column. However, the
rearrangement ending in the formation of a solid notochord does not give rise to vertebral column. Most of
rod called the notochord. it disappears, but parts of it persist in the region of each
intervertebral disc as the nucleus pulposus and its cranial
Formation of the Notochord continuation the apical ligament of dens of axis vertebra.
1. After the formation of the blastopore, its cavity extends 7. Notochord is present in all animals which belong to
into the notochordal process, and converts it into a tube phylum chordate.
called the notochordal canal. 8. Primitive streak is the primary organizer as it induces
2. Cells forming the floor of the notochordal canal become formation of notochord and intraembryonic mesoderm.
intercalated in (i.e. become mixed up with) the cells of the 9. Formation of notochord determines craniocaudal axis as
endoderm. Cells forming the floor of the notochordal canal well as right and left sides of embryo.
now separate the canal from the cavity of the yolk sac.
3. Floor of the notochordal canal begins to break down. At
first, there are small openings formed in it. But gradually 5. FORMATION OF TISSUES OF THE BODY
the whole canal comes to communicate with the yolk sac.
Notochordal canal also communicates with the amniotic Q.1. Write a short note on somites. (Sep 2009, 5 Marks)
cavity through the blastopore. Thus, at this stage, the (Mar 2013, 3 Marks) (Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
amniotic cavity and the yolk sac are in communication with
Ans. Paraxial mesoderm becomes segmented to form 40 to 45
each other.
pairs of somites that lie on either side of the developing
4. Gradually walls of the canal become flattened so that
neural tube and notochord.
instead of a rounded canal, we have a flat plate of cells
called the notochordal plate. • The somites appear between the 20th and 30th day of
development. Hence, the 4th week of development
is known as somite period of development.
• A cross section through a somite shows that it is
triangular structure and has a cavity. The somite is
divisible into three parts:
1. The ventromedial part is called the sclerotome.
The cells of sclerotome migrate medially. They
surround neural tube and give rise to the
vertebral column and ribs.
2. The lateral part is called the dermatome. The
cells of part also migrate, and come to line the
deep surface of the ectoderm covering the entire
body. These cells give rise to the dermis of the
skin and to subcutaneous tissue.
3. The intermediate part is the myotome. It gives
rise to striated muscle.
Recently, it has been held that the dermatome only forms
dermis on the back of the head and trunk, and that dermis
elsewhere is derived from lateral plate mesoderm.
• In the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions,
one spinal nerve innervates each myotome. The
number of somites formed in these regions,
therefore, corresponds to the number of spinal
nerves. In the coccygeal region, the somites exceed
the number of spinal nerves but many of them
Fig. 7:  Stages of formation of notochord subsequently degenerate.
210 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• The first cervical somite is caudal to tip of notochord

(which becomes the apical ligament of dens of axis 6. THE PHARYNGEAL ARCHES
vertebra). The first cervical is not the most cranial
somite to be formed. Cranial to it, there are: Q.1. Write a short note on derivatives of 1st pharyngeal arch.
– Occipital somites (4–5) which give rise to (Mar 2000, 4 Marks) (Mar 1998, 4 Marks)
muscles of the tongue and are supplied by the (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
hypoglossal nerve. (Dec 2014, 5 Marks) (Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
– Preoccipital (or preotic) somites (somitomeres), Or
supplied by the third, 4th and 6th cranial nerves.
Enumerate derivatives of 1st branchial arch.
 (Apr 2003, 5 Marks)
Write short note on 1st branchial arch.
 (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
Enumerate derivatives of 1st pharyngeal arch.
A  (Apr 2014, 3 Marks)
Ans. First pharyngeal arch is also called the “Mandibular arch”.
In the mesoderm of arch following structure are formed:
1. Cartilage.
2. Striated muscle.
3. Arterial arch.
First arch is known as mandibular arch.
Derivatives of Skeletal Elements
Cartilage of first arch is called “Meckel’s cartilage”. Incus,
malleus and spine of sphenoid are derived from its dorsal end.
The ventral part of the cartilage is surrounded by mesenchyme
that forms the mandible by membranous ossification. Meckle’s
cartilage is trapped in developing mandible and is absorbed. The
part of cartilage extending from the region of the middle ear to
C the mandible disappears, but its sheath (Perichondrium) forms
the anterior ligament of the malleus and the sphenomandibular
Mesenchyme of ventral part of first arch forms the mandible
Figs 8A to C:  (A) Somites lying on either side of the neural tube. Note and that of dorsal part forms bone of the face including maxilla,
subdivisions of somites. (B) The cells of the sclerotome have migrated zygomatic bone, palatine bone and part of temporal bone by
medially and now surround the neural tube. The myotome is innervated membranous ossification.
by nerves growing out of the neural tube. (C) The cells of the dermatome Following are the skeletal derivatives of first arch:
have migrated to form the dermis of the skin
♦♦ Malleus
Distribution of Somites and their Skeletal and Muscular ♦♦ Incus
Derivatives ♦♦ Mandible
♦♦ Maxilla
Number Skeletal ♦♦ Zygomatic
Samites of pairs elements Musculature ♦♦ Palatine
Preoccipital 3 Extraocular muscles ♦♦ Temporal
of eyeball ♦♦ Anterior ligament of malleus
Occipital 4–5 Base of skull Tongue musculature ♦♦ Sphenomandibular ligament.
except palatoglossus
Cervical 8 Vertebra Striated muscles of
Nerve Derivative of First Arch
Thoracic 12 Vertebra and ribs trunk, diaphragm First arch has double nerve supply. Mandibular nerve is the
limbs post-trematic nerve of first arch, while chorda tympani are
Lumbar 5 Vertebra
pretrematic nerve. Double innervations is reflected in the nerve
Sacral 5
supply of anterior two-thirds of tongue which are derived from
Coccygeal 8–10
ventral part of first arch.
Embryology  211

Maxillary (Sensory) and Mandibular (Motor and sensory) ♦♦ Platysma

branches of trigeminal nerve. ♦♦ Levator labii superioris, levator labii inferioris
♦♦ Levator anguli oris
Muscular Derivatives of First Arch ♦♦ Auricular muscles.
Following are the muscles of arch: All are migratory except stapedius, stylohyoid.
♦♦ Maseater
Artery Derivative of Second Arch
♦♦ Temporalis
♦♦ Medial pterygoid Artery of the arch is:
♦♦ Lateral pterygoid ♦♦ Hyoid artery
♦♦ Mylohyoid ♦♦ Stapedial artery.
♦♦ Anterior belly of digastrics
Q.3. Write a short note on derivatives of third branchial
♦♦ Tensor tympani
arch. (Aug 2005, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Tensor palate.
Ans. There are two types of derivatives of third branchial arch:
All the above muscles are migratory except tensor tympani.
1. Skeletal and ligamentous derivatives: Its dorsal
Artery Derivatives of First Arch part disappears and ventral part gives rise to
a. Greater cornua of hyoid bone
Maxillary artery is the artery of arch.
b. Lower half of body of hyoid bone.
Q.2. Enumerate the derivatives of 2nd pharyngeal arch. 2. Muscular derivatives: Stylopharyngeus.
(Sept 2000, 4 Marks) 3. Nerve derivatives: The muscles of third pharyngeal
Or arch are supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve.
4. Artery derivatives: Common carotid artery and
Write a short note on derivatives of 2nd pharyngeal
Internal carotid artery.
arch. (Feb 2005, 5 Marks)
(Aug 2011, 5 Marks) (Sep 2013, 5 Marks) Q.4. Write short note on derivatives of pharyngeal pouches.
Ans. Second pharyngeal arch also known as “Hyoid arch”. (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
Ans. Endoderm of pharyngeal arch extends outwards in the
Derivatives of Skeletal Element form of a pouch and is known as endodermal pouch or
Cartilage of second arch is Reichert’s cartilage and forms the pharyngeal pouch. There are five pharyngeal pouch
following: 1. First pouch:
♦♦ Dorsal end of cartilage forms stapes and styloid process a. Its ventral part takes part in formation of tongue.
♦♦ Ventral part forms smaller cornu of hyoid bone and b. Its dorsal part receives a contribution from
superior part of body of hyoid bone. dorsal part of the 2nd pouch and together form
♦♦ Part between dorsal and ventral parts disappears but a diverticulum which is called “tubotympanic
perichondrium forms stylohyoid ligament. recess”. Proximal part of this recess give rise to
auditory tube, distal part of recess give rise to
Following are the skeletal derivatives:
middle ear cavity and tympanic antrum.
♦♦ Stapes
♦♦ Styloid process 2. Second pouch:
♦♦ Stylohyoid ligament a. Ventral part of this pouch contributes in the
♦♦ Lesser cornu of hyoid formation of tonsil.
♦♦ Upper half of body of hyoid. b. Dorsal part takes part in the formation of
tubotympanic recess.
Nerve Derivative of Second Arch 3. Third pouch: Communication of this pouch with
Nerve of second arch is facial nerve. pharynx gradually narrows and ultimately cut
off. This give rise to following structures which lie
Muscle Derivative of Second Arch outside the pharynx, i.e.
a. Parathyroid III or inferior parathyroid gland
Following are the muscles of second arch:
from the dorsal wing
♦♦ Stapedius
b. Thymus from the ventral wing.
♦♦ Stylohyoid
♦♦ Posterior belly of digastrics 4. Fourth pouch: Communications of this pouch with
♦♦ Epicranius pharynx disappears. Derivatives of this pouch are:
♦♦ Orbicularis oculi a. Dorsal wing form parathyroid IV or superior
♦♦ Orbicularis oris parathyroid gland
♦♦ Zygomaticus b. Ventral wing may contribute to thyroid gland.
♦♦ Buccinator 5. Fifth or ultimobranchial pouch: It give rise to
♦♦ Nasal muscles ultimobranchial body.
212 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Caudal–Pharyngeal Complex • Immediately behind the tuberculum, the epithelium

of floor of pharynx show thickening in middle line.
Fourth pouch joins with fifth pouch and form caudal pharyngeal
This region is depressed below the surface to form
complex. Neural crest cells migrates in this complex.
a diverticulum known as thyroglossal duct.
♦♦ Superior parathyroid glands arise from this complex.
• The site of origin of diverticulum is now seen as a
♦♦ Thymic element: It incorporates into developing thymus.
depression called the “foramen caecum”.
♦♦ Lateral thyroid: It fuses with median thyroid element from
hypoglossal duct • Diverticulum grow down in the midline into neck and
♦♦ Ultimobranchial body: It incorporates into substance of its tip soon bifurcates, proliferation of the cells of this
thyroid rudiment and gives origin to parafollicular or C bifid end gives rise to the 2 lobes of thyroid gland.
cells of thyroid gland. • Developing thyroid comes into contact with the
caudal pharyngeal complex and fuses with it.
Q.5. Write a short note on pharyngeal cleft. • Cells arising from this complex give origin to the
 (Sept 2000, 4 Marks)
parafollicular cells of thyroid.
Ans. Pharyngeal clefts are ectodermal-lined recesses that
appear on the outside of the pharnyx between the arches.
Pharyngeal clefts are seen in the 5-week embryo and
they disappear during development.
The second, third, and fourth clefts are overlapped by
the development of arch II and form a space lined by
squamous epithelium, the so-called cervical sinus. This,
too, disappears during extension of the cervical flexure.
1. Pharyngeal cleft 1: It is the only cleft which persists
and develops into the epithelium of external
auditory meatus and part of tympanic membrane. C
Defects in the development of pharyngeal cleft 1 can
result in preauricular cysts and/or fistulas.
2. Pharyngeal clefts 2, 3, and 4 are overgrown by
expansion of the 2nd pharyngeal arch and usually
obliterated. Remnants of pharyngeal clefts 2–4 can D
appear in the form of cervical cysts or fistulas found
along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
The cervical sinus sometimes persists in vestigial form Figs 9A to D:  Development of thyroid gland
and forms a branchial cyst. If it communicates only
with the outside, it forms a pharyngeal fistula, which is Q.8. Write a short note on development of thyroid gland
harmless. If it opens to both the interior and exterior, it and draw a labeled diagram of histology of thyroid
forms a pharyngocutaneous fistula, which allows saliva gland. (Feb 2004, 15 Marks)
to run out during mastication. Ans. The development of thyroid is given in Ans 7 of same
Q.6. Write a note on derivatives of 1st pharyngeal arch, chapter and diagram of histology of thyroid is given in
pouch and cleft. (Mar 2006, 5 Marks) Ans 20 of HISTOLOGY SECTION.
Ans. For derivatives of first pharyngeal arch refer to Ans 1 of Q.9. Give an account of development of thyroid and
the same chapter, for derivatives of pharyngeal pouch parathyroid gland and write its applied anatomy.
refer to Ans 4 of the same chapter. (Feb 2005, 7 Marks)
Derivatives of first pharyngeal cleft: External auditory Or
meatus and part of tympanic membrane. Write short note on development of thyroid and
Q.7. Write a short note on development of thyroid gland. parathyroid gland. (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
(Sept 2000, 4 Marks) Ans. For development of thyroid refer to Ans 7 of same chapter.
(Aug 2012, 4 Marks) (Sep 2015, 5 Marks)
Ans. The thyroid develops mainly from thyroglossal duct. Development of Parathyroid Gland
• Parafollicular cells are derived from caudal Parathyroid glands are derived as follows:
pharyngeal complex. ♦♦ Inferior parathyroid glands develop from endoderm of the
• The medial end of the two mandibular (first) third pharyngeal pouch (parathyroid III).
arches is separated by a midline swelling called the ♦♦ Superior parathyroid glands develop from endoderm of
“tuberculum impar”. the fourth pharyngeal pouch (parathyroid IV).
Embryology  213

• As the third pouch also gives origin to thymus, this This leads to hypocalcemia which causes increased
organ is closely related to parathyroid III. When the neuromuscular irritability, muscular spasm and convulsion.
thymus descends toward the thorax, parathyroid III is Q.10. Write about Meckel’s cartilage. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
carried caudally along with it for some of the distance. Ans. Cartilage of first arch is called “Meckel’s cartilage”.
• Parathyroid IV is prevented from descending caudally,
• Incus, malleus and spine of sphenoid are derived
due to close relationship of the fourth pouch to the
from dorsal end of Meckle’s cartilage.
developing thyroid gland. As a result, parathyroid III
• Ventral part of Meckle’s cartilage is surrounded
becomes caudal to parathyroid IV.
by mesenchyme that forms the mandible by
• Now, the parathyroid glands derived from the fourth
membranous ossification.
pouch become the superior parathyroid glands and
• Meckle’s cartilage is trapped in developing mandible
those derived from the third pouch become the inferior
and is absorbed.
parathyroid glands.
• The part of cartilage extending from the region of
• Seeing their developmental history, superior the middle ear to the mandible disappears, but its
parathyroid glands are relatively constant in position, sheath (perichondrium) forms the anterior ligament
but the inferior parathyroid glands may descend into of the malleus and the sphenomandibular ligament.
the lower part of the neck or even into the anterior
mediastinum. Alternatively, they may remain at their
site of origin and are then seen near the bifurcation of
the common carotid artery.

Applied Anatomy
Applied anatomy of thyroid gland:
♦♦ Any enlargement of thyroid gland is known as goiter.
♦♦ Removal of thyroid with true capsule is necessary in
hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis.

Fig. 10:  Development of parathyroid gland Fig. 11:  Meckel’s cartilage

Q.11. Briefly describe pharyngeal arches.(Apr 2007, 5 Marks)

♦♦ Hypothyroidism causes cretinism in infants and myxo- Or
edema in adults. Write short answer on pharyngeal arches.
♦♦ During subtotal thyroidectomy posterior part of both, the  (Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
lobes are left behind. This prevents the risk of removal of Ans. Neck is formed by elongation of area between
parathyroid gland and postoperative myxoedema. stomatodeum and the pericardium. This is achieved,
♦♦ During thyroidectomy, superior thyroid artery is ligated partly, by a “descent” of the developing heart. However,
near to gland for saving external laryngeal nerve. Inferior this elongation is mainly due to the appearance of a
thyroid gland is ligated away from gland to save recurrent series of mesodermal thickenings in the wall of cranial-
laryngeal nerve. most part of the foregut, i.e. future pharynx. These
♦♦ Benign tumors of gland may displace or compress mesodermal thickenings are called as pharyngeal
neighbouring structures like carotid sheath, trachea, etc. arches or branchial arches.
♦♦ Malignant tumors invade and erode neighbouring • Cranial most part of foregut, i.e. pharyngeal part
structures. Nerve involvement and pressure symptoms are is of funnel shape to begin with. It is compressed
common in carcinoma of glands which leads to dysphagia, dorsoventrally and presents a ventral wall or floor,
dyspnea and dysphonia. dorsal wall or roof and two lateral walls. During this
stage, endodermal wall of foregut is separated from
Applied anatomy of parathyroid gland:
the surface ectoderm by a layer of mesoderm.
♦♦ Tumors of parathyroid gland lead to excessive secretion of • Soon, mesoderm comes to be arranged in form of
parathormone. This causes increased removal of calcium six cylindrical bars which run dorsoventrally in the
from bone making it weak and liable to fracture. side wall of foregut in craniocaudal sequence. Each
♦♦ Hypoparathyroidism can occur spontaneously by accidental of these “bars” grows ventrally inside the floor of
removal of parathyroid gland during thyroidectomy. developing pharynx and fuses with corresponding
214 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

“bar” of the opposite side to form a pharyngeal – An arterial arch: Ventral to the foregut, an artery
or branchial arch. Each bar when seen from front called the ventral aorta develops. Dorsal to the
is seem to be of horse-shoe shaped. Arches are foregut, another artery called the dorsal aorta,
numbered craniocaudally as I to VI. In the interval is formed. A series of arterial arches connect
between any two adjoining arches, the endoderm ventral and dorsal aortae. One such arterial arch
extends outward in the form of a pouch to meet lies in each pharyngeal arch. In a subsequent
the ectoderm which dips into this interval as an development, the arrangement of these arteries
ectodermal cleft. is greatly modified.
• Pharyngeal arches are six—curved mesodermal – Nerve of the arch: Each pharyngeal arch is
thickenings with each arch having an ectodermal supplied by a nerve derived from hindbrain.
covering and an endodermal lining containing a In addition to supplying the skeletal muscle
mesodermal core. These provide support to the of the arch, it supplies sensory branches to the
ventral and lateral walls of primitive pharynx. By overlying ectoderm, and endoderm. In some
the time that the anterior neuropore closes, the first lower animals, each arch is supplied by two
and second pharyngeal arches are present. nerves. The nerve of the arch itself runs along the
• Mesoderm of arches is derived from paraxial cranial border of the arch. This is called the post-
mesoderm and lateral plate mesoderm. This is trematic nerve of the arch. Each arch also receives
invaded by neural crest cells that contribute for a branch from the nerve of the succeeding
skeletal elements and connective tissue of head and arch. This runs along the caudal border of the
neck region. arch, and is called the pretrematic nerve of
• First arch is also known as mandibular arch; and the the arch. In the human embryo, however, a
second, the hyoid arch. The third, fourth and sixth double innervation is to be seen only in the first
arches do not have special names. The fifth arch pharyngeal arch.
disappears soon after its formation, so that only five
arches remain.

Fig. 12:  Pharyngeal arch

• Following are the structures which form inside the
mesoderm of each arch: Fig. 13:  Structures are seen in pharyngeal arch
– A skeletal element: This is cartilaginous to begin Q.12. Answer in brief structures derived from endoderm of
with. It may remain cartilaginous, may develop third pharyngeal pouch. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
into bone, ligament or may disappear. Ans. Structures derived from endoderm of third pharyngeal
– Striated muscle: This muscle is supplied by the pouch are:
nerve of the particular arch. In later development,
• Parathyroid III or Inferior parathyroid gland from
this musculature may or may not retain its
the dorsal wing
attachment to the skeletal elements derived
• Thymus from the ventral wing.
from arch. It may subdivide to form a number
of distinct muscles, which may migrate away Q.13. Name the derivatives of second pharyngeal pouch.
from the pharyngeal region. When they do  (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
so, however, they carry their nerve with them Ans. Derivatives of second pharyngeal pouch are:
and their embryological origin can thus be • Palatine tonsil
determined from their nerve supply. • Tonsillar fossa.
Embryology  215

Q.14. Write very short answer on structures developed from Ectopic Thyroid Tissue
second pharyngeal pouch. (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
♦♦ Small masses of thyroid tissue can be present at abnormal
Ans. Following are the structures developed from second sites.
pharyngeal pouch:
♦♦ Thyroid tissue has been observed in the larynx, trachea,
• Epithelium of ventral part of this pouch contributes esophagus, pons, pleura, pericardium and ovaries.
to the formation of tonsil.
♦♦ Masses of ectopic thyroid tissue have been described
• Dorsal part takes part in formation of tubotympanic
in relation to the deep cervical lymph nodes (lateral
aberrant thyroids) but these are now believed to represent
Q.15. Describe the development of thyroid gland with its metastases in the lymph nodes from a carcinoma of the
congenital anomalies. (Aug 2018, 10 Marks) thyroid gland.
Ans. For development of thyroid gland refer to Ans 7 of same
chapter. Remnants of the Thyroglossal/Duct
These remnants may persist and lead to the formation of:
Congenital Anomalies of Thyroid Gland
♦♦ Thyroglossal cysts that can occur anywhere along the
Anomalies of Shape course of duct. They can acquire secondary openings on
♦♦ Pyramidal lobe is present so often that it is regarded as the the surface of neck to form fistulae.
normal structure. The lobe may arise from the isthmus or ♦♦ Thyroglossal fistula opening at the foramen cecum.
from one of the lobes. Lobe may have no connection with ♦♦ Carcinoma of the thyroglossal duct.
rest of the thyroid and can be divided into two or more Q.16. Write very short answer on tuberculum impar.
parts. It may vary from a short stump to a process reaching  (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
the hyoid bone.
Ans. Medial most parts of mandibular arches proliferate to
♦♦ Isthmus may be absent.
form two lingual swellings. These lingual swellings are
♦♦ One of the lobes of the gland may be very small or absent.
partially separated from each other by another swelling
Anomalies of Position which appears in the midline. This median swelling is
known as tuberculum impar or median tongue bud.
♦♦ Lingual thyroid: Thyroid may lie under the mucosa of
dorsum of tongue and may form a swelling that can lead ♦ Tuberculum impar appears during third week of
to difficulty in swallowing. embryogenesis.
♦♦ Intralingual thyroid: Thyroid may be embedded in muscular ♦ Immediately behind tuberculum impar, epithelium
substance of tongue. undergoes proliferation to form a downgrowth, i.e.
♦♦ Suprahyoid thyroid: The gland may lie in the midline of thyroglossal duct, from which the thyroid gland
neck, above the hyoid bone. develops.
♦♦ Infrahyoid thyroid: The gland may lie below the hyoid bone, ♦ More recent researches, however, show that this part
but above its normal position. of the tongue is mainly, if not entirely, developed
♦♦ Intrathoracic thyroid: The entire gland, or part of it, may from a pair of lateral swellings which rise from the
lie in the thorax. inner surface of the pharyngeal arch and meet in the
  This is to be noted that when thyroid tissue is present in the middle line. The site of their meeting remains post-
anomalous positions which are mentioned above, an additional embryonically as the median sulcus of the tongue.
thyroid may or may not be present at the normal site. ♦ The tuberculum impar disappear in an adult tongue.

Fig. 14:  Tuberculum impar

216 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

cranial to the main part of the arch which is now called

7. FACE, NOSE AND PALATE the mandibular process.
The ectoderm overlying the frontonasal process soon
Q.1. Describe the development of face. (Feb 2003, 15 Marks) shows bilateral localized thickenings, that are situated a
Or little above the stomatodaeum. These are called the nasal
placodes. The formation of these placodes is induced by
Write short note on development of face.
the underlying forebrain. The placodes soon sink below
(Jan 2012, 5 Marks) (Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
the surface to form nasal pits.
Pits are continuous with the stomatodaeum below. Edges
Give an account of development of face. of each pit are raised above the surface, the medial raised
(July 2016, 10 Marks) edge is called the medial nasal process and the lateral edge
Ans. Development of Face is called the lateral nasal process. Lateral and cranial to nasal
Face is derived from the following structures that lie placodes pair of thickenings appear known as lens placodes.
around the stomatodeum, i.e.
– Frontonasal process from above Lower Lip
– First pharyngeal (or mandibular) arch of each side. Mandibular processes of the two sides grow towards each other
At this stage, each mandibular arch forms the lateral wall and fuse in the midline. They now form the lower margin of the
of the stomatodaeum. stomatodaeum. If it is remembered that the mouth develops from
This arch gives off a bud from its dorsal end. This bud the stomatodaeum, it will be readily understood that the fused
is called the maxillary process. It grows ventro-medially mandibular processes give rise to the lower lip and to the lower jaw.

Fig. 15:  Development of face

Embryology  217

Upper Lip Nose

♦♦ Each maxillary process now grows medially and fuses, ♦♦ Nose receives contributions from the frontonasal process,
first with the lateral nasal process and then with the medial and from the medial and lateral nasal processes of the
nasal process. The median and lateral nasal processes also right and left sides.
fuse with each other. In this way, the nasal pits are cut off ♦♦ External nares are formed when the nasal pits are cut off
from stomatodaeum. from the stomatodaeum by the fusion of the maxillary
♦♦ The maxillary processes undergo considerable growth. process with the medial nasal process.
At the same time, the frontonasal process becomes much ♦♦ External nares gradually approach each other. This is a
narrower from side to side, with the result that the two result of fact that frontonasal process become progressively
external nares come close together. narrower and deep part ultimately form nasal septum.
Stomatodaeum is now bounded above by the upper lip which ♦♦ Mesoderm becomes heaped up in the median plane to
is derived as follows: form the prominence of the nose.
♦♦ Simultaneously, groove appears between the regions of
a. Mesodermal basis of the lateral part of the lip is formed
the nose and the bulging forebrain.
from the maxillary process. The overlying skin is derived
♦♦ As the nose becomes prominent, the external nares come
from ectoderm covering this process.
to open downwards instead of forward.
b. Mesodermal basis of the median part of the lip (called
♦♦ The external form of nose is thus established with fusion
philtrum) is formed from the frontonasal process.
of five processes, i.e.
Ectoderm of the maxillary process however, overgrows this • Frontonasal process forms the bridge of nose
mesoderm to meet that of the opposite maxillary process in the • Fused medial nasal processes form dorsum and tip
midline. As a result, the skin of the entire upper lip is innervated of nose
by maxillary nerves. • Lateral nasal processes form alae of nose.
Muscles of the face are derived from mesoderm of second
branchial arch and are therefore supplied by the facial nerve. External Ear
♦♦ External ear is formed around the dorsal part of the first
ectodermal cleft.
After the formation of the upper and lower lips, the ♦♦ A series of mesodermal thickenings (often called tubercles
stomatodaeum (which can now be called the mouth) is very or hillocks) appear on the mandibular and hyoid arches
broad. In its lateral part, it is bounded above by the maxillary where they adjoin this cleft. The pinna (or auricle) is
process and below by the mandibular process. These processes formed by fusion of these thickenings.
undergo progressive fusion with each other to form the cheeks.
Nasal Cavities
Maxillary process fuses with lateral nasal process. This
fusion not only occur in region of lip but also extends from ♦♦ Nasal cavities are formed by extension of the nasal pits.
stomatodeum to the medial angle of developing eye. For ♦♦ These pits are at first in open communication with
sometimes this line of fusion is marked by a groove known as the stomatodaeum. Soon the medial and lateral nasal
naso-optic furrow or nasolacrimal sulcus. Strip of ectoderm processes fuse and form a partition between the pit and
become burried along this furrow and give rise to nasolacrimal the stomatodaeum. This is called the primitive palate and
duct. is derived from the frontonasal process.
♦♦ Nasal pits now deepen to form the nasal sacs which expand
Eye both dorsally and caudally.
♦♦ Region of the eye is first seen as an ectodermal thickening, ♦♦ Dorsal part of this sac is, at first, separated from the
the lens placode, which appears on the ventrolateral side stomatodaeum by a thin membrane called the bucconasal
of the developing forebrain, lateral and cranial to the nasal membrane (or nasal fin). This soon breaks down.
placode. ♦♦ Nasal sac now has a ventral orifice that opens on the
♦♦ The lens placode sinks below the surface and is eventually face (anterior or external nares) and a dorsal orifice that
cut off from the surface ectoderm. The developing eyeball opens into the stomatodaeum (primitive posterior nasal
produces a bulging in this situation. aperture).
♦♦ Bulging of the eyes are at first directed laterally and lie in ♦♦ Two nasal sacs are at first widely separated from
the angles between the maxillary processes and the lateral one another by the frontonasal process However, the
nasal processes. frontonasal process becomes progressively narrower. This
♦♦ With the narrowing of the frontonasal process, they come narrowing of the frontonasal process, and the enlargement
to face forward. of the nasal cavities themselves, bring them closer
♦♦ Eyelids are derived from folds of ectoderm formed above together.
and below the eyes, and by mesoderm enclosed within ♦♦ This intervening tissue becomes much thinned to form
the folds. the nasal septum.
218 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Ventral part of the nasal septum is attached below to forehead. This anomaly may sometimes affect only one
the primitive palate. More posteriorly the septum is half of the nose and is usually associated with fusion of
at first attached to the bucconasal membrane, but on two eyes also known as cyclops.
disappearance of this membrane, it has a free lower ♦♦ Entire first arch may remain underdeveloped either on
edge. Nasal cavities are separated from the mouth by the one or on both sides, affecting the lower eyelid, maxilla,
development of the palate. mandible and external ear. Prominence of cheek is absent
♦♦ Lateral wall of the nose is derived, on each side, from and the ear may be displaced ventrally and caudally.
the lateral nasal process. The nasal conchae appear as There may be presence of cleft palate and faulty dentition.
elevations on the lateral wall of each nasal cavity. This condition is known as mandibulofacial dysostosis,
♦♦ The original olfactory placodes form the olfactory Treacher Collins syndrome or first arch syndrome. This
epithelium that lies in the roof, and adjoining parts of thin is a genetic condition inherited as autosomal dominant.
walls, of the nasal cavity. ♦♦ One half of face may be under developed or over­developed.
♦♦ The mandible may be small compared to the rest of the face
Q.2. Describe the development of face. Add a note on its
resulting in a receding chin, i.e. retrognathia. In extreme
developmental defects. (Dec 2014, 10 Marks)
cases, it may fail to develop, i.e. agnathia.
 (Apr 2017, 10 Marks) (Jan 2018, 10 Marks)
♦♦ Congenital tumors may be present in relation to the face.
Or These may represent attempts at duplication of some parts.
Write short note on development of face and anomalies. ♦♦ The eyes may be widely separated also known as
(Nov 2009, 5 Marks) hypertelorism. The nasal bridge is broad. This condition
results from the presence of excessive tissue in the
Or frontonasal process.
Describe development of face. Add a note on its clinical ♦♦ The lips hay show congenital pits or fistulae. The lip may
importance. (May 2014, 10 Marks) be double.
Ans. For development of face refer to Ans 1 of same chapter. Q.3. Describe the development of palate.
(Sept 2001, 12 Marks)
Developmental Defects of Face
Formation of various parts of the face involves fusion of various Write short note on development of palate.
diverse components. This fusion is occasionally incomplete and (June 2010, 5 Marks) (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
gives rise to various anomalies, i.e.  (May 2017, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Harelip: The upper lip of the hare normally has a cleft. Or
Hence, the term harelip is used for defects of the lips. Write short answer on development of palate.
   Types of Harelip (Apr 2018, 3 Marks)
Ans. Palate is formed by three components, i.e.
• Unilateral harelip: Failure of fusion of maxillary process
• Primary/primitive palate: Develops from frontonasal
with medial nasal process on one side.
• Bilateral harelip: Failure of fusion of both maxillary
• Secondary palate/palatal processes: From each of
processes with the medial nasal process.
the maxillary processes, a palate like shelf grows
• Midline cleft of upperlip: Defective development of the
medially which is known as palatal process of
lowermost part of the frontonasal process may give
maxilla. They are two in number.
rise to a midline defect of the upper lip.
♦♦ Cleft of lower lips: When the two mandibular processes do Primary Palate
not fuse with each other the lower lip shows a defect in the
midline. The defect usually extends into the jaw. By fusion of two medial nasal processes of frontonasal process at
♦♦ Oblique facial cleft: Non-fusion of the maxillary and lateral a deeper level there forms a wedge-shaped mass of mesenchyme
nasal process gives rise to a cleft running from the medial opposite to the upper jaw which carries four incisor teeth. Part
angle of the eye to the mouth. The nasolacrimal duct is of palate derived from frontonasal process forms premaxilla
not formed. or primary palate which carries the incisor teeth. This ossifies
♦♦ Inadequate fusion of the mandibular and maxillary and represents only small part lying anterior to incisive fossa.
processes with each other can cause abnormally wide
Secondary Palate
mouth, i.e. macrostomia. Lack of fusion may be unilateral;
this leads to formation of lateral facial cleft. Too much Tongue develops inside the floor of oral cavity. Palatine
fusion may result in a small mouth, i.e. microstomia. processes of maxilla are the hook like projections which are
♦♦ The nose may be bifid. This can be associated with median present on either side of tongue. Later, these processes assume
cleft lip. Both of them occur because of bifurcation of horizontal position above the tongue and fuse with each other
frontonasal process. Occasionally one half of it may be which form secondary palate. During later stages, mesoderm
absent. Very rarely the nose ‘forms a cylindrical projection inside the palate undergoes intramembranous ossification and
also known as proboscis jutting out from just below the form hard palate. Moreover, ossification does not extend into the
Embryology  219

most posterior portion, which remains as soft palate. Secondary Give an explanation about cleft palate.
palate forms most of the hard palate and completely soft palate.  (Feb 2013, 2 Marks)
Soft palate is invaded by muscles migrating from first arch
(Tensor palati) and fourth arch (Levator palati, palatoglossus,
palatopharyngeus and musculus uvulae). Write very short answer on cleft palate.
 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Palate is formed from the Y-shaped fusion of premaxilla
and two palatine processes.
Imperfect fusion of these processes or developmental
anomalies results in cleft palate.
Cleft palate may result from:
• Failure of shelves and septum to contact each other
because of lack of growth or because of disturbance
in mechanism of shelf elevation.
Fig. 16:  Development of palate
• Failure of shelves and septum to fuse after contact
has been made because the epithelium covering the
shelves does not breakdown or is not resorbed.
• Rupture after fusion of shelves has occurred.
• Defective merging and consolidation of mesenchyme
of shelves.

Defective fusion of various components of palate gives rise to
Fig. 17: Palate after ossification clefts in palate.
Definitive/Permanent Palate Complete Cleft Palate
Definitive/permanent palate is formed by fusion of three parts ♦♦ Bilateral complete cleft: Failure of fusion of both palatine
which is as follows:
processes of maxilla with premaxilla. A Y-shaped cleft
1. Fusion of palatal processes of maxilla along with primitive is present between primary and secondary palate and
palate: Each palatal process gets fused with posterior
between two halves of secondary palate. It presents
margin of primitive palate in Y-shaped manner. Each
bilateral cleft of upper lip also.
limb of Y extends between lateral incisor as well as canine
♦♦ Unilateral complete cleft: Non-fusion of one side palatine
teeth. Junction of these two components in the midline is
represented by the incisive fossa. process of maxilla with premaxilia. It presents unilateral
2. Fusion of both palatal processes of maxilla: Both palatal cleft of upper lip.
processes fuse with each other in midline. Fusion of these Incomplete Cleft Palate
two begins anteriorly and then proceeds backward.
3. Fusion of palatal processes with nasal septum: Medial edges ♦♦ Cleft of hard and soft palate: Cleft limited to hard palate.
of palatal processes get fuse with free lower edge of nasal ♦♦ Cleft of soft palate: Cleft limited to hard palate.
septum, thus separating both the nasal cavities from each ♦♦ Bifid uvula: Cleft limited to uvula.
other, and from the mouth.
 Anterior three-fourths of permanent palate is ossified in
membrane and forms hard palate. Posterior one-fourth is the
unossified part that forms the soft palate.
Q.4. Short note on development defects of palate.
 (Sep 2004, 5 Marks) (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
Write a short note on cleft palate.
 (Aug 2016, 3 Marks) (Aug 2012, 4 Marks)
Write in detail about cleft palate.
 (Apr 2008, 4 Marks) (Sep 2007, 3 Marks)
Or Fig. 18:  Cleft palate (For colour version see Plate 11)
220 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Effects of Cleft Palate maxillary process, however overgrows this mesoderm

1. Interference with swallowing. to meet the opposite maxillary process in midline.
2. Unable to make the constant sound like B, P, D, K and T. Due to which skin of entire upper lip is innervated
3. Teeth—upper incisors may be small, maxilla tends to be by maxillary nerve.
smaller. Teeth are crowded. Q.6. Write a short note on development of mandible.
4. Nose—oral organisms contaminate the upper respiratory (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
mucous membrane. Ans. Development of Mandible
5. Hearing—even with repair, acute and chronic hearing • On the lateral aspect of Meckle’s cartilage, during sixth
problem can occur. week of embryonic development, a condensation of
mesenchyme occurs in the angle formed by the
division of the inferior alveolar nerve and its incisor
and mental branches.
• At 7th week, intramembranous ossification begins
in this condensation, forming the first bone of the
Fig. 19:  Cleft palate • From this center of ossification, bone formation spreads
rapidly anteriorly to the midline and posteriorly
Q.5. Write a short note on development of lips.
(Mar 2009, 5 Marks) toward the point where the mandibular nerve divides
into its lingual and inferior alveolar branches.
Or • Spread of new bone formation occurs anteriorly
Write in short about development of upper and lower along the lateral aspect of meckle’s cartilage, forming
lip. (Dec 2009, 8 Marks) a trough that consists of lateral and medial plates
Or that unite beneath the incisor nerve.
• This trough of bone extends to the midline, where
Write short note on development of upper lip.
it comes into approximation with a similar trough
(Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
formed in the adjoining mandibular process. The
Ans. Lips are derived from mandibular arch/first pharyngeal
two separate centers of ossification remain separated
at the mandibular symphysis until shortly after birth.
The arch gives a bud from its dorsal end known as
• The trough soon is converted into a canal as bone forms
“maxillary process”. It grows ventromedially which is
over the nerve joining the lateral and medial plates.
called “mandibular process.
• Similarly, a backward extension of ossification along
Lower Lip the lateral aspect of Meckel’s cartilage forms a gutter,
and converted into a canal that contains the inferior
Mandibular process of the two sides grow towards each other
alveolar nerve.
and fuse in the midline. They now form lower margin of
• This backward extension of ossification proceeds in
stomatodeum and fused mandibular process gives rise to the
the condensed mesenchyme to the point where the
lower lip and the lower jaw.
mandibular nerve divides into the inferior alveolar
Upper Lip and lingual nerves.
a. Each maxillary process grows medially below developing
eyes and fuse. It fuses first with lateral nasal process and
then with medial nasal process. The medial and lateral
nasal processes fuse with each other. Now the nasal pits
cut off from stomatodaeum.
b. Maxillary processes undergoes considerable growth. At
same time frontonasal process become much narrower
from side to side and the result is two external nares come
close together.
c. Stomatodaeum is now bounded above by upper lip which
is derived from:
i. Mesodermal basis of the lateral part of the lip is formed
from maxillary process. Its overlying skin is derived
from ectoderm covering the process.
ii. Mesodermal basis of median part of the lip (philtrum)
is formed from the frontonasal process. Ectoderm of Fig. 20:  Development of mandible
Embryology  221

• From this bony canal, extending from the division ♦♦ Midline cleft of upper lip: Defective development of the
of the mandibular nerve to the midline, medial and lowermost part of the frontonasal process may give rise
lateral alveolar plates of bone develop in relation to a midline defect of the upper lip.
to the forming tooth germs so that the tooth germs
Cleft of Lower Lip
occupy a secondary trough of bone.
• This trough is partitioned, and thus the teeth come When the two mandibular processes do not fuse with each other
to occupy individual compartments, which finally the lower lip shows a defect in the midline. The defect usually
are enclosed totally by growth of bone over the tooth extends into the jaw.
germ. In this way, body of mandible is formed. Q.10. Answer in brief harelip. (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
• Ramus of mandible develops by rapid spread of
ossification posteriorly into the mesenchyme of first Or
arch, turning away from Meckle’s cartilage. Answer in brief cleft upper lip (harelip).
• Thus by 10 weeks the rudimentary mandible is  (May 2017, 3 Marks)
formed almost entirely by membranous ossification.
• Further growth of mandible until birth is influenced
strongly by the appearance of three secondary What is harelip? (Aug 2018, 1 Mark)
cartilages, i.e. condylar cartilage, coronoid cartilage Ans. The upper lip of the hare normally has a cleft. Hence,
and symphyseal cartilage as well as the development the term harelip is used for defects of the lips.
of neural, alveolar and muscular attachments.
Types of Harelip
Q.7. Describe the development of palate. Add a note on its
developmental defect. (Sep 2013, 10 Marks) ♦♦ Unilateral harelip: Failure of fusion of maxillary process
with medial nasal process on one side.
 (Apr 2017, 10 Marks) (Jan 2018, 10 Marks) ♦♦ Bilateral harelip: Failure of fusion of both maxillary
Ans. For development of palate refer to Ans 2 of same chapter. processes with the medial nasal process.
For developmental defect of palate refer to Ans 3 of same ♦♦ Midline cleft of upper lip: Defective development of the
chapter. lowermost part of the frontonasal process may give rise
Q.8. Describe development of face and its correlation with to a midline defect of the upper lip.
nerve supply. (Mar 2006, 15 Marks)
Ans. For development of face refer to Ans 1 of same chapter. 8. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM I: MOUTH,
Development of Face and its Correlation with Nerve Supply PHARYNX AND RELATED STRUCTURES
Process Part of face formed Nerve supply Q.1. Write a short note on development of tooth.
Frontonasal Forehead, external nose, Ophthalmic division of (Sep 2007, 4 Marks)
process nasal cavity, nasal septum, trigeminal nerve except Or
philtrum of upper lip philtrum which is innervated
by maxillary nerve Write in details, about development of tooth.
(Apr 2008, 4 Marks) (Mar 2008, 8 Marks)
Maxillary Lateral part of upper lip, Maxillary division of trigeminal
process Upper part of cheek nerve
(Dec 2010, 5 Marks) (Aug 2011, 10 Marks)
Ans. Teeth are developed from “stomatodaeum”.
Mandibular Chin, lower lip and lower Mandibular division of
process part of cheek trigeminal nerve Teeth are formed in relation to alveolar process.
Epithelium overlying the convex border of this process
Q.9. Write short note on cleft lip. gets thickened and projects into underlying mesoderm.
 (May/June 2009, 5 Marks) (Nov 2008, 5 Marks) This epithelial thickening is known as dental lamina.
Ans. Cleft lip is present in both upper and lower lip. Dental lamina is apparent even before the alveolar
process itself is defined.
Following are the clefts in upper and lower lip:
• As the alveolar process is semicircular in outline, the
Cleft Upper Lip dental lamina is similarly curved.
• Dental lamina shows a series of local thickenings,
Harelip: The upper lip of the hare normally has a cleft. Hence, each of which form one milk tooth. These thickenings
the term harelip is used for defects of the lips. are known as enamel organs. There are total 10 such
enamel organs (five on each side) in each alveolar
Types of Hairlip
♦♦ Unilateral harelip: Failure of fusion of maxillary process • Stages in formation of an enamel organ and
with medial nasal process on one side. development of a tooth are as follows:
♦♦ Bilateral harelip: Failure of fusion of both maxillary – Stage of dental lamina: Ectoderm over convex
processes with the medial nasal process. upper border of alveolar process thickens and
222 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

projects into underlying mesoderm as dental tooth. Such buds form enamel organs. They give rise
lamina which is U-shaped and corresponds to to permanent incisors, canines and premolars.
alveolar process. • Permanent molars are formed from buds which
– Bud stage: During this stage, ten thickening of arise from dental lamina posterior to region of last
dental lamina appears five on each side. These deciduous tooth.
are called tooth buds/enamel organs. • Dental lamina gets established during 6th week of
– Cap stage: As enamel organ grows downward intrauterine life. At the time of birth germs of all
into the mesenchyme its lower end assumes temporary teeth, and of the permanent incisors,
a cup-shaped appearance. Cup comes to be canines and first molars, show considerable
occupied by a mass of mesenchyme known as development. Germs of permanent premolars and
dental papilla. The enamel organ and dental of second molars are rudimentary. Germ of third
papilla together constitute tooth germ. During molar is formed after birth. Developing tooth germs
this stage, the developing tooth appears like a undergo calcification. All the temporary teeth and
cap and is therefore, described as the cap stage the permanent lower first molar begin to calcify
of tooth development. Cells of enamel organ before birth; the other permanent teeth begin to
which line the papilla become columnar. These calcify at varying ages after birth.
are known as ameloblasts. • Eruption of a tooth is preceded by a major develop­
– Bell stage: Mesodermal cells of papilla which are ment of its root.
adjacent to ameloblasts arrange themselves as
a continuous epithelium like layer. Cells of this
layer are known as odontoblasts. Ameloblasts
and odontoblasts are separated by a basement
membrane. Remaining cells of the papilla form
pulp of tooth. Developing tooth now appears
like a bell.
– Apposition stage: Ameloblasts lay enamel
over superficial (outer) surface of basement
membrane. Odontoblasts lay down dentine
over its deeper surface. As layer after layer of
enamel and dentine are laid down, the layer
of ameloblasts and layer of odontoblasts move
away from each other.
• As enamel is fully formed, the ameloblasts disappear
and leave a thin membrane known as dental cuticle,
over the enamel. Odontoblasts continue to separate
the dentine from the pulp throughout the life of
• Alveolar parts of maxillae and mandible are formed
by ossification in the corresponding alveolar process.
As ossification progresses, the roots of teeth are
surrounded by bone.
• Root of tooth is established by continued growth
into underlying mesenchyme. Odontoblasts here lay
down dentine. As layers of dentine get deposited,
pulp space becomes progressively narrower and
gradually gets converted into a canal through which
nerves and blood vessels pass inside the tooth.
Fig. 21:  Parts of developing tooth
• In the region of the root, there ameloblasts are absent.
Dentine is covered by mesenchymal cells which Q.2. Write a short note on development of tongue.
differentiate into cementoblasts. Cementoblasts lay  (Sept 2002, 5 Marks) (Sept 2004, 5 Marks)
down a layer of dense bone known as cementum.  (Mar 2008, 4 Marks) (Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
Further to outside, mesenchymal cells form  (Feb 2016, 3 Marks) (Sept 2017, 3 Marks)
periodontal ligament which connects root to socket
 (Oct 2016, 3 Marks)
in the jaw bone.
Permanent teeth are formed as follows: Or
• Dental lamina gives off a series of buds, one of which Describe innervations and development of tongue.
lies over medial side of each developing deciduous  (Mar 2000, 9 Marks)
Embryology  223

Or ♦♦ Fibroareolar stroma is derived from the pharyngeal arch

Write short note on embryological basis of innervation mesoderm.
of tongue.  (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) ♦♦ Epithelium of tongue is at first made up of a single layer
of cells. Later, it becomes stratified and papillae become
Or evident. Taste buds are formed in relation to the terminal
Write short note on development of tongue in relation branches of the innervating nerve fibers. The circumvallate
to its nerve supply.  (Feb 2013, 5 Marks) papillae of tongue develop from the cranial part of
Or hypobranchial eminence and migrate to the anterior aspect
of sulcus terminalis.
Write development of tongue and correlate its
development with nerve supply.(Sep 2015, 10 Marks)
Ans. Epithelium

Development of Tongue
♦♦ Development of tongue occurs in relation to pharyngeal
arches (1st to 4th) inside the floor of developing mouth. It
develops during 4th to 8th weeks. Each pharyngeal arch
arises as a mesodermal thickening in lateral wall of foregut
and that it grows ventrally to become continuous with the
corresponding arch of opposite side.
♦♦ Medial most parts of mandibular arches proliferate to
form two lingual swellings. These lingual swellings are
partially separated from each other by another swelling
which appears in the midline. This median swelling is
known as tuberculum impar.
♦♦ Immediately behind tuberculum impar, epithelium
undergo proliferation to form a downgrowth, i.e.
thyroglossal duct, from which the thyroid gland develops.
Site of this downgrowth is subsequently marked by a
depression known as foramen caecum.
♦♦ Another, midline swelling is seen in relation to the medial ends
of second, third and fourth arches. This swelling is known
as hypobranchial eminence or copula of His. The eminence
soon shows a subdivision into a cranial part which is related
to second and third arches (called the copala) and a caudal
part related to the fourth arch. Caudal part forms epiglottis.
♦♦ Anterior two-thirds of tongue is formed by fusion of the
tuberculum impar and the two lingual swellings.
♦♦ Anterior two-thirds of tongue is thus derived from
mandibular arch.
♦♦ Posterior one-third of tongue is formed from the cranial Fig. 22:  Development of tongue
part of the hypobranchial eminence (copula). In this
situation, the second arch mesoderm gets buried below the Correlation of Development of Tongue with its Nerve Supply
surface. The third arch mesoderm grows over it to fuse with Motor Innervations
the mesoderm of the first arch. The posterior one-third of
Muscles of the tongue are supplied by the hypoglossal nerve
the tongue is thus formed by third arch mesoderm.
♦♦ The posteriormost part of tongue is derived from the because they develop from occipital myotomes.
fourth arch. Sensory Innervation
♦♦ The line of junction of anterior two-thirds and posterior
one-third of tongue is indicated by an inverted V-shaped In keeping with its embryological origin, the anterior two-
sulcus terminalis. thirds of the tongue is supplied by the lingual branch of the
♦♦ Components of tongue include mucous membrane, mandibular nerve, which is the post-trematic nerve of the first
muscles and fibroareolar stroma. Mucosa of tongue is arch, and by the chorda tympani which is the pretrematic nerve
derived from endoderm of foregut. of first arch. The posterior one-third of the tongue is supplied
♦♦ Musculature of the tongue is derived from the occipital by the glossopharyngeal nerve, which is the nerve of the third
myotomes. This explains its nerve supply by the arch. The most posterior part of the tongue is supplied by the
hypoglossal nerve, which is the nerve of these myotomes. superior laryngeal nerve, which is the nerve of the fourth arch.
224 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Tabular Presentation of Correlation of Development of Developmental Anomalies of Tongue

Tongue with its Nerve Supply ♦♦ Tongue can be too large which is known as macroglossia
Source of or too small which is known as microglossia. Very rarely
Structures development Nerve supply the tongue may be absent which is known as aglossia.
♦♦ Tongue may be bifid because of nonfusion of two lingual
Muscles Occipital Hypoglossal nerve
myotomes swellings.
♦♦ The apical part of tongue may be anchored to the floor of
Mucous First arch • Lingual nerve (post- mouth by an overdeveloped frenulum. This condition is
membrane trematic nerve of 1st arch)
• Chorda tympani nerve (pre­
known as ankyloglossia or tongue tie. It interferes with
• Anterior
trematic nerve of 1st arch) speech. Occasionally, the tongue may be adherent, to the
two-thirds of
tongue palate which is known as ankyloglossia superior.
♦♦ A red, rhomboid-shaped smooth zone may be present on
• Posterior one- Third arch Glossopharyngeal nerve
the tongue in front of foramen cecum. This is considered
third of tongue (nerve of 3rd arch)
to be the result of persistence of tuberculum impar.
• Posteriormost Fourth arch Internal laryngeal nerve ♦♦ Thyroid tissue may be present in the tongue either under
part of tongue (nerve of 4th arch) the mucosa or within the muscles.
♦♦ Remnants of the thyroglossal duct may form cysts at the
Q.3. Write a short note on development of tonsil. base of tongue.
 (Aug/Sept 1998, 6 Marks) ♦♦ Surface of the tongue may show fissures which are known
Ans. Palatine tonsils develop in relation to the lateral parts of as fissural tongue.
the second pharyngeal pouch.
• Endodermal lining of the pouch undergoes
considerable proliferation.
• Lymphocytes collect in relation to the endodermal Q.1. Enumerate the derivatives of neural crest.
cell.  (Sept 2004, 5 Marks)
• Infratonsillar cleft or tonsillar fossa is believed to
represent a persisting part of the second pharyngeal Or
pouch. Answer in brief derivatives of neural crest.
• Similar epithelium proliferates and collection of  (Feb 2016, 5 Marks)
lymphoid tissue gives rise to the tubal tonsils, the Ans. At the time when neural plate is being formed and some
lingual tonsils and the pharyngeal tonsils. cells at the junction between the neural plate and the rest
of ectoderm become specialized to form neural crest.
Q.4. Write short note on development of parotid gland. Various derivatives of neural crest cells are:
(Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
Ans. Parotid gland is the first salivary gland to appear, i.e. at Dorsal Mass
around early 6th week. ♦♦ Neuroblasts:
• It arises from oral ectoderm near angle of stomato- • Pseudounipolar neurons of the posterior (dorsal)
deum. nerve root ganglia of spinal nerves
• It grows outward between maxillary process and • Neurons of the sensory ganglia of the fifth, seventh,
mandibular arch in form of ectodermal cords of cells. eighth, ninth and tenth cranial nerves
• Proximal part canalizes and forms duct that opens ♦♦ Spongioblasts:
into the mouth while distal part extends into the • Capsular/satellite cells of all sensory ganglia
cheek mesenchyme and reaches up to the developing • Schwann cells that form the neurilemma and myelin
ear where it branches and expands to form secreting sheaths of all peripheral nerves
units/alveoli of gland. ♦♦ Pluripotent cells:
• Fusion of maxillary process and mandibular arch • Mesenchyme of dental papilla, odontoblasts and
results in shifting of opening of parotid duct into dentine
the vestibule opposite upper second molar. • Melanoblasts: Pigment cells of the skin
• Cartilage cells of branchial arches
• Capsule and connective tissue is formed from the
• Leptomeninges (pia mater and arachnoid mater).
surrounding mesoderm.
Q.5. Describe the development of tongue with its nerve Ventral Mass
supply and its developmental anomalies. ♦♦ Sympathoblasts (small cells):
 (Aug 2018, 10 Marks) • Neurons of the sympathetic ganglia
Ans. For development of tongue with its nerve supply refer • Neurons of peripheral parasympathetic ganglia of
to Ans 2 of same chapter. cranial nerves (3rd, 7th, 9th, 10th).
Embryology  225

♦♦ Chromaffin cells (large cells):

• Suprarenal medulla 10. FATE OF GERM LAYERS
• Para-aortic body
• Argentaffin cells Q.1. Enumerate the derivatives of ectoderm.
• Enterochromaffin cells/APUD cells. (Mar 2006, 5 Marks) (Sep 2009, Marks)
Other structures believed to arise from the neural crest are as Ans. Following are the derivatives of ectoderm:
follows: • Skin and appendages: Epidermis, hairs and nails,
♦♦ Bones of the face and part of the vault of skull (frontal, sebaceous and sweat glands, arrectores pilorum
parietal, squamous temporal, part of the sphenoid, maxilla, muscle and mammary glands.
zygomatic, nasal, vomer, palatine and mandible) • Eye: Lens of eye, corneal epithelium, conjunctiva,
♦♦ Dermis, smooth muscle and fat of face and ventral aspect lacrimal gland, nasolacrimal gland and muscle of
of neck iris.
♦♦ Muscles of the ciliary body • Ear: Utricle, semicircular ducts, epithelial lining of
♦♦ Sclera and choroids of eye external auditory meatus, outer lining of tympanic
♦♦ Substantia propria and posterior epithelium of cornea membrane
♦♦ Connective tissues of thyroid, parathyroid, thymus and • Nose: Epithelial lining of nasal cavity, paranasal air
salivary glands sinus, olfactory placode including olfactory nerve
♦♦ Derivatives of the first, second and third pharyngeal • Oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract: Epithelial lining
cartilages of anterior two-thirds of tongue, hard palate, side
♦♦ C cells of the thyroid gland of mouth, ameloblasts, parotid gland and ducts,
♦♦ Cardiac semilunar valves, and conotruncal septum (spiral epithelial lining of lower anal canal.
septum plus bulbar septum) • Urogenital system: Epithelial lining of distal penile
♦♦ Smooth muscle of blood vessels of the face and of forebrain. urethra, parts of female external genitalia.


1. Osteology
c. Medial part:
1. OSTEOLOGY – Inferior ophthalmic vein
– Sympathetic nerves from plexus around internal
Q.1. Enumerate the structures passing through foramen carotid artery.
ovale. (Mar 2000, 4 Marks)
Q.4. Enumerate the structures passing through jugular
(Sept 2017, 2 Marks) (Sept 1999, 4 Marks)
foramen. (Feb 1999, 4 Marks)
Ans. Following are the structures passing through jugular
Answer in brief structures passing through foramen foramen:
ovale. (May 2017, 3 Marks) a. Through anterior part:
Ans. Structures passing through foramen ovale are: – Inferior petrosal sinus
• Mandibular nerve. – Meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal
• Lesser petrosal nerve.
• Accessory meningeal artery.
b. Through middle part:
• An emissary vein connecting cavernous sinus with
– 9, 10 and 11 cranial nerves, i.e. glossopharyngeal,
the pterygoid plexus of veins.
• Occasionally, the anterior trunk of the middle vagus and spinal accessory nerve.
meningeal vein. c. Through posterior part:
– Internal jugular vein
Q.2. Enumerate the structures passing through foramen
– Meningeal branch of occipital artery.
spinosum. (Sept 2000, 4 Marks)
Ans. Structures passing through foramen spinosum are: Q.5. Write about structures passing through passing
• Middle meningeal artery. foramen magnum. (Sept 2011, 5 Marks)
• Meningeal branch of mandibular nerve or nervous Ans. It is divided into a small anterior and a large posterior com-
spinosus. partment by means of the alar ligaments of axis vertebra.
• Posterior trunk of middle meningeal vein. a. Structures passing through anterior compartment:
Q.3. Enumerate the structure passing through superior 1. Apical ligament of dens
orbital fissure. (Mar 2009, 10 Marks) 2. Vertical band of cruciate ligament
Ans. Three parts of superior orbital fissure transmits the 3. Membrana tectoria.
following structures: b. Structures passing through posterior compartment:
a. Lateral part: 1. Medulla oblongata
– Lacrimal nerve 2. Meninges, i.e. dura, arachnoid and pia mater.
– Frontal nerve c. Through subarachnoid space:
– Trochlear nerve 1. Spinal accessory nerve
– Superior ophthalmic vein 2. Vertebral arteries
– Meningeal branch of lacrimal artery 3. Sympathetic plexus around vertebral arteries
– Anastomotic branch of middle meningeal artery 4. Posterior spinal arteries
which anastomoses with recurrent branch of 5. Anterior spinal artery.
lacrimal artery.

Fig. 1: Structures passing through superior orbital fissure

(For colour version see Plate 11)
b. Middle part: Fig. 2: Structures passing through foramen magnum
– Upper and lower division of oculomotor nerve
– Nasociliary nerve in between two divisions of Q.6. Write short note on atlas and axis. (Sep 2011, 10 Marks)
oculomotor Ans. Atlas
– The abducent nerve. Atlas is the first cervical vertebra.
230 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Identification Points ♦ Posterior tubercle gives attachment to ligamentum nuchae

♦ Atlas is ring shaped and does not consists of body and spine. in median plane and provides origin to rectus capitis
♦ Atlas consists of anterior arch which is short, posterior arch posterior minor on both sides.
which is long, right and left lateral masses and transverse ♦ Groove over the upper surface of posterior arch get
processes. occupied by vertebral artery as well as by first cervical
♦ Anterior arch of vertebra is marked by median anterior nerve. Behind the groove upper border of posterior
tubercle and posterior surface has an oval facet which arch provides attachment to posterior atlanto–occipital
articulates with dens. membrane.
♦ Posterior arch form two-fifth of the ring and is longer than ♦ Lower border of posterior arch provide attachment to
anterior arch. highest pair of ligament flava.
♦ Posterior surface is marked by median posterior tubercle. ♦ Tubercle over medial side of lateral mass provides origin
♦ Upper surface of the arch is marked behind lateral mass to rectus capitis anterior.
by a groove. ♦ Transverse process provide origin to rectus capitis lateralis
♦ Lateral mass displays following features: from upper surface anteriorly and superior oblique from
a. Upper surface consists of superior articular facet. upper surface posteriorly, inferior oblique from lower
Facet is elongated, concave and is directed upward surface of tip, levator scapulae from lateral margin as well
and medially. as lower border, splenius cervicis and scalenus medius
b. Lower surface is marked by inferior articular facet.
from posterior tubercle of transverse process.
Facet is almost circular and is somewhat flat. Facet is
directed downwards, medially and backwards. Axis
c. Medial surface of lateral mass is marked by small
rough tubercle. Axis is the second cervical vertebra.
d. Transverse process is projected laterally from lateral Identification of axis is done by the odontoid process or dens.
mass. Transverse process is long. Transverse process
is pierced by foramen transversarium.

Fig. 4: Axis

Description of Body and Dens

♦ Superior surface of the body get fused with dens and it is
encroached on each side by the superior articular facets.
Articulation of odontoid process occurs anteriorly with
ovoid facet on posterior surface of anterior arch of atlas
and posteriorly with the transverse ligament of atlas.
♦ Inferior surface consists of prominent anterior margin
Fig. 3: Atlas which is projected downwards.
♦ Anterior surface has a median ridge on each side of which
Attachments and Relations hollow out impressions are present.
♦ Anterior tubercle gives attachment to anterior longitudinal
Vertebral Arch
ligament and gives insertion on both sides to upper oblique
part of longus colli. ♦ Pedicles get concealed superiorly by superior articular
♦ Upper border of anterior arch provide attachment to processes. Inferior surface has a deep and wide inferior
anterior atlanto–occipital membrane. vertebral notch which is placed in front of inferior articular
♦ Lower border of anterior arch provide attachment to lateral process.
fibers of anterior longitudinal ligament. ♦ Laminae are thick and strong.
Osteology  231

♦ Articular facets: Both the superior articular facets occupy ♦ A blow to the pterion, (e.g. in boxing) may rupture the
upper surfaces of body and massive pellicle. Laterally, the artery causing an epidural hematoma. The pterion may
articular facet has foramen transversarium. This foramina also be fractured indirectly. Blows to the top or back of the
is a large, flat, circular facet which is directed upward and head may not cause fracture at the site of impact, but may
laterally. The foramen transversarium articulates with the place sufficient force on the skull that its weakest part, the
inferior facet of atlas vertebra to form atlantoaxial joint. pterion, will fracture.
Each of the inferior articular facets articulates with the
third cervical vertebra.
♦ Transverse process is small and represents true posterior
♦ Spine of the axis is large, thick and strong. Spine is deeply
grooved inferiorly. Tip of spine is bifid and terminate in
the two rough tubercles.

♦ Odontoid process gives attachment at its apex to apical
ligament on each side and below the apex to alar
♦ Longus colli is inserted in anterior surface of the body.
Anterior longitudinal ligament is attached to anterior
♦ Posterior surface of body gives attachment to posterior
longitudinal ligament, membrane tectoria and vertical Fig. 5: Pterion
limb of cruciate ligament.
♦ Laminae provide attachment to ligament flava. Q.8. Write short note on osteogenesis. (June 2010, 5 Marks)
♦ Transverse process provides origin by its tip to levator Ans. Osteogenesis is also known as ossification
scapulae, scalenus medius anteriorly and splenius cervicis • Osteogenesis is the process of laying down new bone
posteriorly. Intertransverse muscles get attached to the material by cells called osteoblasts.
upper and lower surfaces of transverse process. • There are two processes resulting in the formation
♦ Spine of the vertebra provide attachment to ligamentum of normal, healthy bone tissue.
nuchae, semispinalis cervicis, rectus capitis posterior 1. Intramembranous ossification.
major, inferior oblique, spinalis cervicis, interspinalis and 2. Endochondral ossification.
multifidus. Intramembranous Ossification
Q.7. Write a short note on pterion. (Mar 2013, 4 Marks)
♦ Bone is formed by differentiation of mesenchymal cells
Or into osteoblasts.
Answer in brief on pterion. (May 2017, 3 Marks) ♦ It occurs in flat bones of skull and clavicle.
Ans. The pterion is the point corresponding with the posterior ♦ It begins at the end of second month of gestation.
end of the sphenoparietal suture.
Procedure of Intramembranous Ossification
  It is situated about 3 cm. behind, and a little above
the level of the zygomatic process of the frontal bone. ♦ In membrane where the future bone formation has to
be taken place, few mesenchymal cells differentiate into
It marks the junction between four bones osteoblast cells. Osteoblasts secrete the organic intercellular
1. The parietal bone matrix of the bone.
2. The squamous part of temporal bone ♦ Area where the osteoblasts first appear in membrane is
3. The greater wing of sphenoid bone called as center of ossification.
4. The frontal bone. ♦ Osteoblasts are now surrounded by bony matrix.
♦ Osteoblasts surrounded by bony matrix are converted to
Clinical Significance
♦ The pterion is known as the weakest part of the skull. ♦ Osteocyte is a resting cell which lies in lacuna and
♦ Clinically, the pterion is relevant because the anterior processes lie in canaliculi.
division of the middle meningeal artery runs beneath it, ♦ Osteoblasts on surface of bony matrix secrete phosphatase
on the inner side of the skull, which is quite thin at this which helps in calcification of intercellular matrix.
point. The combination of both a vital artery in this area ♦ Osteoblasts proliferate and differentiate in radiating manner
and the relatively thin bone structure has lent itself to the from center of ossification. Osteoblasts form bony trabeculae
name “God’s little joke” by some physicians. on the surface of which bone is formed layer by layer.
232 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Bony trabeculae fuse with each other to form spongy bone. ♦ Model is surrounded by perichondrium which is made
♦ Blood vessels grow in spaces between trabeculae and the up of inner chondrogenic layer and outer fibrous layer.
connective tissue surrounding these blood vessels now ♦ Growth of cartilage model is by interstitial and appositional
differentiate into red bone marrow. growth.
♦ Mesenchymal cells on outer surface of developing bone ♦ As the differentiation of cartilage cells move towards
from periosteum membrane. metaphysis, cells organize into longitudinal columns
♦ Spongy bone formed by intramembranous ossification is which are subdivided into following zones.
now replaced by the compact bone.
♦ Bone formed is known as membranous bone. A. Zone of reserved cartilage
It exhibits no cellular proliferation or secretion of active
Endochondral Ossification matrix production.
♦ This ossification involves replacement of the cartilaginous B. Zone of proliferation
model by bone. • This zone lies adjacent to zone of reserve cartilage in
♦ It occurs at extremities of all long bones, vertebrae, ribs, the direction of diaphysis.
articular extremity of mandible and base of skull. • In this zone, cartilage cells undergo division and are
♦ At the site where bone is to be formed there is presence of organized into distinct columns. These cells now can
condensation of mesenchymal cells.
actively produce matrix.
♦ Mesenchymal cells are now transformed to chondroblast
cells which secrete the cartilage matrix.
♦ Thus, a hyaline cartilage covered by perichondrium is
♦ This cartilaginous model is replaced by formation of
bone and bone formed is known as cartilage bone. Most
of the bones of our body are formed by endochondral
Procedure of Endochondral Ossification
Formation of Cartilagenous Model
♦ At a site where limb will later emerge, embryo shows
outgrowth of mesoderm covered by ectoderm.
♦ Mesenchymal cells at this area condense and differentiate
into chondroblasts and form cartilaginous matrix resulting
in the development of hyaline cartilage model.

Fig. 7: Zones of differentiation of cartilage cells

(For colour version see Plate 12)

C. Zone of hypertrophy
• This is the broadest zone.
• It consists of enlarged cartilage cells and in early stages
they secrete type II collagen.
• As the cells become larger in size proteoglycans are
• As chondrocytes reach their maximum size, they
Fig. 6: Formation of cartilagenous model secrete Type X collagen as well as noncollagenous
(For colour version see Plate 11) proteins.
Osteology  233

D. Zone of calcified cartilage

• These enlarged cells degenerates and matrix becomes
• Mineralization is by formation of matrix vesicles.
E. Zone of resorption
• This zone lies nearest to diaphysis.
• Calcified cartilage is in direct contact with connective
tissue of the marrow cavity.
• Small blood vessels and accompanying connective
tissue invade the region occupied by the dying
chondrocytes and they form a series of spear heads,
leaving calcifying cartilage as longitudinal spicules.

Formation of Bone Collar

♦ Capillaries grow into perichondrium to surround the
midsection of the model.
Fig. 9: Formation of periosteal bud
♦ Cells in the inner layer of perichondrium differentiate into (For colour version see Plate 12)
osteoblasts to form a thin collar of bone matrix by intra-
membranous ossification. At this stage, perichondrium is Formation of Medullary Cavity
called as periosteum. ♦ As the primary ossification center enlarges spreading
♦ Vascularisation of middle of the cartilage occurs, and proximally and distally, osteoclasts brake down newly formed
chondroclasts resorb most of the mineralized cartilaginous spongy bone and open a medullary cavity in center of shaft.
matrix. ♦ Two ends of developing bone still composed entirely of
cartilage. Midsection of developing bone become diaphysis
and cartilaginous end become epiphysis.
♦ Primary center of ossification is diaphyseal center of

Fig. 8: Formation of bone collar

(For colour version see Plate 12)

Formation of Periosteal Bud

♦ Periosteal capillaries along with osteogenic cells invade
calcified cartilage in middle of the model and supply its
interior. Fig. 10: Formation of medullary cavity
♦ Osteogenic cells and vessel comprise a structure called as (For colour version see Plate 12)
periosteal bud.
♦ Periosteal capillaries grow into the cartilage model and Formation of Secondary Ossification Center
initiate development of primary ossification centre. ♦ Shortly before or after the birth secondary ossification
♦ Osteogenic cells in periosteal bud give rise to osteoblasts center appear in one or both the epiphysis.
that deposit bone matrix on residual calcified cartilage. ♦ Chondrocytes in middle of epiphysis hypertrophied
This results in formation of cancellous bone with remnants and mature and matrix partitions between their lacunae
of calcified cartilage known as mixed spicule. calcify.
234 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Spongy bone is retained and no medullary cavity is formed • If anterior fontanel is bulged, there is rise in the
in epiphysis. intracranial pressure.
♦ Ossification spreads from secondary center in all direction. • If anterior fontanel is depressed, it causes decrease
♦ After completion of secondary ossification hyaline cartilage in intracranial pressure.
remains at two places on the epiphyseal surface as articular
cartilage and at junction of diaphysis and epiphysis where
it forms epiphyseal plate.
Union of primary and secondary ossification centers is called
as epiphyseal line.

Fig. 12: Anterior fontanelle

Q.11. Answer in brief structures passing into internal

auditory meatus. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
Ans. Following are the structures passing into internal
auditory meatus:
1. Seventh cranial (facial) nerve.
2. Eighth cranial (vestibulocochlear) nerve.
Fig. 11: Formation of secondary ossification center 3. Nervus intermedius.
(For colour version see Plate 12) 4. Internal auditory (labyrinthine) vessels.
Q.9. Answer in brief about odontoid process of axis vertebrae. Q.12. Write short note on pterygomaxillary fissure.
(Feb 2016, 2 Marks) (Oct 2016, 3 Marks)
Ans. Odontoid process is also known as dens Ans. It is the triangular gap between body of maxilla and
• It is a strong tooth like process which projects lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid.
upward from the body. Pterygomaxillary fissure is located at lateral part of
• Odontoid process represents the centre or body of pterygopalatine fossa.
atlas which is fused with the center of axis. Infratemporal fossa communicates with the pterygo-
• Axis vertebra is identified by this odontoid process. palatine fossa through pterygomaxillary fissure.
• Superior surface of body of axis is fused with the
odontoid process. Structures Passing
• Odontoid process articulates with oval facet on
♦ Posterior superior alveolar nerve passes through
posterior surface of anterior arch of atlas and
pterygomaxillary fissure to enter the infratemporal fossa.
posteriorly with transverse ligament of atlas.
♦ Pterygopalatine part or third part of maxillary artery
• Odontoid process gives attachment at its apex to
passes from infratemporal fossa into pterygopalatine fossa
apical ligament on each side and below the apex to via pterygomaxillary fissure.
alar ligaments. ♦ A variable network of veins such as sphenopalatine into
For diagram refer to Ans 6 of same chapter. the pterygoid plexus of veins.
Q.10. Write in brief about anterior fontanelle. Q.13. Write short note on anatomical position.
(Sep 2015, 5 Marks) (Apr 2017, 4 Marks)
Ans. Fontanelles are basically the sites for the growth of skull. They Ans. In anatomical position the body is erect, eyes are directed
permit growth of brain and also helps in age determination. forward and look straight, upper limbs hang by side of
• In fetal skull bregma is the site of membranous gap body with palms of hand turned forward and the fingers
and is known as anterior fontanel. are pointed straight down, the lower limbs, including
• Anterior fontanel closes at 18 months of age and feet, are parallel to one another with feet flat on the floor
allows growth of brain. and toes pointing forwards.
Osteology  235

• In medical profession, the body parts and their

relationships are always described presuming that
the body is in anatomical position, although it may
lie or be placed in any position.
• In anatomical position, the position of forearms and
hands is not a natural one, it does allow for accurate
• This is the position assumed in all anatomical
descriptions to ensure accuracy and consistency.
• In medicine, all descriptions of the human body are
made in anatomical position.

Anatomical Position of Skull

Skull can be placed in proper orientation by considering any
one of the two planes, i.e.
♦ Reid’s baseline is a horizontal line which is obtained by
joining infraorbital margin to center of external acoustic
Fig. 14: Asterion
meatus, i.e. auricular point.
♦ Frankfurt’s horizontal plane of orientation is obtained by
Q.15. Write very short answer on foramen rotundum.
joining infraorbital margin to upper margin of external
acoustic meatus. (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. The foramen rotundum is a circular hole in the sphenoid
bone that connects the middle cranial fossa and the
pterygopalatine fossa.
♦ The foramen rotundum is located in the middle cranial
fossa, inferomedial to the superior orbital fissure at
the base of greater wing of the sphenoid bone.
♦ Its medial border is formed by lateral wall of
sphenoid sinus.
♦ It runs downwards and laterally in an oblique
path and joins the middle cranial fossa with the
pterygopalatine fossa.

Structures Passing through Foramen Rotundum

It transmits the maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve, artery of
foramen rotundum, and emissary veins.

Fig. 13: Anatomical position of body

Q.14. Write short note on asterion. (Sep 2017, 4 Marks)

Ans. Asterion is the point where the parietomastoid,
occipitomastoid and lambdoid sutures meet.
Asterion is a depression located 2.5 cm behind the upper
part of root of ear.
At asterion, occipital, parietal and temporal bones meet.
Mastoid angle of parietal bone lie at asterion.
In infants, the asterion is the site of posterolateral or
mastoid fontanel which closes by 12 months. Fig. 15: Foramen rotundum


1. Epithelial Tissue 11. The Digestive System III: Liver, Gallbladder

2. Cartilage and Pancreas

3. Bone Tissue 12. The Endocrine System

4. Muscular Tissue 13. The Urinary System

14. Male Reproductive System
5. Circulatory System
15. The Nervous System
6. Lymphatic Tissue
Multiple Choice Questions as per DCI and
7. Skin
Examination Papers of Various Universities
8. Respiratory System
Fill in the Blanks as per DCI and Examination
9. The Digestive System I: Oral Cavity Papers of Various Universities
10. The Digestive System II: Alimentary Canal Viva-voce Questions for Practical Examination
2. Stratified Epithelium (Multiple layer of cells)
1. EPITHELIAL TISSUE a. Stratified Squamous
b. Stratified Cuboidal
Q.1. Write a short note on types of epithelium with one c. Stratified Columnar
example each. (Sep 2002, 2 Marks) 3. Pseudostratified (Epithelium appears as it is stratified)
4. Transitional (Shape of epithelium is not fixed)
Enumerate the types of epithelium with the example. Simple Epithelium
 (Apr 2007, 3 Marks) Squamous
Ans. Epithelium
♦♦ It consists of single layer of flat cells. Nucleus is oval or
Epithelium is a basic tissue of the body and consists of flat and is situated in the center of cell.
cells arranged as continuous sheets in either single or ♦♦ Examples of squamous simple epithelium are lung alveoli,
continuous layers. parietal layer of Bowman’s capsule, certain tubules
of kidney and at certain places on the inner aspect of
Types of Epithelium
tympanic membrane.
1. Simple Epithelium (Single layer of cells)
a. Squamous Cuboidal
b. Cuboidal ♦♦ The cells appear cuboidal in shape. Nuclei are round and
c. Columnar centrally placed. All nuclei are arranged at same level.

Fig. 1:  Various types of epithelium

(For colour version see Plate 13)
240   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Examples of squamous cuboidal epithelium: Epithelium ♦♦ All cells are attached to the basement membrane but are of
lining the follicles of thyroid gland, ducts of exocrine different heights. Hence, not all reach the apical surface.
glands and pigmented epithelium of retina. Because of this, nuclei of cells are at different levels.
♦♦ The epithelium may be ciliated or non-ciliated and may
contain goblet cells.
♦♦ Cells of the epithelium are much taller compared to their ♦♦ The non-ciliated pseudostratified epithelium is found in
width. the large excretory ducts, auditory tube and male urethra.
♦♦ Nuclei are elongated and located in the lower half of the ♦♦ Examples of pseudostratified epithelium is upper
cells. All nuclei are placed at the same level in neighboring respiratory tract.
♦♦ On their free surface, modifications like microvilli or cilia Transitional Epithelium
may be seen. It may also contain goblet cells. ♦♦ Appearance of epithelium varies during stretched and
♦♦ Examples of squamous columnar epithelium: Epithelial relaxed conditions. When this epithelium is stretched then
lining of gallbladder, ducts of glands, gastrointestinal it looks like stratified squamous epithelium. But when
tract (from stomach to anus), uterine tube, uterine cavity, the epithelium is in relaxed condition it appears stratified
cervical canal and central canal of spinal cord. cuboidal. Due to this apparent change in the shape this
epithelium is called as transitional epithelium.
Stratified Epithelium
♦♦ This epithelium is seen in epithelial lining of the urinary
Stratified Squamous (Nonkeratinized) tract.
♦♦ Cells are arranged in many layers. Basal layer is attached Q.2. Write short note on stratified squamous epithelium.
to basement membrane and is usually columnar, cuboidal  (Nov 2009, 5 Marks)
or rounded in shape. Ans. Stratified squamous (nonkeratinized)
♦♦ Intermediate cells are irregularly polyhedral in shape • Cells are arranged in many layers. Basal layer is
and become increasingly flattened as they move towards attached to basement membrane and is usually
superficial layer. columnar, cuboidal or rounded in shape.
♦♦ Superficial layer consists of thin squamous cells. Basal cells • Intermediate cells are irregularly polyhedral in shape
replace surface cells as they are shed off. and become increasingly flattened as they move
♦♦ Examples of non-keratinized stratified squamous towards superficial layer.
epithelium: Epithelial lining of oral cavity, tongue, part • Superficial layer consists of thin squamous cells.
of epiglottis, esophagus and vagina. Basal cells replace surface cells as they are shed off.
• Examples of non-keratinized stratified squamous
Stratified Squamous (Keratinized)
epithelium are epithelial lining of oral cavity, tongue,
♦♦ In this epithelium superficial cells become dead, part of epiglottis, esophagus and vagina.
dehydrated and non-nucleated like scales. Stratified squamous (keratinized)
♦♦ These dead cells become hard (cornified) as they are filled • In this epithelium, superficial cells become dead,
with keratin. dehydrated and non-nucleated like scales.
♦♦ Examples of keratinized stratified squamous simple • These dead cells become hard (cornified) as they are
epithelium is skin. filled with keratin.
Stratified Cuboidal • Examples of keratinized stratified squamous simple
epithelium is skin.
♦♦ Epithelium consists of two or more layers of cells.
♦♦ Cells of superficial layer are cuboidal in shape. Q.3. Enumerate classification of epithelium. (Do not
♦♦ Examples of stratified cuboidal epithelium is ducts of describe). (Feb 2013, 2 Marks)
sweat glands. Ans. Types of Epithelium
1. Simple epithelium (single layer of cells)
Stratified Columnar a. Squamous
♦♦ It contains two or more layers of cells. b. Cuboidal
♦♦ Cells of superficial layer are columnar. c. Columnar
♦♦ Examples of stratified columnar epithelium: Epithelial 2. Stratified epithelium (multiple layer of cells)
lining of large ducts of some glands, fornix of conjunctiva a. Stratified squamous
and cavernous urethra. b. Stratified cuboidal
c. Stratified columnar
Pseudostratified Epithelium 3. Pseudostratified (epithelium appears as it is
♦♦ It is not a true stratified epithelium but appears to be stratified)
stratified. 4. Transitional (shape of epithelium is not fixed)
Histology  241

♦ ,
♦ Elastic cartilage contains a meshwork of branching
 fi v w
(Feb 2002, 2 Marks) E fi H E
Or v z
fi ( )
Write a short note on types of cartilages with example. (Feb
2005, 5 Marks)
Ans. Cartilage
C fi z v
v ,
, fi
Three types of cartilage are found in the body
i. Coastal cartilage
ii. Articular cartilage
2. Elastic cartilage
3. Fibrocartilage
Hyaline Cartilage
♦ ,
x x fi and ground Hyaline cartilage
♦ x ,
present in small spaces called as lacunae.
♦ H
♦ fi

♦ G ( ) - k
w ( x )
The main constituent of ground substance is sulfated
( ) x
to the presence of chondroitin and keratin sulfate
that are acidic in nature. This dark blue staining around
lacuna is x A w
the lacuna the concentration of sulfated
proteoglycans x
w that intense blue staining that is seen Elastic cartilage
in capsule. This x
♦ Only one type of cell (chondrocyte) is seen in the cartilage.

, x
♦ v v w

♦ H , , w v
w fi v
♦ P w , fi
( fi v )
and an inner cellular layer (made up predominantly of
w v w
is growing).

Elastic Cartilage
♦ Cartilage is highly elastic in nature. It looks yellow in fresh Fibrocartilage
state and hence sometimes called as yellow elastic cartilage. Fig. 2: Various types of cartilage
242   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Chondrocytes are present in lacunae. These cells are bigger up predominantly of cells which may convert to
than cells present in hyaline cartilage and are present singly chondrocyte when cartilage is growing).
or in groups of two. Cells are closely placed as intercellular
ground substance is much less than in hyaline cartilage.
♦♦ It is also known as white fibrocartilage as it contains
bundles of thick collagen fibers.
♦♦ Histological structure of fibrocartilage resembles dense
regular connective tissue.
♦♦ In fibrocartilage all the collagen fibers are of type I and
type II varieties.
♦♦ Minimal amount of basophilic ground substance is seen
around chondrocyte.
♦♦ Very few chondrcytes are seen which are oriented between
large collagenous fiber bundles. Fig. 3: Hyaline cartilage
♦♦ Chondrocytes are either present in a row or scattered singly (For colour version see Plate 13)
between bundles of fibers.
♦♦ Perichondrium is absent in fibrocartilage. Q.3. Write short note on histology of elastic cartilage.
 (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
Q.2. Write a short note on hyaline cartilage.
 (Dec 2012, 3 Marks) (Apr 2008, 5 Marks) Or
Ans. Hyaline Cartilage Write short note on histology of elastic cartilage.
• It consists of homogeneous, transparent and  (Apr 2015, 3 Marks)
amorphous intercellular matrix. The matrix consists Ans. Elastic cartilage is highly elastic in nature. It looks yellow
of collagen fibers and ground substance. in fresh state and hence sometimes called as yellow
• Throughout the matrix cartilage cells, i.e. chondro- elastic cartilage.
cytes are present in small spaces called as lacunae.
• Hyaline cartilage is surrounded by perichondrium.
• Ground substance of hyaline cartilage contains fine
type II collagen fibers that are about 15 to 40 nm in
• Ground substance is featureless (homogeneous)
gel-like substance that stains blue with basic dye
(hematoxylin). The main constituent of ground
substance is sulfated proteoglycans (aggrecan).
The basophilia of matrix is due to the presence of
chondroitin and keratin sulfate that are acidic in
nature. This dark blue staining around lacuna is
called as capsule or territorial matrix. As far away
from the lacuna, the concentration of sulfated
proteoglycans becomes less and less and thus the
matrix does not show that intense blue staining Fig. 4: Elastic Cartilage  (For colour version see Plate 13)
that is seen in capsule. This matrix is called as inter-
territorial matrix. • The elastic cartilage also consists of ground
• Only one type of cell (chondrocyte) is seen in the substance, fibers, cells and perichondrium.
cartilage. These cells occupy lacunae in the matrix. • Elastic cartilage contains a meshwork of branching
• In a young cartilage, chondrocytes show mitotic cell and anastomosing elastic fibers that gives it a yellow
division and give rise to daughter cells. These newly appearance.
formed chondrocytes produce fibers and ground • Elastic fibers are not seen in H&E stain but are
substance around themselves. visualized by special staining methods for elastic
• Hyaline cartilage, on its free surface, is always fibers (orcein stain and verhoeff’s stain).
covered with a fibrovascular membrane called as • Chondrocytes are present in lacunae. These cells are
perichondrium. bigger than cells present in hyaline cartilage and are
• Perichondrium consists of two layers, i.e. an outer present singly or in groups of two. Cells are closely
fibrous layer (made up of dense irregular fibrous placed as intercellular ground substance is much
connective tissue) and an inner cellular layer (made less than in hyaline cartilage.
Histology  243

Based on the development:
(Aug 2016, 2 Marks) 1. Endochondral bone
Ans. For diagram of hyaline cartilage refer to Ans. 2 of same 2. Intramembranous bone.
chapter. III. Based on shape.
1. Long bone
Parts of Hyaline Cartilage
2. Short bone
♦ Perichondrium which consists of fibrous layer and cellular 3. Flat bone
layer. 4. Irregular bone
♦ Matrix which consists of ground substance and collagen 5. Sesamoid bone.
♦ Cells, i.e. chondrocytes which reside in lacunae. Compact Bone
♦ Outer aspect of compact bone is surrounded by condensed
3. BONE TISSUE fibrocollagen layer, i.e. periosteum which has two layers
A- Outer layer: Dense irregular connective tissue fibrous
(Sep 2002, 4 Marks) B- Inner layer: Lies next to bone surface consisting of bone
Or cells, their precursors and rich vascular supply.
Write short note on histology of bone. ♦ Inner surface of compact bone is covered by thin cellular
(Aug 2011, 5 Marks) (Dec 2014, 5 Marks) layer called as endosteum.
Write short note on compact bone.
(Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
Write short note on histological structure of compact
bone. (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
Ans. Bone is a specialized type of connective tissue. Similar
to all other connective tissues it also consists of ground
substance, fibres and cells.
However, the bone is classified as specialized connective
tissue because of presence of minerals (calcium salts) in
its intercellular matrix.
Bone consist of four types of cells, i.e. osteogenic cells,
osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts. Fig. 5: Compact bone (For colour version see Plate 14)
Osteogenic cells are present in the cellular layer of
periosteum, endosteum and in haversian canals. These ♦ At periosteal and endosteal surfaces, lamellae are arranged
are stem cells which after cell division give origin to in parallel layers surrounding bony surface known as
osteoblasts. These cells are derived from embryonic circumferential lamellae.
mesenchymal cells. ♦ Haversian canal and concentric lamellae together form
Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells. They synthesize and osteon or haversian system.
secrete matrix (collagen fibers and ground substance). ♦ A cement line of mineralized matrix which is strongly
They are also responsible for calcification of matrix. basophilic delineates haversian system.
Osteocytes are the main cells of bone tissue. They are ♦ This line marks limit of bone erosion prior to formation of
formed from osteoblasts become entrapped in matrix osteon also known as reversal line.
secretion at the time of formation of new bone. These ♦ Resting line denotes the period of rest during bone
cells play role in maintenance of surrounding matrix formation.
as well as they also respond to various pressure and ♦ Adult bone, between osteons, contains interstitial lamellae,
tensions applied on the bone. which are remnants of osteons left behind during
Osteoclasts are the cells involved in the bone resorption. remodelling.

Classification of Bone Cancellous Bone

I. Based on the microscopic structure: ♦ It has honeycomb appearance with large marrow cavities
1. Mature bone and sheets of trabeculae bone in form of bar and plates.
a. Compact bone or cortical bone or lamellar bone ♦
b. Cancellous or spongy bone.
2. Immature bone or Woven bone.
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

(lacunae) containing osteocytes. Radiating from these Each of the muscle fiber is formed by many
lacunae are canaliculi which are occupied by the processes cells which join from end to end at junctional
of osteocytes. Osteocytes situated in lacunae derive their specializations known as intercalated discs.
nutrition through canalicular system from blood vessels • Each of the myocyte measures from 50 to 100 µm
present in bone marrow. in length and 15 µm in thickness. Myocyte consists
of single oval nucleus which is centrally placed and
is surrounded by sarcoplasm, various organelles
and myofibrils. Due to high energy and oxygen
requirements of cardiac muscle fibers they have huge
amount of mitochondria, glycogen, triglycerides and
abundant myoglobin. Sometimes myocyte may have
two nuclei also.
• Muscle fibers lie almost parallel to each other.
Individual muscle fibers branch and anastomose
with myocytes of neighboring fibers.
• Cardiac muscle fibers also show cross striations. But
these cross striations are less prominent as compared
to cross striations of skeletal muscle fibers.
• Myofibrils of cardiac muscle fibers consist of actin
and myosin filaments. Cardiac muscles also A and
Fig. 6: Cancellous bone I bands and also the Z discs which are also seen in
(For colour version see Plate 14) skeletal muscle fibers.
• Intercalated disc is the irregular transverse
Woven or Immature Bone or Nonlamellar Bone thickening of sarcolemma. Such discs are broken
♦ It is first formed bone with irregularly oriented collagen into number of steps and do not run straight across
fibers of varying diameter. the fibers providing it staircase-like appearance. This
♦ It is not seen after the birth. type of appearance is produced because adjacent
♦ It is seen in alveolar bone and during healing of fractures. sarcolemmas are interdigitating and present
♦ Marrow cavities and spaces in spongy bone contain bone longitudinal and transverse portions.
marrow. • Transverse portions are thick and provide site of
attachment of myofilament to sarcolemma whereas
longitudinal portions are thin and consists of gap
4. MUSCULAR TISSUE junction.

(Oct 2007, 5 Marks)

Write a short note on skeletal muscle fiber.
Fig. 7: Cardiac muscle (For colour version see Plate 14) (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
Q.2. Write a short note on cardiac muscles. Write a short note on histology of skeletal muscle fiber.
(Aug 1995, 5 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks)
Ans. • Cardiac muscle has long and thick muscular fibers. Ans. Basic unit of skeletal muscle is long, cylindrical fiber.
Such fibers show branching and so an individual • These fibers are arranged parallel to each other. The
fiber can appear as Y-shaped. fibers are long and cylindrical.
Histology  245

A single muscle fiber consists of hundreds of nuclei.

The nuclei are present in sarcoplasm just beneath
plasma membrane which is called as sarcolemma.
• Nuclei are mainly euchromatic, flat, oval in shape
and are oriented along the long axis of muscle fiber.
Beneath the sarcolemma nuclei get displaced as
the core is occupied by the thousands of contractile
thread like structures known as myofibrils. Myofibril
extends throughout the length of muscle fiber.
• Under light microscopic examination muscle fiber
show characteristic transverse striations which are
seen as alternate dark and light bands. Dark bands
are known as A bands, while the light bands are
known as I bands.
• Each of the myofibril show characteristic dark and Fig. 10: Longitudinal section of muscle
light bands, i.e. cross-striations which are seen in (For colour version see Plate 14)
muscle fiber.
• Light area on a myofibril is known as I band and dark
area as A band. Thin transverse dark line is seen in 5. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM
middle of light area known as Z line. Mid region of
dark A band has a light H band. In the middle of H 
band there is presence of transverse dark line, i.e. M (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
line. Area between two adjacent Z lines is known as

sarcomere. Sarcomere is the contractile unit of striated
• Inside the myofibrils two types of even structures are
present which are known as myofilaments. They are
thick and thin filaments. Thick ones are known as
myosin and thin ones are known as actin filaments.
• Arrangement of thick and thin filaments has specific
relationship. Each thick filament is surrounded
equidistant by six thin filaments arranged in
hexagonal manner.
• Each thick filament has 200 to 300 myosin II
molecules. These molecules are closely packed in
a specific manner in thick filament. Each myosin II
molecule has two identical heavy chains and two
pair of light chains.
• Thin filament consists of two chains of F acting
filaments which are wrapped with each other in
association with tropomyosin and troponin.

Fig. 9: Transverse section of muscle

(For colour version see Plate 14)
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Passage of Lymph Through Lymph Node

♦ Afferent lymphatic vessels pour their lymph in subcapsular
sinus which is placed under the capsule in between capsule
and cortical lymphocytes.
♦ From here lymph flows inside the cortex in trabecular
sinuses and reach to medullary sinus.
♦ Sinuses in the medulla appear as interanastomosing
channels between cords of lymphocytes.
6. LYMPHATIC TISSUE ♦ Medullary sinuses drain into an efferent lymphatic vessel
at hilum via which lymph passes out of lymph node.
Q.1. Write a short note on microscopic anatomy of lymph ♦ Endothelium lines the sinuses, but their wall allows the
node. (Sep 2000, 4 Marks) passage of lymphocytes in and out of sinuses.
Parenchyma of Lymph Node
Write a short note on microscopic structure of lymph
♦ Parenchyma of lymph node is basically formed by cortex
node. (Feb 1999, 4 Marks)
and medulla.
♦ Cortex is the darkly stained part of lymph node which lies
Write a short note on histology of lymph node. deep to the capsule.
(Sep 2007, 3 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks) ♦ Cortex is divided into outer and deep cortex.
(Oct 2014, 3 Marks) ♦ Lymphocytes are the predominant cells of parenchyma.
Or ♦ Lymphocytes inside the outer cortex are organized in form
of nodules which can be in form of primary nodules or
Write a short note on microanatomy of lymph node.
secondary nodules.
(May 2014, 5 Marks)
♦ Primary nodules are formed by small lymphocytes which
Ans. A section through lymph node shows an outer darkly have heterochromatic nucleus with little cytoplasm and
stained zone cortex and an inner medulla. Cortex is are deeply stained. Secondary nodules are those which
darkly stained because it consists of densely packed posses germinal center.
lymphocytes and medulla is lightly stained because it ♦ Lymphocytes inside the deep cortex are diffusely arranged.
has fewer lymphocytes. ♦ In the outer cortex B lymphocytes are predominantly
present, while in deep cortex T lymphocytes are predo-
minantly present.
♦ Medulla is known as the inner part of lymph node and has
lymphocytic tissue arranged in cords known as medullary
♦ Beside the lymphocytes both cortex and medulla consists
of following cells:
Reticular cells: Such cells along with reticular fibers
form framework of lymph node.

Fig. 12: Lymph node (For colour version see Plate 15)

Supporting Elements of Lymph Node (Feb 2002, 4 Marks)

♦ Lymph node is surrounded by a connective tissue capsule. Or
It is generally made up of dense connective tissue. Write in short on histology of spleen.
♦ Trabecula extends from capsule into the substance of (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
lymph node.
♦ Besides capsule and trabeculae, supporting elements in
lymph node are formed by reticular cells and the reticular Supporting Elements of Spleen
fibers, they both constitute a meshwork throughout cortex ♦ Spleen is covered by capsule made up of dense connective
and medulla. tissue.
♦ Dendritic cells which are present inside the parenchyma ♦ The capsule contains elastic fibers.
of lymph node originate from bone marrow and present ♦ From the capsule, trabeculae extend in the substance of
antigen to specific T cells. the organ where they repeatedly divide to form a network.
Histology  247

♦ Small spaces within the trabecular network are occupied

by the delicate meshwork formed by reticular cells and
reticular fibers.
♦ Macrophages are also present in this delicate meshwork.
The spaces of this meshwork are filled by lymphocytes,
macrophages and blood cells. In red pulp these cells are
arranged in the form of cords which itself forms a network.
These cords are called as splenic cords. Spaces between
cords are occupied by blood sinusoids.
♦ The hilus of the organ gives passage to the splenic artery,
vein, nerves and efferent lymphatic vessels.

Fig. 14: Thymus (For colour version see Plate 15)

♦ The delicate supporting stroma of the organ within a

lobule is formed by epithelioreticular cells. These cells
are stellate in shape and their cytoplasmic processes are
joined with the processes of neighboring cells with the
help of desmosomes. Thus, epithelioreticular cells form a
cytoplasmic reticulum within the thymus.
Structure of Thymus Lobule
Fig. 13: Spleen
(For colour version see Plate 15) ♦ Each lobule of thymus is surrounded by connective tissue
stroma and contains an outer cortex and inner medulla.
Pulps of Spleen Cortex is darkly stained because of densely packed small
lymphocytes with heterochromatic nuclei. The outer

cortex receives stem cells from bone marrow which divide
i.e. white pulp and red pulp.
repeatedly to form small lymphocytes.
♦ In hematoxylin stained section, white pulp appear
♦ Medulla also contains thymic or Hassall’s corpuscles.
basophilic because of presence of small lymphocytes with
These are masses of concentrically arranged type VI
heterochromatic nuclei. Red pulp appears red because it
epithelioreticular cells around a central degenerated
consists of many blood sinuses which are filled with RBCs.
homogeneous mass. The Hassall’s corpuscles stain pink with
♦ White pulp is the lymphatic tissue sheath which surrounds
acid dyes and their number increases with increasing age.
the central artery. White pulp consists of lymphocytes and
♦ Macrophages are found in large number both in cortex
macrophages in reticular connective tissue meshwork.
and medulla.
White pulp can also consist of lymphatic nodules with
germinal center. Such nodules are known as splenic Q.4. Write a short note on microscopic anatomy of tonsil.
nodules or malphigian corpuscles. Mostly the lymphocytes (Sep 1999, 4 Marks) (Sep 2001, 6 Marks)
in white pulp are T lymphocytes, while nodule consists Or
predominantly the B lymphocytes.
♦ Red pulp has network of interanastomosing splenic cord Write a short note on histology of palatine tonsil.
which are made by reticular cells and reticular fibers (Apr 2003, 5 Marks) (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
containing B and T lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
cells, RBCs and granulocytes. Such splenic cords are Or
known as cords of Billroth.
Write in brief about microanatomy of palatine tonsil.
Q.3. Write a short note on histology of thymus. (Sep 2015, 5 Marks)
(Apr 2015, 3 Marks)
Ans. Thymus
Write a short note on histology of tonsil.
Supporting Elements of Thymus (Apr 2017, 4 Marks)
♦ Both the lobes of thymus are completely covered by a thin Or
layer of connective tissue capsule from which trabeculae Write short answer on microscopic structure of tonsil.
extend into the substance of the organ. (Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Ans. •  The outer covering of the palatine tonsil consists of 4. Stratum lucidum: This layer is seen only in thick skin.
connective tissue capsule and the pharyngeal part Cells in this layer are flattened, translucent, eosinophilic
is covered by stratified squamous nonkeratinized and without any organelles including nucleus.
epithelium which is invaginated to form crypts. 5. Stratum corneum: It is the most superficial layer of
• Palatine tonsil consist of only efferent lymph vessels. epidermis. It is composed of structureless dehydrated
• Palatine tonsil has no cortex and medulla and the dead cells. The interior of the cell is filled with keratin. The
lymphocytes remain united as small follicles along thickness of stratum corneum is much more in thick skin
the side of crypts. compared to thin skin.
In some of the follicles the germinal centers should
be seen. Dermis
Dermis is predominantly made up of collagen bundles. It also
contains elastic fibers, connective tissue cells, nerves, lymphatics
and blood vessels. Dermis is usually divided into two layers:
1. Papillary layer: It is a narrow band of loose connective
tissue in contact with basement membrane of stratum
basale. This layer shows finger-like processes projecting
into undersurface of epidermis. These projections are called
as dermal papillae. The papillae contain type I collagen
and elastic fibers, nerves, blood vessels and various types
of connective tissue cells.

Fig. 15: Tonsil

(For colour version see Plate 15)

Palatine Tonsil
♦ Palatine tonsil consists of protective layer of stratified
squamous nonkeratinized epithelium.
♦ It shows invaginations by deep grooves known as crypts.
♦ A dense connective tissue underlies the tonsil and forms
its capsule consisting of some blood vessels.
♦ Below the epithelium, numerous lymphatic nodules are
distributed which merge frequently with each other and
exhibit lighter staining germinal center. Fig. 16: Skin (For colour version see Plate 15)
♦ Tonsillar crypts usually consist of dead antigen, broken
debris, disarmed bacteria, etc. 2. Reticular layer: The reticular layer of skin is an example of
dense irregular connective tissue. It contains coarse bundles
of type I collagen, thick elastic fibers, nerves, blood vessels
7. SKIN and few connective tissue cells, i.e. fibroblasts, mast cells,
lymphocytes, macrophages and fat cells.
Q.1. With the help of labeled diagram briefly describe
histology of skin. (Mar 1996, 5 Marks)
Ans. Skin
Skin consists of two layers, i.e. epidermis and dermis. 8. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
It consists of stratified squamous (keratinized) epithelium.
Following five layers can be distinguished in thick skin from
deep to superficial surface.
1. Stratum basale: It consists of a single layer of cuboidal
cells which are situated on the dermis. A thin basement (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
membrane is situated between stratum basale and dermis. Ans. Trachea
2. Stratum spinosum: It consists of several layers of polygonal Trachea divides into two principal (or primary) bronchi.
cells which are held together by desmosomes. The trachea and primary bronchi consist of four layers:
3. Stratum granulosum: This layer is made up of 3–5 layers a. Mucous membrane (epithelium and lamina propria):
of flattened polygonal cells. These cells are filled with The epithelium is pseudostratified ciliated columnar
keratohyalin granules. with goblet cells. The epithelium rests on thick basal
Histology  249

lamina. Three different types of common cells of

epithelium are ciliated cells (30%), goblet cells (28%) 9. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM I: ORAL CAVITY
and basal cells (29%). Lamina propria of trachea and
principal bronchi is made up of loose connective Q.1. Write a short note on histology of tooth.
tissue which is rich in elastic fibers. It may also (Nov 2009, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
contain lymphatic tissue in both diffuse and nodular (Aug 2018, 5 Marks)
forms. Ans. Dentin
b. Submucosa:Intrachea,itisdifficulttodistinguishthe • Dentin is characterized by dentinal tubules radiating
boundary between lamina propria and submucosa. outward from the pulp cavity to the outer wall of
At the junction of two there is a dense layer tooth. These tubules in living state are occupied by
of elastic fibers which is seen with special stain. the processes of odontoblasts. These cells line the
The submucosa contains mixed seromucous pulp cavity and are tall columnar in shape.
glands whose ducts open onto the surface of • Dentin is laid down in layers that lie parallel to
epithelium. pulp cavity. The layer of newly formed dentine
c. Cartilage and smooth muscle layer: This layer near the apical end of odontoblasts which is yet to
consists of hyaline cartilaginous ring separated by be mineralized is called as predentine.
interspaces bridged by fibroelastic connective tissue.
The rings of cartilage are incomplete posteriorly. The Enamel
gap is filled by smooth muscle (trachealis) and by ♦
fibroelastic tissue.
d. Adventitia: External to cartilaginous ring there is
a layer of connective tissue that is rich in elastic
fibers. ♦ Enamel is an extracellular product of enamel organ cells. It
is produced by a layer of columnar cells called ameloblasts
that covers the crown as an epithelial membrane.

♦ Cementum covers the dentine of the root. It extends from
the enamel at the neck (from dentinoenamel junction) to
the apical pore. It is bone-like tissue. It is mineralized. It
contains cementocytes which reside in lacunae.
♦ Cementocyte also contains many processes within
canaliculi which radiate from lacunae. Collagen bundles
of periodontal membrane are anchored to the cementum.

Periodontal Ligament
Fig. 17: Trachea (For colour version see Plate 15) ♦ Periodontal ligament connects cementum to the bone
of alveolar socket. It consists of cells and extracellular
Q.2. Draw a diagram to show histological features of lung. substance. PDL comprises of bundles of collagen fibers.
(Mar 2006, 2.5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 2.5 Marks) ♦ These group of fibers have specific orientation and are
called as principle fibers. They are as follows:
Ans. Lung
1. Alveolar crest group of fibers: Extending from the crest
of alveolar bone to the cervical part of the cementum.
2. Horizontal group: Running horizontally between
cementum and alveolar bone and arranged perpendi-
cular to the long axis of the tooth.
3. Oblique group: Are arranged obliquely from
cementum to alveolar bone and insertion in cementum
is more apical than insertion in bone. These constitute
the major group of fibers.
4. Apical group: Are located in the apical region of the
tooth radiating from the apex of the root to the base
of alveolar socket.
5. Interradicular fibers: Interradicular fibers are inserted
Fig. 18: Lung in cementum from crest of interradicular septum in
(For colour version see Plate 15) the multirooted teeth.
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Gingival Group of Fibers • Lingual salivary glands of posterior l/3rd of tongue are
mostly mucous in nature and are located in muscular
These are the secondary fibers of periodontal ligament seen in
layer. These glands open into the recesses of mucosa.
the lamina propria of the gingival and supplement the principal
Lingual papillae: Body of tongue (anterior 2/3rd), on
fibers in maintaining the functional integrity of the teeth. These
its dorsal surface, is covered with the specialization
of epithelium called the lingual papillae. Lingual
1. Dentogingival: Extending from the cervical portion of the
papillae are projections of lamina propria covered
cementum to the lamina propria of gingiva.
with stratified squamous epithelium which may
2. Dentoperiosteal: Extending from cementum to the
be keratinized. Many papillae contain taste buds.
periosteum of the alveolar crest and of the vestibular and
The papillae are of four types: Filiform, fungiform,
oral surface of the alveolar bone.
circumvallate and foliate. The foliate papillae are not
3. Alveologingival: Extending from the crest of the alveolar
well developed in humans.
bone to the lamina propria of gingiva. Filiform papillae: These are most numerous of the
4. Circular fibers: These fibers are arranged in the gingival lingual papillae covering most of the anterior 2/3rd
connective tissue, encircling the tooth like a collar. of the tongue. These are conical projections about
5. Trans-septal fibers: Are also accessory fibers extending 2-3 mm in length. Their tips are keratinized. These
interproximally between adjacent teeth. papillae are distributed in parallel rows. Filiform
Dental Pulp papillae contain no taste buds; they increase the
friction between tongue and food.
In the pulp four distinct zones are seen microscopically:
1. Odontoblastic zone: This is the most peripheral zone of
pulp seen adjacent to the predentine layer. Odontoblast
cells are columnar in the crown and flattened in the root.
They have process at their apical portion extending into
the dentinal tubules.
2. Cell free zone: Beneath the odontoblast layer is cell free
zone of Weil which is devoid of cells, but has fibers and
3. Cell rich zone: This zone is seen beneath the cell free zone
and is rich in cells. Cells present are mainly fibroblasts and
progenitor cells.
4. Pulp core: Central portion of pulp is called pulp core
that contains cells, large blood vessels and nerves, etc.
distributed in the ground substance.
Q.2. Write a short note on microscopic structure of tongue. Fig. 19: Filiform papillae (For colour version see Plate 16)
(Feb 1999, 4 Marks) (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
(May 2017, 3 Marks) (Aug 2012, 4 Marks) Fungiform papillae: They are found distributed
among the filiform papillae. Their shape is like
Or mushroom and they project above the filiform
Write a short note on histology of tongue. papillae. They have highly vascularized connective
(Dec 2012, 3 Marks) (Dec 2014, 5 Marks) tissue core; hence, visible as red dots. The taste buds
(Apr 2017, 4 Marks) are present in the epithelium on its dorsal surface.
Ans. Tongue
• Tongue is an accessory digestive organ composed
of skeletal muscle covered with mucous membrane.
Lining mucosa consists of stratified squamous
epithelium and a lamina propria.
• An inverted V-shaped groove, the sulcus terminalis,
divides the dorsal aspect of tongue into anterior 2/3rd
(body of tongue) and posterior l/3rd (root of tongue).
The dorsal aspect of root of tongue (posterior l/3rd)
contains many oval or rounded elevations which
are due to the lingual tonsils. These elevations may
contain lymph nodules and may show presence
of germinal center in it. Elsewhere, where lymph
nodules are not present, the mucosa shows the
general properties of lining mucosa. Fig. 20: Fungiform papillae (For colour version see Plate 16)
Histology  251

Circumvallate papillae: Circumvallate papillae are Circumvallate papillae: Circumvallate papillae

situated just in front of the sulcus terminalis. They are situated just in front of the sulcus terminalis.
are about 8 to 16 and each one measures about 1–2 They are about 8 to 16 and each one measures
mm in diameter. Each papilla is surrounded by a about 1 2 mm in diameter. Each papilla is
circular sulcus (trench). The stratitied squamous surrounded by a circular sulcus (trench). The
epithelium covering the free surface is smooth while stratitied squamous epithelium covering the free
the epithelium covering the walls of sulcus (trench) surface is smooth, while the epithelium covering
contains many taste buds. At the bottom of trench the walls of sulcus (trench) contains many taste
there are openings of the ducts of serous glands of buds. At the bottom of trench there are openings
Von Ebner which are situated in submucosa. of the ducts of serous glands of Von Ebner which
are situated in submucosa.
For histological diagram refer to Ans 22 of same
Q.4. Write a short note on microscopic anatomy of parotid
gland. (Sep 2000, 4 Marks) (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)

 (July 2016, 5 Marks)

Write a short note on microscopic structure of parotid
gland. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
Fig. 21: Circumvallate papilla
Write a short note on histology of serous salivary
(For colour version see Plate 16)
gland. (Aug 2016, 3 Marks)
Q.3 Write in brief histology of anterior two-third of Ans. Parotid Gland
tongue. (Feb 2013, 5 Marks) Parotid gland is the largest salivary gland. It has a well-
Ans. Anterior two-third portion of tongue is also known as defined capsule. Septa divide the gland into lobes and
papillary portion of tongue. lobules.
• On anterior part there are numerous fine pointed, a. Secretory acini: Acini are purely serous in nature.
cone shaped papillae which give it velvet-like Serous acini are smaller in size and rounded in
appearance. shape. Lumen of serus acini is very small or is
• The body of tongue (anterior 2/3), on its dorsal obliterated. The gland has abundant myoepithelial
surface, is covered with the specialization of (basket) cells that help to expel the secretory product
epithelium called the lingual papillae. The lingual from lumen of acinus.
papillae are projections of lamina propria covered b. Serous cells: Serous cells are mostly pyramidal in
with stratified squamous epithelium which may shape and are small in size. When these cells are
be keratinized. Many papillae contain taste buds. stained with H & E stain, these cells take up the dark
The papillae are of four types: Filiform, fungiform, stain. Nuclei of the cell are rounded and are placed
circumvallate and foliate. The foliate papillae are not near the center but are more toward the basal part of
well developed in humans. cell. Apical portion of the cell is filled with secretory
Filiform papillae: These are most numerous of granules or zymogen granules. Base of serous cell is
the lingual papillae, covering most of the anterior basophilic and apical portion is acidophilic.
2/3 of the tongue. These are conical projections c. Ducts: Interlobular ducts are present in the
about 2-3 mm in length. Their tips are keratinized. connective tissue septa. These ducts may be lined
These papillae are distributed in parallel rows. by simple columnar or pseudostratified columnar
Filiform papillae contain no taste buds; they epithelium. The intralobular ducts are seen between
increase the friction between tongue and food. acini. The intercalated ducts are lined by simple
Fungiform papillae: They are found distributed squamous to low cuboidal epithelium. They are long
among the filiform papillae. Their shape is and branching in parotid gland. The striated ducts
like mushroom and they project above the are lined by simple low columnar epithelium and
filiform papillae. They have highly vascularized show basal striations. Striations are responsible for
connective tissue core; hence, visible as red dots. bright eosinophilic (acidophilic) staining reaction
The taste buds are present in the epithelium on of these ducts. Adipose tissue may be seen among
its dorsal surface. acini and smaller ducts.
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.5. Write a microscopic anatomy of submandibular

salivary gland. (Sep 2001, 6 Marks)
Write a short note on histological structure of salivary
gland. (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Mar 2008, 3 Marks)
Write short note on histology of mixed salivary gland.
(Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
Ans. Submandibular Salivary Gland

Fig. 22: Submandibular gland

(For colour version see Plate 16)

Submandibular gland is a mixed gland. It has a well-

defined capsule and septa which divide the gland into (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
lobules. Ans.

Fig. 23: Taste bud (H&E Stain) (For colour version see Plate 16)

Q.7. Write a short note on microscopic structure of sub- ♦ Wharton’s duct is an excretory duct.
mandibular salivary duct. (Oct 2016, 3 Marks) ♦ Submandibular salivary gland duct is lined by stratified
Ans. Submandibular salivary duct is also known as Wharton’s columnar epithelium.
duct. ♦
♦ Wharton’s duct begins as tiny branches in superficial lobe and
runs posteriorly emerging from anterior aspect of deep lobe.
Histology  253

cells. In large ducts occasionally goblet cells and ciliated Muscular Layer
cells can be seen.
It is made up of outer longitudinal and inner circular layers of
♦ Ductal epithelium slowly undergoes a transition to
smooth muscle.
stratified, cuboidal and finally into stratified squamous
epithelium when it merges with the epithelium of oral Serosa/Adventitia
♦ It also consists of small number of other types of cells, i.e. As most of duodenum is retroperitoneal, some parts of its
tuft or brush cells with long stiff microvilli. surface may show serosa; otherwise, it is covered by adventitia.
♦ Sometimes cells with pale cytoplasm and dense nuclear
chromatin are seen at the base of duct epithelium. These
are lymphocytes and macrophages. 11. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM III:
10. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM II: Q.1. Write a short note on histology of liver.
ALIMENTARY CANAL (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
Ans. Liver is surrounded by a thin connective tissue capsule
 and is divided into many lobes, i.e. right, left, caudate
(Mar 2006, 5 Marks) and quadrate lobes.
Ans. Duodenum Hepatic artery, bile duct and portal vein enter the liver
at porta.
Connective tissue which enters the liver at porta with
other structures branches inside the liver to form partial
boundary of liver lobules and support branching vessels
and ducts. Lobules are not well-defined in humans as
their interlobular connective tissue or interlobular septa
are poorly developed.
Branches of portal vein, hepatic artery and bile duct
course together in intralobular septa as triad known as
portal triad.

Microscopic Organization of Liver

♦ Substance of liver is formed by liver lobules and in cross
section liver lobule appears as hexagon.
Fig. 24: Duodenum ♦ In human liver, the connective tissue between adjacent
lt consists of four layers, i.e. mucosa, submucosa, muscle lobules is scanty.
layer and serosa/adventitia. ♦ At corners of hexagon small triangular areas of connective
Mucosa: In duodenum, mucosa and submucosa are tissue are present which consists of portal triads. So at
thrown into circular folds called as plicae circularis. around periphery of each lobule several portal triads are
The plicae are covered with villi. Villi are finger-like present.
mucosal projections. Core of each villus is formed by ♦ As boundary of hexagonal lobule touches each other,
loose connective tissue of lamina propria containing every portal triad forms a partial boundary for more than
fenestrated capillaries, smooth muscle fibers and one lobule.
lymphatics (blind end lacteals). Surface of villi is ♦ Center of each hepatic lobule consists of a central vein.
covered by epithelium consisting predominantly of ♦ Hepatic cells, i.e. hepatocytes radiate from central vein
columnar cells with striated border (microvilli). In and are arranged in plates, i.e. laminae which are one cell
between the columnar cells few goblet cells are also thick. Such plates anastomose to form three-dimensional
present. network.
♦ Between the laminae blood passageways are present
Submucosa known as sinusoids. Lateral branches of small hepatic
Submucosa is almost completely occupied by highly branched, artery and portal venules which arise from portal triad,
tubuloacinar duodenal glands (Brunner s gland). Ducts of join to form hepatic sinusoids.
these glands pass through muscularis mucosae and open into ♦ Bile canaliculus is a small channel which occur at
the lumen of duodenum. The acini of duodenal glands secrete interphase between adjacent pair of liver cells in plate.
mucus, hence take light stain. These acini are lined with cuboidal Wall of canaliculus is formed by plasma membrane of
or low columnar cells. contralateral hepatocytes.
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ A hepatocyte is exposed on its two to three sides to Q.2. Write a short note on histology of bladder.
sinusoids via which blood flows towards the central vein. (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
Same hepatocyte also forms bile canaliculi over its left out
Ans. There are two important bladders present in human
three or four remaining sides.
body, i.e. gallbladder and urinary bladder.

Gallbladder is known as the temporary store house of bile and
concentrates it by water re-absorption.
Gallbladder consists of following layers, i.e.
♦ Mucosa
♦ Fibromuscular layer
♦ It has simple tall columnar epithelium and lamina propria
of loose connective tissue.
♦ Serosa/adventitia
♦ Mucosal glands and muscularis mucosae are absent.
♦ Mucosa remains in small folds when gallbladder is
A empty.
♦ Epithelial cells present in gallbladder consist of basally
placed oval nucleus and faintly stained eosinophilic
cytoplasm. These cells consist of many small microvilli
over their apical surface.
♦ Lamina propria is present but submucosa is absent.
Fibromuscular Layer
♦ It consists of randomly arranged smooth muscle fibers.
♦ Between the muscle fibers, there lies the dense connective
tissue which is rich in elastic fibers.
♦ A layer of dense connective tissue lies outside the muscular
layer which has blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics. This
layer is known as adventitia.
B Over its inferior surface gallbladder get covered by serosa and
Figs 25A and B: Liver (For colour version see Plate 17) rest of it is covered by adventitia.

Fig. 26: Gallbladder (H&E stain) (For colour version see Plate 17)
Histology  255

Urinary Bladder • Exocrine part forms the major portion and consists
of secretory serous acini and zymogenic cells which
The urinary bladder consists of following layers, i.e.
are arranged in small lobules bounded by thin
♦ Mucosa
intralobular and interlobular connective tissue septa
♦ Muscle layer
which have interlobular ducts and blood vessels.
♦ Serosa/adventitia
Endocrine part is represented by isolated pancreatic
islets or Islets of Langerhans which are present
between serous acini. Islet of Langerhans are small
isolated mass of cells and are distributed throughout
pancreas. These are most numerous in tail.
Each of the acinus has pyramidal shaped protein
secreting cell which surrounds the small lumen.
Ducts of acinus are visible as centroacinar cells
and secretions leave through intralobular ducts to
interlobular ducts.

Fig. 27: Urinary bladder (H&E stain) (For colour version see Plate 20)

♦ It is made up of transitional epithelium as well as lamina
♦ Empty bladder shows many of the mucosal folds and its
epithelium increases in thickness till eight cell layers.
♦ Superficial layer is stained eosinophilic because of presence
of plaques. These plaques are the modified areas of plasma
Fig. 28: Pancreas (For colour version see Plate 17)
♦ When the bladder got filled the mucosal folding disappears Islets get separated from acini by thin layer of
and epithelium become thin from 3 to 4 cells. reticular fibers and are compact cluster of epithelial
♦ Lamina propria is formed by moderately dense connective cells permeated by capillaries and have alpha, beta,
tissue. delta and F cells.
Muscular Layer • Beta cells are most important cells, they form 80%
of the cell population. Beta cells are granular and
♦ Thick muscle coat is formed by smooth muscle fibers which
run in all the directions.
• Alpha cells form 20% of the cell population and are
♦ In between bundles of muscle fibers there present is loose
granular and acidophilic. They have subtypes A1
connective tissue.
♦ Three muscular coats are described, i.e. transverse, and A2.
longitudinal and oblique. These muscular coats are difficult
to distinguish. 12. THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM
♦ At trigone the mucosa is thin and is directly applied to
muscle layer.
Q.1. Write a short note on light microscopic structure of
Serosa/Adventitia pituitary gland. (Sep 2004, 5 Marks)
Ans. Hypophysis or pituitary gland consists of two parts
Serosa cover the superior surface of bladder and rest all the
which are distinct in structure and function, i.e.
surfaces are covered by tunica adventitia.
adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis.
Q.3. Describe briefly histology of pancreas.
(Apr 2008, 5 Marks) Adenohypophysis
Ans. Pancreas consists of both endocrine part and exocrine ♦ Adenohypophysis consists of three subdivisions, i.e. pars
part. distalis, pars intermedia and pars tuberalis.
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Axonal processes are associated with pituicytes which

resemble to neuroglial cells.
♦ Inside the axoplasm, hormone remains in the form of
secretory vesicles and reaches axon terminal in posterior
pituitary gland. Collection of these secretory granules
at terminal portion of axonal processing is known as
Herring’s bodies.
Q.2. Draw a well-labeled diagram of microscopic anatomy
of thyroid gland.
(Mar 2000, 6 Marks)
Fig. 29: Pituitary gland adenohypophysis (pars distalis)
(For colour version see Plate 18)
♦ Pars distalis is the major subdivision and cells of pars
distalis are arranged as irregular cords or clusters between
thin walled fenestrated sinusoids.
♦ Pars distalis consists of two types of cells, i.e. chromophils
and chromophobes. Chromophils consists of secretory
granules and are stained darkly, while chromophobes has
few or no granules and are stained poorly.
♦ Chromophils are of two types, i.e. H&E stained sections it
is seen that one type of cells has secretory granules which
stain blue and these cells are known as basophils or beta
cells, while other cells consists of secretory granules which
stain pink and are known as acidophils or alpha cells.
Fig. 31: Thyroid gland
♦ Chromophobes consists of few secretory granules and are
(For colour version see Plate 18)
considered as degranulated chromophils.
♦ Pars intermedia consist of numerous basophils. Q. 3. Write a short note on microscopic structure of thyroid
♦ Pars tuberalis has cords or clusters of chromophilic and gland. (Sep 2017, 3 Marks) (Jan 2012, 4 Marks)
chromophobic cells.

♦ It consists of median eminence, infundibular stalk and
pars nervosa.
♦ Pars nervosa consists of unmyelinated axons and axon
terminals of more than 100,000 neurosecretory neurons
whose cell bodies are located in paraventricular and
supraoptic nuclei of hypothalamus.

Fig. 30: Pars nervosa (For colour version see Plate 18)
Histology  257

vesicular and rounded nucleus. The cytoplasm takes 3. Zona reticularis: It is a thin zone situated adjacent to
light eosinophilic stain in H&E preparation. medulla. It consists of small, rounded, deeply staining
A few cells called parafollicular cells may be cells which are arranged in three-dimensional network of
embedded within a follicle or lie between follicles. branching and anastomosing cords.
They are not exposed to the lumen of follicle.
Parafollicular cells are either found singly or in small Structure of Adrenal Medulla
groups. Nucleus is round or ovoid and cytoplasm Cells of medulla are large, epithelioid and arranged in groups
contains secretory granules. They are pale or light or short cords. These cells are closely related to sinusoidal
staining cells. They secrete hormone calcitonin. These capillaries which drain into medullary veins. The cytoplasm is
cells are difficult to visualize under light microscope. relatively clear or light basophilic in H&E preparation.
Q.4. Write a short note on histology of adrenal gland. Medulla may show the presence of sympathetic ganglion cells
(Jan 2012, 5 Marks) present between the medullary cells. Cells of adrenal medulla
Ans. Gland consist of two structurally and functionally are innervated by preganglionic sympathetic myelinated fibers.
distinct parts, i.e. a centrally located medulla and an
outer cortex.

Fig. 32: Adrenal cortex

(For colour version see Plate 18)

Structure of Adrenal Cortex

It has 3 zones or layers which are not sharply demarcarted
from each other, i.e. zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculate and
zona reticularis.
1. Zona glomerulosa: It is a thin outer zone situated beneath
the capsule. The cells of zona glomerulosa are arranged in
arches which when sectioned resemble rounded clusters or
ball of cells (hence the term glomerulosa). These clusters
of cells are separated by thin connective tissue septa
extending inward from the capsule. Cells of this zone are
columnar in shape and have dark staining spherical nuclei
and acidophilic cytoplasm containing few lipid droplets.
2. Zona fasciculata: It is a thick (widest) zone situated in the
middle of cortex. Zona fasciculata consists of large, pale
staining polyhedral cells arranged into parallel columns or
cords oriented in radial direction with respect to medulla.
Each of these parallel columns or fascicles (hence the
term fasciculata) is usually one- or two-cell thick. There is
presence of fenestrated sinusoidal capillaries between the
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

other nephrons are called as cortical nephrons. A ♦ Histological structure of thick descending limb of loop
nephron, its collecting tubule and collecting duct of Henle is similar to proximal convoluted tubule, while
together form a unit called as uriniferous tubule. histological structure of thick ascending limb of loop of
Q.2. Write a short note on histology of kidney. Henle is similar to distal convoluted tubule.
(Mar 2009, 2.5 Marks) (Mar 2006, 3 Marks) Distal Convoluted Tubule
(June 2010, 5 Marks) (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
♦ It is half the length of proximal convoluted tubule.

♦ Tubules are lined by cuboidal epithelium.
Renal Corpuscle ♦ Cytoplasm of cell is light eosinophilic.
♦ Brush border is absent and height of cuboidal cells is less.
♦ This is also known as malpighian corpuscle.
♦ Renal corpuscle consists of Bowman s capsule and Collecting Tubules
♦ They start inside the cortex and proceed to medullary
♦ Bowman s capsule consists of outer parietal layer and
ray where they join large collecting tubules known as
inner visceral layer.
collecting ducts.
♦ Parietal layer is lined by simple squamous epithelium and ♦ Inside the medulla these collecting ducts run to apex of
visceral layer is lined by podocytes. pyramid and join each other to form duct of Bellini.
♦ Space between parietal and visceral layer is known as ♦ Collecting tubules and ducts are lined by cuboidal to low
urinary space or Bowman s space. columnar epithelium.
♦ At urinary pole space between both visceral and parietal ♦ Cells are lightly stained with eosin and their outline is clear.
layer is continuous with lumen of proximal convoluted ♦ Lumen of tubules and ducts are large.
♦ Squamous epithelium of parietal layer at urinary pole
is continuous with cuboidal epithelium of proximal
convoluted tubule.
♦ Visceral epithelium of Bowman’s capsule is very closely
applied to endothelial lining of capillaries.
♦ Cells of visceral layer become modified and are known
as podocytes. These podocytes has many radiating
processes which consist of secondary processes known
as foot processes or pedicles. Foot process of neighboring
podocytes interdigitate with each other.
♦ Foot processes get separated from each other by narrow
intercellular spaces which are known as filtration slits and Fig. 33: Kidney
gap of filtration slit is occupied by filtration slit membrane. (For colour version see Plate 18)

Proximal Convoluted Tubule

♦ It begins from urinary pole of renal corpuscle and extends
to thick portion of descending limb of Henle.
Q.1. Write short note on histology of testis.
♦ This is seen only in the cortex.
♦ Complete tube is lined by simple cuboidal or low columnar (Aug 2018, 5 Marks)
epithelial cells. Tubules consist of small uneven lumen. Ans. Testes lie outside the body cavity in the scrotum and are
♦ Brush border is formed by tall microvilli on apical surface ovoid in shape.
of cells. ♦ Testis consists of thick white fibrous connective
♦ Nuclei is round and is centrally placed. Cytoplasm gets tissue capsule known as tunica albuginea.
deeply stained by the eosin. ♦ Tunica vasculosa is highly vascularized connective
tissue, which underlies tunica albuginea.
Loop of Henle ♦ Over posterior border of testis, dense connective
tissue of tunica albuginea projects inside its
♦ Proximal convoluted tubule continues down to medullary
interior and forms mediastinum of testis. Via the
ray and medulla as loop of Henle. mediastinum blood vessels, nerves and ducts of
♦ Both descending as well as ascending thin limbs of loop testis enter and leave the organ.
are of 15 µm in diameter and lined by squamous epithelial ♦ Connective tissue septa extend in between
cells which bear few microvilli. mediastinum and tunica albuginea and divide
♦ Cytoplasm is pale staining and nuclei get bulge inside the testis into about 250 compartments known as
small lumen. lobules.
Histology  259

Fig. 34: Testis (For colour version see Plate 19)

♦ Each lobule consists of one to three tightly coiled

tubules known as seminiferous tubules. These
tubules are the sites where sperms production
♦ In between seminiferous tubules there is presence of
loose connective tissue (interstitial tissue) and blood
♦ Interstitial tissue consists of endocrine cells, Leydig
cells or interstitial cells, which produce testosterone.
♦ At the apex of lobule, near to mediastinum,
seminiferous tubules open into tubuli recti, which
connect an open end of each seminiferous tubule to
rete testis.
♦ Rete testis is epithelial lined labyrinthine spaces Fig. 35: Autonomic ganglion
within the mediastinum testis. As spermatozoa (For colour version see Plate 18)
passes through rete testis, it travels through l0 to 20 • Cells are multipolar, therefore appear irregular in
short tubules known as efferent ducts. These efferent shape. They contain eccentrically placed nuclei with
ducts fuse with epididymis. prominent nucleoli. The cytoplasm contains small
Nissl bodies.
Satellite cells are less in number as compared to
15. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM dorsal root ganglion cells.
• In between nerve cells there is supportive connective
Q.1. Write a short note on light microscopic structure of tissue, blood vessels and bundles of nerve fibers
autonomic ganglion. (Sep 2004, 5 Marks) (both myelinated preganglionic and unmyelinated
Ans. Autonomic Ganglion postganglionic).
Q.2. Write a short note on microscopic structure of
cerebellum. (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
Ans. In cerebellum, cerebellar cortex is uniform throughout.
• Cerebellar cortex is highly folded and the folds are
known as cerebellar folia.
• Cerebellar folia are separated by transverse fissures
known as sulci.
• Folium consists of an inner core of white matter and
an outer cortex of gray matter which is covered by
thin connective tissue called as pia mater.
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Cerebellar cortex consists of three layers: cytoplasm. Dendrites of these cells are present in
1. Molecular layer: It is superficial layer, thick and molecular layer but axons form synaptic contact
is made up of nerve fibers and cells, i.e. stellate with glomeruli in granular layer.
cells above and basket cells below. • Deep to granular layer cerebellar cortex lie in contact
2. Purkinje cell layer: It is made up of purkinje cells with white mater.
or Golgi type I cells. The cells are arranged in
a single row between molecular and granular
layer. Purkinje cells is a large pyriform or flask
shaped neuron which send numerous dendrites
in molecular layer. These dendrites synapse
with axon of granular cells.
3. Granular layer: It is densely packed with very
small granule cells which stain deeply with
hematoxylin. Granular cells are small neurons
with round nuclei and are surrounded by
thin rim of cytoplasm. Granular cells receive
impulses from various parts of central nervous
system through Mossy fibers.
• At junction of molecular and granular layer golgi
Type II cells are found. Vesicular nuclei of Golgi
type II cells are larger than granular cells. Golgi Fig. 36: Cerebellum
type II cells consist of chromophil substance in their (For colour version see Plate 19)
Histology  261


As per DCI and Examination Papers 1 Mark Each
of Various Universities

1. Which cranial nerve nucleus lies below facial 8. Cavity and hindbrain is:
colliculus: a. Lateral ventricle
a. Sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve b. Third ventricle
b. Abducent nucleus c. Cerebral aqueduet
c. Motor nucleus of facial nerve d. Fourth ventricle
d. Vestibular nuclei 9. Arch of azygos vein is related to the following surface
2. Motor nerve supplying diaphragm is: of lung:
a. Vagus a. Mediastinal surface of right lung
b. Intercostal b. Mediastinal surface of left lung
c. Phrenic c. Coastal surface of right lung
d. Hypoglossal d. Diaphragmatic surface of left lung

3. Which of the following extraocular muscles are in intor- 10. Lumbar puncture is done at disc between:
sion of eyeball: a. T12 L1
b. L1 L2
a. Superior rectus and Superior oblique
c. L2 L3
b. Inferior rectus and Inferior oblique
d. L3 L4
c. Superior rectus and Inferior oblique
d. Inferior rectus and Superior oblique 11. Transverse facial artery is a branch of:
a. Facial artery
4. Following are the nuclei related to glossopharyngeal b. Maxillary artery
nerve except: c. Superficial temporal artery
a. Nucleus ambiguous d. External carotid artery
b. Superior salivatory nucleus 12. One of the following muscles is multipennate muscle:
c. Nucleus of tractus solitarius a. Teres major
d. Inferior salivatory nucleus b. Pectoralis major
5. Lining epithelium of esophagus is: c. Deltoid
a. Simple squamous d. Serratus anterior
b. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized 13. Structure crossing the sternomastoid is:
c. Stratified squamous keratinized a. Accessory nerve
d. Pseudostratified b. Lesser nerve
c. External vein
6. Example of simple coiled tubular type of gland is: d. Transverse cervical artery
a. Salivary gland
b. Brunner s gland 14. The following muscles are derived from 3rd arch:
a. Mylohyoid nerve
c. Gastric glands
b. Stylohyoid
d. Sweat gland
c. Posterior belly of diagastric
7. How many anterior intercostal arteries are present in d. Stylopharyngeous
each typical intercostal space: 15. Ureter is lined by epithelium :
a. One a. Cuboidal
b. Two b. Stratified squamous
c. Three c. Columnar ciliated
d. Four d. Transitional

Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b
5. b 6. d 7. b 8. d
9. a 10. d 11. c 12. c
13. c 14. d 15. d
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

16. The following structures pass through internal

auditory meatus except:
a. Facial nerve
b. Abducent nerve
c. Auditory nerve
d. Labryrinthine artery
17. Composition of sex chromosome in Klinefelter
a. XO
b. XY
c. XXY
d. XXX
18. In middle meatus of nose which one of the following
does not open:
a. Maxillary air sinus
b. Frontal sinus
c. Posterior ethmoidal sinus
d. Nasolacrimal duct
19. Blastocyst implant in human beings is:
a. Central
b. Interstitial
c. Eccentric
d. None of these
20. Anterior belly of diagastric muscle is supplied by:
a. Facial nerve
b. Ansa cervicalis
c. Mandibular nerve
d. Maxillary nerve
21. Internal jugular vein is the continuation of:
a. Cavernous sinus
b. Sigmoid sinus
c. Superior sagittal sinus
d. Transverse sinus
22. Vertebral artery is a branch of:
a. Subclavian artery
b. Common carotid artery
c. Brachiocephalic artery
d. Arch of aorta
23. Lining epithelium of tonsils is:
a. Simple squamous
b. Stratified squamous
c. Pseudostratified
d. Transitional
24. Cartilage lining trachea is:
a. Elastic
b. White fibrocartilage
c. Hyaline
d. Cellular

Answers: 16. c 17. c 18. d 19. b

20. c 21. b 22. a 23. b
24. c 25. d 26. d 27. c
28. c 29. c 30. a 31. d
32. b 33. b
Histology  263

34. Which of the following muscle is supplied by trochlear 42. Medial deviation of eyeball is caused by paralysis of:
nerve: a. Medial rectus muscle
a. Superior rectus b. Lateral rectus muscle
b. Superior oblique c. Superior rectus muscle
c. Inferior rectus d. Inferior rectus muscle
d. Inferior oblique
43. Following structures are contents of the lateral wall of
35. Which part of the internal carotid artery has no cavernous sinus except:
branches: a. Oculomotor nerve
a. Cerebral part b. Trochlear nerve
b. Cervical part
c. Maxillary nerve
c. Petrous part
d. Mandibular nerve
d. Cavernous part
44. Following part of vermis of cerebellum belongs to
36. Following structures are within parotid gland except:
a. External carotid artery
b. Facial nerve a. Culmen
c. Facial artery b. Declive
d. Retromandibular vein c. Folium vermis
d. Tuber vermis
37. Which of the following muscle has got double nerve
supply: 45. Occipital blood sinus lies between the two layers of:
a. Lateral pterygoid a. Falx cerebri
b. Masseter b. Falx cerebelli
c. Medial pterygoid c. Tentorium cerebelli
d. Digastric d. Diaphragma sellae
38. Following structures pass through internal auditory 46. Normally lumbar puncture is done between:
meatus except: a. T12 and L1
a. 6th Cranial nerve b. L1 and L2
b. 8th Cranial nerve c. L4 and L5
c. 7th Cranial nerve d. S1 and S2
d. Labyrinthine artery
47. Supreme intercostal vein draining the first intercostal
39. Nasopharynx has got which of the following type of space drains into:
epithelium: a. Bracheocephalic vein
a. Nonciliated columnar
b. Internal thoracic vein
b. Cuboidal
c. Subclavian vein
c. Ciliated columnar
d. Azygous vein
d. Stratified squamous
48. Following are the branches of left coronary artery
40. Which of the following muscle is depressor of
mandible: except:
a. Temporalis a. Circumflex artery
b. Lateral pterygoid b. Conus artery
c. Masseter c. Marginal artery
d. Medial pterygoid d. Anterior interventricular artery
41. Following are the branches of posterior division of 49. “Alpha cells” of islet of Langerhans are responsible for
mandibular nerve except: secretion of:
a. Buccal a. Glucagon
b. Lingual b. Pancreatic polypeptide
c. Auriculotemporal c. Somatostatin
d. Inferior alveolar d. Insulin

Answers: 34. b 35. b 36. c 37. d

38. b 39. d 40. b 41. a
42. b 43. d 44. a 45. b
49. a
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

50. Following type of epithelium is also called as 59. Number of chromosomes in human beings:
endothelium: a. 44
a. Stratified squamous b. 48
b. Simple squamous c. 23
c. Simple cuboidal d. 46
d. Simple columnar
60. Through foramen ovale passes:
51. Hypoglossal nerve runs over the muscle: a. Mandibular nerve
a. Myelohyoid b. Lesser petrosal nerve
b. Styloglossus c. Accessory meningeal artery
c. Hyoglossus
d. All of the above
d. Palatoglossus
61. Following is the example of commissural fibers of
52. Following bone is the unpaired bone of skull:
a. Maxilla
b. Temporal a. Internal capsule
c. Occipital b. Fronto-occipital fasiculus
d. Parietal c. Corpus callosum
d. Corona radiata
53. All of the following are example of fibrous joint except:
a. Sutural 62. Motor nerve supply of superior oblique muscle of
b. Syndesmosis eyeball is:
c. Gomphosis a. Optic
d. Symphysis b. Oculomotor
54. Facial artery is: c. Trochlear
a. Terminates at lateral angle of eye d. Abducent
b. Very tortuous 63. Following are the structures opening in the right atrium
c. Branch of internal carotid artery of the heart except:
d. Within the parotid gland a. Superior vena cava.
55. Which of the following muscles of palate is supplied b. Inferior vena cava
by mandibular nerve: c. Coronary sinus
a. Palatoglossus d. Pulmonary veins
b. Tensor veli palatini
64. Floor of fourth ventricle shows following structures
c. Levator veli palatini
d. Palatopharyngeous
a. Vagal triangle
56. First branch of external carotid artery is: b. Facial colliculus
a. Facial c. Vestibular area
b. Superior thyroid d. Pyramid
c. Lingual
d. Ascending pharyngeal 65. Esophageal opening in the diaphragm lies at the
following vertebral level:
57. Thyroid follicles are lined by:
a. T6
a. Simple squamous epithelium
b. Simple cuboidal epithelium b. T8
c. Simple columnar epithelium c. T10
d. None of the above d. T12
58. Odontoblast gives rise to: 66. Lining epithelium of palatine tonsils is:
a. Pulp a. Simple squamous
b. Enamel b. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized
c. Dentin c. Transitional
d. None of the above d. Pseudostratified

Answers: 50. b 51. c 52. c 53. d

54. b 55. b 56. b 57. b
58. c 59. d 60. d 61. c
62. c 63. d 64. d 65. c
66. b
Histology  265

67. Sensory dorsal root ganglion contains following types 76. Crista galli is the part of:
of neurons: a. Sphenoid bone
a. Pseudounipolar b. Temporal bone
b. Unipolar c. Ethmoid bone
c. Bipolar d. Frontal bone
d. Multipolar
77. Digastric triangle contains except:
68. Pulsations of common carotid artery are felt at: a. Facial artery and vein
a. Anterior inferior angle of massetar b. Submandibular gland deep part
b. In front of tragus of ear c. Submandibular lymph node
c. Superior border of thyroid cartilage d. Submandibular gland superficial part
d. Suprasternal space
78. Mental foramen is located near:
69. How many bronchial arteries supply left lung:
a. Canine of mandible
a. One
b. Ist premolar of mandible
b. Two
c. Three c. IInd premolar of mandible
d. Four d. Canine of maxilla

70. Pars distalis of pituitary gland is formed by the 79. Following muscle is supplied by glossopharyngeal
following parts except: nerve:
a. Infundibulum a. Styloglossus
b. Pars anterior b. Stylohyoid
c. Pars intermedium c. Stylopharyngeous
d. Pars tuberalis d. Sternocleidomastoid
71. Bones developing in certain tendons are: 80. Composition of sex hormones in Turner’s syndrome:
a. Sesamoid bones a. XY
b. Short bones b. XO
c. Irregular bones c. XX
d. Pneumatic bones d. XXY
72. Hair like processes on top of cell moving in one 81. Goblet cell is the example of following type of gland:
direction only are: a. Serous
a. Cilia b. Simple tubular
b. Sterocilia c. Compound tubule alveolar
c. Microvilli d. Unicellular
d. Part of spermatozoa
82. Nucleus of hypoglossal nerve is situated in:
73. Following glands are ectodermal except:
a. Midbrain
a. Pitutary gland
b. Pons
b. Mammary gland
c. Liver c. Medulla oblongata
d. Sweat gland d. Pontocerebellar junction

74. Wharton’s duct is duct of: 83. Type of cartilage present in trachea is:
a. Parotid gland a. Hyaline
b. Sub-mandibular gland b. Elastic
c. Sub-lingual gland c. White fibrocartilage
d. Lacrimal gland d. Cellular
75. All the muscles of soft palate are supplied by accessory 84. Which of the following artery is palpated medial to
nerve (cranial part) except: the tendon of biceps brachii at elbow:
a. Tensor palati a. Axillary
b. Levator palati b. Brachial
c. Palatoglossus c. Radial
d. Palatopharyngeous d. Ulnar

Answers: 67. a 68. c 69. b 70. a

71. a 72. a 73. c 74. b
75. a 76. c 77. b 78. c
79. c 80. b 81. d 82. c
83. a 84. b
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

85. Motor nerve supplying diaphragm is: 93. Number of chromosome in human beings:
a. Intercostal a. 44
b. Vagus b. 23
c. Phrenic c. 48
d. Vago-accessory complex d. 46
86. Anterior interventricular artery is a branch of following 94. Skin over angle of mandible is supplied by:
artery: a. Mandibular nerve
a. Right coronary b. Facial nerve
b. Left coronary c. Greater auricular nerve
c. Arch of aorta d. None of them
d. Descending thoracic aorta
95. Free mobility is on:
87. Base of the heart is formed by following chambers of
a. Fibrous joint
b. Primary cartilaginous joint
a. Right ventricle and left atrium
b. Left ventricle and right atrium c. Synovial joint
c. Right and left atrium d. Secondary cartilaginous joint
d. Right and left ventricle 96. External carotid artery gives following branches except:
88. Mediastinal surface of left lung is related to the a. Superior thyroid artery
following structure except: b. Facial artery
a. Superior vena cava c. Inferior thyroid artery
b. Arch of aorta d. Occipital artery
c. Pulmonary trunk 97. Secretion of lacrimal gland is:
d. Left subclavian artery a. Serous
89. Sigmoid sinus is a continuation of following sinus: b. Mucus
a. Superior sagittal c. Oily
b. Inferior saggital d. Seromucous
c. Cavernous
98. Auditory tube opens in:
d. Transverse
a. Oropharynx
90. Lumbar puncture is done at a disc between: b. Inferior meatus of nose
a. L1 L2 c. Nasopharynx
b. L2 L3 d. None of them
c. L3 L4
d. L4 – L5 99. The following structures cross the sternomastoid
muscle except:
91. Tracheal cartilages are:
a. External jugular vein
a. Elastic cartilage
b. Greater auricular nerve
b. Fibrocartilage
c. Hyaline cartilage c. Transverse cervical nerve
d. None of them d. Lesser occipital nerve
92. Which of the following muscle is derivative from first 100. Which of the following muscle has got double (dual)
branchial arch: nerve supply:
a. Platysma a. Masseter
b. Cricothyroid b. Buccinator
c. Tensor tympani c. Digastric
d. Levator veli palatine d. Temporal

Answers: 85. c 86. b 87. c 88. a

89. d 90. c 91. c 92. c
93. d 94. c 95. c 96. c
97. a 98. c 99. d 100. c
Histology  267

101. Pyramids are seen in the following part of the brain: 109. Parietal cells are found in microscopic study of
a. Medulla oblongata following organ:
b. Pons a. Esophagus
c. Midbrain b. Stomach
d. Cerebellum c. Duodenum
102. Lateral rectus muscle of eyeball is supplied by d. Ileum
following nerve: 110. The mediastinal surface of the left lung has all of the
a. Optic following impression except:
b. Oculomotor a. Azygos vein
c. Trochlear b. Arch of aorta
d. Abducent c. Left ventricle
103. Superior and inferior colliculi are seen in: d. Esophagus
a. Spinal cord 111. Patella of knee joint is an example of this type of bone:
b. Medulla oblongata a. Sesamoid
c. Pons b. Short
d. Midbrain c. Irregular
104. Esophageal opening in the diaphragm lies at the d. Pneumatic
following vertebral level: 112. All of the following structures pierce the parotid gland
a. T6 except:
b. T8 a. Facial nerve
c. T10 b. Superficial temporal artery
d. T12 c. Retromandibular vein
105. Epithelium of skin over the palm is: d. Mandibular vein
a. Simple squamous 113. The following is an example of circumpennate muscle:
b. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized a. Bisceps brachii
c. Stratified squamous keratinized b. Pectoralis major
d. Transitional c. Sartorius
106. Following is the most important relay station in pain d. Tibialis anterior
pathway: 114. The hip joint is synovial joint of this type:
a. Medulla oblongata a. Ellipsoid
b. Pons b. Saddle
c. Thalamus c. Hinge
d. Hypothalamus d. Ball and socket
107. Vermilion border is a feature of: 115. The maxillary nerve passes through this foramen at
a. Lip the base of skull:
b. Tongue a. Ovale
c. Esophagus b. Jugular
d. Stomach c. Rotundum
108. Hassal’s corpuscles are histological feature of following d. Lacerum
lymphoid organ: 116. The following organ is extraperitoneal:
a. Lymph node a. Liver
b. Spleen b. Kidney
c. Palatine tonsil c. Stomach
d. Thymus d. Spleen

Answers: 101. a 102. d 103. d 104. c

105. c 106. c 107. a 108. d
109. b 110. a 111. a 112. d
113. d 114. d 115. c 116. b
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117. All of the following structures pass throughout the 119. The Kupffer cells are phagocytes found in:
sinus of morgagni in pharynx except: a. Lung
a. Auditory tube b. Liver
b. Ascending palatine artery c. Brain
c. Levator palate muscle d. Skin
d. Stylopharyngeous muscle 120. The myelin sheath of axons in CNS is formed by these
118. The only abductor muscle of vocal folds is: cells:
a. Posterior cricoarytenoids a. Astrocytes
b. Oblique arytenoids b. Stellate
c. Thyroarytenoids c. Oligodendrocytes
d. Cricothyroid d. Schwann

Answers: 117. d 118. a 119. b 120. c

Histology  269


As per DCI and Examination Papers 1 Mark Each
of Various Universities

1. Ulnar nerve is the branch of 18. Two terminal branches of basilar

…………….. cord of brachial plexus. artery are ……… …………………..
Ans. M Ans. Posterior cerebral artery and Superior cerebral artery
2. 19.
Paralysis of facial nerve leads to What is trigeminal neuralgia
…………………. palsy Ans. ………………………. Ans.
Bell s Trigeminal neuralgia is a neuropathic disorder

3. z
…………. and ………………. forms base of ,
heart. Ans.
Right atria and Left atria 20.
Derivatives of somites are
4. ………………………..
Enlargement of pharyngeal tonsil is
Ans. D S , Ax
called as………………….
A k , R
Ans. Adenoid v ,
5. 21.
Middle meningeal artery enters skull Referred pain of appendicitis is felt at
through ……………….. foramen. …………… …………..
Ans. Spinosum Ans. Around the umblicus
6. 22.
Removal of appendix is known as Br onchopulm onar y s egm ent is t he
…………………. Ans. ………… ……………….
Appendectomy Ans. W fi
7. Superior oblique muscle of eye is tertiary or segmental branch
innervated by …… ……………. 23.
Ans. Trochlear Skin of floor of axilla along with adjacent
area of skin of arm is innervated by
8. Mumps is a infectious disease of ……
………. gland ……………..
Ans. Parotid Ans. 2 N v

9. 24.
Myocardium of heart is supplied by Adenoids is an enlargement of
……………………. artery. …………………….. Ans.
Ans. Coronary Tonsil like glands located at the back of nose

10. 25. Sometime patient complaints of loss of taste

Wrist drop is caused by injury to sensation after tonsillectomy due to
involvement of ……………………
…………….. nerve. Ans.
Ans. G v
26. Base of heart is formed by
Action of lateral pterygoid muscle is
Ans. L x k
…………………… Ans. atrium.
Depress mandible to open mouth.
27. Lateral rectus muscle of eye is innervated
12. by ……… ………………….
Nerve supply of stylopharyngeous Ans. O v
………………… Ans.
28. Maxillary nerve leaves skull through
G v
…………… …………..
13. Ans. Foramen rotundum
Danger area of face is ……………………..
29. If right hypoglossal nerve is damaged,
Ans. Upper lip and lower part of nose tongue will deviate to …………………….
14. Nerve supply of upper lip is by Ans. Left
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32. Superior oblique muscle of eye is v

supplied by ………………………… v
Ans. v v v
33. v
Removal of tonsil is known as 40. Tributaries of internal jugular vein.
………………………. Ans. Ans. M v
Tonsillectomy S v
34. L v
Referred pain of gallbladder is felt at C v
…………… ....................................................................................... P v
Ans. Epigastric region Inferior petrosal sinus
35. 41. Lobes of cerebral hemisphere.
……………. and ………………. forms base of Ans. Frontal Parietal
heart. Ans. Temporal Occipital
Right atria and left atria 42. Dangerous area of face.
36. Ans. It consists of area from the corners of the mouth
Actions of sternomastoid muscle. to the bridge of the nose,
Ans. Rotate the head to the opposite side or obliquely rotate x
the head. 43. Importance of sternal angle.
Ans. Sternal angle is an important bony landmark at the T4
fl x k v v

M  L j v
W fl x k So it is a reference point in counting ribs.
2. Oblique muscles
x head.
S q   q 44. Parts of large intestine.
3  L v
W Ans. Cecum Ascending colon
• v • D
38. ( )
Epithelium lining palatine tonsil.
Sigmoid colon Rectum
Ans. ( ) fl x side.
S fi q
Anal canal
37. Name extraocular
39. Nerves innervatingmuscle. Ans.
taste buds on tongue. 45. Derivative of 1st pharyngeal arch.
Ans. v Ans.

Skeletal Cartilage Bone Ligament Artery Nerve

Muscles of mastication, Meckle’s cartilage Zygomatic bone, maxilla, Anterior malleolar Maxillary artery Maxillary and
mylohyoid, tensor veli palati, mandible, part of temporal ligament, and contribution mandibular
tensor typmpani and anterior bone, spine of sphenoid, sphenomandibular to external carotid divisions of
belly of digastrics incus and malleus ligament artery trigeminal nerve

46. Name any one nerve surrounding the oral cavity. 50. What is carotid sheath.
Ans. F v Ans. It is the condensation fi
47. Name any one branch of mandibular nerve. v k v v
Ans. v v 51. Which lung has groove for aorta.
48. What is morula. Ans. Left Lung
Ans. A morula is an embryo at an early stage of embryonic
52. Name the suprahyoid muscles.
v , 6
w z Ans. D , , ,

49. Which is the largest sesamoid bone of the body. 53. What is the nerve supply of lateral rectus muscle.
Ans. Patella Ans. v
Histology  271

54. Name the terminal branches of external carotid artery. 66. Wry neck is deformity occurring due to spasm
Ans. The terminal branches are: of…………………………..
1. Maxillary artery  Ans. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
2. Superficial temporal artery
67. Diaphragm separates ………………. cavity from
55. Give any one example of synovial joint. …………………… cavity.
Ans. Knee Joint Ans. Abdominal from thoracic
56. Name any one facial muscle surrounding the oral 68. ERB’s point lies on …………………. trunk of brachial
cavity. plexus
Ans. Orbicularis oris Ans. Upper
57. Bronchopulmonary segment is the …………………. 69. Meckle’s cartilage belongs to ………………………….
Ans. Tertiary bronchi pharyngeal arch
58. Submandibular gland is innervated by following Ans. First
parasympathetic nerve …………… 70. Smallest bone of the body is called as ………………….
Ans. Chorda tympani, a branch of the facial nerve Ans. Stapes
59. Buccinator is innervated by following nerve 71. ………………….. is largest of all paranasal sinuses.
………………………….. Ans. Maxillary sinus
Ans. Motor innervation is from the buccal branch of the facial
72. Coronary sinus is the largest ……………………… of
nerve. Sensory innervation is supplied by the buccal
the heart.
branch of the mandibular part of the trigeminal nerve.
Ans. Vein
60. Skin over parotid region is innervated by ……………..
73. Nutrient artery supplies ………………………. cavity of
Ans. Greater auricular nerve
the bone.
61. Blood supply of scalp is ………………………… Ans. Medullary
Ans. Two set of arteries five on each side, out of these five
arteries, three arteries lie in front of ear and two behind 74. Facial artery is the branch of ……………………. artery
the ear. Ans. External carotid

Arteries 75. 9th, 10th and 11th cranial nerves pass through
…………………. foramen of base of skull.
I. Preauricular
Ans. Jugular
a. Supratrochlear b. Supraorbital
c. Superficial temporal arteries 76. Winging of scapula is caused by paralysis of
II. Posterior Auricular …………………… muscle.
Posterior auricular artery Ans. Serratus anterior
Occipital artery. 77. W r y n e c k ( t o r t i c o l l i s ) i s d u e t o s p a s m o f
Venous Drainage
Ans. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Three groups of veins supply to the scalp:
78. Apex beat is visible in living at ………………………..
1. Veins proper, i.e. occipital vein
2. Emissary veins, i.e. parietal emissary veins and mastoid Ans. Elderly age
emissary veins 79. If left hypoglossal nerve is damaged, the tongue will
3. Diploic veins, i.e. frontal diploic veins and occipital diploic deviate to …………………….
veins. Ans. Left side
62. Sternocostal surface of heart is formed by ……………….. 80. The glossopharyngeal nerve leaves the skull through
Ans. Left, right, superior and inferior borders of the heart. the …………………….
63. The superior oblique muscle of eye is innervated by Ans. Jugular foramen
81. Sometime patient complaint of loss of taste
Ans. Trochlear nerve sensation after tonsillectomy due to involvement of
64. Mandibular nerve leaves the skull through ………….. ……………………….
Ans. Foramen ovale Ans. Lingual branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
65. If levator palpebrae superior is paralysed. The upper 82. Hoarseness of voice is due to the involvement of
lid will ………………………… ………………………….
Ans. Droop Ans. Recurrent laryngeal nerve
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83. Azygos vein opens in 88. Superior oblique muscle of eyeball moves eyeball
…………………………. Ans. x ………………………
Ans. M
82. Ulcers are common at ………………. of
stomach. Ans. v 89. Foramen rotundum opens into ………………………
85. Shoulder tip pain occur due to Ans. Sphenoid bone
irritation of ………………………… 90. Genioglossus is ………………… the tongue.
Ans. peritoneum Ans. x
86. 91. Bleeding after tonsillectomy is often ...……………..
……………….. teeth are used to tear the Ans. k v
flash Ans. 92. Black eye is related with …………… layer of scalp.
Canine Ans. loose areolar tissue
87. …
………… artery is related to submandibular
Ans. Facial
Histology  273



1. Who is the father of modern anatomy? 17. Which is the median point at the root of the nose where
Ans. Andreas Vesalius the internasal suture meets the frontonasal suture?
Ans. Nasion
2. How many bones does skull have?
Ans. 22 18. During which age of life the mastoid process appears?
Ans. Second year
3. How many bones does calvarium have?
Ans. 8 19. Which is an H-shaped suture where the frontal,
parietal, sphenoid and temporal bones meet?
4. How many bones does facial skeleton have? Ans. Pterion
Ans. 14
20. What forms the anterior 2/3rd of hard palate?
5. During childhood the sutures of the skull are open but Ans. Palatine process of maxilla
these sutures are closed by which age?
Ans. 30 to 50 years 21. What forms the posterior 1/3rd of hard palate?
Ans. Horizontal plate of palatine bone
6. Which is a horizontal line which is obtained by joining
the infraorbital margin to the center of the external 22. Where does palatovaginal canal opens?
acoustic meatus? Ans. Pterygopalatine fossa.
Ans. Reid s baseline 23. What does foramen of Vesalius is also known as?
7. Which are the unpaired bones of the facial skeleton? Ans. Emissary sphenoidal foramen
Ans. Mandible and vomer 24. Which structure divides the squamotympanic fissure
into petrotympanic and petrosquamous?
8. Which suture lie between the frontal bone and two
Ans. Tegmen tympani
parietal bones?
Ans. Coronal suture 25. Which is the largest foramen of the skull?
Ans. Foramen magnum
9. Which suture lie in the median between two parietal
bone? 26. Which foramen is placed at the posterior end of the
Ans. Sagittal suture pterygooccipital suture?
Ans. Jugular foramen
10. Which suture lies posteriorly between occipital and
two parietal bones? 27. Which structure separates the anterior cranial fossa
Ans. Lambdoid suture from the nasal cavity?
Ans. Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
11. Which suture is present occasionally and lies in the
median plane and separates the two halves of the 28. Which structure separates the anterior cranial fossa
frontal bone? from the sphenoidal sinuses?
Ans. Metopic suture Ans. Jugum sphenoidal
29. Name the uveal tract of eyeball.
12. Which is the highest point over the sagittal suture?
Ans. Vascular coat
Ans. Vertex
30. Which structure provides attachment to the lateral
13. What is the meeting point of coronal and sagittal suture? check ligament of the eyeball?
Ans. Bregma Ans. Whitnall’s tuburcle
14. What does bregma in fetal skull is known as? 31. Which structure separates orbits from the middle
Ans. Anterior fontanelle cranial fossa?
15. Which is the point on sagittal suture between two Ans. Greater wing of the sphenoid
parietal foramen? 32. Which nerve is transmitted by tympanomastoid fissure?
Ans. Obelion Ans. Auricular branch of vagus nerve
16. Which is a median elevation connecting two 33. Name the bone of skull by which maxilla has no
superciliary arches? articulation.
Ans. Glabella Ans. Temporal bone
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34. Which are the small irregular bones found in the region 53. Which is the most transparent membrane which covers
of the fossa nerves? the anterior surface of the eyeball?
Ans. Wormian bones Ans. Sclera
35. In which structure of the body wormian bones are seen? 54. Two nostrils which are separated by median partition
Ans. Skull is called as?
36. Which is largest as well as strongest bone of the face? Ans. Columella
Ans. Mandible 55. Which area is known as the dangerous area of the scalp?
37. Which fossa provides origin to the mentalis muscle Ans. Loose areolar tissue
and the mental slips of orbicularis oris? 56. Which is the artery responsible for pulsations in
Ans. Incisive fossa suprasternal space?
38. Which are the nerves and vessels which pass through Ans. Inferior thyroid
mandibular notch? 57. Hard palate receives major blood supply from which
Ans. Massetric nerves and vessels artery?
39. Which is the first bone to ossify in the body? Ans. Greater palatine artery
Ans. Clavicle 58. Ducts of Bellini are associated with which structure?
40. When do the center for ossification of the mandible Ans. Kidneys
appears? 59. Which is the first site for the appearance of renal edema?
Ans. During 6th week of intrauterine life. Ans. Eyelid
41. At what age does bony union of the symphysis takes 60. What is the function of the buccal pad of fat in infants?
Ans. Suckling
Ans. During first year of life.
61. Which arch provides development to facial muscle?
42. When does the mental foramen opens below the
Ans. Second
sockets of the two primary molar teeth?
Ans. During birth 62. Facial artery is given off at which level of hyoid bone?
Ans. Greater cornue
43. At what age does the angle of mandible is obtuse?
Ans. During childhood and old age. 63. Which is the arterial trunk supplying infratemporal
44. At what age does the angle of mandible is ll0° to l20°?
Ans. Maxillary artery
Ans. Adult
64. Name the artery through which facial artery
45. At which level of cervical vertebrae the hyoid bone rests?
anastomoses with.
Ans. Third cervical vertebrae
Ans. Dorsal nasal branch of ophthalmic artery
46. Which structures supply blood to cornea?
65. Which is the largest vein of the face?
Ans. Cornea is avascular
Ans. Facial vein
47. What is the identification characteristic of cervical
vertebrae? 66. Name the space between two eyelids.
Ans. Foramina transversaria. Ans. Palpebral fissure

48. Where does carotid artery palpated at neck? 67. Which type of glands are Zeis’ glands?
Ans. Thyroid cartilage Ans. Large sebaceous glands

49. Arterial supply of trachea is facilitated by which artery? 68. Which type of glands are Moll’s glands?
Ans. Inferior thyroid Ans. Modified sweat glands
50. Which cervical vertebra has a large transverse process 69. What is the shape of lacrimal gland?
and acts effectively for rotatory movement? Ans. J shaped
Ans. Atlas vertebrae 70. What is the inflammation of lacrimal sac is called as?
51. Which cervical vertebra is identified by the presence Ans. Dacryocystitis
of dens or odontoid process? 71. Side of the neck which is quadrilateral is divided
Ans. Axis vertebrae obliquely by which of the muscle into anterior and
52. Which cervical vertebra is known as vertebra prominens? posterior triangles.
Ans. Seventh cervical vertebrae Ans. Sternocleidomastoid
Histology  275

72. Skin of the neck is supplied by which nerves? 90. Which ganglia are made up of pseudounipolar nerve
Ans. C2, C3 and C4 cells with T shaped arrangement and homologus with
dorsal nerve root ganglia of spinal nerves?
73. Name the muscle supplied by ansa cervicalis.
Ans. Sternohyoid muscle Ans. Trigeminal

74. Which space contains the sternal heads of right and 91. Which artery is the commonest source of extradural
left sternomastoid muscles jugular venous arch, lymph hemorrhage?
nodes and interclavicular ligament? Ans. Middle meningeal artery
Ans. Suprasternal space. 92. Name the structures to which vena cava does not drain
75. Which vein is examined to assess the venous pressure? blood.
Ans. External jugular vein Ans. Heart and lungs
76. Tonsils are mainly supplied by. 93. Name the fossa by which middle meningeal artery
Ans. Facial artery enters the middle cranial fossa.
Ans. Foramen spinosum
77. Sternomastoid and trapezius muscles are supplied by
which nerves? 94. Which branch of the middle meningeal artery is closely
Ans. Spinal part of accessory nerve associated with the motor area of the brain?
78. Reflection of which of the muscle exposes the Ans. Frontal branch
suboccipital muscle? 95. Which part of internal carotid artery gives no branches?
Ans. Semispinalis capitis Ans. Cervical branch
79. Suboccipital triangle contains which part of the 96. Vidian nerve is formed by which nerves?
vertebral artery. Ans. Greater petrosal and deep petrosal nerves
Ans. Third part
97. Vertebral artery reaches the brain by passing through
80. Which is the thickest cutaneous nerve of the body. which foramina?
Ans. Greater occipital C2. Ans. Foramen magnum
81. Which is the first and largest branch of the first part of 98. Which structure forms the periosteum of the bony
the subclavian artery. orbit?
Ans. Vertebral branch Ans. Orbital fascia
82. Which artery arises from the external carotid artery 99. Which structure forms a thin, loose, membranous
opposite to the origin of facial artery.
sheath around the eyeball extending from the optic
Ans. Occipital artery nerve to the limbus?
83. Lumbar puncture is usually done along by which Ans. Tenon s capsule
100. Lower part of the Tenon’s capsule is thickened to form
Ans. C3 and C4
which structure?
84. How many pairs of spinal nerves does spinal cord gives Ans. Suspensory ligament of Lockwood
rise to.
101. Four recti muscles arise from which structure and is
Ans. 31
inserted into.
85. How much amount of CSF is formed in a day? Ans. Tendinous ring and sclera
Ans. 5 Liter/day
102. Superior oblique muscle is supplied by which nerve?
86. Which layer of dura mater forms four folds and divides Ans. Trochlear nerve
the cranial cavity into compartments.
Ans. Meningeal layer 103. Weakness or paralysis of ocular muscle leads to.
Ans. Strabismus
87. Which is a sickle shaped fold of dura mater which
occupies the median longitudinal fissures. 104. What does involuntary rhythmic oscillatory movements
Ans. Falx cerebri are known as.
Ans. Nystagmus
88. Which is a tent-shaped fold of dura mater which forms
the roof of the posterior cranial fossa. 105. Which is the first branch of ophthalmic artery?
Ans. Tentorium cerebelli Ans. Central artery of retina
89. Which is a large venous space situated in the middle cranial 106. Lymphatic drainage of the orbit is through which
fossa on either side of the body of the sphenoid bone. lymph node?
Ans. Cavernous Ans. Preauricular nodes
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107. Which nerve has an intraorbital intracanalicular and 125. Which is the largest terminal branch of external carotid
intracranial course is? artery?
Ans. Optic nerve Ans. Maxillary artery
108. Which is the peripheral parasympathetic ganglion 126. Maxillary artery is divided into three parts by which
placed in the course of oculomotor nerve? muscle. Name it.
Ans. Ciliary ganglion Ans. Lateral pterygoid muscle
109. Name the midbrain lesion causing contralateral 127. Name the synovial joint of condylar variety.
hemiplegia and ipsilateral paralysis of the third cranial Ans. Temporomandibular joint
nerve. 128. Articular surface of the TM joint are covered by which
Ans. Weber’s syndrome cartilage?
110. Which is the only cranial nerve to emerge from the Ans. Fibrocartilage
dorsal aspect of the brainstem? 129. Which ligament reinforces or strengthens the lateral
Ans. Trochlear nerve part of the capsular ligament?
111. Which nerve has the longest intracranial course? Ans. Temporomandibular ligament
Ans. Occulomotor 130. Which is an accessory ligament of TMJ which is pierced
112. Infraorbital nerve is accompanied by which part of the by mylohyoid nerves and vessels.
maxillary artery? Ans. Sphenomandibular ligament
Ans. Third part 131. Skin over the parotid gland receives its sensory supply
113. Right common carotid artery is a branch of which artery. from which nerve.
Ans. Brachiocephalic artery Ans. Greater auricular nerve
132. Which is the only sensory branch of the anterior
114. Where does left common carotid artery arises from?
division of mandibular nerve?
Ans. Arch of aorta
Ans. Buccal branch
115. Which is the largest salivary gland of all the salivary
133. Otic ganglion is an peripheral sympathetic ganglion
which is topographically related to which nerve and
Ans. Parotid gland functionally related to which nerve?
116. How much is the weight of parotid gland? Ans. Topograhically to glossopharyngeal nerve; functionally
Ans. 15 gms. related to mandibular nerve.
117. Which is the structure which separates the parotid 134. Anterior belly and posterior belly of digastric muscle
gland from submandibular gland? is supplied by which nerve?
Ans. Stylomandibular ligament Ans. Anterior belly by nerve to myelohyoid; posterior belly
by facial nerve.
118. What is the name of sensory root of facial nerve?
Ans. Nervous intermedius 135. A salivary gland which is J-shaped and divided by
the mylohyoid into large superficial and smaller deep
119. Facial nerve leaves the skull by passing through which portion is.
of the foramina? Ans. Submandibular gland
Ans. Stylomastoid foramen
136. Which is the structure which runs forward on and
120. Posterior auricular, digastric and stylohyoid branches between lingual and hyoglossus nerves?
of facial nerve are given off from which of the foramen. Ans. Submandibular duct
Ans. Stylomastoid foramen
137. Which is the smallest of all the salivary gland and
121. Nerve to stapedius is a branch of which nerve. which weighs 3 to 4 gm and is of almond shaped?
Ans. Facial nerve which is given off in the facial canal Ans. Sublingual salivary gland
122. What is the function of temporalis muscle? 138. Which structure separates parotid gland from sub-
Ans. Elevation and retraction of protruded mandible mandibular gland?
123. Lateral pterygoid muscle along with which muscle Ans. Stylomandibular ligament
depresses the mandible to open the mouth. 139. Thyroid gland lies against which cervical vertebrae?
Ans. Suprahyoid muscle Ans. C5, C6, C7 and T1
124. Which are the structures passing between the two heads 140. Superior thyroid artery runs in intimate relation with
of the lateral pterygoid? which nerve?
Ans. Maxillary artery and buccal branch of mandibular nerve. Ans. External laryngeal nerve
Histology  277

141. Inferior thyroid artery is a branch of which nerve? 157. What is the length of trachea?
Ans. Thyrocervical trunk Ans. 10 to 15 cms.
142. Main nerve supply of the thyroid gland is via which 158. Esophagus and trachea begin at the lower border of cricoid
of the structure? cartilage opposite to the lower border of which vertebrae.
Ans. Middle cervical sympathetic ganglion Ans. C6.
143. Name the artery which facilitates the arterial supply 159. What is the length of esophagus?
of trachea. Ans. 25 cm
Ans. Inferior thyroid artery 160. Which is the main lymph node draining the tonsil?
144. Thymus which is an important lymphoid organ Ans. Jugulodigastric lymph node
increase in size during puberty and undergoes atrophy
161. Which is the main lymph node of the tongue?
after puberty and later replaced by which tissue?
Ans. Jugulo-omohyoid
Ans. Fatty tissue
162. Which is the largest lymph trunk of the body?
145. Direct communication of the sigmoid sinus is with.
Ans. Thoracic duct
Ans. Internal jugular nerve
163. Which is the key muscle in the lower part of the neck?
146. How much is the right brachiocephalic vein is shorter
Ans. Scalenus anterior
(2.5 cm) than the left brachiocephalic vein?
Ans. 60 m 164. Which apparatus resembles as the riens of a chariot?
Ans. Styloid
147. Which veins unite to form the superior vena cava?
Ans. Brachiocephalic vein 165. Name the structure which lies interposed between the
parotid gland laterally and the internal jugular vein
148. Which nerve is motor to stylopharyngeus secretomotor
to the parotid, gustatory to the posterior 1/3rd of
Ans. Styloid process
tongue, and sensory to the pharynx is.
Ans. Glossopharyngeal nerve 166. Which artery unites with the same artery on the
opposite half of the body to form a basilar artery?
149. Which is the branch of vagus which pieces the
Ans. Vertebral artery
thyrohyoid membrane and supplies the mucous
membrane of the larynx above the level of vocal folds? 167. Which is the largest branch of vertebral artery?
Ans. Internal laryngeal branch. Ans. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
150. Which is the nerve who accompanies the superior 168. How much is the length of pharynx?
thyroid artery and supplies the cricothyroid? Ans. 12 cm
Ans. External laryngeal nerve 169. As foreign bodies are removed from the piriform fossa
151. Which is the nerve who supplies all the intrinsic which may damage internal laryngeal nerve which
muscle of the larynx except cricothyroid and sensory leads to.
innervation of the larynx below the vocal fold? Ans. Anesthesia of supraglottic part of larynx.
Ans. Recurrent laryngeal nerve 170. What is the name of the gap between superior
152. Irritation of which of the branch of vagus can cause constrictor and the base of blank?
death due to sudden cardiac inhibition. Ans. Sinus of Morgagni
Ans. Auricular branch. 171. Name the structures passing through the sinus of
153. Stimulation of which branch of vagus may increase Morgagni.
appetite. Ans. Auditory tube, levator palati muscle and ascending
Ans. Auricular branch palatine artery.
154. Which nerve supplies all the intrinsic and extrinsic 172. What are the structures passing between the superior
muscles of the tongue except palatoglossus which is constrictor and middle constrictors?
supplied by cranial accessory nerve? Ans. Stylopharyngeal and glossopharyngeal
Ans. Hypoglossal nerve 173. Name the structures passing between middle and
155. Name the floating ribs. inferior constrictor.
Ans. 11 and 12 Ans. Internal laryngeal and superior laryngeal vessels and nerve
156. Which nerve provides sole motor supply to the 174. Name the muscle of pharynx which is not supplied by
diaphragm? vago-accessory complex.
Ans. Phrenic nerve Ans. Stylopharyngeus
   Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

175. Which is the weak region present in the posterior wall 187. Name the space between the vestibular folds.
of the pharynx. ? Ans. Rima vestibule
Ans. Killian s dehiscence
188. Name the space between the vocal folds.
176. Name the structure which is trumpet shaped and Ans. Rima glottides
which connects the middle ear cavity with the
189. When both recurrent laryngeal nerves are interrupted
the vocal cords lie in which position.
Ans. Auditory tube
Ans. Cadaveric
177. Name an anastomosing site of superior labial branch
190. From which structure primary germ layer of endoderm
of facial artery, sphenopalatine artery and some large
is derived?
capillary network.
Ans. Yolk sac
Ans. Little’s area or Kiesselbach’s area.
191. What is the location for McBurney’s point?
178. Name the structures opening into the middle meatus
Ans. Cecum
of the nose.
Ans. Frontal, maxillary and ethmoidal sinus 192. Hemopoiesis occur in adults in which areas?
Ans. Bone marrow and lymphoid tissues
179. Name the structures opening into the superior meatus
of the nose. 193. Name the most narrowest part of gastrointestinal tract.
Ans. Middle ethmoidal and posterior ethmoidal Ans. Pharyngoesophageal junction
180. Which is the largest parasympathetic peripheral 194. Development of the tongue occur from which of the
ganglion? structures.
Ans. Pterygopalatine or sphenopalatine ganglion Ans. Tuberculum impar, hypobranchial eminence and lingual
181. Name the ganglion which is related topographically
to the maxillary nerve and functionally related to the 195. Name the branchial arches which forms tongue.
facial nerve. Ans. First, third and fourth branchial arches.
Ans. Pterygopalatine ganglion 196. Name the safety muscle of tongue.
182. What is the length of the larynx? Ans. Genioglossus
Ans. 36 mm to 44 mm 197. During the fetal circulation a shunt occur between
183. In which organ the sound sensitive hair cells of inner pulmonary trunk and aorta. Name the shunt.
ear are located. Ans. Ductus arteriosus
Ans. Organ of Corti 198. Where does maxillary artery arises from?
184. Name the laryngeal cartilage whose shape is like a ring. Ans. Neck of condyle.
Ans. Cricoid cartilage 199. Name the structure via which the lesser peritoneal sac
185. Name the laryngeal cartilage whose shape is like a communicates with greater peritoneal sac.
leaf. Ans. Epiploic foramen
Ans. Epiglottis 200. At the time of removal of submandibular gland which
186. Name the cartilages of larynx which ossify. nerve get injured?
Ans. Thyroid, cricoids and arytenoid Ans. Hypoglossal nerve


1. General Physiology 9. Respiratory System

2. Blood 10. Nervous System
3. Muscle Physiology 11. Special Senses
4. Digestive System 12. Metabolism and Nutrition
5. Renal Physiology and Skin Multiple Choice Questions as per DCI and
6. Endocrine System Examination Papers of Various Universities
7. Reproductive System Viva-Voce Questions for Practical Examination
8. Cardiovascular System Additional Matter

that are inserted in cell membrane. The polypeptide
1. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY chain that form these proteins are extruded endoplasmic
reticulum. Free ribosomes synthesize cytoplasmic
proteins apparatus, which is involved in processing
proteins formed in ribosomes. Ribosomes in eukaryotes
measure approximately 22 by 32 nm. Each is made up
of a large and small subunit called on basis of their rates
of sedimentation in ultracentrifuge, the 60s and 40s

Fig. 1: Ribosomes

Q.3. Write a short note on Na-K pump.

(Mar 2000, 4 Marks) (Apr 2009, 4 Marks)
Ans. Na-K pump is a primary active transport of ions.
Sodium and potassium ions are transported across
cell membrane by means of common mechanism
called Na-K pump.
This transports sodium from inside the cell to outside
and potassium from outside to inside the cell.
This Na-K pump is present in all cells of the body.
Sodium potassium pump is responsible for distribu-
tion of sodium and potassium ions across the cell
membrane and development of negative electrical
potential inside the cell.
• Three sodium ions from cell get attached to the sites
of binding sodium ions on inner surface of carrier
• Two potassium ions outside the cell bind the sites
for potassium ions located on outer surface of carrier
The binding of Na and K ions to carrier proteins acti-
vates the enzymes ATPase which causes breakdown
of ATP into ADP.
(Apr 2003, 4 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) • Now, energy liberated causes positional change in
Ans. Ribosomes are complex structures, containing many molecule of carrier protein.
different proteins and at least three ribosomal RNAs. • Because of this, outer surface of molecule (with K+
They are the site of protein synthesis. The ribosomes that ions) now faces inner side of protein molecule (with
become attached to endoplasmic reticulum synthesize sodium ions) faces ECF.
proteins such as hormones that are secreted by cell; • Now the dissociation and release of ion take place
proteins that are segregated in lysosomes, and proteins and the potentials get changed.
282 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 2: Na-K pump

Q.4. Write a short note on active transport. It is also located in cell membrane and in many cell
(Oct 2007, 5 Marks) organelle membranes.
Or c. K+ H+ Pump: It is present in cells of gastric mucosa and
Write briefly about active transport. renal tubules where it causes secretion of H+.
(Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
Secondary Active Transport Process
In some tissues, active transport of Na+ is coupled to transport
Write very short answer on active transport and its
of other substances that is transport of many ions and nutrients
examples. (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
against electrochemical energy gradient is accomplished by Na+
Ans. Substances are transported against their chemical and
dependent secondary active transport.
electrical gradient. This form of transport require energy
and is called as active transport. Examples are:
It includes: ♦ Glucose and amino acids are reabsorbed from proximal
1. Primary active transport process. renal tubules and absorbed from intestinal lumen only if
2. Secondary active transport process. sodium binds to the protein and is transported down its
3. Carrier type process. electrochemical gradient at same time.
4. Vesicular transport process. ♦ Calcium is exchanged from cytoplasm of cardiac and other
muscle cells for extracellular sodium known as Na+ Ca+
These active processes require energy so that’s why they
are called as pumps.
♦ Iodine pump.
Primary Active Transport Processes
Carrier Type Process
They directly use the energy obtained from hydrolysis of ATP.
Carriers are transport proteins that binds ions and other
It consist of:
molecules and they change their configuration, moving
a. Na+ K+ Pump. bounded molecules form one side of cell membrane to other.
b. Ca+ Pump. They are of three types, i.e. uniporters, symporters, antiporters.
c. K+ H+ Pump.
1. Uniporters: They transport a single particle in one
a. Na+ K+ Pump: Refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter. direction, e.g. facilitated diffusion of glucose.
b. Ca+ Pump: 2. Symporters: They transport two particles together in same
It is present in sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle cells, direction, e.g. secondary active transport of glucose.
which maintains intracellular ionic 102+ concentration 3. Antiporters: They transport molecules in opposite
below 0.1 mmol/L. direction, i.e. exchange one substance from another.
Physiology 283

Example: Na+ K+ Pump which moves 3 Na+ out of the cell in 

exchange for 2K+ that moves into the cell. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
Ans. Structure of Mitochondria
Vesicular Transport Process The length of mitochondria is 5 12 μm and the
Many substances all transported across the cell membrane by diameter is 0.5 1 μm.
an endocytosis and exocytosis. The mitochondria is filamentous or globular in
shape and it occurs in variable numbers from a few
Q.5. Write briefly about cell membrane. hundred to few thousands in different cells.
(Dec 2009, 5 Marks) It is made up of outer membrane and inner membrane.
Ans. It is also known as plasma membrane or unit membrane. • Outer membrane consists of enzymes which lead to
The thickness of cell membrane is 7 to 10 nm. biological oxidation.
• Cell membrane consists of proteins (55%), lipids • Inner membrane gets folded to form cristae which
(40%) and carbohydrates (5%). project into the interior of the mitochondria.
Interior or the matrix of mitochondria consists
Structure of Cell membrane/Fluid Mosaic Model of enzymes concerned with citric acid cycle and
♦ Structure of cell membrane consists of a double layer of respiratory chain oxidation.
lipid molecules on which the proteins are embedded. Inner membrane is made up of repeating units each
♦ Proteins embedded are of two types, i.e. lipoproteins of which contains head piece, stalk and base piece.
which function as enzymes and ion channels and Stalk consists of ATP and various other enzymes.
glycoproteins which function as receptors for hormones • Base piece consist of enzymes which leads to electron
and neurotransmitters. chain transfer.
♦ Some of the proteins are located on inner surface of Functions of Mitochondria
membrane are known as intrinsic proteins and some
are located on outer surface of proteins are known as ♦ Mitochondria are the power generating organelles of the
extrinsic proteins. Some of the proteins extend through cells and are numerous.
the membrane are known as transmembrane proteins. ♦ It consists of DNA and at times synthesize proteins.
♦ Intrinsic proteins act as enzymes, extrinsic protein contrib- Q.7. Write short note on mitochondria. (June 2010, 5 Marks)
ute to cytoskeleton structure. Ans. Refer to Ans 6 of same chapter.
♦ Transmembranous proteins act as:
Q.8. Write short note on facilitated diffusion.
1. Channels: By which diffusion of ions and water (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
soluble substances occur.
Ans. Facilitated diffusion is a carrier mediated process which
2. Carriers: By which active or passive transport of
enables molecule that are too large to flow via membrane
material occur through lipid layer.
channels by simple diffusion.
3. Pumps: By which active transport of ions occur
For example, transport of glucose by glucose transporter
through lipid layer.
across intestinal epithelium.
4. Receptors: They initiate intracellular reactions.
♦ Clear area formed by bimolecular thickness of lipid mol- • This process is faster than simple diffusion.
ecules has following arrangement: • In this process, the carrier protein undergo repetitive
1. Head end: It consists of phosphate portion which is configurational changes during which binding site
for substance is alternatively exposed for intracel-
positively charged and is soluble in water.
lular fluid and extracellular fluid.
2. Tail end: It is insoluble in water. It has two fatty acid
• Its rate of diffusion enhances with enhancement in
chains. Hydrophobic ends facing each other meet at
the concentration gradient to reach a plateau when
water-pool in interior of membrane.
all binding sites on carrier proteins get filled. This
Function of Cell membrane is known as saturation.
• Carrier proteins are of many types in membranes
♦ Protective function: Cell membrane protects the cytoplasm
each having specific binding site for particular sub-
as well as organells in cytoplasm.
♦ Selective permeability: Cell membrane act as a semiper-
meable membrane which allows only some substances Q.9 Describe the components of cell and their functions.
to pass through it and act as barrier for other substances. (Apr 2008, 15 Marks)
♦ Absorptive function: Nutrients are absorbed in cell Ans. Components of Cell
through cell membrane. Following are the components of the cell seen under light
♦ Excretory function: Metabolites and other waste products microscope:
from the cell are excreted through cell membrane. 1. Cell membrane.
♦ Maintenance of shape and size of cell: Cell membrane 2. Cytoplasm.
is responsible for maintainence of shape and size of cell. 3. Nucleus.
284 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 3: Components of a cell

Cell Membrane Cytoplasm

♦ It is also known as plasma membrane. ♦ It is aqueous substance which consists of variety of cell
♦ It is the protective sheath which envelops the cell body. organelles and other structures.
♦ It separates contents of cell from external environment and ♦ Structures dispersed in cytoplasm are divided into three
control exchange of materials between extracellular fluid groups, i.e. organelles, inclusion bodies and cytoskeleton.
and intracellular fluid.
♦ Cell membrane have a trilayer structure consists of total
thickness of 7 to 10 nm and is called as unit membrane. Following are the organelles dispersed in cytoplasm:
♦ Biochemically, the cell membrane is composed of complex
mixture of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. Endoplasmic Reticulum
♦ It is a system of flattened membrane bound vesicles and
Functions of Cell Membrane
tubules known as cisternae.
♦ It forms the outermost boundary of cell organelles. ♦ It is continuous with outer membrane of nuclear envelope,
♦ It takes in the food and excrete waste products. golgi apparatus and with cell membrane.
♦ Property of selective permeability of cell membrane helps ♦ Morphologically endoplasmic reticulum is of two types,
in maintaining the difference of composition between i.e. smooth and rough.
extracellular and intracellular fluid. ♦ Agranular or smooth endoplasmic reticulum: Granules
♦ Cell membrane act as dielectric material of charged con- are absent in this type. It is the site of lipid and steroid
denser and so the cell membrane has very high insulating synthesis. In skeletal and cardiac muscles smooth
value. endoplasmic reticulum is modified to form sarcoplasmic
♦ Cell membrane provides framework for arrangement of reticulum which gets involved in release and sequestration
ordered sequence of protein molecules in functionally of calcium ions during muscular contraction.
meaningful pattern. ♦ Granular or rough endoplasmic reticulum: It consists of
♦ It joins adjacent cells together by junctional complexes to granules known as ribosomes. These granules are attached
form tissues. to cytoplasmic side of membrane. Three to five ribosomes
Physiology 285

clump together and form polyribosomes or polysomes. Peroxisomes

Rough endoplasmic reticulum is well developed in cell ♦ They are also known as microbodies.
which is active in protein synthesis. For example, Russell ♦ They are spherical in shape and are enclosed by single
body of plasma cell, nissl granule of nerve cell. layer of unit membrane.
Golgi Complex ♦ They consist of enzyme oxidases.
♦ They consume oxygen in small amount which is not used
♦ It is the collection of membranous tubules and vesicles in chemical reaction associated with ATP formation.
which lie close to the nucleus. ♦ They destroy certain products formed from oxygen spe-
♦ It is prominent in actively secreting gland cells. cially hydrogen peroxide which is toxic to cell so that’s
Functions of Golgi Complex why they are named as peroxisomes.

♦ It leads to the synthesis of carbohydrates and complex Functions of Peroxisomes

proteins. They consists of two types of enzymes
♦ It causes packaging of proteins synthesized in rough en- 1. Oxidases are active in oxidation of lipid.
doplasmic reticulum into vesicles. 2. Catalases act on hydrogen peroxide to liberate oxygen.
♦ It is the site of formation of lysosomal enzymes.
♦ It causes glycosylation of proteins to form glycoproteins. Centrioles or Centrosomes
♦ It leads to transportation of material to other parts of cell. ♦ They are cylindrical in shape and are known as centrioles.
Mitochondrion ♦ They are visible only during the cell division.
♦ Centrioles are located at each pole near nucleus and are so
♦ Mitochondria are filamentous or globular in shape. arranged that they lie in right angle to each other.
♦ It occurs in variable numbers in different shapes. ♦ They are concerned with the movement of chromosomes
♦ Mitochondrion consists of membrane and matrix. during cell division.
♦ Membrane of mitochondrion consists of two layers, i.e.
outer smooth layer and inner folded layer into incomplete Cytoplasmic Inclusions
septa known as cristae. They are temporary components of certain cells. They may or
♦ Matrix of mitochondrion has enzymes which are required may not be enclosed in the membrane. Various examples of
in the Kreb’s cycle by which the products of carbohydrate, cytoplasmic inclusions are:
fats and protein metabolism are oxidized to produce en- ♦ Lipid droplets: Seen in cells of adipose tissue, liver and
ergy which is stored in form of ATP. adrenal cortex.
Functions of Mitochondrion ♦ Glycogen: Seen in cells of liver and skeletal muscles
♦ Proteins: As secretory granules seen in secretory glandular
♦ They act as power generating units of cell. cells.
♦ They consist of DNA and can synthesize proteins. ♦ Melanin pigment: Seen in cells of epidermis, retina and
basal ganglia.
♦ Lipofuscin: It is a yellow brown pigment derived from
♦ Lysosomes are irregular structures surrounded by unit secondary lysosomes and is seen in cardiac muscles and
membrane and are found in cytoplasm. brain cells of aged people.
♦ Lysosomes are filled with numerous small granules which
consist of various enzymes too known as lysozymes. Cytoskeleton
♦ Lysosomes are formed by the golgi apparatus. Cytoskeleton is a complex network of fibers which maintains
♦ Primary lysosomes are formed from various hydrolytic structure of the cell and allows it to change shape and causes
enzymes which are synthesized by rER and packed in movement. It consists of microtubules, microfilaments and
golgi apparatus. intermediate fibers.
♦ Secondary lysosomes are formed by fusion of primary lyso- ♦ Microtubules: Microtubules are long hollow structures.
somes with parts of damaged or worn out cell components. They make structures or tracts on which chromosomes,
mitochondria and secretion granules move from one part
Functions of Lysosomes
of the cell to another.
♦ They act as digestive system for the cell because enzymes ♦ Intermediate filaments: They are filamentous structures
present in it can digest all macromolecules. which are 10 nm in diameter. Some of these filaments connect
♦ They engulf worn out components of cells in which they nuclear membrane to cell membrane. Their main function is
are located. to mechanically integrate cell organelles in the cytoplasm.
♦ They engulf exogenous substances too and degrade them. ♦ Microfilaments: They are long solid fibers. They consist
♦ When cell death occur, lysosomal enzymes causes autolysis of contractile protein actin and they are responsible for
of remnants. motion of the cell. Extension of microfilaments along with
286 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

plasma membrane on the surface of cells form microvilli • Morphologically endoplasmic reticulum is of two
which increases absorptive surface of cells. types, i.e. smooth and rough.
♦ Functions of microtubules and microfilaments: Agranular or smooth endoplasmic reticulum: Granules
They lead to movement of chromosomes. are absent in this type. It is the site of lipid and steroid
They causes movement of cell synthesis. In skeletal and cardiac muscles, smooth en-
These processes move secretion granules in cell. doplasmic reticulum is modified to form sarcoplasmic
They lead to the movement of proteins in the cell reticulum which gets involved in release and seques-
membrane. tration of calcium ions during muscular contraction.
Granular or rough endoplasmic reticulum: It consists of
granules known as ribosomes. These granules are
Nucleus is a spherical structure which consists of nuclear attached to cytoplasmic side of membrane. Three to
membrane, nucleoplasm and nucleolus. five ribososmes clump together and form polyribo-
somes or polysomes. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Nuclear Membrane
is well developed in cell which is active in protein
♦ It is a double layered porous structure which consists of 40 synthesis. For example, Russell body of plasma cell,
to 70 nm wide space known as perinuclear cistern which is nissl granule of nerve cell.
continuous with lumen of endoplasmic reticulum.
Q.11. Write about feedback mechanism. (Sep 2015, 7 Marks)
♦ Exchange of materials between nucleoplasm and cyto-
Ans. Since homeostasis is a complex phenomenon the mode
plasm occurs through nuclear membrane.
of operation of all the systems which are involved in
Nucleoplasm homeostasis is through ‘feedback mechanism’. Feedback
mechanism is of two types, i.e.
♦ Nucleoplasm or nuclear matrix is a gel like ground sub-
stance having large quantity of genetic material in form 1. Negative feedback mechanism.
of DNA. 2. Positive feedback mechanism.
♦ When cell does not undergo division nucleoplasm appears Negative Feedback Mechanism
as dark staining thread like material known as nuclear
chromatin. Most of the homeostatic mechanisms of body act by negative
♦ At the time of division chromatin material become rod feedback mechanism, i.e. if the activity of particular system
shaped and is known as chromosomes. become increased or decreased a control system initiates
 negative feedback which consists of series of changes which
bring back activity towards the normal.
Here the initial stimulus produces a response which
depresses the stimulus, i.e. stimulus and response are opposite
to each other.

Example of Negative Feedback Mechanism

When blood pressure suddenly raises or decreases, it leads
to initiation of the series of reactions which bring the blood
pressure to normal levels.

Positive Feedback Mechanism

Positive feedback mechanism sets off a chain of events which
exaggerates the disturbance further, i.e. it does not lead to
stability and displaces a system from its steady state.
Here the initial stimulus produces a response which
exaggerates original stimulus.

Example of Positive Feedback Mechanism

Fall in the blood pressure causes decrease in blood supply to
heat which also decreases myocardial contraction and there is
further fall in blood pressure.
(Nov 2008, 5 Marks) At times positive feedback mechanism is useful too, i.e.
Ans. It is a system of flattened membrane bound vesicles and whenever there is injury to blood vessels, it leads to initiation
tubules known as cisternae. of clotting process and clotting proceeds which causes release
• It is continuous with outer membrane of nuclear of chemicals which enhances the clotting process and seal the
envelope, golgi apparatus and with cell membrane. break in vessel wall.
Physiology 287

5. Role in maintaining acid base balance of body:

(Mar 2017, 2 Marks) Plasma proteins act as buffers and contribute to 15%
Ans. Osmosis: It is the process of movement of solvent from of buffering capacity of blood. As they are ampho-
the solution with the lower concentration of solutes to teric, they combine with acid and bases. Albumin
the solution with higher concentration of solute, when plays an important role.
both the solutions are separated by a semipermeable 6. Role in blood viscosity: Fibrinogen and globulins
membrane. contribute in the blood viscosity due to their asym-
metrical shape. Blood viscosity maintains the blood
Importance of Osmosis in Our Body pressure by providing resistance to flow of blood in
Osmosis mainly the total plasma osmolality is important in blood vessels.
assessing dehydration, overhydration and other fluid and 7. Role in erythrocyte sedimentation rate: Globulin
electrolyte abnormalities. Various examples are: and fibrinogen accelerate the tendency of rouleaux
♦ Hyperosmolarity can lead to hyperosmolar coma formation by red blood cells. Rouleaux formation is
by causing water to flow out of the cells, i.e. cellular responsible for ESR.
dehydration. 8. Role in suspension stability of red blood cells: Sus-
♦ Flow of water inside or outside the capillaries depends on pension stability is the property of RBCs by virtue of
whether the colloidal osmotic pressure or oncotic pressure which they are uniformly suspended in the blood.
is greater or lesser than hydrostatic pressure of blood. Globulins and fibrinogen accelerate this property.
When water falls into or out of the capillaries, it carries 9. Role as reserve proteins: Plasma proteins act as
dissolve particles with it. This force is known as solvent reserve proteins and they are utilized by the body
drag and its effect are very less in our body. tissues as last source of energy. They are used in the
conditions such as fasting, inadequate protein intake
and excessive catabolism of body proteins.
2. BLOOD 10. Role in genetic information: Many plasma proteins
exhibit polymorphism. Plasma proteins which show
 polymorphism are haptoglobin, transferrin, cerulo-
plasmin and immunoglobulins.
(Mar 2001, 15 Marks) Mechanism of Edema Formation

(Apr 2008, 4 Marks) ♦ Excessive accumulation of fluid in tissues is called edema.
Ans. Functions of Plasma Proteins ♦ Tissue fluid is formed by the process of filtration.
1. Role in coagulation of blood: Presence of fibrino- ♦ Normally, the blood pressure in arterial end of the capil-
gen, prothrombin and other coagulation proteins lary is about 30 mm Hg along the course of the capillary,
in plasma play an important role in coagulation of the pressure falls gradually; and it is about 15 mm Hg at
blood. the various ends.
2. Role in defense mechanism of body: Gamma globu- ♦ Plasma proteins in the blood exert a pressure that is about
lins are the antibodies which play an important role in 25 mm Hg. It is an opposing force for the filtration of water
immune mechanism of body by acting as antibodies. and materials from the capillary blood in the tissue spaces.
3. Role in transport mechanism: Plasma proteins are ♦ However, the hydrostatic pressure in the arterial end of the
necessary for the transport of various substances capillary is greater than the osmotic pressure. So, filtration
in the blood. Plasma proteins combine with many occurs continuously.
substances and play essential role in transport as: ♦ Volume of tissue fluid is controlled by a pressure called
Carbon dioxide is transported via the plasma reabsorption at the venous end of capillary. The osmotic
proteins in form of carbamino compound. pressure in venous end of capillary is greater than the
• Thyroxine is transported via α globulin known hydrostatic pressure. This pressure gradient causes reab-
as thyroxine binding protein. sorption of water, and waste materials from tissue fluid
• Bilirubin is associated with albumin and with come back into the capillary blood.
fractions of α globulin. ♦ The formation of tissue fluid is by means of filtration and the
4. Exert osmotic pressure: Plasma proteins exert coll- volume of this is regarded as reabsoprtion. The increased
oidal osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure exerted by volume of this fluid leads to the condition known as edema.
plasma proteins is 25 mm of Hg. As concentration Q.2. Write a short note on fate of RBC.
of albumin is more than other plasma proteins (Sep 2004, 5 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
it exerts maximum pressure. Colloidal osmotic Ans. Senile RBCs are destroyed in reticuloendothelial system.
pressure plays an important role in exchange of When the cell membrane becomes older, the cells get
water between blood and tissue fluid. more and more fragile.
288 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

  The diameter of capillaries is equal to size of normal 

RBC. Younger RBCs pass through the capillaries and
older cells get fragile.
  So, these cells are destroyed while trying to squeeze
through the capillaries, e.g. splenic capillaries of
the spleen is known as the graveyard of RBCs. The
destroyed RBCs are fragmented. From fragmented (May 2014, 5 Marks)
parts, hemoglobin is released. Iron and globulin parts of
hemoglobin are separated with production of bilirubin
and the iron part from ferritin.
Note: Daily 10% RBCs which are senile get destroyed in (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
normal young healthy adults. Ans. Erythropoiesis is the process by which the origin,
Q.3. Write briefly on erythropoiesis. (Mar. 2007, 4 Marks) development and maturation of erythrocytes occur.
(Mar. 2009, 5 Marks) (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
Or Stages of Development of Erythrocytes
Describe in detail the physiology of erythropoiesis and The following are the stages between stem cell and matured
factors that regulate it. (Dec 2010, 8 Marks) RBC:

Stage of Cell Cell Size Nucleus Cytoplasm Mitosis

Staining Hemoglobin
Hemocytoblast 19-23 µm It occupies whole cell with open Nucleus is deeply basophilic Absent Present
chromatin, having 4 to 5 nucleoli and and a rim is present all around
is deep basophilic the nucleus
Proerythroblast 15-20 µm Nucleus occupies ¾ of cell volume, Nucleus is deeply basophilic Absent Active mitosis
have 2 to 3 nucleoli. It has open and staining is more in amount
Early normoblast 14-16 µm Size of cell decreases, nucleoli is Nucleus is less basophilic and Absent Active mitosis
absent and condensation of chromatin staining increases
is present.
Intermediate 10-14 µm Size of nucleus further decreases and Marked cytoplasm is present. Start appearing Active mitosis
normoblast chromatin condenses Polychromatophilic staining
is seen
Late normoblast
i. Early 8-10 µm Very small nucleus with chromatin dot. Staining increases markedly Increase in amount Mitosis Stops
It has cart wheel appearance
ii. Late 7-8 µm Degeneration of nucleus is present. Staining further increases and Further increases Absent
It is pyknotic and is uniformly and is less basophilic
deeply stained
Reticulocyte 7-8 µm Nucleus is absent, remnants of RNA Acidiophilic Further increases Absent
are present
Erythrocyte 7.2-7.4 µm Absent Acidiophilic Further increases Absent

Factors Regulating Erythropoiesis Action:

It causes formation and release of new RBCs into
General Factors
circulation 4 to 5 days after being secreted.
♦ Erythropoietin: The erythropoietin is a general factor for It causes production of erythroblast cells from stem
erythropoiesis which is secreted from kidney. cells in bone marrow.
♦ Source of secretion: The erythropoietin is produced by It causes further maturation of proerythroblasts into
juxtaglomerular apparatus of kidney. matured RBCs through normoblastic stage.
♦ Stimulant for secretion: Generally, hypoxia is responsible It causes release of matured erythrocytes from
for the production of erythropoietin. blood.
Physiology 289

Fig. 4: Erythropoiesis

♦ Thyroxine: It accelerates the process of erythropoiesis in Ans. Site of Erythropoiesis

hyperthyroidism and polycythemia. In Embryo
♦ Interleukin-3: It stimulates growth of stem cells for RBC. During embryonic life, erythropoiesis occurs in three stages:
It is proteinaceous in nature.
a. Mesoblastic stage: During the first two months
♦ Vitamins: Vitamins A, B, C, D and E are necessary for
of embryonic life, the primitive red blood cells are
erythropoiesis. Deficiency of these vitamins lead to
developed from mesenchyme of yolk sac.
b. Hepatic stage: From third month of intrauterine
 life, liver is the main organ which forms RBC; some
erythrocytes are produced by spleen and other
lymphoid tissues.
c. Myeloid stage: During the last three months of intrau-
terine life, the red cells are produced from red bone
marrow in addition to production of RBC from cells.
In Postnatal Life and in Adults
a. Up to age of 5 or 6 years: RBCs are produced in red
bone marrow of all bones.
b. From 6th to 20th year: RBCs are produced by long
and membranous bones.
c. After age of 20: The RBCs are produced by mem-
branous bones.

Stages of Development
Answer Refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter.

Factors Influencing Erythropoiesis

Answer Refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter.
Q.5. Write briefly on erythropoietin. (Mar 2008, 4 Marks)
Ans. Erythropoietin is a hormone and it regulates erythro-

Site of Formation
♦ It is produced by juxtaglomerular apparatus of kidney.
♦ It is also produced by liver and cells of tissue macrophages
system, specially when hypoxia is marked.

Stimulus for Secretion

RBC supply oxygen to the tissues but whenever there is hypoxia
or decrease in number of RBCs renal erythropoietic factor is
(Dec 2010, 6 Marks) released from juxtaglomerular cells of kidney. This factor acts
290 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

d. From gallbladder, the pigments reach intestine

and are converted to mesobilirubin.
e. From intestine, some amount of bile pigment is
secreted as the stercobilinogen along with feces.
f. Some amount of bile pigment is secreted through
urine as urobilinogen.
Q.7. Write a note on anemia. (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
What is anemia. Classify the types of anemias on mor-
phological and etiological basis. (Aug 2016, 10 Marks)
Ans. Anemia is a clinical condition characterized by reduction
in the number of RBCs less than 4 million/mL or their
content of hemoglobin less than 12 g/dL or both.

Classification of Anemia
It is classified by the two methods:
A. Morphological classification.
B. Etiological classification.
Morphological Classification or Wintrobe’s Classificaion
On basis of size and hemoglobin content of RBC, it is classified
into four types:
1. Normocytic normochromic anemia: In it, the size of RBC
and hemoglobin content of RBC is normal. Only RBC count
is reduced.
2. Macrocytic normochromic anemia: The RBCs are larger in
size and due to this RBC count is reduced. The hemoglobin
content is reduced.
3. Macrocytic hypochromic anemia: The RBCs are immature
and are larger in size and hemoglobin content in cell is less.
4. Microcytic hypochromic anemia: The RBCs are smaller
in size. The hemoglobin content in RBCs is less.
Etiological Classification or Whitby’s Classification
On basis of cause, it is divided into four types:
1. Hemorrhagic.
2. Hemolytic.
(Apr 2007, 5 Marks) 3. Nutrition deficiency.
Ans. After a lifespan of 120 days, RBC is destroyed in the 4. Aplastic.
reticuloendothelial system in spleen. Hemoglobin is 5. Anemia due to chronic diseases.
phagocytized by reticuloendothelial cell and splits into 1. Hemorrhagic anemia: It occurs in conditions like accident,
globin, iron and porphyrin. ulcer, excessive uterine bleeding, purpura and hemophilia.
1. Iron: It is stored in body as ferritin and hemosiderin. It occurs in both chronic and acute hemorrhagic conditions.
2. Globin: It is utilized for re-synthesis of hemoglobin. 2. Hemolytic anemia: It occurs due to excessive destruction
3. Porphyrin: of RBC. It occurs in the following conditions:
i. By chemical poisoning, e.g. lead, coal, etc.
a. It is converted to a green pigment called bili-
ii. Infections like malaria and septicemia.
verdin. In human beings most of biliverdin is
iii. Presence of chemical hemolysins.
converted to yellow pigment bilirubin. iv. Presence of isogglutinins.
b. These pigments enter the blood and are carried v. Congenital or acquired default in shape of RBCs, e.g.
by plasma protein α-globulin. sickle cell anemia and thalassemia.
c. When the bile pigments enter the liver, they are 3. Nutrition deficiency anemia: The deficiency of iron, pro-
released from plasma protein then conjugate tein and vitamins such as vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin
with glucoronic acid. The conjugated pigments B12 causes nutrition deficiency anemia, e.g. iron deficiency
are carried to gallbladder by bile. anemia, protein deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia.
Physiology 291

4. Aplastic anemia: It is due to disorder of red bone marrow 

(generally reduced). The bone marrow is reduced and
replaced by fatty tissues.
5. Anemia due to chronic diseases: It is seen in tuberculosis,
chronic infection, malignancies, chronic lung disease, etc.
Symptoms of Anemia
1. The color of skin becomes pale. The skin gets thin and (Jan 2012, 10 Marks)
dry loosing elasticity. There is loss and early grayness Ans. Types of WBCs (see following table)

Name of Diameter of
WBC Cell Nucleus Cytoplasm Diagram
Neutrophils 10–14 µm • Nucleus of neutrophil is horse Cytoplasm of neutrophil is pale blue in
shoe shaped and it become colour and consists of fine granules.
lobed as cell grows Granules acquire both acidic and basic
• Nucleus of mature neutrophil stain and are violet pink in color
is purple in colour and
is multilobed that’s why
neutrophils are known as (For colour version see Plate 19)
polymorphonuclear leucocytes
• Lobes of nucleus are conn-ected
by chromatin filaments
Eosinophils 10–14 µm • Nucleus of an eosinophil is • Cytoplasm is acidophilic and
purple in colour and is bilobed. appear as bright pink in colour
• Both the lobes are connected by • Cytoplasm of eosinophil has
chromatin strand and appear as coarse, deep red staining granules
spectacle shaped. which do not cover nucleus
• Some eosinophils have three • Granules in eosinophils consist
lobes of basic protein and stain more (For colour version see Plate 19)
intensely for peroxidase
• Granules of eosinophils have
histamine, lysosomal enzymes and
ECF – A i.e. eosinophil chemotactic
factor of anaphylaxis
Basophils 8–10 µm Nucleus of basophil is irregular • Cytoplasm of basophils is slightly
and it can be either bilobed or basophilic and is full of granules
trilobed. Boundary of nucleus • Granules of basophils are coarse
cannot be clearly appreciated due and stain deep purple
to overcrowding of coarse granules • Granules are numerous, they
completely fill the cell and overload
the nucleus (For colour version see Plate 19)
• Granules of basophils consists of
heparin, histamine and serotonin
Lymphocytes Large Nucleus of lymphocytes is large, • Cytoplasm is very less and its
lymphocyte: round and single which almost amount is less than the amount of
12–16 µm completely fills the cell. Nucleus nucleus. It appears as crescent of
Small appears deep blue giving an ink spot clear light blue colour around the
lymphocyte: appearance. Nuclear chromatin is nucleus. Cytoplasm lack visible
7–10 µm coarsely clumped and shapeless. granules.
(For colour version see Plate 19)
Monocytes 14–18 µm Nucleus of the cell is large, single Cytoplasm of monocyte is abundant,
and is eccentric in its position. pale blue and is clear. It can consists
Nucleus can be notched or indented of fine purple, dust like granules known
i.e. horseshoe or kidney shaped. as azure granules which can be few or
(For colour version see Plate 19)
292 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Functions of WBCs

Name of WBC Function

Neutrophils • Phagocytosis: Neutrophils engulf the foreign particles or bacteria and digest them and may kill them by phagocytosis
• Reaction of inflammation: They also release chemical mediators such as leukotrienes, prostaglandins etc. and bring
reaction of inflammation such as vasodilatation and edema
• Febrile response: Neutrophils consists of fever producing substance such as endogenous pyrogen which mediate febrile
response to bacterial pyrogen
Eosinophils • Mild phagocytosis: Since eosinophils are very less motile that’s why they produce mild phagocytic activity
• Role in parasitic infestations: They play an important role in defense mechanism mainly in parasitic infestations. Eosinophils
consist of granules which have lethal substances which are larvicidal
• Role in allergic reaction: They get increase in number in allergic reactions such as bronchial asthma and hay fever. They
detoxify inflammation inducing substances. They also inhibit mast cell degranulation
• Role in immunity: Since eosinophils are in abundance in respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract where
they provide mucosal immunity
Basophils • Mild phagocytosis: They produce mild phagocytic action
• Role in allergic reaction: These cells release histamine, bradykinin and serotonin. These substances lead to local vascular
and tissue reactions which can lead to allergic manifestations
• Release of heparin: They release heparin in blood and prevent clotting of blood. It also activates enzyme lipoprotein lipase
which removes fat particles from blood after fatty meal
• Role in preventing spread of allergic inflammatory process: Basophils release eosinophil chemotactic factor which causes
eosinophils to migrate at inflamed allergic tissue. Here eosinophil undergoes phagocytosis and destroy antigen – antibody
complexes and prevent spread of local inflammatory process
Lymphocytes They constitute the immune system, i.e. humoral immunity. They are classified into T and B lymphocytes.
For more details refer to Ans 10 of same chapter
Monocytes • Role in defense mechanism: Along with neutrophils, monocytes undergo phagocytosis and play important role in defense
• Role in tumor immunity: Monocytes can also kill tumor cells as they are sensitized by lymphocytes
• Synthesis of biological substances: Monocytes causes synthesis of complement and other biologically important substances

iii. Myelocyte proper: This is rounded in size,

nucleus size decreases, the cytoplasm gets de-
creased. It is less basophilic and granules appear
with special staining reactions.
iv. Metamyelocyte: The nucleus size decreases and
becomes lobed. The cytoplasm gets decreased
and granules show amoeboid movements.
c. Structure: Refer to Ans 8.
d. Function: Refer to Ans 8.
Fig. 5: WBCs e. Life Span: The average half-life of neutrophil in
circulation is 6 hours.
Q.9. Describe neutrophils under the following headings. Q.10. Write a short note on lymphocytes. (Mar 1998, 5 Marks)
(Apr 2010, 15 Marks)
a. Site of development
b. Stages of development Write a short note on T and B lymphocytes.
c. Structure (Sep 2000, 5 Marks)
d. Function Or
e. Life span Write short note on function of lymphocytes.
Ans. a. Site of Development: The main site of development (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
is bone marrow and process is extravascular. Ans. There are two types of lymphocytes:
b. Stages of Development: 1. T Lymphocytes.
i. Myeloblast: The cytoplasm is basophilic and has 2. B-Lymphocytes.
purple blue color. The size is less than hemocy-
T Lymphocytes
ii. Premyelocyte: In it, the size decreases and nu- Because of processing in thymus gland, they are called
cleoli disappear. The chromatin condenses and T lymphocytes. During the processing, the T lymphocytes are
the amount of cytoplasm increases. transformed into 4 types:
Physiology 293

a. Helper T Cells. Role of Memory B Cells

b. Cytotoxic T Cells.
Some of B-lymphocytes activated by the antigens are trans-
c. Suppressor T Cells.
formed into memory B cells.
d. Memory T Cells.
The memory cells are in inactive condition till the body is
Helper T Cells exposed to the same organism for the second time. During the
They are so called because, they are stimulated by antigens and second exposure, the memory cells are stimulated by antigens
hence stimulate other T cells and B cells. and produce antibodies in more quantity at very fast rate.

