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Doyin Osinaike

My appreciation goes to my wife for her encouragement to push this
work out. Also, to my Sister Mrs O. M Oladosu for believing in the work.
I thank my brother Pastor O. G Osinaike who assisted tremendously in
the typing of the manuscript.
I also commend Deacon A. Odusote and Bro/Sis Taiwo Fatimilehin who
read through the manuscript and advised me.
Above all, I am grateful to God who among other things inspired and
gave me specific messages in the course of writing this book. To him be
the glory.

I dedicate this book to those who will live a purposeful life after reading
this book.


Chapter 1……The World

Chapter 2……Actors and their Actions
Chapter 3……Activities of Man on Stage
Chapter 4……Divine Script
Chapter 5……Who is God?
Chapter 6……Divine Guidance
Chapter 7……More to Life

It would not amaze me should students buy and sell in a supermarket when
placed there instead of a school. Neither would it be amazing, should they buy
and sell in a super market turned school if they were not made to understand that
the school though formerly a supermarket building is now converted into a school
and must be seen and accepted as such. The message here is that it is important
to know where we are to know what actually the place is designed for.
If I am aware that I’m in a school, I have to do all that is supposed to be done in a
school. If I am in a stadium, I can only remain there either as a player or a
spectator. It would be foolish of me to read in a stadium, of course it is not a
library where gainful reading is expected to be achieved. Yet I do not think one
can be regarded as foolish to play football in a library that was labelled “Stadium”.
I observe that most of us do not know where we are as far as the world is
concerned and that is why we do things that are not meant for the world in the
world. Some of us seem to know where we are in principle and not in practice.
And because we do not have the necessary orientation of where we are, we often
derail bringing distortions into the originally organized world.
You will agree with me that a place referred to as school has a goal – to educate
students and they in turn are to imbibe the knowledge. You will also agree with
me that a place referred to as the world should have better and outstanding goal
under the supervision of the creator. Unfortunately much has been done in this
world contrary to what should be obtainable there. A thorough appraisal confirms
ignorance as the hardest nut to crack. That notwithstanding, the earlier we realize
this and retrace our steps, the better for us.
Alas! We must know what really the world is to do the right thing there. We must
recall all we have been doing before now and compare with what is supposed to
be done. We might be further guided by acquainting ourselves with the set
standard for the world. For everything done by man in the world there is a price
and prize attached. The former is the mobilizer and the later the motivator.

The World
When I was a little boy and became conscious of my existence as a living being, I
was very inquisitive about what the world is all about, what my life represent,
when and where I would end up – my destination. As from the age of six I hardly
rested from wondering about what the world was meant to achieve and the part I
was meant to play.
At times I could stand by gazing into the sky wondering what it is made of. From
there my thought could wonder further trying to know what could be behind the
sky. Like many other children I had listened to tales that taught me to believe it is
God who resides up there and that he is the creator of the world. Such tales kept
me more inquisitive as I tried to figure out who must have created God himself.
Very early enough I understood myself so well that I would remain restless until I
find the right answers. Despite meeting a brick wall, I was pacified by my
appreciation of the sense organs I am endowed with. What I see, feel, touch, hear
and perceive are features that would later help satisfy my curiosity.
I use to imagine how the world looked like before its creation. My imagination
failed me as I could not make up even the simplest picture of the position of
things before the creation of the world. Then I realized this world is indeed a
comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel. It occurred to me my
creator must have limited my reasoning to the environment I live in. This
experience led me to a clearer understanding of the world.
The world is a Stage
Many of us at one time or the other in our life could have watched a group of
dancers, singers or dramatists perform on stage. Try to reflect on those stage
performances with you seated in the audience. Your expectation and that of
others are usually high because you wanted value for the money paid to watch
the show.
During and at the end of a show, a satisfied and highly entertained audience
greets the actors with loud rounds of applause. They radiate in joy and exude in
confidence over a dedicated actor. Such actors as a result of their excellent

