Components of Table Structure

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‘ile Bar ‘Database | Tile Bar Terie ‘Database Toolbar ane] Bar Object Tbs Database | ‘window Task Pane Description [Contains the Ganirol men Tcon, as well, 3s the Maximize, Minimize and Close butions for Microsoft Access. Shows the name ofthe database you are ‘currentiy working with, Its Close button allows you to close the current database without exiting Microsoft Access. "Ths is where the menus that allow you to perform various tasks in Microsoft Access are displayed. Displays the frequently used database commands, This is basically the Standard “Toolbar with a different name, Displays important information concerning your database view. Allow you to switch between the different ‘ypes of database objects eg tables and (Contains all the objects for the database u are working with [Contains a ist of options related to the current task. ‘putton of the database) ‘You will notice that Access does not ask you whether to save the changes you made to your database. This is because Access automatically saves them for you. Exercise 2 Having completed your database plan, its now time to go to your computer and get familie with Microsoft Access, 1 Start up Microsoft Access. 2 Make a database called VIDEOS, 3 Save the database. 4 Exit the Access program, Scanned with CamScanner Chapter 3 Components of a Table Structure What is a Table Structure? eens reenter ee ‘Aub srctre is template tha ued for defini tne parameters ofa table The parmrtes nce eae ‘ues dta type, descriptions thd propery Field names. ‘ah fil must be given a mame tient the Gl ‘eld names can contin spaces tower ena ‘aot exceed Ef characters An erp of el ame ‘ESumame whieh i eed for tong snore, Data types. {ach eld is etined asa parla data ype, which eerste processing cpa of te data thats ‘sed inthe fel alr wo select eltabe Gta ype ‘cul serous hamper the uses an efectvente our (abuse for example, i sxting fields tent fe would be impossible wo perform esculatins onthe dats ed at ype and what they ate sad fo ar cw in the tbe Leon Description fac ld en have esxpon ober than held ‘ame or the pen The decent be used to Prov feton abou he els can bea maxims [a5 haces ands layed on the Satie Br of form when th fel elected Field zs Ene lds murber of propre, which ae ‘played when the eld data tps selected. The ‘poperes include the clown ed site ‘This the mania marber of caracers that can be nerd ina ald For tof the dele amber SO. homever he rmber cannot exe 255 You ena et eto the az tht best ue the ta tobe entered in thie fel For example. the lngest ast are tobe entered {525 curate, you should xt the ae 25, ‘hats stored in that fla. same of he mrt commonly g Papen -omoreapanurnrc dats and pls that ovat oxeed OH areca Ts includes test and sums not el any calcaatons sucha one umber "To store alphanumeric data and symbols that exceed 255 characters, suchas angen Maroon eta p05 chee. Cn ino use eure ab estore ural aa tat an be IGUaTe Do tw sala We To PESTe umber sol ecuy number [To store dates and times. A variety of display formats are avaliable. You can use this data typeto ind the diferencettcen wo daten Tostremoneiyval, Fo store equenl mamas asigedy Accets You cannot chanprer wpa an utstunber el, You ean ony eli one eld wing the utter dts pe inasaie ro toe one of vo values such as Vso or VGH estore an objet sch at an Excel spreadsheet Word document Oca wafhic og hati lined or embeded into an Access able A linked object none whee the source isnot s partofthe Aces database: An embedded objec spaced she thtabae or parc the data amber ‘Baertime ‘Carenay ‘AntoNomber Yano ‘Object ParV Microsoft Access | ape 3 21 Scanned with CamScanner Fomat ‘The Fomat propery can Ye used o crate casters iam tht ngs he ay muerte, es, and tere dply an pt ema ropes no ange the ray te dta tre, ony bo itis played echange he format of id, erent yal are hice the Fora box Trt Mera Data Sper an we ay of far spt shown nthe ale bow symbol] Description Example @ [Arequired | @oa-05-0500 fexteharetr | Would dlsplay 26123887 oespace haracters or spaces are required. = [forces ait | stout pp Sar eharactereto [whether you entered apercase | SMITH smi, or mich. forces a Would pay smth | crarcters to | ether you entered owerease | SUITH, sith. or Sith, &—Janepional | e8-08 woul diay text charactor | 3245 812385 and 1236 B24 Fouroutol ve eharactes are requled snd. tn is eptnal, Examples format ets fr diferent ata types are atarype | Field size | Decimals | _ormet "Number [ouble [0,1,2.