Cytotoxic T Cells Role of Helper T Cells

They are so called because, they attack on antigens and destroy Helper T cells are simultaneously activated antigens. The
them. activated helper T cells secrete substances Interleukin-2 and
B cell growth factors, which promote:
Suppressor T Cells
1. Activation of more number of B-lymphocytes
They are so called because, they suppress the action of cytotoxic 2. Proliferation of plasma cells
T cells. 3. Production of antibodies.
Memory T Cells Q.12. Write a short note on immunoglobulins.
They are so called because, they are activated by antigens and (Apr 2003, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
remain in lymphoid tissue instead of entering circulation. Ans. They are produced by B-lymphocytes in response to the
presence of antigens. The immunoglobulins form 20%
B-Lymphocytes of the total plasma proteins. The immunoglobulins are
They are so called because, these were first discovered in bursa found all over the body.
of Fabricus in birds. In mammals, the processing takes place in The immunoglobulins are of five types viz:
liver and bone marrow. They are transformed into two:   IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM.
♦ Plasma Cells: They cause secretion of antibodies in re-
The immunoglobulins are formed by two pairs of chain,
sponse to presence of antigens.
i.e. one pair of heavy or long chains and one pair of

light or short chains. Each heavy chain has 400 amino
acids and each light chain has 200 amino acids. Each
immunoglobulin has two halves, which are identical and
are together held by disulphide bond. Each half consist
of one heavy and one light chains. The disulphide bond
allow movement of immunoglobulins.
(Mar 1997, 5 Marks)
The functions of immunoglobulins are:
1. IgA participants in localized defense mechanism in
external secretion.
(July 2016, 5 Marks)
2. IgD participants in recognization of antigen by
Ans. Humoral immunity is by the antibodies, which are
B lymphocytes.
circulating in blood. The antibodies are gamma globulins
3. IgE involve in allergic reactions.
produced by B-lymphocytes.
4. IgG is responsible for complement fixation.
These antibodies fight against the invading organisms. 5. IgM is responsible for complement fixation.
Humoral immunity is the major defense mechanism
against the bacterial infection. Q.13. Write in brief on platelets. (Mar 1997, 5 Marks)
Ans. Platelets or thrombocytes are small, non-nucleated,
Role of Antigen Presenting Cells colorless and moderately reactive bodies. Their diameter
♦ When foreign bodies or organisms invade, macrophages is 2.5 µ. The normal platelet count is 2.5 lakhs/cu mm of
and other antigen presenting cells destroy them mostly blood.
by phagocytosis.
♦ The antigen products activate the B-lymphocytes and also Properties of Platelets
the helper T cells. 1. When platelets come in contact with wet or rough surface,
they are activated and get stick to the surface.
Role of Plasma Cells
2. Activated platelets aggregate together and get sticky due
♦ B-lymphocytes are protuberated and transformed into two to ADP and Thromboxane A2.
types namely, plasma cells and memory cells. 3. They undergo agglutination due to action of some agglu-
♦ The plasma cells produce antibodies. tinins.
294 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Stages of Development
Pluripotent stem cells (Hemocytoblast): These cells are
converted into colony forming units known as CFU –M
or colony forming unit-megakaryocyte.
Megakaryoblast: This is the most earliest precursor of
platelets in bone marrow.
• Diameter of megakaryoblast is 20 to 30μm.
• Cytoplasm of cell is non-granular and hematoxyphilic.
• Nucleus is oval or kidney-shaped and consists of
Promegakaryocyte: Megakaryoblast get converted to
• Megakaryoblast does endoreduplication of nuclear
chromatin and leads to the formation of a large cell
which consists of 32 times the normal diploid content
of nuclear DNA.
Fig. 6: Platelets
• When nuclear replication caeses cytoplasm get
Function of Platelets granular.
• Granules of cytoplasm are basophilic.
1. They play an important role in blood clotting for formation
of intrinsic prothrombin activator. Megakaryocyte: Maturation of promrgakaryocyte occurs
2. They undergo clot retraction, the blood cells including and there is formation of megakaryocyte.
platelets are entrapped in between fibrin threads. • This cell is of 30 to 90μm in diameter.
3. They play role in prevention of blood loss. • Nucleus of cell is single and is multilobed (4 to 16
Q.14. Describe platelets under the following headings: lobes) with coarsely clumped chromatin.
i. Normal range and morphology • Abundant cytoplasm is present and has red-purple
ii. Stages of development granules.
iii. Functions • Margins of cell are irregular and show multiple
iv. Clinical conditions resulting from lack of platelets. pseudopodia.
(Apr 2010, 5 Marks) • Platelets formed from these pseudopodes of mega-
Ans. Normal Range and Morphology. karyocyte which become detached in bloodstream.
Refer to Ans 13 of the same chapter. • One megakaryocyte form atleast 4000 platelets.

Fig. 7: Platelets (For colour version see Plate 20)

Refer Ans 13 of the same chapter. (Mar 2000, 15 Marks)
Clinical Condition Resulting from Lack of Platelets Or
The clinical condition resulting from lack of platelets is
Write short answer on hemostasis.
known as thrombocytopenia. It occurs in the following
conditions such as acute infections, acute leukaemia, (Apr 2018, 3 Marks)
aplastic and pernicious anemia, chickenpox, smallpox, Ans. Spontaneous arrest or prevention of bleeding by
splenomegaly, scarlet fever, typhoid and tuberculosis. physiological process is known as hemostasis.
Physiology 295

(Dec 2009, 15 Marks)

(Sep 2015, 7 Marks)

 (May 2017, 5 Marks)

Write short note on clotting mechanism.
(Sep 2017, 5 Marks)

 (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)

 (Apr 2017, 5 Marks)

Ans. Mechanism of Coagulation of Blood
Following are the factors which are involved in the
mechanism of coagulation of blood:
• Factor I Fibrinogen
• Factor II Prothrombin
• Factor III Thromboplastin (Tissue factor)
• Factor IV Calcium ions
• Factor V Labile factor
• Factor VI — Presence not approved
• Factor VII Stable factor
• Factor VIII Anti-hemophilic factor
• Factor IX Christmas factor
• Factor X
• Factor XI — Plasma thromboplastin antecedent
• Factor XII Hegman factor
• Factor XIII — Fibrin-stabilizing factor.

Clotting Occurs in Three Stages

1. Formation of Prothrombin Activator.
2. Conversion of Prothrombin into thrombin.
3. Conversion of Fibrinogen to Fibrin.
Formation of Prothrombin Activator
The prothrombin activator is formed into two ways:
1. Extrinsic Pathway:
(Apr 2003, 5 Marks) Factor III initiates this pathway after injury to
Or damage tissues. After injury, these tissues release
296 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

thromboplastin which contain protein, phospholipid When factor XII comes in contact with collagen, it is
and glycoprotein which act as proteolytic enzymes. converted to active factor XII.
The glycoprotein and phospholipid component of The active factor XII converts inactive factor XI to
thromboplastin convert factor X into activated factor active factor XI in presence of kininogen.
X, in presence of factor VIII. The activated factor XI activates factor IX in presence
Activated factor X reacts with factor V and phospholipid of calcium ions.
content of tissue thromboplastin to form prothrombin Activated factor IX activates factor X in presence of
activator in presence of calcium. factor VIII and calcium.
Factor V is activated by thrombin formed from When platelet comes in contact with collagen of
prothrombin. This factor V now accelerates formation damaged blood vessel, it releases phospholipids.
of prothrombin activator. Now, active factor X reacts with platelet phospholipid
and factor V to form prothrombin activation in
presence of calcium ions.
Factor V is activated by positive feedback method.
Conversion of Prothrombin into Thrombin
Prothrombin activator converts prothrombin into thrombin
in presence of calcium by positive feedback mechanism. This
accelerates formation of extrinsic and intrinsic prothrombin

Conversion of Fibrinogen to Fibrin

During this, the soluble fibrinogen is converted to fibrin by
thrombin. The fibrinogen is converted to activated fibrinogen
due to loss of two pairs of polypeptides. The first form fibrin
contains loosely arranged strands which are modified later
into tight aggregate by factor XIII in presence of calcium ions.
Three coagulants: Thrombin, sodium or calcium alginate,
snake venom.
Three anticoagulants: Heparin, EDTA, Citrates.
♦ The blood does not clot in vessels normally, because in
vessels it remains in circulation; and due to this, certain
enzymes which are involved in clotting remain in its
inactive form. Hence, it does not clot normally in vessels.
♦ Hemophilia: It is a sex-linked inherited disease affecting
males; females are the carriers. The feature of disease is
prolonged clotting time. Even mild trauma may lead to
excessive bleeding and then death.
The hemophilia is caused due to deficiency of factor VIII and
IX. The hemophilia due to deficiency of factor VIII is known
as classical hemophilia and due to factor IX, it is known as
Christmas disease.
Q.17. Classify blood groups. Add a note on mismatched
blood transfusion.
(Sept 2000, 5 Marks) (Mar 2008, 4 Marks)
Ans. • “Landsteiner” discovered the blood group in 1900
and is called as “Father of blood group”.
a = activated + = thrombin induces formation of more thrombin (positive
feedback) • According to the Landsteiner’s law, people are clas-
sified into three types of blood group depending on
2. Intrinsic Pathway: presence and absence of antigen.
It occurs in the following sequence: • There are two types of antigens, i.e. A agglutinogen
During injury, the blood vessel is ruptured, endothelium and B agglutinogen.
is damaged and collagen beneath endothelium is • Thus people belong to A, B and O blood groups.
exposed. • If antigen A is present in RBC, the blood group is A.
Physiology 297

• If antigen B is present in RBC, the blood group is B. Determination of the ABO Group
• If no antigen is present in RBC, the blood group is O. ♦ It is also known as blood grouping or blood typing or
• Another blood group is discovered by De Castallo. blood matching.
• If both antigen is present in RBC. Blood group is AB. ♦ The blood typing is done on the basis of agglutination i.e. col-
• Other blood groups are: lection of separate particles like RBCs into clumps or masses.
- Levis blood group. ♦ Agglutination occurs if an antigen is mixed with its cor-
- MNS blood group. responding antibody which is called isoagglutinin.
♦ Agglutination occurs when A antigen is mixed with anti
Landsteiner’s Law
A or when B antigen is mixed with anti B.
♦ If an agglutinogen is present in RBC of a person, the cor-
responding agglutinin may be absent. Determination of Blood Group of a Person
♦ If an agglutinogen is absent in RBC, the corresponding For determination of blood group of a person, suspension of
agglutinin must be present. his RBC and testing antisera is required. Suspension of RBC is
prepared by mixing blood drops with isotonic saline (0.9%).
Mismatched Blood Transfusion
Test sera are:
Antigen Antibody Blood Group ♦ Antiserum A; containing anti A.
A antigen Beta antibody A ♦ Antiserum B, containing anti B.
B antigen Alpha antibody B Procedure
A and B antigen – AB ♦ One drop of antiserum A is placed on one end of a glass
– Alpha and Beta antibody O slide (or a tile) and one drop of antiserum B on the other end.
♦ One drop of RBC suspension is mixed with each antiserum.
 The slide is slightly rocked for 2 minutes. The presence or
absence of agglutination is observed by naked eyes and if
necessary it is confirmed by using microscope.
♦ Presence of agglutination is confirmed by the presence of
thick masses (clumping) of RBCs
♦ Presence of agglutination is confirmed by clear mixture
with dispersed RBCs.

♦ If agglutination occurs with antiserum A: The antiserum
A contains anti A or α antibody. The agglutination occurs
if the RBC contains A antigen. So, the blood group is A.
♦ If agglutination occurs with antiserum B: The antiserum
B contains anti B or B antibody. The agglutination occurs
if the RBC contains B antigen. So, the blood group is B.
♦ If agglutination occurs with both anti-sera A and B: The
RBC contains both A and B antigens to cause agglutination
(Oct 2007, 5 Marks) and, the blood group is AB.
♦ If agglutination does not occur either with anti-serum A or
Ans. ABO Blood Group System
anti-serum B: The agglutination does not occur if the RBC
Based on the presence or absence of antigen A and does not contain antigen. The blood group is O.
antigen B, blood is divided into four groups, i.e.
Q.19. Write a short note on Rh factor.
1. A group.
2. B group. (Oct 2016, 5 Marks) (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
3. AB group. Or
4. O group. Write briefly about Rh blood group.
• Blood consisting of antigen A is known as A group (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
and it has β antibody in serum. Ans. Rh factor is an antigen present in the RBC. The antigen was
• Blood consisting of antigen B is known as B group found in Rhesus monkey, so it was named as Rh factor.
and it has α antibody in serum. There are many Rh antigens but D is more antigenic.
• If both antigens are present the blood group is called • The persons having D antigen are called Rh positive
as AB group and it has no antibodies. and those without D antigen are Rh negative.
• If both antigens are absent the blood group is called • Among Asian population, 85% of people are Rh
as O group and it has both α and β antibodies. positive and 15% are Rh negative.
298 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Unlike ABO system, there is no corresponding an- ♦ If father is Rh positive and mother is Rh negative and
tibody present for Anti-D. fetus is Rh positive, then fetal RBCs may enter mother s
• Rh positive person can receive Rh negative blood blood and stimulate antibody production. This is normally
without the risk of developing complications. possible during first delivery and complications do
• Sometimes, when Rh negative mother carries Rh not arise during first delivery. But now antibodies are
positive fetus, the first child escapes from complica- developed. During second pregnancy antibodies cross
tions of Rh incompatibility because Rh agglutinogen through the placenta and, enter fetus and produce
cannot pass from fetal blood into mother s blood hemolysis. This leads to erythroblastosis fetalis.
through placental barrier. 
However, at the time of delivery, the Rh antigen from
fetal blood leaks into mother’s blood within a month after
delivery, the mother develops Rh antibody in her blood.
Now, at the time of second fetus, if it is again Rh positive,
the antibody from mother s blood crosses placental
barrier and enters fetal blood. So, the Rh agglutinins,
which enter fetus cause agglutination of fetal RBC and
hemolysis. The severe hemolysis causes jaundice in fetus.
To compensate hemolysis, there is rapid production of
RBCs. Now, more numbers of large and immature cells
in proerythroblastic stage are released in circulation.
Because of this disease is called erythroblastosis fetalis.
Rh blood group is also known as Rhesus blood group
♦ Rh blood group was discovered by Landsteiner and Weiner
in 1940.
♦ RBCs of Rhesus monkeys when injected to rabbits, the
rabbits respond to presence of an antigen in these cells by
forming an antibody which agglutinates Rhesus RBCs.
♦ If immunized rabbit s serum is tested against human RBCs,
agglutination occur in 85% of people which are known as
Rh positive and their serum has no Rh antibody whereas
in 15% of people no agglutination occur, these are known
as Rh negative and their serum also does not consists of
Rh antibody.
♦ Rh blood group system has not been detected in tissues
other than RBCs.
♦ Rh antigen is known as D and its antibody is known as
anti D.
♦ Three genotype combinations are present i.e. DD, Dd
and dd
♦ DD and Dd are Rh positive while dd is Rh negative.
Antibodies to D antigen develop only when Rh negative
individual is given Rh positive blood or Rh positive fetal
RBC enter accidentally Rh negative mother. So these (Aug/Sep 1998, 5 Marks)
antibodies are not natural but are acquired. Ans. Blood is a connective tissue. Blood containing the formed
♦ In Rh system, Rh antibodies are of IgG type and antigen- elements called as blood cells and liquid protein plasma.
antibody reaction occur best at body temperature. So Rh 1.  Blood cells also known as formed elements:
antibodies are known as warm antibodies. Antibodies a. Red blood cell: Erythrocytes are mononucleo-
being IgG types can cross the placenta. tides; the red color of these is due to hemoglobin.
b. White blood cell: They are colorless, nucleated
Significance of Rh Blood Grouping
formed elements. They play an important role
♦ At the time of first transfusion of Rh positive blood to an Rh in defense mechanism.
negative person, complications do not arise but antibodies c. Thrombocytes: They are small colorless non-
are produced. During next transfusion antibodies which nucleated and play an important role in blood
are developed react with Rh positive cells and produces clotting.
reaction. So Rh positive blood should not be transfused to - Blood cells form 45% of blood and 55% of
Rh negative individuals. blood is formed by plasma.
Physiology 299

 Thrombocytopenia can occur due to three mechanisms:

1. Diminished production of platelets in bone marrow.
2. Excessive consumption and destruction of platelets
after their release in circulation.
3. Excessive sequestration of spleen.

♦ Impaired platelet production
Generalized marrow failure
– Aplastic anemia
– Leukemia
– Megaloblastic anemia
– Marrow infiltration.
Selective suppression of platelet production
It is due to drugs like quinine, thiazides, etc.
♦ Increased consumption or destruction of platelets
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Thrombolytic thrombocytopenic purpura
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Viral infections.
♦ Splenic sequestration: It is due to hypersplenism.
Q.25. Define and classify immunity. Describe cellular
immunity in detail. 
(Oct 2007, 15 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
Ans. Resistance to the body against the pathogenic agents is
know as “Immunity”.

Classification of Immunity

Natural (Innate) Acquired

(Non-specific) (Specific)
(Mar 2005, 5 Marks)
Ans. Role of Vitamin B12 in erythropoiesis
This is essential for maturation of RBC. The deficiency Humoral Cell mediated Humoral Cell mediated
Response Response Response Response
of cyanocobalamin causes pernicious anemia so it is also
- Complement - Neutrophils - B lymphocytes - T lymphocytes
called as antipernicious factor. Vitamin B12 is essential
system - Monocytes - Antibodies
for synthesis of DNA. Its deficiency leads to failure - Interferon etc - Macrophages
in maturation of nucleus, maturation of the cell and
reduction in the cell division. Also the cell are large and
fragile and weak cell membrane. Cellular Immunity

Role of Folic Acid in Erythropoiesis The cellular immunity is by the activation of T-lymphocytes,
which destroy the organisms, entering the body.
This is also essential for maturation. This is necessary for
♦ This is also called “cell mediated immunity” or “T-cell
synthesis of DNA. In absence of folic acid, the synthesis
of DNA is reduced causing failure of maturation of
♦ This is the major defense mechanism against infections by
RBCs. The anemia due to folic acid deficiency is called
virus, fungi and few bacteria like tubercle bacillus.
as megaloblastic anemia in which cells are large and
♦ Cellular immunity is also responsible for delayed allergic
appear in megaloblastic stage.
reactions and the rejection of tissues transplanted from
Q.24. Write a short note on thrombocytopenia. other s body.
(Mar 2006, 5 Marks) ♦ The exposure or presentation of antigen to the lymphocytes
Ans. This is a quantitative disorder of platelets. This disorder is is an important process during development of immunity.
characterized by diminished platelet count, i.e. less than It is done by some special type of cells called antigen
1,50,000/mm3 and is known as thrombocytopenia. presenting cells.
300 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Antigen Presenting Cells Q.26. Describe different types of blood groups. Add a note
1. Macrophages - Phagocyte. on blood transfusion. (Dec 2010, 20 Marks)
2. Dendrite cells - Nonphagocyte. Ans. Following are the types of blood groups:
1. ABO Blood Group
Role of Antigen Presenting Cells 2. Rhesus (Rh) Blood Group
When foreign organisms invade the body, the macrophages 3. M and N Blood group
or other antigen presenting cells kill them mostly by means of 4. Lewis Blood Group
phagocytosis. 5. Auber group
♦ Later the antigen from the organisms is digested into 6. Diego group
polypeptides. 7. Bombay group
♦ These polypeptide products are presented to T-lympho- 8. Duffy Group
cytes along with human leukocyte antigens. 9. Lutheran group
♦ The antigen products activate the helper T cells and B- 10. P group
lymphocytes. 11. Kell group
♦ The macrophages also secrete interlukin-1. This causes 12. I group
activation and proliferation of lymphocytes. 13. Kidd group
♦ The activated helper T-lymphocytes are proliferated and 14. Sulter XG group.
released into circulation from lymphoid tissues. For ABO blood group refer to Ans 18 of same chapter.
For Rhesus (Rh) blood group refer to Ans 19 of same
Role of Helper T-lymphocytes
♦ These lymphocytes are also called helper T-cells because
these cells help in promoting the various activities of im- M and N Blood Group
mune system.
M and N factors depend on two minor genes. Each person
♦ These cells stimulate the other T-cell and the B-cell by
carries two of the gene of M and N group,. i.e. M + M (= M)
secreting interleukin 2 and B cell growth factor.
N + N (= N)
Other T-cells M + N (= MN)
Interleukin 2 secreted by helper T-cells activates the cytotoxic This blood group is antigenic to rabbit.
T-cells and suppressor T-cells.
Bombay Blood Group
On B-lymphocytes ♦ The first person that was discovered to have the Bombay
B cell growth factor secreted by the helper T-cells and produces: phenotype seemed to have an interesting blood type that
1. Activation of B-lymphocytes. reacted to other blood types in a way never seen before.
2. Proliferation of plasma cells. ♦ The serum contained antibodies that reacted with all red
3. Production of more amount of antibodies by B-lymphocytes. blood cells normal ABO phenotypes.
♦ The red blood cells appeared to lack all of the ABO blood
Role of Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes group antigens plus an additional antigen that was previ-
The cytotoxic T-cells activated by the interleukin 2, directly ously unknown.
attack the microorganisms or other invading organisms and ♦ Individuals with the rare Bombay phenotype (hh) do not
destroy them. express H antigen (also called substance H), the antigen
which is present in blood group O. As a result, they can-
Role of Suppressor T-lymphocytes not make A antigen (also called substance A) or B antigen
The suppressor T-cells are also called regularly T-cells. These (substance B) on their red blood cells, whatever alleles they
T-cells suppress the activities of the killer T-cells. may have of the A and B blood-group genes, because A
antigen and B antigen are made from H antigen.
Role of Memory T-lymphocytes ♦ For this reason people who have Bombay phenotype can
♦ T-lymphocytes are an antigen remain in lymphoid tissue in- donate RBCs to any member of the ABO blood group sys-
stead of entering circulation, these are called memory T-cells. tem (unless some other blood factor gene, such as Rhesus,
♦ Later when the body is exposed to the same organism is incompatible), but they cannot receive blood from any
second time, the memory cells activate the other T-cells. So member of the ABO blood group system (which always
the invading organism is destroyed very quickly. contains one or more of A and B and H antigens), but only
from other people who have Bombay phenotype.
Specificity of T-lymphocytes ♦ Receiving blood which contains an antigen which has
♦ Each T-lymphocytes is activated only by one type of an- never been in the patient’s own blood causes an immune
tigen, it is capable of developing immunity against that reaction due to the immune system of a hypothetical
antigen only. receiver producing immunoglobulins not only against
♦ This property is called the specificity of T-lymphocytes. antigen A and B, but also against H antigen.
Physiology 301

Blood Transfusion 
Blood transfusion is the process of transferring blood or blood
components from one person to another.

Indications of Blood Transfusion

(June 2010, 10 Marks)
Blood transfusion is indicated in following situations: Ans.
♦ Blood loss: Accident and surgeries.
♦ Blood disorders such as hemophilia, clotting defects, Composition of Blood
purpura. ♦ Total volume of blood is 5 6 lts.
♦ Blood diseases such as anemia, leukemia, blood dyscrasias. ♦ Specific gravity is 1050–1060.
♦ In poisoning such as carbon monoxide poisoning. ♦ Viscosity is 4–5 times that of water.
♦ In acute infections which causes fever. ♦ pH is 7.4 ± 0.05.
♦ In various shocks. ♦ The cellular elements of blood represents 45% of blood
volume. The cellular elements are Red blood cells, white
Precautions to be Taken before Transfusing the Blood
blood cells and platelets.
♦ Donor should be healthy and not having any disease. ♦ Plasma is straw coloured fluid part of blood and presents
♦ Compatible blood should be transfused and Rh compat- 55% of total blood volume. It consist of 91% of water and
ibility should be confirmed. 9% of solids. Solid consists of 1% inorganic and 8% organic
♦ Blood matching and cross matching should be done. molecules.
♦ The inorganic molecules present in plasma are Na+, Ca2+,
Precautions to be Taken while Transfusing the Blood
Cl-, HCO3- which are extracellular while intracellular
♦ Apparatus for transfusion should be sterile. inorganic molecules are K+, Mg2+, Cu2+, PO43-, Protein.
♦ Temperature of transfusing blood should be same as body Other inorganic molecules are Fe2+, Fe3+.
temperature. ♦ Of the 8% total organic molecules, 7% are plasma proteins
♦ Blood transfusion should be slow. and 1% are non-proteinaceous nitrogenous substances,
Q.27. Write short note on blood groups: ABO and Rh system. sugar, fat, enzyme and hormones.
(Aug 2011, 6 Marks) Functions
Ans. For ABO blood group refer to Ans 18 of same chapter.
For Rhesus (Rh) blood group refer to Ans 19 of same 1. Nutritive: Substances like glucose, amino acids, lipids and
chapter. vitamins derived from digested food are absorbed from
gastrointestinal tract and carried by blood to different parts
Q.28. Write on blood groups and its importance. of the body for growth and production of energy.
(Feb 2013, 7 Marks) 2. Respiratory: Transport of respiratory gases is done by the
Or blood. It carries oxygen from alveoli of lungs to different
Write in brief blood group. (Jan 2012, 3 Marks) tissues and carbon dioxide from tissues to alveoli.
3. Excretory: Waste products formed in the tissues during
various metabolic activities are removed by blood and
Write short note on blood group. (June 2010, 5 Marks) carried to the excretory organs like kidney, skin, liver,
Ans. For blood groups refer to Ans 26 of same chapter. etc. for excretion.
4. Hormones and enzymes: Hormones which are secreted by
Importance of Blood Groups
endocrine glands are released directly into the blood. The
♦ Blood group is very essential socially, medically and ju- blood transports these hormones to their target organs/
dicially. The importance of knowing blood group is that tissues. Blood also transports enzymes.
it is important during blood transfusions and in tissue 5. Water balance regulation: Water content of the blood is
transplants. freely interchangeable with interstitial fluid. This helps in
♦ One should know his or her own blood group and become the regulation of water content of the body.
a member of the blood donor s club so that he or she can 6. Acid-base balance regulation: The plasma proteins and
be approached for blood donation during emergency hemoglobin act as buffers and help in regulation of acid-
conditions. base balance.
♦ Knowledge of blood groups helps to prevent the compli- 7. Body temperature regulation: Because of the high specific
cations due to Rh incompatibility and save the child from heat of blood, it is responsible for maintaining the ther-
the disorders like erythroblastosis fetalis. moregulatory mechanism in the body.
♦ It is helpful in medicolegal cases to sort out parental 8. Storage: Water and some important substances like
disputes and as a supporting evidence in identifying the proteins, glucose, sodium and potassium are constantly
criminals. required by the tissues. All these substances are present
302 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

in the blood are taken by the tissues during the conditions l. Deficiency of clotting factors.
like starvation, fluid loss, electrolyte loss, etc. 2. Vitamin K deficiency.
9. Defensive: The WBCs in the blood provide the defense 3. Anticoagulant overdose.
mechanism and protect the body from the invading organ-
isms. Neutrophils and monocytes engulf the bacteria by Hemophilia A
phagocytosis. Lymphocytes provide cellular and humoral ♦ It is caused by an abnormality or deficiency of factor VIII.
immunity Eosinophils protect the body by detoxification, ♦ It is an inherited sex-linked anomaly due to an abnormal
disintegration and removal of foreign proteins. gene on X-chromosome.
Q.30. Write in brief functions of platelets. (Nov 2012, 3 Marks) ♦ It is transmitted by females to males who manifest signs
Ans. Function of Platelets of the disease.
1. In blood clotting: Platelets are responsible for the ♦ The gene responsible for hemophilia is present in the
formation of intrinsic prothrombin activator. This X-chromosomes.
substance is responsible for the onset of blood clotting ♦ In the presence of another normal X-chromosome the
2. In clot retraction: In the blood clot, the blood cells gene acts as a recessive i.e. the individual has no sign of
including platelets are entrapped in between the hemophilia but can transmit the disease.
fibrin threads. The cytoplasm of platelets contains ♦ The condition is characterized by a marked increase in
the contractile proteins namely actin, myosin and the coagulation time (CT), normal CT is 3-8 minutes. The
thrombosthenin which are responsible for clot bleeding time (BT) is normal; normal BT is 2-5 minutes.
retraction ♦ Normal blood collected after venopuncture clots in 5-10
3. In prevention of blood: Platelets accelerate hemo- minutes, while hemophilic blood may take 1-12 hours and
stasis by three ways:
may form only the soft clot.
i. Platelets secrete 5 HT, which causes the constric-
tion of blood vessels. Treatment
ii. Due to the adhesive property, the platelets seal
♦ Fresh blood transfusion, because factor VIII is lost rapidly
the damage in blood vessels like capillaries.
on storage, or
iii. By formation of temporary plug also platelets
seal the damage in blood vessels. ♦ Injecting factor VIII and IX, prepared from fresh frozen
4. In repair of ruptured blood vessel: The platelet plasma i.e. cryoprecipitates ; or
derived growth factor (PDG F) formed in cytoplasm ♦ Injecting thrombin or thromboplastin.
of platelets helps in the repair of the endothelium Von-Willebrand’s Disease
and other structures of the ruptured blood vessels.
5. Role in defense mechanism: By the agglutination, ♦ It is caused due to deficiency of Von-Willebrand’s factor.
platelets encircle the foreign bodies and destroy ♦ This factor plays important role in platelet adhesion and
them by phagocytosis. regulates circulating effects of factor VIII.
Q.31. Describe briefly the mechanism of coagulation of Afibrinogenemia
blood. What is Rh factor. (Jan 2012, 11 Marks)
Ans. For mechanism of coagulation of blood refer to Ans 16 It is inherited blood disorder in which the blood does not clot
of same chapter and for Rh factor refer to Ans 19 of same normally due to a lack of or a malfunction involving fibrinogen,
chapter. a protein necessary for coagulation.
Q.32. Describe in brief bleeding disorders. Parahemophilia
(Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
Ans. These are also known as hemorrhagic disorders. ♦ Parahemophilia is caused due to deficiency of Factor V.
♦ Factor V is a protein of the coagulation system, rarely
Major causes of bleeding disorders are classified as:
referred to as proaccelerin or labile factor.
A. Defective blood clotting due to.
♦ In contrast to most other coagulation factors, it is not
1. Deficiency of clotting factors, i.e. Factor I, II, V,
VIII, IX, X. enzymatically active but functions as a cofactor.
2. Deficiency of vitamin K. ♦ Deficiency leads to predisposition for hemorrhage, while
3. Anticoagulant overdosage. some mutations predispose for thrombosis.
B. Defective capillary contractility, i.e. Purpura. Deficiency of Vitamin K
C. Combined defect.
Vitamin K is required for the synthesis of prothrombin (factor
Defective Blood Clotting II) and factors VII, IX and X in the liver. Vitamin K in liver acts
In this disorder a firm clot is not formed following an injury on certain receptor sites to form all the factors. Anticoagulants
during period of capillary contraction. When the capillaries act by substrate competition by occupying vitamin K receptor
finally open up once more, oozing will recur. sites.
Physiology 303

♦ Obstructive jaundice.
♦ Chronic diarrheas.
♦ Liver diseases, i.e. Cirrhosis, hepatitis, malignancy.
Injection of Vitamin K should be a good cure.

Defective Capillary Contractility

The clinical condition in which capillary contractility results in
bleeding is known as purpura.
♦ The condition is characterized by spontaneous hemorrhages
beneath the skin, mucous membrane and internal organs.
♦ Purpura is of two types i.e. primary and secondary.
♦ Clotting time is normal in purpura while bleeding time
♦ Capillary endothelial resistance decreases causing increased
capillary fragility.
Q.33. Describe physiology of blood clotting. Give a brief
description of bleeding disorders.
(May/June 2009, 15 Marks)
Ans. For physiology of blood clotting refer to Ans 16 of same
For bleeding disorders refer to Ans 32 of same chapter. (Jan 2012, 15 Marks)
Ans. For erythropoiesis and its stages refer to Ans 3 of same
Q.34. Write short note on role of lymphocytes in immunity. chapter.
(June 2010, 5 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Ans. Anemia

Role of Helper T Cells Anemia is the clinical condition characterized by reduction

in number of RBCs less than 4 million/µl or their content of
Helper T cells when enter the circulation activate T cells and B hemoglobin is less than 12 gm/dl or both.
cells. Helper T cells are of two types:
1. Helper-1 T cells. Hemorrhagic Anemia
2. Helper-2 T cells. ♦ It is caused due to the loss of blood. It is of two types, i.e.
Helper-1 T Cells acute and chronic.
♦ Acute is due to the sudden loss of large amount of blood.
♦ They secrete interlukin-2 which activate other T cells. RBCs become normocytic and normochromic.
♦ They secrete gamma interferon which stimulates phago- ♦ Chronic is due to loss of blood during the long period of
cytic activity of cytotoxic cells, macrophages and natural time i.e. by external or internal bleeding. In this RBCs are
killer cells. microcytic and hypochromic.
Helper-2 T Cells Hemolytic Anemia
They are concerned with humoral immunity and secrete Hemolysis means destruction of RBCs. Anemia due to excessive
interlukin-4 and interleukin-5 which are concerned with: destruction of RBCs is called hemolytic anemia. Hemolysis
♦ Activation of B cells. occurs because of liver failure, renal disorder, hypersplenism,
♦ Proliferation of plasma cells. burns, etc.
♦ Production of antibodies by plasma cell.
Hereditary Disorders
Role of Cytotoxic T Cells
♦ Sickle cell anemia: It is an inherited blood disorder char-
They are activated by helper T cells which circulate through acterized by sickle shaped RBCs. It occurs when a person
blood, lymph and lymphatic tissues and destroy the invading inherits two abnormal genes (one from each parent). It is
organisms by attacking them directly. also called sickle cell disease. In this hemoglobin becomes
The receptors situated on the outer membrane of cytotoxic abnormal with normal α chains and abnormal β chains.
T cells bind the antigens or organisms tightly with cytotoxic Because of this, RBCs attain sickle shape and become more
T cells. Then, the cytotoxic T cells enlarge and release cytotoxic fragile leading to hemolysis.
304 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ Thalassemia: It is an inherited disorder characterized by Q.37. Write short note on phagocytosis. (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
abnormal hemoglobin. In normal hemoglobin, the number Ans. Phagocytosis means cell eating.
of α and β chains is equal. In thalassemia the number of Phagocytosis is defined as the process through which
these chains is not equal. This causes the precipitation of the extracellular substances, i.e. bacteria, dead tissue,
the polypeptide chains leading to defective formation of
foreign particles, etc. get engulfed by cells.
RBCs or hemolysis of the matured RBCs. It is also known
as Cooley s anemia or Mediterranean anemia. Thalassemia Events in Phagocytosis
is of two types α and β thalassemia.
♦ Margination: At the place of infection neutrophils get
Nutrition Deficiency Anemia marginated i.e. they attached towards the capillary en-
♦ Iron deficiency anemia: It is the most common type of dothelium and strat rolling along its surface. This is known
anemia. It develops due to inadequate availability of iron as margination or pavementing.
for hemoglobin synthesis. The RBCs are microcytic and ♦ Emigration and diapedesis: Marginated neutrophils emi-
hypochromic. grated in large number from blood at infection area. These
♦ Protein deficiency anemia: Protein deficiency decreases are motile and move via diapedesis in tissues by passing
the hemoglobin synthesis and the RBCs become macrocytic through junction between endothelial cells of blood vessels.
and hypochromic in nature. ♦ Chemotaxis: This is the process through which neutrophils
♦ Vitamin B12 deficiency or pernicious anemia: Vitamin are attracted towards bacteria at the site of inflammation.
B12 is a maturation factor for RBC and deficiency of this This process of chemotaxis is mediated by chemotactic agents
causes pernicious anemia which is also called Addison’s known as chemokines which get released from infected area.
anemia. It occurs because of less intake of vitamin B12 or ♦ Opsonization: It is the process of coating of bacteria by
poor absorption of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is absorbed opsonins through which bacteria become tasty to phago-
from the stomach with the help of intrinsic factor of Castle cytes. The principal opsonins are IgG opsonin and opsonin
which is secreted in the gastric mucosa. Decrease in the
fragment of complement protein.
production of intrinsic factor causes poor absorption of
♦ Engulfment stage: Neutrophils project pseudopodia in all
vitamin B12. RBCs are macrocytic and normochromic.
directions around opsonized particle which is bound to sur-
Aplastic Anemia face of neutrophil. Pseudopodia meet each other on opposite
side and fuse. This leads to formation of enclosed chamber
It occurs due to the bone marrow disorder. In this red bone
with engulfed material. It breaks away from membrane to
marrow is reduced and replaced by fatty tissues. RBCs are
normocytic and normochromic. It occur due to repeated form phagocytic vesicle. Cellular lysosomes get fuse with
exposure to X-ray, tuberculosis, hepatitis, etc. phagocytic vesicle and form phagolysosome or phagosome.
♦ Secretion stage: As bacteria get engulfed, lysosomes
Q.36. Write in brief about edema. (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) pour their enzymes in vesicle and in interstitial space.
Ans. Decrease in plasma protein level leads to decrease in This process is known as degranulation. Large number of
colloidal osmotic pressure which leads to increase in proteolytic enzymes are secreted for digesting bacteria.
filtration at arterial end and decrease in absorption of Lysosomes of macrophages also have lipases which digest
fluid at venous end which causes abnormal collection thick lipid membranes possessed by various bacterias.
of fluid in interstitial spaces known as edema. ♦ Killing or degradation stage: Neutrophils and mac-
For mechanism of formation of edema refer to Ans 1 of rophages consists of bactericidal agents which can kill
same chapter. most of the bacterias.

Fig. 8: Phagocytosis
Physiology 305

Q.38. Write in brief on erythroblastosis fetalis. Q.39. Describe in brief on plasma proteins.
(Mar 2013, 3 Marks) (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
Ans. It is also known as erythroblastemia. Ans. Plasma proteins are serum albumin, serum globulin and
When anemia occur in child within few days after its fibrinogen. Out of these serum globulin is of three types
i.e. α-globulin, β-globulin and γ-globulin.
birth the excessive destruction of RBCs is compensated
• In embryonic stage plasma proteins are synthesized
by normoblastic response of marrow associated with
by Mesenchymal cells; in adults from reticuloen-
high reticulocyte count and presence of many nucleated
dothelial cells of liver, from spleen, bone marrow,
RBCs in circulation. This is known as erythroblastosis disintegrating blood cells and general tissue cells.
fetalis. • Normal total plasma protein concentration is 6.4 to
There are two main causes of erythroblastosis fetalis: 8.3 gm/dl of blood.
Rh incompatibility and ABO incompatibility. Both are • Albumin controls the colloidal osmotic pressure and
associated with blood type. helps in transport of anion, cation etc.
• Globulin regulates and control iron absorption form
Mechanism of Occurrence of Erythroblastosis Fetalis GIT; protect iron intoxication and helps in iron
When a mother is Rh negative and fetus is Rh positive (the Rh
• Fibrinogen helps in blood clotting.
factor being inherited from the father), usually the first child
For functions of plasma protein in detail refer to Ans 1
escapes the complications of Rh incompatibility. This is because
of same chapter.
the Rh antigen cannot pass from fetal blood into the mother s
blood through the placental barrier. Q.40. Write short note on hemophilia. (Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
However, at the time of parturition (delivery of the child) Ans. Hemophilia is an inherited sex linked anomaly due
to abnormal gene on X chromosome. It is invariably
the Rh antigen from fetal blood may leak into mother s blood
transmitted by females to males who manifest signs of
because of placental detachment. During postpartum period, i.e.
the disease.
within a month after delivery, the mother develops Rh antibody
Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder which is caused due
in her blood. When the mother conceives for the second time
to the defect in blood clotting which leads to prolonged
and if the fetus happens to be Rh positive again, the Rh antibody clotting time.
from mother s blood crosses placental barrier and enters the
Because of prolonged clotting time even if minor injury
fetal blood.
occur, it leads to excessive bleeding which leads to death.
Thus, the Rh antigen cannot cross the placental barrier
whereas Rh antibody can cross it. The Rh agglutinins which Cause/Etiology
enter the fetus cause agglutination of fetal RBCs resulting in It occurs due to deficiency of factor VIII, IX and Factor XI.
hemolysis. The severe hemolysis in the fetus causes jaundice. To
compensate the hemolysis of more and more number of RBCs, Types
there is rapid production of RBCs, not only from bone marrow ♦ Hemophilia A or Classic Hemophilia: It occurs due to the
but also from spleen and liver. deficiency of factor VIII.
Now, many large and immature cells in proerythroblastic ♦ Hemophilia B or Christmas Disease: It is due to the defi-
stage are released into circulation. Because of the disease is ciency of factor IX.
called erythroblastosis fetalis. ♦ Hemophilia C: It is due to the deficiency of factor XI. It
is very rare.
Complications of Erythroblastosis Fetalis
Ultimately due to excessive hemolysis severe complications
♦ There is marked increase in clotting time.
develop, such as severe anemia, hydrops fetalis and
♦ Bleeding time is normal.
Q.41. Write in brief functions of lymph. (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
♦ Severe anemia: Excessive hemolysis results in anemia. The
Ans. Following are the functions of lymph:
infant dies when anemia becomes severe.
It leads to transportation of proteins i.e. Approxi-
♦ Hydrops fetalis: It is a serious condition in fetus character-
mately 95% of the proteins lost per day from vas-
ized by edema. Severe hemolysis results in development
cular system to interstitial fluid which are returned
of edema, enlargement of liver, spleen and cardiac failure. to blood through lymphatics via pinocytosis and
When this condition becomes more severe it may lead to endothelial gaps.
intrauterine death of fetus. It leads to the transportation of absorbed long chain
♦ Kernicterus: Kernicterus is the form of brain damage in fatty acids as well as cholesterol from intestine
infants caused by severe jaundice. If the baby survive ane- through lymphatics in blood.
mia in erythroblastosis fetalis then kernicterus develops • Lymph transport RBCs, WBCs and bacteria to
because of high bilirubin content. regional lymph node.
306 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Lymph causes transportation of antibiotics. many times as compared to first one. Due to this hemoglobin
It helps in the formation of maximum concentrated reacts with oxygen rapidly. Deoxygenation of hemoglobin
urine by maintaining the osmotic gradient between is also very rapid.
medullary interstitium and vasa recta. ♦ Transport of carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs: Carbon
• Lymph supply nutrition and oxygen to those parts dioxide from tissues is transported by combining with
where blood is unable to reach. amino acids of globin part. Deoxygenated hemoglobin
• It enhances efficiency of immune system. form carbamino hemoglobin more readily than oxygenated
Q.42 Describe structure, functions and fate of hemoglobin. hemoglobin. Due to this venous blood is suitable for
(Nov 2008, 15 Marks) transport of carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs
Ans. Structure of Hemoglobin ♦ It controls pH of blood: Hemoglobin consists of most
important acid-buffer system of blood. Hemoglobin has six
times buffering capacity as compared to the plasma proteins.
For fate of hemoglobin in detail refer to Ans 6 of same

Fig. 9: Chemical representation of structure of hemoglobin

• Hemoglobin is a conjugated protein which consists

of protein known as globin which is combined with
iron containing pigment known as haem. Fig. 10: Arrangement of four units of heme in
Globin is made up of four polypeptide chains. single molecule of hemoglobin
Hemoglobin A has four polypeptide chains, i.e.
two α chains and two β chains. So the normal adult
hemoglobin A is written as HbA (α2β2).
• Heme is an iron porphyrin complex known as iron 3. MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY
protoporphyrin IX, i.e. it consists of porphyrin
nucleus and the iron. Porphyrin nucleus has four Q.1. Write a short note on sarcomere.
pyrrole rings which are joined by four methane (Sept 2004, 6 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks)
bridges. Eight side chains are attached to pyrrole ring. Or
Iron in heme is in ferrous form. Iron is attached to
nitrogen atom of each pyrrole ring. On iron a bond Write briefly on sarcomere. (Mar 2005, 5 Marks)
is available for loose union where oxygen, CO and Ans. • Sarcomere is the functional unit of skeletal muscle.
other derivatives can get attached. Each sarcomere extends between the two “Z” lines
One molecule of hemoglobin consists of four units of of myofibril.
haem, each attached to one of the four polypeptide • Each myofibril consists of alternative “A” band or
chains constituting globin. As there are four units dark band and “I” band or light band.
of haem in one molecule of hemoglobin, so there • In the middle of A band, there is a light area called as
are four iron atoms in one molecule of hemoglobin H zone; and in the middle of H zone lies the middle
which can carry four molecules of oxygen. part of myosin filament which is called “M” line.
• I band is divided into two equal halves by means of
Functions of Hemoglobin “Z” line. The part of myofibril between two Z lines
♦ It carries oxygen from lungs to tissues: In lungs one is known as sarcomere.
molecule of oxygen is attached loosely and reversibly at • Sarcomere consists of two types of myofilaments:
sixth covalent bond of each iron atom of hemoglobin to 1. Actin filament.
form oxyhemoglobin. Oxygenation of first heme molecule 2. Myosin filament.
increases affinity for second heme molecule and so on. In this Actin filaments are thin which extend from either side
manner affinity of hemoglobin for fourth oxygen molecule is of Z line and run across I band.
Physiology 307

Myosin filaments are thick which are situated in A band, Repolarization

these are some lateral processes or cross bridges arising
Within a short time, the nerve obtains the resting electrical
from myosin filament which are enlarged structures and
potential once again. Interior of nerve becomes negative and
are called myosin head which are at tip of these bridges. exterior positive. So the polarized state of nerve is re-established.
• These myosin head attach themselves to actin fila- This process is called repolarization.
ment and pulls the actin or myosin filament during 1. Resting membrane potential is recorded at straight baseline
muscle contraction by means of mechanism called at 70 mV.
sliding or ratchet mechanism. 2. When a stimulus is applied, there is a slight irregular de-
• During muscle contraction, actin filaments glide flection of baseline for a very short period. This is called
towards the M line so the H zone and I band are stimulus antifact.
shortened or disappear during contraction of muscle. 3. Latent period: The stimulus antifact is followed by a short
• During relaxation, the Z line and actin filaments period without any change, i.e. latent period.
come to original position. 4. Firing level: The depolarization starts after latent period.
• Actin and myosin filaments are formed by contractile Initially, it is very slow up to –55 mV, then the rate of
proteins; out of which, myosin is formed by myosin, depolarization increases suddenly; the point at which the
protein and actin is formed by actin, troponin and rate of depolarization increases is called firing level.
tropomyosin protein. 5. From firing level, the curve reaches isoelectric potential
rapidly and then overshoots zero line up to +35 mV.
6. Spike potential: When depolarization is completed (+
35 mV), the repolarization starts with rapid increase in
depolarization and rapid decrease in repolarization are
together called spike potential.
7. The rapid fall in spike potential is followed by slow re-
polarization process. This is called after depolarization.
8. After reaching the resting level (–70 mV), it becomes little
more negative than resting level.
In above way the action potential is generated, propagated
and produced along the nerve.

Fig. 11: Sarcomere

Q.2. Describe generation of action potential in nerve.

(Mar 1998, 5 Marks)
Write a short note on nerve action potential.
(Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
Or Fig. 12: Action potential
Write a short note on action potential.
(Apr 2010, 5 Marks) Q.3. Describe the mechanism of excitation-contraction
Ans. When the nerve is stimulated, a series of changes occur coupling in a muscle. (Aug/Sep 1998, 5 Marks)
in membrane potential which is called action potential. (Mar 2001, 7 Marks) (Apr 2003, 4 Marks)
The action potential occurs in two phases: Or
a. Depolarization Write briefly excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal
b. Repolarization. muscle. (Apr 2008, 4 Marks) (Mar 2007, 4 Marks)
Ans. • When the muscle is stimulated, it is excited and
action potential is developed. Then, the muscle starts
When the impulse reaches the nerve, the polarized conditions contracting. The contraction of muscle starts due
(–70 mV) is altered, i.e. resting membrane potential. to pulling of actin filaments by cross bridges from
308 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

myosin filaments. The process involved in between Formation of Actin – Myosin Complex
the excitation and contraction of muscle is called ♦ Head of myosin molecule binds with adenosine triphos-
excitation-contraction coupling. phate. The ATPase activity of myosin head immediately
• When the impulse through a motor neuron reaches causes breaking of ATP to adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
the neuromuscular junction, acetylcholine is and Pi cleavage products which remain bound to the
released. myosin head. The head of myosin becomes energized.
• The acetylcholine causes opening of ligand gated Activated myosin head extends perpendicularly towards
sodium channels. So, sodium ions enter neuromus- the actin filament and gets attached to actin filament.
cular junction. This leads to development of endplate ♦ Formation of the actin—myosin—ADP Pi complex leads
potential. The endplate potential causes the genera- to the following events:
Release of the Pi and ADP from the complex.
tion of action potential from muscle fiber.
A conformational change in the myosin head causing
• The action potential spreads over sarcolemma and
it to flex towards the arm of the cross-bridge. The
also into the muscle fiber through the “T” tubules.
flexion of the myosin head from the high-energy
• When the action potential reaches the cisternae of 90° conformation to low-energy 45° conformation
“L” tubules, these cisternae are released into the generates mechanical force (the power stroke).
• The calcium ions from the sarcoplasm move towards Detachment of Head of a Cross Bridge from Active Site
the actin filaments to produce the contraction. of an Actin Filament
• Thus, the calcium ions are linking or coupling ma- Release of ADP and Pi allows a fresh ATP molecule to bind the
terials between the excitation and the contraction of myosin head. Myosin—ATP complex has a low affinity for actin
muscle. and, therefore, it results in the dissociation of myosin head from
• Hence the calcium ions are said to form the basis of the actin filament.
excitation-contraction coupling.
Reactivation of Myosin Head
Energy for Muscular Contraction Freshly bound ATP molecule splits again and myosin head is
The energy for movement of myosin head (Power stroke) is reactivated for the next cycle to begin.
obtained by the breakdown of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). So with each cross-bridge cycle there is movement of actin
filament towards center of myosin to small degree. Repeated
Q.4. Write briefly on sliding filament theory of muscle cross bridge cycling causes movement of actin filament of either
contraction (skeletal). (Mar. 2005, 5 Marks) side towards center of myosin filament of sarcomere leading to
Ans. This theory explains that sliding of filaments is brought muscle contraction.
about by repeated cycle of formation of cross bridges Q.5. Write a short note on Myasthenia gravis.
between head of myosin and actin molecules. (Mar 2006, 5 Marks) (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
(Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
Steps of Cross Bridge Cycling
Ans. Myasthenia gravis a serious and sometimes a fatal
Initiation of Cross Bridge Cycling disease in which skeletal muscles are weak and tired
easily. (See Fig. 13)
♦ At the time of resting stage, troponin I is lightly bound
• It is caused by the formation of circulating antibodies
to actin and tropomycin molecules are located inside
due to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
the grooves between strands of actin filaments in such a • These antibodies destroy some of the receptors and
manner that they block myosin binding sites on actin. So bind others to neighboring receptors, triggering their
during resting stage, no actin myosin cross bridges are removal by endocytosis.
formed, Thus, the troponin tropomyosin complex so- • The reason for development of autoimmunity to ace-
called relaxing proteins inhibit the interaction between tylcholine receptors in this disease is still unknown.
actin and myosin. • Another condition which resembles to myasthenia
♦ When activation takes place, the Ca2+ ions released in gravis is Lambert-Eaton syndrome.
cytosol from the terminal cisterns of the sarcoplasmic Q.6. Write a short note on tetany. (Feb 2003, 5 Marks)
reticulum and get attached to troponin-C subunit of the Ans. It is a condition characterized by hyperexcitability of
protein troponin. It results in a change which causes nerves and skeletal muscles resulting in muscular spasm
tropomyosin molecule to move laterally, uncovering the particularly in feet and hand. The increased neural
binding sites on the actin molecules for head of the myosin excitability results in convulsion. There are two types
molecules. Seven myosin binding sites on the actin filament of tetany.
are uncovered for each molecule of troponin that binds 1. Hypocalcemic tetany: If plasma calcium level falls
a Ca2+ ion. Thus the cross-bridge cycle is initiated by the below 6 mg% from its normal value of 9.4 mg%, the
lateral movement of the tropomyosin. hypocalcemic tetany occurs.
Physiology 309

Fig. 13: Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction

The signs and symptoms of hypocalcemic tetany are: These cells act together to perform the functions of the
i. Carpopedal spasm. specific muscle of which they are a part.
ii. Laryngeal stridor, i.e. contraction of laryngeal Periosteum: Periosteum is the outer layer of bone. It is
muscles. to this layer that ligaments and tendons are attached.
iii. Dilatation of heart. Tendon: Tendons attach muscle to bone.
iv. Decreased permeability of cell membrane.
They are tough pale colored (whitish) cords formed
2. Latent tetany: Hypocalcemia causes hyperexcit-
from many parallel bundles of collagen fibers. Tendons
ability even before onset of tetany. It is called latent
are flexible (they bend around other tissues, changing
position as they move), yet inelastic.
It is characterized by general weakness and cramps
Fascia: The word “fascia” means bandage—a fitting
in feet and hand.
analogy as the tissue called fascia takes the form of sheets
Q.7. Describe structure and function of skeletal muscles. or broad bands of fibrous connective tissue that cover
Add a note on molecular mechanism of muscle contrac- muscles or organs, forming an outer-wrapping.
tion and neuromuscular transmission.
There are two types of fascia: (1) Superficial fascia and
(Dec 2010, 15 Marks)
(2) Deep fascia.
Superficial fascia consists of areolar connective tissue
Describe structure of skeletal muscle and mechanism and adipose tissue, and may also be referred to as the
of muscle contraction. (Aug 2011, 20 Marks) “subcutaneous layer” of the skin. Deep fascia is more
Ans. Structure of Skeletal Muscle relevant to the study of muscle structures because it is
Skeletal muscles consist of 100,000s of muscle cells that deep fascia that holds the muscles together. It consists
are also known as “muscle fibers”. of dense fibrous connective tissue.
310 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Skeletal Muscle (=“Voluntary” Muscle) Myofibril (See Fig. 14)

The type of muscle that causes movement of the skeletal system Myofibrils are small contractile filaments located within the
(especially limbs), and of skin in the cases of the muscles of facial cytoplasm of striated muscle cells. These filaments cause the
expression in the head and neck area has many names. These distinctive appearance of skeletal=voluntary=striated muscle
include “skeletal muscle” (because it moves bones), “voluntary because they consist of bands of alternating high and low
muscle” (because it is usually under conscious control), and refractive index.
“striated muscle” (because they have a striped appearance).
This gives the muscles their striped appearance.
Functions of Skeletal Muscle
Perimysium is a fibrous sheath that surrounds and protects
bundles of muscle fibers. 1. Skeletal muscles are the mechanism for powering human
movement. While individual muscles are typically
Epimysium regarded as distinct organic structures, the skeletal
Epimysium is fibrous elastic tissue that surrounds muscle. muscles are the largest organ grouping in the body (the
skin is the largest contiguous organ). Virtually all joints
Fascicle are moved by pairs of muscles working in contrasting
The term fascicle (sometimes expressed as a “fasciculus”), but complimentary ways, one set providing the extension
refers to a “bundle”, such as a bundle of muscle fibers, e.g. as of the joint (extensors), the opposing, or antagonist, set
illustrated above, or alternatively a bundle of nerve fibers. countering with flexion, or bending capability.
2. The skeletal muscles perform important roles relative
Endomysium to the body’s energy system while the body is fasting or
Endomysium is the name of the fine connective tissue sheath otherwise not ingesting foods to be converted into useful
that surrounds/covers each single/individual muscle fiber. energy sources. The skeletal muscles release amino acids
during periods of fasting, particularly alanine and glu-
Muscle Fiber (=“Muscle Cell”) tamine. These acids work in the bloodstream to maintain
Muscle fibers also known as “muscle cells” are special cells that the body s blood glucose levels, stimulating the conversion
are able to contract, thereby causing movement of other tissues/ of glycogen stored in the liver into glucose.
parts of the body. 3. Skeletal muscle moves the skeleton and is responsible for
There are three types of muscle: striated/skeletal muscle all our voluntary movements, as well as for the automatic
(causing the movement of bones/limbs), smooth muscle movements required, for example, to stand, to hold up our
(surrounding organs and blood vessels), and cardiac muscle head, and to breathe.
(forming the walls of the heart). 4. Skeletal muscles maintain heat regulation.

Fig. 14: Skeletal muscle fiber

Physiology 311

Molecular Mechanism of Muscle Contraction causes breaking of ATP to adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
and Pi cleavage products which remain bound to the
Molecular mechanism of muscle contraction is explained on the
myosin head. The head of myosin becomes energized.
basis of Sliding filament mechanism.
Activated myosin head extends perpendicularly towards
Sliding filament theory explains that sliding of filaments is
the actin filament and gets attached to actin filament.
brought about by repeated cycle of formation of cross bridges
♦ Formation of the actin—myosin—ADP Pi complex leads
between head of myosin and actin molecules.
to the following events:
Steps of Cross Bridge Cycling Release of the Pi and ADP from the complex.
A conformational change in the myosin head causing
Initiation of Cross Bridge Cycling
it to flex towards the arm of the cross-bridge. The
♦ At the time of resting stage, troponin I is lightly bound flexion of the myosin head from the high-energy
to actin and tropomycin molecules are located inside the 90° conformation to low-energy 45° conformation
grooves between strands of actin filaments in such a manner generates mechanical force (the power stroke).
that they block myosin binding sites on actin. So during
resting stage, no actin myosin cross bridges are formed, Detachment of Head of a Cross Bridge from Active Site
Thus, the troponin tropomyosin complex so-called relaxing of an Actin Filament
proteins inhibit the interaction between actin and myosin. Release of ADP and Pi allows a fresh ATP molecule to bind the
♦ When activation takes place, the Ca2+ ions released in cytosol myosin head. Myosin—ATP complex has a low affinity for actin
from the terminal cisterns of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and and, therefore, it results in the dissociation of myosin head from
get attached to troponin-C subunit of the protein troponin. the actin filament.
It results in a change which causes tropomyosin molecule
to move laterally, uncovering the binding sites on the actin Reactivation of Myosin Head
molecules for head of the myosin molecules. Seven myosin
Freshly bound ATP molecule splits again and myosin head is
binding sites on the actin filament are uncovered for each mol-
ecule of troponin that binds a Ca2+ ion. Thus the cross-bridge reactivated for the next cycle to begin.
cycle is initiated by the lateral movement of the tropomyosin. So with each cross-bridge cycle there is movement of actin
filament towards center of myosin to small degree. Repeated
Formation of Actin-Myosin Complex cross bridge cycling causes movement of actin filament of either
♦ Head of myosin molecule binds with adenosine triphos- side towards center of myosin filament of sarcomere leading to
phate. The ATPase activity of myosin head immediately muscle contraction.

Fig. 15: The neuromuscular junction

312 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

It is the specialized system of internal conduction.

This system surrounds the myofibrils which are
embedded in sarcoplasm.
The system is formed by two types of structures, i.e. ‘T’
tubules and ‘L’ tubules.

‘T’ Tubules
♦ They are also known as transverse tubules.
♦ Transverse tubules are narrow and are formed by invagina-
tion of sarcolemma.
♦ Transverse tubules penetrate from one side of muscle fiber
to another side.
♦ T tubules open to exterior of muscle cell and so the ECF
runs through their lumen.
♦ T tubules cause rapid transmission of impulse in the form
of action potential from sarcolemma to myofibrils.

‘L’ Tubules
♦ These are also known as longitudinal tubules.
♦ Longitudinal tubules are the closed tubules which run
to the long axis of muscle fiber forming the sarcoplasmic
♦ They form a close tubular system around each myofibril
and do not open exterior to muscle cell.
♦ Till complete length of lyofibrils at each regular interval
L tubules dilate to form a pair of lateral sacs known as
terminal cisternae.
♦ Each pair of terminal cisternae lies in close contact with
T tubule.
♦ ‘T’ tubule along with cisternae on both sides is known as
triad of skeletal muscle.
♦ ‘L’ tubules store large quantity of calcium ions.
♦ When action potential reaches at cisternae of ‘L’ tubule
calcium ions are released in sarcoplasm. Calcium ions
trigger excitation contraction coupling.
Q.11. Describe the ionic basis of action potential.
(Aug 2012, 15 Marks)
Ans. Following is the ionic basis of action potential.

Resting Membrane Potential

During rest, inside of the membrane is negative and outside
is positive. Ion imbalance is produced by sodium-potassium
pump and selective permeability of cell membrane. Since
permeability of K+ ion is greater than Na+ ion, therefore, K+
(Oct 2007, 5 Marks) channels maintains the resting membrane potential.
Or Depolarization

At the time of stimulation, slight decrease in the resting
membrane potential because of passive redistribution of ions,
causes increase in K+ and Cl- ion influx which restores the
resting membrane potential. When depolarization exceeds
 (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) voltage of 7 mV, Na+ channels get activated through M
Ans. It is the system of membranous structures which is in gates, i.e. voltage-gated Na+ channels opens at increased rate
the form of vesicles and tubules in sarcoplasm of muscle and when firing level is reached there is influx of Na+ along
fiber. with its concentration and electrical gradient is so high that it
Physiology 313

overcomes the repolarizing forces and run away depolarization 

starts. The membrane potential fails to reach +60 mV during the
action potential because increase in Na+ permeability is for a
short duration.

(Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Write very short answer on muscle spindle.
(Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Muscle spindles are sensory receptors within the belly
of a muscle that primarily detect changes in the length
of this muscle.
They convey length information to the central nervous
system via sensory neurons.
This information can be processed by the brain to
determine the position of body parts.
The responses of muscle spindles to changes in length
also play an important role in regulating the contraction
of muscles, by activating motoneurons via the stretch
reflex to resist muscle stretch.
Muscle spindles are found within the belly of muscles,
embedded in extrafusal muscle fibers.
Muscle spindles are composed of 3-12 intrafusal muscle
fibers, of which there are four types:
• Dynamic nuclear bag fibers (bag1 fibers)
• Static nuclear bag fibers (bag2 fibers)
• Nuclear chain fibers.
Axons of sensory neurons.
Axons of gamma motoneurons also terminate in muscle
spindles; they make synapses at either or both of the
ends of the intrafusal muscle fibers and regulate the
sensitivity of the sensory afferents, which are located in
the non-contractile central (equatorial) region.
Muscle spindles are encapsulated by connective tissue,
and are aligned parallel to extrafusal muscle fibers,
unlike Golgi tendon organs, which are oriented in series.
The muscle spindle has both sensory and motor
Fig. 16: Ionic basis of action potential components.
314 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Primary and secondary sensory nerve fibers spiral Actin Molecule

around and terminate on the central portions of
These are the major constituents of thin actin filaments.

the intrafusal muscle fibers, providing the sensory
There are about 300 to 400 actin molecules in each thin

component of the structure via stretch-sensitive ion-
channels of the axons.

In mammals including humans, the motor
component is provided by up to a dozen gamma
motoneurons and to a lesser extent by one or two
beta motoneurons. Gamma and beta motoneurons
are called fusimotor neurons, because they activate
the intrafusal muscle fibers. Gamma motoneurons
innervate only intrafusal muscle fibers, whereas
beta motoneurons innervate both extrafusal and
intrafusal muscle fibers and so are referred to as
skeletofusimotor neurons.
• Fusimotor drive causes a contraction and stiffening
of the end portions of the intrafusal muscle fibers.
Q.13. Write in brief on contractile proteins of muscles.
(Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
Ans. These are also known as contractile elements of muscles.
Myosin filaments are formed by protein molecules
known as myosin molecules. Actin filaments are formed
by three types of proteins known as actin, tropomyosin
and troponin. All these four proteins constitute
contractile proteins of muscles.

Myosin Molecule
♦ Molecular weight of myosin molecule is 4,80,000.
♦ It consists of six polypeptide chains, two heavy chains and
four light chains.
♦ Two heavy chains twist around each other to form double
helix which constitute tail and body of myosin molecule.
♦ Light chains combine to the terminal part of heavy chains (May 2017, 2 Marks)
and form globular head of myosin molecule. Ans. There are three types of muscles present in our body:
♦ Myosin molecule present in the skeletal muscle consists 1. Skeletal muscle
of two heads and is known as myosin II. 2. Cardiac muscle
♦ At the time of muscle contraction head forms cross bridging. 3. Smooth muscle

Comparison of Muscles Present in Our Body

Features Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle
Location Most of them are attached to skeleton In heart In hollow viscera
Structure • Shows well developed cross Consists of well developed cross- • Lacks cross-striations
striations striations and is functionally syncytial. • They are of two types, i.e.
• Non-syncytial: Lack anatomic and single unit which is functionally
functional connections between syncytial and multi unit which is
individual muscle fibers. functionally non-syncytial
Control Under voluntary control Involuntary Involuntary
Size and Shape It is 1 to 40 mm long and 50 to 100 µm It is 100 µm long and 15 µm long. It is It has variable size and is
in diameter. It is cylindrical short and cylindrical. elongated
Sarcoplasm It is well developed It is more developed than skeletal It is poorly developed
reticulum muscle
Sarcotubular system Present; T- system at A - I junction; It is present with poorly developed It is present but not so
terminal cistern prominent terminal cistern. T system is characteristic
prominent and is present at Z lines
Physiology 315


Features Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle

Nerve supply By somatic nerve and by special nerve It is via two branches of autonomic It is via two branches of autonomic
endings nervous system with ganglia and free nervous system with ganglia and
nerve terminals. free nerve terminals.
Control and It does not normally contract in It contracts rhythmically and Rhythmicity is of two types, i.e.
rhythmicity absence of nervous stimulation; under spontaneously in absence of external regular and irregularly discharging
voluntary control. So it is known as innervations because of presence of pacemaker. It is involuntary
voluntary muscle pacemaker tissue. It is involuntary
Blood supply and It is 840 ml/min with moderate oxygen It is 250 ml/min with high oxygen It is 350 ml/min with less oxygen
oxygen consumption consumption. consumption. consumption.
Resting membrane -90 mV -80 mV -55 mV
Absolute refractory 1 to 3 msec 180 to 200 msec Not defined

Q.15. Define neuromuscular junction. (Sep 2017, 2 Marks) Or

Ans. Neuromuscular junction is a junction between the motor Write short note on saliva. (Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
nerve and skeletal muscle fiber.
A typical neuromuscular junction is seen in skeletal
muscle fiber. Write on composition and function on saliva.

Q.16. Write very short answer on resting membrane potential. (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
(Aug 2018, 2 Marks) Or
Ans. Resting membrane potential is defined as the electrical
potential difference across the cell membrane under
resting condition.
• It is also known as membrane potential, transmem-
brane potential, transmembrane potential difference
or transmembrane potential gradient.
• When two electrodes are connected to cathode-ray
oscilloscope via a suitable amplifier and is placed (Aug 2016, 5 Marks)
over surface of muscle fiber, there should be no
potential difference, i.e. zero potential difference. But
if one electrode is inserted into the interior of muscle Functions of Saliva
fiber, potential difference is seen across sarcolemma. 1. Cleaning of mouth: Since saliva is watery it produces a
So there is negativity inside and positivity outside flushing action on the teeth which helps in removing the
the muscle fiber. Usually this potential difference
food debris as well as non-adherent forms of bacteria which
is constant and is known as resting membrane
collects over the teeth.
2. Lubrication and Deglutition: Saliva provides lubrication
Condition of muscle during resting membrane
to oral tissues by mucus and various other glycoproteins
potential is known as polarized state.
which help provide lubrication at time of speech. It also
In human skeletal muscle, resting membrane
helps in formation of bolus which can easily slide into the
potential is -90 mV.
3. Antimicrobial function: Saliva consists of various com-
4. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ponents which produce antimicrobial activity. The com-
ponents are lysozyme, lactoferrin, histatins and salivary
Q.1. Write on the composition and functions of saliva. peroxidases. Saliva also consists of immunoglobulin such
(Sept 2001, 5 Marks) (Apr 2008, 4 Marks) as IgA which provides antimicrobial action by agglutinat-
ing certain microorganisms and preventing their adher-
Or ence to the oral mucosa.
Write a short note on function of saliva. 4. Buffering function: Saliva consists of bicarbonate ions
(Sept 2006, 5 Marks) (Aug 2005, 5 Marks) which neutralize the acids which are produced by bacteria,
(Jan 2012, 5 Marks) (Feb 2014, 5 Marks) these acids can cause dissolution of teeth and cause dental
316 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

caries. So due to its buffering action saliva dissolve the acid bacterial acids and loss of dissolved calcium and phosphate
and prevent caries. ions.
5. Digestive function: Saliva consists of digestive enzymes ♦ Mucins: Mucus consists of large, heavily glycosylated
such as amylase and lipase. These enzymes causes start proteins. It forms 5-10% of salivary proteins. Mucus
digestion of food from oral cavity. E.g. Enzyme amylase acts as diffusion barrier against contact with noxious
and lipase break starch into maltase and lipids into diglyc- substances. It also act as a lubricant too, minimising
erides and free fatty acids. shear stresses.
6. Mineralization: Tooth surface is always coated with sa- ♦ Lingual lipase: It is secreted by von Ebner’s glands as
liva. Since saliva consists of calcium and phosphate ions, well as parotid gland. It helps in the digestion of milk fat
they increase the surface hardness of teeth which provide in newborns.
resistance of teeth to demineralisation. ♦ Statherins: Statherin has very high affinity for calcium
7. Taste: Saliva dissolves the food substances so that they can and phosphate minerals. They stop precipitation of su-
be perceived by the receptors located in the taste buds. persaturated calcium phosphate in ductal saliva as well
8. Tissue repair: Saliva consists of epidermal growth factor as in oral fluid.
and vascular endothelial growth factor which leads to ♦ Lysozyme: These enzymes play important role in anti-
repair and regeneration of oral tissues. bacterial action.
9. Excretion: Many substances from blood reaches saliva and ♦ Lactoferrin: It has antibacterial properties. The oxi-
saliva is considered as the route of excretion. dized iron part of the lactoferrin oxidizes bacteria by
formation of peroxides which causes break down of
Composition of Saliva cell membrane.
♦ Histatins: They have anti-fungal properties. They also
Saliva contains 99% of water, 1% organic and inorganic
disrupt the cell cycle and causes generation of reactive
oxygen species.
Inorganic Contents of Saliva Other Organic Components
♦ Calcium and Phosphate: They protect mineralized enamel ♦ Various blood group antigens are secreted in the saliva.
surface form dissolution. Calcium ion concentration in ♦ Sugars like glucose are secreted in the saliva.
saliva is 1.5 mmol/L. Phosphate ion concentration is 5.6 ♦ Steroid hormones like cortisol, oestrogen and testosterone
mmol/L. are secreted in minimal quantities.
♦ Fluoride: Fluoride promotes remineralisation of teeth ♦ Ammonia and urea are also present in very less quantities.
which are decaying by dental caries. Fluoride concentra-
tion is about 1.5 mM/L. Q.2. Write briefly on functions of stomach.
(Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
♦ Hydrogen carbonate: It acts as buffering agent in saliva.
Concentration of hydrogen carbonate is 2.9 mM/L. It neu- Ans. Following are the functions of stomach
tralizes the acids released by bacteria. 1. Storage: The food is stored in the stomach for a long
♦ Thiocyanate: Thiocyanate is oxidised by salivary peroxides period before entering the intestine. The maximum
and it get converted to hypothiocyanate. Hypothiocyanate capacity of stomach is 1.5 L.
acts as an antibacterial agent. Its concentration in saliva is 2. Mechanical: The peristaltic movements of the stom-
about 2.5 mM/L. ach mix the bolus with gastric juice and convert it
into chyme.
Other Inorganic Components 3. Digestive: The gastric juice is secreted by gland of
stomach and contains the enzymes which act on
♦ Sodium ions are in very less quantity in saliva. Its con-
centrations increase along with the increase in flow rate.
4. Protective: The HCl present in gastric juice destroys
♦ Potassium ions are the major inorganic ions in saliva, as
many bacteria entering the body along food.
they are secreted throughout the ductal system.
5. Hemopoietic: The intrinsic factor of castle present
♦ Other inorganic components such as lead, cadmium and
in gastric juice is necessary for absorption of vita-
min B12 which is called extrinsic factor. Vitamin
Organic Contents of Saliva B12 is an important maturation factor during
The organic contents of saliva are as follows: 6. Excretory: Many substances like toxins, alkaloids
♦ Amylase: It constitutes the major component of salivary and metals are excreted through gastric juice.
proteins, i.e. about 50% amylase digests the starch. Mostly
Q.3. Describe composition, function of various important
salivary amylase is secreted from parotid gland.
components and control of secretion of gastric juice.
♦ Proline-rich proteins: They constitute about 40 to 45%
(Sep 2000, 15 Marks)
of salivary proteins. They reside in the salivary pellicle.
Pellicle act as diffusion barrier, and slows the attacks by
Physiology 317

Write briefly on functions and composition of gastric Gastric Lipase: It is the weak lipolytic enzyme, it
juice. (Mar 2006, 4 Marks) (June 2012, 5 Marks) converts lipids into fatty acids and glycerol.
Or ♦ Hemopoietic function: The intrinsic factor present in gastric
juice plays an important role in erythropoiesis. It is neces-
Describe composition and function of various impor- sary for absorption of extrinsic factor from GIT into blood.
tant components and secretion of gastric juice. ♦ Protective function: The mucus present in gastric juice is
(Sept 2005, 10 Marks) responsible for protection of wall of stomach. The func-
Or tions of mucus are:
Describe composition and function of gastric juice. The mucus lubricates gastric mucosa and protects it
Give mechanism and regulation of gastric secretion. from the mechanical injury.
(Aug 2012, 5 Marks) It prevents digestive action of pepsin on gastric mucosa.
Or ♦ Action of HCl: The HCl present in gastric juice has the
following functions:
Write short note on regulation of gastric juice. Activates pepsinogen to pepsin.
(Feb 2014, 3 Marks) Has bacteriolytic action.
Or Provides acidic medium for function of enzymes.
Write short note on functions of gastric juice.
(Oct 2014, 3 Marks) Mechanisms of Secretion of Gastric Juice
Or ♦ Secretion of pepsinogen
Write about composition and functions of gastric juice. Pepsinogen is synthesized from amino acids.
(Sep 2018, 5 Marks) (Sep 2015, 7 Marks) The pepsinogen molecules are packed into zymogen
Or granules by Golgi apparatus.
When zymogen granule is secreted into stomach from
Write on composition, mechanism of secretion of chief cells, the granule is dissolved and pepsinogen is
gastric juice and its functions. (Apr 2017, 5 Marks) released into gastric juice.
Ans. Composition of Gastric Juice Pepsinogen is activated into pepsin by HCl.
It contains 99.5% of water and 0.5% of solids. The solids ♦ Secretion of HCl
are organic and inorganic substances. HCl secretion is an active process taking place in
canaliculi of parietal cells.
The organic substances in gastric juice are:
The energy is derived from oxidation of glucose. In
1. Gastric enzymes: The enzymes present in gastric parietal cell all the CO2 combines with H2O to form
juice are: carbonic acid.
a. Pepsin: It is main proteolytic enzyme in gastric Carbon dioxide is derived from the metabolic activities
juice. in the cell. The carbonic acid is formed in presence
b. Rennin: It is a milk curdling enzyme and is not of carbonic anhydrase. It is present in the high
present in man.
concentration in parietal cells. Carbonic acid is most
c. Gastric lipase: It is a weak lipolytic enzyme.
unstable compound.
d. Other gastric enzymes: The other enzymes of
Immediately it splits into hydrogen and bicarbonate
gastric juice are gelatinase and urease.
ion. The hydrogen ion is actively pump into canaliculi
2. Gastric mucus: It is secreted by neck cells of gastric
of parietal cell.
glands. It is a flexible gel covering gastric mucus
Simultaneously the chloride ion is also pumped
into canaliculi actively. The chloride is derived
3. Intrinsic factor: This is necessary for absorption of
from sodium chloride of blood. Now, hydrogen ion
extrinsic factor.
The inorganic substances in gastric juice are: HCl, combines with chloride ion to form hydrochloric acid.
sodium, calcium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, To compensate loss of chloride ion, the bicarbonate
phosphate and sulphate. ion from parietal cell enters the blood and combines
with sodium to form sodium bicarbonate.
Functions of Gastric Juice
Regulation of Gastric Secretion
♦ Digestive function: The gastric juice acts on proteins;
and enzymes acting on proteins are pepsin, rennin and The regulation of gastric secretion occurs in three phases:
gastric lipase. 1. Cephalic phase: This is purely under nervous control;
Pepsin: It is the main proteolytic enzyme in gastric while taking food, the secretion of gastric juice starts before
juice. It converts protein into proteases, peptones and food enters the stomach. The impulses are sent from head
polypeptides. and this phase is called cephalic phase.
Rennin: It is a milk curdling enzyme present in This causes gastric secretion where food is placed in
animals and not in man. mouth. Afferent impulses arising from taste buds and other
318 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

receptors in mouth reach the appetite center in amygdala

and hypothalamus. From here, efferent impulses pass
through dorsal nucleus of vagus. The gastric secretion  (Mar 2000, 5 Marks)
occurs by release of acetylcholine.
2. Gastric phase: The phase is under nervous and hormonal
control. When food enters the stomach secretion of gastric
juice increases. Pepsinogen and HCl are present in large
3. Intestinal phase: When the chyme leaves the stomach  (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
and enters the intestine, the secretion of gastric juice is Ans. Composition of Pancreatic Juice
increased and later on it is inhibited. Pancreatic juice consists of 99.5% of water and 0.5%
Q.4. Write on proteolytic enzymes of GIT. solid substances. The solids are organic and inorganic
(Apr 2003, 5 Marks) (Sep 2004, 5 Marks) substances.

Enzymes of Pancreatic Juice nal mucous membrane. Once formed trypsin also activates
trypsinogen by means of “autocatalytic reaction”.
Pancreatic juice plays an important role in digestion of proteins
and lipids. It also digests carbohydrate. Trypsin and chymotrypsin is an endopeptidase because it
♦ Digestion of proteins: Digestion of proteins is carried by breaks interior bond of protein molecule by “hydrolysis”.
the following proteolytic enzymes present in the pancre- Trypsin
Protein Peptones + Polypeptide
atic juice. Chymotrypsin
1. Trypsin and Chymotrypsin: They are secreted as inac-
2. Carboxy peptidase: Procarboxy peptidase is precursor
tive tripsinogen and chymotrypsinogen respectively.
of carboxypeptidase activated by trypsin.
Enterokinase 3. Nucleases: The nucleases in pancreatic juice are ribo-
Trypsinogen Trypsin (active)
nuclease and deoxyribonuclease which are responsible
Trypsin for digestion of nucleic acids. These enzymes convert
Chymotrypsinogen Chymotrypsin
(active) nucleic acid into mononucleotides.
Enterokinase is secreted by brush bordered cell or duode- Nucleic acid Mononucleotide
Physiology 319

4. Elastase: rich in enzymes, this is mediated by cholecystokinin secreted

Trypsin from I cells in intestinal mucosa. Cholecystokinin potentiates
Proelastase Elastase (Active)
effect of secretin on ducts and secretin potentiates effect of
Precursor cholecystokinin on acinar cells.
Elastase digests elastic fibers.
5. Collagenase: Activated by trypsin and causes diges- Q.5. Write a short note on bile composition and function.
tion of collagen. (Mar 2008, 4 Marks) (Dec 2010, 6 Marks)
♦ Digestion of lipids Or
Pancreatic lipase: It is a powerful lipolytic enzyme. Write a short note on functions of bile.
It hydrolysis neutral fat like triglyceride. It converts (Mar 1997, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
triglycerides into monoglycerides and fatty acids. Ans. Composition of bile: Bile contains 97.6% of water and 2.4%
Phospholipase A: It is activated by trypsin. It acts on of solids. The solids are organic and inorganic substances.
phospholipids and converts within and cephalin to Organic substances: Bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol,
lysolecithin and lysocephalin. lecithin and fatty acids.
Phospholipase B: It is activated by trypsin. It acts on
Inorganic substances: Sodium, calcium, potassium,
lysophospholipids, i.e. lysolecithin and lysocephalin
chloride and bicarbonate.
and convert them to phosphoryl choline.
♦ Digestion of carbohydrate: Pancreatic amylase is a single Functions of Bile
amylolytic enzyme present in pancreatic juice. It converts
1. Digestive function: As lipids are insoluble in water,
into maltose.
various lipolytic enzymes cannot digest lipids. Lipids
Functions of Pancreatic Juice are insoluble in water because of surface tension. Due
to detergent action, bile salts reduce surface tension of
1. Digestive function: It has an important role in digestion of
lipids and lipids become water soluble. This is known as
proteins and lipids and also digests carbohydrates.
emulsification of lipids.
2. Neutralizing action: When acid chyme enters the intestine
2. Absorptive function: When bile salts combine with lipids,
from stomach, the pancreatic juice with more quantity of
miscelles are formed. The lipids of miscelles become water
bicarbonate ion is released into intestine. Due to presence
soluble and are easily absorbed. This action of bile salts is
of large amounts of bicarbonate ions, the pancreatic juice
called hydrotropic effect.
is highly alkaline and neutralizes acidity of chyme in
3. Maintenance of pH in GIT: As bile is highly alkaline,
it neutralizes the acid chyme and hence optimum pH is
Regulation of Pancreatic Juice maintained for action of digestive enzymes.
4. Prevention of gallstone formation: Bile salts keep
1. Cephalic phase: When food is taken in the mouth, there
lecithin and cholesterol in solution. In absence of bile
is secretion of pancreatic juice. Slight thought of food also
salts, cholesterol precipitates along with lecithin to form
causes secretion of pancreatic juice by conditioned reflex.
The afferent nerve impulses from cerebral cortex reach
5. Antiseptic action: Bile is a natural detergent. So inhibits
dorsal nucleus of vagus. From dorsal nucleus, afferent
growth of certain bacteria in intestine.
impulses reach pancreas by passing through efferent fibers
6. Laxative action: Intestinal motility is stimulated by the bile
of vagus nerve. The vagal nerve fibers cause secretion of
salts. This action of bile salts help in defecation.
pancreatic juice by releasing acetylcholine, which stimu-
7. Choleretic action: Bile stimulates liver to secrete more bile
lates acinar cells to release enzymes.
which leads to fat digestion.
2. Gastric phase: When food enters stomach, gastrin in GIT
hormone is secreted from stomach. The gastrin is trans- Q.6. Describe in brief functions of liver.
ported by blood; and while reaching pancreas, it causes (Sep 2013, 5 Marks) (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
release of pancreatic juice.
3. Intestinal phase: When the chyme from stomach enters
the intestine, more amount of pancreatic juice is secreted. Write short note on functions of liver.
This is due to two hormones, i.e. secretin and cholecysto- (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
kinin or CCK. Ans. Following are the functions of liver
Acidic chyme increases the release of secretin from S cells 1. Storage function: Many substances are stored in
present in mucosa of upper part of small intestine. Secretin liver, i.e. glycogen, amino acids, iron, folic acid, etc.
stimulates pancreatic juice rich in aqueous component. 2. Secretion of bile: Liver secretes bile, which contains
Presence of products of protein digestion such as amino acids bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol, fatty acids and
and peptides, and the products of fat digestion such as fatty lecithin. The functions of bile are mainly due to bile
acids and monoglycerides in chyme evoke pancreatic secretion salts.
320 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

3. Defensive and detoxification function: The buffer ♦ Formation of Micelle: Bile salts combine with products of
cells of liver play a major role in defense mechanism; hydrolysis of triglycerides and form micelle which gets
liver is also involved in detoxification of foreign transported to brush border of epithelial cells for absorption.
bodies. ♦ Absorption of fat soluble vitamins: Bile salts form com-
4. Metabolic function: Liver is an organ where maxi- plexes which are more soluble in water.
mum metabolic actions are carried out. Metabolism ♦ Laxative action: Intestinal motility is stimulated by the bile
of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nutrients occur salts. This action bile salts help in defecation.
in liver. ♦ Choleretic action: Bile stimulates liver to secrete more bile
which leads to fat digestion.
5. Hemopoietic function: In this, fetus blood cells are
♦ Bile salts keep cholesterol in soluble form in gall bladder
produced in liver.
bile. This prevents formation of gallstones.
6. Heat Production: Due to metabolic actions, heat is
produced in liver.
7. Excretory functions: Certain exogeneous dyes like
bromsulphthalein and rose Bengal dye are excreted
through liver cells.
8. Synthesis function: Liver is the site for synthesis of:
- Plasma proteins mainly albumin and to some
extent α and β globulins.
- Liver causes conversion of preprothrombin to
active prothrombin in presence of vitamin K.
It also secretes other clotting factors such as
fibrinogen, factor V, VII, IX and X.
- It secretes various enzymes such as alkaline phos-
phatase, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transami-
nase, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase.
- Liver removes ammonia from body to synthesize
9. Miscellaneous functions: Fig. 17: Formation of bile salts from bile acids
- Liver act as reservoir of blood and stores 650 ml Q.8. Write a short note on enterohepatic circulation.
of blood. It also regulates blood volume. (Sept 2000, 4 Marks)
- Liver leads to inactivation of some hormones Ans. Flow of blood from intestine to liver through portal vein
such as insulin, glucagon, vasopressin. is known as enterohepatic circulation.
- Destruction of RBCs also occurs in the liver.
Q.7. Write a short note on bile salts. (Mar 1998, 5 Marks)
Ans. Bile salts are the sodium and potassium salts of bile acids
which are conjugated with taurine or glycine.
Bile acids are of two types, i.e. primary and secondary.
1. Primary bile acids are cholic acid and chenodeoxy-
cholic acid which are synthesized by hepatocytes
from cholesterol.
2. Secondary bile salts are deoxycholic acid and litho-
cholic acid which are formed from primary bile salts
in colon by action of intestinal bacteria.
In liver bile acids are conjugated with glycine or taurine
and form conjugated bile acids.
Conjugated bile acids, i.e. glycocholic acid and taurocholic
acid form bile salts in combination with sodium or Fig. 18: Enterohepatic circulation
The total bile salts which enter the duodenum, out of
Functions of Bile Salts them 90 to 95% of bile salts are reabsorbed from terminal
ileum in portal vein and return to the liver to excrete
The bile salts are required for digestion and absorption of fat again, this is enterohepatic circulation.
in intestine.
Enterohepatic circulation bile salts are necessary due to
♦ Emulsification of fats: Bile salts break large fat drops into the limited amount of bile salts present for digestion and
smaller drops. absorption of fats.
Physiology 321

Q.9. Write in brief on deglutition. (Mar 1996, 5 Marks) Q.10. Write in brief on gastric emptying.
Or (Aug/Sep 1998, 10 Marks)
Ans. Slow transfer of food from stomach to intestine is called
Write brief on IInd stage of deglutition.
gastric emptying.
(Mar 1994, 5 Marks)
Ans. Deglutition or swallowing is a process that transfers chewed Causes
food from mouth to stomach. It occurs in three stages:
1. Oral stage ♦ The peristaltic waves arising in pyrolic part of stomach.
2. Pharyngeal stage ♦ Simultaneous relaxation of pyrolic sphincter.
3. Oesophageal stage.
Factors Affecting Gastric Emptying
Oral Stage ♦ Volume of gastric content: If the content of stomach is
When the chewed food is ready for swallowing, it is voluntary, more, a large amount is emptied into intestine.
rolled back into pharynx by backward and upward pressure of ♦ Consistency of gastric content: Emptying of stomach is
tongue against palate. proportional to consistency of contents. Water is emptied
into intestine as soon as it is swallowed, then liquid and
Pharyngeal Stage solid after being converted to fluid.
In pharyngeal stage, bolus is pushed from pharynx into
♦ It is an involuntary stage.
♦ Following are the events occurring during movement of
bolus from pharynx into the esophagus:
Oral cavity closes from the pharynx due to approxi-
mation of posterior pillars of fauces.
Nasopharynx is closed due to upward movement of soft
palate this prevents regurgitation of food in nasal cavity.
Palatopharyngeal folds get pulled medially and
make slit like opening for food which allow properly
masticated food to pass through.
Vocal cords approximate stopping the breathing
Larynx is elevated and pushed anteriorly by neck
muscles which lead to enlarging of opening of
esophagus, epiglottis swing backward to close laryngeal
opening. This guides the food towards esophagus and
prevents its entry in trachea.
Upper esophageal sphincter normally remain contracted
open up and allow bolus of food to be pushed in upper
part of esophagus due to peristaltic contraction wave of
pharynx which also continues in esophagus.
As bolus of food pass in esophagus, contraction of
cricopharyngeous occur, vocal cords open up which
allow normal breath to resume and upper esophageal
Fig. 19: Phases of deglutition
sphincter come in tonic contraction.
♦ This stage gets completed in 1-2 seconds.
♦ Chemical composition: The gastric content with more
Esophageal Stage carbohydrate leaves the stomach more rapidly then content
♦ It is an involuntary stage. with the protein. Protein leaves the stomach more rapidly
♦ The function of esophagus is to transport the food from than fat.
pharynx to stomach. ♦ pH of gastric content: The strong acid content leaves
♦ When bolus reaches the esophagus, the peristaltic waves the stomach slowly. The emptying of such content is
are initiated which pushes the bolus into stomach. accelerated by neutralizing acid.
♦ Two types of peristaltic contraction start in esophagus: ♦ Osmolar concentration of gastric content: The gastric
1. Primary peristaltic contraction content which is isotonic to blood, leaves stomach
2. Secondary peristaltic contraction. rapidly.
322 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Regulation of Gastric Emptying segments is same as that of contracted segments.

After some time, the contracted segments are
The emptying of stomach stops mainly due to inhibition of
relaxed and relaxed segments are contracted.
gastric motility. The inhibition motility of stomach is caused by: Therefore, the segmentation contraction chop
1. Nervous factor. the chyme many times. This helps in mixing the
2. Hormonal factor. chyme with digestive juice.
Nervous factor: The nervous factor which regulates the B. Pendular movements: Small constrictive waves
emptying of stomach, is enterogastric reflex. sweep forward and backward or upward and
downward and the intestinal loops move like a
Hormonal factor: The major hormone which controls gastric
pendulum of clock and this is called pendular
emptying is enterogasterone. movements.
2. Propulsive movements: The movements of small
intestine involved in pushing chyme toward aboral
end of intestine are called propulsive movements.
They are of two types:
A. Peristaltic movements: Peristalsis is defined
as wave of contraction followed by wave of
relaxation which travels aborally. The stimula-
tion of smooth muscle of intestine initiates
the peristalsis. The peristaltic contraction
starts at any part of small intestine and travels
towards and end at velocity of 1 to 2 cm/sec.
The contractions are weak and disappear after
traveling few cm distance. Because of this,
average movement of chyme through small
intestine is slow and average velocity is less than
1 cm/sec. Thus, chyme requires several hours to
travel from duodenum to end of small intestine.
B. Peristaltic rush: Sometimes, small intestine
shows powerful peristaltic contraction. This
is caused by excessive irritation of intestinal
mucous membrane. This type of powerful
contraction begins in duodenum and passes
through whole length of small intestine and
Fig. 20: Gastric emptying
finally reaches ileocoecal valve within a few
minutes. This is peristaltic rush.

Q.12. Write a short note on local GIT hormone.
(Mar 2005, 4 Marks)
(Sep 2004, 4 Marks) Write briefly on gastrointestinal hormones.
Ans. Movements of Small Intestine (Sep 2007, 4 Marks)
The movements of small intestine are essential for mixing Ans. Three Hormones Produced by GIT
of chyme with digestive juices, propulsion of food and 1. Gastrin
absorption. The movements of small intestine are: Source of secretion: It is mainly secreted by cells
1. Mixing movements: The mixing movements of small of pyrolic glands and also by G cells of stomach,
intestine are responsible for proper mixing of chyme duodenum and jejunum.
with digestive juices like, pancreatic juice, bile and in- Stimulant for secretion: It is secreted from stomach
testinal juice. The mixing movements are of two types: during gastric phase of gastric secretion and from
A. Segmentation movements: They are common small intestine during intestinal phase of gastric secre-
type of movements of small intestine which tion. Factors which cause secretion of gastrin are:
occur in rhythmic fashion. So, these movements a. Presence of food in stomach
are called rhythmic segmentation movements. b. Stimulation of fibers of local nerve plexus in
The contractions occur at regularly spaced stomach and intestine.
intervals along the section of intestine. The Action of Gastrin:
segments of intestine in between contracted i. Secretion of gastric juice with more pepsin and
segments are relaxed. The length of relaxed HCl.
Physiology 323

ii. Acceleration of movements of stomach. ♦ Pepsin acts on protein and converts it into peptone,
iii. Growth of mucus of stomach. proteases and polypeptides.
2. Secretin

Source of secretin: This was the first ever hormone
discovered and is secreted by S cells of duodenum,
jejunum and ileum.
Stimulant for secretin: It is first produced in its
inactive form known as prosecretin and gets con-
verted into its active form, i.e. secretin by acidity
of chyme. The stimulant for release and activation
of prosecretin is acidic chyme entering duodenum
from stomach.
Action of secretin:
i. Alkaline pancreatic juice protects intestinal (Dec 2004, 5 Marks)
mucus from acid chyme by neutralizing it. Ans. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.
ii. It inhibits secretion of gastric juice
iii. It inhibits motility of stomach In Mouth
3. CCK or Cholecystokinin or Pancreozymin
In saliva, the salivary amylase or ptylin is an enzyme which
Source of secretion: It is secreted by I cell in mucosa
helps in digestion of carbohydrates. In mouth, the food stays
of duodenum and jejunum.
for shorter time, so the action of ptylin continues for one hour
Stimulant for secretion: The stimulant for release of after reaching stomach, cooked starch and end products are
this hormone is acidic chyme containing digestive disaccharides, i.e. dextrins and maltose.
products of fats and proteins.
Action of CCK: In Stomach
i. It leads to secretion of pancreatic juice which is
In stomach, gastric juice releases enzyme known as gastric
rich in enzymes.
amylase, it is weak enzyme and its action is negligible.
ii. It causes contraction of gallbladder to release
bile. In Small Intestine
iii. It potentiates effect of secretin to secrete more
alkaline pancreatic juice. Here pancreatic juice contains pancreatic amylase which acts on
iv. It enhances the secretion of enterokinase from polysaccharides and disaccharides and end product is disaccha-
duodenum. rides, i.e. dextrins, maltose, maltriose and monosaccharides.
v. CCK inhibits gastric motility. In small intestine succus entricus is present which releases
vi It enhances motility of large and small intestine. sucrose, maltose, lactase, dextrinase and trehalase, the enzymes
vii. It increases pancreatic growth. act on sucrose, maltose lactose, dextrin and trehalase and the
viii. It is seen in neurons of brain where it is involved end product is glucose, fructose and galactose.
in regulation of food intake. Q.15. Write a short note on hemolytic jaundice.
Q.13. Summarize digestion of proteins. (Mar 1998, 5 Marks) (Sept 2006, 5 Marks)
Ans. • The foodstuff containing high protein content are Ans. In hemolytic jaundice the excretory function of liver is
meat, milk, egg, fish and pulses. normal but there is excessive destruction of RBCs and
• Different types of protein which are found in diet are thus the bilirubin level in blood is increased and the liver
albumin, globulin, nucleoprotein casein, collagen, cells cannot excrete that much bilirubin rapidly.
gelatin, mucin and elastin. • In this jaundice there is increased level of free bili-
• Proteins are observed in the form of amino acid, so rubin in the blood.
proteins are digested to amino acids prior to their • The urobilinogen and stercobilinogen is present in
absorption. the excess.
• Protein digestion starts in stomach and ends in • In hemolytic jaundice the anemia is present.
intestine. • In this type of jaundice the hemoglobin level get
• Enzymes responsible for digestion of proteins are decreased.
proteolytic enzymes. • In it the value of SGOT is slightly elevated.
Digestion of Protein in Stomach Q.16. Describe in brief digestion and absorption of proteins.
(Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
♦ Pepsin is the most important proteolytic enzyme of gastric
juice. Or
♦ Optimum pH for activity of pepsin is 2 to 3 which is Describe digestion of protein in various parts of
provided by HCl present in gastric juice. gastrointestinal tract. (Nov 2008, 15 Marks)
324 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Ans. Digestion of protein does not occur in mouth, as there 

are no proteolytic enzymes in saliva.
  Enzymes responsible for digestion of proteins are
called proteolytic enzymes.

Digestion of Proteins in Stomach

♦ Pepsin leads to digestion of about 10 to 15% of proteins
entering gastrointestinal tract.
♦ Pepsinogen which is an active form is converted into
pepsin by action of HCl.
♦ Pepsin split proteins into proteoses, peptones and
♦ Optimum pH for action of pepsin is 2.0.
♦ Protein digestion in the stomach is important as protein
digestion stimulate secretion of proteolytic enzymes of

Fig. 21: Summary of digestion of proteins

Digestion of Proteins in Small Intestine

♦ Proteins in small intestine are digested by pancreatic
proteases, brush border peptidases and intracellular pepti-
♦ Pancreatic proteases lead to the digestion of proteins (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
and they break into dipeptides, tripeptides and small Ans. Digestion of fats.
polypeptides which later on get digested by brush border
Digestion of Fats in Mouth
♦ Some dipeptides as well as tripeptides get absorbed in Salivary lipase is active in the stomach and digest 30% of dietary
epithelial cells of mucosa of small intestine and get further triglycerides.
digested by intracellular enzymes into amino acids.
♦ Brush border peptidases consist of aminopeptidases, Digestion of Fats in Stomach
dipeptidases, tripeptidases, nuclease and related enzymes. ♦ Gastric lipase is a weak fat splitting enzyme and act at an
They convert protein to small polypeptides and amino acids. optimal pH of 4-4.5.
Physiology 325

♦ Fat digestion in stomach occurs in exceptional circum- Ans. For composition and function refer to Ans 5 of same
stances, i.e. when pancreatic lipase may regurgitate into chapter.
the stomach from the duodenum and in achlorhydria.
Regulation of Secretion
Digestion of Fats in Small Intestine
The secretion of bile from the liver and release of bile from the
♦ Pancreatic lipase and bile salts enter the second part of gallbladder are influenced by some chemical factors which are
duodenum and start the fat digestion. categorized into three groups:
♦ Pancreatic juice is alkaline and converts and adjusts the 1. Choleretics.
highly acidic chyme to chyme at pH slightly above 7.0, 2. Cholagogue.
which is optimal pH for lipase activity. 3. Hydrocholeretic agents.
♦ Bile salts play an important role in activating lipase and
produces a detergent action by its hydrotropic action Choleretics: These are the substances, which increase the
and lowers the surface tension, this leads to emulsification secretion of bile from liver, are known as choleretics. The
of fats and provides a greater surface area for the lipase effective choleretic compounds are acetylcholine, secretin,
enzyme to digest. cholecystokinin, acid chyme in intestine and bile salts.
♦ Lipase acts at the interface between the fat particles and Cholagogues: Cholagogue is a compound, which increases the
water and successively hydrolyzes the double and triple release of bile from gallbladder into the intestine by contracting
bonds of the triglycerides into diglycerides and monoglyc- the gallbladder. The common cholagogue are bile salts,
erides and releases the fatty acids. calcium, fatty acids, amino acids, inorganic acids. All the above
♦ Dietary cholesterol remains in the form of cholesterol substances stimulate the secretion of cholecystokinin, which, in
esters and the pancreatic bile salt activate lipase and turn causes action of gallbladder and flow of bile into intestine.
cholesterol esterase of succus entericus which hydrolyzes
Hydrocholeretic agents: Hydrocholeretic agent is a substance,
these esters in the intestinal lumen and finally convert it
which causes secretion of bile from liver with large amount
to the cholesterol.
of water and less amount of solids. Hydrochloric acid is a
Absorption of Fats hydrocholeretic agent.
♦ Monoglycerides, pancreatic electrolytes, fatty acids and Q.21. Write about phases of gastric secretion.
bile salts interact to form polymolecular aggregates called (Jan 2012, 8 Marks)
as micelles. Ans. Phases of Gastric Secretion
♦ Fat content of micelles consist of monoglycerides and fatty Gastric juice is secreted in three different phases:
acids. In the intestinal wall, they act in following ways: 1. Cephalic phase.
Fatty acids and monoglycerides with greater than 14 2. Gastric phase.
carbon atoms become re-esterified to triglycerides in the 3. Intestinal phase.
mucosal cell, thus they are then coated with a layer of 4. In human beings, a fourth phase called interdigestive
α-lipoprotein, cholesterol and phospholipids forming phase exists.
chylomicrons or esterified fatty acids of approx l– nm All the above phases are regulated by neural mechanism
diameter. Chylomicrons thus enter the lymphatics and or hormonal mechanism or both.
via thoracic duct enter into the bloodstream.
Short chain fatty acids with less than 12 14 carbon Cephalic Phase
atoms pass from mucosal cell in the villous of blood
♦ Secretion of gastric juice by the stimuli arising from head
capillaries and get transported as free fatty acid also region (cephalus) is called cephalic phase.
known as non-esterified fatty acids or unesterified ♦ This phase is regulated by nervous mechanism.
fatty acids. They get attached to albumin in blood ♦ During this phase, the gastric secretion occurs even with-
stream. out the presence of food in the stomach.
♦ Fat absorption is greatest in the upper part of the small ♦ The quantity of the juice is less but it is rich in enzymes
intestine but appreciable amounts are also absorbed from and hydrochloric acid.
the ileum. ♦ The nervous mechanism that regulates cephalic phase
 operates through reflex action.
Two types of reflexes occur:
1. Unconditioned reflex

2. Conditioned reflex.
Unconditioned Reflex
It is the inborn reflex. When food is placed in the mouth, it induces
(Aug 2012, 5 Marks) salivary secretion. Simultaneously, gastric secretion also occurs.
326 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Stages of the reflex action: impulses through the motor (efferent) fibers of vagus back
♦ Presence of food in the mouth stimulates the taste buds to stomach and cause secretion of gastric juice. Since, both
and other receptors in the mouth. afferent and efferent impulses pass through vagus, this
♦ Sensory impulses from mouth pass via afferent nerve fibers reflex is called vagovagal reflex.
of glossopharyngeal and facial nerves to appetite center Hormone Mechanism
present in amygdala and hypothalamus.
♦ From here, efferent impulses pass through dorsal nucleus ♦ Gastrin is a gastrointestinal hormone secreted by the G cells
of vagus and vagal efferent nerve fibers to the wall of the which are present in pyloric glands of stomach.
stomach. ♦ Small amount of gastrin is also secreted in mucosa of
♦ Acetylcholine is secreted at the vagal efferent nerve end- upper small intestine.
ings stimulates gastric glands to increase the secretion. ♦ Gastrin is a polypeptide containing G14, G17 or G34
This is experimentally proved by Pavlov s pouch and amino acids.
sham feeding. ♦ Gastrin is released when food enters stomach.
♦ The mechanism involved in the release of gastrin may be
Conditioned Reflex the local nervous reflex or vagovagal reflex.
♦ The nerve endings release the neurotransmitter called
Conditioned reflex is the reflex response acquired by previous
gastrin releasing peptide which stimulates the G cells to
experience. Presence of food in the mouth is not necessary to
secrete gastrin.
elicit this reflex. The sight, smell, hearing or thoughts of food
which induce salivary secretion also induce gastric secretion. Intestinal Phase
Stages of the reflex action: ♦ Intestinal phase is the secretion of gastric juice when chyme
♦ Impulses from the special sensory organs (eye, ear and nose) enters the intestine. When chyme enters the intestine
pass through afferent fibers of neural circuits to the cerebral initially the gastric secretion increases and later it stops.
cortex. Thinking of food stimulates cerebral cortex directly. Intestinal phase of gastric secretion is under both nervous
♦ From cerebral cortex the impulses pass through dorsal nu- and hormonal control.
cleus of vagus and vagal efferents and reach stomach wall. ♦ During initial stage of intestinal phase the chyme entering
♦ The vagal nerve endings secrete acetylcholine. It stimulates intestine stimulates the duodenal mucosa to release gastrin
the gastric glands and increases its secretion. which is transported to stomach through blood. There,
Conditioned reflex of gastric secretion is proved by it increases gastric secretion. On later stage of intestinal
Pavlov s pouch and bell dog experiment. phase after the initial increase, there is decrease or com-
plete stoppage of secretion of gastric juice. Two factors are
Gastric Phase responsible for the inhibition:
♦ The secretion of gastric juice when the food enters the 1. Enterogastric reflex.
stomach is called gastric phase. 2. Gastointestinal hormones.
♦ This phase is regulated by both nervous and hormonal Enterogastric Reflex
♦ The gastric juice secreted during this phase is rich in pep- It is a reflex that inhibits the secretion and movements of
sinogen and hydrochloric acid. stomach due to the distention or irritation of intestinal mucosa. It
♦ The mechanisms involved in this phase are: is mediated by myenteric nerve (Auerbach’s) plexus and vagus.
Nervous mechanism through local myenteric reflex
Gastrointestinal Hormones
and vagovagal reflex
Hormonal mechanism through gastrin. The presence of chyme in the intestine stimulates the secretion
of many gastrointestinal hormones from intestinal mucosa
Nervous Mechanism
and other structures. All these hormones inhibit the gastric
♦ Local myenteric reflex: It reflex is elicited by stimulation secretion. Some of these hormones inhibit the gastric motility
of myenteric nerve plexus in stomach wall. After entering also. Gastrointestinal hormones which inhibit gastric secretion:
stomach, the food particles stimulate the local nerve plexus ♦ Secretin: Secreted by the presence of acid chyme in the
present in the wall of the stomach. These nerve fibers re-
lease acetylcholine, which stimulates the gastric glands and
♦ Cholecystokinin: Secreted by the presence of chyme con-
secrete a large quantity of gastric juice. Simultaneously,
acetylcholine stimulates G cells to secrete gastrin. taining fats and amino acids in intestine.
♦ Vasovagal reflex: Vasovagal reflex is the reflex in which ♦ Gastric inhibitory peptide: Secreted by the presence of
both afferent and efferent vagal fibers are involved. Pres- chyme containing glucose and fats in the intestine.
ence of food in stomach stimulates the sensory (afferent) ♦ Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide: Secreted by the presence
nerve endings of vagus which generate sensory impulses. of acidic chime in intestine.
The sensory impulses are transmitted to the brainstem via ♦ Peptide YY: Secreted by the presence of fatty chyme in
sensory fibers of vagus. Brainstem in turn sends efferent intestine.
Physiology 327

In addition to these hormones, pancreas also secretes a ♦ Trypsin activates other enzymes of pancreatic juice, e.g.
hormone called somatostatin during intestinal phase. Chymotrypsinogen into chymotrypsin, procarboxy-
It also inhibits gastric secretion. The intestinal phase peptidases into carboxypeptidases, proelastase into
of gastric secretion is demonstrated by Farrell and elastase, etc.
Ivy pouch. ♦ Trypsin also activates collagenase, phospholipase A and
phospholipase B.
Interdigestive Phase
♦ Secretion of small amount of gastric juice in between Chymotrypsin
meals (or during period of fasting) is called interdiges- ♦ Digestion of proteins: Chymotrypsin is also an endopepti-
tive phase. dase and it breaks the proteins into polypeptides.
♦ Gastric secretion during this phase is mainly due to the ♦ Digestion of milk: Chymotrypsin digests casein faster
hormones like gastrin. than trypsin. The combination of both enzymes causes
♦ This phase of gastric secretion is demonstrated by Farrell more rapid digestion of milk.
and Ivy pouch.
Q.22. Describe composition and functions of pancreatic juice.
(June 2010, 15 Marks) Carboxypeptidases split the polypeptides and other proteins
Ans. Composition of Pancreatic Juice into amino acids.

Pancreatic Juice Nucleases

The nucleases of pancreatic juice are ribonuclease and
deoxyribonuclease, which leads to the digestion of nucleic
Water - 99.5% Solid - 0.5% acids. These enzymes convert RNA and DNA into mono-

Organic substances Inorganic substance Elastase

1. Sodium Elastase digests the elastic fibers.
2. Calcium
Enzymes Other organic substances 3. Potassium Collagenase
Albumin and globulin 4. Magnesium Collagenase digests collagen.
5. Bicarbonate
Proteolytic Lipolytic Amylolytic 6. Chloride Digestion of Lipids
enzymes enzymes enzyme 7. Phosphate Lipolytic enzymes present in pancreatic juice are pancreatic
Pancreatic 8. Sulfate
1. Trypsin 1. Pancreatic lipase lipase, cholesterol ester hydrolase phospholipase A,
2. Chymotrypsin 2. Cholesterol ester amylase
phospholipase B and coenzyme called colipase.
3. Carboxypepti- hydrolase
dases 3. Phospholipase A Pancreatic Lipase
4. Nuclease 4. Phospholipase B
Pancreatic lipase is a powerful lipolytic enzyme. This enzyme
5. Elastase 5. Colipase
digest triglycerides into monoglycerides and fatty acids. The
6. Collagenase 6. Bile salt-activated lipase
activity of pancreatic lipase is accelerated in the presence of
bile. Optimum pH required for activity of this enzyme is 7 to
Functions of Pancreatic Juice
9. About 80% of fat is digested by pancreatic lipase.
Digestion of Proteins
Cholesterol Ester Hydrolase
Trypsin and chymotrypsin are the major proteolytic enzymes of
pancreatic juice. Various other enzymes are carboxypeptidases, Cholesterol ester hydrolase converts cholesterol ester into free
nuclease, elastase and collagenase. cholesterol and fatty acid by hydrolysis.

Trypsin Phospholipase A
♦ Digestion of proteins: Trypsin is the most powerful pro- Phospholipase A digest phospholipids namely lecithin and
teolytic enzyme. It is an endopeptidase and breaks the cephalin and converts them into lysolecithin and lysocephalin.
interior bonds of the protein molecules. It converts proteins
into proteoses and polypeptides. Phospholipase B
♦ Curdling of milk: It converts caseinogens in the milk Phospholipase B is also activated by trypsin. This enzyme
into casein. converts lysolecithin and lysocephalin into phosphoryl choline
♦ Trypsin accelerates blood clotting. and free fatty acids.
328 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Colipase Pancreas secretes pancreatic juice which undergoes

digestive functions and neutralizing functions. For
It is a small coenzyme which facilitates the hydrolysis of fats
details refer to Ans 22 of same chapter.
by pancreatic lipase.
Q.25. Write short note on functions of large intestine.
Bile Salt Activated Lipase (June 2010, 5 Marks)
This enzymes digest lipids like phospholipids, cholesterol, Ans. Following are the functions of large intestine
esters and triglycerides. • Absorptive function: Large intestine leads to the
absorption of various substances such as water, elec-
Digestion of Carbohydrates
trolytes, organic substances like glucose, alcohol and
Pancreatic amylase converts starch in dextrin and maltose. drugs like anesthetic agents, sedatives and steroids.
• Formation of feces: After the absorption of nutri-
Neutralizing Action ents, water and other substances, the unwanted
When acid chyme enters intestine from the stomach, pancreatic substances in the large intestine form feces. This is
juice is released into the intestine which consists of large amount excreted out.
of bicarbonate which makes it alkaline. This juice neutralizes • Excretory function: Large intestine excretes heavy
acidity of chyme in intestine. This action protect intestine from metals like mercury, lead, bismuth and arsenic
destructive action of acid in chyme. through feces.
Q.23. Write short note on bile and its functions. • Secretory function: Large intestine secretes mucin
(June 2010, 5 Marks) and inorganic substances like chlorides and bicar-
Ans. Bile is a golden yellow or greenish fluid. bonates.
• Synthetic function: The bacterial flora of large intes-
It enters the digestive tract by ampulla of Vater.
tine forms the folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin K.
Properties of Bile By this large intestine contributes in erythropoietic
activity as well as blood clotting mechanism.
♦ Its volume is 800 to 1200 ml/day
♦ It is alkaline in nature Q.26. Write short note on functions of bile salts.
♦ Its pH is 8 to 8.6 (Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
♦ Its specific gravity is 1.010 to 1.011. Ans. For function of bile salts refer to Ans 7 of same chapter.

Composition of Bile Q.27. Write short note on mechanism of HCl secretion in

gastric juice (diagrammatically). (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
Bile contains 97.6% of water and 2.4% of solids. The solids are
Ans. Hydrochloric acid is made up of hydrogen and chloride
organic and inorganic substances.
ions so its secretion is explained in two steps:
♦ Organic substances: Bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol,
lecithin and fatty acids. Secretion of H+ ion
♦ Inorganic substances: Sodium, calcium, potassium, chlo-
ride and bicarbonate. Hydrogen ions are generated inside the parietal cell from
metabolic carbon dioxide and water which is present inside
Functions of Bile the cell. Enzyme carbonic anhydrase present in the parietal cell
For function of bile refer to Ans 5 of same chapter. is very essential for the secretion. It enhances the formation of
bicarbonic acid, i.e. H2CO3 which split to release H+ and HCO3 .
Q.24. Write short note on pancreas and its functions. So the final reaction is expressed as:
(June 2010, 5 Marks)
Ans. Pancreas is an organ with dual function, i.e. exocrine CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3
and endocrine function.
• The exocrine function is concerned with secretion of Hydrogen ions generated by the above reaction secreted
digestive juice, i.e. pancreatic juice and the endocrine into the lumen of canaliculi in exchange for potassium ion by
function is to produce the hormones.
primary active transport mediated by H+ - K+ - ATPase pump.
• Exocrine part of pancreas is formed of acini or
alveoli. Each acinus has single layer of acinar cells Bicarbonate ions produced in the parietal cell transported
with lumen in center. Acinar cells consist of zymogen in the antiport in serosal membrane into the blood in exchange
granules which possess digestive enzymes. of chloride ion by an active transport.
• Pancreatic juice is released from apices of cells into
Secretion of Cl– ion
lumen of pancreatic ducts.
• Pancreatic juice passes through intercalated and Due to high intracellular negativity chloride ion present in
excretory ducts and is collected by the two ducts, parietal cell is forced in lumen of gland through chloride ion
i.e. duct of Wirsung and duct of Santorini. channels which are located on apical membrane of cell.
Physiology 329

(Apr 2008, 20 Marks)

Fig. 22: Diagrammatic presentation of mechanism of HCl secretion
in gastric juice
 (Feb 2013, 7 Marks)
Q.28. Write short note on functions of gallbladder. Ans. Following are the enzymes of gastrointestinal tract along
(Apr 2007, 5 Marks) with their functions:

Enzyme Description Functions

Pepsin Pepsin is secreted by chief cells of main gastric glands. • It acts on proteins and split them into proteoses,
Pepsin is secreted as inactive pepsinogen. Pepsinogen peptones and polypeptides
is converted to pepsin by hydrochloric acid secreted by • Pepsin also causes curdling and digestion of milk
parietal cells. It is activated at pH 2
Gastric lipase It is a weak lipolytic enzyme. It activates in acidic Gastric lipase acts on tributyrin and hydrolyse it into fatty
medium when pH is between 4 and 5 acids and glycerol
Gastric amylase Gastric amylase activates in acidic medium It acts on starch and split it into dextrin and maltose
Gelatinase Gelatinase activates in acidic medium It acts on gelatin and collagen of meat and the end
product is peptide
Urease Urease activates in acidic medium It hydrolyse urea and resultant end product is ammonia
Pancreatic α amylase • It is stable at pH range of 4 to 11 It splits α – 1 – 4 glycosidic bond of starch and digests
• Its molecular weight is 45000 starch to maltose
Pancreatic lipase Its pH range of activity is from 7 to 9. It hydrolyses neutral fats to glycerol esters and fatty acids.
Pancreatic esterase — It converts cholesterol esters to cholestrol
Pancreatic It is secreted in an inactive form and get converted to Phospholipase A2 splits a fatty acid of lecithin forming
prophospholipase A2 phospholipase A2 by trypsin lysolecithin which damages cell membrane
Pancreatic proteolytic enzymes
Trypsin • Trypsin is a single polypeptide with molecular weight • Trypsin breaks interior bonds of protein molecules and
of 25,000 split proteins into proteoses and polypeptides
• Trypsin is secreted as inactive trypsinogen which is • Trypsin accelerate clotting of blood
converted into active trypsin by enterokinase • Trypsin activates other enzymes of pancreatic juice
such as chymotrypsinogen, procarboxypeptidases etc
• Trypsin also activates collagenase, phospholipase A
and phospholipase B
• It has autocatalytic action i.e. once formed it itself
converts trypsinogen into trypsin
Chymotrypsin • Chymotrypsin is a polypeptide with molecular weight • Chymotrypsin breaks proteins into polypeptides
of 25,700 and 246 amino acids • It digests casein faster than trypsin. Combination of both
• Chymotrypsin is secreted as inactive chymotrypsinogen enzymes digests milk faster
and activated into chymotrypsin by trypsin
330 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Enzyme Description Functions

Carboxypeptidases There are two carboxypeptidases, i.e. carboxypeptidase Carboxypeptidases splits polypeptides and other proteins
A and carboxypeptidase B. They are secreted in an into amino acids
inactive form, i.e. procarboxypeptidase A & B. Inactive
form get converted to active form by trypsin
Nucleases Nucleases of pancreatic juice, i.e. ribonuclease and Ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease convert DNA and
deoxyribonuclease are responsible for the digestion of RNA into mononucleotides
nucleic acids
Elastase It is secreted as inactive proelastase and is activated into Elastase digests the elastic fibers
active elastase by trypsin
Collagenase It is secreted as inactive procollagenase and is activated Collagenase digests collagen
into active collagenase by trypsin
Enteropeptidases — Enteropeptidases convert peptides into amino acids
Lactase, sucrase They act at pH 5 to 7 They convert disaccharides into two molecules of
and maltase monosaccharides
Dextrinase — It converts dextrin, maltose and maltriose into glucose
Trehalase — It causes hydrolysis of trehalose glucohydrolase or trehalase
and converts it into glucose
Intestinal lipase — It act on triglycerides and convert them into fatty acids
Cholestrol esterase — It convert cholesterol esters to free cholesterol
Lecithinase — It convert phospholipids to simpler phospholipids
Alkaline phosphatase — It converts organic phosphate to free phosphate

Q.30. Write in brief on CCK (Cholicystokinin-Pancreozymin). Q.31. Write briefly about secretin. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
(Nov 2008, 5 Marks) Ans. Secretin was the first hormone to be discovered by Bayliss
Ans. CCK is a polypeptide which consists of 33 amino acids. and Starling in 1922.
Source of secretion: It is secreted by endocrinal I cell Structure: Secretin is a polypeptide hormone consist-
located in mucosa of duodenum and jejunum. ing of 27 amino acids.
Source: Secretin is produced by argentaffin or S cells
Actions in crypts of mucosa of upper part of small intestine
♦ It leads to secretion of pancreatic juice which is rich in i.e. duodenum and jejunum.
enzymes. Secretion: Secretin is secreted as prosecretin, which
♦ It causes contraction of gallbladder to release bile. is an inactive form, this inactive form is converted
♦ It potentiates effect of secretin to secrete more alkaline to active form i.e. secretin by gastric HCl and salts
pancreatic juice. of fatty acids.
♦ It enhances the secretion of enterokinase from duodenum. Mechanism of action: Secretin acts on adenylate
♦ CCK inhibits gastric motility. cyclase on cell membrane and increases cytosolic
♦ It enhances motility of large and small intestine. formation of cAMP.
♦ It increases pancreatic growth. Regulation of secretion: Secretin secretion is
♦ It is seen in neurons of brain where it is involved in regula- increased by acidic chyme and products of protein
tion of food intake. digestion which enter upper part of intestine.
Secretin stimulates water and alkaline pancreatic
Regulation of CCK Secretion
secretion. When watery and alkaline pancreatic
It occurs via positive feedback mechanism: juice enters intestine, acidic content of upper small
intestine is neutralized. Increase in pH of duodenal
and upper jejunal content decreases secretin
secretion by feedback mechanism.

♦ Secretin increases secretion of pancreatic juice rich in
♦ It also increases alkaline bile secretion.
Physiology 331

 cations and anions. The sodium and potassium ion con-

centration of pancreatic juice is similar to that of plasma
but bicarbonate and chloride concentration vary according
to rate of secretion. When secretion of bicarbonate and
chloride is low, their concentration is 70% of plasma but
when their secretion is high their concentration is more
(May 2017, 5 Marks)
than 100% of plasma.
♦ Aqueous component secreted by the ductal cell is hyper-
Name of Salivary Glands tonic to plasma as it consists of more of bicarbonate. But
♦ Parotid glands when secretion passes through the ducts water move into
♦ Submandibular or submaxillary gland duct lumen to make pancreatic juice isotonic, during which
♦ Sublingual gland bicarbonate is partially with chloride ion by HCO3 Cl
exchanger present on luminal membrane.
Enumeration of Functions of Saliva ♦ Bicarbonate in epithelial cell is derived from carbonic acid,
which is formed by carbon dioxide and water.
♦ Cleaning of mouth
♦ In ductal epithelial cells, on basolateral surface, Na+ - K+
♦ Lubrication and deglutition
pump actively pumps potassium ion into the cell.
♦ Antimicrobial function
♦ Cytosolic hydrogen ion is exchanged by Na+ H+ exchanger.
♦ Buffering function
♦ In the resting state, secretion of aqueous component occur
♦ Digestive function
mainly from intercalated and intralobular ducts but in
♦ Mineralization
stimulated state secretion occur from additional extra-
♦ Taste
lobular ducts, which has high bicarbonate concentration.
♦ Tissue repair
♦ Excretion. Secretion of Enzyme Component
Q.33. Write short answer on pancreatic secretions. Pancreatic enzymes are synthesized in acinar cells and are stored
(Apr 2018, 3 Marks) in zymogen granules. Granules are located towards the apical
Ans. Pancreas is a dual organ having two functions, i.e. region of cells. In response to appropriate stimulation, granules
endocrine function and exocrine function. Endocrine are released by exocytosis into the lumen of acinus.
function is concerned with production of hormones Regulation of Pancreatic Secretion
while exocrine function is concerned with secretion of
digestive juice known as pancreatic juice. ♦ Cephalic phase: When food is taken in the mouth, there
is secretion of pancreatic juice. Slight thought of food also
Composition of Pancreatic Secretion causes secretion of pancreatic juice by conditioned reflex.
For composition refer to Ans 22 of same chapter. The afferent nerve impulses from cerebral cortex reach
dorsal nucleus of vagus. From dorsal nucleus, afferent
Functions of Pancreatic Secretion impulses reach pancreas by passing through efferent fibers
of vagus nerve. The vagal nerve fibers cause secretion of
♦ Pancreatic secretion consists of enzymes which help in
pancreatic juice by releasing acetylcholine, which stimu-
digestion of fat, protein and carbohydrate. Pancreatic
lates acinar cells to release enzymes.
enzymes are primary requirement for digestion and
♦ Gastric phase: When food enters stomach, gastrin in GIT
absorption. Protein deficiency leads to severe malabsorption
hormone is secreted from stomach. The gastrin is trans-
ported by blood; and while reaching pancreas, it causes
♦ Pancreatic secretion consists of bicarbonate and water
release of pancreatic juice.
which neutralizes acid chyme entering intestine from
♦ Intestinal phase: When the chyme from stomach enters the
stomach. It also neutralizes effects of bile acids. So, it
intestine, more amount of pancreatic juice is secreted. This
prevents formation of duodenal ulcer.
is due to two hormones, i.e. secretin and cholecystokinin or
Mechanism of Pancreatic Secretion CCK. Acidic chyme increases the release of secretin from
S cells present in mucosa of upper part of small intestine.
It is divided into two components, i.e. secretion of aqueous Secretin stimulates pancreatic juice rich in aqueous com-
component and secretion of enzyme component. ponent. Presence of products of protein digestion such as
amino acids and peptides, and the products of fat digestion
Secretion of Aqueous Component
such as fatty acids and monoglycerides in chyme evoke
Aqueous component of pancreatic secretion is produced by pancreatic secretion rich in enzymes, this is mediated by
columnar epithelial cells which lines the pancreatic ducts. cholecystokinin secreted from I cells in intestinal mucosa.
♦ Pancreatic juice is nearly isotonic with plasma at any rate Cholecystokinin potentiates effect of secretin on ducts and
of formation and flow. Ionic composition includes mainly secretin potentiates effect of cholecystokinin on acinar cells.
332 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.34. Write very short answer on gastrin. 

(Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Gastrin is one of the gastrointestinal hormones.
• Gastrin is secreted by G cells in the stomach which
are located mainly in antral region.
• Gastrin is a polypeptide hormone which has marked
• There are different types of gastrin described but
three types are physiologically important, i.e. G34,
G17 and G14.
G17 is the principal gastrin secreted from the stom-
ach and is major stimulator of gastric acid secretion.

Gastrin is secreted from G cells, enter the general circulation.
In blood half-life of gastrin is less. It is inactivated inside the
intestine and degraded in kidney.
(Feb 2014, 8 Marks)
Mechanism of Action Or
Primary function of gastrin is to stimulate the acid secretion Write short note on glomerular filtration.
from parietal cells of stomach. Gastrin act on gastrin or CCK (Aug 2016, 5 Marks)
receptors on parietal cells and increases intracellular calcium Ans. Glomerular filtration is the process by which the blood
concentration via second messenger, IP3. Increased cytosolic that passes through gromerular capillaries is filtered via
calcium activates protein kinase which stimulates H+ K+ ATPase filtration membrane. This is the first process of urine
to promote acid secretion. formation.
Functions Filtration membrane consists of three layers, i.e.
1. Glomerular capillary membrane: It is formed by the
♦ Primary function of gastrin is the stimulation of gastric
single layer of endothelial cells which are attached to
acid and pepsin secretion. ln fact, gastrin is the most potent
basement membrane. Capillary membrane consists
natural stimulator of HCl secretion from parietal cells of
of many pores known as fenestra or filtration pores.
stomach. Therefore, hypergastrinemia causes peptic ulcer.
These pores has diameter of about 0.1 μ.
♦ Gastrin stimulates growth of gastric mucosa and mucosa
2. Basement membrane: Basement membrane of
of intestine. This is called trophic action of gastrin.
glomerular capillaries fuses with the basement
♦ It stimulates gastric motility.
membrane of visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule.
♦ It causes contraction of muscles at the gastroesophageal
This basement membrane separates the endothelium
junction (lower esophageal sphincter ). Therefore, it
of glomerular capillary and the epithelium of
prevents reflux esophagitis.
♦ It stimulates exocrine pancreatic secretion. visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule.
♦ It also stimulates insulin secretion. 3. Visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule: It consists of
♦ It stimulates mass movement of large intestine. single layer of flat epithelial cells which rest on the
♦ It causes colonic contraction that initiates gastrocolic reflex basement membrane. Each cell get connected with
after a meal. Therefore, usually defecation is activated the basement membrane by cytoplasmic extensions
after a meal. known as pedicle or feet. These pedicles are arranged in
♦ It stimulates histamine secretion from ECL (enterochro- the interdigitating manner leaving small cleft like space
maffin like cells) in Gl mucosa. in between. This cleft like space is known as slit pore.
Filtration takes place through these slit pores. Epithelial
cells with their pedicles are known as podocytes.
5. RENAL PHYSIOLOGY AND SKIN Procedure of Glomerular Filtration
 As blood passes via glomerular capillaries, plasma is filtered in
(Mar 1998, 5 Marks) Bowman’s capsule. All substances of plasma are filtered except
Ans. By the excretion of hydrogen ion and retention of plasma proteins. This filtrate is known as glomerular filtrate. It
bicarbonate ion, kidney plays an important role in is also known as ultrafiltration as minute particles get filtered.
maintaining acid-base balance in body fluid. But plasma proteins due to their large size cannot be filtered
Normally, urine is acidic in nature at pH of 6. The from slit pores. So this filtrate consists of all substances of plasma
urine becomes acidic because of tubular secretion of except plasma proteins.
Physiology 333

Factors Controlling Formation of Glomerular Filtrate 

Renal Blood Flow
It is the most important factor that is necessary for glomerular
filtration. GFR is directly proportional to renal blood flow. The
renal blood flow itself is controlled by autoregulation.

Tubuloglomerular Feedback
Tubuloglomerular feedback is the mechanism that regulates
GFR through renal tubule and macula densa. Macula densa
of juxtaglomerular apparatus in the terminal portion of thick
ascending limb is sensitive to the sodium chloride in the tubular
fluid. When glomerular filtrate passes through the terminal
portion of thick ascending segment, macula densa acts like a
sensor. It detects the concentration of sodium chloride in the
tubular fluid and accordingly alters the glomerular blood flow
and GFR.

Glomerular Capillary Pressure

The GFR is directly proportional to glomerular capillary
pressure. The capillary pressure, in turn depends upon the renal
blood flow and arterial blood pressure. (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)

Colloidal Osmotic Pressure Or

Write briefly on mechanism of formation of urine.
The GFR is inversely proportional to colloidal osmotic pressure (July 2016, 5 Marks)
which is exerted by plasma proteins in the glomerular capillary Ans. Formation of urine takes place in three steps:
blood. When colloidal osmotic pressure increases as in case of 1. Glomerular filtration: Plasma is filtered in glomeruli
dehydration or increased plasma protein level, GFR decreases. and substances reach the renal tubules along with
During hypoproteinemia, colloidal osmotic pressure is low and the water as filtrate.
GFR increases. 2. Tubular reabsoption: 99% of filtrate gets absorbed
in various segments of renal tubules.
Hydrostatic Pressure in Bowman’s Capsule
3. Tubular secretion: Some substances are secreted
GPR is inversely proportional to this. The hydrostatic pressure from blood into the renal tubule and with these
in Bowman’s capsule increases in conditions like obstruction of changes filtrate get converted to urine.
urethra and edema of kidney beneath renal capsule.
Glomerular Filtration
Constriction of Affrent Arteriole
Glomerular filtration is the process by which the blood that
The constriction of afferent arteriole reduces the blood flow to passes through glomerular capillaries is filtered via filtration
the glomerular capillaries which in turn reduces GFR. membrane. This is the first process of urine formation.

Constriction of Efferent Arteriole Filtration membrane consists of three layers, i.e.

1. Glomerular capillary membrane: It is formed by the single
If efferent arteriole is constricted, initially the GFR increases layer of endothelial cells which are attached to basement
because of stagnation of blood in the capillaries. Later when all membrane. Capillary membrane consists of many pores
the substances are filtered from this blood, further filtration does known as fenestra or filtration pores. These pores has
not occur because, the efferent arteriolar constriction prevents diameter of about 0.1μ.
outflow of blood from glomerulus and no fresh blood enters 2. Basement membrane: Basement membrane of glomerular
the glomerulus for filtration. capillaries fuses with the basement membrane of visceral
layer of Bowman’s capsule. This basement membrane
Systemic Arterial Blood Pressure
separates the endothelium of glomerular capillary and the
Renal blood flow or GFR are not affected till the mean arterial epithelium of visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule.
blood pressure is between 60 and 180 mm Hg. lt is due to the 3. Visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule: It consists of single
autoregulation mechanism. Variation in pressure above 180 mm layer of flat epithelial cells which rest on the basement
Hg or below 60 mm Hg affects the renal blood flow and GFR membrane. Each cell get connected with the basement
according because the autoregulatory mechanism fails beyond membrane by cytoplasmic extensions known as pedicle
this range. or feet. These pedicles are arranged in the interdigitating
334 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

manner leaving small cleft like space in between. This ♦ Potassium is secreted actively by sodium potassium pump
cleft like space is known as slit pore. Filtration takes place in proximal and distal convoluted tubules and in collect-
through these slit pores. Epithelial cells with their pedicles ing ducts.
are known as podocytes. ♦ Ammonia is secreted in proximal convoluted tubule.
♦ Hydrogen ions are secreted in PCT and DCT. Maximum
Procedure of Glomerular Filtration hydrogen ion secretion occurs in PCT.
As blood passes via glomerular capillaries, plasma is filtered in ♦ So urine formation occurs in nephron by process of glomer-
Bowman’s capsule. All substances of plasma are filtered except ular filtration, selective reabsorption and tubular secretion.
plasma proteins. This filtrate is known as glomerular filtrate. It
is also known as ultrafiltration as minute particles get filtered.
But plasma proteins due to their large size cannot be filtered
from slit pores. So this filtrate consists of all substances of plasma
except plasma proteins.

Tubular Reabsorption
When the glomerular filtrate passes through the tubular portion
of nephron, both quantitative and qualitative changes occur.
Large quantity of water, electrolytes and other substances are
reabsorbed by tubular epithelial cells. The substances which
are reabsorbed pass into interstitial fluid of renal medulla, and
from here substances move into blood in peritubular capillaries.
As substances are taken back into blood, the entire process is
called tubular reabsorption.
The tubular cells of kidney selectively, reabsorb the
substances present in glomerular filtrate, according to need of
body. So, it is also called as selective reabsorption.
Fig. 23: Urine formation
Mechanism of Reabsorption
Q.4. Write in brief on countercurrent multiplier exchange
It occur by active and passive reabsorption: system of concentrated urine. (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
♦ Active reabsorption: It is the movement of molecules
against electrochemical gradient and it needs liberation of
energy which is derived from ATP. Substances resorbed Write short note on countercurrent mechanism.
actively in renal tubule are sodium, calcium, potassium, (Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
phosphate, sulphate, bicarbonate, glucose, amino acid, Ans. The countercurrent system is a system of “U” shaped
ascorbic acid, uric acid and ketone bodies. tubules in which the flow of fluid is in opposite direction
♦ Passive reabsorption: It is the movement of molecules in different limbs of “U” shape tubules. In kidney, the
along electrochemical gradient. This process does not structures which forms the countercurrent system are
need any energy. Substances resorbed are chloride, urea loop of Henle and vasa recta. The loop of Henle forms
and water. countercurrent multiplier, and vasa recta forms the
countercurrent exchangers.
Reabsorption of substances occurs in all segments of tubular
• Countercurrent multiplier: The operation of each
portion of nephron:
loop of Henle as countercurrent multiplier depends
♦ Substances resorbed from PCT: It resorbs 67% of the on active transport of sodium and chloride out of the
filtered water, Na+, Cl , K+ and other solutes. All glucose thick ascending limb, the high permeability of this thin
and amino acids are filtered by glomerulus. Total of the descending limb to water and inflow of tubular fluid
88% filtrate is resorbed in PCT. Brush border of epithelial form proximal tubule, with outflow in distal tubule.
cell in PCT increases surface area and facilitate resorption. In juxtamedullary nephrons with longer loops and
♦ Substances resorbed in loop of Henle: 20% of filtered Na+ thin ascending limbs, the osmotic gradient is spread
and Cl , 15% of filtered water and cations, i.e. K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ over a greater distance, and osmolality at tip of loop
get resorbed in loop of Henle. is greater. This is because thin ascending limb is rela-
♦ Substances resorbed in DCT and CT: 7% of filtered NaCl tively impermeable to water but permeable to sodium
and 8 to 17% of water is resorbed in these segments. and chloride. Therefore sodium and chloride move
down their concentration gradient into interstitium
Tubular Secretion
and there is additional passive countercurrent multi-
♦ It is the process by which the substances are transported plication. The greater the length of loop of Henle, the
from blood into renal tubules. greater is osmolality which reaches to the tip.
Physiology 335

• Countercurrent exchanger: It is formed by vasa 

recta. Vasa recta is responsible for maintenance of
hyperosmolarity of medullary interstitial fluid and
medullary gradient developed by countercurrent
multiplier. Vasa recta is highly permeable to water
and sodium, when the blood enters vasa recta, it
is isotonic to systemic plasma. When this capillary
descend downwards into deeper part of medulla,
water diffuses out passively from blood. Sodium and
urea passively diffuses in the blood. Since, vasa recta
has hair pin like structure, so when blood passes
through ascending limb of vasa recta, sodium and
urea diffuse out of blood and enter interstitial fluid of
medulla, and water diffuses in blood. The vasa recta
retains sodium and urea in medullary intersitium
and removes water from it. So hyperosmolalrity of
medullary interstitium is maintained.
Q.5. Write briefly on formation of concentrated urine.
(Apr 2003, 5 Marks) (Mar 2001, 5 Marks)
Write on mechanism of concentration of urine.
(May 2014, 5 Marks)
Ans. As glomerular filtrate passes through renal tubule, the
osmolarity is altered and concentration of urine occurs
in the following fashion:
1. Bowman’s capsule: The glomerular filtrate at
Bowman’s capsule has same osmolarity of plasma as
it contains all substances of plasma except proteins.
Osmolarity of filtrate at Bowman’s capsule is 300
2. Proximal convoluted tubule: There is active re-
absorption of sodium and chloride followed by
obligatory reabsorption of water. So osmolarity of
fluid remains same, i.e. 300 milliosmoles/L.
3. Thick descending segment: Here, water is reab-
sorbed from tubule into outer medullary interstitium
by means of osmosis. The osmolarity is 450 to 600
4. Thin descending segment of Henle’s loop: In
this, more water is reabsorbed and osmolarity of
tubular fluid becomes equal to that of surround-
ing medullary interstitium. The osmolarity is 1200 (Dec 2004, 5 Marks)
milliosmoles/L. Or
5. Thin ascending segment of Henle’s loop: In this

segment due to concentration gradient, sodium
chloride diffuses out of tubular fluid and osmolarity
decreases to 400 milliosmoles/L.
6. Thick ascending segment: It is impermeable to
water. But there is active reabsorption of sodium
and chloride. The fluid inside becomes hypotonic to
plasma. The osmolarity is 150 to 200 milliosmoles/L.
7. Distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct: The
two segments are totally impermeable to water, but (Aug 2018, 5 Marks)
permeable to solutes. So sodium and chloride are Ans. Normal GFR refers to the volume of glomerular filtrate
reabsorbed. The tubular fluid becomes more hypo- formed each minute by all the nephrons in both the
tonic at DCT and osmolarity is 100 milliosmoles/L. kidneys.
336 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

  Its normal value is 125 ml/min i.e. 170 to 180 L/day. Constriction of Efferent Arteriole
Its value is 10% less in females as compared to males. If efferent arteriole is constricted, initially the GFR increases
  At the rate of 125 ml/min kidneys filter 4 times total because of stagnation of blood in the capillaries. Later when all
body water, 15 times the extra cellular fluid volume and the substances are filtered from this blood, further filtration does
60 times the plasma volume. not occur because, the efferent arteriolar constriction prevents
outflow of blood from glomerulus and no fresh blood enters
Procedure of Glomerular Filtration the glomerulus for filtration.
As blood passes via glomerular capillaries, plasma is filtered in
Systemic Arterial Blood Pressure
Bowman’s capsule. All substances of plasma are filtered except
plasma proteins. This filtrate is known as glomerular filtrate. It Renal blood flow or GFR are not affected till the mean arterial
is also known as ultrafiltration as minute particles get filtered. blood pressure is between 60 and 180 mm Hg. lt is due to the
autoregulation mechanism. Variation in pressure above 180
But plasma proteins due to their large size cannot be filtered
mm Hg or below 60 mm Hg affects the renal blood flow and
from slit pores. So this filtrate consists of all substances of plasma
GFR accordingly because the autoregulatory mechanism fails
except plasma proteins. beyond this range.
Factors Affecting Glomerular Filtration Rate Surface Area of Capillary Membrane
Renal Blood Flow GFR is directly proportional to the surface area of the capillary
It is the most important factor that is necessary for glomerular membrane. If the glomerular capillary membrane is affected as
in the cases of some renal diseases, the surface area for filtration
filtration. GFR is directly proportional to renal blood flow. The
decreases. So there is suction in GFR.
renal blood flow itself is controlled by autoregulation.
Permeability of Capillary Membrane
Tubuloglomerular Feedback
GFR is directly proportional to the permeability glomerular
Tubuloglomerular feedback is the mechanism that regulates capillary membrane. In many abnormal conditions like hypoxia,
GFR through renal tubule and macula densa. Macula densa lack of blood supply, presence of toxic agents, etc. the permeability
of juxtaglomerular apparatus in the terminal portion of thick of the capillary membrane increases. In such conditions, even
ascending limb is sensitive to the sodium chloride in the tubular plasma proteins are filtered and excreted in urine.
Q.8. Draw a labeled diagram of structure of nephron.
When glomerular filtrate passes through the terminal portion
of thick ascending segment, macula densa acts like a sensor. It (Sep 2004, 5 Marks)
detects the concentration of sodium chloride in the tubular fluid Ans.
and accordingly alters the glomerular blood flow and GPR.

Glomerular Capillary Pressure

The GFR is directly proportional to glomerular capillary
pressure. The capillary pressure, in turn depends upon the renal
blood flow and arterial blood pressure.

Colloidal Osmotic Pressure

The GFR is inversely proportional to colloidal osmotic pressure
which is exerted by plasma proteins in the glomerular capillary
blood. When colloidal osmotic pressure increases as in case of
dehydration or increased plasma protein level, GFR decreases.
During hypoproteinemia, colloidal osmotic pressure is low and
GFR increases.

Hydrostatic Pressure in Bowman’s Capsule

GPR is inversely proportional to this. The hydrostatic pressure Fig. 24: Nephron
in Bowman’s capsule increases in conditions like obstruction of
urethra and edema of kidney beneath renal capsule. Q.9. Describe the functions of skin.
(Sep 2000, 5 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Constriction of Affrent Arteriole
The constriction of afferent arteriole reduces the blood flow to Write short note on functions of epithelial tissues.
the glomerular capillaries which in turn reduces GFR. (Feb 2013, 7 Marks)
Physiology 337

Ans. Following are the functions of skin ♦ They are innervated by sympathetic nerve fibers. They
1. Protective function: Skin forms the covering of all release rennin in response to sympathetic discharge.
organs of body and protects these organs from: ♦ These cells acts as baroreceptors and produce their action
a. Bacteria and toxic substances in response to changes occurring in the transmural pres-
b. Mechanical blow sure gradient between afferent arterioles and interstitium.
c. UV rays. ♦ They act as vascular volume receptors and monitor renal
2. Role of skin as sense organ: It is the largest sense perfusion pressure, they are stimulated by hypovolemia
organ in body. It consists of cutaneous receptors or decrease renal perfusion pressure.
which are stimulated by sensation of touch, pain,
temperature and pressure and convey these sensa-
tions to brain.
3. Storage function: It stores fat, water, chloride and
sugar. It also stores blood during dilatation of blood
4. Regulation of body temperature: Skin plays an
important role in regulation of body temperature.
Excessive heat is lost from body through skin by
radiation. Sweat glands of skin take active part in
heat loss by secreting sweat.
5. Secretory function: Skin secretes sweat through
sweat glands and sebum through sebaceous glands.
By secreting sweat, skin regulates body temperature
and water balance. Sebum keeps skin smooth and
6. Synthesis of vitamin D: It is secreted in skin by
action of UV rays on cholesterol. Fig. 25: Juxtaglomerular apparatus
7. Excretory function: Skin regulates water balance
and electrolyte balance by excreting water and salts Macula Densa Cells
through sweat.
♦ These are specialized renal tubular epithelial cells of short
8. Absorptive function: Skin absorbs fats, soluble
segment of thick ascending limb of loop of Henle.
substances and some ointments.
♦ These cells are in direct contact with mesangial cells and
Q.10. Describe countercurrent system. Add note to GFR. in close contact with JG cells.
(Mar 2006, 15 Marks) ♦ These cells have prominent nuclei and they act as chemo-
Ans. For countercurrent mechanism refer to Ans 4 of the same receptors. They are stimulated by decreased sodium ion
chapter and for GFR refer to Ans 7 of the same chapter. load causing increase in rennin release.
Q.11. Write a short note on juxtaglomerular apparatus. ♦ Macula densa cells are not innervated.
(Feb 2003, 5 Marks) (Aug 2005, 5 Marks)
Mesangial Cells or Lacis Cells
(Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
Ans. Juxtaglomerular apparatus is the collection of specialized ♦ These are the supporting cells of juxtaglomerular appara-
cells which is located near to glomerulus. tus and are seen between capillary loops.
  It forms the major component of rennin-angiotensin- ♦ They are in contact with the JG cells and macula densa cells.
aldosterone system. ♦ These cells are contractile and play an important role in
regulation of glomerular filtration.
Juxtaglomerular apparatus consists of three types of cells:

a. Juxtaglomerular cells.
b. Macula densa cells.
c. Mesangial cells.
(Sep 2006, 4 Marks)
Juxtaglomerular Cells or JG Cells Ans. The functions of distal convoluted tubule are:
♦ JG cells are the specialized myoepithelial cells which are 1. They are involved in sodium reabsorption.
located in media of afferent arteriole in region of juxtaglo- 2. They are involved in vasopressin stimulated water
merular apparatus. reabsorption.
♦ Juxtaglomerular cells synthesize, store and releases the 3. They are concerned with acid secretion and bicar-
enzyme known as rennin which is stored inside the secre- bonate transport.
tory cells of juxtaglomerular cells. 4. They causes hypertonicity of urine.
338 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.13. Enlist the functions of kidney. Describe the role of Ans. Functions of ADH
kidney in regulation of blood pressure. 1. The major function of ADH is retention of water in
(Sep 2006, 15 Marks) ECF by acting on kidney.
Ans. Functions of Kidney 2. It increases water reabsorption from DCT and col-
1. They regulate and maintain volume and composition lecting duct in absence of ADH.
of body fluids by regulating secretion of ADH from 3. It causes constriction of blood vessels.
posterior pituitary. 4. It increases blood pressure.
2. The kidneys retain certain useful substances by 5. It reduces the osmolarity of ECF.
maintaining threshold called as renal threshold.
Diabetes Insipidus
3. The kidneys are main excretory organs. They nor-
mally excrete waste products, i.e. urea, uric acid, The disorder of ADH causes diabetes insipidus. This disease
creatinine. is characterized by excessive excretion of water through urine.
4. They play a role in homeostasis of sodium, potas-
sium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, hydrogen
and bicarbonate ions. This is a syndrome developed due to the deficiency of ADH
5. Kidney performs certain metabolic and hormonal of posterior pituitary. The deficiency occurs due to following
functions like they secrete an enzyme known as reasons:
renin which causes regulation of blood pressure. It ♦ Injury or degeneration of supraoptic and paraventricular
also produces a hormone called as erythropoietin nuclei of hypothalamus.
which stimulates erythropoiesis in bone marrow. ♦ Leison in hypothalamohypophyseal tract.
6. They regulate the osmotic pressure (osmolality) of ♦ Atrophy of posterior pituitary.
the body fluids by excreting osmotically dilute or ♦ It can also occur due to the inability of renal tubules to give
concentrated urine. response to ADH. This condition is called as nephrogenic
7. They play an essential role in acid base balance by diabetic insipidus.
excreting H+ when there is excess acid or HCO3-
Types of Diabetes Insipidus
when there is excess base.
8. They regulate the volume of the ECF by controlling ♦ Central or neurogenic: It is due to complete or partial
Na+ and water excretion. failure of ADH secretion.
9. They remove many drugs (e.g. penicillin) and ♦ Nephrogenic: It is due to complete or partial failure of
foreign or toxic compounds. collecting tubules to respond to ADH. It occurs due to
10. They are the major sites of production of V2 receptor unresponsiveness or due to mutation of
certain hormones, including erythropoietin and aquaporin 2.
1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3.
Signs and Symptoms
11. They degrade several polypeptide hormones,
including insulin, glucagon, and parathyroid ♦ Polyurea: Excretion of large quantity of dilute urine with
hormone. increased frequency of voiding is known as polyuria. Daily
12. They synthesize ammonia, which plays a role in output of urine is between 4 and 12 litres.
acid-base balance. ♦ Polydipsia: Intake of excess water is known as polydipsia.
13. They synthesize substances that affect renal blood Loss of water due to polyurea stimulates the thrist center
flow and Na+ excretion, including arachidonic acid in hypothalamus which results in intake of large quantity
derivatives (prostaglandins, thromboxane A2) and of water.
kallikrein (a proteolytic enzyme that results in the ♦ Dehydration: Thirst center in hypothalamus is affected.
production of kinins). Water intake decrease in these patients and loss of water
through urine is not compensated. This leads to dehydra-
For the role of kidney in regulation of blood pressure refer
tion. Signs and symptoms of dehydration are dry tongue,
to Ans 13 of chapter CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM.
xerostomia, hypotension and loss of consciousness.
Q.14. What are the functions of ADH? What is diabetes
Q.15. Discuss in brief renal tubular functions.
insipidus? (Aug 2005, 7 Marks)
(Oct 2007, 10 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter.
Write very short answer on functions of ADH.

Q. 16. Describe in short about acidification of urine.
(Apr 2018, 2 Marks) (Mar 2007, 4 Marks)
Or Ans. Urine is acidic in nature with a pH of 6.
Answer in brief functions of ADH. • The urine becomes acidic because of tubular
(Sep 2017, 2 Marks) secretion of hydrogen ions.
Physiology 339

• Hydrogen ions are secreted in exchange of sodium • It opens towards urethra, at the other end of urethra
ions in the proximal and distal convoluted tubules there is eternal urethral sphincter.
and by the formation of ammonia.
Nerve Supply to Urinary Bladder and Sphincters
Excretion of Hydrogen in Exchange to Sodium Ions ♦ Urinary bladder and internal sphincter are supplied by
♦ In proximal convoluted tubule: both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
Proximal convoluted tubule contains large quantity ♦ The external sphincter is supplied by somatic nerve.
of sodium bicorbonate, which associates into sodium ♦ Sympathetic nerve: Causes relaxation of detrusor muscle
and bicarbonate and contraction of internal sphincter so causes filling of
Simultaneously CO2 enters the cells from tubular fluid. urinary bladder.
In tubular cells, CO2 combines with H2O to form ♦ Parasympathetic nerve (pelvic nerve): Causes contraction
carbonic acid which dissociates into hydrogen and of detrusor muscle and relaxation of the internal sphincter
bicarbonate ions. leading to emptying of urinary bladder.
When sodium ion is resorbed from the tubular fluid ♦ Somatic nerve (pudendal nerve): It maintains the tonic
into tubular cell, hydrogen ion is secreted from the cell contraction of the skeletal muscle fibers forming external
into the tubular fluid in exchange for sodium ion. sphincter.
♦ In distal convoluted tubule:
In tubular cell, CO2 and H2O combine to form H2CO3 Micturition Reflex
which dissociate into H+ and HCO3
This H + is secreted into tubular lumen from the Filling of urinary bladder
exchange of sodium ion.
Sodium ion absorbed into tubular cell under the Stimulation of stretch receptors in urinary bladder
influence of aldosterone.
The hydrogen ion combines with sodium hydrogen Afferent impulses via pelvic nerve
phosphate to form sodium dihydrogen phosphate
which causes the acidity of urine. Sacral segments of spinal cord
Excretion of Hydrogen Ions by the Formation of Ammonia
Urinary bladder
♦ Kidney increases the excretion of hydrogen ions, by the
formation of ammonia. Relaxation of
♦ In tubular cells, ammonia is formed when glutamine is destrusor muscle internal sphincter
converted into glutamic acid.
♦ Ammonia is also formed by the deamination of some of Flow of urine in urethra and stimulation of stretch receptors
the amino acids like glycine and alanine.
♦ The ammonium formed in tubular cells is released into tubu- Efferent impulses via pelvic nerve
lar luman and here it combines with a hydrogen ion to form
ammonium, which combines with sodium acetoacetate to
form ammonium acetoacetate which excreted through urine. Inhibition of pudendal nerve
♦ Thus, hydrogen ions enter the urine in the form of
ammonium compounds and causes acidity of urine. Relaxation of external sphincter
Q.17. Write briefly about micturition.
(Apr 2008, 4 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks) Voiding of urine
Ans. Micturition is a process by which urine is voided from
Q.18. Write short note on body temperature and functions
the urinary bladder.
of skin. (Aug 2011, 6 Marks)
• It is a reflex process.
Ans. Body Temperature
The functional anatomy and nerve supply of urinary
bladder are essential for the process of micturition. Body temperature can be measured by placing the
• Urinary bladder consists of the body, neck and clinical thermometer in different parts of the body
internal urethral sphincter. such as mouth, axilla, rectum, over the skin.
The smooth muscle forming the body of bladder is The normal body temperature in human is 37°C
called detrusor muscle. (98.6°F) when measured by placing the clinical
• At the posterior surface of the bladder wall, there is thermometer in the mouth.
a triangular area called trigone. At the upper angles
Variations of Body Temperature
of this trigone, two ureters enter the bladder.
• The lower part of bladder is narrow and forms the neck. 1. Age: In infants, the body temperature varies in accordance
The distal end of this has a internal sphincter made to environmental temperature for the first few days after
by detrusor muscle. birth. In children the temperature is slightly (0.5°C) more
340 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

than in adults because of more physical activities. In old Constriction of Afferent Arteriole
age, since the heat production is less, the body temperature
The constriction of afferent arteriole reduces the blood flow to
decreases slightly.
the glomerular capillaries which in turn reduces GFR.
2. Sex: ln females, the body temperature is less because of
low basal metabolic rate when compared to that of males. Constriction of Efferent Arteriole
During menstrual phase it decreases slightly.
If efferent arteriole is constricted, initially the GFR increases
3. Diurnal variation: In early morning, the temperature is
because of stagnation of blood in the capillaries. Later when all
1°C less. In the afternoon, it reaches the maximum.
the substances are filtered from this blood, further filtration does
4. After meals: The body temperature rises slightly (0.5°C)
not occur because, the efferent arteriolar constriction prevents
after meals.
outflow of blood from glomerulus and no fresh blood enters
5. Exercise: During exercise, the temperature raises due to
the glomerulus for filtration.
production of heat in muscles.
6. Sleep: During sleep, the body temperature decreases by Systemic Arterial Blood Pressure
Renal blood flow or GFR are not affected till the mean arterial
7. Emotion: During emotional conditions, the body tempera-
blood pressure is between 60 and 180 mm Hg. lt is due to the
ture increases.
autoregulation mechanism.Variation in pressure above 180 mm
For functions of skin refer to Ans 10 of same chapter.
Hg or below 60 mm Hg affects the renal blood flow and GFR
Q.19. Write about factors affecting glomerular filtration rate. according because the autoregulatory mechanism fails beyond
(Feb 2013, 7 Marks) this range.
Ans. Following are the factors affecting glomerular filtration
Surface Area of Capillary Membrane
GFR is directly proportional to the surface area of the capillary
Renal Blood Flow membrane. If the glomerular capillary membrane is affected as
It is the most important factor that is necessary for glomerular in the cases of some renal diseases, the surface area for filtration
filtration. GFR is directly proportional to renal blood flow. The decreases. So there is suction in GFR.
renal blood flow itself is controlled by autoregulation.
Permeability of Capillary Membrane
Tubuloglomerular Feedback GFR is directly proportional to the permeability glomerular
Tubuloglomerular feedback is the mechanism that regulates capillary membrane. In many abnormal conditions like hypoxia,
GFR through renal tubule and macula densa. Macula densa lack of blood supply, presence of toxic agents, etc. the permeability
of juxtaglomerular apparatus in the terminal portion of thick of the capillary membrane increases. In such conditions, even
plasma proteins are filtered and excreted in urine.
ascending limb is sensitive to the sodium chloride in the tubular
fluid. When glomerular filtrate passes through the terminal portion Q.20. Write in detail structure and functions of kidney.
of thick ascending segment, macula densa acts like a sensor. It (Dec 2010, 6 Marks) (Aug 2011, 8 Marks)
detects the concentration of sodium chloride in the tubular fluid Ans. Structure of kidney.
and accordingly alters the glomerular blood flow and GPR.
Gross Structure
Glomerular Capillary Pressure ♦ The two kidneys, each weighing 150 gm in adults are
The GFR is directly proportional to glomerular capillary located retroperitoneally in the upper dorsal region of the
pressure. The capillary pressure, in turn depends upon the renal abdominal cavity, on either side of the vertebral column.
blood flow and arterial blood pressure. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs, approx 10 cm long,
5 cm wide and 2.5 cm thick. The right kidney is usually
Colloidal Osmotic Pressure slightly lower than the left because of the considerable
space occupied by the liver. Vertical section of the kidneys
The GFR is inversely proportional to colloidal osmotic pressure
which is exerted by plasma proteins in the glomerular capillary
Outer cortex: Reddish in color
blood. When colloidal osmotic pressure increases as in case of
Inner Medulla: Pale in color. It contains 10 15
dehydration or increased plasma protein level, GFR decreases. Pyramids which terminate medially in the renal
During hypoproteinemia, colloidal osmotic pressure is low and papillae. Papillae projects into calyces ; such 10 15
GFR increases. minor calyces join to form two major calyces which
come out through the pelvis of kidney to the widened
Hydrostatic Pressure in Bowman’s Capsule
end of the ureter.
GPR is inversely proportional to this. The hydrostatic pressure ♦ The ureters exit from the hilum of the kidney and pass
in Bowman’s capsule increases in conditions like obstruction of to the bladder. The blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves
urethra and edema of kidney beneath renal capsule. enter into or exit from the kidney via the hilum.
Physiology 341

upon capillary surface to form filtration slits along the

capillary wall.
Layer 2: Outer Cement Layer: Over this lie the foot
processes of podocytes.
Layer 3: Lamina Densa: Dense structural portion of the
basement membrane.
Layer 4: Inner Cement Layer: It provides a bed for the
capillary endothelium.
Layer 5: Endothelial cell Layer: The endothelium of the
glomerular capillaries is fenestrated with pores of
100 nm in diameter due to this plasma filtration with
retention of plasma proteins and blood cells.
♦ The glomerular capillaries form a freely branching anasto-
motic network. Each glomerulus contains six lobules and
each of these consists of 3-6 capillary loops, i.e. 20-40 loops
in all. Many anastomoses occur between the capillaries
Fig. 26: Vertical section of human kidney within any one lobule.
♦ The major function of glomerular membrane is to produce
Microscopic Structure an ultrafiltrate, i.e. the glomerular filtrate will contain all
the constituents of plasma except proteins.
♦ The basic functional unit of the kidney is the nephron.
♦ There are approximately 1 to 1.3 million nephrons in each Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)
kidney which drain into the renal pelvis. Total length of a 1. PCT lumen is continuous with that of Bowman’s capsule.
nephron ranges from 45 to 65 mm. 2. It is 15 mm long and 55m in diameter, consisting of single
♦ The different parts of the nephron are Bowmann’s capsule; layer of cells with curved outline and brush border formed
Glomerulus, the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), loop of
by numerous microvilli which markedly increase the sur-
Henle, distal convoluted tubule (DCT), collecting tubules.
face area for absorption.
Bowman’s capsule: It is the initial dilated part of the
3. Tubular cells are united at the apex by tight junctions while
nephron. Its epithelial cell lining is about 5 μm thick.
the bases of the cells have extensions into extracellular
Glomerulus: It is about 200 μm in diameter and
space, called the lateral intercellular spaces.
formed by the invagination of a tuft of capillaries
into the Bowman’s capsule. The capillaries are 4. PCT is divided into two parts:
supplied by afferent arteriole. Bowman’s capsule and i. Pars convoluta-convoluted portion of PCT
the glomerulus together constitute the Malpighian ii. Pars recta-straight portion of PCT.
Corpuscle. Loop of Henle
The Bowman’s capsule has two layers:
1. It consists of a descending limb which arises in continuity
1. Visceral: Visceral cell layer is very closely applied to the
with the terminal part of the PCT.
loops of the capillaries so as to surround each loop on all
2. Descending limb continues into the thin segment where
sides. It is continuous at the site of entrance of the afferent
the epithelium is of attenuated flat cells. Length of the thin
and efferent arterioles with the parietal layer.
2. Parietal: Parietal cell layer is applied to the Bowman segment of the loop is 2 to 14 mm.
capsule proper and forms the outer lining of the Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)
glomerulus. It is continuous with the proximal convoluted
tubule. A space is present between the visceral and parietal Thick ascending limb is continued as DCT (length 5 mm).
layers of the Bowman’s capsule, called Bowman’s space. 1. DCT is characterized by low cuboidal epithelium with few
The structures intervening blood within the capillary loop scattered microvilli.
and Bowman’s space is called glomerular membrane or 2. This tubule comes very close to its own glomerulus and
glomerular capillary wall. establishes a close proximity to the afferent and efferent
arterioles of the glomerulus. At this site the cells of DCT
Structure of Glomerular Membrane get modified to become columnar and are closely crowded
♦ It is an extremely thin membrane and is made up of five together, that is why this part of DCT is called the macula
layers. densa.
Layer 1: Foot process of podocytes: Visceral epithelial cell 3. The macula densa and the adjacent juxtaglomerular part
layer covering the capillaries is not continuous. It gives of the afferent arteriolar wall are functionally associated
out series of processes called pedicles, interdigitating forming juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA).
342 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Collecting Tubules (CT) Reabsorption of Bicarbonate

1. DCT join to form collecting tubules and is lined by clear It conserves the blood bicarbonate with excretion of hydrogen
cuboidal epithelium. ions. Normal urine is free from bicarbonate ions.
2. CT passes through the renal cortex and medulla to empty
into the pelvis of the kidney at the apices of the medullary Excretion of Titratable Acid
pyramids. ♦ Titratable acidity refers to the number of millimeters of
3. CT epithelium consists of two types of cells: N/10 NaOH which is required to titrate 1 liter of urine
i. P-Cells: These cells increases the permeability of CT to to pH 7.4.
water in the presence of ADH by increasing the pore ♦ Titratable acidity reflects the hydrogen ions excreted in
size. P-cells leads to Na+ reabsorption. urine which causes fall in pH from 7.4.
ii. I-Cells: These cells secrete acid (H+), helps transport ♦ Excreted hydrogen ions are buffered in urine by phosphate
of HCO3 and are responsible for acidic urine. buffer.
– The whole kidney is enveloped by a thin but tough
fibrous membrane, called renal capsule. It limits Excretion of Ammonium Ions
the swelling. ♦ It is another mechanism for buffering of hydrogen ions
For functions of kidney refer to Ans 13 of same chapter. which are secreted in tubular fluid.
Q.21. Write short note on kidney functions. ♦ Hydrogen ions combine with ammonia to form ammo-
(Dec 2009, 5 Marks) nium ion.
Ans. For kidney functions refer to Ans 13 of same chapter. ♦ Renal tubular cells deamidate glutamine to glutamate and
ammonia and this reaction occur in presence of enzyme
Q.22. Give the structure of kidney and functions of kidney
in detail. Also write down about the role of kidneys
♦ Ammonia liberated in this reaction diffuses in tubular
in regulation of pH of blood. (June 2010, 10 Marks)
lumen where it combines hydrogen to form ammonia.
Ans. For structure of kidney refer to Ans 20 of same chapter.
♦ Ammonium ions cannot diffuse back in tubular cells and
For functions of kidney refer to Ans 13 of same chapter. are excreted in urine.
Role of Kidneys in Regulation of pH of Blood Q.23. Write in brief TmG and renal threshold.
(June 2010, 5 Marks)
Role of kidneys in maintainence of blood pH is highly
significant. Renal mechanism try to provide a permanent Ans. TmG
solution for acid-base disturbances. When reabsorptive limit of tubule, i.e. Tr exceeded
the amount of glucose which passes in urine in-
The enzyme carbonic anhydrase leads to the renal regulation
of pH which occur by following mechanism: creases with plasma glucose concentration the limit
1. Excretion of H+ ions is referred to as Tubular maximum for glucose, i.e.
2. Reabsorption of bicarbonate TmG
3. Excretion of titratable acid • TmG is the rate at which glucose is reabsorbed from
4. Excretion of ammonium ions. the renal tubule
• TmG in males is 375 mg/min and in females it is 300
Excretion of H+ ions mg/min.
♦ Kidney eliminated the H+ ion from the body.
Renal Threashold
♦ H+ excretion occur in proximal convoluted tubule and is
coupled with regeneration of bicarbonate. ♦ It is the plasma concentration at which the particular sub-
♦ Carbonic anhydrase catalyses production of carbonic stance first appear in urine.
acid from carbon dioxide and water in renal tubular ♦ Every substance has threashold level in plasma or blood.
cell. Below this level the substance is completely reabsorbed
♦ Bicarbonate then dissociate to hydrogen ion and bicar- and does not appear in urine. When the concentration of
bonate ion. that particular substance reaches the threashold, excess
♦ Hydrogen ions are secreted in tubular lumen in exchange amount is not resorbed and appears in urine. This is renal
for sodium ion. threashold of the substance.
♦ Sodium ion in association with bicarbonate ion is reab- ♦ Renal threashold for glucose is 180 mg/dl, it means that
sorbed in blood glucose is completely reabsorbed from tubular fluid if its
♦ By this way hydrogen ions are eliminated from body and concentration in blood is less than 180 mg/dl. So glucose
bicarbonate ions generated in body. does not appear in urine. When blood level of glucose
♦ Hydrogen ion combines with non-carbonate base and is reaches 180 mg/dl, it is not absorbed completely and
excreted in urine. appears in urine.
Physiology 343

Q.24. Write down names of different tissues present in the ♦ Supported by connective tissue: Attachment to a layer of
body. Describe epithelial tissue. (June 2010, 15 Marks) connective tissue at the basal surface forms a layer called
Or the basement membrane, an adhesive layer formed by secre-
tions from the epithelial cells and the connective tissue cells.
Write in brief on epithelial tissue. ♦ Avascular: Epithelium typically lacks its own blood supply.
(Nov 2008, 5 Marks) ♦ Regeneration: Epithelium cells can regenerate if properly
Ans. Human body is composed of four basic types of tissues: nourished.
1. Epithelium: Lines and covers surfaces Classification of epithelium is based on the shape of the cells
2. Connective tissue: Protect, support, and bind together and the arrangement of the cells within the tissue.
3. Muscular tissue: Produces movement
Typically, the arrangement of the cells is stated first, then the
4. Nervous tissue: Receive stimuli and conduct impulses
shape, and is followed by “epithelium” to complete the naming,
(e.g. simple squamous epithelium).

♦ Simple: Cells are found in a single layer attached to the
basement membrane.
♦ Stratified: Cells are found in 2 or more layers stacked atop
each other.
♦ Pseudostratified: A single layer of cells that appears to be
multiple layers due to variance in height and location of
the nuclei in the cells.
♦ Transitional: Cells are rounded and can slide across one
another to allow stretching.

♦ Squamous: Flat, thin, scale like cells.
♦ Cuboidal: Cells that have a basic cube shape. Typically
the cell’s height and width are about equal.
♦ Columnar: Tall, rectangular or column shaped cells. Typi-
cally taller than they are wide.

Fig. 27: Types of epithelium Special Features of Epithelium

♦ Cilia: Hair like appendages attached to the apical sur-
Epithelial Tissue
face of cells that act as sensory structures or to produce
Epithelium forms the coverings of surfaces of the body. As movement.
such, it serves many purposes, including protection, adsorption, ♦ Goblet cells: Specialized cells that produce mucus to
excretion, secretion, filtration, and sensory reception. lubricate and protect the surface of an organ.
When considering the characteristics that make a tissue ♦ Villi: Finger like projections that arise from the epithelial
epithelium. layer in some organs. They help to increase surface area
♦ Polarity: Epithelium is arranged so there is one free surface, allowing for faster and more efficient adsorption.
i.e. apical surface and one attached surface, i.e. basal surface. ♦ Microvilli: Smaller projections that arise from the cell s
♦ Cellular nature: Cells in epithelium fit closely together side surface that also increase surface area. Due to the bushy
by side and sometimes atop each other to form sheets of appearance that they sometimes produce, they are some-
cells. These sheets are held together by specialized junctions. times referred to as the brush border of an organ.

Epithelium Microscopic appearance Function Location

Simple Single layer of flattened cells with disc shape Allow passage of materials by Kidney glomeruli, air sacs of lung,
squamous central nuclei and sparse cytoplasm diffusion and filtration in sites lining of heart, blood vessels and
epithelium where protection is not important lymphatic vessels
Simple cuboidal Single layer of cube like cells with large spherical Secretion and absorption Kidney tubules, duct and secretory
epithelium central nuclei. portions of small glands

344 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Epithelium Microscopic appearance Function Location

Simple columnar Single layer of tall cells with round to oval nuclei Absorption; secretion of mucus, Digestive tract, gallbladder, excretory
epithelium and some cells bear cilia; layer may contain mucus enzymes and other substances duct of some glands, uterine tubes
secreting unicellular glands, i.e. goblet cells ciliated type propels mucus by and some region of uterus
ciliary action
Pseudostratified Single layer of cells of different height, some of Secretion of mucus, propulsion Non-ciliated type in male sperm
columnar them not reaching the free surface, nuclei seen of mucus by ciliary action. carrying duct and duct of large
epithelium at different levels, may contain goblet cells and glands; Ciliated type lines the trachea
contain cilia and most of upper respiratory tract.
Stratified Thick membrane composed of several cell Protects underlying tissues in Non-keratinized is mostly seen in
squamous layers; basal cells are cuboidal or columnar and areas subjected to abrasion linings of esophagus and mouth.
epithelium metabolically active; surface cells are flattened Keratinized is seen in epidermis of
(squamous) in keratinized type, surface cells are full skin.
of keratin and dead; basal cells are active in mitosis
and produce the cells of more special layers.
Transitional Resembles both stratified squamous and stratified It stretches readily and permits Kidney tubules, ovary surface,
epithelium cuboidal; basal cells cuboidal or columnar; surface distention of urinary organ by secretory portion of small glands
cells dome shaped or squamous like depending contained urine.
on degree of organ stretch

Q.25. Describe in brief diabetes insipidus. Q.27. Describe structure and functions of a nephron.
(Aug 2011, 5 Marks) (Sep 2013, 10 Marks)
Or Or
Write short note on diabetes insipidus.
Write on structure and function of nephron.
(Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
(Apr 2017, 5 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 14 of same chapter.
Ans. Nephron is defined as the structural and functional unit
Q.26. Write short note on micturition reflex. of kidney.
(Jan 2012, 5 Marks) (Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
Nephron is formed by two parts, i.e.
Ans. Micturition reflex is the reflex by which micturition occurs.
1. Renal corpuscle or malphigian corpuscle.
Mechanism of Micturition Reflex 2. Renal tubule.
Filling of urinary bladder Renal Corpuscle

Stimulation of stretch receptors in urinary bladder It is sphaeroidal and slightly flattened structure with diameter
of 200 μ.
Afferent impulses via pelvic nerve Renal corpuscle is formed by two portions, i.e.
1. Glomerulus.
Sacral segments of spinal cord 2. Bowman’s Capsule.

Urinary bladder

Relaxation of
Glomerulus is 200 μm in diameter, it is formed by invagination
destrusor muscle internal sphincter of tuft of capillaries in Bowman’s capsule. These capillaries
are supplied by afferent arteriole and blood leaves through
Flow of urine in urethra and stimulation of stretch receptors
efferent arteriole. Diameter of efferent arteriole is lesser than
the afferent arteriole. The capillaries are made up of single layer
Efferent impulses via pelvic nerve of endothelial cells which are attached to basement membrane.
Endothelium consists of pores which are known as fenestra or
filtration process.
Inhibition of pudendal nerve
Bowman’s Capsule
Relaxation of external sphincter
It is the dilated part of nephron. Its epithelial cell lining 5 μm
thick. Bowman’s capsule encloses the glomerulus. Diametere
Voiding of urine
of capsule is 200 µ. It is formed by two layers, i.e.
Physiology 345

1. Inner visceral layer: This layer is close to the loops of capil- Descending Limb
laries and surrounds each loop over all the sides.
♦ Descending limb of loop of Henle is made by thick descending
2. Outer parietal layer: It forms outer lining of glomerulus
segment and thin descending segment.
and is continuous with proximal convoluted tubule.
♦ Thick descending segment is the direct continuation of
In between both the layers a space is present which is known
proximal convoluted tubule.
as Bowman’s space.
♦ It descends in medulla.
Structures intervening blood in capillary loop in Bowman’s ♦ Thick descending segment of Henle s loop is in continua-
space is known as glomerular membrane. tion with thin descending segment.
Glomerular membrane is a thin membrane and consists of
following layers: Hairpin Bend
♦ Ist Layer: Foot processes of podocyte: Capillaries are ♦ Thin descending segment is continued as hairpin bend
covered by visceral cell layer which is not continuous all of loop.
over. It produces a series of processes known as pedicles ♦ It is continued as the ascending segment of loop of Henle.
which interdigitate on capillary surfaces and form filtration
slit over capillary wall. Ascending Limb
♦ IInd Layer: Outer cement layer: Foot processes of podo- ♦ It consists of two parts, i.e. thin ascending segment and
cytes overlie this layer. thick ascending segment.
♦ IIIrd Layer: Lamina Densa: Dense portion of basement ♦ Total length of thin descending segment, hairpin bend and
membrane is known as lamina densa. thin ascending segment of Henle s loop is 10 to 15 mm.
♦ IVth Layer: Inner cement layer: This layer provides bed ♦ Thin ascending segment continues as thick ascending seg-
for capillary endothelium. ment. It is 9 mm long and 30 μm in diameter.
♦ Vth Layer: Endothelial cell layer: This layer is fenestrated ♦ Thick ascending segment ascend to cortex and continue
100 nm pores which allows plasma filtration. as distal convoluted tubule.
♦ The glomerular capillaries form a freely branching anasto- ♦ Length of loop of H enle varies in both the nephrons,
motic network. Each glomerulus contains six lobules and in cortical nephrons length is short and hairpin bend
each of these consists of 3 6 capillary loops, i.e. 20 40 loops penetrate upto outer medulla while in juxtamedullary
in all. Many anastomoses occur between the capillaries nephrons length is long and hairpin bend extends deep
within any one lobule. in inner medulla.
♦ The major function of glomerular membrane is to produce
an ultrafiltrate, i.e. the glomerular filtrate will contain all Distal Convoluted Tubule
the constituents of plasma except proteins. ♦ Distal convoluted tubule is the continuation of thick
ascending segment and occupies cortex of kidney.
Tubular Portion
♦ It continues as collecting duct.
It is the continuation of Bowman’s capsule and consists of ♦ The tubule consists of low cuboidal epithelium.
three parts: ♦ This tubule is close to glomerulus and establishes close
a. Proximal convoluted tubule. proximity to afferent and efferent arterioles of glomerulus.
b. Loop of Henle. Here the cells become columnar and get crowded, this part
c. Distal convoluted tubule. is known as macula densa.
♦ Macula densa and adjacent juxtaglomerular part of afferent
Proximal Convoluted Tubule
arterial wall form juxtaglomerular apparatus.
♦ It is continuous with Bowman’s capsule.
♦ It is 14 mm long and 55 μm in diameter. Collecting Tubule
♦ It consists of single layer of cuboidal cells with brush ♦ Distal convoluted tubule continues as initial or arched
border formed by multiple microvilli. collecting duct which lies in cortex.
♦ Cells of proximal convoluted tubule get united at apex by ♦ Lower part of the collecting duct lies in medulla.
tight junctions and base of the cell is extended in extracel- ♦ Seven to ten initial collecting ducts unite to form straight
lular surface. collecting duct which passes through medulla.
♦ Proximal convoluted tubule is divided into two parts, i.e. ♦ Collecting duct is formed by cuboidal or columnar epi-
pars convolute and pars recta. thelial cells.
♦ Epithelial cells are of two types, i.e. Principal cells or
Loop of Henle
P cells and Intercalated or I cells.
It consists of three parts, i.e. ♦ Pcells increases permeability of collecting tubule to water
1. Descending limb. in presence of ADH hormone by enhancing pore size.
2. Hairpin bend. ♦ I cells releases acid which helps in transport of bicarbonate
3. Ascending limb. ions and leads to acidic urine.
346 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Normal GFR
♦ Normal GFR refers to the volume of glomerular filtrate
formed each minute by all the nephrons in both the kidneys.
♦ Its normal value is 125 mL/min i.e. 170 to 180 L/day. Its
value is 10% less in females as compared to males.

(Sep 2015, 7 Marks)
Ans. Following are the differences between cortical and
juxtamedullary nephron.
Features Cortical nephron nephron
Location of In upper region of At near junction of
glomerulus cortex cortex and medulla
Total percentage of 85 to 86% 14 to 15%
Size of glomeruli Size is small Size is larger
Fig. 28: Structure of nephron
Size of loop of Henle Size is small. It Size is larger. It
Functions of Nephron extends to outer layer extend deep in
of medulla. medulla
Functions of nephron are conducted by its various parts which Descending limb Thin segment Thin segment
are as follows. of loop of Henle
consists of
Part Function
Ascending limb Thick segment Thin segment
Renal Filtration of water and dissolved substances from of loop of Henle
corpuscle plasma consists of
Glomerulus Receive glomerular filtrate Efferent arterioles Diameter is large and Diameter is small
break up in peritubu- and continue as vasa
Proximal • Reabsorption of glucose, amino acids, creatinine, lar capillaries recta
convoluted lactic acid, citric acid, uric acid and ascorbic acid
tubule • Reabsorption of proteins by pinocytosis Rate of filtration It is slow It is fast
• Reabsorption of water by osmosis Function Excretion of waste Concentration of
• Reabsorption of chloride ions and other negatively products in dissolved urine by countercur-
charged ions by electrochemical attraction form in urine rent system
• Active secretion of substances such as penicillin,
histamine, creatinine and hydrogen ions Q.30. Write short note on renal function test.
Descending Reabsorption of water by osmosis (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
limb Ans. Renal function tests are done for assessing the functional
capacity of kidneys and to detect renal impairment as
Ascending Reabsorption of sodium, potassium and chloride ions
limb by active transport early as possible.
Renal function tests are divided into the following
Distal • Reabsorption of sodium ions by active transport. groups:
convoluted • Reabsorption of water by osmosis
1. Urine examination.
tubule • Active secretion of hydrogen ions
• Secretion of potassium ions both actively and by 2. Blood examination.
electrochemical attraction 3. Renal clearance tests.
4. Miscellaneous tests
Collecting Reabsorption of water by osmosis
duct Urine Examination
Urine examination is limited for assessing the kidney
Q.28. Discuss in brief mechanism of glomerular filtration. functioning. Patients who are suspected for renal disorder
How much is normal GFR. (Apr 2007, 10 Marks) in them urine examination is done for volume, specific
Ans. For mechanism of glomerular filtration refer to Ans 2 of gravity, osmolality, pH, abnormal constituents, microscopic
same chapter. examination.
Physiology 347

Color of Urine During kidney dysfunction the level of substances in blood

♦ Normal color of urine is pale lemon yellow get elevated.
♦ Brownish yellow in hepatic and post-hepatic jaundice ♦ Blood urea: Its normal value is 20 to 40 mg/dl. Its level
♦ Cloudy appearance due to precipitation of calcium phos- increases after 50% glomerular damage has occurred.
phate and urates ♦ Serum creatinine: Its normal value is 0.6 to 1.5 mg/dl. Its
♦ Frothy appearance in proteinuria level increases with failure of glomerular filtration.
♦ Red dark brown in porphyria. ♦ Serum electrolytes:
Serum potassium is 5 mEq/L normally but its value
Composition increases in oliguria or anuria.
♦ Inorganic constituents: Na+ is 6 g/day Serum sodium is 152 mEq/L
K+ is 2 g/day Serum calcium is 9 to 11 mg/dL
Ca2+ is 0.2 g/day Serum phosphate is 3 to 4.5 mg/dL
P is 1.7 g/day. Serum sulphate is 0.5 to 1.5 mEq/L
♦♦ Organic constituents: Urea is 20 to 30 g/day Serum magnesium is 1.5 to 2.5 mEq/L
Uric acid is 0.6 g/day ♦ Serum proteins:
Creatinine is 1.2 g/day. Total: 6.4 to 8.3 gm/dL
Albumin: 3 to 5 gm/dL
Volume of Urine Globulin: 2 to 3 gm/dL
♦ Normally: 1 to 2.5 L/day A/G ratio: 1.7:1
♦ Oliguria: 400 mL/day In nephrotic syndrome serum albumin decreases
♦ Polyuria: > 2.5 L/day serum globulin increases which leads to reversal of
♦ Anuria: <100 mL/day. A/G ratio.
♦ Serum cholesterol: Its normal value is 150 to 240 mg/dL.
Specific Gravity It gets increase in nephrotic syndrome.
♦ 1001 to 1040 by urinometer
Renal Clearance Tests
♦ 1001 with maximum diluted urine
♦ 1040 with maximum concentration power of kidneys It is divided into:
♦ Increase in specific gravity is seen in low water intake, 1. Test for glomerular functions
diabetes mellitus, albuminuria, acute nephritis. 2. Test for tubular functions
♦ Decrease in specific gravity is seen in kidney damage and
absence of ADH. Test for Glomerular Functions

pH of Urine ♦ Inulin clearance

♦ Creatinine clearance: They measure the glomerular
Normal value of pH in urine is 4.5 to 8.0. filtration rate and are indicators of plasma clearance
Intake of high protein and non-vegetarian diet shift urinary mechanism.
pH to acidic side while vegetarian diet shifts it to alkaline side. ♦ Others, i.e. measurement of renal plasma flow and renal
Microscopic Examination blood flow; measurement of filtration fraction.

When urine is centrifuged at the rate of 3000 rpm for 15 min Test for Tubular Functions
urinary segments are obtained which consists of: Reabsorptive and secretory functions of renal tubules can be
♦ 1 to 2 WBC or pus cells/HPF: These cells are slightly larger tested by following tests:
than normal WBCs.
♦ Urine concentration test: Ability of tubules to concentrate
♦ Nonsquamous epithelial cells or hyaline casts are occasion-
urine is assessed by measuring specific gravity of urine
ally seen. These are clear, colorless cast of tubule. They are
either after 12 hour of water deprivation or 12 hour after
seen as small cylinders with round ends, pale, transparent
and homologus bodies. injection of vasopressin. In either case if specific gravity is
♦ Granular casts are the hyaline casts embedded with RBCs more than 1.020 tubular function is normal.
or WBCs or they are degenerated glomerular cells or ♦ Urine dilution test: In this test patient is asked to drink
tubular epithelial cells which are numerous. 1L of water and urine sample get collected in every 1 hour
♦ Presence of granular cast, RBC, bacteria, glucose, albumin for next 4 hours. Normally 750 mL of urine is excreted
and ketone bodies in urine is abnormal. during this period.
♦ Urine acidification test: In this patient is given ammonium
Blood Examination chloride orally in the dose of 0.1 gm/Kg and pH of urine
♦ Examination of blood is carried out to measure the sub- is tested in sample collected after 6 hour. Normally pH of
stances in blood which are normally excreted by kidney. urine is below 5.3.
348 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Miscellaneous Tests
♦ Intravenous pyelography: Agents such as diodrast are
rapidly excreted by the kidney and are opaque to X rays.
Q.1. Write a short note on growth hormone.
15 gm of agent in 20 ml of 10% glucose is given IV and X
(Aug 2005, 5 Marks)
ray is taken. A pyelogram is obtained in 2 to 10 min. In
renal insufficiency this is delayed for hours. Or
♦ Arteriography: After administration of radio-opaque dye Write in brief on growth hormone. (Sep 2007, 4 Marks)
in any artery X-ray is taken. This provides data about renal (Jan 2012, 3 Marks) (Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
vasculature and obstruction in it. Ans. Growth hormone is also known as somatotropin.
♦ Ultrasonography: Shape as well as size of kidney and pres- • Structure: Growth hormone is a protein which consists
ence of any cyst/tumor/stone can be diagnosed. of single chain polypeptide with 191 amino acids.
♦ Renal biopsy: A special needle is inserted in back, biopsy • Synthesis: It is synthesized by the acidophilic cells
specimen of kidney is taken for histological and cytological or somatotrophs of anterior pituitary.
examination. This is also known as fine needle aspiration • Plasma level: Its plasma level varies from 2 to 4 ng/mL.
cytology. It is widely used to detect kidney dysfunctions. • Circulation: Circulating growth hormone bounds
Q.31. Write briefly about renin. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks) to growth hormone binding protein.
Ans. Renin is an acid protease or proteolytic enzyme secreted, • Half life: Its half life in humans is 0 to 20 min.
stored and released from juxtaglomerular cells of kidney. • Metabolism: It is rapidly metabolized mostly in part
This is a glycoprotein having the molecular weight of of the liver.
37,326. Regulation of Growth Hormone Secretion
Like other peptide hormones, it is synthesized as
preprorenin (406 amino acids), prorenin (383 amino Regulation of growth hormone occurs by two ways, i.e.
acids), that finally becomes renin (340 amino acids). ♦ Hypothalamic control
When rennin is released into blood, it acts on a specific ♦ Negative feedback control of growth hormone secretion.
plasma protein known as angiotensionogen. By activity Hypothalamic Control
of renin, angiotensinogen is converted into angiotensin
I. ♦ Hypothalamus controls the secretion of growth hormone
by releasing two hormones, i.e. growth hormone releasing
Regulation of Renin Secretion hormone and growth hormone release inhibiting hormone.
♦ Growth hormone releasing hormone stimulates secretion
Renin activates the renin-angiotensin system, which is essential
of growth hormone from anterior pituitary.
for regulation of ECF volume, blood volume and blood pressure.
♦ Growth hormone release inhibiting hormone inhibits re-
Control of extracellular fluid volume is closely related to control
of plasma electrolyte concentration, especially Na+, Cl and K+. lease of growth hormone from anterior pituitary.
Therefore, change in plasma concentration of these solutes ♦ Negative feedback control of growth hormone secretion
affects renin secretion. Blood volume and pressure are also ♦ It consists of role of somatomedins, growth hormone and
affected by sympathetic activity, circulating catecholamine growth hormone releasing hormone.
and ADH. Therefore, alteration in these factors alters rennin ♦ Negative feedback control by somatomedins: Somato-
secretion. medins are produced when growth hormone causes its
action on target tissues. Somatomedin inhibits secretion
Factors that Increase Renin Secretion of growth hormone directly or by stimulating secretion
♦ Decreased blood volume and/or pressure of somatostatin from hypothalamus.
♦ Decreased plasma Na+ concentration, increased K+ con- ♦ Negative feedback control by growth hormone: Growth
centration hormone inhibits its own secretion by stimulating secretion
♦ Increased sympathetic activity (stimulation of juxtaglo- of somatostatin from hypothalamus.
merular cells via renal nerve) ♦ Negative feedback control by growth hormone releasing
♦ Increased circulating catecholamines hormone: Growth hormone releasing hormone inhibits its
♦ Prostaglandins. own secretion from hypothalamus.

Factors that Decrease Renin Secretion Abnormalities of Growth Hormone

♦ Increased plasma Na concentration (increased sodium

+ Abnormalities of growth hormone consist of hypersecretion
reabsorption via macula densa) and hyposecretion of growth hormone:
♦ Increased blood pressure (increased afferent arteriolar ♦ Hypersecretion of growth hormone: Hypersecretion of
pressure) growth hormone leads to gigantism in children while
♦ ADH hypersecretion of growth hormone in adults lead to ac-
♦ Angiotensin II. romegaly.
Physiology 349

♦ Hyposecretion of growth hormone: Hyposecretion of ♦ Kyphosis: Periosteal growth of vertebrae leads to bowing
growth hormone in children leads to dwarfism while hypose- of spine.
cretion of growth hormone in adults leads to mild anemia. ♦ Prominent brows: There is enlargement of frontal,
Q.2. Write a short note on acromegaly. mastoid, ethmoid and maxillary sinuses causing prominent
(Nov 2008, 5 Marks) (Dec 2004, 5 Marks) brows.
Or ♦ Hypertrophy of body tissues: There is hypertrophy of body
tissues such as heart cardiomegaly, liver hepatomegaly,
Write briefly on acromegaly. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks) kidney renomegaly, spleen splenomegaly, tongue and
Ans. Acromegaly is a clinical condition which occurs due to muscles.
excessive secretion of growth hormone in adults and leads
♦ Acral part abnormalities: It consists of large spade like
to excessive growth in those areas where cartilage persists.
hands, thick wide fingers, large feet with increase in size
Acromegaly occurs after the epiphyseal closure of long
of shoes. Build of patient is stout and stocky.
It occurs due to acidophilic cell tumor of anterior ♦ Increased sympathetic activity: This leads to increase in
pituitary which causes excessive secretion of growth sweating and hypertension.
hormone in adults. ♦ Scalp of patient is thickened and is thrown into fold and
wrinkles like bulldog scalp.
Clinical Features ♦ Presence of general overgrowth of body hair.
♦ Acromegalic face: This is characterized by thick lips, ♦ Thyroid gland, parathyroid gland and adrenal glands
macroglossia, broad and thick nose, prominent eyebrows, show hyperactivity.
thick skin and coarse facial features. ♦ Presence of hyperglycemia and glucosuria which results
♦ Mandibular prognathism: Elongation and widening of in diabetes mellitus.
mandible which leads to underbite and increased inter- ♦ Presence of visual disturbances such as bitemporal hemia-
dental spaces. nopia.

Fig. 29: Clinical features of acromegaly

350 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.3. Write a short note on dwarfism. Vasoconstrictor effect: In high doses it leads to vasoconstriction
(Mar 2001, 5 Marks) (Mar 2006, 3 Marks) and causes rise in blood pressure. It also plays an important
Ans. The dwarfism is a disorder in children and is characterized role in blood pressure homeostasis by causing constriction
by stunted growth. of splanchnic vascular bed. ADH bind to V1 A receptors on
arterial smooth muscles and leads to vasoconstriction.
Causes of Dwarfism
Regulation of ADH
♦ Deficiency of growth hormone releasing hormone from
hypothalamus. ADH secretion is regulated through:
♦ Atrophy or degeneration of acidophilic cell in anterior ♦ Plasma osmolality: Change in plasma osmolality causes
pituitary. ADH regulation. Deprivation of water stimulates ADH
♦ Tumor of the chromophobes: It is a non-functioning tumor secretion while the water load decreases ADH secretion.
which composes and destroys normal cells secreting growth ♦ Changes in blood volume: Changes in circulating blood
hormone. volume, central blood volume, cardiac output and blood
pressure affect secretion of ADH.
Clinical Features of Dwarfism ♦ Other factors affecting ADH secretion:
♦ Presence of short stature, i.e. patient shows stunted skel- Emotional stress, stress of pain and surgical procedure
etal growth. leads to increase in ADH secretion which decreases
♦ Patient appear plumpy, i.e. fatty. urine formation.
♦ Pitutary dwarf has immature face and delicate extremities. Adrenaline decreases ADH secretion.
♦ Absence of sexual maturity when it is associated with
Abnormalities of ADH Secretion
gonadotropin deficiency (panhypopituitarism).
♦ Mental activity is normal. ♦ Syndrome of inappropriate hypersecretion of ADH or
Q.4. Write a short note on antidiuretic hormone. Dilution syndrome.
(Sept 2004, 5 Marks) ♦ Diabetes insipidus.
Ans. Antidiuretic hormone prevents diuresis and mainly Q.5. Summarize formation and secretion of thyroid hormones.
conserves the body water. (Mar 1998, 5 Marks)
Antidiuretic hormone also known as vasopressin as it Ans. Formation or Synthesis of Thyroid Hormones
leads to vasoconstriction. Iodine and tyrosine are essential for formation of thyroid
• Structure: ADH is a polypeptide with molecular hormone. Iodine and tyrosine are consumed through
weight of 1000, it is rapidly metabolized in liver and diet and are absorbed from GIT. Various stages which
kidneys. and involved in the formation of thyroid hormones are:
• Synthesis: It is synthesized in the cell bodies of • Iodine trapping: Thyroid gland undergoes uptake
magnocellular neurons of both paraventricular and of iodide which occur against chemical and electrical
supraoptic nuclei of hypothalamus. gradient, it is an energy gaining process.
• Storage: ADH is stored in pars nervosa. • Synthesis and secretion of thyroglobulin: Thy-
• Secretion: It is released when a nerve impulse is roglobulin is synthesized on rough endoplasmic
transmitted from cell body in hypothalamus down reticulum of thyroid epithelial cells and release in
the axon where it depolarizes neurosecretory vesicles. lumen of follicle. Each molecule of thyroxine has 140
• Biological half-life: Its biological half life is 16 to 20 tyrosine residues.
min. • Oxidation of iodide: Iodine in thyroid gland rap-
idly moves to apical surface of the epithelial cells,
Action of ADH from here they get move into the lumen of follicles
by a transporter known as pendrin. Iodide is now
Action of ADH occurs via three types of receptors:
oxidized to iodine by peroxidase enzyme.
1. V1—A receptors: They produce vasoconstrictor effect of • Organification of thyroglobulin: It is the iodina-
ADH tion of tyrosine residues present in thyroglobulin
2. V1—B receptors: They play role in action of ADH on molecule. This reaction occurs at apical membrane
anterior pituitary of cell and need thyroid peroxidase. Tyrosine get first
3. V1—C receptors: They play role in action of ADH on iodinated at position 3 to form monoiodotyrosine
kidney and then at position 5 to form diiodotyrosine.
Action on kidney: ADH regulates water balance on body by • Coupling reaction: Two molecules of diiodotyrosine
acting on kidney where it decreases excretion of free water. get coupled to form thyroxine (T4). One molecule of
Action on anterior pituitary: ADH reaches to anterior pituitary monoiodotyrosine when coupled to one molecule of
through portal veins and get combine with V1 – B receptors and diiodotyrosine, triiodothyronine (T3) is produced.
enhances ACTH secretion. Enzyme peroxidase is necessary for coupling.
Physiology 351

• Storage: As thyroglobulin is iodinated it is stored in ♦ On gonads: T4 is essential for normal menstrual cycle and
lumen of follicle as colloid for several months. fertility. Alteration thyroxine impairs fertility in women.
♦ On carbohydrate metabolism
Secretion of Thyroid Hormones T4 increases the peripheral utilization of glucose and
Follicular cells of thyroid gland send pseudopodia like leads to hypoglycemia.
extension, which close around thyroglobulin hormones T4 can also leads to hyperglycemia as it enhances
complex. This forms pinocytic vesicles. Then, lysosomes of absorption of glucose from intestine; increases
cells which contain digestive enzymes like proteinase which glycogenolysis; causes breakdown of insulin;
fuses with vesicles. The enzymes digest the thyroglobulin and decreases secretion of insulin.
release the hormones. Now, the hormones diffuse through base ♦ On lipid metabolism
of follicular cells and enter capillaries. On cholesterol: T4 increases synthesis of cholesterol
Q.6. Describe synthesis, action and regulation of thyroxin. in liver
Write a short note on endemic goiter. On lipids: T4 stimulates synthesis of lipids. It also
(Sep 2004, 10 + 5 Marks) leads to mobilization and degradation of lipids by
Ans. The thyroxine is also known T4. increasing activity of lipase.
♦ On growth and development
Synthesis of the Thyroxin T4 produce normal body growth and skeletal
maturation as it increases protein synthesis and can
Refer to Ans 5 of the same chapter.
lead to increased release and action of growth hormone.
Actions of Thyroxin (T4) • T4 also causes tissue differentiation and maturation.
♦ On nervous system
Following are the actions of thyroxin on various tissues of the On central nervous system: Deficiency of T4 after
body: birth leads to mental retardation. In adults deficiency
♦ On protein metabolism of thyroxine leads to myxoedema madness. Excess
Thyroxin at its physiological dose enhances protein of T4 in adults leads to increase in responsiveness to
synthesis which leads to positive nitrogen balance. catecholamines which stimulate reticular activating
Thyroxin at its pharmacological dose causes protein system.
catabolism because of increase in basal metabolic rate On peripheral nervous system: T4 stimulates muscle
which leads to negative nitrogen balance, enhances spindle and causes contraction of muscles. Deficiency
potassium excretion in urine. of T4 decreases impulse conduction in muscle fibers
Thyroxine at its pharmacological dose also produces and also there is decrease in muscle contraction and
catabolic effect on muscles which leads ot muscle relaxation.
weakness and fatigability. ♦ On gastrointestinal system: T4 modifies motility of
Thyroxine leads to mobilization of bone proteins intestine. Deficiency of thyroxine decreases intestinal
which decreases bone mass and increases calcium
motility and also decreases food intake which causes
ion loss in urine.
constipation. Excess of thyroxine leads to diarrhea.
♦ On cardiovascular system
♦ On water and mineral metabolism
T4 along with catecholamines increases the heart
Administration of thyroxine leads to:
rate, increases force of myocardial contraction and
In myxedematous patients there is diuresis with
decreases the circulation time.
excretion of NaCl.
T4 increase the body temperature and leads to
In nomal persosns there is mild diuresis with loss of
vasodilatation so increases the blood flow produces
potassium ions.
warm and moist skin and also decreases peripheral
In hyperthyroidism there is mild diuresis with
resistance which lowers the diastolic blood pressure.
potassium and calcium ion excretion in urine.
♦ On bone marrow metabolism
Deficiency of T4 causes anemia due to decreased bone Regulation of Thyroxin
marrow metabolism which decreases erythropoiesis.
There is also decrease in absorption of vitamin B12 Secretion of thyroxin is regulated through following mecha-
from GIT which leads to megaloblastic anemia. nisms, i.e.
Excess of T4 stimulates erythropoiesis. ♦ Negative feedback mechanism through hypothalamus
♦ On vitamins: T4 leads to hepatic conversion of β-carotene anterior pituitary thyroid gland axis.
to vitamin A and convert vitamin A to retinene. So in T4 ♦ Autoregulation by thyroid gland.
deficiency blood carotene level rises which provides yel-
Regulation via Negative Feedback Mechanism
low colour to skin.
♦ On lactation: T4 is very important for maintainence of ga- This mechanism operates via hypothalamo anterior pituitary
lactopoiesis. When thyroxine decreases lactation decreases – thyroid gland axis which controls secretion of various thyroid
and vice versa. hormones as:
352 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Ans. Mechanism of Action of thyroid hormones: Refer to

It produces following effects: Ans 6.
♦ Enhances secretion of thyroid hormones and speeds up Functions of Thyroid Hormones
all steps in biosynthesis.
♦ Enhances both number and size of follicular cells. ♦ On basal metabolic rate: Thyroid hormones cause stimu-
♦ It enhances vascularity of thyroid gland. lation of metabolic activities and enhances basal rate of
oxygen consumption along with heat production in most
Regulation of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Production of the tissues of body. But this has no effect on brain, retina,
♦ Feedback control by plasma T4 and T3: Secretion of TSH gonads, lungs and spleen.
depends on negative feedback control which is exerted ♦ On carbohydrate metabolism: Both T3 and T4 leads to an
by plasma levels of free T4 and T3. Decrease in T4 and T3 increase in the enzymatic activity which leads to:
levels stimulates secretion of TSH from anterior pituitary Increased glucose absorption from gastrointestinal
while increase in T4 and T3 levels inhibits TSH secretion. tract.
♦ Hypothalamic control of TSH: Hypothalamus produces They also enhances glucose metabolism.
its effects by secreting thyrotropin releasing hormone. ♦ On fat metabolism: Thyroid hormones lead to:
This hormone act on thyrotrophs in anterior pituitary and They mobilize fat from adipose tissue.
controls release of TSH. They increases fatty acid levels and enhance oxidation
of free fatty acids by cells.
Autoregulation by Thyroid Gland
These hormones also lower the cholesterol, phospho-
Secretion of the thyroid gland is regulated by food iodine lipids and triglycerides in the plasma.
contents. If there is presence of deficiency of iodine content in ♦ On protein metabolism:
diet iodine trapping mechanism get efficient while when there is Physiologically thyroid hormones lead to anabolism
excess of iodine content in food then iodine trapping become less i.e. they increases RNA and protein synthesis which
efficient and organification of excess amount of iodine does not leads to positive nitrogen balance.
occur. In this manner iodine availability for thyroxine synthesis Thyroid hormones in excess leads to catabolism which
remain constant and this process is known as autoregulation causes negative nitrogen balance. This can cause
of thyroid gland. muscle weakness and creatinuria.
Endemic Goiter ♦ On vitamin metabolism: Thyroid hormones increase
the enzymes in quantity. Vitamins are the parts of some
♦ It is also known as iodine deficiency goiter. enzymes and coenzymes. Thyroid hormones lead to an
♦ It occurs when the dietary intake of iodine falls below 50µg. increased need for vitamins which causes vitamin defi-
♦ Due to lack of iodine there is no formation of hormones. ciency in hyperthyroidism.
Through feedback mechanism hypothalamus and anterior ♦ On body temperature: Thyroid hormones increase the
pituitary are stimulated. This increases secretion of TRH heat production in body by enhancing various cellular
and TSH. The TSH causes thyroid cells to secrete tremen-
metabolic processes and by increasing basal metabolic rate.
dous amount of thyroglobulin in follicle. As there are no
♦ On growth:
hormones to be cleaved, the thyroglobulin remains as it is
T4 produce normal body growth and skeletal
and gets accumulated in follicles of gland. This increases
maturation as it increases protein synthesis and can
size of gland.
lead to increased release and action of growth hormone.
♦ In certain areas of world, i.e. Swiss Alps, Andes, Great
T4 also causes tissue differentiation and maturation.
Lake region of US; and in Kashmir Valley, the soil does not
contain iodine. So food stuffs are devoid of iodine. Thus in T3 is necessary for proper axonal and dendritic
these parts of the world, endemic goiter is common before development along with normal myelination in
introduction of iodized salts. nervous system.
 ♦ Effect on water and electrolyte balance: Thyroid hormones
regulates water and electrolyte balance.
♦ On respiratory system: Thyroid hormones increase the rate
as well as force of respiration indirectly. Increase in metabolic
rate increases the demand for oxygen and formation of excess
(Apr 2003, 15 Marks)
carbon dioxide. These both factors stimulate the respiratory
Or centers to increase the rate and force of respiration.
Write short note on functions of thyroid hormone. ♦ On cardiovascular system: Thyroid hormones produce
(Apr 2008, 5 Marks) following effects on the cardiovascular system:
Or They cause vasodilatation and enhance blood flow
to tissues.
(Aug 2018, 5 Marks) They increase the heart rate.
Physiology 353

Blood volume in circulation is increased due to the T4 and T3. Amount of T3 is so low as compared to T4
vasodilatation effect. and T3 does not contribute in protein bound iodine.
If there is moderate increase in the level of thyroid Butanol extractable iodine: Its normal value is 3 to 5
hormones force of cardiac contraction is increased. µgm/dL. Its value increases in hyperthyroidism and
Cardiac output gets increased because of increased decreases in hypothyroidism.
blood volume, increased heart rate and increased Radioactive iodine uptake: Its normal value is 20
force of contraction. to 40%. Its value increases in hyperthyroidism and
♦ On nervous system: decreases in hypothyroidism.
On central nervous system: Thyroxine enhances T3 suppression test: It is very useful in suspected
various stimulus. Thyroid hormones maintain normal cases of thyrotoxicosis. Thyroxine is given orally for
emotional tone. two days. In euthyroids radioactive iodine decreases
On peripheral nervous system: Thyroid hormone because of T3 suppression while in thyrotoxicosis
enhances speed and amplitude of peripheral nerve value of T3 does not decrease.
reflexes. Serum thyroid hormone and TSH levels: Its normal
♦ Effect on gastrointestinal tract: Thyroid hormones value is 2.3µU/mL. In primary hypothyroidism
increases appetite and enhances food intake; enhances its value increases by 10 folds while in secondary
gastrointestinal motility and enhances rate of secretion of hypothyroidism its value decreases. In hyperthyroidism
digestive juices. its value decreases or remains undetectable.
♦ On skeletal muscles: Thyroid hormones in excess Q.8. Write a short note on hypothyroidism.
causes weakening of muscles due to increase in protein (Mar 2000, 5 Marks)
catabolism. Or
♦ On reproductive system:
Give an account of hypofunction of thyroid gland in
In males decrease in thyroid hormones leads to loss of
children and adult. How does it differ and why?
libido and excess of thyroid hormones causes impotence.
(Feb 2003, 15 Marks) (Apr 2010, 15 Marks)
In females decrease in the thyroid hormones lead to
menorrhagia and polymenorrhagia.
♦ On other endocrine glands Hypothyroidism
Production of growth hormone is increased and of ♦ Hypothyroidism occurs due to autoimmune disease which
prolactin get decreased. causes destruction of gland.
Ratio of estrogen and androgen in males get increased. ♦ In most of the patients, it starts as glandular inflammation
This leads to gynecomastia in males during hypert- called thyroidism. This results in fibrosis of gland.
hyroidism. ♦ Hypothyroidism leads to cretinism in children and myx-
Parathyroid hormone and vitamin D get decreased edema in adults.
as compensatory effect of thyroid hormone on bone
resorption. Myxedema
This is due to hypothyroidism in adults and is also known as
Assessment of Thyroid Functions
Gull s disease.
Thyroid functions are assessed by thyroid function tests:
♦ Based on metabolic effects of T4
Basal metabolic rate: It indicates the consumption Complete lack of thyroid hormones.
of oxygen by patient under physical and mental
rest. Its normal value is ± 20%. Its value increases in Symptoms
hyperthyroidism and decreases in hypothyroidism. ♦ Swelling of face, scaliness of skin
Blood sugar: Its normal value is 70 to 90 mg/dL. Its ♦ Mental struggishness
value increases in hyperthyroidism and decreases in ♦ Increased body weight
hypothyroidism. ♦ Constipation
Serum cholesterol: Its normal value is 150 to 240 ♦ Nonpitting type of edema
mg/dL. Its value increases in hypothyroidism and ♦ Depressed hair growth.
decreases in hyperthyroidism.
Serum creatinine: Its normal value is 0.6 mg/dl. Its
value increases in hyperthyroidism and decreases in Hypothyroidism in children.
♦ Based on handling of iodine
Protein bound iodine: Its normal value is 3.5 to 7.5 Congenital absence of thyroid gland, genetic disorder or lack
µgm/dL. This test shows index of circulating level of of iodine in diet.
354 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Symptoms ♦ Calcitonin: It is secreted by parafollicular cells of thyroid. It

♦ Skeleton: Stunted growth. is a calcium lowering hormone. It decreases blood calcium
♦ Skin: Rough, thick, dry and wrinkled. level by decreasing reabsorption. It reduces blood calcium
♦ Sex: Sex gland, sex organ and secondary sex characters level by acting on bone, kidney and intestine.
retarded. On bones: It facilitates deposition of calcium on bones.
♦ Blood: Low blood sugar, iodine, high serum cholesterol. It suppresses the activity of osteoclasts which are
♦ Mental Growth: Stunted mental growth. responsible of calcium from bones.
♦ Abdomen: Pot bellied, umblicus often protruding. On kidney: It increases excretion of calcium through
urine by inhibiting reabsorption of calcium from renal
Q.9. What is normal blood calcium level? Give an account tubules.
of hormonal regulation of it. (Mar 2000, 15 Marks) On intestine: It prevents the absorption of calcium
Or from intestine into blood.
Write a short note on hormonal control of blood cal- Q.10. Write a short note on parathyroid hormone.
cium level. (Sep 2006, 5 Marks) (Mar 2005, 5 Marks) (Aug/Sept 1998, 5 Marks)
Or Ans. Parathyroid hormone is also known as parathormone.
• Structure: Parathormone is a single chain polypep-
What is normal blood calcium level? Describe the
hormonal regulation of calcium level. tide having 84 amino acids with molecular weight
(Dec 2004, 5 + 10 = 15 Marks) of 9500.
• Synthesis: It is synthesized from prepro PTH
which is a precursor molecule.
Write a short note on regulation of serum calcium level. • Secretion: Parathormone is secreted from chief
(Mar 2006, 3 Marks) cells through exocytosis. This occur in response to
Ans. The normal blood calcium level in young healthy adult decrease in plasma ionized calcium concentration
is 1,100 gm. The normal blood calcium level is 9.4 mg%. which is sensed by calcium receptors in parathyroid
Hormonal Regulation of Blood Calcium Level
The regulation of blood calcium level took place through three Actions of Parathromone
hormones. Following are the actions of parathormone:
♦ Parathormone: It is secreted by parathyroid gland and ♦ Action on bone: Parathormone stimulates calcium and
its main function is to increase blood calcium level by phosphate resorption from bones. It causes demineraliza-
mobilizing calcium from bone. Parathormone maintains tion of bone.
blood calcium level by following actions, on bones, kidney ♦ Action on kidney: Following are the actions on kidney:
and GIT. Increase in calcium reabsorption: Parathormone
By increasing reabsorption of calcium from bones. enhances reabsorption of calcium from ascending limb
By decreasing excretion of calcium through kidneys. of loop of Henle as well as distal tubules of kidney.
By increasing absorption of calcium from GIT. This prevents hypocalcaemia.
♦ 1, 25-dihydroxy cholecalciferol: It is a steroid hormone Inhibition of phosphate reabsorption in proximal
synthesized from vitamin D by means of hydroxylation tubule: It leads to phosphaturia and hypophosphatemia.
reactions in liver and kidneys. The main action is to It inhibits reabsorption of sodium and bicarbonate in
increase blood calcium level by increasing calcium proximal tubule and stimulates Na+ H+ exchanger
absorption from small intestine. The main actions of 1, which leads to acidification, this prevents occurrence
25-dihydroxy cholecalciferol are: of metabolic acidosis.
It increases the absorption of calcium from intestine. It stimulates reabsorption of magnesium by the renal
It does this by increasing formation of calcium- tubules.
binding proteins in intestinal epithelial cells. It stimulates synthesis of 1, 25 dihydroxycholecalciferol.
These proteins act as carrier proteins for facilitated ♦ Action on intestine: Parathormone increases calcium
diffusion by which calcium ions are transported. and phosphate absorption from intestine, this happens
The proteins remain in cells for several weeks after indirectly by increasing synthesis of 1, 25 dihydroxychole-
1, 25-dihydroxy cholecalciferol has been removed calciferol in kidney.
from body, thus causing prolonged effect on calcium
absorption. Regulation of Secretion of Parathyroid Hormone
It increases the synthesis of calcium-induced ATP in ♦ Directly through calcium serum level or calcium feed-
intestinal epithelium. back loop: Decrease in serum calcium causes stimulation
It increases synthesis of alkaline phosphates in of parathyroid gland which leads to increase in secretion
intestinal epithelium. of parathormone, this causes mobilization of calcium from
Physiology 355

bones and normal serum calcium levels are maintained. Or

This effect can occur vice-versa too. Describe blood sugar regulation in detail.
♦ Role of serum magnesium concentration: (Nov 2012, 8 Marks)
Mild decrease in the serum magnesium concentration Ans. In normal persons, after overnight fasting in early
enhances parathyroid secretion. morning, blood glucose level ranges between 80 and 90
Severe decrease in the serum magnesium concentration mg/dl. And postprandial, the blood glucose level rises
totally abolishes parathyroid secretion. to 120-140 mg/dl. The regulation of blood sugar level is
♦ Role of plasma phosphate concentration: Rise in plasma as follows:
concentration of phosphate leads to fall in ionized calcium
1. Role of insulin: Insulin is antidiabetic hormone as
concentration which stimulates parathyroid secretion.
it reduces blood sugar level by the following ways:
♦ Role of 1, 25 dihydroxycholecalciferol: It decreases the
i. Transport and uptake of glucose: When a food
secretion of parathyroid hormone.
with excess amount of carbohydrate is taken,
Regulation of Parathormone the blood sugar level is increased and insulin is
secreted. The insulin causes transport of glucose
Calcium ion concentration in blood is the main factor for from blood into cells by increasing the perme-
regulation of secretion of parathormone. ability of cell membrane to glucose. It enhances
♦ Increase in calcium concentration in blood decreases para- uptake of glucose by all tissues particularly by
thormone secretion. liver, muscle and adipose tissue.
♦ Increase in vitamin D in diet decreases parathormone ii. Peripheral utilization of glucose: The glucose en-
secretion. tering the cells is oxidized by most of the cells. The
♦ Concentrations of parathormone are also increased in case rate of utilization depends on intake of glucose
of rickets, pregnancy and in lactation. and glucose utilization is enhanced by insulin.
Q.11. Write a short note on osteomalacia. iii. Storage of glucose: It promotes conversion of
(Sep 2000, 5 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks) glucose to glycogen in liver and muscles, and
Ans. The rickets in adults is called osteomalacia or adults stores glycogen in liver and muscle.
rickets. It occurs due to deficiency of vitamin D. It iv. Inhibition of glycogenolysis.
also occurs due to prolonged damage of kidney. The v. Inhibition of gluconeogenesis.
characteristic features of osteomalacia are vague pain, 2. Role of glycogen: It increases blood sugar level by
tenderness in bones and muscle. Myopathy can occur the following ways:
leading to waddling gate. In waddling gate feet are wide i. It increases breakdown of glycogen into glucose
apart and walk resembles that of a duck. and glucose formed is released from liver cells
Causes for Osteomalacia in blood.
1. Deficiency of Vitamin D due to: ii. It increases formation of glucose from proteins
i. Low dietary intake. in liver.
ii. Inadequate synthesis in skin. 3. Growth hormone: It increases blood sugar level by:
iii. Reduced absorption from intestine. i. Decrease in peripheral utilization of glucose for
2. Due to Renal Diseases: production of energy.
i. Chronic renal failure. ii. Increase in deposition of glycogen in cells.
ii. Dialysis-induced bone diseases. iii. Decrease in uptake of glucose by cells.
iii. Renal tubular acidosis. 4. Cortisol: It increases the blood sugar level by acting
on liver cells and peripheral tissues. Following are
Q.12. Give an account of hormonal regulation of blood sugar. actions of cortisol:
What is diabetes mellitus? (Mar 2001, 15 Marks) i. It increases gluconeogenesis
Or ii. It decreases glucose uptake by peripheral cells
Write in brief on regulation of blood sugar level. and utilization of glucose.
(Aug/Sept 1998, 5 Marks) 5. Thyroxine: It increases blood sugar level by the
(Sept 2001, 5 Marks) (Apr 2003, 5 Marks) following ways:
i. It increases absorption of glucose from GIT.
Or ii. It increases breakdown of glycogen to glucose.
Write a short note on regulation of blood glucose level. iii. It accelerates the process of gluconeogenesis.
(Sep 2006, 3 Marks) (Mar 2006, 5 Marks) Diabetes Mellitus
(Aug 2011, 6 Marks)
This is a condition with elevated blood sugar level.
Or In most of the cases, diabetes mellitus develops due
Write a short note on blood sugar. to reduced secretion of insulin by beta cells of islet of
(Mar 2007, 3 Marks) (Mar 2008, 4 Marks) Langerhans. There are two types of diabetes mellitus:
356 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


(Nov 2009, 8 Marks)

 (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)

Ans. Hormones of Anterior Pituitary
1. Growth hormone
2. Thyroid stimulating hormone
3. Luteinizing hormone
4. Follicular stimulating hormone
5. Prolactin
6. Adrenocorticotropic hormone
7. β-Lipotropin.