performance on stage would be rewarded at the end of the show by their
An actor expecting such reward would have to work very hard for it. He must
have all useful materials at his disposal, rehearse his role as many times as
possible until they become part and parcel of him. Attending rehearsal meetings
with co-actors for blending is non-negotiable. A good actor would listen and obey
the director’s instructions. He would also need to live by the examples of those
who had successfully trod the path.
The stage had also paraded bad actors. These set of actors are careless and less
serious. Though longing for applause will not do what it takes to earn it. These are
the ones who ignore instructions and won’t obey them. For them all that
mattered is to be seen performing on stage.
This world is not like a stage, rather it is a stage. A stage full of creatures acting
out their roles in the presence of an invisible audience. The main actors in which
the interest of the audience lies most are human beings. Are you excited or
amazed to know that you are a performer whose activities in thoughts, words or
actions are being followed by a keenly observant non-physical audience in a world
show that will come to an end someday?

The Actors and Their Actions
Taking a cue from the preceding chapter, it is expedient we consider some of the
world actors and examine the part each of them has to play. Also to be
considered are the procedures and guidelines for acting in comparison with the
actual performance on stage.
The wind is one of the oldest actor. There is no doubt that it is one of the most
successful actor too. Right from the time it came on stage, there had been no
time it derailed.
The instruction to the wind was to spread freely to every place - nook and corner.
The oxygen taken in by other living being is actually the result of the availability of
the wind. As long as there is no deliberate effort by others to hinder its move, the
wind is irresistible.
The sun has successfully played the role of illumination. It has brought light to the
stage for ages. During the day it comes out very bright and at night deems up, all
according to instruction.
The sun’s unequalled radiance led to it been tagged an awful beauty, the sweet
light, the impartial rays. “Make hays while the sun shines” is a popular phrase to
collaborate the general impression the sun made on stage. The rising and setting
of the sun had been and continue to be an uninterruptable routine.
The rain comes from the sky watering the ground and whoever or whatever is
directly under it. Sometimes it showers, at times it drips and other times it pours.
When the cloud gather, it is a clear sign it’s about to rain.
The rain helps the plant to grow, makes the weather cold and adds to the beauty
of nature. The distinction between dry and rainy season buttresses the effective
interplay between the rain and its co-actor, sun. The peak of its performance is
when it rains while the sun shines.

Dry Land
The dry land with the help of the sun and the rain brings forth quality grass, herbs
yielding seed, fruit yielding trees. It is upon the dry land a house is built. It offers
other creatures the chance to stand, walk and run upon it.
The dry land presents either as a valley or a mountain. Its texture may differ
depending on location and exposure but its composition is largely the same.
When the rain falls, it is softer and when the sun shines, it is drier. On it you can
dig a well, a borehole or a soak away. Dead creatures are consumed by it when
buried in a grave dug on it.
The plant is usually green by nature. It changes colour when it is long cut off from
its branch or root. It has been a source of food for mankind and some other living
creatures. It comes in different types, shapes and sizes.
The role of the plant is multidimensional. It is represented by leaves, seeds, trees,
fruits, crops and vegetables. Once a seed is planted, with the aid of the sun, the
rain and the dry land, it germinates and grows into remarkable harvest of crop
and food providing not only the quantity and quality of food required by the
sower but also with its accompanying vitamin and nutrients.
Somebody said “animals are such agreeable friends: they ask no question: pass no
criticisms”. This I think is because Animals are available to mankind as a pet or a
prey. While some animals are necessary companion to man, others are ready
meat. They are the natural source of milk and protein for mankind.
Animals are also companion and food to one another. As there are different types
of animals so are their habitat and behavior. What is common however is their
adaptability. They keep to the dictates of their peculiar nature to survive. Those in
the air are aided by the wind. Those in water are aided by the rain. Those on dry
ground are supported by plant.

Man is the main actor, he is a superstar, one whose presence in the show
mattered most. Other actors, though important are supplement and aid to him
for an outstanding performance on stage. Without him there wouldn’t have been
any need for the show. On him much is invested and given by the audience and
show director.
The resources invested on man is colossal, exorbitant and immeasurable. He is
the only actor that laughs and weeps: for he is the only actor that is struck with
the difference between what things are, and what they ought to be. He ought to
be a paragon of actors. He ought to stand out because he is the only actor that
can give real joy at the end of the show.
Was man able to measure up to this wild but fulfilling expectation? Was he able
to derive inspiration from other actors who are outstanding and maintained
perfection on stage? To answer these questions, we have to appraise the
performance of man on stage. We will also try to figure out the reaction of the
audience and the show director to man as soon as the show comes to an end.