¢te ied, [curency Dee ‘porn ccureengy Diawe Ing mask ‘An Input massa patter that coool the data that ‘canbe entered in a eld I consists of teal characters ‘whch are dlplaed in he eld and mask characters, Avhich are not Literal characters re caracters such as the parentheses suroundng the ares code ofa telephone number ora phen used to separate he pats ofa (elephone number Mask character ar syabos that ontrl where the dts is entered inthe the type of data hat can be entered whether he dais equed of optional, and the numberof characters Sethe able on he right above acter | what characteris accepted/| Entry Character | What ae tune > [haa a 5 [bartonc No 1 fit ae. i i iter fin opal A rr ss 2 roe opal ia merase |e é ance ospace [Opt Scones characters oer 5] comena tac soar cse 5 Poirigs temiatorE splays the next character ‘sings space between to quotation marks can crate snenpoyopace An example of he input mask for teephone number i\ (2387 325-292 Caption ‘Tecapton isthe be forthe Sil thats displayed on 2 forms yeu do notype ina caption, te default abel wi tithe name ofthe fl Enter caption initia sp this tendency present les ejestain than ll cap Defel wae ‘The Default value is used to speity a value thats ato- smavealy entered in a flelé when anew record is eeatee ‘This property is coramonly used when mest oa ofthe ents in eld willbe the sme, Tat default vale ie then played atematially in the eld. When a eco {sadde othe abl the wer an either accept this ale renter another value This saves tie while entering ua, Character dea valves ate enloved by quotation marks" and date eft vlues by number sig xamples offal vate are _what i stored inthe field Barbados ouairiooe art IV Microsoft Acces | chapter 5 Scanned with CamScanner eaiease | ane aes a — ae eel "Recepts only salaries that are move that Fes nde oe ar F ‘Accepts M or F entries only ‘Birth Date [Date/Time | >~ 01/13/1969" AND<= #127317 [Accepts birth dates that ae greater than oF Ioan equal to 1/13/1989 and less than or equal to ‘Sevan ‘Result feed "PASS" or "FAIL" "Accepts only entries with PASS or FAIL. “ Last ‘When you add a validation rule you can also add dnt aton te rope oat ‘en entering at. check known a valiation check (ibe performed onthe data to ensure that the data ‘Se this eee is only performed ifaVabdatin rule ‘oentered inthe table seroture “svaiity check i st by entering an expression cooing te acepable ales. Expressions can (Etnnde up of numeri texto date data, rational ‘eors and/r logical operator (Se the able bore) “fe ata ofthe Number datatype must nat be eclned in quotation mars whereas that ofthe Text Sreype must be enclosed in quotation marks. The dats Fe varie field must be enlosed in the sgn Figwe3) Validation tot rer message thats splayed when the validation ae abner called the Vadation ex You may ‘Baie your owner message to notify the we of he cee Vato text appears ina oeseg bof 04 pt tener ina iferraton i te ld fe see na vlity check fox example if you added raat rea fied oon ale he mbes ‘afbtpe to, you might cestevldation txt that wou Sen te esnge “Te oly aid enti fr his Pee numbers tough 10° you donot pec 8 Tenaga default err message wil be i768 pert 1v Mioaefe Access | Cap 3 203 Scanned with CamScanner Required property ‘Ts propery could beset to Yes or No. When tis cet {oven te asoay for he sa tint dita inthe Fn Ti ear ery uel for ensuring hat data tered nce fe tat ar relat fr plocesing {he data For example, pal syste more to ‘alate the gos py. enteng te po ates neces ‘itn this sta wuld esl the gros pay being era. Herce ou wold et the Reged property o Yes fe the py te el. Aecas wl nox save the ecrd wt Jou type if nt thi fe You willzceve asap indicating at thsi required eld ‘Alo length xing ts propery 0 Yer lows ss length sing to ‘ened te el You may only seth option im Toe Memo o Hyperink data pes Exercise 3 1 Select three ofthe folowing eat pes and tate ‘when each shoul e edn the able tote: ‘Text Mme, Number, DaeTine, Currency, Yes 2 List the main components ofa table sructre and tat the fansons ofeach component 3 Whatis a pimary key? 46 whatie the purpose of) caption) an Input rack and} Defsult value Indeed as ry wil arrange ecards faite at tne eae scenes Super a rns ernst Ssing Fe duplesten es dupbentes Primary bey onimay ter a fel or combination of els that a detieseach recordin a table. Records are i pany kag the piay key fay Fane er does ts Te inex i atomatial eta nodes ce tert ou ee Jet contain dopeated values in he primar ey enor ie permit out leave the fl lank Tey ky in sees tot the elatonshipbeteen, ft. Whats the purpose of» Vaiation rule? 6 Explain the importance ofthe Required propery. 7 Give tro examples of Validation rules {8 Whatis the parpoe of Validation tex? 9. what characters are accepted when the llwing ye wed in an input mack: (00, @) 98nd (€)#? 10 Whats the Default value forthe computer's system date? art V Microsoft Aces | Scanned with CamScanner 3

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