For actions of growth hormone refer to Ans 30 of same
For acromegaly refer to Ans 2 of same chapter.
(Aug 2005, 8 Marks)
Q.17. Describe the action of thyroxine on major systems of
Ans. Hormones of Anterior Pituitary the body. Describe cretinism briefly.
1. Growth hormone (GH, somatotropin) (Dec 2010, 8 Marks)
2. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH, thyrotropin) Ans. Action of thyroxine on major systems.
3. Luteinizing hormone (LH, interstitial cell stimulating
hormone) Basal Metabolic Rate
4. Follicular stimulating hormone
5. Prolactin (luteotropic hormone) Thyroxine increases the metabolic activities of all tissues of the
6. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH, corticotropin) body except brain, retina, spleen, testes and lungs. lt increases
7. β-Lipotropin. the basal metabolic rate (BMR) by increasing the oxygen
consumption of the tissues. The action that increases the BMR
Hormones of Posterior Pituitary is called calorigenic action.
1. Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin)
2. Oxytocin. Biliary System
Q.15. Write a short note on BMR. (Aug 2005, 5 Marks) Thyroxine increases deposition of fats in the liver leading to
Ans. The metabolic rate determined at rest in a room at a fatty liver. Thyroxine decreases plasma cholesterol level by
comfortable temperature in the thermoneutral zone increasing its excretion from liver cells into bile. Cholesterol
12 14 hours after the last meal is called as BMR or basal enters the intestine through bile and then it is excreted through
metabolic rate. the feces.
Physiology 357

Vitamin Metabolism 
Thyroxine increases the formation of many enzymes. Since, the
vitamins form the essential parts of the enzymes, it is believed
that the vitamins may be utilized during the formation of
the enzymes. Hence, vitamin deficiency is possible during
hypersecretion of thyroxine.

On Blood
Thyroxine increases the production of RBCs. It is one of the
important general factors necessary for erythropoiesis. Thus,
thyroxine increases erythropoietic activity and blood volume.

Cardiovascular System
♦ Thyroxine increases overall activity of cardiovascular
♦ It acts directly on heart and increases rate and force of
♦ Thyroxine causes vasodilatation by increasing the meta-
bolic activity.
♦ During metabolic activity, production of metabolites is
♦ The metabolites cause vasodilatation and increase the
blood flow.
♦ Thyroxine increases systolic blood pressure by increasing
rate and force of contraction of the heart, blood volume
and cardiac output.
♦ At the same time it decreases diastolic pressure by it (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
vasodilator effect.
Ans. Action of Insulin on Carbohydrate Metabolism
♦ So only the pulse pressure increases and the mean pres-
Insulin is the only hormone in the body that reduces
sure is not altered.
blood sugar level. Insulin reduces the blood sugar level
Respiratory System by its following actions on carbohydrate metabolism.
Thyroxine increases the rate and force of respiration indirectly. Increases Transport and Uptake of Glucose by the Cells
The increased metabolic rate increases the demand for oxygen
and formation of excess carbon dioxide. These two factors ♦ Insulin facilitates the transport of glucose from the blood
stimulate respiratory centers to increase the rate and force of into the cells by increasing the permeability of cell mem-
respiration. brane to glucose.
♦ Insulin stimulates the rapid uptake of glucose by all the
Gastrointestinal Tract tissues particularly liver, muscle and adipose tissues.
♦ Insulin also increases the number of glucose transporters
Generally, thyroxine increases the appetite and food intake. It
called GLUT 4 in the cell membrane.
also increases the secretions and movements of gastrointestinal
tract. Promotes Peripheral Utilization of Glucose
Central Nervous System Insulin helps in the peripheral utilization of glucose. In the
♦ Thyroxine is very essential for the development and main- presence of insulin, glucose which enters the cell is oxidized
tenance of normal functioning of central nervous system. immediately. Rate of utilization depends upon intake of glucose.
♦ Thyroxine is very important to promote growth and devel-
Promotes Storage of Glucose, i.e. Glycogenesis
opment of the brain during fetal life and during the first
few years of postnatal life. Thyroid deficiency in infants Insulin promotes the rapid conversion of glucose into glycogen,
results in mental retardation. which is stored in muscle and liver. Thus, glucose is stored in
♦ Thyroxine is a stimulating factor for the brain so normal these two organs in the form of glycogen. Insulin activates the
functioning of the brain needs presence of thyroxine. enzymes, which are necessary for glycogenesis. In liver, when
♦ Thyroxine also increases the blood flow to brain. Thus, glycogen content increases beyond its storing capacity, insulin
during the hypersecretion of thyroid there is excess causes conversion of glucose into fatty acids.
358 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Inhibits Glycogenolysis ♦ Adrenocorticotropic hormone: It is necessary for the

structural integrity and secretory activity of adrenal cortex.
Insulin prevents the breakdown of glycogen into glucose in
♦ β-lipotropin:
muscle and liver.
It helps in enkephalins synthesis
Inhibits Gluconeogenesis It mobilizes fat from adipose tissue and promote
Insulin prevents gluconeogenesis, i.e. formation of glucose
from proteins. Q.21. Write in brief milk ejection reflex.
Thus, insulin decreases the blood sugar level by: (Nov 2012, 3 Marks)
♦ Facilitating transport and uptake of glucose by the cells. Ans. Numerous touch receptors are present on the mammary
♦ Increasing peripheral utilization of glucose. glands mainly around the nipple. When the infant suck
♦ Increasing the storage of glucose converting it into mothers nipple, touch receptors get stimulated and
glycogen in liver and muscle impulses are discharged.
♦ Inhibiting glycogenolysis Impulses from nipple during sucking are carried by
♦ Inhibiting gluconeogenesis. the somatic afferent nerve fibers and reach the para-
Q.20. Write short note on hormones of anterior pituitary ventricular and supraoptic nuclei of hypothalamus.
gland and their actions. Hypothalamus sends impulses to the posterior
(Aug 2011, 6 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) pituitary through hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract
and cause release of oxytocin into the blood.
Ans. Hormones of Anterior Pituitary Gland
When the hormone reaches the mammary gland, it
1. Growth hormone
causes contraction of myoepithelial cells resulting
2. Thyroid stimulating hormone
in ejection of milk from mammary glands.
3. Luteinizing hormone
• As this reflex is initiated by the nervous factors and
4. Follicular stimulating hormone
completed by the hormonal action, it is called a
5. Prolactin
neuroendocrine reflex.
6. Adrenocorticotropic hormone
During this reflex, large amount of oxytocin is
7. β-Lipotropin.
released by positive feedback mechanism.
Actions Q.22. Write about hormones of adrenal gland.
♦ Growth Hormone: Refer to Ans 30 of same chapter. (Feb 2013, 7 Marks)
♦ Thyroid stimulating hormone: Ans. Adrenal gland is made up of two parts, i.e. adrenal cortex
It increases number of thyroid cells. and adrenal medulla.
It increases size and secretory activity of cells. Hormones secreted from adrenal cortex are miner-
It increases iodine pump and iodide trapping. alocorticoids, glucocorticoids and sex hormones.
It increases thyroglobulin secretion in follicles. Hormones secreted from adrenal medulla are
♦ Luteinizing hormone: adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine.
In males: It stimulates the interstitial cells of leydig in
testes. Luteinizing hormone is essential for secretion Mineralocorticoids
of testosterone from leydig cells. Functions
In females: It leads to maturation of vesicular follicle
which become graffian follicle along with FSH. Life saving hormone: Aldosterone is very essential for life and
– It induces synthesis of androgens from theca cells it is usually called life saving hormone because, the total loss
of growing follicle. of this hormone causes death within 3 days to 2 weeks. It is
– It leads to ovulation. mainly because of loss of mineralocorticoids which are essential
– It is necessary for formation of corpus luteum. to maintain the osmolarity and volume of ECF.
♦ Follicular stimulating hormone ♦ On sodium ions: Aldosterone increases reabsorption of
In males: In males FSH acts along with testosterone sodium from distal convoluted tubule and the collecting
and accelerates the process of spermatogenesis. duct in kidney.
In females: It is responsible for development of ♦ On blood pressure: Increase in ECF volume and the blood
graffian follicle from primordial follicle. volume finally leads to increase in blood pressure.
Stimulates theca cells of graffian follicle and causes ♦ On potassium ions: Aldosterone increases the potassium
secretion of estrogen. excretion through the renal tubules.
Promote aromatase activity in granulose cells resulting ♦ On hydrogen ion concentration: While increasing the
in conversion of androgens into estrogen. sodium reabsorption from the renal tubules, aldosterone
♦ Prolactin: It is necessary for final preparation of mammary causes tubular secretion of hydrogen ions which is essential
glands for production and secretion of milk. to maintain acid-base balance in the body.
Physiology 359

♦ On intestine: Aldosterone increases sodium absorption adrenal cortex. The androgens secreted by adrenal cortex are:
from the intestine, especially from the colon and prevents ♦ Dehydroepiandrosterone
loss of sodium through feces. ♦ Androstenedione
♦ Testosterone.
Dehydroepiandrosterone is the most active adrenal
Glucocorticoids are the corticosteroids which act mainly on androgen.
glucose metabolism. Glucocorticoids are secreted mainly The androgens, in general, are responsible for
by zona fasciculata of adrenal cortex. A small quantity of masculine features of the body. But in normal
glucocorticoids is also secreted by zona reticularis. conditions, the adrenal androgens have insignificant
Glucocorticoids are: physiological effects, because of the low amount of
1. Cortisol secretion both in males and females.
2. Corticosterone
Adrenaline and Noradrenaline
3. Cortisone.
On Metabolism
Life saving hormone: Like aldosterone, cortisol is also essential
for life but in a different way. Aldosterone is a life saving Adrenaline acts through both alpha and beta receptors equally.
hormone, whereas cortisol is a life protecting hormone because, Noradrenaline acts mainly through alpha receptors and
it helps to withstand the stress and trauma in life. occasionally through beta receptors. Adrenaline influences the
♦ On carbohydrate metabolism: Glucocorticoids increase metabolic functions more than noradrenaline.
the blood glucose level by two ways: 1. General metabolism: Adrenaline increases oxygen con-
1. By promoting gluconeogenesis in liver from amino sumption and carbon dioxide removal. It increases basal
acids. metabolic rate. So, it is said to be a calorigenic hormone.
2. By inhibiting glucose uptake and utilization by 2. Carbohydrate metabolism: Adrenaline increases the blood
peripheral cells. glucose level. It is by increasing the glycogenolysis in liver and
♦ On protein metabolism: Glucocorticoids promote catabo- muscle. So, a large quantity of glucose enters the circulation.
lism of proteins leading to decrease in cellular proteins 3. Fat metabolism: Adrenaline causes mobilization of free
and increase in plasma amino acids and protein content fatty acids from adipose tissues. Catecholamines need the
in liver by the following methods: presence of glucocorticoids for this action.
Glucocorticoids decrease the protein in the body cells
On Blood
except liver cells by accelerating protein catabolism
and release of amino acids from the tissues. Adrenaline decreases blood coagulation time. It increases RBC
Glucocorticoids increase the transport of amino acids count in blood by contracting smooth muscles of splenic capsule
into hepatic cells. In hepatic cells, the amino acids are and releasing RBCs from spleen into circulation.
used for synthesis of proteins, plasma proteins and
On Heart
for gluconeogenesis.
♦ On fat metabolism: Glucocorticoids cause mobilization Adrenaline has stronger effects on heart than noradrenaline. It
and redistribution of fats. The actions on fats are: increases overall activity of the heart, i.e.
Mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue i. Heart rate
Increasing the concentration of fatty acids in blood ii. Force of contraction
Increasing the utilization of fat for energy. iii. Excitability of heart muscle
♦ On water metabolism: Glucocorticoids accelerate the iv. Conductivity in heart muscle.
excretion of water and play an important role in the main-
tenance at water balance. On Blood Vessel
♦ On mineral metabolism: Glucocorticoids enhance the Noradrenaline has strong effects on blood vessels. It causes
retention of sodium and to a lesser extent increase the constriction of blood vessels throughout the body via alpha
excretion of potassium. Glucocorticoids decrease blood receptors. So it is called general vasoconstrictor . The
calcium by inhibiting absorption of calcium from intestine vasoconstrictor effect of noradrenaline increases total peripheral
and increasing the excretion of calcium through urine. resistance.

Sex Hormones On Blood Pressure

Adrenal sex hormones are secreted mainly by zona reticularis. Adrenaline increases systolic blood pressure by increasing
Zona fasciculata secretes small quantities of sex hormones. Most the force of contraction of the heart and cardiac output. But,
of the hormones are male sex hormones (androgens). But small it decreases diastolic blood pressure by reducing the total
quantities of estrogen and progesterone are also secreted by peripheral resistance. Noradrenaline increases diastolic
360 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

It is the disorder characterized by the enlargement, thickening
and broadening of bones, particularly in the extremities of the

Acromegaly is due to hypersecretion of growth hormone in
adults after the fusion of epiphysis with shaft of the bone.
Hypersecretion of growth hormone is due to adenomatous
tumor of anterior pituitary involving the acidophil cells.

Signs and Symptoms

♦ The striking facial features are protrusion of supraorbital
ridges, broadening of nose, thickening of lips, thickening
and wrinkles formation on forehead, and protrusion of
lower jaw (prognathism). The face with these features is
called acromegalic or guerrilla face.
♦ Enlargement of hands and feet with bowing of spine.
♦ The scalp is thickened and thrown into folds or wrinkles
like bulldog scalp. There is general overgrowth of body
♦ The visceral organs such as lungs, heart, liver and spleen
are enlarged.
(Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Acromegalic Gigantism
Ans. Hyperactivity of anterior pituitary leads to:
1. Gigantism It is a rare disorder with symptoms of both gigantism and
2. Acromegaly acromegaly. Hypersecretion of growth hormone in children,
3. Acromegalic gigantism before the fusion of epiphysis with shaft of bone causes
4. Cushing s disease. gigantism. And, if hypersecretion of the growth hormone is
Hypoactivity of anterior pituitary leads to: continued even after the fusion of epiphysis, the symptoms of
acromegaly also appear.
1. Dwarfism
2. Acromicria Cushing’s Disease
3. Simmonds disease.
It is also a rare disease characterized by obesity.
Hypoactivity of Anterior Pituitary
Gigantism is the pituitary disorder characterized by excess
growth of the body. The sects look like the giants with average Dwarfism
height of about 7-8 feet. It is a pituitary disorder in children characterized by the stunted
Cause growth.

Gigantism is due to hypersecretion of growth hormone Causes

childhood or in the pre-adult life before the fusion of Reduction in the growth hormone secretion in infancy or early
epiphysis of bone with the shaft. It occurs due to pituitary childhood causes dwarfism.
Sign and symptoms
Signs and Symptoms
♦ The primary symptom of hypopituitarism in children is the
♦ General over growth of the person leads to the develop- stunted skeletal growth. The maximum height of anterior
ment of a huge stature with a height of more than 7 or 8 pituitary dwarf at the adult age is only about 3 feet.
feet. The limbs are disproportionately long. ♦ But the proportions of different parts of the body are
♦ Giants are hyperglycemic and they develop glycosuria almost normal. Only, the head becomes slightly larger in
and pituitary diabetes. relation to the body.
♦ Pituitary tumor also causes visual disturbances. ♦ Pituitary dwarfs do not show any deformity and their
♦ Pituitary tumor leads to headache. mental activity is normal with no mental retardation.
Physiology 361

Acromicria ♦ Muscular weakness due to excess protein catabolism

♦ Neuronal disturbances such as nervousness, extreme
It is a rare disease in adults characterized by the atrophy of the
fatigue, inability to sleep. Mild tremor in hands and
extremities of the body.
psychoneurotic symptoms such as hyperexcitability,
Causes extreme anxiety or worry
♦ Toxic goiter
Deficiency of growth hormone in adults causes acromicria.
♦ Oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea
Signs and Symptoms ♦ Exophthalmos
♦ Polycythemia
♦ Atrophy and thinning of extremities of the body (hands
♦ Tachycardia and atrial fibrillation
and feet) are the major symptoms in acromicria.
♦ Acromicria is mostly associated with hypothyroidism and ♦ Systolic hypertension
hyposecretion of adrenocortical hormones ♦ Cardiac failure.
♦ The person becomes lethargic and obese. Hypothyroidism
♦ There is loss of sexual functions.
Decreased secretion of thyroid hormones is called hypo-
Simmonds’ Disease thyroidism. Hypothyroidism leads to myxedema in adults and
It is a rare pituitary disease. It is also called pituitary cachexia. cretinism in children.

Symptoms Myxedema
♦ A major feature of Simmonds disease is the rapidly It is the hypothyroidism in adults characterized by generalized
developing senile decay. Thus, a 30 years old person looks edematous appearance.
like a 60 years old person.
♦ There is loss of hair over the body and loss of teeth. Causes for Myxedema
♦ The skin on face becomes dry and wrinkled. So, there is Myxedema occurs due to diseases of thyroid gland, genetic
shrunken appearance of facial features. It is the most com- disorder or iodine deficiency. In addition, it is also caused
mon feature of this disease. by deficiency of thyroid stimulating hormone or thyrotropic
Q.24. Write about diseases related to thyroid hormones. releasing hormone.
(Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
Ans. Diseases related to thyroid hormones. Signs and Symptoms of Myxedema
Typical feature of this disorder is an edematous appearance
throughout the body. It is associated with the following
Grave’s Disease symptoms:
♦ Swelling of the face
Grave s disease is an autoimmune disease. Normally,
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) combines with surface ♦ Bagginess under the eyes
receptors of thyroid cells and causes the synthesis of thyroid ♦ Nonpitting type of edema, i.e. when pressed, it does not
hormones. make pits and the edema is hard.
♦ Atherosclerosis: It is the hardening of the walls of arteries
In Graves’ disease the B lymphocytes (plasma cells)
because of accumulation of fat. In myxedema it occurs be-
produce autoimmune antibodies called thyroid stimulating
autoantibodies. These antibodies act like TSH by binding with cause of increased plasma level of cholesterol which leads
membrane receptors of TSH and activating cAMP system of the to deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the arteries.
thyroid follicular cells. This results in hypersecretion of thyroid ♦ Other general features of hypothyroidism in adults are
hormones. anemia, fatigue and muscular sluggishness, extreme
somnolence, menorrhagia and polymenorrhea, increase in
Thyroid Adenoma body weight, constipation, mental sluggishness, depressed
Sometimes, a localized tumor develops in the thyroid tissue. It hair growth, scaliness of the skin, frog like husky voice,
is known as thyroid adenoma and it secretes large quantities cold intolerance.
of thyroid hormones. Cretinism
Signs and Symptoms Cretinism is the hypothyroidism in children characterized by
♦ Intolerance to heat because production more heat during stunted growth.
increased basal metabolic rate caused by hyperthyroidism
Causes for Cretinism
♦ Increased sweating due to vasodilatation
♦ Decreased body weight due to fat mobilization Cretinism occurs due to congenital absence of thyroid gland,
♦ Diarrhea due to increased motility of gastrointestinal tract genetic disorder or lack of iodine in the diet.
362 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Features of Cretinism Q.26. Write short note on hormones of adrenal cortex.

♦ A newborn baby with thyroid deficiency may appear nor- (Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
mal at the time of birth because thyroxine might have been Ans. Hormones secreted from adrenal cortex are mineralo-
supplied from mother. But a few weeks after birth, the baby corticoids, glucocorticoids and sex hormones.
starts developing the signs like sluggish movements and For details refer to Ans 22 of same chapter.
croaking sound while crying. Unless treated immediately, Q.27. Write in brief on hormones secreted by pituitary and
the baby will be mentally retarded permanently. the target glands on which they act.
♦ Skeletal growth is more affected than the soft tissues. So, (June 2010, 5 Marks)
there is stunted growth with bloated body. The tongue Ans. Hormones Secreted by Pituitary
becomes so big, that it hangs down with dripping of saliva.
I. Hormones secreted by anterior pituitary
The big tongue obstructs swallowing and breathing. The
1. Growth hormone
tongue produces characteristic guttural breathing that may
2. Thyroid stimulating hormone
sometimes choke the baby.
3. Luteinizing hormone
Goiter 4. Follicular stimulating hormone
5. Prolactin
♦ Goiter means enlargement of the thyroid gland.
6. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
♦ It occurs both in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
7. β-Lipotropin.
♦ Toxic goiter is the enlargement of thyroid gland with in-
creased secretion of thyroid hormones caused by thyroid II. Hormones secreted by posterior pituitary
tumor. 1. ADH or vasopressin
♦ Nontoxic goiter is the enlargement of thyroid gland 2. Oxytocin.
without increase in hormone secretion. It is also called
Hormone Target(s) Function
hypothyroid goiter.
Adrenocor- Adrenals Stimulates the adrenal gland to produce
Q.25. Write short note on thyrotoxicosis. ticotropic a hormone called cortisol
(May/June 2009, 5 Marks) hormone
Ans. Thyrotoxicosis results from the increased circulating Thyroid Thyroid Stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete its
levels of free T4 and T3. stimulating own hormone, which is called thyroxine.
The commonest cause for thyrotoxicosis is Grave s hormone TSH is also known as thyrotropin
disease. Luteinizing Ovaries Controls reproductive functioning and
hormone (women) sexual characteristics. Stimulates
Grave s disease is an autoimmune disease.
and follicular Testes the ovaries to produce estrogen and
Grave’s Disease stimulating (men) progesterone and the testes to produce
hormone testosterone and sperm. LH and FSH
Normally thyroid stimulating hormone combine with are known collectively as gonadotropins.
surface receptors of thyroid cells and causes synthesis of LH is also referred to as interstitial cell
thyroid hormones, but in Grave s disease B lymphocytes stimulating hormone (ICSH) in males
produce autoimmune bodies known as thyroid stimulating Prolactin Breasts Stimulates the breasts to produce milk.
autoantibodies. These antibodies attack like thyroid stimulating This hormone is secreted in large amounts
during pregnancy and breast feeding, but is
hormone by binding with membrane receptors of thyroid
present at all times in both men and women
stimulating hormone and activating cAMP system of thyroid
Growth All cells in Stimulates growth and repair. Research
follicular cells. This leads to hypersecretion of thyroid hormones.
hormone the body is currently being carried out to identify
Sign and Symptoms of Thyrotoxicosis the functions of GH in adult life
ADH Kidneys Controls the blood fluid and mineral
♦ Heat intoleration is present. levels in the body by affecting water
♦ Increased sweating is present. retention by the kidneys. This hormone
♦ Body weight is decreased. is also known vasopressin or argenine
♦ Diarrhea is present. vasopressin (AVP)
♦ Muscular weakness is present. Oxytocin Uterus, Affects uterine contractions in pregnancy
♦ Neuronal disturbances such as nervousness, fatigue, breasts and birth and subsequent release of
inability to sleep, mild tremor in hands, etc. breast milk
♦ Presence of oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea.
♦ Exopthalmos. Q.28. Write short note on thyroid gland.
♦ Polycythemia. (June 2010, 2.5 Marks)
♦ Presence of tachycardia and atrial fibrillation. Ans. Adult thyroid gland is the largest endocrine gland.
♦ Systolic hypertension. • Its weight is approximately 15 to 25 gm.
♦ Cardiac arrest. Thyroid gland is highly vascular.
Physiology 363

Thyroid gland is situated infront of larynx and is Q.30. Enumerate the endocrine glands in order of location
bilobed. from head downwards. Describe the actions of growth
Thyroid gland is connected by a bridge of tissue hormone in details. (Aug 2012, 15 Marks)
known as isthmus. Ans. Enumeration of Endocrine Glands in Order of Location
Thyroid gland is larger in females as compared to from Head Downwards
Name Location
Histology of Thyroid Gland 1. Pineal gland Head
♦ Thyroid gland is composed of large number of closed fol- 2. Pituitary-anterior posterior Head
licles which are 50 to 500 µm in diameter. 3. Thyroid and parathyroid Throat
♦ Approximately 40 follicles group together to form a lobule.
4. Thymus Upper chest
♦ The follicular epithelium consists of single layer of cuboi-
dal cells. 5. Pancreas Solar plexus region
♦ Lumen is filled with clear pink material known as colloid. 6. Adrenals-cortex medulla Behind the kidneys
Colloid is thyroglobulin containing iodine. 7. Gonads Lower abdomen
♦ Thyroid cells are the highly vascular cells and their micro-
villi project in colloid. Actions of Growth Hormone
♦ Follicular cells secrete T4 and T3. On Metabolism
♦ In between follicles parafollicular cells are present.
Growth hormone causes synthesis of proteins, mobilization of
Functions of Thyroid Gland lipids and conservation of carbohydrates.
♦ Thyroid gland maintains level of oxidative metabolism. ♦ Effect on protein metabolism
♦ Gland helps to regulate fat and carbohydrate metabolism. It increases amino acid transport via cell membrane.
♦ Thyroid gland is necessary for tissue differentiation, nor- It increases translation of RNA due to which
mal growth and maturation. ribososmes are activated and more of the proteins
are synthesized.
Q.29. Enumerate the hormones secreted by the posterior
It increases transcription of DNA to RNA which
pituitary and actions of any one hormone.
accelerates synthesis of proteins in cells.
(Jan 2012, 10 Marks)
It decreases catabolism of proteins.
Ans. Hormones secreted by posterior pituitary are anti-
It promotes anabolism of proteins by the release of
diuretic hormone and oxytocin.
insulin which has anabolic effect on proteins.
Action of Oxytocin ♦ Effect on fat metabolism: Growth hormone mobilizes fat
from adipose tissue. Due to this concentration of fatty acids
♦ Oxytocin causes contraction of smooth muscle cell which
increases in body fluid and these fatty acids are used for
lines the duct of mammary glands and causes milk ejec-
production of energy by cells.
tion from breast. The process by which the milk is ejected
♦ Effect on carbohydrate metabolism
from alveoli of mammary glands is known as milk ejec-
Growth hormone decreases the peripheral utilization
tion reflex.
of glucose for the energy.
♦ Oxytocin stimulates contraction of smooth muscle of
It increases deposition of glucose in form of glycogen
the uterus. Myometrium is sensitive to the exogeneous
in cells.
oxytocin at the time of pregnancy and as the pregnancy
advances the sensitivity increases. Oxytocin causes Decrease uptake of glucose by cells. As deposition of
contraction of uterus and helps in expulsion of fetus. glycogen increases the cells become saturated with
It also stimulates release of prostaglandins in placenta. glycogen.
Prostaglandins intensify uterine contraction induced by Diabetogenic effect: Increase in secretion of growth
oxytocin. hormone causes increase in blood glucose level. It
♦ Oxytocin facilitates the transport of transport of sperm leads to stimulation of β cells of langerhans in pancreas
through female genital tract upto the fallopian tube by and increases insulin secretion. Growth hormone also
producing uterine contraction during sexual intercourse. stimulates β cells of islets in pancreas directly and
♦ Oxytocin at high doses causes relaxation of blood vessels causes secretion of insulin. Due to this stimulation the
causes fall in blood pressure. β cells are burn out at one stage. This causes deficiency
♦ In males oxytocin receptors are found in testis, epididy- of insulin and diabetes occur.
mus and prostrate gland, so at the time of ejaculation
On Bone
oxytocin facilitates transport of sperms towards urethra
by causing increased contraction of smooth muscle of ♦ During embryonic stage growth hormone is responsible
vas deferens. for the differentiation and development of bone cells.
364 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.31. Describe physiological actions of growth hormone.

Add a note on acromegaly. (Mar 2013, 8 Marks)
Ans. For physiological actions of growth hormone refer to
Ans 30 of same chapter.
For acromegaly refer to Ans 2 of same chapter.
Q.32. Describe thyroid hormones. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
Ans. Thyroid hormones are:
1. Thyroxine (T4).
2. Tri-iodothyronine (T3).
3. Calcitonin.
- T3 and T4 are amino acids which consist of
- Both T3 and T4 are secreted by follicular cells.
- Both T3 and T4 are synthesized in colloid
by iodination and condensation of tyrosine
molecules and bound by peptide linkage in
thyroglobulin. Both the hormones remain bound
to thyroglobulin until secreted.
- When they are secreted colloid is ingested by
thyroid cells and peptide bonds are hydrolysed
discharging free T3 and T4 in capillaries.
- Calcitonin is secreted by parafollicular cells
which lie in between follicular cells.
Fig. 30: Endocrine gland from head to downward Q.33. Describe in brief on sex hormones. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
♦ In later stages growth hormone increases the growth of Ans. The hormones commonly considered to be “sex hormones”
skeleton. In bones growth hormone increases: in the body are testosterone, estrogen and progesterone.
Protein synthesis by chondrocytes and osteogenic cells. Testosterone is often referred to as a “male” hormone,
Multiplication by chrondrocytes and osteogenic cells. and estrogen and progesterone are often referred to as
Formation of new bones by converting chondrocytes “female” hormones.
into osteogenic cells. Testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone are produced
It increases calcium absorption from the intestine. mainly in the “gonads” (the testes and the ovaries). Two
Growth hormone acts on bone, growth as well as protein other important hormones “luteinizing hormone” (LH)
metabolism by somatomedin which is secreted by liver. The and “follicle-stimulating hormone” (FSH) stimulate the
hormone stimulate liver to secrete somatomedin-C which is gonads into secreting sex hormones.
insulin like growth factor (IGF-I). The androgen testosterone and its derivative dihy-
drotestosterone is responsible for producing masculine
On Electrolytes
secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair growth,
Growth hormone conserves electrolytes such as calcium, deepening of the voice, increased body hair growth, and
sodium, potassium, fluoride, etc. and later on they are send to increased muscle development.
the site of active mineralization. Estrogen and progesterone play a vital role in the
On Gonads menstrual cycle in females.
Estrogen is also mainly responsible for producing
Growth hormone stimulates the growth of male and female
feminine secondary sex characteristics such as breast
development and increased body fat deposits around
On Milk Production the hip and thigh areas.
Growth hormone helps in the maintenance of milk secretion. Q.34. Write on regulation of hormone secretion.
(May 2014, 5 Marks)
On Erythropoiesis Ans. Regulation of hormone secretion takes place by two
Growth hormone enhances erythrocyte production from the mechanisms, i.e. direct control and nervous control.
Direct Control
On Lymphocytes
In this, the hormone secretion is regulated by concentration of
Growth hormone enhances growth of lymphoid tissue as well the blood of those substances which directly control hormone
as proliferation of lymphocytes. by themselves.
Physiology 365

Nervous Control ♦ Role of serum magnesium concentration:

Mild decrease in the serum magnesium concentration
Secretion of hormones through endocrine glands is controlled
enhances parathyroid secretion.
by central nervous system.
Severe decrease in the serum magnesium concentration
Mainly the neurotransmitters are concerned with rapid totally abolishes parathyroid secretion.
transmission of stimulation or inhibition. ♦ Role of plasma phosphate concentration: Rise in plasma
Nervous control of the endocrine glands occurs through concentration of phosphate leads to fall in ionized calcium
following mechanisms: concentration which stimulates parathyroid secretion.
♦ Direct innervations through autonomic nervous system ♦ Role of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol: It decreases the
♦ Neurosecretory neurons controls the posterior lobe: In this secretion of parathyroid hormone.
there is depolarization of neurosecretory cells in posterior
Actions of Parathormone
pituitary through the acetylcholine which is released at the
synapses at cell bodies of these neurons which lead to the Following are the actions of parathormone:
release of ADH and oxytocin. ♦ Action on bone: Parathormone stimulates calcium and
♦ Neurosecretory neurons control the anterior pituitary: phosphate resorption from bones. It causes demineraliza-
The regulation is done by peptidergic neurons which tion of bone.
synthesize as well as secrete various specific releasing ♦ Action on kidney: Following are the actions on kidney:
factors. These factors enter hypothalamic-hypophyseal Increase in calcium reabsorption: Parathormone
portal system and inhibit or stimulate secretion of anterior enhances reabsorption of calcium from ascending limb
pituitary hormones in blood. Secretion of anterior pitui- of loop of Henle as well as distal tubules of kidney.
tary hormones is regulated by negative feedback control This prevents hypocalcemia.
too. Negative feedback control is subdivided into three Inhibition of phosphate reabsorption in proximal
phases, i.e. tubule: It leads to phosphaturia and hypophosphatemia.
i. Long loop feedback: Substances originating from the It inhibits reabsorption of sodium and bicarbonate in
tissue metabolism and hormones of peripheral gland proximal tubule and stimulates Na+ - H+ exchanger
exert long loop feedback control on hypothalamus and which leads to acidification, this prevents occurrence
anterior lobe of pituitary gland. This feedback controls of metabolic acidosis.
thyroid, gonadal and adrenocortical secretions. It stimulates reabsorption of magnesium by the renal
ii. Short loop feedback: Negative feedback is exerted tubules.
by anterior pituitary trophic hormones on release of It stimulates synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.
hypothalamic releasing or inhibiting hormones which ♦ Action on intestine: Parathormone increases calcium
are called as hypophysiotropic hormones. and phosphate absorption from intestine, this happens
iii. Ultrashort loop feedback: Inhibition of synthesis indirectly by increasing synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxychole-
and release of hypophysiotropic hormones through calciferol in kidney.
a control system is called as ultrashort loop Q.37. Write short note on actions of parathormone.
feedback. (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
Q.35. Write short note on the functions of growth hormone. Ans. Following are the actions of parathormone
(Oct 2007, 5 Marks) • Action on bone: Parathormone stimulates calcium
Ans. For functions of growth hormone in detail refer to Ans and phosphate resorption from bones. It causes
30 of same chapter. demineralization of bone.
• Action on kidney: Following are the actions on kidney:
Q.36. Name hormones regulating calcium metabolism. - Increase in calcium reabsorption: Parathormone
Discuss regulation of secretion and action of one of them. enhances reabsorption of calcium from ascend-
(Apr 2007, 15 Marks) ing limb of loop of Henle as well as distal tubules
Ans. Hormones regulating calcium hormone are: of kidney. This prevents hypocalcemia.
1. Parathyroid hormone. - Inhibition of phosphate reabsorption in proximal
2. Vitamin D. tubule: It leads to phosphaturia and hypophos-
3. Calcitonin. phatemia.
- It inhibits reabsorption of sodium and bicar-
Regulation of Secretion of Parathyroid Hormone
bonate in proximal tubule and stimulates Na+
♦ Directly through calcium serum level or calcium feedback - H+ exchanger which leads to acidification, this
loop: Decrease in serum calcium causes stimulation of prevents occurrence of metabolic acidosis.
parathyroid gland which leads to increase in secretion of - It stimulates reabsorption of magnesium by the
parathormone, this causes mobilization of calcium from renal tubules.
bones and normal serum calcium levels are maintained. - It stimulates synthesis of 1,25 dihydroxychole-
This effect can occur vice-versa too. calciferol.
366 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Action on intestine: Parathormone increases cal- 5. It causes increase in conversion of 25 hydroxy chole-
cium and phosphate absorption from intestine, this calciferol to 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol in kidney.
happens indirectly by increasing synthesis of 1,25 6. It leads to the activation of adenyl cyclase in the
dihydroxycholecalciferol in kidney. target tissues.
Q.38. Name the hormones secreted by adrenal gland. Write Q.41. Write on functions of thyroid hormones and its disorders.
down the functions of mineralocorticoids. (Apr 2017, 5 Marks)
(Nov 2008, 5 Marks) Ans. For functions of thyroid hormones refer to Ans 7 of same
Ans. Hormones secreted by adrenal gland are: chapter.
I. Hormones secreted from adrenal cortex. Disorders of thyroid hormones
A. Mineralocorticoids i.e. aldosterone and 11-
For disorders of thyroid hormones refer to Ans 24 of
same chapter.
B. Glucocorticoids, i.e. cortisol and corticosterone.
C. Sex steroids, i.e. androgen, oestrogen and
II. Hormones secreted from adrenal medulla.
A. Adrenaline or epinephrine.
B. Noradrenaline or Norepinephrine. Q.1. Write a short note on spermatogenesis.
C. Dopamine. (Mar 1998, 5 Marks) (Sept 2001, 5 Marks)
(Apr 2015, 3 Marks) (Mar 2008, 4 Marks)
Functions of Mineralocorticoids Ans. Spermatogenesis is a process by which spermatozoa are
For functions refer to Ans 22 of same chapter. developed from the primitive germ cells. This occurs in
four stages:
Q.39. Describe the effects of growth hormone in the body.
1. Stage of proliferation: The spermatogonia near
Write in brief on clinical conditions resulting from
basement membrane of semniferous tubules are
hypersecretion of hormone. (Apr 2015, 8 Marks)
larger. Each one contains diploid number of chro-
Ans. For effects of growth hormone in the body refer to the
mosomes. One member of each pair is from maternal
heading actions of growth hormone in Ans 30 of same
origin and other from paternal origin.
During proliferative stage, the spermatogonia
Clinical Conditions Resulting from Hypersecretion of divide by mitosis without any change of chromo-
Hormone some number. In man, there are seven generation
of spermatogonia. The last generation enters stage
Hypersecretion of hormone Clinical condition of growth as primary spermatocyte.
Growth hormone a. Gigantism 2. Stage of growth: The primary spermatocyte grows
b. Acromegaly
into larger cell.
Antidiuretic hormone Syndrome of inappropriate
hypersecretion of ADH
Thyroid hormone a. Grave’s disease
b. Toxic nodular goiter
Parathormone Hyperparathyroidism
Glucocorticoid Cushing’s syndrome
Aldosterone Hyperaldosteronism
Adrenal androgens Adrenogenital syndrome
Catecholamines Pheochromocytoma
(epinephrine and norepinephrine)

Q.40. Write briefly about functions of parathormone.

(Feb 2016, 2 Marks)
Ans. Following are the functions of parathormone:
1. It increases calcium levels and decreases phosphate
levels in body.
2. It leads to hyperphosphaturia, hypocalciuria fol-
lowed by hypercalciuria.
3. It increases urinary hydroxyproline excretion.
4. It increases the resorption of bone which enhances
the number of osteoclasts and osteocytes in bone. Fig. 31: Spermatogenesis
Physiology 367

3. Stage of maturation: After reaching full size, the The commencement of menstrual cycle is called
spermatocyte quickly undergoes miotic division menarche and permanent cessation of menstrual
which occurs in two stages. cycle in old age is called menopause.
In the first stage, two secondary spermatocytes There are various changes during the menstrual
are formed. In the second stage, each secondary cycle in uterus, which are in following phases.
spermatocyte divides into two spermatids. The im-
Menstural Phase
portant result of two stages of maturation division
is, each spermatid receives haploid chromosomes. ♦ Ovum which is shed during ovulation does not fertilize
4. State of transformation: The spermatids do not di- and bleeding from female genital canal begins which last
vide further but are transformed into spermatozoa for 3 to 5 days.
by spermatogenesis. ♦ During menstrual phase secretion of progesterone and
estrogen fall rapidly due to degeneration of corpus luteum.
Q.2. Write in brief on functions of testes.
♦ Bleeding and shedding of superficial two-third of endome-
(Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
trium which occur in its different parts because of spasm
Ans. The functions of testes are as follows: of spiral arteries for several hours leading to endometrial
1. Gametogenic function: The production of gamete necrosis.
cells is called gametogenic functions. Refer to Ans 1 ♦ As the vessels relax the shedding of necrotic endometrium,
of same chapter for detail. leakage of blood and release of mucus make debris lost
2. Endocrine function: The testes secrete the male during menstruation.
sex hormones called androgens. The androgens ♦ Menstural blood clot in uterus and is liquefied by fibrinoly-
are testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and sin in vagina.
androstenedione. For detail refer to Ans 15 of same ♦ Total blood loss is 10 to 80 ml.
chapter. ♦ Menstural blood contains prostaglandins.
Q.3. Write in brief on menstrual cycle. Proliferative or estrogenal Phase
(Dec 2009, 5 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks)
Ans. The cyclic events that take place in rhythmic fashion ♦ This phase presents restoration of epithelium from the
during reproductive period of women’s life is called menstruation.
♦ Estrogen is secreted from the developing ovarian follicles
menstrual cycle.
under influence of follicular stimulating hormone which
The menstrual cycle starts at age of 13 to 15 years
leads to this phase.
which marks onset of puberty.
♦ As the bleeding ends endometrium becomes thin, i.e. less
than 2 mm thick and has ciliated columnar epithelium
which is dipped in a loose stroma for forming simple
tubular glands.
♦ From 5th to 14th day endometrium get thick and start
proliferating and becomes 4 mm thick. Uterine glands
increase in length but do not secrete.
♦ Cervical secretion increases in volume and become alka-
line as well as watery. The secretion causes survival and
transport of sperms.

Ovulatory Phase
♦ It occurs at 14th day.
♦ Ovulatory phase occurs due to rise in luteinizing hormone
secretion secondary to rise in estrogen concentration.
♦ At 14th day ovulation occur and during this cervical mucus
increases in volume and become watery and so there is very
small vaginal discharge of cervical fluid which is watery.
♦ Cervical mucosa is thinnest during ovulation and so is
easily penetrated by spermatozoa.

Secretory or Luteal Phase

♦ It occurs from 14th to 28th day.
♦ This phase represent preparation of uterus for implanta-
Fig. 32: Menstrual cycle tion of the fertilized ovum.
368 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


(Apr 2003, 5 Marks)

Ans. For endometrial cycle refer to Ans 3 of same chapter
(Sept 2001, 15 Marks) and for its hormonal regulation refer to Ans 5 of same
Ans. Gonadotropins are follicular stimulating hormone chapter.
and luteinizing hormone.
In females menstrual cycle depends on secretion Q.7. Write a short note on puberty. (Sep 2000, 5 Marks)
of hypothalamic gonadotropin releasing hormone, (Sep 2005, 5 Marks) (Dec 2004, 5 Marks)
i.e. follicular stimulating hormone and luteinizing Ans. A period in which the gonads of both sexes are
hormone. quiescent until they are activated by gonadotropins
Increase in concentration of follicular stimulating from the pituitary to bring about the final maturation
hormone leads to the development of ovarian folli- of reproductive system. This period of final maturation
cles and also causes increase in secretion of estrogen. is known as adolescence or puberty. Puberty generally
So increase in follicular stimulating hormone increases occurs between the ages of 8 and 13 in girls and 9 and
serum concentration of estrogen to reach a peak at 12 14 in boys.
to 13 days which is known as estrogen surge.
Changes in the male during puberty due to the test-
• Estrogen surge increases response of pituitary to
gonadotropin releasing hormones which causes
heavy amount of secretion of luteinizing hormone 1. Muscular growth.
which is known as LH surge. 2. Bone growth testosterone: It causes broadening of
• Ovulation occurs at about 9 hours of the LH surge. shoulders and it also has a specific effect on pelvis
So the luteinizing hormone is known as ovulating causing.
hormone. - Narrowing of pelvis outlet.
Process of ovulation depends on luteinizing hor- - Lengthening of pelvis.
mone and follicular stimulating hormone. So with 3. Change in skin: Increases thickness of skin.
LH surge, FSH surge occur simultaneously. Estrogen Secretory activity of sebaceous glands, excessive
secretion decreases at time of ovulation. secretion of sebum leads to development of acne on
• As ovulation finishes, serum luteinizing hormone the face.
and follicular stimulating hormone concentration 4. Hair distribution: Hair growth on the pubis, on face,
falls, but as corpus luteum is formed, concentration on chest and other parts of body like back.
of serum progesterone and estrogen increases along 5. Change in voice: Hypertrophy of laryngeal muscles,
with inhibin-B at second half of cycle. the enlargement of larynx produces a cracking voice.
• Elevated levels of progesterone, estrogen and inhi- 6. Basal metabolic rate increases about 5 to 10%.
bin-B levels inhibit follicular stimulating hormone
and luteinizing hormone secretion through negative Changes in female during puberty due to the secretion
feedback on hypothalamus. of estrogen:
• Progesterone acts on endometrium which is primed 1. Effect on breast: Development of stromal tissues of
by estrogen which leads to the secretory phase of the breasts, deposition of fat in the ductile system.
endometrial development which is progestational. 2. Hair distribution develops in the pubic region and
If pregnancy occurs corpus luteum does not disap- axilla.
pear but persist and continue to secrete progesterone 3. Skin: Softness and smoothness to the skin.
Physiology 369

Fig. 33: Phase of menstural cycle

4. Body shape: The shoulders become narrow, hip In females:

broadens, the thighs converge, the fat deposition – It is responsible for ovulation.
increases in the breast and buttocks. – It is necessary for formation of corpus luteum.
5. Voice: The larynx remains in prepleural stage pro- – It activates secretory functions of corpus luteum.
ducing high pitch voice. Control of gonadotropic secretion.
Q.8. Describe briefly gonadotropins. Gonadotropin secretion is under control of hypothalamus
(Aug/Sep 1998, 10 Marks) and sex hormones.
Ans. • Gonadotropin hormone is secreted from anterior 1. Hypothalamus: Hypothalamus nuclei are known
pituitary gland. to secrete specific releasing factors for release of
• The basophil cells secrete gonadotropin which con- specific gonadotropic hormones.
trols the growth and activity of gonads.   Luteinizing hormone releasing factor for LH
• There are two gonadotropins: and follicle-stimulating hormones releasing factor
1. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) for FSH are secreted from hypothalamus when
2. Luteinizing hormone (LH)/Interstitial cell they are necessary.
stimulating hormone (ICSH).
2. Sex hormone: Injection of estrogen and androgen
Chemistry: The two gonadotropin hormones are
for long time causes degeneration of anterior pi-
glycoprotein in nature.
tuitary, and secretion of gonadotropin is inhibited.
Functions of Gonadotropins This shows that concentration of sex hormone in
blood regulates secretion of gonadotropins. A
♦ Functions of FSH: high concentration inhibits, whereas low concen-
In males: It accelerates the process of spermatogenesis. tration stimulates secretion.
In females:
– It is responsible for development of graafian fol- Q.9. What is mechanism of ovulation?
licle from primordial follicle. (Sep 2009, 10 Marks)
– It stimulates these cells of graafian follicle and Ans. Prior to ovulation, a large amount of luteinizing hormone
causes secretion of estrogen. is secreted. This causes changes in graafian follicle leading
♦ Functions of LH: to ovulation, LH also causes synthesis of progesterone.
In males: In males, it is also known as interstitial cell   After maturation, the follicles move towards periphery
stimulated hormone (ICSH) because it stimulates of ovary. Because of activities of LH and progesterone,
Leydig cells in testes. new blood vessels are formed in ovary. These blood
This hormone is essential for secretion of testosterone vessels protrude into the wall of follicle, so that blood flow
from Leydig cells. to follicle is increased. Now, prostaglandin is released
370 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

from granulosa cells. This causes leakage of plasma into 

follicle leading to follicular swelling.
  Just before ovulation near the wall of ovary, the follicle
swells and protrudes against capsule of ovary. This
protrusion is called stigma. Now progesterone activates
proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes cause making of the
follicular capsule and degeneration of stigma. After about
30 minutes, fluid begins to ooze from the follicle through
stigma. This reduces size of follicle causing rupture of
stigma. Now ovum is released from follicle.
Q.10. Write a short note on test for ovulation.
(June 2010, 5 Marks)
Write briefly about indicators of ovulation.
(Oct 2016, 2 Marks)

Test for Ovulation
(Mar 1996, 10 Marks)
♦ Rise in of basal body temperature: The basal body
Ans. Physiological changes during pregnancy are as follows:
temperature increases during ovulation by about 0.5°C.
1. Blood: The blood volume increases by about 20%
Accurate charting of this temperature can exactly detect
or about 1 liter. This is due to increase in plasma
the day of ovulation.
volume that may cause hemodilution.
It is recorded orally, early in the morning before getting
2. Cardiovascular system:
up of the bed, and before taking any drink or washing
- Generally cardiac output is increased by 30% in
the mouth. The increase in body temperature is due to the
first trimester. This is because of increase in force
influence of progesterone that starts increasing with the of contraction of heart and blood volume.
beginning of secretory phase. Progesterone is thermogenic. - The arterial blood pressure remains unchanged
♦ Fleeting lower abdominal pain (mittelschmerz): With during the first trimester. During second
ovulation, bleeding occurs into the antrum of follicle. trimester, there is decrease in blood pressure.
Small amount of blood also escapes into the abdominal This is due to diversion of food on uterine sinus.
cavity, which causes peritoneal irritation and produces 3. Respiratory system: The tidal volume, pulmonary
fleeting (short-lived) lower abdominal pain. This is called ventilation and oxygen utilization are all increased.
as mittelschmerz. 4. Excretory system: Renal blood flow and GFR in-
♦ Vaginal discharge (spotting): There may be transitory crease result in increased urine formation. This is
increase in vaginal discharge during ovulation. because of increased in fluid intake and increased
When rise in basal body temperature is associated with excretory products from fetus.
mittelschmerz and spotting, they are collectively called 5. Digestive system: During initial stages in preg-
as ovulation cascade. If all the three features are present, nancy, the morning sickness occurs leads to nausea,
occurrence of ovulation is almost confirmed. vomiting and giddiness. This is due to hormonal
♦ Spinnbarkeit: In the proliferative phase, estrogen makes imbalance. The motility of GIT is decreased and
the cervical mucous thin and alkaline. constipation is common.
With the beginning of secretory phase, progesterone 6. Endocrine system:
secreted from corpus luteum makes the cervical mucous i. Anterior pituitary: During pregnancy, there is
thick and tenacious. Thus, uterine mucous is thinnest at the increase in size of pituitary by 50% as there is
time of ovulation and its elasticity is maximal. Therefore, a increased secretion of corticotropin, thyrotropin
drop of cervical mucous collected at the time of ovulation and prolactin. However, the secretion of FSH and
can be stretched to as long as 10 cm or more like a thread. LH decreases very much due to feedback control
This elastic nature of the mucous is called spinnbarkeit. by estrogen and progesterone.
Decreased elasticity indicates ovulation has already taken ii. Adrenal cortex: There is increase in secretion
place. of cortisol which helps in the mobilization of
♦ Fern test: Under effect of estrogen cervical mucous before amino acids from mother s tissue to fetus. Aldos-
ovulation forms an arborizing fern like pattern, when terone secretion is also increased. This reaches
mucus is spreaded on the slide. It is confirmed by micro- maximum at the end of pregnancy. Along with
scopic examination of mucus smear. As ovulation period oestrogen and progesterone, androstenedione is
is over fern like pattern is not observed. responsible for retention of water and sodium.
Physiology 371

iii. Thyroid: The size and secretory activity of Advantages of Immunological Test for Pregnancy
thyroid gland increase during pregnancy. The
♦ The test is more accurate.
increased secretion of thyroxine helps in prepa-
♦ The result is obtained within a few minutes.
ration of mammary glands for lactation. It is also
♦ The test is carried out easily. The procedure is not cumber-
responsible for increase in metabolic activities.
Q.13. Write in brief on pregnancy test. ♦ Recently available immunological tests are more sensi-
(Mar 2001, 5 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks) tive and involve single step method. These tests can be
Ans. The basis of pregnancy test is to determine the presence performed during the first few days of conception.
of hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in urine of Q.14. Write a short note on oral contraceptives.
women suspected for pregnancy. Both biological and (Aug 2005, 5 Marks)
immunological tests are available to test presence of Or
hCG in women.
• Biological tests: These tests are performed by Write short note on contraceptives.
using experimental animals. The biological tests for (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
pregnancy can be performed after 2 to 3 weeks of Ans. The oral contraceptives are used to prevent maturation
conception so that concentration of hCG in urine is of follicles and ovulation. Prevention of follicular growth
sufficient to show the result, e.g. Kupperman test, and ovulation can be done by suppressing the secretion
Friedman test, etc. of gonadotropin from the pituitary. This is done by
• Immunological test: The presence of hCG can be using some synthetic substances. The method of fertility
determined by using immunological techniques. The control is called pill method. These pills alter menstrual
immunological tests are based on double antigen- cycle and prevent maturation of follicles and ovulation.
antibody reactions. The most commonly performed So the menstrual cycle becomes anovulatory cycle. The
immunological test is Gravindex test. pills containing synthetic estrogen and progesterone are
called oral contraceptives. The pills are of three types:
Gravindex Test 1. Classical or combined pills: They consist of moder-
Principle ate dose of synthetic estrogen and mild dose of syn-
thetic progesterone. The pills are taken daily from
It is to determine agglutination of RBCs of sheep coated with 5th to 25th day of menstrual cycle. The withdrawal
hCG. Latex particles could also be used instead of RBCs of sheep. of pills after 25th day causes menstrual bleedings.
  During continuous intake of pills, there is rela-
tively large amount of estrogen and progesterone in
♦ Antiserum from rabbit: Urine from a pregnant women is blood. This suppresses release of gonadotropins FSH
collected and hCG is isolated from urine. The hCG is in- and LH from pituitary by means of feedback mecha-
jected to the rabbit and rabbit develops antibodies against nism. The lack of FSH and LH prevents maturation
hCG. These antibodies are called Anti-hCG. The rabbits se- of follicle and ovulation. In addition, progesterone
rum containing hCG antibody is known as hCG antiserum. increases the thickness of mucosa which is not fa-
♦ RBC from sheep: The RBCs are obtained from sheep s vorable for transport of sperm.
blood. These cells are coated with pure hCG obtained 2. Sequential pills: They contain high dose of oestro-
from urine of pregnant woman. Now-a-days, instead of gen along with moderate dose of progesterone.
sheep s RBC, the rubberised synthetic particles called latex 3. Mini pills: They contain only low dose of progester-
particles are used. one. They are taken throughout menstrual cycle. This
♦ Urine: Urine of woman who needs to confirm pregnancy. prevents pregnancy without affecting ovulation.
Procedure Q.15. Write a short note on the functions of testosterone.
(Mar 2005, 5 Marks)
♦ One drop of hCG antiserum is taken on a glass slide. One
drop of urine from woman who wants to confirm preg-
nancy is added to this and both are mixed well. If urine Write very short answer on functions of testosterone.
contains hCG, all antibodies of antiserum are used for (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
agglutination of hCG molecules. Or
♦ Now, one drop of latex particles is added to this and mixed. Enumerate functions of testosterone.
(Sep 2018, 5 Marks)
Observation and Result Ans. The functions of testosterone are:
If urine contains hCG, it gets agglutinated by antibodies • Testosterone with follicular stimulating hormone
of antiserum and all antibodies are fully used up. No free maintains spermatogenesis.
antibodies is available and absence of agglutination of latex • Testosterone promotes and maintains the motility
particles confirms pregnancy. and fertilizing power of sperms.
372 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

 Other Factors
♦ Temperature: In scrotum the temperature is about 2°C
less than that of body, this low temperature is essential
for spermatogenesis.
♦ Infectious disease: Such as mumps causes degeneration
of seminiferous tubules and absence of sperma-
Q.17. Write in brief of maternal changes during pregnancy.
(Dec 2010, 6 Marks)
Ans. Following are the maternal changes during pregnancy:

Changes in Genital Organs

♦ Uterus: For accommodating the growing fetus there is
increase in the size of uterus. The enlargement occurs due
to hypertrophy and also due to hyperplasia of myometrial
smooth muscle fibers.
(Apr 2008, 8 Marks) ♦ Ovaries: Ovulation stops and follicular changes do not
occur since FSH and LH are inhibited.
Ans. Spermatogenesis is regulated by sertoli cells, some
♦ Cervix: Hypertrophy of endocervix occur, cervical glands
hormones and other factors.
increase in number and their secretions create a plug which
1. Role of sertoli cells:
causes closure of cervical canal and tough cervix become soft.
- Sertoli cells provide nutrition to the developing
♦ Mammary glands: There is breast enlargement in early
pregnancy. Ductal and alveolar tissue shows hyperpla-
- These cells secrete estrogen, which is essential
sia, areola gets pigmented and sebaceous glands become
for spermatogenesis.
prominent in areola. Nipples increases in size and become
- Sertoli cells secrete hormone binding proteins,
and make testosterone and estrogen hormones
available for the maturation of sperms. Weight Gain
2. Role of hormones: Following are the hormones,
Women gain total of 10 to 12 Kg of weight in normal pregnancy.
necessary for spermatogenesis:
This is contributed as:
- Testosterone
- Follicle stimulating hormone ♦ Weight of fetus is 3 kg.
- Leutinizing hormone ♦ Weight of placenta and amniotic fluid is 1.5 kg
- Estrogen ♦ Weight of uterus and breast enlargement is 1 kg
- Growth factor. ♦ Blood volume and intestinal fluid rises upto 1.5 kg
♦ Deposition of fat is 3.5 to 4 kg.
Hematological Changes
♦ It stimulates spermatic gene s.
♦ Blood volume: Blood volume increases upto 30%. Increase
♦ It is also necessary for the formation of secondary
in plasma volume is more than that of red cell volume. This
spermatocyte from primary spermatocyte.
leads to hemodilution and there is physiological anemia
Follicle Stimulating Hormone of pregnancy.
♦ Hematological indices: There is decrease in RBC count,
Combined effect with testosterones.
hemoglobin concentration and packed cell volume. There
Luteinizing Hormone is increase in ESR and reticulocyte count.
♦ Plasma proteins: Concentration of plasma proteins
This hormone is essential for the secretion of testosterone from decreases from 7.5 to 6 gm% due to hemodilution. There
leyding cells. is increase in fibrogen level but serum albumin level
markedly decreases.
♦ Leucocytes: There is rise in total leucocyte count upto
Necessary for spermatogenesis. 20000/mm3.
♦ Platelets: There is slight decrease in the platelet count.
Growth Hormone ♦ Coagulation factors: Pregnancy is a hypercoagulable
♦ Essential for background metabolism of testis. state in which there is an increase in fibrinogen, factors
♦ Necessary for proliferation of spermatogenesis. VII, VIII, IX and X.
Physiology 373

Changes in Cardiovascular System ♦ Protein metabolism: When balanced diet is given there is
♦ Position of heart: Uterus pushes the diaphragm upwards nitrogen retention and positive nitrogen balance. Proteins
which changes the position of heart. get deposited in uterus, breast, fetus and placenta.
♦ Heart rate: Heart rate increases by 10 to 12 beats/min. ♦ Carbohydrate metabolism: There is an increase in blood
♦ Cardiac output: There is an increase in cardiac output from glucose level. Glycosuria is present due to increase in GFR
5L/min to 7L/min during 20 weeks of gestation. and decrease in renal threashold for glucose. Ketosis can
♦ Blood pressure: Systolic blood pressure remains normal occur due to anorexia and excessive vomiting.
while diastolic blood pressure decreases and by 16 to 20 ♦ Fat metabolism: 3 to 4 Kg of fat gets deposited during
weeks of pregnancy its value is lowest, after this it starts pregnancy. There is an increase in plasma concentration
increasing and becomes normal. of cholesterol, phospholipids and triglycerides.
♦ Blood flow: There is an increase in blood flow to skin, ♦ Mineral metabolism: In pregnancy mother retains 50 gm
uterus and kidneys to meet the demands. of extra calcium and 30 to 40 gm of phosphorus. These
♦ Venous pressure: Gravid uterus applies pressure on pel- minerals are deposited in fetus and retained in mother
vic vein, abdominal vein and femoral vein in this way it stores. Requirement of iron also increases.
increases the venous pressure.
Changes in Endocrine System
Changes in Respiratory System
All endocrine glands of pregnant lady react substantially during
♦ Hyperventilation: As there are high levels of plasma pregnancy. Due to increased metabolic load and due to the
progesterone at the time of pregnancy this increases the hormones produced by placenta and fetus.
sensitivity of respiratory neurons to carbon dioxide which
leads to hyperventilation. Changes in the Skin
♦ Gas exchange: Exchange of gases across alveoli is en- ♦ Hyperpigmentation: It occurs on face, areola, nipple,
hanced due to marked increase in pulmonary blood flow. midline of abdomen. It is due to the increased secretion
♦ Consumption of oxygen: It get increased by 15% to meet
of ACTH and MSH at the time of pregnancy.
demands of growing fetus and for extra work of heart,
♦ Stria gravidarum: Presence of linear scars on lower abdo-
uterus and other tissue.
men due to stretching of skin.
Changes in Urinary System
Changes in Psychology
♦ Renal blood flow: Renal blood flow gets increased.
♦ Glomerular filtration rate: It increases by 50% as there is Nervous system show mild changes in form of craving for
increase in renal blood flow. particular type of food items, alteration in behavior and mood.
♦ Renal tubular absorptive capacity for sodium and chloride Q.18. Write short note on corpus luteum.
ions increases by 50% as high levels of steroid hormones (June 2010, 5 Marks)
are secreted by placenta and adrenal cortex. Ans. It is also known as yellow body.
♦ Proteinuria: There is presence of proteinuria.
It is a glandular yellow body which is developed from
♦ Water balance: In last months of pregnancy there is pres-
ruptured graffian follicle after the release of ovum.
ence of water retention.
♦ Acid-base balance: Hyperventilation at the time of preg- Formation and Fate of Corpus Luteum
nancy leads to respiratory alkalosis. Kidneys compensate
this by excreting bicarbonate ions in urine. ♦ Following ovulation as ruptured graffian follicle is filled
with the blood it is known as corpus hemorrhagicum.
Changes in Gastrointestinal System ♦ The luteinizing hormone neutralizes leutinization inhibit-
♦ GIT secretions: Hypochlorhydria is present as gastric ing factor in initiates leutinization.
secretions are reduced. ♦ Granulosa and theca cells show fat droplet in cytoplasm and
♦ GIT motility: Motility decreases under the influence of the structure appears yellow in color. Both the cells now
hormones which causes delayed gastric emptying. are known as granulose leutin cells and theca leutin cells.
♦ Gall bladder functions: Size of gallbladder increases and ♦ Corpus luteum produce large amount of estrogen and
empties it contents at slow rate. progesterone under the influence of luteinizing hormone.
♦ Liver functions: They get altered during pregnancy. ♦ If fertilization occur corpus luteum produce these
There is an increase in fibrinogen synthesis and decrease hormones as placenta take over the function.
in albumin synthesis so plasma albumin to globulin ratio ♦ If fertilization has not occurred corpus luteum produce
is decreased. hormones at high level till 24th day and from 25th day
secretion of hormones decreases and reaches to its basal
Metabolic Changes level at 28th day.
♦ Basal metabolic rate: BMR increases to 15% in pregnancy ♦ Corpus luteum degenerates and is known as corpus
during later half of pregnancy. albicans.
374 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

 Ans. Female Reproductive Cycle

Female reproductive cycle occur periodically during the
reproductive age. The changes taking place in the organs
are as follows:
1. Change in the ovaries, i.e. the ovarian cycle
2. Changes in uterus, i.e. the menstural cycle
3. Changes in vagina
4. Changes in gonadotrophin secretion, i.e. hormonal
control of female sexual cycle.

Changes in Ovaries or the Ovarian Cycle

Premenarchal Ovary
(Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
Ans. Pituitary ♦ Starting from birth till menarche the ovarian weight
increases because of increased volume of developing
• FSH/LH falls to low levels
follicles as well as increase in stroma.
• ACTH and melanocyte-stimulating hormone
♦ After the age of 8 years the estrogen secretion by ovary is
sufficient for promoting increase in uterine weight.
• Prolactin level increases
• Levels of progesterone and estrogens rise continually Postmenarchal Ovary
throughout pregnancy, suppressing the hypothalmic ♦ During menarche the hypothalamic maturation leads to
axis and subsequently the menstrual cycle. Estrogen onset of cyclic ovulation.
is mainly produced by the placenta and is associated ♦ At each cycle of the month 10 to 15 follicles enlarge
with fetal well-being and become secondary follicle in presence of follicular
• Women also experience increased human chorionic stimulating hormone from anterior pituitary. Fluid gets
gonadotropin (β-hCG); which is produced by the filled inside these follicles and a single follicle out of
placenta. This maintains progresterone production fifteen enlarged follicles undergoes ovulation. Ovum is
by the corpus luteum. The increased progesterone surrounded by zona pellucid and granulose cells and now
production, first by corpus luteum and later by the it is known as cumulus oophorus. This cumulus oophorus
placenta, functions to relax bronchiolar smooth shed in abdominal cavity and is picked by fimbriae of
muscle. fallopian tube.
♦ During ovulation, antral fluid escape and the follicle wall
Thyroid and Parathyroid get collapse and collapse leading to hemorrhage in theca
♦ Thyroxine-binding globulin concentrations rise due to interna and this causes formation of corpus hemorrhagicum.
increased estrogen levels. ♦ As ovulation get finished capillaries from theca interna
♦ T4 and T3 increase over the first half of pregnancy but there invade granulose layer and the clotted blood get replaced
is a normal to slightly decreased amount of free hormone by yellowish lipid rich luteal cells which forms corpus
due to increased TBG-binding. luteum.
♦ TSH production is stimulated. A large rise in TSH is likely ♦ Corpus luteum enlarges for a week or more during which
luteal cells secrete estrogen and progesterone, at this time
to indicate iodine deficiency or subclinical hypothyroidism.
if fertilization occur corpus luteum grow for months and
♦ Serum calcium levels decrease in pregnancy, which
degenerate at 6th month. If fertilization does not occur
stimulates an increase in parathyroid hormone.
corpus luteum regress and become corpus albicans.
♦ Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is converted to its active
metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalcifero, by placental Changes in Uterus or the Menstural Cycle
Menstural cycle is defined as the recurrent monthly discharge
 of blood from female genital canal.
Menstural cycle in humans is counted from the day at which
the menstrual bleeding starts. It occurs in 4 stages:

I. Menstural Phase
♦ Ovum which is shed during ovulation does not fertilize
and bleeding from female genital canal begins which last
for 3 to 5 days.
♦ During menstrual phase secretion of progesterone and
(Jan 2012, 10 Marks) estrogen fall rapidly due to degeneration of corpus luteum.
Physiology 375

♦ Bleeding and shedding of superficial two-third of endome- Changes in Vagina

trium which occur in its different parts because of spasm At the time of proliferative phase vaginal epithelium is

of spiral arteries for several hours leading to endometrial cornified.
♦ As the vessels relax the shedding of necrotic endometrium,
leakage of blood and release of mucus make debris lost
during menstruation.
♦ Menstural blood clot in uterus and is liquefied by fibrinoly-
sin in vagina.
♦ Total blood loss is 10 to 80 ml.
♦ Menstural blood contains prostaglandins.
II. Proliferative or estrogenal Phase
♦ This phase presents restoration of epithelium from the
♦ Estrogen is secreted from the developing ovarian follicles
under influence of follicular stimulating hormone which
leads to this phase.
♦ As the bleeding ends endometrium becomes thin, i.e. less than
2 mm thick and has ciliated columnar epithelium which is
dipped in a loose stroma for forming simple tubular glands.
♦ From 5th to 14th day endometrium get thick and start
proliferating and becomes 4 mm thick. Uterine glands
increase in length but do not secrete.
♦ Cervical secretion increases in volume and become alka-
line as well as watery. The secretion causes survival and
transport of sperms.
III. Ovulatory Phase
♦ It occurs at 14th day.
♦ Ovulatory phase occurs due to rise in luteinizing hormone
secretion secondary to rise in estrogen concentration.
♦ At 14th day ovulation occur and during this cervical mucus
increases in volume and become watery and so there is very
small vaginal discharge of cervical fluid which is watery.
♦ Cervical mucosa is thinnest during ovulation and so is
easily penetrated by spermatozoa.
IV. Secretory or Luteal Phase
♦ It occurs from 14th to 28th day.
♦ This phase represent preparation of uterus for implanta-
tion of the fertilized ovum.
♦ It is influenced by progesterone and is secreted by leuteal
cells of corpus luteum.
♦ About one and a half day after ovulation when corpus
luteum is formed in the ovary the endometrium undergoes
development to become 6 mm thick at end of 28th day
during onset of menstruation.
♦ Endometral glands increase in length and diameter and
become tortuous and get filled with mucous. Stromal
cells proliferate and enlarge. Spiral arteries get coiled and
dilated and the veins get filled with blood. (Feb 2016, 2 Marks)
♦ Cervical secretion become thick, cellular and tenacious, Ans. It is also known as estrogenal phase.
it form a viscous plug which act as a barrier against • This phase presents restoration of epithelium from
spermatozoa as well as infectious micro-organisms. the menstruation.
376 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Estrogen is secreted from the developing ovarian 

follicles under influence of follicular stimulating
hormone which leads to this phase.
As the bleeding ends endometrium becomes thin,
i.e. less than 2 mm thick and has ciliated columnar
epithelium which is dipped in a loose stroma for
forming simple tubular glands.
• From 5th to 14th day endometrium get thick and
start proliferating and becomes 4 mm thick. Uterine
glands increase in length but do not secrete.
• Cervical secretion increases in volume and become
alkaline as well as watery. The secretion causes
survival and transport of sperms.


Q.1. Write a short note on properties of cardiac muscles.

(Sep 2004, 5 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Ans. The properties of cardiac muscles are as follows:
1. Excitability: The ability of a tissue to give response
to stimulus is called excitability.
Electric potential in cardiac muscles:
a. Resting membrane potential: In cardiac muscle
fibers, the resting membrane potential is about
85 to 95 mV.
b. Action potential: In electrical activity that take
place in cardiac muscle is known as action poten-
tial. Action potential in a single cardiac muscle
fiber occurs in 4 phases namely:
1. Rapid depolarization
2. Initial rapid repolarization
3. A plateau
4. Slow repolarization.
The duration of action potential in cardiac muscle
is 250 to 360 msec. (Oct 2014, 8 Marks)
2. Rhythmicity: The ability of a tissue to produce its Or
own impulses regularly is called rhythmicity or Write short note on cardiac cycle. (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
self-excitation or autorhythmicity. Or
- The property of rhythmicity is possessed by all Define cardiac cycle. Describe in brief phases and
tissues of heart. events occurring during cardiac cycle.
- The heart has a specialized structure which gener-
(Apr 2018, 10 Marks)
ates impulses. This structure is called pacemaker.
Ans. The sequence of changes in the pressure and flow in
In mammalian heart pacemaker is SA node.
heart chambers and blood vessels in between the two
3. Conductivity: In human heart the impulses pro- subsequent cardiac contractions is known as cardiac cycle.
duced by SA node are transmitted to cardiac muscles
  Every heart beat consists of two major periods called
by means of specialized conductive system.
systole and diastole. During systole, there is contraction
- The impulse originated at SA node spreads the of cardiac muscle and blood is pumped out; and during
atria and reaches AV node through internodal diastole, there is relaxation of cardiac muscle and filling
fibers. of blood.
- AV node transmits the impulse through bundle
of his and it branches to ventricle. From the apex Phases and Events in Cardiac Cycle
of heart through the Purkinje fibers, the impulses Each cardiac cycle consists of atrial and ventricular cycles along
are conducted to base. with their phases:
Physiology 377

♦ Atrial cycle Ventricular Systole

Atrial systole or atrial contraction phase (0.1s)
♦ Duration of ventricular systole is 0.3 sec.
Atrial diastole (0.7s).
♦ Ventricular systole consists of following phases, i.e. phase
♦ Ventricular cycle
of isovolumic contraction and phase of ventricular ejection.
Ventricular systole (0.3s)
– Isovolumic contraction phase (0.05s) Phase of Isovolumic Contraction
– Phase of ventricular ejection which is subdivided
♦ As ventricular contraction starts, pressure in the ventricles
into rapid ejection phase (0.1s) and slow ejection
exceeds atrial pressure rapidly which causes closure of AV
phase (0.15s).
Ventricular diastole (0.5s) valves and this leads to the production of first heart sound.
– Protodiastole (0.04s) ♦ As AV valves closed and semilunar valves do not open, due
– Isovolumic relaxation phase (0.06s) to this ventricles contract as closed chamber and pressure
– Rapid passive filling phase (0.11s) in ventricles increases rapidly.
– Reduced filling phase or diastasis (0.19s) ♦ As the ventricles contract, volume of blood in ventricles
– Last rapid filling phase (0.1s). does not change and this phase is known as isovolumic
contraction phase.
Atrial Cycle ♦ As this phase due to increase in ventricular pressure bulg-
Before commencement of the atrial systole ventricles get relaxed ing of AV valves occur in atria which produces small but
and atrioventricular valves get opened and blood flow from sharp rise in intra-arterial pressure known as c–wave.
great veins into the atria and from atria to ventricles. Now atria ♦ Phase of isovolumic contraction lasts for 0.05 seconds till
and ventricles form continuous cavity. pressure in left and right ventricles exceeds pressure of
aorta and pulmonary artery and aortic and pulmonary
Atrial Systole
valves open.
♦ Atrial systole lasts for 0.1s.
♦ This phase coincides with last rapid filling phase of ven- Phases of Ventricular Ejection
tricular diastole. ♦ This phase starts with opening of semilunar valves.
♦ Atrial contraction increases intra-arterial pressure by 4 to ♦ Duration of this phase is 0.25 sec.
6 mm Hg in right atrium and 7 to 8 mm Hg in left atrium ♦ This phase is subdivided into two phases i.e. rapid ejection
which leads to a pressure wave recorded as a wave from phase and slow ejection phase.
jugular vein.
♦ There is also an increase in the ventricular pressure because Rapid Ejection Phase
of pumping of blood in ventricles. ♦ As semilunar valves get open up blood is ejected out
♦ When atrial contraction starts 105 ml of blood flow into rapidly for 0.1 sec.
the ventricles. Atrial contraction causes additional 25 ml ♦ Approximately two-third of stroke volume is ejected
of filling of the ventricles. So at the end of atrial systole through each of the ventricle in rapid ejection phase.
the ventricular volume is 130 ml. This is known as end ♦ Contraction of ventricles occurs at the greater rate as com-
diastolic volume.
pared to rate at which the blood is ejected so that great rise
♦ At the time of atrial systole pressure in aorta is 80 mm of Hg.
in pressure occurs. Here pressure rises to 120 mm of Hg in
Atrial Diastole left ventricle and 25 mm of Hg in right ventricle.
♦ As atrial systole completes there is commencement of Slow Ejection Phase
atrial diastole.
♦ Slow ejection phase is of 0.15 sec.
♦ Its duration is of 0.7 sec.
♦ During atrial diastole, atrial musculature gets relaxed ♦ In this phase ventricular contraction decreases and the
and there is gradual filling of atria because of continuous ejection declines.
venous return. ♦ Approximately one-third of stroke volume is ejected dur-
♦ Pressure in the atria gradually increases and drops down ing this phase.
to zero along with opening of AV valves. ♦ In this phase intra-ventricular pressure also starts declining
♦ Now pressure again increases and follows ventricular and falls to the value which is slightly lower as compared
pressure during rest of the atrial diastole. to the pressure of aorta but for very short time due to
momentum blood flow forward.
Ventricular Cycle Percentage of end diastolic volume which is ejected with
As atrial contraction phase get over ventricles get excited by each stroke during systole is known as ejection fraction and 50
impulse which travels along conducting system and starts their ml of blood in each ventricle at the end of ventricular systole is
contraction. known as end systolic volume.
378 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Reduced Filling and Diastasis

♦ Duration of this phase is 0.19 sec.
♦ Dring this phase pressure in atria and ventricles decreases
slowly and remains just above zero which decreases blood
flow from atria to ventricle leading to a slow filling known
as diastasis.
Last Rapid Filling Phase
♦ Duration of this phase is 0.1 sec.
♦ This phase of ventricular diastole coincides with atrial
♦ Atrial systole brings the last rapid filling phase and pushes
additional 25% of blood in ventricles. With this phase
ventricular cycle gets completed.
Q.3. Write a short note on ventricular diastole.
(Mar 1998, 5 Marks)
Fig. 34: Pressure changes in heart Ans. Total duration of ventricular diastole is 0.5 sec.
Ventricular diastole consists of following phases:
Ventricular Diastole
i. Protodiastole (0.04 s).
Protodiastole ii. Isovolumic relaxation phase (0.06 s).
♦ As ventricular systole end up, the ventricles start relaxing iii. Rapid passive filling phase (0.11 s).
and intraventricular pressure decreases rapidly. iv. Reduced filling phase or diastasis (0.19 s).
♦ Duration of protodiastole is 0.04 sec. v. Last rapid filling phase (0.1 s).
♦ In this phase increased pressure in distended arteries Protodiastole
pushes the blood back towards ventricles which causes
semilunar valves to close. ♦ As ventricular systole end up, the ventricles start relaxing
and intraventricular pressure decreases rapidly.
♦ As semilunar valves get closed the movement of blood
♦ Duration of protodiastole is 0.04 sec.
into the ventricles stops and produces second heart sound.
♦ In this phase increased pressure in distended arteries
Isovolumic or Isometric Relaxation Phase pushes the blood back towards ventricles which causes
semilunar valves to close.
♦ As semilunar valves get close this phase begins.
♦ As semilunar valves get closed the movement of blood
♦ Its duration is of 0.06 sec.
into the ventricles stops and produces second heart sound.
♦ As there is closure of semilunar valves and opening of AV
valves does not occur ventricles get relaxed. This leads to Isovolumic or Isometric Relaxation Phase
fall in pressure in ventricles.
♦ As semilunar valves get close this phase begins.
♦ As in this phase ventricular volume remains constant this
♦ Its duration is of 0.06 sec.
is known as isovolumic relaxation phase. ♦ As there is closure of semilunar valves and opening of AV
♦ As diastole rests aortic pressure smoothly declines. As valves does not occur ventricles get relaxed. This leads to
aortic pressure declines to 80 mm of Hg next ventricular fall in pressure in ventricles.
systole enhances aortic pressure again. ♦ As in this phase ventricular volume remains constant this
♦ As AV valves get opened this phase begins. is known as isovolumic relaxation phase.
Rapid Passive Filling Phase ♦ As diastole rests aortic pressure smoothly declines. As
aortic pressure declines to 80 mm of Hg next ventricular
♦ Duration of this phase is 0.11 sec. systole enhances aortic pressure again.
♦ At the time of ventricular systole atria remains in diastole ♦ As AV valves get opened this phase begins.
and venous return continues due to which atrial pressure
is high. Rapid Passive Filling Phase
♦ As AV valves get opened high atrial pressure leads to rapid ♦ Duration of this phase is 0.11 sec.
initial flow of blood in ventricles. ♦ At the time of ventricular systole atria remains in diastole
♦ Rapid passive filling phase produces third heart sound. and venous return continues due to which atrial pressure
♦ As AV valves get opened atria and ventricles become is high.
common chamber and pressure in both cavity declines as ♦ As AV valves get opened high atrial pressure leads to rapid
ventricular relaxation continues. initial flow of blood in ventricles.
Physiology 379


(Aug 2005, 5 Marks) (Sep 2005, 5 Marks)

 (Feb 2003, 5 Marks) (Sep 2000, 5 Marks)
 (Sep 2001, 5 Marks) (Mar 2007, 3 Marks)
 (Sep 2018, 5 Marks) (Dec 2010, 3 Marks)
Ans. The mechanical activities of heart during each cardiac
cycle cause the production of some sounds which are
called heart sounds.
The factors involved in production of heart sounds are:
1. Movement of blood through chamber of heart.
2. Movement of cardiac muscle.
3. Movement of valves of heart.
• The first heart sound or “LUBB” is a long, soft and
low pitched. It occurs during the isometric contrac-
tion and a part of ejection phase. It is caused due
to closure of AV valves. The duration of first heart
(Mar 2001, 7.5 Marks) sound is 0.1 to 0.17 second and its frequency is 25
Or to 45 cycles/second.
Describe in brief pressure changes in left ventricle • The second heart sound or “DUBB” is a short, sharp
during cardiac cycle. and high pitched. It occurs during protodiastole
and part of isometric relaxation. It is caused due to
(Dec 2004, 7.5 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks)
closure of semilunar valves. The duration of second
Ans. The pressure developed inside the ventricles of heart is
heart sound is 0.1 to 0.14 second and its frequency
called intraventricular pressure. Maintenance of blood flow
is 50 cycles/sec.
into systematic and pulmonary circulation depends on the
• The third heart sound is low pitched. It occurs during
pressure at which the blood is pumped out of left ventricle.
rapid filling phase. It is caused due to rushing of blood
• The minimum pressure in left ventricle is 5 mm Hg into ventricles. The duration of third heart sound is 0.07
and maximum pressure is 120 mm Hg. to 0.1 second and its frequency is 1 to 6 cycles/sec.
• During atrial systole, the pressure rises to about • The fourth heart sound is an inaudible sound. It
7 to 8 mm Hg in left ventricle. occurs during atrial systole. It is caused due to con-
• During ejection period, the pressure in left ventri- traction of atrial vasculature. The duration is 0.02 to
cle rises to peak and then falls down. The pressure 0.04 second and its frequency is 1 to 4 cycles/sec.
change during ejection period is 120 mm Hg.
• During protodiastole, the pressure is around Q.6. Write a short note on normal ECG. (Sep 2004, 5 Marks)
100 mm Hg. Or
• The pressure during isometric relaxation phase is Write in brief on ECG. (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
around 40 mm Hg. Ans. The ECG or Electrocardiogram is graphical registration
• During rapid filling phase, the pressure is 20 to of electrical activities of heart.
30 mm Hg due to relaxation of ventricles.
• During slow filling phase due to relaxation of ven- Waves of ECG
tricles, the pressure decrease to 0 to 10 mm Hg. (See Following Table)

Wave Configuration Cause Duration Amplitude Clinical Significance

P wave P wave is the positive deflection Produced due to Not more than 0.1 to 0.12 mV Magnitude of P wave act is a guide
atrial depolarization 0.1 sec to functional activity of atria
QRS It has three consecutive waves Caused by Less than 0.08 Q wave – 0.1 to • Deep Q wave along with
complex Q wave is small negative wave ventricular sec 0.2 mV other changes is the sign of
which can be present normally. This depolarization R wave – 1.0 mV myocardial infarction
wave is continued as tall positive S wave – 0.4 mV • Tall R wave is seen in ventricular
R wave followed by small negative hypertrophy
S wave • Low voltage QRS complex is
seen in hypothyroidism and
pericardial effusion
• QRS complex is prolonged in
bundle branch block
380 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Wave Configuration Cause Duration Amplitude Clinical Significance

T wave It is the last positive dome shaped T wave represents 0.27 sec 0.3 mV • Inverted T wave is the important
deflection. It is in the same ventricular sign of myocardial infarction.
direction as QRS complex because depolarization • Tall and peaked T wave occur in
ventricular repolarization follows hyperkalemia
path opposite to depolarization
W wave Small round positive wave Occur due to slow 0.08 sec 0.2 mV It is prominent in hypokalemia
repolarization of
papillary muscle

♦ Ischemia and ventricular conduction defects prolonged

Q-T interval. In hypocalcemia it is also prolonged.
T-P Interval
♦ This is measured from end of T wave to beginning of P wave.
♦ It measures diastolic period of heart.
♦ Variability in T-P interval indicated AV dissociation.
P-P Interval
♦ It is the interval between two successive P waves.
♦ This indicates rhythmic depolarization of atria.
ST Segment
♦ Isoelectric period between end of QRS complex and begin-
ning of T wave is known as ST segment.
♦ Its duration is 0.32 sec.
♦ It corresponds with ventricular repolarization.
Fig. 35: Normal ECG ♦ It is elevated in patients with the myocardial infarction.
Q.7. Write a note on cardiac output, methods of determina-
Intervals and Segments of ECG
tion and factors determining it. (Mar 1997, 8 Marks)
P-R Interval Ans. Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped out by
each ventricle into circulation each minute.
♦ It is measured from onset of P wave to onset of QRS
complex. Cardiac output is most important factor in cardiovascular
system, because the rate of blood flow through different
♦ The interval actually is P-Q interval but Q wave is
part of body depends on cardiac output.
frequently absent so it is known as P-R interval.
• Cardiac output in average adult is about 5 L/min.
♦ This interval measures AV conduction time including AV
Cardiac output = Stroke volume × Heart Rate
nodal delay.
• Methods of Determination: Cardiac output is meas-
♦ Its duration ranges from 0.12 to 0.21 sec depending on
ured by following methods.
heart rate.
♦ Prolonged P-R interval is indicative of AV conduction Factors Regulating Cardiac Output
Cardiac output in experimental animals is measured with the
J Point help of electromagnetic flowmeter. In humans only indirect
methods are possible which includes:
It refers to the point on ECG which coincides with end of
1. Fick’s principle
depolarization and start of repolarization of ventricles. At J
2. Indicator or dye dilution method
point all parts of ventricles get depolarized so no current flows 3. Thermodilution method
around the heart. 4. Physical methods:
Q-T Interval a. Doppler technique echocardiography
b. Ballistocardiography.
♦ Time from beginning of QRS complex to the end of T wave.
♦ It indicates total systolic time of ventricles, i.e. both Based on Fick’s Principle
ventricular depolarization and ventricular repolarization. As per the Fick’s principle the amount of substance taken up
♦ Duration of this interval is 0.4 sec. by an organ per unit time is equal to the arterial level of the
Physiology 381

substance minus the venous level (A – V difference) times the is measured by determining the resultant change in blood
blood flow i.e. amount of substance taken per min = (A – V) temperature in pulmonary artery.
difference of the substance × blood flow per min.
Physical Methods
Amount of substance taken/min
Blood flow/min = Following are the physical methods used to measure cardiac
(A – V) difference of the substance
Fick’s principle is used to determine cardiac output, So
Amount of oxygen consumed by the
   whole body per unit time It is the ultrasonic evaluation of cardiac functions. It involves
LV Output =
(A – V) oxygen difference across the lungs B-scan ultrasound frequency of 2.25 MHz using a transducer
which act as receiver for the reflected waves. The recording of
As arterial blood has same oxygen content in all parts of the the echoes displayed against time on an oscilloscope provides
body, the arterial oxygen content can be measured in sample the complete record of:
obtained from any convenient artery. Sample of venous blood ♦ Movement of both ventricular wall and septum along with
in pulmonary artery is obtained by cardiac catheter which is valves during cardiac cycle.
inserted via a foramen vein and its tip is guided in right atrium ♦ When this procedure gets combined with the Doppler
by fluoroscope and through right ventricle in pulmonary artery. techniques, echocardiography is used to measure velocity
Oxygen consumption is determined by the close circuit spirometry. and volume of flow through valves.
Calculation of cardiac output is as follows: ♦ So it is useful in evaluating end diastolic volume, end
systolic volume, cardiac output and valvular defects.
Resting oxygen consumption in body (mL/min)
LV output = 
[AO2] [VO2]

250 mL/min
19 mL/dL arterial blood – 14 mL/dL venous
     blood in pulmonary artery
250 mL/min
5 mL/dL

250 × 100
= 5000 mL/min or 5 L/min.

Indicator or Dye Dilution Technique (Mar 2000, 5 Marks)

Ans. The force of contraction of myocardium depends upon
In this technique, a known amount of dye is injected into the
its preload, i.e. the degree to which myocardium is
arm vein. Dye will first pass through the heart and then the
stretched before it contracts; and after load is resistance
pulmonary circulation and finally evenly distributed in the
against which the ventricles pump the blood.
blood stream. Its mean concentration during the first passage
through an artery is determined from the successive samples   In heart, extent of preload is directly proportional to
of blood taken from artery. end diastolic volume, i.e. amount of blood remaining
in ventricles at the end of diastole. Any factor which
Blood flow in liters/min (F) is given by the formula:
increases venous return, i.e. volume of blood returning
Q to heart will increase. Therefore, more is end diastolic
F =
Ct volume, more will be stretching of myocardium, i.e.
F = Blood flow in litres/min initial length of cardiac muscle fiber and more is force
Q = Quantity of the injected dye of contraction of myocardium.
C = Mean concentration of dye   So, this is the heterometric regulation of cardiac output.
t = Time duration in second of the first passage of dye Q.9. Write in brief on regulation of heart rate.
through artery. (Sept 2000, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 6 Marks)
Ans. The activities of heart are continuously regulated by
Thermodilution Method
nervous regulation. This is essential for heart to cope up
Principle: It is an indicator dilution technique in which in place with needs of body. The stimulation of nerves to heart
of dye cold saline is used as an indicator. Cardiac output produces several effects on heart rate. These effects are:
382 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Chronotropic action: It is the effect on the heart rate. • The baroreceptors are situated in the carotid sinus.
Two types of chronotropic actions are: These receptors are also situated in wall of arch of aorta.
I. Tachycardia, i.e. increase in heart rate. Baroreceptors in carotid sinus are supplied by Her-
ing s nerve. The baroreceptors in arch of aorta are
II. Bradycardia, i.e. decrease in heart rate. supplied by aortic nerve.
The cardiac centers are mainly responsible for regulation • When the blood pressure is increased, the barorecep-
of heart rate. There are two centers: tors are stimulated and send stimulatory impulses to
1. Cardioinhibitory center: It is situated in reticular cardioinhibitory center. The vagal tone is increased
formation of medulla oblongata. The cardioinhibi- and heart rate is reduced. When pressure is less, the
tory center reduces the heart rate. It sends inhibitory baroreceptors do not sent impulses and heart rate is
impulses through vagus nerve fibers and causes dila- not decreased.
tation of blood vessels. Stimulation of this center with Q.11. Describe short-term regulation of blood pressure.
weak electric stimulus causes reduction in heart rate. (Sep 2001, 7.5 Marks) (Feb 2003, 7.5 Marks)
2. Cardioaccelerator center: It is situated in reticular (Feb 2016, 10 Marks)
formation of medulla in floor of IVth ventricle. The Or
center accelerates the heart rate by inhibiting cardi-
Describe nervous regulation of blood pressure.
oinhibitory centers. It causes constriction of blood
(Mar 2005, 8 Marks)
vessels. Stimulation of center causes tachycardia.
- The baroreceptors decrease the heart rate. Or
Whenever blood pressure is increased, they are Describe in brief nervous control of blood pressure.
stimulated and send stimulatory impulses to (Mar 2007, 4 Marks)
cardioinhibitory centers and causes bradycardia.
- The chemoreceptors on the other hand increase
the heart rate. Whenever there is hypoxia, hyper-
capnia on increased hydrogen ion concentra-
tion in blood these receptors send inhibitory
impulses to cardioinhibitory center. Vagal tone
is reduced and heart rate is increased.  (July 2016, 5 Marks)
Q.10. Write briefly on baroreceptors. Ans. • The nervous regulation is called short-term
(Aug 2012, 5 Marks) (Sep 2006, 4 Marks) regulation of blood pressure. It is very rapid among
Ans. •  The receptors which give response to change in blood all mechanism involved in regulation of blood
pressure are called baroreceptors or pressoreceptors. pressure.
• The nervous mechanism regulates the blood pres-
sure by causing constriction and dilatation of vessels.
• The nervous mechanism constitutes the vasomotor
system. Vasomotor system consists of:
1. Vasomotor center
2. Vasoconstrictor fibers
3. Vasodilator fibers.

Vasomotor Center
Bilaterally situated in reticular formation of medulla oblongata
and lower part of pons. Vasomotor center has three areas:
1. Vasoconstrictor area.
2. Vasodilator area.
3. Sensory area.
Vasoconstrictor Area
It is also called pressure area and is situated in the anterior part
of vasomotor center in medulla oblongata.
♦ This area sends impulses to vessels through sympathetic
vasoconstrictor fiber.
♦ Stimulation of this area causes vasoconstrictor area and
Fig. 36: Baroreceptors increases blood pressure.
♦ The area also concerned with heart rate.
Physiology 383

Vasodilator Area
It is also called depressor area and is situated in the upper part systole
in medulla and suppresses the vasoconstrictor area and causes
vasodilation. It is also concerned with cardioinhibition. diastole
3. Pulse pressure : Difference between systolic
Sensory Area and diastolic pressure.
4. Mean pressure : Average pressure exerting
♦ It is situated in the posterior part of vasomotor center
on vessels.
which is situated in medulla and pons.
♦ This receives sensory impulses from glossopharyngeal and • When blood pressure is decreased the extraglomeru-
vagal nerve and from baroreceptor. lar apparatus secretes the hormone renin. When
Vasoconstrictor Fibers renin is released into blood, it acts on specific plasma
protein called angiotensinogen and convert it into
♦ The nerve fibers which cause constriction of blood vessels decapetide called angiotensin I. This is converted to
are called vasoconstrictor fibers. angiotensin II by activity of converting enzyme in
♦ The vasoconstrictor fibers belong to sympathetic division lungs.
of autonomic nervous system. • Angiotensin II acts in two ways to increase the blood
♦ The fibers cause vasoconstriction by release of neurotrans- pressure:
mitter substance noradrenaline. 1. It causes vasoconstriction in the body so that
Vasodilator Fibers peripheral resistance is increased and blood
pressure rises.
The nerve fibers which cause dilatation of blood vessels are 2. Angiotensin II also stimulates adrenal cortex
called vasodilator fibers. They are of three types: to stimulate aldosterone. This increases reab-
1. Parasympathetic vasodilation fibers sorption of sodium from renal tubules. Sodium
2. Sympathetic vasodilation fibers reabsorption is followed by water reabsorption
3. Antidromatic vasodilation fibers. and thereby ECF volume is increased and blood
The vasomotor center regulates blood pressure by receiving pressure becomes normal.
in from baroreceptors.
Q.14. Write a short note on triple response.
Q.12. Write in brief on vasovagal attack. (Mar 2009, 6 Marks) (Mar 2000, 5 Marks)
Ans. The severe emotional disturbances may cause fainting, Ans. It is the response by blood vessels of skin to a mechanical
this is known as vasovagal attack. stimulus. This is called triple response. It constitutes
• This is due to activation of sympathetic vasodilator three reactions which occur one after another. The three
fibers, which causes dilatation of peripheral blood reactions of this response are:
vessels and fall in blood pressure. 1. Red reaction: If a pointed instrument is drawn firmly
• Simultaneously, cardioinhibitory center is stimu- over the surface of skin, a red line appears instead of
lated. This increases vagal tone and reduced heart white line. This is called red reaction. The reaction
rate. occurs over the line of stroke. Red reaction is because
• The reduced blood pressure and heart rate leads to of dilatation of capillaries produced by mechanical
ultimate result in reduction of blood flow to brain stimulus. The reaction is purely a local response. It
which causes fainting. occurs mostly due to release of histamine substances.
• The vasovagal attack is a neurogenic shock due to 2. Flare: If a stroke is applied with little more force or
decreased vascular capacity. if stroke is repeated on same line, the red reaction
Q.13. Write about the role of renin angiotensin aldosterone spreads around line of stroke. It spreads for about
system in long-term regulation of blood pressure. 10 cm from line of stroke. This is called flare
(Mar 1998, 5 Marks) or spreading flush. Flare is due to dilatation of
Or arterioles. This is due to axon reflex.
3. Wheal: If the intensity of stimulus is severe, the
Describe in brief renin angiotensin mechanism for surface of skins on line of stroke is interrupted. A
regulation of blood pressure. (Mar 2006, 10 Marks) small elevation or swelling is seen on surrounding
Or area up to height of 2 mm. This is called wheal or
Write on long-term regulation of blood pressure. local edema. Wheal appears due to leakage of fluid
(Apr 2017, 5 Marks) from capillaries.
Ans. Blood pressure is the lateral pressure exerted by blood Q.15. Write in brief on hemorrhagic shock.
on the vessel walls while flowing through it. The blood (Apr 2007, 10 Marks)
pressure is expressed in different terms. (Aug/Sep 1998, 6 Marks) (Sep 2007, 4 Marks)
384 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Ans. Hemorrhage means excessive loss of blood due to 

rupture of blood vessels due to which shock is produced
which is known as hemorrhagic shock.

Types and Causes of Hemorrhage

1. Accidental hemorrhage: It occurs in road of industrial
2. Capillary hemorrhage: Due to rupture of blood vessels,
this is very common in brain and heart during cardiovas-
cular system.
3. Internal hemorrhage: Caused by rupture of blood vessels
in viscera.
4. Postpartum hemorrhage: This occurs immediately after
5. Hemorrhage due to premature detachment of placenta.

Compensatory Mechanism in Hemorrhagic Shock

After hemorrhage, series of compensatory reactions are
developed in the body to cope up with blood loss; some of
compensatory reactions take place. There are two types of
compensatory reactions:
1. Immediate compensatory effects
Reduced blood volume after hemorrhage decreases
venous return, ventricular filling and cardiac output. (Apr 2003, 15 Marks)
In severe hemorrhage there is fall in blood pressure. Ans. Cardiovascular adjustment during the exercise:
The mechanism for maintaining blood pressure is During exercise, there is an increase in metabolic needs
that carotid and aortic baroreceptors stop discharging of body tissues, particularly muscles. Thus, the various
impulses which leads to vasoconstriction and take
adjustments which take place in the body are aimed
blood pressure to normal level.
Heart rate is increased to maintain cardiac output.
1. Supply of various metabolic requisites like nutrients
Respiration increases both in rate and depth.
and oxygen to muscles and other tissues involved
The skin is cold and there is less evaporation of sweat
leading to cold sweat. in exercise.
Diminution in urine flow occurs due to impaired renal 2. Prevention of increase in body temperature: Exercise
circulation. is generally classified into two types depending
2. Delayed compensatory effect: If hemorrhage is not severe, on types of muscular contraction. Cardiovascular
some delayed compensatory reactions occur. These reac- adjustments are slightly different in two types of
tions help to restore blood volume, blood pressure and exercises:
blood flow to different regions of body; the reactions are: a. Dynamic exercise: This involves isotonic
1. Restoration of plasma volume: Because of increase muscular contraction. In this type of exercise
in plasma, hemodilution occurs. So concentration of heart rate, force of contraction, cardiac output
plasma proteins and hemoglobin is low. and systolic blood pressure increase. However,
2. Restoration of plasma proteins: Mobilization of diastolic pressure is altered or reduced. This is
reserve proteins store in liver start within few hours because the peripheral resistance is unaltered or
after hemorrhage. The plasma proteins help to retain decreased.
the fluid transported from tissues to blood. b. Static exercise: This involves isometric muscu-
3. Restoration of RBC count and hemoglobin: Hypoxia lar contraction. In this apart from increase in
after hemorrhage stimulates secretion of erythropoietin heart rate, force of contraction, cardiac output
from kidney. This in turn stimulates erythropoiesis and systolic blood pressure, the diastolic blood
and hemoglobin level also comes to normal level with pressure also increases. This is due to increase
maintained RBC count. in peripheral resistance.
Q.16. Write briefly about circulatory shock. Effect of exercise on cardiovascular system:
(Dec 2009, 5 Marks) 1. On blood: The mild hypoxia developed
Ans. The depression of body functions produced by any during exercise stimulates juxtaglomerular
disorder is generally called shock. When it is developed by apparatus to secret erythropoietin. This
cardiovascular disorder, it is known as circulatory shock. causes release of RBC.
Physiology 385

2. On heart rate: Heart rate increases during Q.18. Write in brief on Fick’s principle.
exercise. The heart rate increase during (Mar 2006, 3 Marks)
exercise is due to vagal withdrawal. Ans.
3. On cardiac output: During exercise, the As per the Fick’s principle the amount of substance taken up
cardiac output is increased because of by an organ per unit time is equal to the arterial level of the
increase in heart rate and stroke volume. substance minus the venous level (A–V difference) times the
Increased heart rate is because of vagal blood flow i.e. amount of substance taken per min = (A–V)
withdrawal and increase stroke volume is difference of the substance × blood flow per min.
because of increase in force of contraction.
4. On blood pressure: During moderate Amount of substance taken/min
Blood flow/min =
isotonic exercise, the systolic pressure is (A—V) difference of the substance
elevated. This is due to increased heart rate
and stroke volume. Diastolic pressure is not Fick’s principle is used to determine cardiac output, So
altered since peripheral resistance is not LV Output = Amount of Oxygen consumed by the whole
changed during moderate isotonic.
body per unit time
Respiratory adjustment during exercise: On the
basis of severity, the exercise is classified into three (A—V) oxygen difference across the lungs
types: As arterial blood has same oxygen content in all parts of the
1. Severe exercise: It includes strenous muscle ac- body, the arterial oxygen content can be measured in sample
tivity but severity can be maintained for severe obtained from any convenient artery. Sample of venous blood
duration. Complete exhausion occurs at end of in pulmonary artery is obtained by cardiac catheter which is
severe exercise. inserted via a foramen vein and its tip is guided in right atrium
2. Moderate exercise: It does not involve strenous by fluoroscope and through right ventricle in pulmonary
muscular activity. So this type of exercise is artery. Oxygen consumption is determined by the close circuit
performed for longer period. Exhaustion does spirometry.
not occur at the end of moderate exercise.
Calculation of cardiac output is as follows:
3. Mild exercise: This is very simple form of
exercise. Little or no changes occur in respiratory LV output = Resting oxygen consumption in body (mL/min)
system during this exercise. So exhaustion does [AO2] [VO2]
not occur during mild exercise.
= 250 mL/min
Effects of Exercise on Respiratory System
19 mL/dL arterial blood – 14 mL/dL venous
1. Effect on pulmonary ventilation: It is the
blood in pulmonary artery
amount of air that enters and lungs being in one
minute. During exercise, hyperventilation occurs = 250 mL/min
causing increase in rate and force of respiration. 5 mL/dL
The factors which undergo adjustments during
= 250 ×100
increase in pulmonary ventilation are higher
centers, chemoreceptors, proprioceptors, body 5
temperature and acidosis. = 5000 mL/min or 5L/min.
2. Effects on diffusing capacity for oxygen: During
exercise, blood flow through pulmonary capillaries Disadvantages
is increased. Because of this, diffusing capacity of ♦ As this technique is invasive so risk of hemorrhage and
alveoli for oxygen is increased. infection is present.
3. Effect on consumption of oxygen: The oxygen ♦ As patient get conscious about the whole technique so
consumed by the tissues particularly by skeletal cardiac output of the patient can be somewhat higher as
muscles is greatly enhanced during exercise. compared to the normal.
Because of vasodilatation in muscles during ♦ During this method ventricular fibrillation may occur
exercise, more amount of blood flows through which is a fatal complication. This occurs if the indwell-
muscles, so more amount of oxygen diffuses ing catheter irritates the ventricular walls specially when
into muscles from blood and amount of oxygen cardiac output is being measured during heavy exercise.
utilized by muscles is directly proportional to
amount of oxygen available. Q.19. Write a short note on brain bridge reflex.
4. Effects on respiratory quotient: It is the ratio be- (Dec 2004, 5 Marks)
tween the volume of CO2 evolved and volume of Ans. It is also called as cardioaccelerator reflex.
oxygen consumed. It increases during exercises. • Increase in venous return causes stretching of the
Its value during exercise is 1.5 to 2 and at resting wall of right atrium and big veins. Stretch receptors
condition is 0.8. are stimulated in the wall.
386 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• They send afferent impulses via vagus inhibiting 

cardioinhibitory area, i.e. dorsal nucleus of vagus
and heart rate increases.
This reflex helps to increase heart rate during ex-
ercise when venous return is more and also after
transfusion of blood and fluids.
Q.20. Describe in brief control of cardiac output.
(Sep 2007, 4 Marks) (Mar 2008, 4 Marks)
Ans. Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped from
each ventricle.
Cardiac output is the most important factor in
cardiovascular system, because the rate of blood flow (Apr 2008, 4 Marks)
through different parts of the body depends upon the Ans. Chemoreceptor are receptors giving response to change
cardiac output. in chemical constituents of blood.
Various factors control or maintain the cardiac output: Situation: Peripheral chemoreceptor are situated in the
1. Venous return. carotid body and aortic body.
2. Force of contraction. • Peripheral chemoreceptors are discovered by Hey-
3. Frequency of heart beat. man” in 1930.
4. Peripheral resistance. • There is a carotid body near the common carotid
artery bifunction on each side and there are usually
Venous Return
two or more aortic bodies near the arch of aorta.
Venous return is the amount of blood, which is returned • Each carotid and aortic body contains two types of
to the heart from different parts of the body. When it is cells, type I and II cells.
increased, the ventricular filling is increased and cardiac • These cells are surrounded by fenestrated sinusoidal
output is increased. capillaries.
• Type II cells are glial cells that support the type I cells.
Venous Return Depends On
Nerve Supply
♦ Respiratory pump:
During inspiration, the intrapleural pressure becomes The chemoreceptor in the carotid body are supplied by Hering s
more negative. nerve which is the branch of glossopharyngeal nerve.
Same time descent of diaphragm increases the intra- The chemoreceptors in aortic body are supplied by the aortic
abdominal pressure. branch of vagus nerve.
Because of negative pressure in thorax, the diameter
of inferior vena cava is increased with reduction in Functions
pressure inside. ♦ When ever there is hypoxia, hypercapnea and increased
Due to increased intra-abdominal pressure, the flow hydrogenions concentration in the blood, the chemorecep-
of blood into right atrium is increased. tors send inhibitory impulses to cardioinhibitory center.
This action is called respiratory pump. ♦ Vagal tone is reduced and heart rate is increased.
♦ Muscle pump: ♦ The chemoreceptors take major role in maintaining respira-
During muscular activity, the veins are compressed tion than the cardiovascular system.
or squeezed.
Due to the presence of valves in veins during compression Q.22. Describe in brief vasomotor center.
the blood is moved towards the heart. This is called the (Mar 2008, 3 Marks)
muscle pump. Ans. Vasomotor center: Bilaterally situated in reticular
When muscular activity increases the venous return formation of medulla oblongata and lower part of pons.
is more. Vasomotor center has three areas:
a. Vasoconstrictor area
Force of Contraction b. Vasodilator area
♦ The cardiac output is directly proportional to the force of c. Sensory area.
Vasoconstrictor Area
♦ Force of contraction depends upon diastolic period and
ventricular filling. It is also called pressure area and is situated in the anterior part
♦ According to frank Starling’s law, the force of contraction of vasomotor center in medulla oblongata.
is directly proportional to the initial length of muscle fibers ♦ This area sends impulses to vessels through sympathetic
within physiological limits. vasoconstrictor fiber.
Physiology 387

♦ Stimulation of this area causes vasoconstrictor area and Physiological Variations

increases blood pressure.
♦ The area also concerned with heart rate. Age
Arterial blood pressure increases as age advances, e.g. the
Vasodilator Area
systolic pressure in newborn is 40 mm Hg while in 50 years it
It is also called depressor area and is situated in the upper part is 140 mm Hg.
in medulla and suppresses the vasoconstrictor area and causes
vasodilation. It is also concerned with cardioinhibition. Sex
In females, up to the period of menopause, the arterial pressure
Sensory Area is about 5 mm Hg less than in males of same age. After
It is situated in the posterior part of vasomotor center which is menopause, the pressure in females becomes equal to that in
situated in medulla and pons. This receives sensory impulses males of same age.
from glossopharyngeal and vagal nerve and from baroreceptor.
Body Built
Q.23. Describe in brief arterial blood pressure.
The pressure is more in obese persons than in lean persons.
(Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Or Diurnal Variation
Write on arterial blood pressure and its variations. In early morning, the pressure is slightly low. It gradually increases
(Feb 2013, 7 Marks) and reaches the maximum at noon. It becomes low in evening.
After Meals
Write short note on arterial blood pressure.
(Aug 2011, 5 Marks) The arterial blood pressure is increased for few hours after meals
due to increase in cardiac output.
Ans. Arterial blood pressure is defined as the lateral pressure
exerted by the column of blood on the wall of arteries. During Sleep
Arterial blood pressure is expressed in four different terms:
1. Systolic blood pressure Usually, the pressure is reduced up to 15 to 20 mm Hg
during deep sleep. However, it increases slightly during sleep
2. Diastolic blood pressure
associated with dreams.
3. Pulse pressure
4. Mean arterial blood pressure. Emotional Conditions
Systolic Blood Pressure During excitement or anxiety, the blood pressure is increased
due to release of adrenaline.
Systolic blood pressure is defined as the maximum pressure exerted
in the arteries during systole of the heart. The normal systolic Pathological Variations
pressure is 120 mm Hg. It ranges between 110 and 140 mm Hg.
The hypertension and hypotension are the pathological
Diastolic Blood Pressure variations of arterial blood pressure.
Diastolic blood pressure is defined as the minimum pressure Q.24. Write a brief account of cardiac output.
in the arteries during diastole of the heart. The normal diastolic (Jan 2012, 8 Marks)
pressure is 80 mm Hg. It varies between 60 and 80 mm Hg. Ans. Refer to Ans 7 and Ans 20 of same chapter.
Q.25. Write in brief on baroreceptor reflex.
Pulse Pressure
(Jan 2012, 3 Marks) (Dec 2014, 5 Marks)
Pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic pressure Or
and diastolic pressure. Write briefly about sinoaortic reflex.
Normally, it is 40 mm Hg (120 to 80). (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
Ans. Baroreceptor reflex is one of the cardiovascular reflex and
Mean Arterial Blood Pressure
it regulates blood pressure within seconds. Baroreceptor
It is the average pressure existing in the arteries. It is not reflex is therefore a lifesaving reflex. This is also called
the arithmetic mean of systolic and diastolic pressures. It baroreflex or sinoaortic reflex.
is the diastolic pressure plus one-third of pulse pressure.
To determine the mean pressure, the diastolic pressure is Receptors and Stimulus
considered than the systolic pressure because the diastolic ♦ The receptors for baroreceptor reflex are baroreceptors. They
period of cardiac cycle is longer (0.53 second) than the systolic detect change in pressure in the blood vessels and chambers
period (0.27 second). Normal mean arterial pressure is 93 mm of the heart. Usually, baroreceptors are classified into two
Hg. categories—high pressure and low pressure receptors.
388 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦ High-pressure baroreceptors are located in the ventricle When Blood Pressure Increases
and arterial side of circulation, and the low-pressure
baroreceptors are mainly present in the atria and
pulmonary circulation (cardiopulmonary baroreceptors).
♦ Receptors for baroreceptor reflex are high-pressure baro-
receptors that are present in the wall of the carotid sinus
and aortic arch.
♦ These receptors are branched, knobby and intertwined
terminals of myelinated nerve fibers.
♦ Baroreceptors detect change in pressure in blood vessels
in the wall of which they are located.
♦ The increase in blood pressure causes distension of carotid
sinus and aortic arch and stimulates receptors as they
respond to stretch of the organ. Conversely, decreased
pressure decreases the receptor stimulation.

Afferent Pathways
Ninth cranial (glossopharyngeal) nerve is the afferent from
carotid sinus and tenth cranial (vagus) nerve is the afferent
from aortic arch.
♦ The fibers from carotid sinus in the glossopharyngeal nerve
form a distinct branch called carotid sinus nerve. This is
also called as buffer nerve as it buffers blood pressure when
blood pressure changes.
♦ The fibers in the vagus nerve that carry sensation from
aortic arch form the aortic nerve.
♦ Distension of carotid sinus and aortic arch causes stretch-
ing of the baroreceptors and increases the firing (nerve
traffic) in IX and X cranial nerves respectively.

Centers When Blood Pressure Decreases

♦ Centers for baroreceptor reflex are medullary cardiovas-
cular centers.
♦ These include vasomotor center and cardioinhibitory
♦ Though bulbospinal pathway, vasomotor center projects to
intermediolateral grey column of spinal cord from where
sympathetic fibers originate.
♦ Vagus nerve originates from NTS.
♦ Normally NTS inhibits vasomotor center through interneu-
rons. So excitation of cardioinhibitory center stimulates
vagus nerve and inhibits sympathetic fibers.

Efferent Pathways and Effector Organs

Efferent fibers for baroreceptors are sympathetic fibers and
vagus nerve.
♦ Sympathetic fibers originate from intermediolateral gray
column of the spinal cord, which is controlled by vasomo-
tor center.
♦ Vagus nerve originates from NTS. Vagus nerve innervates
heart and sympathetic fibers innervate heart and blood

Responses depend on the nature of change (increase or decrease)
in blood pressure. Responses also depend on degree and rate
of change in blood pressure.
Physiology 389

Pressure Range for Responses Events in Cardiac Cycle Explaining Pressure and Volume
Baroreceptors regulate blood pressure in the pressure range of
50 to 200 mm Hg. However, a linear relationship is observed Arterial Systole
for the change in blood pressure and the baroreceptor discharge
♦ Its duration is of 0.1 second.
between pressure range of 70 to 140.1 mm Hg. No response is ♦ During this phase arterial pressure rises along with the
detected when pressure is less than 50 mm Hg and no further ventricular pressure. Right arterial pressure rises up to 4 to
increase in response occurs when pressure is more than 200 6 mm Hg while left arterial pressure rises to 7 to 8 mm Hg.
mm Hg. ♦ This increases approximate 30% of blood volume in ven-
Types of Responses
Baroreceptors respond to change in pulse pressure and change Ventricular Systole
in mean arterial pressure. It consists of two major phases, i.e. isovolumetric ventricular
♦ Response to change in pulse pressure is called phasic or contraction and ventricular systole proper.
dynamic response and response to change in sustained
pressure is called tonic or static response. Isovolumetric Ventricular Contraction
♦ Decrease in pulse pressure without change in mean arterial ♦ Its duration is of 0.05 seconds.
pressure decreases carotid sinus discharge, and decrease ♦ As atrial contraction is off, pressure in both atria and
in mean arterial pressure without change in pulse pressure ventricles decreases. The ventricles get invaded by excita-
also decreases sinus nerve discharge. tion process. Ventricular contraction start and pressure in
♦ However changes in pulse pressure and mean arterial ventricles increases which exceed atrial pressure rapidly
pressure usually occur simultaneously. causing closure of AV valves.
♦ Pressure in ventricles rises at the time of isometric phase.
Physiological Significance of Baroreceptor Reflex ♦ Onset of ventricular systole leads to bulging of AV valve in
♦ When blood pressure falls, baroreceptor reflex operates atrium which causes sharp rise in atrial pressure.
within few seconds to correct the pressure, which is essen- Ventricular Systole Proper
tial and life saving in acute hypotension and hemorrhage.
♦ Its duration is of 0.25 sec.
This is also life saving in day-to-day activities
♦ When pressure in left ventricle exceed pressure of aorta,
♦ Baroreceptor reflex regulates blood pressure when pres-
i.e. 80 mm of Hg and pressure in right ventricle exceed
sure change is within the range of 50 to 200 mm Hg. So,
pressure in pulmonary artery, i.e. 10 to 12 mm of Hg the
baroreceptors and their reflex pathway constitute a feed- semilunar valves open.
back mechanism to stabilize blood pressure over a wide ♦ As semilunar valves open, ejection phase occur. In this
range of fluctuation in pressure. phase articular and ventricular pressure are close to each
♦ Baroreceptor reflex explains the physiological basis for other. This is subdivided in three phases
Marey's law, which states that heart rate is inversely pro- 1. Initial phase or rapid ejection phase
portional to blood pressure. – Its duration is of 0.1 second.
♦ Baroreceptor resetting occurs in chronic hypertension. – Pressure inside the ventricles rises to 120 mm
Q.26. Write in brief on atherosclerosis. of Hg in left ventricle and 25 mm of Hg in right
(May/June 2009, 5 Marks) ventricle which causes increase in output of ven-
Ans. Atherosclerosis is the condition which is characterized tricular volume.
by infiltration of cholesterol under the tunica intima of – Around two-third of stroke volume is ejected in
arterial wall. this phase.
– As there is opening of semilunar valves the AV
• This causes the changes in smooth muscle cells,
valves regain their position and blood pressure falls.
platelets, macrophages and inflammatory mediators
2. The Summit or Peak of ventricular curve occurs
which produce proliferative lesions which ulcerate
when aortic or pulmonary artery pressure exceeds
and calcify.
ventricular pressure.
• The above changes predisposes to myocardial infarc- 3. Final phase or slow ejection phase
tion, cerebral thrombosis, etc. – Its duration is 0.15 sec.
Q.27. Describe cardiac cycle in detail, explaining pressure – Ventricular pressure decreases as ventricular
and volume changes during various phases. contraction subsides with slow ejection of blood
(Nov 2009, 8 Marks) from ventricles to arteries.
Ans. Sequence of changes in pressure and flow in heart Volume of blood which is ejected by each ventricle per
chambers and blood vessels in between the two stroke at rest is 70 to 80 ml and is known as stroke volume.
subsequent cardiac contractions is known as cardiac End diastolic ventricular blood volume is 120 to
cycle. 140 ml and leaves 50 ml of blood in each ventricle at end
390 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

of systole which is known as end systolic ventricular • AV node is a muscular bridge which connects atrium
blood volume. and ventricular musculature.
• From AV node the conduction of impulse is slow
Ventricular Diastole which is known as AV nodal delay. Conduction
It consists of four phases: velocity is 0.05 m/sec.
• From AV node impulse travel via bundle of His and
Protodiastole stimulates ventricular myocardium. The conduction
♦ It is of 0.04 sec duration. velocity is 1 m/sec.
♦ At end of ventricular systole the ventricular pressure • Middle part of interventricular septum over left side
decreases rapidly. is the first region in ventricle to be stimulated.
♦ During protodiastole arterial pressure is sustained and • From here impulse passes via septum to the right
immediately it increases. This causes closure of semilunar side and then it spread to apex over other side.
valves and produces second heart sound. • In ventricle, the impulse is conducted by purkinje
fibers at velocity of 4 m/sec. Conduction of impulse
Isovolumetric Ventricular Relaxation Phase is at rate 1 m/sec.
Its duration is of 0.08 sec.
♦ Q.29. Write in brief on regulation and measurement of BP.
In this pressure inside the ventricles drop rapidly and
♦ (Dec 2010, 6 Marks)
ventricular muscles relax, but there is no change in the Ans. For regulation of blood pressure refer to Ans 11 and 13
volume of ventricles. of same chapter.

Measurement of Blood Pressure
Arterial pressure is most commonly measured via a sphyg-
For each heartbeat, BP varies between systolic and diastolic
pressures. Systolic pressure is peak pressure in the arteries, which
occurs near the end of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles
are contracting. Diastolic pressure is minimum pressure in the
arteries, which occurs near the beginning of the cardiac cycle
when the ventricles are filled with blood. An example of normal
measured values for a resting, healthy adult human is 120 mm
Hg systolic and 80 mm Hg diastolic (written as 120/80 mm Hg).
Measuring pressure invasively, by penetrating the arterial
wall to take the measurement, is much less common and usually
restricted to a hospital setting.

The non-invasive auscultatory and oscillometric measurements
are simpler and quicker than invasive measurements, require less
expertize, have virtually no complications, are less unpleasant and
less painful for the patient. However, non-invasive methods may
yield somewhat lower accuracy and small systematic differences
in numerical results. Non-invasive measurement methods are
more commonly used for routine examinations and monitoring.

Auscultatory method aneroid sphygmomanometer with
(June 2010, 5 Marks)
Ans. Following is the conduction of cardiac impulse in heart:
• Cardiac impulse originates in SA node and travel to
the myocardium of atrium in radial direction.
• Conduction velocity of impulse in SA node is 0.05
m/sec. Impulse spread to left atrium through the
common musculature which encircles it.
• Conduction velocity of impulse in atrium is 1 m/sec.
• Impulse is now conducted to AV node by atrial
muscle or internodal tract. Fig. 37: Sphygmomanometer with stethoscope
Physiology 391

Mercury Manometer method, but with an electronic pressure sensor (transducer) to

observe cuff pressure oscillations, electronics to automatically
interpret them, and automatic inflation and deflation of the
cuff. The pressure sensor should be calibrated periodically to
maintain accuracy.
Oscillometric measurement requires less skill than the
auscultatory technique and may be suitable for use by untrained
staff and for automated patient home monitoring.
The cuff is inflated to a pressure initially in excess of the
systolic arterial pressure and then reduced to below diastolic
pressure over a period of about 30 seconds. When blood flow
is nil (cuff pressure exceeding systolic pressure) or unimpeded
(cuff pressure below diastolic pressure), cuff pressure will be
essentially constant. It is essential that the cuff size is correct:
undersized cuffs may yield too high a pressure; oversized
cuffs yield too low a pressure. When blood flow is present,
but restricted, the cuff pressure, which is monitored by the
pressure sensor, will vary periodically in synchrony with the
cyclic expansion and contraction of the brachial artery, i.e. it
will oscillate. The values of systolic and diastolic pressure are
computed, not actually measured from the raw data, using an
Fig. 38: Sphygmomanometer algorithm; the computed results are displayed.

The auscultatory method uses a stethoscope and a sphyg- Invasive

momanometer. Arterial blood pressure (BP) is most accurately measured
This comprises an inflatable cuff placed around the upper invasively through an arterial line. Invasive arterial pressure
arm at roughly the same vertical height as the heart, attached measurement with intravascular cannulae involves direct
to a mercury or aneroid manometer. The mercury manometer, measurement of arterial pressure by placing a cannula
considered the gold standard, measures the height of a needle in an artery (usually radial, femoral, dorsalis pedis
column of mercury, giving an absolute result without need for or brachial).
calibration and, consequently, not subject to the errors and drift The cannula must be connected to a sterile, fluid-filled
of calibration which affect other methods. The use of mercury system, which is connected to an electronic pressure transducer.
manometers is often required in clinical trials and for the clinical The advantage of this system is that pressure is constantly
measurement of hypertension in high-risk patients, such as monitored beat-by-beat, and a waveform (a graph of pressure
pregnant women. against time) can be displayed. This invasive technique is
A cuff of appropriate size is fitted smoothly and snugly, regularly employed in human and veterinary intensive care
then inflated manually by repeatedly squeezing a rubber bulb medicine, anesthesiology, and for research purposes.
until the artery is completely occluded. Listening with the
Cannulation for invasive vascular pressure monitoring is
stethoscope to the brachial artery at the elbow, the examiner
infrequently associated with complications such as thrombosis,
slowly releases the pressure in the cuff. When blood just starts
infection, and bleeding. Patients with invasive arterial
to flow in the artery, the turbulent flow creates a “whooshing”
monitoring require very close supervision, as there is a danger of
or pounding (first Korotkoff sound). The pressure at which severe bleeding if the line becomes disconnected. It is generally
this sound is first heard is the systolic BP. The cuff pressure is reserved for patients where rapid variations in arterial pressure
further released until no sound can be heard (fifth Korotkoff are anticipated.
sound), at the diastolic arterial pressure.
Invasive vascular pressure monitors are pressure monitoring
The auscultatory method is the predominant method of systems designed to acquire pressure information for display
clinical measurement. and processing. There are a variety of invasive vascular
pressure monitors for trauma, critical care, and operating room
applications. These include single pressure, dual pressure, and
It involves the observation of oscillations in the sphygmoma- multiparameter (i.e. pressure/temperature). The monitors can
nometer cuff pressure which are caused by the oscillations of be used for measurement and follow-up of arterial, central
blood flow, i.e. the pulse. The electronic version of this method venous, pulmonary arterial, left atrial, right atrial, femoral
is sometimes used in long-term measurements and general arterial, umbilical venous, umbilical arterial and intracranial
practice. It uses a sphygmomanometer cuff, like the auscultatory pressures.
392 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

(Jan 2012, 15 Marks)
Ans. Blood pressure is defined as the pressure of column of
blood in the arterial system.
Its normal value is 120/80 mm Hg.

Factors Affecting Blood Pressure

Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure increases with age.
Systolic blood pressure increases more than diastolic blood
pressure because of decreased distention of arteries. Diastolic
blood pressure decreases after 50 to 60 years of age.

In females before the menopause systolic blood pressure is
4 to 5 mm Hg less as compared to males of same age. After the
menopause systolic blood pressure 4 to 5 mm Hg more than
males of same age.

Body Built
In obese individuals brachial arterial pressure is high.

♦ In colds both systolic and diastolic blood pressures are high.
♦ In summer both systolic and diastolic blood pressures are
low as compared to winter season.  (May 2014, 5 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 27 of same chapter.
Diurnal Variation
In systolic blood pressure diurnal variation of 5 to 10 mm Q.33. Write about factors affecting heart rate.
Hg is common in systolic blood pressure. Peak values are (Sep 2005, 5 Marks)
seen at the time of afternoon and low values are seen at early Ans. Following are factors affecting heart rate:
morning. • Age: As age advances vagal tone increases and heart
rate decreases but in old age heart rate is slightly
Exercise higher because of fall in the vagal tone.
At the time of exercise blood pressure is high while at the time • Sex: Heart rate is slightly higher in females as com-
when exercise is stopped blood pressure come to its normal pared to males.
level within 5 min. • Body temperature: Due to rise in temperature there
is increase in the heart rate while with fall in body
Emotions temperature there is decrease in the heart rate.
• Drugs: Epinephrine increases heart rate because of
Worry excitement and fear increases systolic blood pressure.
direct action on the heart. Nor-epinephrine increases
Hereditary heart rate due to direct action on heart but its pressor
action leads to fall in heart rate.
Family tendencies of high or low blood pressure is common. • Respiration: With inspiration there is an increase in
the heart rate while during expiration the heart rate
decreases this is known as sinus arrhythmia.
Changes in systemic blood pressure is seen due to: • Emotional stimuli: Emotions such as excitement,
♦ Pressure over heart because of distended abdomen increases fear, anger, etc. increases heart rate while shock,
heart rate. grief, apprehension leads to decrease in heart
♦ Increase in epinephrine release from adrenal medulla. rate.
The above both factors increases systolic blood pressure by • Exercise: Along with the severity of exercise there
5 to 6 mm of Hg upto 1 hour after meals. is increase in the heart rate.
Physiology 393

Name of ECG
wave Cause of production of wave
P wave It is produced due to depolarization of atrial musculature
QRS complex It is caused by ventricular depolarization
T wave It is caused due to ventricular repolarization
U wave It occurs due to slow repolarization of papillary muscle

(Feb 2013, 6 Marks)
Ans. Origin of Heart Beat
• Part of heart from which rhythmic impulses for heart
beat generated is known as pacemaker.
• SA node acts as pacemaker as the rate of impulse
generation is highest by SA node.
• Whenever there is blockage of transmission of im-
pulse from SA node to AV node pacemaker activity
shifts from SA node to other sites such as AV node.
This is known as ectopic pacemaker.

Conduction of Heart Beat

For details refer to Ans 28 of same chapter.
 (Sep 2017, 10 Marks)
Q.37. Describe briefly the regulation of blood pressure by Ans. The amount of blood pumped out by each ventricle into
renal mechanism. What is essential hypertension. the circulation per minute is known as cardiac output.
(Oct 2016, 10 Marks)
Factors Affecting Cardiac Output
Ans. For regulation of blood pressure by renal mechanism
refer to Ans 13 of same chapter. Main factors affecting cardiac output are:
♦ Venous return
Essential Hypertension ♦ Myocardial contractility
It is also known as primary hypertension. When arterial blood ♦ Peripheral resistance
pressure is persistently more than 150/90 mm of Hg it is known ♦ Heart rate
as essential hypertension. For details of above mentioned points refer to Ans 20 of same
Types Q.40. Define cardiac output. (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
Essential hypertension is of two types, i.e. benign type and Ans. The amount of blood pumped out by each ventricle into
malignant type. the circulation per minute is known as cardiac output.
394 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

help phospholipids to spread over the fluid surface of

9. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM alveoli rapidly.
2. The surfactant is responsible for stabilization of alveoli
Q.1. How does control of respiration demonstrates principle which have tendency to deflate.
of homeostasis? (Dec 2004, 8 Marks) 3. It plays an important role in inflation of lungs during
Ans. The control of respiration demonstrates principle of birth. The collapse of lungs occurs due to absence of
homeostasis in the following ways: surfactant. This condition is called hyaline membrane
• The pH of ECF has to be maintained at critical value disease. In adults, the deficiency of surfactant leads to
of 7.4. The tissues cannot survive if it is altered; the adult respiration distress syndrome (ARDS).
respiratory system helps in regulation of pH. Q.3. Write a short note on vital capacity.
• The temperature of body has to be maintained at (Mar 1998, 5 Marks) (Nov 2009, 3 Marks)
37.5°C. Increase or decrease in temperature alters the Or
metabolic activities of cells. This is done by respira-
tory system. Describe in brief vital capacity. (Apr 2008, 3 Marks)
• Adequate amount of oxygen should be made available (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
to cells for metabolism of nutrients. Simultaneously, Or
the carbon dioxide and other products of metabolism Answer in brief vital capacity. (Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
must be removed. Respiratory system takes major Ans. Vital capacity is the maximum amount of air that can be
role in supply of oxygen and removal of carbon expelled out forcefully after a deep inspiration.
Vital capacity includes tidal volume, inspiratory reserve
• The respiratory system involves homeostatic mecha-
volume and expiratory reserve volume.
nism, which operates through feedback mechanism.
The feedback mechanism is of two types: Normal Value
1. Negative feedback mechanism: If the activity of
respiratory system is increased, the regulatory Tidal volume + Inspiratory + Expiratory reserve volume
mechanism will immediately reduce the activity. 500 + 3300 + 1000 = 4800 mL
This type of mechanism is called negative
Significance of Vital Capacity
feedback mechanism.
2. Positive feedback mechanism: The positive ♦♦ Estimation of vital capacity allows assessment of maximum
feedback mechanism is less compared to negative inspiratory and expiratory efforts and so gives useful in-
feedback mechanism. It generally increases the formation about strength of respiratory muscles.
activities of respiratory system when it suppresses. ♦♦ Vital capacity provides useful information about various
aspects of pulmonary functions through forced expiratory
Q.2. Write a short note on surfactant. (Sep 1996, 4 Marks)
Write short note on lung surfactant. Factors Affecting Vital Capacity
 (Aug 2016, 5 Marks) ♦♦ Size of thoracic cavity: Vital capacity is more in males due
Ans. Any surface acting material or agent that is responsible to large chest size and more muscle power than females.
for lowering the surface tension of a fluid is called ♦♦ Age: In old age vital capacity decreases due to decrease
surfactant. The surfactant present in alveoli of lungs is in elasticity of lungs.
known as pulmonary surfactant. It is a phospholipid ♦♦ Strength of respiratory muscles: In swimmers and divers
substance. It reduces the surface tension of fluid lining vital capacity is more due to increased strength of respira-
alveoli and prevents collapsing tendency of lungs. tory muscles.
• The surfactant is secreted by the type II alveolar ♦♦ Gravity: During standing vital capacity is more as com-
epithelial cells of lungs which are called pneumocytes. pared to sitting and lying down position.
• Surfactant consists of phospholipids, other lipids ♦♦ In pregnancy: Vital capacity decreases due to pushing of
and proteins. diaphragm and reduced capacity of thoracic cavity.
♦♦ In ascites (accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity): There
Functions of Surfactant is decrease in vital capacity.
1. The surfactant reduces surface tension in alveoli of lungs ♦♦ In pulmonary diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis,
and prevents collapsing tendency of lungs. Surfactant acts emphysema, respiratory obstruction, pulmonary edema,
by the following mechanisms: pneumothorax vital capacity decreases.
The phospholipids of surfactant have two portions; out Measurement of Vital Capacity
of which, one is hydrophilic which dissolves in water
and lines alveoli. The other is lipid portion which is Vital capacity is measured in two stages:
hydrophobic and is directed towards the air present in ♦♦ Stage I: Subject is asked to breathe in maximally after
alveoli. The apoproteins and calcium ions of surfactant normal expiration then he takes few normal breadths.
Physiology 395

♦♦ Stage II: Subject is asked to breadth out maximally after TLC = Tidal + Inspiratory + Expiratory + Residual
normal expiration. volume reserve reserve volume
Sum of stage I and stage II volumes give two stage vital capacity. volume volume
= 500 + 3300 + 1000 + 1200
Q.4. Describe various lung volumes and capacities. = 6000 ml.
(Jan 2012, 10 Marks)
Ans. Lung volumes and capacities are divided into two parts: Dynamic Lung Volume and Capacities
A. Static lung volume and capacities 1. Timed vital capacity or forced vital capacity: Forced
B. Dynamic lung volume and capacities. vital capacity is the maximum volume of air which is
breathed out as forcefully and rapidly as possible following
Static Lung Volume and Capacities
maximum inspiration. So timed vital capacity is similar to
Lung Volumes vital capacity except that there is special stress on “rapid,
forcible and complete exhalation.
♦♦ Tidal volume: The volume of air breathed in and out in a
single normal quite respiration. Tidal volume signifies the Components of timed vital capacity:
normal depth of respiration. Its value is 500 ml in normal • FEV1: It is the forced expiratory volume in 1 sec. It
adult male. is the volume of forced vital capacity in first second
♦♦ Inspiratory reserve volume: The additional amount of of exhalation. Its normal value is 80% of forced vital
air that can be inspired forcefully often tidal volume is
• FEV2: It is the forced expiratory volume in 2 sec. It is
called inspiratory reserve volume. Its value is 3,300 ml in
the volume of forced vital capacity in first two seconds
normal adult male.
of exhalation. Its normal value is 95% of forced vital
♦♦ Expiratory reserve volume: The additional amount of air capacity.
that can be expelled out forcefully beyond tidal volume • FEV3: It is the forced expiratory volume in 3 sec. It
is called expiratory reserve volume. Its value is 1000 ml is the volume of forced vital capacity in first three
in normal adult male. seconds of exhalation. Its normal value is 98 to 100%
♦♦ Residual volume: Some amount of air always remain in of forced vital capacity.
lungs, this remaining amount of air after forceful respi- • Timed vital capacity distinguishes between restrictive
ration is called residual volume. Its value is 1,200 ml in and obstructive lung disorders.
normal adult male. 2. Expiratory flow during 25 to 75% of expiration: It is the
Lung Capacities mean expiratory flow rate during middle 50% of forced
vital capacity. Its normal value is 300 L/min. This is the
♦♦ Inspiratory capacity: It is the maximum amount of air sensitive indicator of small airway disease where most of
which is inspired starting from end of expiration. chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases start.
Inspiratory capacity = Tidal reserve volume + Inspiratory 3. Forced expiratory flow during 200 to 1200 mL of expira-
reserve volume tion: It is the mean expiratory flow rate between 200 to
= 500 + 3300 1200 mL segment of forced vital capacity. Its normal value
= 3800 ml. is 350 L/min.
♦♦ Expiratory capacity: It is the maximum amount of air 4. Minute ventilation or pulmonary ventilation: It is the
which is expired starting from end of inspiration. volume of air expired or inspired by lungs in one min. Its
Expiratory capacity = Tidal reserve volume + Expiratory normal value is 6 L/min.
reserve volume 5. Peak expiratory flow rate: It is the expiratory flow rate
= 500 + 1000 during peak of forced vital capacity. It normal value ranges
= 1500 ml. from 400 to 450 L/min. It is the simple test of ventilator
♦♦ Vital capacity: The maximum amount of air which is ex- function which is used in the clinical practice.
pelled out after forceful inspiration. It includes: 6. Maximum breathing capacity or maximum voluntary
= Tidal volume + Inspiratory reserve volume + Expira- ventilation or maximum ventilation volume: It is the larg-
tory reserve volume est volume of air which is moved in and out of the lungs
= 500 + 3300 + 1000 in one minute by maximum voluntary effort. Its normal
= 4800 ml. value ranges from 90 to 170 L/min.
♦♦ Functional residual capacity: The maximum amount of 7. Pulmonary reserve or breathing reserve: It is the maxi-
air in lung after normal expiration. It includes mum amount of air above the pulmonary ventilation which
FRC = Expiratory reserve volume + Residual volume can be breathed in and out of lungs in one min.
= 1000 + 1200 It is computed as maximum ventilation volume—pulmo-
= 2200 ml. nary ventilation. Its value is expressed in percentage. Its
♦♦ Total lung capacity: The amount of air present in lung value ranges from ≥ 60–70%. If value is less than 60% it is
after maximum inspiration. suggestive of presence of dyspnea.
396 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.5. Explain how CO2 is picked up by tissue capillary and Ans. Oxygen Transport or Carriage in Blood
then discharge into alveoli. (Sep 2009, 5 Marks) The oxygen is transported by blood from alveoli to tissue.
Ans. 1. Diffusion of carbon dioxide from tissues capillary The oxygen is transported in blood in two forms:
into blood: Due to continuous metabolic activity, 1. As simple physical solution/by plasma
carbon dioxide is produced constantly in the cells 2. In combination with hemoglobin.
of tissue. So partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the 1. Transport of oxygen as simple solution: Oxygen
cells is high, i.e. 46 mm Hg, and the partial pressure dissolves in water of plasma and transported in its
of carbon dioxide in arterial blood is 40 mm Hg. The physical form:
pressure gradient of 6 mm Hg is responsible for - The transport of oxygen in this form is less than
diffusion of carbon dioxide from tissues to blood. 3%.
2. From blood into alveoli: The partial pressure of - This type of transport is important in condi-
carbon dioxide in alveoli is 40 mm Hg, whereas in tion like muscular exercise to meet the excess
blood it is 45 mm Hg. The pressure gradient of 5 mm demand of oxygen by tissues.
Hg is responsible for diffusion of carbon dioxide 2. Transport of oxygen in combination of hemoglobin.
from blood into alveoli. Oxygen combines with hemoglobin in blood and
So, the above methods suggest that how CO2 is picked is transported as oxyhemoglobin. The transport
up by tissue capillary and then discharge into alveoli. of oxygen in this form is very important because
Q.6. Describe how CO2 is transported from tissues to lungs. as much as 97% of oxygen is transported by this
Write a note on periodic breathing. method.
(Sep 2004, 10 + 5 Marks) Oxygen combined with hemoglobin only such as a
Ans. The transport of CO2 from tissues to lungs is described physical combination. No oxidation takes place. It
in Ans 5 of the same chapter. is only oxygenation. The advantage of this type of
combination is that oxygen can be readily released
Periodic breathing: The abnormal or uneven respiratory
from hemoglobin when it is needed.
rhythm is called periodic breathing. There are two types Oxygen combines with the iron of heme part of
of periodic breathing: hemoglobin which is present in ferrous form. Each
1. Cheyne-stokes breathing: This is the most common iron combines with oxygen and remains in ferrous
type of periodic breathing. It is marked by two al- form. So the combination of hemoglobin with oxy-
ternate periods, which are: gen is a physical process. No oxidation takes place. 1
i. Rapid deep respiration, i.e. hyperemic period gm of hemoglobin carries 1.34 gm of oxygen, this is
ii. Complete cessation of respiration, i.e. apenic known as oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin.
This type of breathing occurs during deep sleep; Carbon Dioxide Carriage in Blood
in newborn babies; in high attitude, during in-
Carbon dioxide is transported by blood from tissues into alveoli;
creased intracranial pressure. During advance
carbon dioxide is transported in blood in the following ways:
cardiac diseases leading to cardiac failure and
♦♦ Dissolved form: CO2 diffuses into blood and dissolves in
during advance renal diseases leading to uremia.
2. Bitot’s breathing: This is another form of periodic fluid of plasma forming a simple solution. This is about
breathing. This is characterized by period of apnea 7% of CO2 in blood.
and hyperpnea. It occurs in condition involving ♦♦ As carbonic acid: Part of dissolved carbon dioxide in
nervous disorders, due to lesions or injuries to brain. plasma, combines with water to form carbonic acid.
♦♦ Transport of carbon dioxide as bicarbonate: About 63%
Q.7. Write about oxygen transport in body. of CO2 is transported as bicarbonate. From, plasma CO2
(Mar 1998, 5 Marks) enters the RBCs. Inside RBCs, it combines with water
Or to form carbonic acid. This is carried out in presence of
Describe in brief transport of oxygen in blood. carbonic anhydrase. The carbonic acid is unstable and
(Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Mar 2008, 4 Marks) breaks into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions. The increased
(Dec 2009, 5 Marks) concentration of bicarbonate inside RBC causes diffusion
Or of bicarbonate ions through cell membrane into plasma.
Write on transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide by Q.8. Write a short note on oxygen dissociation curve and
blood. (Feb 2013, 7 Marks) (June 2010, 2.5 Marks) factors affecting it. (Sep 2000, 5 Marks)
Or Or
Write short note on transport of respiratory gases in Write short note on oxygen hemoglobin dissociation
blood. (Feb 2013, 7 Marks) curve. (Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
Or Or
Write short answer on oxygen transport in blood. Write about O2 hemoglobin dissociation curve.
 (Aug 2018, 5 Marks)  (Sep 2015, 7 Marks)
Physiology 397

Ans. It is a curve which demonstrates the relation between Or

partial pressure of oxygen and percentage saturation Write briefly on chloride shift in RBC.
hemoglobin with oxygen. (June 2010, 5 Marks)
In the blood, the hemoglobin is saturated with oxygen Ans. It is also known as Hamburger phenomenon.
only up to 95%.
It is the exchange of chloride ion for a bicarbonate ion
The saturation of hemoglobin on which oxygen depend across erythrocyte membrane.
upon the partial pressure of oxygen when PO2 is more.
Chloride shift occur when carbon dioxide enters blood
Hemoglobin is associated with oxygen when PO2 is less
from tissues.
dissociated from hemoglobin.
In plasma, plenty of sodium chloride is present. It
Under normal conditions, the oxygen hemoglobin
dissociates into sodium and chloride ions when the
dissociation curve is slightly “S” shaped or sigmoid
negatively charged bicarbonate ions move out of RBC
shaped. The upper part of curve indicates acceptance of
into plasma to maintain electrolyte equilibrium, the
oxygen by hemoglobin and lower part of curve indicates
negatively charged chloride ions move to RBC. This
the dissociation of oxygen form hemoglobin depend on
is called chloride shift or Hamburger’s phenomenon.
partial pressure of oxygen.
The hydrogen ions are buffered by hemoglobin inside
When PO2 is 25 mm Hg, the hemoglobin gets saturated cell. The bicarbonate ions combine with sodium ions in
about 50%. The partial pressure at which hemoglobin is plasma and form sodium bicarbonate.
saturated is 50%.
Q.10. Write on chemical regulation of respiration.
Factors affecting oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve
(Mar 2000, 5 Marks) (Mar 2007, 4 Marks)
The oxygen dissociation curve shifted to either left or (Mar 2013, 8 Marks)
right by various factors. Or
Shifting to right indicates dissociation of oxygen by
Write briefly on nervous regulation of respiration.
hemoglobin and shifting to left indicates association of
(Sep 2001, 7.5 Marks)
Shift to Right: Following conditions arise:
Describe nervous regulation of respiration.
1. PO2 is less
(Feb 2003, 5 Marks) (Apr 2008, 4 Marks)
2. PCO2 is more
(Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
3. Increase in hydrogen ion concentration and decrease
in pH.
4. Increase in body temperature. Describe regulation of respiration.
Shift to Left: (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
1. PO2 is more
2. pH is more. Describe mechanics of breathing. (Jan 2012, 6 Marks)
Explain neural regulation of respiration.
(Nov. 2012, 8 Marks)
Write on neural regulation of respiration.
(May 2014, 5 Marks)
Write short note on regulation of respiration.
(Sep 2017, 5 Marks)
Write short answer on regulation of respiration.
(Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
Ans. Respiration is a reflex process. Respiration is controlled
by two mechanism.
1. Chemical mechanism
2. Nervous/neural mechanism.
Fig. 39:  Oxygen dissociation curve Chemical Mechanism
Q.9. Write a short note on chloride shift. The chemical mechanism of regulation of respiration is operated
(Mar 2001, 5 Marks) through “Chemoreceptor”.
398 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Chemoreceptor Function: Inspiratory center is related with inspiration.

The nucleus of tractus solitary receives impulses from
The chemoreceptors are the receptors which give response to
peripheral baroreceptor, chemoreceptor and pulmonary
any change in constitutent of blood.
♦♦ These receptors are sensory nerve ending.
♦♦ Expiratory center: It is situated anterior in medulla and
♦♦ These receptors are highly sensitive to any chemical change
lateral to inspiratory center.
in blood like in hypoxia, hypercapnia and increase in
Function: Normally, this center is creative during normal
concentration of hydrogen ion.
breathing. Expiratory center becomes active during force-
♦♦ The chemoreceptors are classified into two groups.
ful breathing or when inspiratory center is inhibited; dur-
a. Central chemoreceptors: The chemoreceptors
present in the central of brain are called central ing quite breathing, expiration is a passive process.
chemoreceptors. ♦♦ Pneumotaxic center: It is situated in dorsolateral part of
Situation: Central chemoreceptors present in deeper pons.
part of medulla. This area is known as chemosensitive  Function:
area and these neurons are known as chemoreceptors. • It controls medullary center particularly the inspiratory
These neurons are directly in contact with blood or center through apneustic center.
CSF. • It always controls the inspiration and inhibits activity
Function/mechanism of action: The chemoreceptors of inspiratory center.
are stimulated by increase in concentration of • It increases rate of inspiration by decreasing the
hydrogen ion. When the concentration of hydrogen duration of inspiration. Expiratory time also decreases.
ion increases in blood, it cannot stimulate central 4. Apneustic center: It is situated in lower part in reticular
chemoreceptors because hydrogen ion cannot cross formation in pons.
the blood-brain barrier. Function: Apneustic center always increases the activity of
On the other hand when CO2 increases in the blood, it inspiratory center and it increases depth of inspiration.
crosses the blood-brain barrier and reaches the brain Efferent Pathway
in CSF and reacts with water and forms carbonic ♦♦ The nerves from respiratory center leave brainstem and
acid. This acid is unstable and is dissociated to form remain in anterior part of spinal cord.
hydrogen ion and bicarbonate ion. Now this hydrogen ♦♦ It terminates in motor neuron in anterior horn of cervi-
ion stimulates the central chemoreceptors. cal and thoracic segment of spinal cord, and two sets of
These chemoreceptors send impulses to inspiratory nerve arises:
center and increase the rate of depth of breathing. 1. Phrenic nerve—which supplies diaphragm
b. Peripheral chemoreceptors 2. Intercostal nerve—which supplies intercostal muscles
Situation: These chemoreceptors are situated in aortic Afferent pathway: The impulses from peripheral and central
and carotid region. chemoreceptor from baroreceptor are carried to respiratory
Action of Mechanism: These chemoreceptors are center by fibers of glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve.
stimulated by reduced partial pressure of oxygen. Q.11. Write a short note on hypoxia. (Aug/Sep 1998, 5 Marks)
When PO2 decreases, it stimulates and sends the (Sep 2000, 5 Marks) (Sep 2001, 5 Marks)
impulses to respiratory center through sinus and  (Sep 2005, 5 Marks) (Feb 2003, 5 Marks)
aortic nerve.  (Sep 2007, 3 Marks) (Dec 2010, 3 Marks)
When inspiratory center is stimulated, it increases the  (Feb 2014, 5 Marks) (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
rate and force of breathing.  (Apr 2015, 3 Marks) (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
Nervous Regulation Or
Discuss in brief hypoxia (anoxia).
Nervous control involves the respiratory center, afferent nerve (Mar 2006, 10 Marks) (Mar 2008, 3 Marks)
and efferent nerve.
Respiratory center: It is situated in reticular formation of
Write on hypoxia.
brainstem. Depending on position in brainstem, respiratory
 (Sep 2018, 5 Marks) (Apr 2017, 5 Marks)
centers are classified into:
♦♦ Medullary group Ans. Hypoxia is defined as the reduced availability of oxygen
♦♦ Inspiratory center to the cells of the body.
♦♦ Expiratory center
Types of Hypoxia
♦♦ Pontine center
♦♦ Pneumotaxic center A. Hypoxic hypoxia
♦♦ Apneustic center. B. Anemic hypoxia
♦♦ Inspiratory center: It is situated in upper part of medulla C. Stagnant hypoxia
and is also known as “dorsal group of respiratory neurons.” D. Histotoxic hypoxia
Physiology 399

Following is the description of various hypoxias:

Features Hypoxic hypoxia Anemic hypoxia Stagnant hypoxia Histotoxic hypoxia
Pathophysiology It occur because of decrease It occurs because of low It occurs because It occurs because of
in oxygen tension oxygen carrying capacity of decreased blood decreased ability of
of blood flow to tissue tissue to utilize oxygen
Causes • Due to low oxygen tension • Decrease in RBC count Due to shock and Due to cyanide poisoning
• Hypoventilation • Decrease in circulatory failure
• Decrease in the diffusion of hemoglobin content of
oxygen across respiratory blood
membrane • Altered hemoglobin
• Physiological shunt
• Anatomical shunt
Arterial pO2 It is decreased It is normal It is normal It is normal
Arterial O2 contents It is decreased It is markedly decreased It is normal It is normal
Arterial hemoglobin contents It is normal It is reduced It is normal It is normal
% O2 saturation It is decreased It is decreased It is normal It is normal
Oxygen carrying capacity of It is normal It is decreased It is normal It is normal
arterial blood
Arterial—venous pO2 It is decreased It is normal It is more than It is less than normal
difference normal
Cyanosis It is present It is absent It is present It is absent
Peripheral chemoreceptor It is present It is absent It is present It is present
Tachypnoea It is present It is absent It is absent It is absent

Q.12. Write a short note on cyanosis. ♦ Central cyanosis: It is seen in the earlobes and the mucus
(Apr 2003, 5 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) membranes of lips and tongue.
Ans. Cyanosis is clinical condition in which the skin and Q.13. Write a short note on acclimatization at high altitude.
mucous membrane assume a bluish color. It is due to (Aug/Sep 1998, 5 Marks) (Mar 2001, 5 Marks)
large amounts of reduced hemoglobin in blood. The Or
quantity of hemoglobin should be at least 5 to 7 g% in Describe in brief acclimatization to high altitude.
the blood to cause cyanosis. (Aug 2005, 7.5 Marks)
Distribution of cyanosis: When it occurs, cyanosis is Ans. While staying at high altitude for several days to several
distributed over whole body. But it is more marked in month, a person gets slowly adapted or adjusted to low
certain region where the skin is thin. These areas are lips, oxygen tension so that hypoxia causes lesser and lesser
cheek, nose, ear, lips and finger tips above the base of nail. effect on the body.

Factors Causing Cyanosis Changes During Acclimatization

1. Inadequate oxygenation of blood in the lungs, i.e. Following changes occur in body during acclimatization.
a. Disease of lungs 1. Blood: During acclimatization, the hematocrit value rises
b. Collapse of lungs from 49 to 59%, the hemoglobin concentration in blood
increases from 15 to 20% g. So oxygen-carrying capacity
c. Carbon monoxide poisoning
of blood also increases thus the more oxygen is carried to
d. Heart failure.
the tissue.
2. Admixture of arterial and venous blood: This takes place
 During hypoxia, erythropoietin is released from
in certain congenital heart diseases. juxtaglomerular apparatus and it stimulates bone marrow
3. Greater reduction of oxyhemoglobin: formation and causes formation of RBC, so that RBC count
a. Venous obstruction: This will restore the local circulation increases in the blood.
and allow more time for greater reduction of hemoglobin. 2. Cardiovascular system: There is increase in heart rate,
b. Local chilling. cardiac output, and vascularity is increased in the body.
There is increase in blood flow in vital organs of body.
Types of Cyanosis
3. Respiratory center: Due to increase in pulmonary ventila-
♦♦ Peripheral cyanosis: It is seen in nail beds and is sugges- tion and increased blood flow, the diffusion capacity of
tive of stagnant hypoxia. gases increase in alveolar level.
400 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.14. Write a short note on Hering-Breuer reflex. - Diffusion is directly proportional to solubility.
(Dec 2004, 5 Marks) - Carbon dioxide get diffuses with high rate as its
Ans. Hering-Breuer Reflex solubility is more than oxygen.
• The impulses from the lungs bring about a respira- 3. Molecular weight of gas: Diffusion is inversely
tory reflex called Hering-Breuer reflex. proportional to molecular weight of gas.
• Wall of the bronchi and bronchiole contain stretch 4. Alveolocapillary membrane: The thickness of
receptors, which give response to stretch of lung alveolocapillary membrane is 0.2-0.5 µm.
tissues. - Gas diffusion is inversely proportional to thick-
• So, during inspiration when there is stretching of ness.
lung tissues due to expansion, the stretch recep- - Increase in thickness of alveolocapillary mem-
tors or Hering-Breuer are stimulated and produce brane is seen in pulmonary edema and fibrosis
impulses. of lung.
• The impulses are carried by vagal afferent fibers to - Diffusion is directly proportional to permeability
respiratory centers. The impulses actually inhibited of membrane.
inspiratory center and so inspiration stops expiration - Fibrosis leads to decrease in permeability.
starts. - Diffusion is directly proportional to surface area
This reflex is a protective reflex, it restricts the inspiration of alveolocapillary membrane.
and limits over stretching of lung tissues. This is called - Surface area decreases in lung collapsation.
Hering-Breuer inflation reflex. The reverse of this reflex Q.17. Write in detail about physiology of respiration.
is called Hering-Breuer deflation reflex. (Aug 2011, 11 Marks)
Q.15. Write a short note on spirometry. (Sep 2006, 5 Marks) Or
Ans. The method by which lung volumes and capacities are Write in brief mechanics of respiration.
measured is called as spirometry.  (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
  The simple instrument is used for this purpose is Ans. Following is the physiology of respiration: Main
called as spirometer. function of respiratory system is to remove oxygen
from atmosphere and to deliver it to tissues and to
Spirometer remove carbon dioxide from tissues and discharge it in
It is made up of metal, it contain two chambers outer and atmosphere.
inner. Outer chamber is filled with water. The drum is counter • Lungs expand and the atmospheric air which con-
balanced by a weight which is attached to the inner drum. A long sists of oxygen enters inside the lungs.
metal tube passes through the inner chamber from the bottom • Oxygen is extracted and is transferred to blood
towards the up. A rubber tube is connected to the outer end of present in pulmonary capillaries.
the metal tube and a mouthpiece is attached to the other end • Oxygenated blood is circulated to the tissues all
through which subject respires. throughout the body.
When the subject breathes with the spirometer, during • At the level of tissue blood deliver oxygen to the
inspiration the drum moves up and the counter weight tissues which utilizes oxygen and produce carbon
comes down and reverse of this occur during inspiration. dioxide. Carbon dioxide is delivered back into the
The upward and downward movement of the counter weight blood.
can be recorded in the form of a graph paper by attaching a • Deoxygenated blood brings carbon dioxide to lungs
pen with ink to the counter weight. The upward curve of the whereas carbon dioxide is diffused out of lungs.
graph shows inspiration and the downward deflection denotes • Lungs deflate and discharge impure air which is
expiration. The spirometer can be used only for a single breath. carbon dioxide to atmosphere.
Repeated cycle cannot be recorded due to accumulation of CO2 • Physiology of respiration is divided in three divisions:
in spirometer. 1. External respiration, i.e. breathing: Absorption
of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide from
Q.16. Write in brief factors affecting diffusion of gases. body.
(Dec 2010, 5 Marks) 2. Transport of gases in blood.
Ans. Factors affecting diffusion of gases are as follows: 3. Internal respiration, i.e. utilization of oxygen
1. Pressure gradient and production of carbon dioxide by cells and
2. Solubility of gases gaseous exchange between cells and their fluid
3. Alveolocapillary membrane mechanism.
4. Molecular weight of gas
External Respiration
1. Pressure gradient: Higher pressure gradient leads
to the better diffusion. Inspiration
2. Solubility of gas: Diffusion get increased with in- ♦♦ At the time of inspiration the thoracic cavity expands in three
crease in the solubility of gas in water. dimensions, i.e. vertical, transverse and anteroposterior.
Physiology 401

♦♦ Diaphragm contracts and leads to increase in vertical alveoli through thin pulmonary and capillary endothelium
dimension, this causes increase in thoracic cavity. in plasma so the arterial blood leaves the lungs almost fully
♦♦ Contraction of intercoastal muscle leads to increase in saturated with oxygen.
anterioposterior and transverse dimensions of thorax.
♦♦ Upper six ribs leads to the increase in anteroposterior and Carriage of Carbon Dioxide in Blood
transverse dimensions of the thorax. ♦♦ Carbon dioxide content of arterial blood is 48 mL /dL
♦♦ Seven, eighth and tenth rib causes increase in transverse and that of venous blood is 52 mL/dL. So each 100 mL of
dimension. arterial blood which passes through tissue pick 4 mL of
carbon dioxide.
♦♦ Carbon dioxide get accommodated in plasma, when
♦♦ It is a passive process. plasma is fully saturated carbon dioxide get accumulated
♦♦ Contraction of anterior abdominal muscles causes increase in in RBCs. So total 4 mL/dL of carbon dioxide is transported
intra-abdominal pressure and pull lower ribs down and me- in blood, 2.4 mL/dL is transported in plasma and remain-
dially, pushing diaphragm upwards and causing expiration. ing 1.6 mL/dL within RBC.
♦♦ Carbon dioxide is carried in plasma and RBCs in three
Transport of Gases in Blood
forms, i.e. dissolved form, as carbamino compound and
Transport of Oxygen as bicarbonate.
Oxygen is carried in blood in two forms, i.e. Carriage of Carbon Dioxide in Lungs
1. In dissolved form
2. In combination with hemoglobin Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in venous blood is 46mm of
Hg with carbon dioxide content 52 ml/dl whereas alveolar air
In dissolved form the amount of oxygen is 0.3 ml per 100 ml of
partial pressure of carbon dioxide is 40 mm Hg with carbon
blood per 100 mm Hg partial pressure of oxygen. The quantity
dioxide content 48 ml/dl. For each 100 ml of venous blood while
of dissolved oxygen increases in linearity with arterial partial
passing through lungs releases 4 ml of carbon dioxide.
pressure of oxygen. Tension exerted by a gas in blood is the
property of dissolved gas. Part of carbon dioxide from dissolved solution and
carbamino compound break to liberate carbon dioxide.
Single hemoglobin molecule consists of iron in ferrous form.
Hemoglobin becomes oxygenated forming oxyhemoglobin
Six valency bond of each ferrous iron combines with 1 mole
which increases the acidity of cell to mobilize chloride shift
of oxygen. So four moles of oxygen combine with one mole
in the reverse order. Chloride comes out of cell reacts with
of oxygen. Oxygen carrying power of hemoglobin is given by
bicarbonate in plasma forming sodium chloride and liberating
oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve.
bicarbonate. Bicarbonate from plasma enters cell and combine
Transport of Carbon Dioxide with free potassium ion forming potassium bicarbonate. Within
RBC the oxyhemoglobin being stronger acid than carbonic acid
Tissue produces carbon dioxide which enters the blood because of:
releases hydrogen from hemoglobin. Released hydrogen joins
♦♦ Difference in partial pressure of carbon dioxide between with bicarbonate released from potassium bicarbonate forming
arterial blood and tissues. Arterial partial pressure of bicarbonic acid and free potassium ion with oxyhemoglobin
carbon dioxide is 40 mm Hg and tissue partial pressure
forms potassium oxyhemoglobin. Bicarbonic acid is broken
of carbon dioxide is 46 mm Hg.
up by carbonic anhydrase in RBC in water and carbon dioxide.
♦♦ Carbon dioxide has high diffusion coefficient, i.e. 20 times
Carbon dioxide diffuses in plasma and there is nothing to fix it
more than oxygen; therefore even this small pressure gradi-
so carbon dioxide is liberated through lungs along the pressure
ent of 6 mm Hg is sufficient for transport of carbon dioxide.
♦♦ Decrease in oxygen content shift carbon dioxide dissociation
curve to left leading to further loading of carbon dioxide Q.18. Describe pulmonary ventilation. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
from tissues to blood. Ans. It is also known as minute ventilation.
• Pulmonary ventilation is the volume of air expired
Internal Respiration
or inspired by the lungs in one minute.
Carriage of Oxygen in Tissues • Normal pulmonary ventilation is 6 L/min.
• In moderate exercise it increases to about 60 L/min.
At rest due to partial pressure gradient tissues remove 5 mL of
• In severe exercise it increases to about 100 L/min.
oxygen for each 100 mL of blood passing through it. 250 mL of
oxygen per minute is transported from blood to body tissues Q.19. Write short note on Bohr’s effect. (Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
and this is called as oxygen consumption of whole body at rest. Ans. This phenomenon was given by Bohr in 1904.
• In the tissues the metabolic activities shift oxygen-
Carriage of Oxygen in Lungs
hemoglobin dissociation curve to right decrease the
In lungs venous blood partial pressure of oxygen is 40 mm Hg affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen, so carbon dioxide
and alveolar air partial pressure of oxygen is 100 mm Hg. So enters the blood from tissues and causes unloading
because of the pressure gradient oxygen rapidly diffuses from of oxygen. This is called as Bohr’s effect.
402 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• During this phenomenon the partial pressure of Pathophysiology

oxygen is low while partial pressure of carbon
dioxide is high due to which carbon dioxide enters the
Q.20. Draw a well labeled diagram of CO2 dissociation curve.
 (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
Ans. Following is the labeled diagram of carbon dioxide
dissociation curve:

Q.22. What is oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. Give the

causes which shift the curve right and left.
 (May 2017, 5 Marks)
Ans. Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve explains the
Fig. 40:  Synapse relationship between partial pressure of oxygen in blood
with oxygen saturation of hemoglobin. This curve is
Q.21. Write briefly on hypoxic hypoxia.
an S-shaped curve over the range of partial pressure of
 (July 2016, 5 Marks) oxygen in from 0 to 100 mm Hg.
Ans. Hypoxic hypoxia is characterized by low arterial partial
pressure of oxygen (pO2) and when oxygen carrying Causes Which Shift the Curve to Right
capacity of blood and rate of blood flow to tissues are ♦♦ Decrease in partial pressure of oxygen
normal or elevated. ♦♦ Increase in partial pressure of carbon dioxide
♦♦ Increase in hydrogen ion concentration and decrease in pH
Characteristic Features
♦♦ Increase in the body temperature: High temperature
Various characteristic features of hypoxic hypoxia are: decreases affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen. This helps in
♦♦ Low arterial partial pressure of oxygen. release of oxygen in metabolically active tissues in which
♦♦ Low arterial oxygen content temperature is more.
♦♦ Low arterial percentage oxygen saturation of hemo­globin ♦♦ Due to excess of 2, 3 diphosphoglycerate in RBC.
♦♦ Low arteriovenous partial oxygen difference. Diphosphoglycerate is a by product in Embden–Meyerhof
pathway of carbohydrate metabolism. It combines with
Causes beta-chains of hemoglobin. In conditions such as muscular
♦♦ Due to low partial pressure of oxygen in inspired air, e.g. exercise and in high altitude, diphosphoglycerate increases
• At high altitudes in RBC. So the curve shifts to right to a great extent.
• Breathing inside the close chambers
Causes Which Shift the Curve to Left
♦♦ Due to decreased pulmonary ventilation in:
• Airway obstruction It is shifted to left in the following conditions:
• Weakness or paralysis of respiratory muscles ♦♦ In fetal blood as fetal hemoglobin has more affinity for
• Depression of respiratory centers due to drugs mainly oxygen than adult hemoglobin.
morphine ♦♦ Due to decrease in hydrogen ion concentration and
♦♦ Due to defect in exchange of gas: This occur via alveolar increase in pH.
capillary membrane
Q.23. Transport of oxygen in body. (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Venous arterial shunts: In these venous blood enter inside
the arterial blood without going into lungs, this lead Ans. Transport of Oxygen in Tissues
to decrease in arterial partial pressure of oxygen, e.g. ♦♦ At rest: Due to partial pressure gradient at rest tissue
congenital cyanotic heart disease. removes 5 mL of oxygen for each 100 ml of blood passing
Physiology 403

through them. As cardiac output is 5 liter/minute, so ♦ Accumulation of carbon dioxide leads to hyperventilation
approximately 250 mL of oxygen per minute is transported which lowers partial pressure of carbon dioxide.
from blood to body tissues known as oxygen consumption ♦ Decreased partial pressure of carbon dioxide eliminates
of whole body at rest. carbon dioxide drive on ventilation and produces apnea,
♦ During activity: At the time of activity changes taking place which consequently increases partial pressure of carbon
in the body are: dioxide again.
Increase in carbon dioxide production ♦ Increase sensitivity of respiratory mechanism to partial
Rise in the body temperature pressure of carbon dioxide produces hyperventilation and
Increase in hydrogen ion concentration the cycle continues.
Increase capillary density
Local arteriolar dilatation: Increased capillary density
along with local arteriolar dilatation increase blood 10. NERVOUS SYSTEM
flow to tissues.
Depending on the degree of activity, oxygen tension 
inside the tissues may fall to zero. This causes very
steep oxygen pressure gradient between blood and
tissues, thereby leading to rapid diffusion of oxygen.
So, coefficient of oxygen utilization varies from 65
to 80%
Increase in RBC count due to splenic contraction:
Increase in capillary density and increase in RBC count
due to splenic contraction leads to increase in delivery
of oxygen to tissues by 5 times. This along with three
times more oxygen extraction by tissues eventually
increases oxygen transport to tissues by 15 times.

Transport of Oxygen in Lungs

Partial pressure of oxygen in venous blood if 40 mm Hg and
Partial pressure of oxygen in alveolar air is 100 mg Hg.
So due to pressure gradient oxygen rapidly diffuses from
alveoli via thin pulmonary and capillary endothelium into
plasma, so arterial blood finally leaves the lungs almost fully
saturated with oxygen, at partial pressure of oxygen 100 mm
Hg with oxygen content of 19 mL/dL; 0.3 mL/dL in dissolved
form and 18.7 mL/dL bound to hemoglobin. (Sep 2000, 5 Marks)
Q.24. Write short note on Cheyne-Stokes breathing. Ans. The degeneration change in the distal cut end of nerve
(Oct 2016, 5 Marks) fiber is called Wallerian degeneration. During Wallerian
Ans. Cheyne-stokes breathing is also known as Cheyne-Stokes degeneration the following occur:
respiration. 1. Axis cylinder swells and brakes up into small pieces.
Repeated sequence of gradual onset of apnea which is After few days, debris is seen in space occupied by
followed by gradual restoration of respiration is known axis cylinder.
as Cheyne-Stokes breathing. 2. The myelin sheath is slowly disintegrated into fat
Causes 3. The cells of Schwann multiply rapidly. The mac-
♦ Physiological rophages remove the debris of axis cylinder and
Voluntary hyperventilation fat droplets of disintegrated myelin sheath. So
High altitude neurilemmal sheath becomes empty. This is filled
During sleep in some normal individuals by cytoplasm of Schwann cell.
♦ Pathological
At the Time of Regeneration
Heart failure
Brain damage 1. First the cells of Schwann from proximal and distal cut
Uremia. ends of nerve grow in all direction of nerve in the form
of pseudopodia like fluids. The filling up of gap leads to
Mechanism development of continuity of neurilemmal tube.
♦ Patients have increased sensitivity to carbon dioxide be- 2. The axis cylinder is fully established inside neurilemmal
cause of disruption of neural pathways. tube.
404 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

3. The myelin sheath is formed by cells of Schwann slowly. The Mechanism of Saltatory Conduction
cell looses the excess fluid and nucleus occupy central position.
The myelin sheath is not permeable to ions. So the entry
Q.3. Write a short note on saltatory conduction. of sodium from ECF into nerve fibers occurs only in node
 (Mar 2000, 5 Marks) of Ranvier, where myelin sheath is absent. This causes
Ans. The conduction of impulse through a myelinated depolarization in node.
nerve fiber is 50 times faster than non-myelinated Thus, the depolarization occurs at successive nodes. So,
nerve fiber. This is because myelin sheath forms on action potential jump from one node to another. Hence, it is
effective insulation, and flow of current through this called saltatory conduction.
sheath is negligible, but action potential jump from one Q.4. Write in tabular form different receptors and their
node to another node of Ranvier. So velocity of conduction functions. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
is faster. This type of jumping of action potential from one Ans. The different receptors and their functions are as
node to another is called saltatory conduction. follows:

Receptors Functions
1. Extroceptors 1. Give response to stimuli arising from outside the body
a. Cutaneous receptors a. They give response to mechanical stimulus
i. Touch receptors i. Give response towards touch
ii. Pressure receptors ii. Give response towards pressure
iii. Temperature receptors iii. Give response towards temperature
iv. Nociceptors iv. Give response towards pain
b. Chemoreceptors b. Give response towards chemical stimuli
c. Telereceptors c. Give response to stimuli arising away from body
i. Phonoreceptors i. Give response to auditory sensation
ii. Photoreceptors ii. Give response to visual sensation
2. Introceptors 2. They give response to stimuli arising within the body
a. Visceroreceptors a. They give response to stimuli arising from viscera
i. Stretch receptors i. Give response towards stretch
ii. Baroreceptors ii. Give response towards blood pressure changes
iii. Chemoreceptors iii. Give response towards chemical stimuli from inside the body
b. Proprioceptors b. They give response to change in position of different parts of body
i. Muscle spindle i. It is the receptor organ for stretch reflex
ii. Golgi tendon organ ii. It gives response to change in force of tension developed in skeletal muscle during contraction
iii. Pacinian corpuscle iii. It gives response to pressure changes
iv. Free nerve ending iv. It gives response to pain sensation

Q.5. Write briefly on synaptic transmission. is influx of calcium ions from ECF into axon termi-
(Mar 1998, 7.5 Marks) (Mar 2008, 3 Marks) nals. Now there is opening of vesicle and release of
Or neurotransmitter acetylcholine. The neurotransmitter
passes through presynaptic membrane and synaptic
Write short note on synapse. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) cleft and reaches postsynaptic membrane.
Ans. • The junction between two neurons is called synapse.
• Synapse is formed by presynaptic and postsynaptic
neuron, the spaces between the two neurons is called
synaptic cleft.
• Synaptic transmission
The main function of the synapse is to transmit the
impulse, i.e. action potential from one neuron to another.
When the action potential reaches presynaptic axon
terminal, the following events occur in synaptic
1. Presynaptic neuron: As the action potential reaches
the axon terminal, the voltage gated calcium channels
get opened in presynaptic neuron/membrane. There Fig. 41:  Synapse
Physiology 405

2. Postsynaptic neuron: Now, here the binding of 5. Effector organ: The effector organs like muscle or
acetylcholine with receptor protein of postsynaptic gland show response to stimulus.
membrane and formation of acetylcholine receptor
complex takes placed. The ligand gated sodium
channels in postsynaptic membrane get opened and
there is influx of sodium from ECF. Now develop-
ment of excitatory postsynaptic potential takes place.
The influx of sodium from ECF and development
of action potential take place. The action potential
through the axon of postsynaptic neuron spreads.
In this way synaptic transmission takes place.
Q.6. Write a short note on properties of synapse.
(Sep 2004, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 6 Marks)
Fig. 42:  Reflex arc
Properties of Synapse Q.8. Write briefly on conditioned reflex. (Sep 2004, 5 Marks)
Ans. • Conditioned reflex is a reflex response acquired or
♦♦ One way conduction: According to Ball Magendie law, the learnt by experience. It is the basis of learning. The
impulses are transmitted only in one direction in synapse, conditioned reflex is acquired after the birth.
i.e. from presynaptic neuron to postsynaptic neuron. • The conditioned reflex are of two types:
♦♦ The synaptic delay: During transmission of impulses via 1. Classical conditioned reflex: These reflexes are
the synapse, there is a little delay in transmission. This is those reflexes which can be established by a con-
called synaptic delay. This may be due to time taken for: ditioned stimulus followed by an unconditioned
• Release of neurotransmitter stimulus. They are divided into two groups:
• Movement of neurotransmitter from axon terminal to a. Positive or excitatory conditioned reflex:
postsynaptic membrane. They are of three types:
• Action of neurotransmitter to open the ionic channels i. Primary conditioned reflex: The develop­
in postsynaptic membrane. ment of conditioned reflex with one
♦♦ Fatigue: The fatigue at synapse is due to depletion of unconditioned reflex stimulus and one
neurotransmitter substance, i.e. acetylcholine. After pro- conditioned stimulus is called primary
ducing the action, the neurotransmitter is destroyed by conditioned reflex.
acetylcholinesterase. ii. S econdary conditioned reflex: The
♦♦ Summation: When many members of presynaptic excita-
development of a conditioned reflex with
tory terminals are stimulated simultaneously or when sin-
one unconditioned stimulus and two
gle presynaptic terminal is stimulated repeatedly there is
conditioned stimulus is called secondary
summation, i.e. there is progressive increase in excitatory
conditioned reflex.
postsynaptic potential. It is of two types:
iii. Tertiary conditioned reflex: The develop­
1. Spatial summation: This occurs when many pre­
ment of a conditioned reflex with one
synaptic terminals are stimulated simultaneously.
unconditioned stimulus and three
2. Temporal summation: It occurs when one presynaptic
conditioned stimulus is called tertiary
terminal is stimulated repeatedly.
conditioned reflex.
♦♦ Electrical property: The electrical properties of synapse are
b. Negative or inhibition conditioned reflex:
excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potential.
This is of two types:
Q.7. Write a short note on reflex arc. (Mar 1997, 5 Marks) i. External or indirect inhibitions: The
Ans. The anatomical nervous pathway for a reflex action is established conditioned reflex is inhibited
called reflex arc. In a simple reflex arc, there are five by some form of stimulus, which is quite
components: different from conditioned stimulus. It is
1. Receptor: It is the end organ which receives the not related to conditioned stimulus.
stimulus; when the receptor is stimulated, impulses ii. I nternal or direct inhibition: It is
are generated in afferent nerve. abolished by four ways, i.e. extinction
2. Afferent Nerve: Afferent or sensory nerve transmits of conditioned reflex, conditioned
sensory impulses from receptor to center. inhibition, delayed conditioned reflex
3. Center: The center receives the sensory impulses via and differential inhibition.
afferent nerve fibers and sends it to motor impulses. 2. Instrumental conditioned reflex: These are those
It may be in the brain or spinal cord. reflexes in which behavior of a person is instrumen-
4. Efferent Nerve: It transmits motor impulses from tal. This type of a reflex is developed by conditioned
center to effector organ. stimulus followed by reward or punishment.
406 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.9. Draw the TS of spinal cord showing ascending and ♦♦ Dorsal spinocerebellar tract: This is constituted by
descending tract. (Apr 2007, 4 Marks) second-order neuron fibers of pathway for subconscious
Ans. kinesthetic sensation.
Function: The tract carries impulses of such conscious
kinesthetic sensation which are known as nonsensory
Lesion: This leads to unilateral loss of subconscious
kinesthetic sensation.
♦♦ Spinotectal tract: It is a considered as component of
spinothalamic tract. This is constituted by second-order
Function: The tract is concerned with spinovisual reflex.
Lesion: It leads to loss of spinovisual reflex.
♦♦ Fasiculus dorsolateralis: It is constituted by fibers of first-
order neurons.
Function: The fibers of tract carry impulses of pain and
thermal sensation.
Fig. 43:  TS of spinal cord Lesion: Due to lesion, there is loss of impulses of pain and
thermal sensation.
Q.10. Write in brief on function of ascending tract. ♦♦ Spino reticular tract: The fibers of tract arise from inter-
(Mar 1998, 7.5 Marks) mediolateral cell column.
Or Function: The fibers of tract are concerned with conscious-
Write a short note on ascending tracts and their func- ness and awareness.
tions. (Mar 2000, 5 Marks) Lesion: There is loss in sensation consciousness and aware-
Or ness.
Describe in brief the ascending tracts of spinal cord. ♦♦ Spino-olivary tract: From this tract, the neurons project
(Sep 2007, 4 Marks) (Mar 2008, 3 Marks) into cerebellum, origin of fibers is not specific.
Ans. Ascending Tracts Function: The tract is concerned with proprioception.
Lesion: There is loss in sensation of proprioception.
Ascending tracts in anterior white funiculus:
♦♦ Spinovestibular tract: The fibers arise from all seg-
♦♦ Anterior spinothalamic tract: It is formed by fibers of
ments of spinal cord and terminate in lateral vestibular
second-order neuron of pathway for crude touch.
Function: It carries impulses for crude touch sensation.
Function: The tract is concerned with sensation of proprio-
Lesion: The bilateral lesion of tract leads to loss of crude
touch sensation and loss of sensation like itching and
tickling. Lesion: There is loss in sensation of proprioception.
♦♦ Fasciculus cuneatus and fasciculus gracilis: These both
Ascending tracts in lateral white funiculus: are constituted by fibers of first-order neurons of sensory
♦♦ Lateral spinothalamic tract: It is formed by the second- pathway.
order neurons of pathway for sensation of pain and
Function: They convey impulses to the following sensa-
tions, i.e. tactile sensation, tactile discrimination, tactile
Function: The fibers of tract carry impulses of pain and localization, vibratory sensation and conscious kinesthetic
thermal sensations.
Lesion: The unilateral lesion causes loss of pain and tem-
Lesion: There is loss in sensations of tactile discrimina-
perature below level of lesion of opposite side. The bilateral
tion, tactile localization, vibratory sensation and conscious
lesion of this tract leads to loss of pain and temperature
kinesthetic sensation.
sensation on both sides.
♦♦ Ventral spinocerebellar tract or Gower’s tract: This is Q.11. Write a short note on spinothalamic tracts.
constituted by fibers of second-order neurons of pathway (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
for subconscious kinesthetic sensation along with Ans. There are two spinothalamic tracts:
dorsospinal cerebellar tract. 1. Anterior spinothalamic tract
Lesion: It leads to loss of subconscious kinesthetic sensa- 2. Lateral spinothalamic tract.
tion mostly in opposite side. Both are described in Ans 10 of the same chapter.
Physiology 407

Q.12. Trace the path for pain, temperature and crude touch Lesions: During lesion, the increased and loss
with help of diagram. (Oct 2000, 5 Marks) in posture.
Ans. 3. Lateral vestibulospinal tract: It originates
from lateral vestibular nucleus. The fibers are
uncrossed and extend to all segments.
Lesion: The lesion in this tract affects the position
of head and body during acceleration.
4. Reticulospinal tract: It originates from reticular
formation of pons and medulla. The fibers are
mostly uncrossed.
Lesion: The lesion to this tract causes disturbance
in voluntary and reflex movements. The muscle
tone is increased. And the control over respira-
tion and blood vessels is lost.
5. Tectospinal tract: The fibers originate from
superior colliculus. The fibers extend up to lower
cervical segments.
Lesion: The lesion of this tract causes distur-
bances in movement of head in response to
visual and auditory impulses.
6. Rubrospinal tract: The fibers originate from red
nucleus. These fibers extend upto thoracic seg-
Lesion: The control over flexor muscle tone is lost.
7. Olivospinal tract: The fibers originate from in-
Fig. 44:  Path for pain temperature and crude touch ferior olivary nucleus. Their extension or coarse
is not clear.
Q.13. Write in brief on motor tracts and their lesions.
(Sep 1996, 6 Marks) Lesion: There is loss of control over movements
Ans. Motor Tracts and their Lesions arising due to proprioception.
The motor tract of spinal cord are of two types: Q.14. Write in brief on functions of descending tract.
A. Pyramidal tract: They are concerned with voluntary (Apr 2003, 7 Marks)
motor activities of body. They are of two types: Ans. Functions of descending tracts
1. Anterior corticospinal tract
A. Pyramidal tracts
2. Lateral corticospinal tract
They originate from Betz cells and other cells 1. Anterior corticospinal tract
of motor area. They originates uncrossed of 2. Lateral corticospinal tract
anterior corticospinal tract and crossed of lateral Function: The pyramidal tracts are concerned
corticospinal tract. with voluntary movements of body.
Lesion: B. Extrapyramidal tracts
1. Voluntary movements of body are very much
1. Median longitudinal fasciculus
affected during lesion in this tract.
2. The muscle tone is increased leading to Function: The tract is responsible for coordina-
spasticity of muscles. tion of reflex ocular movements and integration
3. All superficial reflexes are lost and Babinski’s of movements of eyes and neck.
sign is positive. 2. Anterior vestibulospinal tract
B. Extrapyramidal tract: They are as follows: Function: It maintains muscle tone and posture.
1. Medial longitudinal fasciculus: It originates 3. Lateral vestibulospinal tract
from cell of Cajal the fibers are uncrossed which
Function: It is concerned with position of head
extend up to upper cervical segments.
and body during acceleration.
Lesion: The movements of body are affected
during lesion. 4. Reticulospinal tract
2. Anterior vestibulospinal tract: It originates from Functions: It controls voluntary and reflex
lateral; vestibular nucleus. The fibers are mostly movements, muscle tone, respiration and blood
uncrossed. vessels.
408 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

5. Tectospinal tract Contd...

Function: It causes movements of head in
response to visual and auditory impulses. no. Lower motor neuron lesion Upper motor neuron lesion
6. Rubrospinal tract 4. Disuse atrophy of the muscle Muscle atrophy is not very
Functions: It causes facilitatory influence on occur, i.e. there is shrinkage severe because muscles
flexor muscle tone. of muscle fiber which get though not used in voluntary
7. Olivospinal tract finally replaced by fibrous movements are continuously
tissue in action to maintain posture
Function: Here movements are arising due to by reflexes
5. Babinski sign is absent Babinski sign is abnormal, i.e.
Q.15. Write briefly about effects of lesion of lower motor by stroking the outer edge of
neuron. (Feb 2016, 2 Marks) sole of foot with firm tactile
stimulus produces upward
Ans. Lower Motor Neuron Lesion
movement of great toe and
Lower motor neurons are anterior gray horn cell in spinal fanning out of small toes. This
cord and motor neurons of cranial nerve nuclei situated occurs due to contraction of
in brainstem which innervate muscle directly. extensor hallucis longus
The lesion in neurons of anterior gray horns in spinal 6. Clonus is not present Clonus is present
cord and motor neurons of cranial nerve nuclei situated 7. Electrical activity is absent Electrical activity is normal
in brainstem is called lower motor neuron lesion. 8. Fascicular twitch in EMG is Fascicular twitch in EMG is
present absent
Effects of Lower Motor Neuron Lesion

Lower Motor Neuron Q.17. Describe in brief physiology of pain.

Effects Lesion (Aug 2005, 7.5 Marks) (Feb 2013, 7 Marks)
Clinical Muscle tone Hypotonia (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
observation Paralysis Flaccid type of paralysis Or
Wastage of muscle Wastage of muscle occurs Write short note on pathway of pain sensation.
Superficial reflexes Lost (Mar 2005, 5 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
Plantar reflex Absent Or
Deep reflexes Lost Describe pain pathway. (July 2016, 5 Marks)
Clonus Absent
Ans. Pain is sensation. It has got two components namely:
1. Fast pain
Clinical Electrical activity Absent
2. Slow pain
Muscles affected Individual muscles are Whenever a pain stimulus is applied, first a bright sharp
and localized pain sensation is produced. This is called
Fascicular twitch in EMG Present fast pain. The fast pain is followed by a dull, diffused
Q.16. Write a short note on upper and lower motor neuron and unpleasant pain. This is known as slow pain. The
paralysis. (Mar 2001, 5 Marks) receptors of both the components of pain are free nerve
Ans. endings. The fast pain sensation is carried by Aδ fibers
and slow pain sensation by C type of fibers.
no. Lower motor neuron lesion Upper motor neuron lesion Pathway of Pain Sensation
1. It occurs due to the lesion It occurs due to the lesion ♦♦ Receptors: The receptors of both components of pain are
of lower motor neurons, of upper motor neurons, i.e. free nerve endings which are distributed throughout the
i.e. there is involvement neurons in brain and spinal cord body
of both spinal and cranial which influences the activity of
• First-order neurons: They are the cells in posterior
motor neurons which directly lower motor neurons. The major
innervate the muscles cause is lesion of pyramidal nerve root ganglia. They receive impulses of pain
tracts sensation from pain receptors through dendrites.
These impulses are transmitted to spinal cord
2. In this lesion either single or In this lesion group of muscles
individual muscle is affected are affected through axons of these neurons. The fibers of fast
pain sensation are carried by Aδ type afferent fibers
3. In this flaccid paralysis is In this spastic paralysis is
present, i.e. muscle become present i.e. affected muscles
and slow pain sensation is carried by C type afferent
hypotonic and completely become hypertonic fibers.
paralysed • Second-order neurons: Neurons of marginal nucleus
Contd... and cells of substantia gelatinosa of Ronaldo form
Physiology 409

second-order neurons. Fibers from these neurons Mechanism of referred Pain

ascend in form of lateral spinothalamic tract. Fibers of
Dermatomal rule: Pain is referred to a structure, which is
fast pain arise from neurons of marginal nucleus. The
developed from same dermatome from which pain producing
fibers arising from substantia gelatinosa for slow pain
structure is developed. This is dermatomal rule.
cross midline and run along with fibers of fast pain
A dermatome includes all the parts and structure of body.
as paleospinothalamic fibers in lateral spinothalamic
For example, the heart and inner aspect of left arm originate
tract. One-fifth of these fibers terminate in ventral
from some dermatome so, pain in heart is referred to left arm.
posterolateral nucleus of thalamus.
• Third-order neurons: The third-order neurons of pain Examples of Referred Pain
pathway are the neurons of thalamic nucleus, reticular
formation, tectum and grey mater around aqueduct ♦♦ Pain in ovary is referred to umbilicus
of Sylvius. Axons from these neurons reach sensory ♦♦ Pain in testis is referred to abdomen
area of cerebral cortex. Sometimes fibers from reticular ♦♦ Pain in diaphragm is referred to right shoulder
formation reach hypothalamus. ♦♦ Renal pain is referred to loin.
The center for pain sensation is postcentral gyrus Q.20. Write in brief on functions of hypothalamus.
of partial cortex. Fibers reaching hypothalamus are  (Sep 2017, 2 Marks) (Aug/Sep 1998, 5 Marks)
concerned with arousal mechanism due to pain (Sep 2000, 5 Marks) (Sep 2001, 7 Marks)
stimulus. (Mar 2005, 7.5 Marks) (Sep 2005, 5 Marks)
(Feb 2003, 7.5 Marks) (Sep 2007, 4 Marks)
Q.18. Write a short note on endogenous analysis mechanisms
in CNS. (Aug/Sep 1998, 5 Marks) Or
Or Describe function of hypothalamus in detail.
Write briefly on endogenous pain inhibiting mecha- (Dec 2009, 15 Marks)
nisms. (Sep 2001, 8 Marks) Or
Ans. The CNS has got its own control system which inhibits Write on functions of hypothalamus.
impulses of pain sensation. This is also called as (Sep 2018, 5 Marks) (Apr 2017, 5 Marks)
analgesia system. The control system is present in brain
Ans. Functions of Hypothalamus are as follows
and spinal cord.
1. Control of anterior pituitary: Hypothalamus
• Pain control system in brain: This blocks the
controls anterior pituitary gland by secreting,
impulses before entering into the brain. The system
releasing and inhibiting hormones which control
is present in grey matter surrounding aqueduct
release of anterior pituitary.
of sylvius and raphae magnus nucleus in pons. The
Following hormones are secreted by hypothalamus
neurotransmitters involve in inhibition of pain by
and transported to anterior pituitary by hypothalo-
control system in brain are serotonin and opiate
mohypophyseal tract.
receptor substances.
1. Somatotropic releasing hormone
• Pain control system in spinal cord: This is in
2. Somatotropic inhibiting hormone
posterior grey horn, when pain sensation is
3. Thyrotropic releasing hormone
produced in a part of body along with pain fibers,
4. Corticotropic releasing hormone
some of afferents, i.e. touch fibers reaching posterior
5. Gonadotropic releasing hormone
column of spinal cord are activated. The dorsal
6. Prolactin inhibitory hormone.
column fibers send collaterals to cells of substantia
gelatinosa in posterior grey horn. So, some of the 2. Secretion of posterior pituitary hormones: Hy-
impulses ascending via dorsal column fibers through pothalamus is source of secretion for posterior
collaterals reach substantia gelatinosa. Here, the pituitary hormones. ADH and oxytocin are secreted
by supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. These two
impulses inhibit release of substance P by pain
hormones are transported by means of axonic and
fibers ending on substantia gelatinosa so that pain
axoplasmic flow through fibers of hypothalamohy-
sensation is suppressed.
pophyseal tract to posterior pituitary.
Q.19. Write a short note on referred pain and applied
3. Regulation of heart rate: It regulates heart rate
significance. (Mar 1998, 5 Marks)
through cardiac centers in medulla oblongata.
Or Stimulation of posterior and lateral nuclei of
Write briefly about referred pain. hypothalamus increases heart rate and stimulation
(Aug 2016, 2 Marks) of preoptic area decreases heart rate.
Ans. The pain sensation produced in some parts of body is 4. Regulation of body temperature: The hypothalamus
felt in other structures away from place of development. consists of both heat loss and heat gain centers.
This is called referred pain. Through these centers, it helps in regulating
410 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

temperature. The heat loss center is in anterior 10. Regulation of sleep and wakefulness: Mammil-
hypothalamus and heat gain center is in posterior lary body in posterior hypothalamus is considered
hypothalamus. as wakefulness center. Stimulation of mammillary
Apart from temperature receptors, some are heat body causes wakefulness and its lesion leads to
sensitive cell in preoptic area. The thermoreceptors sleep.
of hypothalamus are stimulated and causes heat loss 11. Role in response to smell: Posterior hypothalamus
in two ways: along with hippocampus and brainstem nuclei is
a. Peptic thermoreceptors stimulate sweat gland responsible for autonomic responses of body to
and increases sweat secretion. olfactory stimuli. These responses include feeding
b. Preoptic thermoreceptors inhibit posterior activities and emotional responses like fear, excite-
hypothalamus which control SNS. This leads to ment and pleasure.
cutaneous vasodilation and increase in blood 12. Role in circadian rhythm: Circadian rhythm is
flow to skin, due to increase in blood flow, more regular recurrence of physiological processes or
heat is lost. activities which occur in cycle of 24 hours. It is known
Now, when body temperature is reduced, heat loss as diurnal rhythm. Cyclic changes taking place in
is prevented and production of heat is increased. various physiological process are set by means of
a. When body temperature is decreased, the hypothetical internal clock known as biological
preoptic thermoreceptors are not activated so clock. Suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus
posterior hypothalamus is not inhibited and set biological clock by its connection with retina via
blood flow to skin is reduced and heat loss is retinohypothalamic fibers. By efferent fibers it send
prevented. circadian signals to different parts and maintain
b. Whenever the body temperature is decreased, circadian rhythm of sleep, thirst, hunger, etc.
activity of posterior hypothalamus is increased
and muscular activity is enhanced leading to Q.21. Write a short on mechanism of heat loss.
shivering due to which more heat is produced. (Feb 2002, 5 Marks)
5. Regulation of water balance: Hypothalamus regulate Ans. Refer to Ans 20 of same chapter in function number 4,
water balance of body by two ways: i.e. regulation of body temperature by hypothalamus.
a. By causing sensation of thirst leading to intake Q.22. Write a short note on regulation of body temperature.
of water by activating thirst center. (Apr 2003, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
b. By regulation of excretion of water through urine  (Feb 2013, 6 Marks)
by ADH. Or
6. Control of adrenal cortex: Hypothalamus control
adrenal cortex through anterior pituitary. Anterior Write short note on role of hypothalamus in tempera-
pituitary regulate adrenal cortex by secreting ture regulation. (Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
adrenocorticotropic hormone. ACTH secretion (Apr 2008, 3 Marks) (Sep 2006, 3 Marks)
is regulated by corticotropic releasing hormone Or
which is secreted by paraventricular nucleus of
Write a short note on regulation of body temperature
in man. (Mar 2006, 5 Marks)
7. Control of adrenal medulla: Dorsomedial and
Ans. Refer to Ans 20 of the same chapter in function no. 4, i.e.
posterior hypothalamic nuclei are excited by
regulation of body temperature by hypothalamus.
emotional stimuli. These hypothalamic nuclei send
impulses to adrenal medulla through sympathetic Q.23. Write short note on function of cerebellum.
fibers and cause release of catacholamines which are (Sep 2006, 5 Marks) (Nov 2009, 3 Marks)
essential to cope up with emotional stress. Ans. Functions of cerebellum are as follows:
8. Regulation of autonomic nervous system: Hypo­ 1. Vestibulocerebellum or archicerebellum plays an
thalamus control autonomic nervous system. important role in maintenance of tone, posture and
Sympathetic division of autonomic nervous equilibrium because of its connection with vestibu-
system is regulated by posterior and lateral nuclei lar apparatus, vestibular nuclei and spinal motor
of hypothalamus. Parasympathetic division of neurons.
autonomic nervous system is controlled by anterior 2. Spinocerebellum or paleocerebellum is receiving
group of nuclei. area for tactile, proprioceptive, auditory and visual
9. Regulation of blood pressure: Hypothalamus impulses.
regulates blood pressure by acting on vasomotor 3. Spinocerebellum regulates posture reflexes by modi-
center. Stimulation of posterior and lateral fying muscle tones.
hypothalamic nuclei increases arterial blood 4. Corticocerebellum or neocerebellum is concerned
pressure and stimulation of preoptic area decreases with integration and regulation of well coorindated
blood pressure. muscular activities.
Physiology 411

5. Corticocerebellum receives nerve fibers from pro- Physiological significance of stretch reflex:
prioceptors in muscles. Thus, it receives feedback 1. This is a basic reflex which involves in maintenance
system from muscles during muscular activity. of posture.
Q.24. Write a short note on functions of basal ganglia. 2. The reflex maintains the body in upright position.
(Mar 2000, 5 Marks) Q.26. Write briefly on functional areas of cerebral cortex.
Or (Sep 2004, 5 Marks)
Ans. The functional areas of cerebral cortex are as follows:
Write on functions of basal ganglia.
1. The motor area: It is located in precentral gyrus on
(Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
superolateral surface of hemisphere and in anterior
Ans. Functions of basal ganglia are as follows: part of paracentral lobule. The electrical stimulation
1. Control of voluntary motor activity: The movements of the area 4 causes discrete isolated movements in
during voluntary motor activity are initiated by opposites sides of body.
cerebral cortex. However, these movements are 2. The premotor area: It lies anterior to motor area. It
controlled by basal ganglia. Basal ganglia control occupies the posterior part of superior, middle and
motor activities because of presence of circuits inferior frontal gyri. It is concerned with postural
between basal ganglia and brain involving in motor movements and send motor signals to axial muscles.
activity. It has areas 6, 8, 44 and 45.
2. Control of reflex muscle activity: The visual and The area 6 is concerned with isolated movements in
labyrinthin reflexes are important in maintenance body in opposite side.
of posture. The co-ordination and integration of The area 8 causes conjugate movements of eyeball
impulses for these activities depend on basal ganglia. to opposite side, opening and closure of eyelids,
3. Control of muscle tone: The gamma motor neurons, papillary dilatation and lacrimation.
muscle spindle and muscle tone are all controlled 3. The motor speech area or broca’s area: It is motor
by basal ganglia. area for speech. This has areas 44 and 45. The area
4. Control of autonomic associated movements: is responsible for movements of tongue, lips and
Swinging of arms during walking, appropriate larynx, which are involved in speech.
facial expressions while doing any work and other 4. The sensory area: It is located in postcentral gyrus.
movements associated with motor activities are It also extends in posterior part of paracentral lobule.
called autonomic associated movements. These are It has areas 3, 1, 2, 5 and 7.
controlled by basal ganglia. The area 1 is concerned with sensory perception.
5. Role in arousal mechanism: Globus pallidus and red The areas 2 and 3 are involved in integration of these
nucleus are involved in arousal mechanism because sensations.
of their connection with reticular formation. Exten- The areas 5 and 7 are concerned with synthesis of vari-
sive lesion in globus pallidus causes drowsiness ous sensations prescribed by primary sensory area.
leading to sleep. 5. The visual area: It is located in occipital lobe, mainly
on medial surface both above calcarine sulcus. It
Q.25. Write significance of stretch reflex.
consists of three areas:
(Apr/Sep 1998, 5 Marks)
a. Primary visual area—Area 17
Or b. Visual association area—Area 18
Write in brief on stretch reflex. (Apr 2003, 4 Marks) c. Occipital eye field—Area 19
Or Functions
Write short note on stretch reflex.(Nov 2008, 5 Marks) a. Area 17 is concerned with perception of visual
Ans. When a muscle is stretched, it responds by contracting.
b. Area 18 is concerned with interpretation of visual
It is called as stretch reflex. It is a myotactic reflex.
Mode of action of stretch reflex: Stretching the muscle c. Area 19 is concerned with movement of eyes.
fibers stimulates muscle spindle which are specialized 6. The acoustic area: It is located in temporal lobe. It
sensory end organs lying parallel to muscle fibers. lies partly on surface of temporal lobe. It has 3 parts:
Muscle spindle send impulses to spinal cord through a. Primary auditory area: It includes areas 41, 42
sensory fibers. Sensory nerve fibers from muscles reach and Wernicke’s area. The areas 41 and 42 are
to spinal cord, via posterior nerve roots. Within spinal concerned with perception of auditory impulses.
cord these impulses are transferred over single synapse However, the interpretation of sound occur
to motor cells of anterior grey horn. The motor cells in through Wernicke’s area.
turn send impulses through motor nerve fibers to muscle. b. Auditopsychic area: This occupies superior
The impulses from anterior motor cell causes contraction temporal gyrus. This is called as Area 22.
of muscles. This type of reflexes are more pronounced This is concerned with interpretation of auditory
in extensor muscles. impulses.
412 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

c. Area of equilibrium: It is in posterior part of Q.30. Describe, in brief, pyramidal tracts.

superior temporal gyrus. It causes maintenance (Mar 2006, 4 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks)
of equilibrium in the body. (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
Q.27. Write a short note on Broca’s Area. (Sep 2004, 5 Marks) Or
Ans. The Broca’s area is motor area for speech. This is a Describe the origin, course and termination of pyrami-
special region of premotor cortex situated in inferior dal tract with help of labelled diagram.
frontal gyrus. It has areas 44 and 45. Area 44 is situated
(Nov 2012, 8 Marks)
in pars triangularis and area 45 is situated in pars
Ans. The pyramidal tracts of spinal cord are descending tracts
opercularis of this gyrus. Broca’s area is also called
concerned with voluntary motor activities of body.
speech center.
These tracts are otherwise known as corticospinal tracts,
Function: This area is responsible for movements of
i.e. anterior corticospinal tract and lateral corticospinal
tongue, lips and larynx, which are involved in speech.
tract. While running from cerebral cortex towards spinal
This area is situated in left hemisphere in right-handed
cord, the fibers of two tracts give the appearance of
pyramid on the upper part of the anterior surface of the
Q.28. Write a short note on lateral spinothalamic tract. medulla. Hence, the two tracts are called as pyramidal
(Sep 2006, 3 Marks) tracts.
Ans. It is formed by the second-order neurons of pathway for
sensation of pain and temperature.
Situation: The tract is situated on the lateral funiculus
near the grey matter.
Origin: The fiber of lateral spinothalamic tract takes
origin from substantia gelatinosa of Rolando situated
in the posterior grey column.
Course: All the fibers passes through medulla pons
and midbrain towards thalamus along with the fiber of
anterior spinothalamic tract.
Termination: Fiber terminates in the ventral posterolateral
nucleus of thalamus.
Function: The fibers of tract carry impulses of pain and
thermal sensations.
Lesion: The unilateral lesion causes loss of pain and
temperature below level of lesion of opposite side. The
bilateral lesion of this tract leads to loss of pain and
temperature sensation on both sides.
Q.29. Write a short note on neuromuscular junction.
(Sep 2006, 5 Marks) (Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
Write briefly about neuromuscular junction.
 (Feb 2016, 2 Marks)
Ans. The neuromuscular junction is the specialized area where
the motor nerve terminates on a skeletal muscle nerve
fiber and in the site of stereotyped transmission process.
As the axon supplying a skeletal muscle fiber approaches
Fig. 45:  Pyramidal tracts
its termination, it looses its myelin sheath and divides
into a number of terminal buttons or end-feet. The end Origin
feet contain many, small, clear vesicles that contain
acetylcholine, the transmitter at these junctions. The Fibers of pyramidal tracts arise from the following nerve cells
endings fit into depressions in the motor-end plate, the in cerebral cortex.
thickened portion of the muscle membrane of the junction. ♦♦ Giant cells or Betz cells or pyramidal cells in precentral
Underneath the nerve ending, the muscle membrane gyrus of motor cortex.
of end plate is thrown into junctional folds. The space ♦♦ Other areas of motor cortex, i.e. premotor area and
between the nerve and the thickened muscle membrane supplementary area.
is compared the synaptic cleft at synapses. The whole ♦♦ Other parts of frontal lobe.
structure is known as neuromuscular or myoneural ♦♦ Parietal lobe of cerebral cortex particularly from soma-
junction. tosensory areas.
Physiology 413

Course B. Depending upon the situation of the center

1. Cerebellar reflexes
The fibers of anterior corticospinal tract are the uncrossed fibers
2. Cortical reflexes
and the fibers of lateral corticospinal tract are crossed fibers.
3. Midbrain reflexes
Termination 4. Medullary reflexes
5. Spinal reflexes.
All the fibers of pyramidal tracts, either crossed or uncrossed C. Depending on the purpose or functional significance
terminate in motor neurons situated in anterior gray horn either
1. Protective reflexes or flexor reflexes: These reflexes
directly or through internuncial neurons.
protect the body from harmful stimuli, which are called
Function nociceptive stimuli.
2. Antigravity reflexes or extensor reflexes: These reflexes
It is concerned with the voluntary movements and form the protect the body against the gravitational force.
upper motor neurons. D. Depending on the number of synapse
Q.31. Describe, in brief, disorders of basal ganglia. 1. Monosynaptic reflexes
(Mar 2006, 3 Marks) 2. Polysynaptic reflexes.
Ans. The disorders of basal ganglia are: E. Depending on the clinical basis
1. Parkinson’s disease: It occurs due to the damage 1. Superficial reflexes: They are elicited from mucus mem-
of basal ganglia. It is mostly due to destruction of brane and skin
substantia nigra and the nigro strial pathway which 2. Deep reflexes
has dopaminergic fibers. 3. Visceral reflexes
2. Wilson’s disease: This develops due to damage of 4. Pathological reflexes.
lenticular nucleus particular putamen. Along with Q.33. Describe in brief, knee jerk. (Mar 2006, 3 Marks)
all symptoms of Parkinsonism there is degeneration
Ans. Knee jerk is also known as patellar tendon reflex.
of basal ganglia.
• It is a type of deep reflex.
3. Chorea: This is an abnormal involuntary movement.
• Tapping the patellar tendon elicits the knee jerk,
Chorea means rapid jerky movements. It involves
a stretch reflex of quadriceps femoralis muscle,
the limbs. It is due to lesion in caudate nucleus and
putamen. because the tap on the tendon stretches the muscle.
4. Athetosis: This is another type of abnormal involun- • On percussion of patellar ligament there is extension
tary movement, which refers to slow rhythmic and of leg.
twisting movements. The cause for this is the lesion • Center of this reflex is spinal cord. Spinal segments
in caudate nucleus and putamen. involved in this reflex are L2, L3, L4.
5. Hemiballismus: It is characterized by the violent Q.34. Describe in brief extrapyramidal tracts.
involuntary abnormal movements on one side of the (Mar 2007, 4 Marks)
body involving mostly the arm. This occurs due to Ans. Refer to Ans 14 of the same chapter.
degeneration of subthalamic nucleus of luys.
Q.35. Discuss the function of cerebellum.
Q.32. Write a short note on reflex. (Mar 2006, 5 Marks)
(Oct 2007, 15 Marks) (Mar 2009, 15 Marks)
Ans. Response to the peripheral nervous stimulation that occurs
(Jan 2012, 6 Marks)
without our consciousness is known as reflex activity.
• It is a type of protective mechanism and it protects Ans. Cerebellum: Cerebellum lies dorsal to the brain stem in
the body from irreparable damage. posterior (occipital) fossa.
• Reflex arc is the anatomical nervous pathway for • Cerebellum plays an important role in planning,
a reflex action. In a simple reflex arc, there are five programming and integration of skilled voluntary
components. movements.
1. Receptor • It also concerns with maintenance of muscle tone,
2. Afferent nerve posture and equilibrium.
3. Center • Cerebellum receives impulses from proprioceptors
4. Efferent nerve of muscle, vestibular apparatus, cerebral cortex,
5. Effector organ. brainstem and basal ganglia.
• It sends signals to the motor cortex, reticular forma-
Classification of Reflexes tion and spinal cord.
A. Depending upon whether inborn or acquired
Functions of the Cerebellum
1. Unconditional reflexes or inborn reflexes: They are pre-
sent at the time of birth, do not require previous learning. 1. Control of body posture and equilibrium:
2. Conditioned reflexes or acquired reflexes: They are - The floculonodular lobe (vestibulocerebellum) is con-
acquired after birth. cerned with control of body posture and equilibrium.
414 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

- Afferents from the vestibular apparatus pass directly or foot with firm tactile stimulus (form heel towards the
after relay in the vestibular nuclei to the floculonodular lower toe and then medially across metatarsus) in normal
lobe. healthy individuals it produces downward movement
- The efferent impulses therefore return back to the ves- (planter flexion) of great toes and small toes. This is due
tibular nuclei. to contraction of flexor hallucis longus.
- From these nuclei the vestibulospinal tract connects • Babinski plantar response appears with the toe
with the spinal motor neurons. development of pyramidal tracts. Therefore, its pres-
2. Control of muscle tone and stretch reflexes: The medial ence indicates development of these tracts. Normally
part of anterior lobe of cerebellum inhibits the muscle tone it is flexor response.
(stretch reflex), where as the lateral parts of anterior lobe • Babinski’s sign if one become positive, will remain
facilitates the muscle tone. positive for rest of life there after. In some normal
- Normally, the influence of the cerebellum of the muscle individuals it is always positive.
tone and stretch reflexes is inhibition. • Individuals with positive babinski’s sign neither can
- Pathway: The anterior lobe inhibits the muscle tone rules faster nor can travel long distances.
(mainly in the extensor muscle) of the same side of the
body. Causes of Positive Babinski’s Sign
- The effects are mediated via the fastigial nucleus to the ♦♦ Infants (below 1 year of age) as the pyramidal treats are
ipsilateral vestibular nuclei and to the bulbar reticular not developed till child starts walking.
formation. ♦♦ During deep sleep
- These nuclei in turn relay the effects to the spiral motor
♦♦ Inhibition of pyramidal tracts
♦♦ Cheyne-stroke respiratory due to hypoxia.
3. Control of movements: The cerebellum does not initiate
♦♦ Babinski’s sign is not elicited in lower motor neuron
movements, rather it cordinates movements that are initi-
ated in the motor systems.
♦♦ Babinski’s sign is positive in upper motor neuron lesion,
- Co-ordination of movements is the result of appropri-
stroking outer age of sole of foot with firm tactile stimulus
ate regulation of time, rate range force and direction of
produces first on upward movement of great toe and
muscular activity.
fanning out of small toes. This is due to contraction
a. Control of involuntary movements: The afferent
of extensor hallucis longus physiologically a flexor
pathways to the cerebellum transmit propriocep-
tive, kinesthetic and sensory information from all
parts of the body. Q.37. Write, in brief, on conditioned reflexes.
- The cerebellar integrates these impulses and (Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
provides feedback impulses starting from the deep Or
cerebellar nuclei back to the motor cortex, basal Write short note on conditional reflex.
ganglia and reticular formation that correct the (June 2010, 5 Marks)
error in the involuntary movements. Ans. Conditional reflex is a reflex response acquired or learnt
b. Control of voluntary movements: The cerebellum by experience.
control and guides all the voluntary movements, i.e.
It is a basis of learning.
movements accompanied by a conscious awareness
of an individual. The movements produced are Types of Conditioned Reflex
accurate in time, rate, range, force and direction.
♦♦ Classical Conditioned reflex.
- The cerebellum receives a representation of
corticospinal activity which is transmitted to the ♦♦ Instrumental Conditional reflex.
muscle and the representations of the result in terms Classical conditioned reflex
of the muscle movement from the proprioceptors
of the muscle. These are those reflexes, which are established by conditioned
4. Other functions: stimulus followed by unconditioned stimulus.
a. Functions of pyramis: It is concerned with movement
Types of Classical Conditioned Reflexes
of eyeball because its stimulation causes upward eye
movements to the ipsilateral side. A. Positive conditional reflexes
b. Uvula: It has vestibular function, its removal produces B. Negative conditional reflexes
disturbance of equilibrium. A. Positive conditioned reflexes
Q.36. Write a short note on Babinski’s sign. i. Primary conditioned reflexes: The development of
(Mar 2007, 3 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) conditioned reflex with one unconditioned stimulus
Ans. Babinski’s sign is the response obtained by stroking (to and one conditioned stimulus is called as primary
pass gently in one direction) outer edge of sole of the conditioned reflex.
Physiology 415

ii. Secondary conditioned reflex: The development of Composition

Conditioned reflex with one unconditioned stimulus ♦♦ Water: 99.13%
and two conditioned stimuli is called secondary con-
♦♦ Solids: 0.87%
ditioned reflex.
♦♦ The organic substances present are amino acid, urea,
iii. Tertiary conditioned reflex: In this, third conditioned
sugar, cholesterol, proteins, uric acid, creatinine, lactic
stimulus is added and reflex is established.
acid. Inorganic substances which is present are sodium,
B. Negative conditioned reflex. The established conditioned
reflexes can be inhibited by some factors. The inhibition is calcium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, phosphate,
of two types. bicarbonate and sulphates.
i. External inhibition: The established conditioned reflex ♦♦ Lymphoctes are also added in CSF 6/mm3 when it flows
is inhibited by some form of stimulus, which is quite through spinal cord.
different from conditioned stimulus.
ii. Internal inhibition: There are four different ways:
a. Extinction of conditioned reflex CSF is formed by choroid plexus which is situated in ventricles.
b. Conditioned inhibition.
c. Delayed conditioned reflex Circulation
d. Differential inhibitor.
Instrumental Conditioned Reflex CSF forms in lateral ventricle

These are those reflexes in which behavior of person is

instrumental. This type of reflexes is developed by conditioned
stimulus followed by reward or punishment. From lateral ventricle it passes through foramen of
Q.38. Describe, in brief, functions of thalamus. Monro in third ventricle
(Apr 2008, 3 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. Thalamus is primary concerned with somatic functions
and it plays little role in the visceral functions. From third ventricle it passes to fourth ventricle through
aqueduct of Sylvius
Various Functions
1. Relay center: The impulses of almost all sensitizers reach
thalamus nuclei, particularly in ventral posterolateral From fourth ventricle CSF moves to cistern magna and cistern
nucleus. After being processed in thalamus, impulses are lateralis through foramen of Magendie and Luschka
carried to cerebral cortex through thalomocortical fibers.
This forms relay center.
2. Center for integration of impulses: Thalamus forms the
CSF circulates through subarachanoid space over spinal cord
major center for integration and modification of peripheral
and cerebral hemisphere
sensory impulses before impulses are projected to specific
areas of cerebral cortex. This function is called as process-
ing of sensory information. Functions
3. Center for sexual sensations: Thalamus is center for
♦♦ It acts as a medium by which nutritive substances and
perception of sexual sensation.
4. Role in arousal and alertness: Reactions: Because of con- waste materials are exchanged between blood and brain
nections with nuclei of reticular formation, thalamus plays tissues.
important role in arousal and alertness reactions. ♦♦ It helps in regulation of cranial content volume because
5. Center for reflex activity: As sensory fibers relay here, increase in the cranial content volume leads to brain
thalamus forms relay center for many reflex activities. damage.
6. Center for integration of motor functions: Through the ♦♦ CSF acts like a cushion because of presence of large amount
connections with cerebellum and basal ganglia, thalamus of fluid and hence protects the brain from shock.
serves as center for integration of motor functions.
Q.40. Describe the connection and function of cerebellum.
Q.39. Write short note on CSF (cerebrospinal fluid). (Dec 2010, 20 Marks)
(Dec 2010, 3 Marks) Ans. Connection of Cerebellum
Ans. CSF is the colorless, clear and transparent fluid which
get circulated through ventricles present in brain, Afferent Connections
subarachnoid space and central canal of spinal cord.
Dorsal Spinocerebellar Tract
• Specific gravity of CSF is 1.005
• Volume of CSF is 150 ml ♦♦ Carries mainly unconscious kinesthetic and cutaneous
• CSF forms 0.3 mL/min and its reaction is alkaline. afferents from the trunk and leg.
416 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ It undergoes the ipsilateral inferior cerebellar peduncle Efferent Connections

and is distributed to the anterior lobe, pyramis, uvula and
♦♦ Purkinje cell axons pass deep cerebellar nuclei in an orderly
the median part of the paramedian lobe.
Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract ♦♦ Purkinje cell axons has influence on these nuclei which is
purely inhibitory via release of GABA.
♦♦ Carries a large proportion of exteroceptive and propriocep- ♦♦ Within the white matter there are four pairs of nuclei which
tive fibers from all parts of the body. are the dentate, emboliform, fastigial and globose.
♦♦ It undergoes the cerebellum via the ipsilateral superior ♦♦ As the emboliform and globose nuclei have similar connec-
cerebellar peduncle and is distributed mainly to the vermis
tions, these are together known as the nucleus Interpositus.
and the anterior lobe.
The pathways to and from the individual cerebellar nuclei.
Olivocerebellar Tract For functions of cerebellum refer to Ans 23 of same chapter.
♦♦ It undergoes via the superior cerebellar peduncle to supply Q.41. Write short note on classification of nerves.
all parts of the cerebellar cortex and the deep cerebellar (Aug 2011, 6 Marks)
nuclei via climbing fibers. Ans.
♦♦ It carries proprioceptive inputs from the whole body via Classification of Nerves
relay in inferior olive.
Erlanger and Gasser’s Classification
♦♦ The inferior salivary nucleus itself is stimulated and
receives fibers from all levels of the spinal cord, from brain Nerve fibers are divided into A B and C groups. Groups are
stem nuclei and from the opposite cerebral cortex. further divided into α, β, γ and δ.