Activities of Man on Stage
The childhood days of a man is particularly of interest. At this stage of his life he
has little or nothing to do to help even himself. This is not unexpected since he is
yet to grasp what is really happening. All he does is to sleep, wake up, eat, play
around and sleep again.
The realities of his existence is yet to dawn on him. As time goes on he begins to
grow into manhood and soon discover himself. He also discovers his environment
and companion too. So like a young eagle he hurries into the system exploring it
as much as he could.
Naturally, human beings are very hardworking piece of work, noble in reason,
infinite in faculty; in form and moving – express and admirable. Man is the miracle
of miracles and the great inscrutable mystery of God. He is the beauty of the
world. There never was such beauty in another. Nature made man and broke the
mold. The reason he longs to conquer, explore and acquire culminating into an
insatiable quest for wealth, power, pleasure and security.
Quest For Wealth
No man hate wealth. The challenge he has is how to acquire it because the
resources needed for its acquisition are very scarce. Even at that, nothing is big
enough to discourage him from aspiring to be wealthy. The ultimate desire of
many is wealth. Some have succeeded and to an extent become wealthy while
many others keep trying their luck in one way or the other hoping it will pay off
The methods adopted in pursuing wealth is not entirely the same but the motive
is, largely. Also, the time frame is another distinguishing fact. While some cheat
their way to wealth, another may dupe or rob with pen. For the smart-less,
sneaking into the houses of the wealthy to dispossess them may be their best bet.
Victims of such dispossession are sometimes left wounded or dead. The reason
this group of wealth seeking men are generally referred to as armed robbers by
those who frown at their crude money making method characterized by
bloodshed but whose source of wealth are equally questionable.

Quest For Power
Power sometime is a function of wealth and vice versa. It is not uncommon for a
man who longs for wealth to garner it through power. Power gives its user
authority and control over issues and decisions. It shoots one into limelight and
places him above others.
Truly, power can be exercised at different levels. Just as a policeman has power, a
school teacher also has. A company manager has power over his subordinates just
as a husband has over his wife and children. Going further in the hierarchy of
power, the height of its intoxication rest with political office holder like that
exercised by state governors and country presidents to mention a few.
The categories of power are numerous but what is noteworthy is that whatever
level of power man exercises he loves to adequately exhaust it beyond bounds.
This is a case of the use of power being a game of whist, from unseen sources.
The cards are shuffled, and the hands are dealt. Be it as it may, many do not like
the way the cards are shuffled, but like the game and want to play.

Quest For Pleasure

It has been said that the rule of many life is to make business a pleasure and
pleasure business. Pleasure seekers are not limited to smoking and drinking,
unwarranted sexual relationships is a common phenomenon.
Masturbation, homosexualism and lesbianism are strange sexual escapades
gaining ground by the day. In some countries, these unnatural behaviors are
legalized and the right of those involved extensively protected. Even sexual
relation with animals is a common knowledge in this generation.
The old men and women, middle aged men and women are not left out of this
craze for unwarranted pleasure. Most young girls are happier with deceitful men,
who will use them up thoroughly. They would rather run after the few rich and
the self-acclaimed wealthy men. Man is uncontrollably out for pleasure and he
can do anything to experience it, anyway and anyhow.

Quest For Security
Man can be likened to a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. It
is a fact that every man loves himself more than his fellow man. Though he may
be faced with misfortune, it was never his wish. The same people who can deny
others everything are famous for refusing themselves nothing.
Man will run here and there to avert little problems or danger. None liked to be ill
or get involved in any form of accident. Those who commit suicide were
depressed and therefore can’t reason normally. So their behavior was not
consistent with human nature. Those who killed others for whatever reason turn
cowards when it is their turn to face the hangman.
When a mention is being made of self-fortune man is the architect, he struggles
for it, climbs the highest mountain, crosses the trackless desert, swim the widest
ocean to reach out for it. But when faced with the slightest misfortune, he
catches cold and the need for security dawns on him.
To forestall evil and prevent misfortune, some resort to charms while some
others clamour for any form of physical security. Burglary proofs, gates, security
gadgets are the products of intense search for security. Enrolment as members of
secret cults and many other spiritual groups are readymade security boost for