Vestibulocerebellar Tract Fiber Type Function

♦♦ Originate in the vestibular nuclei. Aα Somatic motor golgi tendon organs, proprioception
♦♦ The fibers enter via the ipsilateral inferior cerebellar Aβ and touch
peduncle and supply the flocculonodular lobe and uvula. Aγ Touch, pressure and motor functions
Aδ Motor to muscle spindle
Cuneocerebellar Tract B Pain, temperature, crude touch
♦♦ Carries proprioceptive impulses from the arm and neck C Preganglionic autonomic nerve fibers
muscles and in the external arcuate nucleus. i. Dorsal root Pain, touch, temperature and conduct impulses
♦♦ It undergoes via the ipsilateral inferior cerebellar peduncle generated by cutaneous receptors
to the anterior lobe, the pyramis and uvula. ii. Sympathetic Postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers
Tectocerebellar Tract
Numerical Classification
♦♦ Originates from the superior and inferior colliculi which
relays fibers respectively from the eye and ear. S. No. Origin Fiber Type
♦♦ It undergoes via the superior cerebellar peduncle to the Ia. Muscle spindle, annulospiral ending Aa
lobulus simplex, the declive and tuber.
Ib. Golgi tendon organ Aa
Cortico-Ponto-Cerebellar Tract II. Muscle spindle secondary ending, Ab
♦♦ It originates in the motor cortex, i.e. areas 4 and 6 and kinesthesia, touch, pressure
other parts of cerebral cortex and ends in the nuclei pontis. III. Pain and temperature receptors; crude Ad
♦♦ From the nuclei pontis the pontocerebellar fibers cross to touch and pressure receptors
enter the opposite side in the middle cerebellar peduncle IV. Pain, touch, pressure, temperature Dorsal root C fibers
and are distributed to all parts of the cerebellar cortex.

Rubrocerebellar Tract Physioclinical Classification

♦♦ Originates from the red nucleus. The classification is based on sensitivity to hypoxia, pressure
♦♦ It undergoes via the superior cerebellar peduncle and and anesthetic agents.
distributed mainly to the dentate nucleus. 1. Hypoxia: It is associated with alteration in autonomic
♦♦ It transmits impulses which have originated from the functions as preganglionic autonomic B fibers are sus-
motor cortex and relays in the red nucleus. ceptible to it.
2. Pressure: Pressure on a nerve leads to loss of conduction
Reticulocerebellar Tract in motor, touch and pressure fibers in group A.
♦♦ Originates in the reticular nucleus. 3. Local anesthetics: They can block transmission of pain
♦♦ It is distributed via the ipsilateral inferior cerebellar sensation in group C fibers before they affect touch fibers
peduncle to the whole of the cerebellar cortex. in group A.
Physiology 417

Most Least function as ‘synaptic transmitters’ and bind to opiate receptors

Susceptibility susceptible Intermediate susceptible therby produce analgesia. Enkephalins containing neurons
probably act presynaptically at the site of the receptors on
Sensitivity to hypoxia B A C
substance P secreting primary afferent neurons and in turn
Sensitivity to pressure A B C decrease the release of substance P in the dorsal horn. Thus
Sensitivity to local C B A inhibiting the transmission in pain pathway in the spinal cord.
Q.43. Write in brief on sleep. (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. Sleep is the physiological process by which body
Q.42. Describe in brief about pain inhibiting mechanism.
functions are periodically rested. At the time of sleep
(Jan 2012, 6 Marks) consciousness as well as power of will are partially or
Ans. Pain inhibiting mechanism is also known as analgesia. completely suspended and bodily activity get reduced.
Analgesia can be achieved by two mechanisms:
a. Stimulation produced analgesia Types of Sleep
b. By release of endogenous opioid peptide. There are two types of sleep, i.e.
1. Nonrapid eye movement sleep or slow wave sleep
Stimulation Produced Analgesia
2. Rapid eye movement sleep or paradoxical sleep.
Electrical stimulation of specific areas of the CNS can produce
a profound reduction of pain by inhibiting pain pathways, a Factors Affecting Sleep
phenomenon called stimulation produced analgesia. Thus, Sleep occurs due to the reduction in sensory inputs. So the
within CNS are pathways which inhibit the activity of the procedures which decrease sensaory stimulation favor the onset
central neurons by peripheral noxious stimulation. Two main of natural sleep. Factors are:
pathways involved are—segmental and supraspinal inhibition. 1. Dark room
Segmental Inhibition 2. Relaxed body musculature
3. Warm surroundings
Stimulation of nerves in the same segment in which pain is felt 4. Silence.
can relieve such pain. It can be achieved by:
1. Activation of group A afferent nerve fibers Physiological Changes during Sleep
2. Stimulation of the dorsal column of spinal cord which in Following are the physiological changes during sleep, i.e.
turn aggrevates segmental collaterals. 1. Cardiovascular system: There is decrease in heart rate,
Gate Control Theory cardiac output, vasomotor tone and blood pressure.
2. Respiratory system: There is decrease in tidal volume,
♦♦ Gate control theory explains the pain suppression. Accord- respiratory rate, pulmonary ventilation. At times respira-
ing to this theory, the pain stimuli transmitted by afferent tion is unchanged or becomes faster.
pain fibers are blocked by gate mechanism located at the 3. BMR: It decreases
posterior gray horn of spinal cord. lf the gate is opened, 4. Urine: Volume of urine decreases while specific gravity
pain is felt. lf the gate is closed, pain is suppressed. Brain and phosphate content increases. So urine is more con-
also plays some important role in the gate control system centrated.
of the spinal cord. 5. Muscles: They are relaxed and muscle tone is reduced.
♦♦ Thus, the gating ot pain at spinal level is similar to pr- 6. Blood volume: It increases and causes dilution of plasma.
esynaptic inhibition. It forms the basis for relief of pain 7. Nervous system: Deep reflexes get reduced, superficial
through rubbing, massage techniques, application of ice reflexes are unchanged, light reflex is retained.
packs, acupuncture and electrical analgesia.
Q.44. Describe briefly hypothalamus and its functions.
Supraspinal Inhibition (Jan 2012, 15 Marks)
A descending inhibitory pathway from the brain stem to the Ans. Hypothalamus lies below the thalamus.
Rexed laminae I, IV and V can also produce analgesia. One such It is separated from thalamus by hypothalamic sulcus.
important pathway is mesencephalic pain inhibitory system. Hypothalamus forms anteroinferior wall and floor of
This system arises from mid brain and descends to the dorsal third ventricle.
horn cells, in the spinal cord. It contains opiate receptors. It receives more blood supply than does any structure
in vein.
By Release of Endogenous Opioid Peptides
Substance P is a mediator of pain. The terminals of substance P Boundaries of Hypothalamus
containing afferents possess opiate receptors on the membrane ♦♦ Anteriorly it is bounded by optic chiasma
surface. Morphine and opioid peptides produce analgesia ♦♦ Posteriorly it is bounded by mammillary bodies as well as
by binding to these receptors. The two major type of opioid a pair of white masses.
peptides are enkephalins and endorphins. These peptides ♦♦ Laterally it is bounded by internal capsule.
418 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Nuclei of Hypothalamus Phylogenetic Division

Hypothalamus consists of many nuclear masses which are Based on lobes of cerebellum there are three types of cerebellum:
grouped in following areas, i.e. 1. Archicerebellum: It is the first part to develop evolution
1. Preoptic area: Preoptic nucleus and is represented by flocculonodular lobe.
2. Anterior area: It consists of 2. Paleocerebellum: It is next to develop and is represented
a. Supraoptic nucleus by anterior lobe and posterior lobe, i.e. pyramis, uvula,
b. Suprachiasmatic nucleus parafloccule.
c. Paraventricular nucleus 3. Neocerebellum: It is the newest part to evolve. It is rep-
resented by remaining parts of posterior lobe, i.e. declive,
d. Anterior nucleus.
tuber, lateral ansiform and paramedian lobules.
3. Middle area
a. Dorsomedial nucleus Functional Divisions
b. Ventromedial nucleus
Functional divisions of cerebellum are:
c. Arcuate nucleus.
1. Flocculonodular lobe: It is functionally related to vestibular
4. Posterior area. apparatus and is known as vestibulocerebellum. It controls
a. Posterior nucleus the body posture, equilibirium and maintain visual fixation.
b. Mammillary body 2. Complete anterior lobe and the parts of posterior lobe, i.e.
5. Lateral area: Lateral nucleus. lobules simplex, pyramis, uvula and parafloccule receive
information from spinal cord and are known as spinocer-
Connections of Hypothalamus ebellum. It controls the trunk, limb muscles and postural
♦♦ Afferent connections: Main afferent connection of hypo- reflexes.
thalamus is with limbic system and midbrain tegmentum. 3. Remaining part of posterior lobe receive information from
♦♦ Efferent connections: Main efferents from hypothalamus cerebral cortex and pons and is known as neocerebellum.
are projected to limbic system, midbrain, thalamus, It is concerned with skilled voluntary movements.
posterior pituitary and spinal cord.
Functions of Cerebellum
Functions of Hypothalamus For details refer to Ans 35 of same chapter.
Refer to Ans 20 of same chapter. Q.46. Write in brief on short term memory.
Q.45. Describe briefly cerebellum and its functions. (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
 (Jan 2012, 15 Marks) Ans. It is also known as recent memory.
Ans. Cerebellum lies dorsal to brainstem in posterior fossa. Short term memory is the recalling of the events which
On each side it is connected to brainstem by three happened very recently, i.e. within the hours and days.
peduncles viz: It is lost in individuals with certain neurological
1. By inferior cerebellar peduncle to medulla disorders.
2. By middle cerebellar peduncle to pons Example of short term memory is telephone number
3. By superior cerebellar peduncle to midbrain. which is known today if not remembered till next day,
if it is not recalled repeatedly, it may be forgotten on the
Divisions third day.
Anatomical Division Q.47. Write short note on Wallarian degeneration.
It is divided into: (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
1. Two large laterally placed cerebral hemispheres. Ans. The degenerative changes in distal part of cut nerve fiber
2. A small median portion, i.e. vermis were first described by Augustus Waller in 1862.
Cerebellum is further divided into two parts by posterolateral It is also known as orthograde degeneration.
fissure into: It is the pathological change that occurs in the distal cut
1. Flocculonodular lobe: It consist of floccules and nodule nerve fiber (axon).
2. Corpus cerebellum: This is divided by primary fissure into Wallerian degeneration starts within 24 hours of injury.
anterior lobe and posterior lobe. The change occurs throughout the length of distal part
a. Anterior lobe consists of lingual, lobules, centralis and of nerve fiber simultaneously.
culmen. • Axis cylinder swells and breaks up into small pieces.
b. Posterior lobe is subdivided into: After few days, the broken pieces appear as debris
i. Lateral part consisting of ansiform and paramedian in the space occupied by axis cylinder.
lobules. • The myelin sheath is slowly disintegrated into fat
ii. Median and paramedian part have lobules simplex, droplets. The changes in myelin sheath occur from
declive, tuber, pyramis, uvula and parafloccule. 8th to 35th day.
Physiology 419

• The neurilemmal sheath is unaffected, but the Mechanism of Synaptic Transmission

Schwann cells multiply rapidly. The macrophages
invade from outside. The macrophages remove the Arrival action potential in axon terminal
debris of axis cylinder and the fat droplets of disin-

Presynaptic neuron
tegrated myelin sheath. So, the neurilemmal tube Opening of calcium channels in presynaptic membrane
becomes empty. Later it is filled by the cytoplasm of
Schwann cell. All these changes take place for about
Influx of calcium ions from ECF into the axon terminal
2 months from the day of injury.
Q.48. Define synapse. Describe the structure and mechanism
Opening of vesicles and release of Ach
of synaptic transmission. (Feb 2014, 8 Marks)
Define synapse. Draw a labelled diagram of synapse. Passage of Ach through synaptic cleft
 (May 2017, 2 Marks) Formation of Ach–receptor complex
Ans. Synapse is the junction where the axon of one cell
terminates on the dendrites or some other portion of Opening of sodium channels and influx of sodium ions from ECF
another cell. Neuron which send messages is known as

Postsynaptic neuron
presynaptic cell and the neuron which receives messages
is known as postsynaptic neuron. Development of EPSP

Opening of sodium channels in initial segment of axon

Influx of sodium ions from ECF and development of action potential

Spread of action potential through axon of postsynaptic neuron

Q.49. Write on structure and properties of synapse.

(May 2014, 5 Marks)
Ans. For structure refer to Ans 48 of same chapter. For
properties refer to Ans 6 of same chapter.
Q.50. Describe the function and effects of lesions of cerebel-
lum. (Oct 2014, 8 Marks)
Ans. For functions of cerebellum refer to Ans 35 of same chapter.

Fig. 46:  Structure of synapse Effects of Lesions of Cerebellum

Structure Disturbance of Posture

Following is the structure of synaptic transmission: 1. Atonia or hypotonia: Muscle tone is lost or decreases
over the affected side because of loss of facilitatory effect
A. Synaptic knob: It is the terminal bulbous ending of presyn-
of neocerebellum.
aptic axon which is devoid of neurofilaments and contain
2. Attitude: Face gets rotated over the opposite side.
i. Synaptic vesicles: Presynaptic cytoplasm consists of
Homolateral shoulder is lowered. Leg become abducted
vesicles which are 50 nm in diameter. They accumu-
and rotated outwards.
late near the membrane. They have small packet of
3. Spontaneous deviation: If eyes are closed and arms are
chemical transmitter which causes excitation. They are
held straight in front of body, homolateral arms bend.
transferred to axon along with microtubules.
4. Nystagmus: When a person concentrates his/her eyes on
ii. Mitochondria containing large amount of ATP. an object tremor occur in eyeballs.
iii. Microtubules 5. Deep reflexes: The deep reflexes become weak and pendular.
iv. Presynaptic membrane is the nerve membrane which
is close to the membrane of postsynaptic cell. Disturbance in Voluntary Movement
B. Subsynaptic and postsynaptic membrane: It is the surface 1. Asthenia: There is feebleness of movements. Voluntary
of cell membrane which causes synapsis and is known as movements become slow.
subsynaptic membrane. Remainder of motor neuron cell is 2. Ataxia: There is incoordination of movement. So there is
called as postsynaptic membrane. • Decomposition of the movement
C. Synaptic cleft: It is a gap of 20 to 30 nm which separates • Asynergia: There is lack of coordination between
pre and postsynaptic membranes. protagonists, antagonists and synergists.
420 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Dysmetria: The movement is poorly carried out in ♦♦ Infatigability: A nerve fiber cannot be fatigued even if it
direction, range as well as force, so the movements is stimulated continuously for a long time. This is because
shoot their intended mark. nerve fiber can conduct only one action potential at a time.
3. Intention tremor: The patients cannot perform the move- ♦♦ All or None Law: This law states that when a nerve fiber
ments freely. Movements of patients are jerky and accom- is stimulated by stimulus it give maximum response or
panied by oscillating, to and fro tremors which become does not give any response at all.
more marked. Q.53. Write short note on wallerian and retrograde degenera-
Q.51. Write about withdrawal reflex. (Dec 2014, 5 Marks) tion in nerves. (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
Ans. Withdrawal reflex is a polysynaptic reflex which occurs Ans. For Wallerian degeneration of nerves refer to Ans 49 of
in response to a noxious stimulus. As noxious stimulus same chapter.
is applied to a limb, it causes:
Retrograde Degeneration in Nerves
a. It contracts flexor muscles and inhibits extensor
muscles. So the limb which is stimulated is flexed ♦♦ Retrograde degeneration are the pathological changes
and is withdrawn from stimulus. It is known as which occur in nerve cell body and axon proximal to the
flexor reflex. cut end.
b. A powerful stimulus is added to flexor reflex which ♦♦ Retrograde degeneration begins within 48 hours of nerve
leads to extension of opposite limb. This is known section and reach to maximum by 15 to 20 days.
as cross extensor reflex response. ♦♦ Following are the retrograde changes:
Withdrawal reflex is a protective reflex as the flexor a. Chromatolysis: Nissl granules disintegrate and loose
responses are produced by nondamaging stimulation their staining reaction after 15 to 20 days and cell be-
of skin or stretching of muscle while the powerful flexor come colorless. This process starts in the zone around
responses with withdrawal are produced by nociceptive nucleus and spreads to periphery of cell.
b. Golgi apparatus, mitochondria and neurofibrils get
stimuli. So as the stimulated limb gets withdrawn to be
fragmented and disappear gradually.
away from source of stimulus. Extension of other limb
c. Cell draws more fluid and lost its polygonal shape and
supports body.
gets rounded.
Q.52. Write about function and properties of nerve fibers. d. Nucleus increases in size become oval in shape and
 (Dec 2014, 5 Marks) get displaced towards the periphery. Nucleus can be
Ans. Function of Nerve Fibers completely thrown out of the cell in cases with cell
♦♦ Sensory or afferent nerve fibers carry sensory impulses atrophy and finally the cell death occurs.
from different parts of body to CNS. Q.54. Write short note on endocrinal functions of hypothala-
♦♦ Motor or efferent nerve fibers carry motor impulses from mus. (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
CNS to different parts of body. Ans. Following are the endocrinal functions of hypothalamus:
Properties of Nerve Fiber A. Control of anterior pituitary: Hypothalamus leads to
following functions through the releasing hormones:
♦♦ Excitability: It is defined as the physiochemical change • It controls the metabolism by controlling thyroid
which occurs in a tissue when stimulus is applied. Stimulus gland.
is the external agent which causes excitability in tissues. • As its influence is over the adrenal cortex it
When nerve fiber is stimulated action potential develops. controls the metabolism of different foodstuffs
♦♦ Conductivity: It is the ability of nerve fibers to transmit and maintains electrolyte balance.
impulse from the area of stimulation to other areas. Ac- • It causes inhibition of gonads till physical growth
tion potential is transmitted through nerve fiber as nerve get complete. As physical growth gets complete
impulse. this inhibition is removed and gonads start func-
♦♦ Refactory period: It is the period at which the nerve does tioning and gametes are produced.
not give any response to a stimulus. • It controls the formation of milk by breast by
♦♦ Summation: When one subliminal stimulus is applied controlling prolactin secretion.
it does not produce any response in nerve fiber because B. Regulation of posterior pituitary functions: Neural
subliminal stimulus is weak. But if two or more subliminal control of posterior pituitary with secretion of
stimuli are applied in a short interval of 0.5 m/sec the re- ADH in regulation of water balance by controlling
sponse is produced. It is because the subliminal stimuli are regulation of water secretion by kidneys.
summed up together to become strong enough to produce C. Regulation of uterine contractility and regulation
response. This is known as summation. of milk ejection from breast: Secretion of oxytocin
♦♦ Adaptation: As nerve fiber is stimulated continuously the enhances the contractility of uterus at the end of
excitability of nerve fiber is more in beginning and later pregnancy and helps during parturition. It contracts
on it decreases and finally nerve fiber does not show any myoepithelial cells which surrounds alveoli of breast
response. It is known as adaptation or accommodation. and leads to milk ejection.
Physiology 421

Q.55. Write short note on neuroglia. (Nov 2008, 5 Marks) Clinical Features of Cerebellar Lesions
Ans. Neuroglia is also known as glial cells. Cerebellar
• Neuroglia is the supporting cells present in the brain Lesion Clinical features
and spinal cord. Disturbances • Atonia or hypotonia: Loss of tone in muscles
• Neuroglia are numerous and are 10 times more than in tone and or muscle tone is markedly decreased over the
neurons. posture affected side
• Glial cells can multiply by mitosis. • Attitude: Trunk get bend with concavity towards
• Glial cells are divided on the basis of their opposite side; face get rotated towards opposite
side; homolateral shoulder become lower as
distribution into two types, i.e. central neuroglial compared to normal shoulder; leg become
cells and peripheral neuroglial cells abducted and rotated outwards
• Nystagmus: Tremor occurs in eyeballs when
Central Neuroglial Cells patient fix his eye on an object
In CNS they are of three types, i.e. astrocytes, microglia and • Deviation movement: When eyes get closed
and both arms held straight in front of the body,
bending is seen in homolateral arms
Astrocytes • Effect on deep reflexes: Deep reflexes become
weak and pendular
They are star shaped neuroglial cells present in all parts of brain. Disturbances • Asthenia: There is feebleness of movements.
They are of two type, i.e. fibrous astrocytes and protoplasmic in voluntary Muscles get tired and voluntary movements
astrocytes. movements become slow
• Ataxia: There is marked incoordination of
Functions of Astrocytes movement. So there is
a. Decomposition of movement
They help in support, transport mechanisms, inflammatory and b. Asynergia, i.e. there is lack of coordination
reparative reactions. between protagonists, antagonists and
♦♦ They help in the formation of blood brain barrier. synergists
♦♦ They help in maintaining optimal concentration of ions c. Dysmetria, i.e. movement poorly occurs
in direction, range and force so there is
and neurotransmitters in brain neurons. hypermetria or hypometria
• Intention tremor: In this patient is unable to
perform movements smoothly. Movements become
They are the small glial cells which are mesodermal in origin. jerky and there are oscillating, to and fro tremors
They have flattened cell body and short processes. These are which increase as hand approaches the object
• Gait: Patient has difficulty in maintaining the
more numerous in grey matter as compared to white matter.
balance as gait appears drunken. Patient walks
They act as phagocytes and become active after damage to in a zig zag line and deviates to affected side
nervous tissue by trauma or disease. because of hypotonia
• Speech: It is slow and lalling like a baby
They are neuroglial cells which produce myelin sheath around Q.57. Write briefly about synaptic inhibition.
nerve fibers in CNS. They provide myelination around nerve  (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
fibers in CNS where Schwann cells are absent. Ans. Synaptic inhibition is of five types, i.e.
1. Postsynaptic or direct inhibition
Peripheral Neuroglial Cells 2. Presynaptic or indirect inhibition
They are of two types, i.e. Schwann cells and satellite cells. 3. Negative feedback
a. Schwann cells: They are major glial cells in peripheral nerv- 4. Feedforward inhibition
5. Reciprocal inhibition
ous system. These cells provide myelination around nerve
fibers in peripheral nervous system. These cells remove Postsynaptic or Direct Inhibition
cellular debris during regeneration by their phagocytic
activity. It is the type of synaptic inhibition that occur due to release
b. Satellite cells: They are the glial cells present on the exterior of an inhibitory neurotransmitter from presynaptic terminal
instead of an excitatory neurotransmitter substance. It is also
surface of peripheral nervous system neurons. They provide
called as direct inhibition.
physical support to PNS neurons.
Q.56. Describe the functions of the cerebellum. Briefly Presynaptic Inhibition or Indirect Inhibition
describe the clinical features of cerebellar lesions. It occurs due to failure of presynaptic axon terminal to release
 (Apr 2015, 8 Marks) sufficient quantity of excitatory neurotransmitter substance. It
Ans. For functions of cerebellum refer to Ans 23 of the same is also known as indirect inhibition. Presynaptic inhibition is
chapter. mediated by axoaxonic synapses.
422 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Negative Feedback Inhibition or Renshaw Cell Features

It is the type of synaptic inhibition which is caused by Renshaw ♦♦ Tremor: Tremor occurs due to regular alternating contrac-
cells in spinal cord. These cells are small motor neurons which tions of antagonists muscles at a frequency of 8 per second.
are present in anterior grey horn of spinal cord. Typically tremor is observed only at rest. Once patient
initiates the movement, tremor disappears.
Feedforward Inhibition ♦♦ Slowness of movements: Over the time movements starts
Feedforward synaptic inhibition occurs in cerebellum and it to slow down and it takes a long time even to perform a
controls the neuronal activity in cerebellum. During the process of simple task. Gradually patient becomes unable to initiate
neuronal activity in cerebellum, stellate cells and basket cells, which voluntary activity or voluntary movements are reduced.
are activated by granule cells, inhibit the Purkinje cells by releasing It is due to hypertonicity of muscles.
GABA. This type of inhibition is called feedforward inhibition. ♦♦ Poverty of movements: It is the loss of all automatic
associated movements, body becomes statue like.
Reciprocal Inhibition Face becomes mask like due to absence of appropriate
Inhibition of antagonistic muscles when a group of muscles expressions like blinking and smiling.
are activated is called reciprocal inhibition. It is because of ♦♦ Rigidity: Stiffness of muscles occurs in limbs which
reciprocal innervation. results in rigidity of limbs. Muscular stiffness occurs
due to increased muscle tone which is due to removal of
Q.58. Enumerate the components of reflex arc.
inhibitory influence of gamma motor neurons. Both flexor
 (May 2017, 2 Marks) and extensor muscles are affected equally. Limbs become
Ans. Following are the components of reflex arc: rigid like pillars.
• The receptor ♦♦ Gait: Patient looses normal gait and walks quickly in
• Afferent limb short steps by bending forward, as if he is going to catch
• Center up center of gravity.
• Efferent limb
Q.60. Write very short answer on upper motor neuron.
• Effector organ.
 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Upper motor neurons are the neurons which are derived
from various motor areas of brain like motor cortex,
brainstem motor nuclei, etc.
• They terminate directly or indirectly on lower motor
neurons inside the spinal cord.
• Axons of these neurons form descending pathways.
• Some of the important examples of these pathways
are corticospinal, rubrospinal, vestibulospinal and
reticulospinal tracts.
Fig. 47:  Reflex arc

Q.59. Describe the Parkinson’s disease. (May 2017, 2 Marks)

Ans. Parkinson’s disease is the disease of basal ganglia.
Parkinson’s disease is characterized by rigidity,
tremors (hyperkinetic) and weakness of movements
Parkinson’s disease occurs in late middle age because of
degeneration of dopaminergic nigrostriatal tract. So the
concentration of dopamine is reduced.

It is commonly seen in:
♦♦ Primary or idiopathic, i.e. condition occurring without
apparent cause
♦♦ In cerebral arteriosclerosis
♦♦ Complication of encephalitis Fig. 48: Upper motor neurons
♦♦ Complication of tranquilizer drugs such as phenothiazine
which block D2 dopamine receptors.
Physiology 423

Effects of Lesion at Different Levels

1. Optic nerve: The lesion in one optic nerve will cause total
blindness in corresponding visual field.
Q.1. Define visual pathway and effects of its lesion at different
2. Optic chiasma
levels. (Aug 2005, 7.5 Marks)
• Pressure on uncrossed lateral fibers causes blindness
Or in the temporal part of retina of same side.
Write a short note on visual pathway. • If lateral fibers of both sides are affected, the vision is
(Mar 2007, 3 Marks) (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) lost in basal half of both visual field causing binasal
(Mar 2008, 4 Marks) hemianopia.
Or • If crossed fibers are affected, causes bitemporal
Write in brief visual pathway. (Jan 2012, 3 Marks)
3. The lesion of optic tract or lateral geniculate body or optic
Ans. The retinal impulses are carried to visual center in cerebral radiation causes homonymous hemianopia.
cortex by the nervous pathway called visual pathway. 4. The lesion of upper lower part of visual cortex leads to
inferior or superior homonymous hemianopia.
Course of Visual Pathway
Q.2. Define the pupillary reflexes. (Mar 2001, 8 Marks)
1. Optic nerve: It is formed by the axons of ganglionic cells.
Ans. Pupillary reflexes are the reflexes in which, the size of
Optic nerve leaves the eye through optic disc.
pupil is altered. Pupillary reflexes are:
2. Optic chiasma: The medial fibers of each optic nerve cross
1. Light reflex
the midline and join the uncrossed lateral fibers of opposite
2. Ciliospinal reflex
side to form the optic tract.
3. Accommodation reflex
3. Optic tract: After forming optic chiasma, all fibers run
backward and outward towards the lateral geniculate 1. Light reflex: When light is flashed into the eyes, it
body. causes constriction of pupil, this is known as light
4. Lateral geniculate body: The lateral geniculate body forms reflex.
the subcortical center for visual sensation. i. Direct light reflex: When light is thrown into one
5. Optic radiation: Fibers from lateral geniculate body pass eye, the constriction of pupil occurs in that side.
through internal capsule and form optic radiation and ii. Indirect light reflex: If light is flashed into
one eye, the constriction of pupil occurs in the
ends in visual cortex.
opposite eye.
6. Visual cortex: The primary cortical center for vision is
2. Ciliospinal reflex: The stimulation of skin over
called visual cortex.
the neck causes dilatation of pupil. This is called
the ciliospinal reflex. It is due to the constriction of
dilator pupillae muscle.
The impulses pass via sympathetic nerve fibers and
reach the dilator pupillae.
3. Accomodation reflex: See Ans 3.
Q.3. Define the accommodation reflex. (Sep 2001, 5 Marks)
Write a short note on accommodation (changes in
eyeball for near vision). (Sep 2006, 3 Marks)
Write short note on accommodation.
(Dec 2010, 3 Marks)
Ans. Accommodation is a reflex action when a person looks at
a near object. After seeing a far object, three adjustments
are made in the eyeballs.
1. Convergence of the eyeballs: Convergence of eye
occurs because of contraction of medial recti.
2. Constriction of the pupil: The constriction of pupil
is due to the contraction of sphincter pupillae of iris.
3. Increase in the anterior curvature of lens: Anterior
curvature of lens increase due to contraction of cili-
Fig. 49:  Visual pathway ary muscle.
424 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Eye • Color blindness is an inherited sex-linked recessive

character. It also occurs due to injury or disease of
Optic nerve
• Classification of color blindness:
1. Monochromatism.
Optic chaisma 2. Dichromatism.
3. Trichromatism.
1. Monochromatism: The retina of monochromats
Optic tract
is totally insensitive to color, the subject cannot
appreciate any color.
Lateral geniculate body
A. Rod monochromatism: The cones are function-
Optic radiation less and vision depends purely on rods.
B. Cone monochromatism: The vision apparently
Visual cortex depends upon the cones.
2. Dichromatism: In this condition, the subject can
appreciate only two colors.
Frontal eye field (area-8)
A. Protanopia: Red color cannot be appreciated.
The protanope uses blue and green to match the
Edinger-Westphal nucleus Somatic motor nucleus of
of oculomotor nerve oculomotor nerve
B. Deuteranopia: Defect in the second reception,
i.e. green receptor, the deuteranope uses blue
Ciliary gangilon and red colors.
C. Tritanopia: Defect in third receptor blue receptor
Short ciliary nerve Contraction of and the trianope uses red and green colors.
medial rectus 3. Trichromatism: The persons with this defect are able
to perceive all the three colors, but the intensity of
one of the primary colors cannot be appreciated very
Contraction of Contraction of Convergence of much.
ciliary muscle constrictor of pupilae eyeball
1. Protanomaly: Perception for red is less.
Increase in anterior Constriction 2. Deuteranomaly: Perception for green is less.
curvature of lens of pupil 3. Tritanomaly: Perception for blue is less.
Q.6. Write a short note on errors of refraction.
Fig. 50:  Pathway of accommodation reflex (Mar 1998, 6 Marks) (Mar 2004, 5 Marks)
(Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
Q.4. Write a short note on presbyopia. (Sep 1997, 4 Marks) Or
Ans. It is gradual reduction in the amplitude of
Write short note on refractive errors.
accommodation and programs as the age advances.
(Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
Presbyopia starts developing after middle age. In
presbyopia the distant vision is unaffected, only the
near vision is affected. Write in brief about refractive errors and their
correction. (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Causes of Presbyopia Or
1. Reduced elasticity of lens due to physical changes in lens Write about errors of refraction. (Sep 2015, 7 Marks)
and its capsule. So the anterior curvature is not increased Or
during near vision. Write briefly on errors of refraction.
2. Reduced convergence of eyeballs due to the concomitant
weakness of ocular muscles in old age.  (July 2016, 5 Marks)
Ans. A.  Ametropia: Eye with normal refractive power is
Q.5. Write a short note on color blindness. called emmetropic eye and the condition is called
(Mar 1997, 5 Marks) emmetropia. Any deviation in the refraction from
Ans. The failure to appreciate one or more color is called color normal condition is called ametropia. There are 2
blindness. forms of ametropia:
Physiology 425

1. Myopia: In emmetropia, the far point is infinite.

In myopia, the near vision is normal but the far
point is not infinite.
Cause: The anteroposterior diameter of the eye-
ball is abnormally long. The image is brought to
a focus a little in front of retina.
Correction of myopia: By using concave lens.
2. Hypermetropia or long sightedness: In this
defect, the distant vision is normal, but, the near
vision is affected.
Cause: Due to reduced anteroposterior diameter
of the eyeball, the light rays are brought to a
focus behind retina.
Correction: By using convex lens.
Fig. 51:  Taste pathway
B. Anisometropia: In this, there is a difference between
the refractive power of both eyes. Q.8. Write a short note on the taste sensation.
Correction: By using different appropriate lens for  (Apr 2003, 5 Marks)
each eye. Or
C. Astigmatism: It is a common optical defect the light Write a short note on sensation of taste.
rays are not brought to a sharp point upon retina, (Aug 2005, 5 Marks)
e.g. stars appear as radiating short line. Ans. The sense organs for taste or gustatory sensation are the
Correction: By using cylindrical glass lens. taste bud.
D. Presbyopia: It is the gradual reduction in the ampli- The four primary or fundamental taste sensations are:
tude of accommodation and progresses as the age 1. Sweet
advances. 2. Salt
Cause: The lens loses the elastic property. 3. Sour
Correction: By using convex glasses. 4. Bitter.
The taste buds have the property of specificity, i.e. each
Q.7. Write a short note on taste pathway.
taste bud gives response to a particular taste.
(Mar 2001, 5 Marks) (Dec 2014, 5 Marks)
- The receptors of salt and sweet tastes are more at
Ans. 1. Receptors: Receptors for taste sensation are in taste
the top of the tongue.
bud; each taste bud is inverted by about 50 sensory
- Receptors of bitter taste are more in the posterior part
and those of sour taste are more at the sides of tongue.
2. First-order neuron: First-order neurons in taste
pathway are in the nuclei of three different cranial Taste Sensation and Chemical Constitution
nerves: 1. Sweet taste: Produced mainly by organic substances like
a. Chorda tympani fibers of facial nerve run from monosaccharides polysaccharides, glycerol, alcohol, alde-
anterior two-thirds of tongue. hydes, ketones and chloroform.
b. Glossopharyngeal nerve fibers run from poste- 2. Salt taste: Salt taste is produced by chlorides of sodium,
rior one-third of the tongue. potassium and ammonium.
c. Vagal fibers run from taste buds in other regions. 3. Sour taste: Produced by hydrogen ions in acids and acid salts.
Axons of the first-order neurons run together in 4. Bitter taste: Produced by organic substances like quinine,
medulla oblongata and terminate in the nucleus morphine, glucosides, picric acid and bile salts.
of tractus solitarius.
Abnormalities of Taste Sensation
3. Second-order neuron: Second-order neurons are in
the nucleus of tractus solitarius. Axons of second- 1. Ageusia: Loss of taste sensation.
order neurons cross the midline and terminate in 2. Hypogeusia: Decrease in taste sensation.
thalamus. 3. Taste blindness: It is a rare genetic disorder in which the
4. Third-order neuron: The third-order neuron is in ability to recognize substance by taste is lost.
the posteroventral nucleus of thalamus. The axons 4. Dysgeusia: The disturbance in the taste sensation.
from these neurons project into parietal lobe of the Q.9. Write briefly on physiology of sense of smell.
cerebral cortex. (2004, 5 Marks)
5. Taste center: The center for taste sensation is in the Or
opercular insular cortex, i.e. in lower part of post- Describe in brief physiology of sense of smell.
central gyrus. (Dec 2004, 7.5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
426 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Or ♦♦ Sound waves produce vibration in tympanic membrane.

Write short note on physiology of olfaction. ♦♦ Vibrations set up in tympanic membrane are transmitted
(May/June 2009, 5 Marks) through the malleus and incus, and cause the movement
of stapes.
Olfaction is the Sense of Smell ♦♦ This leads to the origin of vibrations in the fluids of cochlea.
♦♦ For commencement of olfaction the molecules of smell ♦♦ The vibration now stimulates the hair cells in the organ
produce a substance which is odoriferous substance which of corti.
comes in contact with receptor cells of olfactory epithelium. ♦♦ This in turn causes the generation of action potential in
For this substance should pass from nasal cavity and then the auditory nerve fibers.
it dissolve in thin layer of mucus which covers olfactory ♦♦ When the auditory impulses reach the cerebral cortex, the
epithelium. perception of hearing occurs.
♦♦ Deep breathing leads to the substance at olfactory mucous
Auditory Pathways
membrane by causing turbulence in flow in nasal cavity.
♦♦ Substance then penetrate mucous layer and cover olfactory 1. Receptors: The hair cells in the organ of corti situated over
epithelium in which cilia of receptor cells are present in the basilar membrane and obsession spiral lamina are the
constant motion. receptors of the auditory sensation.
♦♦ Substance combines with the receptors on surface of cilia. 2. First-order neurons: The first-order neurons of the audi-
♦♦ When odor producing substances get attached with tory pathway are the bipolar cells.
olfactory mucous membrane a generator potential develop The dendrites of these cells are distributed around the hair
for 4 to 6 seconds. Action potential then set in receptors cells. The axons of these cells leave the internal auditory
and are conducted along axons to olfactory bulb. meatus forming the cochlear nerve.
♦♦ Receptors in olfactory mucous membrane are couple to 3. Second-order neurons: The second-order neurons of
G proteins. Some act through adenyl cyclase and cAMP auditory pathway are the cells of dorsal and ventral
and others through phospholipase C. All of them leads to cochlear nuclei present in medulla oblongata.
sodium and potassium influx. 4. Third-order neurons: The third-order neurons are in the
♦♦ Humans can distinguish from 4000 to 10000 different odors superior olivary nuclei and nucleus of lateral lemniscus.
which is possible due to presence of different odorant The fibers of the third-order neurons end in medial genicu-
receptors as well as frequency of action potential in afferent late body of thalamus.
nerve reaching the brain. Form medial geniculate body, fiber pass to the temporal
Q.10. Write briefly on mechanism of hearing and auditory cortex as auditory radiation.
pathway. (Mar 2000, 5 Marks) 5. Cortical auditory centers: The cortical auditory centers
are in the temporal lobe of cerebral cortex.
Or The auditory areas are area 41 and area 42 and Wernicke’s
Write short note on mechanism of hearing. area.
(Mar 2005, 5 Marks) (Aug 2011, 5 Marks) Q.11. Draw visual pathway. What is light reflex?
Ans. (Mar 2006, 5 Marks)
Mechanism of Hearing Ans. For diagram of visual pathway refer to Ans 1 of same
chapter and for light reflex refer to Ans 2 of same chapter.
Q.12. Write a short note on middle ear (functions).
(Sep 2006, 5 Marks)
Ans. The functions of middle ear are:
1. The tympanic membrane in the middle ear moves
in and out of the ear and acts as the resonator that
reproduces the vibration of the sound.
2. The auditory ossicles present in the ear causes trans-
mission of vibrations in the fluid of internal ear.
3. The Eustachian tube present in the middle ear causes
equalizing of pressure on either side of tympanic
4. Middle ear causes conduction of sound wave.
Q.13. Describe in brief hearing tests. (Mar 2006, 3 Marks)
Ans. Following are the tests for the hearing:
Fig. 52:  Mechanism of hearing 1. Rinne’s Test
♦♦ The external ear directs the sound waves towards the 2. Weber’s test
tympanic membrane. 3. Audiometry
Physiology 427

1. Rinne’s test: Base of the vibrating tuning fork is Q.15. Describe in brief taste sensation. (Apr 2008, 4 Marks)
placed on the mastoid process, until the subject Ans. Situations of Taste Buds
no longer feels the vibration and hears the sound. Taste buds are located in the walls of papillae. Papillae
When the subject does not hear the sound any more, are of four types, i.e.
the tuning fork is held in air in front of ear of same a. Fungiform papillae: They are rounded in shape
side. Normal person hears vibration in ear even and are most numerous near the tip of tongue. They
after bone conduction is ceased because in normal consist of 5 taste buds per papilla and these taste
conditions air conduction is better than the bone buds are located at top of papilla.
conduction. b. Filiform papillae: These are small conical papillae
2. Weber’s test: Base of vibrating tuning fork is placed which are arranged in diverging rows to right and
on the vertex of skull or the middle of the forehead. left of midline and are confined to back edge of the
Normal person hears the sound equally on both the tongue. Taste buds are missing in these papillae.
sides. In unilateral condition deafness, the sound is c. Circumvallate papillae: They are prominent papillae
heared louder in the diseased ear. In unaffected ear, arranged in the form of V at back of the tongue. These
there is masking effect of environmental noise. So papillae are 10 to 12 in number and consist of 100 taste
the sound through bone conduction is not heared buds which are located along the sides of papillae.
as clearly as on the effected side. In affected side d. Foliate papillae: They are occasionally found on the
sound is louder due to absence of masking effect of posterolateral surfaces of tongue.
environmental noise.
3. Audiometry: The nature as well as extent of
auditory defect could be determined by the
technique called as audiometry. An instrument
called as audiometer is used. The instrument is an
electronic function generator or oscillator connected
to an ear phone. This instrument is capable of
generating sound waves of different frequencies
form lowest to highest. Before calibrating the
instrument, the minimum volume or intensity or
loudness for each frequency of sound heared by
normal person is determined. This intensity is set
in the instrument as zero. Now, while testing the
patient the loudness can be increased above zero
level. The intensity of sound is expressed in decibel
Q.14. Write briefly on color vision. (Sep 2005, 5 Marks)
Ans. The human eye can recognize about 150 different colors Fig. 53:  Taste bud
in the visual spectrum.
• The discrimination and appreciation of colors Structure of Taste Bud
depends upon the ability of receptors in retina. ♦♦ Taste buds are oval cluster of cells inside the epithelial
• Many theories are available to explain the mechanism layer with small pore opening on the surface which allows
of perception of color vision like Thomas-Young’s substances to reach interior of the taste bud.
trichromatic theory according to which there are ♦♦ It measures 60 to 80 µm in length and 40 µm in diameter.
three types of cones in retina each of the three types ♦♦ Cells inside the taste buds are of two type, i.e. gustatory
of cones gives response to one of the primary colors. receptor cells and supporting or sustentacular cells.
Red, green and blue. ♦♦ All cells in taste bud are sensory but in different stages of
• The different color sensation is produced by the development. Only gustatory receptor cells make synaptic
stimulation of various combinations of three types connection to sensory nerve fibers.
of receptors. ♦♦ Taste cells are formed from the epithelial cells. They sur-
• Retinal areas sensitive to colors. round the taste bud and migrate towards the center as they
1. The peripheral part of retina is devoid of cones mature and final degenerate in 10 days. Each gustatory
and is insensitive to colors and gives sensation receptor cell ends in microvilli at the top near the pore.
of white, black and grey only.
Primary Taste Sensations
2. The central portion of retinal fovea centralic has
more cones so it is more sensitive to colors. The four primary or fundamental taste sensations are:
• Applied physiology: Color blindness refer to Ans 5 1. Sweet
of same chapter. 2. Salt
428 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

3. Sour 4. Synaptic terminal: A thick fiber arising from the cell body
4. Bitter. passes to outer plexiform layer and ends in a small and
- The receptors and salt and sweet tastes are more at the enlarged synaptic terminal and body.
tip of the tongue.
- Receptors of bitter are more in the posterior part and Structure of Cone Cell
those of sour taste are more at the sides of tongue. ♦♦ Cone cell is flask shaped
♦♦ The cone in the fovea are long, narrow and almost similar
Taste Pathway
to rods.
1. Receptors: Receptors for taste sensation are in taste buds. ♦♦ In the periphery of retina, the cones are short and broad.
2. First-order neuron: They are in the nuclei of three different It is also formed by four parts:
cranial nerves.
1. Outer segment
a. Chorda tympani fibers of facial nerve run from taste
2. Inner segment
bud on anterior two-third of tongue.
3. Cell body
b. Glossopharyngeal nerve fibers run from posterior one­
4. Synaptic terminal.
third of tongue.
c. Vagal fiber runs from taste buds in other region. 1. Outer segment: It is smaller and conical.
- First-order neurons run together in medulla oblongata 2. Inner segment: The inner segment is connected to the outer
and terminate in the nucleus of tractus solitarius. segment by a modified cilium.
3. Second-order neuron - This segment synthesize photosensitive pigment of
- Second-order neurons are in the nucleus of tractus cone.
solitarius. 3. Cell body: In the inner nuclear layer the cone fibers form
- Axons of the second order neurons cross the midline, the cell body or cone granules that posses the nucleus.
run through medial lemniscus and terminate in poster- 4. Synaptic terminals: The fibers from the cell body of the cone
oventral nucleus of thalamus. leaves the inner nuclear layer and enters the outer flexiform
4. Third-order neuron layer, here it ends in the form of an enlarge synaptic termi-
- The third-order neurons are in the posteroventral nal.
nucleus of thalamus. - Rods are extremely sensitive to light so responsible for
- The axons from these neuron project into parietal lobe the dim light vision or the night vision. The vision by
of the cerebral cortex. the rod is black, white or in combination of black and
5. Taste center: The lower part of postcentral gyrus. white.
Q.16. Describe in brief visual receptors. - Cone have sensitivity only to bright light, so called
(Apr 2008, 3 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks) receptors of bright light vision or day light or pho-
topic vision.
Ans. Rods and cones which are present in the retina of the
- The cones are responsible for acuity of vision and
eye, form the visual receptors. The impulses from rods
the colour vision.
and cones reach the cerebral cortex through optic nerve.
Q.17. Draw pathway of taste sensation and well labeled
Structure of Rod Cell diagram of taste buds. (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
Rod cells are cylindrical structure. Each rod is composed of four Ans. For diagram of pathway of taste sensation refer to Ans 7
structures, namely of same chapter and for labeled diagram of taste buds
1. Outer segment refer to Ans 15 of same chapter.
2. Inner segment Q.18. Write short note on myopia. (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
3. Cell body Or
4. Synaptic terminal
1. Outer segment Write briefly about myopia. (Feb 2016, 2 Marks)
- This is long and slender. Ans. Myopia is an error of refraction.
- This segment is in close contact with the pigment epi- • Myopia is also known as short sightedness.
thelial cells. • In myopia the parallel rays of light from distant
- It is formed by modified cilia. object are focused in front of retina. This occurs
- It contains the pigment rhodopsin. because either the length of eyeball is too long,
2. Inner segment i.e. axial myopic eye or refractive power of lens
- The inner segment is connected to the outer segment increases, i.e. refractive myopic eye.
by means of modified cilia.
Characteristic Features
- The rhodopsin is synthesized in the inner segment.
3. Cell body: Rod fiber which arises from the inner segment of ♦♦ Person who is affected by myopia cannot see the distant
rod cell enlarge to form cell body or rod granule that consist object.
of nucleus. ♦♦ Far point of vision is at definite distance from the eye.
Physiology 429

♦♦ Near point of vision becomes nearer as axial length of ♦♦ Optic nerve: Lesion of one optic nerve causes total
eyeball increases. blindness or anopia in the corresponding visual field.
♦♦ As far and near point are closely approximated the range Lesion occurs due to increased intracranial pressure.
of accommodation decreases. ♦♦ Optic chiasma: The defect depends upon the fibers
Correction of Myopia • Pressure of uncrossed lateral fibers by aneurysmal
It is corrected by the concave glasses which lead to divergence dilatation of carotid artery leads to blindness in
of incident rays. The power of lens required gives a measure temporal part of retina of same side, i.e. retina cannot
of degree of myopia. receive light stimulus from objects in nasal half of same
visual field. So there is development of hemianopia
Q.19. Write briefly about hypermetropia. which is known as left or right nasal hemianopia.
 (Aug 2016, 2 Marks) • If lateral fibers of both sides are affected, vision is lost
Ans. Hypermetropia is also known as far sightedness. in nasal half of both visual fields leading to binasal
• Hypermetropia is a refractive error in which parallel hemianopia.
rays of light from a distant object are brought into • Compression of nasal fibers i.e. crossed fibers by
a focus behind the retina when the accommodation pituitary tumor causes bitemporal hemianopia.
is at rest. ♦♦ Optic tract: If the lesion is on the right side it causes
• It occurs due to decreased anteroposterior diameter left homonymous hemianopia and if the lesion is on
of the eye. the left optic tract it leads to right lateral homonymous
• Hypertrophy of ciliary muscles occurs because indi- hemianopia. The damage of fibers connecting the optic
vidual will be using the accommodation all the time tract with pretectal nucleus leads to loss of light reflex
for seeing the far object. Sustained accommodation is with normal accommodation reflex known as Argyll
tiring and can lead to severe headache and blurring Robertson pupil.
of vision. ♦♦ Optic radiation:
• Prolonged convergence of visual axes is associated • Damage to medial fibers leads to homonymous lower
with accommodation, finally leads to squint. quadrant anopia.
• It can be corrected by using spectacles with biconvex • Damage to lateral fibers leads to homonymous upper
lens that converges the incident rays before they quadrant anopia.
strike the cornea. Near point is farther than the nor- ♦♦ Visual cortex: Damage to this leads to homonymous
mal, so the patient need biconvex lens at an earlier hemianopia with macula sparing i.e. macula is not affected
age. as it has a larger area of representation and is also supposed
Q.20. Trace optic pathway and add a note on effect of lesion to have bilateral representation.
at different sites of tract. (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)  Injury to any part of the optic pathway leads to visual
Ans. The effects of lesions on field of vision at different level defect, site and severity of the injury decides the nature of
of visual pathway are as follows: defect.
• Loss of vision in one visual field is referred as anopia.
• Loss of vision in one-half of the visual field is called
hemianopia. It is two types, i.e. homonymous
hemianopia and heteronymous hemianopia.
• Loss of vision in one quarter of visual field is known
as quadrantanopia.
Q.21. Write on functions of rods and cones.
 (Sep 2018, 5 Marks)
Ans. Functions of Rods
Rods are very sensitive to light and have low threashold. So
these are responsible for the dim light vision or night vision or
scotopic vision. Vision by rod is black, white or in combination
of black and white, namely gray. Therefore, color objects appear
faded or grayish in twilight.

Functions of Cones
They have high threshold for light stimulus, so cones are
sensitive only to the bright light. So the cone cells are called as
receptors of bright light vision or day light vision or photopic
vision. Cones are also responsible for the acuity of vision and
Fig. 54:  Optic pathway color vision.
430 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Of total calorie requirements at least 50% should be

12. METABOLISM AND NUTRITION provided by carbohydrates, 25 to 30% by proteins
and 20 to 25% from fats.
Q.1. Write short note on basic principles of dietetics. • Cost of diet should be reasonably low.
 (Apr 2008, 5 Marks) • Diet should be such that it can be prepared easily.
Ans. In formulating diet for any individual following • As far as possible locally and seasonally available
principles should be adopted: foods should be used this will reduce cost of the diet.
• It should be a fiber rich balanced diet and must • Menu should be frequently changed to avoid
provide the required recommended daily calories. monotony.
Physiology 431


As per DCI and Examination Papers 1 Mark Each
of Various Universities

1. In developing erythrocyte hemoglobin first appears at 9. The root value of knee jerk is:
the stage of: a. C5,6
a. Proerythroblast b. C6, 7
b. Early normoblast c. L2,3,4
c Intermediate normoblast d. L5 S1
d. Late normoblast
10. Neurons present in posterior horn of spinal cord are:
2. The disorder in which bleeding time is prolonged but a. Gamma motor neurons
coagulation time is normal is:
b. Alpha motor neurons
a. Purpura
c. Renshaw cells
b. Hemophilia
d. None of these
c. Christmas disease
d. All of these 11. The process of erythropoises takes:
a. 7 days
3. Muscle fatigue occurs due to:
b. 7 hours
a. Accumulation of lactic acid
c. 7 months
b. Exhaustion of stores of glycogen
d. 7 weeks
c. Exhaustion of stores of ATP
d. All of these 12. In isotonic contraction:
4. All are examples of positive feedback mechanism except: a. Length of muscle increases
a. LH surge b. Tone of muscle changes
b. Coagulation of blood c. Tone remains same
c. Regulation of thyroxine secretion d. Length remains same
d. Uterine contraction during labor 13. Action potential in a motor nerve has the following
5. Surfactant is synthesised by: phases except:
a. Type I pneumatocytes a. Depolarization
b. Type II pneumatocytes b. Repolarization
c. Alveolar macrophages c. Hyperpolarization
d. Epithelial cells d. Plateau
6. Synthesis of thyroxine requires: 14. The pacemaker of human heart is:
a. Iron a. SA node
b. Iodine b. AV node
c. Cooper c. Sinus venosus
d. Manganese d. Bundle of His
7. All are contents of gastric juice except: 15. Conducting system of heart has following parts except:
a. Pepsinogen a. SA node
b. Trypsinogen b. AV node
c. HCl c. Mossy fibers
d. Intrinsic factor d. Purkinje fibers
8. Normal GFR in mL/min is: 16. Normal cardiac output is:
a. 125 a. 5–6 mL/min
b. 170 b. 70–80 mL/min
c. 650 c. 5–6 L/min
d. 1200 d. 20–30 L/min

Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. c
5. c 6. b 7. d 8. a
9. c 10. d 11. a 12. d
13. d 14. a 15. c 16. c
432 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

17. The substance used for the estimation of GFR is: 26. Increased vagal tone causes:
a. Insulin a. Hypertension
b. Inulin b. Tachycardia
c. Renin c. Bradycardia
d. Rennin d. Increase in cardiac output
18. The hormone acting on kidney is: 27. Hering-Breur reflex in humans:
a. Aldosterone a. Decrease rate of respiration
b. Thyroxine b. Is not activated until tidal volume increases above
c. Secretin 1.5 L.
d. Erythropoietin c. Is important for normal control of respiration
d. Is activated when tidal volume is below 1.0 L
19. Recording basal body temperature is a test for:
a. Pregnancy 28. Basal ganglia are primarily concerned with:
b. Mensturation a. Sensory integration
c. Ovulation b. Short term memory
d. Menarche c. Control of movement
d. Endocrine control
20. Ovulation is associated with sudden rise in:
a. Prolactin 29. Excessive growth hormone secretion in adults causes:
b. Luteinizing hormone a. Acromegaly
c Oxytocin b. Gignatism
d Testosterone c. Graves Disease
d. Cretinism
21. The unique feature in mitochondria is:
30. Sexually transmitted diseases are best prevented by
a. Myosin
b. Actin
a. IUD
c. DNA
b. Spermatocides
d. Prothrombin
c. Condom
22. Myelin sheath is produced by: d. RU 486
a. Axoplasm
31. Facilitated diffusion depends on:
b. Mitochondria
a. Activity of Na-K ATPase pumps
c. Schwann cell
b. Concentration gradient
d. Muscle cell
c. V-Max
23. Majority of clotting factors are produced in: d. Availability of carrier proteins
a. Liver 32. A plateau is present in action potential curve of:
b. Kidney a. Skeletal muscle fiber
c. Heart b. Vascular smooth muscle fiber
d. Brain c. SA node
24. Cell mediated immunity is due to: d. Cardiac muscle fiber
a. B-lymphocytes 33. Stroke volume output of heart is:
b. T-lymphocytes a. 5 L/Stroke
c. Neutrophils b. 3 L/Stroke
d. Eosinophils c. 70 mL/Stroke
25. In the heart, within physiological limits force of con- d. 170 mL/Stroke
traction is directly proportional to: 34. Insulin clearance test is used to determine:
a. Pacemaker activity a. Renal plasma flow
b. AV nodal delay b. Renal blood flow
c. Initial length of cardiac muscle c. pH of urine
d. Respiratory rate d. GFR

Answers: 17. b 18. a 19. c 20. b

21. c 22. c 23. a 24. b
25. c 26. c 27. b 28. c
29. a 30. c 31. d 32. d
33. c 34. d
Physiology 433

35. Amount of air that moves in and out with each breadth 44. Tetany develops when there is fall in:
is: a. Ionic serum calcium level
a. Respiratory volume b. Protein bound serum calcium level
b. Tidal volume 45. Ovulation in a normal menstrual cycle usually occurs:
c. Inspiratory volume a. On about 14th day
d. Expiratory volume b. On about 28th day
36. Chemosensitive area of grain is mainly sensitive to: c. On the 1st day of bleeding phase
a. Carbon dioxide 46. Stretch of great vein results in increased heart rate. This
b. H+ ions relationship is explained by:
c. Carbonic acid a. Brain-bridge reflex
d. Oxygen b. Marey’s reflex
37. To perceive whole range of colours, there are: c. Starling’s law
a. 3 types of cones d. Laplace law
b. 5 types of cones 47. Cardiac output is measured by the following methods
c. 7 types of cones except:
d. Only single type of cone a. Dye-dilution method
38. Hormone oxytocin is secreted by: b. Thermo-dilution method
a. Pancreas c. Fick’s principle
b. Anterior pituitary gland d. Inulin clearance
c. Posterior pituitary gland 48. Following are the properties of cardiac muscle
d. Adrenal cortex except:
39. The main pituitary hormone in postovulatory phase is: a. Fatigue
a. Estrogen b. Excitability
b. Progesterone c. Conductivity
c. LH d. Contractility
d. FSH 49. The chemical agents increasing urination are called:
40. Safety center is located in: a. Anesthetics
a. Cerebral cortex b. Antidiuretics
b. Cerebellum c. Cathartics
c. Thalamus d. Diuretics
d. Hypothalamus 50. Inability of the kidney to respond to ADH results
41. Rise of plasma concentration of K+ ions can cause: in:
a. Heart block a. Nephrogenic diabetes
b. Inhibition of myocardial contractility b. Renal glycosuria
c. Both c. Diabetes insipidus
d. None d. Diabetes mellitus
42. Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase may 51. Disappearance of Nissl granules during nerve injury
lead to: is termed as:
a. Damage of RBC glutathione a. Chromatolysis
b. Hemolysis following consumption of some drugs b. Autolysis
c. Both c. Hemolysis
d. None d. Proteolysis
43. Lymph is rich in: 52. Following are the parts of muscle spindle except:
a. Antibodies a. Nuclear bag fibers
b. Proteins b. Nuclear chain fibers
c. Both c. Annulospiral ending
d. None d. Mossy fibers

Answers: 35. b 36. b 37. a 38. c

39. b 40. d 41. d 42. c
43. c 44. a 45. a 46. a
47. d 48. a 49. d 50. c
51. a 52. d
434 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

53. Somatosensory cortex corresponds to Broadmann’s 62. Shivering is initiated by stimulation of:
area number: a. Anterior hypothalamus
a. 3, 1, 2 b. Posterior hypothalamus
b. 4, 6 c. Paraventricular nucleus
c. 8 d. Preoptic area
d. 17 63. Growth hormone:
54. UMN includes: a. Affect almost all the tissues
a. Anterior horn cells b. Is a steroid hormone
b. Pyramidal cells c. Has a protein catabolic effect
c. Glial cells d. All of the above
d. Schwann cells 64. Which of the following substances is important in skeletal
55. Process of union of male and female gamete is called muscle contraction but not in smooth muscle contraction?
as: a. Actin
a. Luteinization b. Myosin
b. Implantation c. Myosin ATPase
c. Neutralization d. Troponin
d. Fertilization 65. Acromegaly:
56. Pancreatic lipase action is at pH: a. Occurs in children
a. 4.8 b. Causes enlargement of membranous bones
b. 7.34 c. Causes a person to become a giant
c. 8.6 d. Causes reduction in blood glucose level
d. 1.20 66. Saltatory conduction:
57. Antibodies are: a. Occurs in a myelinated fiber
a. Globins b. Has a faster rate of conduction
b. Hormones c. Requires lesser energy
c. Globulins d. All of the above
d. Histones 67. Goiter:
a. Means greatly enlarged thyroid gland
58. Approximate glomerular filtration rate is:
b. Caused due to iodine deficiency in diet
a. 80 mL/mt
c. Is due to excessive secretion of TSH
b. 200 mL/hr
d. All of the above
c. 15 mL/mt
d. 120 mL/mt 68. Plateau potential is not seen in:
a. Purkinje fibers of the heart
59. RBC maturation requires:
b. Smooth muscle fibers of gut
a. Folic acid
c. Cardiac muscle fibers
b. Iron
d. Skeletal muscle fibers
c. Zinc
d. All 69. Entire period of spermatogenesis (from genital cell to
sperm) is:
60. Testosterone increases: a. 8 days
a. Muscle mass b. 74 days
b. Bone length c. 700 days
c. Blood volume d. 2 days
61. Na+ – K+ pump 70. Function of placenta include:
a. Is an example of secondary active transport a. Endocrine function
b. Does not require energy b. Diffusion of nutrients and oxygen to fetal blood
c. Pumps two Na+ ions outward and three K+ ions c. Diffusion of carbon dioxide from fetal to maternal
inward with each cycle blood
d. Is an example of primary active transport mechanism d. All of the above

Answers: 53. a 54. b 55. d 56. b

57. c 58. d 59. b 60. a
61. d 62. b 63. a 64. d
65. c 66. d 67. d 68. d
69. b 70. d
Physiology 435

71. Simple diffusion: c. GABA

a. Is a downhill process where no energy is required d. Serotonin
b. Possesses maximum rate beyond which the rate 79. Action potential in the nerve fiber is produced by:
cannot be increased a. Sodium influx
c. Requires energy b. Potassium influx
d. None of the above c. Calcium influx
72. Homeostasis: d. Chloride influx
a. Is the maintenance of constancy of internal environ- 80. Function of LH is:
ment a. Maintenance of placenta
b. Is essential for the normal functioning of cells b. Growth of follicle
c. Is mainly possible due to negative feedback mecha- c. Ovulation
nism d. Secretion of estrogen
d. All of the above 81. Which of the following is not recorded in ECG:
73. Milk ejection: a. Atrial depolarization
a. Is not affected by psychic factors b. Ventricular depolarization
b. Suckling stimuli from nipple increase it due to re- c. Ventricular repolarization
lease of oxytocin d. Atrial repolarization
c. Is caused due to release of vasopressin 82. A major function of surfactant is:
d. None of the above a. Decrease alveolar surface tension
74. Endocrine glands: b. Increase alveolar surface tension
a. Regulate metabolic functions c. Increase work of breathing
b. Secretes hormone directly into the blood d. Increase tendency of lungs to collapse
c. Are chemically steroids, proteins or amino acids 83. Calcitonin:
d. All of the above a. Increases plasma calcium levels
b. Increases parathormone levels
75. Aldosterone:
c. Decreases plasma calcium levels
a. Is a steroid hormone
d. None of the above
b. Is a very potent mineralocorticoid
c. Is synthesized from cholesterol 84. Somatosensory cortex lies in:
d. All of the above a. Frontal lobe
b. Temporal lobe
76. Polydypsia is: c. Occipital lobe
a. Excessive urine formation d. Parietal lobe
b. Excessive drinking of water
85. The neurotransmitter decreased in Parkinson’s disease
c. Decreased urine formation
d. Decreased drinking of water
a. Dopamine
77. Normal sperm count is: b. Acetylcholine
a. 12 millions/mL of semen c. Serotonin
b. 10 millions/mL of semen d. All of the above
c. 20 millions/mL of semen 86. The center for light reflex is in:
d. 120 lakhs/mL of semen a. Pons
78. Neuromuscular transmitter is: b. Medulla
a. Epinephrine c. Cerebellum
b. Acetylcholine d. Midbrain

Answers: 71. a 72. d 73. b 74. d

75. d 76. b 77. c 78. b
79. a 80. c 81. d 82. a
83. c 84. d 85. a 86. d
436 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)



1. Name the scientist who had coined the term cell. 18. At birth all bone marrow is red but with age above 20
Ans. Robert Hooke. year red marrow gets slowly replace by yellow marrow.
2. Name the cells in which there is only cell membrane Which are the areas where this does not occur?
and no cell wall. Ans. Flat bones, cranium, ribs and vertebrae
Ans. Animal cell. 19. Name the tissues produces RBC and granulocytes.
3. Which is the major component of cell membrane? Ans. Myeloid
Ans. Phospholipid 20. Name the lymphoid tissues.
4. In which organelle does DNA replication occurs? Ans. Lymph nodes, thymus, spleen
Ans. Nucleus 21. What is normal erythroid : myeloid ratio?
5. Which organelle is known as powerhouse of the cell? Ans. 3:1
Ans. Mitochondrion
22. Name the stage of RBC development at which hemo-
6. At what temperature blood is stored? globin appears.
Ans. + 4°C Ans. Intermediate normoblast
7. Stored blood is rich in which of the ions. 23. What is the normal plasma level of Vit B l2?
Ans. Potassium ions Ans. 200 to 900 Hg/l
8. How much is resting membrane potential. 24. Name the vitamin whose deficiency produces a block
Ans. – 70mV in the metabolism of folic acid resulting in abnormal
9. How much is the volume of blood present in a human erythropoiesis.
adult? Ans. Vitamin B12
Ans. 5 liters
25. How much is the life span of RBC in healthy persons?
10. Name the blood which is free from formed elements. Ans. 120 days
Ans. Plasma
26. How much is the normal RBC count.
11. What is plasma minus fibrin? Ans. In males it is 5.5 million/mm3 of blood. In females it is
Ans. Serum 4.5 million/mm3 of blood
12. Name the condition in which the biconcavity of RBC 27. How much is the normal hemoglobin level?
is lost.
Ans. 15 g/100 mL of blood
Ans. Spherocytosis
28. How much is normal packed cell volume.
13. Name the protein which maintains the biconcave shape
Ans. 45 ml/100 ml of blood.
of RBC.
Ans. Spectrin 29. How much is normal mean corpuscular volume (MCV)?
14. Name the protein present on the cell membrane con- Ans. 80 to 94 fL
taining the blood group antigens. 30. How much is normal mean corpuscular hemoglobin
Ans. Glycophorin (MCH)?
15. At what time does erythropoiesis starts? Ans. 27 to 32 pg
Ans. 3rd week of intrauterine life 31. How much is normal mean corpuscular hemoglobin
16. At what period erythropoiesis occurs in the mesoderm concentrate (MCHC)?
of the yolk sack? Ans. 32 to 36 g/dL
Ans. From 3rd week to 3rd month 32. How much is normal value of ESR in Westergren’s
17. At what period erythropoiesis occurs in the liver and method?
spleen? Ans. In males it is 0 to 10 mm in males and in females it is
Ans. 3rd and 5th month of intrauterine life 0 to 5 mm
Physiology 437

33. Name the enzyme which keeps iron in the ferrous state. 53. What does macrophages of the spleen bone marrow
Ans. Methemoglobin reductase are known as?
34. Name the class of compounds to which heme belongs. Ans. Reticulum cells
Ans. Protoporphyrins 54. What does macrophages of liver known as?
35. Which is the condition in which there is excess hemo- Ans. Kupffer’s cells
siderin in the body. 55. Where do the platelets gets stored?
Ans. Bronze diabetes Ans. Spleen
36. How many peptide chains are present in hemoglobin A? 56. How much is the normal platelet count?
Ans. Two alpha and two beta chains Ans. Normal platelet count is 1,50,000 to 4,00,000/mm3 of
37. How many peptide chains are present in hemoglobin F? blood
Ans. Two alpha and two gamma 57. How much is the critical count of platelet?
38. What is the name of β thalasesemia major. Ans. 40,000/mm3 of blood
Ans. Cooley’s anemia
58. What is the shape of activated platelets?
39. Name the anemia in which count of RBC is low, MCV Ans. Spherical
is low and reticulocyte count is high.
59. Which structure consists of alpha granules, dense
Ans. Hemolytic anemia.
granules and glycogen granules?
40. How much is the total WBC count? Ans. Platelets
Ans. 4000 to 11000 per cumm of blood
60. When platelets get activated, dense granules present
41. Which stain differentiates WBC into granulocyte and in them release which component?
Ans. ATP, ADP and serotonin
Ans. Romanowsky stain
61. Name the platelets which are developed from giant cells.
42. Which are the major components of granulocytes?
Ans. Megakaryocytes
Ans. Neutrophils
62. What is the normal life span of platelet?
43. What does the granules of basophils consists of?
Ans. 7 to 12 days
Ans. Histamine and heparin
44. During parasitic invasion and allergic conditions which 63. Name the cells which releases heparin.
cell shows rise in count. Ans. Mast cells
Ans. Eosinophils 64. How much is the clotting time according to Lee and
45. When a monocyte enters the tissue what it is known as? White method?
Ans. Tissue macrophage Ans. 9 to 11 min

46. Which cell form the first line of defense? 65. How much is the normal prothrombin time?
Ans. Neutrophils Ans. 14 to 16 seconds.
47. Which cell forms second line of defense? 66. Which agent is the carrier of albumin?
Ans. Monocytes Ans. Ceruloplasmin
48. Cell mediated immunity is achieved by which cells? 67. When and who discovered the blood grouping?
Ans. T—lymphocytes Ans. In 1900, Karl Landsteiner
49. Which cell mediates the humoral immunity? 68. Most of the antibodies of blood group are of which
Ans. B—Lymphocytes variety?
50. Which special type of lymphocytes are killer cells and Ans. IgM
natural killer cells? 69. In kernicterus bilirubin deposition occur in which part
Ans. T—Lymphocytes of the brain.
51. In AIDS which lymphocytes are destroyed. Ans. Basal ganglia.
Ans. Helper T lymphocytes 70. In classical hemophilia which coagulation factor is
52. Which cells mediates the non-specific immunity? deficient?
Ans. Neutrophils Ans. Factor VIII
438 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

71. Which clotting factor acts both in extrinsic as well as 88. In a healthy man how much liters of oxygen is stored
intrinsic pathways? in his myoglobin.
Ans. Factor V Ans. 1.5 litre
72. Name the anticoagulant commonly used in laborato- 89. Which enzyme is found in RBC, pancreas, renal tubular
ries. and gastric mucosa?
Ans. Citrate dextrose solution Ans. Carbonic anhydrase
73. Which epithelium lines the trachea? 90. What do you mean by hypercapnia?
Ans. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar Ans. Increase in carbon dioxide.
74. Which is the principle muscle of inspiration? 91. What do you meant by asphyxia?
Ans. Diaphragm Ans. Lack of oxygen and retention of carbon dioxide.
75. Name the muscles of expiration. 92. In which condition cyclic events of apnea and hyper-
Ans. Abdominal muscle and internal intercoastal muscles apnea are seen?
Ans. Cheyne-Stokes breathing
76. Name the cells which secrete surfactant.
Ans. Type II alveolar cells. 93. Name the disease to which cotton and jute workers are
predisposed to.
77. During normal breathing expiration is how much time
Ans. Byssinosis
longer than inspiration?
Ans. 1.4 times 94. Which is the best test for measuring ventilatory
78. How much is the tidal volume? Ans. Peak expiratory flow rate
Ans. 500 mL
95. Sweat glands are referred to as which type of glands.
79. How much is the respiratory minute volume for healthy Ans. Eccrine glands
96. Which line divides each myofibril into a number of
Ans. 5 liter/min
80. Name the reflex which is an important cause of rhyth- Ans. Z line
micity of respiration.
97. Name the scientist who had given theory of muscle
Ans. Hering-Breuer’s reflex
81. What is the term for the complete collapse of lung? Ans. HE Huxley and AF Huxley
Ans. Atelectasis
98. Which type of contraction is known when a muscle is
82. Aortic body and carotid body are examples of which stimulated and gets prevented from shortening?
type of chemoreceptors? Ans. Isometric
Ans. Peripheral chemoreceptors
99. Which type of contraction is known when a muscle is
83. If there is stimulation of gyrus linguli what happens stimulated and allowed to shorten?
then? Ans. Isotonic
Ans. Cessation of respiration
100. Name the epithelium lining the olfactory area.
84. How much is the partial pressure of oxygen at arterial Ans. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
101. What is the term for the complete absence of smell
Ans. 95 mm Hg
85. How much is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide at Ans. Anosmia
arterial end?
102. Which is the end organ of taste sensation?
Ans. 40 mm Hg
Ans. Taste buds
86. How much time greater is the diffusion capacity of
103. What does normal eye is referred as.
carbon dioxide as compare to oxygen?
Ans. Emmetropic eye
Ans. 20 times.
104. By use of which lens myopia is corrected?
87. Transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the
Ans. Concave lens
alveolar capillary membrane is by which law of
diffusion of gases. 105. By use of which lens astigmatism is corrected?
Ans. Fick’s law Ans. Cylindrical lens
Physiology 439

106. Name the clinical condition common in old age in 116. If Babinski’s sign is negative what does this states?
which the lens becomes opaque and fails to transmit Ans. Patient is not suffering from pyramidal tract lesion.
light due to coagulation of lens protein. 117. Name the scientist who had introduces gate control
Ans. Cataract theory.
107. What are the end organs of vision? Ans. Melzack and Wall
Ans. Rods and cones 118. In oral cavity vitamin A deficiency leads to.
108. Name the blind spot in the retina. Ans. Enamel hypoplasia.
Ans. Optic disc 119. In oral cavity deficiency of vitamin C leads to.
109. Who have no green sensitive cones? Ans. Scorbutic gingivitis
Ans. Deuteranopes 120. From where does the ventricular muscle receive im-
110. Name the chart used for testing color blindness.
Ans. Purkinje system
Ans. Ishihara
121. How much is the typical pulmonary artery systolic and
111. How many neurons does CNS have?
diastolic pressures.
Ans. 10 thousand million neurons. Ans. 24/9 mm of Hg
112. By which structure CSF from lateral ventricles com- 122. By which structure does the distribution of blood flow
municates into the third ventricle? mainly regulates.
Ans. Foramen of Monro Ans. Arterioles
113. By which structure CSF from third ventricle commu- 123. Name the gland which secretes calcitonin.
nicates into the 4th ventricle? Ans. Thyroid gland
Ans. Aqueduct of Sylvius
124. Which hormone inhibits the activity of osteoclasts?
114. Why nerve fibers of CNS do not regenerate? Ans. Calcitonin
Ans. They have neurilemma
125. Excess secretion of growth hormone during childhood
115. Which reflex is an important clinical test in neurology? leads to.
Ans. Plantar reflex Ans. Gigantism
440 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Additional Matter
Various Phases of Gastric Secretion Types of Threshold Substances

Name of the phase Control Name of threshold substances Examples

Cephalic phase It is purely under nervous control High threshold substances • Vitamins
• Glucose
Gastric phase It is under nervous and hormonal control
• Amino acids
Intestinal phase This phase is under the control of various
Low threshold substances • Urea
gastrointestinal hormones i.e. gastrin, entero­
• Uric acid
gastrone etc
• Phosphate
Various pH Values Non-threshold substances Creatinine

Substance pH value Various Muscles and their Characteristics

Gastric juice 0.9 to 1.2
Name of the muscles Characteristics
Bile juice in liver 8 to 8.6
Skeletal muscle Striated, voluntary, supplied by the somatic
Bile juice inside the gall bladder 8 to 8.3 nerves and consists of multiple nuclei
Saliva 6.35 to 6.85 beneath sarcolemma
Cardiac muscle Striated, involuntary and is supplied by the
Various Pouches and their Uses autonomic nerves
Smooth muscle Non-striated, involuntary and is supplied by
Name of the
autonomic nerves
pouch Use
Bickel’s It demonstrate role of hormone in gastric secretion Various Heart Sounds
Farrel and Ivy It demonstrate the role of hormones in both gastric Name of the
pouch and intestinal phases of the gastric secretion heart sound Important points

Heidenhain’s It demonstrate role of sympathetic nerve and First heart • Occur because of closure of atrioventricular
pouch hormonal regulation of gastric secretion after the sound valves (i.e. Mitral and tricuspid valves)
vagotomy • It is long, soft and low pitched and sound like
Pavlov’s It demonstrate cephalic phase of gastric secretion • This is produced at the time of isometric con-
pouch traction and the earlier part of ejection period.

Normal Values of Intrapleural Pressure Second heart • It occur due to closure of the semilunar valves
sound (i.e. Pulmonary and aortic valves)
During start of inspiration and at end of expiration – 2 mm of Hg • This is short, sharp, high pitch and sounds like
At end of inspiration and start of expiration – 6 mm of Hg • It is produced at the onset of diastole
At end of forced inspiration along with closed glottis – 70 mm of Hg Third heart This is produced at the time of rapid filling period
i.e. Muller’s maneuver sound and is inaudible by stethoscope
At end of forced expiration – 30 mm of Hg Fourth heart It is produced at the time of atrial systole and is
At end of forced expiration along with closed glottis + 50 mm of Hg sound inaudible
i.e. Valsalva maneuver
Events in the Cardiac Cycle
Information About Urine
Name of the
Normal urinary output is 1.15 lts event Important points

Increased urinary output is called as Polyuria Atrial systole • During this there is contraction in the atria and
small amount of blood enter the ventricles.
Reduced urinary output is called as Oliguria • AV valves are opened and semilunar valves
Stoppage of urine formation is called as Anuria are closed
• Its duration is 0.11 seconds
Proteins in urine is called as Proteinuria
Isometric • In this all of the valves get closed.
RBCs in urine is known as Hematuria
contraction • Pressure in the ventricles is elevated
Excess accumulation of urea and Creatinine Uremia • Its duration is 0.05 seconds
is known as
Excess glucose in urine is called as Glucosuria
Physiology 441

Contd... Contd...

Name of the Parasympathetic

event Important points Effector organ Sympathetic division division
Ejection period • Opening of semilunar valves occur. Gastrointestinal Causes inhibition It accelerates
• Contraction of ventricles occurs and blood tract motility
gets ejected in aorta and the pulmonary artery. Gastrointestinal They get decrease Increases
• Its duration is for 0.22 seconds secretion
Protodiastole • Closure of semilunar valves occurs. Sweat glands Secretion increases —
• Its duration is for 0.04 seconds Heart rate force It increases It decreases
Isometric • All valves get closed Blood vessels It contracts except heart It undergo dilation
relaxation • Pressure in ventricles decreases and skeletal muscle
• Its duration is for 0.06 seconds
Bronchioles They undergo dilation They undergo
Rapid and slow • All valves get opened. constriction
filling • Relaxation of ventricles occur and filling occur
• Its duration is for 0.3 seconds Various Receptors and Sensations
Various Actions and their Effects Receptors Sensation
Chronotropic action Effect on heart rate Free nerve ending Pain

Inotropic action Effect on force of concentration Krause’s end bulb Cold

Meissner’s corpuscles Touch
Dromotropic action Effect on conduction of impulse through heart
Merkel’s disc Touch
Bathmotropic action Effect on excitability of cardiac muscle
Pacinian corpuscles Pressure
Various Tissues on their Conduction Rates Ruffini’s end organ Warmth

Name of the tissue Conduction rate (m/sec) Various Hemophilias and their Deficiency Factors
SA node 0.05
Name of hemophilia Deficient factor
Atrial pathway 1
Classical hemophilia or Hemophilia A Factor VIII
AV node 0.02 – 0.05
Christmas disease or hemophilia B Factor IX
Purkinje system 4
Hemophilia C Factor XI
Bundle of His 1
Von Willebrand disease Von Willebrand factor
Ventricular muscle 1
Differential Leucocyte Count
Various Nerve Fibers and their Functions
Name of the nerve fiber Functions Neutrophils 50 to 70%

A alpha (myelinated) • Proprioception Lymphocytes 20 to 30%

• Fastest conduction is present Eosinophils 2 to 4%
A Beta (myelinated) • It is afferent for touch Monocytes 2 to 6%
A Gamma (myelinated) • Intrafusal muscle of spindle Basophils 0 to 1%
A Delta (myelinated) Afferent for thermal and pain
Site for Erythropoesis
B Fibers (myelinated) Autonomic preganglionic fibers
C Fibers (Unmyelinated) • Causes slowest conduction During intrauterine life
• It is afferent for pain Phase of life Site for erythropoiesis
• Postganglionic sympathetic fibers
Intravascular phase • Mesoderm of yolk sac
From 3rd week to 3rd month • Only stage when erythropoiesis
Various Effector Organs along with their Sympathetic occur inside blood vessels
and Parasympathetic Divisions
Hepatic phase In both liver and spleen
Parasympathetic From 3rd to 5th month
Effector organ Sympathetic division division Myeloid phase In red bone marrow
Ciliary muscle Leads to contraction Leads to relaxation From 5th month onwards
Pupil Leads to dilation Leads to In postnatal life
constriction From birth to 5 years All bones, i.e. flat and long bones
Salivary secretion It get decreased It get increase From 5 to 20 years All bones, i.e. flat and long bones
Contd... After 20 years Only flat bones
442 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Hormones Secreted by Pituitary Contd...

Anterior pituitary • Growth hormone Cutaneous receptors

• Thyroid stimulating hormone Visceral receptors They are the stretch receptors,
• Adrenocorticotropic hormone baroreceptors, chemoreceptors and
• Follicle stimulating hormone osmoreceptors
• Luteinizing hormone
Proprioceptors • Receptors in labyrinthine apparatus
• Prolactin
• Pacinian corpuscle
Posterior pituitary • Antidiuretic hormone • Golgi apparatus
• Oxytocin
Classification of Nerve Fibers
Important Values
♦♦ Depending on the structure
Average value of RBCs 4 to 5 millions/mm3 • Myelinated: They are covered by myelin sheath
RBCs in adult males 5 millions/mm3 • Non-myelinated: They are not covered by myelin
RBCs in adult females 4.5 millions/mm3 sheath
Total WBC count 4000 to 11000/mm3 ♦♦ Depending on distribution
• Somatic: They supply skeletal muscles
Normal platelet count 2,50,000/mm 3
• Autonomic or visceral: Supply various internal organs
Various Clotting Factors of body
♦♦ Depending on function
Factor I Fibrinogen • Motor or efferent
Factor II Prothrombin • Sensory or afferent
Factor III Thromboplastin ♦♦ Depending on chemical neurotransmitter
Factor IV Calcium • Adrenergic: It secrete nor-adrenaline
Factor V Labile factor (proaccelerin)
• Cholinergic: It secrete acetylcholine
♦♦ Depending on the diameter
Factor VI Presence is not proved
• A alpha or Type I
Factor VII Stable factor or proconvertin • A beta or Type II
Factor VIII Antihemophilic factor A • A delta or Type III
Factor IX Antihemophilic factor B • B fibers
Factor X Stuart prower factor • C fibers or Type IV
Factor XI Plasma thromboplastin antecedent Duration of Cardiac Cycle
Factor XII Hageman factor
Factor XIII Fibrin-stabilizing factor or Laki-lorand factor Systole
Isometric contraction 0.05 sec
Various Receptors Ejection period (rapid + slow) 0.22 sec
Cutaneous receptors Total duration of systole 0.27 sec
• Touch receptors • Meissner’s corpuscles and Merker’s disc Diastole
• Pressure receptors • Pacinian corpuscles
• Cold receptors • Krause’s end organ Protodiastole 0.04 sec
• Warm • Ruffini’s end organ Isometric relaxation 0.08 sec
• Pain or noci • Free nerve endings
Rapid filling 0.11 sec
Tele receptors • Hair cells of organ of Corti are the Slow filling 0.19 sec
receptors inside the ear Atrial systole 0.11 sec
• Rods and cones in retina are receptors
Total duration of diastole 0.53 sec
in the eye
Contd... Total duration of cardiac cycle 0.27 + 0.53 = 0.8 sec


1. Carbohydrates: Chemistry, Metabolism and 10. Detoxification, Free Radicals and Antioxidants
Regulation 11. Organ Function Tests
2. Amino Acids and Proteins: Chemistry, 12. Vitamins
Metabolism and Regulation
13. Plasma Proteins
3. Proteins and Nucleic Acids: Chemistry,
14. Water, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance
Metabolism and Regulation
15. Cancer
4. Lipids: Chemistry, Metabolism and Regulation
16. Tissue Proteins and Body Fluids
5. Mineral Metabolism
6. Biological Oxidation Multiple Choice Questions as per DCI and
7. Enzymology Examination Papers of Various Universities

8. Hemoglobin and Porphyrin Viva-voce Questions for Practical Examination

9. Energy Metabolism and Nutrition Additional Matter
Anaerobic Glycolytic Pathway
The pathway can be divided into three distinct phases:
METABOLISM AND REGULATION 1. Energy investment phase or priming stage.
2. Splitting phase.
Q.1. Classify carbohydrates with examples. Describe 3. Energy generation phase.
anaerobic glycolysis pathway with energetics.
The Sequence of Reactions
 (Nov 2009, 8 Marks)
Energy Investment Phase
♦♦ Glucose is phosphorylated to glucose-6-phosphate by
Classify carbohydrates with examples. Describe
hexokinase or glucokinase. This is an irreversible reaction
anaerobic oxidation of glucose. (Dec 2010, 8 Marks)
dependent on ATP and Mg2+.
Or ♦♦ Glucose-6-phosphate go for isomerization to give fructose
Write about glycolysis and its energetics. 6-phosphate in the presence of enzyme phosphohexose
 (Feb 2013, 10 Marks) isomerase and Mg2+.
♦♦ Fructose 6-phosphate is phosphorylated to fructose
Or 1,6-bisphosphate by phosphofructokinase (PFK). This is
Define and classify carbohydrates. Describe glycolysis an irreversible and regulatory step in glycolysis.
in detail. (Mar 2013, 8 Marks)
Splitting Phase
♦♦ The six carbon molecule of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate is
Describe the various steps of glycolysis. Add a note on split to two three-carbon compounds, glyceraldehydes
its energetics. (Feb 2014, 8 Marks) 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate by the
Ans. enzyme aldolase.
♦♦ The enzyme phosphotriose isomerase catalyses the
Classification of Carbohydrates reversible interconversion of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Thus, two molecules
♦♦ Monosaccharides: They are polyhydroxy aldehydes
of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate are obtained from one
and ketones. When functional group is an aldehyde,
molecule of glucose.
monosaccharides are known as aldoses, e.g. glyceraldehyde,
glucose. When functional group is keto monosaccharides Energy Generation Phase
are known as ketoses, e.g. fructose and dihydroxyacetone.
♦♦ Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase converts
• As based on number of carbon atoms monosaccharides glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate.
are known as trioses when they have 3 carbons, This step is involved in the formation of NADH + + H+ and
tetroses when they have 4 carbons, pentoses when a high energy compound l,3-bisphosphoglycerate.
they have 5 carbons, hexoses when they have ♦♦ The enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase acts on
6 carbons. 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate resulting in the synthesis of
♦♦ Oligosaccharides: It consists of a few monosaccharides ATP and formation of 3-phosphoglycerate. Since ATP is
joined by glycosidic linkages between sugars. For example, synthesized from the substrate without the involvement of
lactose, maltose and sucrose. electron transport chain, phosphoglycerate kinase reaction
• Based on number of monosaccharide units present is reversible.
in oligosaccharides are disaccharides, trisaccharides, ♦♦ 3-phosphoglycerate is converted to 2-phosphoglycerate
tetrasaccharides, etc. by phosphoglycerate mutase.
Disaccharides are divided into two types: ♦♦ High energy compound phosphoenol pyruvate is generated
from 2-phosphoglycerate by the enzyme enolase. This
1. Reducing disaccharides, e.g. lactose and maltose. enzyme requires Mg2+ or Mn2+ and is inhibited by fluoride.
2. Non-reducing disaccharides:, e.g. sucrose. ♦♦ The enzyme pyruvate kinase catalyses the transfer of
♦♦ Polysaccharides: They are polymers of monosaccharide high energy phosphate from phosphoenol pyruvate to
units having the high molecular weight. ADP leading to the formation of ATP. This reaction is
• They are subclassified into homopolysaccharide and irreversible.
heteropolysaccharides. Homopolysaccharides are ♦♦ The fate of pyruvate produced in glycolysis depends on
constituted by simple sugars, e.g. glycogen or starch the presence or absence of oxygen in the cells.
made up of glucose. Heteropolysaccharides are made ♦♦ Under anaerobic conditions pyruvate is reduced by NADH
up of mixture of simple sugars and their derivatives, to lactate in presence of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase.
e.g. hyaluronic acid containing repeated units of ♦♦ The NADH utilized in this step is obtained from the reaction
glucosamine and glucuronic acid. catalyzed by glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase.
446 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ The formation of lactate allows the regeneration of NAD+

which can be reused by glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
dehydrogenase so that glycolysis proceeds even in the
absence of oxygen to supply ATP.
♦♦ The occurrence of uninterrupted glycolysis is very
essential in skeletal muscle during strenous exercise
where oxygen supply is very limited. Glycolysis in
the erythrocytes leads to lactate production, since
mitochondria-the centers for aerobic oxidation are absent.
Brain, retina, skin, renal medulla and gastrointestinal tract
derive most of their energy from glycolysis.

Energetics of Anaerobic Glycolysis Pathway

During anaerobic condition when one molecule of glucose is
converted to two molecules of lactate there is a net yield of 2
molecules of ATP.

Enzyme Source No. of ATPs generated

Hexokinase - –1
- –1
1, 3-bisphos-
phoglycerate ATP 1×2=2
ATP 1×2=2
Total 4–2 = 2

Q.2. Describe in brief on glycolysis.

 (Sep 2006, 4 Marks) (Apr 2008, 4 Marks)
 (Aug 2012, 4 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks)
Define and classify carbohydrates with examples.
Explain oxidation of glucose. (Jan 2012, 8 Marks)
Ans. Glycolysis is defined as sequence of reactions converting
glucose to pyruvate or lactate with the production of
The pathway can be divided into three distinct phases:
a. Energy investment phase or priming stage.
b. Splitting phase.
c. Energy generation phase.

Energy Investment Phase

♦♦ Glucose is phosphorylated to glucose-6-phosphate
by hexokinase or glucokinase (both are isoenzymes).
This is an irreversible reaction dependent on ATP
and Mg2+.
♦♦ Glucose-6-phosphate undergoes isomerization to give
fructose 6-phosphate in the presence of the enzyme
phosphohexose isomerase and Mg2+.
♦♦ Fructose 6-phosphate is phosphorylated to fructose
1,6-bisphosphate by phosphofructokinase (PFK). This is
an irreversible and regulatory step in glycolysis. Fig. 1:  Glycolysis
Biochemistry 447

Splitting Phase Inside cytosol, oxaloacetate gets regenerated. Reversible

♦♦ The six-carbon molecules of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate conversion of oxaloacetate and malate is catalyzed by
is split (hence the name glycolysis) to two three- enzyme malate dehydrogenase. In cytosol, enzyme
carbon compounds, glyceraldehydes 3-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase leads to the conversion
dihydroxyacetone phosphate by the enzyme aldolase. of oxaloacetate to phosphoenolpyruvate.
♦♦ The enzyme phosphotriose isomerase catalyses the ♦♦ Conversion of fructose 1,6–biphosphate to fructose
reversible interconversion of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 6–phosphate: Phosphoenol pyruvate undergo reversal
and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Thus, two molecules of glycolysis till fructose 1,6–biphosphate is produced.
of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate are obtained from one Enzyme fructose 1,6–biphosphatase leads to the conversion
molecule of glucose. of fructose 1,6–biphosphate to fructose 6–phosphate.
♦♦ Conversion of glucose-6–phosphate to glucose:
Energy Generation Phase Glucose-6–phosphatase leads to the conversion of
♦♦ Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase converts glucose-6–phosphate to glucose. Presence or absence of
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to 1, 3-bisphosphoglycerate. this enzyme in tissue determines whether tissue is capable
This step is involved in the formation of NADH++ H+ and of contributing glucose to blood or not.
a high energy compound l, 3-bisphosphoglycerate. Overall Reaction for Gluconeogenesis
♦♦ The enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase acts on 1,
3-bisphosphoglycerate resulting in the synthesis of ATP 2 Pyruvate + 4ATP + 2GTP + 2NADH + 2H+ + 6H2O→Glucose +
and formation of 3-phosphoglycerate. This step is a good 2NAD+ + 4ADP + 2GDP + 6Pi + 6H+
example of substrate level phosphorylation, since ATP is Q.4. Write a short note on fate of glucose.
synthesized from the substrate without the involvement of  (Mar 1998, 5 Marks)
electron transport chain. Phosphoglycerate kinase reaction Ans. Glucose after absorption into portal blood passes
is reversible, a rare example among the kinase reactions. systematic circulation through liver.
♦♦ 3-phosphoglycerate is converted to 2-phosphoglycerate
by phosphoglycerate mutase. The fate of glucose is:
♦♦ The high energy compound phosphoenol pyruvate • Conversion of glucose to glycogen for storage in liver.
is generated from 2-phosphoglycerate by the enzyme • Utilization of glucose for energy production by
enolase. This enzyme requires Mg2+ or Mn2+ and is inhibited oxidation.
by fluoride. • Utilization of glucose for synthesis of compounds
♦♦ The enzyme pyruvate kinase catalyses the transfer of high such as fatty acids.
energy phosphate from phosphoenol pyruvate to ADP Other with these above mechanism lead to release of
leading to the formation of ATP. This step is also a substrate glucose by liver to blood by following means:
level phosphorylation. This reaction is irreversible. • Conversion of glucose to blood glucose.
For classification of carbohydrates refer to Ans 1 of same chapter. • Synthesis of blood glucose by liver and kidney from
Q.3. Write a short note on gluconeogenesis. non-carbohydrate substances.
 (Mar 2000, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 4 Marks) Q.5. Write a short note on mucopolysaccharides.
 (Nov 2012, 3 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks)  (Jan 2012, 3 Marks)
 (May 2014, 5 Marks) (Dec 2014, 5 Marks) Ans. Mucopolysaccharides are heteroglycans made up of
Ans. Synthesis of glucose from non–carbohydrate compound repeating units of sugar derivatives namely amino
is known as gluconeogensis. sugars and uronic acids. These are more commonly
Substrates for gluconeogenesis are lactate, pyruvate, known as glycosaminoglycans (GAG).
glucogenic amino acids, propionate and glycerol. • Acetylated amino groups, besides sulfate and
Gluconeogenesis occurs mostly in liver and to some of carboxyl groups are generally present in GAG
the extent in kidney matrix. structure.
• Some of the mucopolysaccharides are found in
Reactions of Gluconeogenesis combination with proteins to form mucoproteins
♦♦ Conversion of pyruvate to phosphoenol pyruvate: It or mucoids or proteoglycans. Mucoproteins may
occurs in two steps. Pyruvate carboxylase is a biotin contain up to 95% carbohydrate and 5% protein.
dependent mitochondrial enzyme which converts pyruvate • Mucopolysaccharides are essential components of
to oxaloacetate in the presence of ATP and carbon dioxide. tissue structure. The extracellular spaces of tissue
This enzyme leads to the regulation of gluconeogenesis. consist of collagen and elastin fibers embedded in a
Synthesis of oxaloacetate occurs in mitochondrial matrix. matrix or ground substance. The ground substance
From here it is transported to cytosol to get utilized in is predominantly composed of GAG.
gluconeogenesis. Because of the membrane impermeability, • The important mucopolysaccharides include
it should not diffuse out of mitochondria and is converted hyaluronic acid, chondroitin 4-sulfate, heparin,
to malate and now it diffuse out of mitochondria to cytosol. dermatan sulfate and keratan sulfate.
448 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Various Mucopolysaccharides Ans. Also known a citric acid cycle, or tricarboxylic acid cycle.
♦♦ Hyaluronic acid: This is found in the ground substance of • It is the most important metabolic pathway for the
synovial fluid of joints and vitreous humor of eyes. It also energy supply to the body (See Fig. 3).
present as ground substance in connective tissue. It serves • Citric acid cycle is the final common oxidative path-
as lubricant and shock absorbent in joints. way for carbohydrate, fats and amino acid.
♦♦ Chondroitin sulfate: This is the constituent of mammalian
Formation of Citric Acid
tissues. It has enormous capacity to retain water.
♦♦ Heparin: It is an anti–coagulant which occurs in blood, 4-carbon structure, i.e. oxaloacetate condensed with 2-carbon
lung, liver and kidney. It leads to the release of enzyme structure, i.e. acetyl, CoA to form 6-carbon structure, i.e.
lipoprotein lipase which clears turbidity of lipemic plasma. citrate. The reaction is catalyzed by enzyme citrate synthase.
♦♦ Dermatan sulfate: It is most commonly occur in skin. It
also provides transparency to cornea and maintains overall Formation of Isocitrate
shape of an eye. Citrate is isomerized to isocitrate by the enzyme aconitase. This
Q.6. Write a short note on Cori’s cycle. (Apr 2010, 10 Marks) reaction is a two stage process. First stage is of dehydration,
Ans. Cori’s cycle is also known as lactic acid cycle. i.e. one water molecule is removed from citrate forming cis,
aconitate. In second stage, hydration occur, i.e. one water
Carl Cori and Gerty Cori had given the concept of Cori’s
molecule is added to aconitate to form isocitrate.
cycle. Both of them were awarded by Nobel prize in year
1947. Formation of Alpha-Ketoglutarate
Lactate is produced in skeletal muscles during anaerobic
♦♦ This reaction is a two-step process. Both the steps are
oxidation of glucose.
catalyzed by isocitrate dehydrogenase.
Under anaerobic conditions, pyruvate is reduced to ♦♦ In the first part of the reaction, isocitrate is dehyrogenated
lactate by lactate dehydrogenase. As plasma membrane to form oxalosuccinate. Oxalosuccinate undergoes
is permeable to lactate, lactate is carried from skeletal spontaneous decarboxylation to form alpha-ketoglutarate.
muscle via blood to liver, where it get oxidized to
♦♦ NADH generated at this step gets later oxidized in electron
pyruvate. Pyruvate which is produced gets converted to
transport chain and generate 3 ATPs.
glucose by gluconeogenesis which is then transported to
♦♦ 6-carbon structure isocitrate undergoes oxidative
skeletal muscle. So the cycle which involves synthesis of
decarboxylation to form alpha-ketoglutarate which is a
glucose in liver from skeletal muscle lactate and reuse of
5-carbon structure.
glucose which is synthesized by muscle for producing
♦♦ In this reaction, one molecule of CO2 is liberated.
energy is known as Cori’s cycle or lactic acid cycle.
Formation of Succinyl-CoA
♦♦ Alpha-ketoglutarate through oxidative decarboxylation
and is catalysed by enzyme alpha-ketoglutarate dehydro­
genase to form succinyl-CoA.
♦♦ NADH generated at this step enters into electron transport
chain for generation of 3 ATPs.
♦♦ One molecule of CO2 is liberated in this step.
♦♦ The enzyme alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase is
dependent on five co-factors, i.e. TPP, lipoamide, NAD+,
FAD and CoA.

Formation of Succinate
Succinyl-CoA is converted to succinate by succinate thiokinase.
This reaction is coupled with the phosphorylation of GDP to
GTP. This is a substrate level phosphorylation. GTP is converted
Fig. 2:  Cori’s cycle or lactic acid cycle to ATP by phosphokinase enzyme.

Q.7. Write a short note on Krebs cycle. GTP + ADP → GDP + ATP
 (Sep 1999, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 10 Marks) Formation of Fumarate
Succinate is dehydrogenated to fumarate by succinate
Write a short note on TCA Cycle.(Dec 2014, 10 Marks) dehydrogenase. The hydrogen atoms are accepted by FAD.
Or FADH2 then enters into ETC to generate 2 ATPs. The enzyme
Describe Krebs cycle with energetic and regulation. is a flavoprotein. The succinate dehydrogenase is competitively
 (Apr 2018, 10 Marks) inhibited by malonate.
Biochemistry 449

Fig. 3:  Citric acid cycle

Formation of Malate
Formation of malate from fumarate is catalysed by fumarase.

Regeneration of Oxaloacetate
♦♦ Malate is oxidized to oxaloacetate by malate dehydrogenase.
♦♦ The coenzyme is NAD+.
♦♦ NADH is generated in this step which enters the electron
transport chain, when 3 ATPs are produced.
♦♦ Oxaloacetate can further condense with another acetyl-
CoA molecule and the cycle continues.
♦♦ Oxaloacetate may be viewed as a catalyst which enters into
the reaction, causes complete oxidation of acetyl-CoA and
comes out of it without any change.

Generation of ATP in Citric Acid Cycle or Energetics of

Citric Acid Cycle
Reactions Coenzyme generated
Isocitrate to alpha-ketoglutarate NADH 3
Alpha-ketoglutarate to succinyl-CoA NADH 3
Succinyl-CoA to succinate GTP 1
Succinate to fumarate FADH2 2
Malate to oxaloacetate NADH 3 Fig. 4:  ATP generation in Krebs cycle

Total ATPs generated 12

450 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Regulation of Krebs Cycle Procedures

♦♦ Regulation in Krebs cycle is brought about either by 1. The patient who is scheduled for oral GTT is instructed to
enzymes or levels of ADP. eat a high carbohydrate diet for at least 3 days prior to the
♦♦ There are three enzymes which regulate Krebs cycle, test, and come after an overnight fast on the day of the test.
i.e. citrate synthase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and α– 2. A fasting blood glucose sample is first drawn.
ketoglutarate dehydrogenase. 3. Then 75 g of glucose (or 1.75 g per kg body weight)
♦♦ Following are the enzymes which regulate Krebs cycle: dissolved in 300 mL of water is given orally.
• Citrate synthase: It is inhibited by ATD, NADH, Acyl- 4. After giving glucose, blood and urine specimens are
CoA and succinyl-CoA. collected at half hourly intervals for at least 2 hours.
• Isocitrate dehydrogenase: It is activated by ADP and 5. Blood glucose content is measured and urine is tested for
inhibited by ATP and NADH glycosuria.
• α–ketoglutarate dehydrogenase: It is inhibited by 6. A curve is plotted for time against blood glucose
succinyl-CoA and NADH. concentration and is called glucose tolerance curve.
Availability of ADP is very important for Krebs cycle to Diagnostic Criteria for Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
proceed. (WHO 1999)
Q.8. Write a short note on glucose tolerance test.
Condition Plasma glucose concentration (mg/dL)
 (Aug 2016, 2 Marks) (Jan 2012, 3 Marks)
Ans. It is the test to measure the degree and duration of Impaired glucose
Normal tolerance Diabetes
hyperglycemia after giving a known amount of glucose.
  Ability of body to utilize glucose is done by measuring Fasting <110 <126 >126
its glucose tolerance. Two hours after <140 <200 >200
glucose intake
1. Oral glucose tolerance. Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test
2. Intravenous glucose tolerance. ♦♦ The intravenous glucose tolerance test is often used for
3. Cortisone stress glucose tolerance. persons with rnalabsorptive disorders or previous gastric
4. Multiple dose glucose tolerance. or intestinal surgery.
♦♦ Glucose is administered intravenously over 30 minutes
Utility using 20% glucose solution. A glucose load of 0.5 g/kg of
1. To detect the cause of abnormality of carbohydrate body weight is used.
Significance of Glucose Tolerance Test
2. To detect cause of symptomatic glucosuria.
3. To detect and confirm diabetes mellitus. ♦♦ Glucose tolerance test is not necessary in symptomatic
or in known cases of diabetic patients. In such cases,
determination of fasting or postprandial glucose is usually
sufficient for the diagnosis.
♦♦ Glucose tolerance test is most important in the investigation
of asymptomatic hyperglycemia or glycosuria such as renal
glycosuria and alimentary glycosuria.
♦♦ This test may give useful information in some cases of
endocrine dysfunctions.
♦♦ It is also helpful in recognizing milder cases of diabetes.

♦♦ Fasting plasma glucose level is <100 mg/dL in normal
persons. On taking oral glucose the concentration increases
and the peak value, i.e. <150 mg/dL is reached in less than
a hour which returns to normal by 2 hours. Glucose is not
detected in urine samples.
♦♦ In individuals with impaired glucose tolerance the fasting
as well as 2 hour glucose levels of plasma glucose levels
are elevated. These subjects solely develop frank diabetes.
Q.9. Write a short note on hypoglycemia. (Sep 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. Hypoglycemia means decrease in the blood glucose level
Fig. 5:  Glucose tolerance curve below 45 mg/dL.
Biochemistry 451

Causes ♦♦ Excess carbohydrate is converted to fat.

♦♦ Glycoproteins and glycolipids are components of cell
Hypoglycemia is caused due to the:
membranes and receptors.
♦♦ Increase in the blood glucose level by the skeletal muscle.
♦♦ Structural unit of many organisms: Cellulose of plants;
♦♦ During insulinoma when there is increase secretion of
exoskeleton of insects, cell wall of microorganisms, muco-
the insulin.
polysaccharides as ground substance in higher organisms.
♦♦ In macrosomia, the insulin level in the infants is increased
♦♦ The general molecular formula of carbohydrates is
due to which there is hypoglycemia.
Cn(H2O)n. Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes or
Symptoms ketones or compounds which yield these on hydrolysis.
As plasma glucose level falls, symptoms are palpitation, Diabetes Mellitus
sweating and nervousness. The neuroglycopenic symptoms
arise including hunger, confusion and congnitive abnormalities. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease due to absolute or
At even lower glucose level, lethargy, convulsions and relative insulin deficiency. It is a common clinical condition.
eventually death occurs. Disease may be classified as follows (WHO recommendation,
♦♦ Type I Diabetes Mellitus [formerly known as Insulin-
The onset for the hypoglycemic symptoms calls for the prompt dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)]
treatment with the glucose or glucose containing juices such as • About 5% of diabetic patients are of type 1.
orange juice. • It is due to decreased insulin production. Circulating
Q.10. Write a short note an glycosuria. (Apr 2003, 4 Marks) insulin level is very low.
Ans. Glycosuria is the excretion of sugar in urine. • These patients are dependent on insulin injections.
• Most common cause of glucose excretion in urine is • Onset is usually below 30 years of age, most commonly
diabetes mellitus. during adolescence.
• It is the first line screening test for diabetes. • They are more prone to develop ketosis.
• Glucose does not appear in urine till plasma glucose ♦♦ Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus [formerly known as non-insulin
level exceeds renal threashold, i.e. 180 mg/dL. dependent diabetes mellitus; (NIDDM)]
• Due to aging renal threashold for glucose increases • About 95% of the patients belong to this type.
marginally. • The disease is due to the decreased biological response
to insulin, otherwise called insulin resistance. So there
Types of Glycosuria is a relative insulin deficiency. Circulating insulin level
There are two types of glycosuria, i.e. is normal or mildly elevated or slightly decreased.
1. Renal glycosuria: It is a benign condition due to reduced • Type 2 disease is commonly seen in individuals above
renal threashold for glucose. It is not related to diabetes. 40 years.
2. Alimentary glycosuria: In some individuals blood glucose • These patients are less prone to develop ketosis.
level rises rapidly after taking meals resulting in spill of
glucose in meals. This is known as alimentary glycosuria. Metabolic Derangements in Diabetes
It is seen in some normal people, patients with hepatic ♦♦ Deragements in Carbohydrate metabolism: Insulin
diseases, hyperthyroidism and peptic ulcers. deficiency decreases the uptake of glucose by cells. The
Q.11. Describe carbohydrates and write in short about insulin dependent enzymes are also less active. Net
diabetes mellitus and glycogen storage diseases. effect is an inhibition of glycolysis and stimulation of
 (Jan 2012, 11 Marks) gluconeogenesis leading to hyperglycemia.
Or ♦♦ Derangements in Lipid metabolism:
Describe diabetes mellitus under following headings— • Fatty acid breakdown leads to high free fatty acid
types, complications, treatment. (Oct 2016, 10 Marks) levels of plasma and consequent fatty liver.
Ans. Carbohydrates • More acetyl-CoA is now available which cannot
For classification refer to Ans 1 of same chapter. be efficiently oxidized by TCA cycle, because the
availability of oxaloacetate is limited. The stimulation
Function of Carbohydrates of gluconeogenesis is responsible for the depletion of
♦♦ Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy in the body. oxaloacetate.
Brain cells and RBCs are almost wholly dependent on • The excess of acetyl-CoA therefore, is diverted to
carbohydrates as the energy source. Energy production ketone bodies leading to ketogenesis.
from carbohydrates will be 4 kcal/g. ♦♦ Derangements in Protein metabolism: Increased break­
♦♦ Storage form of energy: It is stored in the form of starch down of proteins and amino acids for providing substrates
and glycogen. for gluconeogenesis is responsible for muscle wasting.
452 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Clinical Presentations in Diabetes Mellitus Dietary Management and Exercise

♦♦ When the blood glucose level exceeds the renal threshold, ♦♦ Diabetic patient is advised to take low calories, high
glucose is excreted in urine (glucosuria). protein and fiber rich diet.
♦♦ Due to osmotic effect, more water accompanies the glucose ♦♦ Take carbohydrates in the form of starch and complex
(polyuria). sugar.
♦♦ To compensate for this loss of water, thirst center is ♦♦ Avoid refined sugars.
activated, and more water is taken (polydypsia). ♦♦ Reduce fat intake to meet nutritional requirements of
♦♦ To compensate the loss of glucose and protein, patient will unsaturated fatty acids.
take more food (polyphagia). ♦♦ Exercise helps in maintaining blood sugar in Type II
♦♦ The loss and ineffective utilization of glucose leads to diabetes mellitus patients.
breakdown of fat and protein. This would lead to loss of Hypoglycemic Drugs
♦♦ Often the presenting complaint of the patient may be Oral hypoglycemic drugs, i.e. sulfonylureas and biguanides
chronic recurrent infections such as boils, abscesses, are used.
etc. Any person with recurrent infections should be Insulin
investigated for diabetes.
Two types of insulin preparations are used, i.e. long-acting and
Complications of Diabetes Mellitus short-acting.
1. Short-acting insulin is unmodified and its action remains
Acute Complication
for 6 hours.
♦♦ Diabetic ketoacidosis: As oxaloacetate is diverted for 2. Long-acting insulins are modified ones and act for several
gluconeogenesis, the TCA cycle cannot consume all the hours which depends on its type of preparation.
acetyl—CoA. Hence more acetyl—CoA is converted to
ketone bodies. This leads to accumulation of ketone bodies Glycogen Storage Diseases
in blood (ketonemia). The presence of ketone bodies Following table enlist the glycogen storage diseases.
in urine (ketonuria) is assessed by Rothera’s test. The
Disease Deficient enzyme Salient features
accumulation of acidic ketone bodies lowers the plasma
pH. So, metabolic acidosis occurs. The condition is called Type I Glucose-6- Fasting hypoglycemia;
diabetic ketoacidosis. Smell of acetone in the breath is Von Gierke disease phosphsatase Hepatomegaly
noticed. If not treated promptly and properly, the condition Type II Lysosomal maltase Liver, heart and muscle
may be fatal. Patient may become unconscious, comatose Generalized affected; death before 2
and die. glycogenosis; years
Type III Debranching Highly branched dextrin
Chronic Complications Pompe’s disease enzyme accumulates;
♦♦ Vascular diseases: Atherosclerosis in medium sized Limit dextrinosis hepatomegaly
vessels, plaque formation and consequent intravascular Type IV Branching enzyme Glycogen with little
thrombosis may take place. If it occurs in cerebral vessels, Cori’s disease branches; hepatomegaly
the result is paralysis. If it is in coronary artery, myocardial Amylopectinosis
infarction results. Type V Muscle Exercise intolerance
♦♦ Complications in eyes: Early development of cataract Anderson’s disease
of lens is due to the increased rate of sorbitol formation,
Type VI Phosphorylase Hypoglycemia
caused by the hyperglycemia. Retinal microvascular McArdle’s disease Liver
abnormalities lead to retinopathy and blindness.
Type VII Phosphorylase Accumulation of
♦♦ Neuropathy: Peripheral neuropathy with paresthesia
Hers disease Muscle PFK glycogen in muscles
is very common. Decreased glucose utilization and its
diversion to sorbitol in Schwann cells may be cause for Type VIII Liver -
neuropathy. Neuropathy may lead to risk of foot ulcers. Tarul’s disease Phosphorylase
Management in Diabetes Mellitus Type IX Glycogen synthase -
Lewis disease
Type I diabetic fail to secrete insulin, so they are treated by
exogenous insulin. Q.12. Write about classification of carbohydrates and its
Type II diabetics in their early stage are treated by diet functions. (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
control, exercise and weight reduction but in later stages insulin Ans. For classification refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
is required to control blood glucose. For functions refer to Ans 11 of same chapter.
Biochemistry 453

Q.13. What are energy liberating metabolic pathways in our ♦♦ Depresses glycogen synthesis
body. Describe one of them. (Sep 2013, 10 Marks) ♦♦ Inhibits glycolysis.
Ans. Energy liberating metabolic pathways in our body are:
Cortisol or Hyperglycemic Hormone
1. Citric acid cycle
2. Cori’s cycle ♦♦ Increases blood sugar level
3. Glycolysis ♦♦ Increases gluconeogenesis
4. Gluconeogenesis ♦♦ Releases amino acids from the muscle.
5. Hexose monophosphate shunt Adrenaline or Epinephrine
6. Oxidative phosphorylation
♦♦ Increases blood sugar level
7. b-Oxidation of fatty acid.
♦♦ Promotes glycogenolysis
For citric acid cycle in detail refer to Ans 7 of same chapter. ♦♦ Increases gluconeogenesis
Q.14. How is blood glucose level regulated. (Sep 2013, 4 Marks) ♦♦ Favors uptake of amino acids.
Or Growth Hormone
Write on regulation of blood sugar. (Apr 2017, 5 Marks) ♦♦ Increases blood sugar level
Ans. Regulation of blood glucose level is also known as ♦♦ Decreases glycolysis
homeostasis of blood glucose. ♦♦ Mobilizes fatty acids from adipose tissue.
Q.15. What is Krebs cycle? Why it is so called? What is the
Regulation of Blood Glucose Level During Fasting
alternate name of the cycle? Justify the name. State very
After 2 to 2½ hours after meal, blood glucose level fall to briefly the steps of Krebs cycle. (Oct 2014, 8 Marks)
fasting level. It can go down further but this is prevented by Ans. Krebs cycle is the most important carbohydrate metabolic
processes which contribute glucose to blood. For the next 3 pathway for energy supply to body. It utilizes 2/3rd of
hours the glycogenolysis takes care of blood sugar level. Then total oxygen consumed by the body. About 65 to 70% of
gluconeogenesis take part. Liver supplies the glucose for ATPs are generated in Krebs cycle.
maintenance of blood glucose level. It is known as Krebs cycle because it was proposed by
Sir Hans Krebs. So the cycle is named after him. It is also
Regulation of Blood Glucose Level Post Prandially
known as tricarboxylic acid because at outset of the cycle,
After a meal, glucose get absorbed from intestine and enter in tricarboxylic acids, i.e. citrate, cis-aconitate and isocitrate
blood. Rise in the blood glucose level also stimulate secretion of participates.
insulin through beta cells of islet of langerhans. Uptake of glucose It is also known as Krebs cycle or tricarboxylic acid (TCA)
by extrahepatic tissues except brain depends on insulin. Insulin also cycle or citric acid cycle.
helps conversion of glucose into glycogen or its conversion to fat. For krebs cycle in detail refer to Ans 7 of same chapter.
Role of Kidney in Blood Glucose Level Regulation Q.16. Write a short note on polysaccharides.
 (Feb 2013, 7 Marks)
♦♦ Filtration of glucose occurs continuously by glomeruli.
♦♦ Glucose is resorbed and return to the blood. Ans. Polysaccharides consists of repeat units of monosa-
ccharides or their derivatives which are held together
♦♦ If levels of glucose in blood exceed 160-180 mg/dL, glucose
by glycosidic bonds.
is excreted in urine. This value is renal threashold of glucose.
♦♦ Maximum ability of renal tubules to resorb glucose per Types
minute is known as tubular maximum for glucose (TmG).
Its value is 350 mg/min. Polysaccharides are of two types, i.e. homopolysaccharides and
 Also refer to Ans 19 of same chapter. heteropolysaccharides.

Role of Hormones in Regulation of Blood Sugar Homopolysaccharides

♦♦ Homopolysaccharides on hydrolysis yield a single type
of monosaccharides. Their naming is done based on the
♦♦ It decreases blood glucose levels nature of monosaccharide unit.
♦♦ Favors synthesis of glycogen ♦♦ Homopolysaccharides are starch, inulin, glycogen and
♦♦ Promote glycolysis cellulose.
♦♦ Inhibit gluconeogenesis. ♦♦ Starch is the homopolymer which consists of D-glucose
units which are held together by α-glycosidic bonds. It
is also known as glucan. Starch has two polysaccharide
♦♦ Increases blood glucose contents, i.e. water soluble amylase and water insoluble
♦♦ Promotes glycogenolysis amylopectin. Amylopectin consists of few thousand
♦♦ Enhances gluconeogenesis glucose units which looked like a branched tree.
454 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Inulin is a polymer fructose, i.e. fructosan. It is a low Significance of Krebs Cycle

molecular weight polysaccharide which is easily soluble in
♦♦ Krebs cycle provide energy in the form of ATP.
water. Inulin is not used by body. It is useful for assessing
♦♦ It provide substrate for respiratory chain. During course of
the kidney functions by measurement of glomerular
oxidation of acetyl–CoA in the cycle, reducing equivalents
filtration rate.
are formed; these enter the respiratory chain where ATPs
♦♦ Glycogen is also known as animal starch. Structure of
are generated in the process of oxidative phosphorylation.
glycogen is same as amylopectin. Glucose is the repeating
♦♦ Krebs cycle is the final common pathway for oxidation
unit in glycogen which is joined by glycosidic bond.
of carbohydrate, lipids and protein as glucose, fatty acids
♦♦ Cellulose consists of β-D-glucose units which are linked by
and many amino acids are all metabolized to acetyl-CoA
β-glycosidic bonds. Cellulose is not digested by humans
or intermediates of the cycle.
because of lacking of the enzyme which breaks β-glycosidic
♦♦ One passage of cycle oxidizes acetyl-CoA into two
bonds. Hydrolysis of cellulose produces disaccharide
carbon dioxide molecules. Major source of oxaloacetate is
cellobiose followed by β–D–glucose. Cellulose decreases
pyruvate. So carbohydrates are required for the oxidation
the absorption of glucose and cholesterol from intestine
of fats.
and also increasing the bulk of feces.
♦♦ It is an amphibolic pathway, i.e. it plays role in oxidative
Heteropolysaccharides and synthetic processes. Some metabolic pathways
end in the constituent of Krebs cycle, while other
♦♦ When polysaccharides consist of various different sugars or
pathways originate from the cycle, e.g. gluconeogenesis,
their derivatives they are known as heteropolysaccharides
transamination, fatty acid synthesis, porphyrin
or heteroglycans.
♦♦ Heteropolysaccharides are mucopolysaccharides.
♦♦ It act as a source of precursors of biosynthetic pathways,
♦♦ Mucopolysaccharides are heteroglycans made up of
e.g. heme is synthesized from succinyl-CoA and aspartate
repeating units of sugar derivatives namely amino sugars
from oxaloacetate. To counterbalance such loss and to keep
and uronic acids. These are more commonly known as
the concentration of 4 carbon units in the cell anaplerotic
glycosaminoglycans (GAG).
reactions are essential. This is known as anaplerotic role
• Acetylated amino groups, besides sulfate and carboxyl
of Krebs cycle. Anaplerotic reactions are influx reactions
groups are generally present in GAG structure.
which supply 4 carbon units to Krebs cycle.
• Some of the mucopolysaccharides are found in
combination with proteins to form mucoproteins or Energetics of Krebs Cycle
mucoids or proteoglycans. Mucoproteins may contain
During oxidation of acetyl-CoA via citric acid cycle, four
up to 95% carbohydrate and 5% protein.
reducing equivalents are produced. Oxidation of one
• Mucopolysaccharides are essential components of
NADH by electron transport chain is coupled with oxidative
tissue structure. The extracellular spaces of tissue
phosphorylation causes synthesis of 3 ATPs, while FADH2 leads
consist of collagen and elastin fibers embedded in a
to the formation of 2 ATPs. Above this, there is one substrate
matrix or ground substance. The ground substance is
level phosphorylation. So total of 12 ATPs are produced from
predominantly composed of GAG.
1 acetyl-CoA.
• The important mucopolysaccharides include hyalu-
ronic acid, chondroitin 4-sulfate, heparin, dermatan
Reactions Coenzyme ATP generated
sulfate and keratan sulfate.
♦♦ Hyaluronic acid consists of alternate units of D–glucuronic Isocitrate to alpha NADH 3
acid and N–acetyl-D–glucosamine. These molecules form ketoglutarate
disaccharide units which are held by β-glycosidic bond. Alpha-ketoglutarate to NADH 3
Hyaluronic acid is present in synovial fluid of joints and succinyl-CoA
vitreous humor of eyes. It also lubricates joints and act as
Succinyl-CoA to succinate GTP 1
shock absorber in joints.
♦♦ Chondroitin sulphate has repeating disaccharide Succinate to fumarate FADH2 2
units consists of D–glucuronic acid and N–acetyl-D– Malate to oxaloacetate NADH 3
galactosamine 4–sulfate.
♦♦ Heparin consists of alternating units of N–sulpho D– Total ATPs generated 12
glucosamine-6–sulphate and glucuronate 2–sulphate.
Heparin act as anti–coagulant. Q.18. Write about hormonal regulation of blood glucose.
♦♦ Dermatan sulfate occurs mainly in the skin.  (Sep 2015, 7 Marks)
Q.17. Explain in detail Krebs cycle and add a note on energetic Ans. In the hormonal regulation of blood glucose insulin
and significance. (Apr 2015, 8 Marks) decreases the blood glucose level, while the other
Ans. For Krebs cycle in detail refer to Ans 7 of same chapter. hormones oppose the action of glucose.
Biochemistry 455

Maintainance of Blood Glucose in Fed State Epinephrine or Adrenaline

Insulin ♦♦ It is secreted by adrenal medulla. It stimulates glycogenolysis
in the liver and the muscle by stimulating phosphorylase
Normally, there is an increased blood glucose level shortly
after each meal, a postprandial hyperglycemia. Increased level activity via cAMP.
of circulating glucose releases insulin by b-cells of the lslets of ♦♦ In muscle as a result of the absence of glucose-6–
the Langerhans. This hormone reduces the blood glucose level phosphatase, glycogenolysis results with the formation of
in a number of ways as follows: lactate, whereas in the liver glucose is the main product
♦♦ By stimulating the active transport of glucose across cell leading to increase in blood glucose.
membranes of muscle and adipose tissue by stimulating Glucocorticoids
GLUT-4 transporter but not the liver. Glucose is rapidly
taken up into liver as it is freely permeable to glucose via ♦♦ These hormones are secreted by adrenal cortex which
GLUT-2 transporter. causes increased gluconeogenesis, protein catabolism to
♦♦ In the liver, insulin increases the use of glucose by glycolysis provide glucogenic amino acid for gluconeogenesis, activ-
by inducing the synthesis of key glycolytic enzymes, i.e. ity of aminotransferase, hepatic uptake of amino acids for
glucokinase, phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase. gluconeogenesis, activity of enzymes of gluconeogenesis.
♦♦ Glucokinase is important in regulating blood glucose ♦♦ It inhibit the utilization of glucose in extrahepatic tissues.
after meal. Like hexokinase, glucokinase of the liver is not Thus, all the actions of glucocorticoids are antagonistic
inhibited by glucose-6-phosphate. Glucokinase increases to insulin.
in activity whenever blood glucose concentration is higher
Anterior Pituitary Hormones
than normal levels and seems to be specifically concerned
with glucose uptake into the liver after a carbohydrate meal. ♦♦ Growth hormone and ACTH antagonize the action of
♦♦ In the muscle and liver, insulin stimulates glycogenesis insulin by elevating the blood glucose level.
by stimulating glycogen synthase and thereby leading to ♦♦ Growth hormone decreases glucose uptake in the muscle
suppression of glycogenolysis. and ACTH decreases glucose utilization by the tissue.
♦♦ Insulin inhibits gluconeogenesis by suppressing the
action of key enzymes of gluconeogenesis, e.g. pyruvate Thyroxine
carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, ♦♦ Thyroxine accelerates hepatic glycogenolysis with rise in
fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, glucose-6—phosphatase. the blood glucose.
♦♦ In adipose tissue, glucose is converted to the glycerol ♦♦ It may also increases the rate of absorption of hexoses
3—phosphate needed for the formation of triacylglycerol from intestine.
(lipogenesis) and inhibits the lipolysis by inhibiting
Q.19. Explain in detail regulation of blood glucose. Add a
hormone sensitive lipase.
note on diabetes mellitus. (Apr 2015, 8 Marks)
♦♦ Insulin increases protein synthesis and decreases protein
Ans. For hormonal regulation of blood glucose in detail refer
catabolism, thereby decreases release of amino acids. All
to Ans 18 of same chapter.
these mechanisms are responsible for a drop in glucose
level (hypoglycemia). Renal Control of Regulation of Blood Glucose
Maintainance of Blood Glucose in Fasting State When blood glucose rises to relatively high levels, the kidney
Glucagon also exerts a regulatory effect. Glucose is continuously filtered
by the glomeruli but is normally reabsorbed completely in renal
Glucagon is the hormone produced by the α-cells of the Islets tubules. The capacity of the tubular system to reabsorb glucose
of Langerhans of the pancreas. Glucagon opposes the actions
is limited to a rate of about 350 mg/min which is known as
of insulin. It acts primarily in the liver as follows:
tubular maximum for glucose (TmG). If the blood glucose level
♦♦ In the liver, it stimulates glycogenolysis by activating is raised above 180 mg/100 mL, complete tubular reabsorption
enzyme phosphorylase and inhibits glycogen synthesis.
of glucose does not occur and extra amount appears in the urine
♦♦ Unlike epinephrine, glucagon does not have an effect on
causing glycosuria.
muscle phosphorylase due to lack of receptors.
♦♦ It exerts its effect on metabolic processes through The 180 mg/100 mL is the limiting level of glucose in the
generation of cAMP. blood above which tubular reabsorption does not occur which is
♦♦ It enhances gluconeogenesis from amino acids and lactate known as renal threshold value for glucose. Thus, by excreting
by inducing the action of key enzymes of gluconeogenesis. extra amount of sugar in the urine during hyperglycemic state
Alanine is the predominant amino acid released from and reabsorbing sugar during the hypoglycemic state, the
muscle to liver by glucose alanine cycle. Lactate formed kidney helps in regulating the level of glucose in blood.
by oxidation of glucose in skeletal muscle is transported For diabetes mellitus in detail refer to Ans 11 of the same
to the liver by lactic acid (Cori’s) cycle. chapter.
456 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.20. Describe various steps of TCA cycle, calculate number Number of

of ATPs synthesized. Give an account of various inhibi- ATP formed
tors of TCA cycle. (Feb 2016, 10 Marks) or consumed/
Ans. For various steps of TCA cycle and for calculation of glucose
Reactions Enzyme molecule
number of ATPs synthesized refer to Ans 7 of same
chapter. Glucose to glucose-6- Hexokinase, -1
phosphate glucokinase
Various inhibitors of TCA cycle Fructose 6–phosphate to Phosphofructokinase -1
fructose 1,6–bisphosphate –I
High ratio of ATP, acetyl-CoA and NADH will serve as signal
to inhibit the operation of cycle. Excess of ATP, acetyl-CoA Glyceraldehyde 3–phosphate Glyceraldehyde–3– +5*
to 1,3–bisphosphoglycerate phosphate
and NADH will occur when energy supply is sufficient for dehydrogenase
the cell.
1,3–bisphosphoglycerate to Phosphoglycerateki- +2
Following are the enzymes which are inhibited by above 3-phosphoglycerate nase
mentioned molecules which also lead to inhibition of TCA
Phosphoenolpyruvate to Pyruvate kinase +2
cycle. pyruvate
♦♦ Citrate synthetase is inhibited by ATP, NADH, acetyl-CoA
Total ATPs generated 12
and succinyl-CoA.
♦♦ Isocitrate dehydrogenase is inhibited by ATP and NADH. Net production of ATP in aerobic glycolysis = Number of ATP
♦♦ α–Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase is inhibited by ATP, produced minus number of ATPs consumed = 9–2 = 7
succinyl-CoA and NADH. It is assumed that NADH formed in glycolysis uses malate
shuttle to produce 5ATPs.
Q.21. Write briefly about glycosides. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
Total ATP per molecule of glucose under anaerobic glycolysis
Ans. Formation of glycosides occur when hemiacetal or
is 2.
hemiketal hydroxyl group of carbohydrates react with
hydroxyl group of another carbohydrate or a non– Regulation of Glycolysis
carbohydrate. The bond formed is known as glycosidic
Glycolysis is regulated at three steps which are irreversible.
bond and non–carbohydrate moiety is known as
These reactions are catalyzed by:
♦♦ Hexokinase and glucokinase
Monosaccharides are joined by glycosidic bonds to form ♦♦ Phosphofructokinase–I
disaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. ♦♦ Pyruvate kinase
In disaccharides, the glycosidic linkage may be either α
or β which depends on configuration of an atom which
is attached to anomeric carbon of sugar.

Therapeutic Importance of Glycosides

♦♦ Glycosides are found in many drugs, e.g. in streptomycin
♦♦ Cardiac glycosides, i.e. digoxin and ouabain used in
treatment of congestive heart failure.
♦♦ Anthracycline glycosides, i.e. daunorubicin is used in
the treatment of leukemia and doxorubicin is used in the
treatment of cancers.
Q.22. Describe glycolysis with energetics and regulation.
 (Sep 2017, 10 Marks)
Explain glycolysis with their energetic and regulation.
 (July 2016, 5 Marks)
Ans. For description of glycolysis refer to Ans 2 of same

Energetics of Glycolysis
Under aerobic conditions, 7 molecules of ATP are produced as
per new concept, while in anerobic glycolysis only 2 molecules
of ATP are produced per mole of glucose. Fig. 6:  Regulation of glycolysis
Biochemistry 457

Hexokinase and Glucokinase ♦♦ By stimulating the active transport of glucose across cell
♦♦ Inhibition of hexokinase is done by glucose-6–phosphate. membranes of muscle and adipose tissue but not the
♦♦ Hexokinase prevents accumulation of glucose-6– liver. Glucose is rapidly taken up into liver as it is freely
phosphate due to product inhibition. permeable to glucose.
♦♦ Glucokinase specifically phosphorylate glucose is an ♦♦ In the liver, insulin increases the use of glucose by
inducible enzyme. Substrate glucose via involvement of glycolysis by inducing the synthesis of key glycolytic
insulin induces glucokinase and its synthesis decrease in enzymes, i.e. glucokinase, phosphofructokinase, pyruvate
response to glucagon. kinase.
♦♦ In the muscle and liver, insulin stimulates glycogenesis
Phosphofructokinase-I by stimulating glycogen synthase and thereby leading to
♦♦ Phosphofructokinase-I is the regulatory enzyme in suppression of glycogenolysis.
glycolysis. ♦♦ Insulin inhibits gluconeogenesis by suppressing the
♦♦ This enzyme catalyses rate limiting committed step. action of key enzymes of gluconeogenesis, e.g. pyruvate
♦♦ It is an allosteric enzyme which is regulated by alloesteric carboxylase, phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase,
effectors. Fructose 1,6—bisphosphatase, glucose-6-phosphatase.
♦♦ Phosphofructokinase-I is activated by AMP, fructose 6– ♦♦ In adipose tissue, glucose is converted to the glycerol
phosphate, fructose 2, 6–biphosphate and insulin. 3-phosphate needed for the formation of triacylglycerol
♦♦ Phosphofructokinase-I is inhibited by ATP, citrate and (lipogenesis).
glucagon. ♦♦ Insulin increases protein synthesis and decreases protein
Pyruvate Kinase catabolism, thereby releasing amino acids. All these
mechanisms are responsible for a drop in blood glucose
♦♦ This enzyme is activated by fructose–1, 6–bisphosphate level (hypoglycemia).
feedforward stimulation and insulin.
♦♦ This enzyme is inhibited by ATP and glucagon.
Q.23. Mention the reference value of plasma glucose in fast-
ing and 2 hours postprandial state. List the hormones
released in fasting and fed state. Explain in detail blood
glucose maintenance in the fed state.
 (May 2017, 10 Marks)
Ans. Reference value of plasma glucose in fasting and 2 hours
postprandial state are as follows:
Reference value of plasma glucose in fasting is 70 to 100
Reference value of plasma glucose 2 hours postprandial Fig. 7:  Role of insulin in regulation of blood glucose level
is 120 to 140 mg/dL.
Q.24. Answer in brief reducing nature of sugars.
Hormones Release in Fasting and Fed State
 (Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
1. Hormones released in fasting state are: Ans. Reducing property of sugar is attributed to free aldehyde
• Glucagon or keto group of anomeric carbon.
• Epinephrine or adrenaline
• On treatment with dilute aqueous alkalis, both
• Glucocorticoids
aldoses and ketoses change to enediols.
• Growth hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone
• Enediols are good reducing agents due to which they
form basis of benedict’s or Fehling’s test.
• Thyroxine
• So, alkali enolizes the sugar and causes them to be
2. Hormones released in fed state is:
strong reducing agents.
• Insulin
• Reducing effect is much more efficient in alkaline
Blood Glucose Maintenance in the Fed State medium as compared to acidic medium.
• In Benedict’s test enediol form of sugars reduces
In fed state blood glucose is maintained by insulin. Insulin
cupric (Cu2+) ions of copper sulfate to cuprous
reduces blood glucose level in hyperglycemic condition.
(Cu+) ions which form yellow precipitate of cuprous
Normally, there is an increased blood glucose level shortly hydroxide or red precipitate of cuprous oxide.
after each meal, a postprandial hyperglycemia. Increased level
of blood glucose releases insulin by β—cells of the Islet of the Q.25. Write about Krebs cycle and its importance.
Langerhans. This hormone reduces the blood glucose level in  (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
a number of ways as follows: Ans. For Krebs cycle refer to Ans 7 in detail.
458 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Importance of Kreb Cycle

♦♦ Krebs cycle provides energy in the form of ATP.
♦♦ It is the final common pathway for the oxidation of
carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins as glucose, fatty acids
and many amino acids are all metabolized to acetyl-CoA
or intermediates of the cycle.
♦♦ It is an amphibolic process. It has a dual function; it
functions in both catabolism (of carbohydrates, fatty
acids and amino acids) and anabolism. Some metabolic
pathways end in the constituent of the krebs cycle,
while other pathways originate from the cycle, such as
gluconeogenesis, transamination, fatty acid synthesis and
heme synthesis.
♦♦ All major members of Krebs cycle from citrate to
oxaloacetate are glucogenic. They can give rise to glucose
by gluconeogenesis.
♦♦ Oxaloacetate and α-ketoglutarate, respectively serve as
precursors for the synthesis of aspartate and glutamate
by transamination which in turn is used for the
synthesis of other nonessential amino acids, purines
and pyrimidines.
♦♦ Mitochondrial citrate is transported to the cytosol, where
it is cleaved to provide acetyl-CoA for the biosynthesis of
fatty acids and steroids.
♦♦ Succinyl-CoA (intermediate of Krebs cycle) together with
glycine is used for the synthesis of heme.

Q.26. Write about Glycogenesis. (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)

 (Sep 2018, 5 Marks)
Ans. Glycogenesis is the pathway for the formation of
glycogen from glucose.
Glycogenesis needs energy from adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) and uridine triphosphate (UTP).
Glycogenesis occurs in both liver and muscle.

Reactions of Glycogenesis
Following are the steps of glycogenesis:
♦♦ Synthesis of uridine diphosphate glucose: Enzymes
hexokinase present in muscle and enzyme glucokinase
present in liver convert glucose to glucose-6–phosphate.
Enzyme phosphoglucomutase catalyses conversion of
glucose-6–phosphate to glucose-1–phosphate. Uridine
diphosphate glucose is synthesized from glucose
1–phosphate and uridine triphosphate by uridine
diphosphate–glucose pyrophosphorylase.
♦♦ Primer required to initiate glycogenesis: Small fragment
of pre–existing glycogen act as primer which initiate
glycogen synthesis.
♦♦ Synthesis of glycogen by glycogen synthase: Glycogen
synthase causes formation of 1,4–glycosidic linkages.
This enzyme lead to transfer of glucose from uridine
diphosphate glucose to nonreducing end of glycogen to
form α–1, 4 linkages.
Fig. 8:  Glycogenesis
Biochemistry 459

♦♦ Formation of branches in glycogen: Formation of form of this sugar in solution cyclize into rings. An
branches is due to action of branching enzyme, i.e. glucosyl additional asymmetric center is created when glucose
α–4–6 transferase. This enzyme causes transfer of small cyclizes.
fragment of 5 to 8 glucose residues from nonreducing Carbon–l of glucose in the open chain form becomes
end of glycogen chain to another glucose residue where an asymmetric carbon in the ring form and two ring
it is linked by α–1, 6 bond. Now this leads to formation of structures can be formed. These are:
a new nonreducing end, beside the existing one. Further
• α –D – glucose
elongation and branching of glycogen occur by enzyme
glycogen synthetase and glucosyl 4–6 transferase. • β – D – glucose
So, final reaction of glycogen synthesis for addition of each The designation α means that the hydroxyl group attached to
glucose residue is: C l is below the plane of the ring, β means that it is above the
(Glucose)n + Glucose + 2 ATP → (Glucose)n + 1 + 2 ADP + Pi plane of the ring. The C l carbon is called the anomeric carbon
The two ATPs which are utilized, out of these one is atom and so, α and β forms are anomers.
needed for phosphorylation of glucose and other is needed for
conversion of uridine diphosphate to uridine triphosphate. Q.29. Write very short answer on optical activity.
Q.27. Write very short answer on epimers. (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)  (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. When two monosaccharides differ from each other in Ans. Ordinary light propagates in all the directions. But as
their configuration around a single specific carbon atom, ordinary light is passed via Nicol prism, the plane of
they are referred to as epimer to each other. polarized light vibrates in single direction only. This is
For example, glucose and galactose are epimers with optical activity.
regard to carbon 4, i.e. they differ in arrangement of - OH • Various organic compounds such or optical
group at 4th carbon. isomers which undergo optical activity rotate
Another example is glucose and mannose is epimers plane of polarized light either to the left or to
with regard to 2nd carbon. the right side.
Q.28. Write very short answer on anomers. • Levorotatory is the term which is given to the sub-
 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks) stances which rotate plane of polarized light to left.
Ans. α and β cyclic forms of D-glucose are known as anomers. • Dextrorotatory is the term given to the substances
The predominant form of glucose and fructose in a which rotate plane of polarized light to right.
solution are not an open chain. Rather, the open chain • Racemic mixture is the term given to equal concen-
tration of both levo and dextroforms which cannot
rotate the plane of polarized light.

(open chain formula or
fisher projection
(<0–1% in solution)

Fig. 9: Formation of α and β anomers Fig. 10: Optical activity

460 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Q.1. Classify amino acids on structural basis. Describe urea ornithine cycle in detail. (Nov 2009, 8 Marks)
Ans. Classification of Amino Acids on Basis of Structure

Name Symbol Structure Special group present

3 letters 1 letter
I. Amino Acids with Aliphatic Side Chains
1. Glycine Gly G

2. Alanine Ala A

3. Valine Val V Branched chain

4. Leucine Leu L Branched chain

5. Isoleucine lle I Branched chain

II. Amino Acids Containing Hydroxyl (—OH) Groups

6. Serine Ser S Hydroxyl

7. Threonine Thr T Hydroxyl

Tyrosine Tyr Y See under aromatic Hydroxyl

III. Sulfur Containing Amino Acids

8. Cysteine Cys C Sulfhydryl

Cystine — — Disulfide

Biochemistry 461


Name Symbol Structure Special group present

3 letters 1 letter
9. Methionine Met M Thioether

IV. Acidic Amino Acids and their Amides

10. Aspartic acid Asp D β-carboxyl

11. Asparagine Asn N Amide

12. Glutamic acid Glu E γ-carboxyl

13. Glutamine Gin Q Amide

V. Basic Amino Acids

14. Lysine Lys K ε-Amino

15. Arginine Arg R Guanidino

16. Histidine His H Imidazole

VI. Aromatic Amino Acids

17. Phenylalanine Phe F Benzene or phenyl

18. Tyrosine Tyr Y Phenol

19. Tryplophan Trp W Indole

462 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Name Symbol Structure Special group present

3 letters 1 letter
VII. Imino Acid
20. Proline Pro P Pyrrolidine

Urea-Ornithine Cycle 5. Formation of urea and ornithine: In the last reaction

♦♦ Also known as urea cycle or ornithine cycle or Krebs- of urea cycle the liver hydrolytic enzyme arginase,
Henseleit cycle cleaves arginine to yield urea and ornithine.
♦♦ Urea is the end product of amino acid or protein metabolism. Ornithine is thus regenerated and can enter
♦♦ Nitrogen of amino acids gets converted to ammonia is toxic mitochondria again to initiate another round of the
to body. Ammonia gets converted to urea and get detoxified. urea cycle. The urea thus formed is excreted in the
♦♦ Urea is mainly synthesized in liver and transported to urine.
kidneys for excretion in urine.
♦♦ Urea synthesis is a five-step cyclic process with five
distinct enzymes. The first two enzymes are present in
mitochondria while the rest are localized in cytosol.
The sequence of reactions involved in biosynthesis of urea
is as follows:
1. Formation of carbamoyl phosphate: The biosynthesis
of urea begins with the condensation of carbon
dioxide, ammonia and ATP to form carbamoyl
phosphate, a reaction catalyzed by mitochondrial
carbamoyl phosphate synthetase-I (CPS-I). Formation
of carbamoyl phosphate requires two molecules of
ATP. One ATP serves as a source of phosphate and
second ATP is converted to AMP and PPi.
2. Formation of citrulline: Carbamoyl phosphate
donates its carbamoyl group to ornithine to form
citrulline and release phosphate in a reaction
catalyzed by ornithine transcarbamylase, a Mg2+
requiring mitochondrial enzyme. The citrulline so
formed now leaves the mitochondria and passes into
the cytosol of the liver cell.
3. Formation of argininosuccinate: The transfer of the
second amino group (from aspartate) to citrulline
occurs by a condensation reaction between the
amino group of aspartate and citrulline in the Fig. 11:  Urea cycle
presence of ATP to form argininosuccinate. This
reaction is catalyzed by argininosuccinate synthetase Energy Cost of Urea Cycle
of the liver cytosol, a Mg2+ dependent enzyme.
Four ATPs are consumed in the synthesis of each molecule of
4. Formation of arginine and fumarate: Argininosuc-
urea as follows:
cinate is cleaved by argininosuccinate lyase (arginine
succinase) to form free arginine and fumarate. The ♦♦ Two ATP are needed to make carbamoyl phosphate.
fumarate so formed returns to the pool of citric acid • One ATP serves as a source of phosphate A.
cycle intermediates. Though fumarate urea cycle is • Second ATP is converted to AMP + PPi.
linked with the citric acid cycle, the two Krebs cycles ♦♦ One ATP is required to make arginosuccinate.
together have been referred to as the Krebs bicycle. ♦♦ One ATP is required to restore AMP to ATP.
Biochemistry 463

Significance or Importance of Urea Cycle ♦♦ Aspartic acid

♦♦ The toxic ammonia is converted into the harmless nontoxic ♦♦ Glutamic acid.
urea. Basic Amino Acid
♦♦ It disposes off two waste products, ammonia and carbon
dioxide. These are basic in solution and are diamino—monocarboxylic
♦♦ It forms semi-essential amino acid, arginine. acids, e.g.
♦♦ It participates in the regulation of blood pH which depends ♦♦ Lysine
upon the ratio of dissolved carbon dioxide, i.e. H2CO3 to ♦♦ Arginine
HCO3–. ♦♦ Histidine
Regulation of Urea Cycle Classification Based on Chemical Structure of Side
♦♦ Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I is an allosteric regulatory Chain of Amino Acid
enzyme of urea cycle which is allosterically activated by According to this type of classification, amino acids are classified
N-acetylglutamate (NAG). NAG is synthesized from as:
acetyl—CoA and glutamate by NAG-synthase to activate 1. Aliphatic amino acids
CPS I. It has no other function.
2. Hydroxy amino acids
♦♦ The synthesis of NAG increases after intake of protein rich
3. Sulfur containing amino acids
diet, by argenine and during starvation, which ultimately
4. Dicarboxylic acid and their amides
increases formation of urea.
5. Diamino acids
Q.2. Describe classification and properties of amino acids 6. Aromatic amino acids
in brief. (Mar 2007, 4 Marks) 7. Imino acids or heterocyclic amino acids.
Aliphatic Amino Acids
Write a short note on classification of amino acids.
 (Feb 2013, 7 Marks) Amino acids having aliphatic side chain, e.g.
Ans. Classification of Amino Acids ♦♦ Glycine
Amino acids are classified into five types on the basis of: ♦♦ Alanine
l. Chemical nature of the amino acid in the solution ♦♦ Valine
2. Structure of the side chain of the amino acids ♦♦ Leucine
3. Nutritional requirement of amino acids ♦♦ Isoleucine.
4. Metabolic product of amino acids
Hydroxy Amino Acids
5. Nature or polarity of the side chain of the amino acids.
Following is the classification of amino acids in detail: Amino acids having hydroxy group in the side chain, e. g.
♦♦ Threonine
Chemical Nature of Amino Acid in Solution
♦♦ Serine
According to this type of classification, amino acids are classified ♦♦ Tyrosine.
as follows:
♦♦ Neutral amino acids Sulfur Containing Amino Acids
♦♦ Acidic amino acids Amino acids having sulfur in the side chain, e.g.
♦♦ Basic amino acids. ♦♦ Cysteine
Neutral Amino Acids ♦♦ Methionine.

The amino acids which are neutral in solution are monoamino— Dicarboxylic Acid and their Amides
monocarboxylic acids (i.e. having one amino group and one
Amino acids having carboxylic group in their side chain, e.g.
carboxylic group), e.g. are:
♦♦ Glutamic acid
♦♦ Glycine ♦♦ Serine ♦♦ Phenylalanine ♦♦ Glutamine (amide of glutamic acid)
♦♦ Alanine ♦♦ Threonine ♦♦ Tyrosine ♦♦ Aspartic acid
♦♦ Valine ♦♦ Cysteine ♦♦ Tryptophan ♦♦ Aspargine (amide of aspartic acid).
♦♦ Leucine ♦♦ Methionine ♦♦ Aspargine
Diamino Acids
♦♦ Isoleucine ♦♦ Proline ♦♦ Glutamine
Amino acids having amino group (-NH2) in the side chain, e. g.
Acidic Amino Acid
♦♦ Lysine
These are acidic in solution and are monoamino dicarboxylic ♦♦ Arginine
acids, e. g. ♦♦ Histidine.
464 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Aromatic Amino Acids A deficiency of an essential amino acid impairs protein

synthesis and leads to a negative nitrogen balance (nitrogen
Amino acids containing aromatic ring in the side chain, e.g.
excretion exceeds nitrogen intake).
♦♦ Phenylalanine
♦♦ Tyrosine Nonessential Amino Acids
♦♦ Tryptophan.
Nonessential amino acids can be synthesized in human body
Imino Acids or Heterocyclic Amino Acids and are not required in diet, e.g.
One of the 20 amino acids, proline is an imino (—NH) acid not ♦♦ Glycine ♦♦ Alanine
an amino (-NH2) acid as are other 19. The side chains of proline ♦♦ Proline ♦♦ Tyrosine
and its α—amino group form a ring structure and thus proline ♦♦ Serine ♦♦ Cysteine
differs from other amino acids, in that it contains an imino ♦♦ Glutamic acid ♦♦ Aspartic acid
group, rather than an amino group. ♦♦ Glutamine ♦♦ Aspargine
Nutritional Classification of Amino Acids Metabolic Classification of Amino Acids
On the basis of nutritional requirement, amino acids are On the basis of their catabolic end products, the twenty standard
classified into two groups: amino acids are divided in three groups:
1. Essential or indispensable amino acids 1. Glucogenic amino acids: Those which can be converted
2. Nonessential or dispensable amino acids. into glucose. Fourteen out of the twenty standard amino
acids are glucogenic amino acids, e.g. glycine, alanine,
Essential Amino Acids serine, cysteine, aspartic acid, aspargine, glutamic acid,
Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body and glutamine, proline, histidine, argentine, methionine,
must, therefore, be essentially supplied through the diet. Ten threonine, valine.
amino acids essential for humans include: 2. Ketogenic amino acids: Those which can be converted to
ketone bodies. Two amino acids—leucine and lysine are
♦♦ Phenylalanine ♦♦ Methionine exclusively ketogenic.
♦♦ Valine ♦♦ Histidine 3. Both glucogenic and ketogenic: Those which can be
♦♦ Threonine ♦♦ Arginine converted to both glucose and ketone bodies. Four amino
♦♦ Tryptophan ♦♦ Lysine acids—isoleucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine
♦♦ Isoleucine ♦♦ Leucine are glucogenic and ketogenic.

Among the ten essential amino acids; arginine and histidine Classification Based on Nature or Polarity of Side Chain
are known as semi—essential amino acids since these amino of Amino Acid
acids are synthesized partially in human body and inadequate According to this type of classification, amino acids are classified
to support growth of children. into two major classes:
Arginine and histidine become essential in diet during 1. Hydrophilic or polar amino acids
periods of rapid growth as in childhood and pregnancy. 2. Hydrophobic or nonpolar amino acids.
Biochemistry 465

Properties of Amino Acids Q.3. What is transdeamination? Explain disposal of am-

Physical Properties monia from body. (Dec 2010, 8 Marks)
Ans. Transdeamination
♦♦ Solubility: Mostly the amino acids are soluble in water • A mino group of most of the amino acids is re-
and insoluble in organic solvents. leased by a coupled reaction, transdeamination, i.e.
♦♦ Melting point: Amino acids usually melt at high transamination followed by oxidative deamination.
temperatures mostly above 200°C. • Transamination takes place in all the cells of the
♦♦ Taste: Amino acids can be sweet, tasteless or bitter. body; the amino group is transported to liver as glu-
♦♦ Optical properties: All amino acids except glycine posses tamic acid which is finally oxidatively deaminated
optical isomers because of presence of asymmetric α in liver.
carbon atoms. • Thus the two components of the reaction are physi-
♦♦ Amino acids as ampholytics: Amino acids consists of cally, far away, but physiologically they are coupled.
both acidic, i.e. COOH and basic, i.e. NH2 groups. These Hence they term as transdeamination.
can donate or accept a proton, so amino acids are known
as ampholytes. Disposal of Ammonia
♦♦ Zwitter ion or dipolar ion: Zwitter ion is a hybrid molecule ♦♦ First line of defense (trapping of ammonia): Being highly
which consists of positive and negative ionic groups. toxic, ammonia should be eliminated or detoxified, as and
Amino acids rarely exist in its neutral form with free when it is formed. Even very minute quantity of ammonia
carboxylic and free amino groups. At strong acidic pH, may produce toxicity in central nervous system. The
amino acid is positively charged but in strong alkaline intracellular ammonia is immediately trapped by glutamic
pH it is negatively charged. Each amino acid consists of acid to form glutamine, especially in brain cells. The
characteristic pH at which it carry both the positive and glutamine is then transported to liver where the reaction is
negative charges and exist as Zwitter ion. reversed by the enzyme glutaminase. The ammonia thus
♦♦ Isoelectric pH is the pH at which the molecule exists as generated is immediately detoxified into urea.
zwitter ion and carries no net charge. So the molecule is ♦♦ Transportation of ammonia: The final deamination and
electrically neutral. production of ammonia is taking place in the liver. Thus
Chemical Properties glutamic acid may be considered as the major transport form
of ammonia from the tissues to the liver. Glutamine and
General reaction of amino acid occur mostly due to presence asparagine are the transport forms of ammonia from brain.
of two functional groups, i.e. carboxyl (-COOH) and amine ♦♦ Final disposal: The ammonia from all over the body thus
(-NH2) group. reaches liver. It is then detoxified to urea by liver cells, and
then excreted through kidneys. Urea is the end product
Reactions Because of –COOH Group of protein metabolism. Since mammals including human
♦♦ Amino acids lead to the formation of salt along with bases beings excrete amino nitrogen mainly as urea, they are
and esters with alcohol. referred to as ureotelic. Fishes excrete as ammonia, while
♦♦ Amino acids lead to decarboxylation and produce birds and reptiles as uric acid.
corresponding amines. Q.4. Describe oxidative deamination of amino acids.
♦♦ Carboxyl group of dicarboxylic amino acids react with Describe the route for disposal of ammonia from body.
ammonia to form amide.  (Nov 2012, 8 Marks)
Reactions Because of –NH2 Group Ans. Oxidative Deamination of Amino Acids
Oxidative deamination is the liberation of free ammonia
♦♦ Amino groups act as base and combine with the acids to from the amino group of amino acids coupled with
form salt. oxidation. This takes place mostly in liver and kidney.
♦♦ α-amino acids react with ninhydrin and form purple, blue The purpose of oxidative deamination is to provide
or pink color complex. This reaction is used in quantitative NH3 for urea synthesis and α-keto acids for a variety of
determination of amino acids. reactions, including energy generation.
Transamination Role of Glutamate Dehydrogenase
It is the transfer of amino group from an amino acid to keto In the process of transamination, the amino groups of most
acid to form new amino acid which is an important reaction in amino acids are transferred to α-ketoglutarate to produce
an amino acid metabolism. glutamate. Thus, glutamate serves as a collection center for
amino groups in the biological system. Glutamate rapidly
Oxidative Deamination
undergoes oxidative deamination, catalyzed by glutamate
Amino acids undergo oxidative deamination for liberation of dehydrogenase (GDH) to liberate ammonia. This enzyme
free ammonia. is unique in that it can utilize either NAD+ or NADP+ as a
466 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

coenzyme. Conversion of glutamate to α-ketoglutarate occurs Role of Amino Acids

through the formation of an intermediate, α-iminoglutarate. ♦♦ The amino acids in the form of protein perform structural,
For disposal of ammonia refer to Ans 3 of same chapter. hormonal and catalytic functions.
Q.5. Describe urea cycle and write its disorder. ♦♦ The essential amino acids support infant growth or
 (Jan 2012, 8 Marks) maintain health in adult.
♦♦ Severe illness is caused by the genetic defects in the meta­
Ans. For urea cycle refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
bolism of amino acids.
Disorders of Urea Cycle ♦♦ Some peptides act in the nervous system as neurotransmitter
and neuromodulators.
Diseases Enzyme deficit Features ♦♦ L-amino acid participate in nerve transmission and cell
Hyperammonemia Carbamoyl High NH3 levels growth.
Type I phosphate in blood, mental ♦♦ Amino acids are involved in endocrinology. Many
synthetase-I retardation principal hormones are amino acids.
Hyperammonemia Ornithine High level of ♦♦ Certain antibodies are peptides.
Type II transcarbamylase ammonia level in Q.7. Write about inborn errors of amino acid metabolism.
blood. Glutamine is  (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
increased in blood,
Ans. Inborn Errors of Amino Acid Metabolism
urine and CSF
Following are the inborn errors of amino acid metabolism:
Hyperornithinemia Defective in the Elevated blood level
ornithine transporter of ammonia and
I. Defect in urea synthesis:
protein ornithinine. Urea 1. Hyperammonemia Type I and Type II: These are the
decrease in blood conditions where there is increase in blood amm­
onia leading to toxicity. The hyperammonia type
Citrullinemia Argininosuccinate It is autosomal
synthetase recessive. High blood I is cause due to deficiency in enzyme carba­moyl
levels of ammonia phosphate synthetase I. The hyperammonia type
and citrulline II is cause due to deficiency in enzyme ornithine
Argininosuccininc Argininosuccinate Arginosuccinate in
aciduria lyase blood and urine. 2. Citrullinemia: This is caused due to deficiency
Frabile brittle tufted in enzyme argininosuccinate synthetase. High
hair are present blood levels of ammonia and citrulline are seen.
Hyperargininemia Arginase Levels of arginine get 3. Argininosuccinic aciduria: Caused due to defi-
increased in blood ciency in enzyme arginosuccinate lyase. Patient
and CSF. Instead of has friable brittle tufted hair.
arginine, cysteine and 4. Hyperargininemia: Caused due to deficiency in
lysine get lost in urine enzyme arginase.
II. Disorder of phenylalanine and tyrosine:
Q.6. Write a short note on essential amino acids. 1. Phenylketonuria: Caused due to deficiency of
 (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 3 Marks) phenylalanine hydroxylase. It causes the accu-
 (June 2010, 2.5 Marks) mulation of phenylalanine in tissues and blood
Ans. Amino Acids and results in increase excretion of urine.
• Structural unit of protein. 2. Tyrosinemia type II: Caused due to deficiency of
tyrosine transaminase. This results in blockage
• Monomer or building block of protein.
of degradative pathway of tyrosine.
Essential Amino Acids 3. Alkaptonuria: Caused due to deficiency in en-
zyme homogentisate oxidase. Homogentiate
An “essential” or “indispensable” amino acid is defined as one
accumulate in tissues and blood and excreted
which cannot be synthesized by the organism from substances
in urine. The urine excreted has coke color.
ordinarily present in the diet.
4. Tyrosinosis: Caused due to deficiency of enzyme
In case of humans, nine essential amino acids are required fumary­l acetoacetate hydroxylase or maley­
for the optimal growth of the young and for the maintenance lacetoacetate isomerase. It causes liver failure,
of nitrogen equilibrium in the adult. rickets, renal tubular dysfunction, etc.
These nine essential amino acids are: Histine, methionine, 5. Albinism: Caused due to deficiency of tyrosinase
tryptophane, valine, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, which is responsible for synthesis of melanin.
threonine and lysine, two amino acids, arginine and histidine III. Disorder of sulfur amino acids:
which are required for animals are “nutritionally semi-essential” 1. Cystinuria: In this carrier system get defective lead-
for humans because they may be synthesized in tissue at rates ing to the excretion of cystine, ornithine, arginine
inadequate to support the growth of children. and lysine. There is defect in renal reabsorption.
Biochemistry 467

2. Cystinosis: In this there is impairment of cystine • Transamination is a reversible process.

utilization. Defect in lysosomal function is pri- • It undergoes both catabolism and anabolism of
mary cause. Impairment of renal function is seen. amino acids.
3. Homocystinuria: Caused due to defect in enzyme • It is responsible for synthesis of non-essential amino
cystathionine synthetase. It leads to thrombosis, acids.
osteoporosis and mental retardation. • It moves all amino acids towards the generation of
IV. Disorders of Glycine: energy.
1. Glycinuria: Leads to defect in renal reabsorption. • Amino acids undergo transamination to finally
2. Primary hyperoxaluria: Occurs due to deficiency concentrate nitrogen in glutamate.
of glycine transaminase.
V. Disorders of Tryptophan: Transdeamination
1. Hartnup’s disease: Leads to defective intestinal ♦♦ The amino group of most of the amino acids is released by
absorption. a coupled reaction, transdeamination, i.e. transamination
VI. Disorders of Branched Chain amino acids: followed by oxidative deamination.
1. Maple syrup urine disease: Caused due to defi- ♦♦ Transamination takes place in all the cells of the body; the
ciency of enzyme branched chain α-keto acid amino group is transported to liver as glutamic acid which
dehy­drogenase. The urine of affected individual is finally oxidatively deaminated in liver.
smells like maple urine. ♦♦ Thus the two components of the reaction are physically far
2. Hypervalinemia: Caused due to deficiency of away, but physiologically they are coupled. Hence, they
enzyme valine transminase. term as transdeamination.
VII. Disorders of histidine:
1. Histidinemia: It is caused due to deficiency of Deamination
enzyme histidase.
♦♦ Deamination is the removal of ammonia group from
VIII. Disorders of Proline:
amino acids.
1. Hyperprolinemia type I: It caused due to deficieny
♦♦ It causes the liberation of ammonia for urea synthesis.
of proline oxidase.
♦♦ Deamination can be oxidative and nonoxidative.
Q.8. Describe in brief urea cycle. (Sep 2007, 4 Marks)
 (Jan 2012, 4 Marks) (Aug 2011, 5 Marks) Oxidative Deamination
Or ♦♦ In oxidative deamination, there is liberation of free
Write about urea synthesis in body. (Feb 2013, 5 Marks) ammonia from amino group of amino acids and it is
coupled with the oxidation.
♦♦ It occur in liver and kidney.
Give short account of urea cycle. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks) ♦♦ It provides ammonia for synthesis of urea and α-ketoacids
Or for variety of reactions including generation of energy.
♦♦ Glutamate undergoes oxidative deamination which
Write on urea cycle and its importance.
is catalysed by glutamate dehydrogenase to liberate
 (Apr 2017, 5 Marks)
ammonia. Enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase utilizes
Or either NAD+ or NADP+ as a coenzyme.
Write a short note on urea cycle. (Oct 2016, 5 Marks)
Nonoxidative Deamination
 (Sep 2017, 5 Marks) (Aug 2016, 3 Marks)
Or ♦♦ Some amino acids are deaminated to liberate ammonia
without undergoing oxidation.
Describe urea cycle. (July 2016, 5 Marks) ♦♦ Serine, threonine and homoserine undergo non-oxidative
Ans. Refer to Ans 1 of same chapter. deamination which is catalysed by PLP-dependent
Q.9. Describe fate of amino acids in the body deamination, dehydrases.
transamination, transdeamination, decarboxylation, ♦♦ Enzyme histidase act on histidine to liberate ammonia by
transmethylation. (Oct 2014, 8 Marks) a nonoxidative deamination process.
Ans. Transamination
• Transamination is the transfer of an amino group
from an amino acid to a keto acid. ♦♦ Transfer of methyl group from active methionine to an
• Transaminases are the group of enzymes which acceptor is known as transmethylation.
catalyzes the reaction. ♦♦ Methionine has to be activated to S-adinosylmethionine
• In transamination, there is exchange of one a-amino or active methionine to donate methyl group.
group between one a-amino acid and another a-keto ♦♦ Transmethylation is of great biological significance as
acid and forming new a-amino acid. many compounds get functionally active after methylation.
468 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Decarboxylation one common product L—glutamate. This is important

because glutamate is the only amino acid whose α-amino
Decarboxylation of amino acids result in the formation of
group can be directly removed at a high rate by oxidative
amines. For example, serine is an amino acid which form
ethanolamide on decarboxylation which is an amine.
♦♦ Since transamination reactions are readily reversible, this
Q.10. Write a short note on structure and properties of amino permits transaminases to function both in amino acid
acids. (Apr 2008, 5 Marks) catabolism and biosynthesis. L-glutamate produced by
Ans. transamination can be used as an amino group donor in
the synthesis of nonessential amino acids.
Structure of Amino Acids
♦♦ Serum levels of some of transaminases get elevated in
There are approximately 300 amino acids present in various some disease state and measurement of these are helpful
animal, plant and microbial systems, but only 20 amino acids in medical diagnosis, e.g. ALT and AST are important in
are involved in the formulation of proteins. diagnosis of liver and heart damage.
♦♦ All the 20 amino acids found in proteins have a carboxyl
Q.12. Write a short note on structural organization of protein.
group (-COOH) and an amino acid group (—NH2) bound
 (Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
to the same carbon atom called α—carbon.
Ans. Structural organization of proteins is divided in four
♦♦ Amino acids differ from each other in their side chains or
levels of organization, i.e.
R-groups attached to the α-carbon.
♦♦ The 20 amino acids of proteins are often referred to as the 1. Primary structure
standard or primary or normal amino acids. 2. Secondary structure
♦♦ The standard amino acids have been assigned three letters 3. Tertiary structure
abbreviations and one letter symbol, e.g. amino acid 4. Quaternary structure.
glycine has abbreviated name Gly and symbol letter G. Primary Structure
♦♦ All the amino acids found in proteins are exclusively of
L—configuration. ♦♦ Primary structure denotes the number and sequence of
For properties of amino acid refer to Ans 2 of same chapter. amino acids in the protein.
♦♦ It is maintained by covalent bonds of peptide linkages.
Q.11. Write a short note on transamination.
 (Apr 2015, 3 Marks) ♦♦ Primary structure of protein is responsible for its function.
Write briefly about transamination. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
Answer in brief about transamination and its signifi-
cance. (Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
Ans. Transamination is the transfer of an amino group from
an amino acid to a keto acid.
• Transaminases are the group of enzymes which Fig. 12:  Primary structure
catalyzes the reaction.
• In transamination there is exchange of one a-amino Secondary Structure
group between one a-amino acid and another a-keto
acid and forming new a-amino acid. ♦♦ Secondary structure is the steric relationship of amino
• It is a reversible process. acids close to each other.
• It undergoes both catabolism and anabolism of ♦♦ There are two types of secondary structures, i.e α-helix
amino acids. and β-pleated sheet.
• It is responsible for synthesis of non-essential amino
• It moves all amino acids towards the generation of
• Amino acids undergo transamination to finally
concentrate nitrogen in glutamate.
All amino acids except lysine, threonine, proline and
hydroxy protine participate in transamination.

Significance of Transamination
♦♦ This reaction provides a mechanism for collecting the
amino groups from many different amino acids into Fig. 13:  Secondary structure
Biochemistry 469

♦♦ α-helix is the spiral structure of protein and it has rigid Q.13. Write about biological importance of proteins.
arrangement of polypeptide chain.  (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
♦♦ β-pleated sheet are composed of two or more segments Ans.
of fully extendable peptide chains. In β-pleated sheet,
the hydrogen bonds are formed between the neighboring Biological Importance of Proteins
segments of polypeptide chains. ♦♦ Proteins are the essence of life processes.
♦♦ They are the fundamental constituents of all protoplasm
Tertiary Structure
and are involved in the structure of living cell and in its
♦♦ Three dimensional arrangement of protein structure is function.
referred to as tertiary structure. ♦♦ Enzymes are made up of proteins.
♦♦ Tertiary structure is the compact structure with hydrophobic ♦♦ Many of the hormones are proteins.
side chains held interior, while the hydrophilic groups are ♦♦ The cement substances and the reticulum which bind or hold
on the surface of protein molecule. the cells as tissues or organs are made up partly of proteins.
♦♦ Hydrogen bonds, disulphide bonds, ionic interactions ♦♦ They execute their activities in the transport of oxygen
and hydrophobic interactions also contribute to tertiary and carbon dioxide by hemoglobin and special enzymes
structure of proteins. in the red cells.
♦♦ They function in the homeostatic control of the volume
of the circulating blood and that of the interstitial fluids
through the plasma proteins.
♦♦ They are involved in blood clotting through thrombin,
fibrinogen and other protein factors.
♦♦ They act as the defence against infections by means of
protein antibodies.
♦♦ They perform hereditary transmission by nucleoproteins
of the cell nucleus.
Q.14. Name the specialized products synthesized by tyrosine.
Fig. 14:  Tertiary structure
 (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
Ans. Following are the specialized products synthesized by
Quaternary Structure
• Catecholamines
♦♦ It results when the protein consisting of two or more – Dopamine
polypeptide chains are held together by noncovalent – Norepinephrine
forces. – Epinephrine
♦♦ Some of the proteins consist of two or more polypeptides • Melanin pigment
which are identical or unrelated. These are known as • Thyroxine
oligomers and possess quaternary structure.
♦♦ Individual polypeptide chains are known as monomers,
protomers or subunits.
♦♦ A dimer consists of two polypeptides, while a tetramer
has four polypeptides.
♦♦ Oligomer proteins play an important role in the regulation
of metabolism and cellular function.

Fig. 16:  Products synthesized by tyrosine

Q.15. Write a short note on tyrosine and its metabolism.

 (Sep 2017, 5 Marks)
Ans. Tyrosine is an aromatic amino acid. It is also classified
Fig. 15:  Quaternary structure under nonessential amino acid.
470 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Basically phenylalanine is converted to tyrosine. The dihydrobiopterin produced is reduced back to H4-
Phenylalanine gets hydroxylated at para position by biopterin by dihydrobiopterin reductase.
phenylalanine hydroxylase to produce tyrosine in ♦♦ The next step is transamination of tyrosine with α–
the presence of coenzyme biopterin. Active form of ketoglutarate to P–hydroxyphenyl pyruvate, catalyzed by
biopterin is tetrahydrobiopterin. In phenylalanine tyrosine transaminase.
hydroxylase reaction tetrahydrobiopterin is oxidized to ♦♦ P-hydroxyphenylpyruvate then reacts with O2 to form
dihydrobiopterin reductase.
homogentisate. This reaction is catalyzed by P-hydroxy—
Tyrosine is incorporated into proteins and is involved in phenylpyruvate hydroxylase is called as dioxygenase
synthesis of variety of biologically important compounds,
because both atoms of oxygen become incorporated into
i.e. epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, thyroid
hormones and melanin pigment.
♦♦ Homogentisate is then cleaved by oxygen to yield
Metabolism of Tyrosine 4—maleylacetoacetate. This reaction is catalyzed by
homogentisate oxidase.
Phenylalanine metabolism is initiated by its oxidation to
♦♦ 4—maleylcetoacetate is then isomerized to 4-fumarylace-
tyrosine which then undergoes oxidative degradation. Thus,
catabolic pathway for phenylalanine and tyrosine is same as toacetate, by an enzyme maleylacetoacetate isomerase that
follows: uses glutathione as a cofactor.
♦♦ The first step is the hydroxylation of phenylalanine ♦♦ Finally, 4—fumarylacetoacetate is hydrolyzed by
to tyrosine, a reaction catalyzed by phenylalanine fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase to fumarate, a glucogenic
hydroxylase. This enzyme requires tetrahydrobiopterin intermediate and acetoacetate, a ketogenic intermediate.
(H4-biopterin) as a cofactor. The cofactor is oxidized to Phenylalanine and tyrosine are therefore, both glucogenic
dihydrobiopterin (H2-biopterin) during this reaction. and ketogenic.

Fig. 17:  Tyrosine metabolism

Biochemistry 471

Q.16. Mechanism for removal of nitrogen from amino acids. Mechanism of Transcription
 (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
It involves three steps, i.e.
Ans. Removal of nitrogen from amino acids occurs via 1. Initiation
oxidative deamination and transamination.
2. Elongation
Transamination 3. Termination

For transamination in detail refer to Ans 11 of same chapter Initiation

Oxidative Deamination by glutamate Dehydrogenase ♦♦ Initiation of transcription causes binding of RNA

polymerase to DNA template at the promoter site. The
♦♦ The α-amino groups of most of the amino acids are sigma factor enables RNA polymerase to recognize and
ultimately transferred to α–ketoglutarate by transamination bind to promoter sequences. Promoters are characteristic
forming L–glutamate. sequences of DNA which are different in both prokaryotes
♦♦ L–glutamate undergoes oxidative deamination by action and eukaryotes.
of L–glutamate dehydrogenase which requires NAD+ or ♦♦ Promoter sequences direct RNA polymerase to initiate
NADP+ as an oxidizing agent.
transcription at a particular point called as start point or
♦♦ So the net removal of α-amino group to ammonia requires
initiation site.
combined action of glutamate transaminase and glutamate
♦♦ Unlike the initiation of replication, transcriptional
initiation does not require a primer.
♦♦ Catabolically, it channel nitrogen from glutamate to
ammonia and anabolically it catalyzes amination of α– Promoters in Prokaryotes
ketoglutarate by free ammonia to form glutamate.
♦♦ Pribnow box: It has nucleotide sequence TATAAT and is
Q.17. Write short answer on nutritional classification of found in 10 base pairs from start point.
proteins. (Apr 2018, 3 Marks)
♦♦ The 35 region: It has nucleotide sequence TTGACA. It is
Ans. From nutritional aspect, proteins are classified into three called as 35 sequence as it is found in 35 base pairs away
categories, i.e. from start point.
1. Complete proteins: These proteins consist of all
ten essential amino acids in required proportion Elongation
by human body to promote good growth, e.g. egg
♦♦ As the promoter region is recognized and is bound by
albumin, milk casein.
RNA polymerase, i.e. holoenzyme, local unwinding of
2. Partially incomplete proteins: They are partially
DNA helix continues.
lacking one or more essential amino acids and hence
♦♦ Now RNA polymerase synthesizes a transcript of DNA
can promote moderate growth, e.g. wheat and rice
proteins. sequence and short piece of RNA is made. As with
3. Incomplete proteins: They completely lack one replication, transcription is always in the 5’ to 3’ direction.
or more essential amino acids. Hence they do not The first base is usually a purine nucleotide.
promote growth at all, e.g. gelatin (lacks trypsin), ♦♦ By the time 10 nucleotides have been added, the sigma
zein (lacks trypsin and lyseine). factor dissociates. The elongation phase is said to begin
where the transcript exceeds ten nucleotides in length.
♦♦ Sigma is now released and the RNAP, i.e. core enzyme
3. PROTEINS AND NUCLEIC ACIDS: should be able to move along the template stand and
CHEMISTRY, METABOLISM AND continues elongation of the transcript. The process of
elongation of the RNA chain continues until a termination
REGULATION signal is reached.

Q.1. Describe briefly mechanisms of translation and Termination

transcription of genetic code. (Aug 2005, 7.5 Marks)
In prokaryotes, termination of transcription occurs by one of
Ans. The sequence of nucleotides or nitrogenous bases in the two well-characterized mechanisms:
mRNA molecules which enclose the information for
1. Rho-dependent
protein synthesis is called “genetic code.”
2. Rho-independent
Transcription (Synthesis of mRNA)
Rho-Dependent Termination
♦♦ The process of synthesis of RNA from DNA is called as
transcription. Rho-dependent termination need a protein factor known
♦♦ This process evolves an enzyme called as RNA polymerase as rho (ρ) which recognizes termination signal and has an
which attaches with DNA strand and unwind the two ATP-dependent helicase activity which displaces the RNA
strands at a specific point. One of the two strands of DNA polymerase from template resulting in termination of RNA
acts as a template for RNA synthesis. synthesis.
472 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 18:  Process of transcription in prokaryotes. A. Recognition of promoter by sigma factor; B. Bnding of core enzyme and starts the
synthesis of RNA; C. Elongation continues until termination region is reached; D. Termination of transcription by Rho factor; E. Newly
syntherized RNA (primary transcript)

Rho-Independent Termination In eukaryotic cells, termination is less well defined. It is

believed that it is similar to that described for rho-independent
Rho-independent termination brought about by the formation
of a secondary structure (hairpin loop) in the newly synthesized prokaryotic termination.
RNA, which removes the RNA polymerase from DNA template,
Transcription in Eukaryotes
resulting in the release of transcript.
This hairpin loop structure is followed by a sequence of four The description of RNA synthesis in prokaryotes is applicable
or more uracil residues, which also are essential for termination. to eukaryotes even though the enzyme involved and regulatory
The RNA transcript ends within or just after then. signals are different.
Biochemistry 473

Eukaryotic RNA Polymerase Eukaryotic Promoter Sites

ln contrast to prokaryotes eukaryotic cells have three RNA Each type of eukaryotic RNA polymerase uses different
polymerases I, II and III found in nucleus. Each of these RNA promoters. These are:
polymerase is responsible for the transcription of different sets 1. Hogness box or TATA box: It is a stretch of six nucleotides
of genes. and located 25 nucleotides upstream of the transcription—
1. RNA Polymerase I: It catalyzes the synthesis of ribosomal starting point.
RNA. 2. CAAT box: It is stretch of eight nucleotides and located
2. RNA Polymerase II: It catalyzes the synthesis of mRNA about 75 nucleotides upstream of the transcription starting
and small nuclear RNAs (snRNA). point.
3. RNA Polymerase III: It catalyzes the synthesis of tRNA. 3. GC box: It is a stretch of six nucleotides and is located about
Besides the three nuclear RNA polymerases, in eukaryotic 90 nucleotides upstream of the transcription starting point.
cell, a fourth type of RNA polymerase is found in mitochondrial
Translation (Protein Synthesis)
matrix known as mitochondrial RNA polymerase (mtRNAP).
Similar to prokaryotic RNA polymerase, mtRNA polymerase “It is the process by which genetic information present in mRNA
catalyzes the synthesis of all the three types of RNA, i.e. mRNA, directs the orders of specific amino acid to form a polypeptide
tRNA and rRNA. or protein.”

Fig. 19:  Translation

474 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Steps of Translation ♦♦ The acceptor arm: This arm is capped with a sequence
♦♦ Stage 1: Activation of amino acids: Amino acids are CCA. The amino acid is attached to the acceptor arm.
activated by attaching amino acid to a tRNA in first stage of ♦♦ The anticodon arm: This arm, with the three T specific
protein synthesis. Each of the 20 amino acids is covalently nucleotide bases, is responsible for the recognition of triplet
attached to a specific tRNA at the expense of ATP codon of mRNA. The codon and anticodon are comple­
energy using Mg2+ dependent, aminoacyl tRNA mentary to each other.
synthetases. ♦♦ The D arm: It is so named due to the presence of
♦♦ Stage 2: Initiation: The mRNA which consists of codons dihydrouridine.
for the protein to be synthesized binds to the smaller ♦♦ The TψC arm: This arm contains a sequence of
ribosomal subunits and to the initiating aminoacyl tRNA. ribothymidine (T) and pseudouridin (ψ, Psi).
The large ribosomal subunit then binds to form an initiation ♦♦ The variable arm: This arm is the most variable arm
complex. The initiating aminoacyl tRNA base pairs because it vary in size. It is found between anti-codon
with the mRNA codon AUG and signals the beginning and Tψ C arm.
of polypeptide synthesis. This process which requires
GTP is promoted by cytosolic proteins known as initiation
♦♦ Stage 3: Elongation: The nascent polypeptide is lengthened
by covalent (peptide bond) attachment of successive
amino acid units, each carried to the ribosome and
correctly positioned by its tRNA, which base pairs
to its corresponding codon in the mRNA. Elongation
requires elongation factors. The binding of each incoming
aminoacyl tRNA and the movement of ribosome along the
mRNA are facilitated by GTP as each residue is added to
the growing polypeptide.
♦♦ Stage 4: Termination and ribosome recycling: Completion
of the polypeptide chain is signaled by a termination codon
in the mRNA. The new polypeptide is released from the
ribosome aided by release factors, and the ribosome is
recycled for another round of synthesis.
♦♦ Stage 5: Folding and post-translational processing:
In order to achieve its biologically active form, the
new polypeptide must fold into its proper three-
dimensional configurations. Before or after folding, the
new polypeptide may undergo enzymatic processing,
including removal of one or more amino acids (usually
form the amino terminus), addition of acetyl, phosphoryl,
methyl, carboxyl, or other groups to certain amino acid
residues, proteolytic cleavage; and/or attachment of Fig. 20:  Structure of tRNA
oligosaccharides or prosthetic groups.
Q.2. Write short note on tRNA. (Nov 2009, 3 Marks) Function of tRNA
Ans. Transfer RNA molecule contains 74–95 nucleotides with It carry amino acids in an activated form to ribosome for
a molecular weight of about 25,000. synthesis of proteins.
In eukaryotic cells, 10 to 20% of nucleotides of tRNA may
Q.3. Write short note on DNA. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
be modified and are known as unusual nucleotides. For
 (Aug 2011, 6 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks)
• Dihydrouridine (D): In this one of double bond of Ans. DNA is a polymer of deoxyribonucleotides.
the base is reduced. • It is composed of monomeric units namely
• Ribothymidine (T): In this methyl group is added to deoxyadenylate (dAMP), deoxyguanylate (dGMP),
uracil to form thymine. deoxycytidylate (dCMP) and deoxythymidylate
• Pseudouridine (φ): In this uracil is added to ribose (dTMP).
by carbon–carbon bond rather than nitrogen bond. • The double helical structure of DNA was proposed
by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953.
Structure of tRNA • The structure of DNA double helix is comparable to a
tRNA contains mainly four arms, each arm contains base twisted ladder. The salient features of Watson-Crick
paired stem. model of DNA are as follows:
Biochemistry 475

1. DNA is a right handed double helix. It consists ♦♦ The stress produced due to unwinding by helicase is
of two polydeoxyribonucleotide chains (strands) released by topoisomerases by cutting either one or both
twisted around each other on a common axis. DNA strands.
2. Two strands are anti-parallel, i.e. one strand runs ♦♦ The single stranded binding (SSB) protein stabilizes the
in the 5’ to 3’ direction while the other in 3’ to 5’ separated strands and prevents their reassociation.
direction. ♦♦ To initiate the DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase III, it
3. Width of a double helix is 20 Aº. requires RNA primer. The RNA primers are short pieces
4. Each turn of the helix is 34 Aº with 10 pairs of of RNA (some 5-50 nucleotides in length) formed by the
nucleotides, each pair placed at a distance of enzyme primase (RNA polymerase) using DNA as a
about 3.4 A°.
5. The two strands are held together by hydrogen
bonds formed by complementary base pairs. The
A-T pair has 2 hydrogen bonds while G—C pair
has 3 hydrogen bonds. The G—C is stronger by
about 50% than A = T.
6. The complementary base pairing in DNA helix
proves Chargaff’s rule. The content of adenine
equals to that of thymine (A = T), and guanine
equals to that of cytosine (G = C).
Q.4. Write short note on DNA replication.
 (Nov 2012, 3 Marks)
Ans. Replication of DNA
During cell division, each daughter cell gets an exact copy
of the genetic information of the mother cell. This process of
copying the DNA is known as DNA replication.
In the daughter cell, one strand is derived from the mother
Fig. 21:  Replicating fork
cell; while the other strand is newly synthesised. This is called
semi-conservative type of DNA replication. Elongation

Stages of Replication ♦♦ As RNA primer has been synthesized at each of the

replicating forks, a DNA polymerase III initiate the synthesis
The process of replication can be divided into three stages: of new DNA strand by adding deoxyribonucleotide to the
1. Initiation 3’ end of the RNA primer. Thus, DNA polymerase III can
2. Elongation synthesize a new chain only in the 5’ to 3’ direction. Both the
3. Termination. DNA strands are synthesized simultaneously but in opposite
direction, one is in direction towards the replication fork, the
Initiation other in a direction away from the replication fork.
♦♦ Initiation of DNA replication involves unwinding of two ♦♦ The DNA chain which runs in the 3’ → 5’ direction is copied
complementary DNA strands and formation of replicating by polymerase III as a continuous strand, requiring one
fork. primer. This new strand is known as the leading strand.
♦♦ Unwinding occurs at a single, specific site at a particular ♦♦ The DNA chain which runs in the 5' → 3' direction is copied
DNA sequence on circular DNA of prokaryotes. The site is by polymerase III as a discontinuous manner because
synthesis can only proceed in the 5’ to 3’ direction. This
called the origin of replication. 'Ori' where active synthesis
new strand is known as the lagging strand. This requires
occur. This region is called replicating fork.
numerous RNA primers. As the replication fork moves,
♦♦ Replication of double-stranded DNA is bidirectional.
RNA primers are synthesized at specified intervals. These
♦♦ In eukaryotes, replication begins at multiple sites
RNA primers are extended by DNA polymerase III into
composed almost exclusively of A–T base pairs along the short pieces of DNA called Okazaki fragments.
DNA helix and is referred to as a consensus sequence. ♦♦ Upon completion of lagging strand synthesis, the
Steps of Initiation RNA primers are removed from fragments by DNA
polymerase I. DNA polymerase I also fills the gaps that
♦♦ First of all DNA A protein recognizes and binds to the ’ori' are produced by removal of the primer leaving only a
of the DNA and successively denatures the DNA. nick. It cannot join two polynucleotide chains together;
♦♦ DNA B protein (helicase) then binds to this region and an additional enzyme DNA ligase is required to perform
unwinds the parental DNA, and form a ’V’ where active this function. This enzyme catalyzes the formation of a
synthesis occurs. This region is called the replicating fork. phosphodiester bond to seal the Okazaki fragments.
476 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Termination synthesis. These three codons are also known as

termination codons or non-sense codons.
Termination sequences, e.g. ‘ter', direct termination of replication.
A specific protein, ter binding protein, binds these sequences and Codons AUG and at times GUG are the chain initiating
prevents the helicase (DNA B protein) from further unwinding codons.
of DNA and facilitates the termination of replication. Features of the Genetic Code
Proofreading ♦♦ Triplet codons: The codes are on the mRNA. Each codon
♦♦ DNA is copied by DNA polymerase with high fidelity is a consecutive sequence of three bases on the mRNA, e.g.
UUU codes for phenylalanine.
(accuracy). Incorrect nucleotides are incorporated with a
♦♦ Non-overlapping: The codes are consecutive. Therefore,
frequency of one in 108-1012 bases, which could lead to
the starting point is extremely important. The codes
mutation. But the error ratio during replication is kept at
are read one after another in a continuous manner, e.g.
a very low level by specific process. This process is known
AUG,CAU, GCA, etc.
as proofreading.
♦♦ Non-punctuated: There is no punctuation between the
♦♦ Mismatches occur more frequently but do not lead to stable
codons. It is consecutive or continuous.
incorporations because all the three DNA polymerases
♦♦ Degenerate: 61 codons stand for the 20 amino acids. So
have 3’ to 5’ exonuclease activity (proofreading activity).
one amino acid has more than one codon., e.g. serine
♦♦ DNA polymerase I and II are known to excise mismatched
has 6 codons; while glycine has 4 codons, This is called
nucleotides before the introduction of the next nucleotide.
degeneracy of the code.
Eukaryotic Replication ♦♦ Unambiguous: Though the codons degenerate, they are
unambiguous; or without any doubtful meaning. That is,
DNA replication in eukaryotic organisms resembles that in one codon stands only for one amino acid.
prokaryotic cells and proceeds by a mechanism similar to ♦♦ Universal: The codons are the same for same amino acid
that of prokaryotic replication but is not identical. Certain in all species; same for “Elephant and E.coli”. The genetic
differences are there such as multiple origins of replication is code has been highly preserved during evolution.
the hallmark feature of eukaryotic cell. There are five types of ♦♦ Terminator codons: There are three codons which do not
DNA polymerases present in eukaryotes, i.e. code for any particular amino acids. They are “nonsense
♦♦ DNA polymerase α: It leads to synthesis of RNA primer codons” more correctly termed as punctuator codons or
for both leading and lagging strands of DNA. terminator codons. They put “full stop” to the protein
♦♦ DNA polymerase β: It is involved in repair of DNA. synthesis. These three codons are UAA, UAG, and UGA.
Function of this enzyme is comparable with DNA ♦♦ Initiator codon: In most of the cases, AUG acts as the
polymerase I which is found in prokaryotes. initiator codon. In a few proteins, GUG may be the initiator
♦♦ DNA polymerase γ: It takes part in replication of codon.
mitochondrial DNA. Q.6. Write short note on types of RNA. (Jan 2012, 3 Marks)
♦♦ DNA polymerase δ: This enzyme is responsible for
replication on leading strand of DNA. This enzyme also Or
posses proof reading activity. Describe in brief structure and function of RNA.
♦♦ DNA polymerase ε: This is involved in DNA synthesis  (Aug 2012, 4 Marks)
on lagging strand and also in the proof reading function. Ans. The 3 distinct types of RNAs with their respective cellular
Q.5. Write brief on genetic codon. (Jan 2012, 6 Marks) composition are as follows:
1. Messenger RNA (mRNA): 5–70%
Or 2. Transfer RNA (tRNA): l0–20%
Write short note on genetic code. (Oct 2014, 3 Marks) 3. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): 50–80%
Ans. The three nucleotide base sequences in mRNA that act • Besides the three RNAs referred above, human
as code words for amino acids in protein constitute the cells contain small nuclear RNA (snRNA),
genetic code or codon. heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA) and small
Genetic code determines the sequence of amino acids in nuclear cytoplasmic RNA (ScRNA).
proteins. • RNAs are synthesized from DNA and are
The codons are composed of four nucleotide bases, i.e. involved in the process of protein biosynthesis.
purines which are adenine (A) and guanine (G) and the RNAs vary in their structure.
pyrimidines which are cytosine (C) and uracil (U). Messenger RNA (mRNA)
These four bases produce 64 combinations of three base
codons. Nucleotide sequence of the codon on mRNA is Structure of mRNA
written from 5’ –end to 3’ end. ♦♦ mRNA consists of about 5-10% of total cellular RNA.
The three codons, i.e. UAA, UAG, UGA do not code ♦♦ mRNA is synthesized in nucleus as heterogeneous RNA
for the amino acids and act as stop signals in protein (hnRNA), which are processed into functional mRNA.
Biochemistry 477

♦♦ mRNA carries the genetic information in the form of • Nucleic acids are macromolecules present in all
codons. Codons are a group of three adjacent nucleotides living cells in combination with protein to form nu-
that code for the amino acids of protein. cleoproteins. The protein is usually protamine and
♦♦ In eukaryotes mRNAs have some unique characteristics, histone. Genetic information is encoded in nucleic
e.g. the 5’ end of mRNA is "capped" by a 7-methyl- acid molecule.
guanosine triphosphate. • Nucleic acids are built up by the monomeric units,
♦♦ The cap is involved in the recognition of mRNA in i.e. nucleotides.
protein biosynthesis and it helps to stabilize the mRNA • Nucleic acids are of two types, i.e. deoxyribonucleic
by preventing attack of 5’-exonucleases. acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).
♦♦ A poly (A) “tail” is attached to the other 3’—end of mRNA. • DNA is present in nuclei and small amount are also
This tail consists of series of adenylate residues, 20-250 present in mitochondria whereas 90% of RNA is
nucleotides in length joined by 3' to 5’ phosphodiester present in cell cytoplasm and 10% in nucleolus.
bonds. • Nucleic acids serve as repositories and transmitters
♦♦ The function of poly A tail is not fully understood, but it of genetic information.
seems that it helps to stabilize mRNA by preventing the
attack of 3’-exonuclease. Functions of Nucleotides
♦♦ If the mRNA codes for only one peptide, the mRNA Nucleotides carry out various biological functions, i.e.
is monocistronic. If it codes for two or more different ♦♦ They are activated precursors of DNA and RNA.
polypeptides, the mRNA is polycistronic. In eukaryotes ♦♦ In addition to their roles as the subunit of nucleic acids,
most mRNA are monocistronic. nucleotides have a variety of other functions in every cell
Transfer RNA (tRNA) as:
• They act as energy carriers, e.g. ATR GTP, CTP and
Refer to Ans 2 of same chapter. UTP.
• Components of enzyme cofactors, e.g. adenine
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
nucleotide are component of three major coenzymes
♦♦ RNA of ribosome is known as rRNA. NAD+, FAD+ and CoA.
♦♦ Ribosome is a cytoplasmic nucleoprotein which acts as • Chemical messengers, e.g. cAMP, and cGMP.
machinery for synthesis of proteins. One of the most common is adenosine 3`, 5'-cyclic
♦♦ Ribosome is a spheroidal particle which consists of a large monophosphate (cAMP), serves regulatory functions
and small nucleoprotein subunit. in virtually every cell.
♦♦ Eukaryotic ribososmes consists of 60S and 40S subunits. • Activator of metabolic intermediates: Nucleotides
Each subunit consists of one or more strand of rRNA and are needed for activation of intermediates in many
various numerous protein molecules. biosynthetic pathways, e.g. UDP-glucose and CDP—
♦♦ 60S subunit consists of 28S rRNA, 5S rRNA and 5.8S rRNA, diacylglycerol are precursors for glycogen and
the 40S subunit contains 18S rRNA. phospholipid synthesis.
Functions of RNA Q.8. Write on biological importance of nucleotides.
 (May 2014, 5 Marks)
Type of RNA Function Ans. Following is the biological importance of nucleotides:
mRNA It carry genetic information from DNA to cytosol, • They are the building blocks or monomeric units in
where it is used for synthesis of proteins the nucleic acid structure.
• They are the structural components of various co-
tRNA It serves as “adaptor” molecule which carry specific
amino acid to site of protein synthesis enzymes of B-complex vitamins e.g. FAD, NAD+,
NADP+, etc.
rRNA • In association with the protein, it serves as site
for protein synthesis. • Nucleotides are the carriers of high energy interme-
• It provides catalytic activities diates during biosynthesis of carbohydrates, lipids
and proteins.
Hn RNA This serves as precursor for mRNA
• They are involved in the energy reactions of the cell.
Sc RNA This RNA is involved in recognition of signal
• They control several metabolic reactions by acting
sequence on protein synthesis on membrane bound
ribososmes. as allosteric regulators.
• Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP are the second mes-
Sn RNA It involves in excising introns and splicing axons
sengers in hormone function.
Q.7. Write short note on nucleic acids.( June 2010, 5 Marks) Q.9. Write about structure and functions of DNA.
Ans. Nucleic acids are the polymers of nucleotides which are  (Jan 2018, 5 Marks) (Sep 2015, 7 Marks)
held by 3’ and 5’ phosphate bridges.  (Sep 2018, 5 Marks)
478 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Ans. Structure of DNA each other. Wherever adenine occurs in one chain,
Primary Structure of DNA thymine is found in the other; similarly wherever
guanine occurs in one chain cytosine is found in the
• DNA is a very long, thread like macromolecule
made up of a large number of deoxyribonucleotides;
each composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar and • The DNA double helix or duplex is held together
phosphate group. by two forces: hydrogen bonding between comple-
• The sugar in a deoxyribonucleotide is deoxyribose. mentary base pairs and base stacking interactions.
• The nitrogenous base purines in DNA are adenine • The Watson-Crick structure is also referred to as
(A), and guanine (G) and pyrimidines are thymine B-form DNA or B-DNA. The B—form is the most
(T) and cytosine (C). stable structure of DNA under physiological condi-
• In a deoxyribonucleotide, the C-l carbon atom of tions. The structured variants that have been well
deoxyribose is bonded to N-1 of pyrimidine or N-9 characterized are the A-form and Z-form.
of purine by N- glycosidic linkage. The backbone of
DNA consists of many deoxyribonucleotides linked
covalently by 3’,5’ phosphodiester bonds.
• The sequence of bases along a polynucleotide chain
is not restricted in any way; the precise sequence of
bases carries the genetic information. The resulting
long, unbranched DNA chain has polarity.
• One end of the chain has a 5’—phosphate group and
the other a 3’—hydroxy group that is not linked to
another nucleotide. The base sequence located along
the resulting DNA chain is written from 5’ end of
the chain to the 3’ end (5’—>3’ direction).
Secondary Structure of DNA
In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick postulated a
three dimensional model of DNA structure.
• It consists of two helical DNA chains vound around
the same axis to form a right handed double helix.
• The hydrophilic backbones of alternating
deoxyribose and phosphate groups are on the
outside of the double helix facing the surrounding
water. The purine and pyrimidine bases of both
strands are sacked inside the double helix with their
hydrophobic ring structures very close together and
perpendicular to the long axis.
• Each nucleotide base of one strand is paired with a Fig. 22:  Structure of DNA
base of the other strand. Watson and Crick found
thatA (Adenine) bonds specifically to T (Thymine)
Functions of DNA
and G (Guanine) bonds to C (Cytosine). Adenine is
always paired with thymine in DNA by formation DNA is the store of genetic information. Genetic information
of two hydrogen bonds: guanine is always paired stored in DNA serves two functions:
with cytosine by formation of three hydrogen bonds. 1. It is the source of information for synthesis of all protein
The balance pairing of the two strands creates a molecules of the cell.
major groove and minor groove on the surface of 2. It provides the information inherited by daughter cells
the duplex.
or offspring.
• The two strands of DNA are anti–parallel, their 3’,
5’— phosphodiester bonds run in the opposite struc- Q.10. Write similarity and differences between DNA and
ture of DNA directions. Adjacent bases are separated RNA. (Feb 2016, 2 Marks)
by 3.4Å along the helix axis and the helical structure Or
repeats after ten residues on each chain, that is at
intervals of 34Å. The diameter of the helix is 20Å. Answer in brief on similarities and differences between
• The two antiparallel polynucleotide chains of double DNA and RNA. (May 2017, 2 Marks)
helical DNA are not identical in either base sequence Ans. Following are the similarities and differences between
or composition. Instead they are complementary to DNA and RNA:
Biochemistry 479

Similarities between RNA and Differences between RNA and Degradation of cAMP
DNA DNA It undergoes rapid hydrolysis which is catalysed by enzyme
DNA and RNA are made up of DNA is double-stranded, RNA is phosphodiesterase to 5’ AMP which is inactive.
monomers called nucleotides single-stranded
DNA and RNA both contain DNA contains a pentose sugar Functions of cAMP
pentose sugars deoxyribose, RNA contains the ♦♦ It acts as second messenger for the most of polypeptide
pentose sugar Ribose. A pentose hormones.
is a 5-carbon sugar molecule
♦♦ It enhances the degradation of storage fuels like fat and
DNA and RNA both have 3 DNA is limited to the nucleus, glycogen by stimulating lipolysis, glycogenolysis. cAMP
nitrogenous bases: Adenine, RNA is made in the nucleus, but serve regulatory function in every cell.
Cytosine and Guanine can travel outside of it
♦♦ It inhibits aggregation of blood platelets.
DNA and RNA both have a DNA has a nitrogenous base ♦♦ cAMP increases the secretion of acid by gastric mucosa.
phosphate groups in their called Thymine, but RNA does
nucleotides. Sometimes called not. Instead, RNA has uracil. In Q.12. Write short note on cAMP as second messenger.
phosphoric acid DNA thymine pairs with adenine,  (Apr 2015, 3 Marks)
but in RNA uracil pairs with Or
Write briefly about second messenger.
They both have the base pair of There is only one type of DNA  (Oct 2016, 2 marks)
Guanine and Cytosine but 3 kinds of RNA (messenger,
Ans. cAMP act as second messenger for many of the
transfer and ribosomal RNA)
polypeptide hormones.
They are both necessary for the RNA synthesis does not require ♦♦ Once cAMP is produced it elicit biochemical responses as
cell to produce proteins a primer strand in contrast to
a second messenger.
DNA synthesis
♦♦ cAMP activates protein kinase A. Protein kinase A is a
Direction of both RNA and DNA DNA synthesis is semi­ heterotetramer which consists of two regulatory subunits
synthesis is conservative while RNA
(R) and two catalytic subunits (C). cAMP binds to inactive
5’ → 3’ synthesis is fully conservative
protein kinase and lead to the dissociation of R and C
Hydrolysis of No exonuclease activity has been subunits.
pyrophosphatetakes place in recorded in RNA polymerase.
  4cAMP + R2C2 →  R2 (4 cAMP) + 2C
both the cases DNA polymerase has both 3’ →
5’and 5’ → 3’ exonuclease activity   (Inactive)     (Inactive)  (Active)
Phosphodiester linkage takes Active subunit (C) catalyses phosphorylation of proteins.
place just as during DNA It is the phosphoprotein which leads to biochemical
synthesis. The nucleophilic attacks response.
of 3’–OH terminus is common ♦♦ Various hormones which use cAMP as second messenger
are calcitonin, chorionic gonadotropin, corticotrophin,
Q.11. Write about cyclic AMP. (Dec 2014, 5 Marks) epinephrine, follicle stimulating hormone, glucagon,
Ans. It is represented as cAMP. luteinizing hormone, melanocyte stimulating hormone,
♦♦ It is also known as second messenger since it acts as second norepinephrine, parathyroid hormone, thyroid stimulating
messenger for the most of polypeptide hormones. hormone and vasopressin.
♦♦ It is a ubiquitous nucleotide. Q.13. Name four biologically important nucleotides.
♦♦ cAMP contains adenine, ribose and a phosphate linkage.  (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
♦♦ ATP is converted to cyclic AMP by enzyme adenylate Ans. Biologically important nucleotides are:
cyclase. ♦♦ ATP or Adenosine triphosphate
♦♦ cAMP is hydrolysed by phosphodiesterase to 5’- AMP. ♦♦ ADP or Adenosine diphosphate
Action of Cyclic AMP ♦♦ cAMP or Cyclic Adenosine 3’, 5’ monophosphate
♦♦ GTP or Guanosine triphosphate
♦♦ It elicits biological responses as second messenger. ♦♦ GDP or Guanosine Diphosphate
♦♦ cAMP activates protein kinase A. Protein kinase A is a ♦♦ cGMP or Cyclic Guanosine 3’, 5’ monophosphate
heterotetramer which consists of two regulatory subunits ♦♦ UDP or Uridine diphosphate
(R) and two catalytic subunits (C). cAMP binds to inactive ♦♦ CTP or Cytidine triphosphate
protein kinase and lead to the dissociation of R and C ♦♦ CDP or Cytidine diphosphate
Q.14. Write a short note on gout. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
   4cAMP + R2C2 →  R2 (4 cAMP) + 2C
 (Feb 2014, 3 Marks) (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
   (Inactive)     (Inactive)  (Active)
Active subunit (C) catalyses phosphorylation of proteins. It Or
is the phosphoprotein which leads to biochemical response. Answer in brief on gout. (May 2017, 2 Marks)
480 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Or ♦♦ Foods especially rich in nucleotides and nucleic acids such

Write short answer on gout. (Aug 2018, 5 Marks) as liver or coffee and tea, which contain the purines caffeine
Ans. Gout is a disease that results from an overload of uric and theobromine, are withheld from the diet. Restriction
acid in the body. This overload of uric acid leads to of alcohol intake is also advised.
the formation of tiny crystals of urate that deposit in ♦♦ Major improvement occurs after use of the drug allopurinol,
tissues of the body, especially the joints. When crystals an analog of hypoxanthine which inhibits xanthine oxidase
form in the joints, it causes recurring attacks of joint competitively, the enzyme responsible for converting
inflammation (arthritis). purines into uric acid. This leads to reduced formation of
• Gout is considered a chronic and progressive disease. uric acid and accumulation of xanthine and hypoxanthine,
• Chronic gout can also lead to deposits of hard lumps which are more soluble and thus easily excreted.
of uric acid in the tissues, particularly in and around
Q.15. Answer in brief mutation. (Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
the joints and may cause joint destruction, decreased
Ans. Mutation is defined as change in the DNA structure of
kidney function, and kidney stones (nephrolithiasis).
Causes • Substances which induce mutation are known as
♦♦ Hyperuricemia is the underlying cause of gout. This can
• Changes which occur inside DNA during mutation
occur for a number of reasons, including diet, genetic
are reflected in replication, transcription and transla-
predisposition, or underexcretion of urate, the salts of
uric acid.
• Mutations in germ cells are transmitted to next
♦♦ Renal underexcretion of uric acid is the primary cause of
progeny and may give rise to inherited diseases.
• Mutations may sometime result in serious diseases
Classification of Gout such as cancer, sickle cell anemia, etc.

Gout is of two types, i.e. primary gout and secondary gout. Causes of Mutations

Primary Gout ♦♦ Errors in replication: If a mismatch base pair is not

corrected during proof reading and post replication repair
This is an inborn error of metabolism because of overproduction system.
of uric acid. In this there is increase level of uric acid which ♦♦ Error due to the recombination events.
is associated with increased synthesis of purine nucleotides. ♦♦ Due to spontaneous changes in DNA, e.g. deamination of
Enhanced synthesis of purine nucleotides occur due to defective cytosine to uracil or spontaneous depurination.
enzymes of purine nucleotide biosynthesis, i.e. PRPP synthetase, ♦♦ Environmental factors such as chemical mutagens and
PRPP glutamyl amidotransferase, HGPRTase. Lack of feedback irradiation, e.g. ultraviolet light or ionizing radiation can
regulation of purine nucleotide synthesis and Lesch-Nyhan lead to alteration in structure of DNA.
syndrome leads to primary gout.
Types of Mutations
Symptoms of Primary Gout
Mutations are of two type, i.e.
♦♦ Patients with primary gout often show deposition of urate 1. Point mutation
as tophi (clusters of urate crystals) in soft tissues that affect 2. Frameshift mutation
the joints and leads to painful arthritis.
♦♦ Kidneys are also affected, since excess urate is also Point Mutation
deposited in the kidney tubules and leads to renal failure. ♦♦ It consists of replacement of one base pair by another
which leads to point mutation. Point mutation is divided
Secondary Gout
into two parts, i.e.
♦♦ Secondary gout results due to variety of diseases that cause 1. Transition: In transition, a purine is replaced by
an elevated destruction of cells or decreased elimination another purine or a pyrimidine is replaced by another
of uric acid. pyrimidine.
♦♦ Elevated destruction of cells is accompanied by increased 2. Transversion: They are characterized by replacement
degradation of nucleic acids to uric acid which occurs in of purine by pyrimidine or vice versa.
cancers (leukemia, polycythemia, lymphoma etc) psoriasis ♦♦ Point mutation can lead to silent mutation, missense
and hypercatabolic states (starvation, trauma etc.) mutation and nonsense mutation. These three are the
♦♦ There is decreased elimination of uric acid occurs in chronic consequences of point mutation.
renal disease due to reduced glomerular filtrate rate.
Frameshift Mutation
Treatment of Gout
♦♦ These mutations occur when either one or more base
♦♦ Gout can be treated by a combination of nutritional therapy pairs are inserted or are deleted from DNA which leads
and drug therapy. to insertion or deletion frameshift mutations.
Biochemistry 481

♦♦ In deletion frameshift mutation, deletion of a single ♦♦ Enzyme pyrophosphatase leads to hydration of PPi
nucleotide from coding strand of a gene leads to altered to phosphate (Pi). The immediate elimination of
reading frame in mRNA. As there is no punctuation pyrophosphate makes this reaction totally irreversible.
in reading of codons, translating machinery does noit
recognize that a base is missing. There frameshifts result in Transport of Acyl-CoA in Mitochondria
production of entirely different protein after transcription
and translation. Inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to fatty acids.
♦♦ Insertion frameshift mutation can be of one or two A special carnitine carrier system transport activated fatty acids
nucleotides. Insertion of nucleotide in genes leads to severe from cytosol to mitochondria.
frameshift mutation, e.g. thalassemia. Activated long chain fatty acids are carried across the inner
♦♦ If number of nucleotides involves in deletion or insertion mitochondrial membrane by carnitine, (β-hydroxy γ-trimethyl-
is three or multiples of three, frameshift does not occur, ammonium butyrate) formed from lysine and methionine in
instead an abnormal protein is synthesized. liver and kidney. This occurs in four steps as follows:
1. The acyl group of acyl-CoA is transferred to the carnitine to
form acylcarnitine. This reaction is catalyzed by carnitine
4. LIPIDS: CHEMISTRY, METABOLISM acyltransferase-I (CAT-I) which is located on the cytosolic
AND REGULATION face of inner mitochondrial membrane.
2. Acylcarnitine is then transported across the inner
Q.1. Describe β-oxidation of palmitic acid (18 carbons) along mitochondrial membrane by an enzyme translocase.
with its energetics. (Nov 2009, 8 Marks) 3. The acyl group is transferred back to CoA in the
Or mitochondrial matrix by the enzyme carnitine acyl
transferase-II (CAT-II), located on the inside of the inner
Describe beta-oxidation of fatty acids in brief. mitochondrial membrane.
 (Dec 2010, 10 Marks) 4. Acyl-CoA is reformed in the mitochondrial matrix with
Or liberation of carnitine which is returned to the cytosolic
Give an account of metabolism of fat with particular side by the translocase in exchange for an incoming acyl-
reference to beta-oxidation. (Feb 2014, 8 Marks) carnitine.

Or β-Oxidation Proper
Write about β-oxidation of fatty acids. After penetration of acyl-CoA in mitochondria, it undergoes
 (Sep 2015, 7 Marks) β-oxidation.
Or Each cycle of β-oxidation, liberate a two carbon unit acetyl
CoA which occur in sequence of four reactions, i.e.
Write on beta-oxidation of fatty acids and its energetics
 (Apr 2017, 5 Marks) 1. Oxidation: Acyl-CoA undergoes dehydrogenation by an
FAD dependent flavoenzyme, acyl-CoA dehydrogenase.
Ans. Beta-oxidation of Fatty Acids
There is formation of double bond between α and β
This process is known as β-oxidation, because the
oxidation and splitting of two carbon units occur at the
β-carbon atom. The oxidation of the hydrocarbon chain 2. Hydration: Enoyl-CoA hydratase causes hydration of
occurs by a sequential cleavage of two carbon atoms double bond to form β-hydroxyacyl CoA.
(Fray Knoop, 1904).
β-oxidation can be defined as oxidation of fatty acids on
the β carbon atom.

Stages of β-Oxidation
β-oxidation of fatty acids consists of three stages, i.e. fatty
acid activation, Transport of acyl CoA in mitochondria and
β-oxidation proper in mitochondrial matrix.

Fatty Acid Activation

♦♦ It occurs in the cytosol.
♦♦ Fatty acids are activated to acyl-CoA by enzyme thiokinases
or acyl-CoA synthetases. During this reaction, two high A
energy phosphates are utilized, since ATP is converted to
pyrophosphate (PPi).
482 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

4. Cleavage: So now the final reaction of β-oxidation is

liberation of two carbon fragment, acetyl-CoA from acyl
CoA. This happens by thiolytic cleavage catalysed by
β-ketoacyl CoA thiolase.
New acyl-CoA having two carbons less than the original,
reenters the β-oxidation cycle. This continues till fatty acid gets
completely oxidized.

Summary of β Oxidation of Palmitoyl CoA

Palmitoyl CoA + 7CoASH + 7FAD + 7NAD+ + 7H2O→8 acetyl
CoA + 7FADH2 + 7NADH + 7H+
Beta-oxidation of fatty acids
Palmitoyl CoA undergo 7 cycles of β-oxidation to yield
8 acetyl-CoA. Acetyl-CoA can enter citric acid cycle and get
completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water.

Energetics of Beta-oxidation (ATP Yield)

♦♦ Complete β-oxidation of palmitoyl CoA (16 carbon acid)
occurs through 7 cycles of β-oxidation yielding finally 8
acetyl-CoA, 7 FADH2 and 7 NADH.
♦♦ 2.5 ATPs are generated when each of these NADH is
oxidized by respiratory chain.
♦♦ 1.5 ATPs are formed for each FADH2.
♦♦ The oxidation of acetyl-CoA by the citric acid cycle yields
10 ATPs. Therefore, the number of ATPs formed in the
oxidation of palmitoyl-CoA is:
• 10.5 ATPs from the 7 FADH2
• 17.5 ATPs from the 7 NADH
• 80 ATPs from the oxidation of 8 molecules of acetyl-
CoA in TCA cycle.
• Total of 108 ATPs.
♦♦ Two high energy phosphate bonds are consumed in the
activation of palmitate in which ATP is split into AMP
and PPi.
♦♦ Thus, the net yield from the complete oxidation of
palmitate is 108 ATPs minus 2ATPs = 106 ATPs.
 Previous calculations were made assuming that NADH
produces 3 ATPs and FADH2 generates 2 ATPs. This will
amount to a net generation of 129 ATPs per palmitate
molecule. Recent studies show that these old values are
wrong, and net generation of ATPs is only 106.

Regulation of Beta-oxidation of Fatty Acids

Rate limiting step in β-oxidation pathway is formation of
acyl-carnitine which is catalysed by enzyme carnitineacyl
transferase-I (CAT-I). This is an allosteric enzyme. Malonyl-CoA
Figs 23A and B:  Carnitine transport system is an inhibitior of CAT-I.
- In well fed state due to increase in level of insulin,
(CAT I: Carnitine acyltransferase-I; CAT II: Carnitine acyltransferase-II) concentration of malonyl-CoA increases which inhibits
CAT-I and leads to decrease in fatty acid oxidation.
3. Oxidation: β-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase catalyzes - In starvation due to increase in level of glucagon
second oxidation and generates NADH. Now there is concentration of malonyl-CoA decreases and stimulates
formation of β-ketoacyl CoA. fatty acid oxidation.
Biochemistry 483

Fig. 24:  Overall process of b-oxidation

Write a short note on lipoproteins.

 (Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
Write very short answer on lipoproteins.
 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)

Ans. Lipoproteins are large water soluble complexes formed

by combination of lipid and protein which transport
insoluble lipids through the blood between different
organs and tissues.
 It consist of lipid core which contain nonpolar
triacylglycerol and cholesterol ester which is surrounded
by the single layer of amphipathic phospholipids and
free cholesterol molecules with some proteins.
 Here protein components are referred to as an
apoprotein or apolipoprotein.
Fig. 25:  Regulation of b-oxidation of fatty acids Class of Lipoprotein
Q.2. Write briefly on beta-oxidation. (Mar 2008 3 Marks) Lipoproteins are classified into four major classes according to
Or their physical and chemical properties. These are:
1. Chylomicrons
Write a short note on beta-oxidation. 2. Very low density lipoproteins
 (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) 3. Low density lipoprotein (LDL)
Or 4. High density lipoprotein (HDL)
Write a short note on beta-oxidation of fatty acids. • The above lipoprotein complexes consist of different
 (Sep 2015, 5 Marks) proportion of lipids and proteins. Density of these
Ans. Refer to Ans 1 of same chapter. lipoproteins is inversely proportional to triacylglycerol
content. Increase in density decreases diameter of
Q.3. Describe β-oxidation of palmitic acid along with its particle.
energetics. Write a note on essential fatty acids. • Chylomicrons consist of 1% protein and 99%
 (Nov 2012, 8 Marks) triacylglycerol have lowest density.
Ans. For β-oxidation of palmitic acid refer to Ans 1 of same • High density lipoprotein consists of 50% proteins and
chapter. 50% of lipid. It has highest density.
For essential fatty acids refer to Ans 7 of same chapter. • Triacylglycerol is the most predominant lipid in
chylomicrons and VLDL. Cholestrol is predominant
Q.4. Describe lipoproteins in brief. (Apr 2008, 4 Marks) lipid in LDL. Phospholipid is predominant lipid in
484 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Site of Synthesis and Functions of Lipoproteins • Sitosterol decreases the intestinal absorption of
exogenous and endogenous cholesterol and there
Name of Site of by lower the blood cholesterol level.
lipoprotein synthesis Function
Q.6. Describe in brief classification of lipids.
Chylomicrons Intestine It transport dietary lipids from
intestine of the peripheral tissues  (Mar 2006, 4 Marks)
VLDL Liver It transport triacylglycerol from
liver to peripheral tissues Write a short note on classification of lipids.
LDL Plasma VLDL It transport cholesterol from liver  (Feb 2013, 6 Marks)
to peripheral tissues Ans. Lipids are regarded as organic substances relatively
HDL Liver and It transport free cholesterol from soluble in water, soluble in organic solvents (alcohol,
intestine peripheral tissues to liver ether, etc.) actually or potentially related to fatty acids
and is utilized by living cells.
Importance Lipids are broadly classified as simple, complex, derived
and miscellaneous.
♦♦ To transport and deliver lipid to tissue.
♦♦ To maintain structural integrity of cell surface and sub Simple Lipids
cellular particles like mitochondria and microsomes.
♦♦ Lipoprotein function increase in severe diabetes mellitus, These are the esters of fatty acids with alcohol. Simple lipids
atherosclerosis, etc. hence it is of diagnostic importance. are of two types, i.e.
1. Fats and oils (triglycerides): These are esters of fatty acid
Q.5. Write about biomedical importance of fats in the diet. with glycerol. As they are uncharged, they are known as
 (Apr 2003, 6 Marks) neutral fat. Fat we eat are mostly triglycerides. Fat in liquid
Ans. •  The high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty state is known as oil.
acids in the lipids of gonads are important in 2. Waxes: True waxes are esters of fatty acid with high
reproductive functions. molecular weight monohydric long chain alcohols other
• They are best reserve of food material in the human than glycerol.
• They act as insulator for the loss of body heat. Complex Lipids
• They act as a padding material for protecting internal These are the esters of fatty acid with alcohols which consists
organs. of additional groups, i.e. phosphate, nitrogenous base,
• Deficiency of essential fatty acids causes skin lesions, carbohydrate, protein, etc. Complex lipids are subdivided into:
abnormal pregnancy and lactation in adult females, ♦ Phospholipids: Lipids consisting of phosphoric acid and
fatty liver, kidney damages. frequently a nitrogenous base. This is in addition to alcohol
• Absence of dipalmitoyl lecithin (DPL) in premature and fatty acids. Phospholipids are classified on the basis of
fetus produces respiratory distress syndrome type of alcohol present in them as glycerophospholipids
(hyaline membrane disease). and sphingophospholipids.

Fig. 26:  Classification of lipids

Biochemistry 485

• Glycerophospholipids: They consist of glycerol as Metabolism of HDL

alcohol, e.g. lecithin, cephalin ♦♦ HDL get synthesized and secreted from liver as disk
• Sphingophospholipids: Sphingosine is the alcohol shaped nascent HDL particles which consist primarily of
present in this group, e.g. sphingomyelin phospholipids, free cholesterol and apo A–l as the main
♦ Glycolipids: Lipids which consists of fatty acid, apolipoproteins together with apo C—II and Apo E.
carbohydrate and nitrogenous waste are known as ♦♦ These above mentioned nascent HDL particles are nearly
glycolipids. Since alcohol is sphingosine, so they are known devoid of cholesterol ester and triacylglycerol.
as glycosphingolipids. ♦♦ As nascent HDL is secreted into the plasma, enzyme
♦ Lipoproteins: They are formed by the combination of lipid synthesized by liver, i.e. lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase
with a prosthetic group protein, e.g. chylomicrons, VLDL, (LCAT) get binds to nascent HDL.
LDL, HDL ♦♦ Nascent HDL picks up cholesterol from other lipoproteins
♦ Other complex lipids: Sulfolipids, aminolipids and and from cell membrane of peripheral tissue. Cholesterol
lipopolysaccharides are complex lipids. picked up by nascent HDL is converted to cholesterol esters
by the action of LCAT in the presence of its activator Apo
Derived Lipids A–I inside HDL particle.
Derived lipids consist of products which are derivative ♦♦ As cholesterol in HDL gets esterified by LCAT activity,
obtained on hydrolysis of group I and group II lipids which it makes a concentration gradient and takes up free
cholesterol from tissues and from other lipoproteins.
posses characteristics of lipid. Derived lipids include glycerol,
♦♦ Now nascent HDL fills with cholesterol ester and they
other alcohols, fatty acids, mono and diacylglycerol, lipid
become spherical in shape. These spherical HDL which is
soluble vitamins, steroid hormone, hydrocarbons and ketone
enriched in cholesterol ester now enter the liver. In liver,
the cholesterol esters get degraded to cholesterol which
Miscellaneous Lipids get utilized for synthesis of bile acids and lipoproteins or
excreted into bile as cholesterol.
They consists of large number of compounds which posses
characteristics of lipids, e.g. carotenoids, squalene, etc.
Q.7. Write short note on essential fatty acids.
(Nov 2009, 3 Marks) (Jan 2012, 6 Marks) (Aug 2016, 3 Marks)
Ans. Fatty acids that cannot be synthesized by the body and
should be supplied in the diet are known as essential
fatty acids.
Chemically, they are polyunsaturated fatty acids, namely
linoleic acid and linolenic acid. Arachidonic acid if
becomes essential, if its precursor linoleic acid is not
provided in the diet in sufficient amount.

Functions of Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids are required for:
Fig. 27:  Metabolism of HDL
♦♦ Proper membrane structure and function
♦♦ Essential fatty acid is required for transport of cholesterol
Functions of HDL
♦♦ Formation of lipoproteins
♦♦ Prevention of fat ♦♦ HDL is the main transport form of cholesterol from
♦♦ They are also needed for the synthesis of another important peripheral tissue to liver which is later excreted through
group of compounds namely eicosanoids. bile. This is called reverse cholesterol transport by HDL.
♦♦ The only excretory route of cholesterol from the body is
Deficiency of Essential Fatty Acids the bile.
Deficiency of essential fatty acids results in phrynoderma or ♦♦ Excretion of cholesterol needs prior esterification with
toad skin is characterized by the presence of horny eruptions PUFA. Thus PUFA will help in lowering of cholesterol in
on the posterior and lateral parts of limbs, on the back and the body, and so PUFA is antiatherogenic.
buttocks, loss of hair and poor wound healing. Clinical Significance
Q.8. Write in brief on HDL. (Jan 2012, 6 Marks) Level of HDL in serum is inversely related to the incidence of
Ans. HDL is the full form for high density lipoprotein myocardial infarction. As it is “antiatherogenic” or “protective”
486 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

in nature, HDL is known as “good cholesterol” or “highly Synthesis of Cholestrol

desirable lipoprotein” in common parlance. It is convenient to 1. Synthesis of HMG-CoA
remember that “H” in HDL stands for “Healthy”. HDL level 2. Formation of mevalonate (6C)
below 35 mg/dL increases the risk, while level above 60 mg/dL 3. Production of isoprenoid units (5C)
completely protects the person from coronary artery diseases. 4. Synthesis of squalene (30C)
Q.9. Write a short note on cholesterol. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) 5. Conversion of squalene to cholesterol (27C).
Ans. Cholesterol is exclusively found in animals and is the Acetyl-CoA (2C)
most abundant animal sterol. ↓
• It is distributed in all cells and is a major component HMG-CoA (6C)
of cell membranes and lipoproteins. ↓
• Cholesterol was first isolated from bile. Mevalonate (6C)
• It has one hydroxyl group at C3 and a double bond ↓
between C5 and C6. An 8 carbon aliphatic side chain Isoprenoid units
is attached to C17. Cholesterol contains a total of 5 ↓
methyl groups. (5C; building blocks)
• It is found in association with fatty acids to form ↓
cholestrol esters. 6 units condense

Properties and Reactions Squalene (30C)

♦♦ Cholesterol is an yellowish crystalline solid. Lanosterol (30C)
♦♦ The crystals, under the microscope, show a notched ↓
appearance. Cholesterol (27C)
♦♦ It is insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents such
1. Synthesis of β-hydroxy β -methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-
as chloroform, benzene, ether, etc.
CoA): Two moles of acetyl-CoA condense to form
♦♦ Several reactions given by cholesterol are useful for its
acetoacetyl-CoA. Another molecule of acetyl-CoA is then
qualitative identification and quantitative estimation. added to produce HMG-CoA.
These include Sallowski’s test, Liebermann-Burchard 2. Formation of mevalonate: HMG-CoA reductase is the
reaction and Zak’s test. rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis. This
enzyme is present in endoplasmic reticulum and catalyses
Functions of Cholesterol the reduction of HMG-CoA to mevalonate. The reducing
♦♦ Cholesterol acts as an insulating cover for the transmission equivalents are supplied by NADPH.
of electrical impulses in the nervous tissue. 3. Production of isoprenoid units: In a three step reaction
♦♦ It performs several other biochemical functions which catalysed by kinases, mevalonate is converted to 3-phospho-
include its role in membrane structure and function in 5-pyrophosphomevalonate which on decarboxylation
the synthesis of bile acids, sex and cortical hormones and forms isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP). The latter
vitamin D. isomerizes to dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DPP). Both
IPP and DPP are 5-carbon isoprenoid units.
Q.10. Write on cholesterol synthesis. (Aug 2011, 6 Marks) 4. Synthesis of squalene: IPP and DPP condense to produce a
Or 10-carbon geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP). Another molecule
of IPP condenses with GPP to form a 15-carbon farnesyl
Write down in detail about biosynthesis of cholesterol. pyrophosphate (FPP). Two units of farnesyl pyrophosphate
 (Jun 2010, 10 Marks) unite and get reduced to produce a 30-carbon squalene.
Ans. About 1g of cholesterol is synthesized per day in adults. 5. Conversion of squalene to cholesterol: Squalene undergoes
• Almost all the tissues of the body participate in hydroxylation and cyclization utilizing O2 and NADPH and
cholesterol biosynthesis. gets converted to lanosterol. The formation of cholesterol
• The largest contribution is made by liver, intestine, from lanosterol is a multistep process with a series of
skin, adrenal cortex, reproductive tissue, etc. about 19 enzymatic reactions. The penultimate product
• Acetate of acetyl-CoA provides all the carbon atoms is 7-dehydrocholesterol which on reduction finally yields
in cholesterol. cholesterol.
• The reducing equivalents are supplied by NADPH, Q.11. Describe in brief significance of cholesterol.
while ATP provides energy.  (Aug 2012, 4 Marks)
• For the production of one mole of cholesterol, 18 Ans. Significance of Cholesterol
moles of acetyl-CoA, 36 moles of ATP and 16 moles • Heart diseases: Level of cholesterol in blood is
of NADPH are required. related to the development of atherosclerosis. Ab-
Biochemistry 487

normality of cholesterol metabolism may lead to Choline is the main lipotropic factor and various other
cardiovascular accidents and heart attacks. lipotropic agents act by producing choline in the body. For
• Cell membranes: Cholesterol is a component of example, betaine and methionine possessing methyl groups
membranes and has a modulating effect on the fluid are donated to ethnolamine to form choline.
state of the membrane. Choline is needed for formation of phospholipid, lecithin
• Nerve conduction: Cholesterol is a poor conductor which in turn is an essential component of lipoprotein. Formation
of electricity, and is used to insulate nerve fibers. of lipoprotein is important for disposal of triacylglycerol.
• Bile acids and bile salts: The 24 carbon bile acids
Vitamin B12 and folic acid can also produce lipotropic effect
are derived from cholesterol. Bile salts are important
as they lead to formation of methionine from homocysteine.
for fat absorption.
• Steroid hormones: 21-carbon glucocorticoids, Q.13. Write about mechanism of hormone actions.
19-carbon androgens and 18-carbon estrogens are  (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
synthesized from cholesterol. Ans. Mechanism of Hormone Actions
• Vitamin D: It is synthesized from cholesterol. Hormone act in two ways:
Q.12. Write briefly on fatty liver and lipotropic factors.
 (Sep 2009, 5 Marks) Mechanism of Action of Peptide Hormones
Ans. Hormones that are derivatives of amino acids, polypeptides or
proteins are formed of large molecules. These being insoluble
Fatty Liver
in lipids cannot enter the target cell. These act at the surface
Liver is not a fat storage organ. In some conditions there is of target cell as primary messengers and bind to cell surface
excessive accumulation of fat mainly triacylglycerols in liver receptor forming hormone receptor complex. Mechanism of
which leads to fatty liver. hormone action involves following steps:
1. Hormone is called as first messenger attaches to the cell
Causes of Fatty Liver
surface receptor protein on the outer surface of plasma
There are two main causes of fatty liver, i.e. membrane of the target cell forming hormone receptor
1. Increased synthesis of triacylglycerol complex.
2. Impairment of lipoprotein synthesis 2. Thic complex activates the enzyme adenylyl cyclase.
3. Adenylyl cyclase catalyses the conversion of ATP to cyclic
Increased Triacylglycerol Synthesis AMP on the inner surface of plasma membrane.
As free fatty acids get mobilized from adipose tissue and their 4. Cyclic AMP (cAMP) serves as the ‘second messenger’ or
influx in the liver is higher than their utilization. This causes intracellular hormone mediator delivering information
overproduction of triacylglycerol and they get accumulate inside the target cells. This activates appropriate cellular
inside the liver. Various conditions such as diabetes mellitus, enzyme system by cascade effect and induces the cell
starvation, alcoholism and high fatty diet are associated with machinery to perform its specialized function.
increase in mobilization of fatty acids which leads to fatty liver. 5. Ca2+ ions may be involved along with cyclic AMP.
Alcohol is also one of the important factor which inhibit fatty 6. Cyclic AMP has a very short existence. It is rapidly
acid oxidation, promotes fat synthesis and its deposition. degraded by cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase.
• Water soluble hormones (amines, peptides, proteins
Impaired Synthesis of Lipoproteins
and glycoproteins) exert their control through cyclic
Synthesis of very low density lipoproteins actively occur AMP. These are quick acting hormones, i.e. they
inside the liver. Formation of VLDL needs phospholipids and produce immediate effect.
apoprotein B. Causation of fatty liver by impaired lipoprotein
synthesis can be due to: Mechanism of Action of Steroid Hormones
♦♦ Defect in phospholipid synthesis Steroid hormones and thyroid hormones do not bind to
♦♦ Block in apoprotein formation cell surface receptors. Being lipid soluble these are able to
♦♦ Failure in formation or secretion of lipoprotein. enter the cells and their nuclei and influence the gene action.
Lipotropic Factors The hormone binds to receptors forming hormone receptor
complex. It binds to the transcription factors that in turn
Lipotropic factors are the substances deficiency of which leads binds to DNA and particular gene or genes are activated.
to fat, i.e. triacylglycerol to accumulate in the liver. Their transcription leads to the synthesis of a specific protein
Lipotropic factors prevent the accumulation of fat in liver. to influence the metabolism of recipient cell. Thus peptide
Various important lipotropic factors are choline, betaine, hormones activate existing enzymes in the cell, while steroid
methionine and inositol. Apart from these folic acid, vitamin hormones bring about the synthesis of new enzymes. Steorid
B12, glycine and serine also serve as lipotropic factors to some hormones act slowly than peptides but have a more sustained
extent. effect on metabolism.
488 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.14. Define lipids. Give their classification in detail. Also

write down the functions of lipids.
 (June 2010, 10 Marks)
Ans. Lipids are defined as compounds which are relatively
insoluble in water, but freely soluble in nonorganic
solvents like benzene, chloroform, ether, hot alcohol,
acetone, etc.

Classification of Lipids
Refer to Ans 6 of same chapter.

Functions of Lipids
♦♦ They are the storage form of energy.
♦♦ Lipids such as phospholipids and cholesterol are the
structural component of biomembranes.
♦♦ Lipids such as prostaglandins and steroid hormones are
metabolic regulators.
♦♦ Amphipathic lipids function as surfactants, detergents and
emulsifying agents.
♦♦ It function as electric insulators in neurons.
♦♦ Subcutaneous fat provides insulation against changes in
external temperature.
♦♦ It provide contour and shape to body.
♦♦ It protect internal organs by providing cushioning effect.
♦♦ It absorb fat soluble vitamins.
♦♦ It improve taste as well as palatability to food.
Q.15. Describe fatty acid synthesis. (Mar 2013, 8 Marks)
Ans. De Novo, i.e. new synthesis of fatty acid occur in liver,
kidney, adipose tissue and lactating mammary glands.
• Enzyme for the synthesis of fatty acids is located in
cytosomal fraction of cell.
• Acetyl-CoA acts as a source for carbon atoms during
synthesis of fatty acids.
• NADPH gives reducing equivalents during synthe-
sis of fatty acids.
• ATP gives energy for fatty acid formation during
synthesis of fatty acids.
• Major fatty acid synthesized de novo is palmitic acid
which is the 16 carbon saturated fatty acid.
Fatty acid synthesis occur in following steps which
are as follows:

Step I: Carboxylation of Acetyl-CoA

♦♦ Starting step in the fatty acid synthesis is carboxylation of
acetyl-CoA which leads to the formation of malonyl-CoA.
♦♦ Acetyl-CoA carboxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme.
♦♦ Biotin is necessary for this reaction. Biotin is allosterically
regulated and the major effectors being citrate (positive)
and palmitoyl-CoA (negative).
♦♦ Elongation of the fatty acid occurs by addition of 2-carbon
atoms at a time. But the 2-carbon units are added as
3-carbon, malonyl units. The whole reaction sequence
occurs, while the intermediates are bound to acyl carrier
protein (ACP). Fig. 28:  Fatty acid synthesis
Biochemistry 489

Step II: Three-Carbon and Two-Carbon Units are Added • Certain enzymes require tightly bound phospho-
lipids for their actions, e.g. mitochondrial enzyme
♦♦ II-A: Acetyl transacylase catalyzes the transfer of the
system involved in oxidative phosphorylation.
acetyl group (2-carbons) to the cysteinyl SH group of the
• It play an essential part in the blood coagulation
condensing enzyme (CE) of the other monomer of the fatty
process. Required at the stage of:
acid synthase complex.
– Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin by ac-
♦♦ II-B: One molecule of acetyl-CoA (2-carbon) and one
tive factor X.
molecule of malonyl-CoA (3-carbon) bind to the fatty acid
– Possibly also in the activation of factor VIII by
synthetase complex. Malonyl transacylase transfers the
activated factor IX.
malonyl group to the SH group of the acyl carrier protein – Platelets provide the chief source of phospho-
of one monomer of the enzyme. lipids and that part of total lipid content of the
Step III: Condensation platelets which contributes to intrinsic blood
coagulation process and is called as platelet
The acetyl (2-carbon) and malonyl (3-carbon) units are factor 3.
condensed to form beta-ketoacyl-ACP or acetoacetyl ACP • Lecithin lowers the surface tension of water and
(4-carbon). During this process one carbon is lost as CO2. The aids in emulsification of lipid water mixtures, a
enzyme is called condensing enzyme. prerequisite in digestion and absorption of lipids
from gastrointestinal tracts.
Step IV: Reduction • Exogenous triglycerides is carried as lipoprotein
Acetoacetyl ACP is reduced by NADPH dependent beta-keto- complex, chylomicrons in which phospholipids
acyl reductase to form beta-hydroxy fatty acyl ACP. takes an active part.
• Endogenous triglycerides are carried from liver
Step V: Dehydration to various tissues as lipoprotein complex Pre-β-
lipoprotein (VLDL), phospholipid is required for
It is then dehydrated by a dehydratase (DH) to form enoyl-ACP
the formation of the lipoprotein complex.
otherwise known as (alpha-beta unsaturated acyl-ACP). • Probably phospholipid help to couple oxidation with
Step VI: Second Reduction phosphorylation and maintain electron transport
enzymes in active conformation and proper relative
Enoyl ACP is again reduced by enoyl reductase (ER) utilizing positions.
a 2nd molecule of NADPH to form butyryl ACP. The butyryl • Choline acts as a lipotropic agent as it can prevent
group (4-carbon) is now transferred to the SH group of the formation of fatty liver. As lecithin it can provide
condensing enzyme on the other monomer and a 2nd malonyl- choline and acts as lipotropic agent.
CoA molecule binds to the phosphopantothenyl SH group. • Phospholipids are in some way implicated in the
The sequence of reactions, namely condensation, reduction, mechanism of secretion is suggested by the observa-
dehydration and reduction (steps II, IV, V, VI) are repeated. tion that phospholipids, specially phosphatidic acid
The cycles are repeated a total of seven times, till the 16-carbon and phosphoinositides turnover is proportional to
palmitic acid is formed. the rate of secretion of cells liberating such products
as hormones, enzymes, mucins and other proteins.
Step VII: Palmitic Acid is Released • Phospholipids of membrane are hydrolyzed by
Thioesterase or deacylase activity releases palmitate from phospholipase A2 and provide unsaturated fatty
multienzyme complex. The end point is palmitic acid acid, arachidonic acid which is utilized for synthesis
of prostaglandins and leukotrienes.
(16-carbon) in liver and adipose tissue. In lactating mammary
• Phospholipids of myelin sheaths provide the insula-
gland end products are capric acid (10-carbon) and lauric acid
tion around the nerve fibers.
• They are required as a cofactor for the activity of the
Q.16. Write about biomedical importance of phospholipids. enzyme lipoprotein lipase and triacylglycerol lipase.
(Sep 2015, 7 Marks) Q.17. Write briefly about atherosclerosis.
Ans. Following is the biomedical importance of phospholipids:  (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
• Phospholipids participate in the lipoprotein com- Ans. Atherosclerosis is characterized by hardening and
plexes which are thought to constitute the matrix narrowing of arteries due to deposition of lipids mainly
of cell walls and membranes, myelin sheath and of cholesterol, free and esterified lipids.
such structures as mitochondria and microsomes. In • Deposition of cholesterol and other lipids in the inner
this role, they impart certain physical characteristics: arterial wall leads to the formation of plaque (sticky
• Unexpectedly high permeability towards certain deposit) and results in the endothelial damage and
nonpolar (hydrophobic) molecules. narrowing of the arterial lumen.
• Lysis by surface active agents—detergents, bile • Hardening and narrowing of coronary arteries result
salts, etc. in coronary heart disease.
490 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Cause of Atherosclerosis ♦♦ Moderate consumption of alcohol and exercise appears to

have a slightly beneficial effect by raising the level of HDL.
♦♦ Age: Aging causes changes in the blood vessel wall because
♦♦ Drug therapy, e.g. lovastatin, clofibrate, cholestyramine
of decreased metabolism of cholesterol. As age advances
inhibits cholesterol synthesis.
elasticity of the vessel wall decreases and formation of
plaques increases. Plaques are composed of smooth muscle Q.18. Write very short answer on essential fatty acids.
cells, connective tissue, lipids and debris that accumulate in  (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
the inner side of the arterial wall. Formation of plaque leads Ans. Fatty acids which cannot be synthesized in the body and
to narrowing of the lumen and leads to atherosclerosis. therefore should be supplied in the diet are known as
♦♦ Sex: Males are affected more than females, female essential fatty acids.
incidence increases after menopause. Reason behind this Chemically essential fatty acids are the polyunsaturated
is male sex hormone is atherogenic or conversely female fatty acids, i.e. linoleic acid and linolenic acid.
sex hormones might be protective. Arachidonic acid becomes essential fatty acid when
♦♦ Genetic factor: Hereditary genetic derangement of its precursor linoleic acid is not provided in the diet in
sufficient amount.
lipoprotein metabolism leads to high blood lipid level and
causes familial hypercholesterolemia. Functions of Essential Fatty Acids
♦♦ Hyperlipidemia: Increased levels of total serum cholesterol,
triacylglycerol, low density lipoprotein are associated with Essential fatty acids are required for:
increased risk of atherosclerosis. ♦♦ Membrane structure and function
♦♦ Hypertension: It is the major risk factor in patients over 45 ♦♦ Transport of cholesterol
years of age. It acts probably by mechanical injury of the ♦♦ Formation of lipoproteins
arterial wall due to increased blood pressure. ♦♦ Prevention of fatty liver
♦♦ Cigarette smoking: Ten cigarettes per day increase the risk ♦♦ Synthesis of eicosanoids.
three—fold due to reduced level of HDL and accumulating Deficiency of Essential Fatty Acids
carbon monoxide that may cause endothelial cell injury.
♦♦ Deficiency of essential amino acids leads to phrynoderma
♦♦ Diabetes mellitus: The risk is due to the coexistence of
or toad skin. This is characterized by the presence of horny
other risk factors, such as obesity, hypertension, and
eruptions on the posterior and lateral parts of limbs and
on the back and buttocks. There is also loss of hair and
♦♦ Minor or soft risk factors: These include lack of exercise,
poor sound healing.
stress, obesity, high caloric intake, diet containing large
♦♦ Impaired lipid transport and fatty liver can occur.
quantities of saturated fats, use of oral contraceptive, ♦♦ Decrease in efficiency of biological oxidation.
alcoholism and hyperuricemia, etc.
Q.19. Write about hyperlipidemia. (Sep 2018, 5 Marks)
Prevention of Atherosclerosis Ans. Hyperlipidemia refers to increased plasma levels of
cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) and triacylglycerols
♦♦ Eat a low fat diet that contains mainly unsaturated fat with
(hypertriacylglycerolemia or hypertriglyceridemia).
low cholesterol content.
Hyperlipidemia is synonymous with hyperlipoproteine-
♦♦ Natural antioxidants, such as vitamin E, C or β-carotene mia.
may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease by
protecting LDL against oxidation. Frederickson’s Classification for Hyperlipidemia

Hyperlipo- Increased
proeinemia plasma Increased Probable metabolic
type lipoprotein plasma lipid defect Risk of atherosclerosis Suggested treatment
I Chylomicrons Triacylglycerols Deficiency of Can increase Take low fat diet
lipoprotein lipase
IIa LDL Cholestrol Deficiency of LDL Very high Low cholesterol fat diet
receptor (in coronary artery)
IIb LDL and VLDL Triacylglycerols Overproduction of Very high Low cholesterol fat diet
and cholestrol apolipoprtein E (in coronary artery)
III IDL Triacylglycerols Abnormality in Very high Low fat and low calorie diet;
and cholestrol apolipoprtein E (in peripheral vessels) clofibrate
IV VLDL Triacylglycerols Overproduction of Can or cannot increase Low fat and low calorie diet; niacin
V Chylomicrons Triacylglycerols – Can or cannot increase Low fat and low calorie diet; niacin
and VLDL
Biochemistry 491

Description the crystal increases and the reactivity decreases greater stability
♦♦ Type I: It occurs due to familial lipoprotein lipase of the crystal impart lower solubility and greater resistance to
deficiency. Enzyme defect leads to increase in plasma dissolution in acids.
chylomicron and triacylglycerol levels.
Acid Solubility
♦♦ Type IIa: It is also called as hyperbetalipoproteinemia
and occurs due to defect in LDL receptors. This disorder Fluorapatite or fluoridated hydroxyapatite is less soluble than
is mainly characterized by hypercholesterolemia. hydroxyapatite and have greater stability.
♦♦ Type IIb: Both LDL as well as VLDL elevated with rise
in plasma cholesterol. It is due to overproduction of Enzyme Inhibition
apolipoprotein B. Fluoride has enolase inhibition effect and it also inhibits glucose
♦♦ Type III: It is also known as broad beta disease and is
transport. Enolase is a metalloenzyme that requires a divalent
characterized by appearance of broad β band which
cation for its activity; fluoride due to its increased reactivity
corresponds to intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL)
forms a complex with this cation thus inhibits the enzyme. It
during electrophoresis.
♦♦ Type IV: This occurs because of overproduction of also inhibits nonmetalloenzymes like phosphatases thus leading
endogenous triacylglycerols with concomitant rise in to reduced acid production.
Suppressing the Flora
♦♦ Type V: In this both chylomicrons as well as VLDL get
raised. It is a secondary condition. Stannous fluoride is a potent suppressor of the bacterial growth
because it oxidizes the thiol group present in bacteria and
inhibits bacterial metabolism.
Antibacterial Action
Q.1. Write the role of fluorine in dental care. Concentration of fluoride above 2 ppm in solution progressively
 (Sep 2009, 5 Marks) decreases the transport of uptake of glucose into cells of oral
Ans. Fluorine is an essential trace element. streptococci and also reduces ATP synthesis.
Source Decreasing Free Surface Energy
Fluoride is solely derived in humans from “drinking water” Fluoride incorporated in enamel by substitution of hydroxyl
Requirement—1 ppm. ions reduces the free surface energy and thus indirectly reduces
Role in Dental Care the deposition of pellicle and subsequent plaque formation.

Improved Crystallinity Desorption of Protein and Bacteria

Fluoride increases the size of crystal and leads to less strain Hydroxyapatite crystals are amphoteric with both positive and
in crystal lattice. This takes place when there is conversion negative receptor sites. Acidic protein group binds protein and
of amorphous calcium phosphate into crystalline hydroxy­ bacteria to calcium site and basic to phosphate site. Fluoride
phosphate. inhibits the binding of acidic protein to hydroxyapatite thereby
displaying its beneficial effects.
Void Theory
Alteration in Tooth Morphology
Incorporation of fluoride leads to formation of larger and more
stable crystals. Fluoride replaces hydroxyl ion from the center Dentition in fluoridated communities showed a tendency
of calcium triangle. It forms strong covalent interaction forces towards rounded cusps, shallow fissures due to selective
with calcium, thereby decreasing the dimension of this axis. morphology inhibition of ameloblasts.
Hydroxyapatite crystals are known to have inherent voids
Q.2. Write a short note on fluorine. (Sep 2001, 5 Marks)
due to missing hydroxyl groups which makes it unstable.
 (May/June 2009, 5 Marks) (Dec 2010, 3 Marks)
In hydroxyapatite crystal hydroxyl group is present slightly
above or below the plane formed by calcium ion. To maintain Ans. Fluorine is a trace element.
symmetry equal number of hydroxyl ions should be present
on both the sides of calcium plane. At times when hydrogen
of adjacent hydroxyl groups point towards each other, this For humans, drinking water is the main sources of fluorine.
results in stearic interference resulting into the elimination of
Daily Requirements
one hydroxyl group, thereby forming a void in the place. Voids
in the crystal decreases the stability and increases chemical Fluorine is present in small amount in normal bones and teeth
reactivity. When these voids are filled by fluoride, the stability of 1-2 ppm per day or 1.5 to 4 mg/day.
492 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Physiological Functions A. Factors promoting calcium absorption:

• Vitamin D induces synthesis of calcium binding
♦♦ Fluoride in trace quantities is essential for the development
protein in intestinal epithelial cells and promotes the
of teeth and bones.
calcium absorption.
♦♦ Fluoride ions inhibit the metabolism of oral bacterial
• Parathyroid hormone enhances calcium absorption
enzymes and diminish the local production of acids which
through increased synthesis of cholesterol.
are important in production of dental caries.
• Acidity is favorable for calcium absorption.
♦♦ Fluorine forms a protective layer acid, resistant fluo­
• Lactose promote calcium uptake via intestinal cells.
roapetite with hydroxyapetite crystals of the enamel.
• Arginine and lysine facilitate absorption of calcium.
Fluoride Deficiency B. Factors inhibiting calcium absorption:
• Phytates and oxalates lead to the formation of
Drinking water which consists of less than 0.5 ppm of fluoride insoluble salts and interfere with the absorption of
is associated with the development of dental caries in children. calcium.
• High content of dietary phosphate leads to the
Fluoride Excess
formation of insoluble calcium phosphate and prevent
Excess of fluoride lead to fluorosis. uptake of calcium.
♦♦ Level of fluoride more than 2 ppm leads to chronic • Free fatty acids react with calcium to form insoluble
intestinal upset, gastroenteritis, loss of appetite and loss calcium soaps.
of weight. • Alkaline condition is unfavorable for calcium absorp­
♦♦ Excessive intake of fluorine mainly 5 ppm in children leads tion.
to mottling of enamel and discoloration of teeth. Teeth • High content of dietary fiber interfere with calcium
become weak, rough with characteristic brown or yellow absorption.
patches on their surface. These manifestations are known Functions of Calcium Ion
as dental fluorosis.
♦♦ Level of fluoride, i.e. more than 20 ppm is toxic which ♦♦ Calcium is necessary for the activation of clotting enzymes
produce alternate areas of osteoporosis, osteosclerosis in the plasma, it also causes activation of enzymes involved
with brittle bones. Hypercalcification, increase in density in producing inflammatory response.
of bone of limbs, pelvis and spine are the characteristic ♦♦ Calcium ion controls membrane excitation and calcium
features. Ligaments of spine and collagen of bone become ion influx occur during the excitation of nerve and muscle.
calcified. This is also known as skeletal fluorosis. ♦♦ It is bound to the cell surface and leads to stabilization of
♦♦ Advanced fluorosis is characterized by joint defects; membrane and also causes intercellular adhesion.
especially genu valgum. Individuals become crippled ♦♦ It causes muscular contraction, i.e. excitation–contraction
and cannot perform their routine work due to stiff joints.
♦♦ It is also needed in excitation–secretion coupling process.
Q.3. Write a short note on fluorine metabolism.
 (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) Phosphate
Ans. Distribution Phosphate Absorption
It occurs in many tissues like bones, teeth and kidney. ♦♦ Phosphate absorption occurs from the jejunum.
It remains mostly in extracellular water. The amount ♦♦ Inorganic phosphorus in duodenum and in other parts
of fluorine in the soft tissues are very low and do not of small intestine get absorbed by active transport and
increase with diet. passive diffusion.
♦♦ Calcitriol promote uptake of phosphate along with calcium.
♦♦ There is optimum absorption of phosphorus and calcium
Soluble fluorides are rapidly absorbed from the small intestine. when ratio between calcium and phosphorus is between
1:2 and 2:1.
Physiological Functions
It is excreted in the urine, in the sweat and by the intes­tinal
mucosa. ♦♦ It is essential for the formation and development of bones
and teeth along with calcium.
Q.4. Write a short note on absorption and functions of ♦♦ It is required for the formation of energy rich compounds,
calcium and phosphate ions. (Mar 2009, 5 Marks) such as ATP.
Ans. Calcium ♦♦ It is required in the absorption of glucose by phosphoryla­
Absorption of Calcium Ion
♦♦ It form coenzymes, such as NADP, ADP, AMP and B6-
Calcium is absorbed in duodenum by energy dependent active PO4, etc.
process. Following are the factors which influences absorption: ♦♦ It functions in the buffering system in cells.
Biochemistry 493

Q.5. Write briefly on calcium and phosphate metabolism. proteins in intestinal epithelial cells. These proteins
 (Mar 2001, 5 Marks) act as carrier proteins for facilitated diffusion by
Ans. Calcium Metabolism which calcium ions are transported. The proteins
Following is the calcium metabolism: remain in cells for several weeks after 1, 25-dihydroxy-
cholecalciferol has been removed from body, thus
Calcium Absorption causing prolonged effect on calcium absorption.
Calcium is absorbed in duodenum by energy dependent active b. It increases the synthesis of calcium-induced ATP in
process. Following are the factors which influences absorption: intestinal epithelium.
A. Factors promoting calcium absorption: c. It increases the synthesis of alkaline phosphates in
• Vitamin D induces synthesis of calcium binding intestinal epithelium.
protein in intestinal epithelial cells and promotes the 3. Calcitonin: It is secreted by parafollicular cells of thyroid. It
calcium absorption. is a calcium lowering hormone. It decreases blood calcium
• Parathyroid hormone enhances calcium absorption level by decreasing reabsorption. It reduces blood calcium
through increased synthesis of cholesterol. level by acting on bone, kidney and intestine.
• Acidity is favorable for calcium absorption. a. On bones: It facilitates deposition of calcium on bones.
• Lactose promote calcium uptake via intestinal cells. It suppresses the activity of osteoclasts which are
• Arginine and lysine facilitate absorption of calcium. responsible of calcium from bones.
B. Factors inhibiting calcium absorption: b. On kidney: It increases excretion of calcium through
• Phytates and oxalates lead to the formation of urine by inhibiting reabsorption of calcium from renal
insoluble salts and interfere with the absorption of tubules.
calcium. c. On intestine: It prevents the absorption of calcium
• High content of dietary phosphate leads to the from intestine into blood.
formation of insoluble calcium phosphate and prevent
Other Hormones Involved in Calcium Metabolism
uptake of calcium.
• Free fatty acids react with calcium to form insoluble ♦♦ Growth hormone: It increases absorption of calcium from
calcium soaps. intestine and enhances protein synthesis in bone.
• Alkaline condition is unfavorable for calcium absorp- ♦♦ Insulin: It is an anabolic hormone which favors bone
tion. formation.
• High content of dietary fiber interfere with calcium ♦♦ Sex hormones: These hormones increases calcium
absorption. absorption, decreases calcium excretion and enhances
bone mineralization. Estrogen has direct effect on bone
Excretion of Calcium resorption.
Calcium is excreted in feces as well as in urine. In feces, it is ♦♦ Prolactin: It increases calcitriol production and increases
excreted through exfoliated gastrointestinal tract cells and in calcium absorption during lactating period.
urine, it is excreted as calcium phosphate and calcium chloride. ♦♦ Thyroid hormone: It increases in levels of thyroid
hormone which is accompanied by osteoporosis and
Regulation of Calcium Level hypercalcinuria.
The regulation of blood calcium level took place through three Phosphate Metabolism
1. Parathormone: It is secreted by parathyroid gland and Following is the phosphate metabolism:
its main function is to increase the blood calcium level by
mobilizing calcium from bone. Parathormone maintains
blood calcium level by following actions on bones, kidney ♦♦ Phosphate absorption occurs from the jejunum.
and gastrointestinal tract (GIT). ♦♦ Inorganic phosphorus in duodenum and in other parts
a. By increasing reabsorption of calcium from bones. of small intestine get absorbed by active transport and
b. By decreasing excretion of calcium through kidneys. passive diffusion.
c. By increasing absorption of calcium from GIT. ♦♦ Calcitriol promote uptake of phosphate along with
2. 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol: It is a steroid hormone calcium.
synthesized from vitamin D by means of hydroxylation ♦♦ There is optimum absorption of phosphorus and calcium
reactions in liver and kidneys. The main action is to when ratio between calcium and phosphorus is between
increase the blood calcium level by increasing calcium 1:2 and 2:1.
absorption from small intestine. The main actions of 1,
Distribution and Fate
25-dihydroxycholecalciferol are:
a. It increases the absorption of calcium from intestine. It ♦♦ Approximately 3 mg/kg/day of phosphorus ion enter inside
does this by increasing formation of calcium-binding the bone with equal amount leaving via reabsorption.
494 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Inorganic phosphorus in plasma get filtered in glomeruli ♦♦ Coagulation: Calcium is known as factor IV in blood
of which 85 to 95% become reabsorbed actively in proximal coagulation cascade. Prothrombin contains gamma-
convoluted tubule. Excretion of phosphate in urine: carboxy glutamate residues which are chelated by Ca2+
• Increases by vitamin D excess, hyperparathyroidism during the thrombin formation.
and high phosphate diet. ♦♦ Bone and teeth: Bulk quantity of calcium is used for bone
• Decreases by growth hormone, during lactation, and teeth formation. Bones also act as reservoir for calcium
hypoparathyroidism and low phosphate diet. in the body.
Q.6. Write a short note on calcium. Q.7. Describe functions and clinical importance of calcium.
 (Nov 2012, 3 Marks) (Jan 2012, 3 Marks)  (Aug 2012, 4 Marks)
Ans. Total calcium in the human body is about 1 to 1.5 kg. Ans. For function of calcium refer to Ans 6 and for clinical
importance of calcium refer to Ans 11 of same chapter.
Sources of Calcium
Q.8. Describe nutritional importance of minerals in brief.
Best sources: Milk and the milk products
 (Mar 2007, 4 Marks) (Apr 2010, 3.5 Marks)
Good sources: Beans, leafy vegetables, fish, cabbage, egg yolk. Ans. The mineral elements are supplied by the diet. Minerals
Daily Requirement of Calcium play important role in body function.

Adult men and women: 800 mg/day Calcium

Women during pregnancy, lactation and post menopause: 1.5 ♦♦ Calcium along with phosphorus is essential for the
g/day formation and development of bones and teeth.
Children (1 to 18 years): 0.8 to 1.2 g/day ♦♦ Ionized calcium is required in blood coagulation process.
Infants (less than 1 year): 300 to 500 mg/day ♦♦ It regulates the excitability of nerve fibers.

Absorption of Calcium Phosphorus

Absorption is taking place from the first and second part of As constituent of body cells of soft tissues such as muscles,
duodenum. Absorption requires a carrier protein, helped by liver, etc.
calcium-dependent ATPase. ♦♦ It requires for absorption of glucose.
♦♦ It requires for the formation of energy compound such
Factors Affecting Absorption of Calcium as ATP.
♦♦ Vitamin D: Calcitriol induces the synthesis of the carrier
protein in the intestinal epithelial cells, and so facilitates
the absorption of calcium. It combined with calcium and phosphorus in complex salt of
♦♦ Parathyroid hormone: It increases calcium transport from bone. It functions as a cofactor for oxidative pho­sphorylation.
the intestinal cells.
♦♦ Acidity: It favors calcium absorption. Others
♦♦ Phytic acid: It is present in cereals. It reduces uptake of ♦♦ Sodium, potassium and chlorine are involved mainly in
calcium. Cooking reduces phytate content. the maintenance of acid-base balance and osmotic control
♦♦ Oxalates: They are present in leafy vegetables which cause of water metabolism.
formation of insoluble calcium oxalates; so absorption is ♦♦ Sodium ion is involved in initiating and maintaining the
reduced. heart beat.
Functions of Calcium Trace Elements
♦♦ Activation of enzymes: Calmodulin is a calcium binding ♦♦ Iodine is required for thyroxine formation.
regulatory protein. Calmodulin can bind with 4 calcium ♦♦ Iron and copper are required for hemoglobin formation.
ions. Calcium binding leads to activation of enzymes. ♦♦ Zinc is a constituent of carbonic anhydrase and insulin.
Calmodulin is a part of various regulatory kinases. ♦♦ Cobalt is a constituent of vitamin B12.
♦♦ Muscles: Calcium mediates excitation and contraction of
muscle fibers. Upon getting the neural signal, calcium is Q.9. Write a short note on fluoride—function, deficiency
released from sarcoplasmic reticulum. Calcium activates and excess. (Nov 2009, 3 Marks)
ATPase; increases reaction of actin and myosin and Ans. For functions refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
facilitates excitation-contraction coupling.
Deficiency of Fluoride
♦♦ Nerves: Calcium is necessary for transmission of nerve
impulses from pre-synaptic to post-synaptic region. Fluoride deficiency is a disorder which may cause increased
♦♦ Secretion of hormones: Calcium mediates secretion of dental caries and possibly osteoporosis due to a lack of
insulin, parathyroid hormone, etc. from the cells. fluoride in the diet.
Biochemistry 495

Excess of Fluoride • Coagulation of blood: Calcium is also known as

factor IV in blood coagulation mechanism. Various
♦♦ Excessive intake of fluoride is harmful to the body.
reactions in blood coagulation process depend on it.
♦♦ An intake above 2 ppm in children causes mottling of
• Nerves: Calcium leads to transmission of nerve
enamel and discoloration of teeth. The teeth are weak and
impulses from pre-synaptic region to post-synaptic
become rough with characteristic brown or yellow patches
on their surface. These manifestations are collectively
• Membrane integrity and permeability: Calcium
referred to as dental fluorosis.
influences the structure of membrane and leads to
♦♦ An intake of fluoride above 20 ppm is toxic and causes
transportation of water and several ions across it.
pathological changes in the bones.
• Activation of enzyme: Calcium causes activation
♦♦ Hypercalcification, increasing the density of the bones
of enzymes such as lipases, ATPase and succinate
of limbs, pelvis and spine, are the characteristic features.
dehydrogenase. Calcium also binds with calmodulin.
Even the ligaments of spine and collagen of bones get
This complex activates enzymes such as adenylate
calcified. cyclase and calcium dependent protein kinases.
♦♦ Neurological disturbances are also commonly observed. The • Release of hormones: Calcium facilitates release of
manifestations described here constitute skeletal fluorosis. In various hormones such as insulin, calcitonin, etc.
the advanced stages, the individuals are crippled and cannot
perform their daily routine work due to stiff joints. This Role of Hormones in regulation of blood calcium level
condition of advanced fluorosis is referred to as genu valgum.
Following hormones regulates the blood calcium level, i.e.
Q10. Describe in brief albinism/dental fluorosis. ♦♦ Calcitriol
 (Jan 2012, 4 Marks) ♦♦ Parathyroid hormone
Ans. Albinism ♦♦ Calcitonin.
• The Greek word, albino means white. Albinism is
an autosomal recessive disease with an incidence of Calcitriol
1 in 20,000 population. Physiological active form of vitamin D is known as Calcitriol.
• Tyrosinase is completely absent leading to defective Calcitriol causes the synthesis of calcium binding protein in
synthesis of melanin. intestinal cells. This protein causes the increase in intestinal
• The ocular fundus is hypopigmented and iris may absorption of calcium. Now the blood calcium level is increased.
be gray or red. There will be associated photophobia, The hormone stimulates the calcium intake by osteoblasts of
nystagmus. bone which leads to calcification of bone.
• The skin has low pigmentation, and so skin is sensi-
tive to UV rays. Skin may show presence of naevi Parathyroid Hormone
and melanomas. Hair is also white. ♦♦ Action of parathyroid on bone: It leads to decalcification
of bone. Parathyroid hormone increases the activity of
Dental Fluorosis
pyrophosphatase and collagenase enzyme. These enzymes
♦♦ Intake of excessive amount of fluoride, i.e. 3 to 5 ppm in cause the bone resorption. Demineralization increases the
childhood leads to dental fluorosis or mottled enamel. blood calcium level.
♦♦ The enamel of teeth looses its lusture and become rough. ♦♦ Action on kidney: Parathyroid increases the calcium
♦♦ Chalky white patches with yellow or brown staining are reabsorption by kidney tubules. This elevates blood
found over the surface of teeth. calcium levels.
♦♦ Enamel becomes weak and in several cases there occurs ♦♦ Action on intestine: Action of parathyroid hormone on
a profound loss of enamel with pitting which gives both intestine is indirect. It increases the intestinal absorption
surfaces a corroded appearance. of calcium by promoting synthesis of calcitriol.
Q.11. What is the importance of calcium in body? Describe Calcitonin
the role of hormones in regulation of blood calcium
level. Add a note on osteoporosis. Calcitonin promotes calcification by increasing the activity of
 (May/June 2009, 15 Marks) osteoblasts. It decreases bone resorption and increases excretion
Ans. Importance of Calcium in Body of calcium in urine. It decreases the blood calcium levels.
• Development of bones and teeth: Calcium with
phosphate is required for the formation as well as
physical strength of the skeletal tissue. Bones serve ♦♦ Osteoporosis leads to demineralization of bone causing
as reservoir of calcium. progressive loss in bone mass.
• Muscle contraction: Calcium undergoes interaction ♦♦ Elderly women over the age of 60 years are at risk of
with troponin C and triggers the muscle contraction. osteoporosis.
It activate ATPase and mediates the excitation and ♦♦ Mostly it occurs in postmenopausal women.
contraction of muscle fibers. ♦♦ It leads to frequent bone fractures which causes disability.
496 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ It occurs because the ability of calcitriol from vitamin D Biochemical Functions

is decreased with age in postmenopausal women which
♦♦ Iron proceeds in its function by the compounds in which
causes osteoporosis.
it resides, i.e. hemoglobin and myoglobin. They require
♦♦ Deficiency of sex hormones also leads to the development
of osteoporosis. transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
♦♦ In the treatment of osteoporosis estrogen is given along ♦♦ Cytochrome and certain nonheme proteins are necessary
with calcium supplementation. for electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
♦♦ Iron associates with immunocompetence of body.
Q.12. Write a short note on metabolism of Fe (Iron).
♦♦ Iron also resides with peroxidase which is a lysosomal
 (June 2010, 5 Marks)
enzyme which causes phagocytosis. Iron helps peroxidase
Ans. Iron consumed in the diet is either free iron or heme iron.
in phagocytosis.
• Nonheme iron bound to organic acids or proteins
and is absorbed in ferrous (Fe2+) state in mucosal cell. Q.14. Write a short note on calcium metabolism.
• Gastric acid in diet convert bounded nonheme com-  (Feb 2013, 7 Marks) (Oct 2016, 5 Marks)
pound of the diet in free ferric (Fe3+) ions. Ans. Following is the calcium metabolism:
• The free ferric ions are reduced with ascorbic acid
and glutathione of food to more soluble ferrous (Fe2+) Calcium Absorption
form which is readily absorbed.
Calcium is absorbed in duodenum by energy dependent active
• After absorption ferrous form is oxidized in mucosal
process. Following are the factors which influences absorption:
cells to ferric by enzyme ferroxidase which combines
with apoferritin to form ferritin. Ferritin is the tem- A. Factors promoting calcium absorption:
porary form of storage iron. • Vitamin D induces synthesis of calcium binding
• Heme of food is absorbed by mucosal intestinal cells. protein in intestinal epithelial cells and promotes the
It is subsequently broken down and iron is released calcium absorption.
with the cells. • Parathyroid hormone enhances calcium absorption
Q.13. Give short account of Iron. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks) through increased synthesis of cholesterol.
Ans. Iron is a trace element present in the body. • Acidity is favorable for calcium absorption.
• Lactose promote calcium uptake via intestinal cells.
• Its total content is 3 to 5 g.
• Approximately 70% of iron occurs in erythrocytes • Arginine and lysine facilitate absorption of calcium.
of blood as a part of hemoglobin. B. Factors inhibiting calcium absorption:
• Heme consists of iron and is the constituent of some • Phytates and oxalates lead to the formation of
proteins, such as hemoglobin, myoglobin, catalase, insoluble salts and interfere with the absorption of
peroxidase, etc. calcium.
• Other proteins which consist of nonheme iron are • High content of dietary phosphate leads to the
transferring, ferritin and hemosiderin. formation of insoluble calcium phosphate and prevent
uptake of calcium.
Dietary Requirement
• Free fatty acids react with calcium to form insoluble
Here dietary requirement is expressed on the basis of single day: calcium soaps.
♦♦ Man: 10 mg. • Alkaline condition is unfavorable for calcium
♦♦ Woman: 18 mg. absorption.
♦♦ Pregnant and lactating woman: 40 mg. • High content of dietary fiber interfere with calcium
♦♦ Richest source is meat, i.e. liver, heart and kidney Excretion of Calcium
♦♦ Good sources are leafy vegetables, pulses, fish, cereals, Calcium is excreted in feces as well as in urine. In feces, it is
apple, dry fruits and jaggery.
excreted through exfoliated gastrointestinal tract cells and in
Absorption urine, it is excreted as calcium phosphate and calcium chloride.
Iron is absorbed in stomach and duodenum. In a normal Regulation of Calcium Level
individual 10% of dietary iron is absorbed.
The regulation of blood calcium level took place through three
Transport and Storage hormones which are as follows:
It is present in foods in ferric form which is bounded to proteins 1. Parathormone: It is secreted by parathyroid gland and
or organic acids. The acid medium is provided by gastric HCl, its main function is to increase the blood calcium level by
the Fe2+ is released from foods. Ascorbic acid and cysteine mobilizing calcium from bone. Parathormone maintains
convert ferric iron to ferrous form. Iron in ferrous form is soluble blood calcium level by following actions on bones, kidney
and is readily absorbed. and GIT.
Biochemistry 497

a. By increasing reabsorption of calcium from bones. • Cytochromes and various nonheme proteins are
b. By decreasing excretion of calcium through kidneys. needed for electron transport chain as well as oxida-
c. By increasing absorption of calcium from GIT. tive phosphorylation.
2. 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol: It is a steroid hormone • Peroxidase which is a lysosomal enzyme is needed
synthesized from vitamin D by means of hydroxylation for phagocytosis as well as killing of bacteria by
reactions in liver and kidneys. The main action is to neutrophils.
increase the blood calcium level by increasing calcium • Iron is associated with the effective immunocompe-
absorption from small intestine. The main actions of 1, tence of the body.
25-dihydroxycholecalciferol are:
a. It increases the absorption of calcium from intestine. Q.16. Mention normal serum sodium and potassium levels.
It does this by increasing formation of calcium-  (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
binding proteins in intestinal epithelial cells. Ans.
These proteins act as carrier proteins for facilitated
diffusion by which calcium ions are transported. System of
Normal serum international units Conventional
The proteins remain in cells for several weeks after analysis (SI units) units
1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol has been removed
Serum sodium level 136 to 146 mmol/L 136 to 146 mEq/l
from body, thus causing prolonged effect on calcium
absorption. Serum potassium level 3.5 to 5 mmol/L 3.5 to 5 mEq/l
b. It increases the synthesis of calcium-induced ATP in
intestinal epithelium. Q.17. Describe the biochemical functions, dietary requirements,
c. It increases the synthesis of alkaline phosphates in sources and metabolism of calcium.
intestinal epithelium.  (Aug 2016, 10 Marks)
3. Calcitonin: It is secreted by parafollicular cells of thyroid. It Ans.
is a calcium lowering hormone. It decreases blood calcium
Biochemical Functions of Calcium
level by decreasing reabsorption. It reduces blood calcium
level by acting on bone, kidney and intestine. ♦♦ Development of bones and teeth: Calcium with phosphate
a. On bones: It facilitates deposition of calcium on bones. is needed for the formation and physical strength of
It suppresses the activity of osteoclasts which are skeletal tissue. Bones in dynamic state serve as reservoir
responsible of calcium from bones. for calcium.
b. On kidney: It increases excretion of calcium through ♦♦ Contraction of muscle: Interaction of calcium with
urine by inhibiting reabsorption of calcium from renal troponin C triggers muscle contraction. Calcium also
tubules. causes activation of ATPase. It also increases interaction
c. On intestine: It prevents the absorption of calcium between actin as well as myosin.
from intestine into blood. ♦♦ Coagulation of blood: Some reactions in blood clotting
Other Hormones Involved in Calcium Metabolism process depends on calcium, i.e. factor IV.
♦♦ Nerve transmission: Calcium leads to transmission of
♦♦ Growth hormone: It increases absorption of calcium from nerve impulses.
intestine and enhances protein synthesis in bone. ♦♦ Membrane integrity and permeability: Calcium influences
♦♦ Insulin: It is an anabolic hormone which favors bone the structure of membrane as well as transport of water and
formation. several ions across it.
♦♦ Sex hormones: These hormones increases calcium
♦♦ Enzyme activation: Calcium is needed for direct activation
absorption, decreases calcium excretion and enhances
of enzymes such as lipase, ATPase and succinate dehydro­
bone mineralization. Estrogen has direct effect on bone
♦♦ Calmodulin mediated action of calcium: Calmodulin is
♦♦ Prolactin: It increases calcitriol production and increases
calcium binding regulatory protein. Calcium calmodulin
calcium absorption during lactating period.
complex activate some enzymes, e.g. adenylate cyclase and
♦♦ Thyroid hormone: It increases in levels of thyroid
calcium dependent protein kinases.
hormone which is accompanied by osteoporosis and
♦♦ As intracellular messenger: Various hormones exert their
action via mediation of calcium. Calcium is regarded as
Q.15. Write briefly about biological role of iron. second messenger for such hormonal action. Calcium also
 (Feb 2016, 2 Marks) serves as third messenger for some hormones. Antidiuretic
Ans. Following is the biological role of iron: hormone act through cAMP and then by calcium.
• It exerts its functions via compounds in which it is ♦♦ Release of hormones: Release of various hormones,
present. Hemoglobin and myoglobin are needed for i.e. insulin, parathyroid hormone and calcitonin from
transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. endocrine glands is facilitated by calcium.
498 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Dietary Requirements of Calcium Etiology

♦♦ Adult men and women: 800 mg/day It is believed that ability to produce calcitriol from vitamin D
♦♦ Women during pregnancy, lactation and postmenopause: decreases with age mainly in postmenopausal women. Immobile
1.5 g/day individuals decreases bone mass, while those on regular exercise
♦♦ Children (1 to 18 years): 0.8 to 1.2 g/day increases bone mass. Deficiency of sex hormones mainly in
♦♦ Infants (less than 1 year): 300 to 500 mg/day women is implicated in the development of osteoporosis.
Sources of Calcium
Best sources: Milk and the milk products ♦♦ Administer estrogen with calcium supplementation to
Good sources: Beans, leafy vegetables, fish, cabbage, egg yolk. postmenopausal decreases chances of fractures.
♦♦ In elderly people, high dietary intake of calcium is
Metabolism of Calcium
recommended, i.e. 1.5 g/day.
For metabolism of calcium refer to Ans 14 of same chapter.
Q.18. Answer in brief about fluorosis. (Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
Write very short answer on fluorosis. Q.1. Write a short note on ETC. (Dec 2010, 3 Marks)
 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks) Or
Ans. Fluorosis means the excessive amount of fluoride.
Write a short note on electron transport chain.
• Level of fluoride more than 2 ppm leads to chronic
 (Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
intestinal upset, gastroenteritis, loss of appetite and
loss of weight. Ans. Electrons present inside the mitochondria participate in
• Excessive intake of fluorine mainly 5 ppm in children sequential oxidation reduction reaction of various redox
leads to mottling of enamel and discoloration of centers in enzyme complexes of mitochondria. Transfer
teeth. Teeth become weak, rough with characteristic of electrons occurs from higher potential to lower
brown or yellow patches on their surface. These potential. Flow of electrons occurring via successive
manifestations are known as dental fluorosis. dehydrogenase enzymes together known as electron
• Level of fluoride, i.e. more than 20 ppm is toxic which transport chain.
produce alternate areas of osteoporosis, osteoscle-  Energy rich carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acids
rosis with brittle bones. Hypercalcification, increase undergo metabolic reactions and oxidized to carbon
in density of bone of limbs, pelvis and spine are the dioxide and water. Reducing equivalents from various
characteristic features. Ligaments of spine and col- metabolic intermediates are transferred to coenzymes
lagen of bone become calcified. This is also known NAD+ and FAD to produce NADH and FADH2. These
as skeletal fluorosis. two reduced coenzymes pass via electron transport
• Advanced fluorosis is characterized by joint defects; chain or respiratory chain and finally reduce to oxygen
especially genu valgum. Individuals become crip- to water. The passage of electrons via electron transport
pled and cannot perform their routine work due to chain is associated with the loss of free energy. A part
stiff joints. of this free energy is utilized to generate ATP from ADP
• Because of increase breakdown of bone matrix, and Pi.
excretion of hydroxyproline in urine is enhanced.  ETC is organized into five distinct complexes, i.e.
Prevention of Fluorosis 1. Complex I: NADH–CoQ reductase or NADH-
dehydrogenase complex
♦♦ Provide water which has normal limits of fluoride.
2. Complex II: Succinate-Q-reductase
♦♦ Intake of jowar is restricted.
3. Complex III: Cytochrome reductase
♦♦ Vitamin C supplementation is given.
♦♦ Fluoride containing toothpaste should be avoided. 4. Complex IV: Cytochrome oxidase
5. Complex V: ATP synthase.
Q.19. Write very short answer on osteoporosis.
 (Apr 2018, 2 Marks) Complexes I, II, III and IV are electron carriers, whereas
Ans. Osteoporosis is characterized by demineralization of complex V is responsible for ATP production.
bone which results in the progressive loss of bone mass.  Five distinct carriers take part in the electron transport
It occurs in elderly individuals but predominantly it chain. These carriers are responsible for the transfer of
occurs in postmenopausal women. It leads to frequent electrons from a given substrate to ultimately combine
bone fractures which causes disability. with proton and oxygen to form water.
Biochemistry 499

Fig. 29:  Electron transport chain

I. Nicotinamide Nucleotides electron transport chain the transported electrons, free protons
and the molecular oxygen combine to produce water.
Two coenzymes, i.e. NAD+ and NADP+ derived from vitamin
niacin, NAD+ is more actively involved in the electron Free energy is utilized to generate ATP from ADP and Pi at
transport chain. Reduction of NAD+ occur to NADH + H+ by the following sites:
dehydrogenases along with the removal of two hydrogen atoms 1. Oxidation of FMNH2 by CoQ
from the substrate. The substrates include glyceraldehyde-3- 2. Oxidation of cytochrome b by cytochrome c1
phosphate, pyruvate, isocitrate, α—ketoglutarate, and malate. 3. Cytochrome oxidase reaction.
AH2 + NAD+ → A + NADH + H+ The respiratory chain or electron transfer chain can be
blocked by site-specific inhibitors like rotenone, amytal
2. Flavoproteins piericidin, pierecidin A, antimycin A, 2,3—dimercaptopropanol
(BAL), sodium azide, cyanide and carbon monoxide, etc.
Enzyme NADH dehydrogenase is a flavoprotein with FMN as
the prosthetic group. Coenzyme FMN receives two electrons Q.2. Write a short note on biological oxidation.
and a proton which form FMNH2. NADH dehydrogenase is a  (Dec 2009, 5 Marks)
complex enzyme which is closely associated with nonheme iron Ans. Biological oxidation is defined as the transfer of electrons
proteins or iron–sulphur (FeS) proteins from reduced coenzymes through respiratory chain to
NADH + H+ + FMN → NAD+ + FMNH2 oxygen.
• Biological oxidation is exergonic.
3. Iron–Sulfur Proteins • Example is interconversion of ferrous ion to ferric
Iron–sulfur proteins exist in either oxidized or in the reduced
• During biological oxidation, the reacting chemical
state. About half a dozen of iron–sulfur proteins connect with
systems move from higher energy level to a lower
the respiratory chain are identified. Mechanism of action of
one and there is liberation of energy.
iron–sulfur protein in electron transfer chain is not clear.
• It provides energy for the aerobic metabolism. The
4. Coenzyme Q energy is released when electrons are transferred
from fuel molecules to oxygen.
Coenzyme Q is also called as ubiquinone. This is a quinone • It effect the transfer of energy in controlled way.
derivative with a variable isoprenoid side chain. The • Energy released during biological oxidation is
mammalian tissues possess a quinone with 10 isoprenoid units, trapped as ATP.
which are known as coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Q—cycle facilitates • Formation of ATP from ADP and Pi is known as
switching from ubiquinol, a two electron carrier, to cytochrome phosphorylation, as phosphorylation is coupled
c, a single electron carrier. with biological oxidation, it is known as biological
oxidative phosphorylation.
5. Cytochromes • Electron lost in oxidation is accepted by acceptor
Cytochrome c is a small conjugated protein containing 104 which is said to be reduced.
amino acids and a heme group. It is a central member of electron
transport chain with an intermediate redox potential. The iron of
heme in cytochromes is alternately oxidized (Fe3+) and reduced
(Fe2+), which is essential for the transport of electrons in the
electron transport chain. Q.1. Describe in brief classification of enzymes.
 (Jan 2012, 6 Marks) (May 2014, 5 Marks)
The electrons are transported from coenzyme Q to
 (Dec 2014, 5 Marks)
cytochromes b, c1, c, a and a3 in an orderly manner.
The property of reversible oxidation—reduction of heme
iron present in cytochromes allows them to function as effective Write briefly about enzyme definition and classifica-
carriers of electrons in electron transfer chain. In the final stage of tion. (Feb 2016, 2 Marks)
500 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Ans. Definition of Enzyme

Enzymes are biological catalyst produced by living tissues.
They are proteins that have the property of accelerating specific
chemical reactions without being consumed in the process.

Classification of Enzymes
In 1964, according to International Union of Biochemistry and
molecular biology (IUBMB) enzymes are classified on the basis
of their function, i.e.
♦♦ EC 1: Oxidoreductases: These are the enzymes which
catalyze oxidation–reduction reaction, e.g. lactate
dehydrogenase, glucose–6–phosphate dehydrogenase and
cytochrome oxidase.
♦♦ EC 2: Transferases: These are the enzymes which catalyze
transfer of group such as amino, carboxyl, methyl or Fig. 30:  Effect of enzyme concentration on enzyme velocity
phosphoryl, etc. from one molecule to another, e.g.
aspartate aminotransminase, alanine aminotransaminase Concentration of Substrate
and hexokinase.
♦♦ EC 3: Hydrolases: Enzymes of this class catalyze the cleavage Increase in the concentration of substrate gradually increases
of C–O, C–N, C–C and some another bonds with addition of the velocity of an enzyme reaction within the limited range of
water, e.g. lipase, α-amylase, trypsin, lactase, sucrose, pepsin. substrate levels. When velocity is plotted against the substrate
♦♦ EC 4: Lyases: Enzymes catalyze the cleavage of C–O, concentration, a rectangular hyperbola is obtained. Graph
C–N and C–C bonds by means other than hydrolysis or demonstrates three phases of reaction:
oxidation, giving rise to compound with double bond Enzyme kinetics and km value: Enzyme (E) and substrate
or catalyze reverse reaction, by addition of group to a (S) both of them combine with each other and form an unstable
double bond, e.g. aldolase, argininosuccinase, carbonic enzyme–substrate complex (ES) for the formation of product (P).
♦♦ EC 5: Isomerases: Enzymes involved in all the isomerization
reactions, e.g. phosphoglucomutase, triphosphate
isomerase and phosphohexose isomerase
♦♦ EC 6: Ligases: Enzymes catalyzing the synthetic reactions
of linking together of two compounds, e.g. glutamine
synthetase, pyruvate carboxylase and DNA ligases.
In above mentioned classification each class is subdivided
into many subclasses which are further divided. A four digit
enzyme commission (EC) number is assigned to each enzyme
representing the class (first digit), subclass (second digit),
sub–subclass (third digit) and the individual enzyme (fourth
digit). For an instance an example is given, i.e. enzyme alcohol
dehydrogenase is given code as, this means alcohol
dehydrogenase is first enzyme of subclass 1, sub–subclass 1
and of the class 1.
Q.2. Classify enzymes. Describe factors affecting rate of
reaction. (Dec 2004, 7.5 Marks) Fig. 31:  Effect of substrate concentration on enzyme velocity
Describe factors affecting enzyme activity in brief.
 (Sep 2006, 4 Marks)
Here in this above equation K1, K2, K3 represent the velocity
Ans. Classification: Refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
constants for their respective reactions.
Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction/Enzymes Activity Km is the Michaelis–Menten constant which is given by the
Concentration of an Enzyme formula:

As there is increase in the concentration of an enzyme, velocity

of the reaction proportionately increases. This property of an
enzyme is used in determining the serum enzymes for the Now following equation is obtained after the proper algebraic
diagnosing of diseases. manipulation:
Biochemistry 501

Vmax[S] velocity is maximum. At neutral pH in the range of 6 to 8, most

V= of the enzymes of higher organism show optimum activity.
V is measured velocity
Vmax is maximum velocity
Km is Michaelis—Menten constant
S is substrate concentration
Km or the Michaelis—Menten constant is defined as substrate
concentration which produce half—maximum velocity in an
enzyme–catalysed reaction. This clearly indicates that half of
enzyme molecules get bound to substrate molecules when the
substrate concentration equals to Km value.
Km value is a constant and characteristic feature of a given
enzyme. This is main representative for measuring the strength
of ES complex. A low Km value should be indicative of a strong
affinity between enzyme and substrate, but a high Km value
shows weak affinity between them. Km value does not depend
on concentration of an enzyme.
Fig. 33:  Effect of pH on enzyme velocity
Effect of Temperature
♦♦ Velocity of an enzyme reaction enhances with increase Effect of Product Concentration
in temperature till maximum and then declines. A bell-
Enzyme velocity decreases by the accumulation of reaction
shaped curve is usually seen.
products. For various enzymes, the product combine with
♦♦ Mostly the enzymes have optimum temperature of 40 to 45°C.
the active site of enzyme and leads to the formation of loose
However, few of the enzymes, e.g. venom phosphokinases,
muscle adenylate kinase are active even at 100°C. complex, this inhibits the enzyme activity. This inhibition is
♦♦ As enzymes are exposed to higher temperature, i.e. more prevented by a quick removal of products formed in the living
than 50°C denaturation occur which cause derangement system.
in the native structure of protein and active site is seen.
Effect of Activators
♦♦ Majority of enzymes become deactivated at high
temperatures, i.e. above 70°C. Some enzymes need inorganic metallic cations such as Mg2+,
Mn2+, Zn2+, Ca2+,Co2+,Cu2+,Na+, K+, etc. for their optimum activity.
Very rarely anions are needed for the enzyme activity.
There are two categories of enzymes which need metals for
their activity, i.e. metal activated enzymes and metalloenzymes.
1. Metal-activated enzymes: Here metal is not tightly held by
an enzyme and should be exchanged easily by other ions.
e.g. ATPase is activated by Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions. Enolase is
activated by Mg2+ ions.
2. Metalloenzymes: Such enzymes hold metals tightly which
are not readily exchanged, e.g. alcohol dehydrogenase,
carbonic anhydrase, alkaline phosphatase, carboxypepti-
dase, etc.
• Phenol oxidase (copper)
• Pyruvate oxidase (manganese)
• Xanthine oxidase (molybdenum)
• Cytochrome oxidase (iron and copper)
Fig. 32:  Effect of temperature on enzyme velocity
Effect of Time
Effect of pH Under optimum conditions of pH and temperature, time require
Enzyme activity is influenced by increase in the hydrogen ion for an enzyme reaction is less. The time required for completion
concentration (pH). Normally, curve obtained here is of bell- of an enzyme reaction increases with the changes in temperature
shaped. Each enzyme consists of an optimum pH at which and pH from its optimum.
502 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Effects of Physical Agents of the gastrointestinal tract present in the plasma

are known as secretory enzymes. All other plasma
Physical agents, such as light rays can inhibit or accelerate
enzymes associated with metabolism of the cell are
various enzyme reactions, e.g. activity of salivary amylase is
increased by red and blue light, but on other hand it is inhibited collectively referred to as constitutive enzymes.
by ultraviolet rays. Various Enzymes in Diagnosis of Diseases
Q.3. Write a short note on clinical importance of Isoenzyme.
S. Serum Concentration Concentration
 (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) No. enzyme increased in decreased in
Ans. The enzymes that occur in a number of different forms 1. Amylase Acute pancreatitis, Liver disease
and differ each other chemically, immunologically and parotitis, diabetes
electrophoretically are called as Isoenzymes or isozymes.
2. SGPT Liver diseases -
  The clinical importance of these isoenzymes includes
3. SGOT Heart attack -
the diagnosis of various diseases which includes:
4. Alkaline Rickets, Paget’s -
Clinical Importance of Lactate Dehydrogenase phosphatase disease, hyperpara-
thyroidism, kidney
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzyme analysis is used in diseases
the following clinical situations:
5. Acid Cancer of prostrate -
♦♦ Significance of LDH1 and LDH2 occurs within 24 to 48 phosphatase
hours after myocardial infarction. 6. Lactate Heart attack and liver -
♦♦ Predominant elevation of LDH 2 and LDH 3 occur in dehydrogenase disease
leukemia. LDH3 is main isoenzyme elevated in malignancy
of many tissues. Q.5. Define and classify enzymes. Explain enzyme
♦♦ Elevation of LDH5 occurs after damage to liver or skeletal inhibition. (Jan 2012, 8 Marks)
Clinical Importance of Creatine Kinase Define and classify enzymes. Explain enzyme
♦♦ CK1 may be elevated in neonates mainly in the damaged inhibition with examples. (Mar 2013, 8 Marks)
brain or in very low birth weight newborn. Or
♦♦ Increased level of CK2 in blood is characteristic of damage
Write short answer on enzyme inhibition.
of heart tissue from myocardial infarction as cardiac tissue  (Apr 2018, 5 Marks)
is only tissue which has mixed CK2 isoenzyme.
♦♦ Elevated levels of CK3 in serum occur in all types of
dystrophies and myopathies. Write on enzyme inhibition. (July 2016, 5 Marks)
 (Sep 2018, 5 Marks) (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
Clinical Importance of Alkaline Phosphatase Ans. For definition and classification refer to Ans 1 of same
♦♦ Increase in α2-heat labile alkaline phosphatase is chapter.
suggestive of hepatitis. Enzyme Inhibition
♦♦ Increase in pre β-alkaline phosphatase is indicative of
bone diseases. Enzyme inhibitor is defined as a substance which binds with
the enzyme and brings about a decrease in catalytic activity
Q.4. Write a short note on diagnostic importance of of that enzyme. The inhibitor may be organic or inorganic in
enzymes. (Dec 2010, 3 Marks) (Aug 2011, 6 Marks) nature. There are three broad categories of enzyme inhibition:
Ans. Estimation of enzyme activities in biological fluids is of 1. Reversible inhibition.
great clinical importance. Enzymes in the circulation are 2. Irreversible inhibition.
divided into two groups: 3. Allosteric inhibition.
l. Plasma specific or plasma functional enzymes:
Various enzymes are normally present in the plasma Reversible Inhibition
and they have specific functions to perform. These The inhibitor binds non-covalently with enzyme and the enzyme
enzyme activities are higher in plasma than in the inhibition can be reversed if the inhibitor is removed. The
tissues. They are mostly synthesized in the liver and reversible inhibition is further subdivided into:
enter the circulation, e.g. lipoprotein lipase, plasmin, 1. Competitive inhibition
thrombin, choline esterase, ceruloplasmin, etc. 2. Noncompetitive inhibition
2. Nonplasma specific or plasma nonfunctional
enzymes: These enzymes are either absent or present Competitive Inhibition
at a low concentration in plasma compared to their The inhibitor which closely resembles the real substrate is
levels found in the tissues. The digestive enzymes regarded as a substrate analogue. The inhibitor competes with
Biochemistry 503

substrate and binds at the active site of the enzyme but does not non-competitive inhibitor generally binds with the enzyme as
undergo any catalysis. As long as the competitive inhibitor holds well as the ES complex. For non-competitive inhibition, the Km
the active site, the enzyme is not available for the substrate to value is unchanged, while Vmax is lowered.
bind. In competitive inhibition, the Km value increases, whereas
Vmax remains unchanged. The enzyme succinate dehydrogenase
(SDH) is a classical example of competitive inhibition with
succinic acid as its substrate.

Fig. 35:  Noncompetitive inhibitor where Km is unaltered,

whereas Vmax is decreased

Examples of Noncompetitive Inhibitors

Fig. 34:  Competitive inhibitor where Vmax is unaltered ♦♦ Ethanol or certain narcotic drugs are noncompetitive
whereas Km is decreased inhibitor of acid phosphatase.
♦♦ Trypsin inhibitors occur in soyabean and raw egg white,
Examples of enzymes with their substrates and competitive inhibit activity of trypsin noncompetitively.
Irreversible Inhibition
Significance of
Enzyme Substrate Inhibitor inhibitor ♦♦ In this inhibitors bind covalently with enzymes and
inactivate them which is now irreversible.
Xanthine Hypoxanthine, Allopurinol Used in gout to
oxidase xanthine decrease excess
♦♦ Irreversible are inhibitors which are toxic substances and
production of can be made naturally or man made.
uric acid from ♦♦ Example for irreversible inhibition is iodoacetate
hypoxanthine is an irreversible inhibitor of enzymes like papain
Monoamine Catecholamines Ephedrine, Elevates and glyceraldehydes–3–phosphate dehydrogenase.
oxidase amphetamine catecholamine Iodoacetate get combine to sulfhydryl groups at active site
levels of these enzymes and make them inactive.
Dihydrofolate Dihydrofolic Aminopterin, For treatment ♦♦ Suicide inhibition is the type of irreversible inhibition
reductase acid amethopterin of leukemia and in which inhibitor binds to active site of an enzyme and
and other cancer carry the first few catalytic activities of normal enzyme
methotrexate reaction. Instead of being transformed into a normal
Acetylcholine Acetylcholine Succinyl Indicated in product inhibitor is converted to a very reactive compound
esterase choline surgery for which combines irreversibly with enzyme leading to its
muscle relaxation, irreversible inhibition. Here enzyme literally commits
in anesthetized suicide. These inhibitors act as drugs, e.g. penicillin,
aspirin, etc.
Antimetabolites Allosteric Inhibition
These are the chemical compounds which block the metabolic In some multienzyme systems, the first enzyme of the sequence
reactions by producing inhibitory action on the enzymes. is the regulatory enzyme and has distinctive characteristics.
Antimetabolites are the structural analogues of substrates and ♦♦ It is inhibited by the end product of the multienzyme
so are the competitive inhibitors. They are used in the treatment system whenever the end product of such metabolic
of cancer, gout, etc. They are also called as antivitamins as they reaction produced in excess of the cell’s needs. The end
block biochemical actions of vitamins leading to deficiencies. product of the pathway acts as a specific inhibitor of the
first or regulatory enzyme in the pathway.
Noncompetitive Inhibition
♦♦ The whole enzyme system thus slows down to bring the
The inhibitor binds at a site other than the active site on the rate of production of its end product back into balance
enzyme surface. This binding impairs the enzyme function. The with the cell’s needs. This type of regulation is called
inhibitor has no structural resemblance with the substrate. The feedback inhibition.
504 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

For example, first enzyme δ-aminolevulinic acid synthase is ♦♦ They are mostly synthesized in liver and enter in the
an allosteric enzyme in heme synthesis is inhibited by its end circulation. For example, lipoprotein lipase, plasmin,
product heme. thrombin, choline, esterase, ceruloplasmin etc.
Q.6. Write a short note on properties of enzymes. ♦♦ Default in liver function or genetic disorders decrease the
 (Dec 2009, 5 Marks) activities of plasma functional enzymes.
Ans. Properties of Enzymes Nonplasma Specific Enzymes
a. Solubility: Enzymes as proteins are soluble in water
♦♦ These enzymes are either totally absent or present at low
or dilute salt solution.
concentrations in plasma as compared to the tissues.
b. Molecular weight: Enzymes have increased
♦♦ Digestive enzymes of gastrointestinal system in plasma
molecular weight
are known as secretory enzymes.
c. Enzymes are charged molecules: Due to the
presences of amino acids, each enzyme has a charge. ♦♦ Other plasma enzymes which are associated with
The charge depends on the pH of the solution. At metabolism of cell are known as constitutive enzymes.
very low pH the amino acids are fully protonated ♦♦ Activation of these enzymes is important for diagnosis and
and there is a positive charge on the proteins; as pH prognosis of various diseases.
is increased, the protein losses a proton to neutralize Interpretations of Enzymes
the OH- group and become a zwitter ion charges.
As more alkali is added, the NH3+ group gives its ♦♦ Normal serum level of enzyme indicates the balance
H+ and protein becomes positively charged. between synthesis and release of routine cell turnover.
d. Enzymes have buffering capacity: They are ♦♦ High serum level or low serum level of enzyme indicates
amphoteric molecules, i.e. behave both as acids and the cellular damage, increased cellular turnover and
bases. They act as buffer. At pKa they make the most proliferation of cells.
efficient buffer. Q.8. Write short note on isoenzymes. (Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
e. Each enzyme has a specific Isoelectric pH: It is Ans. •  Isoenzymes are also known as isozymes.
the pH at which the net charge on protein equal to • Multiple forms of an enzyme which catalyses the
zero so they do not move in an electric field. Above same reaction are known as isoenzymes.
isoelectric pH negatively charged can move in an • Isoenzymes have different physical and chemical
electric field. Below isoelectric pH positive charged properties which includes structure, electrophoretic,
and can move under an electric field. immunological properties, Km and Vmax values, pH
f. Denaturation: When proteins are heated, or subjected optimum and degree of denaturation.
to extremes of temperature, high salt, organic solvents,
etc. the noncovalent bonds break, changing the native Isoenzymes of Lactate Dehydrogenase
structure to random coil. This unfolding of protein ♦♦ Lactate dehydrogenase have five isoenzymes, i.e. LDH1,
is due to loss of secondary, tertiary and quaternary
structure. It does not affect the primary structure.
♦♦ All the above isoenzymes are separated by electrophoresis.
g. Absorption spectra: Enzymes are proteins which
♦♦ LDH1 is positively charged and fastest in electrophoretic
give maximum absorption at 280 nm (due to their
mobility, while LDH5 is the slowest of all.
content of aromatic amino acids).
♦♦ Isoenzymes of lactate dehydrogenase have diagnostic
Q.7. Write a short note on clinically important enzymes. value in heart and liver related disorders.
 (Aug 2011, 5 Marks) ♦♦ In healthy individual, activity of LDH2 is higher than
Ans. Enzymes in biological fluids, i.e. plasma or serum are of LDH1 in serum.
clinical importance and help in diagnosis. ♦♦ In myocardial infarction, LDH1 is greater than LDH2
Clinically important enzymes are divided into two within 12–24 hours after infarction.
groups, i.e. ♦♦ Increased activity of LDH5 in serum is indicator of liver
1 Plasma specific or plasma functional enzymes. diseases.
2 Nonplasma specific or plasma nonfunctional
Isoenzymes of Creatinine Phosphate
♦♦ Creatine kinase catalyses interconversion of phospho-
Plasma Specific Enzymes creatine to creatine.
♦♦ Various enzymes are normally present in plasma and they ♦♦ Creatine kinase has three isoenzymes, i.e. CPK1, CPK2,
perform specific functions. CPK3.
♦♦ Activity of plasma specific enzymes is higher in plasma ♦♦ In healthy individuals, CPK2 is undetectable.
than in tissues. ♦♦ CPK2 increases in serum after myocardial infarction within
♦♦ These enzymes are in plasma than in tissues. 6-18 hours.
Biochemistry 505

Isoenzymes of Alkaline Phosphatase Ans. Normal serum level of an enzyme is indicative of balance
its synthesis and release in routine cell turnover.
♦♦ There are six isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase.
 Raised serum enzyme level can be due to cellular
♦♦ Most important isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase are
damage, increased rate of cell turnover, proliferation of
α1-ALP, α2-heat labile ALP, α2-heat stable ALP, pre-β cell, increased synthesis of enzymes, etc.
ALP, γ-ALP.  Serum enzymes are easily used as markers to detect
♦♦ Increase in α2-heat labile ALP suggests hepatitis. the cellular damage which helps in diagnosis of disease.
♦♦ Increase in Pre-β ALP suggests bone disease.
Various Serum Enzymes Elevated in Respective Diseases
Isoenzymes of Alcohol Dehydrogenase
♦♦ It has two heterodimer isoenzymes, i.e. αβ1 and αβ2 Elevated serum enzyme Name of the disease
♦♦ αβ1 is predominant in white Americans and Europeans Acid phosphatase Cancer of prostrate gland
♦♦ αβ2 is predominant in Japenese and Chinese. Alkaline phosphatase Rickets and obstructive jaundice
♦♦ Increased susceptibility to alcohol is seen in Japenese and
Aldolase Muscular dystrophy
in Chinese because of αβ2.
Amylase Acute pancreatitis
Q.9. Write a short note on coenzyme.
 (Oct 2014, 3 Marks) (Sep 2015, 5 Marks) Creatinine phosphokinase Early marker in myocardial
Lactate dehydrogenase Heart attack and liver diseases
Write about coenzymes. (Sep 2015, 7 Marks)
Serum glutamine pyruvate Liver diseases
Ans. Nonprotein, organic, low molecular weight and transaminase (SGPT)
dialyzable substance which is associated with enzyme
Serum glutamate oxaloacetate Heart attack
function is known as coenzyme.
transaminase (SGOT)
Functional enzyme is referred as holoenzyme which is
5–nucleotidase Hepatitis
made of protein part, i.e. apoenzyme and a nonprotein
part, i.e. coenzyme. Q.12. Write about enzymes and their clinical significance.
• Coenzyme is essential for the biological activity of  (Aug 2018, 10 Marks)
the enzyme. Ans. For definition and classification of enzymes refer to Ans
• One molecule of coenzyme is able to convert a large 1 of same chapter.
number of substrate molecules. For properties of enzymes refer to Ans 6 of same chapter.
• Coenzymes are the second substrates or cosubstrates For factors affecting enzyme activity refer to Ans 2 of
because they have affinity with enzyme comparable same chapter.
with that of substrate. During the enzymatic
For enzyme inhibition refer to Ans 5 of same chapter.
reactions coenzyme undergo alteration which later
For importance of enzyme refer to Ans 7 and Ans 4 of
on regenerated.
same chapter.
• It participate in various reactions, such as transfer
of atoms of groups like aldehyde, keto, amino, etc.
• They play a decisive role in enzyme function. 8. HEMOGLOBIN AND PORPHYRIN
• Most of the coenzymes are derivatives of B-complex
vitamins, the biochemical functions of B-complex Q.1. Write a short note on transport of iron.
vitamins are exerted by coenzymes.  (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
• Various substances which have no relation with Ans. Transport of iron includes three steps, i.e.
vitamins but function as coenzymes are known as 1. Transport of iron across brush border of enterocyte
nonvitamin coenzyme, e.g. ATP, CDP, etc. 2. Fate of iron in enterocyte.
• Some coenzyme posses nitrogenous base, sugar 3. Transport of iron in blood.
and phosphate these are known as nitrogenous co- 1. Transport of iron across brush border of enterocyte: In
enzymes, e.g. NAD+, NADP+, FMN, etc. diet iron is present as heme derived (from non-vegetarian
Q.10. Write on classification of enzymes and their diagnostic food) or nonheme derived (vegetarian food).
importance. (Apr 2017, 5 Marks) a. Absorption of heme iron: Heme iron is the iron
Ans. For classification of enzymes refer to Ans 1 of same present in myoglobin, hemoglobin and related
chapter. compounds. From these compounds heme is released
by proteolytic enzymes in gut. From the lumen, heme
For diagnostic importance of enzyme refer to Ans 4 of
same chapter. is transported inside the enterocyte across brush
border membrane by a heme transport protein. Inside
Q.11. Answer in brief diagnostic importance of serum enzymes. the cell, the ferrous iron (Fe2+) is released from heme
 (Sep 2017, 2 Marks) by enzyme hemeoxygenase.
506 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

b. Absorption of nonheme iron: Most of nonheme iron is

present ferric iron (Fe3+), whereas iron can be absorbed
more efficiently in ferrous form (Fe2+). Iron has got
tendency to form insoluble complexes with dietary
phytates, phosphates and dietary fibers.
Gastric HCI tends to break insoluble iron complex
apart and thus facilitates iron absorption. Ferrous
iron (Fe2+) is transported just across the brush border
by the iron transport protein or receptors present on
the cell membrane. Once inside the enterocyte, fate of
nonham ferrous iron is same as that of heme iron.
2. Fate of iron in the enterocyte: In the cytosol of enterocyte
the free ferrous iron has two fates:
i. A part of Fe2+ depending upon the body’s requirement
is actively transported across the basolateral membrane
of the enterocytes into the interstitium from where it
enters the blood.
ii. Rest of the ferrous iron is oxidized to ferric form and
bound to apoferritin. It is difficult to release iron from this
storage form and in general the ferritin stays in enterocyte
until the cell is sloughed off at the tip of villous.
3. Transport of iron in blood: Normally, the iron absorbed
in the blood bind with the betaglobulin (apotransferrin)
to form transferrin and is transported in this form in the
plasma. Iron combine loosely in the globulin apotransferrin
and can be released easily to enter any of the tissue cells
of any point in the body.
Q.2. What are the functions of hemoglobin? Give in brief
process of synthesis and breakdown of heme.
 (Aug 2012, 6 Marks)
Ans. Functions of Hemoglobin
• It facilitates transport of oxygen from lungs to tissues.
• It facilitates transport of carbon dioxide from tissues
to lungs.
• It acts as an acid-base buffer, as being a protein. It is
responsible for 70% of buffering power of blood.
• It has additional nitric oxide-binding site on the
β-chain which is increased by oxygen. So hemo-
globin binds with nitrous oxide in lungs and releases
it in tissues where it promotes vasodilatation. Fig. 36:  Synthesis of heme
Synthesis of Heme 2. Synthesis of porphobilinogen: Two molecules of
Heme is the most important porphyrin containing compound. d-aminolevulinate condense to form l porphobilinogen
It is primarily synthesized in the liver and the erythrocyte- (PBC) in the cytosol. This reaction is catalyszd by a Zn—
producing cells of bone marrow. Heme synthesis also occurs containing enzyme ALA dehydratase. lt is sensitive to
to some extent in other tissues. However, mature erythrocytes inhibition by heavy metals such as lead.
lacking mitochondria are a notable exception. Biosynthesis of 3. Formation of porphyrin ring: Porphyrin synthesis occurs
heme occurs in the following stages: by condensation of four molecules of porphobilinogen.
1. Formation of δ-aminolevulinate: Glycine, a nonessential The four pyrrole rings in porphyrin are interconnected by
amino acid and succinyl-CoA, an intermediate in the methylene bridges derived from a-carbon of glycine. The
citric acid cycle, are the starting materials for porphyrin interaction of two enzymes—namely uroporphyrinogen I
synthesis. Glycine combines with succinyl CoA to form synthase and uro­porphyrinogen III cosynthase results in
δ—aminoevuinate (ALA). This reaction is catalyzed by condensation of porphobilinogen followed by ring closure
a pyridoxal phosphate dependent d-aminolevulinate and isomerization to produce uroporphyrinogen III.
synthase occurs in the mitochondria. It is a rate-controlling 4. Uroporphyrinogen III under the enzyme uro­porphyrinogen
step in porphyrin synthesis. decarboxylase get converted to coproporphyrinogen
Biochemistry 507

III. Then, coproporphyrinogen III under the enzyme Hemolytic Jaundice

coproporphyrinogen oxidase get converted to protopor-
This condition is associated with increased hemolysis of
phyrinogen IX. Pro­topor­phyrinogen IX under the influence
erythrocytes. This results in the overproduction of bilirubin
of enzyme protoporphyrinogen oxidase get converted beyond the ability of the liver to conjugate and excrete the same.
to pro­toporphyrin IX. Protoporphyrin IX under enzyme It should, however be noted that liver possesses a large capacity
ferrochelatase get converted to hemesynthetase. to conjugate about 3.0 g of bilirubin per day against the normal
bilirubin production of 0.3 g/day.
Breakdown of Heme
♦♦ Elevation in the serum unconjugated bilirubin.
♦♦ Excretion of urobilinogen in urine.
♦♦ Dark brown color of feces due to high content of

Hepatic (Hepatocellular) Jaundice

This type of jaundice is caused by dysfunction of the liver due
to damage to the parenchymal cells. This may be attributed to
viral infection (viral hepatitis), poisons and toxins (chloroform,
carbon tetrachloride, phosphorus, etc.) cirrohosis of liver,
cardiac failure, etc. Among these, viral hepatitis is the most
common. Damage to the liver adversely affects the bilirubin
uptake and its conjugation by the liver cells.

♦♦ Increased levels of conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin
in the serum.
♦♦ Dark colored urine due to the excessive excretion of
bilirubin and urobilinogen.
♦♦ Increased activities of alanine transaminase (SGPT) and
aspartate transaminase (SGOT) released into circulation
due to damage to hepatocytes.
♦♦ The patients pass pale, clay colored stools due to the
absence of stercobilinogen.
♦♦ The affected individuals experience nausea and anorexia
(loss of appetite).

Obstructive (Regurgitation) Jaundice

This is due to an obstruction in the bile duct that prevents the
passage of bile into the intestine. The obstruction may be caused
by gallstones, tumors, etc. Due to the blockage in bile duct, the
conjugated bilirubin from the liver enters the circulation.
Fig. 37:  Breakdown of heme Evalution
♦♦ Increased concentration of conjugated bilirubin in serum.
Q.3. Write on Jaundice: Classification and evaluation. ♦♦ Serum alkaline phosphatase is elevated as it is released
 (Aug 2011, 6 Marks) from the cells of the damaged bile duct.
Or ♦♦ Dark colored urine due to elevated excretion of bilirubin
Write short on classification of jaundice. and clay colored feces due to absence of stercobilinogen.
 (Aug 2011, 6 Marks) ♦♦ The patients experience nausea and gastrointestinal pain.
Ans. Jaundice is a clinical condition characterized by yellow Q.4. Write short account on jaundice. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
color of sclera of eyes and skin. Ans. Jaundice is a clinical condition which is characterized
For the sake of convenience to understand, jaundice is by yellowishness of sclera of eyes and skin.
classified into three major types: Hemolytic, hepatic and ♦♦ It occurs because of deposition of bilirubin because of its
obstructive. elevated level in blood serum.
508 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Normal serum: Total bilirubin concentration ranges from System of

0.3 to 1.3 mg/dL, out of which 0.1 to 0.4 mg/dL is direct international units
bilirubin and 0.2 to 0.7 is indirect bilirubin. Serum analysis (SI units) Conventional units
♦♦ Term hyperbilirubinemia is often used to represent the Total bilirubin 5.1 to 22 µmol/L 0.3 to 1.3 mg/dL
increased concentration of serum bilirubin.
Direct bilirubin 1.7 to 6.8 µmol/L 0.1 to 0.4 mg/dL
 For classification and evaluation of jaundice in detail refer
to Ans 3 of same chapter. Indirect bilirubin 3.4 to 15.2 µmol/L 0.2 to 0.7 mg/dL

Q.5. Write short answer on unconjugated and conjugated

bilirubin. (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
Ans. Unconjugated bilirubin or indirect bilirubin: Bilirubin 9. ENERGY METABOLISM
in the bloodstream is usually in a free, or unconjugated, AND NUTRITION
state. Since bilirubin is lipophilic and so it is insoluble
in aqueous plasma, it is transported to liver by binding Q.1. Write short note on SDA. (Nov 2012, 3 Marks)
noncovalently to plasma albumin. As albumin–bilirubin
complex enter the liver, bilirubin dissociate and is taken Or
by sinusoidal surface of hepatocytes by carrier mediated Write short note on Specific dynamic action.
active transport.  (Sep 2007, 3 Marks)
Conjugated bilirubin or direct bilirubin: Inside Ans. Full form of SDA is Specific Dynamic Action.
the liver, hepatocytes convert insoluble bilirubin to • Specific dynamic action is defined as phenomenon of
soluble bilirubin by conjugation with two molecules extra heat production by the body, over and above
of glucuronate supplied by UDP–glucuronate. This calculated caloric value, when food is metaliolized
complete reaction is catalyzed by bilirubin glucuronyl- by the body.
transferase which leads to the formation of water soluble • It is also known as calorigenic action, thermogenic
bilirubin diglucuronide. action or thermic action of food.
Q.6. Write a short note on normal serum level and formation • This is due to the expenditure of energy for digestion
of bilirubin. (May 2017, 5 Marks) and absorption of food.
Ans. Normal serum levels of bilirubin • This energy is trapped from previously available
energy, so that the actual energy from the food is
System of lesser than that of theoretical calculation.
Serum analysis of international units • Specific dynamic action can be considered as the
bilirubin (SI units) Conventional units
activation energy needed for a chemical reaction.
Total bilirubin 5.1 to 22 µmol/L 0.3 to 1.3 mg/dL This activation energy is to be supplied initially.
Direct bilirubin 1.7 to 6.8 µmol/L 0.1 to 0.4 mg/dL • Suppose a person takes 250 g of carbohydrates; this
Indirect bilirubin 3.4 to 15.2 µmol/L 0.2 to 0.7 mg/dL should produce 250 × 4 = 1,000 kcal. But before this
energy is trapped, about 10% energy (0 = 100 kcal) is
Formation of Bilirubin drawn from the reserves of the body. Thus net gen-
eration of energy is only 1000 minus 100 = 900 kcal.
♦♦ Hemoglobin is cleaved to a protein part globin and non–
• If the person wants to get 1,000 kcal, he should take
protein part heme.
food worth 1,100 kcal. Thus additional calories,
♦♦ Catabolism of heme is carried out in microsomal fraction
equivalent to SDA has to be added in the diet.
of cells by complex enzyme system known as heme
• The values of SDA are: For proteins 30%, for lipids
oxygenase in the presence of NADPH and O2. Heme
15%, and for carbohydrates, 5%. This means that out
oxygenase cleaves methenyl bridges between two pyrrole
of every 100 grams of proteins consumed, the energy
rings to form biliverdin. Simultaneously, ferric ion and
available for doing useful work is 30% less than the
carbon monoxide are released as biliverdin is produced.
calculated value.
♦♦ Biliverdin’s methenyl bridges are reduced to methylene
• Hence for a mixed diet, an extra 10% calories should
group to form bilirubin. This reaction is catalyzed by
be provided to account for the loss of energy as SDA.
NADPH dependent soluble enzyme, i.e. biliverdin reductase.
♦♦ One gram of hemoglobin when become degraded it Significance of SDA
producec 35 mg of bilirubin.
For utilizing of food by the body, certain amount of energy
Q.7. Write briefly about normal levels of serum total bilirubin, is consumed from the body store. This is expenditure by the
direct bilirubin and indirect bilirubin. body for utilizing the foodstuffs. SDA is the highest for proteins
 (Oct 2016, 2 Marks) and lowest for carbohydrates and for mixed diet, it is 10%. It
Ans. Normal levels of serum: Total bilirubin, direct bilirubin is therefore essential that an additional 10% calories should be
and indirect bilirubin are assessed in liver function tests. added to the total energy needs towards SDA and diet should
Following are the normal levels: be planned accordingly.
Biochemistry 509

Q.2. Write a short note on generation of ATP. Q.3. Write a short note on balance diet.
 (Mar 2005, 5 Marks)  (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
Or  (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
Write a short note on ATP. (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) Or
Ans. ATP is adenosine triphosphate. It is a nucleotide. It is Write a short note on balanced diet. (Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
also known as energy coin of the cell because it is the Or
storage site for chemical energy which is stored in the
bond which is known as phospho disaster bond. Write on balanced diet. (Apr 2017, 5 Marks)
• Pure form of ATPs is generated in glycolysis, TCA Ans. Balanced diet is defined as the diet which consists
cycle, beta-oxidation and other pathways in a small of different types of food, possessing the nutrients—
quantity. This cannot fulfill the normal requirement carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals in
of energy in cell, that’s why reducing equivalent like a proportion to meet requirements of the body.
NADH, FAD, GDP are being converted into ATP.  A balanced diet supply little more of each nutrient than
• The above reducing equivalent is finally converted the minimum requirement to withstand short duration
into pure ATPs in a complex pathway which is called of leanness and keep the body in state of good health.
as chemo-osmotic mechanism which occur in mito­
 Dietary pattern varies in different parts of the world.
chondria with the help of four steps:
a. Conversion of NADH into electron and hydro-  Balanced diet is generally developed according to the
gen ions. (NADH is derived from metabolic following:
pathway, i.e. glycolysis, TCA cycle, etc.) • Kinds of food produced
b. Transfer of electron from one protein to another • Economic capacity
protein which are present in mitochondrial • Religion
membrane. For example, cytochrome oxidase, • Customs
FMN, etc. • Taste and habits of people
c. Conversion of ADP → ATP by a knob like protein Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has
known as ATP synthetase or ATPase. suggested balanced diet for different age groups, sex
d. Then ATP is transferred from mitochondrial and under various occupations for physical activity.
matrix to cytoplasm of cell which is utilized by
the various anabolic pathways. Balanced Diet Suggested by ICMR

Adult man Adult woman Children Boys Girls

Sedentary Moderate Heavy Sedentary Moderate Heavy
Food item work work work work work work 1-3 years 4-6 years 10-12 years 10-12 years
Quantity gram per day Quantity gram per day Quantity gram per day
Cereals 460 520 670 410 440 575 175 270 420 380
Pulses 40 50 60 40 45 50 35 35 45 45
Leafy 40 40 40 100 100 100 40 50 50 50
Others 60 70 80 40 40 50 20 30 50 50
Roots and 50 60 80 50 50 60 10 20 30 30
Milk 150 200 250 100 150 200 300 250 250 250
Oil and fat 40 45 65 20 25 40 15 25 40 35
Sugar or 30 35 55 20 20 40 30 40 45 45

When balanced diet is not consumed by the person for Write a short note on BMR. (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
sufficient length of time, it leads to nutritional deficiencies
known as malnutrition.
Q.4. Write briefly about basic metabolic rate (BMR ) Write a short note on basal metabolic rate.
 (Dec 2009, 5 Marks)  (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
Or Or
510 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Define BMR. What are the factors that affect BMR. Ans. It is also known as protein calories malnutrition.
 (May 2017, 5 Marks) • Protein-energy malnutrition is the nutritional
Or disorder of developing countries.
• It is mostly seen in infants and preschool children.
Define BMR. (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
• Forms of protein-energy malnutrition are Marasmus
Ans. Basic metabolic rate is defined as minimum amount of
and Kwarshiorkor.
energy required by the body to maintain life at complete
physical and mental rest in post absorptive state, i.e. 12 Marasmus or Nonedematous PEM
hours after last meal.
♦♦ Meaning of marasmus is to waste.
 Under basal conditions, body appears to be in rest state
♦♦ It occurs due to the deficiency of calories.
but various functions under the body occur continuously
♦♦ It is caused due to early weaning and repeated infection.
such as working of heart, conduction of nerve impulses,
♦♦ Symptoms include growth retardation, muscle wasting,
reabsorption of renal tubules, etc.
anemia and weakness.
 Normal value of BMR for adult man is 35-38 cal/sq.m/ ♦♦ Child is irritable and feartful.
hr and for adult woman it is 32-35 cal/sq.m/hr. ♦♦ Serum albumin of child is 2 to 3 g/dL.
 Some of the authors represent BMR as cal/day. So, for ♦♦ Serum cortisol is increased in marasmus.
an adult man BMR is 1600 cal/day, while for an adult
women it is 1400 cal/day. Kwashiorkor or Edematous PEM

Factors Affecting BMR ♦♦ Kwashiorkor occurs in a child when next baby is born.
♦♦ It occurs due to the deficiency of protein.
The BMR differs among different individuals. It depends on ♦♦ It is caused due to starchy diet after weaning and it is also
many factors as follows: precipitated by acute infection.
♦♦ Gender or sex: The BMR of males is slightly higher than ♦♦ Symptoms include stunted growth, edema, diarrhea,
that of females. This is due to the greater proportion of discoloration of skin and hair, anemia, moon face and
lean muscle mass in females. apathy.
♦♦ Age: In infants and growing children consists of lean ♦♦ Child is lethargic and apathetic.
muscle mass, BMR is higher in them. In adults, there is ♦♦ Serum albumin of child is less than 2 g/dL.
decrease in BMR, i.e. about 2% per decade of life.
♦♦ Serum cortisol is decreased in kwashiorkor.
♦♦ Nutritional state: BMR is low in starvation and under
nourishment as compared to wellfed state. Starvation Q.6. What are the main constituents of diet? Give their
leads to an adaptive decrease in BMR which results from nutritional importance. (Sep 2013, 6 Marks)
a decrease in lean body mass. Ans. Diet consists of a number of food items which taken
♦♦ Body size or surface area: BMR is directly proportional together to provide the body with right amount of
to the surface area of the subject. Larger the surface area nutrients. Also eating of variety of foods is very important
more will be the heat loss and equally higher will be the because each food differs a little in the nutrients it
heat production and BMR. provides. Each nutrient has its own special work to do.
♦♦ Body composition: The BMR is proportionate to lean Main constituents of diet are: Cereals, protein foods,
body mass. Lean body mass is the body weight minus protective vegetables and fruits, other vegetables and
nonessential (storage triacylglycerol) weight. Higher the fats, oils and sugars.
percentage of adipose tissue in the body, lower the BMR/
kg body weight. Nutritional Importance of Constituents of Diet
♦♦ Endocrinological or hormonal state: Thyroid has stimula-
tory effect on metabolism of the body. So BMR is increased
in hyperthyroidism and decreased in hypothyroidism. It includes wheat, rice, maize, jowar, bajra, tapioca, potato,
♦♦ Environmental temperature or climate: In colder climate, sweet potato, etc. Enough cereals should be included in diet
BMR is higher and in tropical climates the BMR is to meet the protein need. They are also the main source of
proportionally low. carbohydrates which give energy to the body.
♦♦ Disease states: Elevation of BMR is seen in various
infections, fever, burns and cancer. Protein Foods
Q.5. Write a short note on protein-energy malnutrition. This group includes milk and milk products (cheese, curd,
 (Mar 2013, 3 Marks) khoa, etc. nuts, pulses (dal, beans), eggs and meat. Food from
Or this group provides proteins and sufficient amount of food
from this group should be chosen.
Write a short note on protein calorie malnutrition.
 (May 2014, 5 Marks) Protective Vegetables and Fruits
Or This includes leafy green vegetables (sag, cabbage, etc.) yellow
Write a short note on PEM. (Apr 2015, 3 Marks) or orange fruits and vegetables (carrot, papaya, mango, etc.)
Biochemistry 511

and vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables (amla, orange, tomato, ♦♦ It provides the raw material for synthesis of certain
cabbage, ber, guava, drumstick, and cauliflower and cashew substances, e.g. antibodies, hemoglobin, enzymes,
fruit). Fruits and vegetables from this group must be included hormones and plasma proteins.
in the diet daily to provide minerals and vitamins to the body. ♦♦ It provide 10–15% of the energy during emergencies such
as starvation, inadequate food intake.
Other Vegetables
Sources of Proteins
This includes flowers, fruits and stems of plants, brinjal, lady
finger, beans, peas, cucumber, gourds, onions, etc. Liberal ♦♦ Animal source: Milk and milk products, eggs, meat, fish, etc.
amounts of vegetables from this group ensures sufficient ♦♦ Plant sources: Pulses, cereals, dry fruits, nuts, beans, etc.
intake of minerals and vitamins into the body.
Daily Requirements of Protein
Fats, Oils and Sugars The protein intake should be 1.0 g/kg body weight for an adult,
It includes butter, groundnut, ghee, vanaspati oil, nuts, and some of it in the form of animal protein. An extra amount of
animal fat from meat, sugar, honey and jaggery. Food from protein (1.5–2 g/kg body weight) should be added in debilitating
this group gives energy and adds flavor and taste to the food. diseases; children and in pregnant and lactating women.

Q.7. What are the daily calorie requirements of normal hu- Fats
man being. Write in detail about human nutrition.
Fats consist of fatty acids and contain carbon, hydrogen and
 (Feb 2013, 10 Marks)
oxygen. They are concentrated sources of energy. 1 g of fat
Ans. There are wide variations in individual calorie require­ yields approx 9 kcal of energy.
ment. Total calorie requirement for Indian at rest is:
For men: 38 to 40 kcal/hour/m2. Body surface area (BSA) Functions of Fats
= 1500 to 2000 kcal/day. ♦♦ Fats improve the flavor as well as taste of the food.
For women: 33 to 35 kcal/hour/m2. Body surface area ♦♦ They are essential for absorption of fat soluble vitamins
(BSA) = 1200 to 1500 kcal/day. such as vitamins A, D, E and K.
♦♦ They provide support to body internal vital organs, such
Human Nutrition as heart, kidneys, lungs, brain and liver.
Human nutrition process by which substances in food are ♦♦ Stored fats beneath the skin provides insulation against
transformed into body tissues and provide energy for the full cold, i.e. prevents heat loss from the body.
range of physical and mental activities that make up human life. ♦♦ They provide essential fatty acids (EFA) which help in
growth promotion, maintenance of skin integrity and
The six classes of nutrients found in foods are proteins, fats,
reduce blood cholesterol.
carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and water.
Most of the foods contain all these constituents but in varying Sources of Fats
proportion. Food can be classified on the basis of their
i. Animal sources: Ghee, butter, fish, oils. In general, they are
predominant function as:
poor sources of essential fatty acids but are good sources of
♦♦ Energy yielding foods: These foods are rich in carbohydrates retinol and cholecalciferol (vitamins A and D, respectively).
and fat, e.g. cereals, sugars, oil. ii. Plant sources: Groundnut, mustard, cotton seed, rape seed and
♦♦ Body building foods: These foods are rich in proteins, e.g. coconut oil. These are all rich sources of essential fatty acids.
milk and its products, pulses, meat, etc.
When vegetable oils are hydrogenated, the liquid oils are
♦♦ Protective foods: These foods are rich in proteins, vitamins
converted into semisolid and solid fat known as vanaspati oil,
and minerals, e.g. milk, egg, green leafy vegetables, fruits ghee (e.g. dalda, rath, etc.). The disadvantage of hydrogenation
etc. is that the content of the valuable ‘essential fatty acids’ present
in vegetable oils is drastically reduced. When natural fats are
treated with steam, alkalies, etc. the free fatty acid, and rancid
Proteins are complex organic nitrogenous compounds. They are material present in oils are removed, the process is known as
indispensable constituents of the diet because they are the only ‘refining’ and refined oils are produced. Refining improves the
source of the amino acids which include essential amino acids. quality and taste of oil. Refined oils are free from odor and color
and are as safe as raw oils.
Functions of Proteins
Daily Requirements of Fats
♦♦ They build up new tissues at the time of growth or
pregnancy and lactation. The fat should provide at least 20% of the total energy in a day.
♦♦ Proteins are essential for repair and maintenance of worn This could come to 10 to 20 g of fat per day. Young children
out body tissues. needs 25% extra amount of fats.
512 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Carbohydrates ♦♦ The important minerals are calcium, phosphorus, iron,

sodium, potassium and magnesium.
Carbohydrates form the main bulk of diet and are the chief
♦♦ Some minerals are required by the body in very small
source of energy. They are also essential for the oxidation of
amounts, e.g. iodine, zinc, manganese, copper, cobalt and
fats and for the synthesis of various non-essential amino acids.
fluorine. They form a part of every cell and fluid in the body
They are a cheap and readily obtainable food.
and are required for growth, repair and regulation of vital
Sources of Carbohydrates body functions. Following are the examples of minerals:
i. Zinc is present in insulin and in many enzymes, its
i. Starches: They are ‘complete sugar’, present in abundance
deficiency causes skin ulcers, depresses immune
in cereals and millets, roots and tubers.
response and hypogonadal dwarfism.
ii. Sugars:
ii. Copper occurs in blood combined with an α—globulin
a. Monosaccharides, e.g. glucose, fructose, galactose,
forming the protein ceruloplasmin; its deficiency
b. Disaccharides, e.g. sucrose, lactose and maltose.
causes anemia, changes in ossification and increases
iii. Cellulose or dietary fiber: This is the fibrous substance
serum cholesterol.
lining fruits, vegetables and cereals. It is the indigestible
iii. Manganese is required in many enzyme systems.
component of carbohydrate with hardly any nutritive value.
♦♦ Conversely, some minerals produce toxicity when
Daily Requirements of Carbohydrates present in the body in excess, e.g. iron overload causes
hemochromatosis; copper excess causes brain damage.
Carbohydrate intake should be in the range of 300-500 g
(between 50 to 70% of total energy intake). It should be sufficient Dietary Fiber
to prevent the need for protein breakdown to provide energy.
♦♦ Carbohydrates such as pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose
Vitamins and some noncarbohydrate substances such as lignin are
collectively called dietary fiber.
♦♦ Vitamins are complex, chemical organic substances of
high biological activity required by the body in very small ♦♦ It resists digestion and is found in vegetables, fruits and
amounts in normal metabolism and act as a catalyst in grains.
various body processes. ♦♦ The fiber absorbs water which increases the bulk of the
♦♦ They are not manufactured in the body in sufficient intestinal contents and facilitates intestinal movements
amount, so they are to be supplied through the diet. and thus the defecation.
♦♦ Vitamins are divided into two major groups as: ♦♦ Fibers also have a role in weight reduction and cholesterol
i. Fat soluble vitamins—vitamins A, D, E and K; and lowering.
ii. Water-soluble vitamins—vitamins of B group (vitamin ♦♦ Its deficiency leads to constipation, cancer of colon, colonic
B-complex) and vitamin C. diverticulosis, hear; disease and gallbladder stones.
♦♦ They are indispensable for certain specific functions of the Sufficient fiber should be included in diet are:
body, in most cases their mode of action has been fairly ♦♦ Whole cereals should be preferred to refined cereals.
clearly defined. ♦♦ Whole pulses should be preferred to those from which the
♦♦ They do not contribute to the energy of the body they
husk has been removed.
mobilize energy.
♦♦ Fruits and vegetables that can be eaten with the skin intact
♦♦ Deficiency of a vitamin can arise in two ways:
should be eaten as such.
i. Primary deficiency, due to inadequate intake of vitamin
or its precursor over a prolonged period of time; or Water
ii. Conditioned deficiency arising on an adequate diet
♦♦ Water is an essential requirement for life.
through other factors which decrease absorption or
prevent release, or increase utilization or excretion. ♦♦ It serves as the medium in which most of the chemical
activities in the body take place.
Vitamin B-complex group consists of a series of water soluble
♦♦ More than 70% of the body weight is imply because of
organic substances which are found in all cells (the important
ones are: Thiamine (B1), ribaflavin (B2), niacin (B4), pyridoxine the water it has.
(B6), pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid and cyanocobalamin ♦♦ Loss of water upto 10% of total body water makes a person
(B12). They are involved in the oxidation of the foodstuffs, feel extremely tired and fatigued.
and are, therefore, indispensable for the normal functioning ♦♦ More than 20% loss may result in death.
of all tissues. Most members of this group of vitamin can be ♦♦ Water occurs in all natural food, most of it comes from
synthesized by the intestinal bacteria. that we drink.
Q.8. Describe balanced diet chart for pregnant women.
 (July 2016, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Body contains about 50 minerals which serve various Ans. Besides the normal balanced diet, during pregnancy
specific functions in the body. The mineral constituents additional food requirement is there which is as follows
of the body amount to 4.3–4.4% largely in the skeleton. in the diet chart for pregnant women.
Biochemistry 513

Normal Balanced Diet Chart for Women by ICMR Q.10. Answer in brief on dietary fibers.
 (May 2017, 2 Marks)
Adult woman Ans. Dietary fiber is the name given collectively to indigestible
Sedentary Moderate Heavy carbohydrates present in foods.
Food item work work work  These carbohydrates consist of cellulose, pectin, gum
Quantity gram per day and mucilage.
Cereals 410 440 575  The dietary fiber is not digested by the enzyme of the
human gastrointestinal tract where most of the other
Pulses 40 45 50 carbohydrates like starch, sugars are digested and
Leafy vegetables 100 100 100 absorbed. Plant foods are the only sources of dietary
fiber. It is found in vegetables, fruits, and grains.
Others vegetables 40 40 50
Roots and tubers 50 50 60 Importance of Fiber
Milk 100 150 200 ♦♦ Water holding capacity: The dietary fibers have a property
Oil and fat 20 25 40
of holding water and swell like sponge with a concomitant
increase in viscosity. Thus, fiber adds bulk to the diet and
Sugar or jaggery 20 20 40 increases transit time in the gut (gastric emptying time)
due to high viscosity.
Additional Allowances During Pregnancy ♦♦ Physiological effects: Dietary fiber exerts its influence
along the entire gastrointestinal tract from ingestion to
Food item During pregnancy (g/day) Calories (kcal) excretion.
Cereals 35 118 ♦♦ Adsorption of organic molecules: The organic molecules
like bile acids, neutral sterols, carcinogens, and toxic
Pulses 15 118
compounds can be adsorbed on dietary fiber and facilitates
Milk 15 83 its excretion.
Fat - - ♦♦ Increases stool bulk: The fiber absorbs water and increases
Sugar 10 40 the bulk of the stool and helps to reduce the tendency
towards constipation by increasing bowel movements.
Total - 293
♦♦ Hypoglycemic effect of fiber: Recent studies have shown
that gum present in fenugreek seeds (it contains 40% gum)
Q.9. Mention four differences between kwashiorkor and are most effective in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol
marasmus. (Aug 2016, 2 Marks) levels.
Ans. Following are the differences between kwashiorkor and ♦♦ Hypocholesterolemic effects of fiber: Fiber has cholesterol
marasmus: lowering effect. Fiber binds bile acids and cholesterol,
increasing their fecal exertion, and thus, decreasing plasma
Features Kwashiorkor Marasmus
and tissue cholesterol level.
Age of onset 1 to 5 years Below 1 year
Cause Starchy diet after weaning, Early weaning and
Significance of Dietary Fiber in Medicine
precipitated by an acute repeated infection High fiber diet is associated with reduced incidence of a number
infection of diseases like:
Edema Present Absent ♦♦ Coronary heart disease (CHD)
Serum Hypoalbuminemia Normal or slightly ♦♦ Colon cancer
albumin decreased ♦♦ Diabetes
Serum Decreased Increased ♦♦ Diverticulosis
cortisol ♦♦ Hemorrhoids (piles)
Fatty liver Present Absent Adverse Effect of Dietary Fiber
Muscle Absent or mild Severe
Dietary fiber also has some adverse effects on nutrition by
binding some mineral elements and preventing their proper
Fat reserves Normal to mildly diminishing Absent absorption. Thus, high dietary fiber intake may lead to deficiency
Deficiency of Protein Calorie of mineral elements.
Growth Present Marked Q.11. Write on beneficial effects of fibers in diet.
retardation  (Sep 2018, 5 Marks)
Attitude Lethargic Irritable Ans. Following are the beneficial effects of fibers in diet:
Appetite Anorexia Normal ♦♦ Prevent constipation: Fibers maintain normal motility of
gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation.
514 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Water holding capacity: The dietary fibers have a property ♦♦ It provides the raw material for synthesis of certain
of holding water and swell like sponge with a concomitant substances, e.g. antibodies, hemoglobin, enzymes,
increase in viscosity. Thus, fiber adds bulk to the diet and hormones and plasma proteins.
increases transit time in the gut (gastric emptying time) ♦♦ It provides 10–15% of the energy during emergencies such
due to high viscosity. as starvation, inadequate food intake.
♦♦ Physiological effects: Dietary fiber exerts its influence
along the entire gastrointestinal tract from ingestion to Sources of Proteins
excretion. ♦♦ Animal source: Milk and milk products, eggs, meat, fish, etc.
♦♦ Adsorption of organic molecules: The organic molecules ♦♦ Plant sources: Pulses, cereals, dry fruits, nuts, beans, etc.
like bile acids, neutral sterols, carcinogens, and toxic
compounds can be adsorbed on dietary fiber and facilitates Daily Requirements of Protein
its excretion.
The protein intake should be 1.0 g/kg body weight for an adult,
♦♦ Increases stool bulk: The fiber absorbs water and increases
some of it in the form of animal protein. An extra amount of
the bulk of the stool and helps to reduce the tendency
protein (1.5–2 g/kg body weight) should be added in debilitating
towards constipation by increasing bowel movements.
♦♦ Hypoglycemic effect of fiber: Recent studies have shown diseases; children and in pregnant and lactating women.
that gum present in fenugreek seeds (it contains 40% gum) Fats
are most effective in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol
levels. Fats consist of fatty acids and contain carbon, hydrogen and
♦♦ Hypocholesterolemic effects of fiber: Fiber has cholesterol oxygen. They are concentrated sources of energy. 1 g of fat
lowering effect. Fiber binds bile acids and cholesterol, yields approx 9 kcal of energy.
increasing their fecal exertion, and thus, decreasing plasma
and tissue cholesterol level. Functions of Fats
♦♦ Decreases GIT cancer: Low incidence of cancer of GIT in ♦♦ Fats improve the flavor as well as taste of the food.
vegetarians as compared to non-vegetarians is credited ♦♦ Fats are essential for absorption of fat soluble vitamins
to dietary fibers. such as vitamins A, D, E and K.
♦♦ Satiety value: Fibers in the diet add to weight of foodstuff ♦♦ They provide support to body internal vital organs, such
ingested and provide sensation of stomach fullness. as heart, kidneys, lungs, brain and liver.
Q.12. What are macronutrients. (Aug 2018, 5 Marks) ♦♦ Stored fats beneath the skin provides insulation against
Ans. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are the macronutrients cold, i.e. prevents heat loss from the body.
and they form main bulk of food. ♦♦ They provide essential fatty acids which help in growth
In an Indian dietary they contribute to total energy intake promotion, maintenance of skin integrity and reduce blood
in following proportions: cholesterol.
Proteins: 7 to 15%
Sources of Fats
Fats: 35 to 45%
♦♦ Animal sources: Ghee, butter, fish, oils. In general, they are
Carbohydrates: 50 to 70%.
poor sources of essential fatty acids but are good sources of
♦ Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are sometimes re-
retinol and cholecalciferol (vitamins A and D, respectively).
ferred to as proximate principle. They are oxidized
♦♦ Plant sources: Groundnut, mustard, cotton seed, rape
in the body to yield energy which the body needs.
seed and coconut oil. These are all rich sources of essential
♦ Although proteins provide energy their primary
function is to provide essential and nonessential fatty acids.
amino acids for building of body proteins.  When vegetable oils are hydrogenated, the liquid oils are
♦ Fats particularly the vegetable oils, besides being converted into semisolid and solid fat known as vanaspati oil,
concentrated source of energy provide essential fatty ghee (e.g. dalda, rath, etc.). The disadvantage of hydrogenation
acids which have a vitamin like function in the body. is that the content of the valuable ‘essential fatty acids’ present
in vegetable oils is drastically reduced. When natural fats are
Proteins treated with steam, alkalies, etc. the free fatty acid, and rancid
Proteins are complex organic nitrogenous compounds. They are material present in oils are removed, the process is known as
indispensable constituents of the diet because they are the only ‘refining’ and refined oils are produced. Refining improves the
source of the amino acids which include essential amino acids. quality and taste of oil. Refined oils are free from odor and color
and are as safe as raw oils.
Functions of Proteins
Daily Requirements of Fats
♦♦ They build up new tissues at the time of growth or
pregnancy and lactation. The fat should provide at least 20% of the total energy in a day.
♦♦ Proteins are essential for repair and maintenance of worn This could come to 10 to 20 g of fat per day. Young children
out body tissues. needs 25% extra amount of fats.
Biochemistry 515

Carbohydrates ♦♦ Hydrolysis: In this addition of water splits the toxicant

into two fragments or small molecules. Hydroxyl group
Carbohydrates form the main bulk of diet and are the chief
is incorporated in one fragment and hydrogen atom in
source of energy. They are also essential for the oxidation of
another. Esters, amines, hydrazines, amides, glycosidic
fats and for the synthesis of various nonessential amino acids.
bonds and carbamates are biotransformed by hydrolysis.
They are cheap and readily obtainable food.
Phase II Reaction
Sources of Carbohydrates
♦♦ A xenobiotic which has undergone phase I reaction is
♦♦ Starches: They are ‘complete sugar’ present in abundance
now a new metabolite which consists of reactive chemical
in cereals and millets, roots and tubers.
group, i.e. hydroxyl, amino, carboxyl and these metabolites
♦♦ Sugars:
undergo additional biotransformation as phase II reaction.
• Monosaccharides, e.g. glucose, fructose, galactose
♦♦ Phase II reactions are conjugation reactions, i.e. a molecule
• Disaccharides, e.g. sucrose, lactose and maltose.
normally present in the body is added to reactive site of
♦♦ Cellulose or dietary fiber: This is the fibrous substance
phase I metabolite. In most of the cases conjugation make
lining fruits, vegetables and cereals. It is the indigestible
compounds nontoxic and excretable.
component of carbohydrate with hardly any nutritive
value. Q.2. Write a short note on antioxidant. (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Ans. Since free radicals produce the harmful/damaging effects,
Daily Requirements of Carbohydrates so to stop the harmful effects of free radicals, aerobic cells
Carbohydrate intake should be in the range of 300–500 g developed the antioxidant defense mechanisms.
(between 50 to 70% of total energy intake). It should be sufficient A biological antioxidant may be defined as a substance that
to prevent the need for protein breakdown to provide energy. significantly delays or inhibits oxidation of a substrate.
Antioxidants are the scavengers of free radicals.

10. DETOXIFICATION, FREE RADICALS Classification of Antioxidants

AND ANTIOXIDANTS Based on the Location

Q.1. Write a short note on detoxification. ♦♦ Plasma antioxidants, e.g. β-carotene, ascorbic acid,
 (June 2010, 5 Marks) bilirubin, uric acid, ceruloplasmin, transferrin.
♦♦ Cell membrane antioxidants, e.g. α-tocopherol.
Ans. Detoxification refers to the series of biochemical
♦♦ Intracellular antioxidants, e.g. superoxide dismutase,
reactions occurring in the body to convert the foreign
catalase, glutathione peroxidase.
compounds to nontoxic or less toxic and more easily
excretable forms. Based on the Nature and Action
 Detoxification reaction occurs most commonly in the
♦♦ Enzymatic antioxidants, e.g. superoxide dismutase,
liver which consists of numerous enzymes. Kidney and
catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase.
other organs are sometimes involved. Products formed
♦♦ Nonenzymatic antioxidants:
after detoxification is mainly excreted by kidneys.
a. Nutrient antioxidants, e.g. carotenoids, α-tocopherol,
Phases of Detoxification ascorbic acid, selenium.
b. Metabolic antioxidants, e.g. glutathione, ceruloplasmin,
There are two types of phases, i.e. Phase I and Phase II. albumin, bilirubin, transferrin, ferritin, uric acid
Phase I Reaction Antioxidant Enzyme System
In this, there is the alteration of foreign molecule to add a Antioxidant enzymes scavange the free radicals. Various
functional group. These reactions form compounds with enzymes are:
decreased toxicity. Phase I reactions include hydroxylation, ♦♦ Superoxide dismutase: This enzyme converts superoxide
oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, dealkylation, epoxidation. to hydrogen peroxide and is the first line of defense to
♦♦ Oxidative reaction: Oxidative reactions are either aromatic protect cells from the injurious effects of superoxide.
or aliphatic. These reactions include sulfoxidation, ♦♦ Catalase: Hydrogen peroxide produced by superoxide
N-oxidation and epoxidation. Oxidation and detoxification dismutase is metabolized by catalase
of alcohol is the function of liver. Alcohol dehydrogenase ♦♦ Glutathione peroxidase: It detoxifies hydrogen peroxide
oxidizes alcohol to aldehyde and aldehyde dehydrogenase to water and reduced glutathione gets converted to
oxidizes aldehyde to acid. oxidized glutathione. Reduced glutathione can be
♦♦ Reductive reaction: Nitro compounds are reduced regenerated by the enzyme glutathione reductase utilizing
to amines, while aldehydes or ketones are reduced to NADPH. The hexose monophosphate shunt is the major
alcohols. Example is reduction of nitrobenzene to aniline. source of NADPH.
516 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Nutrient Antioxidant ♦♦ The bilirubin is estimated by Van den Bergh reaction.

♦♦ Vitamin E: Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and present Normal serum does not give a positive Van den Bergh
in all cellular membranes, and protects against lipid reaction.
peroxidation. ♦♦ When bilirubin is conjugated, the purple color is produced
♦♦ Vitamin C: It is the water soluble antioxidant in biological immediately on mixing with the reagent, the response is
fluids. It inhibts lipid peroxidation. said to be Van den Bergh direct positive.
♦♦ Carotenoids: b-carotene acts as an antioxidant in associa­ ♦♦ When the bilirubin is unconjugated, the color is obtained
tion with vitamin E and C. only when alcohol is added, and this response is known
♦♦ Selenium: In association with vitamin E it scavenges free as indirect positive.
radicals. It is also needed for functioning of an important ♦♦ If both conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin are
antioxidant, i.e. glutathione peroxidase. present in increased amounts, a purple color is produced
immediately and the color is intensified on adding alcohol.
Metabolic Antioxidant Then the reaction is called biphasic.
♦♦ Glutathione: It acts in biological antioxidant enzyme ♦♦ In hemolytic jaundice, unconjugated bilirubin is increased.
system. Reduced glutathione and hydrogen peroxide Hence, Van den Bergh test is indirect positive. In
are twin substrates for glutathione peroxidase. Reduced obstructive jaundice, conjugated bilirubin is elevated, and
glutathione regenerates from oxidized glutathione via Van den Bergh test is direct positive. In hepatocellular
participation of glutathione reductase and NADPH. jaundice, a biphasic reaction is observed because both
♦♦ Uric acid: It acts as scavenger of single oxygen and conjugated and unconjugated bilirubins are increased.
hydroxyl radicles.
Urinary Bilirubin
♦♦ Transferrin: It bind to iron and prevent iron-catalyzed
formation of free radical. ♦♦ Conjugated bilirubin is excreted in urine as it is water
♦♦ Ceruloplasmin: It inhibit iron and copper dependent lipid soluble, while unconjugated bilirubin not excreted in urine.
peroxidation. ♦♦ Bilirubin in urine is detected by Fouchet’s test and Gmelin’s
♦♦ Bilirubin: It protect albumin bound free fatty acid from test.
Test Based on Serum Enzymes
Transaminases or Aminotransferases
Activity of two enzymes, i.e. serum glutamate pyruvate
Q.1. Write on liver function test. (May 2014, 5 Marks) transaminase (SGPT) or alanine transaminase and serum
 (Sep 2018, 5 Marks) (Jan 2018, 5 Marks) glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT) or aspartate
Ans. Liver function tests are the biochemical investigations transaminase are used to assess the liver functions. SGPT is
for assessing the capacity of liver to carry out any of the a cytoplasmic enzyme and SGOT is a seen in cytoplasm and
functions it perform. mitochondria. Activity of both of these enzymes is low in
Liver function tests will help to detect the abnormalities normal serum. Serum SGPT and SGOT get increased when the
and the extent of liver damage. liver damage occur. SGPT is more sensitive and reliable as liver
function test. Normal value of SGPT is 5 to 40 IU/L. Normal
Classification of Liver Function Test value of SGOT is 5 to 45 IU/L.
♦♦ Group I: Tests of hepatic excretory function Clinical Interpretation
1. Serum-bilirubin: Total, conjugated and unconjugated
2. Urine-bile pigments, bile salts and urobilinogen. ♦♦ Alanine transaminase is useful in early diagnosis for
♦♦ Group II: Liver enzyme panel (markers of liver injury) evaluating severity and prognosis of paranchymal liver
1. Alanine amino transferase disease. Alanine transaminase rises to the levels which are
2. Aspartate amino transferase roughly parallel to the extent of hepatocellular damage.
3. Alkaline phosphatase ♦♦ In hepatitis, level of both alanine transaminase and
4. Gamma-Glutamyltransferase. aspartate transaminase get increased, its value rise upto
♦♦ Group III: Plasma proteins (test for synthetic function 500 to 1500 IU/L.
of liver) ♦♦ In obstructive jaundice increase in level of both the enzyme
1. Total proteins occurs but it does not exceed 200 to 300 IU/L.
2. Serum albumin: Globulin ratio ♦♦ In hemolytic jaundice levels of these enzymes remain
3. Prothrombin time. normal.
Serum Bilirubin Alkaline Phosphatase
♦♦ Normal range of serum bilirubin is 0.2 to 1 mg/dL. In This enzyme is derived from bone, liver, intestine and
this the conjugated bilirubin is 0.1 to 0.4 mg/dL and placenta and is excreted in the bile. Increase in serum alkaline
unconjugated is 0.2 to 0.7 mg/dL. phosphatase is associated with diseases of bone, liver and
Biochemistry 517

pregnancy. In absence of bone disease and pregnancy elevated phosphatase levels are an indicator of hepatobiliary disease.
alkaline phosphatase levels are an indicator of hepatobiliary Alkaline phosphatase also increases in liver cirrhosis and
disease. Alkaline phosphatase also increases in liver cirrhosis hepatic tumors. Its normal value is 3–13 KA units/dL/100 mL.
and hepatic tumors. Its normal value is 3–13 KA units/dL/100
mL. Clinical Interpretation
♦♦ Greatest elevation occurs in obstructive jaundice. Enzyme
Clinical Interpretation
alkaline phosphatase is normally excreted through bile.
♦♦ Greatest elevation occurs in obstructive jaundice. Enzyme Obstruction to flow of bile leads to regurgitation of enzyme
alkaline phosphatase is normally excreted through bile. in blood resulting in increased serum concentration.
Obstruction to flow of bile leads to regurgitation of enzyme ♦♦ Slight to moderate increase is seen in hepatitis and
in blood resulting in increased serum concentration. cirrhosis.
♦♦ Slight to moderate increase is seen in hepatitis and ♦♦ In hemolytic jaundice normal serum alkaline phosphatase
cirrhosis. values are seen.
♦♦ In hemolytic jaundice normal serum alkaline phosphatase
values are seen. γ–Glutamyltranspeptidase

γ–Glutamyltranspeptidase Measurment of γ–Glutamyltranspeptidase provides sensitive

index for assessing liver abnormality. This enzyme is elevated in
Measurment of γ–Glutamyltranspeptidase provides sensitive alcoholism and biliary obstruction. Its normal value is 10–15 U/l.
index for assessing liver abnormality. This enzyme is elevated in
alcoholism and biliary obstruction. Its normal value is 10–15 U/l. Q.3. Describe renal function tests. (July 2016, 5 Marks)
Q.2. Write about serum enzyme in diagnosis of liver func- Or
tion test. (Sep 2015, 7 Marks) Write on renal function test. (Apr 2017, 5 Marks)
Ans. Liver cells have various enzymes which are released in Ans. Renal function tests are also known as kidney function
circulation during liver damage. Following are the serum tests.
enzymes used to assess the liver function.
In order to assess kidney function several renal function
Transaminases or Aminotransferases tests are performed.
The various renal function tests have been divided into
Activity of two enzymes, i.e. serum glutamate pyruvate following groups:
transaminase (SGPT) or alanine transaminase and serum
glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT) or aspartate Urine Analysis
transaminase are used to assess the liver functions. SGPT is
♦♦ Physical examination
a cytoplasmic enzyme and SGOT is a seen in cytoplasm and
♦♦ Chemical examination
mitochondria. Activity of both of these enzymes is low in
♦♦ Microscopic examination.
normal serum. Serum SGPT and SGOT get increased when the
liver damage occur. SGPT is more sensitive and reliable as liver Serum and Urine Markers of Renal Function
function test. Normal value of SGPT is 5 to 40 IU/L. Normal
value of SGOT is 5 to 45 IU/L. ♦♦ Serum creatinine
♦♦ Serum urea [or blood urea nitrogen (BUN)]
Clinical Interpretation ♦♦ Protein in urine (proteinuria)
♦♦ Alanine transaminase is useful in early diagnosis for ♦♦ Red blood cells in urine (hematuria).
evaluating severity and prognosis of paranchymal liver Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
disease. Alanine transaminase rises to the levels which are
roughly parallel to the extent of hepatocellular damage. ♦♦ Creatinine clearance test
♦♦ In hepatitis level of both alanine transaminase and ♦♦ Urea clearance test
aspartate transaminase get increased, its value rises upto ♦♦ Inulin clearance test.
500 to 1500 IU/L. Tests of Renal Tubular Function
♦♦ In obstructive jaundice increase in level of both the enzyme
occurs but it does not exceed 200 to 300 IU/L. ♦♦ Urine concentration test (water deprivation test)
♦♦ In hemolytic jaundice levels of these enzymes remain ♦♦ Urine dilution test (excess water intake test)
normal. ♦♦ Acid load test (urine acidification test)
♦♦ Phenolsulfonphthalein (PSP) test or phenol red test.
Alkaline Phosphatase
Urine Analysis
This enzyme is derived from bone, liver, intestine and placenta
and is excreted in the bile. Increase in serum alkaline phos- Routine urine examination is usually the first test undertaken to
phatase is associated with diseases of bone, liver and pregnancy. assess the renal function and very often it gives some important
In absence of bone disease and pregnancy elevated alkaline information like proteinuria, hematuria to do further renal
518 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

investigation. Its analysis, therefore, is important in evaluating ♦♦ Creatinine is freely filtered at the glomerulus and is not
kidney function. The standard urine analysis includes: reabsorbed by the tubules. A small amount of creatinine
♦♦ Physical examination: Assessment of volume, color, odor, is secreted by tubules. Because of these properties, the
appearance, specific gravity and pH creatinine clearance can be used to estimate the GFR.
♦♦ Chemical examination: Checking for the presence of ♦♦ Creatinine clearance is defined as the volume of plasma
protein, reducing sugar, ketone bodies, blood, bile salts (in mL) that would be completely cleared off creatinine
and bile pigments. per minute.
♦♦ Microscopic examination of urine: Checking for the ♦♦ The creatinine clearance is determined by collecting
presence of WBCs, RBCs and casts. urine over a 24 hour period and a sample of blood is
drawn during the urine collection period. The clearance
Serum Creatinine and Urea of creatinine from plasma is directly related to the GFR,
which is calculated as follows:
♦♦ Serum urea and creatinine are the markers of renal
function. Both these substances are primarily excreted Creatinine clearance = GFR = U × V
in the urine. Deterioration of renal function is therefore P
associated with increase in the serum levels of these
U is urinary creatinine (mg/dL)
♦♦ Creatinine is considered a better marker of renal function P is plasma creatinine (mg/dL)
than urea because urea is affected by dietary protein intake V is volume of urine excreted (mL/minute).
and liver function.
Clinical Interpretation
♦♦ An impaired glomerular filtration results in retention of
urea and creatinine which causes in elevation of blood ♦♦ The normal range for creatinine clearance is 90 to 120 mL/
urea (normal range 20–40 mg/dL) and creatinine (normal minute.
range 0.5–1.5 mg/dL). An increase of these end products ♦♦ A decreased creatinine clearance is a very sensitive
in the blood is called azotemia. indicator of a decreased glomerular filtration rate.
♦♦ The reduced filtration rate may be caused by acute or
Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate chronic damage to the glomerulus or any of its components.
♦♦ Reduced blood flow to the glomeruli may also produce a
These tests are performed to assess the glomerular filtration rate
decreased creatinine clearance.
(GFR). GFR provides a useful index of the status of functioning
glomeruli. Renal clearance tests are performed to determine Urea Clearance Test
GFR. ♦♦ Urea is the end product of protein metabolism.
♦♦ Urea clearance may also be employed as a measure of the
Clearance Test
GFR. But urea clearance is not as sensitive as creatinine
Clearance test is performed to assess the glomerular filtration clearance.
rate. ♦♦ Urea clearance is defined as the volume of plasma (in mL)
Clearance is defined as the volume of plasma (in mL) that that would be completely cleared off urea per minute.
could be completely cleared off a substance per minute and is ♦♦ It is calculated by the formula:
expressed as milliliter per minute. It may also be defined as Urea clearance = U × V
that volume of plasma (in mL) which contains the amount of P
the substance which is excreted by kidney in urine in 1 minute.
U is urinary urea (mg/dL)
Renal clearance (C) is calculated by using following formula:
P is plasma urea (mg/dL)
C=U×V V is volume of urine in mL excreted per minute.
Where, Clinical Interpretation
C: Renal clearance: GFR of a substance in mL/minute ♦♦ The normal value of urea clearance is 75 mL/minute.
U: Concentration of substance in urine (mg/100 mL) ♦♦ Urea clearance between 40-70 mL/min indicates mild
V: Volume of urine in mL excreted per minute impairment, between 20-40 mL/min indicates moderate
impairment and below 20 mL/min indicates severe
P: Concentration of substance in plasma (mg/100 mL). impairment of renal function.
Creatinine Clearance Test Inulin Clearance Test
♦♦ Creatinine clearance test is the renal function test which is ♦♦ Inulin clearance is the method of choice when accurate
based on the rate of excretion of creatinine by the kidneys. determination of GFR is required.
♦♦ Creatinine is an excretory product derived from creatine ♦♦ Inulin is a polysaccharide of fructose which is filtered
phosphate. The excretion of creatinine is not influenced by the glomerulus but not reabsorbed, secreted or
by metabolism or dietary factors. metabolically altered by the renal tubule.
Biochemistry 519

♦♦ The normal value of inulin clearance is 120 mL/min ♦♦ A decreased creatinine clearance is a very sensitive
♦♦ Inulin clearance is calculated by the following formula: indicator of a decreased glomerular filtration rate.
♦♦ The reduced filtration rate may be caused by acute or
Inulin clearance = U × V chronic damage to the glomerulus or any of its components.
Where, ♦♦ Reduced blood flow to the glomeruli may also produce a
U is urinary inulin (mg/dL) decreased creatinine clearance.
P is plasma inulin (mg/dL)
V is volume of urine in mL excreted per minute.
Tests of Renal Tubular Function
Q. 1. Write a short note on vitamin C.
♦♦ Assessment of the concentrating and diluting ability of the
 (Sep 2001, 5 Marks) (Apr 2008, 3 Marks),
kidney can provide the most sensitive means of detecting
 (Mar 2008, 3 Marks) (Dec 2010, 3 Marks)
early impairment in renal function.
 (Sep 2013, 5 Marks) (Apr 2015, 3 Marks)
♦♦ The ability to concentrate or dilute urine is dependent
upon renal tubular reabsorption function and presence Or
of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). Describe sources, absorption, storage, daily require­
♦♦ The kidneys fail to concentrate urine either due to renal
ment, physiological and biochemical functions, deficiency,
tubular damage or due to ADH deficiency (endocrine
symptoms and hypervitaminosis of vitamin C.
♦♦ The urinary specific gravity and osmolality are used to  (Nov 2009, 8 Marks)
measure the concentrating and diluting ability of the Or
tubules. Write in detail about vitamin C giving its chemistry,
♦♦ Various renal tubular function tests are water deprivation
daily requirement, sources, history, physiological/
test, urine dilution test, urine acidification test.
biochemical functions, etc. (Aug 2011, 11 Marks)
Q.4. Write very short answer on creatinine clearance test.
 (Apr 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Creatinine clearance test is the renal function test which Describe sources biological role and manifestation of
is based on the rate of excretion of creatinine by the vitamin C deficiency. (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
kidneys. Or
• Creatinine is an excretory product derived from
creatine phosphate. The excretion of creatinine is Define vitamins. Write in detail about chemistry, bio-
not influenced by metabolism or dietary factors. chemical functions, history, daily requirement, etc. of
• Creatinine is freely filtered at the glomerulus and is vitamin C. (Feb 2013, 10 Marks)
not reabsorbed by the tubules. A small amount of Or
creatinine is secreted by tubules. Because of these
Describe sources, biological role and manifestation of
properties, the creatinine clearance can be used to
vitamin C deficiency. (May 2017, 5 Marks)
estimate the GFR.
• Creatinine clearance is defined as the volume of Or
plasma (in mL) that would be completely cleared Describe sources, functions and deficiency disorders
off creatinine per minute. of vitamin C. (July 2016, 5 Marks)
• The creatinine clearance is determined by collecting
urine over a 24 hour period and a sample of blood is Or
drawn during the urine collection period. The clear- Write on functions of vitamin C and scurvy.
ance of creatinine from plasma is directly related to  (Dec 2014, 5 Marks)
the GFR which is calculated as follows:
Creatinine clearance = GFR = U × V
P Write on functions of vitamin C and effects of its
Where, deficiency. (Sep 2018, 5 Marks)
U is urinary creatinine (mg/dL) Ans.
P is plasma creatinine (mg/dL)
V is volume of urine excreted (mL/minute). Sources of Vitamin C
♦♦ Citrus fruits, gooseberry (amla), guava, green vegetables
Clinical Interpretation such as cabbage and spinach, tomato and potato.
♦♦ The normal range for creatinine clearance is 90 to 120 mL/ ♦♦ High content of vitamin C is found in adrenal gland and
minute. gonads.
520 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Absorption and Storage of Vitamin C ♦♦ Bone formation: Tissues of bone possess an organic
♦♦ Ascorbic acid is easily absorbed from the small intestine, matrix, collagen and the inorganic calcium, phosphate,
peritoneum and subcutaneous tissues. etc. Vitamin C is essential for bone formation.
♦♦ It is not stored in any particular organ and is spread ♦♦ Iron and hemoglobin metabolism: Ascorbic acid leads
throughout the body. to iron absorption by placing it in the ferrous form. This
is mainly caused by reducing the property of vitamin C.
Daily Requirements ♦♦ Tryptophan metabolism: Vitamin C is essential for the
♦♦ Recommended daily allowance of vitamin C is about 60 hydroxylation of tryptophan enzyme hydroxylase to
to 70 mg. hydroxytryptophan in the synthesis of serotonin.
♦♦ Additional intake is needed for women during pregnancy ♦♦ Tyrosine metabolism: Ascorbic acid is required for the
and lactation. oxidation of p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate to homogentisic
acid in tyrosine metabolism.
History ♦♦ Folic acid metabolism: The active form of the vitamin
In the winter of 1556, there was a scurvy epidemic that plagued folic acid is tetrahydrofolate. Vitamin C is needed for the
in Europe. Little did the population know that the lack of fruits formation of folic acid.
and vegetables in those winter months had caused the outbreak. ♦♦ Sparing action of other vitamins: Ascorbic acid is a strong
While this was one of the earliest noted scurvy epidemics, not antioxidant. It spares vitamin A, vitamin E, and some
much research was done in effort to cure this disease until B-complex vitamins from oxidation.
many centuries later. Jacques Cartier, an established explorer, ♦♦ lmmunological function: Vitamin C enhances the
curiously noted that his sailors who had digested oranges, synthesis of immunoglobulins (antibodies) and increases
limes, and berries did not get scurvy, and those who had the the phagocytic action of leukocytes.
disease recovered. ♦♦ Synthesis of corticosteroid hormones: Since adrenal gland
possess high levels of ascorbic acid mainly in the period
In 1742, James Lind, a British doctor, was the first person to
establish that there was a definite connection between the diet of stress. So, it is believed that vitamin C is necessary for
and scurvy. hydroxylation reaction in the synthesis of corticosteroid
While this was used often at sea, its applicable daily dietary
♦♦ Preventive action on chronic diseases: As during normal
benefits were not fully understood. In the late 1800s, infants
metabolism free radicals are constantly secreted, they cause
were dying from scurvy, and no one knew why. In the early
damage to proteins, lipids, DNA and cell membrane which
1900s, studies showed that the vitamin C found in the babies’
causes development of cancer, heart diseases and aging.
milk was being destroyed in the routine pasteurization of that
Since vitamin C is a strong biological antioxidant which
prevent these chronic diseases.
In 1912, studies showed that when scurvy was injected into
guinea pigs (one of the few animals who can contact the disease),
Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency
several doses of vitamin C cured the guinea pigs. In this present
day, the governments recommended daily allowance of vitamin ♦♦ Gross deficiency of vitamin C results in scurvy.
C, a mere 60 mg will only prevent the public from contracting ♦♦ In severe cases of scurvy, the gum becomes painful,
this horrible disease. swollen, and spongy. Pulp is separated from the dentine
and finally teeth are lost. Wound healing may be delayed.
Chemistry of Vitamin C ♦♦ In ascorbic acid deficiency, collagen is abnormal and the
♦♦ Ascorbic acid is a six carbon derivative and it closely intercellular cement substance is brittle. So capillaries are
resembles monosaccharides in structure. fragile leading to the tendency to bleed even under minor
♦♦ The acidic property of vitamin C is due to the enolic pressure. Subcutaneous hemorrhage may be manifested
hydroxyl groups. as petechiae in mild deficiency and as ecchymoses or even
♦♦ It is a strong reducing agent. hematoma in severe conditions.
♦♦ L-ascorbic acid undergoes oxidation to form dehydro­ ♦♦ In severe cases, hemorrhage may occur in the conjunctiva
ascorbic acid and this reaction is reversible. and retina. Internal bleeding may be seen as epistaxis,
♦♦ On hydration, dehydroascorbic acid is irreversibly hematuria or malena.
converted to 2, 3-diketogulonic acid which is inactive. ♦♦ In the bones, the deficiency results in the failure of the
osteo­blasts to form the intercellular substance, osteoid.
Physiological and Biochemical Functions Without the normal ground substance, the deposition
♦♦ Collagen formation: Vitamin C plays the role as coenzyme of bone is arrested. The resulting scorbutic bone is weak
in hydroxylation of proline and lysine, while protocollagen and fractures easily. There may be hemorrhage into joint
get converted to collagen. The hydroxylation reaction is cavities. Painful swelling of joints may prevent locomotion
catalyzed by lysyl hydroxylase and prolyl hydroxylase and of the patient.
they get converted to hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. ♦♦ In vitamin C deficiency microcytic, hypochromic anemia
This reaction is dependent on vitamin C. is seen.
Biochemistry 521

Hypervitaminosis of Vitamin C of epidermis. In the skin, ultraviolet light breaks the bond
♦♦ Occasional large intakes of vitamin C may cause sto­mach to give rise the provitamin, secosterol. The cis double bond
cramps, nausea, and diarrhea in some fasting subjects but between is then isomerized to a trans bond to form vitamin D3
have no long-term adverse effects. or cholecalciferol.
♦♦ It has been specifically proposed that megadoses of So, vitamin D is called the “sun-shine vitamin”. As sun-shine
vitamin C: is less in winter months, vitamin deficiency is seen in winter.
• Increase oxalate production (thereby increasing the
formation of renal stones). Activation of Vitamin D
• Competitively inhibit renal reabsorption of uric acid. Vitamin D acts like a prohormone. The cholecalciferol
• Enhance the destruction of vitamin B12 in the gut. which is the inactive form is first transported to liver where
Intensify the enteric absorption of nonhem iron, thus hydroxylation at 25th position occurs which is catalyzed by
leading to iron overload. enzyme hydrolase, to form 25-hydroxycholecalciferol. This is
• Result in mutagenic effects. the major storage form.
• Increase in vitamin C catabolism that would persist
In the kidney, it is further hydroxylated at the 1st position
after returning to lower intakes of the vitamin.
by α–hydroxylase enzyme. Thus 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
Q.2. Write a short note on vitamin D. is generated. Since it contains three hydroxyl groups at 1, 3 and
 (Apr 2003, 5 Marks) (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) 25 positions, it is also called calcitriol. The calcitriol thus formed
 (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) (Oct 2014, 3 Marks) is the active form of vitamin, it act as a hormone.
Biochemical Functions or Role of Vitamin D in Calcium
Describe in brief about vitamin D.
 (Apr 2008, 4 Marks) (Mar 2008, 3 Marks)
 (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) (Nov 2009, 3 Marks) Calcitriol acts at 3 different levels (intestine, kidney and bone)
Or to maintain plasma calcium (normal 9–11 mg/dL).
Write in detail about vitamin D. (Aug 2011, 11 Marks) 1. Action of calcitriol on the intestine: Calcitriol increases
the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate. In the
intestinal cells, calcitriol binds with a cytosolic receptor
Describe sources, daily requirement, symptoms of to form a calcitriol-receptor complex. This complex then
vitamin D deficiency. What is role of vitamin D in approaches the nucleus and interacts with a specific DNA
calcium metabolism? leading to the synthesis of a specific calcium binding
 (Aug 2012, 6 Marks) (Aug 2011, 20 Marks) protein. This protein increases the calcium uptake by the
Or intestine.
Write on functions of Vitamin D and rickets. 2. Action of calcitriol on the bone: In the osteoblasts of
 (Dec 2014, 5 Marks) bone, calcitriol stimulates calcium uptake for deposition
Ans. Vitamin D is also known as calciferol due to its role in as calcium phosphate. Thus calcitriol is essential for bone
calcium metabolism and antirachitic factor. formation.
3. Action of calcitriol on the kidney: Calcitriol is also
Structure involved in minimizing the excretion of calcium and
Vitamin D is a steroid compound and there are two forms of phosphate through the kidney by decreasing their
vitamin D, i.e. excretion and enhancing reabsorption.
1. Naturally produced vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol. It Sources
is obtained from animal sources in diet or made in
skin by action of ultraviolet light from sunlight on ♦♦ Best sources for vitamin D are cod liver oil, fish oils and
7–dehydrocholesterol. sunlight induced synthesis of vitamin D3 in skin.
2. Another is artificially produced from D2 or ergocalciferol. ♦♦ Egg yolk and liver are good sources.
This form is made in laboratory by irradiating plant sterol,
i.e. ergosterol. Daily Requirement
♦♦ Daily requirement of vitamin D is 400 IU or 10 µg of
Absorption and Transport
Dietary vitamin D is absorbed in duodenum along with lipids ♦♦ In countries with good sunlight recommended daily
and is transported to liver via chylomicron. requirement is 200 IU or 5 µg of cholecalciferol.

Formation of Vitamin D Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

7-dehydrocholesterol, an intermediate of a minor pathway Deficiency of vitamin D leads to rickets (rachitis) in growing
of cholesterol synthesis is available in the malpighian layer children and osteomalacia in adults.
522 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Rickets Or
♦♦ It is characterized by the formation of soft and pliable bones Write a short note on sources and functions of vitamin A.
due to poor mineralization and calcium deficiency. Due to  (Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
softness, the weight bearing bones are bent and deformed. Or
♦♦ Main features of the rickets are a large head with
protruding forehead, pigeon chest, bow legs, (curved Write down source, requirement and action of vitamin
legs), knock knees and abnormal curvature of the spine A. What is the effect of deficiency of vitamin A on hu-
(kyphosis). man being. (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Rachitic children are usually anemic or prone to infections. Ans. Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin.
Rickets can be fatal when severe.
♦♦ Rickets is characterized by low plasma levels of calcium Structure
and phosphorus and high alkaline phosphatase activity. Vitamin A contains of a single 6-membered ring with attached
Osteomalacia (Adult Rickets) 11–carbon side chain is attached. Vitamin A is an alcohol
(retinol), but can be converted into an aldehyde (retinal), or an
♦♦ Deficiency of vitamin D in adults causes osteomalacia. This acid (retinoic acid).
is a condition similar to that of rickets.
♦♦ Osteomalacia is characterized by demineralization of Active Form
previously formed bones, demineralization of bones makes
♦♦ Vitamin A consists of three biologically active molecules
them soft and susceptible to fractures.
known as retinoids, i.e. retinol, retinal and retinoic acid.
Renal Rickets (Renal Osteodystrophy) ♦♦ Each of these compounds are derived from plat precursor
molecule, i.e. β–carotene.
♦♦ In chronic renal failure synthesis of calcitriol in kidney is
♦♦ β–carotene has two molecules of retinal linked at their
impaired. As a result, the deficiency of calcitriol occurs
aldehyde ends also known as provitamin form of vitamin
which leads to hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia.
♦♦ It can be treated by oral or intravenous administration of
♦♦ Retinol and retinal are interconverted by enzyme retinal
calcitriol (active form of vitamin D).
aldehyde reductase. Retinoic acid is formed by oxidation of
Vitamin D Resistant Rickets retinal. Retinoic acid cannot be reduced to retinol or retinal.

♦♦ It is a disease which does not respond to the treatment Absorption Transport and Mobilization
with vitamin D.
♦♦ Dietary retinal esters are hydrolyzed by enzyme pancreatic
♦♦ There are various possible causes of this condition and all
or intestinal brush border hydrolases in the intestine,
involve a defect in the metabolism or mechanism of action
releasing retinol and free fatty acids.
of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol as follows:
♦♦ Carotenes get hydrolyzed by β–carotene 15-15’-dioxygenase
• Due to defective vitamin D receptor
of intestinal cells and release two moles of retinal which is
• Due to a defective 1, α-hydroxylase activity in kidney
reduced to retinol.
• Due to liver disease and kidney failure as the
♦♦ Inside the intestinal mucosal cells, retinol get re-esterified
production of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and
to long chain fatty acids, incorporated into chylomicrons
1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol respectively will be
and transferred to the lymph. The retinol esters of
inefficient in the damaged tissue.
chylomicrons are taken up by the liver and stored.
Hypervitaminosis D ♦♦ Transportation of retinol occurs in the circulation by the
plasma retinol binding protein.
♦♦ Vitamin D is stored mostly in liver and slowly metabolized. ♦♦ Many cells of target tissues contain a cellular retinol-
♦♦ Among the vitamins, vitamin D is the most toxic in binding protein that carries retinol to the nucleus and
overdoses. binds to the chromatin (DNA). It is here that retinol exerts
♦♦ Toxic effects of hypervitaminosis D include demineraliza- its f function in a manner analogous to that of a steroid
tion of bones (resorption) and increased calcium absorp- hormone.
tion from the intestine leading to elevated calcium in
plasma (hypercalcemia). Hypervitaminosis D may lead to Biochemical Functions or Actions of Vitamin A
the formation of stones in kidneys (renal calculi).
♦♦ Vitamin A is needed for variety of functions, such as
♦♦ High consumption of vitamin D is associated with the loss
vision, cell differentiation and growth, reproduction and
of appetite, nausea, increased thirst, loss of weight.
maintenance of epithelial cells.
Q.3. Write a short note on vitamin A. ♦♦ Retinol as well as retinoic acid function like steroid
 (Mar 2000, 5 Marks) (Mar 2001, 5 Marks) hormones. Both of them regulate protein synthesis and are
 (Mar 2009, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks) involved in both cell growth and differentiation.
 (June 2010, 2.5 Marks) (Feb 2014, 3 Marks) ♦♦ Vitamin A maintains healthy epithelial tissue.
Biochemistry 523

♦♦ Carotenoids function as antioxidants and reduce risk of Hypervitaminosis A

cancer initiated by free radicals and strong oxidants.
♦♦ The symptoms of hypervitaminosis A include nausea,
♦♦ Retinoic acid is found to be involved in glycoprotein
vomiting, diarrhea, loss of hair (alopecia), scaly and rough
synthesis, thus it is involved in the development and
skin, bone and joint pain, enlargement of liver, loss of
maintenance of ground substance in collagen tissue.
weight, etc.
Vitamin A is involved in synthesis of chondrotin sulfate.
♦♦ In pregnant women hypervitaminosis A can lead to
Dietary Sources congenital malformation in growing fetus.
♦♦ Plant sources: All pigmented (particularly yellow) vege­ Q.4. Give daily requirement, sources, symptoms and physi-
tables and fruits (e.g. sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, ological role of Vitamin A deficiency. Add a note on
papayas, tomatoes, apricots, and peaches) and the leafy rhodopsin cycle. (Dec 2010, 15 Marks)
vegetables. Or
♦♦ Animal sources: Liver, milk, butter, eggs, kidney, fat of
Write short answer on biochemical functions of vitamin
muscle meats and fish liver oil.
A and add a note on Wald’s visual cycle.
Daily Requirements  (Apr 2018, 5 Marks)
Ans. For daily requirement, sources, symptoms, biochemical
♦♦ Infants—1,500 IU
functions or physiological role of Vitamin A deficiency
♦♦ Children—2,000-3,500 IU
refer to Ans 3 of same chapter.
♦♦ In man—5,000 IU
♦♦ In woman—4,000 IU Rhodopsin Cycle
♦♦ Pregnant and lactating women—8000 IU.
Rhodopsin cycle is also known as Wald’s visual cycle.
Deficiency of Vitamin A ♦♦ Rhodopsin is a conjugated protein which is present inside
Night blindness (Nyctalopia) the rods. It has 11-cis-retinal and protein opsin.
♦♦ Primary event in visual cycle when exposed to light is,
♦♦ Night blindness is one of the earliest symptoms of vitamin
isomerization of 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-retinal. This
A deficiency. This is characterized by the loss of vision in
leads to a conformational change in opsin which is
night (in dim or poor light) since dark adaptation time is
responsible for the generation of nerve impulse.
increased. Prolonged deficiency of vitamin A leads to an
irreversible loss of visual cells.
♦♦ Severe vitamin A deficiency causes dryness of cornea and
conjunctiva, a clinical condition termed as xerophthalmia
(dry eyes).
♦♦ If this situation remains for longer time, keratinization
and ulceration of cornea takes place. This results in the
destruction of cornea. The cornea becomes totally opaque
resulting in the permanent loss of vision (blindness), a
clinical condition termed as keratomalacia. Xerophthalmia
and keratomalacia are commonly observed in children.
♦♦ White opaque spots develop on either side of cornea in
vitamin A deficiency are known as Bitot's spots.

Effect on Skin and Epithelial Cells

♦♦ Vitamin A deficiency causes keratinization of epithelial
cells of skin which leads to keratosis of hair follicles, and
dry, rough, and scaly skin.
♦♦ Keratinization of epithelial cells of respiratory, urinary
tract makes them susceptible to infections.

Other Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency

♦♦ Failure of growth in children. Fig. 38:  Rhodopsin cycle
♦♦ Faulty bone modelling producing thick cancellous
(spongy) bones instead of thinner and more compact ones. ♦♦ All-trans-retinal gets immediately isomerized by retinal
♦♦ Abnormalities of reproduction including degeneration isomerase (of retinal epithelium) to 11-cis-retinal. Now
of the testes, abortion or the production of malformed this combines along with opsin to regenerate rhodopsin
offspring. and complete the visual cycle.
524 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Moreover, the conversion of all trans-retinal to 11-cis Ans. Fat Soluble Vitamins
retinal is incomplete. So, most of the all-trans-retinal is • The fat soluble vitamins are a polar hydrophobic
transported to the liver and converted into all—trans molecules.
retinol by an enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. • They have isoprene derivatives.
♦♦ The all-trans-retinol undergoes isomerization to 11-cis • Bile salts and fats are essential for their absorp-
retinol which is then oxidized to 11-cis retinal to participate
in the visual cycle.
• They are generally stored in liver.
Q.5. Write a short note on fat soluble vitamin. • Normally, they are not excreted in urine.
 (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) (Dec 2009, 5 Marks) • Fat soluble vitamins are vitamin A, D, E and K.
Or • Fat soluble vitamins function as coenzymes, hor-
Describe in brief fat soluble vitamins. mones and antioxidants.
• Fat soluble vitamins are toxic and even lethal when
 (Jan 2012, 4 Marks)
they are taken in excessive quantities.
Or Following are some of the details of fat soluble vitamins
Write on fat soluble vitamins. (Apr 2017, 5 Marks) which are as follows:

Daily Deficiency
Name Active form Source requirements Functions manifestations
Vitamin A Retional, Fish liver oils, milk, 800–1,000 Retinal and retinol are involved in vision. Night blindness,
retinal, retinoic milk products, green retinol Retinoic acid regulates the expression xerophthalmia formation of
acid leafy vegetables, equivalents of gene during growth and development. Bitot’s spots, dry rough and
carrots, yellow and Antioxidant scaly skin. Retardation of
red fruits growth in children
Vitamin D 1,25-Dihydroxy- Cod liver oil, sunlight 200–400 IU Regulation of the plasma level of Rickets (in children),
(cholecalciferol) cholecalciferol induced synthesis calcium and phosphorus, calcification osteomalacia (in adults)
of vitamin D3 in skin, of bone
egg yolk
Vitamin E a-tocopherol Soya and corn oils, 8–10 mg Natural antioxidant and acts as a Hemolytic anemia,
(a-tocopherol) germ oil, fish oil, scavenger of free radicals. Protects the retrolental fibroplasia (RLF)
eggs, alfalfa RBCs from hemolysis. in premature infants
Prevents peroxidation of PUFA in cell
Vitamin K Phylloquinone Green leafy 70–140 mg Required for activation of blood clotting Hemorrhagic disorder,
(Vitamin K1) vegetables, factors. Required for g-carboxylation of increased clotting time
Menaquinone tomatoes, cheese, glutamic acid, carboxylation of glutamic
(Vitamin K2) meat, egg yolk acid residue in clotting and osteocalcin

Q.6. Write short note on vitamin B1. (Aug 2005, 5 Marks) Dietary Sources
Or ♦♦ Rich sources: Polishing rice, wheat jaw and yeast
Functions of vitamin B1 and effects of its deficiency. ♦♦ Good source: Cereals, pulses, nuts, oil, seeds
 (Jan 2018, 5 Marks) ♦♦ Fair sources: Meat, fish, egg, milk, vegetables and fruits.
Ans. Vitamin B1 is also known as Thiamine.
Biochemical Functions or Functions of Vitamin B1
Chemistry ♦♦ Vitamin B1 is required for carbohydrate metabolism.
Thiamine consists of pyrimidine ring and a thiazole ring which is ♦♦ Thiamine pyrophosphate is the coenzyme involved
held by a methylene bridge. Alcohol group of thiamine is esterified in various enzymatic reactions mainly for oxidative
by the phosphate to form the coenzyme, i.e. thiamine pyrophos- decarboxylation and transketolase reactions as follows:
phate. Pyrophosphate moiety is donated by ATP and reaction is • Thiamine pyrophosphate is a coenzyme for
catalyzed by an enzyme thiamine pyrophosphate transferase. pyruvate dehydrogenase complex which catalyzes
conversion of pyruvate into acetyl-CoA by oxidative
Recommended Dietary Allowance
decarboxylation. Acetyl-CoA is a precursor for
Daily requirement of thiamine depends on the intake of synthesis of neurotransmitter acetylcholine and also
carbohydrate. for synthesis of myelin. So, thiamine is needed for
Daily intake of 1 to 1.5 mg/day is recommended for adults. normal functioning of nervous system.
Biochemistry 525

• Thiamine pyrophosphate is a coenzyme for α– ♦♦ In chronic alcoholics, the nutritional deficiencies result
ketoglutarate dehydrogenase which catalyzes the from either poor intake of food or malabsorption of
conversion of α–ketoglutarate to succinyl–CoA in nutrients from intestine.
TCA cycle.  Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is characterized by
• Thiamine pyrophosphate is the coenzyme for an anorexia, nausea, vomiting, nystagmus, depression, ataxia,
enzyme transketolase, in pentose phosphate pathway loss of memory, mental confusion, peripheral paralysis,
of glucose oxidation. muscular weakness, etc.
Q.7. Write a short note on vitamin B12 or write a short note
Deficiency of Vitamin B1
on cyanocobalamin. (Sep 2000, 5 Marks)
Deficiency of vitamin B1 results in a condition known as  (Sep 2007, 3 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks)
beriberi. Deficiency of thiamine occurs in population who Ans. Vitamin B12 is also known as antipernicious anemia
consume exclusively polished rice as staple food. Polishing of vitamin.
rice removes thiamine.
♦♦ The early symptoms of thiamine deficiency are anorexia, Chemistry
nausea, mental confusion, peripheral neuritis, muscle Vitamin B12 has a complex corrin ring which is lniked to cobalt
fatigue and irritability. atom held in the center of corrin ring by four coordination
♦♦ Thiamine deficiency leads to three types of beriberi, i.e. bonds with nitrogen of pyrrole groups. Remaining coordination
1. Dry beriberi bonds of cobalt are linked to nitrogen of dimethylbenzimidazole
2. Wet beriberi nucleotide and sixth bond is linked to either methyl or (5’–
3. Infantile beriberi deoxyadenosyl) or hydroxyl group to form methylcobalamin,
adenosylcobalamin or hydroxycobalamin.
Dry Beriberi (Neuritic Beriberi)
Active forms of vitamin B12 are methylcobalamin and
♦♦ It develops when the diet chronically contains slightly less 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin.
than the thiamine requirements.
♦♦ This form of beriberi is characterized primarily by Absorption, Transport and Storage
peripheral neuritis, severe muscular weakness and fatigue. ♦♦ Vitamin B12 from intestine needs an intrinsic factor, which
Other symptoms of dry beriberi include dry skin, mental is a glycoprotein secreted by parietal cell of stomach.
confusion and poor appetite. ♦♦ Intrinsic factor binds to dietary vitamin B12 to form
vitamin B12–intrinsic factor complex. This complex binds
Wet Beri-beri (Cardiac Beri-beri) to specific receptors on surface of mucosal cells of ileum.
♦♦ It develops when the deficiency is more severe in ♦♦ As the complex bind to the receptor, bound vitamin B12
which cardiovascular system is affected in addition to gets released from complex and enters ileal mucosal cells
neurological symptoms. via Ca2+ dependent process.
♦♦ Wet beri-beri is characterized primarily by edema of ♦♦ Vitamin inside the mucosal cells gets converted to its
extremities, heart enlargement and cardiac insufficiency. main plasma transport form to methylcobalamin. Now it
♦♦ Other symptoms include tachycardia or bradycardia and is transported by vitamin B12 binding protein known as
palpitation. transcobalamins, i.e. TC–I and TC–II.
♦♦ Both forms of beri-beri may overlap to a varying degree ♦♦ Methylcobalamin in excess is taken up by the liver and is
and patients of beri-beri may die due to heart failure, if stored in deoxyadenosyl B12 form.
not treated. ♦♦ Liver can store 4 to 5 mg of vitamin B12 in adults.

Infantile Beriberi
♦♦ Conversion of homocysteine to methionine: Vitamin
♦♦ Infantile beriberi is observed in breast fed infants born to
B12, as methylcobalamin is used in the conversion of
mother suffering from thiamine deficiency. The breast milk homocysteine to methionine. This is an important reaction
of these mothers is deficient in thiamine. which involves N5–methyltetrahydrofolate from which
♦♦ Infantile beriberi is characterized by cardiac dilation tetrahydrofolate is liberated. This metabolic step shows
(enlargement of heart), tachycardia, convulsions, edema the relation between vitamin B12 and folic acid.
and gastrointestinal disturbances such as vomiting, ♦♦ Isomerization of methylmanlonyl-CoA to Succinyl–CoA:
abdominal colic, etc. In acute condition, the infant may Degradation of odd chain fatty acids of certain amino acids
die due to cardiac failure. and pyrimidines produce effect or through mediation of
propionyl-CoA. This is converted to succinyl-CoA in the
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
presence of B12 coenzyme, deoxyadenosylcobalamin. The
♦♦ It is also known as cerebral beriberi and mostly seen in reaction involves hydrogen transfer and intramolecular
alcoholics. rearrangement.
526 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Recommended Dietary Allowance Absorption, Transport and Storage

♦♦ Daily intake of 3µg/day is recommended in adults. ♦♦ Naturally occurring vitamin K derivatives are absorbed
♦♦ For children the requirement is 0.5 to 1.5 µg/day. in the presence of bile salts. It is transported to liver in the
♦♦ During pregnancy and lactation, the requirement is 4 µg/ form of chylomicrons where it is stored.
day. ♦♦ Menadione or synthetic vitamin K is absorbed even
in the absence of bile salt passing directly in hepatic
Dietary Sources portal vein.
♦♦ Food of animal origin: Rich sources are liver, kidney, milk,
curd, eggs, fish, pork and chicken.
♦♦ Curd is better source than milk. ♦♦ Excellent source: Cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and other
♦♦ Vitamin B12 is absent in foods. green vegetables
♦♦ Humans obtain small amount of vitamin B12 from ♦♦ Good sources: Tomato, cheese, dairy product, meat, egg
intestinal flora. yolk, etc.

Deficiency Recommended Dietary Allowance

Deficiency of vitamin B12 occurs due to decreased Suggested RDA for an individual is 70 to 140 mg/day.
absorption or due to decreased dietary intake. Deficiency
may lead to: Functions of Vitamin K
♦♦ Pernicious anemia: This occurs because of deficiency ♦♦ Vitamin K is required for blood coagulation. It leads to
of intrinsic factor in stomach which causes impaired activation of blood clotting factors, prothrombin, factor VII,
absorption of vitamin B12. This is also characterized by IX and X. These blood clotting proteins are synthesized in
megaloblastic anemia and low hemoglobin level along liver in an inactive form, and are converted into their active
with neurological disorders. form by vitamin K-dependent carboxylation reaction. In
♦♦ Megaloblastic anemia: This is due to functional folate this, vitamin K-dependent carboxylase enzyme adds extra
deficiency. It occurs due to folate trap. carboxyl group at γ–carbon of glutamic acid residues of
♦♦ Methylmalonic aciduria: As vitamin B12 is needed for inactive blood clotting factors.
the conversion of methylmalonic acid to succinic acid, ♦♦ Vitamin K is also needed for carboxylation of glutamic acid
individuals deficient in vitamin B12 excrete excess amount residues of osteocalcin which is a calcium binding protein
of methylmalonic acid in urine. present inside the bone.
♦♦ Neuropathy: In vitamin B12 deficiency, many of the
neurological symptoms appear due to progressive degeneration Deficiency Symptoms
of myelinated nerves. Degeneration of myelinated nerves is
♦♦ Vitamin K deficiency is associated with hemorrhagic
due to accumulation of (L–methylmalonyl–CoA) which
disease. In vitamin K deficiency, clotting time of blood
impairs the myelin sheath formation.
is increased. Due to deficiency of vitamin K there is lack
Q.8. Write a short note on Vitamin K. of active prothrombin in circulation. Individual bleeds
 (Mar 2007, 3 Marks) (Apr 2007, 5 Marks) profusely even in minor injuries.
Ans. Vitamin K is the only fat soluble vitamin with the specific
Hypervitaminosis K
coenzyme function. This is needed for the production
of blood clotting factors which are needed for blood If vitamin K is given in large doses it leads to hemolytic anemia
clotting. and jaundice mainly in infants.

Chemistry Q.9. Write about role of different vitamins in healthy teeth.

 (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
There are two naturally occurring forms of vitamin K: Ans. Vitamin C
1. Vitamin K1 or phylloquinone derived from plant. • Role of this vitamin on the wholesome health of the
2. Vitamin K2 or menaquinones produced by microorganisms. entire human body is well known. It is important for
Both of these naturally occurring types have same general growth, development, maintenance and recovery of
activity. the oral tissues and bones.
Vitamin K3 or menadione is a synthetic product which is an • It helps the oral wounds to heal faster through its
alkylated form of vitamin K2. beneficial effects on circulation and maintenance of
All the above mentioned three vitamins are naphthoquinone the blood vessels.
derivatives. • Vitamins C helps the forming of collagen which is a
Isoprenoid chain is present in vitamin K1 and K2. building component of the dentine.
Biochemistry 527

Vitamin D Chemistry
Helps in the absorption of calcium in the human body. Calcium ♦♦ Vitamin E consists of eight naturally occurring tocopherols,
is found in the body in large measures and plays a role in the of which α–tocopherol is most active form.
growth and development of healthy teeth. ♦♦ Tocopherols are the derivatives of 6–hydroxylchromane
ring with isoprenoid side chain. Antioxidant property is
Vitamin A
mainly due to chromane ring.
♦♦ Structure of the enamel contains a substance called keratin,
which needs vitamin A in order to be created. Vitamin A Absorption, Transport and Storage
plays an important role in the human immunity and fight Vitamin E is absorbed from intestine along with dietary lipid. It
against infections. is incorporated in chylomicrons. Vitamin E is delivered to liver
♦♦ Vitamin A helps in maturation of ameloblasts during via chylomicron. Liver can export vitamin E in VLDL to target
amelogenesis. cells. In cells, tocopherols are distributed where anti–oxidant
Vitamin K activity is needed. Major site of vitamin E storage is adipose
Plays a role in the binding of calcium within the teeth. Leads to
better dental structure and helps the defense of the teeth against Dietary Sources
the attack of acids. Rich sources: Vegetable oils
Vitamin B Good sources: Wheat gram oil, cotton seed oil, peanut oil, corn
oil and sunflower oil.
Deficit of vitamin B causes toothache, retraction of the gum
Also present in milk, meat, butter and egg.
and tooth and gum sensitivity.
Q.10. Write a short note on scurvy. (Apr 2008, 5 Marks) Recommended Dietary Allowance
 (Aug 2011, 5 Marks) (Aug 2012, 4 Marks)
Daily consumption for man is 10 mg or 15I U
 (Oct 2016, 5 Marks)
Daily consumption for woman is 8 mg or 12I U
Ans. Scurvy is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C.
Biochemical Functions
Clinical Features
♦♦ It acts as a natural antioxidant by scavenging free radicals
♦♦ Lassitude, anorexia, painful limbs and enlargement of
and molecular oxygen.
costochondral junction.
♦♦ Hair follicle rises above the skin and there are perifollicular ♦♦ It is important for preventing polyunsaturated fatty acids
hemorrhages, i.e. tiny points of bleeding occurring around from peroxidation reaction.
the orifice of hair follicles with heaping of keratin like ♦♦ Vitamin E protects erythrocyte membrane from an oxidant.
material. It protects RBCs from hemolysis.
♦♦ Hemorrhage may occur in the joint, into nerve sheath under ♦♦ Vitamin E is associated with reproductive functions and
the nails or conjunctiva. Petechial hemorrhage occurs in prevents sterility. This vitamin preserves and maintains
buttocks, abdomen, legs, arms, ankle and nail beds. There germinal epithelium of gonads for proper reproductive
is also epistaxis, anemia and delayed wound healing. function.
♦♦ Scorbutic child usually assumes a frog like’ position and ♦♦ Vitamin E prevent liver from being damage by toxic
this may reflect as subperiosteal hemorrhage. compound, i.e. carbon tetrachloride.
♦♦ This vitamin works along with other vitamins, i.e. vitamin
Oral Manifestations A, C and β-carotene, and delays the onset of cataract.
♦♦ In oral cavity it occurs in gingival and periodontal region. ♦♦ High intake of vitamin E, i.e. 200 to 300 mg/day protects
♦♦ Interdental and marginal gingiva is bright red, swollen, the development of heart diseases. Vitamin E prevents the
smooth, shiny surface producing an appearance known as oxidation of LDL since the oxidized LDL is implicated to
‘scurvy bad’. In fully developed scurvy, gingiva becomes promote heart disease.
boggy, ulcerated and bleeds easily. Deficiency of Vitamin E
♦♦ Color changes to violaceous red.
♦♦ Typical fetid breath of the patient with fusospirochetal Vitamin deficiency is associated with sterility, degenerative
stomatitis. changes in muscle, megaloblastic anemia and changes in central
nervous system.
Q.11. Write a short note on vitamin E. (June 2010, 2.5 Marks)
Ans. Vitamin E is also known as tocopherol. It is a naturally Q.12. Write a short note on calcitriol. (June 2010, 5 Marks)
occurring antioxidant. Vitamin E is also known as Ans. Calcitriol is also known as 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.
antisterility vitamin. It is the hormonally active metabolite of vitamin D.
528 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• It was first identified by Michael F Holick in 1971. Action of Calcitriol on Kidney

• It regulates the plasma levels of calcium and phos-
It involves in decreasing the excretion of calcium and
• It is synthesized in the skin by ultraviolet rays of phosphate via kidney by decreasing excretion and increasing
sunlight. reabsorption.
• Its synthesis is self regulated by the feedback mecha- Q.13. Write a short note on vitamin B-complex.
 (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
Action of Calcitriol on Intestine Ans. Vitamin B complex referred to the supplements contain­
It increases the internal absorption of calcium and phosphate. ing all eight vitamin Bs, i.e.
In intestinal cells calcitriol bind with cytosolic receptor to form • Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
a calcitriol-receptor complex. This complex approaches nucleus • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
and interacts with specific DNA causing synthesis of calcium- • Vitamin B3 (niacin or niacinamide)
binding protein.
• Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
Action of Calcitriol on Bone • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine)
In osteoblasts of bone, calcitriol stimulate calcium uptake for • Vitamin B7 (biotin)
deposition as calcium phosphate. So it is necessary for bone • Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
formation. • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).

Daily Deficiency
Name Active form Source requirements Functions manifestations

Water-soluble vitamins

Thiamine TPP Cereals, meat, nuts, 1.0–1.5 mg Coenzyme for oxidative decarboxyl- Beriberi, Wernicke-
(vitamin B1) green vegetables, eggs ation and transketolase reactions Korsakoff syndrome

Riboflavin FMN, FAD Yeast, germinating 1.3–1.7 mg Coenzyme for oxidation-reduction Cheilosis, glossitis
(vitamin B2) seeds, green leafy reactions dermatitis,
vegetables, milk, eggs, vascularization of
liver, meat cornea

Niacin NAD+ and NADP+ Yeast, legumes, liver, 15–20 mg Coenzyme for oxidation-reduction Pellagra
(vitamin B3) meat reactions

Pantothenic acid Coenzyme A, Wheat germs, cereals, 5–10 mg Acyl carrier Burning feet syndrome
(vitamin B5) (CoA-SH) yeast, liver, eggs

Pyridoxin PLP Yeast, unrefined 1.6–2 mg Coenzyme for transamination, Epileptic convulsions,
(vitamin B6) cereals, pulses, decarboxylation, non-oxidative dermatits, hypochromic
vegetables, meat, fish, deamination, trans-sulfuration microcytic anemia
egg yolk reactions

Biotin Biocytin (enzyme Liver, kidney, egg yolk, 150–300 mg Coenzyme for carboxylation Rare dermatitis
(vitamin B7) bound biotin) vegetables reactions

Folic acid Tetrahydrofolic Green leafy vegetable, 200 mg Carrier of one carbon unit. Synthesis Megaloblastic anemia,
(vitamin B9) acid (THF) liver, yeast of methionine, purines and pyrimidines neural tube defects

Cynocobalamin Methylcobalamin, Only animal origin, 3 mg Coenzyme for reactions: Pernicious anemia,
(vitamin B12) deoxyadenoslco- meat, egg, liver, fish Homocysteine to methioine. megaloblastic anemia,
balamin Methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA neuropathy (dementia),
methylmalonic aciduria

Ascorbic acid Ascorbic acid Citrus, fruits, amla, 60–70 mg Antioxidant involved in hydroxylation Scurvy
(vitamin C) leafy vegetables, reactions in the synthesis collagen,
tomatoes steroid hormones, adrenaline, etc.
facilitates absorption of iron from
Biochemistry 529

Q.14. Write on biochemical functions of water soluble vitamins. (May 2014, 5 Marks)
Write on functions of water-soluble vitamins.
 (Dec 2014, 5 Marks)
Ans. Following are the biochemical functions of water-soluble vitamins:
Water soluble
vitamin Biological function
Vitamin C It acts as a coenzyme in hydroxylation of proline and lysine
It is required for the formation of bone
It enhances iron absorption by keeping it in ferrous form
It is essential for hydroxylation of tryptophan to hydroxytryptophane in synthesis of serotonin
It is a strong antioxidant and spare vitamin A, E and B-complex vitamins
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Thiamine consist of enzyme thiamine pyrophosphate which activate enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase which catalyzes
conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA
Transketolase depends on thiamine pyrophosphate for its action in hexose monophosphate shunt.
Thiamine pyrophosphate plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulse.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Flavin coenzymes, i.e. FAD and FMN participate in many redox reactions which leads to the production of energy.
Vitamin B3 (niacin) The coenymes NAD+ and NADP+ are involved in oxidation-reduction reactions. They accept hydride ion and undergo
reduction in pyridine ring. This causes neutralization of positive charges
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) Pyridoxal phosphate is the coenzyme of vitamin B6 which is involved in transamination reaction and converts amino
acids to ketoacids.
Some α-amino acids leads to decarboxylation and form amine which is carried by enzyme decarboxylase which are
dependent on pyridoxal phosphatase.
Enzyme pyridoxal phosphate is required for the synthesis of δ-amino levulinic acid which is the precursor of heme
Pyridoxal phosphate is required by hydroxyl group of amino acids which undergo deamination.
Vitamin B7 (biotin) or Biotin act as a biotin-dependent pyruvate carboxylase causes the conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate
vitamin H
Pantothenic acid Its functions are carried out by coenzyme A or CoA. Coenzyme A is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrate, lipid
and protein
Folic acid Folic acid secretes tetrahydrofolate which is involved in one carbon metabolism
Vitamin B12 It causes the synthesis of methionine from homocysteine. It also carry out the isomerization of methymalonyl-CoA
(cyanocobalamin) to succinyl-CoA

Q.15. Write about biomedical importance of vitamin C. • Tryptophan metabolism: Vitamin C is essential
 (Sep 2015, 7 Marks) for the hydroxylation of tryptophan enzyme
Ans. Following is the biomedical importance of vitamin C: hydroxylase to hydroxytryptophan in the synthesis
• Collagen formation: Vitamin C plays the role as of serotonin.
coenzyme in hydroxylation of proline and lysine, • Tyrosine metabolism: Ascorbic acid is required
while protocollagen get converted to collagen. for the oxidation of p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate to
The hydroxylation reaction is catalyzed by lysyl homogentisic acid in tyrosine metabolism.
hydroxylase and prolyl hydroxylase and they get • Folic acid metabolism: The active form of the vi-
converted to hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. tamin folic acid is tetrahydrofolate. Vitamin C is
This reaction is dependent on vitamin C. needed for the formation of folic acid.
• Bone formation: Tissues of bone possess an organic • Sparing action of other vitamins: Ascorbic acid is
matrix, collagen and the inorganic calcium, phos- a strong antioxidant. It spares vitamin A, vitamin E,
phate, etc. Vitamin C is essential for bone formation. and some B-complex vitamins from oxidation.
• Iron and hemoglobin metabolism: Ascorbic acid leads • Immunological function: Vitamin C enhances the
to iron absorption by placing it in the ferrous form. This synthesis of immunoglobulins (antibodies) and
is mainly caused by reducing property of vitamin C. increases the phagocytic action of leukocytes.
530 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.16. Define scurvy and role of vitamin C in it.

 (Sep 2017, 5 Marks) 13. PLASMA PROTEINS
Ans. Deficiency of ascorbic acid leads to scurvy.
Q.1. Write briefly about functions of albumin.
Role of Vitamin C in Scurvy  (Feb 2016, 2 Marks)
♦♦ Vitamin C plays the role as coenzyme in hydroxylation Or
of proline and lysine, while protocollagen get converted
to collagen. The hydroxylation reaction is catalyzed by Answer in brief on functions of albumin.
lysyl hydroxylase and prolyl hydroxylase and they get  (May 2017, 2 Marks)
converted to hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. This Ans. Following are the functions of albumin:
reaction is dependent on vitamin C. If vitamin C is absent • Osmotic function: As albumin has high concentra-
or deficient, formation of collagen is abnormal or defective. tion and low molecular weight it contributes upto
This causes delayed healing. 80% of total plasma oncotic pressure. So albumin
♦♦ In Vitamin C deficiency, collagen is abnormal and the plays important role in maintaining blood volume
intercellular cement substance is brittle. So capillaries are as well as body fluid distribution.
fragile leading to the tendency to bleed even under minor
• Transport function: Plasma albumin binds to
pressure. Subcutaneous hemorrhage may be manifested
various biochemically important compounds and
as petechiae in mild deficiency and as ecchymoses or even
transports them in circulation.
hematoma in severe conditions.
♦♦ In the bones, the deficiency of vitamin C results in the • Nutritive function: Albumin act as source of amino
failure of the osteoblasts to form the intercellular substance, acid for synthesis of tissue protein to limited extent
osteoid. Without the normal ground substance, the mainly during the nutritional deprivation of amino
deposition of bone is arrested. The resulting scorbutic bone acids.
is weak and fractures easily. There may be hemorrhage • Buffering function: Of all the plasma proteins buff-
into joint cavities. Painful swelling of joints may prevent ering capacity of albumin is maximum.
locomotion of the patient. • Blood–brain barrier: Albumin fatty acid complex
Q.17. Write short answer on rickets. (Aug 2018, 5 Marks) does not cross blood-brain barrier and so fatty acids
Ans. Deficiency of vitamin D leads to demineralization of are not taken up by brain.
bone in children which is known as rickets.
Write a short note on antibody. (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
♦ Rickets word is derived from as old English word
wrickken which means to twist. Ans.
Antibody is also known as immunoglobulin.
♦ Children suffering from rickets show bone
Immunoglobulins are γ-globulins known as antibodies.
deformities due to incomplete mineralization which All antibodies are immunoglobulins but all immuno-
lead to soft and pliable bones. Due to softness weight globulins are not antibodies.
bearing bones are bent and deformed. Antibodies are produced by plasma cells and to some
♦ Main features of rickets are large head with extent by lymphocytes.
protruding forehead, pigeon chest, bow legs, knock
knees and abnormal curvature of spine.
Structure of Antibody
♦ Rachitic children are anemic and prone to infections.
Rickets can be fatal when severe ♦♦ All antibodies basically have two identical heavy chains
♦ In rickets there is delay in tooth formation. and two identical light chains which are held together by
♦ Biochemically the plasma level of calcitriol is disulfide linkages and the noncovalent interactions. Thus
decreased and alkaline phosphatase activity is antibody is a Y shaped tetramer.
markedly elevated. ♦♦ Each of the heavy chain consists of 450 amino acids, while
♦ Rickets occur due to low levels of vitamin D in each light chain has 212 amino acids.
body or due to the dietary deficiency of calcium or ♦♦ Heavy chains of immunoglobulin are linked to carbohy-
phosphorus or both.
drates and so immunoglobulins are known as glycopro-
♦ Adult rickets is the term given to osteomalacia which
occur due to deficiency of vitamin D in adults.
♦♦ Each chain of immunoglobulin consists of two regions
♦ Renal rickets is seen in the patients of chronic renal
failure. Occurrence of renal rickets is due to the named as constant and variable.
decreased synthesis of calcitriol in kidney. ♦♦ Amino terminal half of light chain is the variable region,
♦ Vitamin D resistant rickets is the disease which i.e. VL whereas carboxy terminal half is constant region,
does not respond to treatment with vitamin D. Its i.e. CL.
causes are defective vitamin D receptor, defective 1, ♦♦ In terms of heavy chain, approximately one quarter of
α – hydroxylase activity in kidney, etc. amino terminal region is variable heavy chain VH, while
Biochemistry 531

remaining three quarter is constant heavy chain, i.e. CH–1, Various Types of Antibodies and their Functions
CH–2 and CH–3.
Name of
♦♦ Amino acid sequence of variable region of both light and
antibody Functions
heavy chain are responsible for the specific binding of
antibody with antigen. IgG It neutralizes bacterial toxins and bind to microorganisms
making them easier to phagocytize
♦♦ Each antibody has hinge region between CH–1 and CH–2
which allows better fit with antigen surface. IgA It prevent attachment of bacteria and viruses to mucous
membranes and helps to protect mucous surface from
♦♦ Variable regions of both light and heavy chains form
the antigenic attack
antigen binding site.
♦♦ Enzyme digestion splits antibody molecule into two IgM It promotes phagocytosis and causes lysis of antigenic
fragments, i.e. fragment for antigen binding (Fab) and
crystallizable fragment or fragment for complement IgD It may function as an antigen receptor. There is no known
antibody function
binding (Fc).
IgE • It act as antiallergic and antiparasitic
- • It mediates immediate hypersensitivity by causing
release of histamine



Q.1. Describe in brief acid-base regulation.

 (Dec 2010, 10 Marks)
Ans. Regulation of acid-base balance, regulation of hydrogen
ion concentration in the body fluids is actually meant.
There are three lines of defense in the body for regulating
acid-base balance which are follows:
a. Blood buffer
b. Respiratory mechanism
c. Renal mechanism.

Fig. 39:  Schematic structure of IgG to show basic structure of

Blood Buffer
immunoglobulin molecule The blood buffers are of three types, i.e.
1. Bicarbonate buffer
VH = Variable heavy chain; VL = Variable light chain;
2. Phosphate buffer
CH = Constant heavy chain; CL = Constant light chain 3. Protein buffer.

Types of Antibodies Bicarbonate Buffer System

♦♦ Antibodies are named as per their heavy chain, i.e. IgA, Sodium bicarbonate and carbonic acid is the predominant buffer
IgG, IgD, IgM and IgE. system of extracellular fluid mainly the plasma.
♦♦ There are two types of light chains, i.e. Kappa and Lambda Carbonic acid dissociates into hydrogen an bicarbonate ions.
found in antibodies. These differ in their structure in CL H2CO3 H+ + HCO3-
By law of mass action at equilibrium:
♦♦ An antibody consists of two kappa or two lambda chains
and does not consists of any mixture. Occurrence of Ka = [H+] [HCO3-]
Kappa chain is more common in humans as compared to   [H2CO3]
Lambda chains. Equation for bicarbonate buffer can be written as:
pH = pKa + log [HCO3-]
Functions of Antibodies
♦♦ Primary function of antibodies is to protect against So the general equation is referred as Henderson–Hasselbalch
infectious agents. equation for any buffer and can be written as:
♦♦ Antibodies can also act as an enzyme to catalyze the pH = pKa + log [Base]
synthesis of ozone which has microbicidal activity.
532 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

At the pH of blood ratio of bicarbonate to carbonic acid is 20:1. and are exchanged with sodium ion. Na + along with
So, bicarbonate concentration is much higher as compared to bicarbonate ion is resorbed into the blood. By this acid are
carbonic acid in the blood. This is also known as alkali reserve eliminated from the body with simultaneous generation
and responsible for effective burning of hydrogen ions which of bicarbonate ion.
are generated in the body. In normal conditions concentration ♦♦ H+ ion combines with noncarbonate base and get excreted
of bicarbonate and carbonic acid determine pH of the blood. in urine.

Phosphate Buffer System Reabsorption of Bicarbonate

Sodium dihydrogen phosphate and disodium hydrogen By this the blood bicarbonate is conserved with excretion of H+
phosphate forms the phosphate buffer. It is an intracellular ions. The normal urine become free of bicarbonate.
buffer and is of less importance in plasma because of its low
Excretion of Titratable Acid
Titratable acidity is the measure of acid excreted in urine by
Protein Buffer System kidney. This is assessed by titrating urine back to normal pH of
Plasma proteins and hemoglobin forms the protein buffer blood. Titratable acidity reflects H+ ions excreted in urine which
system of blood. The buffering capacity of proteins depends leads to fall of pH. The excreted hydrogen ions are buffered in
on pK of ionizable groups of amino acids. urine by phosphate buffer.

Respiratory Mechanism for Acid Base Regulation Excretion of Ammonium Ions

♦♦ Respiratory system is the rapid mechanism for maintaining This is the method to buffer hydrogen ions which are secreted
the acid-base balance. in tubular fluid. H+ ion get combine with ammonia to form
♦♦ Regulation occurs by regulating the concentration of ammonium ion. Renal tubular cells deamidate glutamine to
bicarbonate in the blood. glutamate and ammonia and the reaction is catalyzed by the
♦♦ Large amount of carbon dioxide is produced by cellular enzyme glutaminase.
metabolic activity which endangers acid-base equilibrium Ammonia liberated in this reaction diffuses in tubular lumen
of the body. and get combine to H+ ion to form ammonium ion. Ammonium
♦♦ In normal conditions all carbon dioxide get eliminated ions do not diffuse into tubular cells and are excreted in urine.
from the body via expired air through lungs. Ammonium is a major urine acid.
♦♦ Respiration is controlled by respiratory center, this center Q.2. Give a short account of acidosis. (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
is sensitive to changes in the pH of blood. Decrease in pH Ans. Acidosis is an acid-base disorder. Acidosis means decline
leads to hyperventilation to remove carbon dioxide and in the pH of blood.
decreases carbonic acid concentration. Hyrdrogen ions are
eliminated as water. Types
♦♦ Respiratory mechanism is rapid but a short-term regulatory
♦♦ Respiratory acidosis, i.e. primary excess of carbonic acid
process as hyperventilation remains for a short time.
♦♦ Metabolic acidosis, i.e. primary excess of bicarbonate
Renal Mechanism for Acid Base Regulation
Kidneys regulate the acid-base balance by maintaining alkali ♦♦ Diabetic ketoacidosis and lactic acidosis
reserve. ♦♦ Respiratory acidosis in pneumonia
Enzyme carbonic anhydrase is the main component in renal ♦♦ Reduced glomerular infiltrate
regulation of acid and base which occur from following ♦♦ Addison’s disease
mechanisms: ♦♦ Diarrhea; When bicarbonate is excreted.
a. Excretion of H+ ions
b. Reabsorption of bicarbonate Respiratory Acidosis
c. Excretion of titratable acid ♦♦ In this excess of carbonic acid is present due to retention
d. Excretion of ammonium ions. of CO2.
♦♦ Acute form occurs due to broncheopneumonia or asthma.
Excretion of H+ ions
♦♦ Chronic form occurs due to chronic obstructive pulmonary
♦♦ Through kidney H+ ion is eliminated from the body. disease.
Excretion of H+ ion occur in proximal convoluted tubules ♦♦ In this renal compensation occur which generate more
and is coupled with regeneration of bicarbonate ions. bicarbonate and excrete more H+ ion.
♦♦ Carbonic anhydrase act as a catalyst in the production
of carbonic acid from carbon dioxide and water in renal Metabolic Acidosis
tubular cell. Carbonic acid then dissociate to H + ion ♦♦ In this excess of bicarbonate is present and occur due to
and HCO3- ion. H+ ions are secreted into tubular lumen the formation of acid or gain in base.
Biochemistry 533

♦♦ Loss of acid is due to severe vomiting or gastric aspiration Ans. The shape of the titration curve of any weak acid is
which leads to the loss of chloride and acid. described by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation which
♦♦ Hypokalemia is closely related to metabolic alkalosis. is important for understanding the buffer action and
This is because in alkalosis there is an attempt to conserve acid-base balance in the blood and tissues of vertebrates.
hydrogen ions by kidney in exchange of K+. • This equation is simply a useful way of restating the
♦♦ Respiratory center is depressed by high pH causing expression for the dissociation constant of an acid.
hypoventilation. • It is used to calculate pH in the buffer system.
♦♦ Metabolic acidosis is compensated by hyperventilation • For the dissociation of a weak acid HA into H and A,
of lungs which causes increase elimination of CO2 from the Henderson- Hasselbalch equation can be derived
the body. as follows:
♦♦ Renal compensation sets in 3 to 4 days and H+ ions are General equation for the buffer is:
excreted as NH4+ ions. HA H+ A-
Q.3. Write a short note on blood buffers. (May 2014, 5 Marks) A represents any anion from the buffer.

Or HA is the undissociated acid from a buffer.