Divine Script
Before the commencement of a show, the actors charged with the responsibility
of performing on stage are suppose to be familiar with their roles and master it to
enhance their performance on stage. There is usually a paper called script where
each actor’s role on stage is outlined.
The standard of the script will go a long way in determining the results that has to
be pursued and fetched. It is not enough for a script to be perfectly written, much
of the weight lies on the actor who has to reflect the beauty of the script on
It follows then that a good script with dedicated actors will bring good result
while a bad script with dedicated actors will bring bad result. In like manner, a
good script with undedicated actors would bring bad result while a bad script with
undedicated actors would still bring bad result.
Also, we should bear in mind that there can never be different script for each
actor taking part in the same show. The script must be the same. Afterwards,
each actor would have to master his/her role and have an idea of the role of
others. Should the script of any of the actors differ there is bound to be
incoherence on stage.

Authentic Script
There can only be one script to a show. There can never be two not to talk of
three. The only script could earlier have gone through alterations at the
manuscript stage out of the desire of the director to ensure a fantastic show. This
won’t promote non-uniform script rather it is aimed at producing one original
standard script for a worthy stage performance. When copies of scripts are
distributed to actors, the content of each is the same.
It is easy to understand that when two scripts different in content are distributed
to actors that are to perform in one and the same show confusion is bound to
arise. It is expected for such actors to be acting in opposite direction. There would
be mix-up and overlapping in acting since the role of each actor would be to play

its part according to the script given him. So the first thing to note in a good and
authentic script therefore is its uniformity. Apart from this there are other
important and indispensable characteristic of an authentic script as enumerated
*It must have a meaningful and outstanding title
*It must be simple, logical and non-contradictory
*It must set goals, stating guidelines and instructions necessary to achieve it.
*It must adequately spell out the role of each actor.
*Stories and events in an authentic script must be cohesive and continuous.
*The lettering in an authentic script must be legible
*It must reveal all roles and activities at the beginning, during and at the end of a
show depicting how, when and where it will occur.
*It must not at any time make reference to any other script.

It is important to note that the above list constituting features of an authentic

script is exhaustive. It therefore implies that any script that is deficient in any of
the features above is not authentic and as such should not be referred to or
studied by a purposeful actor.

Divine Script
Script is script, either it is divine or natural. So a divine script cannot be exempted
from the features of an authentic script. If any so called divine script is devoid of
any of the characteristic of an authentic script, it loses the divinity qualification.
Just as when an ordinary script that is not authentic is not a script, so is a script
that is not authentic couldn’t have been divine.
Having satisfied natural traits, a divine script should possess additional feature
which simply distinguishes it further from being just an authentic script. Such a
script should be authoritative, unique and supernatural. In other words it has to

be a book which, if everything else in our language should perish, would alone
suffice to show the whole extent of its beauty and power.

As a teenager, when it dawned on me that I am one of the performer on world
stage, I began to search for the divine script to study and master my role. There
were many script laying claim to divinity but I was convinced it can’t be more than
one. Based on interactions with devoted “divine scripts” proponents and reading
excerpts of such scripts, I was convinced the divine script meant for the world
show is uniquely titled ‘The Holy Bible”.
On my extensive reading of the Bible, I discovered that this one and only divine
script also referred to itself as “The Scriptures”. The word scripture made a lot of
sense to me. It confirms that the Bible is indeed a script enshrined in divinity,
meant to be relied upon to put up the expected performance on the world stage,
hence its being alternatively referred to as SCRIPTures.

What Script have you?

Do not be deceived or misled, there can never be two scripts to a stage
performance. No director is interested in confusion or incoherence in a show he
organizes. Have you been looking into a wrong script to act on the world stage?
Have you been studying the right script only to act to the contrary on stage? Is it
that you have never looked into any script?
The activities of man on stage as revealed in the previous chapter affirms that
many of us belong to at least one or all of those groups. These set of actors are
wasting valuable resources of the show director. The audience are unimpressed
by the performance of many. It may not be too late to shelve mediocrity. There is
room for better rehearsal and good performance as long as one is still on stage.