Answer in brief on blood buffers. (May 2017, 2 Marks) So by law of mass action, at equilibrium: (Ist equation)
Ans. Blood buffer act as a line of defense for regulating the K=[H+][A-]
body’s acid base balance and also to maintain the blood  [HA]
pH. Here K is the dissociation constant of acid HA.
Buffer is defined as the solution of a weak acid and its salt with Equation to represent H+ ion in a solution can be rewritten as
a strong base. (IInd equation):
Blood consists of three types of buffer systems, i.e.
1. Bicarbonate buffer [H+] = K ×

2. Phosphate buffer
3. Protein buffer We know that pH = log
Bicarbonate Buffer By taking the reciprocals and logarithms (IIIrd equation):
♦♦ It is the most important buffer system in plasma.  1  1  A-
log = log + log
♦♦ It accounts for 65% of buffering capacity in plasma and [H+] K [HA]
40% of buffering action in the whole body.  1 
♦♦ Plasma bicarbonate concentration is 24 mmol/L. As log = pk
♦♦ Carbonic acid is the solution of carbon dioxide in water.
Its concentration is given by the product of pCO2 (40 mm IIIrd equation can be rewritten as:
Hg) and solubility constant of CO2(0.03). So concentration  [A-]
of carbonic acid is 1.2 mmol/L. pH = pK + log
♦♦ At blood pH the ratio of bicarbonate to carbonic acid is 20:1.
♦♦ So the bicarbonate concentration is higher than carbonic Now from above equation it is evident that buffering capacity
acid which is referred to as alkali reserve. This alkali of buffer system is greatest when the amount of anions [A-] and
reserve leads to the buffering of hydrogen ions which are undissociated acid [HA] is same, i.e.
generated in the body.
[A-]  [A-]
= 1, or log
Phosphate Buffer System [HA]  [HA]

♦♦ It is an intracellular buffer. So, pH = pK. So most effective buffers in the body are those with
♦♦ Sodium dihydrogen phosphate and disodium hydrogen pK close to pH in which they operate.
phosphate constitute the phosphate buffer. ♦♦ This equation fits the titration curve of all weak acids and
♦♦ Its concentration in plasma is very low. enables us to deduce a number of important quantitative
Protein Buffer System relationships.
♦♦ Henderson-Hasselbalch equation also allows to:
♦♦ Plasma proteins and hemoglobin constitute the protein • Calculate pK, given pH and the molar ratio of proton
buffer system of blood. donor and acceptor.
♦♦ Buffering capacity of protein is depend on pK of ionizable • Calculate pH, given pK and the molar ratio of proton
group of amino acid. donor and acceptor.
Q.4. Write briefly about Henderson–Hasselbalch equation. • Calculate the molar ratio of proton donor and acceptor,
 (Feb 2016, 2 Marks) given pH and pK.
534 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.5. Describe metabolic acidosis. (July 2016, 5 Marks) in cell proliferation. So various factors which cause
Ans. A fall in blood pH due to a decrease in bicarbonate levels cancer may all act through their effects on proto–
of plasma is called metabolic acidosis. oncogenes.
• Various products of oncogenes, such as growth factors
Causes stimulate the proliferation of normal cells. They
♦♦ Decrease in bicarbonate concentration is due to decrease regulate cell division by transmitting the message
its utilization in buffering H + ions, loss in urine or across plasma membrane to interior of cell. It is believed
gastrointestinal tract or failure to be regenerated. that growth factors play a key role in carcinogenesis.
♦♦ Most important cause of metabolic acidosis is due to Q.2. Write a short note on carcinogens. (Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
excessive production of organic acids which combine with Ans. Group of chemicals which cause cancer in man and
bicarbonate ion and deplete the alkali reserve. animals collectively are known as carcinogens.
Metabolic Acidosis in Various Diseases Carcinogens are a variety of external agents which are
divided into three groups:
♦♦ Increased production of acids. In uncontrolled diabetes 1. Chemical carcinogens
mellitus and starvation, there is an excessive production 2. Physical carcinogens
of acetoacetic acid and β–hydroxybutyric acid. These acids 3. Biologic carcinogens.
are buffered by utilizing base component (i.e. HCO3) of
the bicarbonate buffer. Consequently, the concentration of Chemical Carcinogens
bicarbonate ions fall giving rise to bicarbonate deficit and Depending upon the mode of action of carcinogenic chemicals,
results in metabolic acidosis (ketoacidosis). they are divided into two groups:
♦♦ Excessive loss of bicarbonate occurs in the urine in renal
1. Initiators of carcinogenesis
tubular dysfunction and from gastrointestinal tract in
2. Promoters of carcinogenesis.
severe diarrhea.
Initiators of Carcinogenesis
Compensatory Mechanisms
These are the chemical carcinogens which can initiate the
Metabolic acidosis is compensated by: process of abnormal new growth of cells. These are further
♦♦ Increasing rate of respiration to wash out CO2 (hence classified into two subgroups:
H2CO3) faster. Consequently, the ratio HCO3– : H2CO3 is
elevated. Indirect Acting Carcinogens
♦♦ Increasing excretion of H+ ions as NH4+ ions.
Indirect acting carcinogens need prior metabolism to become
♦♦ Increasing elimination of acid (H2PO4) in the urine.
carcinogenic. One or more enzyme catalyzed reactions convert
All these compensatory mechanisms tend to reduce carbonic procarcinogens to active carcinogens. This is called as metabolic
acid to keep the pH in the normal range and a compensated activation of procarcinogens. Examples of procarcinogens are:
acidosis results. ♦♦ Aromatic hydrocarbons, e.g. benzo[a]pyrene, tobacco,
smoke, industrial and atmospheric pollutants.
♦♦ Aromatic amines, e.g. benzidine, β—naphthylamine, azo
15. CANCER dyes used in rubber industries.
♦♦ Naturally occurring products, e.g. aflatoxin B1.
Q.1. Write a short note on oncogenes. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) ♦♦ Inorganic compounds, e.g. vinyl chloride, asbestos, metals
Ans. Oncogenes are the genes which are capable of causing like nickel, lead, chromium, etc.
cancer. ♦♦ Nitrosamine compounds, e.g. dimethylnitrosamine,
• Discovery of oncogenes were in tumor causing virus. Diethylnitrosamine found in whisky, new car interiors,
• Proto-oncogenes encode for growth regulating tobacco smoke.
Direct Acting Carcinogens
• Viral oncogenes were found to be closely similar to
various genes present in normal host cells known as They do not need metabolic activation. These include mainly
proto-oncogenes. various anticancer drugs, e.g. cyclophosphamide, nitrosourea,
• The activation of proto-oncogenes to oncogenes is acetylimidazole, etc.
an important step in carcinogenesis.
• Oncogenes encode for certain proteins, i.e. Action of Chemical Carcinogens
oncoproteins. These proteins are altered versions Direct or indirect acting carcinogens are usually electrophiles,
of their normal counterparts and are involved in i.e. they are deficient in electrons (free radicals). These free
transformation and multiplication of cells. radical carcinogens may covalently bind to purines, pyrimidines
• When oncogenes are expressed, they produce and phosphodiester bonds of DNA leading to unrepairable
mutated protein, e.g. growth factors, receptors, damage. This unrepaired damage causes mutations in DNA
transcription factors and other proteins involved and mutation in DNA can cause cancer.
Biochemistry 535

Physical Carcinogens ♦♦ Mode of action of RNA Oncogenic virus: The RNA viruses
use RNA as the genome. The RNA gets copied by reverse
Physical carcinogenic agent is radiant energy both ultraviolet
transcriptase to produce single strand of viral DNA. Single
light and ionizing radiation, i.e. X–rays, α, β and γ rays.
strand of viral DNA is then copied to form another strand
These rays damage DNA which is the basic mechanism of of complementary DNA resulting in double stranded viral
carcinogenicity with radiant energy. DNA or provirus. The provirus is then integrated into the
♦♦ The main source of UV radiation is sunlight, others are UV DNA of the host cell genome and may transform the cell
lamps, welders arcs, etc. In humans exposure of UV rays into cancer cell.
can cause various forms of skin cancers.
♦♦ Ionizing radiation of all can cause skin cancer.
Action of Radiation
♦♦ Ultraviolet light and ionizing radiation differ in their Q.1. Write very short answer on CSF. (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
mode of action. Ans. CSF
♦♦ UV rays damage the DNA by the formation of pyrimidine ♦♦ CSF is also known as cerebrospinal fluid.
dimers in DNA or by the formation of apurinic or ♦♦ It is a clear, colorless liquid which is formed inside the
pyrimidine sites in DNA while ionizing radiations cause cavities of brain and around the spinal cord.
the formation of highly reactive free radicals that can ♦♦ CSF originates inside the choroid plexus and return to
interact with DNA leading to molecular damage. blood via arachnoid villi.
♦♦ 500 mL of cerebrospinal fluid is formed everyday.
Biologic Carcinogens
Functions of CSF
Biologic carcinogens are chiefly viruses, parasites and bacteria.
The role of viruses in the causation of cancer is more significant. ♦♦ It serves as hydraulic shock absorber by diffusing the force
Oncogenic (carcinogenic) viruses contain either DNA or RNA from hard blow to skull that can cause severe injury.
as their genome. The two types of carcinogenic viruses are: ♦♦ CSF helps in regulating the intracranial pressure.

Collection of CSF
DNA Oncogenic Viruses
♦♦ DNA oncogenic viruses are classified into five subgroups, CSF is collected by the spinal puncture for biochemical analysis.
i.e. papovavirus, herpes viruses, adenoviruses, pox- Composition of CSF in Health and Disease
viruses, hepadnaviruses.
♦♦ Mode of action of DNA oncogenic virus: The DNA virus Name of Color and Total cell
infects the host cell. Then, DNA virus binds tightly to host disease appearance count Protein Glucose
cell DNA and causes alterations in gene expression of host In normal Clear and 0 to 5 × 15 to 45 45 to 85
cell DNA and thus causes cancer by altering the types of person colorless 106/l mg/dL mg/dL
protein made in cell. Viral oncoproteins bind to tumor Tubercular Opalescent It get It get It is low
suppressors and inactivate them. meningitis and slightly increased increased
RNA Oncogenic Viruses Bacterial Opalescent It is It is It is
♦♦ The RNA viruses use RNA as the genome. RNA oncogenic meningitis and turbid markedly markedly markedly
viruses are retroviruses as they contain the enzyme reverse increased increased decreased
transcriptase. All retroviruses are not oncogenic. The Subarachnoid Slightly Presence It is It is almost
examples of RNA oncogenic viruses are Rous sarcoma hemorrhage bloody color of RBC increased normal
and WBC
virus, Leukemia sarcoma virus, etc.
536 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


As per DCI and Examination Papers 1 Mark Each
of Various Universities

1. The reaction involving the conversion of succinyl-CoA 12. The following amino acid acts as a conjugating agent
to succinate requires: in detoxification reaction:
a. NADP+ b. GDP a. Glycine b. Cysteine
c. NAD+ d. FAD c. Glutamine d. All of the above
2. The nitrogenous base present in cephalin: 13. The reaction involving the conversion of succinyl-CoA
a. Ethanolamine b. Choline to succinate requires:
c. Serine d. Sphingosine a. NAD b. NADP
3. The example of metalloprotein: c. GDP d. FAD
a. Mucin b. Siderophilin 14. The following trace element is involved in wound
c. Glutenin d. Vitellin
4. The ‘methyl donor’ with biochemically labile methyl a. Iron b. Copper
groups: c. Zinc d. Selenium
a. Active methionine b. Choline
15. Glycogen synthetase activity is depressed by:
c. Betaine d. All of the above
a. Glucose b. Insulin
5. The molecular weight of hemoglobin: c. Cyclic AMP d. UDP-glucose
a. 44,456 b. 54,456
c. 64,456 d. 74,456 16. The tumor markers are:
a. Proteins b. Hormones
6. Serum alkaline phosphatase activity is elevated in:
c. Enzymes d. All of the above
a. Rickets b. Hyperparathyroidism
c. Paget’s disease d. All of the above 17. The substrate concentration at which an enzyme
exhibits half the maximum velocity is known as:
7. The hormonal regulation of plasma calcium occurs by
the action of: a. Vmax b. [S]
a. Calcitriol b. Parathyroid hormone c. Km d. Keq
c. Calcitonin d. All of the above 18. Normal serum level is:
8. Vitamin K regulates the synthesis of following ‘blood a. 135-145 mEq/L b. 135-145 mg/dL
clotting factors’: c. 120-130 mEq/L d. 120-130 mg/dL
a. VII, VIII, IX b. VII, IX, X 19. Symptoms of scurvy are:
c. VII, X, IX d. VII, X, XI a. Poor healing of wounds
9. Cancer is caused by the groups of: b. Loosening of teeth
a. Radiant energy b. Chemical compounds c. Anemia
c. Viruses d. All of the above d. All of the above
10. Transcription is the process of synthesis of: 20. Which of the pathway occurs in part in the mitochondria
a. RNA b. DNA and part in the cytosol?
c. Protein d. All of the above a. Urea cycle
11. D-galactose and D-mannose are grouped as: b. TCA cycle
a. Anomers b. Enantiomers c. Glycolysis
c. Epimers d. Isomers d. Oxidative phosphorylation

Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. d
5. c 6. d 7. d 8. b
9. d 10. a 11. c 12. d
13. c 14. c 15. c 16. d
17. c 18. a 19. d 20. a
Biochemistry 537

21. The only glycerophospholipid having antigenic prop- 33. D-Galactose and D-mannose are:
erty is: a. Enantiomers of each other
a. Cephalin b. Lecithin b. Isomers of each other
c. Plasminogen d. Cardiolipin c. Anomers of each other
22. The reaction involving the conversion of succinyl-CoA d. Epimers of each other
to suicinate requires: 34. Normal serum sodium level is:
a. NAD b. NADP+ a. 135 -145 m Eq/L
c. GDP d. FAD b. 130-160 m Eq/L
23. The example of phosphoprotein is: c. 120-130 m Eq/L
a. Casein b. Mucin d. 170-180 m Eq/L
c. Ovomucoid d. Globulin 35. The example of phosphoprotein is:
24. The poor source of vitamin D is: a. Mucin b. Globulin
a. Eggs b. Milk c. Casein d. Ovomucoid
c. Butter d. Liver 36. The number of double bonds present in arachidonic
25. Transaminase activity needs the coenzyme: acid:
a. B6-PO4 b. NAD a. One b. Two
c. FAD d. Coenzyme–Q c. Three d. Four
26. Sickle cell anemia results from a point mutation that 37. The amino acid containing sulphur is:
causes a replacement of: a. Methionine b. Threonine
a. Glutamate at position 6 c. Leucine d. Alanine
b. Aspartate at position 6
38. The example of chromoprotein:
c. Arginine at position 4
a. Salmine b. Catalase
d. Glutamate at position 4
c. Zein d. Gliadin
27. One molecule of FADH2 produces how many number
39. Trypsin attack peptide linkages containing the amino
of ATPs:
a. 4 b. 1 acid residue of:
c. 2 d. 3 a. Arginine b. Glycine
c. Tryptophan d. Serine
28. The following are lipotropic factors except:
a. Betaine b. Choline 40. The BMR is higher than normal in:
c. Methionine d. Leucine a. Diabetes insipidus b. Leukemia
c. Polycythemia d. All of the above
29. Chaulmoogric acid is used in the treatment of:
a. Nephritis b. Diabetes mellitus 41. One molecule of urea is synthesized at the expanse of
c. Leprosy d. Hepatitis the molecules of ATP:
a. 2 b. 3
30. Which of the following is a storage and transport form
c. 4 d. 5
of fatty acid?
a. Cholesterol b. Triacylglycerol 42. Salivary amylase is activated by:
c. Phospholipid d. Proline a. Na+ b. K+
c. HCO3- d. Cl– ions
31. Which of the following non-protein can act as an
enzyme? 43. Gluconeogenesis does not occur in one of the tissues:
a. DNA b. RNA a. Kidney b. Liver
c. Phospholipid d. Glycolipid c. Heart d. Erythrocytes
32. Which of the following vitamin is involved in ETC? 44. The normal level of plasma calcium is:
a. Thiamine b. Folic acid a. 9–11 mg/dL b. 0.9-1.1 g/dL
c. Riboflavin d. Cobalamin c. 0.9–1.1 mg/dL d. 9–11 g/dL

Answers: 21. d 22. c 23. a 24. b

25. a 26. a 27. c 28. d
29. c 30. b 31. b 32. c
33. d 34. a 35. c 36. d
37. a 38. b 39. b 40. d
41. b 42. d 43. d 44. a
538 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

45. Which of the following non-protein can act as an 57. Following is an epimer of glucose:
enzyme? a. Fructose b. Maltose
a. DNA b. RNA c. Galactose d. Lactose
c. Phospholipid d. Glycolipid 58. The degree of unsaturation of fats is determined by:
46. The number of double bonds present in arachidonic a. Acid number b. Iodine number
acid are: c. Acetic number d. Saponification number
a. One b. Two 59. The protein part of enzyme is:
c. Three d. Four a. Isoenzyme b. Apoenzyme
47. The amino acid containing hydroxyl group is: c. Holoenzyme d. Coenzyme
a. Alanine b. Reucine 60. Pellagra is due to the deficiency of:
c. Threonine d. Methionine a. Riboflavin b. Pyridoxine
48. Pellagra is caused by deficiency of which vitamin: c. Thiamine d. Niacin
a. Thiamine b. Riboflavin
61. Glycogenolysis is promoted by all of the following
c. Niacin d. Pyridoxine
49. Which of the following is the storage and transport a. Insulin b. Glucagon
form of fatty acid? c. Epinephrine d. Corticosteroids
a. Cholestrol b. Triacylglycerol
62. Some people “Eat and do not get fat” because:
c. Phospholipid d. Glycerol
a. Fat synthesis is defective
50. Translation is the process of synthesis of: b. Absorption defect
a. RNA b. DNA c. Contain more brown adipose tissue
c. Protein d. All of the above d. Fast metabolism
51. The following hormones have hyperglycemic effect 63. Brain detoxify ammonia by:
except: a. Urea formation
a. Glucagon b. Insulin b. Glutamine formation
c. Thyronine d. Epinephrine c. Asparagine formation
52. Which of the following nucleotide base is not present d. Creatine formation
in codons? 64. Bilirubin is conjugated with:
a. Adenine b. Guanine a. Glycine b. Benzoic acid
c. Thymine d. Cytosine c. Glucoronic acid d. Cysteine
53. All are useful substances produced from cholesterol 65. Mutations are due to:
except: a. Change in base sequence of DNA
a. Vitamin D b. Bile salts b. Change in base sequence of RNA
c. Bile pigments d. Cortisol c. Change in nucleosides
54. All of the following are nonessential amino acids d. Change in nucleotides
except: 66. Hyaluronic acid consists of:
a. Tyrosine b. Lysine a. N-acetylglucosamine and glucoronic acid
c. Valine d. Phenylalanine b. N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulphate and glucoronic acid
55. The metal present in vitamin B12 is: c. D-glucosamine-N-sulfate and sulfate ester of
a. Copper b. Cobalt glucoronic acid
c. Chromium d. Manganese d. N-acetylglucosamine, galactose and sulfuric acid
56. Protein present in muscles is: 67. Ketone bodies are synthesized in:
a. Keratin b. Collagen a. Kidney b. Muscle
c. Actin d. Globulin c. Heart d. Liver

Answers: 45. b 46. d 47. c 48. c

49. b 50. c 51. b 52. c
53. c 54. a 55. b 56. c
57. c 58. b 59. b 60. d
61. a 62. d 63. b 64. c
65. a 66. a 67. d
Biochemistry 539

68. Liver detoxify ammonia by: c. Topoisomerase

a. Urea formation b. Glutamine formation d. Single-stranded binding protein
c. Aspargine formation d. Creatine formation 77. Which of the following is not a saturated fatty acid?
69. The fate of bilirubin after conjugation is: a. Palmitic acid b. Stearic acid
a. Metabolized in tissues c. Oleic acid d. Myristic acid
b. Excreted in urine 78. The normal serum bilirubin level is:
c. Converted into uribilinogen in intestine a. 0.2 to 1 mg/dL b. 1 to 2 mg/dL
d. Excreted as it is in feces c. 1 to 3.5 mg/dL d. None of the above
70. Point mutation is: 79. Vitamin K is also known as:
a. Change in single base a. Tocopherol b. Riboflavin
b. Deletion of single nucleotide c. Phylloquinone d. Axerophthol
c. Insertion of single nucleotides
80. The following trace element is involved in wound
d. Insertion or deletion of more than one nucleotide healing:
71. Immunity is due to the following protein: a. Iron b. Copper
a. Albumin b. Alpha globulins c. Zinc d. Selenium
c. Beta globulins d. Gamma globulins 81. Proteolytic enzymes are secreted as:
72. The synthesis of glucose from fat is called as: a. Holoenzymes b. Zymogens
a. Glycolysis b. TCA c. Apoenzymes d. None of the above
c. Gluconeogenesis d. Saponification 82. Nitrogen base in cephalin is:
73. 50% of enzyme molecule are bound with substrate a. Choline b. Ethanolamine
molecules at a particular substrate combination is c. Inositol d. Lipositol
denoted by: 83. Bence Jones proteins are excreted in:
a. Vmax b. Km a. Nephrotic syndrome b. Multiple myelomas
c. Both d. None c. Nephritis d. Liver cirrhosis
74. Amino acids are amphoteric in nature because: 84. Metal ions required for the activity of many enzymes
a. They show ring structure are called as:
b. They show acidic property a. Coenzyme b. Cofactor
c. They show basic property c. Apoenzyme d. Isoenzyme
d. None of the above
85. Active coenzymatic form of folic acid is:
75. One of the following is factor IV in blood coagulation: a. Folate b. Dihydrofolate
a. Sodium b. Calcium c. Trihydrofolate d. Tetrahydrofolate
c. Potassium d. Magnesium 86. Diabetic ketoacidosis is prevented by:
76. Which one of the following enzyme is not involved in a. Insulin injections
replication? b. Carbohydrate diet
a. Helicases c. Antiketogenic substances
b. RNA polymerase d. All of the above

Answers: 68. a 69. c 70. a 71. d

72. c 73. b 74. d 75. b
76. b 77. c 78. a 79. c
80. c 81. d 82. b 83. b
84. b 85. d 86. d
540 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


1. Name the organic catalytic agents which are protein- 16. Which is the most basic amino acid?
aceous in nature and are produced by living cells. Ans. Argenine
Ans. Enzymes
17. Name the fat soluble vitamins.
2. Which are the enzymes catalyzing same reactions and Ans. A, D, E and K
yet having differences in both structure and composi-
18. Name the water-soluble vitamins.
tion between them?
Ans. B and C
Ans. Isoenzymes
19. What is another name of vitamin A?
3. How much is the BMR for adult healthy male?
Ans. Retinol
Ans. 40 Kcal/sqm/hour
20. Name the first vitamin to be discovered.
4. Which component is utilized as fuel by skeletal
muscles during rest and mild exercise? Ans. Vitamin B
Ans. Fatty acid 21. Bitot’s spots, nyctalopia, follicular keratosis and xeroph-
5. Which is the principal site of gluconeogenesis? thalmia are the features of which vitamin deficiency.
Ans. Liver Ans. Vitamin A

6. What does human brain utilize as the one and only 22. Which vitamin is also known as antiinfective vitamin?
fuel? Ans. Vitamin A
Ans. Glucose 23. Deficiency of which vitamin leads to beriberi.
7. When glucose is converted into two molecules of py- Ans. Vitamin B
ruvic acid, how many ATP are generated? 24. Name the amino acid which is converted into niacin.
Ans. 8 ATPs Ans. Tryptophan
8. How many molecules of ATP are produced when 1 25. Name the vitamin which is known as vitamin H.
molecule glucose is completely oxidized to CO2 and Ans. Pyridoxine
Ans. 38 ATPs 26. Name the vitamin which helps in healing of wound
and iron absorption.
9. How much is the value for plasma cholesterol? Ans. Vitamin C
Ans. 140 to 250 mg per 100 mL
27. Which vitamin is a steroid derivative?
10. Name the process by which fatty acids are catabolized.
Ans. Vitamin D
Ans. Beta-oxidation
28. What does active form of vitamin D known as?
11. How much is the normal plasma concentration of
Ans. 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
ketone bodies?
Ans. 1 mg per 100 mL 29. Which vitamin is known for its antioxidant property?
Ans. Vitamin E
12. In which tissues synthesis of phospholipids does not
occur. 30. What is the another name of vitamin K?
Ans. In blood and skin Ans. Phylloquinone

13. Name the general formula of amino acids. 31. Give some examples of monosaccharides.
Ans. RCH NH2 COOH Ans. Glucose, fructose, galactose and mannose
14. Which amino acid is optically inactive? 32. Give some examples of disaccharides.
Ans. Glycine Ans. Sucrose, lactose and maltose
15. Name the amino acid which belongs to the ketogenic 33. Which is the major source of energy for muscles when
amino acid group. muscle tissue lacks oxygen?
Ans. Leucine Ans. Anaerobic glycolysis
Biochemistry 541

34. Name the key enzymes of gluconeogenesis. 49. Which is the universal currency of energy?
Ans. Pyruvate carboxylase, Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy- Ans. ATP
kinase, fructose 1,6-bisphosphotase and glucose-6- 50. How much is the daily requirement of calcium for adult.
phosphotase. Ans. 500 mg
35. Polyuria, polydypsia, polyphagia and weight loss are 51. Which form of iron is absorbed in the body.
the cardinal symptoms of which of the disease. Ans. Ferrous form
Ans. Diabetes mellitus
52. Name free radical scavenger enzyme systems.
36. How much is the total volume of saliva produced each Ans. Superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase,
day in an adult. glutathione reductase
Ans. 500 to 1500 mL.
53. What are buffers?
37. Which is the major carbohydrate secreted in saliva? Ans. Buffers are solutions which can resist changes in pH
Ans. Glucose. when acid or alkali is added.
38. Name the major salivary enzyme. 54. Which is the most important buffer system in plasma?
Ans. Alpha-amylase Ans. Bicarbonate carbonic acid system
39. Name the proteins with antibacterial activities in saliva. 55. By which linkage nucleotides are combined to produce
Ans. Lysozyme, Immunoglobulin A, lactoferrin lengthy DNA molecule.
Ans. Phospho diester linkages
40. Name the calcium-binding proteins in saliva.
Ans. Statherins, proline rich proteins 56. How base sequence in DNA is written?
Ans. 5’ to 3’ end
41. How much is the safety limit of fluoride in water?
57. Which component is required for starting DNA syn-
Ans. 1 ppm
42. Name the nitrogen containing phospholipids. Ans. RNA primer
Ans. Lecithin
58. What is the shape of structure of tRNA?
43. Name the essential fatty acids. Ans. Clover leaf
Ans. Linoleic acid and linolenic acid
59. Name the base absent in DNA?
44. How many ATPs are yield by palmitic acid in Beta- Ans. Uracil
60. Which virus leads to AIDS?
Ans. 129 ATPs
Ans. HIV I and HIV II
45. Name the test which helps in identifying ketone bodies 61. Name cancer suppressor genes.
in urine.
Ans. Retinoblastoma and p53 gene.
Ans. Rothera’s test
62. Name the important liver function tests.
46. Name the molecule synthesizing cholesterol. Ans. Serum bilirubin; urine bile pigments, bile salts, urobilino-
Ans. Acetyl-CoA gen; alanine amino transferase; alkaline phosphatase;
47. How much is the normal urea level in blood? serum total proteins; serum albumin
Ans. 20 to 40 mg/dL 63. What is the normal value of plasma calcium?
48. How much high energy bonds are produced per turn Ans. 9 to 11 mg/dL
of citric acid cycle? 64. What is the normal value of ionized calcium in plasma?
Ans. 12 Ans. 4 to 5 mg/dL
542 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Additional Matter
Effects of Insulin Contd...

Increased effects on • Glycolysis • HMP shunt Cytoplasm

• Glycogenesis • Cholesterol synthesis
• Lipogenesis • Gluconeogenesis
• Triglyceride synthesis • Glycogenesis
• Protein synthesis • Fatty acid synthesis
• Hexose monophosphate pathway • Glycolysis
(HMP) shunt • Cholesterol synthesis
Decreased effects on • Gluconeogenesis
• Glyconeogenesis
Various Cell Organelles and their Functions
• Lipolysis
• Protein degradation
Name of cell organelle Function
Cell membrane Provides permeability
Various Vitamins and their Antagonists
Lysosomes Digestion, detoxification and
Name of vitamin Antagonist phagocytosis

Vitamin B Pyrithiamine and oxythiamine Golgi bodies Sort the glycoproteins

Vitamin B6 Isoniazid Rough endoplasmic reticulum Synthesis of protein

Folic acid Aminopterin and methotrexate Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Lipid and glycogen synthesis

Vitamin K Dicoumarol, Heparin and Salicylates Ribosomes Synthesis of proteins

Biotin Biotin sulphonic acid, Desthiobiotin Mitochondria Produce as well as store energy
Powerhouse of the cell

Various Serum Enzymes Elevated and their Diseases

Classification of Antioxidants
Name of serum enzyme
elevated Disease associated ♦ In relation to lipid peroxidation
• Preventive antioxidants
Amylase In acute pancreatitis
–– Catalase
Alkaline phosphatase Rickets and obstructive jaundice –– Glutathione peroxidase
Acid phosphatase Cancer of prostrate –– Chain breaking antioxidants
Lactate dehydrogenase In both heart attack and liver diseases –– Superoxide dismutase
–– Vitamin E
Serum glutamic pyruvic Liver diseases
–– Uric acid
transaminase (SGPT) or
alanine transaminase
♦ According to their location
• Plasma
Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic Myocardial infarction and liver –– β-carotene
transaminase (SGOT) or disease
–– Ascorbic acid
aspartate transaminase
–– Bilirubin
Creatinine phosphokinase Myocardial infarction –– Uric acid
–– Ceruloplasmin
Various Metabolic Pathways and their Sites –– Transferrin
• Cell membrane
Name of metabolic pathway Site of occurrence –– α-tocopherol
Protein synthesis Ribosomes • Intracellular
Glycoprotein synthesis Golgi complex –– Superoxide dismutase
–– Catalase
• Citric acid cycle Mitochondria
–– Glutathione peroxidase
• Oxidative phosphorylation
• Fatty acid oxidation ♦ According to their nature and function
• Electron transfer • Enzymatic
• Synthesis of ketone bodies –– Superoxide dismutase
RNA synthesis Nucleolus –– Catalase
–– Glutathione peroxidase
Contd... –– Glutathione reductase
Biochemistry 543

• Non–enzymatic Various Cofactors

Name of cofactor Activity of enzyme enhanced
–– β-carotene
–– α-tocopherol Zinc Alkaline phosphatase, carbonic anhydrase,
–– Ascorbic acid
Metabolic Copper Tyrosinase, cytochrome oxidase
–– Glutathione Magnesium Hexokinase, glucokinase, phosphofructokinase
–– Ceruloplasmin Potassium Pyruvate kinase
–– Albumin
Iron Peroxidase
–– Bilirubin
Manganese Glycosyl transferase and phosphatase
–– Transferrin
–– Ferritin
–– Uric acid Some Important Questions with their Answers

Various Inorganic Substances and their Normal Serum Name fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K
Level Name water soluble vitamins B and C
Heat stable and light sensitive vitamins or Vitamin K and B12
Inorganic substance Normal serum level vitamins involved in electron transfer
Sodium 135 to 145 mEq/L Heat labile vitamins Vitamin C, folic acid,
Potassium 3.5 to 5 mEq/L
Anti-oxidant vitamins Vitamin A, E and C
Phosphorus 3 to 4.5 mg/dL
• Vitamins needed for tooth development A and D
Iron 50 to 150 µg/dL and calcification
Bicarbonate 24 to 30 mEq/L • Deficiency of vitamins causing enamel
Calcium 9 to 11 mg/dL • Vitamins which undergo
Chloride 95 to 105 mEq/L hypervitaminosis
Gingiva affected commonly due to Vitamin C
deficiency of
Various Metabolic Pathways and their Rate Limiting • Vitamin stored in fat Vitamin D
Enzymes • Vitamin synthesized in skin
• Action of vitamin similar to hormone
Name of metabolic pathway Rate limiting enzyme Vitamin stored in liver A, D, K, B12 and folate
Glycolysis Phosphofructokinase Vitamin present in cereals Thiamine
Glycogenesis Glycogen synthase Water soluble vitamin synthesized in body Pantothenic acid
Vitamin present in animal food is Vitamin B12 and D
Glycogenolysis Phosphorylase
Deficiency of vitamin leading to raw beef Niacin
Gluconeogenesis Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase tongue and bald tongue of Sandwith
Cholesterol synthesis and ketone HMG CoA reductase Magenta colored tongue is seen in Riboflavin
bodies deficiency of
Fatty acid synthesis Acetyl-CoA carboxylase Hunter’s glossitis seen in deficiency of Vitamin B12
Urea synthesis Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase Vitamin associated with neonatal jaundice Vitamin K
Vitamin associated with peripheral neuritis Vitamin B1, B12, B6
Citric acid cycle Isocitrate dehydrogenase
and E
Porphyrin synthesis Aminolevulinate synthase Vitamin needed for healing of wound Vitamin A and C
Bile acids 7 alpha hydroxylase Vitamin for energy releasing reactions Thiamin (B1)

Dental Anatomy

1. Introduction of Dental Anatomy 11. Pulp Morphology

2. Tooth Numbering Systems 12. Occlusion
3. Chronology of Tooth Development 13. Review of Tooth Morphology
4. Form and Function of Orofacial Complex 14. Temporomandibular Joint
5. The Primary (Deciduous) Dentition
Multiple Choice Questions as per DCI and
6. Differences between Primary and Permanent Examination Papers of Various Universities
7. The Maxillary and Mandibular Incisors Fill in the Blanks as per DCI and Examination
Papers of Various Universities
8. The Maxillary and Mandibular Canines
9. The Maxillary and Mandibular Premolars Viva-voce Questions for Practical Examination

10. The Maxillary and Mandibular Molars Additional Matter

• In humans the cusp are found in posterior teeth, i.e.
1. INTRODUCTION OF DENTAL ANATOMY molars and premolars and on incisal edges of canines.
• Canines have only one cusp.
Q.1. Write a short note on mamelons. (Apr 2015, 3 Marks) • Maxillary and mandibular first premolar has a large
 (Mar 2000, 5 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks) buccal cusp which is long and well formed with
 (Dec 2014, 2 Marks) non-functioning lingual cusp.
Or • Mandibular second premolar has three well formed
Answer in brief mamelons. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks) cusp, i.e. one large buccal cusp and two smaller
Ans. A mamelon is anyone of the three round protuberance lingual cusp.
found on the incisal ridge of newly erupted teeth. • Maxillary first molar has four well developed
• Each labial lobe of incisor terminates incisally in functioning cusp and one supplemental cusp. The four
rounded eminences known as Mamelons. large cusp are mesiobuccal, distobuccal, mesiolingual,
• Mamelons are prominent in newly erupted distolingual. The supplemental cusp is called as
permanent incisors. tubercle of Carabelli.
• Soon after eruption they are worn down by use • In maxillary second molar the distolingual cusp is
unless through misalignment, they escape incisal poorly developed and makes development of other
wear. three cusps dominant.
• Mamelons are not seen in cases of primary incisors.
Number of Cusps in Different Teeth
• In congenital syphilis central lobe or mamelon will
be absent congenitally. Tooth type Maxillary arch Mandibular arch
Incisor 0 0
Canine 1 1
Premolar 2 2 in first premolar
3 or 2 in second premolar
First molar 4 cusps and 1 5
accessory cusp
Second molar 4 4
Fig. 1:  Mamelon
Third molar 4 or 3 4 or 5

Q.2. Write a short note on cusp. (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)

Ans. Cusp Q.3. Write a note on oblique ridge.  (Sep 2006, 5 Marks)
• A cusp is an elevation or mound on the crown portion Ans. An oblique ridge is a ridge obliquely crossing occlusal
of tooth making up a divisional part of occlusal surface of maxillary molars and is formed by union of
surface. triangular ridge of distobuccal cusp and distal cusp ridge
• Each cusp represents the developmental lobe of a of mesiolingual cusp.

Fig. 3:  Oblique ridge

• Oblique ridge is present on primary maxillary

Fig. 2:  Cusp
second molar.
• Cusp divides the occlusal surface of posterior teeth. • Oblique ridge is prominent on permanent maxillary
• Cusps are named according to location on tooth first molar. It can also be present on maxillary second
surface. Each cusp has four cuspal slopes and an apex. and third molars.
548 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Oblique ridge is reduced in height in center of Define ridges. Explain oblique ridge and transverse
occlusal surface. ridge.  (May 2018, 2 Marks)
• Sometimes oblique ridge is crossed by a develop­ Or
mental groove that partially joins two major fossa
by means of its shallow sulcate grooves. Write short answer on ridges and grooves.
 (Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
Q.4. Write short note on nomenclature of teeth.
Ans. Ridge
 (Sep 2006, 5 Marks)
A ridge is any linear elevation on the surface of crown.
Ans. Nomenclature or the system of names is used to describe
or classify the material included in the dentistry. Ridges are named on the basis of their location or form.
Following are the types of ridges:
• The term mandibular refers to lower jaw or mandible
♦♦ Labial ridge: It is the ridge which runs cervicoincisally to
and the term maxillary refer to the upper jaw or
the center of labial surface of canines. The ridge extends
from cusp tip to cervical ridge of tooth. The ridge is promi-
• Deciduous tooth or milk tooth which is defined as one
nent in maxillary canines.
of the temporary teeth of a mammal that are replaced
by permanent teeth. The term primary can indicate a
first dentition and the term deciduous indicates the
first dentition is not permanent but not unimportant.
• The term succedaneous can be used to describe
successor dentition and does not suggest permance,
where the term permanent suggests a permanent
• Application of nomenclature:
- Tooth numbers 1 to 8 indicating teeth in a
- Tooth surface related to the tongue (lingual),
cheek (buccal), lip (labial) and face (facial) apply Fig. 4:  Labial ridge
to the four quadrants. ♦♦ Buccal ridge: It is the ridge on buccal surface of tooth which
- The teeth away from the midline is called as run cervico-occlusally from buccal cusp tip to the cervical
distal and towards midline is called as mesial. line. The ridge is prominent in first premolar.
• Central incisor (first incisor), lateral incisor (second
incisor), canine (cuspid), first premolar (bicuspid),
second premolar (second bicuspid), Ist molar, IInd
molar, IIIrd molar. There are eight tooth names
included in each quadrant of dental arches, they
are repeated to include right, left, maxillary and
mandibular making a total of 32 teeth in all.

Q.5. Write a short note on ridge, fossa and groove. 

 (Sep 2007, 3 Marks)
Write in short ridges and grooves. 
 (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) Fig. 5:  Buccal ridge
Or ♦♦ Incisal ridge: It lie on the incisal portion of newly erupted
Write short note on grooves. (Nov 2010, 3 Marks) incisors where the incisal surface is round and merges with
mesio-incisal as well as disto-incisal angles and labial and
lingual surfaces.
Describe briefly grooves.  (June 2010, 5 Marks)
Write note on ridges. 
 (June 2010, 5 Marks) (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
Write about tooth ridges.  (June 2012, 10 Marks)
Or Fig. 6:  Incisal ridge
Dental Anatomy 549

♦♦ Lingual ridge: It is the ridge on lingual surface of tooth ridge run vertically in cervicoincisal direction and in pos-
which run cervicoincisally from lingual cusp of canine terior teeth they run in buccolingual direction.
to the cervical region, thereby dividing lingual fossa into
two parts. This ridge is prominent in maxillary canines.

Fig. 10:  Marginal ridge

♦♦ Cusp ridge: It is the inclined surface which forms an angle

at cusp tip.

Fig. 7:  Lingual ridge

♦♦ Linguo-incisal ridge: It is a ridge which runs mesiodistally

on the lingual surface at incisal one-third.

Fig. 11:  Cusp ridge

♦♦ Triangular ridge: It is the ridge which descends from

cuspal tips of molars and premolars towards central part
of occlusal surface. In cross-section triangular ridges are
more or less triangular and are known as triangular ridge.
Naming of triangular ridge is done as per the cusp they
belong, e.g. triangular ridge of buccal cusp of mandibular
permanent first molar.

Fig. 8:  Linguo-incisal ridge

♦♦ Cervical ridge: It is a ridge which runs mesiodistally on

cervical third of buccal surface of crown. Presence of cervi-
cal ridge is the characteristic of all deciduous teeth which is
prominent on maxillary and mandibular first molars. In per-
manent dentition cervical ridge is noticeable on molar teeth.
Fig. 12:  Triangular ridge

♦♦ Transverse ridge: Transverse ridge is union of two triangu-

lar ridges crossing the occlusal surface of posterior tooth in
transverse direction. It is created when buccal and lingual
triangular ridges join, e.g. transverse ridge between buccal
and lingual cusps on premolar.

Fig. 9:  Cervical ridge

♦♦ Marginal ridge: This is a linear round border of enamel

which form mesial and distal margins of occlusal surfaces
on posterior teeth as well as mesial and distal margins of
incisors and canines lingually. In anterior teeth, marginal Fig. 13:  Transverse ridge
550 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Oblique ridge: It is the ridge which crosses occlusal surface ♦♦ They are sometimes found on the lingual surface of
of maxillary molars occlusally. Oblique ridge extends from maxillary incisor at edge of lingual fossa where marginal
triangular ridge of distobuccal cusp to distal cusp ridge of ridges and cingulum meets.
mesiolingual cusp. ♦♦ Central fossa is found on occlusal surface of molar teeth.

Fig. 14:  Oblique ridge

Fig. 16:  Fossa

Q.6. Write short note on dental formula. (Nov 2009, 5 Marks)

Ans. The number and type of teeth present in the oral cavity
in one half of the face (either left side or right side) in
Distolingual cusp
primary dentition are expressed by the following formula.
Fig. 15:  Ridges and grooves

These are sharply defined narrow and linear depressions. In this formula each tooth is represented by its initial letter.
Usually seperating lobes or major portion of a tooth formed I for incisor, C for canine and M for molar.
during the development of the tooth. These grooves are named • Each letter is followed by a horizontal line and the
according to their location. number of each type of tooth is placed above the line
Various types of groove are: for maxilla and below the line for the mandible.
♦♦ Buccal developmental groove: It is the groove separating • The formula includes one side only. The above formula
the buccal cusps on the occlusal aspect of molar teeth and should be read thus:
extending onto the buccal surface for a short distance. • Incisors: Two maxillary and two mandibular.
♦♦ Central developmental groove: This groove separates the • Canines: One maxillary and one mandibular.
occlusal aspect of posterior teeth. • Molars: Two maxillary and two mandibular.
♦♦ Lingual developmental groove: This groove separates So a total of 10 teeth are present on one side whether
the lingual cusps on the occlusal aspect of mandibular right or left.
and maxillary molars as well as mandibular second • Similarly for permanent dentition, the dental formula
premolars. It extends to the lingual surface for a short is as follows:
♦♦ Supplemental groove: These are shallow linear depression
usually less distinct and more variable than developmental
groove. It does not marks junction of lobs or major por- • In this premolars have now been added to the formula.
tion of tooth. • Once again as in the case of primary teeth, the formula
should be read as:
Fossa –– Incisors: Two maxillary and two mandibular.
♦♦ A fossa is an irregular depression or concavity. –– Canines: One maxillary and one mandibular.
♦♦ Lingual fossa are on the lingual surface of incisors. Central –– Premolars: Two maxillary and two mandibular.
fossa are on the occlusal surface of molars. –– Molars: Three maxillary and three mandibular.
♦♦ They are formed by convergence of ridges terminating So a total of 16 teeth are present on one side
at the central point in the bottom of depression where whether right or left.
junction of grooves occurs. To understand dental anatomy, the nomenclature
♦♦ Triangular fossa are found on molars and premolars. should be read first.
Dental Anatomy 551

Q.7. Write briefly on class, arch and set traits.  Line Angles for Mandibular Lateral Incisors
 (Nov 2009, 5 Marks) 1. Mesiolabial line angle
Ans. Traits are the characteristic features or attributes to 2. Mesiopalatal/mesiolingual line angle
distinguish one form of dentition from the other form. 3. Distolabial line angle
• Class trait: These traits are those which differentiate 4. Distopalatal/distolingual line angle
four categories of teeth, i.e. incisors, canine, molars 5. Labioincisal line angle
and premolars, i.e. incisors are used for cutting, 6. Linguoincisal line angle
canines for piercing, premolars for grinding and Q.10. Describe elevation and depressions on crown. 
molars for crushing.  (Dec 2010, 10 Marks)
• Arch trait: These traits are those which differentiate Ans. Following are the elevations and depressions on the
maxillary teeth from mandibular teeth. Example is surface of crown.
maxillary first molar consists of cusp of Carabelli
while it is absent in mandibular first molar. Elevations on Crown
• Set trait: These traits are the features that differentiate Cusp: A cusp is an elevation or mound on the crown portion
teeth in primary dentition from the teeth in of a tooth making up a divisonal part of the occlusal surface.
permanent dentition, e.g. primary teeth are white
in color while permanent teeth are yellowish white
in color.
Q.8. Define set trait, class and type trait. 
 (Nov 2010, 3 Marks)
Ans. For set trait and class trait refer to Ans 7 of same chapter.
Type trait: These traits differentiate teeth within one
class, i.e. differentiation of incisors but between maxillary
central or lateral incisors.
Q.9. What are line angles? Enumerate line angles for
mandibular lateral incisors.  (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
What are line angles. Enumerate line angles for Fig. 18:  Cusp
mandibular lateral incisors. 
Tubercle: A tubercle is a smaller elevation on the some portion
 (May 2014, 5 Marks)
of the crown produced by an extraformation of enamel.
Ans. A line angle is an angle formed by union of two
Deviations from the typical form are evident, e.g. cusp of
Carabelli is a tubercle.

Fig. 19:  Tubercle

Cingulum: A cingulum, or girdle is the lingual lobe of an

anterior tooth and makes up the bulk of the cervical third of
the lingual surface. Its convexity mesiodistally resembles a
girdle encircling the lingual surface at the cervical third.
Ridge: A ridge is any linear elevation on the surface of a tooth
and is named according to its location (e.g. buccal, incisal, or
Fig. 17:  Line angle for mandibular lateral incisor marginal ridge).
552 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Groove: A developmental groove is a shallow groove or line

between the primary parts of the crown or root. A supplemental
groove, less distinct, is also a shallow linear depression on the
surface of a tooth, but it is supplemental to a developmental
groove and does not mark the junction of primary parts.
Buccal and lingual grooves are developmental grooves found
on the buccal and lingual surfaces of posterior teeth.

Fig. 20:  Ridge

Depression on Crown
Fossa: A fossa is an irregular depression or concavity. Lingual
fossae are on the lingual surface of incisors. Central fossae are Fig. 23:  Developmental groove Fig. 24:  Supplemental grooves
on the occlusal surface of molars. They are formed by the
Pits: Pits are small pinpoint depressions located at the
convergence of ridges terminating at a central point in the bottom
junction of developmental grooves or at terminals of those
of the depression where a junction of grooves occurs. Triangular
grooves. For instance, central pit is a term used to describe a
fossae are found on molars and premolars on the occlusal surfaces
landmark in the central fossa of molars where developmental
mesial or distal to marginal ridges. They are sometimes found on
grooves join.
the lingual surfaces of maxillary incisors at the edge of the lingual
fossae where the marginal ridges and the cingulum meet.

Fig. 21:  Fossa Fig. 25:  Pit

Sulcus: A sulcus is a long depression or valley in the surface of

Q.11. Write short note on trait categories.
a tooth between edges and cusps, the inclines of which meet at
 (June 2010, 5 Marks)
an angle. A sulcus has a developmental groove at the junction
Ans. For describing the anatomy of tooth as well as
of its inclines.
comparison of morphologic characteristics with the other
teeth, trait categories are introduced. Following are the
trait categories:
Set traits: These traits are the features that differentiate teeth
in primary dentition from the teeth in permanent dentition,
e.g. primary teeth are white in color while permanent teeth are
yellowish white in color.
Arch trait: These traits are those which differentiate maxillary
teeth from mandibular teeth. Example is maxillary first molar
consists of cusp of Carabelli while it is absent in mandibular
first molar.
Class traits: These traits are those which differentiate four
Fig. 22:  Groove categories of teeth, i.e. incisors, canine, molars and premolars.
Dental Anatomy 553

Example, incisors are used for cutting, canines for piercing, Fossa: Fossa is defined as a depression or a concavity
premolars for grinding and molars for crushing. on lingual surface of anteriors and occlusal surface of
Type traits: These traits differentiate teeth within one class, posteriors, e.g. lingual fossa, triangular fossa, central
i.e. differentiation of incisors but between maxillary central or fossa.
lateral incisors, e.g. mesiodistal width of maxillary permanent Cingulum: A cingulum, or girdle, is the lingual lobe of
central incisor is wider while the width of maxillary permanent an anterior tooth and makes up the bulk of the cervical
lateral incisor is narrow. third of the lingual surface. Its convexity mesiodistally
resembles a girdle encircling the lingual surface at the
Q.12. Write about the definitions of ridge, cusp, fossa, pit
cervical third, e.g. cingulum in maxillary central incisor.
and groove.  (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
Or Q.15. Write short note on developmental lobes. 
 (Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
Define cusp, ridge, cingulum, fossa and pit. 
 (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) Ans. Developmental lobe is one of the growth center during
development of crown.
Or • Developmental lobes appear as cusps and mamelons
Define cusp and fossa.  (Dec 2014, 3 Marks) on the tooth surface.
Ans. Ridge: Ridge is defined as any linear elevation on the • Permanent anterior teeth develop from four lobes,
surface of tooth. i.e. labial, lingual, mesial and distal.
Cusp: Cusp is defined as an elevation of crown of tooth • All primary incisors develop from a single lobe.
making up a divisional part of occlusal surface. • Deciduous posteriors develop from 5 lobes, i.e. three
facial lobes and two lingual lobes.
Fossa: Fossa is defined as a depression or a concavity
• All premolars except mandibular second premolar
on lingual surface of anteriors and occlusal surface of
develop from four lobes, i.e. buccal, lingual, mesial
and distal.
Pit: Pit is defined as small pin point depression located • Second mandibular premolar develops from five
at junction of two or more developmental grooves. lobes, i.e. buccal, mesiolingual, distolingual, mesial
Groove: A groove is defined as a line separating the lobes and distal.
or primary part of crown or root. • All first molars of maxillary and mandibular arches
Cingulum: Cingulum is defined as a mound on cervical develop from five lobes and rest all molars develop
third of lingual surface of anterior teeth. from four lobes. Naming of lobes of molars are done
on the names of their cusps.
.13. Write short note on line angle.  (June 2010, 2 Marks)
Ans. A line angle is formed by junction of two surfaces. Various Permanent Teeth Along with their Number of Lobes
• A line angle is named by combination of its two
surfaces which join each other. Name of the teeth Number of lobes
• Example is the junction of distal and buccal walls of Maxillary and mandibular central incisors, lateral 4 lobes
tooth is known as distobuccal line angle. incisors, canines
• Anterior tooth consists of six line angles and Maxillary first and second premolars and 4 lobes
posterior tooth consists of eight line angles. mandibular first premolar
Mandibular second premolar 5 lobes
Line angles of anterior teeth Line angles of posterior teeth
Maxillary and mandibular first molar 5 lobes
• Mesiolabial • Mesiobuccal
Maxillary and mandibular second and third 4 lobes
• Mesiopalatal or mesiolingual • Distobuccal molars
• Distolabial • Mesiolingual
• Distolingual or distopalatal • Distolingual
Q.16. Write short note on line angles and point angles of
• Labioincisal • Mesio-occlusal
anterior teeth.  (Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
• Linguoincisal • Disto-occlusal
• Bucco-occlusal Ans. Line Angle
• Linguo-occlusal A line angle is formed by the union of two surfaces.
• Anterior teeth consists of six line angles, i.e.
Q.14. Define cusp, fossa and cingulum with example.  1. Mesiolabial line angle
 (May 2014, 2 Marks) 2. Mesiopalatal/mesiolingual line angle
Ans. Cusp: Cusp is defined as an elevation of crown of tooth 3. Distolabial line angle
making up a divisional part of occlusal surface. Example, 4. Distopalatal/distolingual line angle
premolars consists of two cusps, i.e. buccal cusp and 5. Labioincisal line angle
lingual cusp. 6. Linguoincisal line angle.
554 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

triangular ridge of distobuccal cusp to distal cusp ridge

of mesiopalatal cusp.

Fig. 28:  Oblique ridge in maxillary first molar

Transverse Ridge
The ridge crosses occlusal surface of posterior teeth transversely
and forms when there is union of buccal and lingual triangular

Fig. 26:  Line angle of anterior teeth

Point Angle
A point angle is formed by union of three surfaces.
• Anterior teeth consist of four point angles, i.e.
1. Mesio-labio-incisal point angle
2. Mesio-palato-incisal/Mesio-linguo-incisal point
3. Disto-bucco-occlusal point angle Fig. 29:  Transverse ridge in mandibular first molar
4. Disto-palato-occlusal/Disto-linguo-occlusal Q.18. Define ridge and enumerate the type of ridges.
point angle.  (Sep 2015, 2 Marks)
Enumerate ridges. (Sep 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Ridge is defined as any linear elevation on the surface
of crown and is named according to its situation.
Enumeration of Type of Ridges
1. Labial ridge
2. Buccal ridge
3. Incisal ridge
4. Lingual ridge
5. Linguo-incisal ridge
6. Cervical ridge
7. Marginal ridge
8. Cusp ridge
9. Triangular ridge
10. Transverse ridge
11. Oblique ridge
Q.19. Write short note on transverse and oblique ridge.
 (July 2016, 3 Marks)
Fig. 27:  Point angle of anterior teeth Ans. Transverse ridge
♦♦ Transverse ridge is the union of two triangular ridges
Q.17. Define oblique ridge and transverse ridge. crossing the occlusal surface of posterior tooth in trans-
 (Dec 2014, 2 Marks) verse direction.
Ans. Oblique Ridge ♦♦ It is created when buccal and lingual triangular ridges join.
Oblique ridge is the ridge which crosses occlusal surface ♦♦ Example is transverse ridge between buccal and lingual
of maxillary molars obliquely. The ridge extends from cusps on premolar.
Dental Anatomy 555

Oblique Ridge on posterior teeth as well as mesial and distal margins of

incisors and canines lingually.
♦♦ An oblique ridge is a ridge obliquely crossing occlusal
♦♦ Oblique ridge: An oblique ridge is a ridge obliquely cross-
surface of maxillary molars and is formed by union of
ing occlusal surface of maxillary molars and is formed by
triangular ridge of distobuccal cusp and distal cusp ridge
union of triangular ridge of distobuccal cusp and distal
of mesiolingual cusp.
cusp ridge of mesiolingual cusp.
♦♦ Oblique ridge is present on primary maxillary second molar.
♦♦ Oblique ridge is prominent on permanent maxillary first
molar. It can also be present on maxillary second and 2. TOOTH NUMBERING SYSTEMS
third molars.
♦♦ Oblique ridge is reduced in height in center of occlusal Q.1. Write a short note on tooth numbering system.
surface.  (Sep 2005, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 10 Marks)
♦♦ Sometimes oblique ridge is crossed by a developmental
 (July 2016, 3 Marks) (Oct 2016, 3 Marks)
groove that partially joins two major fossa by meAns of
its shallow sulcate grooves.  (May 2017, 3 Marks)
For diagrams of transverse and oblique ridge refer to Ans 17 Or
of same chapter. Write a notes on notation of teeth. (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
 (Oct 2006, 5 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks)
Q.20. Define ridge and grooves with examples.
 (Aug 2016, 2 Marks) (May 2017, 2 Marks) Or
Ans. Ridge Write in short about tooth numbering systems.
A ridge is defined as any linear elevation on the surface of a  (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
crown and is named according to its situation. Or
Write very short answer on tooth numbering system.
 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
♦♦ Labial ridge on labial surface of maxillary canines. Ans. In clinical practice a short hand system of tooth notation
♦♦ Buccal ridge on buccal surface of first premolar. is necessary for recording data.
♦♦ Incisal ridge on incisal portion of newly erupted incisors.
♦♦ Lingual ridge on lingual surface of maxillary canines. Tooth Numbering Systems
♦♦ Cervical ridge on cervical third of buccal surface of crown
Universal System: ADA Recommended the Universal System
an all primary and permanent teeth.
♦♦ Transverse ridge between buccal and lingual cusps on ♦♦ Universal system of notation for primary dentition use
premolar. upper case letters.
♦♦ Triangular ridge of buccal cusp of mandibular permanent ♦♦ Universal system notation for primary dentition is as follows:
first premolar.
Right Left
Groove A, B, C, D, E F, G, H, I, J

Groove is defined as sharply defined narrow and linear T, S, R, Q, P 0, N, M, L, K

depressions formed during the development of tooth usually Midsagittal plane
separating lobes or major portion of a tooth. ♦♦ In the universal notation system for the permanent
Example dentition, maxillary teeth are numbered from 1 to 16,
beginning with the right third molar.
Central developmental groove running mesiodistally on ♦♦ Universal notation system for mandibular teeth are num-
occlusal surface of molar separate the buccal and lingual cusps. bered from 17 to 32, beginning with the left third molar.
Q.21. Define line angle and point angle. ♦♦ Universal system notation for permanent dentition is as
 (Jan 2018, 1 + 1 Marks) follows:
Ans. Right Left
♦♦ Line angle: A line angle is formed by union or junction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
of two surfaces.
♦♦ Point angle: A point angle is formed by junction or union 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
of three surfaces. Midsagittal plane
Q.22. Define marginal ridge and oblique ridge.
 (Jan 2018, 1 + 1 Marks) Zsigmondy/Palmer Notation
Ans. ♦♦ It is a four quadrant symbolic system.
♦♦ Marginal ridge: This is a linear round border of enamel ♦♦ Zsigmondy/Palmar notation system for primary dentition
which form mesial and distal margins of occlusal surfaces are as follows:
556 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Upper right Upper left Or

Write very short answer on FDI system of tooth
notation. (May 2018, 2 Marks)
E D C B A A B C D E Ans.
Lower right Lower left
FDI Tooth Numbering System
Midsagittal plane
♦♦ It is also known as FDI notation system or two digit system
♦♦ Zsigmondy palmar notation system for permanent denti- or ISO 3950 notation or International numbering system.
tion are as follows: ♦♦ FDI is denoted as Federation Dentaire Internationale.
♦♦ The tooth numbering system is formed by special com-
Upper right Upper left mittee on uniform dental recording. The committee had
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 passed a resolution at FDI General Assembly meeting in
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1970 at Bucharest, Romania.
♦♦ As per FDI, following criteria should meet FDI tooth
Lower right Lower left
notation system, i.e.
Midsagittal plane 1. It should be simple to teach and understand.
FDI System 2. It should be easy to pronounce.
3. It should be easily printable.
♦♦ Federation Dentair International proposed two digit system 4. It should be easily translated into computer output.
for both the primary and permanent dentition which has been 5. It should be easily adapted to standard charts which
adopted by the WHO and other organization such as IADR. are used in general practice.
♦♦ It is a two digit system, the first digit indicates the quadrant (1 ♦♦ In FDI system two digits are used, the first digit denotes
to 4) for permanent dentition and 5 to 8 for primary dentition. the quadrant and second digit denotes the tooth. That’s
♦♦ FDI system of tooth notation for primary teeth is as follows: why FDI name this as two digit system.

Right Left FDI Notation for Permanent Dentition

55 54 53 52 51 61 62 63 64 65 ♦♦ In this mouth is divided in four quadrants.
85 84 83 82 81 71 72 73 74 75 ♦♦ First digit represents the quadrant. Quadrants are 1 to 4
for permanent dentition.
Midsagittal plane
♦♦ Second digit represents the tooth in the particular quad-
♦♦ The FDI system of tooth notation for permanent teeth is rant. Each of the quadrant in permanent dentition has 8
as follows: teeth which are designated with numbers 1 to 8.
Right Left ♦♦ Two digits should be pronounced separately.
♦♦ FDI notation for permanent dentition is:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Right Left
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Midsagittal plane
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Dane or Hederup System Midsagittal plane
♦♦ For permanent dentition
FDI Notation for Deciduous Dentition
8+7+ 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 1+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+
♦♦ Four quadrants are designated as 5 to 8 in clockwise
8–7–6–5–4–3– 2–1– 1–2–3–4–5– 6–7–8
♦♦ For deciduous dentition ♦♦ First digit represents quadrant from 1 to 5
♦♦ Second digit represents tooth in particular quadrant from
05+04+03+02+ 01+ 01+ 02+03+04+05 1 to 5
05–04–03–02–01– 01–02–03–04– 05– ♦♦ FDI notation for primary dentition is as follows:

Q.2. Write about FDI and Palmer tooth numbering system. Right Left
 (Nov 2008, 5 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) 55 54 53 52 51 61 62 63 64 65
85 84 83 82 81 71 72 73 74 75
Define FDI system of tooth nomenclature.
Midsagittal plane
 (Dec 2014, 3 Marks)
Dental Anatomy 557

Advantages Upper right Upper left

♦♦ Followed internationally. E D C B A A B C D E
♦♦ Only notation which make cognitive, visual and computer E D C B A A B C D E
Lower right Lower left
♦♦ Used for verbal communication.
♦♦ Incorporated in computer languages. Midsagittal plane

Palmer Tooth Numbering System
♦♦ The notation produces a graphical image of dentition,
It is also known as Zsigmondy-Palmer system or Symbolic
due to this presentation the anomalies such as edentulous
system or Quadrant system or Grid system or Angular System. spaces, etc. are represented using Zsigmondy cross.
♦♦ It is the oldest and one of the popular most system in use ♦♦ It is user friendly.
during 20th century. ♦♦ Quadrants can easily be identified by symbols.
♦♦ Hungarian dentist Adolf Zsigmondy develops it in 1861 ♦♦ Orthodontists use this system as it allow discussion of
and later on he modified the system for denoting primary particular tooth, which need treatment.
dentition in 1874. Corydon Palmer in 1870 invented the
system independently. Disadvantages
♦♦ In this system, oral cavity is divided into 4 sections which ♦♦ It is not compatible with computers as well as word pro-
are known as quadrants. cessing systems.
♦♦ Palmer system uses a unique ‘L’ shaped symbol or grid ♦♦ Verbal communication is very difficult.
for mentioning in which quadrant a particular specific ♦♦ Chances of error are there while designating the tooth.
tooth is present.
Q.3. Write about universal and FDI numbering systems. 
♦♦ Vertical line of symbol corresponds to patient’s midline
 (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
and horizontal line corresponds to occlusal plane which
separates upper as well as lower arches.
♦♦ Counting begins at midline and continue backwards. Describe universal tooth numbering system.
♦♦ Symbols denoting quadrants in Zsigmondy-Palmer system  (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
in both deciduous and permanent teeth are as follows: Ans. Universal Tooth Numbering System
a. For maxillary right quadrant • Universal tooth numbering system was given by
b. For maxillary left quadrant Parreidt in year 1882.
c. For mandibular right quadrant • American Dental Association (ADA) officially
d. For mandibular left quadrant adapted it in year 1975.
• Universal tooth notation is widely used by dentists
Palmer Tooth Numbering System for Permanent Teeth in USA.
♦♦ Permanent teeth are represented by numerical 1 to 8 in all
Universal Numbering System for Permanent Teeth
four quadrants.
♦♦ Numbering starts from midline and go backwards. ♦♦ In permanent dentition numerical 1 to 32 denotes the teeth.
♦♦ Symbols represents the respective quadrants. ♦♦ Numbering of tooth starts from posterior most tooth in
♦♦ Following is the Zsigmondy-Palmer notation for upper right quadrant, i.e. right maxillary third molar
permanent dentition: which is denoted as #1 and ends at lower right quadrant,
i.e. right mandibular third molar which is denoted as #32.
Upper Right Upper Left ♦♦ Following is the universal tooth notation system for
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 permanent teeth.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Right Left
Lower Right Lower Left 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
MidSagittal plane 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
Midsagittal plane
Palmer Tooth Numbering System for Deciduous Teeth
♦♦ Deciduous teeth are represented by alphabets, i.e. upper Universal Numbering System for Deciduous Teeth
case English letters from A to E are used for representing ♦♦ Deciduous dentition is denoted by upper case english
primary teeth in all four quadrants. letters for each primary teeth.
♦♦ Numbering starts from midline and move backwards. ♦♦ Maxillary teeth are designated from letters A to J, A is right
♦♦ Following is the Zsigmondy palmer notation for maxillary second molar tooth while mandibular teeth are
permanent dentition: designated from K to T.
558 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Following is the universal tooth notation system for

Right Left
Q.1. Describe the importance of deciduous dentition in
A, B, C, D, E F, G, H, I, J humans. Describe chronology of permanent dentition.
T, S, R, Q, P O, N, M, L, K  (Mar 2006, 15 Marks) (Apr 2010, 15 Marks)
Midsagittal plane Ans. Importance of Deciduous Dentition in Humans
• Mastication of food: As primary occlusion gets
Advantages established, child is able to chew the food efficiently.
♦♦ The notation system is simple. For masticatory phenomenon neuromuscular co-
♦♦ Each tooth has different numerical or alphabetical denotion. ordination is required which is established during
♦♦ Verbal communication can easily be done. primary dentition stage by itself.
♦♦ It is compatible with computer. • Taking of proper diet: Deciduous teeth are the only
teeth present from six months to six years of age so
Disadvantages it is necessary to maintain them so that child can
♦♦ Difficult to memorize and needs practice. get comfortable functional occlusion. Child with the
♦♦ Graphical visualization is difficult. missing or decayed primary teeth feels difficulty in
For FDI notation refer to Ans 2 of same chapter. chewing the food and he/she may reject the food
which is difficult to chew.
Q.4. Write in detail about all tooth numbering systems. • Maintains normal facial appearance: A good
Define cusp, ridge, fossa and groove. maintained set of deciduous dentition contributes
 (Mar 2013, 8 Marks) to normal facial appearance as well as normal
Ans. For all tooth numbering systems refer to Ans 1 of same psychological and cognitive development of the
chapter. child. Prematurely lost or carious front teeth
Ridge: Ridge is defined as any linear elevation on the diminishes child’s self-confidence.
surface of tooth. • Provides clear speech: Anterior teeth are essential
Cusp: Cusp is defined as an elevation of crown of tooth for normal speech of some vowels such as ‘S’, ‘C’ etc.
making up a divisional part of occlusal surface. If teeth are lost they can lead to the defective speech
Fossa: Fossa is defined as a depression or a concavity on of the child.
lingual surface of anteriors and occlusal surface of posteriors. • Prevention of deciduous teeth from infection: It is
Groove: A groove is defined as a line separating the lobes important to treat dental caries and prevent primary
or primary part of crown or root. teeth from further periapical abscess formation
and possible complications because they can affect
Q.5. Enumerate the tooth numbering systems. underlying permanent tooth germs and may lead to
 (Sep 2018, 2 Marks) Turner’s hypoplasia, i.e. brown spots of crowns of
Ans. Following are the tooth numbering systems which are permanent teeth.
commonly used: • Maintenance of normal eruption of permanent
• Universal numbering system successors: As primary teeth are lost prematurely due
• Zsigmondy palmer system to caries or trauma the normal eruption schedule of
• FDI (Federation Dentaire Internationale) system permanent teeth gets which can lead to malocclusion.
Following are the other tooth notation systems: • Maintenance of space for normal eruption of permanent
• The Dane or Haderup system successor teeth: Primary teeth preserves the space for
• The reverse numeration system eruption of their permanent successor teeth. Adequate
• The Latin numeral system physiologic spacing in primary dentition leads to the
• The Metcalf system development of normal occlusal relations in permanent
• The Bosworth system dentition. If primary teeth lost prematurely, the adjacent
• The Crow system teeth migrate into the available space leading to a
• The US army system decrease in the arch length which causes a lack of space
• The US navy system in the arch for the erupting permanent successors and
• The Lowlands system results in the development of malocclusion.
• The Holland system
• The South African system Chronology of Permanent Dentition
• The French system ♦♦ Chronology consists of the following components, i.e.
• The Dutch system 1. First evidence of calcification of the tooth
• The Cincinnati system. 2. Crown completion of the tooth
Dental Anatomy 559

3. Eruption of the tooth to developing teeth during surgery of children,

4. Root completion of the tooth especially related to cleft palate.
–– Chronology is of great importance because more –– Kronfeld’s table of chronology is most widely
precise information was needed to avoid injury accepted.

For Permanent Maxillary Teeth

First evidence of calcification
Tooth (months/year) (years) Enamel completed (years) Eruption (years) Root completed
Central incisor 3–4 months 4–5 years 7–8 years 10 years
Lateral incisor 10–12 months 4–5 years 8–9 years 11 years
Canine 4–5 months 4–5 months 11–12 years 13–15 years

1 3
First premolar 1 − 1 years 5–6 years 10–11 years 12–13 years
2 4

Second premolar 2−2 years 6–7 years 10–12 years 12–14 years

First molar At birth 2 –3 years 6–7 years 9–10 years

Second molar 2 –3 years 7–8 years 12–13 years 14–16 years

Third molar 7–9 years 12–16 years 17–21 years 18–25 years

For Permanent Mandibular Teeth

First evidence of calcification
Tooth (months/year) (years) Enamel completed (years) Eruption (years) Root completed
Central incisor 3–4 months 4–5 years 6–7 years 9 years
Lateral incisor 3–4 months 4–5 years 7–8 years 10 years
Canine 4–5 months 4–5 months 9–10 years 12–14 years

First premolar 1 –2 years 5–6 years 10–12 years 12–13 years

1 1
Second premolar 2 −2 years 6–7 years 11–12 years 13–14 years
4 2

First molar At birth 2 –3 years 6–7 years 9–10 years

Second molar 2 –3 years 7–8 years 11–13 years 14–15 years

Third molar 8–10 years 12–16 years 17–21 years 18–25 years

Q.2. Write short note on sequence of eruption of permanent • Mandibular central incisors erupt at age of 6 to 7
teeth.  (June 2010, 5 Marks) years followed by lateral incisors.
Ans. Eruption of teeth occurs earlier in females. • Maxillary central incisor erupts at age of 7 to 8 year
• Mandibular teeth erupt earlier than maxillary teeth. and maxillary lateral incisors at age of 8 to 9 years.
• Eruption sequence in maxillary arch is 6-1-2-4-3-5- • Mandibular canine erupt at age of 9 to 10 years while
7-8 Or 6-1-2-4-5-3-7-8
maxillary canine erupts at age of 11-12 years.
• Eruption sequence in mandibular arch is 6-1-2-3-4-
5-7-8 Or 6-1-2-4-3-5-7-8 • Premolars erupt at age of 10 to 12 years.
• First permanent tooth to erupt is first molar at the • Second molars erupt at the age of 12 years.
age of 6 years. • Third molars erupt at the age of 17 to 21 years.
560 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.3. Write briefly on eruption sequence of deciduous and • Spaces that widen out from the area of contact
permanent teeth.  (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) labially or buccally and lingually are called labial
Ans. Eruption Sequence of Deciduous Teeth or buccal and lingual interproximal embrasures.
• Mandibular central incisor • Embrasures are continuous with the interproximal
• Maxillary central incisor spaces between the tooth.
• Maxillary lateral incisor
• Mandibular lateral incisor
• Maxillary and mandibular first molar
• Maxillary canine
• Mandibular canine
• Mandibular second molar
• Maxillary second molar.
According to Zsigmondy/Palmer notation of teeth,the Fig. 30:  Embrasure
order of eruption of primary teeth in one quadrant is
denoted as A B D C E. • Above the contact areas incisally and occlusally, the
spaces which are bounded by the marginal ridges
Eruption Sequence of Permanent Teeth as they join the cusps and incisal ridge are called as
the incisal or occlusal embrasures. Incisal or occlusal
♦♦ Maxillary and mandibular first molar.
embrasures, and the labial or buccal and lingual
♦♦ Mandibular central incisor
embrasures are continuous.
♦♦ Maxillary central incisor
• Fourth triangular space which is cervical to the
♦♦ Mandibular lateral incisor
contact area is filled with interdental or gingival
♦♦ Maxillary lateral incisor
papilla which is known as interproximal space or it
♦♦ Mandibular canine
is also referred to as gingival or cervical embrasure.
♦♦ Maxillary first premolar
♦♦ Mandibular first premolar Functions of Embrasures
♦♦ Maxillary second premolar
♦♦ They provide the spillway for escapement of food during
♦♦ Mandibular second premolar the mastication.
♦♦ Maxillary canine ♦♦ They reduce the forces on teeth during the reduction of
♦♦ Mandibular second molar hard food material.
♦♦ Maxillary second molar ♦♦ Prevents food from being entering in the contact area.
♦♦ Maxillary and mandibular third molar ♦♦ Provides self-cleansing action to teeth.
According to Zsigmondy/Palmer notation of teeth, the order of ♦♦ Protects gingiva from trauma.
eruption of permanent teeth in one quadrant is 6 1 2 4 5 3 7 8.
Applied Aspect
While giving the proximal restoration to teeth or if prosthesis is
4. FORM AND FUNCTION OF given over crown over or under contouring of proximal surface
OROFACIAL COMPLEX should strictly not be done because this results in food impaction.
Q.2. Write a note on interproximal space. 
Q.1. Write a short note on spillway space.  (Sep 2000, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
 (Feb 2005, 5 Marks) (Mar 2000, 5 Marks) Ans. Interproximal Space
 (Sep 2003, 5 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) • Interproximal space between the teeth are triangular-
Or shaped space.
Write a note on embrasures. (Apr 2007, 5 Marks) • Base of triangle is the proximal surface of the
 (Sep 2007, 5 Marks) (Apr 2008, 5 Marks) connecting teeth.
Or • Apex of the triangle is in the area of contact.
• Interproximal spaces are normally filled gingival
Write short note on embrasures. (Nov 2010, 3 Marks)
tissue (gingival papillae)
 (June 2010, 5 Marks) (Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
Answer in brief embrasures. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
Describe embrasures. (Apr 2017, 5 Marks)
Ans. Embrasures or Spillway Space
• When two teeth in the same arch are in contact, their
curvature adjacent to contact areas form V shaped
spaces called embrasures or spillway spaces Fig. 31:  Interproximal space
Dental Anatomy 561

• Proper contact and alignment of adjoining teeth

allow proper spacing between them for the normal
bulk of gingival tissue attached to the bone and teeth.
• Gingival tissue helps to maintain these tissues against
trauma during mastication and invasion by bacteria. Fig. 32:  Contact area
• This arrangement allows sufficient bone tissue between Q.4. Write short note on contact points. (June 2010, 5 Marks)
teeth and anchoring the teeth securely in the jaw. Ans. In the newly erupted teeth, contact is small in size and
• It also simplifies the problem of space for the blood is known as contact point.
and nerve supply to the surrounding alveolar • They are the crest of curvature on proximal surface
process and other investing tissue of teeth. of two adjacent teeth in same dental arch which come
• In case of gingival recession, interproximal space in contact with each other.
transforms into a cervical embrasure as interdental • Along with age due to constant rubbing of proximal
bone and interdental papilla do not fill up the space. surface, the point become broad and is known as
Q.3. Write a short note on interproximal contact between contact area.
teeth. (Mar 2006, 5 Marks) • Tooth consists of two contact points, i.e. mesial and
Ans. As tooth erupts and takes its position in the dental arch, it distal but in deciduous second molars only one
comes in contact with two adjacent teeth of the same arch contact point is present, i.e. mesial.
i.e. one mesial and one distal to it. Although the contact • Position of contact point varies in every tooth.
between newly erupted teeth may be very small and
circumscribed, soon the contact becomes broader due Functions
to proximal wear. So, the term contact area is preferred 1. It prevents impaction of food.
to contact point. 2. It helps in protection of interdental papilla
Each tooth in dental arches except the last molars has 3. Provide stabilization to tooth in alveolus.
two contact areas i.e. the mesial and the distal. The 3rd
molar or the 2nd molar when 3rd molar is absent, is in
contact only with the tooth mesial to it. 5. THE PRIMARY
Except for the maxillary and mandibular central incisors, (DECIDUOUS) DENTITION
the mesial contact area of one tooth faces the distal contact
area of the adjoining tooth located mesial to it. The Q.1. Write short note on occlusal surface of deciduous
maxillary and mandibular central incisors are the only maxillary second molar.  (Sep 2007, 2 Marks)
teeth that have their mesial surfaces facing each other. Ans. Following is the occlusal surface of deciduous maxillary
Adjacent teeth should have tight contact with each second molar tooth:
other. Proper contact relation between adjoining teeth
is important due to the following reasons: Occlusal Aspect
• Since adjacent teeth are in contact with each other, ♦♦ Geometric shape of crown is rhomboidal.
the whole dental arch functions as a single unit and ♦♦ Buccopalatal dimensions are more than the mesiodistal
masticatory forces are well-distributed dimensions.
• The combined anchorage of all teeth ensures occlusal ♦♦ Crown of the tooth shows lingual taper.
stability. ♦♦ Buccal outline of the crown is broad.
• Proper contact prevents food impaction, which can ♦♦ Mesial outline is broader as compared to distal outline
lead to decay and periodontal problems. because of distal convergence.
• Tight contact between adjacent teeth helps to protect ♦♦ Mesial and distal marginal ridges form mesial and distal
the interproximal gingival tissue by diverting/ outlines.
shunting food toward the buccal and lingual areas. ♦♦ Occlusal surface of tooth is irregular.
Clinical Significance of Contact Areas ♦♦ Mesiolingual line angle is obtuse and mesiolingual corner
is flat. This causes distal shift of mesiolingual cusp.
If the contact between adjacent teeth is lost due to some reason
i.e. proximal caries, loss of a tooth, malocclusion, etc., food Occlusal Surface within its Boundaries
is forced between the teeth and pathologic changes occur in
interdental gingival tissue which causes gingivitis. If this is
not corrected the inflammation may reach deeper periodontal ♦♦ It consists of five cusps, i.e. mesiolingual, distolingual,
structures with loss of interdental alveolar bone causing mesiobuccal, distobuccal and cusp of carabelli.
periodontitis. So it is very important to establish proper ♦♦ Mesiolingual cusp is largest followed by mesiobuccal,
proximal contact during crown prosthesis or during proximal distobuccal, distolingual and cusp of carabelli.
restoration of teeth or during treatment of malocclusion. ♦♦ Mesiolingual and distolingual cusps are functional cusps.
562 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 33:  Occlusal surface of deciduous maxillary second molar

Ridges Q.2. Describe characteristic morphological features of

♦♦ Triangular ridge is prominent and extends from cusp tip deciduous and permanent canine teeth in maxillary
to central fossa. arch.  (Jan 2012, 10 Marks)
♦♦ Transverse ridge extends between mesiobuccal and Ans. Morphological Features of Deciduous Maxillary
mesiolingual cusps. Canine
♦♦ Ridge is formed by union of triangular ridge of distobuccal
and distal cusp ridge of mesiolingual cusp. Labial Aspect
♦♦ Marginal ridge is well developed and form mesial boundary. ♦♦ Shape of crown is roughly angular from the labial aspect.
♦♦ Distal marginal ridge is less developed and form distal ♦♦ Mesial outline from the labial aspect is convex from cervical
boundary. line to mesial contact area.
♦♦ Mesial outline is shorter than distal outline.
♦♦ Distal outline from labial aspect is convex and extends
Three fossae are present, i.e. central fossa, mesial and distal from cervical line to distal contact area.
triangular fossa. ♦♦ Crest of curvature of cervical line is semicircular with
convexity facing root apex.
♦♦ Incisal outline shows a long sharp cusp.
♦♦ Central developmental groove: It runs at bottom of sulcus
and connects mesial triangular fossa with central fossa.
♦♦ Buccal developmental groove: It runs buccally from cen-
tral pit in central fossa and separates mesiobuccal as well
as distobuccal cusps.
♦♦ Distal developmental groove: It lies at bottom of distal fossa.
♦♦ Lingual developmental groove: It separates mesiolingual
and distolingual cusps.
♦♦ Three supplemental grooves are seen radiating from
mesial pit, i.e. mesiobuccal triangular groove, mesiolingual
triangular groove and mesial marginal developmental
groove. Two grooves radiate from distal pit, i.e. distobuccal
triangular groove and distal marginal developmental groove.
♦♦ Central pit: It is located in deep part of central fossa.
♦♦ Mesial pit: It is located in deep part of mesial triangular fossa.
♦♦ Distal pit: It is located in deep part of distal triangular fossa. Fig. 34:  Deciduous maxillary canine-labial aspect
Dental Anatomy 563

♦♦ The cusp is formed by two cuspal ridges, i.e. mesial cuspal Mesial Aspect
ridge and distal cuspal ridge which joins at an acute angle. ♦♦ Crown is wedge shaped when viewed from this aspect.
♦♦ Distal cuspal ridge is short and convex and have a steep- ♦♦ Labial outline from the lingual aspect is convex in cervical
inclination from cuspal tip. 1/3rd and flat in incisal and middle 1/3rd.
♦♦ Distal cuspal ridge is shorter than mesial cuspal ridge ♦♦ Lingual outline from mesial aspect is S shaped. It is convex
and is concave. Due to this variation the cusp of canine is at cingulum and concave at mesial marginal ridge and is
placed distally. convex at cuspal region.
♦♦ Labial surface has a ridge known as canine ridge which run ♦♦ Crest of curvature of cervical line is semicircular with
from cervical line to the cuspal tip and is placed distally. convexity facing cusp.
♦♦ A slender, long and single root is present which have a ♦♦ Mesial contact area is seen in middle one-third of crown.
blunt apex. A very slight distal inclination of root is seen
at apical one-third of root.
Lingual/Palatal Aspect
♦♦ Crown is diamond shaped when viewed from palatal
♦♦ Mesiodistal width of crown is less when compared to labial
aspect, this is due to the palatal convergence of distal and
mesial sides of crown.
♦♦ Mesial ouline from lingual aspect is convex from cervical
line to mesial contact area.
♦♦ Distal outline from lingual aspect is convex and is more
rounded than mesial aspect.
♦♦ Crest of curvature of cervical line is semicircular with
convexity facing root apex.
♦♦ On incisal aspect a sharp cusp is evident which is formed by
mesial and distal cuspal ridges which joins at an acute angle.
♦♦ Lingual surface of the crown is irregular. Fig. 36:  Deciduous maxillary canine-mesial aspect
♦♦ Lingual surface has palatal fossa and prominent ridges, Distal Aspect
i.e. mesial marginal ridge and distal marginal ridge. Distal
♦♦ Crown appears to be wedge shaped when viewed from
marginal ridge is longer than mesial marginal ridge.
distal aspect.
♦♦ Cingulum appears to be prominent.
♦♦ Crest of curvature of cervical line is semicircular with
♦♦ Palatal ridge is placed distally and it extend from cuspal
convexity towards incisal ridge.
tip to the cingulum. Palatal ridge divide palatal fossa into
♦♦ Distal surface is smooth.
mesial palatal fossa and distal palatal fossa.
♦♦ Distal contact area lies in middle 1/3rd of crown.
♦♦ Root is same as on labial aspect. ♦♦ Root when viewed from the distal side is wider labio-
♦♦ Lingual surface of root is smooth with ridge extending lingually in cervical and middle one-third and tapers at
from cervical line to apex. incisal one-third.

Fig. 35:  Deciduous maxillary canine-lingual aspect Fig. 37:  Deciduous maxillary canine-distal aspect
564 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Distal surface has a developmental depression in middle Describe various differences between permanent and
one-third and cervical one-third of root. deciduous dentition.  (Sep 2003, 15 Marks)
 (Sep 1999, 15 Marks)
Incisal Aspect
♦♦ Crown appears to be of diamond shaped.
♦♦ Labiolingual width of the mesial half of crown is more Give differences between deciduous and permanent
than distal half. teeth.  (Mar 2008, 7.5 Marks) (June 2010, 10 Marks)
 (Feb 2013, 10 Marks) (Aug 2011, 10 Marks)
Describe microscopic and macroscopic differences
between permanent and deciduous teeth. 
 (Sep 2009, 15 Marks)
Describe morphological and histological differences
between permanent and deciduous dentition. 
 (Nov 2010, 6 Marks)
Write short note on morphological differences between
deciduous and permanent dentition. 
Fig. 38:  Deciduous maxillary canine-incisal aspect  (Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
♦♦ Labial outline of crown from this aspect is smoothly con-
vex and broad mesiodistally. A prominent canine ridge is Describe the differences in deciduous and permanent
seen in centre. dentition in detail. (May 2017, 10 Marks)
♦♦ Lingual outline from incisal aspect is narrow as compared Or
to labial aspect.
Describe differences between deciduous and
♦♦ Cingulum is prominent and is extended mesiodistally.
permanent teeth. (July 2016, 10 Marks)
♦♦ Mesial and distal outlines from incisal aspect appears to
be broad.
  For morphological features of permanent maxillary Importance of Primary Dentition
canine refer to Ans 1 of chapter THE MAXILLARY AND ♦♦ Mastication of food: As primary occlusion gets estab-
MANDIBULAR CANINES. lished, child is able to chew the food efficiently. For
Q.3. Write very short answer on four differences between masticatory phenomenon neuromuscular co-ordination
is required which is established during primary dentition
deciduous and permanent canine.
stage by itself.
 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
♦♦ Taking of proper diet: Deciduous teeth are the only teeth
Ans. Following are the four differences between deciduous present from six months to six years of age so it is neces-
and permanent canine: sary to maintain them so that child can get comfortable
Deciduous canine Permanent canine functional occlusion. Child with the missing or decayed
primary teeth feels difficulty in chewing the food and he/
It is shorter in size It is larger in size
she may reject the food which is difficult to chew.
It is conical in shape It is less conical in shape ♦♦ Maintains normal facial appearance: A good maintained
Cusp tip is more pointed and sharp Cusp tips are less pointed set of deciduous dentition contributes to normal facial
It erupts at 19 months of age It erupts at 11 to 12 years of age appearance as well as normal psychological and cognitive
development of the child. Prematurely lost or carious front
teeth diminish child’s self-confidence.
♦♦ Provides clear speech: Anterior teeth are essential for
6. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PRIMARY normal speech of some vowels such as ‘S’, ‘C’ etc. If teeth
are lost they can lead to the defective speech of the child.
AND PERMANENT DENTITION ♦♦ Prevention of deciduous teeth from infection: It is
important to treat dental caries and prevent primary
Q.1. Give importance of deciduous dentition. Give teeth from further periapical abscess formation and
difference between permanent and deciduous dentition. possible complications because they can affect underlying
 (Feb 2002, 16 Marks) (Mar 2009, 15 Marks) permanent tooth germs and may lead to Turner’s
Or hypoplasia, i.e. brown spots of crowns of permanent teeth.
Dental Anatomy 565

♦♦ Maintenance of normal eruption of permanent successors: physiologic spacing in primary dentition leads to the
As primary teeth are lost prematurely due to caries or development of normal occlusal relations in permanent
trauma the normal eruption schedule of permanent teeth dentition. If primary teeth lost prematurely, the adjacent
gets which can lead to malocclusion. teeth migrate into the available space leading to a decrease
♦♦ Maintenance of space for normal eruption of permanent in the arch length which causes a lack of space in the arch
successor teeth: Primary teeth preserves the space for for the erupting permanent successors and results in the
eruption of their permanent successor teeth. Adequate development of malocclusion.

Morphological (macroscopic) and histological (microscopic) differences in deciduous and permanent dentition
Features Primary/deciduous dentition Permanent dentition
General features
Number 20 teeth 32 teeth
In each jaw 10 teeth and in each quadrant 5 teeth In each jaw 16 teeth and in each quadrant 8 teeth
Teeth present 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 molars in each quadrant 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, 3 molars in each quadrant
Dental formula I 2/2 C1/1 M2/2 I 2/2 C1/1 PM2/2 M3/3
Duration of eruption Start from 6 months to 3 years Start from 6 years to end up at 12 years except for third molars
and its completion
Duration of dentition From 6 months to 6 years 12 years and beyond
Eruption sequence A B D C E Maxillary teeth: 6 1 2 4 3 5 7 or 6 1 2 4 5 3 7
A B D CE Mandibular teeth: 6 1 2 3 4 5 7
Macroscopic features
Size Small in dimensions Larger in dimension

Color Light in color. Appear bluish white. Darker in color yellowish, white or grayish white
Placement in jaws Placed perpendicular in relation to jaws Placed oblique in relation to jaws
Shape More bulbous Less bulbous
Cervical constriction More Less

566 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Morphological (macroscopic) and histological (microscopic) differences in deciduous and permanent dentition

Features Primary/deciduous dentition Permanent dentition

Cervical ridge On buccal aspect of deciduous crown is more Cervical ridge on permanent crown is flatter

Surface In deciduous anterior teeth facial surface is flat above In permanent teeth facial and lingual surfaces are flat
the level of cervical ridge till incisal surface. In posterior
teeth lingual surface is flat above the level of cervical
ridge till occlusal surface.

Mamelons Deciduous incisors have no mamelons Newly erupted permanent incisors have mamelons

Cingulum In lingual surface it is more prominent and occupies It is less prominent

one third of crown length.

Dental Anatomy 567


Morphological (macroscopic) and histological (microscopic) differences in deciduous and permanent dentition

Features Primary/deciduous dentition Permanent dentition

Crown width Deciduous incisors are wider mesiodistally than Permanent incisors are long cervicoincisally
Canine Conical in shape. Cusp tip is more pointed and sharp Less conical in shape and cuspal tips are less pointed
Premolar Absent Two premolars are present in each quadrant
Number 2 molars are present in each quadrant. 3 molars are present in each quadrant
Size Crown of second molar is larger than crown of first molar Crown of first permanent molar is larger than second and third molars
Shape Deciduous molars are more bulbous and are of bell Permanent molars are less bulbous
Occlusal Table Narrow Broad

Occlusal plane Flat More curved contour and more intricate design
Grooves Supplemental grooves are more Supplemental grooves are less
Cusps Short, sharp and pointed Blunt

Contact areas Contact areas between primary molars are flat, Contact areas between permanent molars are broad and situated
narrow and situated gingivally occlusally

568 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Morphological (macroscopic) and histological (microscopic) differences in deciduous and permanent dentition

Features Primary/deciduous dentition Permanent dentition

Upper first molar Has 3 cusps Has 4 cusps and 1 accessory cusp
Upper second Has 4 cusps and 1 accessory cusp Has 4 cusps
Lower first molar Has 4 cusps Has 5 Cusps
Lower second molar Has 5 cusps Has 4 cusps
Crown root ratio Roots are longer when compared to size of crown Roots are not long as compared to size of crown.
Size Roots are long and more slender Roots are short and bulkier

Width Narrow mesiodistally Broad mesiodistally

Trunk It is much smaller It is larger

Labial inclination 10 degree of labial inclination is present. Labial inclination is absent

Dental Anatomy 569


Morphological (macroscopic) and histological (microscopic) differences in deciduous and permanent dentition

Features Primary/deciduous dentition Permanent dentition

Furcation Level of furcation of root lies near to cervix Level of furcation lies 3 to 4 mm below the cervix.

Flaring Roots flare out from cervical area to their tips. Marked flaring of roots is absent.
Resorption Undergo physiologic resorption Physiologic resorption is absent.
Pulp chamber Larger when compared to crown size. Smaller when compared to crown size
Pulpal outline Follows DEJ more closely Follows DEJ less closely
Pulp horn Pulpal horns are higher and closer to outer surface. Pulpal horns are lower and away from outer surface.
Root canals Root canals are ribbon like, follow thin tortuous and Root canals are well defined and less branching.
branching path.
Accessory canals Accessory canals in pulp chambers of primary molars Floor of pulp chambers do not have many accessory canals.
directly lead to inter-radicular furcation areas.
Apical foramen Wider Narrower
Microscopic/histologic features
Thickness Thickness of dentin is half that of permanent teeth. Thickness is more over pulpal roof
Dentinal tubules Less regular More regular
Inter-globular dentin Absent Present beneath the mantle layer of dentin
Blood supply Blood supply is abundant Blood supply is less
Nerve supply Less densely innervated, nerve fibers terminate near Densely innervated. Nerve fibers terminate among odontoblasts
odontoblastic zone as free nerve endings and even passes beyond predentin
Cementum Cementum is thin and is made up of only primary Cementum is thick and both primary and secondary cementum
cementum. are present.
Mineral content Enamel and dentin are less mineralized and less dense Enamel and dentin are more mineralized
Neonatal line Present in all primary teeth both in enamel and dentin Seen only in first molar.

Q.2. Describe importance of primary dentition.  Ans. Set trait: These traits are the features that differentiate teeth
 (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) (May 2014, 2 Marks) in primary dentition from the teeth in permanent dentition.
Ans. For importance of deciduous dentition refer to Ans 1 of Arch trait: These traits are those which differentiate
same chapter.
maxillary teeth from mandibular teeth.
Q.3. Define set traits and arch traits and describe differences
For differences between deciduous and permanent teeth
between deciduous and permanent teeth. 
refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
 (Nov 2010, 7.5 Marks)
570 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.4. Describe the differences between deciduous and permanent

dentition. Add a note on the importance of primary
dentition. List the sequence of eruption for primary and
permanent dentition. (Aug 2016, 10 Marks)
Ans. For differences between deciduous and permanent
dentition refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
For importance of deciduous dentition refer to Ans 1 of
same chapter.
For sequence of eruption of primary and permanent
dentition refer to Ans 3 of chapter CHRONOLOGY OF


Fig. 39:  Maxillary central incisor-labial aspect
Q.1. Describe the morphology of permanent maxillary central
incisor. (Mar 2007, 8 Marks) (Sept 2009, 15 Marks) Lingual Aspect
Or ♦♦ Geometric shape of lingual aspect is trapezoidal.
Discuss morphology of permanent maxillary central ♦♦ Lingual surface of crown and root is narrower as compared
incisor. (May 2018, 10 Marks) to the labial surface. This is because of lingual convergence,
Ans. Following is the morphology of permanent maxillary i.e. mesial and distal walls taper towards lingual aspect.
central incisor: ♦♦ Due to the presence of lingual convergence, labial line
Five aspects describe the morphology of permanent angles are seen from lingual aspect.
maxillary central incisor ♦♦ Mesial outline is similar to mesial outline of labial aspect
only difference is that a portion of incisal wall can be seen
Morphology of Crown from lingual aspect.
♦♦ Distal outline is similar to distal outline of labial aspect
Labial Aspect only difference is that a portion of distal wall can be seen
♦♦ Geometric shape of the central incisor from labial aspect from lingual aspect.
is trapezoidal. ♦♦ From lingual aspect the cervical outline curves apically.
♦♦ Labial surface of maxillary central incisor is convex ♦♦ Lingual surface of maxillary central incisor is irregular
and smooth both mesiodistally and cervicoincisally. with convexities and a concavity.
Convexity lies near cervical third region and becomes ♦♦ Convexity which is found immediately below the cervical
flattened towards the mesial and incisal third of the line is known as cingulum while the central concavity is
crown. known as lingual fossa.
♦♦ Newly erupted incisors show three elevations at incisal
portion known as mamelons.
♦♦ From labial aspect, the mesial outline is straight and meets
at incisal edge forming a sharp angle known as mesioincisal
♦♦ Crest of curvature of mesial outline or mesial contact area
lies at incisal third of the crown near mesioincisal angle.
♦♦ From labial aspect, the distal outline is more convex and
meets at incisal edge forming a rounded angle known as
distoincisal angle.
♦♦ Crest of curvature of the distal outline or distal contact
area is higher towards the cervical line, at the junction of
incisal and middle third of the crown.
♦♦ Incisal outline is straight mesiodistally and is formed by
the incisal ridge.
♦♦ From labial aspect cervical outline is a semicircular
curvature towards the root. Fig. 40:  Maxillary central incisor- lingual aspect
Dental Anatomy 571

♦♦ Cingulum is the convexity which encirlces the lingual ♦♦ From mesial aspect the incisal outline is formed by a
surface of anteriors at the cervical one third. Cingulum rounded incisal ridge in a newly erupting tooth while a
forms the bulk of cervical third of the lingual surface. flat incisal edge is seen in a functional tooth.
♦♦ Cingulum is convex and smooth both cervicoincisally and ♦♦ From mesial aspect, the cervical line over mesial surface of
central incisor curves incisally approximately 3 to 4 mm.
♦♦ Incisal ridge is the rounded incisal portion of a newly
♦♦ Marginal ridges extend from cingulum forming the mesial
erupted incisor, which merges with the mesioincisal and
and distal borders of lingual fossa. The marginal ridge distoincisal angles and the labial and lingual surfaces.
extending mesially is known as mesial marginal ridge ♦♦ Angle formed by linguoincisal surface and labial surface
while the marginal ridge extending distally is known as is known as incisal edge. It is not seen in newly erupted
distal marginal ridge. incisor tooth.
♦♦ Usually two developmental grooves extend from cingulum
into the lingual fossa; especially on canines and maxillary
♦♦ Lingual Fossa is a concavity in the center of lingual aspect
of all anterior teeth.
♦♦ Lingual fossa is bordered mesially by mesial marginal
ridge, distally by distal marginal ridge, cervically by
cingulum, and incisally by incisal ridge.
Mesial Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape from this aspect is wedge shaped or
♦♦ Base of the triangle lies at cervix while the apex of triangle
lies towards the incisal ridge.
♦♦ Mesial surface is convex labiolingually and cervicoincis-
ally. Less convexity is seen at the cervical area. Fig. 42:  Maxillary central incisor-distal aspect
♦♦ Mesial contact area lies at incisal one third, immediately
beside the incisal edge. Distal Aspect
♦♦ Geometric Shape from this aspect is wedge shaped or
♦♦ Distal surface is just similar to mesial surface except
that the crown appears thicker towards the incisal
♦♦ Distal contact area lies at the junction of incisal and middle
thirds of the crown.
♦♦ From distal aspect labial outline is convex from cervix to
the incisal ridge.
♦♦ From distal aspect lingual outline is concavo convex.
♦♦ From distal aspect the incisal outline is straight
♦♦ Curvature of cervical line is less, i.e. 1 mm shorter in extent
on distal surface as compared to mesial surface.
Incisal Aspect
♦♦ It is triangular in shape.
♦♦ Mesiodistal dimension of the crown is slightly greater than the
buccolingual dimension. Incisal ridge extending mesiodistally
Fig. 41:  Maxillary central incisor-mesial aspect provides an illusion of much greater mesiodistal dimension.
♦♦ Crown appears bulkier from incisal aspect.
♦♦ From mesial aspect the labial outline is convex. It curves ♦♦ From incisal aspect the labial surface is more convex
smoothly from cervical line towards the incisal ridge and cervically and flatter incisally.
the height of labial contour of crown is at the cervical third. ♦♦ Cingulum forms a smaller convex arc and the crown tapers
♦♦ From mesial aspect the lingual outline is irregular. A rapidly from the labial surface towards the cingulum.
convexity is formed by cingulum at the cervical portion ♦♦ Mesiolabial and distolabial line angles are prominent from
and a concavity is formed by lingual fossa towards at the incisal aspect.
incisal portion. Height of lingual contour of the crown lies ♦♦ Incisal edge is seen from this aspect which is sloping
at cervical third. lingually perpendicular to labiolingual bisecting line.
572 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Morphology of Root ♦♦ Root is narrow towards lingual aspect.

♦♦ Maxillary central incisor consists of single root. ♦♦ Apical root curvature is almost straight but at times labial
♦♦ Size of the root is 2 to 3 mm longer than the crown. curvature is seen.
♦♦ Root is cone shaped and evenly tapers towards the apex. ♦♦ Root apex is usually blunt.

Fig. 43:  Maxillary central incisor-incisal aspect

Q.2. Compare and contrast the morphology of permanent maxillary central incisor and lateral incisor. 
 (Mar 2000, 15 Marks)
Differentiate permanent maxillary central and maxillary lateral incisor.  (Jan 2018, 5 Marks)
Features Permanent maxillary central incisor Permanent maxillary lateral incisor
Labial Aspect

Mesiodistal width It is wider It is narrower

Cervicoincisal length Crown length is more Crown length is short
Mesial profile Mesial profile is straight Mesial profile is convex
Distal profile Distal profile is slightly convex Distal profile is more convex
Incisal ridge Incisal ridge is straight Incisal ridge is rounded and it slopes cervically towards
distal surface

Dental Anatomy 573


Features Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisor

Incisal angles
Mesioincisal angle It is sharp It is rounded
Distoincisal angle It is rounded It is more rounded
Proximal contacts
Mesial contact It lies at Incisal 1/3rd It lies at junction of incisal and middle 1/3rd
Distal contact It lies at junction of incisal and middle 1/3rd It lies at middle 1/3rd
Incisal angles
Mesioincisal angle It is sharp It is rounded
Distoincisal angle It is rounded It is more rounded
Labial Surface It is convex slightly. Its convexity is more.
Lingual aspect

Labial Surface It is convex slightly. Its convexity is more.

Cingulum It is prominent. It is more prominent compared to central incisor.
Marginal ridge It is well developed and is prominent. Prominence is more as compared to central incisor
Lingual fossa It is deep It is well circumscribed and is more deeper as compared
to central incisor
Grooves Grooves are less in lingual fossa. Palatogingival groove is seen which is deep.
Lingual pits They are less common They are more common.
Mesial aspect

Labial and lingual contours Curvature of contours is more. Curvature of contours is less.
Height of contour It lies at cervical 1/3rd It lies at cervical 1/3rd
574 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Features Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisor

Incisal ridge It lies in line with the vertical root axis. It lies in line with the vertical root axis.
Curvature of cervical line Mesially curvature is 3.5mm while distally it is 2.5 mm Mesially curvature is 2.5mm while distally it is 1.5 mm
Distal aspect
Cervical Line Curvature is less when compared to mesial aspect. Curvature is less when compared to mesial aspect.
Distal Contact area It lies at incisal 1/3rd. It lies at middle 1/3rd.
Incisal aspect

Geometric form From incisal aspect it is triangular. From incisal aspect it is ovoid/rounded.
Dimensions Crown is wider mesiodistally when compared with Dimensions of crown are same mesiodistally and
labiolingual dimensions. labiolingually.
Number Single root is present Single root is present
Size Root is thick in size Root is slender in size
Developmental groove It is absent. It can be present on mesial or distal surfaces of root.
Curvature It is straight. Curvature at labial and distal surfaces is at apical 1/3rd
is same.
Cross section of root at cervix It is triangular It is ovoid
Pulp horns From labial view 3 pulpal horns are seen. From labial view 2 pulpal horns are seen.
Pulp canals Single pulpal canal is present Single pulpal canal is present

Q.3. Write short note on type traits of mandibular inci- Ans. Here type traits of mandibular incisors means differen-
sors.  (July 2016, 3 Marks) tiating teeth within one class, i.e. differences between
mandibular central and mandibular lateral incisors.

Characteristics Mandibular permanent central incisor Mandibular permanent lateral incisor

Tooth nomenclature
Universal system Right is denoted as 25 and left is denoted as 26 Right is denoted as 26 and left is denoted as 23
Zsigmondy/ Right 1 ; Left 1 Right 2 ; Left 2
Palmer system
FDI system Right is denoted as 41 and Left is denoted as 31 Right is denoted as 41 and Left is denoted as 32
Eruption 6 to 7 years 7 to 8 years
Root completion 9 years 10 years
Dimension Smallest tooth present in permanent dentition Slightly larger than permanent mandibular central incisor in
all dimensions
Dental Anatomy 575

Characteristics Mandibular permanent central incisor Mandibular permanent lateral incisor
Labial aspect

Symmetry Bilaterally symmetrical Bilaterally asymmetrical

Mesial profile Straight Straight
Distal profile Straight Slightly curved
Proximal Both mesial and distal contact areas are at incisal third Level of both mesial and distal contact areas is at incisal
contacts third but they are located cervically as compared to
mandibular central incisor
Mesioincisal It is sharp and is right angled It is sharp and is right angled
Distoincisal It is sharp and is right angled It is slightly rounded
Incisal ridge It is straight It slope downwards distally
Lingual aspect

Marginal ridge It is ill-defined It is well-defined

Proximal surface

576 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Characteristics Mandibular permanent central incisor Mandibular permanent lateral incisor
Incisal aspect

Incisal ridge/edge It is at right angle to labiolingual bisecting line It is at angle to labiolingual bisecting line. This is twisted
labiolingually on root base for confirming mandibular arch
Cingulum Centered mesiodistally It is positioned distally
Size Short and small Long and large
Developmental Present on mesial and distal surfaces. Groove is deep on Present on mesial and distal surfaces.
grooves distal surface
Pulp canals One or two are also possible One

cervical line to the cusp tip. This is known as labial

MANDIBULAR CANINES ♦♦ Mesial as well as distal contact area lie at different levels.
♦♦ In a newly erupted tooth, two shallow developmental
Q.1. Describe morphology of maxillary canines.  grooves separating the three labial lobes can be seen.
 (Feb 2002, 15 Marks) (June 2010, 10 Marks) ♦♦ From labial aspect mesially the outline is convex extending
Or from cervical area to the area where it joins the mesial cusp
Describe labial, mesial, distal, lingual and incisal slope. Maximum convexity of the mesial outline, i.e. at
aspect of maxillary canine. (Sep 2018, 5 Marks) mesial contact area is at the junction of incisal and middle
Ans. Following is the morphology of permanent maxillary one-third of the crown.

Morphology of Crown

Labial Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of the crown from labial aspect is
trapezoidal or pentagonal form.
♦♦ From this aspect, the maxillary permanent canine resem-
bles as premolar tooth.
♦♦ As compared to the maxillary central incisor the crown
of canine is smaller mesiodistally by 1 mm and at cervix
it is much narrower.
♦♦ Labial surface is generally smooth and convex except for
the shallow depressions mesially and distally dividing
the three lobes.
♦♦ Middle labial lobe shows more development than other
lobes and forms a linear elevation which extends from Fig. 44:  Maxillary canine-labial aspect
Dental Anatomy 577

♦♦ From labial aspect distal outline is convex, but it gets ♦♦ The entire labial outline from mesial aspect exhibits more
concave between cervical line and distal contact area. convexity from cervical line to the cusp tip.
Maximum convexity of the distal outline, i.e. at distal ♦♦ Cusp tip of maxillary canine does not lie in center
contact area is at the middle of middle third of the with the root. Cusp tip is placed labial to the vertical
crown. root axis.
♦♦ From labial aspect, the incisal outline is made up by two ♦♦ Mesial contact area lies at the junction of incisal and middle
slopes which extends from mesial and distal contact areas one-third of the crown cervicoincisally and labiolingually
and meet the cuspal tip at midline. These slopes are known it lies at the center.
as mesial and distal cuspal ridges. ♦♦ From mesial aspect, the labial outline is more convex due
♦♦ Mesial cusp ridge is concave while the distal cusp ridge is to the presence of prominent labial ridge from cervical line
longer and is slightly rounded. to cusp tip. Height of contour labially lies at cervical third.
♦♦ From labial aspect the cervical line is convex and point
Height of contour is located on cingulum.
Lingual Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of maxillary canine from this aspect is
trapezoidal or pentagonal.
♦♦ On lingual aspect, the cervical line is more convex and is
pointed apically.

Fig. 46:  Maxillary canine-mesial aspect

♦♦ As viewed from the mesial aspect, lingual outline is ‘S’

Fig. 45:  Maxillary canine-lingual aspect shaped. The course it follows is first the convexity of cin-
gulum at cervical third of crown, concavity of lingual fossa
♦♦ Crown of maxillary permanent canine is narrower which lies at the center, it becomes convex again at incisal
labiolingually as compared to mesiodistally.
third. Height of contour lingually lies at cervical third.
♦♦ At lingual surface the cervical portion consists of a large,
Height of contour is located on cingulum.
smooth, well-developed cingulum. Cingulum of maxillary
♦♦ From mesial aspect the incisal outline forms a small arc
canine is pointed like a small cusp.
representing the cusp tip.
♦♦ Definite ridges are found on lingual surface of crown
♦♦ At mesial aspect the cervical line is convex and it points
below the cingulum and in between strongly developed
towards the cuspal tip.
marginal ridges.
♦♦ A well-developed lingual ridge is seen which is confluent Distal Aspect
with cusp tip.
♦♦ Shallow concavities are evident between this lingual ♦♦ Geometric shape of permanent maxillary canine from this
ridge and the marginal ridges, when these concavities are aspect is triangular or wedge shaped.
present, they are called as mesial and distal lingual fossa. ♦♦ On the distal aspect, cervical line has less curvature
♦♦ On cingulum the height of contour lies at cervical third. towards the cuspal ridge.
♦♦ Distal contact area lies at center of middle one third of
Mesial Aspect crown.
♦♦ Geometric shape of permanent maxillary canine from this ♦♦ Distal surface displays more concavity apical to distal
aspect is triangular or wedge-shaped. contact area.
♦♦ Mesial aspect generally shows greater bulk and labiolingual ♦♦ Distal marginal ridge is heavier and more irregular in
measurement than any other of anterior teeth. outline.
578 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 47:  Maxillary canine-distal aspect

Incisal Aspect ♦♦ Cusp tip lies labial to the center of the crown labiolingually
as well as mesial in the center mesiodistally.
♦♦ Geometric shape of permanent maxillary canine from this
♦♦ From incisal aspect labially the cervical portion is convex.
aspect is diamond shaped. ♦♦ From incisal aspect labial ridge appears to be prominent.
♦♦ From this aspect labiolingual dimension of crown appears Labial ridge is more convex at cervical third and gets
to be greater than the mesiodistal dimension. flattened at incisal third.
♦♦ Crown is asymmetrical with mesial half of crown smaller ♦♦ Lingual fossa, lingual ridge and marginal ridges which
than distal half. borders the lingual fossa are seen.

Fig. 48:  Maxillary canine-incisal aspect

Morphology of Root ♦♦ Mesial as well as distal surfaces are flat and have developmental
♦♦ Permanent maxillary canine consists of a single root. depressions which cover the major part of root.
♦♦ Root of maxillary permanent canine is longest of all teeth. ♦♦ Developmental depression over the distal surface is
♦♦ Shape of the root is conical. It is narrow mesiodistally and deeper as compared to developmental depression on
is wider labiolingually. mesial surface.
♦♦ Root of permanent maxillary canine has lingual convergence. ♦♦ At apical third of root distal curvature is present.
♦♦ Labial and lingual surfaces of root are smoothly convex. ♦♦ Root apex is usually blunt.
Dental Anatomy 579

Q.2. Compare and contrast permanent maxillary canine with permanent mandibular canine. (Apr 2010, 15 Marks)
Compare and contrast morphology of permanent maxillary and mandibular canine teeth. (Feb 2006, 15 Marks)


Features Permanent maxillary canine Permanent mandibular canine

Eruption Erupts at age of 11–12 years Erupts at age of 9–10 years
Root completion It occurs at age of 13–15 years It occurs at age of 12–14 years
Tooth nomenclature
Universal system Right side 6; left side 11 Right side 27; left side 22
Zsigmondy palmer system Right 3 ; Left 3 Right 3 ; Left 3
FDI system Right side 13; left side 23 Right side 43; left side 33
General features
Lobes Development is from 4 lobes. Development of middle Development is from 4 lobes. Development of middle
lobe is excellent over labial ridge. lobe is poor over labial ridge.
Size It is longest tooth of all the teeth and root is also It is second longest tooth of all the teeth and root is
longest. shorter by 1 mm.
Labial aspect

Mesiodistal width Mesiodistally crown is broad and short Mesiodistally crown is long and narrow
Labial surface More convex Convex
Cusp Well-developed, sharp Not so well developed
Cuspal ridges Mesial cuspal ridge is concave while distal is straight Both cuspal ridges are straight
Labial ridge Prominent Less prominent.
Outline of crown Mesial outline is convex Mesial outline is straight
Mesioincisal angle Less pronounced More pronounced
Tilt of crown It is upright over root base Crown is tilted distally over root base
Contact areas
Mesial contact At junction of incisal and middle 1/3rd It is just nearer to mesioincisal angle
Distal contact At center of middle 1/3rd At junction of incisal and middle 1/3rd

580 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Features Permanent maxillary canine Permanent mandibular canine

Lingual aspect

Lingual surface Irregular Smooth

Cingulum Well developed and is large Poorly developed and is smooth
Marginal ridges Well and strongly developed Less distinct and are thin
Lingual fossa It is more concave It is shallow and is smooth
Lingual ridge More prominent Less prominent
Mesial aspect

Crown bulk Labiolingually crown is bulky Labiolingually crown is less bulky

Labial outline More convex Less convex
Lingual outline Convexity is more near to cingulum concavity is more It shows lesser degree curvatures.
near lingual fossa.
Position of cuspal tip It lies labial to vertical root axis. It is lingually placed to vertical root axis
Incisal Edge Lingually sloped Labially sloped
Distal aspect
Cervical line Curvature is less Curvature is less
Crown bulk Labiolingually crown is bulky Labiolingually crown is less bulky
Labial outline More convex Less convex
Lingual outline Convexity is more near to cingulum concavity is more It shows lesser degree curvatures.
near lingual fossa.
Position of cuspal tip It lies labial to vertical root axis. It is lingually placed to vertical root axis
Incisal Edge Lingually sloped Labially sloped
Dental Anatomy 581


Features Permanent maxillary canine Permanent mandibular canine

Distal aspect
Cervical line Curvature is less Curvature is less
Crown bulk Labiolingually crown is bulky Labiolingually crown is less bulky
Labial outline More convex Less convex
Lingual outline Convexity is more near to cingulum concavity is more It shows lesser degree curvatures.
near lingual fossa.
Position of cuspal tip It lies labial to vertical root axis. It is lingually placed to vertical root axis
Incisal Edge Lingually sloped Labially sloped
Distal aspect
Cervical line Curvature is less Curvature is less
Incisal Aspect

Dimension Crown is more bulkier labiolingually Crown is less bulkier labiolingually

Symmetry of crown Asymmetrical Symmetrical
Cuspal Tip Labiolingually it is labial to centre of crown and It lies in center or is lingually placed.
mesiodistally it is mesial to center.
Cuspal Ridges More prominent Less prominent
Number Single root Single root but may be bifurcated.
Size Root is longest Root is 1–2 mm shorter when compared to maxillary
Apical curvature Apical 3rd shows distal curvature Apical 3rd sometimes shows mesial curvature
Developmental grooves Lies on both mesial and distal surfaces but is more Lies on both mesial and distal surfaces but is more
deeper over distal surface deeper over mesial surface

Q.3. Describe the morphology of permanent maxillary Or

canine and compare same with mandibular canine.  Describe the morphology of permanent mandi­bular
 (Feb/Mar 2004, 15 Marks) canine.  (Nov 2009, 10 Marks) (Aug 2011, 10 Marks)
Ans. For morphology of permanent maxillary canine refer to Ans. Following is the morphology of permanent mandibular
Ans 1 of same chapter.
For comparison of permanent maxillary canine with
permanent mandibular canine refer to Ans 2 of same Morphology of Crown
Labial Aspect
Q.4. Describe in detail with help of diagram morphology
of permanent mandibular canine.  ♦♦ Geometric shape of permanent mandibular canine from
 (Sep 2005, 15 Marks) (Mar 2009, 15 Marks) labial aspect is trapezoidal or pentagonal.
582 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Crown of mandibular canine appears longer as compared ♦♦ Cuspal tip is in line along with vertical root axis. Both the cusp
to maxillary canine. This is because the mesiodistal width ridges are straight. Mesial cusp ridge is shorter than distal.
of mandibular canine is narrow and contact areas are ♦♦ Cervical line, labially has semicircular curvature apically.
placed more incisally.
♦♦ Well defined mesioincisal and distoincisal angles are Lingual Aspect
present. ♦♦ Geometric shape is trapezoidal.
♦♦ Labial ridge extending from cervical area to the cusp tip ♦♦ Lingual surface is narrower as compared to labial surface
is less prominent. as the crown tapers lingually.
♦♦ Crown of permanent mandibular canine is tilted distally ♦♦ Lingual surface has less concavity and it is flattened.
over the base of root. This is due to the straight mesial ♦♦ Lingual fossa of permanent mandibular canine is shallow.
surface and curved distal surface. ♦♦ Lingual ridge is seen. Two small fossae are present, i.e.
♦♦ From labial aspect tooth appears like a lateral incisor if mesial and distal lingual fossae.
cusp tip is deteriorated. ♦♦ Lingual ridge is also less well-developed.
♦♦ Cingulum is poorly developed.
♦♦ Marginal ridges appear to be less prominent.

Fig. 49:  Mandibular canine-labial aspect

♦♦ From labial aspect, the mesial outline is straight. Mesial Fig. 50:  Mandibular canine-lingual aspect
outline is in line with the mesial outline of root, it joins the
Mesial Aspect
mesial cusp. Mesial contact area lies at incisal third near
to the mesioincisal angle. ♦♦ Geometric shape of mandibular permanent canine is
♦♦ From labial aspect, the distal outline is less convex. Distal triangular. Base of triangle lies at cervix while the apex
contact area is located more incisally. lies at cusp tip.

Fig. 51:  Mandibular canine-mesial aspect

Dental Anatomy 583

♦♦ Cusp tip lies in the center or lingual to the straight root axis. ♦♦ Cingulum is smaller when compared to maxillary canine.
♦♦ From mesial aspect, labial outline appears to be less convex ♦♦ Cuspal tip and cuspal ridges has lingual inclination while
near to the cervical line. cuspal ridges of maxillary canine extend straight for bisect-
♦♦ From mesial aspect, lingual outline has a less convex ing mesial and distal contact areas.
cingulum as well as less concave lingual fossa.
♦♦ From incisal aspect the cusp tip appears to be thin and Morphology of Root
pointed. Cuspal ridge appears to be thin labiolingually ♦♦ Single root is commonly present but at times root
♦♦ Cervical line has more curvature incisally when compared bifurcation is seen.
to maxillary canine. ♦♦ It is shorter in size by l to 2 mm.
♦♦ Root is conical in shape. It is wider labiolingually and
Distal Aspect
thinner mesiodistally.
♦♦ Geometric shape of the crown is triangular or wedge ♦♦ Developmental depression is present on both mesial and
shaped. distal surfaces. Impression of developmental depression
♦♦ Curvature of cervical line is less over distal aspect. is more deeper on mesial surface of the root.
♦♦ Distal aspect is very much similar to mesial aspect. ♦♦ Root tip of mandibular canine is more pointed.
♦♦ Distal contact area is more cervically located than mesial ♦♦ Root is mostly straight and at times it may show mesial
contact area and lies at junction of incisal and middle third. curvature at apical third.
Q.5. Write four differences between deciduous and per-
manent maxillary canines. Describe its labial, lingual,
mesial, distal and incisal aspect in detail with diagram.
 (Apr 2017, 2 + 6 + 2 Marks)
Ans. Four differences between deciduous and permanent
maxillary canine.

Deciduous maxillary canine Permanent maxillary canine

Crown of deciduous maxillary Crown of permanent maxillary
canine is wider mesiodistally in canine is long as their
comparison to their crown height cervicoincisal height is greater
than mesiodistal width
Deciduous maxillary canine is Permanent maxillary canine is
more conical in shape less conical in shape
Cusp tip of deciduous maxillary Cusp tip of permanent maxillary
Fig. 52:  Mandibular canine-distal aspect canine is more pointed and sharp canine is less pointed

Incisal Aspect Deciduous maxillary canine Deciduous maxillary canine is

is more constricted at cervical not so constricted at cervical
♦♦ Geometric shape of crown from incisal aspect is oval. portion of the crown portion of the crown
♦♦ Mesial outline of tooth is less curved as compared to
maxillary canine. For description of labial, lingual, mesial, distal and incisal
aspect of permanent maxillary canine with diagram refer to Ans
1 of same chapter.
Q.6. Describe labial, mesial, distal, lingual and incisal
aspect of permanent maxillary canine. Write about its
side identification. (Jan 2018, 8 + 2 marks)
Ans. For labial, mesial, distal, lingual and incisal aspect of
permanent maxillary canine along with diagrams refer
to Ans 1 of same chapter.

Side Identification of Permanent Maxillary Canine

♦♦ There is more faciolingual bulk present in mesial half.
♦♦ Distal cusp slope is longer than mesial cusp slope.
♦♦ Distal surface is more convex than mesial surface.
♦♦ Root apex often shows curvature.
♦♦ Developmental depression of root is deeper on distal
Fig. 53:  Mandibular canine-incisal aspect surface.
584 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Height of contour of distal outline, i.e. distal contact area

9. THE MAXILLARY AND is broader and is slightly occlusally placed as compared
MANDIBULAR PREMOLARS to mesial contact area.
♦♦ From this aspect the occlusal outline is formed by the
Q.1. Describe morphology of permanent maxillary first cuspal tip as well as cuspal slopes of buccal cusp.
premolar. (Feb/Mar 2004, 15 Marks) ♦♦ Mesial cuspal slope is straight or sometimes concave
 (Sep 2007, 8 Marks) (Nov 2009, 10 Marks) whereas distal cuspal slope is more rounded.
♦♦ Mesial cuspal slope is longer than the distal cuspal slope.
Or ♦♦ Curvature of cervical line is slightly towards the root apex.
Describe and draw morphology of maxillary first
premolar.  (Sep 2002, 15 Marks) (Sep 2009, 15 Marks) Lingual Aspect

Or ♦♦ Geometric shape of crown is trapezoidal.

♦♦ Because of convergence of proximal walls towards smaller
Discuss with the help of diagram the morphology of
lingual cusp the lingual surface is narrower than buccal
maxillary first premolar.  (Sep 2005, 15 Marks)
Or ♦♦ Lingual aspect is smooth as well as more convex.
Describe the morphology of maxillary first premolar. ♦♦ Sometimes lingual ridge can be seen on lingual cusp.
♦♦ From lingual aspect the mesial, distal and cervical outlines
(Aug 2012, 10 Marks)
are same as in description of buccal aspect.
Ans. Following is the morphology of permanent maxillary
♦♦ Lingual cusp tip is pointed with mesial and distal cuspal
first premolar:
slopes meeting at right angles.
Morphology of Crown ♦♦ From lingual aspect buccal cusp tip along with its cusp
slopes is visible.
Buccal Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of crown is trapezoidal from buccal aspect.
♦♦ Middle lobe is strongly developed in permanent maxillary
first premolar.
♦♦ Continuous ridge from cusp tip to cervix on buccal surface
is known as ‘buccal ridge’.
♦♦ Buccal surface is convex. It also consists of the developmental
depressions on either side and buccal ridge demarcates
three lobes.
♦♦ From buccal aspect the mesial outline is slightly concave
near to cervical line and it becomes convex as it connects
the mesial cuspal slope.
♦♦ Height of contour of mesial outline, i.e. mesial contact area
lies occlusal to center of crown cervico-occlusally.
♦♦ From buccal aspect the distal outline is straight and joins
the distal cuspal slope.
Fig. 55:  Maxillary first premolar-lingual aspect

Mesial Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of crown is trapezoidal.
♦♦ Mesial surface of crown display both cusps. The cuspal
tips are within the confines of root trunk.
♦♦ Lingual cusp is smaller than buccal cusp by l mm or more.
♦♦ There is presence of concavity in center of the mesial
surface which is cervical to the contact area and is known
as mesial developmental depression. Mesial developmental
depression extends apically and crosses the cervical line and
meets the developmental depression between the two roots.
♦♦ Deep developmental groove which crosses mesial marginal
ridge is known as mesial marginal developmental groove.
♦♦ Mesial marginal groove extends from occlusal surface,
crosses marginal ridge and end at the mesial surface after
Fig. 54:  Maxillary first premolar-buccal aspect running a short distance.
Dental Anatomy 585

Fig. 56:  Maxillary first premolar-mesial aspect

♦♦ Mesial contact area lies occlusal to the center of crown Occlusal Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of tooth from occlusal aspect is hexagonal.
♦♦ From mesial aspect the buccal outline is convex near
♦♦ The maxillary first premolar tooth is divided into six sides
cervical line and is straight as it reaches at buccal cusp tip.
as its geometric shape is hexagonal. The six sides are
♦♦ From mesial aspect the lingual outline is more convex from
Mesiobuccal, Mesial, Mesiolingual, Distolingual, Distal,
cervical line to tip of lingual cusp. Mesial contact area lies
at the center of middle third.
♦♦ Mesiobuccal aspect is slightly shorter as compared to
♦♦ Mesial marginal ridge forms the occlusal outline which is
distobuccal aspect.
slightly concave.
♦♦ Mesiolingual aspect is more shorter as compared to
♦♦ Triangular ridges of buccal and lingual cusp are also seen
distolingual aspect.
converging cervically toward the center of occlusal surface.
♦♦ From occlusal aspect the buccolingual dimensions are
♦♦ Crest of curvature of cervical line is slightly curved
occlusally. greater than mesiodistal dimensions.
♦♦ Two well developed cusps are present, i.e. buccal cusp
Distal Aspect and lingual cusp.
♦♦ Geometric shape is trapezoidal. ♦♦ Buccal cusp is located slightly distal to the midline while
♦♦ Distal surface is convex. the lingual cusp tip is placed mesial to midline.
♦♦ Distal marginal ridge is smooth and does not consist of ♦♦ Mesial contact area is less buccally placed as compared to
any grooves. distal contact area.
♦♦ Distal contact area lies at the same level as mesial contact ♦♦ Buccal outline from occlusal aspect is convex.
area. ♦♦ Lingual outline is convex too but dimensions are lesser
♦♦ Distal contact area is more broader and more buccally than buccal aspect.
placed buccolingually as compared to mesial contact area. ♦♦ Mesial as well as distal outlines are straight. Mesial outline
is bordered by mesial marginal ridge while distal outline
♦♦ Cervical line is straight.
is bordered by distal marginal ridge.
Occlusal Aspect within its Boundaries
Within the boundaries, occlusal aspect consists of:
Cusps and Cuspal Ridges
Permanent maxillary first premolar has two well developed
cusps, i.e. buccal cusp and lingual cusp.
Buccal Cusp
♦♦ It is longer and well formed.
♦♦ Mesiobuccal and distobuccal cuspal ridges are seen which
are well defined and form a relatively straight line.
♦♦ A well-defined buccal triangular ridge is present which
extends from tip of buccal cusp lingually to the central
developmental groove.
♦♦ Inclined planes at buccal cusp lie on either side of the
triangular ridge which slopes towards the central groove.
Fig. 57:  Maxillary first premolar-distal aspect
586 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 50:  Maxillary first premolar-occlusal aspect

Lingual Cusp 1. Mesial marginal ridge: Mesial marginal developmental

♦♦ It is smaller and shorter as compared to the buccal cusp. groove notches the mesial marginal ridge.
♦♦ Mesiolingual and distolingual cusp ridges are seen which 2. Distal marginal Ridge: It is smooth.
are more curved and form a semicircular outline which
merges with the marginal ridges. Fossae
♦♦ Lingual triangular ridge is less prominent and extends Permanent maxillary first premolar consists of two fossae, i.e.
from tip of lingual cusp to the central groove. 1. Mesial triangular fossa: It is a small triangular depression
♦♦ Inclined planes are present over either side of triangular near mesial marginal ridge.
2. Distal triangular fossa: It is a shallow triangular depression
Grooves near distal marginal ridge.
Permanent maxillary first premolar consists of four major
grooves, i.e. Morphology of Root
1. Central groove: It runs in a mesiodistal direction and ♦♦ Permanent maxillary first premolar has two roots, i.e.
divides occlusal surface evenly. Central groove lies at buccal and lingual roots.
bottom of central sulcus. ♦♦ Both the roots are of nearly same length.
2. Mesiobuccal and distobuccal grooves: Central groove ♦♦ Bifurcated root has a root trunk, i.e. undivided part of
is joined by two small grooves near mesial and distal the root
marginal ridge buccally which are known as mesiobuccal ♦♦ Mesiodistally root is narrower and convex while bucco-
and distobuccal developmental grooves. lingually it is broader and flattened.
3. Mesial marginal developmental groove: It extends from ♦♦ Bifurcation point is near to half of its length and is close
central groove mesially and crosses the mesial marginal
to cervical line over mesial aspect.
ridge to reach the mesial surface.
♦♦ From bifurcation point, both roots diverge outwards and
4. At times, few supplementary grooves are also seen.
later on its apical ends converges towards each other.
Pits ♦♦ Developmental depression and groove is prominent over
Permanent maxillary first premolar consists of two pits, i.e. mesial aspect of root.
1. Mesial pit: It is formed due to converging of central ♦♦ If single root form is present, it shows deep developmental
developmental groove, mesiobuccal developmental groove grooves and consist of two pulp canals.
and mesial marginal developmental groove. ♦♦ Apex of buccal root is sharp while apex of lingual root
2. Distal pit: It is formed due to converging of central develop- is blunt.
mental groove as well as distobuccal developmental groove. ♦♦ Both roots may have distal curvature at their apical ends.

Marginal Ridges Q.2. Compare and contrast the morphology of maxillary first
Permanent maxillary first premolar consists of two marginal premolar and second premolar.  (Oct 2008, 4 Marks)
ridges, i.e.: Ans.
Dental Anatomy 587

Features Maxillary first permanent premolar Maxillary second permanent premolar

Buccal aspect

Width of crown Narrow at cervix Thicker at cervix

Height of crown Crown is large and long Crown is small and short
Cuspal tip Has sharp angle between cuspal slopes, i.e. 105° and Cuspal angle is 125°. It is less pointed and is blunt.
is more pointed
Slopes of buccal cusp Mesial slope is longer as compared to distal slope Distal slope is longer as compared to buccal slope
Buccal Surface It is more convex It is less convex
Lingual aspect

Lingual cusp Short and narrow as compared to buccal cusp Lingual cusp is of same length and width as buccal cusp
Crown length Appear shorter from lingual aspect. Appear longer from lingual aspect
Lingual surface Less convex More convex
Lingual convergence Crown tapers more towards lingual aspect. Crown tapers less towards lingual aspect.
Mesial aspect

588 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Features Maxillary first permanent premolar Maxillary second permanent premolar

Cuspal height Lingual cusp is short by 1–2 mm Both the cusps are of same height.
Intercuspal width Less More
Cusp tip More sharp Less sharp
Height of contour bucally Lies at cervical third Lies at cervical third
Height of contour lingually Lies at middle third Lies at middle third
Developmental It is present at centre of mesial surface. Absent
Developmental grooves Mesial marginal developmental groove extend from No developmental groove crosses mesial marginal ridge
central groove of occlusal surface crosses mesial
marginal ridge to reach the mesial surface of crown
Contact areas It is narrow on mesial surface rather than on distal surface Both contact area are broader. Contact with posterior
teeth on both sides.
Distal aspect
Cervical line Less curved Less curved
Distal contact area Broader as compared to mesial Both contact areas are broader
Occlusal aspect

Shape Outline is hexagonal Outline is oval

Line angle Well defined buccal line angles Less pronounced buccal line angles
Occlusal table Smaller buccolingually Wider buccolingually
Cuspal tip location Lingual cusp tip is positioned from center to mesial Both cuspal tips are centered mesiodistally.
Mesiod ista l widt h of Wider distally than mesially Equally wide mesially and distally
Buccolingual width of Crown is wider buccally than lingually Crown is wider buccally and lingually
Marginal ridges Mesial marginal ridge is short Both marginal ridges are equally wide
Central developmental Long Short
Supplementary groove Few supplementary grooves are present. Multiple supplementary grooves are present.
Number Two roots, i.e. buccal and lingual One root
Size Roots are short Roots are long
Root form Long root trunk with bifurcation at middle third of root Conical root tapers evenly from cervix to apex
Developmental groove More deeper on mesial surface More deeper on distal surface
and depression
Variation Root is bifurcated but can be single or laminated Root form is less variable
Root canal Two canals One canal
Dental Anatomy 589

Q.3. Write a short note on occlusal aspect of maxillary first ♦♦ Mesial contact area lies occlusal to the center of the crown
premolar.  (Sept 2006, 5 Marks) and placed cervico-occlusally.
Or ♦♦ From buccal aspect the distal outline is concave nearby
cervix and it becomes convex as it connects with occlusal
Write a short note on occlusal surface of maxillary first outline.
premolar.  (Aug 2011, 5 Marks) ♦♦ Distal contact area is broad and lies cervico-occlusally.
Or ♦♦ From buccal aspect the occlusal outline is presented by
buccal cusp. Buccal cusp tip is sharp.
Write short note on morphology of occlusal surface of
♦♦ Both the cuspal ridges, i.e. mesiobuccal and distobuccal
maxillary first premolar.  (May 2017, 3 Marks)
cusp ridges are slightly concave.
Or ♦♦ Mesial cusp ridge is shorter than the distal cusp ridge.
Write about occlusal aspect of permanent maxillary ♦♦ Cervical line is curved apically.
first premolar. Draw well labelled diagram for it.
Lingual Aspect
 (Jan 2018, 3+2 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans l of the same chapter. ♦♦ Geometric shape is trapezoidal.
♦♦ From lingual aspect, there is presence of marked lingual
Q.4. Describe the permanent mandibular first premolar. convergence of crown which leads to narrow lingual
 (Apr 2007, 15 Marks) surface.
Or ♦♦ Lingual sloping of occlusal surface is present because of
Describe the morphology of mandibular first premolar shorter lingual cusp. Due to this inclined planes of buccal
cusp buccal, triangular ridge, marginal ridge and mesial
in detail.  (July 2016, 10 Marks)
and distal fossae are seen.
Ans. Following is the morphology of permanent mandibular
♦♦ Tip of lingual cusp is pointed. Lingual cusp is in line with
first premolar:
buccal triangular ridge.
Morphology of Crown ♦♦ A mesiolingual developmental groove is present which
extend from mesial developmental groove of occlusal
Buccal Aspect surface to the lingual surface mesially.
♦♦ Geometric shape of tooth from buccal aspect is trapezoidal. ♦♦ Mesial, distal and cervical outline are same as seen in
♦♦ Crown of permanent mandibular first premolar seems to buccal aspect.
be broader with narrow cervix. ♦♦ From lingual aspect, the occlusal outline is formed by the
♦♦ Buccal aspect of tooth is convex. cusp tip of lingual cusp as well as cusp ridges of lingual cusp.
♦♦ Well developed middle buccal lobe is present. It is ♦♦ Notching of occlusal outline is seen by a groove which
passes in between mesial marginal ridge and mesiolingual
presented as a long buccal cusp and prominent buccal
cusp ridge.

Fig. 60:  Mandibular 1st premolar-lingual aspect

Fig. 59:  Mandibular 1st premolar-buccal aspect Mesial Aspect

♦♦ Cusp tip of buccal cusp is pointed. Cusp tip is placed ♦♦ Geometric shape of crown is rhomboidal.
slightly mesial at center of the crown. ♦♦ Mesial surface is smooth and convex except a concavity
♦♦ From buccal aspect the mesial outline is convex. At cervical is present just above the cervical line which is known as
line the outline is slightly concave. mesiolingual developmental groove.
590 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Buccal cusp tip is in line with straight root axis while the ♦♦ Buccal and lingual outlines are same as that of mesial aspect.
lingual cusp tip is in line with lingual outline of root. ♦♦ Occlusally, distal marginal ridge lies perpendicular to
♦♦ Sloping of mesial marginal ridge is present in lingual long axis of tooth.
direction. ♦♦ Distal marginal ridge is at higher level as compared to
♦♦ Mesial contact area lies occlusally in center of crown, and mesial marginal ridge.
lies in line with buccal cusp tip. ♦♦ Cervical line is nearly straight.
♦♦ Buccal outline from mesial aspect is convex from cervical
area to buccal cusp tip. Occlusal Aspect
♦♦ Lingual outline from mesial aspect is convex. ♦♦ Geometric shape is of diamond shape or circular.
♦♦ Buccally the height of contour lies at cervical third while ♦♦ Buccal outline is convex and bordered by mesial and distal
lingually the height of contour lies at middle third of crown.
slopes of buccal cusp.
♦♦ Occlusal outline from mesial aspect is concave.
♦♦ Mesial marginal ridge shows sloping in lingual direction. ♦♦ Lingual outline is convex with mesial and distal marginal
♦♦ Cervical line shows a slight curvature in occlusal direction. ridges converging towards lingual cusp.
Occlusal Aspect within its Boundaries

Fig. 61:  Mandibular 1st premolar-mesial aspect Fig. 63:  Mandibular 1st premolar-occlusal aspect

Distal Aspect Cusp and Cusp Ridges

♦♦ Geometric shape is rhomboidal. ♦♦ Permanent mandibular first premolar has two cusps, i.e.
♦♦ Distal surface is smooth but a small concavity is present buccal and lingual cusps.
just above the cervix. ♦♦ Buccal cusp is larger than lingual cusp. Buccal cusp
♦♦ Distal contact area is at the same level as mesial contact converges sharply towards lingual surface.
area. Distal contact area is broader than mesial contact area. ♦♦ Mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusp ridges are prominent as
compared to mesiolingual and distolingual cusp ridges.
♦♦ Buccal triangular ridge is long and well developed
whereas the lingual triangular ridge is shorter than buccal
triangular ridge.
♦♦ Mandibular first premolar consists of two fossae, i.e. mesial
and distal fossa.
♦♦ Mesial fossa is small as well as straight. Shape of fossa is
linear and it extends buccolingually.
♦♦ Distal fossa is larger as compared to mesial fossa. Shape
of fossa is crescent.
Following are the grooves:
1. Mesial developmental groove is situated in the mesial
Fig. 62:  Mandibular 1st Premolar-Distal Aspect fossa. It is short and extends buccolingually.
Dental Anatomy 591

2. Distal developmental groove is situated in distal fossa. It ♦♦ From buccal aspect, distal outline is convex from cervical
is longer. area to contact area.
3. Mesiolingual developmental groove: It is a prominent
developmental groove. It extends between mesial mar-
ginal ridge and mesiolingual cusp ridge over the lingual
surface mesially.
Mesial and distal pits are present in mesial and distal fossa.

Marginal Ridges
♦♦ Mesial marginal ridge is short as compared to distal
marginal ridge. It is constricted and slopes sharply
lingually in cervical direction.
♦♦ Distal marginal ridge is prominent than mesial marginal

Morphology of Root
Fig. 64:  Mandibular 2nd premolar-buccal aspect
♦♦ Mandibular premolar has a single root.
♦♦ Root is conical in shape and it tapers evenly from cervical ♦♦ Distal contact area lies at middle third of crown.
area to apex. ♦♦ From buccal aspect crown is short and bulky.
♦♦ Root is wider buccolingually in dimensions as compared ♦♦ Buccal surface is convex and smooth too.
mesiodistally. ♦♦ Buccal ridge is prominent and extends from cervical line
♦♦ Buccal and lingual surfaces of root are convex. Mesial and to cusp of buccal tip.
distal surfaces are flat. ♦♦ Tip of buccal cusp is blunt.
♦♦ Towards lingual surface root tapers acutely. ♦♦ Cervical line has slight apical curvature.
♦♦ Developmental depression is present on both mesial and
distal roots. Developmental depression on the mesial Lingual Aspect
surface is deeper than on the distal surface. ♦♦ Geometric shape of tooth from lingual aspect is trapezoidal.
♦♦ Apex of root is pointed. ♦♦ From lingual aspect crown appears bulky.
♦♦ Distal curvature is seen over apical third of root. ♦♦ Little bit of proximal surfaces are visible from this aspect.
Q.5. Write about occlusal aspect of permanent mandibular ♦♦ Small portion of buccal cusp is visible from this aspect.
first premolar.  (Nov 2008, 4 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 4 of the same chapter.
Q.6. Describe in brief the morphological characteristics of
mandibular second premolar.  (Jan 2012, 10 Marks)
Describe the morphology of maxillary second premolar
in detail.  (Aug, 2011, 15 Marks)
Describe the morphology of mandibular second
premolar in detail with schematic presentation of its
occlusal anatomy. (Aug 2018, 10 Marks)
Ans. Following is the morphology of permanent mandibular
second premolar:

Morphology of Crown
Fig. 65:  Mandibular 2nd premolar-lingual aspect
Buccal Aspect
♦♦ From lingual aspect the occlusal outline is formed by
♦♦ Geometric shape of tooth from buccal aspect is trapezoidal. lingual cusp and cuspal ridges of lingual cusp.
♦♦ From buccal aspect, the mesial outline is convex from ♦♦ Mandibular premolar show variation as it presents two
cervical line to mesial contact area. types of cusp patterns i.e three cusp pattern and two cusp
♦♦ Mesial contact area lies at middle third of crown. pattern.
592 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Three cusp pattern has mesiolingual and distolingual Distal Aspect

cusp including buccal cusp. Mesiolingual cusp is broader ♦♦ Geometric shape from this aspect is rhomboidal.
than distolingual cusp. Two lingual cusps are divided by ♦♦ Distal surface is smooth and convex.
lingual groove. ♦♦ From distal aspect, the mesial marginal ridge lies at higher
♦♦ Two cusp pattern has one lingual cusp which is more level as compared to distal marginal ridge.
prominent than mandibular first premolar. ♦♦ Distal contact area lies at the junction of middle and
occlusal third.
Mesial Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of crown is rhomboidal. Occlusal Aspect
♦♦ From mesial aspect the buccal outline is convex and the Occlusal aspect has variation in permanent mandibular second
crest of curvature is present at the middle third. premolar. Tooth has two cusp pattern, i.e.
♦♦ From mesial aspect the buccal outline is less convex.
Three Cusp Pattern or Y Groove Pattern
♦♦ At mesial surface slight inclination is present over the
Geometric shape of crown is of square shaped.
base of root.
♦♦ Buccal cusp is blunt and lies buccally to vertical root axis. Cusp and Cuspal Ridges
♦♦ Mesial surface is smooth and convex.
♦♦ Buccal cusp is the largest among the three cusps, then
♦♦ Mesial contact area lies at the junction of middle and
mesiolingual cusp and distolingual cusp.
occlusal third.
♦♦ Well developed lingual lobes are present.
♦♦ From mesial aspect the occlusal outline is concave.
♦♦ Each cusp shows well developed mesial and distal cusp
ridges. A triangular ridge is also seen which is sloping from
tip of cusp to the center of occlusal surface.

Fig. 66:  Mandibular 2nd premolar-mesial aspect

Fig. 68:  Mandibular 2nd premolar-occlusal aspect (Y-pattern)

♦♦ Three developmental grooves are present which converges
at central pit and form a ’Y’ shaped pattern.
♦♦ Few supplementary grooves are present.
♦♦ Mesial developmental groove is long. It extends from
central pit mesiobuccally to the mesial triangular fossa.
♦♦ Distal developmental groove is a short. It extends from
central pit to the distal triangular fossa.
♦♦ Lingual developmental groove is centered over root. It
extends in a lingual direction between two lingual cusps
and ends on the lingual surface of the crown.
♦♦ Mesial pit is present in mesial triangular fossa.
♦♦ Distal pit is present in distal triangular fossa.
Fig. 67:  Mandibular 2nd premolar-distal aspect ♦♦ Central pit is present in centre of occlusal surface.
Dental Anatomy 593

Marginal Ridges ♦♦ Central developmental groove runs mesiodistally at

occlusal surface and ends mesially in mesial fossa and
Mesial and distal marginal ridges are present which are strongly
developed. distally in distal fossa.
♦♦ Mesiolingual and distolingual groove start from mesial
Fossae and distal pit and run in lingual direction. This is seen in
H type of pattern.
Mesial and distal triangular fossae are present.
Two Cusp Pattern Or U/H Groove Pattern: Pits
Geometric shape of crown is circular. ♦♦ Central pit is absent.
Cusp and Cusp Ridges ♦♦ Mesial pit is present in mesial triangular fossa
♦♦ Distal pit is present in distal triangular fossa
♦♦ Buccal and lingual cusps are present.
♦♦ Both cusps are well developed but buccal cusp is slightly Marginal Ridges
larger than lingual cusp.
♦♦ Both cusps have well developed mesial and distal cusp Mesial and distal marginal ridges are present which are strongly
ridges. developed.
♦♦ Triangular ridges are also present which converge occlusally.
Both the fossae near marginal ridges are not triangular as in
three cusp pattern but are irregular in shape. The fossae are
known as mesial occlusal fossa and distal occlusal fossa.

Morphology of Root
♦♦ Broad and strong root is present which is longer than
mandibular first premolar tooth.
♦♦ Root is conical in shape and is single.
♦♦ Root is wider mesiodistally when compared buccolin-
♦♦ Buccal and lingual surface of root are convex while mesial
and distal surfaces are flat.
♦♦ Root apex is blunt.
Fig. 69:  U pattern ♦♦ Root can be straight or it can show distal curvature too.
Q.7. Write in brief occlusal aspect of permanent mandibular
second premolar.  (Apr 2008, 7.5 Marks)
♦♦ Central developmental groove is present which give rise to Ans. Refer to Ans 6 of same chapter.
two patterns, i.e. when U pattern is present central groove
is crescent shaped and when H pattern is present central Q.8. Describe the morphology of permanent maxillary first
groove is straight connecting mesial and distal fossa. premolar. Write arch traits of maxillary first premolar.
 (Feb 2013, 10 Marks)
Ans. For morphology of maxillary permanent first premolar
refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
For arch traits of maxillary first premolar refer to the
table given in Ans 9 of same chapter.
Q.9. Describe the morphology of permanent mandibular
first premolar. Write arch traits of mandibular first
premolar.  (Feb 2013, 10 Marks)
Ans. For mandibular permanent first premolar refer to Ans 4
of same chapter.
For arch traits of mandibular first premolar refer to the

Fig. 70:  H pattern

594 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Arch Traits of Mandibular Permanent First Premolar

Features Maxillary first permanent premolar Mandibular first permanent premolar

Tooth nomenclature
Universal system Right 4,5; left 12, 13 Right 28, 29; Left 20, 21
Zsigmondy/palmer system Right Left
FDI system Right 14,15; left 24, 25 Right 44, 45; left 34, 35
General features
Eruption Erupt before permanent maxillary canine Erupt after permanent mandibular canine
Lobes 4 lobes 4 lobes
Cusps Two cusps Two cusps
Roots Two roots One root
Size of cusp Both cusps are equal in size Lingual cusp is shorter and is non-functional
Buccal aspect
Buccal cusp tip Mesial and distal cuspal ridges at cusp tip meet Mesial and distal cuspal ridges at cusp tip meet at more
at sharp angle obtuse angle
Buccal ridge More prominent Less prominent
Buccal cusp slope Mesial cuspal slope is longer Distal cuspal slope is longer
Lingual aspect
Lingual convergence Marked lingual convergence is present Lingual convergence is slightly present
Mesial and distal aspect
Geometric form It is trapezoidal It is rhomboidal
Inclination of crown Crown is nearly upright on root base Crown show marked lingual inclination on root base
Cusp height Both cusps are of equal height Lingual cusp is small and short
Spacing of cusp tip Buccal and lingual cusps have wide spacing Buccal and lingual cusp are nearer

Q.10. Define and enumerate different type of traits. Describe central incisor is wider while the width of maxillary permanent
morphology of maxillary first premolar, including its lateral incisor is narrow.
endodontic anatomy.  (Feb 2014, 8 Marks) For morphology of maxillary first premolar refer to Ans 1 of
Ans. Following are the different types of traits: same chapter.
1. Set trait. For endodontic anatomy of maxillary first premolar refer to
2. Arch trait. Ans 2 of chapter PULP MORPHOLOGY.
3. Class trait. Q.11. Write short note on arch traits of mandibular premolars.
4. Type trait.  (Dec 2014, 3 Marks)
Set trait: These traits are the features that differentiate teeth in Ans. Refer to Ans 9 of same chapter.
primary dentition from the teeth in permanent dentition, e.g.
Q.12. Define traits. Describe the different types of traits. Give
primary teeth are white in color while permanent teeth are
a detail account of right mandibular second premolar
yellowish white in colour.
occlusal anatomy. (Oct 2016, 10 Marks)
Arch trait: These traits are those which differentiate maxillary Ans. A trait is a distinguishing characteristic, quality or attribute.
teeth from mandibular teeth, e.g. maxillary first molar consists
of cusp of Carabelli while it is absent in mandibular first molar. Different Types of Trait
Class trait: These traits are those which differentiate four Following are the different types of trait:
categories of teeth, i.e. incisors, canine, molars and premolars, 1. Set traits
e.g. incisors are used for cutting, canines for piercing, premolars 2. Arch traits
for grinding and molars for crushing. 3. Class traits
Type trait: These traits differentiate teeth within one class, 4. Type traits.
i.e. differentiation of incisors but between maxillary central or ♦♦ Set trait: These traits are the features that differentiate teeth
lateral incisors, e.g. mesiodistal width of maxillary permanent in primary dentition from the teeth in permanent dentition.
Dental Anatomy 595

e.g. primary teeth are white in color while permanent teeth Describe the morphology of buccal, lingual, mesial,
are yellowish white in color. distal and occlusal aspect of permanent maxillary first
♦♦ Arch trait: These traits are those which differentiate max- molor. (Jan 2018, 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 Marks)
illary teeth from mandibular teeth, e.g. is maxillary first Ans. Introduction
molar consists of cusp of Carabelli while it is absent in • Maxillary first molar is normally the largest tooth
mandibular first molar. in maxillary area.
♦♦ Class trait: These traits are those which differentiate four • It has four well developed functional cups and one
categories of teeth, i.e. incisors, canine, molars and premo- supplemental cusp called as cusp of carabelli.
lars, e.g. incisors are used for cutting, canines for piercing, • C rown of the tooth is wider buccolingually than
premolars for grinding and molars for crushing. mesiodistally.
♦♦ Type trait: These traits differentiate teeth within one class, Following is the morphology of permanent maxillary
i.e. differentiation of incisors but between maxillary cen- first molar:
tral or lateral incisors, e.g. mesiodistal width of maxillary
permanent central incisor is wider while the width of Morphology of Crown
maxillary permanent lateral incisor is narrow. Buccal Aspect
For detail account of right mandibular second premolar
♦♦ Geometric shape of maxillary first molar is trapezoidal.
occlusal anatomy refer to Ans 6 of same chapter. For
♦♦ From buccal aspect, mesial outline is mostly straight except
diagram of occlusal anatomy of right mandibular second that it become slight convex when it is connecting with
premolar refer to figure 68 of Ans 6 of same chapter. occlusal outline.
Q.13. Write differences between maxillary first premolar and ♦♦ Mesial contact area lies at the junction of occlusal and
mandibular first premolar tooth. (Feb 2016, 3 Marks) middle third of crown.
♦♦ From buccal aspect, distal outline is convex from occlusal
Or surface to cervix.
Write the differences between maxillary and ♦♦ Distal contact area lies in middle third.
mandibular permanent first premolar. ♦♦ From buccal aspect, occlusal outline is bounded by
 (Sep 2018, 5 Marks) mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusps as well as their slopes.
Ans. For differences between maxillary first premolar and
mandibular first premolar tooth refer to Ans 9 of same



Q.1. Describe morphology of permanent maxillary first

molar. (Sep 2003, 15 Marks) (Feb 1999, 15 Marks)
 (Mar 1998, 15 Marks) (Sep 2000, 15 Marks)
 (Oct 2006, 15 Marks) (Dec 2010, 10 Marks)
 (May/June 2009, 15 Marks)
Describe with diagram the morphology of permanent
right first molar. (Oct 2007, 15 Marks)
 (Apr 2008, 15 Marks) Fig. 71:  Maxillary 1st molar-buccal aspect
 (Apr 2010, 15 Marks)
♦♦ Slopes of mesiobuccal cusp meet at an obtuse angle while
Or slopes of distobuccal cusp meets at right angle.
Describe in detail with appropriate diagrams morphol- ♦♦ Cervical line is irregular and it shows slight apical
ogy of maxillary permanent first molar. curvature.
 (Apr 2015, 8 Marks) ♦♦ Buccal surface is convex in cervical and occlusal third
Or region and is slight concave in middle third.
♦♦ Mesiobuccal cusp is wider while the distobuccal cusp is
Discuss morphology of permanent maxillary first pointed.
molar. (Sept 2017, 10 Marks) ♦♦ Buccal groove separates the buccal cusp and extends from
Or cervix to the buccal pit.
596 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Lingual Aspect ♦♦ Height of contour at buccal outline lies at cervical third.

♦♦ Geometric shape of crown is trapezoidal. ♦♦ From mesial aspect the lingual outline is convex.
♦♦ From lingual aspect mesial outline of crown is straight ♦♦ Height of contour at lingual outline lies at middle third.
while the distal outline is semicircular. ♦♦ Cusp of Carabelli makes outline more prominent.
♦♦ From lingual aspect two cusps are visible, i.e. mesiolingual ♦♦ Occlusal outline shows mesial aspect of mesiobuccal and
and distolingual cusp. mesiolingual cusp along with cusp of carabelli.
♦♦ Mesiolingual cusp is larger while distolingual cusp is ♦♦ Mesial contact area lies at junction of occlusal and middle
small and rounded. third of crown.
♦♦ Lingual developmental groove separates two lingual cusps ♦♦ From mesial aspect mesiobuccal, mesiolingual and fifth
and extend from occlusal aspect to lingual surface. cusps are visible.
♦♦ Tip of mesiolingual cusp is in line with long axis of lingual root.
♦♦ On mesial surface,s a shallow concavity is present cervical
to contact area and extends to cervical part of root trunk.
♦♦ Crest of curvature of cervical line is approximately 1 mm
towards the occlusal surface.
Distal Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of crown is trapezoidal.
♦♦ From distal aspect some part of buccal portion can be seen
because of slanting of crown distally.
♦♦ From distal aspect, lingual outline is smooth and convex.
♦♦ Distal marginal ridge is shorter than mesial marginal ridge.
♦♦ From distal aspect, distobuccal and distolingual cusps
are seen.
♦♦ Distal surface is smooth and convex but at cervical line a
concave area is present.
♦♦ Distal contact area lies at middle third of crown.
Fig. 72:  Maxillary 1st molar-lingual aspect ♦♦ Cervical outline is mostly straight.
♦♦ Cusp of Carabelli or the fifth cusp is present over
mesiolingual cusp.
♦♦ Fifth cusp is separated from mesiolingual cusp by groove.
♦♦ Cervical outline is almost straight.

Mesial Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of crown is trapezoidal.
♦♦ From mesial aspect the buccal outline is convex from cusp
tip to the cervix.

Fig. 74:  Maxillary 1st molar-distal aspect

Occlusal Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of tooth is rhomboidal.
♦♦ Buccolingual dimensions of crown are larger as compared
to mesiolingual dimensions.
♦♦ Taper of crown is more towards distal side.
♦♦ From occlusal aspect, buccal outline is convex.
♦♦ Lingual outline is more convex and rounded.
♦♦ Mesial outline is straight and longer.
Fig. 73:  Maxillary 1st molar-mesial aspect
♦♦ Distal outline is slightly convex.
Dental Anatomy 597

Fig. 75:  Right maxillary 1st molar-occlusal aspect

Occlusal Surface within the Boundaries Pits

Cusp and Cusp Ridges Following pits are seen:
♦♦ Central pit: In central fossa, a pin point depression is
♦♦ Tooth has four major cusps and a fifth cusp which is known
present which is known as central pit. Central pit give
as cusp of carabelli. rise to three developmental grooves, i.e. buccal, central
♦♦ Mesiolingual cusp is the largest cusp, mesiobuccal is and transverse groove.
second largest, distobuccal is third largest and distolingual ♦♦ Mesial pit: It lies at apices of mesial triangular fossa.
cusp is the smallest cusp. ♦♦ Distal pit: It lies at the apex of distal triangular fossa.
♦♦ All the cusps has mesial and distal cuspal ridges.
♦♦ A triangular ridge is also present which slope towards Fossa
center of occlusal surface. ♦♦ Central fossa: It is the major fossa. It is bounded by
♦♦ A ridge is also present which obliquely crosses the occlusal transverse, oblique and buccal cuspal ridges. It consists
surface and is known as oblique ridge. Formation of of central pit at center.
oblique ridge occurs by joining of triangular ridge of ♦♦ Distal fossa: It is also the major fossa. It is a depression
distobuccal cusp and distal ridge of mesiolingual cusp. which lies distal to oblique ridge.
♦♦ Mesial triangular fossa: It is the minor fossa. Base of mesial
Grooves triangular fossa is formed by mesial marginal ridge and
♦♦ Both supplemental and developmental grooves are present apex by mesial pit.
on occlusal surface of permanent maxillary first molar. ♦♦ Distal triangular fossa: It is also the minor fossa. Its base
is formed by distal marginal ridge and apex by distal pit.
♦♦ Buccal developmental groove starts from central pit in
central fossa and is continuous in between the two buccal Marginal Ridges
Mesial and distal marginal ridges are present which are well
♦♦ Central developmental groove run mesially from central
developed. Mesial marginal ridge is long and is at higher level
fossa to transverse ridge and end at mesial triangular fossa
than distal marginal ridge.
and here it is joined by supplemental grooves.
♦♦ Transverse groove: It extends from central groove and run Morphology of Root
distally crossing the oblique ridge to distal triangular fossa. ♦♦ Maxillary first molar consists of three roots, i.e. mesiobuccal,
♦♦ Distal oblique groove: It extends from distal triangular distobuccal and palatal root.
fossa lingually in between distolingual and mesiolingual ♦♦ Out of these three roots palatal root is largest, than is
cusp for continuation as the lingual groove. mesiobuccal root and shortest is distobuccal root.
♦♦ Fifth cusp groove: It separates fifth cusp from mesiolingual ♦♦ Root trunk lies one-third of the root length.
cusp. ♦♦ Root divides in three branches and the furcation level
♦♦ Supplementary grooves: Multiple supplementary grooves of roots on mesial surface lies near to cervical line while
are present at apex of mesial and distal triangular fossa. At furcation level of roots on distal surface lies far away from
times, these multiple grooves may cross marginal ridges. cervical line.
598 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Palatal root is wide mesiodistally and is narrow buccoling­ ♦♦ From buccal aspect the occlusal outline shows three buccal
ually. Palatal root extends lingually and stretches beyond cusps, i.e. mesiobuccal, distobuccal and distal cusps.
the boundation of crown before bending in buccal direction ♦♦ From buccal surface almost all cusps are seen.
at apical third. ♦♦ Buccal surface is constituted by mesiobuccal and
♦♦ Mesiobuccal root is broader buccolingually. distobuccal cusps along with distal cusp.
♦♦ Mesiobuccal root is straight while the distobuccal root ♦♦ Mesiobuccal cusp is wide and sharp as compared to
has distal tilt. distobuccal cusp.
♦♦ All roots are seen from buccal as well as lingual aspect. ♦♦ Mesial and distal cusp ridges of both buccal cusps are flat
♦♦ From mesial aspect only palatal and mesiobuccal roots can and meet at an obtuse angle.
be seen. Since distobuccal root is smaller so it is not seen.
♦♦ From distal aspect, palatal and distal roots are prominent
while the mesiobuccal root is seen in background.
♦♦ A deep groove is present at start of bifurcation of two
buccal roots and extends towards cervix.
♦♦ A depression is present at bifurcation of palatal and
mesiobuccal root which run lingually at cervix.
♦♦ All three roots have round apices which are blunt.
Q.2. Describe the morphology of occlusal surface of
permanent maxillary first molar tooth. 
 (Sep 2009, 15 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 1 of the same chapter.
Q.3. Describe the morphology of permanent mandibular
first molar. (Sep 1999, 15 Marks) (Mar 2001, 15 Marks)
 (Feb 2005, 15 Marks) (Nov 2008, 15 Marks)
 (Dec 2010, 10 Marks) (Nov 2010, 8 Marks)
 (Feb 2013, 15 Marks) (Jan 2012, 15 Marks)
Fig. 76:  Mandibular 1st molar-buccal aspect
Describe the morphology of mandibular first molar. ♦♦ Mesiobuccal developmental groove separates the
 (June 2010, 10 Marks) mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusps. Mesiobuccal groove
Ans. Introduction runs till middle third of buccal surface and ends at buccal
Mandibular molars are larger than any other mandibular pit and is placed slightly mesial to bifurcation of root.
teeth. ♦♦ Distobuccal developmental groove separates distobuccal
and distal cusps and extends till middle third of buccal
• They are three in number on each side of mandible.
• Mandibular first molar is the largest tooth in the
♦♦ Lingual cusps are seen backwards and they lie at higher
mandibular arch.
level as compared to buccal cusps.
• It has five well developed cusp, i.e. two buccal, two
♦♦ Buccal surface is convex at occlusal third and cervical
lingual and one distal cusp.
third region.
• It has two well developed roots one mesial and one
♦♦ Cervical line is commonly regular and shows a dip apically
distal. at root bifurcation.
Following is the morphology of permanent mandibular
first molar: Lingual Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of tooth at lingual aspect is trapezoidal.
Morphology of Crown ♦♦ Mesial as well as distal aspect is similar to the buccal aspect.
Buccal Aspect ♦♦ Occlusal outline is formed by sharp lingual cusps and
their cuspal ridges.
♦♦ Geometric shape of mandibular first molar is trapezoidal.
♦♦ From lingual aspect both mesiolingual and distolingual
♦♦ From buccal aspect, mesial outline is convex but at cervix cusps are seen along with the small portion of distal cusp.
it is concave. ♦♦ From lingual aspect tapering of crown is seen which leads
♦♦ Mesial contact area lies at junction of occlusal and middle to narrowing of buccal surface.
third. ♦♦ A part of distal cusp as well as mesial and distal surfaces
♦♦ From buccal aspect distal outline is straight starting from of crown is visible from this aspect.
cervical line and it become convex at distal contact area. ♦♦ Tip of mesiolingual cusp is higher than distolingual cusp.
♦♦ Distal contact area lies at junction of occlusal and middle ♦♦ Lingual developmental groove run in between both the
third. lingual cusps and extends to a short distance.
Dental Anatomy 599

♦♦ Lingual surface is smooth and convex in occlusal third and ♦♦ Mesial surface is smooth and convex but a shallow
flat in cervical third. concavity is seen just below contact area.
♦♦ A concavity is seen at center of lingual surface in middle ♦♦ Mesial contact area lies at junction of occlusal and middle
third part. third.
♦♦ Cervical line is irregular and show slight apical curvature ♦♦ Cervical line is almost straight with crest of curvature 1mm
at root bifurcation. towards occlusal surface.
Distal Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of tooth is rhomboidal from this aspect.
♦♦ Buccal outline shows slight convexity from cervix to distal
cusp tip.

Fig. 77:  Mandibular 1st molar-lingual aspect

Mesial Aspect
Fig. 79:  Mandibular 1st molar-distal aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of tooth is rhomboidal from this aspect.
♦♦ From mesial aspect, buccal outline of crown is more convex ♦♦ Lingual outline is straight from cervix to middle third and
from cervix to middle third and it is slightly convex till flat slight convex from middle third to tip of distolingual cusp.
mesiobuccal cusp tip. ♦♦ Occlusal outline show distal convergence of crown and
♦♦ Height of buccal contour lies at cervical third. short distal marginal ridge. Distal marginal ridge lie
♦♦ From mesial aspect, lingual outline is evenly convex from lingual to centre of crown buccolingually.
cervix to mesiolingual cusp tip. ♦♦ Distal surface is smooth and convex. It is narrow as
♦♦ Height of lingual contour lies at middle third. compared to mesial surface.
♦♦ Occlusal outline presents sharp mesiolingual cusp tip ♦♦ Distolingual and distal cusps are visible which are present
which lies at higher level as compared to flat mesiobuccal in line.
cusp tip. ♦♦ Distobuccal cusp consists of distobuccal developmental
♦♦ From mesial aspect, mesiobuccal and mesiolingual cusps groove.
are seen. ♦♦ Distal contact area lies at junction of occlusal and middle
♦♦ Cervical outline is almost straight.

Occlusal Aspect
♦♦ Geometric shape of tooth is roughly hexagonal from this
♦♦ Mesiodistal width of crown is more than buccolingual
♦♦ Crown shows convergence towards the distal side due to
which crown looks wider on mesial and narrow on distal side.

Occlusal Surface within its Boundaries

Cusp and Cusp Ridges
♦♦ Permanent mandibular first molar consist of four major
cusps which are mesiobuccal, distobuccal, mesiolingual
Fig. 78:  Mandibular 1st molar-mesial aspect and distolingual and a minor cusp, i.e. distal cusp.
600 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 80:  Mandibular 1st molar-occlusal aspect

♦♦ Of all the cusps, mesiobuccal cusp is the largest cusp, then Fossae
are mesiolingual as well as distolingual cusps which are
Permanent mandibular first molar consists of one major fossa
of same length, then is the distobuccal cusp and shortest and two minor fossae. Major fossa is central fossa and minor
of all is distal cusp. fossae are mesial and distal triangular fossa.
♦♦ Cuspal ridges of buccal and distal cusps are flat while those ♦♦ Central fossa: It is a circular depression which is visible
of lingual cusp are sharp. at center of occlusal surface between buccal and lingual
♦♦ Triangular ridge is present with all the cusps along with cusp ridges.
two inclined planes. Triangular ridges of lingual cusp are ♦♦ Mesial triangular fossa: It is a small depression whose base
well defined. is formed by mesial marginal ridge and apex by mesial pit.
Its sides consist of mesiobuccal and mesiolingual cusps.
♦♦ Distal triangular fossa: It is a more smaller depression
♦♦ Four developmental grooves are present along with some compared to mesial triangular fossa. Its base is formed by
supplementary grooves. distal marginal ridge, apex by distal pit and sides consists
♦♦ Central developmental groove: It originates at central of distal slopes of distolingual cusp and distal cusp.
pit and run both mesially and distally and ends in mesial
and distal pits. Marginal Ridges
♦♦ Mesiobuccal developmental groove: It starts at central pit ♦♦ Mesial marginal ridge: Present on occlusal outline of
and extends between mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusps mesial aspect.
and ends on buccal surface. ♦♦ Distal marginal ridge: Present on occlusal outline of
♦♦ Distobuccal developmental groove: It starts at central pit distal aspect.
and extend between distobuccal and distal cusps and ends ♦♦ Mesial marginal ridge is longer and lies at higher level
on buccal surface. than distal marginal ridge.
♦♦ Lingual developmental groove starts at central pit and
extends in between mesiolingual and distolingual cusps Morphology of Root
and ends at lingual surface. ♦♦ Permanent mandibular first molar consists of two roots
namely mesial root and distal root.
♦♦ Both roots are of same length.
♦♦ Central pit is a narrow depression which is visible in ♦♦ Root trunk of tooth is short and bifurcation is near to cervix.
central fossa. ♦♦ Developmental depressions are present on buccal and
♦♦ Mesial pit is seen in mesial triangular fossa. lingual surfaces of root trunk which run from bifurcation
♦♦ Distal pit is seen in distal triangular fossa. to the cervix.
Dental Anatomy 601

♦♦ Mesial root is straight upto half of its length and in its ♦♦ Central developmental groove run from central pit to
apical half it shows distal curvature. mesial and distal sides and end in mesial and distal pit.
♦♦ Slanting of distal root is present distally from root base. ♦♦ Buccal developmental groove begins at central pit and
♦♦ Developmental depressions over mesial and distal surface extend between mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusps and
lie over the whole length of roots. ends at buccal surface.
♦♦ Apex of mesial root is blunt while apex of distal root is sharp. ♦♦ Lingual developmental groove begins at central pit and
Q.4. Describe occlusal surface of permanent mandibular extend between mesiolingual and distolingual cusps and
second molar of right side?  (Mar 1995, 16 Marks) ends at lingual surface.
Ans Pits
Occlusal Aspect ♦♦ Central pit is a narrow depression which is visible in
♦♦ Geometric shape of crown is rectangular. central fossa.
♦♦ Mesiodistal width of crown is more than buccolingual ♦♦ Mesial pit is seen in mesial triangular fossa.
width. ♦♦ Distal pit is seen in distal triangular fossa.
♦♦ Tooth appears wider lingually as compared to buccal side. Fossae
♦♦ Mesial outline of crown is less rounded as compared to
distal outline. ♦♦ It consists of mesial and distal fossa.
♦♦ Near the mesiobuccal line angle cervically a prominence ♦♦ Mesial fossa is small depression adjacent to mesial
is seen. marginal ridge.
♦♦ Distal fossa is small depression adjacent to distal marginal
♦♦ Both the fossae are equal in size.
Marginal Ridges
Mesial and distal marginal ridges are present which forms base
of mesial and distal triangular fossa.
Q.5. Write a note on cusp of carabelli. (Mar 2000, 5 Marks)
Write in briefly on cusp of Carabelli. 
 (June 2010, 10 Marks)
Ans. Cusp of carabelli is also known as fifth cusp.
• It is the characteristic feature of lingual surface of
permanent maxillary first molar.
• Cusp of carabelli is present on the mesiolingual cusp.
• It can be well developed or can be graded down to
Fig. 81:  Mandibular second molar-occlusal aspect a series of grooves and depressions.
• If fifth cusp is well developed fifth cusp is separated
Occlusal Surface within its Boundaries from mesiolingual cusp by groove.
Cusp and Cusp Ridges • Cusp of carabelli is the supplemental cusp.
Q.6. Describe with diagram pit and groove pattern of per-
♦♦ The tooth consists of four cusps, i.e. mesiobuccal,
manent mandibular first molar.  (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
distobuccal, mesiolingual and distolingual.
♦♦ Mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusps are of equal length. Ans. Refer to Ans 3 of same chapter.
♦♦ Buccal and lingual mesial cusps are larger than their Q.7. Write a short note on occlusal surface of maxillary first
counterparts. molar.  (Mar 2006, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Lingual cusp ridges are well defined while buccal cusp Or
ridges are more flattened. Write about occlusal aspect of permanent maxillary
♦♦ All the four cusps consist of triangular ridges which con- first molar.` (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
verge in center of occlusal surface.
Ans. Refer to Ans 1 of the same chapter.
Grooves Q.8. Discuss briefly arch traits of molars and describe the
♦♦ Groove pattern of permanent mandibular second molar morphology of permanent mandibular first molar.
forms a plus mark ‘+’ in center of occlusal aspect dividing  (Mar 2006, 15 Marks)
it in four parts. Ans. Refer to Ans 1 of the same chapter.
602 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Features Maxillary molars Mandibular molars

Tooth nomenclature
Universal system Right 1, 2, 3; left 14, 15, 16 Right 30, 31, 32; left 17, 18, 19
Zsigmondy/palmer system Right 6 , 7 , 8 ; left 6 , 7 , 8 Right 6 , 7 , 8 ; left 6 , 7 , 8
FDI system Right 16,17,18; left 26, 27, 28 Right 46, 47, 48; left 36, 37, 38
General features
Lobes 4 to 5 lobes. For development one lobe for each cusp 4 to 5 lobes. For development one lobe for each cusp
Cusps Three larger cusps, i.e. mesiobuccal, mesiolingual Four cusps., i.e. two buccal cusps and two lingual
and distobuccal one small cusp, i.e. distobuccal cusp. cusps.
An accessory cusp is present in first molar, i.e. cusp of First molar has five cusps, fifth cusp is known as distal
Carabelli cusp
Roots Three roots, i.e. two buccal and one palatal Two roots, i.e. one mesial and one distal
Size of cusp Buccal cusps are unequal, i.e. mesiobuccal cusp is Both buccal cusps are equal in size.
larger than distobuccal cusp Both lingual cusps are equal in size
Lingual cusps are unequal, i.e. distolingual cusp is
Dimensions of crown Crown is wider buccolingually than mesiodistally Crown is wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
Oblique ridge Present on occlusal aspect of maxillary molars It is absent
Buccal aspect
Geometric form Trapezoidal Trapezoidal
Width of crown Mesiodistal width is more compared to cervicoincisal width. Mesiodistal width is more compared to cervicoincisal width.
Buccal cusps They are sharp They are blunt
Visibility of lingual cusp A part of lingual cusp is seen from buccal aspect All lingual cusps are seen from buccal aspect
Distal surface visibility Visible Non-visible
Developmental groove Single buccal groove separating buccal cusps Two buccal grooves on first molar and one buccal groove
on second and third molar
Mesial contact area At or near junction of occlusal and middle third At or near junction of occlusal and middle third
Distal contact area At middle third At middle third
Buccal surface Vertical Bend lingually from middle third
Lingual aspect
Geometric form Trapezoidal Trapezoidal
Lingual convergence At first molar no lingual convergence is seen while less Lingual convergence is present on first molar
lingual convergence is seen on second and third molars
Proximal surface visibility Part of mesial surface is seen Part of both mesial and distal surfaces is visible
Proximal aspect
Geometric form Trapezoidal Rhomboidal
Tilting of lingual crown Crown is upright at root base Crown is tilted lingually over root base
Proximal surfaces Distal surface is narrower than mesial Distal surface is narrower than mesial
Buccal cervical ridge Less prominent More prominent
Occlusal aspect
Geometric form Rhomboidal Quadrilateral
Dimensions of crown Buccolingual diameter is more than mesiodistal Mesiodistal diameter is more than buccolingual
Lingual convergence Crown converges buccally in first molar Marked in all molars
Mesiodistal width Lingually it is greater as compared to buccal surface Mesiodistal dimension is more buccally than lingually
in first molar
Taper of crown Crown tapers from mesial to distal surface Crown tapers from mesial to distal surface
Buccolingual width More mesially than distally More mesially than distally
Cusps First molar has five cusps while second and third molars First molar has five cusps while second and third molars
have four cusps have four cusps. At times third molar also have fifth cusp
Dental Anatomy 603


Features Maxillary molars Mandibular molars

Accessory cusp Cusp of carabelli present over first molar No accessory cusp is present
Largest cusp Mesiopalatal cusp Mesiobuccal cusp
Size of lingual cusps Unequal Equal
Buccal cusp Sharp Blunt
Centric holding cusps Lingual cusp Buccal cusp
Primary cusp triangle Present in first molar Absent
Third molar appearance Like second molar Like first or second molar
Fossae Four fossae are present, i.e. two major fossae—central Three fossae are present, i.e. one major fossa—central
and distal Two minor fossae—mesial and distal
Two minor fossae—mesial and distal
Pattern of grooves No pattern Y or + pattern
Number Three roots are present, i.e. two buccal and one palatal Two roots are present, i.e. one mesial and one distal
Size Out of all roots palatal root is longest Both the roots are equal in size
Root Trunk It is long It is shorter

Q.9. Write in detail differences between deciduous and per- Describe the morphology of permanent mandibular
manent teeth. Describe the occlusal aspect of maxillary first molar. Write arch traits of mandibular first molar.
first molar.  (Dec 2012, 8 Marks)  (May 2014, 10 Marks)
Ans. For differences refer to Ans 1 of chapter DIFFERENCES Ans. For morphology of permanent maxillary first molar refer
BETWEEN PRIMARY AND PERMANENT to Ans 1 of same chapter. For morphology of permanent
DENTITION. mandibular first molar refer to Ans 3 of same chapter.
For arch traits of permanent maxillary molar and permanent
For occlusal aspect of maxillary first molar refer to Ans
mandibular molar refer to Ans 8 of same chapter.
1 of same chapter.
Q.11. Write short note on type traits of maxillary first
Q.10. Describe the morphology of permanent maxillary first
permanent molar.  (Dec 2014, 2 Marks)
molar. Write arch traits of maxillary first molar.
Ans. Following are the type traits of maxillary first permanent
Or molar:

Features Maxillary Ist molar Maxillary IInd molar Maxillary IIIrd molar
General features
Size of tooth Largest of all Smaller as compared to first molar Smallest of all
Variability in shape Show least variability Has two shapes, i.e. rhomboidal and Show lot of variation
heart shaped
Lobes 5 4 Either 3 or 4
Cusps 5 4 Either 4 or 3
Buccal aspect
Width of crown Widest of all Width of crown is moderate In width it is smallest of all three
Height of buccal cusps Both cusps, i.e. mesiobuccal and Mesiobuccal cusp is slightly longer Mesiobuccal cusp is much longer than
distobuccal cusps are of same than distobuccal cusp distobuccal cusp
Height of the crown Distally height of crown is slightly Distally height of crown is much less Distally height of crown is much less as
less as compared to mesial as compared to mesial compared to mesial
Distal tilt of crown Crown is upright over root base It shows slight distal tilt It shows more distal tilt

604 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Features Maxillary Ist molar Maxillary IInd molar Maxillary IIIrd molar
Slanting of occlusal Horizontal It slant cervically from mesial surface It slant more cervically from mesial
surface towards distal surface surface towards distal surface
Buccal groove Long Short Shortest
Buccal pit It is more marked It is less marked It can be absent
Lingual aspect
Width of crown It is wider lingually as compared to It is narrower lingually as compared It is narrower on lingual surface as
buccal aspect to buccal aspect compared to buccal surface
Lingual convergence No lingual convergence is present Slight More
Distolingual cusp Always present Absent in three cusp type Absent
Cusp of Carabelli Present Rarely present Absent
Mesial aspect
Total cusps seen from 3, i.e. mesiobuccal, mesiolingual 2, i.e. mesiobuccal, mesiolingual 2, i.e. mesiobuccal, mesiolingual
mesial aspect and cusp of carabelli
Contact area Mesial contact area is narrower as Both contact areas are equally broad Mesial contact area is broad and distal
compared to distal contact area. contact area is absent
Distal aspect
Surface area Short Narrow and short Narrow and short
Occlusal aspect
Geometric shape Rhomboidal in shape Rhomboidal in shape Heart shaped
Oblique ridge More prominent Less prominent Variable
Size of distolingual cusp Large Small Smallest

Q.12. Give the chronology of right maxillary first permanent Q.13. Define cusp, fossa and groove. Write the differences
molar. Describe the occlusal aspect of it in detail with between permanent maxillary and mandibular first molar
diagram. (Apr 2017, 3+5+2 Marks) with well labeled diagrams.  (Sep 2018, 3 + 7 Marks)
Ans. Chronology of right maxillary first permanent molar Ans. Cusp: Cusp is defined as an elevation of crown of tooth
making up a divisional part of occlusal surface.
First evidence of calcification At birth Fossa: Fossa is defined as a depression or a concavity
Enamel completion 3 to 4 years
on lingual surface of anteriors and occlusal surface of
Eruption 6 to 7 years
Groove: A groove is defined as a line separating the lobes
Roots completed 9 to 10 years or primary part of crown or root.

For occlusal aspect of right maxillary first permanent molar Differences between Permanent Maxillary and Mandibular
along with diagram refer to Ans 1 of same chapter. First Molar with Well Labeled Diagrams

Characteristics Permanent maxillary Mandibular first molar

Synonym It is known as 6 year molar It is known as 12 year molar
Tooth nomenclature Right Left Right Left
Universal system 3 14 30 19
Zsigmondy/Palmer system 6 6 6 6
FDI system 16 26 46 36
Eruption 6 years 6 to 7 years

Dental Anatomy 605


Characteristics Permanent maxillary Mandibular first molar

Buccal aspect

Relative crown dimensions Crown is buccolingually broader than mesiodistally Crown is mesiodistally broader than buccolingually
Cusps It consists of two buccal cusps, i.e. mesiobuccal cusp It consists of three buccal cusps, i.e. mesiobuccal cusp,
and distobuccal cusp distobuccal cusp and distal cusp
Height of cusps Mesiobuccal cusp and distobuccal cusp are of same Mesiobuccal cusp is largest
Buccal surface It is relatively flat Buccal surface is convex and is inclined lingually
Crown height Crown height over distal is slightly lesser than on mesial Crown appears shorter due to its greater mesiodistal
Crown is shorter at distal than mesial side
Buccal pit It is more pronounced, buccal groove often ends in It is commonly present. Dental caries may occur.
buccal pit. This is the most common site of caries Mesiobuccal developmental groove terminates in this
buccal pit
Mesial and distal outlines Mesial and distal crown outlines are nearly equal sized Mesial and distal outlines taper noticeably from contact
areas to cervical line
Lingual aspect

Lingual convergence Least or no lingual convergence present Marked lingual convergence is present

Number of cusps on lingual Two lingual cusps are present, i.e. mesiolingual and Two lingual cusps are present, i.e. mesiolingual and
aspect distolingual cusps. One accessory cusp is also present, distolingual cusps
i.e. cusp of Carabelli

Size of lingual cusps Lingual cusps are of different sizes, i.e. large mesiolingual Lingual cusps are of equal size
and small distolingual cusp.

Cusp of carabelli It is the additional cusp lingual to mesiolingual cusp. It It is not present
is the characteristic feature

606 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


Characteristics Permanent maxillary Mandibular first molar

Occlusal aspect

Shape Rhomboidal Hexagonal with unequal size

Cusp of Carabelli Present Absent
Oblique ridge It is prominent and extend from mesiolingual to It is absent
distobuccal cusp
Fossae Two major and two minor fossae are present It consists of three fossae, i.e. one major and two
minor fossae
Number Three: Mesial, distal and lingual Two: mesial and distal
Length Lingual root is wider mesiodistally Both the roots are of same length

Cuspid: It is similar to but shorter than maxillary canine.

11. PULP MORPHOLOGY First premolar: It looks like small mandibular canine with
missing lingual pulpal hom.
Q.1. Describe in brief morphology of pulp cavities. 
 (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) Second premolar: The lingual horn is much smaller the buccal
Ans. Pulp cavities of permanent teeth are as follows: horn and is about dimension of mandibular canine.
Molar: The mandibular molars are all similar. The cross-section
Pulp Cavities of Maxillary Teeth is rectangular with mesiodistal dimension greatest and displays
Central incisor: It is shovel shaped coronally with three short mesiobuccal prominence. The horn heights from highest to
horns on coronal roof with point of triangle pointing lingually. lowest are mesiobuccal, distobuccal, distolingual. There are two
Lateral incisor: It is of spoon shape and is small coronally roots, distal is shorter, straighter and singular whereas mesial
changing to a round evenly tapering root to apex. is longer, curve and often double.
Cuspid: It has longest pulp with elliptical cross section
Q.2. Write a short note on endodontic anatomy of permanent
buccolingually and distally inclined apex.
maxillary first premolar.  (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
First premolar: It has a large occluso cervical pulp chamber with
 (May 2014, 5 Marks)
mesial concavity extending from root surface onto cervical third
of pulp chamber divides into two smooth funnel shaped roots. Ans. Following is the endodontic anatomy of permanent
Second premolars: It is similar coronally to first premolar, maxillary first premolar:
except it has only one root.
Pulp Chamber
Molar: They all are similar. There are three roots i.e. the lingual
is longest, distobuccal is shortest and straight, mesiobuccal is ♦♦ When seen in buccolingual section, pulpal chamber of
curved and flattened buccolingually with mesial surface convex. maxillary first premolar tooth is broad along with two
pulpal horns which point towards buccal cusp, i.e. buccal
Pulps of Mandibular Teeth pulp horn and lingual cusp, i.e. lingual pulpal horn.
Central incisor: It has smallest pulps in the dentition and is ♦♦ Both pulp horns are superimposed over each other and
long and narrow with flattened elliptical shape. appear blunt.
Lateral incisor: It is same as central incisor, only smaller in all ♦♦ Floor of pulpal chamber lies in coronal third of root.
dimensions. ♦♦ Pulpal chamber has two orifices, i.e. buccal and lingual.
Dental Anatomy 607

Fig. 84:  Access cavity of permanent maxillary first premolar

Q.3. Write a short note on endodontic anatomy of permanent

Fig. 82:  Mesiodistal section and buccolingual section of permanent maxillary first molar.  (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
maxillary first premolar Ans. Following is the endodontic anatomy of permanent
maxillary first molar:
Root Canals
Pulp Chamber
♦♦ The tooth consists of two roots which are mostly fused or
♦♦ Pulp chamber of permanent maxillary first molar is rhom-
at times partially fused.
boidal in shape.
♦♦ If roots are fused a groove is present which divide root as ♦♦ Buccolingual width of pulp chamber is more than mesio-
buccal and lingual roots. distal width.
♦♦ The tooth consists of two root canals which exit by two ♦♦ Pulpal chamber form four pulp horns, i.e. mesiobuccal,
separate apical foramina. distobuccal, mesiolingual and distolingual pulp horn.
♦♦ Both the canals taper toward apex. ♦♦ Floor of pulp chamber is located below cervical margin.
♦♦ Three openings in general of root canals are visible.

Fig. 85:  Pulp chamber and root canals in mesiodistal section of

permanent maxillary first molar
Fig. 83:  Pulp chamber and root canals in mesiodistal and
buccolingual section of permanent maxillary first premolar Root Canals
♦♦ The tooth consists of three roots and three canals, i.e.
mesiobuccal, distobuccal and palatal or lingual.
♦♦ At cervical level root canal is kidney shaped. ♦♦ At times, fourth canal can also be seen in mesiobuccal root.
♦♦ At mid root level two oval shaped canals are visible. ♦♦ Distobuccal canal is narrow as compared to mesiobuccal
♦♦ At apex both canals are round. canal and palatal is widest and longest.

Access Cavity Cross-section

At occlusal surface, in the center access cavity is oval shaped ♦♦ At cervical level root canal is rhomboidal with three canal
which provide access to buccal and lingual canals. orifices.
608 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ At mid root level palatal canal is round; distobuccal canal ♦♦ Tooth consists of four pulp horns.
is oval shaped and mesiobuccal canal is kidney shaped. ♦♦ Lingual pulp horns are long and lie at higher level while
buccal pulp horns are short and lie at lower level.
♦♦ Floor of pulp chamber lie below cervical margin.

Fig. 86:  Pulp chamber and root canals in mesiodistal section of Fig. 88:  Pulp chamber and root canals in mesiodistal section of
permanent maxillary first molar permanent mandibular first molar
Access Cavity
Root Canals
♦♦ Access cavity opening should be triangular with the round
corners which extend at mesiobuccal cusp tip, mesial
marginal ridge and the oblique ridge.
♦♦ When second mesiobuccal canal is present access cavity
is rhomboidal shaped.

Fig. 89:  Cross-section of permanent mandibular first molar

Fig. 87:  Access cavity of permanent maxillary first molar ♦♦ The tooth consists of two roots and three canals. In this,
mesial tooth has two root canals namely mesiobuccal canal
Q.4. Describe morphology of permanent mandibular first and mesiolingual canal.
molar from all aspects. Write a note on its endodontic ♦♦ Distal root canal is oval in shape. Sometimes distal root
anatomy.  (Oct 2014, 8 Marks) can show two canals.
Ans. For morphology of permanent mandibular first molar
refer to Ans 3 of chapter THE MAXILLARY AND Cross-section
MANDIBULAR MOLARS. ♦♦ At cervical level tooth is quadrilateral in shape.
Following is endodontic anatomy of permanent ♦♦ At mid-root level mesial canal is slight oval while distal
mandibular first molar: canal is long and oval shaped.

Pulp Chamber Access Cavity

♦♦ Pulp chamber of tooth is wider in its mesiolingual ♦♦ Access cavity opening should be trapezoidal with the
dimensions as compared to buccolingual dimensions. round corners. Towards mesial surface cavity is wide.
♦♦ When viewed from buccal and lingual aspects pulp ♦♦ When second distal canal is present access cavity is
chamber is rectangular in shape. rectangular shaped.
Dental Anatomy 609

• Corresponding curve in maxillary arch is known as

compensating curve.
• Buccolingual curvature from one side to other side is
known as Monson’s curve.
♦♦ Overbite: It is normal, i.e. 1 to 2 mm.
♦♦ Overjet: It is 1 to 3 mm.
♦♦ Molar relationship: Mesiobuccal cusp of permanent
maxillary first molar occludes in mesiobuccal groove of
permanent mandibular first molar.
Q.2. Write note on curve of spee. (Sep 2000, 5 Marks)
 (Mar 2001, 5 Marks) (Feb 2005, 5 Marks)
 (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) (Feb 2013, 2 Marks)
Fig. 90:  Access cavity of permanent mandibular first molar
Write about curve of spee  (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
Write a short note on curve of spee and monsoon curve
Q.1. Write short note on occlusion. (Feb 1999, 5 Marks)
 (Sep 2007, 3 Marks) (April 2008, 10 Marks)
 (Feb 2005, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
Write short answer on occlusion. (Aug 2018, 3 Marks) Curve of Spee

Ans. Occlusion is defined as the “static and dynamic contact ♦♦ Graf Von Spee and Ferdin were the first to discover curve
relationship between the occlusal surface of teeth during of spee. They had explained the relationship of mandibular
function” Glossary of prosthodontic terminology (GPT). teeth in sagittal plane.
♦♦ When viewing from the point which lies perpendicular
Occlusion in Primary Teeth to first molar a curvature of mandibular occlusal plane is
♦♦ Mesial surface of maxillary and mandibular central incisors present which starts at incisal edges as well as tip of lower
are in line with each other at the midline. canine and follow buccal cusp of premolars and molars,
♦♦ Maxillary central incisor occludes with mandibular central this curvature is continuous till ramus and is known as
incisor and the mesial third of the mandibular lateral incisor. Curve of Spee or Curve of Von Spee.
♦♦ Maxillary lateral incisor occludes with the distal two third ♦♦ The ideal curve of spee is aligned in a way that curvature
of the mandibular lateral incisor and the median portion should extend through condyles and form a segment of
of mandibular canine from tip of cusp. Maxillary canine circle with radius of 4 inches.
occludes with that portion of the mandibular canine distal to
the cusp tip and the mesial third of the mandibular first molar.
♦♦ M axillary first molar occludes with the distal third of
mandibular first molar and mesial portion of mandibular
second molar.
♦♦ Maxillary second molar occludes with the remainder of
the mandibular second molar.
♦♦ Distal surface of maxillary molar projecting slightly over
the distal portion of the mandibular second molar.

Occlusion in Permanent Teeth

Various features of occlusion in permanent dentition are:
♦♦ Overlap: In normally occluding dentition, maxillary teeth
are labial or buccal to mandibular teeth. Fig. 91:  Curve of spee
♦♦ Angulations: Permanent teeth will have buccolingual and
mesiodistal angulations. ♦♦ Depth of curve of spee is 1.5 mm. Maximum depth of curve
♦♦ Occlusion: With exception of mandibular central incisors is at second premolar region.
and maxillary third molars, each permanent tooth occludes ♦♦ This curve leads to normal functional protrusive
with two teeth. movements of mandible.
♦♦ Arch curvature: ♦♦ Curve of spee has clinical significance in relation to tooth
• Anteroposterior curvature in mandibular arch is guidance, i.e. canine incisal guidance, in orthodontics and
known as curve of spee. restorative dentistry.
610 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Increasing the curve of spee can compensate for smaller ♦♦ It is also called as first factor of occlusion.
maxillary anterior teeth, especially lateral incisors while ♦♦ This is the only factor which can be recorded from the
reducing the curve of spee can reduces the vertical overlap patient.
of the tooth. ♦♦ This is the mandibular guidance which is generated by
condyles traversing the contours of glenoid fossa.
Curve of Monson
♦♦ This is duplicated on the articulator. Extent of duplication
♦♦ Monson in 1932 has discovered a cusp which is known as depends on articulators capability whether it is semi-
Curve of Monson. adjustable or fully-adjustable.
♦♦ Monson has observed the occlusal plane which is three ♦♦ Protrusive condylar guidance is taken by using protrusive
dimensional spherical curve and involves right and left records while lateral condylar guidance is obtained by
incisors, cuspid, bicuspid, molars and condyles whose Hanau’s formula.
centre lies at glabella. ♦♦ Condylar guidance is expressed in degrees.
♦♦ Curve of Monson is a segment of a sphere of 4 inches radius. ♦♦ Increase in the condylar guidance increases the jaw separa-
♦♦ As per Monson, all incisal edges as well as buccal cusps tion during protrusion.
of mandibular teeth are segment of this sphere and ♦♦ This factor cannot be modified. All the other four factors
masticatory forces converge at center, i.e. Glabella. of occlusion should be modified to compensate the effects
♦♦ The concept given by Monson was later on discarded by of this factor.
Dempster et al. who proved that there is no convergence of ♦♦ Shallow condylar guidance lead to less posterior tooth
longitudinal axis of roots of teeth toward a common center. separation in protrusion and requires teeth with short
cusps and flat fossa to achieve balanced occlusion than a
steep guidance.
Incisal Guidance
♦♦ It is defined as “the influence of the contacting surfaces
of the mandibular and the maxillary anterior teeth on
mandibular movements”. —GPT 8th Edition
♦♦ It is also called as second factor of occlusion.
♦♦ It is determined by the dentist and customized for patient
during anterior try-in.
♦♦ Incisal guidance acts as a controlling path for the move-
ment of casts in an articulator.
♦♦ It should be set depending upon the desired overjet and
overbite planned for the patient. If the overjet is increased;
then the inclination of the incisal guidance is decreased.
Fig. 92:  Curve of monson If the overbite is increased, then the incisal inclination
Q.3. Define occlusion. Describe the factors governing ♦♦ Incisal guidance has more influence on the posterior teeth
occlusion.  (Mar 2007, 8 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks) than the condylar guidance, because the action of the in-
cisal inclination is closer to the teeth than the action of the
Or condylar guidance.
Write about factors governing occlusion of teeth. ♦♦ The angle formed by this protrusive path to the horizontal
 (Aug 2012, 10 Marks) plane is called as the protrusive incisal path inclination or
Ans. Occlusion is defined as the “static and dynamic contact the incisal guide angle. This influences the shape of the
relationship between the occlusal surface of teeth during posterior teeth.
function” Glossary of prosthodontic terminology ♦♦ If the incisal guidance is steep, then steep cusps or a steep
(GPT). occlusal plane or a steep compensatory curve is needed to
produce balanced occlusion.
Factors Governing Occlusion of Teeth
Orientation of Occlusal Plane
Factors governing occlusion are as follows:
♦♦ It is defined as “An imaginary surface which is related ana-
Condylar Guidance tomically to the cranium and which theoretically touches
♦♦ Condylar guidance is defined as “the mechanical form the incisal edges of the incisors and the tips of the occluding
located in the upper posterior region of an articulator surfaces of the posterior teeth. It is not a plane in the true
which controls movement of its mobile member”. —GPT sense of the word, but represents the mean curvature of
8th Edition the surface”.—GPT
Dental Anatomy 611

♦♦ It is established anteriorly by the height of the lower canine, • During lateral movement, the mandibular lingual
which nearly coincides with the commissure of the mouth cusps on the working side should slide along the
and posteriorly by the height of the retromolar pad. inner inclines of the maxillary buccal cusp. In the
♦♦ It is usually parallel to the ala-tragus line or Camper’s line. balancing side, the mandibular buccal cusps should
♦♦ It can slightly be altered. contact the inner inclines of the maxillary palatal cusp.
♦♦ Tilting the plane of occlusion beyond l0° is not advisable. This relationship forms a balance, only if the teeth are
set following the Monson’s curve, then there will be
Compensating Curves
lateral balance of occlusion.
♦♦ It is defined as “The anteroposterior and lateral curvatures ♦♦ Compensating curve for Anti-Monson or Wilson’s Curve
in the alignment of the occluding surfaces and incisal edges • It is defined as ‘A curve of occlusion which is convex
of artificial teeth which are used to develop balanced oc- upwards’—GPT
clusion”.—GPT • This curve runs opposite to the direction of the
♦♦ It is an important factor for establishing balanced occlu- Monson’s curve.
sion and is determined by the inclination of the posterior • It is followed when the first premolars are arranged,
teeth and their vertical relationship to the occlusal plane. so that they do not produce any interference to lateral
♦♦ There are two types of compensating curves, namely: movements.
1. Anteroposterior Compensating curves.
♦♦ Reverse curve
2. Lateral compensating curves.
• It defined as “A curve of occlusion which in transverse
 Curve of Spee, Wilson’s curve, and Monson’s curve are cross-section confirms to a line which is convex
associated with natural dentition.
upward”. GPT
 In complete dentures, compensating curves similar to these
• It improves the stability of the denture.
curves should be incorporated to produce balanced occlusion.
• It is explained in relation to mandibular posterior
Anteroposterior Compensating Curves teeth.
• The reverse curve was modified by Max Pleasure to
These are compensatory curves running in an anteroposterior
form the pleasure curve.
direction and helps in abtaining protrusive balance. They
♦♦ Pleasure curve
compensate for the curve of Spee seen in natural dentition.
• It is defined as “A curve of occlusion which in
♦♦ Compensating curve for curve of spee
transverse cross-section confirms to a line which is
• Curve of Spee is defined as, “Anatomic curvature of
convex upward except for the last molars”. —GPT
the occlusal alignment of teeth beginning at the tip of
• It was proposed by Max. Pleasure to balance the
the lower canine and following the buccal cusps of
occlusion and increase the stability of the denture.
the natural premolars and molars, and continuing to
• Here, the first molar is horizontal and the second
the anterior border of the ramus as described by Graf
von Spee’—GPT premolar is buccally tilted.
• It is an imaginary curve joining the buccal cusps of the • The second molar independently follows the
mandibular posterior teeth starting from the canine anteroposterior compensating curve and is lingually
passing through the head of the condyle. tilted.
• It is seen in the natural dentition and should be • This curve runs from the palatal cusp of the first
reproduced in a complete denture. premolar to the distobuccal cusp of the second molar.
• The significance of this curve is that when the patient • The second molar gives occlusal balance and the
moves his mandible forward, the posterior teeth set second premolar gives lever balance.
on this curve will continue to remain in contact. If the Cuspal Inclination
teeth are not arranged according to this curve. There
will be disocclusion during protrusion of the mandible ♦♦ It is defined as “The angle made by the average slope of
(Christensen’s phenomenon). a cusp with the cusp plane measured mesiodistally or
buccolingually”. —GPT
Lateral Compensating Curves ♦♦ The mesiodistal cusps which lock the occlusion and
These curves run transversely from one side of the arch to the repositioning of teeth do not occur due to settling of the
other. The following curves fall in this category: denture base. So to prevent the locking of occlusion the
♦♦ Compensating curve for Monson’s curve mesiodistal cusps are reduced during occlusal reshaping.
• It is defined as “The curve of occlusion in which In the absence of mesiodistal cusps, the buccolingual cusps
each cusp and incisal edge touches or conforms to a are considered as a factor for balanced occlusion.
segment of a sphere of 8 inches in diameter with its ♦♦ In patients having shallow overbite, the cuspal angle
center in the region of the Glabella”.—GPT should be reduced to balance the incisal guidance, so that
• This curve runs across the palatal and buccal cusps of the jaw separation will be less. Teeth with steep cusps will
the maxillary molars. produce occlusal interference in these cases.
612 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ In patients with deep bite (steep incisal guidance), the jaw Q.5. Write a short note on curve of spee and leeway space
separation is more during protrusion. Teeth with high cus- of Nance.  (Sep 2006, 5 Marks)
pal inclines are required in these cases to produce posterior Or
contact during protrusion.
Write short note on leeway space of Nance.
Q.4. Write short note on functions of teeth.   (July 2016, 3 Marks) (Nov 2010, 2 Marks)
 (Mar 2007, 8 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
Write short note on leeway space. (May 2014, 2 Marks)
Write about tooth functions. (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
Write very short answer on leeway space of Nance.
Chewing  (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Chewing is the main function of teeth. Teeth are part of the Ans. For curve of spee refer to Ans 2 of the same chapter.
digestive system; chewing is the first stage of the process of
Leeway Space of Nance
digestion. Food needs to be broken down and chewed before
entering the digestive system so that the body can easily ♦♦ Combined mesiodistal crown dimension of primary
absorb nutrients from them. In the absence of teeth, digestion canine and primary first and second molars is larger than
is hampered leading to significant disturbances in food combined mesiodistal crown dimension of their successor,
absorption. Depending on their position and type, teeth have i.e. permanent canine and first as well as second premolars.
a role in shearing, tearing or grinding food. So the amount of space gained by their difference in the
posterior segment is known as leeway space of Nance.
Esthetics ♦♦ Leeway space is seen in both the arches.
Teeth, especially those located in visible areas, have an important ♦♦ Measurement of leeway space for maxillary and man-
aesthetic role. The position, shape and shade of teeth have a dibular arches is:
pronounced impact in shaping each individual personality. 1. For maxilla: Leeway space in each quadrant of maxilla
is 0.9 mm, so total leeway space in maxilla is 1.8 mm
Pronunciation 2. For mandible: Leeway space in each quadrant of
mandible is 1.7 mm, so total leeway space in mandible
Teeth can help us pronounce accurately as they have an
is 3.4 mm.
important role in the pronunciation of consonants. When teeth
are missing (especially upper front teeth), the normal speech Significance of Leeway Space of Nance
can be severally affected.
♦♦ Leeway space is a favorable feature as it provides the
Various Teeth and their Specific Functions mesial movement of permanent molars.

Name of tooth Specific function

Incisors • They are used for biting, cutting and shearing
the food during mastication
• Maxillary and mandibular incisors act as cutting
• They also play role in aesthetics and phonation
Canines • They assist permanent incisors and premolars
during mastication
• They are used for tearing the food
• They help in seizing, slicing and chewing the
• They exhibit prominent sexual dimorphism,
i.e. they are larger and longer in males as
compared to females
Premolars • They assist canine in tearing the food
• They grind the food along with molars
• Premolars provide support to the cheek near to
corners of mouth
• Premolars reinforce aesthetics at the time of Fig. 93:  Leeway space of Nance
♦♦ In mandibular arch leeway space is more as compared
Molars • Molars are used for trituration and comminution to maxillary arch. This is because as primary mandibular
of food
• Molars provide support to the cheeks
molars are wider than primary maxillary molars. Leeway
space differential between the two arches leads mandibu-
Dental Anatomy 613

lar first molar to move mesially more than maxillary first ♦♦ Improper overjet in posterior segment leads to cheek bite.
premolar. This arrangement leads to the change in molar ♦♦ Excessive overjet and overbite in anterior segment affect
relationship from end on in early mixed dentition phase aesthetics.
to Class I relation in late mixed dentition phase. ♦♦ Excessive incisal overjet is often seen in deciduous denti-
Q.6. Describe overjet and overbite.  (June 2010, 5 Marks) tion. This excessive overjet is corrected by forward growth
of mandible.
Q.7. Write a short note on flush terminal plane. 
Write short note on overjet and overbite.
 (Oct 2008, 2 Marks) (Dec 2010, 2 Marks)
 (Apr 2015, 3 Marks)
Ans. When the overlap of maxillary and mandibular teeth
is measured in sagittal plane between incisal edge of ♦♦ It is also known as straight terminal plane.
maxillary incisor and labial surface of mandibular ♦♦ Mesiodistal dimension of mandibular second molar is
incisor, it is known as overjet or horizontal overlap. greater than that of maxillary second molar, leaving the
♦♦ Normal overjet is 1 to 2 mm. distal surface of two teeth in same plane. This is known
♦♦ When the overlap of maxillary and mandibular teeth is as Flush terminal relationship.
measured in vertical plane between incisal edge of maxil- ♦♦ This is a normal feature of the deciduous dentition.
lary and mandibular incisors, it is known as overbite or ♦♦ Flush terminal plane is seen in 76% of children.
horizontal overbite or vertical overlap. ♦♦ Flush terminal plane is considered to be the ideal kind of
♦♦ Normal overbite is 2 to 3 mm. molar relationship in primary dentition.
♦♦ Overbite and overjet are such that they allow jaw function ♦♦ Significance of flush terminal plane relationship is that
without interference. it leads to normal eruption of maxillary and mandibular
permanent first molars and their occlusion.

Fig. 96:  Flush terminal plane relationship

Q.8. Write short note on centric relation. (Aug 2011, 2 Marks)

Fig. 94:  Overjet
Ans. Centric relation is also known as centric jaw relation.
• Centric relation refers to the most posterior of
mandible relative to maxilla.
• It is the relationship of mandible to skull as it rotate
around the hinge axis before any of the translatory
movement of condyle begins.
• In centric relation, condyles get articulated with the
thinnest portion of articular disc and condyle disc-
complex is in an anteriosuperior position against
posterior slopes of articular eminence.
• Centric relation is independent of tooth position or
vertical dimension.
• In anterior teeth centric contact relation is minimum
or not present.
• In maxillary posteriors centric relation contacts may
coincide with centric occlusion contacts over cusp tips.
Fig. 95:  Overbite • In mandibular posterior teeth, cusp tip will coincide
♦♦ Overbite should allow for posterior disto-occlusion during and are slight mesial to centric occlusion marks on
protrusive movement of mandible. marginal ridges and fossa.
614 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.9. Write short note on compensatory curves.  • Balanced occlusion is not present in natural
 (Oct 2016, 3 Marks) (Aug 2012, 4 Marks) dentition.
Or • Balanced occlusion affects the stability of denture.
• Balanced occlusion possess following characteristics,
Describe in brief compensating curves of dental arches. i.e.
 (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) (May 2014, 5 Marks) 1. Simultaneous contact of teeth occurs at the time
Or of protrusion.
Answer in brief compensatory curves. 2. Teeth present over working side glide evenly
 (Aug 2016, 2 Marks) against opposite teeth without any interference.
Ans. The compensatory curves are curve of spee, curve of 3. Contacts should present over the balancing
Monson and curve of Wilson. side, the contacts over balancing side should not
interfere with gliding movements of working
For curve of Spee and curve of Monson in detail refer to
Ans 2 of same chapter.
Q.11. Define occlusion. Write in short about overjet and
overbite.  (Sep 2015, 1 + 4 = 5 Marks)
Ans. Occlusion is defined as the “static and dynamic contact
relationship between the occlusal surfaces of teeth during
function”. Glossary of prosthodontic terminology.
For overjet and overbite in detail refer to Ans 6 of same
Q.12. Write short note on ugly duckling stage.
 (Apr 2015, 3 Marks)
Ans. It is also known as Broadbent phenomenon since H
Broadbent discovered it in 1937.
• It commonly occurs at the time of second transitional
Fig. 97:  Curve of Wilson period.
• It is seen at the age of 9 to 11 years or at the time
Curve of Wilson when canine erupt.
♦♦ Curve of Wilson is a mediolateral curve which contacts • Ugly duckling stage is indicative of unaesthetic
buccal and lingual cusp tips of each side of arch. appearance of child at this period of age.
♦♦ Generally posterior teeth in maxillary arch have slight • It is a self correcting anomaly. As canine erupts fully
buccal inclination while mandibular posterior teeth have the condition get correct by itself.
slight lingual inclination. If a line is drawn through buccal • Clinical significance of this stage is that the
and lingual cusp tips of both right and left posterior teeth orthodontic treatment should not be carried out
a curved plane of occlusion is observed. This curvature during this period.
is convex in maxillary arch and concave in mandibular
Events Occurring in Development of Ugly Duckling Stage
arch. When arches come in occlusion both these curvatures
match perfectly. This curvature in occlusal plane is seen
from frontal view and is known as curve of Wilson.
♦♦ Curve of Wilson permit mediolateral jaw movements
during mastication and provides easy access to occlusal
table as tongue lay food over the occlusal surfaces of teeth.
Q.10. Write short note on balanced occlusion.
 (May 2014, 2 Marks)
Answer in brief balanced occlusion.
 (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
Ans. Balanced occlusion is defined as “ Simultaneous contact
of maxillary and mandibular teeth on right and left sides
in anterior and posterior occlusal areas in centric and
eccentric positions, developed to lessen or limit tipping
or rotating of denture base in relation to supporting
structures”. GPT (Glossary of Prosthodontic terms)
Dental Anatomy 615

Key 4: Absence of Rotation

♦♦ In order to achieve correct occlusion, none of the teeth
should be rotated, molars and premolars occupy more
space in the dental arch than normal.
♦♦ Rotated incisors may occupy less space than those cor-
rectly aligned.
♦♦ Rotated canines adversely affect esthetics and may lead to
occlusal interference.
♦♦ There should be absence of rotation in both of the dental
arches to be called as normal occlusion.

Key 5: Presence of Tight Contacts

Figs 98 (1 to 5):  Ugly duckling stage
There should be tight contacts and absence of any spacing. Tight
contacts are an essential part to maintain the integrity of any
Q.13. Answer in brief key of occlusion. (Feb 2016, 2 Marks)
arch form, especially the dental arches.
Ans. Lawrence F Andrew’s had given six keys of normal
occlusion, which are: Key 6: Flat Occlusal Plane
• Key l: Molar relationship (inter-arch relationship) ♦♦ The curve of Spee should be relatively slight or flat.
• Key 2: Crown angulations (mesiodistal crown ♦♦ The vertical distance between any tooth and a line joining
angulations /mesiodistal tip) the most prominent cusp tip of the mandibular molar and
• Key 3: Crown inclination (labiolingual crown central incisor (curve of Spee) should not exceed 1.5 mm.
inclination, the labiolingual or buccolingual Torque) ♦♦ An excessive curve of Spee restricts the amount of space
• Key 4: Absence of rotations available for the upper teeth, which must then move
• Key 5: Presence of tight contacts toward the mesial and distal, thus, preventing correct
• Key 6: Flat occlusal plane. intercuspation.
Key 1: Molar Relationship (Inter-arch Relationship) Q.14. Write short note on normal occlusion.
 (Jan 2012, 2 Marks)
♦♦ The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first permanent
Ans. Normal occlusion is a Class I relationship of the maxillary
molar falls within the groove between the mesial and
and mandibular first molar in centric occlusion.
middle cusps of the mandibular first permanent molar.
Normal occlusion is an absence of large or many facets,
♦♦ The distal surface of the distal marginal ridge of the max-
bone loss, closed vertical dimension, crooked teeth,
illary first permanent molar contacts and occludes with
bruxism, loose teeth and freedom from joint pain.
the mesial surface of the mesial marginal ridge of the
mandibular second permanent molar. Features of Normal Occlusion in Permanent Dentition
♦♦ The mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary first permanent
♦♦ Overlap: In normally occluding dentition, maxillary teeth
molar seats in the central fossa of the mandibular first
are labial or buccal to mandibular teeth.
permanent molar.
♦♦ Angulations: Permanent teeth will have buccolingual and
Key 2: Crown Angulations (Mesiodistal Crown mesiodistal angulations.
Angulations/Mesiodistal Tip) ♦♦ Occlusion: With exception of mandibular central incisors
and maxillary third molars, each permanent tooth occludes
In the normal occluded teeth, the gingival portion of the long with two teeth.
axis of each crown is distal to the occlusion portion of that axis. ♦♦ Arch curvature:
The degree of the angulation varies with each tooth type. • Anteroposterior curvature in mandibular arch is
known as curve of Spee
Key 3: Crown Inclination (Labiolingual Crown Inclination,
• Corresponding curve in maxillary arch is known as
Labiolingual or Buccolingual “Torque”)
compensating curve.
♦♦ The angle between a line is 90° to the occlusal plane, as • Buccolingual curvature from one side to other side is
well as a line tangent to the middle of the labial or the known as Monson’s curve.
buccal surface of clinical crown, which is referred to as ♦♦ Overbite: It is normal, i.e. 1 to 2 mm.
crown inclination. ♦♦ Overjet: It is 1 to 3 mm.
♦♦ Lingual crown inclination occurs in maxillary and man- ♦♦ Molar relationship: Mesiobuccal cusp of permanent
dibular posteriors. maxillary first molar occludes in mesiobuccal groove of
♦♦ Positive or labial inclination in maxillary incisors. permanent mandibular first molar.
616 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.15. Define occlusion. What is key of occlusion. the mesial surface of the mesial marginal ridge of the
 (Apr 2017, 5 Marks) mandibular second permanent molar.
Ans. Occlusion is defined as the “static and dynamic contact ♦♦ The mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary first permanent
relationship between the occlusal surface of teeth during molar seats in the central fossa of the mandibular first
function” Glossary of prosthodontic terminology (GPT). permanent molar.
For Key of occlusion refer to Ans 13 of same chapter. ♦♦ This is the normal molar relation.
Q.16. Write a short note on types of dentition. Add a note on Class II Relation
Leeway space of Nance. (Sep 2017, 3 Marks)
♦♦ In this mesiobuccal cusp of maxillary first molar is aligned
Ans. Types of dentition directly over embrasure area between mandibular second
Humans consist of three types of dentition, i.e. primary, premolar and first molar.
mixed/transitional and permanent dentition. ♦♦ Distobuccal cusp of maxillary first molar is in line with
mesiobuccal groove of mandibular first molar.
Primary Dentition ♦♦ Mesiobuccal cusp of mandibular first molar occludes
Tooth start to erupt in oral cavity from 8 months and complete with the central fossa of maxillary first molar, while the
by 30th month after birth when primary molars are in occlusion. distolingual cusp of maxillary first molar occludes in the
Once the primary dentition is established there are no significant central fossa area of mandibular first molar.
changes occur intraorally during primary dentition. There are Class III Relation
all over 20 deciduous teeth present.
♦♦ In this mandibular molars are mesial to maxillary molar as
Mixed or Transitional Dentition compared to class I relation. So mesiobuccal cusp of maxil-
lary first molar is found to be situated over the embrasure
This period starts from 6 years of age and last till 12 years of
area between mandibular first and second molar.
age. It is a transition stage when primary teeth are exfoliated
♦♦ Distobuccal cusp of mandibular first molar is situated in
in a sequential manner, followed by the eruption of their embrasure between maxillary second premolar and first
permanent successors. In first transitional period, eruption of molar, whereas mesiolingual cusp of maxillary first molar
permanent first molars and replacement of primary incisors by is situated in mesial pit of mandibular second molar.
the permanent incisors occur. The second transitional period
involves replacement of the primary molars and canines by the
permanent premolars and canine; respectively, and emergence
of second permanent molars.