Who Is God?
Nature they say, doth dote, and cannot make a man: save on some worn – out
plan, repeating us by rote. And so like other things that we see and touch and is
traceable to a maker, man must have been made. Whether you agree or not, the
next question is for you.
Who Are You?
This is one question you need to ponder upon. In your response, the pronoun “I”
is common not only to you but to as many as would attempt an answer. Though
the phrase that followed may differ individually, the impressions are generally the
same. Come to think of it, whoever you think you are, is an incomplete account of
your stage presence from a deeper perspective.
Who You Are!
It is a fact that none of us is able to account for where he was before he was born.
If we really do know who we are, we should be able to also account for our pre-
birth activities. Meaning if you were born in 1960, where were you in 1948 for
instance? Significant events must have taken place before your physical birth. If
you find this argument unreasonable because you believe you simply didn’t exist
before your birth, then the obvious truth is you are what God says you are.
Not only are you unable to give account of your pre-birth activities, the mystery
behind this body you call yours is unknown. Listen, few years ago you were a
single fertilized egg cell smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. From
that tiny beginning, you began growing within your mother’s womb. In time your
body was complete with a brain that thinks, eyes that see, ears that hear, mouth
that speak, nose that smells, legs that move and many other marvelous organs.
Your parent didn’t draw up blueprint to produce you. Rather, this was all done
within the fertilized egg that was formed by the uniting of a sperm cell from your
father with the egg cell in your mother’s womb. In a matter of seconds, the plans
were drawn up inside that tiny cell for the entire new human that turned out to
be you!

Even when you were born you were partially conscious of your existence for the
first three or four years. Hardly can you remember any of the things you did then.
Not only that, you definitely do not know the number of years apportioned to you
to perform in the world show. By the time you vacate the stage you are uncertain
about the event that would unfold afterwards.
Your person is a mystery. Science haven’t figured it out. It is the design of a grand
creator! Because of what one of the inspired writers of the Bible knew about the
existence of man, he declared to God.

“I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.

Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware” Psalm 139:

God Is Your Creator

“In the beginning God created heaven and earth; And the earth was
without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said,
let there be light; and there was light.” Genesis 1: 1 – 3

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he
him, male and female created he them.” Genesis 1: 27

“Before I (God) formed thee in the belly I knew thee:….” Jeremiah 1: 5

God Is the Almighty

Without mincing words God is great and greater than all. He is omniscience,
omnipresence and omnipotent. He did not only create man, he created the host
of heaven and rules over their affairs.

“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of
them.” Genesis 2:1

God and the host of heaven watches the performance of actors day in day out. He
is not only the creator of everything, he is the author of the scriptures and
director of the actors.

God Is Your Director

God is indeed the director of the actors. He gave out the script depicting past,
current and future scenes; expected actions and prepared speeches. Guidelines
and instructions for good performances are properly laid out. He recommended
regular rehearsals amongst purposeful actors for grooming and blending. Any
actor who consistently studies the script, attend rehearsal meetings and follow
God’s instructions to the later is bound to finish the show as a super star.
The show could end anytime. Prior to that, some actors may finish their role
earlier, some new actors could be introduced. A purposeful actor is ever ready to
end his/her role well at any time in anticipation of promised reward. Any
purposeless acting on the other hand attracts damnation.

“……; that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according
to that he hath done whether it be good or bad.” 2Corinthian 5: 10

“And behold, I come quickly: and my reward is with me, to give every
man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22: 12

Having known who God is and with the understanding that he authored the divine
script, there is need for us to consider the benefit of acknowledging him as a
creator, an author and a director.
If you have been following some sporting events like soccer, for instance, you
would notice that nobody attains the position of a coach without having to play
the football game in the past. Should there be such a coach, his coaching ability is
not likely to be as sound as it ought to be, were he to have the experience.
This explains one of the reason God had to send his only begotten son Jesus Christ
into the world show for the salvation of mankind, an accomplishment preceded
by his perfection on stage. It was the spirit of God that was in Jesus Christ. So
Jesus is God coming down in human flesh, in the likeness of man.

“And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his
glory as of the only begotten of the father) full of grace and truth.” John
1: 14

As a director of the actors in the on-going world show, God came down to the
stage to act as Jesus Christ. He displayed to us better how to act perfectly on
stage by the shedding of his precious blood. All his plans on the world stage were

optimally executed. He made costly sacrifice warding off all hindrances and
distractions affecting the performance of man on stage. His coming made the
show less challenging for the actors and most interesting for the audience.
Thereafter, for the show to continue to be interesting and performance driven,
his way of acting has to be emulated, his utterances while on stage has to be
believed, honoured and reckoned with. Anything short of this by any actor is a
show of shame with grievous repercussions.

“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me and I in him,

the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If
a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and
men gather them, and cast them into fire and they are burned.” John 1:

After the successful performance of our Lord Jesus Christ on stage, he left
physically, after making adequate provision for leading and guiding all actors in
the right path. He has to do this to keep the show interesting and less distractive.

“But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep
are not, seeth the wolf coming and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and
the wolf catcheth them and scattereth the sheep.” John 10: 12

Picture a sheep in the great expanse of a wilderness or picture a sheep on a street

in a large city. It cannot read the sign posts. The life of an actor is like a roadmap
of a country without the names of cities, towns or street – Just roads. Who will
not miss the path without guidance?
If you are obedient there are many things you will need to keep you going and
accomplished in your sojourn as an actor. Your director is interested in all that
pertains to you and wants to make sure you lack nothing. Tell God all that you
need to equip you well for successful and impressive acting on stage and he will
supply them.

Your health as an actor is very important. Without sound health no matter how
obedient an actor you are, it will affect your performance. You must not be ill.
Your creator (or director) has made adequate provision for your health. Reject
any type of sickness. Refuse to be ill. Never tell people you are ill except for
prayer; never own it to yourself. Illness is one of those things you should resist on
principle, on faith at the onset. Search the script and stand upon those words,
they keep you going. The words in the divine script keeps you healthy and you will
have hope. He that has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in
health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3John 2

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love,
and of a sound mind.” 2Tim 1: 7

The activities of a man who disregard the divine script reveals his search for a
short-lived comfort. The chase after money, the thirst for pleasure, the strive for
power, the hunger for security: all confirm the extent of damage to our lives. God
being the author of life knows all we need, he wants the highest pinnacle of
fulfillment for us. Why should we settle for less? Less than a totally unique and
creative experience with the God of all comfort.

“Blessed be God, even the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of
mercies, and the God of all comfort. 2Corinthian 1: 3

Most people feel that God is trying to push them into a corner and cramp their
style. They say, if you want to be wealthy or you need power, if you have too
much fun or engage in any form of pleasure, you will not be a good actor and he

won’t like you anymore. They think God wants you lying on beds of nails to prove
you are really serving him. That’s not the way God is.
God saw you in your mother’s womb and said “oh, I have got something for you!”
and He got so excited (and he’s still excited) about every actor on stage. Some are
greatly disappointing and hurting him, but everyone of us made him exceedingly
excited when He saw us in our mother’s womb. And He had this thing in mind,
and it was that he wanted the highest possible spine-tingling depth of fulfilling
experience for you and I. That is his plan for you in your search for money, power,
pleasure and security.
But few of us really believe it. We think, “If I am going to have what I want, I will
have to get it myself. I know what is going to fulfil me better than God does”. And
most of us blow it because we don’t know God. We don’t understand that he
created money, power, pleasure and in Him is security.
I expect by now that you do know God’s intention was depth, satisfaction and
fulfilment. He wants to limit our behavior and activities towards the necessities of
life, not to take away, but to channel this beautiful flow like banks channel a river.
It is stupid to knock down the banks of a river to give it “freedom” or “liberation”.
If the river said, “I am going to flow where I want to flow when I feel like flowing”,
we would end up with flood instead of something beautiful. Say “no” to
destruction and “yes” to God and His logical acting limits. Once we can
understand why God said what He said in the divine script, it won’t be hard to

“Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and
seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.” Philippian 4: 9

Wisdom is important and indispensable if man must fulfil destiny on stage. It is
available for as many as would ask God for it. It is also the desire of God that all
men act in wisdom. He knows without it you can’t help constituting a nuisance on
stage. So He wants you to ask, covet and own it.