Permanent Dentition
This stage is established by about 12 to 14 years of age excluding
the third molars.
For note on leeway space of Nance refer to Ans 5 of same Fig. 99  Molar relation in permanent dentition
Q.18. Write short answer on curve of S pee and curve of
Q.17. Define occlusion. Discuss molar relation, overjet and
Wilson. (Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
overbite in permanent dentition. (May 2018, 3 Marks)
Ans. For curve of Spee refer to Ans 2 of same chapter.
Ans. Occlusion is defined as the “static and dynamic contact
For curve of Wilson refer to Ans 9 of same chapter.
relationship between the occlusal surface of teeth during
function” Glossary of prosthodontic terminology (GPT)
For overjet and overbite refer to Ans 6 of same chapter 13. REVIEW OF TOOTH MORPHOLOGY
Molar Relation in Permanent Dentition
Q.1. Describe and illustrate the status of dentition at the age
Molar relation of permanent teeth can be Class I, Class II or of 10 years. (Feb 2005, 1.5 Marks) (Sep 2007, 15 Marks)
Class III as described by Angle. Key teeth for this classification  (Apr 2010, 15 Marks)
are permanent first molars. Or
A child of 10 years reports to you for examination.
Class I Relation
Show with the help of diagram only the teeth which
♦♦ The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first permanent are present in oral cavity and the teeth which will be
molar falls within the groove between the mesial and embedded in jaw with degree of calcification? 
middle cusps of the mandibular first permanent molar.  (Mar 2001, 15 Marks)
♦♦ The distal surface of the distal marginal ridge of the max- Ans. At 10 years it is a stage of late childhood. It is a school
illary first permanent molar contacts and occludes with stage.
Dental Anatomy 617

Deciduous teeth present at the stage of 10 years: Permanent mandibular dentition present at the stage of 7 years
1. Maxillary canine 1. In mandible the central incisor completely erupts and the
2. Maxillary first molar root is completely formed.
3. Mandibular first molar. 2. Crown of lateral incisor is slightly erupted and root forma-
tion is incomplete.
3. Crown of canine is embedded in the jaw and root forma-
tion does not take place.
4. In first and second premolar crown formation is complete
but they are embedded in the jaw.
5. Crown formation of first molar is complete but the root
completion does not take place.

Fig. 100:  Dentition during 10 years of age

Permanent Dentition Present at the Stage of 10 Years

1. Maxillary and mandibular central incisor
2. Maxillary and mandibular lateral incisor
3. Maxillary and mandibular first molar.
The tooth of which crown formation is complete but with
Fig. 101:  Dentition during 7 years of age
calcification but root completion is not present.
1. Permanent maxillary and mandibular canine
2. Maxillary and mandibular first premolar 14. TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT
3. Maxillary and mandibular second premolar.
Q.2. Describe the status of dentition at the stage of 7 years. Q.1. Write a short note on synovial joint. (Mar 2008, 2 Marks)
 (Mar 2000, 15 Marks) Ans. S ynovial joint is characterized by the presence of a
Ans. Age of 7 years is the stage of mixed dentition. joint cavity filled with synovial fluid and is lined by the
synovial membrane which is enveloped by articular
Deciduous dentition present at the stage of 7 years capsule.
1. Maxillary lateral incisor It permits free movement.
2. Maxillary and mandibular canine
3. Maxillary and mandibular first molar Components of Synovial Joint
4. Maxillary and mandibular second molar. 1. Articular surface
2. Articular cartilage: It covers the articular surfaces
Permanent maxillary dentition present at the age of 7 years of articulating bone, made up of hyaline cartilage.
1. Central incisor: Eruption is started and root formation is 3. Synovial fluid: It is clear or pale yellow, viscous
not completed. fluid, slightly alkaline at rest.
2. Lateral incisor: It is embedded in the jaw, crown formation - It maintains the nutrition of articular cartilage
and root formation is completed. - It provides lubrication to joint cavity to prevent
3. Canine: It is embedded in the jaw and root formation is wear and tear.
completed. 4. Synovial membrane: It is a connective tissue
4. First and second premolar: Embedded in the jaw and root membrane, lines the fibrous capsule from inside. It
is completed. Premolars erupt from the inner surface of secretes synovial fluid and also liberates hyaluronic
root of molars. acid.
5. Molar does not consist of any deciduous predecessors, so 5. Joint cavity: It accommodates the articular surfaces,
they are erupted directly from the dental lamina. cartilage, synovial fluid and synovial membrane.
In first molar, the crown is completely erupted but the roots 6. Capsule: It is fibrous capsule lined by synovial
are not completely formed. membrane. It binds the articulating bones together.
618 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

7. Articular disc or meniscus: A fibrocartilage disc articulating surface of temporal bone. It divides joint into
divides the joint, it increases the range of the superior and inferior compartments.
movement, e.g. ♦♦ Articular ligaments: TMJ has one major and three minor
- Palanar joint: Joint between first rib and sternum. ligaments. Temporomandibular is major ligament, while
- Hinge joint: Elbow, ankle and interphalangeal sphenomandibular, stylomandibular and pterygoman-
joint. dibular raphae are minor ligaments.
- Condylar joint: Knee joint, temporomandibular ♦♦ Muscles: Muscle which is closest to the TMJ is lateral
joint pterygoid muscle. It helps in the protrusion of mandible.
- Saddle joint: Sternoclavicular, calcaneocuboid Q.3. Enumerate the components of temporomandibular
joint joint. (Sept 2015, 2 Marks)
- Ball and socket joint: Hip joint, shoulder joint, Ans. Following are the components of TMJ:
incudostapedius joint.
1. Bone or hard tissue components
Q.2. Write a short note on components of TMJ.  a. Condyles of mandible
 (Nov 2010, 3 Marks) (Dec 2014, 2 Marks) b. Glenoid fossa of temporal bone
Or c. Articular eminence
Write briefly on components of TMJ. 2. Soft tissue components
 (Apr 2017, 2 Marks) a. Articular capsule
Or b. Articular disc
Write a short note on anatomy of TMJ. c. Articular ligaments
 (Sep 2017, 2 Marks) d. Muscles.
Ans. Temporomandibular joint has two types of components: Q.4. Write a short note on ligaments associated with tem-
1. Bone or hard tissue components poromandibular joint. (Aug 2016, 3 Marks)
2. Soft tissue components. Or
Bone or Hard Tissue Components Answer in brief on ligaments of temporomandibular
joint. (May 2017, 2 Marks)
The hard tissue components of TMJ are:
♦♦ Condyles of mandible: They are ovoid, convex pro-
cesses which are broader laterally and narrower medially. Ligaments of Temporomandibular Joint
Condyles are connected with the body of mandible by Following are the ligaments of temporomandibular joint:
narrow stalk on both the sides.
Fibrous Capsule
♦♦ It is attached above to the articular tubercle, circumference
of mandibular fossa and squamotympanic fissure and
below the neck of mandible.
♦♦ It is loose above intra-articular disc and tight below it.
Temporomandibular Ligament or Lateral Ligament
♦♦ Temporomandibular ligament is a major ligament.
♦♦ It is the fan-shaped ligament which is present on the lateral
aspect of articular capsule.
♦♦ This ligament extends as thickening of capsule obliquely
in backward and downward direction from lateral aspect
Fig. 102:  Components of temporomandibular joint of articular eminence to posterior part of condylar neck.
♦♦ This ligament has two parts, i.e. outer part and the inner
♦♦ Glenoid fossa of temporal bone: Articular surface of
temporal bone is situated on the inferior surface of squa-
♦♦ This ligament helps to prevent displacement of tempo-
mous part of temporal bone. It articulates with mandibular
romandibular ligament in both posterior and inferior
condyle and is known as glenoid fossa.
♦♦ Articular eminence: It binds mandibular fossa anteriorly
♦♦ Since temporomandibular joint is bilateral, temporoman-
and form anterior root of zygomatic process.
dibular ligament prevent lateral displacement of one joint
Soft Tissue Components and medial displacement of another joint.

♦♦ Articular capsule: It is a thin part of dense cartilaginous Sphenomandibular Ligament

tissue which encloses joint cavity. ♦♦ Sphenomanbibular ligament is a minor ligament.
♦♦ Articular disc: It is a rough, oval, firm, thick plate of dense ♦♦ This is a flat, thin band which is attached to the spine of
fibrous cartilage which is located between condyle and sphenoid bone above and to lingula of mandible to below.
Dental Anatomy 619

♦♦ This ligament is the remnant of the dorsal part of Meckel’s Q.5. Draw well labeled diagram of TMJ. 
cartilage  (Jan 2018, 2 Marks)
♦♦ This ligament limits distension of mandible in inferior

Fig. 104:  Well labeled diagram of TMJ

Q.6. Enumerate components of TMJ. Write about ligaments

and muscles of TMJ. (Sep 2018, 2 + 3 Marks)
Ans. Temporomandibular joint has two types of compo-
1. Bone or hard tissue components
Fig. 103:  Ligaments of temporomandibular joint
– Condyles of mandible
TMJ: Temporomandibular junction;TML: Temporomandibular
– Glenoid fossa of temporal bone
ligament; SML: Sphenomandibular ligament;
StML: Stylomandibular ligament – Articular eminence
2. Soft tissue components
Stylomandibular Ligament – Articular capsule
♦♦ Stylomandibular ligament is a minor ligament. – Articular disc
♦♦ It is the specialized band or free border of cervical fascia. – Articular ligaments
♦♦ It extends from apex of styloid process of temporal bone – Muscles
to posterior border of angle of mandible and ramus of For ligaments of TMJ refer to Ans 4 of same chapter.
mandible. Muscles of TMJ are the muscles of mastication. For details
♦♦ Along with the sphenomandibular ligament the stylo- refer to Ans 1 of chapter MASTICATION in Section ORAL
mandibular ligament limit excessive opening of mandible. PHYSIOLOGY.
620 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


As per DCI and Examination Papers 1 Mark Each
of Various Universities

1. Oblique ridge of maxillary Ist molar connects: 8. In FDI system of notation ‘64’ refers to:
a. Mesiobuccal to distopalatal a. Deciduous maxillary right first molar
b. Mesiopalatal to distobuccal cusp b. Deciduous maxillary left first molar
c. Mesial to distal cusp c. Deciduous mandibular right first molar
d. None of the above d. Deciduous mandibular left first molar
2. Elevation on the teeth surface are: 9. Acute angled cusps in permanent maxillary first molar
a. Cusp and ridge are:
b. Fossa and groove a. Distobuccal and mesiolingual
c. Both a and b b. Mesiobuccal and distobuccal
d. None of the above c. Mesiobuccal and distolingual
3. Eruption age of permanent maxillary canine is: d. Mesiolingual and distolingual
a. 9–10 years 10. For speech the essential component is:
b. 8–9 years a. Inspired air
c. 11–12 years
b. Expired air
d. 12–13 years
c. Heart beats
4. In ideal intercuspation, maxillary canine articulate d. Temperature
11. All anterior teeth are formed by:
a. Mandibular canine and Ist premolar
a. 1 developmental lobe
b. Mandibular canine and lateral incisor
b. 2 developmental lobes
c. Mandibular Ist and 2nd premolar
c. 3 developmental lobes
d. Mandibular canine only
d. 4 developmental lobes
5. Cusp of Carabelli is seen on:
12. The first succedaneous tooth to erupt in oral cavity is:
a. Mandibular premolar
b. Mandibular canine a. Maxillary central incisor
c. Mandibular Ist molar b. Mandibular central incisor
d. Maxillary Ist molar c. Mandibular first molar
d. Mandibular canine
6. Eruption age of permanent maxillary central incisor is:
a. 6–7 years 13. Mesial contact area of permanent canine is at:
b. 7–8 years a. Middle third
c. 8–9 years b. Junction of incisal and middle third
d. 10–11 years c. Junction of middle and cervical third
d. None of the above
7. Curve passing through buccal and lingual tip of man-
dibular buccal teeth: 14. Mandibular first premolar erupts between:
a. Wilson curve a. 9–10 years
b. Curve of Spee b. 8–9 years
c. Monsoon curve c. 10–12 years
d. Anti-monsoon curve d. 11–12 years

Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a
5. d 6. b 7. a 8. b
9. d 10. b 11. d 12. c
13. b 14. c
Dental Anatomy 621

15. Which of the following are the functions of contact 22. The permanent mandibular second molar occludes
area? with:
a. Distribution of occlusal stresses a. Maxillary 1st and 2nd molar
b. Protection of periodontium b. Maxillary 2nd premolar and 1st molar
c. Stabilization of dental arches c. Maxillary 2nd and 3rd molar
d. All of the above d. Maxillary 1st and 2nd premolars
16. In FDI system of notation ‘45’ refers to: 23. Muscles of mastication are supplied by:
a. Permanent maxillary right second premolar a. First part of maxillary artery
b. Permanent maxillary left second premolar b. Facial artery
c. Permanent mandibular right second premolar c. Third part of maxillary artery
d. Permanent mandibular left second premolar d. Second part of maxillary artery
17. Major fossae on occlusal surface of permanent maxil- 24. Anterior marginal articular disc and capsule of TMJ is
lary first molar are: the site of insertion for:
a. Mesial and distal triangular fossa a. Masseter
b. Central and distal fossa b. Temporalis
c. Distal and distal triangular fossa c. Medial pterygoid
d. Central and mesial fossa d. Lateral pterygoid
18. In all of the following teeth mesial slope of buccal cusp 25. Lingual cusp of premolar develops from:
is shorter than distal slope except: a. Mesial lobe
a. Permanent mandibular canine b. Distal lobe
b. Mandibular first premolar c. Middle lobe
c. Maxillary second premolar d. Lingual lobe
d. Maxillary first premolar 26. Curve of spee touches each cusp and incisal edges to
19. Which of the following permanent tooth is bilaterally confirm to a segment of:
symmetrical when viewed from incisal aspect? a. Ellipse
a. Mandibular lateral incisor b. Square
b. Mandibular canine c. Sphere
c. Mandibular central incisor d. Rectangle
d. Maxillary central incisor 27. As compared to permanent dentition the pulp horn
20. The crown of primary upper second molar has: and chambers in deciduous teeth are:
a. 2 cusps a. High and small
b. 3 cusps b. High and large
c. 4 cusps c. Low and small
d. 5 cusps d. Low and large
21. Mesiolingual groove is seen in: 28. Teeth that have no distal contact are:
a. Maxillary 1st premolar a. Central incisor
b. Mandibular 1st premolar b. Deciduous canine
c. Maxillary 2nd premolar c. Permanent third molar
d. Mandibular 2nd premolar d. Both b and c

Answers: 15. d 16. c 17. b 18. d

19. c 20 d 21. b 22. a
23. d 24 d 25. d 26. c
27. b 28 c
622 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


As per DCI and Examination Papers 1 Mark Each
of Various Universities

1. Junction of three surfaces of tooth is called as……………. 4. Eruption of primary tooth starts off……………………
Ans. Point angle Ans. At 6 months
2. Lingual lobe of an anterior tooth is known as……………
5. Principle jaw opening muscle is…………………………
Ans. Cingulum
Ans. Digastric muscle
3. Number of roots and root canals in permanent man-
dibular first molar is…………….
Ans. Two roots and three canals
Dental Anatomy 623



1. Name the system which is acceptable to computer 15. When does calcification of primary dentition begins.
languages. Ans. 13 to 16 weeks
Ans. Universal system 16. How much time does permanent tooth take for com-
2. Two digit system for primary or permanent dentition plete formation?
is also known as. Ans. 8 years
Ans. FDI system 17. What is the sequence of permanent teeth eruption?
3. Who had proposed two digit system? Ans. 6 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 8
Ans. Dederation dentaire internationale 18. In how much time does transition from primary to
4. Name the linear elevation on the surface of a tooth. permanent dentition begins?
Ans. Ridge Ans. 6 years
5. Which type of ridge descends from the tips of the cusps 19. Who described the formation of permanent teeth oc-
of molars and premolars towards the central part of the curring in cluster?
occlusal surface? Ans. Schour and Massaler
Ans. Triangular ridge 20. Which is the first tooth of the permanent dentition to
6. Which ridge is formed by the union of the triangular emerge through the gingiva?
ridge of the distobuccal cusp and the distal cusp ridge Ans. First molar
of the mesiolingual cusp of maxillary molar? 21. Name other synonyms of primary teeth.
Ans. Oblique ridge Ans. Deciduous, milk, temporary, baby
7. Which is the one of the primary sections of formation 22. Name the tooth which is unique in that it has a crown
in the development of the crown? form unlike that of any permanent tooth?
Ans. Lobe Ans. Deciduous mandibular molar tooth
8. Which angle is formed by the junction of two surfaces? 23. In which dentition the crowns of anterior teeth are
Ans. Line angle wider mesiodistally in comparison with their crown
9. Which angle is formed by the junction of three surfaces? lengths.
Ans. Point angle Ans. Deciduous dentition

10. Who had given the specifications used for carving 24. In which tooth mesial slope of the cusp is longer than
individual teeth for the permanent dentition. the distal slope.
Ans. GV Black Ans. Canine

11. Who had given the dental age assessment based on the 25. How is the cusp of the primary canine as compared to
basis of the number of teeth at each chronological age? permanent canine?
Ans. Demerjian Ans. Long and sharp

12. Who had given dental age assessment based on the 26. From the incisal aspect the crown of which tooth is
stages of formation of crowns and roots of teeth? diamond shaped.
Ans. Smith Ans. Primary canine

13. Who had given dental age assessment in the mixed 27. Where does the bifurcation of the roots of the primary
first molar begins.
dentition based on the amount of resorption of roots
of primary teeth and amount of development of per- Ans. Cervical line
manent teeth? 28. Which cusp of the maxillary first molar is most promi-
Ans. Proffit nent longest and sharpest?
14. Who had mentioned that tooth formation that may be Ans. Maxillary first deciduous molar
divided approximately into a number of stages that 29. Crown of which primary molar resembles a permanent
covers continuously the development of teeth? maxillary premolar.
Ans. Nolla Ans. Maxillary first deciduous molar
624 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

30. Name the primary tooth which resembles the perma- 46. When does first evidence of calcification of maxillary
nent maxillary first molar. lateral incisor occurs.
Ans. Primary second molar Ans. 1 year
31. Name the tooth on which cusp of Carabelli’s of the 47. Which is the smallest tooth in the dental arch?
deciduous dentition is present. Ans. Mandibular central incisor
Ans. Primary maxillary second molar 48. When does first evidence of calcification of mandibular
32. Name the tooth who has a sharp and prominent me- central incisor occurs.
siolingual cusp which is almost entered lingually but Ans. 3 to 4 months
in line with the mesial root. 49. Which is the longest tooth in the mouth?
Ans. Primary first mandibular molar Ans. Maxillary canine
33. Name the largest cusp of the primary mandibular first 50. When does the first evidence of calcification of maxil-
molar. lary canine occur.
Ans. Mesiolingual Ans. 4 to 5 months
34. When the maxillary and mandibular primary teeth 51. When does the root completion of maxillary canines
occlude all the teeth occlude with two teeth in the op- occur.
posite jaw. Name the teeth which do not occlude with
Ans. 12 to 14 years
two teeth.
Ans. Mandibular central incisor and maxillary second molar 52. Name the anterior tooth most likely to have a bifurcated
35. At what age does the separation of primary anterior Ans. Mandibular canine
teeth due to growth of the jaws is usually seen?
Ans. 4 to 5 years 53. When does the enamel completion of maxillary first
premolar occur.
36. Who had described the arrangement of natural teeth? Ans. 5 to 6 years
Ans. Graf von Spee
54. Name the distinguishing feature between the first and
37. In which animal triangular stage or tritubercular molars second maxillary premolar from the mesial aspect and
are seen. is present on the first premolar.
Ans. Dogs Ans. Mesial developmental groove
38. In whom quadritubercular molar are seen? 55. When does the first evidence of calcification of maxil-
Ans. Humans lary second premolar occur.
39. Which is the only tooth which is wider lingually than Ans. 2 to 2.5 years
buccally? 56. Name the largest tooth in the maxillary arch.
Ans. Maxillary first molar Ans. Maxillary first molar
40. Which is the most prominent teeth in the mouth? 57. Name the tooth which is considered to be the corner
Ans. Maxillary central incisor stone of the dental arches.
41. Which is the widest teeth mesiodistally among the Ans. First molars
anteriors? 58. Which root is the longest in the maxillary first molar
Ans. Maxillary central incisor tooth?
42. When does the first evidence of calcification of maxil- Ans. Lingual root
lary central incisor occur. 59. Which cusp is the smallest in the maxillary first molar
Ans. 3 to 4 months tooth?
43. When does enamel completion of the maxillary central Ans. Distobuccal root
incisor occur. 60. The cusp of Carabelli is usually found lingual to which
Ans. 4 to 5 years cusp of the maxillary first molar.
44. When does the root completion of maxillary central Ans. Mesiopalatal cusp
incisor occurs. 61. When does the enamel completion of maxillary first
Ans. 10 years molar occur.
45. Name the tooth that varies in form more than any other Ans. 3 to 4 years
tooth in the mouth with the exception of third molar. 62. When does root completion of maxillary first molar occur?
Ans. Lateral incisor Ans. 9 to 10 years
Dental Anatomy 625

63. Name the tooth in the maxillary arch in which the 77. How mandibular canal is directed?
crown is wider mesially then distally and wider lin- Ans. Upward, backward and laterally
gually than buccally.
78. Name the triangular shallow fossa which lies posterior
Ans. Maxillary first molar
to the third molar.
64. The maxillary molar primary cusp triangle supposition Ans. Retromolar triangle
follows which of the hypothesis of tooth origin.
Ans. Cope-Osborn 79. What is the another name for discomalleolar ligament?
Ans. Pinto's ligament.
65. During what age root completion of the maxillary
second molar gets completed. 80. Name the otomandibular ligaments which connect the
Ans. 14 to 16 years middle ear and the temporomandibular joint.
Ans. Discomalleolar ligament and temporomandibular
66. During which age the first evidence of calcification of
maxillary third molar occurs.
Ans. 7 to 9 years 81. What does pantograph and kinesiograph used to record?
Ans. Mandibular movements
67. What is the shape of mandibular first molar when seen
from the occlusal aspect? 82. How much is the maximum opening of the TMJ?
Ans. Hexagonal Ans. 50 to 60 mm.
68. How is the form of mandibular first molar from buccal 83. How much is the maximum lateral opening in the
aspect? absence of TMJ muscle dysfunction?
Ans. Trapezoidal Ans. 10 to 12 mm.
69. Who had given the morphological categories used to 84. How much is the maximum protrusive movement?
describe the occlusal surfaces of mandibular molar Ans. 8 to 11 mm
which are based upon a topology?
Ans. Gregory and Hellman 85. Which of the two muscles partly cover the masseter
70. What is the other name of maxillary sinus?
Ans. Platysma and risorius
Ans. Antrum of Highmore
86. Name the muscle which is the principle positioner of
71. Major portion of the canine fossa is directly above the
the mandible during elevation.
roots of which tooth.
Ans. Temporalis
Ans. Premolar
87. At what age group function occlusion is common?
72. Name the muscle whose some of the fibers originate
from maxillary tuberosity. Ans. Above age of 30 years
Ans. Medial pterygoid 88. If all of the teeth get extracted what happens to centric
73. Which are the two canals which open laterally into the occlusion.
incisive foramen. Ans. Centric occlusion gets lost
Ans. Foramina of Stensen and Foramina of Scarpa. 89. Name the tooth which consists of palatogingival
74. Name the structure to whom foramen of stensen accom­ groove.
modates. Ans. Maxillary lateral incisor
Ans. Nasopalatine nerves and vessels 90. If any of the molar has no occluding teeth, what is the
75. Which is the heaviest and strongest bone of the head? effect on its position.
Ans. Mandible Ans. It get extruded
76. Name the structure present between the condyle and 91. Name the teeth which most commonly show morpho-
the coronoid process. logical variations.
Ans. Mandibular notch Ans. Lateral incisors
626 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Additional Matter
Various Types of Dentitions Contd...

Type of dentition Meaning Longest crown present in the mandibular Mandibular canine
arch or the longest crown present inside (11 mm)
Monophyodont In this there is presence of one set of dentition
the oral cavity
for the entire life
Diphyodont In this there is presence of two sets of Maximum root length present inside Maxillary canine
dentition, e.g. humans maxillary arch or longest root present (17 mm)
inside the oral cavity
Polyphyodont In this there is presence of greater than two
sets of dentition Maximum root length present inside Mandibular canine
mandibular arch (16 mm)
Homodont In this all teeth have same without any
distinction such as central incisor or lateral Shortest tooth of all the dentition Maxillary second molar
incisor or premolars or molars or shortest tooth present inside the (6.5 + 11 mm)
maxillary arch
Heterodont In this, there is presence of various different
groups of teeth Shortest tooth present inside mandibular Second molar
Bunodont This dentition consists of various primitive arch (7 + 13 mm)
types of teeth which are seen in primates such Shortest crown present dentition or Maxillary second molar
as dogs, cats etc shortest crown present in the maxillary (6.5 mm)
Haplodont They are simplest cone form of teeth with arch
single root, e.g. crocodile Shortest crown present in mandibular Second molar
Triconodont This dentition is present in early mammals. In arch (7 mm)
this three of the cusps are arranged in line with Shortest root present in maxillary arch or Maxillary second molar
the largest cusp in center shortest root in oral cavity (11 mm)
Tritubercular In this three of the cusps are arranged in form Shortest root present in mandibular arch Central incisor
stage of triangle (12.5 mm)
Quadritubercular In this there is formation of the fourth cusp
Largest mesiodistal diameter of crown Maxillary central incisor
stage and an occlusal contact relationship between
present in anterior teeth
maxilla and mandible is established
Largest mesiodistal diameter of crown Mandibular first molar
Various Teeth Along with the Shapes of their Occlusal present in oral cavity
Surfaces Largest labiolingual diameter of crown Maxillary canine
present inside the anterior teeth
Shape of the occlusal
Largest labiolingual diameter of crown Maxillary first molar
Name of the tooth surface
present inside the oral cavity
Permanent maxillary first premolar Hexagonal
Largest mesiodistal diameter present Mandibular second
Permanent mandibular first premolar Diamond inside the deciduous dentition molar
Permanent mandibular second premolar Square Largest buccolingual diameter present Maxillary second molar
inside the deciduous dentition
Permanent maxillary first molar and Rhomboidal
deciduous maxillary second molar First succedaneous tooth which erupt in Mandibular central
oral cavity incisor
Permanent maxillary second molar Rhomboidal having more
obtuse angles First non-succedaneous tooth to erupt in Mandibular first molar
oral cavity
Permanent maxillary third molar Heart shape
Last succedaneous tooth to erupt in oral Maxillary canine
Permanent mandibular first molar Hexagonal/trapezoidal
Deciduous maxillary first molar Rectangular

Important Points to be Remember Various Teeth and their Lobes

Longest tooth present in the oral cavity • Maxillary canine Name of teeth Lobes present
(10 + 17 mm) Permanent incisors 4
• Mandibular canine
Permanent canines
(11 + 16 mm)
Permanent premolars
Longest crown present in the maxillary Central incisor
arch (10.5 mm) Three cusp type mandibular second premolar 5

Contd... Contd...
Dental Anatomy 627

Contd... About Geometric Lines

Name of teeth Lobes present Geometric lines Position
Permanent maxillary first molar and 5 Triangular and wedge shaped Mesial and distal aspect of six
permanent mandibular first molar anterior teeth
Deciduous maxillary second molar and 5 Trapezoid with longest • Labial and lingual aspect of six
deciduous mandibular second molar uneven surface towards anterior teeth
occlusal or incisal surface • Buccal and lingual aspect of
Various other permanent molars 4
posterior teeth
Deciduous incisors 1 Trapezoids with shortest Proximal aspect of all maxillary
uneven surface towards posterior teeth
occlusal surface
Number of Line Angles and Point Angles in Various
Rhomboids Proximal aspect of all mandibular
Cavities posterior teeth
Total number of Total number of
Type of the cavity point angles line angles Baum’s Classification of Deciduous Molars
Type I 4 8
Flush • Distal surface of maxillary and mandibular second
Type II 6 11 terminal deciduous molars will erupt in single vertical plane
plane • Permanent molars erupt in flush or end on
Type III 3 6
Type IV 6 11 Mesial • Distal surface of lower second deciduous molar is
Type V 4 8 step more mesial to distal surface of second deciduous
Type VI Varies — • Permanent molars erupt in Angle’s class I occlusion

MOD 8 14 Distal • Distal surface of mandibular second deciduous molar

step is distal to maxillary second deciduous molar
• Permanent molars erupt in Class II occlusion
Various Developmental Grooves
Important Terms
Name of the tooth Grooves
Maxillary lateral incisor It consists of palatogingival Leeway space • This is the difference between total width of
groove which extends from primary canines and molars to total width of
enamel to the cementum permanent canine and premolars
of root • It is 1.8 mm in maxilla, i.e. 0.9 mm in each
side of arch
Mandibular first premolar It consists of mesiolingual • It is 3.4 mm in mandible, i.e. 1.7 mm in each
developmental groove side of arch
Maxillary first premolar It consists of mesial marginal Group function It refer to multiple contact in lateral or eccentric
developmental groove movements
It also consists of deep Incisal guidance It refers to contact of anterior teeth during the
concavities on mesial protrusive movements of the mandible
Supporting Lingual cusps of maxillary posterior teeth and
Mandibular central incisor It consists of maximum cusps buccal cusp of mandibular posterior teeth
numbers of developmental
grooves in its cingulum Centric stop Areas of contact that a supporting cusp makes
with opposite teeth
Mandibular central incisors, Developmental depression
maxillary canines and Mesial root is seen on both mesial and
of mandibular first molar distal sides of root Details About Various Angulations of Teeth
Maxillary first molar It also consists of deep
Anterior teeth with maximum Maxillary central incisor, i.e. 28°
concavities on distal surface
faciolingual inclination
Palatal root of maxillary first molar Largest root with facial and Anterior teeth with minimum Mandibular canine, i.e. 12°
lingual concavities faciolingual inclination
Total number of occlusal contact 138 Posterior teeth with maximum Mandibular second molar, i.e. 20°
points present in dentition faciolingual inclination
628 Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Contd... In Mandibular Teeth

Posterior teeth with minimum Maxillary first premolar, i.e. 5° Name of the
faciolingual inclination tooth Mesial contact area Distal contact area
Anterior teeth with maximum Maxillary canine, i.e. 17° Central incisor Incisal third Incisal third
mesiodistal inclination
Lateral incisor Incisal third Incisal third
Anterior teeth with minimum Mandibular lateral incisor, i.e. 0°
mesiodistal inclination Canine Incisal third Cervical to junction of
Posterior teeth with maximum ° incisal and middle third
Mandibular second molars, i.e. 14
mesiodistal inclination Premolar Junction of occlusal Junction of occlusal
Posterior teeth with minimum Maxillary second premolar, i.e. 5 ° and middle third and middle third
mesiodistal inclination First molar Centre of middle third Centre of middle third
of crown of crown
Various Contact Areas Second and Centre of middle third Centre of middle third
third molar of crown of crown
In Maxillary Teeth

Name of the tooth Mesial contact area Distal contact area

Movements of Temporomandibular Joint
Central incisor Incisal third Junction of incisal
and middle third Name of the movement Action
Lateral incisor Junction of incisal Middle third Gliding movement Protrusion
and middle third
Hinge movement Slight opening of mouth
Canine Junction of incisal Middle third
and middle third Hinge movement followed • Wide opening of mouth
by gliding • At the time of opening of mandible
Premolars Cervical to junction of Cervical to junction
from the retruded contact position
occlusal and middle of occlusal and
third middle third Only hinge movement Movement from the retruded contact
First molar Cervical to junction of Middle third position till terminal hinge axis
occlusal and middle Head of unilateral side Chewing movement
third glide forwards and head of
Second and third Middle third of crown Middle third of crown contralateral side rotates
molar in vertical axis

Dental Histology

1. Development of Face and Oral Cavity 12. Shedding of Deciduous Teeth

2. Development and Growth of Teeth 13. Temporomandibular Joint
3. Enamel 14. Maxillary Sinus
4. Dentin 15. Histochemistry of Oral Tissues
5. Pulp
Multiple Choice Questions as per DCI and
6. Cementum
Examination Papers of Various Universities
7. Periodontal Ligament
Fill in the Blanks as per DCI and Examination
8. Alveolar Process
Papers of Various Universities
9. Oral Mucous Membrane
10. Salivary Gland Viva-voce Questions for Practical Examination

11. Tooth Eruption Additional Matter

of the inferior alveolar nerve and its incisor and mental
AND ORAL CAVITY ♦♦ At 7th week, intramembranous ossification begins in this
condensation, forming the first bone of the mandible.
♦♦ From this center of ossification, bone formation spreads
Q.1. Write short note on development of palate.
rapidly anteriorly to the midline and posteriorly toward
 (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) (Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
the point where the mandibular nerve divides into its
Ans. Palate develop from first pharyngeal arch and frontonasal
lingual and inferior alveolar branches.
♦♦ Spread of new bone formation occurs anteriorly along the
• Palate is formed from three components, i.e. lateral aspect of Meckle’s cartilage, forming a trough that
a. The two palatal process: Palate like shelf grow consists of lateral and medial plates that unite beneath
from the maxillary process the incisor nerve.
b. Primitive palate is formed from the frontonasal ♦♦ This trough of bone extends to the midline, where it comes
process. into approximation with a similar trough formed in the
• Definitive palate is formed by the fusion of these adjoining mandibular process. The two separate centers of
three parts as follows: ossification remain separated at the mandibular symphysis
a. Each palatal process fuses with the posterior until shortly after birth.
margin of primitive palate. ♦♦ The trough soon is converted into a canal as bone forms
b. Two palatal process fuse with each other in the over the nerve joining the lateral and medial plates.
midline. ♦♦ Similarly, a backward extension of ossification along the
c. Medial edge of the palatal process fuse with lateral aspect of Meckel’s cartilage forms a gutter, and
the free lower edge of the nasal septum thus converted into a canal that contains the inferior alveolar
separating the two nasal cavity from each other nerve.
and from the mouth.
- At the later stage the mesoderm in the palate
undergoes intramembranous ossification to
form the hard palate.
- Ossification does not take place in the posterior
part which remains as the soft palate.

Fig. 2:  Development of mandible

♦♦ This backward extension of ossification proceeds in the

condensed mesenchyme to the point where the mandibular
nerve divides into the inferior alveolar and lingual nerves.
♦♦ From this bony canal, extending from the division of
the mandibular nerve to the midline, medial and lateral
alveolar plates of bone develop in relation to the forming
tooth germs so that the tooth germs occupy a secondary
trough of bone.
♦♦ This trough is partitioned, and thus the teeth come to
Fig. 1:  Palate after ossification occupy individual compartments, which finally are
enclosed totally by growth of bone over the tooth germ.
Q.2. Write short note on development of mandible. In this way body of mandible is formed.
 (Oct 2016, 3 Marks) ♦♦ Ramus of mandible develops by rapid spread of ossifi­
Ans. cation posteriorly into the mesenchyme of first arch,
♦♦ On the lateral aspect of Meckle’s cartilage, during sixth turning away from Meckle’s cartilage.
week of embryonic development, a condensation of ♦♦ Thus by 10 weeks the rudimentary mandible is formed
mesenchyme occurs in the angle formed by the division almost entirely by membranous ossification.
632 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Further growth of mandible until birth is influenced ♦♦ Distal proliferation of dental lamina is responsible for
strongly by the appearance of three secondary cartilages, location of germs of permanent molars.
i.e. condylar cartilage, coronoid cartilage and symphyseal ♦♦ Successors of deciduous teeth develop from lingual
cartilage as well as the development of neural, alveolar and extension of free end of dental lamina opposite to enamel
muscular attachments. organ of each deciduous tooth.
♦♦ Dental lamina provides the arising of permanent molars
from its distal extension during development of jaws.
2. DEVELOPMENT AND Q. 3. Discuss and illustrate the various stages of development
GROWTH OF TEETH of tooth. (Sep 2002, 16 Marks)
Q.1. Write a note on dental lamina.
 (Oct 2006, 2 Marks) (Apr 2007, 5 Marks) Describe process of development of tooth.
(Feb 2013, 5 Marks) (June 2010, 2 Marks)  (Sep 1999, 15 Marks) (Apr 2008, 15 Marks)
 (Oct 2008, 6 Marks)
Write short answer on dental lamina.
(May 2018, 3 Marks) Describe with diagram various stages of tooth
development. (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. Dental Lamina
• Dental lamina is the band of the epithelium that has Or
invaded underlying ectomesenchyme along each of Explain various stages in development of tooth in detail
horse shoe shaped future dental arches. with suitable diagrams. (Feb 2016, 10 Marks)
• Dental lamina serves as primordium for ectodermal Ans. Tooth development is a continuous process. Following
portion of deciduous teeth. are the stages which take part in development of tooth.
• Later, during development of jaws primary molars
arise directly from distal extension of dental lamina.
Distal proliferation of dental lamina is responsible
for location of germs of permanent molars in ramus
of mandible and tuberosity of maxilla.
• Successors of deciduous teeth develop from lingual
extension or successional lamina of free end of dental
lamina opposite to enamel organ of each deciduous
Q. 2. Describe development, function and fate of dental
lamina. (Sep 1997, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. Development of Dental Lamina
Two or three weeks after the rupture of buccopharyn-
geal membrane, when the embryo is about six weeks
old, certain areas of basal cells of ectoderm proliferate
more rapidly than do cells of adjacent areas. This leads
to development of dental lamina.

Fate of Dental Lamina

♦♦ Total activity of dental lamina extend over the period
of 5 years. Any portion of dental lamina functions for
much briefer period elapses after initiation of tooth
development before dental lamina begins to degenerate at
that location.
♦♦ As the teeth continue to develop, they loose their Figs 3A to H:  Stages of tooth development
connection with dental lamina.
Bud Stage
♦♦ Remnants of dental lamina persist as epithelial pearls or
islands within the jaw as well as in gingiva. In bud stage the enamel organ consists of peripherally
located low columnar cells and centrally located polygonal
Functions of Dental Lamina
cells. Many cells of tooth bud and surrounding mesenchyme
♦♦ It serves as primordium for ectodermal portion of undergo mitosis. As the result of increased mitotic activity and
deciduous tooth. migration of neural crest cells into area of ectomesenchymal
Dental Histology  633

condensation immediately subjacent to enamel organ is dental ♦♦ Enamel organ may have a double attachment to the
papillae. The cells of dental papillae forms tooth pulp and overlying oral epithelium enclosing ectomesenchyme
dentin. The condensed ectomesenchyme which surrounds known as enamel niche.
tooth bud and dental papillae is called as dental sac. The ♦♦ Polygonal cells located in center of epithelial enamel organ,
cells in dental sac will form the cementum and periodontal between outer and inner enamel epithelia begin to separate
ligament. as more intercellular fluid is produced and form a cellular
network called as stellate reticulum. The stellate reticulum
is a cushion like consistency that may support and protect
the delicate enamel forming cells.
♦♦ Cells in centre of enamel organ are densely packed. These
cells form knob like extension which extends to underlying
dental papilla. This is known as enamel knot. Vertical
extension of enamel knot is known as enamel cord. As
enamel cord extends and meet outer enamel epithelium it
is known as enamel septum. Depression present at junction
of enamel septum and outer enamel epithelium is known
as enamel navel. Its shape is similar to shape of umbilicus.
Enamel knot and cord acts as reservoir of dividing cells
for growth of enamel organ. Enamel knot also plays an
important role as signaling center. It also determine the
shape of the tooth.
Fig. 4:  Bud stage ♦♦ Under organizing influence of proliferating epithelium
(For colour version see Plate 20) of enamel organ, the ectomesenchyme which is partially
enclosed by invaginated portion of inner enamel epithelium
Cap Stage proliferates. It condenses to form dental papilla, which is
formative organ of dentin and primordium of pulp.
♦♦ As the tooth bud proliferates it does not expand uniformly
♦♦ With the development of enamel organ and dental papilla
into the larger sphere. The unequal growth in different
there is a marginal condensation in ectomesenchyme
parts of tooth bud leads to cap stage which is characterized
surrounding enamel organ and dental papilla. The cells
by shallow invagination on deep surface of bud.
of dental sac are important for the formation of cementum
and periodontal ligament.

Early Bell Stage

♦♦ As invagination of epithelium deepens and its margin
continues to grow, enamel organ assumes a bell shape.
♦♦ Junction of inner enamel epithelium and outer enamel
epithelium is known as cervical loop and is the area for
mitotic activity.
♦♦ Four different types of epithelial cells can be distinguished
on light microscopic examination of bell stage of enamel
organ. They are inner enamel epithelium, stratum
intermedium, stellate reticulum and outer enamel
♦♦ The inner enamel epithelium consists of single layer of
cells which differentiates to ameloblasts.
♦♦ Desmosomes connect inner epithelial cells with each other
Fig. 5:  Cap stage and with the cells of stratum intermedium.
(For colour version see Plate 20) ♦♦ A few layers of squamous cells form stratum intermedium
between inner enamel epithelium and stellate reticulum.
♦♦ During cap stage the outer enamel epithelium consists of ♦♦ Desmosomes and gap junction connect cells of stratum
peripheral cells which are cuboidal and cover convexity of intermedium to each other as well as to cells of inner
cap and are called as outer enamel epithelium. enamel epithelium and stellate reticulum.
♦♦ Cells in concavity of “cap” become tall columnar cell and ♦♦ Cells of stratum intermedium are associated with protein
represent inner enamel epithelium. synthesis and transport of nutrients to ameloblasts.
♦♦ Outer enamel epithelium is separated from dental sac Stratum intermedium regulates the formation of enamel.
while inner enamel epithelium from dental papilla by a ♦♦ Cells of stellate reticulum are of star shaped, with long
basement membrane. processes which anastomose with those of adjacent cells,
634 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

outer enamel epithelium and stratum intermedium by ♦♦ As first layer of dentin is laid down the short columnar
desmosomes. inner epithelial cells become functional ameloblasts, i.e.
♦♦ Stellate reticulum protect underlying inner enamel become tall columnar cells which reverse their polarity.
epithelial cells. ♦♦ These ameloblasts produce organic matrix of enamel
♦♦ As a layer of dentin is laid down, inner enamel epithelial against newly formed dentin. Matrix proceed pulpally
cells cut off from their nutritional supply from dental and apically and mineralizes later.
papilla. Before enamel formation begins stellate reticulum ♦♦ This organic matrix mineralizes to form enamel.
disappears bringing capillaries closer in dental follicle close ♦♦ As enamel formation proceeds from dentinoenamel
to inner enamel epithelial cells for providing nutrition. junction towards outer surface, the ameloblasts move away
♦♦ Outer enamel epithelium has cuboidal cells which are from dentin coronally and cervically.
connected to adjacent cells by junctional complexes. As ♦♦ In addition the cervical portion of enamel gives rise to the
stellate reticulum disappears before enamel formation, the epithelial root sheath of Hertwig.
outer enamel epithelium is laid in folds. Between the folds
capillary loops provide rich nutritional supply for intense
metabolic activity of avascular enamel organ.
• Enamel organ of deciduous teeth in bell stage show
successional lamina and its permanent successor teeth
in bud stage.
• Invagination formed by enamel organ encloses dental
papilla. As inner enamel epithelium begins to form
enamel, the peripheral mesenchymal cells of dental
papilla differentiate in odontoblasts. First these cells
form cuboidal form and later on columnar form and
are liable to form dentin.
• Basement membrane separating enamel organ and
dental papilla before the formation of dentin is known
as membrane preformative.
• Dental sac show circular arrangement of fibers and
resembles as capsule.
Fig. 7:  Advanced bell stage
(For colour version see Plate 20)

Q. 4. Write a short note on cap stage. 

 (Mar 2000, 5 Marks) (Feb/Mar 2004, 5 Marks)
(Nov 2009, 5 Marks) (Dec 2012, 3 Marks)
Write short note on cap stage of odontogenesis.
(Sep 2017, 3 Marks)
Draw neat and well labelled diagram for cap stage of
tooth development. (May 2018, 2 Marks)
Write very short answer on cap stage.
 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter.
Q.5. Write a short note on bell stage. (Feb 2002, 5 Marks)
Fig. 6:  Bell stage
(For colour version see Plate 20) Or

Advanced Bell Stage Write briefly on bell stage. (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter.
♦♦ Advance bell stage usually is characterized by the
beginning of the mineralization and root formation. Q. 6. Write a short note on advanced bell stage of tooth
♦♦ During advanced bell stage, boundary between inner development.(Sep 1999, 5 Marks) (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
enamel epithelium and odontoblasts outline the future  (Nov 2010, 3 Marks) (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
♦♦ As odontoblasts start to differentiate they increase the Write short note on advanced bell stage.
organic matrix of dentin along DEJ in region of future cusp.  (Apr 2015, 3 Marks)
Dental Histology  635

Describe advanced bell stage with well labelled
diagram. (Sep 2018, 3 + 2 = 5 Marks)
Ans. •  Advance bell stage usually is characterized by the
beginning of the mineralization and root formation.
• During advanced bell stage, the boundary between
inner enamel epithelium and odontoblasts outline
the future DEJ.
• As odontoblasts start to differentiate they increase
the organic matrix of dentin along DEJ in region of
future cusp. Matrix proceed pulpally and apically
and mineralises later.
• As first layer of dentin is laid down the short
columnar inner epithelial cells become functional Fig. 9:  Epithelial diaphragm (For colour version see Plate 21)
ameloblasts, i.e. become tall columnar cells which
reverse their polarity. • Inner enamel epithelial layer of root sheath influence
• These ameloblasts produce organic matrix of enamel formation of odontoblasts from outer portion of
against newly formed dentin. radicular dental papilla. These odontoblasts lead
• This organic matrix mineralizes to form initial layer to the formation of first layer of radicular dentin.
of enamel. • As the first layer of radicular dentin is laid down,
• As enamel formation proceeds from dentinoenamel Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath lost its continuity
junction towards outer surface, the ameloblasts and the cells of dental follicle or dental sac invade
move away from dentin coronally and cervically. double layer of Hertwig epithelial root sheath, root
• In addition the cervical portion of enamel gives rise sheath degenerates to form epithelial islands.
to the epithelial root sheath of Hertwig. • Now the root sheath move away and allow connective
tissue of dental follicle to come in contact with newly
formed radicular dentin. This causes differentiation
of cementoblasts from dental follicle which deposit
cementum on newly formed radicular dentin.
Q.8. Write a short note on enamel pearls. 
 (Feb 2002, 5 Marks)
Ans. If cells of epithelial root sheath remains adherent to dentin
surface, they may differentiate into fully functioning
ameloblasts and produce enamel, such droplets of enamel
are called as enamel pearls. They are sometimes found in
area of furcation of roots of permanent molars.

Fig. 8:  Advanced bell stage (For colour version see Plate 20)

Q.7. Write short note on Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath.

 (Mar 2001, 5 Marks) (Feb 1999, 5 Marks)
 (Sep 2005, 5 Marks) (Mar 2008, 2 Marks)
 (Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
Ans. •  Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath originates from the
cervical portion of enamel organ.
• It plays an important role in determining shape,
length, size and number of roots.
• It is a double layer of cells which consists of outer
enamel epithelium and inner enamel epithelium.
• Root sheath extend around dental papilla and
separate it from surrounding dental follicle all
through except the basal portion. Fig. 10:  Enamel pearl
636 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.9. Write a short note on ameloblasts.(Sep 1997, 5 Marks) Q.12. Enumerate the stages of tooth development. Write
Ans. The inner enamel epithelium consists of single layer of about bud and early bell stage. (Sep 2007, 7.5 Marks)
cells that differentiate prior to amelogenesis into tall Ans. Refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter.
columnar cells called as ameloblasts.
Q.13. Write a short note on gubernacular canal.
 (Mar 2008, 2 Marks) (Dec 2010, 2 Marks)
 (Jan 2012, 2 Marks) (Feb 2013, 2 Marks)
Ans. Gubernacular canal may seen during the eruptive phase
of tooth eruption.
• In case of a tooth that replaces a deciduous tooth the
histological findings are slightly different.
• Dental follicle that surrounds the tooth is connected
to lamina propria of oral mucous membrane by a
strand of fibrous tissue called gubernacular cord.
• The cord of tissue is believed to be a remnant of the
dental lamina.
• When a dried skull is examined, holes are seen in
lingual aspect of deciduous tooth to accommodate
the gubernacular cord.
Fig. 11:  Ameloblasts • These are gubernacular canals and act as pathways
(For colour version see Plate 21) for sucessional tooth to erupt.
• As the permanent tooth starts eupting through the
• These cells are also called as enamel forming cells.
They form unmineralized enamel. gubernacular canal, local osteoclastic activity is seen
• These cells are 4 to 5 micrometer in diameter and about around the canal to widen it so that tooth passes into
40 micrometer high. the oral cavity.
• These elongated cells are attached to each other by
junctional complexes laterally and to cells in stratum
intermedium by desmosomes.
Q.10. Write a short note on early bell stage of tooth
development? (Feb/Mar 2006, 5 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter.

Fig. 13:  Gubernacular canal

Q.14. Enumerate morphologic and physiologic stages in

Fig. 12:  Early bell stage development of tooth. Describe bell stage in detail. 
(For colour version see Plate 21)  (Dec 2010, 10 Marks)
Q.11. Enumerate the stages of tooth development. Draw
diagram of bud and cap stage of tooth development.  Enumerate physiological and morphological stages in
 (Mar 2007, 4 Marks) development of tooth. Describe in detail bell stage of
Ans. Refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter for stages of tooth development of tooth. (Dec 2014, 10 Marks)
development. Or
Dental Histology  637

Enumerate morphological stages of tooth development. ♦♦ Histodifferentiation is observed during bell stage just
Describe bell stage in detail. (Aug 2012, 10 Marks) before formation and apposition of dentin and enamel.
Or ♦♦ At bell stage, the inner enamel epithelium influences
Enumerate physiological and morphological stages of adjacent cells of dental papilla which get differentiate into
development of tooth.  (July 2016, 3 Marks) odontoblasts. These odontoblasts laid down dentinal matrix.
♦♦ With formation of dentin cells of inner enamel epithelium
Ans. Morphologic Stages
differentiate into ameloblasts and enamel matrix is laid
• Bud stage down opposite to dentin.
• Cap stage ♦♦ Differentiation of epithelial cell proceed which is essential
• Early Bell stage for differentiation.
• Advanced Bell stage.
Physiologic Stages Morphodifferentiation
• Initiation ♦♦ Basic form and size of the future tooth, i.e morphology
• Proliferation of tooth is determined by morphodifferentiation or
• Histodifferentiation differential growth.
• Morphodifferentiation ♦♦ Dentinocemental junction and dentinoenamel junction
• Apposition. determine shape of crown and root.
For bell stage in detail refer to Ans 3 and Ans 6 of chapter ♦♦ Both the junctions get established before the formation
development of tooth. of hard tissue.
♦♦ As per the shape of dentinoenamel and dentinocemental
Q.15. Describe various morphological and physiologic stages
junction the ameloblasts, odontoblasts and cementoblasts
of tooth development. (Apr 2008, 15 Marks)
deposit enamel, dentin and cementum and thus provide
Ans. Morphologic Stages
the tooth its respective form and size.
• Bud stage
• Cap stage Apposition
• Early Bell stage
♦♦ Apposition refers to the deposition of matrix of dental
• Advanced Bell stage.
hard structures.
For morphologic stages in detail refer to Ans 3 of same ♦♦ This stage is characterized by certain periods of activity
chapter. and rest.
Ans. Physiologic Stages ♦♦ During appositional growth of enamel and dentin
• Initiation deposition of extracellular matrix occur in layers.
• Proliferation ♦♦ The stage consists of regular and rhythmic deposition of
• Histodifferentiation extracellular matrix which provides tooth its final shape.
• Morphodifferentiation Q.16. Write in brief on enamel knot and cord.
• Apposition.  (June 2010, 5 Marks)
Initiation Or
♦♦ Initiation of tooth development starts with beginning of Write about enamel knot, cord, septum and navel.
epithelial-ectomesenchymal interaction.  (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Specific cells in horse shoe shaped dental lamina has Ans. Enamel knot: During cap stage, cells present in the centre
potential to form enamel organ of teeth by responding to of concavity of cap of enamel organ are densely packed.
the factors which induce tooth development. These cells form knob like extension which extends to
♦♦ Different teeth initiate at definite times. underlying dental papilla. This is known as enamel knot.
Enamel cord: Vertical extension of enamel knot is known
Proliferation as enamel cord.
♦♦ Initiation leads to the formation of enamel organ which Enamel septum: As enamel cord extends and meets outer
proliferates and the crown of tooth attain its final size as enamel epithelium it is known as enamel septum.
well as shape. Enamel navel: Depression present at junction of enamel
♦♦ Disturbance during proliferation stage produce entirely septum and outer enamel epithelium is known as enamel
different effects depending on the time and stage at which navel. Its shape is similar to shape of umbilicus.
disturbance occur. Enamel knot and cord acts as reservoir of dividing cells
for growth of enamel organ.
Histodifferentiation Enamel knot also plays an important role as signaling
♦♦ Cells continue to proliferate and undergo morphologic and center. It also determine the shape of the tooth.
functional changes. This is known as histodifferentiation. Enamel knot, cord, septum and naval are the transient
♦♦ During histodifferentiation, a cell loose some of its properties structures in tooth development or odontogenesis which
and restrict some of its functions and assume new function. disappears as enamel formation starts.
638 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.17. Write briefly on transient structures in odontogenesis.  Morphological stage Physiological stage
 (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) Dental Iamina Initation (of tooth germ)
Or Bud stage Proliferation (= cell division)
Write short note on transitory structures in tooth Cap stage Beginning of histodifferentiation
development. (Aug 2016, 3 Marks)
Bell stage Morphodifferentiation
Ans. Enamel knot, cord, septum and naval are the transient Histodifferentiation (prominent)
structures in tooth development or odontogenesis which
Early crown stage Apposition (formation of dentin and enamel)
disappears as enamel formation starts.
Late crown stage Continued apposition of dentin and enamel
For detail refer to Ans 16 of same chapter. (including enamel maturation)
Q.18. Enumerate stages of odonotgenesis and describe
advanced bell stage in detail. (Aug 2012, 10 Marks) For bell stage of development of tooth refer to Ans 3 and Ans
6 of same chapter.
Enumerate various stages of tooth development. Q.20. Enumerate the morphological and histological stages
Describe in detail about advanced bell stage in detail. of development of tooth. Describe in detail about cap
 (Mar 2013, 8 Marks) and bell stage. Draw well labeled diagram of cap stage.
Ans. For enumeration of stage of odontogenesis refer to  (Sep 2015, 4 + 4 + 2 Marks)
Ans 14 of same chapter. Ans. Enumeration of morphological and histological stages
For description of advanced bell stage in detail refer to of tooth development
Ans 6 of same chapter.
Q.19. Corelate morphological and physiological stages of Morphological Stages
tooth development. Describe bell stage of development ♦♦ Bud stage
of tooth. (Feb 2014, 8 Marks) ♦♦ Cap stage
Ans. Both morphologic and physiological stages of tooth ♦♦ Early Bell stage
development take part in progressive development of ♦♦ Advanced Bell stage
• The physiological stages overlap considerably Histological Stages
and many of physiological stages are continuous ♦♦ Initiation
throughout morphological stages of odontogenesis. ♦♦ Proliferation
• Initiation of tooth development starts with beginning ♦♦ Histodifferentiation
of epithelial-ectomesenchymal interaction. Specific ♦♦ Morphodifferentiation
cells in horse shoe shaped dental lamina have ♦♦ Apposition.
potential to form enamel organ of teeth by responding For cap and bell stages in detail refer to Ans 3 of same chapter.
to the factors which induce tooth development.
For diagram of cap stage refer to Ans 3 of same chapter.
• Proliferation results successively in bud, cap and
bell stages of tooth development. Any disturbance Q.21. Write short note on gubernacular cord.
in the proliferation will have effect on developed  (Apr 2015, 3 Marks)
tooth depending on the stage, i.e. bud, cap and bell Ans. Gubernaecular cord is also known as gubernaculum
at which the disturbance occur. dentis.
• Histodifferentiation is observed during bell stage • The fibrous extension of dental sac which connects
just before the formation of enamel and dentin the permanent tooth germ to oral mucosa is known
matrix. At bell stage, the inner enamel epithelium as gubernacular cord.
influences adjacent cells of dental papilla which get • Gubernacular cord is formed of fibrous tissue and
differentiate into odontoblasts. These odontoblasts may contain epithelial cells.
laid down dentinal matrix. With formation of • Gubernacular foramina are found lingual to anterior
dentin cells of inner enamel epithelium differentiate primary teeth and are the site of gubernacular cords
into ameloblasts and enamel matrix is laid down • It is also believed that gubernacular cord guides the
opposite to dentin. tooth in its eruptive movements.
• Morphodifferntiation is seen in bell stage and • After the eruption of deciduous teeth gubernacular
its peak activity is seen in advanced bell stage cord lie in the bony canals i.e. gubernacular canals.
as it provides basic form and size of the future For diagram refer to Ans 13 of same chapter.
tooth, i.e morphology of tooth is determined by
morphodifferentiation or differential growth. Q.22. Answer in brief stellate reticulum.
• Apposition refers to the deposition of matrix of  (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
dental hard structures. The stage consists of regular Or
and rhythmic deposition of extracellular matrix Write very short answer on stellate reticulum.
which provides tooth its final shape.  (May 2018, 2 Marks)
Dental Histology  639

Ans. Stellate reticulum is the layer of star shaped cells which • Teeth can develop in the abnormal locations, e.g.
is present at center of enamel organ of cap and bell stage in ovary or in hypophysis. In these mentioned
of tooth development. conditions tooth undergoes stages of development
• Meaning of stellate is star shaped and meaning of similar to jaws.
reticulum is branch like network. • During vitamin A deficiency ameloblasts fail to
• Cells of stellate reticulum are star shaped with long differentiate, since their organizing influence
processes that’s why it is known as stellate reticulum. over adjacent mesenchymal cells is disturbed and
• These star shaped cells are connected to each other osteodentin is formed.
and to cells of outer enamel epithelium and stratum • Various endocrine disturbances affect size or
intermedium by the desmosomes. form of crown of teeth if such effects occur in
• Stellate reticulum is a cushion like consistency morphodifferentiation, i.e. either in utero or in
that may support and protect the delicate enamel first year of life. Size and the shape of root may be
forming cells. altered by disturbances in later periods. Abnormal
• As layer of dentin forms, inner enamel epithelial cells curvatures in roots known as dilacerations can be
deprive of nutritional supply from dental papilla. due to the trauma which is sustained at the time of
• Stellate reticulum gets collapse before formation of development of root.
enamel during bell stage and bring capillaries in • Disturbances during the morphodifferentiation can
dental follicle close to inner enamel epithelial cells affect form and the size of tooth without impairing
to provide nutrition. function of ameloblast or odontoblast. New parts
can be differentiated such as supernumerary cusps
Q.23. Define odontogenesis. Enumerate various physiological or roots.
stage of development of tooth. Describe advanced bell • Twinning, i.e. two similar teeth can be produced due
stage with diagram. (Apr 2017, 1+2+5+2 Marks) to splitting of one tooth germ.
Ans. Odontogenesis: It is defined as complex process by • Fusion, i.e. teeth become fused which are produced
which tooth form from embryonic cells, grow and erupt from two tooth germ joined together before
into the mouth or odontogenesis is defined as entire mineralization may occur.
process of tooth formation which include amelogenesis, • An abnormality in shape can lead to peg or
dentinogenesis and cementogenesis. malformed tooth with enamel and dentin which are
Enumeration of various physiological stages of normal in their structure.
development of tooth. • Peg shaped teeth or screw driver shaped tooth
• Initiation with permanent maxillary central incisor showing
• Proliferation a notched incisal edge can be seen in individuals
• Histodifferentiation born with congenital syphilis. This is also called as
• Morphodifferentiation hutchinson’s incisor.
• Apposition • Various both genetic and environmental factors can
For advance bell stage with diagram in detail refer to Ans 6 of disturb normal synthesis and secretion of organic
same chapter. matrix of enamel which lead to enamel hypoplasia.
• If organic matrix is normal but its mineralization
Q.24. Enumerate morphological stages of tooth development. become defective, then enamel or dentin is
 (May 2017, 2 Marks) hypocalcified or hypomineralized. This occurs
Ans. Following are the morphological stages of tooth because insult is produced to the cells which are
development: responsible for apposition stage of tooth development.
• Bud stage
• Cap stage
• Early bell stage 3. ENAMEL
• Late bell stage.
Q.25. Write short answer on clinical consideration of Q.1. Mention physical and chemical properties of enamel.
odontogenesis. (Aug 2018, 3 Marks) Describe hypocalcifled structures of enamel.
Ans. Following is the clinical consideration of odontogenesis:  (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
• Lack of initiation leads to the absence of either a Ans. Physical Properties of Enamel
single tooth or multiple teeth, i.e. partial anodontia, • On the cusps of human molars and premolars attain
mainly the permanent lateral upper incisors, third a maximum thickness of about 2 to 2.5 mm.
molars and lower second premolars are involved. • Because of its high content of mineral salts and their
There can also be complete loss of all teeth, i.e. crystalline arrangement enamel is highest calcified
anodontia. Moreover abnormal initiation can lead to tissue in the body.
development of single or multiple supernumerary • Structure and hardness of enamel render it brittle.
teeth. Specific gravity of enamel is 2.8.
640 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Enamel can act like a semi permeable membrane,

permitting complete or partial passage of certain
• Color of enamel covered crown ranges from
yellowish white to grayish white.

Chemical Properties of Enamel

♦♦ Enamel consists 96% of inorganic and 4% of organic
substance and water.
♦♦ Enamel matrix mineralization begins immediately after
it is secreted. The enamel primary mineralization and
secondary mineralization increase mineral content in
relatively smooth curve.
♦♦ Chemical analysis of matrix of mature enamel indicate Fig. 14:  Enamel rods showing keyhole pattern
amino acid composition and is not closely related to keratin (For colour version see Plate 21)
and is different from collagen. Q.3. Write a short note on gnarled enamel. 
♦♦ Proteins can be isolated in several different functions, and  (Aug 2011, 2 Marks)
they contain generally high percentage of serine, glutamic Ans. •  G
 enerally rods are oriented at right angles to dentin.
acid and glycine. Near incisal edge or tips of cusps they change to an
♦♦ Enamel forming cells of developing teeth contain increasingly oblique direction until they are almost
polysaccharide-protein complex and an acid muco- vertical in region of edge or tips of cusps the rods
polysaccharide. are rarely straight. They follow a wavy course from
Answer of hypocalcified areas is given in Ans 11 of same dentin to enamel.
chapter. • The alternating clockwise and counterclockwise
deviation of rods from radial direction can be
Q.2. Write a short note on enamel rods.
observed at all levels of crown if discs are cut in
 (Sep 2017, 3 Marks) (Mar 2006, 5 Marks)
planes of general rod direction.
 (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) • If discs are cut in an oblique plane near dentin
Or in regions of cusps and incisal edges, the rod
Write short answer on enamel rods. (Aug 2018, 3 Marks) arrangement is more complicated.
Ans. Enamel Rods • Enamel rods forming the developmental pits and
• Enamel rods normally have a clear crystalline fissure on occlusal surface of molars and premolars,
appearance permitting light to pass through them. In converging in their outer course.
cross sections of human enamel, many rods appears
as fish scales.
• Number of enamel rods has been estimated as
ranging from 5 million in mandibular lateral incisors
to 12 million in maxillary first molars.
• Human enamel seems to contain rods surrounded
by rod sheaths and separated by inter-rod substance
following a pattern called as the key-hole pattern or
paddle shaped prism.
• When cut longitudinally section, pass through heads
or bodies of one row of rods and tails of adjacent
rows. Bodies of rods are nearer to the occlusal
and incisal surfaces where tail points cervically.
Generally rods are oriented at the right angles to Fig. 15:  Gnarled enamel (For colour version see Plate 21)
dentin surface. Near incisal edge or tip of cusps Q.4. Write a short note on enamel lamellae.
they follow oblique direction and vertical in region  (Mar 2000, 5 Marks) (Sep 1999, 5 Marks)
of edge or tips of cusps. (Aug/Sep 1998, 5 Marks) (Oct 2008, 2 Marks)
• Rods are rarely straight, they follow wavy course (May 2017, 3 Marks)
from dentin to enamel surface. Ans. Enamel Lamellae
• Change in direction of rods is responsible for • They are thin leaf like structures that extend from
appearance of Hunter-Schreger bands. These are enamel surface towards dentino enamel junction
alternating dark and light strips of varying width. (DEJ).
Dental Histology  641

• They consist of organic material but with little

mineral content.
• Lamellae may develop in planes of tension, where
rods cross such a plane, a short segment of rod may
not fully calcify. If the disturbance is more severe a
crack may develop.
• If the crack occur in unerupted tooth or by organic
substances from oral cavity, if crack develop
after eruption, three types of lamellae can be
• Type A—Lamellae composed of poorly calcified
rod segments
• Type B—Lamellae consisting of degenerating cells
• Type C—Lamellae arising in erupted teeth where Fig. 17:  Enamel tuft
cracks are filled with organic matter, presumably (For colour version see Plate 22)
originating from saliva.
♦♦ Lamellae of Type A are restricted to enamel and of Type B Q.6. Write a short note on enamel lamellae and enamel tufts.
and Type C are restricted to the dentin.  (Sep 2003, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Lamellae extend in longitudinal and radial direction of Or
tooth from tip of crown toward cervical region. Write a note on enamel lamellae and enamel tufts.
♦♦ Enamel lamellae may be a site of weakness in tooth and
 (Oct 2006, 5 Marks) (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
form a road of entry for bacteria and initiate caries.
Ans. The answer of enamel lamellae is given in answer no. 4
The answer of enamel tufts is given in answer no. 5
Q.7. Write a note on DEJ. 
 (Sep 1999, 3 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
Write a short note on dentinoenamel junction. 
 (Mar 2008, 2.5 Marks)
Ans. DEJ appears as scalloped line. The convexities of scallop
are directed towards the dentin.
• Surface of dentin at DEJ is pitted. The pitted DEJ is
performed even before development of hard tissues
and is evident in arrangement of ameloblasts and
Fig. 16:  Enamel lamellae (For colour version see Plate 21) basement membrane of dental papillae.
• In microradiographs of ground sections a hypo
Q.5. Write a short note on enamel tufts. mineralized zone of 30 micrometre thickness
 (Mar 2001, 5 Marks) is sometimes demonstrated as DEJ. It is most
prominent before mineralization is complete.
Answer in brief enamel tufts. (Aug 2016, 2 Marks) • DEJ has irregular shaped junction which provides
Ans. Enamel Tufts strength to the union in between enamel and dentin.
• They were so termed because they resemble tufts of
grass when viewed in ground section.
• An enamel tuft does not spring from a single small
area but is a narrow ribbon like structure the inner
end of which arises at dentin.
• Enamel tuft arises at DEJ and reach into enamel to
about 1/5 to 1/3 of the thickness.
• Tuft consists of hypocalcified enamel rods and intra-
prismatic substance.
• They extend in long axis of crown, so that they are
abundantly seen in horizontal and longitudinal
• Their presence and their development are consequence
of an adaptation to spatial condition in enamel. Fig. 18:  Dentinoenamel junction
642 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• DEJ also prevent shearing of enamel while function­ Write in brief on life cycle of ameloblast.
ing.  (Sep 2006, 5 Marks) (Nov 2008, 10 Marks)
• Scalloping of junction is seen more in occlusal (Aug 2011, 10 Marks)
portion where masticatory stress are high. Or
Q.8. Write a short note on enamel organ. (Sep 1996, 5 Marks) Write about life cycle of ameloblast.
Ans. Enamel Organ  (Feb 2013, 10 Marks)
• The epithelial enamel organ originates from the Or
stratum epithelium of the primitive oral cavity.
Write short note on life cycle of ameloblasts.
• It has got four layers, i.e. outer enamel epithelium,  (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
stellate reticulum, stratum intermedium and inner
Ans. Life Cycle of Ameloblasts
enamel epithelium.
There are six stages in life cycle of ameloblasts, namely:
Outer Enamel Epithelium 1. Morphogenic
♦♦ In the early stage of development of enamel organ the 2. Organizing
outer enamel epithelium consists of a single layer of 3. Formative
cuboidal cells. 4. Maturative
♦♦ Prior to the formation of hard structures, the regular 5. Protective
arrangement of outer enamel epithelium is maintained 6. Desmolytic.
only in the cervical part of the enamel organ. The differentiation of ameloblasts is most advanced
♦♦ At the point of highest convexity of enamel organ cell of in region of incisal edges and tips of cusps. It is least
the outer enamel epithelium are irregular in shape and advanced in region of cervical loop.
cannot be distinguish easily from the cells of outer portion Morphogenic Stage
of stellate reticulum.
♦♦ Capillaries in the connective tissue surrounding the enamel ♦♦ Ameloblasts interact between adjacent mesenchymal cells
organ proliferate and protrude towards it. which determine the shape of DEJ.
♦♦ During this stage, cells are short and columnar with large
Stellate Reticulum oval nuclei which almost fill the cell body. Golgi apparatus
♦♦ It is found between outer enamel epithelium and stratum and centrioles are located in proximal end of cell and
intermedium. mitochondria are dispersed in cytoplasm.
♦♦ It forms the middle part of enamel organ. ♦♦ During differentiation of ameloblasts, terminal bars appear
♦♦ Cells are star shaped with long processes. along with margin of mitochondria to basal region of cell.
♦♦ Cells are separated by intercellular substance. ♦♦ Terminal bars are points of close contact between cells.
♦♦ Structure of stellate reticulum renders it elastic and Organizing Stage
resistant. It acts as buffer against physical forces.
♦♦ The size of stellate reticulum reduces in thickness to ♦♦ In this stage of development, inner enamel epithelium
decrease the distance between capillaries of dental sac interact with adjacent connective tissue cells which
and ameloblasts. differentiate to odontoblasts.
♦♦ This stage is characterized by change in appearance of cells
Stratum Intermedium of inner enamel epithelium.
♦♦ Cells of stratum intermedium are situated between the ♦♦ Cells become longer and nucleus free zones and distal end
of cells become as long as proximal parts. During terminal
stellate reticulum and inner enamel epithelium.
phase of organizing stage, the formation of dentin by
♦♦ These cells are flat to cuboid in shape.
odontoblasts begin. The first appearance of dentin seems
♦♦ They are arranged in 1 to 3 layers. These cells contain
to be critical phase in life cycle.
mitochondria, RER. Its function is unknown, but it is
♦♦ As long as inner enamel epithelium is in contact with
believed that it playa role in production of enamel.
connective tissue of dental papillae it receive nutrient
Inner Enamel Epithelium material from blood vessels of this tissue.
♦♦ When dentin forms it cut off ameloblasts from their original
♦♦ Cells of inner enamel epithelium are derived from the basal
source of nourishment. From then on they are supplied by
cell layer of oral epithelium.
capillaries that surround and may penetrate inner enamel
♦♦ The cells are tall, columnar and differentiates into
ameloblasts that produce enamel matrix.
♦♦ This reversal of nutritional source is characterized by
Q.9. Describe life cycle of ameloblasts. proliferation of capillaries of dental sac and by gradual
 (Mar 1998, 15 Marks) (Oct 2014, 8 Marks) reduction and disappearance of stellate reticulum.
(Sep 2009, 15 Marks) ♦♦ Thus, distance between capillaries, stratum inter-medium
Or and ameloblasts layers shorten.
Dental Histology  643

Fig. 19:  Life cycle of ameloblast

644 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Formative Stage  This membrane is a typical basal lamina found

♦♦ Ameloblast enters formative stage after first layer of dentin beneath most epithelia. It is visible with light microscope
is formed. because of its wavy course. This basal lamina is secreted
♦♦ The presence of dentin is necessary for beginning of enamel by ameloblasts when enamel formation is complete. It is
matrix formation. noted that cervical areas of enamel is covered by afibrillar
♦♦ During formation of enamel matrix the ameloblasts retain cementum. Finally, erupted enamel is normally covered
as same length and arrangement. by pellicle, which is a precipitate of salivary proteins.
♦♦ There are changes in organization and number of This pellicle reforms within hours after an enamel
cytoplasmic organelles and inclusions which are related surface is mechanically cleaned. Within a day or two
to initiation of secretion of enamel matrix. The earliest after pellicle is formed, it becomes colonized by micro-
apparent change is development of blunt cell processes organisms to form bacterial plaque.
on ameloblasts surface. Q.11. Describe hypocalcified areas of enamel.
Maturative Stage  (Feb 1999, 15 Marks) (Feb/Mar 2004, 15 Marks)
 (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Enamel maturation begins after most of thickness of
enamel has been formed in incisal and occlusal area. In Or
cervical parts of crown enamel matrix formation also Describe in detail the hypocalcified structures of
progresses at this time. enamel. (Jan 2012, 10 Marks)
♦♦ During enamel matrix maturation these ameloblasts are Or
reduced in length and closely attached to enamel matrix.
♦♦ Cells of stratum intermedium use their cuboidal shape and Describe in detail with labelled diagrams hypocalcified
regular arrangement and assume spindle shape. structures of enamel. (May 2014, 10 Marks)
♦♦ During maturation the ameloblasts display microvilli at Or
distal extremities. Enumerate hypoplastic areas of enamel. Describe in
Protective Stage detail any two hypoplastic areas of enamel. 
 (Dec 2014, 8 Marks)
♦♦ When the enamel is completely developed and fully
calcified the ameloblasts cease to be arranging in well Or
defined layer and can no longer be differentiated from Enumerate and describe the hypocalcified structures
cells of stratum intermedium and outer enamel epithelium. of enamel.  (July 2016, 10 Marks)
♦♦ These cell layers then form stratified epithelial covering of
enamel called as reduced enamel epithelium.
♦♦ The function of reduced enamel epithelium is to protect Write short note on hypomineralized structures of
mature enamel by separating it from connective tissue enamel. (May 2017, 3 Marks)
until tooth erupts. Ans. Following are the hypocalcified areas of the enamel:
♦♦ If connective tissue comes in contact with enamel before • Enamel Lamellae
tooth erupts anomalies may develop • Enamel Tufts
♦♦ If such condition occurs enamel may be resorbed or • Enamel Spindle
covered by the layer of cementum. • Surface Structures:
♦♦ During this stage the epithelial enamel organ may interact - Perikymata
from cervical edge of enamel. - Rod End
- Cracks.
Desmolytic Stage
• Enamel Lamellae: The enamel lamellae are described
♦♦ Reduced enamel epithelium proliferates and induces in the Ans 4.
atrophy of connective tissue separating it from oral • Enamel Tufts: The enamel tufts are described in Ans 5.
epithelium so that fusion of two epithelia can occur. • Enamel Spindle:
♦♦ It is probable that epithelial cells release enzymes that are - A few dentinal tubules extend from DEJ into
able to destroy connective tissue fibers by desmolysis. enamel for several millimeters. These are called
♦♦ If premature degeneration of reduced enamel epithe­lium as enamel spindles.
occurs it may lead to delayed eruption. - The direction of spindles is just right angle to
Q.10. Write short note on enamel coverings.  dentin.
 (Sep 2000, 5 Marks) - In ground sections of dried tooth the organic
Ans. A delicate membrane called Nasmyth’s membrane content of spindles disintegrates and is replaced
covers entire crown of newly erupted tooth but is by air and spaces which appear dark in
probably soon removed by mastication. transmitted light.
Dental Histology  645

c. Cracks: They are the outer edges of lamellae. They

extend from varying distance along the surface, at
right angle to DEJ from which they originate. They
are evenly spaced.
Q.12. Write a note on neonatal line. 
 (Jan 2012, 2 Marks) (May 2014, 2 Marks)
Ans. In deciduous teeth enamel develops partly before and
partly after birth. The boundary between two portions
of enamel in deciduous tooth is marked by attentuated
incremental line of retzius. This is known as neonatal
line or neonatal ring. The prenatal enamel is better
developed than postnatal enamel because prenatal
enamel is developed in protective environment and has
Fig. 20:  Enamel spindle
(For colour version see Plate 22) a better supply of nutrients.
Perichymatas are present in the postnatal enamel.
• Enamel spindles originate from odontoblastic
Q.13. Write a note on incremental line of retzius and enamel
processes which engaged them between cells of
lamellae. (Sep 2005, 5 Marks)
inner enamel epithelium before laid down of dentin
or enamel. Or
• Largest number of enamel spindles is found in cusp Write short note on incremental lines of enamel.
region.  (Nov 2010, 2 Marks)
Surface Structures Ans. Incremental Lines of Retzius
• Incremental lines of retzius appear as brown bands
Following are the surface structures:
in ground section of enamel.
a. Perikymata: They are transverse grooves. They are
• In longitudinal sections, they extend from DEJ to
continuous around the tooth and usually lie parallel
outer surface of tooth in an upward and outward
to each other and to CEJ. Ordinarily there are about
30 perikymata per millimeter in region of CEJ. Their
• They illustrate the incremental pattern of the enamel,
course is regular, but in cervical region it is irregular.
i.e. the successive apposition of layers of enamel
They are believed to be the external manifestations
during formation of enamel.
of striae of retzius.
• Incremental lines run obliquely in cervical region to
– At times Perikymata are referred to as imbrication
reach the surface.
lines of pickerel.
• In transverse section of tooth the incremental line of
– Perikymata are more in cervical ragion as retzius appears as concentric circle.
compared to occlusal and incisal region. • The incremental line has been attributed to periodic
b. Rod Ends: They are concave and vary in depth and breathing of enamel rods, to variation in basic
shape. They are shallowest in cervical region and organic structures.
deepest near incisal or occlusal edges. • They are believed to be the external manifestations
of perikymata.
• Enamel is formed by incremental or appositional
growth pattern where the lines actually represent the
period of quiescence/rest and the space between the
lines represent periods of active enamel formation.
• Rhythmic pattern of enamel formation can be altered
leading to prolonged resting period. This causes
broadening of incremental lines making them more
• Neonatal line is an accentuated incremental line seen
in deciduous teeth and in first permanent molar
which separate enamel before and after birth.
• Accentuated incremental lines can also be patho-
logical due to metabolic and systemic disturbances
i.e. exanthematous fever which affects formation
of enamel.
Fig. 21:  Perikymata or imbrication lines on surface of enamel For Enamel Lamellae refer to Ans 4 of the same chapter.
646 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Ans. Tome’s Process

• Tome’s process is a small, pyramidal cytoplasmic
extension present at distal end of ameloblast which
is partly delineated from rest of the cell by distal
junctional complex.
• Tome’s process secretes enamel from two sites, i.e.
proximal end which form inter rod enamel while
the distal end forms the enamel rod.
• As first layer of enamel is produced Tome’s process
have only proximal portion and secreted enamel is
rodless. As layer of enamel is formed ameloblasts
move away from dentin which causes development
of distal portion of Tome’s process.
• Distal portion of Tome’s process penetrates the
Fig. 22:  Incremental line of Retzius
(For colour version see Plate 22) enamel and extend to first layer of enamel.
• Cytoplasm of Tome’s process is within the
Q.14. Describe clinical consideration of enamel.  continuation with body of ameloblasts.
• As more and more enamel is formed distal portion
 (Sep 1997, 5 Marks)
of Tome’s process lengthens as do enamel rods.
Ans. •  Hypoplasia which is manifested by pitting furrowing
• Shape of distal end of ameloblasts changes when
or even total absence of the enamel. outer portion of enamel is formed.
• Hypocalcification in the form of opaque or chalky • In last phases of amelogenesis ameloblast loose distal
areas or normally countered enamel surface. portion of Tome’s process.
• They are caused by systemic local, or hereditary • For Tomes Granular layer refers to Ans 3 of Chapter
factors. DENTIN.
• Hypoplasia of systemic origin is termed as Q.17. Give the list of hypocalcified structures of enamel. Write
chronologic hypoplasia because in this area enamel about any two of them shortly. (Mar 2007, 4 Marks)
was formed during systemic disturbance. Teeth
most frequently affected are incisors, canine and Or
first molars. Enumerate hypocalcified structures of enamel. Discuss
• Hypoplasia of local factor may be due to infection three in detail. (Mar 2013, 8 Marks)
of pulp and periapical tissue. Ans. Refer to Ans 11 of the same chapter.
• The hereditary type of enamel hypoplasia is Q.18. Define amelogenesis and describe the life cycle of
probably a generalized disturbance of ameloblast. ameloblast in detail. 
• Systemic hypocalcification of enamel is so called  (Sep 2006, 15 Marks) (Nov 2009, 10 Marks)
mottled enamel. Ans. Amelogenesis is the formation of enamel on teeth and
• If the injury occurs in the formative stage of enamel occurs during the formation of crown during advanced
development, local hypocalcification occurs. bell stage of tooth development after dentinogenesis,
• The hereditary type of hypocalcification is which is the formation of dentin. Since dentin must be
characterized by the formation of normal amount present for enamel to be formed, this prerequisite is
of enamel matrix, does not fully mature. an example of the biologic concept, termed reciprocal
Q.15. Enumerate the hypocalcified structure of enamel.
Describe life cycle of ameloblast.(Feb 2005, 15 Marks)  Amelogenesis is considered to have three stages.
 (Feb 2006, 7.5 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) The first stage is known as the pre secretory phase, and
the second stage is Known as the secretory stage and
Ans. For hypocalcified structure refer to Ans 11 and for life
third stage is brown as maturation stage. Proteins and
cycle of ameloblast refer to Ans 9 of same chapter.
an organic matrix form a partially mineralized enamel
Q.16. Write a short note on Tome’s processes and Tomes in the secretory stage. The maturation stage completes
granular layer. enamel mineralization.
 (Feb 2005, 5 Marks) (Dec 2012, 3 Marks) For life cycle refer to Ans 10 of the same chapter.
Or Q.19. Write a note on hypocalcified areas of enamel.
Write a note on Tomes granular layer and Tome’s  (Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
process.  (Oct 2006, 2 Marks) Or
Or Write a short note on hypocalcified areas of enamel.
Answer in brief on Tome’s process.  (Apr 2015, 3 Marks)
 (Feb 2016, 2 Marks) Ans. Refer to Ans 11 of the same chapter.
Dental Histology  647

Q.20. Enumerate stages of life cycle of ameloblasts and ♦♦ Distal portion of Tome’s process penetrates in enamel and
describe amelogenesis. (Nov 2010, 7.5 Marks) extends up to the first layer of enamel.
Or ♦♦ Cytoplasm of the Tome’s process remain continuous with
that of body of ameloblasts.
Discuss amelogenesis. (Jan 2012, 10 Marks) ♦♦ Formation of the inter-rod substance occurs first by the
Ans. There are six stages in life cycle of ameloblasts, namely: proximal end of the Tome’s process.
1. Morphogenic ♦♦ Inter-rod substance surrounds the pit into which the distal
2. Organizing portion of the Tomes’ process secretes the rod.
3. Formative ♦♦ As more of enamel is being formed, the distal portion of
4. Maturative the Tome’s process lengthens, as do the enamel rods. The
5. Protective long axes of the ameloblasts lie at a considerable angle to
6. Desmolytic. the direction of rods.
The differentiation of ameloblasts is most advanced ♦♦ Though the rod and inter-rod enamel are identical in
in region of incisal edges and tips of cusps. It is least their composition, they differ in the orientation of their
advanced in region of cervical loop. crystallites. This arrangement means that no enamel rod
Amelogenesis is related to a single ameloblast.

Generally two processes are involved in the development of Mineralization and Maturation of Enamel Matrix
enamel, i.e. organic matrix formation and mineralization.
As soon as enamel matrix get calcified removal of organic
Formation of Enamel Matrix material and water occurs. It takes place in two stages, i.e.
♦♦ Immediate partial mineralization in which mineralization
♦♦ Ameloblasts start their secretory activity when a layer of
occurs in matrix segments and the interprismatic substance
dentin is laid down.
as they are laid down. No matrix vesicles are seen in
♦♦ Ameloblasts lose their projections which had penetrated
enamel formation.
basal lamina separating it from predentin. Islands of
♦♦ Maturation: It is characterized by gradual completion of
enamel matrix are deposited along predentin.
♦♦ As enamel deposition continues the thin layer of enamel mineralization. It starts from height of crown and progress
is formed along dentin. cervically. At each level, maturation seems to begin at
♦♦ Amelogenin is the major component of enamel matrix dentinal end of rods. Maturation begins before matrix has
proteins which undergo extracellular degradation by reached its full thickness. The advancing front is at first
proteolytic enzymes. parallel to DEJ and later to outer enamel surface. Following
♦♦ Ameloblastin and enamelin are other important proteins this pattern the occlusal and incisal regions reach maturity
of enamel matrix. They help in nucleation and growth of level ahead of cervical regions. Tuftelin and other proteins
crystals. regulate enamel mineralization by binding to specific
♦♦ Tuftelin is other protein which helps in cell signaling. surfaces of crystal and inhibiting further deposition.
♦♦ Amelotin which is a new protein helps in enamel Crystal size increase further after tooth eruption due to
formation. ion exchange with saliva.
Q.21. Write short note on Nasmyth’s membrane.
Development of Tome’s Process
 (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Tome’s process is basically a pyramidal, cytoplasmic Ans. It is also known as primary enamel cuticle.
extension at the distal part of each ameloblast which is partly • It is a membrane like structure covering entire
delineated from the cell by the distal junctional complex. crown of newly erupted teeth except cervical area
♦♦ Tome’s process consists of microfilaments, secretory of the tooth.
granules, microtubules, mitochondria and lysosomes. • It is basically lost due to mastication.
♦♦ Enamel secretion occurs at two sites in the Tomes’ process i.e. • It is an organic covering which is 1 µm thick.
the proximal end of the Tome’s process which contributes to • It is secreted by ameloblasts as enamel formation
the formation of inter-rod enamel and distal end of Tome’s is complete.
process contributes to the formation of the rod.
• It resembles like basal lamina.
♦♦ When the first layer of enamel is laid down, Tomes’ process
consists only of the proximal portion and the initial enamel Q.22. Enumerate the structures of enamel in detail.
is rodless.  (Nov 2010, 8 Marks)
♦♦ As soon as the first layer of enamel forms, ameloblasts Ans.
move away from the surface of the dentin which leads to Structures of Enamel
development of distal portion of Tomes’ process.
♦♦ Extension from the distal terminal bar apparatus to the Enamel is composed of:
surface enamel is the proximal portion of the Tome’s ♦♦ Enamel Rods: Refer to Ans 2 of same chapter
process, while the distal portion is an outgrowth of the ♦♦ Striations
proximal portion. ♦♦ Hunter-Schreger Bands
648 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Incremental line of retzius: Refer to Ans 13 of same chapter para zones. In discs where rods run in opposite direction,
♦♦ Aprismatic Enamel light reflecting from sides of the rods produce light bands
♦♦ Perikymata: Refer to Ans 11 of same chapter known as dia zones.
♦♦ Enamel caps, broachs and pits ♦♦ When ground sections are viewed and the light is allowed
♦♦ Enamel lamellae: Refer to Ans 4 of same chapter to fall on opposite side, position of light and dark bands
♦♦ Enamel Tufts: Refer to Ans 5 of same chapter is reversed which confirm that it is purely an optical
♦♦ Enamel Spindles: Refer to Ans 11 of same chapter phenomenon.
♦♦ Enamel Cuticle/Naysmyth’s membrane: Refer to Ans 21 ♦♦ Angle between dia zone and para zone is 40 degree.
of same chapter ♦♦ These bands are functional adaptation to occlusal
♦♦ Neonatal Line: Refer to Ans 12 of same chapter. masticatory forces.
Striations Aprismatic Enamel
♦♦ Each enamel rod is built up of segments separated by dark ♦♦ Structureless layer of enamel which is approximately 30
lines that give it a striated appearance. µm thick.
♦♦ The cross striations demarcates rod segments and become ♦♦ Found commonly on the cervical areas and less commonly
more visible by the action of mild acids. on cusp tips.
♦♦ The striations are more pronounced in enamel, i.e. ♦♦ It is very heavily mineralized.
insufficiently calcified. ♦♦ It occurs due to absence of Tome’s process on ameloblasts
♦♦ The cross striations seen in light microscope is suggested in final stages of enamel formation.
to be due to a diurnal rhythm in the enamel formation and ♦♦ In this region apatite crystals are parallel to each other and
that in these areas rods show varicosities and variations are perpendicular to incremental line of retzius.
in composition.
♦♦ These diurnal being formed every 24 hours parallel to Enamel Caps, Broaches and Pits
secretory phase of ameloblast. Small elevations 10–15 µm across or depressions are also found
Hunter-Schreger Bands particularly on lateral surfaces. The caps are thought to result
from the enamel deposition on the top of small deposits of non
♦♦ They are the optical phenomenon which is produced due mineralizable debris late in development. The focal holes result
to the changes in direction of enamel rods. from the loss of cap and underlying material by abrasion and
Larger surface elevations, enamel brochs, 30–50 µm in
diameter, also occur occasionally and consist of radiating groups
of crystals. They seem to be more common in premolars but are
of unknown origin.
In cervical areas where the reduced enamel epithelium
persists for sometime after eruption the small pits are seen
within perikymata. These are the impression of the ameloblast
ends and are 1–1.5 µm in depth.
Q.23. Write physical and chemical properties of enamel.
Describe in detail about structure of enamel. 
Fig. 23:  Hunter-Schreger bands
 (Feb 2013, 10 Marks)
♦♦ Hunter-Schreger bands are alternating dark and light Ans. For physical and chemical properties refer to Ans 1 of
zones of varying intensity under oblique reflected light. same chapter.
♦♦ These are the curved bands having concavity which faces For structure of enamel refer to Ans 22 of same chapter.
towards the root and commence near DEJ.
Q.24. Write about enamel spindles and enamel tufts. 
♦♦ These bands are viewed in inner two third of enamel
 (May/June 2009, 5 Marks)
♦♦ It is suggested that these alternating light and dark bands Or
may represent portion of enamel having variation in Describe briefly enamel spindles.
calcification and differ slightly in permeability or having  (June 2010, 5 Marks)
difference in organic material content.
♦♦ If an oblique section is made by cutting middle part of the
rods, they pass from cut surface to the right and to left Write short note on enamel spindles.
in alternating discs. Disc which coincide with obliquely  (Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
directed light allow light to pass through the rods. These Ans. For enamel spindle refer to Ans 11 of same chapter. For
areas absorb light and appear as dark bands also called as enamel tufts refer to Ans 5 of same chapter.
Dental Histology  649

Q.25. Write about surface structures of enamel. - They extend from varying distance along the
 (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) surface, at right angle to DEJ from which they
Ans. Following are the surface structures: originate.
• Perikymata - They are evenly spaced.
- They are transverse groove like structures. - Some of them are less than a millimeter in length,
- They are continuous around the tooth and some are long and few reaches to occlusal or
incisal surface.
usually lie parallel to each other and to CEJ.
- Ordinarily there are about 30 Perikymata per Q.26. Write short note on Hunter-Schreger bands. 
millimeter in region of CEJ.  (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) (May 2014, 2 Marks)
- Their course is regular, but in cervical region it Ans. Refer to Ans 22 of same chapter.
is irregular. Q.27. Enumerate the types of enamel lamellae. Write its
- They are believed to be the external manifestations clinical significance. (Sep 2015, 3+2= 5 Marks)
of striae of retzius. Ans. Enumeration of types of enamel lamellae:
- At times perikymatas are referred as imbrications Type A: Lamellae composed of poorly calcified rod
lines of Pickril. segments
- Perikymatas are more in number in cervical Type B: Lamellae consisting of degenerated cells
region as compared to occlusal and incisal areas. Type C: Lamellae arising in erupted teeth where cracks
• Enamel Caps and Brochs are filled with organic matter, presumably originating
- Ultrastrucuturiy enamel is uneven. It shows pits from saliva.
as well as elevations.
- Pits are about 1–1.5 µm in diameter. Pit Clinical Significance of Enamel Lamellae
represents the ends of ameloblasts. ♦♦ Enamel lamellae may be a site of weakness in a tooth and
- Small elevations of about 10–15 µm are present may form a road of entry for bacteria that initiate caries.
which occur due to deposition of enamel over ♦♦ Enamel lamellae are also susceptible for cracking.
organic debris. These are known as enamel caps.
Q.28. Enumerate physical properties of enamel.
- Larger enamel elevations measure approximately
 (Sep 2015, 2 Marks)
30–50 µm in width and are known as enamel
Ans. Enumeration of physical properties of enamel
• Color: Enamel is slightly yellow to grayish white
in color.
• Hardness: Hardness of enamel is 343 KHN.
• Brittleness: Enamel is highly brittle due to less tensile
• Thickness: Thickness of enamel is maximum at cusp
tip or incisal edge and thinnest at cervix.
• Permeability: Enamel is semipermeable
• Density: Density of enamel decreases from surface
to DEJ and from incisal to cervical region.
Fig. 24:  Enamel caps • Refractive index: Enamel is birefringent. Its refractive
index is 1.62.
• Solubility: Enamel is soluble in acids.
• Specific gravity: It is 2.8.
Q.29. Write the composition of enamel.
 (Jan 2018, 2 Marks) (Sep 2015, 2 Marks)
Write short note on composition of enamel.
 (Oct 2016, 3 Marks)
Ans. Following is the composition of enamel:
I. Composition of enamel by weight
96% inorganic substances
1% organic substances
Fig. 25:  Enamel brochs 3% water.
II. Composition of enamel by volume
• Cracks 89% inorganic substances
- They are the outer edges of lamellae and are 2% organic substances
narrow fissure like structures. 9% water.
650 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Organic substances are amelogenins and enamelins • Arrangement of enamel rod in permanent teeth in
Inorganic substances are calcium phosphate, calcium their occlusal one third region is similar to deciduous
carbonate, magnesium, potassium, sodium and fluoride. tooth. But in cervical region of permanent tooth, rods
deviate from the horizontal in an apical direction.
Q.30. Write short note on structures arising from dentino
• Rods follow wavy course from dentin to enamel
enamel junction. (Aug 2016, 3 Marks)
Ans. Structures arising from dentino enamel junction are: • Enamel rods forming developmental pit and fissures
• Enamel tufts: For details refer to Ans 5 of same converge in their outward course.
• Enamel spindles: For details refer to Ans 11 of same
• Incremental lines of Retzius: For details refer to Ans
13 of same chapter
• Hunter-Schreger bands: For details refer to Ans 22 of
same chapter.
Q.31. Define amelogenesis and list stages in life cycle of
ameloblast. (Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
Ans. Amelogenesis is the formation of enamel on teeth and
begins when the crown is forming during the advanced
bell stage of tooth development after dentinogenesis or
amelogenesis is defined as process of production and
development of enamel. A B

Stages in Life Cycle of Ameloblast Fig. 26:  Direction of enamel rods. A. In deciduous tooth;
B. In permanent tooth
There are six stages in life cycle of ameloblasts, namely:
1. Morphogenic stage Q.35. Enumerate hypocalcified structures of enamel. Write
2. Organizing stage composition of an enamel. Describe enamel lamellae
3. Formative stage and incremental line of Retzius with well labeled
4. Maturative stage diagram. (Sep 2018, 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 =10 Marks)
5. Protective stage Ans. For enumeration of hypocalcified structures of enamel
6. Desmolytic stage. refer to Ans 11 of same chapter.
Q.32. Enumerate stages of amelogenesis.  (Apr 2017, 2 Marks) For composition of enamel refer to Ans 29 of same chapter.
Ans. Enumeration of stages of amelogenesis For enamel lamellae with diagram refer to Ans 4 of same
• Presecretory stage chapter.
• Secretory stage For incremental lines of Retzius refer to Ans 13 of same
• Maturation stage chapter.
Q.33. Enumerate hypocalcified areas of enamel.
 (Jan 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Enumeration of hypocalcified areas of enamel 4. DENTIN
• Enamel lamellae
• Enamel tufts Q.1. Describe the structure of dentin. (Feb 1999, 15 Marks)
• Enamel spindle
• Surface structures Or
– Perikymata Write in brief on structure of dentin.
– Rod ends  (Sep 2006, 5 Marks)
– Cracks Ans. Structure of Dentin
Q.34. Write very short answer on direction of enamel rods. • Dentinal matrix of collagen fibers are arranged in
 (May 2018, 2 Marks) the random network. The bodies of odontoblast are
Ans. Generally enamel rods are oriented at right angle to arranged in layer of pulpal surface of dentin.
dentin surface. • Structure of dentin consist of:
• In cervical and central parts of deciduous tooth – Dentinal tubules
crown, enamel rods are horizontal. Near the incisal – Peritubular dentin or intratubular dentin
edge or tip of cusps they change gradually to an – Intertubular dentin
increasingly oblique direction and they are almost – Predentin
vertical in region of incisal edge or tip of cusps. – Odontoblasts processes.
Dental Histology  651

1. Dentinal Tubules ♦♦ This dentin is formed by cell body of odontoblasts and it

They are found throughout normal dentin and are characteristic consists of organic components as well as apatite crystals.
of it. Its organic part is formed by Type IV collagen fibrils which
♦♦ They follow gentle curve coarse in crown less so in root are arranged perpendicular to dentinal tubules.
where they resembles ‘S’ shaped. ♦♦ Hydroxyapatite crystals are deposited with their long axis
♦♦ These tubules end perpendicular to dentinoenamel oriented parallel to collagen fibers.
junction and dentinocemental junction. Near the root tip
and along incisal edges and cusps, tubules are almost
♦♦ Near the pulpal surface of dentin the number per square
mm varies between 50,000 and 90,000.
♦♦ A few dentinal tubules extend through DEJ into enamel
for several mm and are called as enamel spindle.

Fig. 28  Intertubular and intertubular dentin

4. Predentin
♦♦ It is first form dentin and is not mineralized.
♦♦ It is located adjacent to pulp tissue.
♦♦ As the collagen fibers undergo mineralization at predentin
Fig. 27:  Dentinal tubules
junction, predentin becomes dentin and new layer of
(For colour version see Plate 22)
predentin forms circumpulpally.
2. Peritubular Dentin or Intratubular Dentin
♦♦ It is the zone of hypermineralized dentin which surrounds
the dentinal tubule.
♦♦ It is known as intratubular dentin as it is formed by
deposition along inner aspect of dentinal tubules.
♦♦ It differ from intertubular dentin in its composition that it
is 5 to 12% more mineralized and lacks collagenous fibrous
matrix as compared to intertubular dentin.
♦♦ Width of peritubular dentin is highest near DEJ and
decreases in pulpward direction.
♦♦ Apatite crystals of peritubular dentin are more compact
and smaller as compared to intertubular dentin.
♦♦ A thin organic membrane which is rich in glycosaamino-
glycans known as lamina limitans seen over inner aspect
of peritubular dentin. Fig. 29:  Predentin
♦♦ Space between odontoblastic process and peritubular (For colour version see Plate 22)
dentin is known as periodontoblastic space. This space
consists of dentinal fluid, movement of which make basis 5. Odontoblast Processes
of dentinal sensitivity. ♦♦ They are cytoplasmic extensions of odontoblasts. They
3. Intertubular Dentin reside in peripheral pulp.
♦♦ Major bulk of dentin lie between the dentinal tubules, i.e. ♦♦ They are largest in diameter near pulp and taper to
between zones of peritubular dentin known as intertubular approximately micrometer further into dentin.
dentin. ♦♦ It is appropriate to consider that some odontoblast
♦♦ It is less mineralized as compared to peritubular dentin. processes traverse thickness of dentin.
♦♦ Thickness of intertubular dentin is highest at DEJ where ♦♦ Odontoblast process divides near DEJ and may extend to
the dentinal tubules are widely separated. enamel in enamel spindles.
652 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.2. Write a short note on secondary dentin. 

 (Feb 2002, 5 Marks) (Aug/Sep 1998, 5 Marks)
Write very short answer on secondary dentin.
 (May 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Secondary dentin is a narrow band of dentin bordering
the pulp and representing that the dentin is formed after
root completion.
• Secondary dentin contains fewer tubules than
primary dentin. Secondary dentin forms more
slowly than primary dentin.
• It is not formed uniformly and appears in great
amount in roof and floor of coronal pulp chamber, Fig. 31:  Tome’s granular layer
(For colour version see Plate 23)
where it protects pulp from exposure in older
teeth. Q.4. Write a short note on reparative dentin. 
• Continuous deposition of secondary dentin causes  (Mar 2006, 5 Marks) (Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
small pulp chamber as well as narrow pulp canal. Ans. If by extensive abrasion, erosion, caries or operative
procedures the odontoblast processes are exposed or cut,
odontoblasts die or if they live produce reparative dentin.
• Odontoblast that are killed are replaced by the
migration of undifferentiated cells arising in deeper
regions of pulp to dentin interface. The origin of new
odontoblasts is from cells in cell rich zone.
• Both the remaining and the newly differentiated
odontoblasts then begin deposition of reparative
dentin or tertiary dentin or response dentin or
reactive dentin.
• Reparative dentin is characterized as having fewer
and more twisted tubules than normal dentin.
• Reparative dentin seals the dentinal tubules to their

Fig. 30:  Secondary dentin

(For colour version see Plate 22)

Q.3. Write a note on Tome’s granular layer. 

 (Mar 1996, 5 Marks)
Answer in brief on Tome’s granular layer.
 (May 2017, 2 Marks)
Ans. When dry ground sections of root dentin are visualized in
transmitted light, a zone adjacent to cementum appears
granular and is known as Tome’s granular layer.
• This zone increases slightly in amount from
DEJ to root apex and is believed to be caused by
Fig. 32:  Reparative dentin
coalescing and looping of terminal portion of (For colour version see Plate 23)
dentinal tubules.
• The cause of development of this zone is similar to Q.5. Enumerate functions of dentin. Describe dentinogenesis
branching and beveling of tubules at DEJ. in detail. (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
• In the crown extensive branching of odontoblast Or
processes occurs, and in the root there is branching Write short note on dentinogenesis.
and coalescing of adjacent processes.  (May 2017, 3 Marks)
Dental Histology  653

Ans. Functions of Dentin Age Changes in Dentin

• Dentin provides the bulk and general form of tooth. ♦♦ Vitality of dentin: Since the odontoblast and its processes
• It determines the shape of the crown, including are the integral part of dentin so dentin is the vital tissue.
the cusps and ridges, and the number and size of • Capacity of dentinal tissue to react to physiologic
the roots. and pathologic stimuli, dentin must be considered
• Dentin is necessary for formation of enamel matrix. as a vital tissue.
• Reparative dentin prevents entry of bacteria or their ♦♦ Reparative dentin: Refer to Ans 4 of the same chapter.
toxic products as well as chemical substances from ♦♦ Dead tracts: Refer to Ans 9 of the same chapter.
restorative materials. ♦♦ Sclerotic dentin or transparent dentin: In case of caries,
attrition, abrasion, erosion or cavity preparation, sufficient
stimuli are generated to cause collagen fibers and apatite
♦♦ Dentin is a vital tissue and is laid down throughout life. crystals to begin appear in the dentinal tubules.
♦♦ Dentinogenesis is a two phase sequence in that collagen In such cases blocking of the tubules may be considered a
matrix is first formed and then calcified. Dentinogenesis defensive reaction of dentin.
begins at the tips of cusps after the odontoblasts have been Dentin in which the tubules are occluded become
differentiated and begin collagen production. transparent. Sclerosis reduces the permeability of dentin
♦♦ As odontoblasts differentiates they change from ovoid to and may help prolong pulp vitality.
columnar shape, and their nuclei become basally oriented ♦♦ Translucent dentin: Due to aging dentinal tubules get
at early stage of development. completely occluded by peritubular dentin. Contents of
♦♦ One or several processes arise from apical end of the cell occluded tubules have same refractive index as that of
in contact with basal lamina. intertubular dentin. Occluded tubule appears translucent in
♦♦ The length of odontoblast then increases approximately ground section. Its formation starts from root towards cervix.
to 40 micrometer, although its width remains constant. Q.7. Write a note on dentinal tubules.
♦♦ Proline appears in RER and Golgi apparatus. The proline  (Sep 1999, 5 Marks)
then migrates into cell processes and is emptied into Or
extracellular collagen matrix of predentin. Write short answer on dentinal tubules.
♦♦ As the matrix formation continues, the odontoblasts  (May 2018, 3 Marks)
processes lengthens, as does dentinal tubules. Initially Ans. D entinal tubules are found throughout normal
daily increments of approximately 4 micrometer of dentin dentin and are characteristic of it.
are formed. This continues until the crown is formed and • Course of dentinal tubules follows a gentle curve
the teeth erupt and move to occlusion. in crown, less so in root where it resembles gentle
♦♦ After root development is complete, dentin formation may S in shape.
decrease further. • Near the root tip and along incisal edges and cusps,
♦♦ The odontoblast secrete both collagen and other tubules are almost straight.
components of extracellular matrix. • Over their entire length they exhibit minute,
♦♦ After collagen matrix is formed the mineralization of relatively regular secondary curvatures which are
dentin begins. sinusoidal in shape.
♦♦ The earliest crystal deposition is in the form of fine plates • Tubules are further apart in peripheral layers and
of hydroxyapatite on surfaces of collagen fibers and ground more closely packed near pulp.
substance. • Near the pulpal surface of dentin the number per
♦♦ Crystal in collagen fibers are arranged in regular fashion. square mm varies between 50,000 and 90,000.
The crystal deposition appears to take place radially from • A few dentinal tubules extend through the DEJ
common centers in a so called spherulite form. These are into enamel for several mms. These are termed as
seen at first site of calcification of dentin. enamel spindles.
♦♦ General calcification process is gradual, but peritubular Q.8. Write a note on interglobular dentin.
region is highly mineralized at very early stage.  (Mar 1997, 5 Marks)
Q.6. Describe the process of dentinogenesis and mention in Or
brief age changes seen in dentin. (Sep 2003, 15 Marks) Classify dentin. Discuss interglobular dentin.
 (Sep 2017, 3 Marks)
Ans. For classification of dentin refer to Ans 17 of same
Write briefly on age changes in dentin. chapter.
 (Apr 2007, 5 Marks) (Apr 2008, 10 Marks)
Interglobular Dentin
Sometimes mineralization of dentin begins in small globular
Write short note on age changes in dentin. areas that fails to coalesce into a homogeneous mass. This results
 (Feb 2016, 3 Marks) in zones of hypomineralization between the globules. These
Ans. Dentinogenesis is given in Ans 5 of the same chapter. zones are known as globular dentin or interglobular space.
654 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ This dentin forms in the crowns of teeth in the circumpulpal • Loss of odontoblasts may also occur in teeth
dentin just below the mantle dentin, and it follows the containing vital pulp as a result of caries, attrition,
incremental pattern. abrasion, cavity preparation or erosion.
♦♦ The dentinal tubules pass uninterruptedly through • Where reparative dentin seals dentinal tubules at
interglobular dentin. their pulpal ends, dentinal tubules fill with fluid or
♦♦ In dry ground sections some of the globular dentin may be gaseous substances.
lost, and a space results that appears black in transmitted • In ground sections such groups of tubules may
light. entrap air and appear black in transmitted and white
in reflected light.
• The dead tracts demonstrate decreased sensitivity
and appear to a greater extent in older teeth.
Q.10. Describe various type of dentin which take part in
protection of pulp. How dentin differs from ena­mel
in composition? (Mar 2001, 15 Marks)
Ans. Types of Dentin which Take Part in Protection of Pulp
♦♦ Primary Dentin
Primary dentin can be divided into.
• Mantle dentin: It is first formed dentin in the crown.
–– It lies underlying the DEJ in crown and granular
layer in root. It is 20 microns thick.
Fig. 33:  Interglolular dentin –– It is composed mainly of Type III collagen fibers
(For colour version see Plate 23) which are argyrophilic and are known as Von
Korff’s fibers.
Q.9. Write a short note on dead tracts.  –– This dentin differs from remaining portion of
 (Mar 1998, 5 Marks) (Sep 2002, 5 Marks) primary dentin in following ways:
 (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Nov 2009, 5 Marks) - This dentin is less mineralized.
 (June 2010, 5 Marks) (Dec 2014, 3 Marks) - It consists of large collagen fibers which are
Or oriented perpendicular to DEJ.
- It undergoes mineralization in presence of
What are dead tracts. Draw a well labelled diagram.
 (Sep 2015, 3 + 2 = 5 Marks) matrix vesicles.
- This dentin show branching of dentinal tubules.
Or - Mantle dentin show few defects as compared
Write short answer on dead tracts. (Aug 2018, 3 Marks) to circumpulpal dentin.
Ans. Dentinal areas are characterized by the degenerated • Circumpulpal dentin: It forms the remaining primary
odontoblasts processes which give rise to dead tracts. dentin or bulk of the tooth. Circumpulpal dentin
• In dried ground sections of normal dentin the formed before root completion.
odontoblast processes degenerate and empty tubules –– The collagen fibers in circumpulpal dentin are
are filled with air. They appear black in transmitted much smaller and are more closely packed.
and white in reflected light. –– Circumpulpal dentin may contain slightly more
mineral than mantle dentin.
♦♦ Secondary Dentin
• Secondary dentin is a narrow band of dentin bordering
the pulp.
• Secondary dentin is formed after the root completion.
• This dentin contains fewer tubules than primary
• Secondary dentin formed more slowly and not
• It protects the pulp from exposure in older teeth.
♦♦ Tertiary Dentin
• Tertiary dentin takes part in protection of pulp by
reparative process.
• Secondary dentin protects the pulp of older teeth
Fig. 34:  Dead tract (For colour version see Plate 23) from exposure.
Dental Histology  655

Difference between Composition of Enamel and Dentin • The dentinal tubules are enlarged by destructive
action of the microorganism.
Composition Enamel Dentin • Dentin sensitivity or pain may not be a symptom
By weight • 96% Inorganic • 70% inorganic of caries until the pulp is infected and respond by
substances substances process of inflammation leading to toothache.
• 1% organic • 20% organic substances
• Caries, operative procedure, abrasion, erosion
substances • 10% water
• 3% water stimuli stimulate the reparative dentin production.
• Teeth with deep penetrating carious lesion can be
By volume • 89% Inorganic • 47% inorganic treated by pulp capping.
substances substances
• 2% organic • 32% organic substances Q.13. Write a short note on theories of dentin sensitivity.
substances • 21% water  (Oct 2014, 3 Marks) (Sep 2005, 5 Marks)
• 9% water  (Oct 2008, 2 Marks) (Nov 2008, 10 Marks)
Organic • Amelogenins • Collagen Type I and II  (Aug 2011, 10 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
substances • Enamelins • Phosphoproteins  (Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
• Carboxyglutamate
containing proteins
• Acidic glycoproteins Write about theories of pain transmission in dentin.
• Plasma proteins  (Nov 2008, 10 Marks)
• Lipids Or
• Growth related factors
Inorganic • Calcium phosphate • Calcium phosphate
Write about pain sensation theories of dentin.
substances • Calcium carbonate (hydroxyapatite) small  (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
• Magnesium crystals Or
• Potassium • Trace amount of fluoride
• Sodium and carbonate
Write on theories of dentin sensitivity.
• Fluoride  (Apr 2017, 5 Marks)
Ans. There are three basic theories of pain conduction through
Q.11. Describe hypocalcified area in dentin. dentin.
 (Sep 2009, 5 Marks) • Direct neural stimulation: In this theory stimuli reach
Ans. Hypocalcified Area in Dentin from nerve ending in the dentinal tubule and they
are directly stimulated causing sensitivity or pain.
• Contour lines: Occasionally some of the incremental
• Fluid or hydrodynamic theory: It is most popular theory.
lines are accentuated because of disturbances in
- Various stimuli such as heat, cold, air blast
the matrix and mineralization process. These lines
desiccation or mechanical or osmotic pressure
represent hypocalcified bands with X-ray.
affect fluid movement in the dentinal tubules.
• Neonatal line: Neonatal line separates the prenatal
- This fluid movement stimulates pain mechanism
and postnatal dentin.
in the tubules by the mechanical disturbance
- This line reflects the abrupt changes in environ­
of the nerve, thus nerve endings may act as
ment that occurs at birth.
- The dentin matrix formed prior to birth is usually
• Transduction theory: In this theory the odontoblast
of better quality than formed after birth, and a process is the primary structure excited by the
neonatal line may be a zone of hypocalcification. stimulus and that impulses are transmitted to the
• Interglobular dentin: Refer to Ans 9 of same chapter. nerve endings in the inner dentin.
• Predentin: Predentin is located adjacent to the pulp - This theory is not popular since there are no
tissue. neuro­transmitter vesicles in the odontoblast
- It is first formed dentin and is not mineralized. process to facilitate synapse.
- As predentin is mineralized it becomes dentin
and a new layer of predentin is formed. Q.14. Write a notes on reparative dentin and dead tracts.
 (Feb 2005, 5 Marks)
Q.12. Describe clinical consideration of dentin. 
 (Aug/Sep 1998, 5 Marks)
Ans. Cells of the exposed dentin should not be insulted by Write short note on reparative dentin and dead tract. 
bacterial toxins, strong drugs, undue operative trauma  (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
or irritating restorative materials. Ans. For reparative dentin refer to Ans 4 of the same chapter.
For dead tracts refer to Ans 9 of the same chapter.
• Rapid penetration and spread of caries in the dentin
is the result of the tubules. Q.15. Describe the process of dentinogenesis and mention in
• Dentinal tubules provide a passage for invading brief age changes seen in dentin. (Feb 2006, 15 Marks)
bacteria and their products, through either a thin Ans. For dentinogenesis refer to Ans 5 of the same chapter.
or thick dentinal layers. For age changes refer to Ans 6 of the same chapter.
656 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.16. Write short note on primary and secondary dentin.  Q.17. Write notes on type of dentin.
 (Mar 2006, 5 Marks)  (Oct 2006, 2 Marks) (Dec 2012, 3 Marks)
Or Or
Discuss primary and secondary dentin. Draw a well Write about types of dentin. (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
labelled diagram for it. (Jan 2018, 3 + 2 Marks) Or
Ans. •  Primary dentin: Primary dentin can be divided into: Write the classification of dentin. (Sep 2015, 2 Marks)
i. Mantle dentin: It is first formed dentin in the crown. Or
– It is underlying the DEJ in crown and Answer in brief types of dentin. (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
granular layer in root. It is 20 microns thick. Ans.
– It is composed mainly of Type III collagen
fibers which are argyrophilic and are known On Basis of Location
as Von Korff’s fibers. ♦♦ Intertubular dentin: It is found around and in between
– This dentin differs from remaining portion dentinal tubules.
of primary dentin in following ways: ♦♦ Intratubular dentin: It is found and formed within
- This dentin is less mineralized. dentinal tubules.
- It consists of large collagen fibers which ♦♦ Mantle dentin: It is formed initially in the crown and outer
are oriented perpendicular to DEJ. coronal dentin.
- It undergoes mineralization in presence of ♦♦ Circumpulpal dentin: It lies nearest to pulp and is formed
matrix vesicles. in crown after mantle dentin has been deposited.
- This dentin show branching of dentinal
tubules. On Basis of Pattern of Mineralization
- Mantle dentin show few defects as com- ♦♦ Globular dentin: It is formed from calcospherites.
pared to circumpulpal dentin. ♦♦ Interglobular dentin: It is a hypomineralized dentin
ii. Circumpulpal dentin: It forms the remaining between mantle and circumpulpal dentin. It is normally
primary dentin or bulk of the tooth. Circumpulpal found in coronal dentin.
dentin formed before root completion. ♦♦ Tomes granular layer: It is the hypomineralized layer in
- Collagen fibers in circumpulpal dentin are
root dentin.
much smaller and are more closely packed.
♦♦ Sclerotic dentin: This dentin is hypermineralized. It
- Circumpulpal dentin may contain slightly
occludes intertubular dentin.
more mineral than mantle dentin.
• Secondary dentin On Basis of Developmental Pattern
- Secondary dentin is a narrow band of dentin
bordering the pulp. ♦♦ Primary dentin: It is formed prior to and during active
- Secondary dentin is formed after the root eruption.
completion. ♦♦ Secondary dentin: It is formed when tooth first comes
- This dentin contains fewer tubules than primary into occlusion.
dentin. ♦♦ Tertiary dentin: It is formed as a result of pathologic
- Secondary dentin formed more slowly and not response. It can be reactionary or reparative.
uniformly. Q.18. Write notes on secondary dentin. (Oct 2006, 5 Marks)
- It protects the pulp from exposure in older teeth. Ans. Refer to Ans 16 of the same chapter.
Q.19. Write short note on osteodentin. (Sep 2006, 5 Marks)
Ans. Osteodentin is an atypical dentin that develops due
to deficiency of vitamin A. The ameloblast is not
differentiated properly, as a result the proliferation of
mesenchymal cells is disturbed and atypical dentin is
formed known as osteodentin.
Q.20. Write notes on Tome’s granular layer and Tome’s
process. (Sep 2007, 2.5 Marks)
Ans. For Tome’s granular layer refer to Ans 3 of the same
chapter and for Tome’s process refer to Ans 16 of chapter
Q.21. Enumerate hypocalcified structures of enamel. Write
about types of dentin. (Apr 2008,7.5 Marks)
Ans. For hypocalcified structures of enamel refer to Ans 11
Fig. 35:  Secondary dentin of chapter ENAMEL.
(For colour version see Plate 22) For types of dentin refer to 17 of the same chapter.
Dental Histology  657

Q.22. Draw diagram of dead tract and diffuse calcification.  • Refractive indices of dentin in which the tubules
 (Mar 2008, 2.5 Marks) are occluded are equalized and such areas become
Or transparent.
• Transparent dentin can be observed in the teeth of
Draw a well labelled diagram of dead tract. elderly people, specially in the roots.
(Jan 2018, 2 Marks) • Sclerosis reduces the permeability of the dentin and
Ans. may prolong pulp vitality.
• Mineral density in this area of dentin is greater as
shown radiographically.
• It appears transparent or light in transmitted light
and dark in reflected light.

Fig. 36:  Dead tract

(For colour version see Plate 23)

Fig. 38:  Transparent dentin

(For colour version see Plate 23)

Q.24. Write short note on Von-Korff’s fibers.

 (Sep 2017, 2 Marks) (Jan 2012, 2 Marks)
Ans. Von Korff’s fibers are argyrophilic or silver stained
collagen fibers.
• They are mainly seen in the mantle dentin.
• They consist of mainly Type III collagen.
• These are larger collagen fibers which are oriented
perpendicular to DEJ.
• Recent ultrastructural studies indicate that these
Fig. 37: Diffuse calcification
fibers do not undergo silver staining rather than
(For colour version see Plate 23)
ground substance take the silver stain.
Q.23. Write briefly on transparent dentin. (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) Q.25. Write short note on lamina limitans.
Or  (Jan 2012, 2 Marks)
Write short note on transparent dentin. Ans. A thin organic membrane rich in glycosaminoglycans is
 (Jan 2012, 2 Marks) called as lamina limitans.
Ans. Transparent dentin is also known as sclerotic dentin. • It is observed on the inner aspect of peritubular
• In cases of caries, attrition, abrasion, erosion or dentin.
cavity preparation, sufficient stimuli are generated • It is similar to the lining of lacunae in cartilage and
to cause collagen fibers and apatite crystals to begin
Q.26. Write physical and chemical properties of dentin.
appearing in dentinal tubules.
Describe in detail about structure of dentin.
• In such cases blocking of the tubules may be
 (Dec 2010, 10 Marks)
considered a defensive reaction of the dentin. Ans.
• Apatite crystals are initially only sporadic in dental
tubules but gradually the tubules become filled with Physical Properties
the fine meshwork of crystals. ♦♦ In the teeth of young individuals the dentin is light
• Gradually the tubule lumen is obliterated with yellowish in color, becoming darker with age.
minerals, which appears very much like peritubular ♦♦ Unlike enamel, which is very hard and brittle, dentin
dentin. is viscoelastic and subject to slight deformation. It is
658 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

somewhat harder than bone but considerably softer than Q.28. Write short note on intertubular dentin.
enamel.  (June 2010, 2 Marks)
♦♦ Dentin hardness varies slightly between tooth types and Ans. The main body of dentin is composed of intertubular
between crown and root dentin. dentin.
♦♦ Dentin is somewhat harder in its central part than near the • It is located between dentinal tubules or between
pulp or on its periphery. zones of peritubular dentin.
♦♦ Dentin of primary teeth is slightly less hard than that of • It is highly mineralized.
permanent teeth. • It is made up of Type I collagen fibrils of diameter
♦♦ Lower content of mineral salts in dentin renders it more 50–200 nm which are arranged at right angles to
radiolucent than enamel.
dentinal tubules.
Chemical Properties Q.29. Write short note on contents of dentinal tubule.
♦♦ Dentin consists of 70% inorganic material, 20% organic  (Feb 2013, 2 Marks)
material and 10% water by weight, and 45%, 33% and 22% Ans. Odontoblastic process is the primary occupant of the
respectively by volume. dentinal tubule.
♦♦ Organic substance consists of collagenous fibers embedded • Fine cytofilaments are most characteristic finding.
in the ground substance of mucopolysaccharides • Microtubules are cytoskeletal features of odonto­
(proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans). blastic processes.
♦♦ Type I collagen is the principal type of collagen found in • Beside odontoblastic processes other cellular
the dentin. processes found in dentinal tubules are nerve fibers.
♦♦ The important constituents of the ground substance • Nerve endings are variable feature of dentinal
are the proteoglycans—chondroitin sulphates, decorin tubules.
and biglycan glycoproteins—dentin sialoprotein (DSP), • Some nerve endings in dentinal tubules have
osteonectin, osteopontin; phosphoproteins—dentin singular enlargements while other have alternating
phosphoprotein (DPP) d-carboxyglutamate containing dilations and constrictions with odontoblastic
proteins (Gla-proteins) are phospholipids. processes.
♦♦ The protein of dentin matrix and bone are similar, but • Dentinal tubule has an organic coating or inner
dentin sialoprotein and dentin phosphoprotein are present lining which consists of glycosaminoglycans. This
only in dentin. layer is also known as lamina limitans.
♦♦ In addition, the matrix contain growth factors like
transforming growth factor (TGF) fibroblast growth Q.30. Write short note on physical properties of dentin.
factor (FGF), insulin like growth factors (IGFs) and bone  (May 2014, 2 Marks)
morphogenic proteins (BMPs). The matrix components Ans. For physical properties of dentin refer to Ans 26 of same
have important roles to play in mineralization of dentin. chapter.
♦♦ The inorganic component consists of hydroxyapatite, as Q.31. Write about the tertiary dentin. (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
in bone, cementum and enamel. Ans. Tertiary dentin is also known as irregular secondary
♦♦ Each hydroxyapatite crystal is composed of several dentin or reactive dentin or reparative dentin.
thousand unit cells. The unit cells have a formula of 3Ca3
• Tertiary dentin is formed in response to stimuli, i.e.
(PO4)2.Ca(OH)2. The crystals are plate shaped and much
attrition, abrasion, erosion, cavity preparation, etc.
smaller than the hydroxyapatite crystals in enamel.
• Tertiary dentin is deposited on the pulpal surface of
♦♦ Dentin also contains small amounts of phosphates,
dentin only in affected area.
carbonates, and sulfates. The crystals are poor in calcium
• Appearance of tertiary dentin varies as it is formed
but rich in carbon when compared to enamel.
only by odontoblasts which are directly affected by
Q.27. Write a short note on dental lymph. stimulus and depends on intensity and duration of
 (Oct 2008, 3 Marks) (Dec 2010, 3 Marks) stimulus.
 (Mar 2013, 3 Marks) • Tertiary dentin is subclassified as reactionary or
Ans. Dental lymph is a fluid which is present in the reparative dentin.
periodontoblastic space in dentin. • Difference between the reactionary and reparative
• It is a transudate of extracellular fluid, mainly cytoplasm dentin is former is deposited by preexisting
of odontoblastic processes, from the dental pulp via odontoblasts and later by newly differentiated
the dentinal tubules. odontoblast like cells.
• Dental lymph, apparently nourishes teeth, keeps • Cells forming the tertiary dentin line its surface
them supplied with the mineral salts which make or become included in dentin. When the cells are
them hard and impervious to bacteria and bits of included in dentin the dentin is known as osteodentin.
food which cause decay. • Tertiary dentin is different from other forms of
• Malnutrition is one of the factors which disturbs this dentin that in tertiary dentin, dentin phosphophoryn
protective activity of the dental lymph. is not present.
Dental Histology  659

Q.32. Enumerate hypocalcified structures of dentin. Q.35. Write briefly on composition of dentin.
 (Sep 2015, 2 Marks)  (Apr 2017, 2 Marks)
Ans. Following are the hypocalcified structures in dentin: Ans. Following is the composition of dentin:
1. Contour lines ♦♦ Composition of dentin by weight
2. Neonatal line • 70% inorganic substances
3. Interglobular dentin • 20% organic substances
4. Predentin. • 10% water
For details refer to Ans 11 of same chapter. ♦♦ Composition of dentin by volume
• 47% inorganic substances
Q.33. Define dentinogenesis. Describe the types of dentine • 32% organic substances
with well labeled diagrams. (Oct 2016, 10 Marks) • 21% water
Ans. Dentinogenesis is defined as process of dentin formation  Organic substances are Collagen Type I and Type II,
during development of teeth. phosphoproteins, carboxyglutamate containing proteins, acidic
glycoproteins, plasma proteins, lipids, growth related factors.
Types of Dentin
 Inorganic substances are calcium phosphate (hydroxyapa-
♦♦ On basis of location tite) small crystals, trace amount of fluoride and carbonate.
• Intertubular dentin: For details refer to Ans 1 of same Q.36. Enumerate the theories of dentin sensitivity.
chapter  (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
• Intratubular dentin or peritubular dentin: For details refer Or
to ans1 of same chapter Enumerate theories of dentin hypersensitivity.
• Mantle dentin: For details refer to Ans 10 of same
 (Jan 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Enumeration of theories of dentin sensitivity or dentin
• Circumpulpal dentin: For details refer to Ans 10 of
same chapter.
• Direct neural stimulation or direct innervation theory
♦♦ On basis of pattern of mineralization
• Fluid or hydrodynamic theory
• Globular dentin: It is formed from calcospherites
• Transduction theory.
• Interglobular dentin: For details refer to Ans 8 of same
chapter Q.37. Write classification of dentin. Write in short about pain
• Tomes granular layer: For details refer to Ans 3 of same transmission theories of dentin.
chapter  (Sep 2018, 2 + 3 = 5 Marks)
• Sclerotic dentin: For details refer to Ans 23 of same Ans. For classification of dentin refer to Ans 17 of same chapter.
chapter. For pain transmission theories refer to Ans 13 of same
♦♦ On basis of developmental pattern chapter.
• Primary dentin: For details refer to Ans 16 of same
• Secondary dentin: For details refer to Ans 16 of same 5. PULP
• Tertiary dentin: For details refer to Ans 32 of same Q.1. Write a short note on composition of pulp.
chapter  (Feb/Mar 2004, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
Q.34. Enumerate the types of dentin. (Apr 2017, 2 Marks) Ans. Pulp composed of:
Ans. Enumeration of types of dentin • Odontoblasts
• Cell free zone or Weil’s zone
♦♦ On basis of location
• Cell rich zone.
• Intertubular dentin
• Odontoblasts: Refer to Ans 3 of same chapter.
• Intratubular dentin • Cell free zone: It is a space in which the odontoblast
• Mantle dentin may move pulp ward during tooth development
• Circumpulpal dentin and later to the limited extent in functional teeth.
♦♦ On basis of pattern of mineralization • Cell rich zone: This layer is composed principally
• Globular dentin of fibroblasts and undifferentiated mesenchymal
• Interglobular dentin cells. The latter are distinctive because they lack a
• Tomes granular layer ribosome studded ER and have mitochondria with
• Sclerotic dentin discernable cisternae. During early dentinogenesis
♦♦ On basis of developmental pattern there are many young collagenous fibers in this zone.
• Primary dentin Besides this the pulp also consists of intercellular
• Secondary dentin substance, fibers, defense cells, blood vessels, lymph
• Tertiary dentin vessels, nerves and nerve endings.
660 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Fibers: Fibers may appear scattered throughout the

coronal or radicular pulp or they may appear in
- These are termed as diffuse or bundle collagen
depending on their appearance and their
presence may relate to environmental trauma.
• Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells: They are the
primary cells in very young pulp, but few are seen
in pulps after root completion.
- They are found along the pulp vessels, in cell
rich zone and scattered throughout the central
- They are believed to be the totipotent cells and
when need arises they may become odontoblasts,
fibroblasts and macrophages.
• Odontoblasts: Refer to Ans 3 of same chapter.
• Defense cells: Refer to Ans 4 of same chapter.
Fig. 39:  Pulp • Blood vessels: The pulp organ is extremely vascu-
Q.2. Describe structure of pulp. (Aug/Sep 1998, 15 Marks)
- Pulp organ is supplied by superior alveolar and
Or inferior alveolar arteries and also drain by same
Write a short note on anatomy of pulp. veins in maxilla and mandible.
 (Apr 2007, 5 Marks) - Some small diameter arterioles are present which
Ans. The structure of pulp consists of: are known as “Pre Capillaries”.
• Intercellular substance • Lymph vessels: The larger lymph vessels have an
• Fibroblasts irregular shaped lumen composed of endothelial
• Fibers cells surrounding by an incomplete layer of
• Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells pericytes.
• Odontoblasts - They are further characterized by absence of RBC
• Defense cells and presence of lymphocytes.
• Blood vessels - Those draining anterior teeth pass to submental
• Lymph vessels lymph nodes and of posterior teeth pass to sub-
• Nerves mandibular and deep cervical lymph nodes.
• Nerve endings • Nerves: The majority of nerves that enter pulp are
• Intercellular substance: It is dense and gel like in nonmyelinated.
nature. It is composed of both glycosaminoglycans - The nonmyelinated nerves are found in close
and proteoglycans. During early development the association with blood vessels of pulp and many
chondroitin A, chondroitin B and hyaluronic acid is are sympathetic in nature.
present in abundance. Glycoproteins are present in The large myelinated fibers mediate the
the ground substance. As the pulp ages it consists of sensation of pain that may be caused by external
less amount of this substance. The ground substance stimuli. The peripheral axons form a network of
lands support to cells of pulp and also serves as nerves located to cell rich zone called as parietal
means for transport of nutrients from blood vessels layer of nerves or Plexus of Rashkow.
to cells and vice versa. • Nerve endings: Substances like substance P, 5HT,
• Fibroblasts: They are most numerous type cells in vasoactive intestinal peptide, somatostatin and
the pulp. prostaglandin as well as Ach and norepinephrine
- They have stellate shape and extensive processes throughout the pulp.
that contact and are joined by intercellular - The majority of putative transmitters have
junction to the processes of other fibroblasts. been shown to affect vascular tone and modify
- In young pulp the cell divides and are active excitability of nerve endings.
in protein synthesis whereas in older pulp Q.3. Write a short note on odontoblast.
they appear rounded or spindle shape with  (Feb/Mar 2004, 5 Marks) (Sep 2000, 5 Marks)
short processes and exhibit fewer intercellular Ans. Odontoblasts are second most prominent cells in the pulp
organelles and are called as fibrocytes. which resides adjacent to predentin with cell bodies in
- The fibroblasts of pulp, in addition to forming pulp and cell processes in the dentinal tubules.
the pulp matrix also have capability of ingesting • They have a constant location near predentin in
and degrading this same matrix. “odontogenic zone of pulp”.
Dental Histology  661

• The cell bodies of odontoblasts are columnar in usually associated with small blood vessels and
appearance with large oval nuclei which fill basal capillaries. Both lymphocytes and eosinophills are
part of the cell. found extravascularly in the normal pulp during
inflammation they increase in number.
• Mast cells are also seen along vessels in inflamed
pulp. Their number increases during inflammation
of pulp.
• Plasma cells are seen during inflammation of pulp.
In it the chromatin of nucleus give cart wheel
arrangement. The plasma cell performs the function
of production of antibodies.
Q.5. Enumerate all functions of human dentinal pulp.
Describe in detail structural elements of pulp.
 (Mar 2008, 5 Marks)
List four functions of pulp. (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
Ans. Functions of Dentinal Pulp
• Inductive function: The primary role of pulp analge
is to interact with oral epithelium cells which cause
differentiation of dental lamina and enamel organ
– Pulp analge also interacts with developing
enamel organ as it determines particular type
of tooth.
Fig. 40:  Odontoblasts • Formative function: Pulp organ cells produce dentin
which surrounds and protect the pulp.
• Immediately adjacent to nucleus basally is RER and
• Nutritive function: Pulp nourishes the dentin through
Golgi apparatus.
odontoblasts and their processes and by means of
• Further towards the apex of cell appears an
blood the vascular system of pulp.
abundance of RER. Near the pulpal predentin
• Protective function: Sensory nerves in the tooth
junction the cell cytoplasm is devoid of organelles.
respond with pain to all stimuli. The nerve also
• At cellular junction the cell constrict to diameter of
initiates the reflexes that control circulation in the
3 to 4 micrometer where the cell process enters the
pulp. The sympathetic function is reflex, providing
predentinal tubules. The process of cell contains
stimulation to visceral motor fibers terminating on
no endoplasmic reticulum but during the early
muscles of blood vessels.
period of dentinogenesis it does contain occasional
• Defensive or reparative function: It responds to
mitochondria and vesicles.
irritation whether mechanical, thermal, chemical
• The form and arrangement of bodies of odontoblasts
or bacterial by producing reparative dentin and
are not uniform throughout pulp. They are most
mineralizing affected tubules.
cylindrical and tall columnar in crown, more cuboid
– P u l p h a s m a c r o p h a g e s , l y m p h o c y t e s ,
in middle of root, close to apex odontoblasts are
neutrophils, monocytes, plasma and mast cells
ovoid and spindle shaped.
all of which aid in the process of repair of pulp.
Q.4. Write note on defense cells of pulp.  For structural elements of dental pulp refer to Ans 3 of
 (Sep 1999, 5 Marks) (Sep 2006, 5 Marks) same chapter.
 (Jan 2012, 2 Marks)
Q.6. Describe histology of pulp tissue.
Ans. Defense Cells of Pulp
 (Mar 2000, 15 Marks) (Apr 2010, 15 Marks)
• The cells which are important for defense of pulp
Ans. Answer refer to Ans 2 of same chapter.
are histiocytes or macrophages, mast cells and
plasma cells. In addition there are blood vascular Q.7. Write a note on pulp stones.
elements such as neutrophil, basophil, lymphocytes  (Feb 2006, 5 Marks) (Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
and monocytes. Or
• The above blood vessel elements emigrate from
pulpal blood vessel and develop characteristic in Write a short note on denticles.
response to inflammation.  (Sep 2005, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 2 Marks)
• Histiocyte or macrophage is an irregular shaped  (Feb 2013, 5 Marks) (Nov 2010, 3 Marks)
cell with short blunt processes. These cells are Or
662 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Describe pulp stones. (Aug 2011, 5 Marks) ♦♦ They appear as concentric circles or calcified tissue. In
Or center of these concentric layers of calcified tissue there
maybe remnants of necrotic and calcified tissue.
Answer in brief pulp stones. (Aug 2016, 2 Marks) ♦♦ Pulp stones are classified as free, attached and embedded
depending on their relation to dentin of the tooth.
Ans. Pulp Stones
• Free denticles: They are entirely surrounded by pulp
• Pulp stones or denticles, are nodular calcified masses tissue.
appearing in either or both the coronal and root • Attached denticles: They are partly fused with dentin.
portion of pulp organ. • Embedded denticles: They are entirely surrounded by
• They often develop in teeth that appear to be quite dentin.
normal in other aspects. They have been seen in ♦♦ All above denticles form free in pulp and later to become
functional as well as embedded unerupted teeth. attached or embedded as dentin formation progresses.
• Pulp stones are classified according to their ♦♦ The size of pulp stone increases as the age advances.
structures as: Q.8. Write a note on age changes in dental pulp. 
– True denticles  (Sep 2003, 5 Marks) (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
– False denticles (Feb 2013, 5 Marks) (Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
(May 2014, 5 Marks)
True Denticles
Write short note on age changes of pulp.
 (Sep 2017, 3 Marks)
Describe age changes in pulp. (Dec 2014, 3 Marks)
Write very short answer on age changes of pulp.
 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Age Changes in Dental Pulp
• The cells are characterized by decrease in size and
number of cytoplasmic organelles.
• The fibroblasts in aging pulp exhibit less perinuclear
Fig. 41:  True pulp stone cytoplasm and posses long thin cytoplasmic processes.
(For colour version see Plate 24) • As age advances fibroblasts may result leading to
increase in collagen fiber content in pulp organ.
♦♦ The remnants of epithelial root sheath induce the cells of • Collagen increase is noticed in the medial and
pulp to differentiate into odontoblasts which then form adventitial layers of blood vessel as well.
the dentin masses called as true pulp stones. • The increase in collagen fiber may be more apparent
♦♦ They are rare and found near the apical foramen. than actual being attributed to decrease in size of pulp.
• Pulp Stones: (See Ans 7 of same chapter).
False Denticles
• Diffuse calcifications appear as irregular calcific
deposits in pulp tissue, usually following collagenous
fibrous bundles or blood vessels. These calcifications
are found in root canal. The diffuse calcification are
also characterized as dystrophic calcification.
Q.9. Enumerate the function of pulp. Describe the regressive
changes of pulp. (Feb. 2006, 7.5 Marks)
Ans. For functions refer to Ans 5 of the same chapter. For
regres­sive changes of pulp refer to Ans 8 of the same
Q. 10. Write a short note on functions of pulp.
 (Mar 2007, 3 Marks) (June 2010, 8 Marks)
 (July 2016, 3 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
Fig. 42:  False pulp stone Describe the functions of pulp shortly.
(For colour version see Plate 24)  (Mar 2007, 4 Marks)
Dental Histology  663

Or Ans. Cells of the pulp are as follows:

Write short answer on functions of pulp. • Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells: Refer to Ans 3 of
 (May 2018, 3 Marks) same chapter
Ans. Refer to Ans 5 of the same chapter. • Odontoblasts: Refer to Ans 3 of the same chapter
• Defense cells: Refer to Ans 4 of the same chapter.
Q.11. Write note on pulp fibrosis. (Mar 2007, 2.5 Marks)
Q.15. Write about pulp at periphery. (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
Ans. Peripherally pulp is circumscribed by the specialized
• In aging pulp accumulation of diffuse fibrillar
odontogenic region composed of:
components and bundles of collagen fibers appears.
• The odontoblasts
Fiber bundles appear arranged longitudinally
• The cell free zone (Weil’s zone)
in bundles in radicular pulp and more diffuse
• The cell rich zone
arrangement on coronal area.
• The increase in fiber in pulp organ is generalized For details refer to Ans 1 of the same chapter.
throughout the organ.
• Vascular changes occur in aging pulp organ.
• Atherosclerotic plaque may appear in pulpal vessels.
• Calcifications in the wall of blood vessels are found
more often in region near the apical foramen.
• Outer diameter of vessel walls becomes greater, as
collagen fibers increase in the medial and adventitial

Fig. 44:  Pulp at periphery (For colour version see Plate 24)

Q.16. Write about histology and functions of pulp.

 (May/June 2009, 10 Marks)
Ans. For histology of pulp tissue refer to Ans 2 and for
functions refer to Ans 5 of same chapter.
Fig. 43:  Denticles (For colour version see Plate 24) Q.17. Write short note on cell free zone of weil.
 (Aug 2011, 2 Marks)
Q.12. Write in short regarding the structure and function of Ans. It is also known as cell free zone.
pulp. (Sep 2007, 8 Marks)
It is a free space in between odontoblastic and cell rich
Ans. For structure refer to Ans 2 and for function refer to zone.
Ans 5 of same chapter. • Cells are absent in this zone.
Q.13. Describe the cellular elements of dental pulp.  • Few collagen fibers run through Weil’s zone.
 (Oct 2007, 15 Marks) • There are two opinions of researchers about the zone.
Ans. The cellular elements of dental pulp are: First is that the odontoblast move pulpward in this
• Intercellular substance zone during tooth development and another is that
• Fibroblasts this zone is an artifact.
• Fibers Q.18. Write about cells of pulp. (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
• Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells Or
• Odontoblasts
Answer in brief cells of dental pulp.
• Defense cells  (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
For above cells refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
Ans. Pulp consists of following cells, i.e.
• Odontoblasts: Refer to Ans 3 of same chapter
• Fibroblasts
• Defence cells of pulp: Refer to Ans 4 of same chapter.
• Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
Q.14. Enumerate cells of pulp. Describe histology of each • Defense cells, i.e. histiocytes, macrophages, mast
cell type. (Oct 2008, 7.5 Marks) cells, dendritic cells and plasma cells. In addition
664 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes ♦♦ Cell free zone consists of network of nerve fibers which lost
and monocytes are also seen. their myelin sheath and are known as Plexus of Rashkow.
For fibroblasts refer to Ans 2 of same chapter.
For undifferentiated cells refer to Ans 2 of same chapter. Cell Rich Zone
For defense cells refer to Ans 4 of same chapter. ♦♦ It is situated below the cell free zone.
Q.19. Enumerate the cells of pulp. Write the age changes of ♦♦ Cell rich zone is the narrow zone having high density of
pulp (any two). (Sep 2015, 2+3 = 5 Marks) cells rich capillary network.
Ans. Enumeration of Cells of Pulp ♦♦ This zone is seen in both coronal and radicular pulp.
1. Fibroblasts ♦♦ Cell rich zone has fibroblasts, undifferentiated mesen-
2. Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells chymal cells, macrophages, immunocompetent cells and
3. Odontoblasts young collagen fibers.
4. Defense cells ♦♦ Cell rich zone act as a reservoir for replacing destroyed
a. Histiocytes or macrophages odontoblasts.
b. Dendritic cells
c. Mast cells Pulp Core or Pulp Proper
d. Plasma cells
♦♦ Connective tissue located in center of coronal and radicular
e. Blood vascular elements, i.e. neutrophils,
pulp is known as pulp core.
eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes
5. Pulpal stem cells. ♦♦ This is a core of loose connective tissue with rich cellular
For age changes in pulp (any two) refer to Ans 8 of same elements and also consists of large nerves and blood vessels
chapter. which branches towards the peripheral pulp area.
♦♦ In the younger pulp, core consists of more of cells while
Q.20. Enumerate zones of dental pulp. (Sep 2015, 2 Marks)
in older pulp more of fibrous components are present.
Ans. Histologically four distinct zones of pulp are seen:
1. Odontoblastic zone Q.22. Enumerate cells of pulp. Add a note on functions of
2. Cell free zone pulp. (Jan 2018, 2 + 3 Marks)
3. Cell rich zone Ans. Enumeration of cells of pulp
4. Pulp core or pulp proper. 1. Fibroblasts
Q.21. Write short note on zones of pulp. 2. Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
 (Feb 2016, 3 Marks) 3. Odontoblasts
Or 4. Defense cells
Answer in brief zones of pulp. (May 2017, 2 Marks) a. Histiocytes or macrophages
Ans. Histologically four distinct zones of pulp are seen: b. Dendritic cells
A. Odontoblastic zone c. Mast cells
B. Cell free zone d. Plasma cells
C. Cell rich zone e. Blood vascular elements, i.e. neutrophils,
D. Pulp core or pulp proper. eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes
Odontoblastic Zone 5. Pulpal stem cells
For functions of pulp refer to Ans 5 of same chapter.
♦♦ This zone is present at the periphery of pulp and contains
cell bodies of odontoblasts. Q.23. Enumerate regressive changes of pulp. Write functions
♦♦ Cell bodies of odontoblasts lie in continuous row near the of pulp. (Sep 2018, 3 + 2 = 5 Marks)
dentinal end of pulp. Ans. Enumeration of regressive changes of pulp.
♦♦ Many of the nerve fibers enter odontoblastic zone and get • Pulp stones or denticles
terminated between the odontoblasts. • Diffuse calcification
♦♦ Odontoblastic layer as well as subodontoblastic nerve • Size: As age advances there is decrease in pulp size
network combines to form sensory complex which envelop due to continuous secondary dentin deposition.
the central pulp core.
• Cellular and fibrous components: With ageing
Cell Free Zone fibrous component becomes more prominent and
there is reduction in number of cells.
♦♦ Below the odontoblastic zone a layer of 40 µ is seen which
does not consists of cells. This layer is known as zone of • Changes in blood supply and innervations: There is
Weil or sub odontoblastic layer. decrease in blood supply and there is degeneration
♦♦ Cell free zone is prominently seen in the coronal pulp. of myelinated and unmyelinated axons.
♦♦ Cell free zone decreases in size when dentin formation • Decrease in sensitivity and healing potential.
occurs at rapid rate. For functions of pulp refer to Ans 5 of same chapter.
Dental Histology  665

• Cementum is thinnest at the cemento enamel junction

6. CEMENTUM (CEJ) and is thickest towards the apex.
• The apical foramen is surrounded by cementum.
Q.1. Write a short note on cementum. Sometime cementum extend to inner wall of dentin
 (Mar 2001, 5 Marks) (Feb/Mar 2004, 5 Marks) for short distance and so lining of root canal is formed.
Ans. Cementum is the mineralized dental tissue covering the • In decalcified specimen of cementum collagen fibrils
anatomic roots of human teeth. make up the bulk of organic portion of tissue.
• It begins at cervical portion of tooth to CEJ and • Cementum is generally light yellow in color and is
continues to apex. avascular.
• Cementum furnishes a medium for attachment of • The dentin surface upon which the cementum is
deposited is smooth in permanent teeth and is called
collagen fibers that bind the tooth to surrounding
as cementodentinal junction.
• Relation between cementum and enamel at cervical
• Cementum is light yellow in color.
region of teeth is known as cementoenamel junction.
• On dry basis, cementum consists of 45 to 50%
inorganic substances, 50 to 55% organic substances Histology of Cementum
with water. The inorganic portion consists of calcium
♦♦ Structure of cementum consists of cementoblast which
and phosphorus in form of hydroxyapatite. synthesize collagen and protein polysaccharide, which
• Cementum has highest fluoride content of all the make up organic matrix of cementum.
mineralized tissues. ♦♦ Uncalcified matrix of cementum is called cementoid.
• The organic portion of cementum consist of type I ♦♦ Cementoblast have numerous mitochondria, well formed
collagen and protein polysaccharides. golgi apparatus and large amount of granular endoplasmic
• Cementum formation in developing tooth is reticulum.
preceded by deposition of dentin along inner aspect ♦♦ Connective tissue fibers are embedded in cementum
of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath. and serve to attach the tooth to surrounding bone. These
• Breaks occur in epithelial root sheath allowing embedded portions are sharpey’s fiber.
newly form dentin to come in direct contact with ♦♦ The cementum also consists of cementocytes which
connective tissue of dental follicle. Cells derived contain few endoplasmic reticulum which are dilated
from this connective tissue are responsible for and mitochondria which are sparse. This suggests that
cementum formation. cementocytes are either degenerating or active cells.
• Cementum also performs various functions which ♦♦ Beside this cementum consists of incremental lines which
are: consist of less collagen fibers and more ground matrix.
1. It furnishes a medium for attachment of collagen These lines separate acellular and cellular cementum.
fibers that bind tooth to alveolar bone. Functions of Cementum
2. It serves as major reparative tissue for root
♦♦ Cementum furnishes a medium for attachment of collagen
fiber that bind to alveolar bone.
3. It may also be viewed as tissue that makes
♦♦ Continuous deposition of cementum is of considerable
functional adaptation of teeth possible. functional importance.
Q.2. Describe anatomy, histology and functions of ♦♦ Cementum serves as major reparative tissue for root
cementum. (Feb 2002, 15 Marks) surface. Damage to root such as fracture and resorption
Ans. can be repaired, by deposition of new cementum.
♦♦ Cementum may also be viewed as tissue that makes
Anatomy of Cementum functional adaptation of teeth possible. The deposition
of cementum in an apical area can compensate for loss of
In general, the cementum is of two types:
tooth substance from occlusal wear.
1. Acellular cementum.
2. Cellular cementum. Q.3. Write a short note on cellular and acellular cementum.
 (Sep 2009, 5 Marks)
Write about cellular and acellular cementum.
 (Feb 2013, 10 Marks)
Acellular Cementum
♦♦ It is also known as primary cementum.
♦♦ This is the first formed cementum and covers cervical two
Fig. 45:  Cementum third of root.
666 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Since rate of formation of this cementum is slow this allows ♦♦ It is formed in apical one third portion of root.
sufficient time to cementoblasts to move away due to ♦♦ It is of two types i.e. cellular mixed fiber cementum and
which these cells are not entrapped in matrix and primary cellular intrinsic fiber cementum.
cementum is acellular. ♦♦ Cellular mixed fiber cementum forms bulk of secondary
♦♦ In the ground section acellular cementum appear cementum and occupies apical interradicular regions while
structureless without any entrapped cells. cellular intrinsic fiber cementum is present in middle and
♦♦ In this incremental lines can be seen as dark lines which apical third areas.
run parallel to root surface and are close to each other ♦♦ Cellular mixed fiber cementum helps to reshape the root
because of slow deposition. surfaces in physiologic and pathologic drifting of teeth in
♦♦ Sharpey’s fibers can be seen as fine striations which lie tooth socket while cellular intrinsic fiber cementum form
perpendicular to root surface. Sharpey’s fibers are more as a result of repair and regeneration process.
in acellular cementum as compared to cellular cementum ♦♦ Rate of cellular cementum deposition is faster which leads
but they are less distinct in acellular cementum as they to entrapment of cementoblasts in matrix and they remain
become fully mineralized. as resting cementocytes in mineralized cementum.
♦♦ Inner most portion of cementum of 15 to 20µ adjacent ♦♦ Cells which are incorporated in this cementum are
to dentin consists of only collagen fibers secreted by cementocytes which lie in lacunae.
cementoblasts. So this part is known as primary acellular
♦♦ A cementocyte consists of many cell processes or canaliculi
intrinsic fiber cementum.
which radiates from its cell body. These processes can
♦♦ Remaining part of cementum consists of fibers secreted by
branch and anastomose with neighboring cells. Most of
periodontal ligament fibroblasts, so this part is known as
these processes are directed to PDL from where they derive
primary acellular extrinsic fiber cementum. This is because
nutrition while some are directed inward also.
primary cellular cementum is formed by extrinsic fibers
because it is secreted after formation of PDL. ♦♦ Cellular cementum also show incremental lines of Salter
which run parallel to root surface and are far apart due
to increase thickness of each increment which is due to
faster deposition.
♦♦ Cellular cementum always consists of peripheral layer of
cementoid which is lined by cementoblasts.
♦♦ At light microscopic level lacunae in deep layers of
cementum appear to be empty suggesting of degeneration
of cementocytes present in these layers.
Q.4. Write short note on cementocytes.(Feb 1999, 6 Marks)
Write notes on cementocytes. (Mar 2007, 2.5 Marks)
Ans. Cementocytes are the cells that are incorporated into
A cellular cementum.
• Cementocytes are spider like cells.
• Cementocytes are similar to osteocytes.
• They lie in lacunae.
• A typical cementocyte has numerous cell processes
or canaliculi, radiating from its cell body.

Figs 46A and B:  (A) Cellular cementum and

(B) Acellular cementum (For colour version see Plate 24)

Cellular Cementum
♦♦ Cellular cementum is also known as secondary cementum
because it is formed after acellular extrinsic fiber Fig. 47:  Cementocytes
cementum. (For colour version see Plate 25)
Dental Histology  667

• These processes may branch and anastomose with Q.6. Write short note on cementoenamel junction. 
those of neighboring cells.  (July 2016, 3 Marks) (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
• Most of the processes are directed towards the Or
periodontal surface of cementum.
Write short note on types of CEJ. (Oct 2014, 3 Marks)
• Cytoplasm of cementocytes in deeper layer of
cementum contains few organelles. Or
• Endoplasmic reticulum appears dilated and Write about cementoenamel junction.
mitochondria are sparse.  (Sep 2015, 5 Marks)
• These characteristics indicate that cementocytes are
either degenerating or marginally active cells.
• In deeper layer cementocytes show signs of Write in brief about types of cementoenamel junction. 
degeneration such as cytoplasmic clumping and  (May 2017, 2 Marks)
vesiculation. Ans. Relation between cementum and enamel at cervical
• In more deeper layer of cementum lacunae appear region of teeth is called as cementoenamel junction.
empty and suggesting complete degeneration of
Q.5. Write note on Sharpey’s fiber.  (Mar 1998, 5 Marks)
 (Feb/Mar 2004, 5 Marks) (Feb 2006, 5 Marks)
Write short note on Sharpey’s fibers. 
 (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) (May 2014, Marks)
Write very short answer on Sharpey’s fibers. 
 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks) (May 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Sharpey’s Fibers
• Discrete bundles of collagen fibers which are seen Fig. 49:  Butt junction  (For colour version see Plate 25)
in tangential section, these bundles are known as
sharpey’s fiber. Types of Cementoenamel Junction
• Sharpey’s fibers makes up the substantial portion ♦♦ End-to-end approximating junction (Butt Junction): In
of cementum. approximately 30% of all teeth cementum meets the
• When cementum remains relatively thin these cervical end of enamel in a relatively sharp line.
sharpey’s fibers crosses the entire thickness of ♦♦ Overlapping junction
cementum. • The cementum overlapping the enamel:
• With further apposition of cementum the large part
In approximately 60% of teeth, cementum overlaps
of fiber is incorporated in cementum.
the cervical end of enamel for short distance.
• Cemental surfaces with actively mineralizing fronts
This occurs when the enamel epithelium degenerates
have numerous small openings that correspond to
at its cervical termination permitting connective tissue
site where individual sharpey’s fibers enter the tooth.
to come in direct contact with enamel surface which
• The openings represent unmineralized core of fibers.
produce a laminated, electron dense, reticular material
termed as afibrillar cementum.

Fig. 48: Sharpey’s fibers Fig. 50:  Cementum overlapping enamel junction
(For colour version see Plate 25) (For colour version see Plate 25)
668 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Enamel overlapping cementum junction • If overgrowth occur in nonfunctional teeth or if it

Recent observations by researchers by optical microscopy is not correlated with increase function it is termed
showed fourth type of junction known as enamel as hyperplasia.
overlapping cementum junction.
Cementum Hypertrophy
♦♦ In localized hypertrophy a spur or prog like extension of
cementum may be formed.
♦♦ This condition is found in teeth that are exposed to great
♦♦ That prog like extensions provide a large surface area for
attaching fibers.
♦♦ Hyperplastic cementum covering the enamel drops in
dentin occasionally is irregular and sometime contains
round bodies.
♦♦ Excementosis localized hyperplastic cementum which are
knob like projection around degenerated epithelial rests.
Fig. 51:  Enamel overlapping cementum junction ♦♦ Extensive hyperplasia of cementum is occasionally
(For colour version see Plate 25) associated with chronic peripheral inflammation. Here
hyperplasia is circumscribed and surrounds the root like
♦♦ The absence of connecting enamel and cementum (Gap Junction) cuff.
In about 10% of teeth enamel and cementum do not meet. ♦♦ Hyperplasia of cementum in nonfunctioning teeth is
In such cases there is no cemento enamel junction. This characterized by reduction in number of Sharpey’s fibers
occurs when enamel epithelium in cervical portion of roots embedded in root.
delayed in the separation from dentin. In this case dentin ♦♦ Cementum is thicker around the apex of all teeth and in
is an external part of the surface of the root. the furcation of multi rooted teeth.
♦♦ In some cases an irregular overgrowth of cementum can
be found with spike like extension and calcification of
Sharpey’s fibers and some cementicles.

Fig. 53:  Cemental hyperplasia

Q.8. Describe clinical consideration of cementum.

Fig. 52:  Gap junction (For colour version see Plate 25)  (Aug/Sep 1998, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
Q.7. Write a note on hypercementosis. Write in brief clinical consideration of cementum.
 (Nov 2010, 3 Marks) (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)  (Aug 2011, 10 Marks)
Ans. Clinical Consideration of Cementum
• Cementum is more resistant to resorption than bone,
Write short answer on hypercementosis. and for this reason that orthodontic tooth movement
 (May 2018, 3 Marks) is made possible.
Ans. Hypercementosis is an abnormal thickening of • In careful orthodontic treatment, cementum
cementum. resorption is minimal or absent but bone resorption
• It may be diffuse or circumscribed. leads to tooth migration.
• It may affect all teeth of dentition or single tooth or • Cementum resorption can occur after trauma or
even a part of one tooth. excessive occlusal forces.
• If overgrowth improves the functional qualities of • After resorption damage is usually repaired by
cementum it is termed as cementum hypertrophy. formation of cellular or acellular or both cementum.
Dental Histology  669

• In most cases of cemental repair the outline of root Write short answer on cellular cementum.
is re-established, this is called as anatomic repair.  (Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
• In some cases of repair the outline of alveolar bone Ans. For cellular cementum refer to Ans 3 of same chapter.
follows that of root surface so that a functional For classification of cementum refer to Ans 17 of same
relationship will result, this change is called as chapter.
functional repair.
Q.11. Write short note on DE Junction and CE Junction.
• Transverse fracture of the root may occur after
 (Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
trauma, and these may heal by formation of new
Ans. For DEJ refer to Ans 7 of ENAMEL chapter and for CEJ
refer to Ans 6 of the same chapter.
• The PDL pockets, plaque and its by products can
cause numerous alteration in the physical, chemical Q.12. Write a note on cementogenesis.(Sep 2007, 2.5 Marks)
and structural characteristic of cementum. Ans. Cementum is the hard tissue that is deposited on the
• The surface of pathologically exposed cementum surface of dentin.
becomes hypermineralized because of incorporation
of calcium, phosphorus and fluoride from oral
Q.9. Write a short note on anatomic and functional repair.
 (Sep 2005, 5 Marks)
Anatomic Repair
♦♦ In most cases of cemental repair outline of root is
re-established known as anatomic repair.
♦♦ In cementum the resorbed area is filled completely by
cementum and continuity of root surface periodontal
attachment is re-established.

Functional Repair
♦♦ In some cases of cemental repair outline of alveolar bone
follows that of root surface so functional relationship will
result known as functional repair. Fig. 55:  Differentiation of cementoblasts
(For colour version see Plate 26)
♦♦ In cementum the resorbed area is filled partially and there
is a presence of bay like defect over the root surface. In
functional repair the alveolar bone create a bony projection
for establishing normal physiologic width of periodontal

Fig. 54:  Anatomic and functional repair

Q.10. Write in short cellular cementum.(Apr 2007, 5 Marks)

Fig. 56:  Cementum deposition (For colour version see Plate 26)
Write short note on cellular cementum. • Once the root dentin formation has been initiated,
 (Oct 2016, 3 Marks) (Nov 2009, 5 Marks) the Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath fragments into
a network which allows the ectomesenchymal cells
of dental follicle to pass through and contact the
Classify cementum. Discuss cellular cementum. root dentin.
 (Sep 2017, 3 Marks) • These follicular cells differentiate into cementoblasts
Or and are responsible for cementum formation.
670 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Cementoblasts have numerous mitochondria, Q.14. Describe afibrillar and intermediate cementum.
well formed golgi apparatus and large amount of  (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
granular endoplasmic reticulum. Ans.
• Cementoblasts synthesize collagen and protein
polysaccha­rides which are made up of organic Afibrillar Cementum
matrix of cementum. ♦♦ It is the cementum without collagen fibrils.
• After some cementum matrix is laid down, its ♦♦ It is seen over the enamel near the CEJ.
mineralization begins. ♦♦ Though the cementum is called as afibrillar, it contains
• The uncalcified matrix is called as cementoid.
fiber in its matrix but they lack characteristic collagen
• Calcium and phosphate ions present in tissue fluids
are deposited into the matrix and are arranged as
♦♦ If afibrillar cementum remains in contact with connective
unit cells of hydroxyapetite.
tissue cells for long time, the fibrillar cementum with
• Mineralization of the cementoid is the highly
collagen fibrils get deposited on its surface and thickness
ordered event.
of cementum which overlies enamel increases.
• As the new layer of cementoid is formed, the old
one calcifies. Intermediate Cementum
• Connective tissue fibers from the PDL pass between
the cementoblasts and cementum, these fibers serve ♦♦ It is also known as hyaline layer of Hopewell Smith
to attach the tooth to surrounding bone. ♦♦ Sometimes dentin gets separated from cementum by zone
• Their embedded portions are known as Sharpey’s called as intermediate cementum.
fibers. ♦♦ It does neither exhibit characteristics of cementum nor
Q.13. Write a note on cells of cementum.(Oct 2008, 3 Marks) of dentin.
♦♦ It is also known as hyaline layer, this is because it appears
Or to be structureless.
Write short note on cementoblast and ceme­ntocytes. ♦♦ It is prominently visible in apical two-thirds of roots of
 (Feb 2013, 2 Marks) (May 2014, 2 Marks) molars and premolars.
Ans. Following are the cells of cementum: ♦♦ This layer represents areas where cells of Hertwig’s
• Cementoblasts epithelial sheath get entrapped in rapidly deposited dentin
• Cementocytes or cementum matrix.
Cementoblasts ♦♦ This layer is considered to be of dentinal origin.

♦♦ They synthesize collagen and protein polysaccharides Q.15. Write short note on junctions of tooth.
which make up the organic matrix of the cementum.  (Jan 2012, 2 Marks)
♦♦ These cells have numerous mitochondria, a well Ans. Following are the junctions of tooth:
formed golgi apparatus and large amounts of granular • Dentinoenamel junction (DEJ)
endoplasmic reticulum. - It is the junction between enamel and dentin
♦♦ These cells secrets the cementum. which is scalloped in shape.
- The concavities of scallope faces towards the
Cementocytes dentin while concavities faces towards the
Refer to Ans 4 of the same chapter. enamel.
- Membrana preformativa is seen between enamel
and dentin at the time of tooth development.
During calcification this membrane disappear
and interface is known as dentinoenamel
• Predentin Pulp junction: This is formed by dense
collagenous fibers and is present between uncalcified
dentin and pulp.
• Dentin-Predentin junction: Dentin-predentin
junction is the junction between dentin and
• Cementoenamel Junction (CEJ)
- Junction between cementum and enamel
at cervical region of tooth is known as
cementoenamel junction.
Fig. 57:  Cementoblast and cementocyte - It is of clinical importance during root scaling
(For colour version see Plate 26) procedures.
Dental Histology  671

• Cementodentinal Junction (CDJ) Q.17. Write about types of cementum. (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
- Apical area of cementum where it joins Ans. Following are the types of cementum:
the internal root canal dentin is known as • Based on cellularity:
cementodentinal junction. – Acellular cementum: Cementum present with­
- Its width is 2–3 µm. out the cells.
- It is smooth junction between dentin and – Cellular cementum: Cementum consisting of
cementum. cells.
- Its clinical importance is that when RCT is • Based on time of origin:
performed the filling material should end up at – Primary cementum: First formed cementum. It
is acellular. It consist of PDL.
Q.16. Write differences between cellular and acellular – Secondary cementum: It forms after tooth
cementum. (Aug 2016, 3 Marks) (Dec 2014, 2 Marks) reaches occlusal plane.
 (May 2017, 3 Marks) • Based on presence of collagen fiber:
Or – Afibrillar cementum: Cementum does not
Write differences between cellular and acellular consist of fibers.
cementum. (Sep 2018, 2 Marks) – Fibrillar cementum: Cementum consisting of
Ans. fibers.
• Based on origin of cementum matrix fibers:
S. – Extrinsic cementum: Cementum consisting of
No. Acellular cementum Cellular cementum
matrix fibers derived from periodontal ligament.
1. Located from cervical to apical Located in apical third and – Intrinsic cementum: Cementum consisting of
third furcations matrix fibers derived from cementoblasts.
2. It is formed earlier and is Formed later and during – Mixed fiber cementum: Cementum containing
known as primary cementum repair and is known as both extrinsic and intrinsic matrix fibers.
secondary cementum
Q.18. Describe afibrillar cementum. (Dec 2014, 5 Marks)
3. It consists of noncollagenous Noncollagenous proteins
Ans. When cementoblasts come under contact with enamel
protein-tenascin, fibronectin are present
and osteocalcin are absent they produce laminated, electron dense, reticular
material known as afibrillar cementum.
4. Growth factors TGF β and IGF Growth factors are seen
• It is seen over the enamel near cementoenamel
are not seen
5. Proteoglycans, i.e. versican, These proteoglycans are • This cementum is named as afibrillar but it consists
decorin, biglycan and lumican seen in the matrix
of fibers in its matrix, but the fibers lack main
were not identified in the
matrix. characteristic of collagen fibers i.e. 64 nm banding.
• If afibrillar cementum comes in contact with the
6. Cementoid is usually absent Cementoid is seen on the connective tissue cells for the long time, fibrillar
cementum with collagen fibrils may subsequently
7. It contains only extrinsic fibers Contains only intrinsic get deposited on its surface and thickness of
of the periodontal ligament fibers produced by cementum which overlie enamel increases.
formed by fibroblast cementoblast
• It does not play any role in tooth attachment since
8. Probably the only type of May be absent in single it lack collagen fibers.
cementum in single rooted rooted teeth • It is also known as coronal cementum since it can
be seen on occlusal fissures and other sites where
9. Its main function is anchorage Main function is adaptation break in reduced enamel epithelium has occurred.
and repair
Q.19. Define cemental hypertrophy and cemental hyperplasia.
10. It is formed slowly It is formed rapidly  (Sep 2015, 2 Marks)
11. Incremental lines are closer to Incremental lines therefore Ans. Cemental hypertrophy: When excessive deposition of
each other further apart cementum improves the function of tooth, it is known
12. Cementocytes are not seen Cementocytes, viable as cemental hypertrophy.
to varying degrees and Cemental hyperplasia: Excessive deposition of
depths seen cementum in a nonfunctional tooth is known as cemental
13. Cementoblasts are suggestive Cementoblast suggested hyperplasia.
to be derived from hertwig to be derived from inner
epithelial root sheath cells of dental follicle Q.20. Write briefly on cemental repair. (Apr 2017, 2 Marks)
Ans. Resorption of cementum occurs after trauma or excessive
14. Cementocytes do not express Cementoblasts express
occlusal forces. But as resorption is ceased, damage
parathormone receptors parathormone receptor
get repaired either by formation of cellular or acellular
672 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

cementum or by alternate formation of both of them ♦♦ Noncollagenous proteins present are alkaline phosphatases,
which is known as cemental repair. osteonectin, osteocalcin, sialoprotein, osteopontin,
Cemental repair is of two type, i.e. anatomic repair and proteoglycans and growth factors (BMP, PDGF, FGF).
functional repair. These proteins help in regeneration and remineralization
In most cases of repair former outline of root surface has of cementum.
tendency to re-establish which is known as anatomic ♦♦ Polypeptides, i.e. cementum derived attachment
repair. protein and cementum derived growth factor is
In cases where thin layer of cementum is deposited expressed in cementum matrix. These promote
on surface of deep resorption, root outline is not attachment of Mesenchymal cells and also play role in
reconstructed and a bay like recess remains. In these cementogenesis.
areas sometimes periodontal space is restored to its   For cementoenamel junctions along with their diagrams
normal width by formation of bony projection so proper refer to Ans 6 of same chapter.
functional relationship will occur. Outline in such cases
Q.23. Write any four differences between dentin and
follows root surface which is known as functional repair.
cementum. (Sep 2018, 2 Marks)
Q.21. Write differences in cementum and bone. Ans. Following are the four differences between dentin and
 (Apr 2017, 2 Marks) cementum:
Ans. Following are differences between cementum and bone:
Feature Dentin Cementum
Features Cementum Bone
Composition • 45% inorganic material • 67% inorganic Composition • 70% inorganic • 45% inorganic
• 33% organic material material substances material
• 22% water • 33% organic material • 20% organic • 33% organic material
substances • 22% water
Non- Cementum attachment Cementum attachment • 10% water
collagenous protein present; protein absent;
proteins fibromodulin as well as fibromodulin as well as Dentinal Present Absent
lamican are present lamican are absent tubules

Rate of 0.005 to 0.01 µm per day 1 to 2 µm per day Cementocytes Absent Present
apposition and
Vascularity Avascular Vascular
Incremental • Incremental lines of • Incremental lines of
Nerve supply Lacks nerve supply Rich nerve supply
lines dentin are known as cementum are known
Ability to Limited Effective incremental lines of as incremental lines
remodel Von Ebner. of Salter.
Resistance It is resistant Resorbs quickly under • These lines reflect • Incremental lines
to resorption hormonal influences the daily rhythmic, separate the cellular
recurrent deposition and acellular
of dentin matrix as cementum into
Q.22. Classify cementum. Write composition of cementum. well as a hesitation layers which indicate
Describe cementoenamel junction in detail. Draw well in the daily periodic formation.
labeled diagrams of CEJs. formative process.
 (Jan 2018, 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 Marks)
Ans. For classification of cementum refer to Ans 17 of same
Composition of Cementum
Q.1. Describe briefly the cellular elements of PDL.
Cementum consists of:
 (Mar 2000, 15 Marks)
♦♦ Inorganic components – 45 to 50%
Ans. Following are the cellular elements of periodontal
♦♦ Organic components and water – 50 to 55%
♦♦ Inorganic portion consists of calcium and phosphate in ligament:
form of hydroxyapatite crystals. Other trace elements are • Synthetic cells, i.e. fibroblasts, osteoblasts and
copper, iron, fluoride, magnesium, sodium, zinc, silica cementoblasts
and potassium are present in varying amounts. Fluoride • Resorptive cells, i.e. osteoclasts, fibroblasts and
ions are present in highest concentrations in cementum as cementoclasts
compared to any another hard tissue of body. • Progenitor cells
♦♦ Organic portion consists of Type I collagen which forms • Epithelial cell rest of malassez
90% of organic matrix. Small amount of other types of • Defense cells, i.e. mast cells, eosinophils and
collagen present are Type III, V, VI, XII, XIV. macrophages
Dental Histology  673

Synthetic Cells Progenitor Cells

Fibroblasts ♦♦ Progenitor cells have small, close face nucleus with scanty
♦♦ It is the primary cell of periodontal ligament.
♦♦ In periodontal ligament, they found to be of highest
♦♦ Fibroblasts originate from ectomesenchyme of dental
number near blood vessels.
papilla and dental follicle.
♦♦ Progenitor fibroblasts are small, less polarized, have less
♦♦ Fibroblasts have extensive cytoplasm and abundant
RER and Golgi bodies.
organelles which are associated with protein synthesis
♦♦ Cells of osteoblast type have high level of alkaline
and secretion. Its nucleus occupies whole volume of cell.
♦♦ Fibroblasts of periodontal ligament form an organizational
♦♦ These cells in periodontal ligament are responsible
pattern and they synthesize and shape proteins of
for tissue homeostasis and lead to the generation of
extracellular matrix in which collagen fibers form bundles
cementoblasts, osteoblasts and fibroblasts.
which get inserted in bone and tooth as sharpey’s fibers.
♦♦ Role of fibroblasts is to produce collagen and elastin, Epithelial Rest of Malaseez
connective tissue proteins, glycoproteins and glycosa-
minoglycans which are present in ground substance of ♦♦ They are the remnants of epithelium of H ertwig’s
periodontal ligament. epithelial root sheath.
♦♦ Fibroblasts also secrete a family of enzymes known as ♦♦ These cells are arranged in clumps and are closely packed.
matrix metalloproteinases. ♦♦ Their nucleus is prominent and scanty cytoplasm is present.
♦♦ Fibroblasts lead to the remodeling of PDL fibers. ♦♦ They are less numerous in older individuals and more in
♦♦ Fibroblasts of PDL have cilia. children.

Osteoblasts Defense Cells

♦♦ These cells cover the periodontal surface of alveolar bone. These are macrophages, mast cells and eosinophils.
♦♦ Osteoblasts are cuboidal in shape with round nucleus
present at the basal end of the cell. Macrophages
♦♦ They are the bone forming cells which lines the socket. ♦♦ They lie adjacent to blood vessels in periodontal ligament.
♦♦ Osteoblasts are in contact with underlying osteocytes by ♦♦ In periodontal ligament they phagocytose the dead cells
cytoplasmic processes. and secrete growth factors which regulate proliferation of
adjacent fibroblasts.
♦♦ Cementoblasts are of cuboidal shape and have large Mast Cells
vesicular nucleus. ♦♦ It is a round or oval shaped cell.
♦♦ Cementoblasts deposit cellular cementum. ♦♦ Mast cell releases histamine which plays role in inflam-
♦♦ They have basophilic cytoplasm and cytoplasmic matory reaction.
processes. Its nuclei are folded and are of irregular shape. ♦♦ Mast cells also play an important role in regulating
♦♦ They show gap junctions and desmosomes. endothelial and fibroblast cell population.
Resorptive Cells Eosinophils
Osteoclasts ♦♦ They are occasionally seen in periodontal ligament.
♦♦ Osteoclasts are large and multinucleated. ♦♦ They possess granules which contain crystalloid structures.
♦♦ These cells resorb the bone. ♦♦ They can undergo phagocytosis.
♦♦ These cells consists of eosinophilic cytoplasm, at times Q.2. Describe the functions of periodontal ligament.
they occupy bay in the bone known as Howship’s lacunae.  (Aug/Sep 1998, 5 Marks) (Feb 2002, 6 Marks)
♦♦ Part of plasma membrane which lie adjacent to bone is  (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
resorbed and lie in folds which is known as ruffled border. Or
♦♦ A zone of specialized membrane which lie close to the
bone, its underlying cytoplasm is devoid of organelles Write short note on functions of periodontal ligament.
known as clear zone.  (Nov 2010, 3 Marks) (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
 (May 2017, 2 Marks)
These cells degenerate collagen by fibroblast phagocytosis
Write briefly on four functions of PDL.
which leads to fast turnover of collagen in PDL.
 (Apr 2017, 2 Marks)
Cementoclasts Ans. Following are the functions of periodontal ligament:
♦♦ These cells resemble like osteoclasts. • Supportive
♦♦ They are seen in normal functioning periodontal ligament. • Sensory
674 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Nutritive ♦♦ Eruptive: Cells, vascular elements and extracellular matrix

• Homeostatic proteins of periodontal ligament causes eruption of tooth.
• Eruptive. Periodontal ligament provides space and acts as medium
♦♦ Supportive for cellular remodeling and causes eruption of tooth.
• Whenever a tooth is moved in its socket the PDL that
Q.3. Describe the function and structure of principal fibers
is found around the root get compressed and provides
of PDL. (Apr 2008, 10 Marks)
support to the tooth.
• The numerous collagen fibers that occur in PDL act as Or
cushion to withstand force of mastication. Describe the principal fibers of periodontal ligament.
• The role of collagen fibers are restricted to. Discuss about the functions of periodontal ligament.
–– Attaching the cementum that is fused to dentin  (Feb 2005, 15 Marks)
from the root to alveolar bone
–– Acting as a cushion. Or
♦♦ Sensory: The PDL is richly innervated and has an Describe the principal group of periodontal ligament
excellent proprioceptive mechanism, thus the PDL helps fibers with their corresponding structures.
in identifying the slightest amount of force that is applied  (Oct 2006, 15 Marks)
to the tooth. Or
• This mechanism has a protective effect on tooth,
as well as on supporting structures. It consists of What are the functions of periodontal ligament.
Ruffini’s endings which posses the proprioception Describe principal group of periodontal ligament
which helps in localization of pain. PDL also consists fibers. (Aug 2011, 10 Marks)
of free nerve endings with tree like ramification Or
which are responsible for carrying pain sensation and
Discuss the various principal group of periodontal
performing mechanoceptor function.
ligament and write a note on function this ligament.
♦♦ Nutritive: The PDL has got blood vessels, which provide
 (Apr 2015, 8 Marks)
anabolites and other substances which are required by the
cells of ligament, by the cementocytes and by the more Or
superficial osteocytes of alveolar bone during functional Write functions of periodontal ligament. Describe
demand and in normal physiologic process. principal group fibers of periodontal ligament.
• The blood vessels are also concerned with removal
of catabolites.  (July 2016, 10 Marks)
♦♦ Homeostatic: It is evident that the cells of PDL have Ans. Principal Fibers of Periodontal Ligament/
the capacity to resorb and synthesize the extracellular Dentoalveolar Group of Fiber
substance of the connective tissue of the ligament, alveolar • Fiber bundles which exit the cementum and alveolar
bone and cementum. bone proper to form periodontal ligament are known
• If the balance between synthesis and resorption is as principal fibers.
disturbed, the quality of the tissue will be changed. • Principal fibers of periodontal ligament are named
• This will result in progressive destruction and loss of according to their location with respect to the tooth.
extracellular substance of periodontal ligament. • They consist of five differently oriented principal
• This loss is more prominent on bony side than on the fiber groups which are named according to their
cementum side. origin and insertion in dentoalveolar process.
• This will lead to loss of attachment between tooth such For functions of periodontal ligament refer to Ans 2
as occurs in scurvy when vitamin C is absent from diet. of same chapter.

Fiber group Origin Location of attachment Insertion Function

Apical At cementum around Apex of root to fundic proper In the apex of socket It resists the vertical force
apex of root
Oblique At cementum Apical third of root to adjacent Run obliquely in coronal direction It resists vertical masticatory
alveolar bone and are inserted in alveolar bone forces and intrusive forces.
Horizontal At cementum, apical Midroot to adjacent alveolar They run at right angle to long axis It resists horizontal as well as
to alveolar crest bone proper of tooth and are inserted in bone tipping forces
which lie apical to alveolar crest
Alveolar crest At cementum below Cervical root to alveolar crest It run outward and downward and It resists vertical and intrusive
the CEJ of alveolar bone proper are inserted in alveolar crest. forces
Inter-radicular At cementum Between roots to alveolar They are inserted in inter-radicular It resists vertical and lateral
bone proper septum movement
Dental Histology  675

Q.5. Write note on cell rests of Malassez. (Feb 1999, 5 Marks)

Write in short on cell rests of Malassez. 
 (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 2 Marks)
 (Aug 2011, 2 Marks)
Ans. The PDL contains epithelial cells which are formed close
to the cementum.
• These cells were described by Malassez in 1889 and
are the remnants of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath.
• Electron microscope studies show that the epithelial
rest cells exhibit tonofilaments.
• They attached to each other by desmosomes.
Fig. 58: Horizontal alveolar and oblique group of fibers • The epithelial rest cells are separated from other
(For colour version see Plate 26) connective tissue cells by a basal lamina.
• Their physiologic role in the functioning PDL is
• When certain pathologic conditions are present
the cells of the epithelial rests can undergo rapid
proliferation and produce a variety of cysts and
tumors that are unique in the jaws.
Q.6. Describe clinical consideration of periodontal
ligament. (Oct 2001, 3 Marks)
Ans. Following are the clinical considerations of periodontal
• Proprioception in periodontal ligament leads to
positional awareness, i.e. periodontal infection is
easily localized by the patient.
Fig. 59: Apical group of fibers • Epithelial cell rest of Malaseez in PDL can sometime
(For colour version see Plate 26) form into periapical cysts.
• Thickness of periodontal ligament is maintained
by functional movements of tooth. PDL is thin if
tooth is functionless and is thick if tooth have heavy
occlusal loads. For restorative dentistry this change
is of importance.
• Acute trauma to PDL, accidental blow and rapid
mechanical separation may lead to fracture or
resorption of cementum, the adjacent alveolar bone is
resorbed and PDL is widened and tooth become loose.
• Orthodontic tooth movements depend on resorption
and formation of bone and PDL. If orthodontic tooth
movement is within the physiologic limits, initial
compression of PDL on pressure side is compensated
by bone resorption while on tension side bone
Fig. 60: Inter-radicular group of fibers apposition occur. Application of large forces lead
(For colour version see Plate 26) to necrosis of PDL.
• Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of
Q.4. Enumerate the fibers bundles of PDL and write in detail periodontium. It is caused by dental plaque and its
about function of PDL. (Feb 2002, 16 Marks) toxic products, which destroy PDL tissue. Result
Ans. Enumeration of fiber bundles of PDL of this process is formation of periodontal pockets,
a. Apical tooth mobility and tooth loss.
b. Oblique Q.7. Enumerate the principal fibers of periodontal ligament.
c. Horizontal Describe in detail the cells of periodontal ligament.
d. Alveolar crest  (Sep 2005, 15 Marks)
e. Inter-radicular. Ans. Enumeration of principal fibers of PDL
For functions of periodontal ligament in detail refer to • Apical group
Ans 2 of same chapter. • Oblique group
676 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Horizontal group • Within the periodontal ligament proper, these fibers

• Alveolar crest group are longitudinally oriented, crossing the oblique
• Inter-radicular group. fibers perpendicularly. In the vicinity of the apex
For cells of periodontal ligament refer to Ans 1 of same they form a complex network.
chapter. • Function of the oxytalan fibers is that they may play
a part in supporting the blood vessel of periodontal
Q.8. Enumerate various cells of periodontal ligament and ligament.
discuss in detail about each cell. • Oxytalan fibers are founded to be thicker and and more
 (Mar 2006,15 Marks) numerous in teeth that are subjected to high loads.
Ans. For details refer to Ans 1 of same chapter Thus, these fibers may have a role in tooth support.
Q.9. Enumerate the functions of periodontal ligament. Q.12. Describe in detail the principal group of periodontal
Describe the principal fibers of periodontal ligament. ligament fibers. (June 2010, 10 Marks)
 (Oct 2006, 7.5 Marks) Or
Or Describe in brief principle fibers of periodontal
Enumerate the functions of periodontal ligament. ligament. (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
 (Sep 2018, 2 marks)  (Apr 2008, 10 Marks) (May 2014, 5 Marks)
Ans. Enumeration of functions of periodontal ligament Or
• Supportive function Write short note on principal group of fibers in
• Sensory function periodontal ligament.
• Nutritive function  (Feb 2013, 2 Marks) (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
• Homeostatic function Ans. Refer to Ans 3 of same chapter.
• Eruptive function.
Q.13. What is periodontium? Write in detail about fibers of
For principal fibers of periodontal ligament refer to
periodontal ligament. (May/June 2009, 15 Marks)
Ans 3 of same chapter.
Q.10. Enumerate functions of pulp. Write about principal
fibers of periodontal ligament. (Sep 2007, 7.5 Marks) What is periodontium? Describe fibers of periodontal
ligament.  (Aug 2012, 10 Marks)
Discuss the principal fibers of periodontal ligament in
detail enumerate functions of pulp.  Write short note on fibers of PDL.
 (Oct 2016, 3 Marks)
 (Dec 2012, 8 Marks)
Ans. Periodontium is a connective tissue organ which is
Ans. Enumeration of Functions of Pulp
covered by epithelium that attaches the teeth to bone of
• Inductive function
jaws and provides continually adapting apparatus for
• Formative function support of teeth during function.
• Nutritive function
It consists of two mineralized tissues and two fibrous
• Protective function
tissues. Alveolar bone and cementum forms mineralized
• Defensive or reparative function
components and periodontal ligament and lamina
For principal fibers of periodontal ligament in detail refer propria of gingiva which consists of gingival group of
to Ans 3 of same chapter. fibers form fibrous component of periodontium.
Q.11. Write short note on oxytalan fibers. (Nov 2010, 2 Marks)
Fibers of Periodontal Ligament
Ans. Oxytalan fibers are the type of immature elastic fibers.
• They consist of microfibrillar component only. Fibers of peridontal ligament are collagen fibers accessory fibers
• These fibers are approximately 0.5 µm to 2.5 µm in and oxytalan fibers.
Collagen Fibers
• They can be demonstrated in the light microscope
in tissue stained by certain special stains used to These fibers are also known as principal fibers of periodontal
color elastic fibers. ligament. For details refer to Ans 3 of same chapter.
• In the ultrastructure, fibers are believed to be
Accessory Fibers
oxytalan resemble developing elastic fibers.
• Orientation of oxytalan fibers is that they run in axial It includes gingival fibers and trans-septal fibers.
direction one end being embedded in bone and other ♦♦ Gingival group of fibers are:
in the wall of blood vessel. • Dento-gingival group: These fibers are multiple and
• In cervical region they follow course of gingival and extend from cervical cementum to lamina propria of
trans-septal fibers. free and attached gingiva.
Dental Histology  677

• Alveologingival group: They radiate from bone of • They are the most numerous cells of connective tissue.
alveolar crest and extend to to lamina propria of free • Fibroblasts are fixed cells and they are nonmobile.
and attached gingiva. • Resting fibroblast is an elongated or spindle shaped
• Circular group: These small groups of fibers form cell with little cytoplasm and flattened nucleus
a band around neck of tooth interlacing with other containing condensed chromatin. Active fibroblasts
group of fibers in free gingiva and help in binding of are oval, having pale staining nucleus and a great
free gingiva to tooth. amount of cytoplasm. When seen from the surface,
• Dentoperiosteal group: They run apically from the cell shows branching process.
cementum over periosteum of outer cortical plates of • Fibroblasts become very active when there is need to
alveolar process, these fibers insert in alveolar process lay down collagen fibers, e.g. in wound healing. When
or the vestibular muscle and floor of mouth. need arises, fibroblasts undergo division, give rise to
♦♦ Trans-septal fibers: They run interdentally from cementum more fibroblasts and are regarded as specialized cells.
just apical to base of junctional epithelium of one tooth over
alveolar crest and insert in comparable region of cementum
of adjacent tooth. Togetherly these fibers constitute trans­
septal fiber system collectively forming an interdental
ligament which connect all teeth of arch.
Oxytalan Fibers
♦♦ These fibers are present inside the periodontal ligament.
♦♦ These fibers run in an axial direction and their one end
is embedded in cementum or bone and other end in the
wall of blood vessel.
♦♦ These fibers play a part in supporting blood vessels of PDL.
♦♦ These fibers are more thick and numerous in teeth which
are subjected to high loads. Fig. 61:  Fibroblast
Q.14. Enumerate principle fibers of PDL. (Dec 2014, 2 Marks)
• Fibroblasts form specialized focal contacts with
 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
components of extracellular matrix. In such a focal
contact, they are also known as fibronexus.
Enumerate principle group of periodontal ligament. • Fibroblast is the predominant cell in the periodontal
 (Sep 2018, 2 Marks) ligament. These fibroblasts origin in part from the
Ans. Enumeration of principal fibers of PDL ectomesenchyme of investing layer of dental papilla
• Apical group and from the dental follicle and are different from
• Oblique group cells in connective tissue in a number of aspects.
• Horizontal group • Fibroblasts near alveolar bone are derived from
• Alveolar crest group perivascular mesenchyme.
• Inter-radicular group.
Q.15. Enumerate functions of periodontal ligament principle
♦♦ Fibroblasts undergo connective tissue formation.
group fibers. (Sep 2015, 2 Marks)
♦♦ Fibroblasts undergo remodeling of periodontal ligament.
Ans. Enumeration of functions of periodontal ligament of ♦♦ Fibroblasts undergo wound repair.
principle group of fibers: ♦♦ Fibroblasts also secrete biological active molecules such as
a. Supportive proteinases, cytokines, growth factors and inflammatory
b. Sensory mediators. It includes IL-1,6,8 tumor necrosis factor α,
c. Nutritive Progtaglandin E2. platelet derived growth factor, insulin
d. Homeostatic like growth factor-1, transforming growth factor β,
e. Eruptive. vascular endothelial growth factor, basic fibroblast growth
For details refer to Ans 2 of same chapter. factor, hepatocyte and keratinocyte growth factor.
Q.16. Answer in brief fibroblast. (Feb 2016, 2 Marks) Q.17. Define periodontium. What are the structures which
constitute periodontium. Discuss the principal fibers
of periodontal ligament. Add a note on functions of
Write very short answer on fibroblast. periodontal ligament. (Aug 2016, 10 Marks)
 (May 2018, 2 Marks) Ans. Periodontium is a connective tissue organ which is
Ans. Fibroblast is the principle cell of connective tissue. covered by epithelium that attaches the teeth to bone of
• Fibroblasts originate from undifferentiated jaws and provides continually adapting apparatus for
mesenchymal cells. support of teeth during function.
678 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Structures Constituting Periodontium ♦♦ Epithelial cell rest of Malassez

♦♦ Defense cells, i.e. mast cells, eosinophils and macrophages
1. Fibrous tissues
• Gingiva For principal fibers of periodontal ligament along with their
• Periodontal ligament diagrams refer to Ans 3 in detail.
2. Mineralized tissues Q.20. Write very short answer on cementicles.
• Cementum  (May 2018, 2 Marks)
• Alveolar bone Ans. Cementicles are the calcified bodies which are sometimes
For principal fibers of periodontal ligament refer to Ans 3 of found in periodontal ligament.
same chapter. • Cementicles represent areas of dystrophic calcifica-
For functions of periodontal ligament refer to Ans 7 of same chapter. tion.
Q.18. List fibers of periodontal ligament and gingiva. • Cementicles are seen in older individuals.
• Cementicles may remain free in connective tissue,
 (Sep 2017, 2 Marks) can fuse into large calcified masses or they can be
Ans. joined with the cementum.
Fibers of Periodontal Ligament • As cementum becomes thick with advancing age, it
can envelop these bodies.
Fibers of periodontal ligament are divided into three types, i.e. • When they adhere to cementum, they form exce-
1. Principle fibers of periodontal ligament or dentoalveolar mentoses.
group of fibers • Origin of cementicles is not clear but it is possible
• Apical that degenerated epithelial cells form nidus for their
• Oblique calcification.
• Horizontal
• Alveolar crest
• Inter-radicular 8. ALVEOLAR PROCESS
2. Accessory fibers: It consists of gingival fibers and trans­
septal fibers Q.1. Describe histology and function of alveolar bone.
• Gingival fibers  (Sep 2002, 15 Marks)
–– Dentogingival group Ans. Alveolar bone is the part of maxilla and mandible which
–– Alveologingival group supports roots of teeth. It consists of alveolar bone proper
–– Circular group and supporting alveolar bone.
–– Dentoperiosteal group
• Trans–septal group Histology of Alveolar Bone
3. Oxytalan fibers Alveolar process is divided into two parts i.e.
1. Alveolar bone proper
Fibers of Gingiva
• Lamellated bone
♦♦ Dentogingival fibers • Bundle bone
♦♦ Longitudinal fibers 2. Supporting alveolar bone
♦♦ Circular fibers • Cortical plates
♦♦ Alveologingival fibers • Spongy bone
♦♦ Dentoperiosteal fibers
♦♦ Trans-septal fibers Alveolar Bone Proper
♦♦ Semicircular fibers Alveolar bone proper when viewed microscopically consists
♦♦ Transgingival fibers partly of lamellated and partly of bundle bone.
♦♦ Interdental/interpapillary fibers
Lamellated Bone
♦♦ Vertical fibers
♦♦ Lamellated bone is arranged roughly parallel to surface of
Q.19. Enumerate the cells of periodontal ligament. Describe adjacent marrow spaces.
principle fibers of periodontal ligament. Draw well ♦♦ It also consists of haversian systems, osteon and canaliculi.
labeled diagram of principle fibers of PDL. ♦♦ Each osteon consists of concentric layers or lamellae of
 (Jan 2018, 2 + 5 + 3 Marks) osseous tissue which surrounds central haversian canal.
Ans. ♦♦ Between the adjoining osteons, angular intervals are
Enumeration of Cells of Periodontal Ligament present occupied by interstitial lamellae.

Following are the cells of periodontal ligament: Bundle Bone

♦♦ Synthetic cells, i.e. fibroblasts, osteoblasts and cementoblasts ♦♦ Alveolar bone consists of perforating fibers from PDL.
♦♦ Resorptive cells, i.e. osteoclasts, fibroblasts and cementoclasts Perforating fibers are sharpey’s fibers. Sharpey’s fibers are
♦♦ Progenitor cells bundle of collagen fibers present in alveolar bone.
Dental Histology  679

♦♦ Sharpey’s fibers lie perpendicular to bone. Osteoblast

♦♦ Bundle bone consists of few fibers which appear dark in ♦♦ Osteoblasts are round or polygonal in shape.
routine Hematoxylin and Eosin stained sections. ♦♦ They lie over the outer surface of bone.
Supporting Alveolar Bone ♦♦ They are uninucleated whose nucleus is eccentrically
It consists of cortical plates and spongy bone. ♦♦ Osteoblasts secrete type I collagen as well as the non-
collagenous matrix of bone.
Cortical Plates
♦♦ Osteoblast contains prominent Golgi apparatus, rough
♦♦ This part consists of compact bone histologically. endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, nucleoli and many
♦♦ Outer surface of cortical plate is covered by periosteum and secretory vesicles and vacuoles.
different types of lamellae, i.e. circumferential, concentric, ♦♦ Osteoblasts secrete cytokine which regulate cellular
interstitial. metabolism.
♦♦ Compact bone of alveolar process contains osteons with ♦♦ They have high levels of alkaline phosphatase which create
radiating lamellae accentuated by lacunae which contain an alkaline environment for bone formation.
osteocytes in living bone. ♦♦ As osteoblasts secrete the organic matrix of bone, it is at
♦♦ Haversian and Volkmann’s canals form a continuous first devoid of minerals salts, it is called osteoid tissue.
system of nutrient canals which radiate throughout the
♦♦ Haversian canals extend through the long axis of the bone ♦♦ Resting osteoblasts are known as osteocytes.
and Volkmann’s canal enter haversian canal at right angles. ♦♦ As osteoblasts secret extracellular matrix, they become
♦♦ Osteocytes are present in many of the lacunae and provide small in size and are known as osteocytes.
maintenance and viability to the bone. ♦♦ Osteocytes lie in osteocytic lacunae.
♦♦ Outer cortical plate shows numerous openings known as ♦♦ Osteocytes are interconnected with each other by the
Volkmann’s canals. cytoplasmic processes.
♦♦ Osteocytes help in calcium homeostasis by mobilizing
Spongy Bone calcium in and out of bone matrix.
♦♦ Histologically spongy bone is cancellous bone.
♦♦ It consists of irregular, interlacing bony trabeculae or plates
of bone with bone marrow spaces between them. ♦♦ Osteoclasts are cells that resorb bone and tend to be large
♦♦ Cancellous bone contains osteocytes in inner part and and multinucleated but can also be small or mononuclear.
osteoblasts and osteoclasts on outer surface of trabeculae. ♦♦ Multinucleated osteoclasts are formed by the fusion of
♦♦ Bone marrow contains blood forming elements, osteogenic circulating monocytes.
cells and adipose tissues. ♦♦ These multinucleated cells exhibit eosinophilic cytoplasm.
♦♦ Supporting bone of maxilla is filled with marrow tissue ♦♦ The cell body is irregularly oval or club-shaped and may
which consists of immature red blood cells and leucocytes. show many branching processes.
♦♦ Osteoclasts are found in bay like depression in the bone
called Howship’s lacunae.
♦♦ Osteoclast has prominent mitochondria, lysosome,
vacuoles and little rough endoplasmic reticulum. Their
nuclei have condensed chromatin and single nucleus.
♦♦ Osteoclasts are the physiological giant cells.
♦♦ Osteoclasts consist of four zones, i.e.
1. Ruffled border: Part of osteoclast causing resorption
is known as ruffled border, it is made up of finger
like processes which extend in part of bone which
has to be resorbed. It consists of tightly packed
microvilli. Ruffled border provides large surface area
for resorption.
2. Sealing zone: This zone is present in outer region of
Fig. 62:  Alveolar bone ruffled border. It forms close contact with the bone
(For colour version see Plate 27) and create microenvironment in which resorption take
place without liberating hydrolytic enzymes produced
Cells Present in Alveolar Bone
by cell. This prevents adjacent tissue from damaging.
Histologically three types of cells are seen in bone i.e. osteoblasts, 3. Basolateral zone: It is an area which receives regulatory
osteocytes and osteoclasts. signals from adjacent cells.
680 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

4. Secretory zone: From this region the resorbed products ♦♦ It is known as bundle bone because bundles of principal
and degraded bone matrix is pushed out of the cell. fibers continue inside the bone as sharpey’s fibers.
It consists of numerous mitochondria, abundant ♦♦ Bundle bone consists of few fibrils as compared to
golgi complex, rough endoplasmic reticulum and lamellated bone because of this, it appears dark in routine
lysosomes. Hematoxylin and Eosin stained sections.
♦♦ Formation of bundle bone is in areas of recent bone
Functions of Alveolar Bone apposition.
♦♦ It provide house to the roots of teeth. ♦♦ Bundle bone show lines of rest.
♦♦ Provide anchorage to the roots of teeth. ♦♦ Radiographically bundle bone is known as lamina dura
♦♦ Helps in movement of tooth for better occlusion. due to its increased radiopacity.
♦♦ It absorbs and distributes occlusal forces created during
tooth contact.
♦♦ It supply various vessels to PDL.
♦♦ It supports deciduous teeth and protect budding
permanent teeth.
♦♦ Eruption of deciduous and permanent teeth is organized
by alveolar bone.
Q.2. Write a note on alveolar bone. (Mar 2001, 5 Marks)
Write short note on alveolar bone. 
 (Nov 2009, 5 Marks) (Nov 2010, 5 Marks)
 (Dec 2014, 4 Marks) (May 2017, 3 Marks)
Write briefly on alveolar bone. (Aug 2012, 5 Marks) Fig. 63:  Parts of alveolar bone—Proximal view
List parts of alveolar bone with diagrammatics
representation. (Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
Write very short answer on parts of alveolar bone.
 (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Alveolar bone is also known as alveolar process.
Alveolar bone may be defined as that part of the maxilla
and the mandible that forms and supports sockets of the
Alveolar bone is divided into two parts i.e.
1. Alveolar bone proper
– Lamellated bone
– Bundle bone
2. Supporting alveolar bone
– Cortical plates Fig. 64:  Alveolar bone from occlusal view
– Spongy bone
Cribriform Plate
Alveolar Bone Proper
♦♦ Alveolar bone proper which forms inner wall of socket
Alveolar bone proper when viewed microscopically consists which is perforated by many of the openings which carry
partly of lamellated and partly of bundle bone. branches of interalveolar nerves and blood vessels in PDL.
This is known as cribriform plate.
Lamellated Bone
♦♦ Cribriform plate is a compact bone.
Lamellae of this bone are arranged parallel to the surface of
adjacent marrow spaces while others form haversian system. Interdental Septum
♦♦ Bone between the teeth is known as interdental septum.
Bundle Bone ♦♦ Interdental septum consists mainly of cribriform plate.
♦♦ It is the bone which consists of principal fibers of ♦♦ The interdental and inter-radicular septa contain the
periodontal ligament anchored in it. perforating canals of Zukerkandl and Hirschfeld (Nutrient
Dental Histology  681

Canals) which house the interdental and inter-radicular • These fibers are arranged at right angles to Sharpey’s
arteries, veins, lymph vessels and nerves. fibers.
• Bundle bone contains fewer fibrils than does
Supporting Alveolar Bone lamellated bone.
This part is a bone that surrounds the alveolar bone proper and • Bundle bone appears dark in routine hematoxylin
gives support to the socket. and eosin stained section.
The alveolar process or bone consists of two parts: • In some areas the alveolar bone proper consists
mainly of bundle bone.
Cortical Plates • Bundle bone contains more calcium salt per unit area
than other types of bone tissues.
♦♦ This part consists of compact bone and forms the outer
and inner plates of the alveolar processes. • It is formed in the areas of recent bone apposition.
♦♦ Cortical plates are continuous with the compact layers of • Bundle bone show lines of rest.
the maxillary and mandibular body. • Radiographically bundle bone is known as lamina
♦♦ Cortical plates are much thinner in maxilla than in the dura due to its increased radiopacity. Increased
mandible. They are thickest in the region of molar and radiopacity is due to the presence of thick bone
premolar in mandible. without trabeculae that X–rays must penetrate.
♦♦ In the maxilla, the outer cortical plate is perforated by Q.4. Write a note on resting and reversal lines of bone.
many small openings for blood and lymph vessels passage.  (Sep 2003, 5 Marks)
♦♦ In lower jaw the cortical bone of the alveolar process is Or
dense. Write about resting and reversal lines.
♦♦ Bone which underlies gingiva is known as cortical plate.  (May/June 2009, 5 Marks) (June 2010, 2 Marks)
Cortical plate is a compact bone. Ans. Resting and reversal lines appear during reconstruction
Spongy Bone of alveolar bone.

♦♦ This part fills the area between the cortical plates and the Resting Line
alveolar bone proper.
Bone is laid down rhythmically and there are periods of active
♦♦ According to the radiographs spongiosa of alveolar process
deposition and quiescence which leads to formation of regular
is divided into two main types, i.e.
parallel incremental lines known as resting lines. Resting lines
1. In type I spongy bone, the interdental and inter-
are formed in the period of quiescence. Resting line is regular.
radicular trabeculae are regular and horizontal in
ladder like arrangement. Reversal Line
2. Type II spongy bone, shows irregularly arranged,
numerous, delicate interdental and inter-radicular The cement line which consists of little or no collagen and is
trabeculae. strongly basophilic due to its high content of glycoproteins
♦♦ Type I is common in mandible and Type II is common in and proteoglycans, marks the limit of bone erosion prior to
maxilla. formation of osteon and is known as reversal line. Reversal
♦♦ Marrow spaces present in alveolar bone may consists of line is highly irregular as it is formed by scalloped outline of
hemopoietic marrow but mainly they have fatty marrow. Howship’s lacunae. Old and the new bone is separated by this
distinct curved hematoxophilic line, i.e. reversal line with its
♦♦ In condylar process, angle of mandible, maxillary
convexity facing the old bone. Reversal lines are the indicators
tuberosity and in various other isolated foci, hematopoietic
of continuous remodeling of bone.
cellular marrow is found.
Q.3. Write a note on bundle bone in detail.
 (Sep 1998, 6 Marks) (Sep 1999, 5 Marks)
 (Mar 2000, 5 Marks)
Write in short on bundle bone. (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
Describe briefly bundle bone. (June 2010, 5 Marks)
Ans. Bundle bone: Bundle bone is that bone in which the
principal fibers of the periodontal ligament are anchored.
• The term ‘’bundle bone” was chosen because the
bundles of the principal fibers continue into the bone
Sharpey’s fibers.
• Bundle bone is characterized by the scarcity of the
fibrils in the intercellular substance. Fig. 65:  Resting lines of bone (For colour version see Plate 27)
682 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.5. Write a note on cells of bone. 3. Basolateral zone: It is an area which receives regulatory
 (Feb 2006, 2.5 Marks) (Dec 2010, 2 Marks) signals from adjacent cells.
Ans. The cells of bone are osteoblast, osteocytes and osteoclast. 4. Secretory zone: From this region the resorbed products
and degraded bone matrix is pushed out of the cell. It
Osteoblast consists of numerous mitochondria, abundant golgi
♦♦ Osteoblasts are round or polygonal in shape. complex, rough endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes.
♦♦ They lie over the outer surface of bone.
♦♦ They are uninucleated whose nucleus is eccentrically
♦♦ Osteoblasts secrete type I collagen as well as the non-
collagenous matrix of bone.
♦♦ Osteoblast contains prominent Golgi apparatus, rough
endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, nucleoli and many
secretory vesicles and vacuoles.
♦♦ Osteoblats secrete cytokine which regulate cellular
♦♦ They have high levels of alkaline phosphatase which create
an alkaline environment for bone formation.
♦♦ As osteoblasts secrete the organic matrix of bone, it is at
first devoid of minerals salts, it is called osteoid tissue.
Fig. 66:  Osteoblast, osteocyte, osteoclast
Osteocytes (For colour version see Plate 27)

♦♦ Resting osteoblasts are known as osteocytes. Q.6. Write shortly about incremental lines of enamel,
♦♦ As osteoblasts seceret extracellular matrix, they become dentin, cementum and alveolar bone.
small in size and are known as osteocytes.  (Mar 2007, 3 Marks)
♦♦ Osteocytes lie in osteocytic lacunae. Or
♦♦ Osteocytes are interconnected with each other by the Write about incremental lines of enamel, dentin and
cytoplasmic processes. cementum. (Nov 2008, 10 Marks)
♦♦ Osteocytes help in calcium homeostasis by mobilizing Ans. For incremental lines of enamel refer to Ans 13 of chapter
calcium in and out of bone matrix.
Incremental Lines of Dentin
♦♦ Osteoclasts are cells that resorb bone and tend to be large
♦♦ They are also known as incremental lines of von Ebner.
and multinucleated but can also be small or mononuclear.
♦♦ Multinucleated osteoclasts are formed by the fusion of These incremental lines or imbrication lines appear as fine
circulating monocytes. lines or striations in dentin.
♦♦ These multinucleated cells exhibit eosinophilic cytoplasm. ♦♦ They run at right angles to dentinal tubules.
♦♦ The cell body is irregularly oval or club-shaped and may ♦♦ These lines reflect the daily rhythmic, recurrent deposition
show many branching processes. of dentin matrix as well as a hesitation in the daily
♦♦ Osteoclasts are found in bay like depression in the bone formative process.
called Howship’s lacunae. ♦♦ The course of the line indicates growth pattern of the dentin.
♦♦ Osteoclast has prominent mitochondria, lysosome,
vacuoles and little rough endoplasmic reticulum. Their
nuclei have condensed chromatin and single nucleus.
♦♦ Osteoclasts are the physiological giant cells.
♦♦ Osteoclasts consist of four zones, i.e.
1. Ruffled border: Part of osteoclast causing resorption
is known as ruffled border, it is made up of finger like
processes which extend in part of bone which has to be
resorbed. It consists of tightly packed microvili. Ruffled
border provides large surface area for resorption.
2. Sealing zone: This zone is present in outer region of
ruffled border. It forms close contact with the bone
and create microenvironment in which resorption take
place without liberating hydrolytic enzymes produced Fig. 67:  Incremental lines of von Ebner
by cell. This prevents adjacent tissue from damaging. (For colour version see Plate 27)
Dental Histology  683

Incremental Line of Cementum • Osteoclast has prominent mitochondria, lysosome,

♦♦ They are also known as incremental lines of Salter. vacuoles and little rough endoplasmic reticulum. Their
nuclei have condensed chromatin and single nucleus.
♦♦ Incremental lines separate the cellular and acellular
• Osteoclasts are the physiological giant cells.
cementum into layers which indicate periodic formation.
♦♦ Incremental lines can be best seen in decalcified specimen
prepared for light microscopic observation.

Fig. 69:  Osteoclast

• Osteoclasts consist of four zones, i.e.

1. Ruffled border: Part of osteoclast causing
resorption is known as ruffled border, it is made
Fig. 68:  Incremental lines of Salter up of finger like processes which extend in part
(For colour version see Plate 27) of bone which has to be resorbed. It consists
of tightly packed microvilli. Ruffled border
Incremental Lines of Alveolar Bone provides large surface area for resorption
♦♦ Incremental lines of bone are known as resting lines. 2. Sealing zone: This zone is present in outer
♦♦ Bone is laid down rhythmically and there are periods of region of ruffled border. It forms close contact
active deposition and quiescence which leads to formation with the bone and create microenvironment in
of regular parallel incremental lines known as resting lines. which resorption take place without liberating
♦♦ Resting lines are formed during period of rest. hydrolytic enzymes produced by cell. This
prevents adjacent tissue from damaging
♦♦ For diagram refer to Ans 6 of same chapter.
3. Basolateral zone: It is an area which receives
Q.7. Write short note on osteoclast. regulatory signals from adjacent cells.
 (Apr 2007, 5 Marks) (Dec 2012, 3 Marks) 4. Secretory zone: From this region the resorbed
Or products and degraded bone matrix is
pushed out of the cell. It consists of numerous
Write about osteoclast cell. (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
mitochondria, abundant Golgi complex, rough
Or endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes.
Write in brief osteoclast. (Aug 2016, 2 Marks) Q.8. Write a note on predentin and osteoid tissue. 
Or  (Oct 2008, 3 Marks)
Answer in brief on osteoclast.  (May 2017, 2 Marks) Ans. For predentin refer to Ans 1 of chapter DENTIN.