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men
liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1: 5

“For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the
Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2: 14

What else could be as important as this, wisdom amounts to everything in Life. Its
benefits are numerous, including but not limited to the enhancement of the
performance of actors on stage. You need to understand how to bring up your
children to live right, respect others and honour God. As a leader you need
wisdom to be a worthy example to the led. You need wisdom to manage the
wealth and resources of your church, society, company, club or country that you
are entrusted with. In school, at work and at home, wisdom is paramount.

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy
getting get understanding. Exalt her (wisdom), and she shall promote
thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. She
shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she
deliver to thee.” Prov 4: 7, 8, 9.

Why would you be tail when God says you shall be the head? Why would you be
stagnant when the plan of God for you is promotion? Why would you entertain
fear of humiliation when God’s purpose is to honour you? Who would curse the
one whom God blesses? Who would condemn a man redeemed by the blood of
the lamb? The major reason you could be experiencing consistent frustration on
stage is because of your lack of wisdom. You’ve got to search for it in the one and
only divine script – Holy Bible.

You have to wake up from your slumber. He gave others, why not you? He gave
Solomon and he acted magnificently as the wisest king on stage. The show is still
on, the audience cheers still echoing, stand up and claim your right. Your right is
that Jesus is your Lord.

More To Life
There is a story of one simple couple who lives in a fisherman’s cottage in a little
village by the sea. When the man came home at the end of a day, his wife said to
him, “The new minister came here today, and asked a question I couldn’t
answer.” “What did he ask?” “He asked me” she said, “Does Jesus Christ live
here?” “And what did you say?” the husband demanded. “I didn’t know what to
say”, she answered. “Well, couldn’t you tell him that we are respectable people?”
he asked. “But he didn’t ask me that” was her reply. “Then you could have told
him that we read the Bible sometimes”, he added. “But he didn’t ask me that,
either”. What he asked me was, “Does Jesus live here?”
You should be thinking of your response to the same question having read this
book thus far. “Does Jesus live with you?” There is no point begging the question
as narrated in the foregoing paragraph. Let your answer be in the affirmative –
yes or no.
If your answer is “no”, it is high time you returned to your savior. There is no
performance you put up on stage that could be applaudable. You can’t impress
your creator/director without accepting his terms for performance on stage.
However, since you are still acting on stage, hope is not lost yet, if you make up
your mind to act right.
All you need do is to identify with and learn from the world most successful and
perfect actor, Jesus Christ. Even if your answer was “yes”, as long as you are on
stage, momentary or extensive look away from him may spell doom for your
career or what have you on stage.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap”. Galatian 6: 7

Only one Life
Let me remind you that you’ve got only one life to live. It is not two or one plus
half, just one life. That means your acting on stage is taking place once and for all.
In a life time you are opportuned to appear and act on stage once. The show was
meant to run once and for all, neither would there be any repetition of any scene
within the show. There can only be introduction of new actors at intervals who
are to partake in the show or replace actors that would have been withdrawn
from stage.
Any actor can be withdrawn from the stage at any time. Withdrawal from the
stage, however does not have anything to do with the actor’s standard of
performance either. In other words, it does not necessarily have anything to do
with whether one is a good or bad actor.
A twenty year old actor, good or bad could be withdrawn from stage at any time
without prior notice when a thirty, forty, fifty years old actor, good or bad is still
acting on stage. It could be either way round. Such impromptu withdrawal from
stage will only favour the obedient actors. For the disobedient actors so
withdrawn from stage, it is the time to mourn their exit. They have not only failed
their director and the audience, they failed themselves.
Their destination is undoubtedly gloomy. What is required to act well were made
available but rejected to their own peril. Some procrastinated, intending to give it
a thought in future, only to exit the stage earlier than envisaged. No one could say
for sure when his/her stage light will go off, whatever the lot of any actor, the
show goes on for other actors.

“Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may
bring forth”. Proverbs 27: 1

“Go to now, ye that say, today or tomorrow we will go into such city,
and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: whereas ye
know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a
vapour, that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away”. James
4: 13, 14.

It’s time you knew there is more to life than being born. The life you live now is
more than the education you acquire, the career path you follow or your status in
the society. You were born poor or rich, tall or short, fat or thin, life is more than
that. There is more to life than the church, mosque, tribe, state, country or
continent you belong.
Hear me loud and clear, there is more to life than being an overaged single, a
divorcee, a single parent or a married couple. Life is more than raising a family of
four, two or none. Life is more than family planning or planlessness. It is more
than an honest toil and its resultant wealth. It is more than a fair use of power, a
decent pleasure or a trusted security system. It is certainly more than the food
you eat, the house you live in or the clothes you wear.

“But God said unto him, thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required
of thee, then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?.
Luke 12: 20

“The Life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment”. Luke
12: 23

What Your Life Is

If you read this book, it is not contestable that you are still on stage. Your life is
the resurrection of your body after your unannounced departure from stage –
physical death of man. If and when you are withdrawn from stage while the show
is on, you will be placed somewhere off the stage where only your physical body
lies. Once the whole show comes to an end, the director will bring you out if you
were outstanding during your stage performance to be honoured alongside with
the last set of actors whose performances were adjudged commendable. Old and
latest actors who does not fall within this category would be sorry for themselves.
It is not enough for you to be identified with the savior, Jesus Christ, you must
conform to all he was and is. Jesus resurrected and went to heaven by the power
of the Holy Spirit in which he trusted. Jesus acted perfectly on stage, he was
withdrawn from stage (physical death of man), he spoke about his resurrection
and it happened. That is what life is. His resurrection was the evidence of life. And
that is the life that is more to life. A life that lacks continuity is no life. Real life has
no end. It is eternal.
A former actor in the world show who had been withdrawn from stage and whose
role we are privileged to read in the divine script understood what life really is as
he was inspired to declare as follow:

“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the
fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death: If
by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead”.
Philippians 3: 10, 11

For you to resurrect, you must know the Lord Jesus Christ, live and act like him. It
is not enough for you to go to church or be a religious person. Life, eternal life is
factually more than that. It is the certainty in the resurrection of your spirit, soul
and body. To be sure of your resurrection is to be sure of the relegation of your
sins, restoration of your soul and replication of the saviour’s exemplary lifestyle.

“Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the
grave shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done

good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto
the resurrection of damnation”. John 5: 28, 29.

This day, God has made you to know the responsibility placed on you as a
performer in the show. He has made you to understand that you have a high
calling to please him and the audience within the period of your appearance on
stage. During this period, your utterances and actions are being watched by the
invincible audience who are either excited or disappointed by your performance.

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud

of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth easily
beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us”.
Hebrew 12: 1

Come to the perfect man that has ever acted on stage – Jesus Christ. If you’ve
already violated any of his instruction, guidelines or teachings, your life is not over
or ruined. May be you have never considered him at all or identify with him, your
life is not over or ruined either. God is a redeemer. He will forgive, cleanse, heal
and restore. You can still be a dedicated actor, so don’t despair.
God can do a mighty work in your life! Come to him and admit that he really knew
what he was talking about, and you were wrong to second-guess him. Repent and
then by faith let him reverse the damage and set your feet on a road with
guardrails. He will give you a bright future. Nobody has gone too far. He will make
all things new and the show interesting for you and the audience. Let him direct
the river of your performance on stage as a river within its banks and it will
become a thing of beauty and fulfilment in your life.

About the book
A lot has been said, written and discussed about life. Till today many continue to
ponder and ask more questions about it. The little involvement of every living
being in the weird event of the world has made them doubt the sense in the
creation of the world. Very few people knew that the creation of the world was
borne out of a grand plan of the creator to fulfil a purpose. This ignorance made
most people think they are insignificant among billions of creatures and so have
little or no bearing with others in this world and as such can do whatever they feel
like doing at any time.
This book is not just another personal perception about the world, rather it is an
inspired work to declare and affirm the intention, invention, objection and
attention of the creator depicting every living being as the symbol and proof of
the eventual outcome, whether good or bad.

About the Author

Doyin Osinaike is a pastor in “The Freeborn In Christ Church” Lagos, Nigeria. He
has been actively involved in evangelical assignment since September 15 th, 1996
when he was ordained a minister of the gospel.
A chartered accountant, he is married and blessed with lovely kids. His calling is to
declare the Lordship of Christ to all.


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