Or Osteoid Tissue
Write short answer on osteoclast.(May 2018, 3 Marks) ♦♦ Osteoid tissue is an organic matrix of bone devoid of
Ans. mineral salts.
• Osteoclasts are cells that resorb bone and tend to be ♦♦ It is formed by osteoblasts.
large and multinucleated but can also be small or ♦♦ It stains pink in routine hematoxylin and eosin stains.
mononuclear. ♦♦ In area of bone formation, mineralization always lag
• Multinucleated osteoclasts are formed by the fusion behind the production of bone matrix and therefore in such
of circulating monocytes. areas a superficial layer of osteoid tissue is always seen.
• These multinucleated cells exhibit eosinophilic Q.9. Write short note on lamina dura. (Jan 2012, 2 Marks)
cytoplasm. Ans. Radiographically bundle bone is known as lamina dura
• The cell body is irregularly oval or club-shaped and due to increased radiopacity. Increased radiopacity is
may show many branching processes. due to the presence of thick bone without trabeculations
• Osteoclasts are found in bay like depression in the that X–rays must penetrate. Lamina dura is the thin layer
bone called Howship’s lacunae. of compact alveolar bone which lines the tooth socket.
684 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Lamina dura forms the continuous white or • Eruption of deciduous and permanent teeth is
radiopaque line around the root of the tooth. organized by alveolar bone.
• It is perforated by many small openings that carry
branches of intra-alveolar nerves and vessels to PDL Components of Alveolar Bone
and cementum of tooth. Components of alveolar bone includes:
• Thickened lamina dura at the apical region of a 1. Alveolar bone proper: It consists of lamellated bone and
developing tooth is a sign of tooth eruption. partly bundle bone
• Thinning or absence of lamina dura is seen in pulpal 2. Supporting alveolar bone
and periodontal diseases. a. Buccal and lingual cortical plates
Q.10. Describe woven bone. (June 2010, 3 Marks) b. Central spongy bone.
Ans. It is also known as immature bone.
Classification of Bone
• It is characterized by interwining of collagen fibers
which are oriented in many directions. I. Classification based on shape
• Bony spicules lengthen into longer anastomoting 1. Long bones
structures known as trabeculae. Trabeculae extends 2. Short bones
in a radial pattern and enclose blood vessels. This 3. Flat bones
early membrane bone is known as woven bone. 4. Irregular bones
• External to woven bone there is a condensation of 5. Sesamoid bones
mesenchyme known as periosteum. II. Classification based on development
• Woven bone consists of greater amount of 1. Endochondral bones
interfibrillar space which is filled by mineral crystals. 2. Intramembranous bones
• Woven bone has high proteoglycans content and III. Classification based on the microscopic structure
that is why it appears more blue when stained with 1. Mature bone
H&E stain. a. Compact bone
• Woven bone is enriched in bone acidic glycoprotein-75 b. Cancellous bone
and bone sialoprotein. 2. Woven or immature bone.
• Woven bone consists of low mineral density and Q.13. Write short note on alveolar bone proper.
high water content.
 (Oct 2016, 3 Marks)
Q.11. Write about concentric, interstitial and circumferential Ans. Alveolar bone proper consists of thin lamella of bone
lamellae of bone. (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) that surround the root of tooth and give attachment to
Ans. Concentric lamellae: Deep to circumferential lamellae, principal fibers of periodontal ligament.
the lamellae are arranged in concentric layers around the Alveolar bone proper when viewed microscopically
haversian canal. These are known as concentric lamellae. consists partly of lamellated and partly of bundle bone.
Haversian canal and concentric lamellae collectively are
known as osteon. Lamellated Bone
Interstitial lamellae: Adult bones between the osteons
Lamellae of this bone are arranged parallel to the surface of
consists of inetrstitial lamellae. Interstitial lamellae are
adjacent marrow spaces while others form haversian system.
the remnants of osteons. These are left behind during
remodeling. Bundle Bone
Circumferential lamellae: At periosteal and endosteal
♦♦ It is the bone which consists of principal fibers of
surfaces, the lamellae are arranged in parallel layers
periodontal ligament anchored in it.
which surrounds the bony surface and are known as
♦♦ It is known as bundle bone because bundles of principal
circumferential lamellae.
fibers continue inside the bone as sharpey’s fibers.
Q.12. Write the functions of alveolar bone. Write the ♦♦ Bundle bone consists of few fibrils as compared to
components of alveolar bone. Give the classification lamellated bone because of this, it appears dark in routine
of bone. (Sep 2015, 2+1+2 Marks) hematoxylin and eosin stained sections.
Ans. Functions of alveolar bone ♦♦ Formation of bundle bone is in areas of recent bone
• It provides house to the roots of teeth. apposition.
• Provide anchorage to the roots of teeth. ♦♦ Bundle bone show lines of rest.
• Helps in movement of tooth for better occlusion. ♦♦ Radiographically bundle bone is known as lamina dura
• It absorbs and distributes occlusal forces created due to its increased radiopacity.
during tooth contact.
• It supply various vessels to PDL. Cribriform Plate
• It supports deciduous teeth and protect budding ♦♦ Alveolar bone proper which forms inner wall of socket
permanent teeth. which is perforated by many of the openings which carry
Dental Histology  685

branches of interalveolar nerves and blood vessels in PDL.

This is known as cribriform plate.
♦♦ Cribriform plate is a compact bone.

Interdental Septum
♦♦ Bone between the teeth is known as interdental septum.
♦♦ Interdental septum consists mainly of cribriform plate.
♦♦ The interdental and inter-radicular septa contain the
perforating canals of Zukerkandl and Hirschfeld (Nutrient
Canals) which house the interdental and inter-radicular
arteries, veins, lymph vessels and nerves.
Q.14. What is periodontium. Enumerate the hard and soft
tissue comprising of it. Describe alveolar bone in detail
with diagram. (Apr 2017, 1 + 2 + 5 + 2 Marks)
Ans. Periodontium is a connective tissue organ which is
covered by epithelium that attaches the teeth to bone of
jaws and provides continually adapting apparatus for
support of teeth during function.
Fig. 70:  Compact bone (transverse section)
Enumeration of Hard and Soft Tissue
♦♦ So, haversian canal and concentric lamellae are together
Constituting Periodontium
known as haversian system or osteon. Osteon is referred
♦♦ Hard tissue to as basic metabolic unit of bone.
• Cementum ♦♦ A cement line of mineralized matrix which is strongly
• Alveolar bone basophilic delineates haversian system. This line marks
♦♦ Soft tissue limit of bone erosion prior to formation of osteon, also
• Gingiva known as reversal line. The line is highly irregular.
• Periodontal ligament ♦♦ Bone is laid down rhythmically and there are periods of
For alveolar bone in detail along with diagram refer to Ans 2 active deposition and quiescence which leads to formation
and Ans 1 of same chapter. of regular parallel incremental lines known as resting
lines. Resting line denotes the period of rest during bone
Q.15. Describe histology of compact bone. Draw well labeled formation.
diagram of histology of compact bone. ♦♦ Adjacent haversian canals are interconnected by Volkmann’s
 (Jan 2018, 3 + 2 Marks) canals which consisting of blood vessels.
Ans. ♦♦ Between the concentric lamellae are lacunae which consist
Histology of Compact Bone of osteocytes.
♦♦ Radiating canaliculi from lacunae connect haversian canal
♦♦ Outer aspect of compact bone is surrounded by condensed with all lacunae present in an osteon.
fibrocollagen layer, i.e. periosteum which has two layers: ♦♦ Older bone tissue is constantly replaced by new bone tissue.
1. Outer layer: Dense irregular connective tissue fibrous Due to this fragments of older osteons are seen in areas
layer. between osteons. These areas show lamellar arrangement of
2. Inner layer: Lies next to bone surface consisting of bone, i.e. between lamellae are lacunae which are occupied
bone cells their precursors and rich vascular supply. by osteocytes. Radiating from lamellae are canaliculi. These
♦♦ Inner surface of compact bone is covered by thin cellular lamellae are known as interstitial lamellae.
layer called as endosteum. Q.16. Enumerate cells of bone. (Sep 2018, 2 Marks)
♦♦ At periosteal and endosteal surfaces, lamellae are arranged Ans. Cells of bone are:
in parallel layers surrounding bony surface known as
• Osteoblast
circumferential lamellae.
• Osteocyte
♦♦ Circumferential lamellae are of two types, i.e. outer • Osteoclast
circumferential lamellae and inner circumferential
lamellae. Outer circumferential lamellae are present on
outer surface of bone just below periosteum and they 9. ORAL MUCOUS MEMBRANE
completely encircle the bone while inner circumferential
lamellae encircle marrow cavity. Q.1. Write a note on lamina propria.
♦♦ Deep to the circumferential lamellae, lamellae are arranged  (Mar 1998, 5 Marks) (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
as small concentric layers, i.e. concentric lamellae around Ans. The connective tissue component of oral mucosa is
central vascular canal or haversian canal. termed as lamina propria.
686 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Lamina propria is a connective tissue of variable Q.3. Enumerate the differences between oral mucosa of
thickness that supports the epithelium. lining and masticatory types. Describe histological
• It is divided into two parts papillary and reticular. features of hard palate. (Sep 1999, 15 Marks)
• Papillary portion is named for papillae and reticular Ans. The oral mucous membrane depending on their
portion for the reticular fibers. functional adaptation classified into masticatory, lining
• Papillary portion is between the epithelial ridges and specialized mucosa.
and reticular portion lies below it. The differences between lining and masticatory mucosa
• Reticular portion as well as the papillary portion are:
contains reticular fibers.
Lining mucosa Masticatory mucosa
• Two portions are not separate, they are continuous.
• Reticular zone is always present. The papillary zone Masticatory mucosa is keratinized Lining mucosa is nonkeratinized
may be absent in some areas such as the alveolar Masticatory mucosa is found Lining mucosa is found in lip,
mucosa when the papillae are either very short or on hard palate and gingiva cheek, vesicular fornix, soft
palate, floor of mouth and
alveolar mucosa
• Interlocking arrangement of connective tissue
papilla, epithelial ridges and the finer unduelations Lining mucosa covers the Masticatory mucosa covers the
muscles bone
and projections found at base of each epithelial cell
increases area of contact between lamina propria and It is loosely attached to It is tightly bound to underlying
underlying structures structures
epithelium. This additional area leads to exchange
of material between epithelium and blood vessels It is stretchable to adapt the It is nonstretchable
in connective tissue. contraction and relaxation of
underlying muscles
• Ground substance present in lamina propria consists
of glycoproteins and proteoglycans. Turnover rate is fast Turnover rate is slow
• Cells such as fibroblasts, mast cells and macrophages Lamina propria is less dense Lamina propria is dense
are present in lamina propria. Distinct submucosa is present Submucosa can or cannot be
• Collagen fibers Type I and Type III are present in which vary in thickness present
lamina propria. Rete ridges are short and Rete ridges are long and narrow
• The lamina propria may attack to the periosteum of irregular
the alveolar above, or it may overlay the submucosa Epithelium is thick Epithelium is less thicker
in some region of mouth such as soft palate and floor
Three layers are seen, i.e. Four layers are seen, i.e. stratum
of the mouth.
stratum basale, stratum basale, stratum spinosum,
Q.2. Write a note on keratinization of epithelium.  intermedium, stratum stratum granulosum and stratum
 (Sep 2002, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks) superficiale corneum
Ans. Keratinizing oral epithelium has four cell layer, i.e.
Histological Features of Hard Palate
stratum basal, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum
and stratum corneum. ♦♦ Hard palate is covered by keratinized mucosa.
• Stratum basal undergoes mitosis and providing new ♦♦ Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium which lines
cells, the basal cells. the mucosa consists of four different layers, i.e. stratum
basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum and
• New basal cell migrates and pushed upward.
stratum corneum.
• It is called as spinous cell just beyond the basal layer
in stratum spinosum.
• Spinous cell is larger than basal cell.
• In stratum granulosum, cells become wider and
contain basophilic keratohyalin granules, these cells
show signs of degradation of nucleus.
• In stratum corneum, the cells become keratinized
and squamated which are larger and flatter than
granular cells.
• The epithelial cells that ultimately keratinize are
called “keratocyte” or “keratinocytes”
• This whole process from the onset of determination
is called as “keratinization”.
• During the migration, basal cell undergoes chemical
and morphologic changes and forms a keratinized Fig. 71:  Anterolateral zone of hard palate
squama a dead cell “keratinocyte”. (For colour version see Plate 27)
Dental Histology  687

♦♦ Due to functional adaptation, to bear with masticatory 1. Keratinized: In which the superficial cells form scales
stress, cells in hard palate show more dense tonofilaments, of keratin and loose their nuclei.
increased number and length of desmosomes, etc. - A stratum granulosum is present
♦♦ Epithelium connective tissue interface of hard palate is - It is found in 15% of population.
irregular with many long regular epithelial ridges which 2. Parakeratinization: In which the superficial cells retain
interdigitate with connective tissue papillae. “pyknotic nuclei” and show some signs of being
- Stratum granulosum is generally absent.
- Gingiva is parakeratinized in 75% of people.
3. Nonkeratinized: In which the surface cells are nucleated.
- This mucous membrane does not show signs of
- Nonkeratinized gingiva is found in 10% of
- Nonkeratinized epithelium contains basal layer,
stratum intermedium and stratum superficial.
For description of oral mucous membrane of gingiva refer to
Ans 16 of same chapter.
Q.5. Write a note on lip. (Feb 1999, 5 Marks)
Fig. 72:  Posterolateral zone of hard palate Describe with diagram of lip. (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
(For colour version see Plate 28) Ans. Lip
Lip is a muscular structure found on the opening of oral
♦♦ Lamina propria is dense all through the hard palate, it is
thicker in anterior region as compared to posterior region.
♦♦ In the region of rugae the connective tissue core is dense • Lip is covered by nonkeratinized, lining mucosa.
with interwoven collagen fibers. Incisive or palatine papilla • Epithelium of mucosa of the lip is stratified
composed of dense connective tissue. This consists of squamous nonkeratinized epithelium.
remnants of nasopalatine duct which is lined by pseudo- • Lamina propria of the mucosa consists of dense
stratified squamous epithelium. connective tissue and has short, irregular papillae.
♦♦ Frequently the ducts are surrounded by small, irregular • Submucous layer connects the lamina propria to the
islands of hyaline cartilage. thin fascia of the muscles.
♦♦ Structure of submucosa show variation in different regions of • Submucosa consists of strands of densely grouped
palate. Submucosa is completely absent in the peripheral zone collagen fibers.
of palate adjacent to the teeth, i.e. the gingival zone and in • There is loose connective tissue containing fat and
the mid palatine raphae. In these regions, the lamina propria small mixed glands.
is tightly bound to the periosteum of bone which is called • Strands of collagen fibers limit the mobility of
as mucoperiosteal attachment. In between the gingival zone mucous membrane.
and mid palatine raphae, the palate has distinct submucosa. • This prevents the mucous membrane of the lips
♦♦ Submucosa in the anterior region of hard palate is filled lodging between the biting surface of the teeth
with adipose tissue and in posterior region with mucous during mastication.
glands. So anterolateral part of hard palate is known as fatty • Minor mixed salivary glands are found in sub-
zone and posterolateral part is known as glandular gone. mucosa of lip.
♦♦ In spite of presence of thick submucosa in some regions, Refer to Ans 6 of same chapter for diagram.
mucosa of the hard palate is tightly fixed to the underlying Q.6. Write a note on soft palate. (Feb 2002, 6 Marks)
bone and is immobile. This is due to dense vertical band Ans. Soft palate is found on the roof of oral cavity behind the
of connective tissue which leads to attachment of mucosa hard palate.
firmly to the periosteum of palatal bone. These dense bands
• Soft palate is covered by lining mucosa which is
of connective tissue are at right angle to surface and divide
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
submucosa into compartments.
• Mucous membrane on the oral surface of the soft
♦♦ At the junction of alveolar process and horizontal plate palate is highly vascularized and reddish in color.
of hard palate there is presence of loose connective tissue • Soft palate is differentiated from the pale color of
which carries anterior palatine vessels and nerves. the hard palate by its reddish color.
Q.4. Classify and describe with the diagrams, oral mucous • Epithelium may show presence of some taste buds.
membrane of gingiva. (Sept 2002, 16 Marks) • Epithelium connective tissue interface is irregular
Ans. Oral mucous membrane of gingiva on the basis of with short and thick rete ridges and connective
epithelial surface are of three types: tissue papillae.
688 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Lamina propria shows distinct layer of elastic fibers ♦♦ Body and the base of the tongue differ widely in the
separating it from submucosa. structure of the mucous membrane.
• Papilla of connective tissue are few and are short. • A small depression or pit is present at the point where
• Submucosa consists of diffuse loose connective two arms of ‘V’ meet. This depression is known as
tissue containing numerous mucous minor salivary
foramen ceacum.
• Free-border of soft palate is replaced by nasal • Filiform papillae are cone shaped papillae which are
mucosa with its pseudostratified ciliated columnar present on the dorsal surface. They are numerous.
epithelium. • Fungiform papillae are present between the filiform
Q.7. Write a short note on palatal mucosa. papillae on the dorsal aspect mainly on the tip and
 (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) lateral margins of tongue.
Ans. Palate forms the roof of oral cavity. • Fungiform papillae appear as red round, projections.
• Palate consists of two part: • Circumvallate papillae are 8–12 large papillae which
1. Hard palate lie anterior to sulcus terminalis.
2. Soft palate. • Circumvallate papillae are partly submerged. They
• For hard palate: Refer to Ans 3 of same chapter. do not project above the surface of tongue and are
• For soft palate: Refer to Ans 6 of same chapter.
surrounded by a ‘V’ shaped sulcus.
Q.8. Classify the oral mucous membrane and describe the • In the posterior region of anterior 2/3rd of tongue,
macroscopic and microscopic features of dorsum of
on the lateral margin foliate papillae are seen which
tongue. (Nov 2008, 15 Marks) (Nov 2009, 10 Marks)
consists of series of folds forming clefts.
Or • Foliate papillae are rudimentary papillas in humans.
Define and classify mucous membrane. Describe in • Posterior l/3rd of the tongue has an irregular surface
detail about dorsum of tongue with well labelled with round projection, the lingual follicles consist of
diagrams. (Aug 2011, 15 Marks)
lymphoid component.
• Mucous membrane lining the posterior 1/3rd does not
Give classification of oral mucous membrane. Write in show papillae and is relatively smoother.
detail on dorsal surface of tongue. (Apr 2015, 8 Marks)
Classify oral mucous membrane. Describe in detail
papillae of tongue. (June 2010, 15 Marks)
 (Feb 2014, 8 Marks) (Oct 2014, 8 Marks)
Ans. Oral Mucous Membrane
Lining of oral cavity is called as oral mucous membrane.
It consists of epithelium and connective tissue known as
lamina propria.

Classification of Oral Mucous Membrane

♦♦ On basis of functional criteria:
• Masticatory mucosa: Gingiva and hard palate. Fig. 73:  Dorsum of tongue
• Lining or reflecting mucosa: Lip, cheek, vestibular
fornix, alveolar mucosa, floor of mouth and soft
Microscopic Structure of Tongue
• Specialized mucosa: Dorsum of tongue and taste bud. ♦♦ Tongue is lined by stratified squamous epithelium with
♦♦ On basis of type of epithelium covering mucosa: short rete ridges.
• Keratinized mucosa: Hard palate, vermilion border of ♦♦ Lamina propria is thin and is loosely arranged.
lip, gingiva and some papillae of tongue
♦♦ Mucosa which lines the dorsal aspect of tongue is known
• Non-keratinized mucosa: Lining mucosa, in some
as specialized mucosa due to presence of taste buds.
areas of dorsal aspect of tongue, some parts of gingiva.
♦♦ Majority of epithelial lining is mostly keratinized.
Macroscopic Features of Dorsum of Tongue ♦♦ Lamina propria is tightly attached to the underlying
♦♦ Superficial surface of tongue is rough and irregular. muscle.
♦♦ A ‘V’ shaped line divides it into an anterior 2/3rd part or ♦♦ Minor salivary glands are seen in the anteroventral and
body and a posterior 1/3rd part or base. posterior regions.
Dental Histology  689

Papillas of Tongue ♦♦ Connective tissue shows collagen fibers, fibroblasts and

rich capillary network.
Filiform Papillae
♦♦ They are red in color due to capillary network which is
♦♦ Filiform papillae are hair like or thread like projections visible through thin nonkeratinized epithelium.
which lie on dorsal surface of the tongue.
♦♦ Histologically, filiform papillae appear as cone shaped Circumvallate Papillae
♦♦ It is lined by stratified squamous epithelium with thick ♦♦ It lies in anterior two-third of tongue just anterior to sulcus
keratin over the surface. terminals.
♦♦ Central core of connective tissue supports the blood ♦♦ They are 10–12 in number.
vessels. ♦♦ Superficial surface of these papillae lies at the level of
♦♦ Taste buds are absent in these papillae. surface of tongue and a ‘V’ shaped sulcus is present all
♦♦ Mucosa between the filiform papillae is nonkeratinized. around the papillae separating them from the adjacent
portion of tongue.
♦♦ Epithelium lining the keratinized stratified squamous
epithelium at the superficial surface is non-keratinized on
lateral surface of circumvallate papillae.
♦♦ Taste buds are seen only on the lateral surface.
♦♦ Central portion of papillae is occupied by the connective
♦♦ Circumvallate papilla consists of serous minor salivary
glands, i.e. von Ebner’s gland in the connective tissue
beneath it.
♦♦ Von Ebner glands secrete watery saliva into the ‘V’ shaped
trough around the papillae for flushing out the food

Fig. 74:  Filiform papillae

(For colour version see Plate 16)

Fungiform Papillae
♦♦ They are mushroom shaped structure.
♦♦ They project above the surface of the tongue.
♦♦ They are located between the filiform papillae.
♦♦ Epithelium covering the fungiform papillae is thin non-
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
♦♦ Superficial surface of papillae contains few taste buds.

Fig. 76:  Circumvallate papillae

(For colour version see Plate 16)

Q.9. Write note on dorsal surface of tongue.

 (Mar 2000, 5 Marks)
Write short note on dorsal surface of tongue.
 (July 2016, 3 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 8 of the same chapter.

Q.10. Enumerate the differences between keratinized and

nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium of
Fig. 75:  Fungiform papillae oral mucosa. Describe in detail the dorsum surface of
(For colour version see Plate 16) tongue. (Mar 1997, 15 Marks)
690 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Ans. which extend from basement membrane to epithelial

cells. At the epithelial surface tapered end of all cells end
Keratinized stratified Nonkeratinized stratified
squamaous epithelium squamous epithelium up in a small opening of 2 to 5µ known as taste pore by
which cells communicate to external part.
Stratum basale
Hemidesmosomes which In this layer hemidesmosomes
anchor this layer to basal are fewer and smaller.
lamina are more in number and
are larger.
Stratum spinosum
Cells in this layer are polygonal Cells in this layer are roughly
and show prickly appearance rounded and prickly appearance
is absent
More number of desmosomes Less number of desmosomes
present are present
Desmosomes occupy more Desmosomes occupy less
percentage of cell membrane percentage of cell membrane
More prominent intercellular Less prominent intercellular
spaces spaces Fig. 77:  Taste bud 
(For colour version see Plate 28)
Cytokeratin present are 1, 6, Cytokeratin present are 3, 14, 19
10, 16
Ultrastructural examination of taste buds reveals that they
In this layer size of cells is less In this layer size of cells is large contain a number of different cell types based on morphological
Less closely applied adjacent More closely applied adjacent features. There are four types of taste bud cells:
cell surfaces cell surfaces ♦♦ Type I cells (dark cells): They are most frequently
Tonofilaments are in bundles Tonofilaments do not remain in encountered taste bud cells. These cells are long and
and they remain more bundles and are less organized narrow and extend from base of taste bud to taste pore.
organized These electron dense cells have large vesicles with dense
Odland bodies are ovoid Odland bodies are round in core in apical cytoplasm. Nuclei is deeply indented and
having alternating electron shape with central electron dense irregularly shaped. 60% of total cell population belongs
dense and lucent areas core from which delicate radiating
to this group.
strands are observed
♦♦ Type II cells (light cells): These cells are oval shaped
Stratum granulosum and are characterized by the electronlucent cytoplasm
Distinct keratohyaline granules Stratum granulosum is absent having large, round or oval nuclei. These cells extend
are seen. from basement membrane to the taste pore. 30% of total
Stratum corneum cell population belongs to this group.
It consists of keratin flakes It consists of flattened cells ♦♦ Type III cells (intermediate cells): These cells are similar
in morphology to type II cells. These cells have apical
Superficial cells does not Surface cells consists of nucleus
consists of nucleus or and cytoplasmic organelles specializations which extend to taste pore. They consist
cytoplasmic organelles of vesicles with dense core in basal cytoplasm. These cells
are rarely seen in taste buds.
For dorsum of tongue refer to Ans 8 of same chapter. ♦♦ Type IV cells (basal cells): These cells are in contact with
basement membrane. These cells do not extend to the
Q.11. Write a note on taste buds.
taste pore and are most often known as basal cells. Initial
 (Sep 2000, 5 Marks) (Feb 2005, 5 Marks)
contact between the taste stimuli and taste receptor occur
 (Mar 2007, 2.5 Marks) (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
in taste pore. A tight junction joins the apices of taste bud
 (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) (Dec 2010, Marks)
cell at base of the pore. Each of three types of taste bud cells
 (Dec 2012, 3 Marks) (Aug 2011, 2 Marks)
extend into taste pore has different apical structure which
 (Feb 2014, 3 Marks) (Dec 2014, 2 Marks)
consists of taste receptors, Type I cells have long finger like
microvilli; Type II cells have short microvilli; Type III cells
Answer in brief structure of taste buds.
 (Feb 2016, 2 Marks) end as blunt, club shaped structures.
Or Q.12. Write a short note on gingival sulcus.
Write short note on taste bud. (Sep 2017, 3 Marks)  (Sep 2002, 5 Marks)
Ans. Taste buds Ans. Gingival sulcus or crevice is the name given to the
Taste buds are barrel shaped structures which consists invagination made by gingiva as it joins with the tooth
of 30 to 50 spindle shaped cells, modified epithelial cells surface.
Dental Histology  691

• Gingiva does not join the tooth at the gingival margin. –– The musculature of the tongue is derived from
• It forms small enfolding known as “sulcus”. the occipital myotomes which are supplied by
• Sulcus extending from the free gingival margin to the hypoglossal nerve.
the dentogingival junction. –– Connective tissue develops from the local mes-
• Sulcus epithelium is nonkeratinized. enchyme.
• It lacks epithelial ridges and so form a smooth
interface with the lamina propria.
• It is thinner than the epithelium of gingiva.
• The sulcular epithelium is continuous with the
gingival epithelia and the attachment epithelium.
Q.13. Write a short note on zone of hard palate. 
 (Mar 2006, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Gingival region: This region is found adjacent to the teeth.
♦♦ Mid-palatine raphae: This is the narrow zone in midline
of the hard palate which extends from incisive papilla

Fig. 79:  Development of tongue

Q.15. Classify oral mucous membrane and describe the

microscopic features of cheek mucosa and hard palate.
 (Oct 2006, 7.5 Marks)
Ans. For classification refer to Ans 11 of the same chapter. For
microscopic features of hard palate refer to Ans 3 of the
same chapter.

Fig. 78:  Zones of hard palate

♦♦ Incisive papilla: This is an oval prominence which is seen

at extreme anterior region of hard palate immediately
behind maxillary central incisors covering oral opening
of an incisive canal.
♦♦ Anterolateral zone: It is also known as fatty zone. It lies
between mid palatine raphae and gingiva. It consists of
fat tissue in submucosa.
♦♦ Posterolateral zone: It is also known as glandular zone. It
lies between mid palatine raphae and gingiva. It consists Fig. 80:  Cheek mucosa
(For colour version see Plate 28)
of minor salivary glands in submucosa.
Q.14. Write short note on the development of tongue.  Microscopic Features of Cheek Mucosa
 (Mar 2006, 5 Marks) (Nov 2010, 3 Marks) ♦♦ Epithelium of cheek is stratified squamous nonkeratinized
 (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
having 3 layers, stratum basale, stratum intermedium and
Ans. Epithelium stratum superficiale.
• The anterior 2/3 of tongue is formed by the fusion of ♦♦ Lamina propria consists of dense connective tissue and
–– Tuberculum Impar has short irregular papillae.
–– Two lingual swellings, i.e. from the first branchial ♦♦ Submucosa layer connects the lamina propria to the thin
arch. Therefore, it is supplied by lingual nerve
fascia of the muscle and consists of strands of densely
which is branch of mandibular nerve and chorda
grouped collagen fiber.
♦♦ There is loose connective tissue containing fat and small
• Posterior 1/3 is formed from cranial half of the
mixed glands between the strands.
hypobranchial eminences, i.e. from third arch.
• Posteriomost part of tongue is derived from the Q.16. Classify oral mucous membrane. Describe morphology
fourth arch. This is therefore supplied by the vagus and histology of gingiva in detail.
nerve.  (Sep 2006, 15 Marks)
692 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Or Attached Gingiva
Define and classify oral mucous membrane. Describe ♦♦ Fine, resilient and immobile part of the gingiva which
the macroscopic and microscopic structure of gingiva. tightly bounds to the alveolar bone is known as attached
 (Feb 2016, 10 Marks) gingiva.
Or ♦♦ Attached gingiva extends from free gingival groove to
mucogingival junction.
Write short note on gingiva. (Dec 2014, 5 Marks)
♦♦ At the palatal surface, attached gingiva merges with palatal
Or mucosa.
Write a note on gingiva. (Sep 2000, 5 Marks) ♦♦ In maxilla width of attached gingiva ranges from 3.5–4.5 mm
 (Sep 2003, 5 Marks) while in mandible it is 3.3–3.9 mm.
Or ♦♦ Surface of the attached gingiva is irregular. It consists of
Write a note on histology of gingiva. some elevations and some depressions.
♦♦ Elevations and depressions of attached gingiva create
 (Mar 2001, 5 Marks) (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
orange peel appearance which is known as stippling.
Ans. For definition and classification refer to Ans 11 of the
♦♦ Loss of stippling is the initial sign of gingival inflammation.
same chapter.
♦♦ Gingiva can show mild vertical depression in between the
Morphology of Gingiva/Macroscopic Structure of Gingiva alveolar bone eminences of adjacent teeth which are known
as interdental grooves.
♦♦ Gingiva provides coverage to alveolar process and
completely surrounds neck of the tooth. Histology of Gingiva/ Microscopic Structure of Gingiva
♦♦ It is tightly bound to buccal and lingual plates of alveolar
In Oral Region
♦♦ Gingiva extends from the dentogingival junction to ♦♦ Epithelium lining is keratinized or parakeratinized
alveolar mucosa. stratified squamous epithelium and consists of four
♦♦ It is pink in color with some degree of melanin pigmenta- layers, i.e. stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum
tion. granulosum and stratum corneum. Gingival epithelium
♦♦ Anatomically gingiva is divided into three parts, i.e. is parakeratinized in 75% of people.
marginal gingiva, interdental papilla and attached gingiva. ♦♦ A shallow ‘V’ shaped notch on the surface is seen which
corresponds to the heavy epithelial ridge which is known
Marginal Gingiva as free gingival groove.
♦♦ Unattached portion of gingiva which surrounds the teeth ♦♦ Epithelial connective tissue interface is irregular with
in collar like fashion is known as attached gingiva. numerous long and slender rete ridges. These rete ridges
♦♦ Marginal gingiva follows a scalloped line on facial and interdigitate with long connective tissue papillae.
lingual surface of the teeth.
♦♦ Marginal gingiva forms the soft tissue wall of gingival Sulcular Epithelium
sulcus. It is separated from attached gingiva by a free ♦♦ Sulcular epithelium consists of thin layer of non-
gingival groove. keratinized epithelium.
♦♦ Junction which lies in between epithelium and connective
Gingival Sulcus tissue is flat and is devoid of rete ridges.
It is a ‘V` shaped space seen around the tooth. Gingival sulcus is
bounded on one side by tooth surface on other side by marginal Junctional Epithelium
gingiva. ♦♦ It consists of stratified squamous epithelium which is of
l5 to 30 cell layer thickness at the cervical portion and 3 to
Interdental Papilla 4 cell layer thick at the apical margin.
♦♦ Part of the gingiva which fills the interdental space between ♦♦ It consists of flattened cells which lie parallel to the tooth
two adjacent teeth is known as interdental papilla. surface.
♦♦ It appears pyramidal or triangular from the facial and ♦♦ Epithelial connective tissue interface is flat.
lingual aspect along with its lateral borders. Tip of the ♦♦ Its characteristic feature is presence of basal lamina on
pyramid is formed by continuation of marginal gingiva both sides, i.e. at the junction of epithelium and connective
of adjacent teeth. tissue and also on the surface adjacent to the tooth.
♦♦ In the posterior region interdental gingiva has a ‘tent’ shape.
Connective Tissue of Gingiva
♦♦ Facial as well as lingual portions of interdental papillae
forms the concave or valley like area which fits below the ♦♦ Connective tissue beneath the gingival epithelium consists
contact area. The valley like area is known as col. of lamina propria with two layes, i.e. papillary and reticular
♦♦ Col or gingival col is lined by nonkeratinized epithelium. layer.
Dental Histology  693

♦♦ Gingiva consists of dense collagen fibers which are ♦♦ On either side of lingual frenum, prominent lingual veins
arranged in bundles. These fiber groups are known as are seen.
secondary fibers of periodontal ligament or gingival fibers ♦♦ Lateral part of ventral surface has two folds which are
of periodontal ligament. known as plica fimbriata. They run forward and medially
♦♦ In addition to collagen fibers, oxytalan fibers and elastic to the tip of the tongue.
fibers are also present in gingival connective tissue.
♦♦ The gingival fibers include: Microscopic Features of Tongue
• Dentogingival: Extends from the cervical cementum For microscopic features of dorsal surface of tongue refer to
into the lamina propria of the gingiva. These groups Ans 8 of same chapter.
are most numerous.
• Alveologingival: The fibers arise from the alveolar Microscopic Features of Ventral Surface of Tongue
crest and extend into the lamina propria. ♦♦ Ventral aspect is lined by non-keratinized stratified
• Circular: A small group of fibers that circle the tooth squamous epithelium.
and interlace with the other fibers. ♦♦ Mucosa is tightly bound to underlying musculature.
• Dentoperiosteal: These fibers run from the cementum ♦♦ Thin epithelium is present with short rete ridges.
into the periosteum of alveolar bone. ♦♦ Lamina propria is thin and shows loose arrangement of
• Interdental ligament: These are extended inter collagen fibers.
proximally between adjacent teeth.
♦♦ Gingiva also contains some cells in epithelium other than Q.18. Write about the histological features of vermilion
keratinocytes, i.e. border of lip and buccal mucosa. (Mar 2008, 7.5 Marks)
• Melanocytes: They are found in basal layer and give the Or
pigmentation of gingiva either pink, brown or black. Write a note on histology of vermilion border of lip.
• Langerhans cells: These are involved in the immune  (Feb 2006, 2.5 Marks)
system. Ans. Vermilion border of lip: Vermilion zone is the
• Merkel cell: These are specialized neural pressure transitional zone between skin of the lip and mucous
sensitive receptor cell. membrane of the lip. Line which separates skin from
• Lymphocytes: Also found in gingiva. vermilion zone is known as vermilion border.

♦♦ Skin on the outer surface of lip is covered by moderately
thick, keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with all
appendages i.e. hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous
♦♦ Transitional region is characterized by thick but mildly
keratinized epithelium and numerous densely arranged,
long papillae of lamina propria which reach deep into the
epithelium and carry large capillary loops close to surface.
♦♦ Inner aspect of lip is thicker nonkeratinized labial mucosa.
♦♦ Central most region of lip show orbicularis oris muscle.

Fig. 81:  Gingiva (For colour version see Plate 28) Buccal Mucosa
♦♦ Buccal mucosa contains lining mucosa.
Q.17. Classify oral mucous membrane. Describe macroscopic
♦♦ Epithelium of cheek is stratified squamous nonkeratinized
and microscopic structures of tongue. 
having three layers, i.e. stratum basale, stratum inter­
 (Mar 2008, 7.5 Marks)
medium and stratum superficiale.
Ans. For oral mucous membrane refer to Ans 8 of same
♦♦ Lamina propria of the buccal mucosa consists of dense
connective tissue and has short irregular papillae.
Macroscopic Features of Tongue ♦♦ Submucus layer connects the lamina propria to the thin
For macroscopic features of dorsal surface of tongue refer to fascia of muscles and consists of strands of densly grouped
Ans 8 of same chapter. collagen fibers.
♦♦ There is loose connective tissue containing fat and small
Macroscopic Features of Ventral Surface of Tongue mixed glands between these strands.
♦♦ Ventral aspect of the tongue consists of smooth mucous ♦♦ Mixed minor salivary glands in cheek are larger and
membrane. usually found between the bundles of buccinator muscle.
♦♦ Papillae are absent on ventral aspect of tongue. ♦♦ Cheek, lateral to the corner of mouth may contain isolated
♦♦ Lingual frenum joins the inferior surface to the floor of sebaceous glands called fordyce’s spots.
the mouth. For diagram refer to Ans 20 of the same chapter.
694 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Fig. 82:  Vermilion border of lip (For colour version see Plate 28)

Q.19. Write in short gingival group of fibers. to tooth surface and to which cells are attached by
 (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks) hemidesmosomes.
Ans. Gingiva contains dense fibers of collagen, sometimes • Epithelial attachment is submicroscopic approxi-
refered to as gingival ligaments mately 40 nm wide and is formed by the attachment
• They are divided into the following major groups: epithelium.
–– Dentogingival: It extends from the cervical • Secondary attachment epithelium consists of cells which
cementum to the lamina propria of the gingiva. are derived from oral epithelium forms an epithelial
• Fibers of the gingival ligament constitute the most attachment which is identical to primary attachment
numerous group of gingival fibers. epithelium, i.e. basal lamina and hemidesmosomes.
–– Alveologingival: The fibers arise from the alveo- • At electron microscopic level both reduced
lar crest and extend into the lamina propria. ameloblasts and gingival epithelial cells have
–– Circular: A small group of fiber that circles the shown basal lamina on enamel and cementum.
tooth and interlace with the other fibers. Hemidesmosomes of these cells attach to basal
–– Dentoperiosteal: These fibers can be followed lamina in same manner as all the basal cells. This
from the cementum into the periosteum of the basal lamina is known as internal basal lamina.
alveolar crest and of the vestibular and oral sur- Q.21. Classify oral mucous membrane. Write about
faces of alveolar bone. specialized mucosa in detail. (Nov 2010, 8 Marks)
Apart from above mentioned fibers there are also certain Or
fiber groups, i.e. interdental, semicircular, vertical and
transgingival fiber groups. Define and classify oral mucous membrane. Write in
detail about specialized mucosa.(Nov 2008, 15 Marks)
• Interdental fibers connect buccal and lingual papillae
• Vertical fibers run coronally from alveolar mucosa or Or
attached gingiva to marginal gingiva or interdental Write short note on specialized mucosa.
papillae.  (Apr 2007, 5 Marks)
• Semicircular fibers connect cementum on one side Ans. Moist lining of oral cavity is known as oral mucous
of tooth to opposite side opposite side after coursing membrane.
through free gingiva.
For classification refer to Ans 8 of same chapter.
• Transgingival fibers pass from cementum of one
tooth to marginal gingiva of adjacent tooth merging Specialized mucosa consists of dorsum of tongue and
with circular and semicircular fibers. taste bud.
Q.20. Write short note on epithelial attachment. For dorsum of tongue refer to Ans 8 and for taste bud
 (Nov 2009, 5 Marks) refer to Ans 11 of same chapter.
Ans. The most superficial layer provides the actual attachment Q.22. Write in short vermilion border of lip.
of gingiva to tooth surface by means of a structural  (Nov 2010, 5 Marks)
complex known as epithelial attachment. The complex Or
consists of an inner basal lamina which is formed Write about vermilion border of lip. Draw a well
and maintained by flat superficial cells which adhere labelled diagram of lip.  (Jan 2018, 3 + 2 Marks)
Dental Histology  695

Ans. It is the transitional zone between the skin of the lip and Ans. Both orthokeratinization and parakeratinization is seen
the mucous membrane of the lip. in stratum corneum.
• It is red zone.
• In this region, a transition between the keratinized Orthokeratinization
epithelium of the skin and the nonkeratinized ♦♦ Keratinization squamae are larger and flatter than
epithelium of oral mucosa occurs. compared to granular cells.
• It is seen only in humans. ♦♦ All the nuclei and the other organelles such as ribosomes
• Skin on the outer surface of lip is covered by and mitochondria are disappeared.
moderately thick keratinized epithelium with thick ♦♦ Layer is acidophilic and is histologically amorphous.
stratum corneum. ♦♦ Keratohyalin granules are disappeared.
• The red appearance of the vermilion border is due to ♦♦ Cells consist of closely packed tonofilaments coated by
epithelium being thin and the underlying connective protein filaggrin. It is strongly cross linked by disulphide
tissue being highly vascular. bonds which give mechanical and chemical resistance.
• The transitional region is characterized by ♦♦ As the desmosomes become weaker and disappear the
numero­usly, dense arranged, long papillae of cells of this layer desquamate or shed.
lamina propria, reaching deep into the epithelium
and carrying large capillary loops close to the Parakeratinization
surface. In this layer cells retain pyknotic as well as condensed nuclei
• Transitional zone contains only the occasional and other partially lysed cell organells till they undergo the
sebaceous glands, it is subject to drying and therefore process of desquamation.
requires moistening by the tongue.
Q.24. Enumerate the derivatives of branchial arches and
For diagram of lip refer to Ans 5 of same chapter.
pouches. Describe in detail development of tongue.
Q.23. Write short note on ortho and parakeratinization.  (Dec 2012, 8 Marks)
 (Nov 2010, 2 Marks) Ans.

Branchial arch Skeletal Cartilage Bone Ligament Artery Nerve

First arch or Muscles of mastication, Meckle’s Zygomatic bone Anterior Maxillary artery Maxillary and
Mandibular mylohyoid, tensor veli cartilage maxilla, mandible, malleolar and contribution to mandibular
arch palati, tensor tympani part of temporal bone, ligament, external carotid artery divisions of
and anterior belly of spine of sphenoid, sphenomandi­ trigeminal nerve
digastric incus and malleus bular ligament
Second arch or Platysma, buccinator, Reichert’s Stapes, lesser horn Stylohyoid Stapaedial artery and Facial nerve
Hyoid arch Stapedius, Stylohyoid, cartilage and upper part of ligament small contribution to
posterior digastric body of hyoid, styloid facial artery
muscle, auricular process
muscle,muscles of facial
Third arch Stylopharyngeous – Greater horn and lower – Proximal one-third of Glossopharyn
part of body of hyoid internal carotid artery geal nerve
and thymus and contribution
to common carotid
Fourth arch Palatoglossus, intrinsic – Thyroid cartilage and – Proximal part of Vagal nerve
muscles of soft palate, epiglottis subclavian artery and and superior
pharyngeal constrictors, aortic arch laryngeal nerve
Fifth arch – – Lower part of thyroid – – –
cartilage and laryngeal
Sixth arch Intrinsic muscles of – Cricoid, arytenoids and – Proximal part of Vagus nerve
larynx except cricothyroid corniculate cartilage pulmonary artery, and recurrent
pulmonary artery and laryngeal nerve
ductous arteriosus
Post-branchial Sternocleidomastoid and – – – Tracheal cartilages Spinal
Arch trapezius accessary nerve
696 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Derivatives of Pharyngeal Pouches

Pouch Dorsal Ventral
First Pharyngeal arch Tubotympanic recess, auditory tube, tympanic cavity Obliterated by tongue
Second Pharyngeal arch Endodermal lining proliferate to form tonsillar fossae and palatine tonsil Obliterated by tongue
Third Pharyngeal arch Inferior parathyroid gland Thymus
Fourth Pharyngeal arch Superior parathyroid gland
Fifth Pharyngeal arch Ultimobranchial body and C cells of thyroid

For development of tongue refer to Ans 14 of same chapter.

Q.25. Write short note on nonkeratinocytes. ♦♦ Langerhans cell is the cell of hematopoietic origin
 (Apr 2017, 2 Marks) (Dec 2010, 2 Marks) ♦♦ Langerhans cell consists of convoluted nucleus and
 (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) (May 2014, 5 Marks) characteristic rod like granules in cytoplasm known as
 (Aug 2016, 3 Marks) Birbeck granules.
Or ♦♦ These cells penetrate epithelium from lamina propria and
Write short answer on nonkeratinocytes. are also involved in immune response.
 (May 2018, 3 Marks) ♦♦ If antigenic challenge is produced by bacterial plaque,
Ans. Epithelium consists of small population of cells which these cells migrate to gingiva.
do not possess cytokeratin filaments, so due to this these ♦♦ These cells present antigen to specific helper T cells and
cells are not able to keratinize. Such cells are known as are known as antigen presenting cells.
nonkeratinocytes. Merkel Cells
• Nonkeratinocytes do not show mitotic activity and
undergo maturative changes or desquamate. ♦♦ Merkel cells are seen among the basal cells.
• Nonkeratinocytes are not attached in layers and do ♦♦ Merkel cells consist of nerve tissue immediately subjacent
not form desmosomal attachments with adjacent and are presumed to be specialized neural pressure
keratinocytes. sensitive receptor cells. Due to this merkel cells respond
• Nonkeratinocytes are dendritic and appear unstained to touch sensation.
or clear in routine hematoxylin and eosin stain. ♦♦ Merkel cells are commonly seen in masticatory mucosa.
• Non-keratinocytes migrate to oral epithelium from ♦♦ Unlike other nonkeratinocytes, these cells lack dendritic
either neural crest or bone marrow. processes.
• In oral epithelium nonkeratinocytes are melanocytes, ♦♦ Under electron microscope the nucleus of cell shows deep
langerhans cell and Merkel cells. Inflammatory cells invagination and a characteristic rodlet. The cell consists
often seen in certain regions such as lymphocytes are of electron dense granules which are located at the side
considered as nonkeratinocytes. of cytoplasm in contact with axon terminals. Function of
these granules is unknown.
♦♦ Melanocytes are the melanin secreting cells and they reside Inflammatory Cells
in the basal cell layer. ♦♦ Inflammatory cells such as lymphocytes are found at
♦♦ These cells are derived from embryologic neural crest cells various levels of epithelium.
and migrate to the epithelium. ♦♦ These cells are basically the transient which can pass via
♦♦ Each single melanocyte establishes its contact with 30 to epithelium to surface.
40 keratinocytes via their dendritic processes. ♦♦ Both keratinocytes and lymphocytes interact with each
♦♦ Melanin produced by melanocyte is transferred via their other.
dendritic processes to adjacent basal keratinocytes which ♦♦ Keratinocytes may activate lymphocyte via production of
store pigment in form of melanosomes. interleukin – 1. Keratinocytes can also inhibit lymphocyte
♦♦ Melanin pigment present in connective tissue is proliferation too.
phagocytosed by macrophages and these cells are known ♦♦ Stimulated lymphocytes lead to production of gamma
as melanophages. interferons. These gamma interferons can stimulate
♦♦ After staining by hematoxylin stain, these cells appear clear keratinocytes to express HLA–DR antigen.
cells or dendritic cells.
Q.26. Write short note on keratinocytes and non-keratinocytes.
Langerhans Cell  (Feb 2013, 2 Marks)
♦♦ It is the clear or dendritic cell seen in upper layer of Ans. Keratinocytes
skin and mucosal epithelium, restricted to zones of Epithelial cells that ultimately get keratinize are called
orthokeratinization. as keratinocytes.
Dental Histology  697

• These cells undergo cell division, maturate and • The barrier forms at the junction of cornified and
desquamate. granular layers.
• These cells increase in volume during each successive Q.30. Write a short note on nerve supply and blood supply
layer from basal to granular. of tongue. (Dec 2010, 2 Marks) (Feb 2013, 2 Marks)
• These cornified cells are smaller in volume than (May 2014, 2 Marks)
granular cells. Or
For nonkeratinocytes refer to Ans 25 of same chapter. Write short note on nerve supply of tongue.
Q.27. Write short note on function of oral mucous membrane.  (Jan 2012, 5 Marks)
 (Feb 2013, 2 Marks) (May 2014, 2 Marks) Ans. Arterial Supply of Tongue
Ans. Following are the functions of oral mucous membrane: It is chiefly supplied by lingual artery and a branch of
• Defense: Structural integrity of oral epithelium is an external carotid artery.
effective barrier for the invasion of microorganism.
Infection occurs if the epithelial integrity is broken Venous Drainage
down which leads to bacterial attack. Oral mucous ♦♦ Deep lingual vein is largest and principal vein of tongue.
membrane also secrets antibodies and has an It is visible on inferior surface of tongue.
efficient humoral and cell mediated immunity. ♦♦ The arrangement of veins of tongue is variable. Two venae
• Protection: It helps in protection of the tissues by consist accompany lingual artery and one venae commits
mechanical forces which result due to mastication. the hypoglossal nerve.
• Lubrication: Oral mucous membrane has numerous ♦♦ These veins unite at posterior border of hyoglossus to form
salivary glands which keeps oral cavity moist, this lingual vein which ends in internal jugular vein.
helps in prevention of oral mucosa from drying.
Moistness leads to easy speech, swallowing, Nerve Supply
mastication and perception of taste. ♦♦ Motor supply: All extrinsic and intrinsic muscles except
• Sensory: It is sensitive to touch, pressure, pain and palatoglossal are supplied by hypoglossal nerve.
temperature. Sensation of taste is unique sensation • Palatoglossal is supplied by cranial part of accessory
and is felt in anterior 2/3rd of tongue. nerve.
Q.28. Classify oral mucous membrane. Give a detailed ♦♦ Sensory innervations
account of microscopic features of tongue. • Lingual nerve is general nerve of sensation and chorda
 (Feb 2013, 10 Marks) tympani is nerve for taste for anterior 2/3.
Ans. For classification refer to Ans 8 of same chapter. • For posterior 1/3 the glossopharyngeal nerve is nerve
for both general taste and sensation.
For microscopic features refer to Ans 17 of same chapter.
• Posterior most part is supplied by vagus nerve.
Q.29. Write a short note on Odland body. Q.31. Write about classification of oral mucous membrane
 (Sep 2017, 2 Marks) (Dec 2010, 2 Marks) and describe vermilion border of lip. 
Ans. In the stratum granulosum, the cell surface become  (May/June 2009, 10 Marks)
more regular and more closely applied to adjacent cell Ans. For classification refer to Ans 8 of same chapter. For
surfaces. At the same time the lamellar granule, a small vermilion border of lip refer to Ans 22 of same chapter.
organelle known as keratinosome or Odland body or Q.32. Classify oral mucosa. Discuss nonkeratinocytes.
membrane coated granule forms in the upper spinous  (June 2010, 10 Marks)
layers and granular cell layers. Ans. For classification refer to Ans 8 of same chapter.
• Odland body is present in both keratinized and
For nonkeratinocytes refer to Ans 25 of same chapter.
nonkeratinized epithelium.
• In keratinizing epithelium the odland body appears Q.33. Write short note on keratohyalin granules.
as ovoid membrane bound organelle of 0.25 µ in  (June 2010, 2 Marks)
length which consists of series of parallel internal Ans. Keratohyaline granules are seen in the cytoplasm of
lamellae consisting of alternate electron lucent stratum granulosum cells.
and electro dense bands while in non–keratinized • In keratinized epithelium size of granule is 0.1 to
epithelium odland bodies appear as spherical 1.5µ.
membrane bound organelles of 0.2 µ diameter. This • Size and number of granules increases as cell moves
structure has an electron dense core from which from granular layer.
delicate radiating strands are observed. • They are angular or irregular in shape.
• The membrane coating granules are glycolipids. It • Keratohyaline granules are basophilic when stained
has an internal lamellated structures. with H and E stain.
• Lamellar granules discharge their contents in the • These granules are related to the ribososmes.
intercellular space forming an intercellular lamellar • They consists of sulphur rich proteins, i.e. profilagrin
material, which contribute to the permeability which form the matrix and bind keratin filaments
barrier. together.
698 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• They also have involucrin and loricrin protein which ♦♦ They interdigitate with few short irregular connective
thickens the cell membrane and form resistant tissue papillae.
cornified cell envelope. ♦♦ Lamina propria is thick and has less dense collagen fibers.
Q.34. Classify oral mucous membrane. Describe in detail the ♦♦ Submucosa consists of mixed salivary glands, adipose
anatomy and histology of tongue.  (Aug 2012, 15 Marks) tissue, etc.
Ans. For classification and histology of dorsal surface of ♦♦ Strands of dense connective tissue makes submucosa
tongue refer to Ans 8 of same chapter. For histology of which binds lamina propria to fascia covering the muscles.
ventral surface of tongue refer to Ans 17 of same chapter. Histology of Cheek Mucosa
Anatomy of Tongue For histology refer to Ans 15 of same chapter.
Tongue is a muscular organ which lies in floor of mouth. Characteristic Features and Histology of Gingiva
Tongue is divided into dorsal part (superior part) and ventral
part (inferior part). Refer to Ans 16 of same chapter.
Q.36. Write about the basal lamina. (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
Dorsal Part
♦♦ It is convex in all directions.
♦♦ A V shaped sulcus divides this surface into anterior two Write short note on basal lamina. (Oct 2016, 3 Marks)
third, posterior one third and posteriomost part. Ans. Ultrastructurally basement membrane is known as basal
♦♦ A small pit seen where the two arms of ‘V’ meet. This is lamina.
known as foramen caecum. • Layer of basal lamina adjacent to basal cell is 45 nm
♦♦ Anterior two third of tongue is known as papillary part. thick and appears electronlucent. This layer is known
♦♦ Most numerous are fine pointed, cone shaped, i.e. filiform as lamina lucida.
papillae which are distributed all through the dorsal • Beneath the lamina lucida an electron dense layer of
surface. 55 nm thickness is seen which is known as lamina densa.
♦♦ Fungiform papillae are distributed between the filiform
• Anchoring fibrils which consists of Type VII collagen
papillae. They are the round projections.
form loops and are inserted in lamina densa. Lamina
♦♦ Anterior to sulcus terminalis lies the 8 to 12 large papillae
densa also consists of Type IV collagen which has
known as circumvallate papillae.
heparin sulphate in chicken wire configuration.
♦♦ Circumvallate papillae are partly submerged and they
should not come above the surface of tongue. They are • Lamina lucida is a 20 to 40 nm wide glycoprotein layer
surrounded by V shaped sulcus. margins of papillae lie and it consists of type IV collagen and an antigen which
above the surface. is bounded by an antibody KF – 1. Lamina lucida also
♦♦ At the border of anterior two third and posterior one third consists of laminins and bullous pemphigoid antigen.
of tongue over lateral margin lie the foliate papillae.
Functions of Basal Lamina
♦♦ Foliate papillae has series of folds and form clefts.
♦♦ Posterior one third is irregular and has rounded projections, ♦♦ Structural attachment: Basal lamina provides attachment
i.e. lingual follicles which has lymphoid component. So between epithelium and connective tissue.
posterior one third is known as lymphoid region. ♦♦ Compartmentalization: Basal lamina isolates epithelial
and connective tissue.
Ventral Part ♦♦ Filtration: Basal lamina transport materials from the
♦♦ Papilla are absent over inferior surface. connective tissue.
♦♦ It is attached to floor of mouth by loose lingual frenum. ♦♦ Tissue scaffolding: Basal lamina act as scaffold at the time
♦♦ On both sides of lingual frenum lies the prominent lingual of regeneration of epithelium.
veins. ♦♦ Polarity induction: Epithelial cells get arranged in their
♦♦ Inferior surface consists of lateral part which consists of normal layers if they are supported by basal lamina.
two folds known as plica fimbriata. Q.37. Define oral mucous membrane. Classify it on the basis
♦♦ Plica fimbriata run medial and forward to tip of tongue. of functional criteria and keratinization. Enumerate
Q.35. Give classification of oral mucous membrane. Write the functions of oral mucous membrane. Describe
about characteristic features and histology of cheek the different epithelial layers of keratinized and non–
mucosa and gingiva. (Mar 2013, 8 Marks) keratinized mucosa with well labeled diagrams.
Ans. For classification refer to Ans 8 of same chapter.  (Sep 2015, 1+3+2+4 Marks)
Ans. Moist lining of oral cavity is called as oral mucous
Charactersitic Features of Cheek Mucosa membrane. It consists of an epithelium and connective
♦♦ Cheek mucosa is lined by non-keratinized epithelium. tissue known as lamina propria.
♦♦ At interface between the epithelium and connective tissue For classification on basis of functional criteria and
rete ridges are seen which are small and irregular. keratinization refer to Ans 8 of same chapter.
Dental Histology  699

Enumeration of Functions of Oral Mucous Membrane ♦♦ Basal cells consist of tonofilaments which are few in
1. Defense: Integrity of oral epithelium act as barrier for entry number.
of microorganisms. Stratum Intermedium
2. Lubrication: Secretion of salivary glands keeps the oral
cavity moist. Light Microscopic Features
3. Sensory: Oral mucous membrane is sensitive to touch, ♦♦ This layer consists of polyhedral cells which are located
pressure, pain and temperature. above the basal cell layer.
4. Protection: It protects deeper tissues from mechanical forces ♦♦ Cytoplasm of these cells takes eosinophilic stain and is
due to mastication. differentiated easily from basal cells which have basophilic
Different Epithelial Layers of Keratinized Mucosa cytoplasm.
♦♦ Cells consist of centrally placed round nucleus.
For details refer to Ans 42 of same chapter. ♦♦ Cells of stratum intermedium are larger as compared to
Different Epithelial Layers of Nonkeratinized Mucosa stratum spinosum and are closely apposed to each other.
These cells in contrast to stratum spinosum lack prickly
Nonkeratinized mucosa consists of three layers, i.e. stratum appearance.
basale, stratum intermedium and stratum superficiale.
Electron Microscopic Features
♦♦ There is increase in the size of cell and nucleus in stratum
intermedium of nonkeratinized epithelium.
♦♦ Nucleus consists of evenly distributed chromatin with 2 to
3 nucleoli and cytoplasm is rich in organelles for protein
♦♦ Tonofilaments found here are in unbundled form.
♦♦ Cells are attached to each other by desmosomes but with
of intercellular space are less.
♦♦ As the cells move superficially the number of desmosomes
♦♦ Odland bodies are seen in this layer which is different
from odland bodies found in keratinized mucosa. In non-
keratinized epithelium odland bodies appear as spherical
membrane bound organelles of 0.2 µ diameter. This
Fig. 83:  Nonkeratinized mucosa (H and E Stain)
(For colour version see Plate 29)
structure has an electron dense core from which delicate
radiating strands are observed.
Stratum Basale ♦♦ Cells of this layer consist of intermediate keratin filaments
Light Microscopic Features but these filaments differ biochemically from those in
keratinizing mucosa and are sparsely distributed in cells.
♦♦ It consists of single layer of cuboidal cells.
♦♦ Basal cells have basophilic cytoplasm and centrally placed Stratum Superficiale
nucleus which is hyperchromatic and is larger occupying
Light Microscopic Features
one-third of cytoplasm.
♦♦ It is the most superficial layer of nonkeratinized mucosa.
Electron Microscopic Features ♦♦ It consists of few layers of flat nucleated cells.
♦♦ Basal cells consist of nucleus which occupy one third of ♦♦ Nucleus of these cells is flattened with long axis parallel
cell with evenly distributed chromatin and 2 to 3 nucleoli. to outer surface of epithelium.
♦♦ Since basal cells are involved in synthesis of proteins,
so their cytoplasm consists of rich cellular organelles Electron Microscopic Features
i.e. rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, golgi ♦♦ In this layer cells increase in their size.
complex, few lysosomes etc. ♦♦ Cells are flat with long axis parallel to epithelial surface.
♦♦ Basal cell layer consists of two populations of cells. ♦♦ Nucleus is flat and show pyknotic changes.
One population is serrated and heavily packed with ♦♦ Cells consist of less number of tonofilaments in unbundled
tonofilaments. These cells are adapted for the attachment.
form and lack keratohyaline granules.
Another population is non-serrated and is composed of
♦♦ Cytoplasmic organelles decrease in number.
slowly cycling stem cells. These cells undergo division
♦♦ Desmosomes decrease in size and number. Intercellular
and provide cells for maturing compartment.
♦♦ Basal cells attach to each other by the desmosomes and to contacts of desmosome become more condensed.
basement membrane by hemidesmosomes. ♦♦ Cells ultimately desquamate as do cornified squamae.
700 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.38. Write short note on dentogingival junction. • Junctional epithelium is nondifferentiating, non­
 (Feb 2016, 3 Marks) keratinizing tissue which lacks gradient of change
Ans. Dentogingival junction is the junction between gingiva in cell types.
and the tooth. • Junctional epithelium consists of intermediate
• Epithelium of gingiva which get attached to tooth is filaments which express cytokeratins such as 5,
known as junctional or attachment epithelium. Union 14 and 19 these cytokeratins are expressed in non
between junctional epithelium and tooth is known as differentiating tissues.
epithelial attachment. • Junctional epithelium extends till 2 mm on surface
• Firmness and mechanical strength is attributable to of the tooth.
connective tissue attachment. • The junctional epithelium has highest turnover
• Dentogingival junction decreases the affect of mechanical rate of 5 to 6 days, and that’s why it regenerates
forces and bacterial attack. rapidly.
• Junctional epithelium is highly permeable and
Development of Dentogingival Junction consists of large intercellular spaces, due to which
♦♦ As ameloblast completes the formation of enamel matrix, neutrophils have an easy passage in and out of
they left a thin membrane on surface of enamel, i.e. primary epithelium.
enamel cuticle. • Junctional epithelium also provides easy flow of
♦♦ As primary enamel cuticle is formed, ameloblasts get gingival crevicular fluid.
shorten and epithelial enamel organ is decreased to few Q.40. Enumerate the zones of keratinized oral mucosa.
layers of flat cuboidal cells which is known as reduced  (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
enamel epithelium. Ans.
♦♦ In normal circumstances reduced enamel epithelium
Enumeration of Zones of Keratinized Oral Mucosa
covers the complete enamel surface and extends to CEJ.
♦♦ At the time of eruption, tip of tooth approaches the oral Following is the keratinized oral mucosa:
mucosa, reduced enamel epithelium and oral epithelium ♦♦ Masticatory mucosa, i.e. gingiva and hard palate
meet and fuse. ♦♦ Vermilion zone.
♦♦ Epithelium which covers the tip of crown degenerates
in centre and crown emerges via this perforation in oral Zones of Hard Palate
cavity. ♦♦ Gingival region
♦♦ Reduced enamel epithelium is attached to the part of enamel ♦♦ Palatine raphe
which is not erupted. As tip of the crown get emerged ♦♦ Anterolateral area or fatty zone
reduced enamel epithelium is known as primary attachment ♦♦ Posterolateral or glandular zone.
epithelium and is in continuation with oral epithelium.
Q.41. What is junctional epithelium. Describe passive
♦♦ Reduced enamel epithelium shortens to expose the crown
eruption with diagram. (Apr 2017, 5 Marks)
of tooth completely and get slowly replaced by oral
Ans. The epithelium of gingiva which gets attached to the
epithelium. Attachment epithelium is derived from oral
tooth is known as junctional epithelium or attachment
epithelium and is referred to as secondary attachment
Q.39. Write short note on junctional epithelium. Passive Eruption with Diagram
 (Aug 2016, 3 Marks)
The separation of primary attachment epithelium from the
Ans. The epithelium of gingiva which gets attached to the
enamel is termed as passive eruption.
tooth is known as junctional epithelium or attachment
Crown exposure involving passive eruption and further
recession is described in four stages.
• Junctional epithelium resembles to reduced enamel
epithelium in its structure. First Stage
• Junctional epithelium is a stratified squamous
epithelium which is 15 to 30 cell layer thick at Bottom of gingival sulcus lies in the region of enamel covered
cervical portion and 3 to 4 cell layer thick at apical crown for sometime and apical end of attachment epithelium
margin. lie at cementoenamel junction. This relationship occurs in
• Epithelium connective tissue interface is flat. deciduous tooth till one year of age before shedding and in
• The most important feature which differentiates permanent teeth till 20 or 30 year of age. In this stage clinical
junctional epithelium from other epithelium is crown is shorter as compared to anatomic crown. (Part of
presence of basal lamina over the both sides, i.e. at tooth covered by enamel is known as anatomical crown and
junction of epithelium and connective tissue and on the part of tooth exposed to oral cavity is known as clinical
surface adjacent to tooth. crown).
Dental Histology  701

Fig. 84:  Stages of passive eruption

Second Stage Stratum Basale

During this stage attachment epithelium migrates apically and Light Microscopic Features
get attach partly to enamel and partly to cementum. Bottom ♦♦ This layer is made up of single layer of cuboidal cells. These
of gingival sulcus lies on enamel. Downgrowth of attachment cells can synthesize DNA and undergo mitosis.
epithelium along cementum is one facet of shift of dentogingival ♦♦ Basal cells and the parabasal spinous cells are referred to
junction. This stage of tooth exposure may persist at age of 40 as stratum germinativum but only basal cells can divide.
years. In this stage still clinical crown is shorter as compared ♦♦ Basal cells have basophilic cytoplasm and centrally placed
to anatomic crown. nucleus which is hyperchromatic and is larger occupying
Third Stage one-third of cytoplasm.
♦♦ Nucleus in basal cells is arranged perpendicular to the
As apical migration of attachment epithelium progress gradually, basement membrane.
during this stage it is completely attached on cementum surface
with bottom of gingival sulcus at cementoenamel junction and
the enamel covered crown is exposed fully. So now anatomic
crown is completely exposed to oral cavity.

Fourth Stage
This stage represents the gingival recession. During this stage
the attachment epithelium migrates apically on surface of
cementum and bottom of gingival sulcus lies on cementum
surface exposing a part of root. During this stage clinical crown
is longer than anatomic crown. Rate of crown exposure and
recession vary in different persons. In some people fourth stage
occur during 20 years and in others at 50 years of age or older.
The above mentioned first two stages are physiological
while the third and fourth stages are either physiological or
Q.42. Define and classify oral mucous membrane. Write in Fig. 85:  Keratinized mucosa (H and E stain)
(For colour version see Plate 29)
detail about keratinized epithelium.
 (May 2017, 10 Marks) Ultrastructure or Electron Microscopic Features
Ans. Moist lining of oral cavity is known as oral mucous
♦♦ Basal cells consist of nucleus which occupy one-third of
cell with evenly distributed chromatin and 2 to 3 nucleoli.
For classification of oral mucous membrane refer to ♦♦ Since basal cells are involved in synthesis of proteins,
Ans 8 of same chapter. so their cytoplasm consists of rich cellular organelles
Keratinizing Epithelium in Detail i.e. rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, G olgi
complex, few lysosomes, etc.
Keratinized epithelium consists of four different layers, i.e. ♦♦ Basal cell layer consists of two populations of cells.
stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum and One population is serrated and heavily packed with
stratum corneum. tonofilaments. These cells are adapted for the attachment.
702 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Another population is non–serrated and is composed of ♦♦ Amount of tonofilaments are found to be more in this
slowly cycling stem cells. These cells undergo division and layer.
provide cells for maturing compartment. ♦♦ In this layer cell surfaces are more regular and are more
♦♦ Basal cells attach to each other by the desmosomes and to closely applied to adjacent cell surfaces.
basement membrane by hemidesmosomes. ♦♦ In upper spinous and granular cell layers a new organelle is
♦♦ Basal cells consists of tonofilaments which course toward seen known as odland body or keratinosome or membrane
and in some way are attached to attachment plaques. coating granule.
♦♦ The odland body is a glycolipid which has an internal
Stratum Spinosum
lamellated structure. In keratinizing epithelium the odland
Light Microscopic Features body appears as ovoid membrane bound organelle of
♦♦ Stratum spinosum consists of spinous cells which form 0.25 µ in length which consists of series of parallel internal
this layer. Spinous cells are irregularly polyhedral and are lamellae consisting of alternate electron lucent and electro
larger as compared to basal cells. dense bands.
♦♦ As these cells pass from basal layer to prickle cell layer ♦♦ Lamellar granules discharge their content in the intercellular
their basophilia decreases. space forming an intercellular lamellar material which
♦♦ Nucleus in spinous cells is centrally placed and is round contributes to permeability barrier. Barrier is formed at
or ovoid in shape. the junction of granular and cornified cell layers.
♦♦ These cells are also known as prickle cell layer as in ♦♦ During differentiation, inner cell unit of cell membrane
histological sections they have spiny or prickly appearance. thickens and form cornified cell envelope. Various proteins
♦♦ On light microscopic examination it appears that cells are contribute to this structure such as involucrin. This protein
joined by intercellular bridges. provide constituents for cell membrane thickening and
♦♦ As cell matures in this layer, it moves superficially and make it resistsnt to the chemical solvents.
increases in size and cell become more flattened with ♦♦ Structure of desmosomes is maintained in this layer but
flattened nucleus. the intercellular contact layer of desmosomes becomes
more condensed.
Ultrastructure or Electron Microscopic Features
♦♦ Cytoplasm of stratum granulosum cells shows
♦♦ Overall size of the cell and nucleus increases as it passes keratohyaline granules. In keratinized epithelium their
to spinous cell layer. size ranges from 0.1 to 1.5 µ.
♦♦ Nucleus of the cell consists of evenly distributed chromatin ♦♦ Keratohyaline granules are angular or irregular and
with two to three nucleoli. are associated with ribosomes. These granules have
♦♦ On electron microscopic examination intercellular bridges sulphur rich proteins fillagrin and loricrin which provide
are the desmosomes and tonofibrils are the bundle of and embedding matrix for tonofilaments and help in
tonofilaments. aggregation of tonofilaments.
♦♦ Desmosome attachment plaque consists of polypeptides
desmoglobin and plakoglobin. Intercellular spaces consist Stratum Corneum
of glycoprotein, glycosaminoglycans and fibronectin. Light Microscopic Features
♦♦ Intercellular spaces of spinous cells in keratinizing epithelia
are large or distended, so desmosomes look prominent. ♦♦ It is the most superficial layer found in the keratinized
Stratum Granulosum ♦♦ The layer is made up of keratinized squamae which are large
Light Microscopic Features and flat as compared to the cells of stratum granulosum.
♦♦ This layer appears eosinophilic amorphous layer in
♦♦ Stratum granulosum consists of flat and wider cells which histological sections.
are larger in size as compared to spinous cell layer.
♦♦ Cells in this layer undergo degeneration.
♦♦ Stratum granulosum is named for the basophilic
♦♦ If the nucleus is completely absent in surface layer, pattern
keratohyalin granules that it contains. Cytoplasm of the
of maturation is known as orthokeratinization but if there
cells in this layer is filled with the basophilic granules
is retention of pyknotic and condensed nuclei in all or some
known as keratohyaline granules
of squames this is known as parakeratinization.
♦♦ Nucleus of the cell is flat with long axis parallel to the
outer epithelium. Ultrastructure or Electron Microscopic Features
Ultrastructure or Electron Microscopic Features ♦♦ Ultrastructurally this layer composed of the cells which
♦♦ In this layer size of the cell increases. resembles to hexagonal discs known as squames.
♦♦ Cell is flat with long axis parallel to epithelial surface. ♦♦ All the nuclei and other organelles such as ribosomes and
Nucleus of the cell is flattened and show pykonsis and mitochondria are disappeared.
signs of degeneration. ♦♦ Keratohyalin granules are disappeared.
♦♦ Cells show decrease in number of cytoplasmic organelles ♦♦ Ultrastructurally cells of stratum corneum are composed
because of protein synthesis. of densely packed filaments which develop from tonofila­
Dental Histology  703

ments, altered and coated by basic protein of keratohyalin ♦♦ Cell surface and desmosomes are altered while the plasma
granule known as filaggrin. membrane remains denser and thicker.
♦♦ Cross linking of tonofilaments by disulphide bonds ♦♦ As the cell passes to superficial layer, desmosomes
facilitate close packing of filaments and provide mechanical degenerate resulting in desquamation of the cell.
and chemical resistance to this layer. Q.43. Write short note on desmosome. (Sep 2017, 3 Marks)
♦♦ Keratinized cell become compact and dehydrated and Ans. Desmosomes are the intercellular bridges or intercellular
cover greater surface area. junctions seen in epithelial cells.

Fig. 86:  Desmosomes

• Ultrastructurally, they are circular or ovoid area of • Traversing filaments from both the cells come and
0.2 to 0.5 µ in which plasma membrane of adjacent attach to intercellular contact layer which helps in
cell remains in juxta position to each other with retaining the attachment between cells.
distance of 25 to 30 nm. • The desmosomes and tonofilament network form a
• This space present between plasma membrane tensile supporting system for the epithelium.
consists of electron dense lamina known as • Intercellular spaces of spinous cells in keratinizing
intercellular contact layer. This layer has protein
epithelium are large or distended so desmosomes are
particles of 5 nm diameter which are arranged in
made more prominent and these cells give prickly
a row.
• Over the cytoplasmic side, plasma membrane of appearance.
each adjoining cell consists of thickening known • Size of desmosome is wider in prickle cell layer as
as attachment plaque and this consists of proteins compared to basal cell layer.
catenins, i.e. desmoplakin, plakoglobin and • In granular layer cells desmosomes maintain their
plakophilin. This plaque serves as an attachment structure while the intercellular contact layer of
site for cytoskeletal components which in case of desmosome becomes more condensed.
desmosomes are intermediate filaments. • Desmosomes become less distinct in stratum
• Tonofilaments which are present in cytoplasm of corneum.
each cell run in attachment plaque and loop out • As cell passes to superficial layer desmosomes tend
again. These tonofilaments are not attached to to degenerate which lead to desquamation of cell.
plasma membrane.
• This arrangement of tonofilaments dissipates Q.44. Write short note on microscopic and macroscopic
physical forces from attachment site throughout features of hard palate. (Sep 2017, 3 Marks)
the cell. Ans.
• Other smaller filaments which consists of protein Microscopic Features of Hard Palate
cadherins i.e. desmoglein and desmocollin attach
tonofilament to plasma membrane and penetrate cell ♦♦ Hard palate is covered by keratinized mucosa.
membrane. Such filaments are known as traversing ♦♦ Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium which lines
filaments. Interaction of cadherins with those the mucosa consists of four different layers i.e. stratum
from adjacent cell result in dense line in middle of basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum and
intercellular space at desmosome stratum corneum.
704 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Due to functional adaptation, to bear with masticatory • Mid-palatine raphae: This is the narrow zone in
stress, cells in hard palate show more dense tonofilaments, midline of the hard palate which extends from incisive
increased number and length of desmosomes, etc. papilla posteriorly.
♦♦ Epithelium connective tissue interface of hard palate is • Anterolateral zone: It is also known as fatty zone.
irregular with many long regular epithelial ridges which It lies between mid palatine raphae and gingiva. It
interdigitate with connective tissue papillae. consists of fat tissue in submucosa.
♦♦ Lamina propria is dense all through the hard palate, it is • Posterolateral zone: It is also known as glandular
thicker in anterior region as compared to posterior region. zone. It lies between mid palatine raphae and gingiva.
♦♦ In the region of rugae the connective tissue core is dense
It consists of minor salivary glands in submucosa.
with interwoven collagen fibers. Incisive or palatine papilla
♦♦ Palatine rugae: They radiate outward from palatine
composed of dense connective tissue. This consists of
raphae in anterior region of hard palate. They are irregular
remnants of nasopalatine duct which is lined by pseudo-
stratified squamous epithelium. transverse palatine ridges known as palatine rugae. These
♦♦ Frequently the ducts are surrounded by small, irregular ridges play role in suckling in infants and also help in
islands of hyaline cartilage. backward movement of food during mastication.
♦♦ Structure of submucosa show variation in different regions of ♦♦ Fovea palatine: This is an elongated depression of few
palate. Submucosa is completely absent in the peripheral zone millimeters deep in posterior part of palate on either side
of palate adjacent to the teeth, i.e. the gingival zone and in of midline.
the mid palatine raphae. In these regions, the lamina propria Q.45. Write short answer on histology of soft palate.
is tightly bound to the periosteum of bone which is called
as mucoperiosteal attachment. In between the gingival zone  (May 2018, 3 Marks)
and mid palatine raphae, the palate has distinct submucosa. Ans. Following is the histology of soft palate:
♦♦ Submucosa in the anterior region of hard palate is filled • Soft palate is lined by nonkeratinized stratified
with adipose tissue and in posterior region with mucous squamous epithelium.
glands. So anterolateral part of hard palate is known as fatty • Epithelium can show presence of few taste buds.
zone and posterolateral part is known as glandular gone. • Lamina propria is highly vascular.
♦♦ In spite of presnce of thick submucosa in some regions, • Epithelium connective tissue interface is irregular
mucosa of the hard palate is tightly fixed to the underlying with thick and short rete ridges and connective
bone and is immobile. This is due to dense vertical band tissue papillae.
of connective tissue which leads to attachment of mucosa • A distinct layer of elastic fibers is seen which
firmly to the periosteum of palatal bone. These dense bands separate lamina propria from submucosa.
of connective tissue are at right angle to surface and divide • Submucosa consists of diffuse loose connective tissue
submucosa into compartments.
consists numerous minor salivary glands.
♦♦ At the junction of alveolar process and horizontal plate
of hard palate there is presence of loose connective tissue Q.46. Classify oral mucosa. Differentiate between keratinized
which carries anterior palatine vessels and nerves. and nonkeratinized mucosa with the help of diagram.
 (Aug 2018, 10 Marks)
Macroscopic Features of Hard Palate Ans. For classification of oral mucosa refer to Ans 8 of same
♦♦ Hard palate is divided into various different zones i.e. chapter.
• Gingival region: This region is found adjacent to the Differences between keratinized and non-keratinized
teeth. mucosa.

Keratinized mucosa Nonkeratinized mucosa

It is also known as masticatory mucosa It is also known as lining mucosa
It is nonstretchable It is stretchable, that it can adapt to the contraction and relaxation of
underlying muscles
Its turnover rate is slow Its turnover rate is high
Lamina propria is dense Density of lamina propria is low
Submucosa can or cannot present Distinct submucosa is present which vary in its thickness
Rete ridges are long and narrow Rete ridges are short and irregular
Thickness of epithelium is less Thickness of epithelium is more.
Four distinct layers are present, i.e. stratum basale, stratum Three layers are present, i.e. stratum basale, stratum intermedium,
spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum corneum stratum superficiale
Dental Histology  705


Keratinized mucosa Nonkeratinized mucosa

Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Stratum basale
Hemidesmosomes which anchor this layer to basal lamina are more In this layer hemidesmosomes are fewer and smaller
in number and are larger
Stratum spinosum
Cells in this layer are polygonal and show prickly appearance Cells in this layer are roughly rounded and prickly appearance is absent
More number of desmosomes present Less number of desmosomes are present
Desmosomes occupy more percentage of cell membrane Desmosomes occupy less percentage of cell membrane
More prominent intercellular spaces Less prominent intercellular spaces
Cytokeratin present are 1, 6, 10, 16 Cytokeratin present are 3, 14, 19
In this layer size of cells is less In this layer size of cells is large
Less closely applied adjacent cell surfaces More closely applied adjacent cell surfaces
Tonofilaments are in bundles and they remain more organized Tonofilaments does not remain in bundles and are less organized
Odland bodies are ovoid having alternating electron dense and Odland bodies are round in shape with central electron dense core
lucent areas from which delicate radiating strands are observed
Stratum granulosum
Distinct keratohyaline granules are seen Stratum granulosum is absent
Stratum corneum
It consists of keratin flakes It consists of flattened cells
Superficial cells does not consists of nucleus or cytoplasmic Surface cells consists of nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles

Fig. 87: Keratinized mucosa (H and E stain) Fig. 88: Nonkeratinized mucosa (H and E Stain)
(For colour version see Plate 29) (For colour version see Plate 29)

Q.47. Define oral mucous membrane. Write functions and Orthokeratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium
classifications of oral mucous membrane. Describe
♦♦ Orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium is one
orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium with
well labeled diagram. of the type of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
♦♦ Straum corneum layer represents the orthokeratinization.
 (Sep 2018, 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 10 Marks)
Ans. For definition of oral mucous membrane refer to Ans 37 ♦♦ Orthokeratinized surface results when cells lost their nuclei
of same chapter. and cytoplasm has been displaced by large number of
For function of oral mucous membrane refer to Ans 37 keratin filaments. This pattern of maturation is known as
of same chapter. orthokeratinization.
For classification of oral mucous membrane refer to ♦♦ Orthokeratinized surface can only be produced when there
Ans 8 of same chapter. is well defined stratum granulosum.
706 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Surface of gingiva and palate consists of orthokeratinized

stratified squamous epithelium as they are associated with 10. SALIVARY GLAND
masticatory function.
♦♦ Orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium consists Q.1. Describe the microscopic features of serous and
of all four layers of keratinized epithelium, i.e. stratum mucous cells. Add a note on composition of saliva.
basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum and  (Sep 2005, 15 Marks)
stratum corneum. Ans. Salivary glands contain serous and mucous cells.
Serous cells: Serous cells are specialized for all synthesis,
storage and secretion of proteins.
• Typical serous cell is pyramidal in shape. With its
broadbase resting on a thin basal lamina and its
narrow apex bordering on the lumen.

Fig. 89: Orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium

Q.48. Enumerate nonkeratinocytes. (Sep 2018, 2 Marks)

Ans. Following are the nonkeratinocytes: Fig. 90:  Serous acini (For colour version see Plate 29)
• Melanocytes • Spherical nucleus is located in the basal region of
• Langerhans cell the cell, occasionally binucleated.
• Merkel cells • Secretory granules are located in the apical cytoplasm.
• Inflammatory cells, i.e. lymphocytes and leucocytes • Basal portion of the cytoplasm is filled with ribosome-
Q.49. Write very short answer on zones of basement studded endoplasmic reticulum (RER), a closed
membrane. (Aug 2018, 2 Marks) system of membranous sacs or cisternae. Golgi
Ans. There are two zones of basement membrane i.e. clear apparatus is located apical on lateral to the nucleus.
zone or lamina lucida and dark zone or lamina densa. • Serous cells also contain a few peroxisomes
(microbodies), small organelles containing the
Clear Zone or Lamina Lucida enzyme catalase and other oxidative enzymes. Bundle
♦♦ Basement membrane is made up of clear zone just below of tonofilaments, associated with desmosomes and
epithelial cells. microfilaments may be seen in the cytoplasm.
♦♦ Lamina lucida is 20 to 40 nm wide glycoprotein layer which Mucous cells: Its structure differs from serous cell.
consists of Type IV collagen and an antigen bounded by
antibody KF – 1.
♦♦ Lamina lucida consists of laminins and bullous pemphigoid
♦♦ Laminins along with type IV collagen promote epithelial
cell growth.

Dark Zone or Lamina Densa

♦♦ Basement membrane consists of dark zone beyond lamina
lucida and adjacent to connective tissue.
♦♦ Anchoring fibrils which consists of Type VII collagen form
the loops and are inserted to lamina densa. Collagen fibers
of Type I and II run via these loops.
♦♦ Lamina densa consists of Type IV collagen coated with
heparin sulfate in chicken wire configuration. Fig. 91:  Mucous acini (For colour version see Plate 30)
Dental Histology  707

• Apex of the cell appears empty except for their Statherins: Statherin has very high affinity for calcium and
strands of cytoplasm forming a tubercular network. phosphate minerals. They stop precipitation of supersaturated
The nucleus and a thin rim of cytoplasm are calcium phosphate in ductal saliva as well as in oral fluid.
compressed against the base of the cell. Lysozyme: These enzyme play important role in antibacterial
• Mucous cell is seen to be filled with pale, electron- action.
lucent territory droplets. Lactoferrin: It has antibacterial properties. The oxidized
• These droplets are usually longer than serous granules iron part of the lactoferrin oxidizes bacteria by formation of
and may be irregular on compressed in shape. peroxides which causes breakdown of cell membrane.
• Nucleus of the mucous cell is oval or flattened Histatins: They have antifungal properties. They also disrupt
in shape and located just above the basal plasma the cell cycle and causes generation of reactive oxygen species.
• The RER, mitochondria and other organelles are also Other Organic Components
limited to a narrow band of cytoplasm. ♦♦ Various blood group antigens are secreted in the saliva.
♦♦ Sugars like glucose are secreted in the saliva.
Composition of Saliva
♦♦ Steroid hormones like cortisol, estrogen and testosterone
Saliva contain 99% of water 1% organic and inorganic substances. are secreted in minimal quantities.
♦♦ Ammonia and urea are also present in very less quantities.
Inorganic Contents of Saliva
Q.2. Write a note on function of saliva.
Calcium and phosphate: They protect mineralized enamel  (Feb 2005, 5 Marks) (Sep 2007, 5 Marks)
surface form dissolution. Calcium ion concentration in saliva is  (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
1.5 mmol/L. Phosphate ion concentration is 5.6 mmol/L. Or
Fluoride: Fluoride promotes remineralization of teeth which Write short note on functions of saliva.
are decaying by dental caries.  (Nov 2009, 5 Marks), (Nov 2010, 5 Marks)
Fluoride concentration is about 1.5 mM/L.  (May/June 2009, 10 Marks) (Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
Hydrogen carbonate: It acts as buffering agent in saliva.  (Dec 2014, 2 Marks)
Concentration of hydrogen carbonate is 2.9 mM/L. It neutralizes Or
the acids released by bacteria. Write very short answer on functions of saliva.
Thiocyanate: Thiocyanate is oxidized by salivary peroxides and  (Aug 2018, 2 Marks)
it get converted to hypothiocyanate. Hypothiocyanate acts as an Ans.
antibacterial agent. Its concentration in saliva is about 2.5 mM/L.
Functions of Saliva
Other Inorganic Components
♦♦ Cleaning of mouth: Since saliva is watery it produces a
♦♦ Sodium ions are in very less quantity in saliva. Its flushing action on the teeth which helps in removing the
concentrations increase along with the increase in flow rate. food debris as well as non-adherent forms of bacteria which
♦♦ Potassium ions are the major inorganic ions in saliva, as collects over the teeth.
they are secreted throughout the ductal system. ♦♦ Lubrication and deglutition: Saliva provides lubrication
♦♦ Other inorganic components such as lead, cadmium and to oral tissues by mucus and various other glycoproteins
copper. which help provide lubrication at time of speech. It also
helps in formation of bolus which can easily slide into the
Organic Contents of Saliva esophagus.
Organic contents of saliva are as follows: ♦♦ Antimicrobial function: Saliva consists of various
Amylase: It constitute the major component of salivary proteins, components which produce antimicrobial activity. The
i.e. about 50%. Amylase digests the starch. Mostly salivary components are lysozyme, lactoferrin, histatins and salivary
amylase is secreted from parotid gland. peroxidases. Saliva also consists of immunoglobulin
such as IgA which provides antimicrobial action by
Proline-rich proteins: They constitute about 40 to 45% of
agglutinating certain microorganisms and preventing their
salivary proteins. They reside in the salivary pellicle. Pellicle
adherence to the oral mucosa.
function as diffusion barrier, and slows the attacks by bacterial
♦♦ Buffering function: Saliva consists of bicarbonate ions
acids and loss of dissolved calcium and phosphate ions. which neutralize the acids which are produced by bacteria,
Mucins: Mucus consists of large, heavily glycosylated proteins. these acids can cause dissolution of teeth and cause dental
It forms 5–10% of salivary proteins. Mucous acts as diffusion caries. So due to its buffering action saliva dissolve the acid
barrier against contact with noxious substances. It also act as a and prevent caries.
lubricant foo minimizing shear stresses. ♦♦ Digestive function: Saliva consists of digestive enzymes
Lingual lipase: It is secreted by von Ebner’s glands as well as such as amylase and lipase. These enzymes causes start
parotid gland. It helps in the digestion of milk fat in newborns. digestion of food from oral cavity, e.g. enzyme amylase and
708 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

lipase break starch into maltase and lipids into diglycerides • Duct of parotid gland, i.e. Stenson’s duct open into
and free fatty acids. cavity on the buccal mucosa opposite the maxillary
♦♦ Mineralization: Tooth surface is always coated with saliva. second molar.
Since saliva consists of calcium and phosphate ions, they • Parotid gland is a fine serous gland.
increase the surface hardness of teeth which provide • All acinal cells are similar in structure to serous cells.
resistance of teeth to demineralization. • Electron microscopic study indicates that the serous
♦♦ Taste: Saliva dissolves the food substances so that they can granules may have a dense central core.
be perceived by the receptors located in the taste buds. • The intercalated ducts of the parotid are long and
♦♦ Tissue repair: Saliva consists of epidermal growth factor branching and the pale staining striated ducts are
and vascular endothelial growth factor which leads to numerous and stand out conspicuously against more
repair and regeneration of oral tissues. densely stained acini.
♦♦ Excretion: Many substances from blood reaches saliva and • The connective tissue septa in the parotid contain
saliva is considered as the route of excretion. numerous fat cells.

Q.3. Write a short note on composition and function of Light Microscopic Structure of Parotid Gland or Serous Gland
saliva. (Feb/Mar 2004, 5 Marks)
Parotid gland is the largest salivary gland. It has a well-defined
capsule. Septa divide the gland into lobes and lobules.
Write a note on composition and function of saliva. 
♦♦ Secretory acini: Acini are purely serous in nature and
 (Oct 2006, 5 Marks)
that’s why they are known as serous acini. Serous acini
are compound alveolar, small in size and rounded in
Describe composition of saliva. (Feb 2013, 5 Marks) shape. They show very small lumen or mostly the lumen is
Or obliterated. Serous acinus is lined by small pyramidal cells
and their number within an acinus is more. Serous acini
Write about saliva composition and function.
stain dark. Serous acini are surrounded by thin contractile
 (Feb 2013, 10 Marks)
myoepithelial (basket) cells.
Or ♦♦ Serous cells: They are pyramidal in shape. They are small
Write composition of saliva and enumerate functions in size compared to mucous cells. Serous cells stain dark
of saliva. (Sep 2018, 3 + 2 marks) when stained with hematoxylin and eosin stain. Nuclei
Or are rounded and situated in center more toward basal part
of cell. Apical portion contains large number of secretory
Write functions and composition of saliva. granules, i.e. zymogen granules. Base of serous cell is
 (Aug 2018, 2 + 3 marks) basophilic (blue) and apical portion is acidophilic (pink).
Ans. Refer to Ans 1 for composition and 2 for function of ♦♦ Ducts: Interlobular ducts are present in the connective
saliva. tissue septa. These ducts may be lined by simple columnar
or pseudostratified columnar epithelium. The intralobular
Q.4. Write note on saliva. ducts are seen between acini. The intercalated ducts are
 (Sept 2000, 5 Marks) (Jan 2012, 5 Marks) lined by simple squamous to low cuboidal epithelium.
Ans. Refer to Ans 1 and 2 of the same chapter. They are long and branching in parotid gland. The striated
Q.5. Write a short note on properties and function of Saliva. ducts are lined by simple low columnar epithelium and
 (Sept 2002, 6 Marks) show basal striations. Striations are responsible for bright
Ans. Refer to Ans 2 of the same chapter. eosinophilic (acidophilic) staining reaction of these ducts.
Adipose tissue may be seen among acini and smaller ducts.
Q.6. Write short note on parotid gland.(Feb 2002, 6 Marks) In between the lobules in connective tissue septa aretrioles,
Or venules and interlobular excretory ducts are located.
Write short note on serous gland (Oct 2016, 3 Marks) Q.7. Write a short note or Stenson’s duct?
Or  (Feb 2002, 6 Marks)
Ans. Stenson’s duct is main excretory duct of parotid gland.
Write short note on light microscopic features of • Stenson’s duct carries the secretion of parotid gland
serous salivary gland. (May 2017, 3 Marks) into the oral cavity.
Ans. Parotid gland is largest major salivary gland. • Stenson’s duct open into oral cavity on the buccal
• Parotid gland is bilaterally paired major salivary mucosa opposite the maxillary second molar.
gland. • Opening is usually marked by a small papilla.
• Parotid gland is enclosed within a well formed • Main duct (Stenson’s duct) is formed by the union
connective tissue. of striated ducts, which are formed by smallest
• Location: Its superficial part lying in front of the intercalated ducts.
external ear and its deeper part lies behind ramus of • Intercalated ducts found in terminal secretory unit, i.e.
mandible filling the retero-mandibular fossa. serous acini in parotid gland and collect their secretion.
Dental Histology  709

Q.8. Describe anatomy and physiology of submandibular • Glossopalatine gland:

salivary gland. (Mar 2001, 15 Marks) –– These are pure mucous glands.
Or –– Principally localized in the region of the isthmus
in the glossopalatine fold.
Write a short note on submandibular salivary gland. • Palatine glands:
 (Sept 2002, 5 Marks) –– These are also pure mucous glands.
Ans. Submandibular Gland –– They consist of several granular aggregates in the
lamina propria of hard palate and in the submu-
cosa of soft palate.
–– Openings of the ducts on the palatal mucosa are
often large and easily recognizable.
• Lingual gland:
–– Glands of tongue can be divided into several
–– Anterior lingual glands are located near the apex
of tongue.
Anterior region - chiefly mucous
Posterior portion - mixed.
–– Posterior lingual mucous glands are located
lateral and posterior to the vallate papillae. They
are purely mucous. Their ducts open into the
Fig. 92:  Submandibular salivary gland dorsal surface of tongue.
(For colour version see Plate 30) –– The posterior lingual serous glands (von Ebner’s
glands) are purely serous gland located between
• Submandibular gland is the major salivary gland. the muscle fibers of tongue below the vallate
• It forms the major portion of saliva. papillae.
• Submandibular gland is enveloped by a well defined
capsule. Q.10. Write note on mixed salivary gland.
• Submandibular gland is bilaterally paired, well (Feb 2006, 2.5 Marks) (Mar 2007, 2.5 Marks) (Apr 2008,
defined, capsulated, submandibular gland is located 2.5 Marks) (Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
at the submandibular triangle behind and below Ans. Salivary gland which contains both serous and mucous
the mylohyoid muscle, with a small extension lying acini called as mixed salivary gland.
above the mylohyoid. ♦♦ Mixed salivary glands are:
• Its secretion reaches in the oral cavity by main • Major mixed salivary gland
excretory duct, i.e. Wharton’s duct. –– Submandibular salivary gland: It is located in
• This duct opens at the coruncula sublingualis. submandibular triangle. The main excretory
• Coruncula sublingualis is a small papilla at the side duct (Wharton’s duct) open at the coruncula sub
of the lingual frenum on the floor of the mouth. lingualis.
• Submandibular gland is a mixed gland. –– Sublingual salivary gland: It lies between the floor
• It has both serous and mucous secretory units. of the mouth and mylohyoid muscles. Its ducts
• Serous units are predominant. open near the opening of submandibular duct.
• Mucosal terminal portions are capped by demilunes • Minor mixed salivary glands are:
of serous cells. –– Labial salivary gland
–– Buccal salivary gland
Q.9. Write a note on minor salivary gland.
–– Lingual salivary gland.
 (Sept 2003, 5 Marks)
For more details refer to Ans 13 of same chapter
Ans. Minor salivary glands are located beneath the
epithelium in almost all parts of the oral cavity. Q.11. Write briefly on functions of teeth.
♦♦ They lack a distinct capsule.  (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
♦♦ The secretory units open via short ducts directly into the Ans. The teeth form a part of the masticatory apparatus and
mouth. are fixed to the jaw.
• Labial and buccal gland: • The permanent teeth are 32 in number and consist of
–– These are glands of the lip and cheeks. 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolar and 3 molar in each
–– They are mixed glands. half of each jaw.
–– They consist of mucous tubules with serous - The shape of a tooth is adapted to its function
demilunes. - The incisors are cutting teeth
–– Intercalated ducts open directly in mouth. - The canines are holding and tearing teeth
710 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

- Molars and premolars help in mastication, they Describe serous demilunes. (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
are grinding teeth Ans. The meaning of demilune is “Half moon”:
• Teeth also help in speech • In routine tissue preparation, the serous cells are
• Teeth provide the shape of face. more removed from the lumen of acinus and are
Q.12. Write briefly major salivary gland. (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) shaped as demilunes, at periphery of mucus acinus.
Ans. The major salivary glands are: • In routine H and E preparations, mucous acini have
• Parotid: Refer to Ans 6 of the same chapter a cap of serous cells which are thought to secrete into
• Submandibular: Refer to Ans 8 of the same chapter. the highly convoluted intercellular space between
• Sublingual Salivary Gland: mucous cells. Because of their appearance in histologic
- It is the smallest of all the major salivary glands. sections, such caps are called as serous demilunes.
- It is of almond shape. • Serous demilunes are the artifacts of the traditional
- It lies in between the floor of mouth below fixation method.
mucosa and above mylohyoid muscle. Formation of Demilune
- The duct of sublingual gland is Bartholin’s gland.
- Bartholin duct open near the submandibular The process of demilune formation can be explained by
duct. expansion of mucinogen, a major component of secretory
- It is a mixed gland. granules, during routine fixation. This expansion increases
- Mucous secretory units are greater in number the volume of mucous cells and displaces serous cells from
than serous units. their original position thus creating demilune effect. A similar
- Gland receives its blood supply from sublingual phenomenon is seen in intestinal mucosa.
and submental arteries. Q.15. Write a short note on myoepithelial cell.
- Lymphatic drainage of the gland is to subman-  (Dec 2010, 2 Marks) (June 2010, 5 Marks)
dibular lymph node.
Q.13. Write about histology of mixed salivary gland.
Write on myoepithelial cell. (Apr 2017, 3 Marks)
 (Nov 2008, 5 Marks)
Ans. Or
♦♦ Mixed salivary gland consists of both serous and mucous Answer in brief myoepithelial cells. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
♦♦ At places mucous acini are capped by the serous acini
which present half moon appearance in some of the Write short answer on myoepithelial cells.
sections. These are known as serous demilunes.  (Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
♦♦ Interlobular ducts are lined by simple columnar or Ans. Myoepithelial cells are closely related to seceretory and
pseudostratified columnar epithelium. intercalated duct cells.
♦♦ Intralobular ducts are seen in between acini. • They are stellate or spider like with a flattened
♦♦ Striated ducts are large and branching and are present in nucleus, scanty perinuclear cytoplasm and long
between acini. branching processes that embrace the secretory and
♦♦ Striated ducts are lined by simple low columnar epithelium duct cells.
and they show basal striations. • In case of intercalated duct the myoepithelial cells
have a more fusiform shape and are elongated
with a few short processes. The processes in the
acini lie gutters hence the outline of acini appears
smooth but in the intercalated ducts the processes
run longitudinally on the surface creating a bulge.
• Their appearance is reminiscent of a basket cradling
the secretory unit, hence the term ‘basket cell”.
• Myoepithelial cells are similar to smooth muscle
cells but are derived from epithelium. These cells
are located around the terminal secretory units and
the first portion of duct system.
• They lie between the basal lamina or basement
membrane of the parenchyma cells and are joined
to the cells by desmosomes.
Fig. 93:  Mixed salivary gland  (For colour version see Plate 30)
The myoepithelial cells actively can:
Q.14. Write short note on demilunes. (Oct 2008, 2 Marks) • Accelerate the initial outflow of saliva from the acini
Or • Reduce luminal volume
Dental Histology  711

• Contribute to secretory pressure in acini Mucous Acini

• Support the underlying parenchyma and reduce the • Mucous acini are compound tubular
back permeation of fluid. • It is oval or tubular in shape
• Help salivary flow to overcome increase in peripheral • It is larger in size when compared to serous acini
resistance to duct. • It has more number of cells compared to serous acini
• Lumen of mucous acini is wide
• Cells of mucous acini are columnar in shape
• Nucleus in cells of mucous acini is flattened in shape
and is placed at basal plasma membrane of cell
• Apically the cytoplasm is empty in H and E stained
Q.18. Classify salivary glands. Describe the function and
composition of saliva. (Jan 2012, 15 Marks)
Ans. For classification refer to Ans 16 of same chapter.
For function of saliva refer to Ans 2 and for composition
of saliva refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
Q.19. Classify salivary glands. Write in detail about ductal
Fig. 94:  Myoepithelial cell system of salivary glands. (Feb 2014, 8 Marks)
Q.16. Write about classification of human salivary glands
and histology of mixed salivary gland. Classify and discuss ductal system of salivary glands.
 (May/June 2009, 10 Marks)  (Sep 2017, 10 Marks)
Ans. Classification of Human Salivary Glands: Ans. For classification refer to Ans 16 of same chapter.
♦♦ Based on size Ductal System of Salivary Glands
• Major salivary gland: Parotid, submandibular and
sublingual glands. ♦♦ The ductal system of salivary gland consists of a hollow tube
• Minor salivary gland: Group of small glands located which initially is connected to acinus and with other ducts.
in oral mucosa. ♦♦ Ductal pattern of compound tubuloacinar gland has
♦♦ Based on location intralobular ducts, i.e. intercalated ducts and striated
ducts. These ducts are seen inside the lobes connecting
• Extraoral: Three pair of major glands located outside
acini. The intralobular ducts leads to interlobular duct,
the oral cavity.
i.e. excretory duct.
• Intraoral: Group of minor salivary glands widely
♦♦ Ductal system consists of secretory portion and excretory
distributed in oral mucosa.
portion. Secretory portion modify the saliva by ion exchange,
♦♦ Based on nature of secretion i.e. by intercalated and striated ducts and excretory portion
• Serous: Parotid gland and Von Ebner’s gland leads to transport of saliva, i.e. by excretory duct.
• Mucous: Sublingual gland and all minor salivary ♦♦ Microscopically three ducts are identified, i.e. intercalated,
glands except Von Ebner gland striated and excretory ducts.
• Mixed: Submandibular gland.
For histology of mixed salivary gland refer to Ans 13 of same
Q.17. Write short note on serous and mucous acini.
 (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
Ans. Serous Acini
• Serous acini are compound alveolar
• It is circular or rounded in shape
• It is smaller in size when compared to mucous acini
• It has less number of cells compared to mucous acini
• Lumen of serous acini is small Fig. 95:  Ductal system of salivary gland
• Cells of serous acini are pyramidal in shape Histology of Ductal System
• Nucleus in cells of serous acini is round in shape
and is placed at basal 1/3rd part of cell Intercalated Ducts
• Apically the cytoplasm is eosinophilic in H and E ♦♦ They are first element of intralobular ductal system.
stained sections because of presence of zymogen ♦♦ They are lined by a single layer of low cuboidal epithelial
granules. cells with empty appearing cytoplasm.
712 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Cells of intercalated duct consists of few secretory granules, ♦♦ Intercalated ducts provide some secretory materials to
some rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and a saliva, i.e. lysozymes and lactoferrin.
round or oval centrally placed nucleus. ♦♦ Intercalated and striated ducts resorb some proteins.
♦♦ Intercalated ducts are supported by basement membrane ♦♦ Striated ducts provide glycoprotein and kallikrein to saliva.
and adjacent cells are attached to each other by inter- ♦♦ Striated duct modify electrolyte concentration of saliva.
cellular junctions. ♦♦ Excretory duct along with striated duct modify tonicity
♦♦ Myoepithelial cells are found between basal plasma of saliva.
membrane of lining cells and supporting basement ♦♦ Excretory duct releases mucin in saliva.
membrane. Q.20. Classify salivary gland. Add a note on mixed major
♦♦ They consist of lysozymes, lactoferin and various unknown salivary gland. (Apr 2015, 8 Marks)
components which are stored in their secretory granules.
Ans. Classification of salivary gland
All these components are contributed to saliva.
I. Based on size
Striated Duct 1. Major salivary gland: Parotid, submandibular and
sublingual glands
♦♦ Striated ducts are the next largest intralobular type and are
2. Minor salivary gland: Group of small glands in oral
located between intercalated ducts and excretory ducts.
mucosa. These are named according to their location
♦♦ Lumen of striated ducts is large and is lined by single layer
i.e. buccal, labial, lingual, palatine and glossopalatine.
of columnar cells.
II. Based on location
♦♦ Cells of striated duct has rounded nucleus which is
1. Extra oral: Three pairs of major salivary glands situated
centrally placed and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.
outside oral cavity
♦♦ Basal portion of cell produce striated appearance, hence it
2. Intra oral: Group of minor salivary glands distributed
is known as striated duct.
in oral mucosa
♦♦ Electron microscopy shows abundant large mitochondria
III. Based on nature of secretion
which is radially oriented and is located in portion of
1. Serous glands: Parotid and Von Ebner’s glands
cytoplasm between membrane infoldings. This combination
2. Mucous glands: Sublingual gland and all minor salivary
of mitochondira and infolding leads to striations.
glands except Von Ebner’s glands
♦♦ Apical part of plasma membrane show microvilli which
3. Mixed glands: Submandibular glands
project in the lumen.
♦♦ Few basal cells and oncocytes too are seen. Oncocytes have For note on major mixed salivary gland i.e. submandibular
dark eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. gland refer to Ans 8 of same chapter.
Q.21. Enumerate the functions of saliva.
Excretory Duct  (Sep 2015, 2 Marks)
♦♦ Striated ducts join each other to form large intralobular Or
ducts, i.e. excretory duct. List four functions of saliva. (Aug 2016, 2 Marks)
♦♦ These ducts increase in the size and consists of increasing
layers of connective tissue. Or
♦♦ As excretory ducts enlarges it consists of two layes, i.e. Enlist functions of saliva. (May 2017, 2 Marks)
mucosa and outer connective tissue adventitia.  (Jan 2018, 2 Marks)
♦♦ Mucosal epithelium consists of pesudostratified columnar Ans. Enumeration of functions of saliva:
epithelial cells. Occasional goblet cells and ciliated cells 1. Cleaning of mouth
can be seen. 2. Lubrication and deglutition
♦♦ Ductal epithelium undergoes a transition from stratified 3. Antimicrobial function
epithelium to cuboidal epithelium and finally to stratified
4. Buffering function
squamous epithelium.
5. Digestive function
♦♦ Excretory ducts also consist of tuft or brush cells with long
6. Mineralisation
stiff microvilli and apical vesicles.
7. Taste
♦♦ At times cells with pale cytoplasm and dense nuclear
8. Tissue repair
chromatin are visible towards base of duct epithelium
9. Excretion.
which are known as lymphocytes and macrophages.
♦♦ Dendritic cells are also seen with long branching processes Q.22. Write the difference between mucous and serous
which extend between epithelial cells. salivary gland acini with well labeled diagrams.
 (Sep 2015, 5 Marks)
Functions of Ductal System
♦♦ Ductal system is a passage by which saliva is secreted by
acini and reaches oral cavity. Saliva secreted by acini is Write differences between mucous and serous acini.
known as primary saliva and it undergo modification by  (Apr 2017, 3 Marks)
various ducts to form secondary saliva. Or
Dental Histology  713

Classify salivary gland. Discuss differences between • Saliva has a pH normal range of 6.2–7.6 with 6.7 being the
serous and mucous acini. (May 2018, 10 Marks) average pH. Resting pH of mouth does not fall below 6.3.
Ans. For classification of salivary gland refer to Ans 16 of same In the oral cavity, the pH is maintained near neutrality
chapter. (6.7–7.3) by saliva.
Difference between mucus and serous salivary gland acini • The saliva contributes to maintenance of the pH by
two mechanisms. First, the flow of saliva eliminates
Mucous acini Serous acini carbohydrates that could be metabolized by bacteria
They are compound tubular They are compound alveolar and removes acids produced by bacteria. Second, acidity
It is oval or tubular in shape It is circular or rounded in from drinks and foods, as well as from bacterial activity,
shape is neutralized by the buffering activity of saliva.
It is larger in size compared to It is smaller in size compared to
serous acini mucous acini Q.25. Write short note on antimicrobial properties of saliva.
It has more number of cells It has less number of cells  (Aug 2016, 3 Marks)
compared to serous acini compared to mucous acini Ans. Saliva consists of many antimicrobial substances i.e.
Lumen of mucous acini is wide Lumen of serous acini is small antibacterial agents lysozyme, lactoferrins, calprotectin,
Cells of mucous acini are Cells of serous acini are lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulins, chromogranin A,
columnar in shape pyramidal in shape cystatins, histatins, Von Ebner’s gland protein, Secretory
Nucleus is flattened in shape Nucleus is rounded in shape leukocyte proteinase inhibitor.
and is placed at basal plasma and is placed at basal 1/3rd • Antimicrobial properties of saliva are produced by
membrane of cell part of cell the serous secretor cells of both major and minor
Apically the cytoplasm is empty in Apically cytoplasm is salivary glands.
H and E stained sections eosinophilic in H and E stained • Some of the high molecular weight salivary
sections due to presence of glycoproteins aggregate specific strains of oral
zymogen granules microorganisms and prevent their adhesion to the
For diagram refer to Ans 1 of For diagram refer to Ans 1 of oral tissues which facilitate their oral clearance.
same chapter same chapter
• Acinar cells secrete peroxidase enzyme while ductal
system secrete thyocyanate, both these enzymes
Q.23. Answer in brief Von Ebner’s gland. establish bactericidal system in saliva.
 (Feb 2016, 2 Marks) • Enzyme salivary peroxidase in presence of hydrogen
Ans. Von Ebner’s glands are the minor salivary glands peroxidase and thiocyanate form hypothiocyanate
• They are the posterior lingual serous glands. ion which inhibits bacteria.
• They are the extensive group of purely serous glands • Lysozyme an antibacterial protein hydrolyzes
which are located in between muscle fibers of tongue polysaccharide of bacterial cell wall which leads to
below circumvallate papillae. lysis of bacteria.
• Ducts of these glands open in trough of vallate • Important group of defensive substances in saliva
papillae and rudimentary foliate papillae on side are immunoglobulins. Most prominent salivary
of tongue. immunoglobulin is IgA. Salivary immunoglobulins
• Secretions of Von Ebner’s gland wash the trough of can act primarily through their ability to inhibit the
vallate papillae and prepare taste receptors for new adherence of microorganisms to oral tissues.
stimulus. • Lactoferrin an iron binding protein is an antibacterial
• Von Ebner’s gland secretes antibacterial enzymes substance, in presence of specific antibody enhances
peroxidase and lysozyme. the inhibitory effect of antibody on microorganisms.
• Von Ebner’s gland also secretes an enzyme known • Antiviral action is caused by cystatins, mucins,
as lingual lipase which along with pancreatic lipids immunoglobulins and Secretory leukocyte pro­
help in the digestion of lipids. teinase inhibitor.
• Antifungal action is caused by histatins, chro­
Q.24. Answer in brief pH of saliva. (Feb 2016, 2 Marks) mogranin A and immunoglobulins.
Ans. pH of saliva shows great deal of variation and it falls in
Q.26. Enumerate ducts of salivary glands.
a narrow range for most of the individuals.
 (Jan 2018, 2 Marks)
• pH at which any particular saliva ceases to be saturated Ans.
with calcium and phosphate is referred to as critical pH.
Its value is 5.5. Below critical pH the inorganic content Enumeration of Ducts of Salivary Glands
of tooth starts dissolving. ♦♦ Intralobular ducts
• Bicarbonate ions in saliva provide buffering action. • Intercalated ducts
Bicarbonate ions neutralize the acids produced by • Striated ducts
bacteria which leads to dissolution of teeth and protect ♦♦ Interlobular ducts
teeth from dental caries and also maintains pH of saliva. • Excretory ducts
714 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.27. Write very short answer on striated duct of salivary Eruptive Tooth Movement/Phase
gland. (May 2018, 2 Marks)
During the phase of eruptive tooth movement, the tooth moves
Ans. Striated ducts receive saliva from intercalated ducts.
from its position within the bone of the jaw to its functional
• Striated ducts form the largest portion of ductal position in occlusion, and the principal direction of movement
system which constitute intralobular component of
is occlusal or axial.
ductal system.
♦♦ During the eruptive phase of tooth movement significant
• Striated ducts are lined by a layer of tall columnar
epithelial cells with large, spherical, centrally placed development events occur that are associated with eruptive
nuclei. tooth movement.
• Cytoplasm is abundant and eosinophilic and show ♦♦ They include the formation of roots, periodontal ligament
prominent striations at basal ends of the cells, and dentogingival junction.
perpendicular to basal surface. ♦♦ Significant histological changes also occur in the tissues
• Under electron microscope abundant large mito­ overlying the eruptive tooth.
chondria, usually radially oriented, are located in ♦♦ Bone removal is necessary for permanent tooth to erupt.
portion of cytoplasm between membrane infoldings. ♦♦ As the deciduous tooth erupts, the permanent tooth germ
Combination of infoldings and mitochondria becomes situated specially and is entirely enclosed by
account for striations seen in light microscope. bone, except for a small canal (Gubernacular canal) that is
• Striated ducts are site of electrolyte reabsorption filled with connective tissues and often contains epithelial
especially of sodim and chloride and secretion of remnants of the dental lamina.
potassium and bicarbonate. ♦♦ This connective tissue mass is termed as the Gubernacular
• Striated ducts modify the organic content of primary cord. It may have a function in guiding the permanent
saliva. tooth as it erupts.
• Single layered epithelium of striated ducts consists of
simple cytokeratin intermediate filaments 8 and 18. Posteruptive Tooth Movement/Phase
Posteruptive tooth movements are those that:
11. TOOTH ERUPTION ♦♦ Maintains the position of the erupted tooth while the jaw
continues to grow
Q.1. Describe the process of eruption of teeth. ♦♦ Compensate for occlusal and proximal wear.
 (Sep 2000, 15 Marks) • The principal movement is an axial direction.
Or • It is associated with condylar growth, which separates
Define eruption and write about phases of eruption. the jaws and teeth.
 (Nov 2008, 10 Marks) • Bone deposition occurs at the alveolar crest and on
Ans. Eruption means the axial or occlusal movement of the the socket floor.
tooth from its developmental position within the jaw to • The movement to compensate occlusal and proximal
its functional position in the occlusal plane. Eruption of wear of the tooth is generally assumed that the
tooth involves following tooth movement: continuous deposition of cement around the apices
1. Pre-eruptive tooth movement/phase. of the roots of the teeth is sufficient to compensate
2. Eruptive tooth movement/phase for occlusal wear.
3. Posteruptive tooth movement/phase. Wear also takes place at the contact points and to
maintain tooth content proximal drift takes place. The
Pre-eruptive Tooth Movement/Phase
drift is seen as a selective deposition and resorption
When deciduous tooth germs first differentiate, they are very of bone on socket walls by osteoblast and osteoclast.
small and a good deal of space is between them.
♦♦ This space is soon used because of rapid growth of the
tooth germ, and crowding results.
♦♦ Crowding is then relieved by growth of the jaws in length,
which permits drifting of the tooth germs. The drifting or
growth of the tooth germ, demand remodeling of the bony
wall of the crypt.
♦♦ Remodeling is achieved by the selective deposition and
removal of bone by osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity.
♦♦ Permanent teeth with deciduous predecessors also move
before they reach the position from which they will erupt.
♦♦ The permanent molars, which have no deciduous
predecessors, also exhibit movement of the upper
permanent molar, first have their occlusal surfaces facing
distally and swing around only when the maxilla is grown. Figs 96A and B:  Tooth movement of anterior teeth
Dental Histology  715

to remove osteoid layer and expose the newly

denuded mineralized bone surface, providing the
stimulus to attract osteoclast to the site.
♦♦ Root formation theory: The root formation theory
supposes that the proliferating root impinges on a fixed
case. Thus converting an apically directed force into the
occlusal movement.
♦♦ Vascular pressure theory: Vascular pressure theory
supposes that a local increase in tissue fluid pressure in
the periapical region is sufficient to move the tooth.
♦♦ Periodontal Ligament Traction Theory: The ligament
traction theory proposed that “the cells and fibers of
ligament pull the tooth into occlusion.”
♦♦ Periodontal ligament consists of myofibroblasts which
Figs 97A and B:  Tooth movement of posterior teeth have contractile property.
♦♦ Fibroblasts get attached to one another and secrete a
Mechanism of Tooth Movement
protein known as fibronectin.
The mechanism that brings about tooth movement is a ♦♦ Network of myofibroblasts and binding material is known
combination of a number of factors: as fibronexus.
♦♦ Bone remodeling: Bone remodeling theory supposes that ♦♦ Myofibroblasts contracts and the contractile forces created
selective deposition and resorption of bone brings about by many other cells are combined because of intercellular
eruption. attachments.
♦♦ Root growth: The root growth theory supposes that the ♦♦ Now the combined forces are transferred through
proliferating root impinges on a fixed case, thus converting fibronexus on collagen fibers bundles which are aligned in
an apically directed force into occlusal movement. an appropriate inclination by root formation which causes
♦♦ Vascular pressure: The vascular pressure theory supposes tooth movement.
that a local increase in tissue fluid pressure in the periapical ♦♦ As the axial movement begins, dental follicle above the
region is sufficient to move the tooth. formed tooth structure make way for the tooth. Release
♦♦ Periodontal ligament traction: The ligament traction of the enzymes degenerate collagen fibers above the
theory proposes that the cells and fibers of the ligament erupting tooth.
pull the tooth into occlusion. ♦♦ Reduced enamel epithelium combine with gingival
Q.2. Write a short note on theories of eruption. epithelium and this lead to the formation of soft tissue
 (Sep 2002, 6 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks) channel in which the tooth enters and emerge in oral cavity
without causing bleeding.
Or ♦♦ This theory is the most accepted theory of tooth eruption.
Write short note on theories of tooth eruption?
Q.3. Describe dental follicle periodontal ligament theory
 (Mar 2006, 5 Marks) (Apr 2008, 5 Marks)
of tooth eruption. (Sep 2005, 5 Marks)
 (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 2 of the same chapter.
Write about theories of tooth movement. Q.4. What do you understand by active and passive
 (May/June 2009, 5 Marks) eruption? Describe one of the theories of eruption of
teeth. (Mar 2006, 15 Marks)
Write short note on theories of eruption. Or
 (July 2016, 3 Marks) Define active and passive eruption. (Sep 2018, 2 Marks)
Ans. Eruption means the axial or occlusal movement of the Ans. Active eruption: The actual movement of teeth towards
tooth from its developmental position within the jaw to the occlusal plane is called as active eruption.
its functional position in the occlusal plane. Passive eruption: The separation of the primary
attachment epithelium from the enamel surface is called
Theories of Eruption passive eruption.
♦♦ Bone remodeling theory: Bone remodeling theory Crown exposure which involves passive eruption and
supposes that selective deposition and resorption of bone further recession has been described in four stages that
brings about eruption. may be physiologic or pathologic.
• Osteoblast and osteoclast both involve in bone Stage I: This is physiologic stage. In this stage, the bottom
remodeling. of gingival sulcus remains on anatomical crown, i.e. on
• The bone living cells, the osteoblast under hormonal the enamel portion and apical end the attachment of
influence, secrete collagenase and proteolytic enzyme epithelium lies at the cementoenamel junction.
716 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Stage II: This is also physiologic stage. In this, the bottom Q.7. Write short note on periodontal ligament traction
of gingival sulcus lies on the enamel but the apical end theory. (Dec 2012, 3 Marks)
of attachment of epithelium has shifted from cemento Or
enamel junction to the cementum.
Write short note on ligament traction theory.
Stage III: In this stage, anatomical crown is fully exposed
 (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
in oral cavity. The bottom of the gingival sulcus shift to
Ans. Refer to Ans 10 of same chapter.
the cementoenamel junction. The epithelial attachment
also entirely shift on the cementum. Q.8. Theories of eruption. Write on any one in brief. 
Stage IV or Gingival Recession: This stage represents  (Feb 2013, 5 Marks)
gingival recession. Recession can be defined as exposure Ans. Theories of Tooth Eruption
of the root surface by an apical shaped in the position As related to mechanism of tooth movement many of
gingiva. the theories have been put forward for the explanation
For theories of eruption refer to Ans 2 of the same chapter. of eruption. Following are the theories of tooth eruption:
• Bone remodeling theory
Q.5. Define eruption and shedding and describe the various
• Root formation theory
theories of eruption. (Sep 2006, 15 Marks)
• Vascular pressure theory
Or • Periodontal ligament traction theory.
Define eruption and shedding. (Oct 2016, 2 Marks) For periodontal ligament traction in detail refer to Ans
Ans. Eruption means the axial or occlusal movement of the 6 of same chapter.
tooth from its developmental position within the jaw to Q.9. Write short note on active and passive eruption.
its functional position in the occlusal plane.  (Aug 2011, 5 Marks)
The physiologic process resulting in the elimination Or
of the deciduous dentition is called “shedding” or “
Answer in brief on active and passive eruption.
 (Feb 2016, 2 Marks)
For theories of eruption refer to Ans 2 of the same
chapter. Or

Q.6. Write in brief bloodless eruption.(Sep 2006, 5 Marks) Write short answer on active and passive eruption.
Ans.  (Aug 2018, 3 Marks)
♦♦ Bloodless eruption is explained by the periodontal Ans. For active and passive eruption refer to Ans 4 of same
ligament traction theory. chapter.
♦♦ The ligament traction theory proposed that “the cells and Q.10. Enumerate the different phases of eruption of teeth.
fibers of ligament pull the tooth into occlusion.” Describe in brief theories of tooth eruption.
♦♦ Periodontal ligament consists of myofibroblasts which  (Jan 2012, 10 Marks) (May 2014, 10 Marks)
have contractile property.
Ans. Phases of Eruption of Teeth
♦♦ Fibroblasts get attached to one another and secrete a
• Pre-eruptive phase
protein known as fibronectin.
• Eruptive phase
♦♦ Network of myofibroblasts and binding material is known
• Post-eruptive phase.
as fibronexus.
♦♦ Myofibroblasts contracts and the contractile forces created Theories of Tooth Eruption
by many other cells are combined because of intercellular
attachments. As related to mechanism of tooth movement many of the
♦♦ Now the combined forces are transferred through theories have been put forward for the explanation of eruption.
fibronexus on collagen fibers bundles which are aligned in Following are the theories of tooth eruption:
an appropriate inclination by root formation which causes ♦♦ Bone remodeling theory
tooth movement. ♦♦ Root formation theory
♦♦ As the axial movement begins, dental follicle above the ♦♦ Vascular pressure theory
formed tooth structure make way for the tooth. Release ♦♦ Periodontal ligament traction theory.
of the enzymes degenerate collagen fibers above the
Bone Remodeling Theory
erupting tooth.
♦♦ Reduced enamel epithelium combine with gingival ♦♦ Bone remodeling theory states that eruption of tooth is
epithelium and this lead to the formation of soft tissue due to selective deposition and resorption of bone which
channel in which the tooth enters and emerge in oral cavity occur around the developing tooth.
without causing bleeding. ♦♦ The resorption of bone at site of pressure and deposition
♦♦ This theory is the most accepted theory of tooth eruption of bone at site of tension results in tooth eruption.
Dental Histology  717

♦♦ Pressure exerted by growing tooth germ in axial direction ♦♦ Now the combined forces are transferred through
leads to remodeling of bone which forms a path for fibronexus on collagen fibers bundles which are aligned in
erupting tooth. an appropriate inclination by root formation which causes
♦♦ Osteoblasts and osteoclasts both actively take part in bone tooth movement.
remodeling which causes tooth eruption. ♦♦ As the axial movement begins, dental follicle above the
♦♦ Osteoblasts secrete the collagenase and various other formed tooth structure make way for the tooth. Release
proteolytic enzymes which leads to the dissolution of the of the enzymes degenerate collagen fibers above the
osteoid layer which expose the mineralized bone, this erupting tooth.
attracts the osteoclasts which causes bone resorption. ♦♦ Reduced enamel epithelium combine with gingival
epithelium and this lead to the formation of soft tissue
Root Formation Theory
channel in which the tooth enters and emerge in oral cavity
♦♦ Root formation theory states that eruption of tooth occurs without causing bleeding.
due to occlusal or axial movement of tooth because of the ♦♦ This theory is the most accepted theory of tooth eruption
formation of root.
Q.11. Define eruption of tooth and describe various theories of
♦♦ The occurrence of these two events provides the impression
tooth eruption. (Aug 2011, 10 Marks) (Oct 2014, 8 Marks)
that root formation leads to eruption of tooth.
♦♦ Various points which contradict the theory are: Or
• If root formation leads to pushing force for the Write about theories of tooth eruption.
eruption of teeth, root has to form on a fixed base.  (Jan 2012, 10 Marks)
If this happens then only the root can exert force in Ans. Eruption is defined as the axial or occlusal movement
opposite direction. Histology of root formation does of the tooth from its developmental position within the
not support this. Some investigators suggested that jaw bone to its functional position in the occlusal plane.
cushion-hammock ligament act as a fixed base at apex
For theories of tooth eruption refer to Ans 10 of same
of forming tooth. But this concept is not accepted.
• In various developmental disorders tooth remain
rootless, but teeth erupt in oral cavity. This explains Q.12. Enumerate theories of eruption. (Dec 2014, 2 Marks)
that root formation occur with eruption might not the  (Sep 2018, 2 marks) (Jan 2018, 2 Marks)
only factor which influences eruption. Or
Vascular Pressure or Hydrostatic Theory Define tooth eruption. List theories of tooth eruption.
 (Sep 2017, 2 Marks)
♦♦ Vascular pressure theory states that local increase in tissue
fluid pressure in periapical region of the tooth causes the Ans. Eruption means the axial or occlusal movement of the
occlusal movement of the tooth. tooth from its developmental position within the jaw to
♦♦ Periapical tissue has rich blood supply and consists of its functional position in the occlusal plane.
many blood vessels. Active fluid movement from these Enumeration of theories of tooth eruption
vessels in local periapical tissue leads to the swelling of • Bone remodeling theory
tissue. As periapical tissue is a closed space, swelling of • Root formation theory
tissue leads to local increase in pressure which is exerted on • Vascular pressure theory
tooth and causes tooth eruption. As the pressure difference • Periodontal ligament traction theory.
is transient the theory is doubtful. Q.13. Define eruption. Enumerate theories of eruption. Write
♦♦ Reduced eruption rate following the severity of blood in detail about the most accepted theory for eruption.
vessels to periapical region is observed. Role of vascular  (Feb 2013, 15 Marks)
eruption is not confirmed by this because lack of blood Ans. The movement of teeth from the developmental position
supply affects other factors such as tissue growth which inside the jaw to their functional position in the oral
leads to decrease in eruption rate. cavity is known as eruption.
Periodontal Ligament Traction Theory
Theories of Eruption
♦♦ The ligament traction theory proposed that “the cells and
fibers of ligament pull the tooth into occlusion.” Following are the theories of eruption:
♦♦ Periodontal ligament consists of myofibroblasts which ♦♦ Root formation theory
have contractile property. ♦♦ Bone remodeling theory
♦♦ Fibroblasts get attached to one another and secrete a ♦♦ Vascular pressure theory
protein known as fibronectin. ♦♦ Ligament traction theory.
♦♦ Network of myofibroblasts and binding material is known Most Accepted Theory for Eruption
as fibronexus.
♦♦ Myofibroblasts contracts and the contractile forces created Ligament traction theory is the most accepted theory for
by many other cells are combined because of intercellular eruption.
attachments. For details refer to Ans 10 of same chapter.
718 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ These are the multinucleated giant cells which lie in
resorption bays on dental hard tissue.
Q.1. Describe the process of shedding of deciduous tooth.
 (Sept 2003, 15 Marks) ♦♦ Odontoclasts are derived from monocytes.
Ans. Physiologic process resulting in the elimination of ♦♦ Cytoplasm of odontoclasts is vacuolated and they have
the deciduous dentition is called “shedding” or “ ruffled border and multiple mitochondria which show
exfoliation”. increase phosphatase activity.
• Shedding of deciduous teeth is the result of ♦♦ They can resorb all dental hard tissue including enamel.
progressive resorption of roots of teeth and their
supporting tissue, the periodontal ligament.
– Multinuclear cells similar to osteoclasts, i.e. Pressure from underlying permanent teeth play an important
odontoclast. role in resorption. This causes weakening of supporting tissues
– Pressure generated by the growing and erupting of primary teeth due to shortening of roots by resorption by
permanent tooth. odontoclasts.
Process / Mechanism of Resorption and Shedding For mechanism of shedding refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.

♦♦ Pressure from the erupting successional tooth plays a key Complications of Shedding of Deciduous Teeth
role in shedding because the odontoclasts appear at the
predicted sites of pressure. ♦♦ Deciduous teeth remanents: At times roots of deciduous
♦♦ For resorption to begin the hormones and cytokines have teeth are not in path of eruption, these fragments instead
to disrupt the cementoblast surface. of being resorbed get embedded in jaws.
♦♦ Odontoclast then attaches to the hard tissue surface ♦♦ Retained deciduous teeth
peripherally through the clear zone, thereby creating a In some cases deciduous teeth does not undergo resorption
sealed space lined by the ruffled border of the cell. In this because of shedding time. The retention is due to:
way a microenvironment results. • Impacted permanent teeth: At times permanent canine
♦♦ Membrane of the ruffled border acts as a proton pump, are impacted which causes retention of deciduous
adding hydrogen ions to the extracellular environment and canine tooth.
acidifying it so that mineral dissolution occurs. • Congenital missing of underlying permanent tooth:
♦♦ Broken minerals are engulfed by odontoclasts and are Permanent maxillary lateral incisors and mandibular
digested inside cytoplasmic vacuoles. second premolars sometimes are congenitally missing
♦♦ Primary lysosomes secrete their enzymatic contents into so the deciduous maxillary lateral incisors and
same environment to degrade the organic matrix. deciduous mandibular second molars may be retained
• Resorption occurs with the periods of activity followed
for the longer duration.
by rest.
• Ankylosis of tooth: This occurs due to the union of
• The pressure from erupting permanent successor
causes resorption of deciduous teeth. Other factors repairing cementum and adjacent bone. This lead to
also involves in tooth resorption. the prevention of eruption of underlying permanent
• Another factor which plays an important role in successor.
resorption of deciduous teeth apart from pressure ♦♦ Submerged tooth: Deciduous tooth get ankylosed due
exerted by erupting successor is the forces of to trauma or repair, it exhibit movement when there is
mastication which are applied to the deciduous tooth. an increase in height of alveolar bone. Due to this the
• Forces of mastication are also capable of initiating tooth appear at lower level when compared with adjacent
the resorption. tooth. These submerged teeth should be extracted
• With the increased growth of face as well as jaws, since they lead to prevention of eruption of permanent
there is increase in the size and strength of masticatory successor.
muscles. Periodontal ligament does not withstand
the excessive force which leads to trauma to the Q.3. Write short note on mechanism of shedding.
periodontal ligament and that initiate resorption.  (Mar 2013, 3 Marks)
♦♦ In case of periodontal ligament it has been demonstrated Ans. Refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
that apoptotic cell death is involved. This form of cell
Q.4. Write short note on mechanism of resorption and
death involves shrinkage of the cells so that they can be
shedding. (Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
phagocytosed by neighboring cells.
Ans. Refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
Q.2. Describe in detail factors and mechanism of shedding
and complications of shedding of deciduous teeth.  Q.5. Write short note on odontoclast. (Aug 2016, 3 Marks)
 (Nov 2010, 8 Marks) Ans. Cells which are responsible for removal of dental hard
Ans. Following are the factors in shedding of deciduous teeth: tissue are known as odontoclasts.
Dental Histology  719

• Odontoclasts are probably derived from tartrate- Ans. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on each side of head is
resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) positive formed by articulation between the articular eminence
circulating monocytes. and anterior part of glenoid fossa of temporal bone above
• Odontoclasts are commonly found on surfaces of and condylar head of mandible below.
roots in relation to advancing pemanent tooth. • It is a synovial joint.
• Histologically odontoclasts are similar to bone
resorbing osteoclasts. Parts of TMJ
• Under light microscope odontoclasts are identified Bony Structure
as large, multinucleated cells which occupy the
resorption bays on surface of dental hard tissue. ♦♦ Condyle of the mandible is composed of cancellous bone
Cytoplasm of cell is vacuolated and surface of the covered by thin layer of compact bone.
cell adjacant to resorbing hard tissue forms ruffled ♦♦ Roof of glenoid fossa consists of their compact layer of
border. bone.
• Under electron microscope ruffled border is seen ♦♦ Articular eminence consists of spongy bone covered by a
as extensive folding on cell membrane in the series thin layer of compact bone.
of invagination which are 2 to 3 µm deep, with
mineralized crystals under the depth of invagination.
Peripheral to ruffled border lies the clear zone in
which cytoplasm lack organelles but have numerous
filaments which consists of contractile proteins i.e.
actin and myosin.
• Clear zone represents the attachment apparatus of
• Cytoplasm of odontoclast consists of high content Fig. 99:  Temporomandibular joint
of mitochondria and many vacuoles which are
concentrated at ruffled border. Articular Fibrous Covering
• Odontoclasts fuse with each other to form multi­ A thick layer of fibroelastic tissue containing fibroblast and
nucleated giant cell as they attached to resorbing variable number of chondrocytes covers the condyle and
surface. articular eminence.
The fibrous covering of mandibular condyle is thick and
consist of strong collagen fibers in superficial layer.
♦♦ Fibrous layer covering the articulating surface of temporal
bones is thin in glenoid fossa and thickens on the articular
♦♦ Articular disc: TMJ contains fibrous articular disc that is
found between articular surfaces.
♦♦ It function as shock absorber. 
The disk is biconcave.
♦♦ The disk composed of dense fibrous tissue. Fibroblasts in
the disc are elongated and have flat cytoplasmic processes.
Synovial Membrane
The articular capsule is lined by synovial membrane.
♦♦ Synovial membrane form folds to form synovial villi that
is projecting into the joint spaces.
♦♦ Synovial membrane contains internal cells.
♦♦ A small amount of a clear, straw colored viscous fluid
Fig. 98:  Odontoclast
(synovial fluid) is found in the articular spaces.
♦♦ It acts as lubricant and also as nutrient fluid. Secreted by
synovial cells.
13. TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT Q.2. Write the capsular ligament of TMJ.
 (Sep 2002, 5 Marks) (Apr 2009, 5 Marks)
Q.1. Write a short note on temporomandibular joint.
Ans. A joint capsule covers the TMJ
 (Feb/Mar 2004, 5 Marks) (Sep 2007, 3 Marks)
♦♦ The joint capsule is a fibrous elastic sac.
Or ♦♦ Attachment of fibroelastic sac:
Write briefly on temporomandibular joint.  • Anteriorly: Attaches to the ascending slope of articular
 (Oct 2007, 5 Marks) eminence.
720 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Posteriorly: To the lips of the squamotympanic fissure. ♦♦ The epithelium is pseudostratified columnar and ciliated
• Superiorly: To the margins of the glenoid fossa. and is derived from the olfactory epithelium of middle
• Inferiorly: To the neck of condyle of mandible. nasal meatus.
–– The posterior capsule is highly vascular and ♦♦ In addition, there are basal cells, columnar nonciliated cells
sometimes is called ‘Pis vasculosa’. and mucous producing, secretory goblet cells.
–– Parotid gland is usually found in the posterior ♦♦ Ciliated cells: The ciliated cells enclosed the nucleus and
capsule of joint. electronlucent cytoplasm with numerous mitochondria
–– Lateral aspect of the capsule is strengthened by and enzyme containing organelles.
temporomandibular ligament. ♦♦ The basal bodies, which serve as the attachment of ciliary
–– Anterior surface is ill defined. microtubules.
–– Inner surface of capsule is smooth and glisten- ♦♦ Cilia are typically composed of 9+1 pair of microtubules.
ing because of pressure of a synovial membrane ♦♦ Cilia provide the motile apparatus.
lining. • Goblet cell: They contain all the characteristic features
of secretary cells.
♦♦ Basal segment contains nucleus.
14. MAXILLARY SINUS ♦♦ Cytoplasm also contains RER and SER and the Golgi
apparatus, all of which are involved in the synthesis of
Q.1. Write a short note on histology and function of the secretory mucous substance.
maxillary sinus. (Feb 2002, 6 Marks) Subendothelial gland: These are located in the subepithelial
layers of the sinus and reach the sinus lumen by way of excretory
Draw well labelled diagram of histology of maxillary ♦♦ The subendothelial gland contain both serous and mucous
sinus. Add a note on its functions. cells.
 (Jan 2018, 3 + 2 Marks)
Myoepithelial cells: Surrounded the acini. It composed of
Ans. Maxillary sinus is the pneumatic space that is lodged
either both secretory cells or a pure population of cells or either
inside the body of the maxilla and that communicate
secretory types.
with the environment by way of the middle nasal
meatus and nasal vestibule. Functions of Maxillary Sinus
• Base of pyramid is facing medially towards the nasal
cavity and the apex of which is pointed laterally ♦♦ Maxillary sinus help in both the functions olfactory as
towards the body of zygomatic bone. well as respiratory.
• The four sides are related to the surface of the maxilla ♦♦ It causes humidification and warming of inspired air and
in the following manner: contribution to the olfactory.
a. Anterior, to the facial surface of the body. ♦♦ It is possible that if air is arrested in the sinus for a certain
b. Posterior, to the infratemporal surface. time, it quickly reaches the body temperature thus protects
c. Superior, to the orbital surface. the internal structure, particularly the brain against
d. Inferior, to the alveolar and zygomatic processes. exposure of cold air.
♦♦ Other contribution in the response of voice, lightening of
Microscopic I Histological Features skull weight, enhancement of the faciocranial resistance
to mechanical shock, and the production of bacteriocidal
lysozyme to nasal cavity.
Q.2. Write note on maxillary sinus.
 (Oct 2006, 2 Marks) (Oct 2007, 5 Marks)
 (Dec 2010, 5 Marks)
Write short note on maxillary sinus. 
 (Apr 2007, 5 Marks) (Sep 2006, 5 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 1 of the same chapter.
Q.3. Write notes on anatomy of maxillary sinus.
 (Sep 2007, 2.5 Marks)
Ans. It is the largest sinus which lies in body of maxilla, also
known as antrum of Highmore.
Fig. 100:  Maxillary sinus (For colour version see Plate 31)
Shape and Boundaries
♦♦ Three microscopically distinct layers surround the space
of the maxillary sinus, the epithelial layer, basal layer and ♦♦ Pyramidal base formed by lateral wall of nose.
subepithelial layer. ♦♦ Apex pointing laterally in the root of the zygoma.
Dental Histology  721

♦♦ Upper wall or roof is thin and forms floor of the orbit. Q.6. Describe functions of maxillary sinus.
♦♦ Floor of the sinus formed by alveolar process of maxilla.  (June 2010, 5 Marks)
♦♦ Anteriolateral wall of the antrum is formed by the canine Or
fossa. Write briefly on functions of maxillary sinus. 
♦♦ Posterior lateral wall separate the antrum from infra-  (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
temporal fossa. Or
Give four functions of maxillary sinus. 
Ostium  (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
♦♦ The antrum opens into the nasal cavity through a small Or
ostium in middle meatus. Write short note on functions of sinus of Highmore.
♦♦ It is 3–4 mm in diameter.  (Apr 2017, 2 Marks)
♦♦ Communication with other paranasal sinus through lateral Or
wall of the nose. Write short answer on functions of maxillary sinus.
♦♦ Lined byciliated epithelium and is also known as  (May 2018, 3 Marks)
schneiderian epitheliun. Or
Write short note on functions of maxillary sinus.
Relations  (Sep 2018, 2 Marks)
♦♦ Posterior superior alveolar nerve is situated at posterior Ans. Following are the functions of maxillary sinus:
wall. • It causes humidification and warming of inspired
♦♦ Infraorbital nerve at roof. air and contribution to the olfactory.
♦♦ Roots of maxillary posterior teeth at floor. • It is possible that if air is arrested in the sinus for a
certain time, it quickly reaches the body temperature
Nerve Supply thus protects the internal structure, particularly the
♦♦ Superior dental nerve brain against exposure of cold air.
♦♦ Infraorbital nerve • It lightens the weight of skull.
♦♦ Greater palatine nerve. • It enhances the faciocranial resistance to mechanical
Blood Supply • It leads to the production of bacteriocidal lysozyme
Internal maxillary artery via to nasal cavity.
• It acts as a resonating box for production of voice.
♦♦ Infraorbital artery
♦♦ Posterior superior dental artery Q.7. Write about definition and functions of maxillary sinus
♦♦ Anterior superior dental artery. with a brief note on its histology. (Aug 2012, 10 Marks)
Ans. Definition
Venous Drainage
Maxillary sinus is the pneumatic space which is lodged
Inferior ophthalmic vein inside the body of maxilla and that communicates with
Anterior facial vein. the environment by way of the middle nasal meatus and
the nasal vestibule.
Lymphatic Drainage • For functions refer to Ans 6 of same chapter.
• For histology refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
Submandibular lymph node.
Q.4. Write the structure, histology and functions of
maxillary sinus. (Oct 2008, 5 Marks) 15. HISTOCHEMISTRY OF ORAL TISSUES
Ans. For structure refer to Ans 3 of same chapter. For
histology and functions of maxillary sinus refer to Q.1. Write notes on hematoxylin and eosin stain.
Ans 1 of same chapter. (Mar 1998, 5 Marks) (Mar 2009, 5 Marks)
(Feb. 2013, 2 Marks) (May 2014, 2 Marks)
Q.5. Write short note on microscopic features of maxillary
sinus. (Feb 2013, 2 Marks)
Answer in brief on hematoxylin and eosin stain.
 (Feb 2016, 2 Marks)
Write short note on histology of maxillary sinus lining. Ans. Hematoxylin stain is also called as H and E stain.
 (Aug 2016, 3 Marks) • Hematoxylin and eosin stain is the most popular
Or stain used in the histology.
Answer in brief histology of maxillary sinus. • The method involves application of basic dye, i.e.
 (May 2017, 2 Marks) hematoxylin which colour acidic structures with
Ans. For microscopic features refer to histology part of blue-purple colour and alcohol based Eosin-Y which
Ans 1 of same chapter. colour eosinophilic structures bright pink.
722 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Hematoxylin Ans. Equipment used for making ground sections includes a

laboratory lathe, a coarse and a fine abrasive lathe wheel,
♦♦ Hematoxylin is extracted from tree Hematoxylon
a stream of water directed onto the rotating wheel and a
campechianum. Oxidation of hematoxylin produces a
pan beneath to catch the water, a wooden block, some 13
coloured substance known as haematin which is a poor dye.
mm adhesive tape, Camel’s hair brush, ether, mounting
♦♦ This dye when used in combination of mordant it become
medium, microscopic slides and cover glasses.
♦♦ Color of dye is red but it turns blue when the treated tissue Steps for Preparation of Ground Section
section is immersed in weak alkali such as water. This is
known as blueing. ♦♦ The coarse abrasive lathe wheel is attached to the lathe and
♦♦ Hematoxylin mainly stains the nucleus. water is directed onto the wheel.
♦♦ Tooth is held securely in the fingers and its labial surface is
Eosin applied firmly to that flat surface of rapidly rotating wheel.
♦♦ Tooth is ground down nearly to the level of desired section.
♦♦ It is the counter stain.
♦♦ Coarse wheel is now exchanged for a fine abrasive lathe
♦♦ It is the red dye which is formed by action of bromine on
wheel, and the cut surface of the tooth is ground again,
until the level of desired section is reached.
♦♦ It is water and alcohol soluble.
♦♦ At this point a piece of adhesive tape is wrapped around
♦♦ Eosin is used to stain cytoplasm, muscle and collagen fibers.
the wooden block in such a way that the sticky side of the
Procedure of Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining tape is directed outward.
♦♦ Ground section of the tooth is whipped dry and then is
♦♦ Remove wax over the tissue with xylene. pressed onto the adhesive tape on one side of the wooden
♦♦ Rehydrate the tissue by immersing it in decreasing order block, it will stick fast.
of grades of alcohol ♦♦ With the block held securely in the fingers, the lingual
♦♦ Wash in water surface of the tooth is applied to the coarse abrasive lathe
♦♦ Stain with hematoxylin as per manufacturer’s instruction wheel, and the tooth is ground down to a thickness of about
♦♦ Differentiate in acid alcohol for 10 seconds 0.5 mm.
♦♦ Wash with water ♦♦ Then the coarse wheel is again exchanged for the fine
♦♦ Blueing is done by tap water or Scott’s water abrasive lathe wheel, and the grinding is continued till
♦♦ Rinse with water the section is as thin as desired.
♦♦ Stain with eosin
♦♦ The finished ground section is soaked off. Then it is dried
♦♦ Wash in running water
off for several minutes.
♦♦ Dehydrate by ascending grades of alcohol
♦♦ Drying for too long will result in cracking.
♦♦ Remove alcohol
♦♦ It is then mounted on a microscopic slide.
♦♦ Put tissue for clearing in Xylene.
♦♦ To do this, a drop of mounting medium is placed on the
slide, section is lifted with a Camel’s hair brush and is
placed on the drop, another drop of mounting medium is
put on top of the section, and a cover glass is affixed for
microscopic study.
Q.3. Write a note on preparation of ground section of canine.
 (Feb 2006, 2.5 Marks)
Ans. Refer to Ans 2 of the same chapter.
Q.4. Write a note on preparation of ground section of molar.
 (Sept 2007, 2.5 Marks) (Sep 2009, 5 Marks)
Ans. Uncalcified teeth can be studied without any loss of detail
by making their ground section.
Equipment requirement: Laboratory lathe, a coarse and
fine abrasive lathe wheel or arkansas stone and pumice
powder, a wooden block, adhesive tape, ether, mounting
medium, camel’s hair brush, microscope slides and cover
Fig. 101:  Hematoxylin and eosin stain Method: To make a ground section, teeth are cut with
(For colour version see Plate 31) laboratory lathe to which coarse abrasive wheel is
Q.2. Write a note on steps for preparation of ground section attached.
of incisor. • The coarse abrasive wheel is replaced by fine
 (Feb 2005, 5 Marks) (Apr 2010, 5 Marks) abrasive wheel and the ground surface of the cut
Dental Histology  723

tooth is held firmly against the rotating wheel till Q.6. Write short note on fixatives.
the desired section thickness is reached.  (Dec 2010, 2 Marks) (Feb 2013, 2 Marks)
• To avoid abrading the fingers and sections flying  (May 2011, 2 Marks)
off, the sections are attached on to the wooden block Ans.
with the help of adhesive tape. ♦♦ Fixation is defined as the process which attempts to
• To remove the adhesive, ground section is soaked preserve the tissues in a life like condition and prevent
in ether and then dried, then section is mounted autolysis of cells.
on a slide. ♦♦ It involves series of chemical events which stabilizes
• A drop of mountant is placed on the slide with proteins and tissue become resistant to damage during
a camel’s hair brush, the section is put on the processing and visualization.
mountant and a cover slip is placed on top of it. ♦♦ Fixatives are the chemical which causes fixation of tissue.
• After hardening of the mountant the section is ready ♦♦ Most commonly used fixative is 10% formalin.
to be examined under the microscope.
♦♦ Fixatives are divided in three main groups:
• After cutting the tooth into two, one side being held
1. Microanatomical
securely between the fingers, it is grounded on the
2. Cytological
Arkansas stone using a paste of pumice in water to
3. Histochemical.
dissipate the heat produced.
• The section is grounded till the desired thickness Microantomical Fixatives
and then mounted in same way.
They preserve anatomy of tissue with accurate relationship
Q.5. Write a short note on Mallory stain. of tissue layers. Fixatives of this group are Buffered formalin,
 (Oct 2008, 2 Marks) Gluteraldehyde, Zenker’s fluid, Acrolein etc.
Draw well labelled diagram of Mallory stain. Cytological Fixatives
 (Sep 2018, 2 Marks) They preserve the intracellular structures and inclusions.
Ans. It is a special stain used for staining the keratin layer. Fixatives of this group are Carnoy’s fluid, Muller’s fluid,
After staining by Mallory stain, organelles appear as Clarke’s fluid etc.
Histochemical Fixatives
• Keratin layer–Bright orange
• Granular layer–Violet They are used to demonstrate a particular substance. Fixatives of
• Spinous cell layer–Violet this group are Absolute alcohol, formol saline, cold acetone, etc.
• Nucleous–Dark Violet Q.7. Write short note on ground section.
• Basal Cell Layer–Dark Violet  (Oct 2016, 3 Marks) (Dec 2014, 2 Marks)
• Basement Membrane–Dark Violet
• Blood Vessel–Blue Or
• Fibroblast–Blue Write short note on ground section preparation.
• Muscle Fiber–Orange  (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
• Ground Substance–Sky Blue. Or
Answer in brief ground section.  (Oct 2016, 2 Marks)
♦♦ Decalcification of bone and teeth often obscures the
♦♦ Teeth in particular are damaged because tooth enamel,
being about 96% mineral substance, is usually completely
destroyed by ordinary methods of decalcification.
♦♦ Undecalcified teeth and undecalcified bone may be studied
by making thin ground sections of the specimens.

Steps of Making Ground Section

♦♦ Tooth is grinded by the use of laboratory lathe.
♦♦ Initial grinding is carried out by holding tooth in fingers
and pressing it against the rotating course abrasive wheel
of lathe.
♦♦ When the tooth become thin it is difficult to hold it with
Fig. 102:  Mallory stain the fingers, so it is tucked over the wooden block wrapped
(For colour version see Plate 31) with adhesive tape.
724 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

♦♦ Sticky side of the adhesive tape should be directed outward ♦♦ As mounting is completed the ground section should be
while using. studied under light microscope.
♦♦ Tooth is sticked with adhesive tape over the wooden block Q.9. Write short note on process of decalcified tissue
and is pressed to the rotating wheel of lathe so the tooth
processing and staining. (Dec 2014, 3 Marks)
become thin.
Ans. Processing of decalcified tissue
♦♦ Change the coarse wheel to fine wheel and continue
grinding till the section become sufficiently thin. • Mineralized tissue to be decalcified should be fixed
♦♦ Section removed from the adhesive tape is mounted over in 10% formalin.
the glass slide by mounting medium. • Place the mineralized tissue in the container with
acid of choice, i.e. commonly used acid solution is
Q.8. Write briefly on methods of studying mineralized
5% nitric acid.
tissue. (Aug 2012, 5 Marks)
• Solution should be changed everyday for few days
Ans. For studying mineralized tissues following procedures
and specimen is tested for decalcification.
can be opted for i.e. decalcified sections and ground
• As demineralization occur the hard tissue specimens
become soft and yellowish and are easily penetrated
Decalcified Sections by needle right up to the centre when it get
completely decalcified. The hard tissue specimens
♦♦ Decalcification is the process through which the calcium is
are now treated like routine soft tissue specimens.
removed from the mineralized tissue, this causes softening
• After completion of decalcification, the tissue
of mineralized tissue to make thin sections.
should be washed thoroughly in running tap water
♦♦ Enamel is not studied by this method because it is highly
mineralized and is lost completely by decalcification. overnight.
♦♦ Decalcification is done after fixation of tissue and before • As the tissue gets decalcified routine tissue
tissue processing. processing steps are to be followed:
♦♦ Acids such as 5% nitric acid, 10% formic acid and 1. Dehydration: Water is removed from tissue so
hydrochloric acids are used to decalcify the mineralized that wax can penetrate the tissue and make it
tissues. hard enough so that it can be sectioned. In this
step ascending grades of alcohol are used, i.e.
Procedure for Decalcification of Mineralized Tissue 70%, 75%, 80%, 90% and absolute alcohol are
♦♦ Mineralized tissue to be decalcified should be fixed in used. Time is half an hour to two hours in each
10% formalin. grade of alcohol.
♦♦ Place the mineralized tissue in the container with acid of 2. Clearing: Tissue is dipped in clearing agent so
choice, i.e. commonly used acid solution is 5% nitric acid. that it appears clear. Xylene is the commonly
♦♦ Solution should be changed everyday for few days and used clearing agent. Two changes of xylene are
specimen is tested for decalcification. done for 1 to 2 hours.
As demineralization occur the hard tissue specimens become 3. Impregnation: Tissue is immersed in molten
soft and yellowish and are easily penetrated by needle right upto paraffin wax and is kept in wax bath which is
the centre when it get completely decalcified. The hard tissue thermostatically operated for few hours. In this
specimens are now treated like routine soft tissue specimens. step two changes of wax are made.
4. Embedding: Now tissue is removed from the
Ground Section wax bath and is embedded in wax block. For
♦♦ Tooth is grinded by the use of laboratory lathe. doing this Leuckhart’s L-shaped metallic pieces
♦♦ Initial grinding is carried out by holding tooth in fingers are used to form square of desired size and
and pressing it against the rotating course abrasive wheel molten wax is poured in it. Impregnated tissue is
of lathe. kept in centre using preheated forceps and wax
♦♦ When the tooth become thin it is difficult to hold it with is allowed to harden. Tissue should be oriented
the fingers, so it is tucked over the wooden block wrapped in right direction i.e. epithelium and connective
with adhesive tape. tissue are included in cutting surface of block.
♦♦ Sticky side of the adhesive tape should be directed outward 5. Sectioning: As wax block is prepared it is
while using. attached to microtome which cut sections at 3 to
♦♦ Tooth is sticked with adhesive tape over the wooden block 5µm thickness. As thin section is obtained it is
and is pressed to the rotating wheel of lathe so the tooth spreaded on water bath. Glass slides which are
become thin. coated with the albumin and glycerine mixture
♦♦ Change the coarse wheel to fine wheel and continue in centre are introduced in water. Thin section is
grinding till the section become sufficiently thin. lifted on the slide and is dried for 15 min on slide
♦♦ Section removed from the adhesive tape is mounted over warmer. Albumin coagulate and fixes section
the glass slide by mounting medium. onto glass slide.
Dental Histology  725

Staining of Decalcified Tissue • Enamel cannot be studied by this method, as it

Now the decalcified tissue is subjected to routine steps of H is highly mineralized and is lost at the time of
and E staining. decalcification.
For details of H and E staining refer to Ans 1 of same chapter. • Decalcification is done between fixation and
processing step.
Q.10. Write short note on fixation. (Dec 2014, 2 Marks) • Mineral acids such as nitric acid and hydrochloric
 (Feb 2016, 3 Marks) acid are used to decalcify bone and teeth. Frequently
Or used solution is 5% nitric acid. 10 to 15% of formic
Answer in brief on fixation. (May 2017, 2 Marks) acid is the best decalcifying agent.
Ans. Fixation is defined as the process which attempts to
preserve the tissues in a life like condition and prevent Procedure
autolysis of cells. ♦♦ Hard tissue should be fixed in neutral buffered formalin
• It involves series of chemical events which stabilizes for 24 hours.
proteins and tissue become resistant to damage ♦♦ Keep the tooth in decalcification solution in a container.
during processing and visualization. ♦♦ Change solution daily for few days and then specimen is
• Fixatives are the chemical which causes fixation of tested for completion of decalcification.
Methods to Check Decalcification
• Most commonly used fixative is 10% formalin.
Aims ♦♦ Checking the consistency of tissue: When tooth is
• It should preserve the tissue as like it has viability. completely decalcified, it becomes soft.
• Fixation should prevent the autolysis and putrefaction ♦♦ Pressing of tissue with needle: If tooth becomes soft, it
of tissue as it is removed from the body. allows pin to enter easily till centre of tooth.
• Fixation should ensure that as tissue is fixed it should ♦♦ Chemical test: This test identifies calcium in decalcifying
solution in which specimen is kept. Add sodium hydroxide
not change its shape and volume during processing.
or strong ammonia is added to 5 ml of decalcifying fluid, to
Q.11. Write short note on decalcification. (Sep 2017, 2 Marks) neutralize solution. Now add 5 ml of saturated ammonium
Ans. Decalcification is the process by which calcium in the oxalate solution. Now check for turbidity. Absence of
mineralized tissue is removed, so that tissue becomes turbidity after 5 min indicates that fluid is free from calcium
soft enough to make thin sections. and so decalcification is complete. Turbidity is observed
• Structure of all hard tissues i.e. bone, cementum because of precipitation of calcium. If precipitation is
and dentin of body except enamel can be studied observed after addition of sodium hydroxide, it is indicative
in decalcified sections. of large amount of calcium in the fluid.
726 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


As per DCI and Examination Papers 1 Mark Each
of Various Universities

1. Remnants of Meckle’s cartilage are: 9. Butt junction in cementoenamel junction seen in ...........
a. Stylohyoid and stylomandibular ligament cases.
b. Incus and malleus a. 10%
c. Condyle and coronoid process b. 30%
d. None of the above c. 60%
d. 90%
2. Which papillae does not contain taste buds?
a. Fungiform papillae 10. Dentin formed after root completion is called as:
b. Circumvallate papillae a. Tertiary dentin
c. Filiform papillae b. Reparative dentin
d. Foliate papillae c. Secondary dentin
d. Sclerotic dentin
3. Remnants of dental lamina are called as:
a. Bohn’s nodules 11. Mean volume of a single adult human pulp is:
b. Cementicles a. 0.01 cc
c. Epithelial rests of Malassez b. 0.02 cc
d. Cell rests of serres c. 0.03 cc
d. 0·04 cc
4. Enamel is derived from:
a. Endoderm 12. Mucosa covering gingiva and hard palate is called as:
a. Lining mucosa
b. Ectomesenchyme
b. Reflecting mucosa
c. Ectoderm
c. Specialized mucosa
d. All of the above
d. Masticatory mucosa
5. Enamel knot is seen in:
13. Enzyme in saliva causes cell wall lysis is:
a. Cap stage
a. Lactoferrin
b. Bell stage
b. Peroxidase
c. Bud stage c. Lysozyme
d. Any of the above d. Hyaluronidase
6. First hard tissue to be formed is: 14. Basic structural unit of enamel is called as:
a. Enamel a. Enamel sheath
b. Dentin b. Enamel cuticle
c. Cementum c. Enamel lamellae
d. Both (a) and (b) d. Enamel rod
7. New taste sensation is called as: 15. Dentinogenesis starts from which part of tooth:
a. Sour a. Cervical part
b. Umami b. Cusp tip
c. Bitter c. Root
d. None of the above d. Crown
8. Dentinoenamel junction is: 16. Cells of the pulp include all except:
a. Flat a. Fibroblast
b. Concave b. Osteoblast
c. Scalloped c. Odontoblast
d. Convex d. Plasma Cells

Answers: 1. d 2. c 3. d 4. c
5. a 6. b 7. b 8. c
9. b 10. c 11. b 12. d
13. c 14. b 15. b 16. b
Dental Histology  727

17. The cells of enamel organ are important in the 25. Disturbance of saliva production from the parotid
formation of: gland is likely to result from damage to which of the
a. Dentin following ganglia:
b. Bone a. Gasserian
c. Enamel b. Geniculate
d. Cementum c. Otic
18. Incremental lines of enamel are called as: d. Pterygopalatine
a. Sauer e. Trigeminal
b. Lines of retzius 26. A 20-year-old man falls down and chips the incisal edge
c. Von ebner of his maxillary central incisor, reducing the length of
d. None of the above the crown. A dentist informs him that the tooth may
19. The projection of ameloblast into the enamel matrix erupt a little to compensate for the loss. This tooth
have been named: movement is likely to result in increase in size of which
of the following dental tissues:
a. Tome’s granular layer
a. Cementum
b. Tome’s process
b. Dentin
c. Dental lamina
c. Enamel
d. Basal lamina
d. Periodontal ligament
20. Overlap CEJ is seen in: e. Pulp
a. 10%
27. A patient complains of loss of taste, and a numb
b. 30%
sensation in the left half of his tongue, after removal
c. 60%
of his left lower wisdom tooth. Which of the following
d. None of the above
nerves is most likely to have been injured during
21. Cellular cementum is seen on: removal of this tooth:
a. Apical 1/3 rd a. Facial nerve
b. Apex b. Glossopharyngeal nerve
c. From cervical to apical 1/3rd c. Inferior alveolar nerve
d. None of the above d. Lingual nerve
22. Myoepithelial cells have contractile function because e. Mandibular nerve
they contain: 28. DEJ during tooth development is called as:
a. Prostaglandin a. Membrana preformativa
b. Histamine b. Basement membrane
c. Actin c. Lamina densa
d. Actin and myosin d. Lamina lucida
23. Fate of dental lamina is: 29. Hardest structure in human body is:
a. 5 days a. Cementum
b. 5 months b. Dentin
c. 5 years c. Bone
d. 50 years d. Enamel
24. Radiographically bundle bone is called as: 30. Chemical composition of dihydroxyapetite crystal is:
a. Alveolar bone a. Ca12PO4OH
b. Lamina dura b. 2CaPO
c. Spongy bone c. Ca10(PO4)6OH2
d. All of the above d. None of the above

Answers: 17. c 18. b 19. b 20. c

21. a 22. c 23. c 24. b
25. c 26. a 27. d 28. a
29. d 30. c
728 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

31. Hard tissue formation start at: c. Predentin

a. Bud stage d. Inter-tubular dentin
b. Advance Bell Stage 41. Blood vessels of pulp arises from:
c. Cap Stage
a. Inferior or superior alveolar artery
d. None of the above
b. External carotid artery
32. Pulp develop from: c. Supratrochlear artery
a. Dental papilla d. Facial artery
b. Enamel organ
42. Specialized mucosa is present in:
c. Dental follicle
d. Dental sac a. Gingiva
b. Tongue
33. Most accepted theory of eruption is: c. Floor of mouth
a. Pulp growth theory
d. Soft palate
b. Vascular pressure theory
c. Periodontal ligament traction theory 43. Gubernacular canal and gubernacular cord are seen in
d. Root growth theory relation to:
a. Permanent teeth
34. Unmineralized dentin is known as:
b. Succedaneous teeth
a. Predentin
b. Interglobular dentin c. Deciduous teeth
c. Tomes granular layer d. None of the above
d. None of the above 44. Which of the following is not an ectomesenchymal
35. Cartwheel appearance is seen in: derivative:
a. Epithelial cells a. Dentin
b. Mast cells b. Cementum
c. Giant cells c. Pulp
d. Plasma cells d. Enamel
36. Normal pH of saliva is: 45. The embryonic connective tissue under the oral
a. 5.5 b. 9.5 ectoderm is termed ectomesenchyme because:
c. 7.5 d. 8.5 a. It has both ectodermal and mesenchymal cells
37. …………… is temporary structure of enamel organ b. It has migrated neural crest cells in it
a. Enamel knot c. It has characteristic similar to ectodermal cells
b. Enamel cord d. None of the above
c. Both a and b 46. Cementoblasts divided from dental follicle are
d. Enamel cuticle involved in the formation of:
38. Commonly used fixative in laboratory is…………….. a. Cellular intrinsic fiber cementum
a. 10% formalin b. 15% alcohol b. Acellular extrinsic fiber cementum
c. 20% alcohol d. 10% alcohol c. Acellular intrinsic fiber cementum
39. Inorganic content of cementum is: d. Acellular mixed fiber cementum
a. Less than bone 47. Sclerotic dentin appears:
b. More than bone a. Transparent or light in transmitted light and dark
c. Equal to bone in reflected light
d. More than enamel b. Dark in transmitted light and transparent or light in
40. Dentinal tubules are absent in: reflected light
a. Interglobular dentin c. Transparent or light in transmitted light
b. Sclerotic dentin d. Dark in reflected light

Answers: 31. b 32. a 33. c 34. a

35. d 36. c 37. c 38. a
39. a 40. b 41. a 42. b
43. b 44. d 45. b 46. a
47. a
Dental Histology  729

48. Nyasmyth’s membrane of primary enamel cuticle is 56. Exfoliation of deciduous tooth occurs by:
actually: a. Continuous resorption of roots
a. A thin layer of connective tissue derived from follicle. b. Alternate resorption and apposition
b. A thin layer of inner enamel epithelium which covers c. Continuous apposition only
newly erupted tooth d. None of the above
c. Basal lamina secreted by ameloblasts when enamel 57. The name of first branchial arch is:
formation is completed a. Maxillary
d. A derivative of pellicle b. Mandibular
49. Weil’s zone is also called as: c. Hyoid
a. Cell rich zone d. None of the above
b. Cell free zone 58. Bitter and sour taste sensations in posterior part of the
c. Odontoblastic zone tongue is mediated by:
d. All of the above a. Lingual nerve
50. Gnarled enamel is seen: b. Chorda tympani nerve
a. When cut in oblique plane at cervical region c. Glossopharyngeal nerve
b. When cut in longitudinal plane at cervical region d. None of the above
c. When cut in oblique plane near dentin in regions of 59. Disturbances during morphodifferentiation stage of
cusp and incisal edges teeth development will result in:
d. When cut in longitudinal plane near dentin in a. Changes in number of teeth
regions of cusp and incisal edges b. Ameloblastoma
51. Development of permanent teeth is initiated by: c. Changes in form and shape of tooth
a. Dental lamina d. Hypoplasia
b. Enamel organ 60. The Weil’s zone is also called as:
c. New teeth bud a. Cell rich zone
d. Successional lamina b. Cell free zone
52. In PDL, cell of epithelial origin are: c. Odontoblastic layer
a. Rest of Malassez d. All of the above
b. Fibroblasts 61. Enamel spindles are nothing but:
c. Cementoblasts a. Odontoblast processes which through dentinoenamel
d. None junction into the enamel
53. Type I alveolar bone is found in: b. Enamel rods which appear hypermineralized
a. Maxilla c. Part of dentinoenamel junction
b. Mandible d. Hypocalcified rod segments
c. Both 62. Contour lines of Owen are:
d. None a. Incremental lines of dentin
54. Osteoclasts are rich in: b. Accentuated incremental lines of dentin
a. Acid phosphatase c. Neonatal lines of dentin
b. Alkaline phosphatase d. Hypermineralized areas of dentin
c. Peroxidase 63. Collagen fibers are embedded into the cementum on
d. Dehydrogenase one side of periodontal space and alveolar bone on
55. The first hard tissue to form is: other are called as:
a. Enamel a. Sharpey’s fibers
b. Cementum b. Elastin fibers
c. Dentin c. Oxytalan fibers
d. All simultaneously formed d. Intermediate plexus

Answers: 48. b 49. b 50. d 51. d

52. a 53. b 54. a 55. c
56. a 57. d 58. c 59. c
60. b 61. a 62. b 63. a
730 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

64. Periodontal ligament contains epithelial cells which 72. Most calcified part of dentin is:
are: a. Intertubular dentin
a. Rest of Serres b. Interglobular dentin
b. Rest of Malassez c. Intratubular dentin
c. Inner enamel epithelium d. Peritubular dentin
d. Outer enamel epithelium 73. Dentin formed after root completion is known as:
65. Dentinoenamel junction has a scalloped border; the a. Primary
convexities of scallops are directed towards: b. Secondary
a. Enamel c. Tertiary
b. Dentin d. Sclerotic
c. All of the above 74. The fiber group without alveolar attachment:
d. None of the above a. Oblique
66. Excretory duct of parotid gland is: b. Horizontal
a. Wharton’s duct c. Trans-septal
b. Bartholin’s duct d. Dentoperiosteal
c. Stenson’s duct 75. The hypocalcified structure running from DEJ to
d. Duct of Ravinous enamel in a group is:
67. Taste buds are absent in: a. Spindle
b. Tufts
a. Filiform papillae
c. Lamellae
b. Fungiform papillae
d. Grooves
c. Circumvallate papillae
d. All of the above 76. The epithelium type seen in maxillary sinus is:
a. Stratified squamous
68. Enamel tuft consists of:
b. Keratocuboidal
a. Hypocalcified enamel rods and interprismatic
c. Pseudostratified
d. Both (b) and (c)
b. Organic debris
c. Hypermineralized structures 77. The cartilage of first arch is:
d. All of the above a. Meckel
b. Reichart
69 Upper and lower lips are formed from which embryonic c. Laryngeal
d. Cricopharyngeal
a. Maxillary and mandibular
b. Maxillary and median nasal 78. Fordyce’s spots are collection of:
c. Maxillary, mandibular lateral nasal and median a. Sweat glands
nasal b. Lacrimal glands
d. Mandible and median nasal c. Salivary glands
d. Sebaceous glands
70. Neonatal line is absent in:
a. Deciduous 2nd maxillary molar 79. Plexus of Raschkow is present in:
b. Permanent 2nd maxillary molar a. Odontoblastic zone
c. Deciduous 1st mandibular molar b. Cell free zone
d. Permanent mandibular first molar c. Cell rich zone
d. Pulp proper
71. Unilateral cleft lip occurs due to failure of:
a. Fusion of lateral nasal process 80. Rest of malassez are remnants of:
b. Fusion of median and lateral nasal process a. HERS
c. Failure of fusion of median and lateral nasal process b. Oral mesoderm
d. Fusion of median nasal process with maxillary c. Dental papilla
process d. Oral endoderm

Answers: 64. b 65. b 66. d 67. d

68. a 69. b 70. a 71. c
72. a 73. d 74. c 75. c
76. b 77. a 78. b 79. a
80. a
Dental Histology  731

81. Membrane present in dentinal tubule is: 90. Pericytes are the capillary associated cells present in
a. Lamina lucida pulp are:
b. Lamina densa a. Fibroblast
c. Lamina limitans b. Myoepithelial cells
d. Lamina dura c. Histiocytes
d. Nerve cell
82. Most accepted dentin sensitivity theory is:
a. Neuronal 91. Overjet is defined as:
b. Transduction a. Horizontal overlap
c. Hydrodynamic b. Vertical overlap
d. Traction c. Transverse plane discrepancy
d. All of the above
83. Perikymatas are external manifestations of:
a. Enamel rod 92. Enamel pulp is:
b. Incremental line of retzius a. Dental papilla
c. Cementum b. Stratum intermedium
d. Nasmyth membrane c. Stellate reticulum
d. Inner enamel epithelium
84. Incremental line of Salter is seen in:
a. Enamel 93. Maxillary sinus communicates with the environment
b. Cementum via the:
c. Dentin a. Superior nasal meatus
b. Middle nasal meatus
d. Pulp
c. Inferior nasal meatus
85. Weil’s zone of pulp is: d. None of the above
a. Cell rich zone
94. Permanent maxillary canine erupts by:
b. Cell free zone
a. 10 to 12 years
c. Cell degenerated zone
b. 9 to 10 years
d. Cell regenerated zone
c. 13 to 14 years
86. The fibers of periodontium which provide maximum d. 11 to 12 years
support to masticatory forces are:
95. Layer which is absent in nonkeratinizing epithelium is:
a. Trans-septal a. Stratum corneum
b. Oblique b. Stratum superficial
c. Apical c. Straitum intermedium
d. Horizontal d. Straitum basale
87. Primitive dentinoenamel junction is known as: 96. Structure nonevident at light microscopic level is:
a. Buccopharyngeal membrane a. Basal lamina
b. Membrana preformativa b. Dermis
c. Reduced enamel epithelium c. Lamina propria
d. Perikymata d. Epithelium
88. Organic lining of calcified tubule is also known as: 97. Periodontal ligament is thinnest at:
a. Lamina propria a. Apex
b. Lamina lucida b. Coronal third
c. Lamina limitans c. Middle third
d. Lamina densa d. Apical third
89. First appearance of tooth formation occurs at: 98. Neural crest cells arise from:
a. 6th week of IUL a. Midbrain
b. 2nd week of IUL b. Midbrain and 2 Rhombomeres
c. 4th week of IUL c. Hindbrain and 2 Rhombomeres
d. 9th week of IUL d. Notochord

Answers: 81. b 82. b 83. d 84. d

85. a 86. b 87. a 88. c
89. a 90. d 91. c 92. c
93. b 94. a 95. b 96. a
97. a 98. a
732 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)


As per DCI and Examination Papers 1 Mark Each
of Various Universities

1. The average diameter of enamel rod is …………………….. 17. Rounded protuberances found on incisal edge of a
Ans. 4 µm newly erupted permanent incisor are …………….
2. Incremental lines of enamel are known as …………… Ans. Mammelon
Ans. Incremental line of retzius 18. Merkel cells are believed to have …………..
3. A pulp stone entirely surrounded by dentin……………… Ans. Synaptic contacts
Ans. Embedded pulp stone 19. Shape of maxillary sinus is ……………………….
4. The average rate of formation of dentin per day is (in Ans. Pyramidal
microns)………………….. 20. Synonyms of sclerotic dentin ………………….
Ans. 3.5 µ
Ans. Transparent dentin
5. The uncalcified matrix of bone is called as…………………
21. Other name of bundle bone ……………….
Ans. Osteoid
Ans. Lamina dura
6. Inorganic content of fully developed enamel is
about………………….. 22. Salivary gland is which type of gland ……………..
Ans. 96% Ans. Compound exocrine gland
7. Weil’s zone in pulp organ is known as……………….. 23. Submerged tooth is …………………
Ans. Cell Free Zone Ans. Mandibular second molars
8. In most cases CEJ is of which type……………………… 24. Shape of maxillary sinus is …………………….
Ans. Overlapping Junction Ans. Pyramidal
9. S u p p o r t i n g c e l l s o f t a s t e b u d s a r e c a l l e d 25. Which tooth have three cusps………………………..
as………………………. Ans. Mandibular second premolars
Ans. Sustentacular Cell
26. The first primary tooth to erupt is ………………….
10. Osteoclasts are rich in……………………….. Ans. Mandibular central incisor
Ans. Acid phosphatase
27. Transverse ridge is the union of …………………….
11. Successional lamina gives rise to the formation Ans. Buccal and lingual triangular ridges
Ans. Enamel organ 28. Tooth having longest root ………………………….
Ans. Maxillary canine
12. During amelogenesis, projections of ameloblasts into
the enamel matrix is known as………………… 29. Types of mandibular second premolars occlusally
Ans. Tome’s processes ……………………
Ans. 3 types
13. Organic lining of calcified dentinal tubule is known
as………………….. 30. Thickness of ground section of tooth should be ……….
Ans. Lamina Limitans Ans. 30-50 microns
14. Vermilion border of lip is …………………….. 31. Color of dead tracts in transmitted light is ……………
epithelium. Ans. Black
Ans. Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
32. Oblique ridge in maxillary first molars joins which
15. Incremental lines of cementum are known as…………… cusps …………………………
Ans. Incremental lines of salter Ans. Mesio lingual and distobuccal
16. Serous gland on dorsum of tongue is called as 33. First formed component in tooth deposition is
………………. ………………………
Ans. Von-Ebner’s Glands Ans. dentin
Dental Histology  733



1. Skull bone is derived from which layer. 18. If a tooth develops at an abnormal location which stage
Ans. Ectomenix of tooth development get disturbed?
Ans. Initiation
2. Name the first bone to ossify in human body.
Ans. Clavicle 19. Why accessory canals are formed?
Ans. Due to early removal of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath
3. Which type of cartilage is condylar cartilage?
Ans. Secondary cartilage 20. What do you mean by hypoplasia?
Ans. Disturbance in matrix formation.
4. At the time of development condylar head increases
by which types of growth. 21. Which is the hardest calcified tissue in human body?
Ans. Appositional and Interstitial growth Ans. Enamel

5. Name the structure by which cheeks are developed. 22. At which part of tooth the thickness of enamel is
Ans. Maxillary process
Ans. Cusp tip
6. Name the structure by which the bridge of nose is
23. How much is the thickness of enamel at cusp of molars
and premolars?
Ans. Frontonasal process
Ans. 2 to 2.5 mm
7. Name the first paranasal air sinus to develop.
24. How much is the inorganic content of enamel?
Ans. Maxillary sinus
Ans. 96%
8. Which structure is known as opening of thyroid 25. How much is the average diameter of enamel rod?
Ans. 4 µm
Ans. Foramen Cecum
26. What is the direction fo enamel rods at cervical region?
9. Name the structure by which epiglottis is derived. Ans. Horizontal
Ans. Hypobranchial eminence
27. Which structure extends over full thickness of enamel
10. Name the structure by which primary palate is derived. from DEJ?
Ans. Globular process Ans. Enamel lamella
11. What is the function of primary epithelial band? 28. From which layer is the enamel derived?
Ans. It gives rise to dental lamina and vestibular lamina. Ans. Ectoderm
12. Name the structures by which the tooth germ is formed. 29. How much is the specific gravity of enamel?
Ans. Enamel organ, dental papilla and dental sac Ans. 2.8
13. When does development of first permanent molar is 30. Name the main bulk component of the tooth.
initiated? Ans. Dentin
Ans. At birth 31. At what age does the highest peak of dental caries occur?
14. What is the age at which last successional lamina forms? Ans. 13 years
Ans. 5 years 32. Name the mineralized structures of enamel.
15. In which of the layer of enamel organ alkaline Ans. Enamel rods, structureless enamel, perikymata lines,
phosphatase activity is high? Gnarled enamel
Ans. Stratum intermedium 33. What is the composition of dentin by weight?
16. Name the cells between which reciprocal induction is Ans. 20% organic and 70% inorganic
seen. 34. What is the shape of dentinal tubules?
Ans. Ameloblast and Odontoblast Ans. S shaped
17. Where does the cell rest of malaseez are seen? 35. What is interglobular dentin?
Ans. Periodontal ligament Ans. It is the dentin present between odontoblastic processes
734 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

36. Which is the collagen seen prominently in dentin? 56. Which is the most important property of periodontal
Ans. Type I collagen ligament?
37. What does incremental lines of dentin are known as? Ans. Proprioception
Ans. Lines of Von Ebner 57. What does incremental lines of cementum are known
38. What is secondary dentin? as?
Ans. It is the dentin formed after root completion Ans. Incremental lines of Salter

39. How do dead tracts appears? 58. Due to presence of which cells secondary cementum
Ans. They appear white in reflected light and dark in is known as cellular cementum?
transmitted light. Ans. Cementocytes
40. What are calcospherites? 59. Which is the commonest type of cementoenamel
Ans. They are isolated spheroid islands of enamel. junction.
Ans. Overlapping
41. How much is the average size of apical foramen in
maxillary teeth? 60. Which layer covers the intermediate cementum?
Ans. 0.4 mm Ans. Hyaline layer of Hopewell Smith.
42. How much is the average size of apical foramen in 61. Name the cementum which is predominantly involved
mandibular teeth? in the process of attachment with the periodontal
Ans. 0.3 mm ligament.
43. What is pulp? Ans. Acellular cementum
Ans. Pulp is a muscle tissue. 62. Which component in cementum regulates minerali­
44. How many pulp organs are present in huans? zation.
Ans. 52 Ans. Osteopontin
45. Where does cell body of odontoblast resides? 63. What is the composition of bone?
Ans. In pulp Ans. 67% organic and 33% inorganic
46. Name the cell free zone. 64. Name the bone which appears as sponge.
Ans. Zone of Weil Ans. Spongy bone
47. Which is the most abundant cell of the pulp? 65. By what alveolar bone proper is made of?
Ans. Undifferentiated Mesenchymal cell Ans. Bundle bone and lamellated bone
48. Name the nerve plexus of pulp. 66. What is lamina dura?
Ans. Plexus of Whatson Ans. It is the radiographic appearance of alveolar bone proper.
49. As the age advances what happens to the cell population 67. Where does the density of alveolar bone is more?
of pulp?
Ans. In anterior region of maxilla and mandible.
Ans. It decreases
68. How much is the distance between CEJ and crestal
50. How much is the total volume of permanent teeth pulp?
margin of alveolar bone?
Ans. 0.38 cc
Ans. 1.5 to 2mm
51. How much is the mean volume of single adult human
69. Which is the lining mucosa of oral cavity?
Ans. Dorsum of tongue
Ans. 0.02 cc
52. Name the tissues which support and invest the teeth 70. Which epithelium lines the oral mucosa?
in maxilla and mandible. Ans. Stratified squamous epithelium
Ans. Periodontium 71. Which part of oral mucosa shows mucoperiosteal
53. Where is the width of PDL space higher? attachment.
Ans. Apex Ans. Gingiva
54. Name the types of collagen present in PDL. 72. What is the importance of hemidesmososmes?
Ans. Type I and Type III Ans. They provide adhesion between epithelium and
connective tissue
55. Name the fibers of PDL which prevent intrusion of
teeth. 73. Which layer of oral epithelium shows odland body?
Ans. Oblique fibers. Ans. Stratum spinosum
Dental Histology  735

74. Which is the most prominent finding in stratum 93. Where does glenoid fossa is present?
granulosum. Ans. In squamous part of temporal bone
Ans. Keratohyaline granules
94. What is the shape of maxillary sinus in adults?
75. Which type of collagen does basal lamina have? Ans. Pyramidal
Ans. Type IV collagen
95. What do you mean by pneumatization of maxillary
76. Which papilla of tongue does not consists of taste bud? sinus?
Ans. Foliate papillae Ans. Expansion of sinus
77. Which cell of salivary gland shows zymogen granules? 96. Where does accessory ostia seen?
Ans. Serous cell Ans. In posterior fontanelle
78. Which cell consists of basket cell? 97. Name the membrane lining the maxillary sinus.
Ans. Myoepithelial cells Ans. Schneiderian membrane
79. Which areas of oral cavity do not consists of salivary
98. Name the epithelium which lines the sinus.
Ans. Pseudostratified columnar epithelial cell
Ans. Gingiva and anterior hard palate
99. What does apical surface of goblet cell have?
80. How much saliva is produced by salivary glands?
Ans. Microvilli
Ans. 1200 ml
81. Which glands secrete lingual lipase enzyme? 100. Which is the most commonly used fixative?
Ans. Parotid and Von Ebner’s gland Ans. 10% neutral buffered formalin

82. How much is the optimum pH level of saliva? 101. Name the clearing agent.
Ans. 6.5 to 7.5 Ans. Xylene

83. Name the enzyme which plays major role in starch 102. Which is the embedding medium?
digestion. Ans. Paraffin wax
Ans. Amylase 103. Which is the mountant?
84. Name the widely accepted theory of eruption of tooth. Ans. DPX
Ans. Periodontal ligament traction theory 104. Name the instrument used to obtain the thin
85. Name the cell which resorbs dentin. sections.
Ans. Odontoclast Ans. Microtome
86. Name the most commonly retained primary tooth. 105. How much is the thickness of section obtained in
Ans. Maxillary lateral incisor routine tissue processing?
87. Name the first tooth which erupts in oral cavity. Ans. 3 to 5 µm
Ans. Deciduous mandibular central incisor 106. Which is the decalcifying agent used?
88. Odontoclasts originates from which cell. Ans. Nitric acid
Ans. Circulating monocytes 107. How much is the thickness of ground section?
89. What is ankylosis? Ans. 50 µm
Ans. It is the union of cementum and bone 108. Name the instrument used to get frozen sections.
90. Which is the most common congenitally missing tooth? Ans. Cryostat
Ans. Permanent upper lateral incisor 109. Which is the best method to demonstrate carbohy-
91. Which type of joint is temporomandibular joint? drates?
Ans. Synovial joint Ans. PAS method
92. Name the layer which covers the condyle. 110. Name the fixative used to demonstrate nucleic acid.
Ans. Lamina splendens Ans. Carnoy’s solution
736 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Additional Matter
Some Details About Histological Structures of Tooth

Enamel Dentin Cementum Bone

Derived from Ectoderm Ectomesenchyme Ectomesenchyme Mesoderm
Type of tissue Epithelial tissue Connective tissue Connective tissue Connective tissue
Cells which give origin Ameloblasts Odontoblasts Cementoblasts Osteoblasts
Cells leading to Odontoclasts Odontoclasts Odontoclasts Osteoclasts
Mineral content 96% 70% 45 to 50% 50 to 60%
Sensitivity Not present Present; only the pain is appreciable Not present Present
Blood and nutrition Avascular Absent. Dentinal fluid or dentinal It is avascular Vessels are present in the bone
supply lymph circulate in dentinal tubules

Various Stages of Tooth Development and Results of Various Types of Cementum and their Locations
their Disturbances
Type of cementum Location
Stages Disturbances Acellular afibrillar cementum Cervical cementum
Initiation • Lack of initiation lead to absence of single tooth Acellular extrinsic fiber cementum Cervical margin to apical third
or multiple teeth, i.e. anodontia. Maxillary lateral
incisor followed by third molars and mandibular Cellular intrinsic fiber cementum Middle, apical third and furcations
second premolars are commonly involved. Cellular mixed fiber cementum Apical inter-radicular regions
• Abnormal initiation can lead to development of
supernumerary teeth. Mesiodens is the most Cellular mixed stratified cementum Apical and furcation
common type of supernumerary teeth.
• Sometimes fused or geminated teeth are formed. Various Salivary Glands, their Ducts and Location
Histo­ • This stage has highest development in bell Name of the
differentiation stage of enamel organ. gland Name of its duct Opening of duct
• Dentinogenesis imperfecta occur in this stage
Parotid gland Stensen’s duct Duct opens near to maxillary
Morpho­ • Advanced bell stage occurs during second molar inside the
differentiation morphodifferentiation. This stage provides buccal mucosa
morphologic pattern or basic form and relative
size of future tooth. Submandibular Wharton’s duct Duct opens at the side of
• Talon cusp or root, twinning, loss of cusp or root, gland lingual frenulum
Hutchinson’s incisor Sublingual • Bartholin’s duct Duct open along sublingual
Apposition duct • Several minor fold

Various Structures Details of Various Potent Cells

Name of the Name of
structures Explanation the cell Details
Lamina limitans It is the organic lining of dentinal tubules Totipotent • These cells differentiate into embryonic and extra­
Lamina propria It is the connective tissue which supports cells embryonic cell types. These less can form a viable
epithelium organism
• Such cells are produced by the fusion of an egg
Lamina lucida They are the zone of basal lamina between
and sperm cell. Cells which get produced by the few
and lamina densa epithelial cells and the connective tissue
divisions of fertilized cells are also the totipotent cells
Tomes process Projection of ameloblasts in enamel matrix
Pluripotent • These cells are just like totipotent stem cells and
Tomes fibers Odontoblastic processes within dentinal cells they can give rise to all tissue types. These cells
tubules cannot produce an entire organism.
• These cells have potential to differentiate into any
Tomes layer It is the granular layer present inside the
of the three germ layers.
root due to coalescing and looping of the
• Examples of pluripotent stem cells are dental pulp
terminal protions of dentinal tubules adjacent
stem cells, embryonic stem cells
to cementum
Dental Histology  737

Contd... Various Papillae

Name of Name of the Details
the cell Details papillae
Multipotent • These cells have potential t differentiate into Foliate papillae It lies at lateral border of posterior part of tongue
cells multiple, but limited cell types. and consists of taste buds
• Examples of these cells are hematopoietic cell,
Filiform It is keratinized and is thread like. Taste buds are
mesenchymal stromal cells and bone marrow cells
papillae absent here
• Oligopotency is an ability of progenitor cells to
Fungiform This is mushroom shaped, round in shape and
differentiate into few cell types. This is the degree
papillae reddish in color. It consists of few taste buds
of potency.
• Examples are lymphoid or myeloid stem cells. Circumvallate It lies in front of V shaped sulcus terminalis. They
• Lymphoid cells give rise to various blood cells such papillae are 8 to 10 in number. They are largest in size ad
as B and T cells. have many taste buds
Unipotent • A unipotent cell is that one stem cell which has
capacity to differentiate into only one cell type. Sensations Over Lip and Oral Mucosa
• Example: Spermatogenic stem cell
Name of the
sensation Greatest Moderate Least
Various Taste Sensations and their Details Pain Lips, pharynx, Anterior Buccal mucosa
base of tongue and
Name of
tongue, teeth gingiva
the taste Associated
sensation Perceived at papilla Nerve mediated Heat Lips Anterior teeth Ventral tongue,
Sweet Tip of the tongue Fungiform Chorda tympani
Cold Lips and Base and Dorsum of tongue
Salt Lateral border of Fungiform Chorda tympani
posterior ventral tongue and buccal
the tongue
palate mucosa
Sour Lateral border of Foliate Glossopharyngeal
Touch Lips, tip of Gingiva Base of tongue
the tongue
tongue and and buccal
Bitter Posterior part of Circumvallate Glossopharyngeal anterior mucosa
tongue palate

Oral Physiology

1. Vascular and Nerve Supply of Orofacial Region 4. Mastication

2. Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism 5. Speech
3. Deglutition
♦♦ Lingual: This nerve carry sensation from mucus membrane
1. VASCULAR AND NERVE SUPPLY OF of anterior two third of tongue and mucosa on lingual side
♦♦ Inferior alveolar nerve: Inferior alveolar nerve along with
Q.1. Answer in brief branches of mandibular nerve. the inferior alveolar artery enters the mandibular foramen
 (Feb 2016, 2 Marks) to run anteriorly and downward below the teeth in
Ans. Following are the branches of mandibular nerve: mandibular canal, till it reaches mental foramen. At mental
foramen the nerve terminates by giving off two branches,
Branches from Undivided Nerve i.e. incisive and mental. Various branches of inferior
♦♦ Nervous spinosus: It re-enters the skull via foramen alveolar nerve and their innervations are as follows:
spinosum along with middle meningeal artery to supply • Mylohyoid nerve: This branch arises from inferior
dura mater and lining of mastoid cells. alveolar nerve before it enters in mandibular foramen.
♦♦ Nerve to medial pterygoid: It supplies medial pterygoid This nerve runs anteroinferiorly over the medial
muscle. surface of mandible to reach mylohyoid muscle. This
nerve pierces sphenomandibular ligament to supply
Branch from Anterior Division mylohyoid muscle and anterior belly of digastric
♦♦ Massetric nerve supplies masseter muscle and temporo- muscle.
mandibular joint. • Alveolar branches: They supply the teeth. Nerve
♦♦ Deep temporal nerve supplies temporalis muscle. twigs which arises from inferior alveolar nerve
♦♦ Nerve to lateral pterygoid supplies to lateral pterygoid corresponding to every tooth. These nerve twigs
muscle. enter the pulp of teeth via apical foramen present at
♦♦ Buccinator nerve supplies skin and mucous membrane root tips.
which is related to buccinator muscle. • Incisive branch: This is one of the terminal branch of
inferior alveolar nerve. This branch runs anteriorly
Branch from Posterior Division in inferior alveolar canal to supply both canine and
♦♦ Auriculotemporal nerve divides into following parts: incisors.
• Auricular part supplies to skin of tragus, upper part of • Mental nerve: This is also the terminal branch of
pinna, external acoustic meatus, tympanic membrane. inferior alveolar nerve. It comes out from inferior
• Temporal part supplies to skin of temporal region. alveolar nerve via mental foramen. Mental nerve
• Auricular branch supplies to temporomandibular emerges through it and divides in three branches
joint. which supply the skin over chin and skin as well as
• Parotid branch supplies to parotid gland. mucus membrane of lower lip.

Fig. 1:  Branches of mandibular nerve

742 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.2. Write short note on inferior alveolar nerve. A. Factors promoting calcium absorption
 (Aug 2016, 3 Marks) • Vitamin D induces synthesis of calcium binding
Ans. Inferior alveolar nerve is the largest branch of mandibular protein in intestinal epithelial cells and promotes the
nerve. calcium absorption.
Inferior alveolar nerve along with the inferior alveolar • Parathyroid hormone enhances calcium absorption
artery enters the mandibular foramen to run anteriorly through increased synthesis of cholesterol.
and downward below the teeth in mandibular canal, till • Acidity is favorable for calcium absorption.
it reaches mental foramen. At mental foramen the nerve • Lactose promote calcium uptake via intestinal cells.
terminates by giving off two branches, i.e. incisive and • Arginine and lysine facilitate absorption of calcium.
mental. Various branches of inferior alveolar nerve and B. Factors inhibiting calcium absorption
their innervations are as follows: • Phytates and oxalates lead to the formation of insoluble
salts and interfere with the absorption of calcium.
• Mylohyoid nerve: This branch arises from inferior
• High content of dietary phosphate leads to the
alveolar nerve before it enters in mandibular
information of insoluble calcium phosphate and
foramen. This nerve runs anteroinferiorly over the
prevent uptake of calcium.
medial surface of mandible to reach mylohyoid
• Free fatty acids react with calcium to form insoluble
muscle. This nerve pierces sphenomandibular
calcium soaps.
ligament to supply mylohyoid muscle and anterior
• Alkaline condition is unfavorable for calcium
belly of digastric muscle.
• Alveolar branches: They supply the teeth. Nerve
• High content of dietary fiber interfere with calcium
twigs which arises from inferior alveolar nerve
corresponding to every tooth. These nerve twigs
enter the pulp of teeth via apical foramen present Excretion of Calcium
at root tips.
Calcium is excreted in feces as well as in urine. In feces, it is
• Incisive branch: This is one of the terminal branch of
excreted through exfoliated gastrointestinal tract cells and in
inferior alveolar nerve. This branch runs anteriorly
urine, it is excreted as calcium phosphate and calcium chloride.
in inferior alveolar canal to supply both canine and
incisors. Regulation of Calcium Level
• Mental nerve: This is also the terminal branch of
The regulation of blood calcium level took place through three
inferior alveolar nerve. It comes out from inferior
alveolar nerve via mental foramen. Mental nerve
emerges through it and divide in three branches 1. Parathormone: It is secreted by parathyroid gland and its
which supply the skin over chin and skin as well as main function is to increase blood calcium level by mobilizing
mucus membrane of lower lip. calcium from bone. Parathor­mone maintains blood calcium
level by following actions, on bones, kidney and GIT:
Q.3. List branches of inferior alveolar nerve. a. By increasing reabsorption of calcium from bones.
 (Sep 2017, 2 Marks) b. By decreasing excretion of calcium through kidneys.
Ans. Following is the listing of branches of inferior alveolar c. By increasing absorption of calcium from GIT.
nerve: 2. 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol: It is a steroid hormone
• Mylohyoid nerve synthesized from vitamin D by means of hydroxylation
• Alveolar or dental branch reactions in liver and kidneys. The main action is to
• Incisive branch increase blood calcium level by increasing calcium
• Mental nerve absorption from small intestine. The main actions of 1,
25-dihydroxycholecalciferol are:
a. It increases the absorption of calcium from in­testine.
2. CALCIUM AND It does this by increasing the formation of calcium-
PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM binding proteins in intestinal epithelial cells. These
proteins act as carrier proteins for facilitated diffusion
by which calcium ions are transported. The proteins
Q.1. Write short note on calcium metabolism.
remain in cells for several weeks after 1, 25-dihydroxy­
 (Sep 2017, 3 Marks) (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
cholecalcif­erol has been removed from the body, thus
Ans. Following is the calcium metabolism: causing prolonged effect on calcium absorption.
b. It increases the synthesis of calcium-induced ATP in
Calcium Absorption
intestinal epithelium.
Calcium is absorbed in duodenum by energy dependent active c. It increases synthesis of alkaline phosphates in
process. Following are the factors which influences absorption: intestinal epithelium.
Oral Physiology  743

3. Calcitonin: It is secreted by parafollicular cells of thyroid. It ♦♦ Anterior part of tongue is raised and pressed against hard
is a calcium lowering hormone. It decreas­es blood calcium palate by intrinsic muscles of tongue.
level by decreasing reabsorption. It reduces blood calcium ♦♦ The movement takes place from anterior to posterior side.
level by acting on bone, kidney and intestine. This pushes food bolus to oropharynx.
a. On bones: It facilitates deposition of calcium on bones. ♦♦ Nasopharynx gets shut due to upward movement of soft
It suppresses the activity of osteoclasts which are palate and forward movement of posterior pharyngeal
responsible of calcium from bones. wall. This prevents regurgitation of food in nose.
b. On kidney: It increases excretion of calcium through
Pharyngeal Phase
urine by inhibiting reabsorption of calcium from renal
tubules. ♦♦ This phase is involuntary in character.
c. On intestine: It prevents the absorption of cal­cium ♦♦ During this the food is pushed from oropharynx to lower
from intestine into blood. part of laryngopharynx, i.e. hypopharynx.
♦♦ Constrictors of pharynx move upward and forward and
Other Hormones Involved in Calcium Metabolism propel bolus through pharynx by contractions.
♦♦ Growth hormone: It increases absorption of calcium from ♦♦ Simultaneously upper esophageal sphincter opens and
intestine and enhances protein synthesis in bone. bolus enter esophagus.
♦♦ Insulin: It is an anabolic hormone which favors bone ♦♦ During this phase laryngeal vestibule closes due to move-
formation. ment of epiglottis.
♦♦ Sex hormones: These hormones increases calcium ♦♦ Epiglottis move to horizontal position due to elevation of hyoid
absorp­tion, decreases calcium excretion and enhances bone and larynx as well as contraction of thyrohyoid muscle.
bone mineralization. Estrogen has direct effect on bone ♦♦ Epiglottis directs the bolus in piriform sinuses around
resorption. opening of airway in esophagus.
♦♦ Prolactin: It increases calcitriol production and increases Esophageal Phase
calcium absorption during lactating period.
♦♦ Thyroid hormone: It increases in levels of thyroid As food reaches the upper end of esophagus its sphincter contracts
hormone which is accompanied by osteoporosis and and leads to peristaltic contractions which pass bolus to stomach.
hypercalcinuria. Lower esophageal sphincter allows bolus in stomach.
Q.2. Describe in brief pharyngeal phase of deglutition.
 (June 2010, 5 Marks) (May 2014, 2 Marks)
3. DEGLUTITION Ans. Refer to Ans 1 of same chapter.
Q.3. Enumerate stages of deglutition. (Sep 2015, 2 Marks)
Q.1. Write a short note on deglutition. (Feb 2016, 3 Marks)
Ans. Following are the stages of deglutition:
 (Mar 2007, 3 Marks) (Sep 2006, 5 Marks)
1. Preparatory phase
 (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) (Feb 2014, 3 Marks)
2. Oral or buccal phase
3. Pharyngeal phase
Write on phases of deglutition. (Feb 2013, 5 Marks) 4. Esophageal phase.
Or Q.4. Define deglutition. Enumerate phases of deglutition
Answer in brief stages of deglutition. and write the importance. (Sep 2018, 1 + 2 + 2 Marks)
 (Aug 2016, 2 Marks) Ans. Deglutition is defined as the act of swallowing.
Phases of Deglutition and Their Importance
Write short answer on deglutition. (May 2018, 3 Marks)
Ans. Deglutition is defined as the act of swallowing. Name of phase
of deglutition Importance of phase of deglutition
Mechanism of deglutition or swallowing of food occurs
in following phases: Preparatory In this phase, there is formation of food bolus
phase which is the preparatory event for swallowing
Preparatory Phase Oral or buccal In this phase, bolus is propelled from oral cavity
phase to pharynx
♦♦ In this phase formation of bolus occur.
Pharyngeal In this phase, bolus is transported from
♦♦ Bolus is a round or oval shaped mass of food formed in phase oropharynx into esophagus by a peristaltic
mouth after chewing. wave caused by contraction of pharyngeal
constrictor muscle
Oral or Buccal Phase
Esophageal In this phase, bolus moves down the length of
♦♦ As bolus takes its position on dorsum of tongue, oral phase esophagus to stomach. This is an involuntary
phase begins. phase. Esophagus helps to move food from
♦♦ This phase is voluntary in character. pharynx to stomach
744 Mastering the BDS Ist Year  (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

4. MASTICATION Describe muscles of mastication.( June 2010, 10 Marks)
Ans. The muscles of mastication are:
Q.1. Write a short note on muscles of mastication. 1. Temporalis.
 (Feb 2002, 6 Marks) (Feb/Mar 2004, 5 Marks) 2. Masseter.
 (Feb 2006, 5 Marks) (Dec 2010, 5 Marks) 3. Lateral pterygoid.
 (May 2017, 3 Marks) (July 2016, 3 Marks) 4. Medial pterygoid.

Muscles of mastication
S. No. Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action
1. Masseter a. Superficial layer: From anterior a. Superficial layer: Into lower Anterior division a. Elevates mandible to
2/3 of lower border of zygomatic part of lateral surface of of mandibular close the mouth to bite
arch adjoining zygomatic proc- ramus of mandible nerve b. It clenches the teeth
ess of maxilla b. Middle layer: Into middle
b. Middle layer: From anterior 2/3 part of ramus
of deep surface and posterior c. Deep layer: Into upper part
1/3 of lower border of zygomatic of ramus and coronoid
arch process of mandible
c. Deep layer: From deep surface
of zygomatic arch
2. Temporalis a. Temporal fossa a. Margins and deep surface Two deep a. Elevates mandible
b. Temporal fascia of coronoid process temporal b. Posterior fibers retract
b. Anterior border of branches from protruded mandible
protruded mandible anterior division of c. Helps in side to side
mandibular nerve grinding movement
3. Lateral a. Upper head: From intratemporal a. Pterygoid fovea on the A branch from a. Depresses mandible to
pterygoid surface and crest of greater anterior surface of neck of anterior division open mouth with supra-
wings of sphenoid mandible of mandibular hyoid muscle
b. Lower head: From lateral b. Anterior margin of nerve b. Lateral and medial ptery-
surface of lateral pterygoid plate articular disc and capsule goid protrude mandible
of temporomandibular c. Left lateral pterygoid and
joint right medial pterygoid turn
the chin to left side as a
part of grinding movement
4. Medial a. Superficial head: From Roughned area of Nerve to medial a. Elevates mandible
pterygoid tuberosity of maxilla and medial surface of angle pterygoid, branch b. Helps in protruding
adjoining bone and adjoining ramus of of the main trunk mandible
b. Deep head: From medial surface mandible below and behind of mandibular c. Right medial pterygoid with
of lateral pterygoid plate and mandibular foramen and nerve left lateral pterygoid turn
adjoining process of palatine bone mylohyoid groove the chin to left side

Q.2. Write a note on temporalis muscle. (Mar 2001, 5 Marks) 3. Lateral pterygoid.
Ans. Refer to Ans 1 of same chapter. 4. Medial pterygoid.
Q.3. Define occlusion. Write in detail about muscle of mas- Q.5. Define mastication and deglutition.
tication.  (Dec 2012, 8 Marks)  (Apr 2017, 2 Marks)
Ans. Occlusion is defined as the “static and dynamic contact Ans.
relationship between the occlusal of teeth during Mastication
function.” Glossary of prosthodontic terminology (GPT).
For muscles of mastication refer to Ans 1 of same chapter. It is defined as act of chewing food, and it consists of coordinated
function of various parts of oral cavity to prepare the food for
Q.4. Enumerate the muscles of mastication. swallowing and digestion.
 (Jan 2018, 2 Marks) (Sep 2015, 2 Marks)
Ans. Following are the muscles of mastication: Deglutition
1. Temporalis. Deglutition is the process by which food is passed in stomach
2. Masseter from oral cavity or deglutition is defined as the act of swallowing.
Oral Physiology  745

process create sound. This sound is called as source

5. SPEECH excitation.
♦♦ It serves as an acoustic material from which speech sounds
Q.1. Write short answer on speech. (Aug 2018, 3 Marks) are later developed.
Ans. Speech is described as an overlaid process which is
secondary to vegetative functions. Resonation
Speech process consists of four mutually dependent ♦♦ Resonation is usually the third step in speech process.
divisions, i.e. ♦♦ Resonance provides a distinguishing quality which is the
1. Respiration characteristic of each voice.
2. Phonation ♦♦ Sounds get modified by selective alteration of both size
3. Resonation and shape of vocal tract.
4. Articulation ♦♦ Depending on the configuration of vocal tract, certain
These above mentioned process coordinate to produce frequencies are amplified whereas others are attenuated.
dynamic acoustic modulation of speech.
♦♦ Articulation is the fourth step in speech producing
♦♦ It is also known as power division. phenomenon.
♦♦ First step during speech producing phenomenon is respira- ♦♦ Articulators and articulatory valves are solely responsible
tion where the energy source for speaking is given by the
for this act.
respiratory system.
♦♦ Vocal organs are the articulators and the articulatory valves
♦♦ Exhaled airstream moves via resonating cavities and get
are the places at which airstream is modified to produce
shaped into discrete sounds.
speech sounds.
Phonation ♦♦ When vocal organs assume a certain position they produce
♦♦ Second step in speech phenomenon is phonation. sound, simultaneously articulatory valves stop, constrict
♦♦ Breath stream which is emitted from the lungs strikes to and narrow the airstream, thus producing speech sounds.
the vocal folds which are housed inside the larynx. ♦♦ So, articulation thus refers to placement and movement
♦♦ Phonation occurs due to vibratory activity of vocal folds. of lips, teeth, tongue, mandible and the soft palate as well
♦♦ Exhaled airstream get interrupted by vibratory pat- as associated structures at the time of speech to produce
tern of vocal folds, and air puffs emerging from this speech sound.
Plate 1

Page 3, Q. 1: Nerves and vessels related to mandible Page 7, Q. 1: Venous drainage of scalp

Page 43, Q. 2: Branches of maxillary artery

Page 75, Q. 5: Arterial supply of pituitary gland

Plate 2

Page 78, Q. 11: Branches of internal carotid artery

Page 82, Q. 3: Ciliary ganglion and its roots Page 88, Q. 8: Anatomy of pharynx

Page 100, Q. 6: Paranasal air sinuses Page 110, Q. 1: Arterial supply of tongue
Plate 3

Page 111, Q. 1: Lymphatic drainage of tongue

Page 122, Q. 1: Gomphosis

Page 134, Q. 2: Arterial supply of spinal cord: A. Anterior view,

Page 131, Q. 1: Lateral spinothalamic tract B. Posterior view
Plate 4

Page 135, Q. 4: Radicular arteries

Page 136, Q. 5: Lumbar puncture

Plate 5

Page 136, Q. 6: Transverse section at midcervical region

Page 141, Q. 4: TS of medulla oblongata at the level of pyramidal decussation

Page 146, Q. 1: Floor of the fourth ventricle Page 148, Q. 3: Roof of fourth ventricle
Plate 6

Page 153, Q. 8 and Page 156, Q. 11: Superolateral surface of cerebral hemisphere showing sulci and gyri

Page 159, Q. 2: Circle of Willis or circulous arteriosus

Plate 7

Page 161, Q. 1: Lymphatic drainage of breast

Page 164, Q. 4: Wall and contents of axilla

Page 166, Q. 1: Boundaries of cubital fossa Page 167, Q. 1: Contents of cubital fossa
Plate 8

Page 167, Q. 2: Biceps brachii muscle

Page 170, Q. 1: Mediastinal surface of left lung

Plate 9

Page 172, Q. 4: Right bronchopulmonary segment Page 172, Q. 5: Left bronchopulmonary segment
A. Costal aspect, B. Medial surface A. Costal aspect, B. Medial surface

Page 173, Q. 6: Mediastinal surface of right lung

Page 178, Q. 6: Internal structure of right atrium

Plate 10

Page 182, Q. 1: Contents of femoral triangle

Page 185, Q. 2: Common peroneal nerve

Plate 11

Page 188, Q. 1: External features and subdivisions of stomach Page 189, Q. 3: Structures forming stomach bed

Page 205, Q. 3: Mature Graafian follicle Page 219, Q. 4: Cleft palate

Page 229, Q. 3: Structures passing through

superior orbital fissure Page 232, Q. 8: Formation of cartilagenous model
Plate 12

Page 232, Q. 8: Zones of differentiation of cartilage cells Page 233, Q. 8: Formation of bone collar

Page 233, Q. 8: Formation of periosteal bud Page 233, Q. 8: Formation of medullary cavity

Page 234, Q. 8: Formation of secondary ossification center

Plate 13

Page 239, Q. 1: Various types of epithelium

Page 242, Q. 2: Hyaline cartilage Page 242, Q. 3: Elastic Cartilage

Plate 14

Page 243, Q. 1: Compact bone Page 244, Q. 1: Cancellous bone

Page 244, Q. 1 and Q. 2: Cardiac muscle Page 245, Q. 3: Transverse section of muscle

Page 245, Q. 3: Longitudinal section of muscle Page 245, Q. 1: Muscular artery

Plate 15

Page 246, Q. 1: Lymph node Page 247, Q. 2: Spleen

Page 247, Q. 3: Thymus Page 248, Q. 4: Tonsil

Page 248, Q. 1: Skin Page 249, Q. 1: Trachea

Page 249, Q. 2: Lung

Plate 16

Page 250, Q. 2 and Page 689 Q. 8: Filiform papillae Page 250, Q. 2 and Page 689 Q. 8: Fungiform papillae

Page 251, Q. 2 and Page 689, Q. 8: Circumvallate papillae Page 252, Q. 5: Submandibular gland

Page 252, Q. 6: Taste but (H&E stain)

Plate 17

Page 254, Q. 1A: Liver Page 254, Q. 1B: Liver

Page 254, Q. 2: Gallbladder (H&E stain)

Page 255, Q. 2: Urinary bladder (H&E stain) Page 255, Q. 3: Pancreas

Plate 18

Page 256, Q. 1: Pitiutary gland adenohypophysis (pars distalis) Page 256, Q. 1: Pars nervosa

Page 256, Q. 2: Thyroid gland Page 257, Q. 4: Adrenal cortex

Page 258, Q. 2: Kidney Page 259, Q. 1: Autonomic ganglion

Plate 19

Page 259, Q. 1: Testis

Page 260, Q. 2: Cerebellum Page 291, Q. 8: Neutrophils

Page 291, Q. 8: Eosinophils Page 291, Q. 8: Basophils

Page 291, Q. 8: Lymphocytes Page 291, Q. 8: Monocytes

Plate 20

Page 294, Q. 14: Platelets

Page 633, Q. 3: Bud stage Page 633, Q. 3: Cap stage

Page 634, Q. 3: Bell stage Page 634, Q. 3 and Page 635, Q. 6: Advanced bell stage
Plate 21

Page 635, Q. 7: Epithelial diaphragm Page 636, Q. 9: Ameloblasts

Page 636, Q. 10: Early bell stage Page 640, Q. 2: Enamel rods showing keyhole pattern

Page 640, Q. 3: Gnarled enamel Page 641, Q. 4: Enamel lamellae

Plate 22

Page 641, Q. 5: Enamel tuft Page 645, Q. 11: Enamel spindle

Page 646, Q. 13: Incremental line of Retzius Page 651, Q. 1: Dentinal tubule

Page 651, Q. 1: Predentin Page 652, Q. 2 and Page 656, Q. 16: Secondary dentin
Plate 23

Page 652, Q. 3: Tome’s granular layer Page 652, Q. 4: Reparative dentin

Page 654, Q. 8: Interglobular dentin Page 654, Q. 9 and Page 657, Q. 22: Dead tract

Page 657, Q. 22: Diffuse calcification Page 657, Q. 23: Transparent dentin
Plate 24

Page 662, Q. 7: True pulp stone Page 662, Q. 7: False pulp stone

Page 663, Q. 11: Denticles Page 663, Q. 15: Pulp at periphery

Page 666, Q. 3A: Cellular cementum Page 666, Q. 3B: Acellular cementum
Plate 25

Page 666, Q. 4: Cementocytes Page 667, Q. 5: Sharpey’s fibers

Page 667, Q. 6: Butt junction Page 667, Q. 6: Cementum overlapping enamel junction

Page 668, Q. 6: Enamel overlapping cementum junction Page 668, Q. 6: Gap junction
Plate 26

Page 669, Q. 12: Differentiation of cementoblasts Page 669, Q. 12: Cementum deposition

Page 675, Q. 3: Horizontal alveolar and oblique

Page 670, Q. 13: Cementoblast and cementocyte group of fibers

Page 675, Q. 3: Apical group of fibers Page 675, Q. 3: Inter-radicular group of fibers
Plate 27

Page 679, Q. 1: Alveolar bone Page 681, Q. 4: Resting lines of bone

Page 682, Q. 6: Incremental lines of von Ebner

Page 682, Q. 5: Osteoblast, osteocyte, osteoclast

Page 683, Q. 6: Incremental lines of Salter Page 686, Q. 3: Anterolateral zone of hard palate
Plate 28

Page 687, Q. 3: Posterolateral zone of hard palate Page 690, Q. 11: Taste Bud

Page 691, Q. 15: Cheek mucosa Page 693, Q. 16: Gingiva

Page 694, Q. 18: Vermilion border of lip

Plate 29

Page 699, Q. 37: Nonkeratinized mucosa (H&E stain)

Page 701, Q. 42: Keratinized mucosa (H&E stain)

Page 706, Q. 1: Serous acini

Plate 30

Page 706, Q. 1: Mucous acini

Page 709, Q. 8: Submandibular salivary gland

Page 710, Q. 13: Mixed salivary gland

Plate 31

Page 720, Q. 1: Maxillary sinus

Page 722, Q. 1: Hematoxylin and eosin stain

Page 723, Q. 5: Mallory stain

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