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Table 8.

Major biochemical functions Dietary sources RDA (per day)

Deficiency nifestations
Normal vision (dim light vision Fish liver oils, whole milk, Men: 3,500 IU
and colour vision) eggs, butter, meat, leafy (or) 1,000 ug
Night blindness (nyctalopia)
Cell growth and differentiation, vegetables and carrots
Women: 2,800 IU
Xerophthalmia, Bitot's spots,
immunity, maintenance of
Keratomalacia in eyes
epithelium and antioxidant (or) 800 ug Skin lesions, atrophy of the
-function. epithelium leading to respiratory
and genitourinary infections
Blood calcium homeostasis Synthesised in the body with Adults: 200 IU Rickets in children
the help of sunlight (or) 5 ug
It contributes to blood Ca2+
(UV-rays). Osteomalacia in adults
levels. Growing children,
It regulates plasma Ca2+ levels Oily fish, egg yolk, organ pregnant and lactating
along with parathormone and meat, butter and cheese. women: 400 IU (or)
Foods fortified with vitamin 10 ug
D such as milk, margarine,
Bone mineralisation vanaspathi and baby foods

Natural anti-oxidant Vegetable edible oils such as Men: 10 mg

wheat germ oil, sunflower
Hemolytic anemia in premature
Prevents lipid peroxidation Women: 8 mg infants
and protects the integrity of oil, cotton seed oil and
In adults, degenerative changes
biological membranes. soyabean oil, corn oil
in muscles, sterility in animals
Required for blood coagulation Synthesised by intestinal Adults:70-140 ug Prolonged bleeding and
It activates the bacteria
clotting Newborn babies clotting times
factors II, VII, IX and X by Leafy vegetables, eggs and
carboxylating their glutamate should be given 1 mg
dairy products intramuscular injection in
a single dose
Antioxidant role, collagen Fresh fruits (citrus fruits,
synthesis Children and adults: Scurvy
amla and guava), green leafy 60-75 mg9
Plays a role in the metabolism vegetables (cabbage and Capillary fragility, increasing
of lipid, amino Pregnancy and lactation: hemorrhagic tendeneies
acids, iron, spinach) 9germinating pulses
100-120 mg manifested as petechiae
hemoglobin and some drugs ecchymoses and hematomas
(usually characterised by
Swollen and bleeding gums)
Generalised poor wound-healing
of vitamins
sources, RDA and deficiency manifestations
Table 8.7 (Contd) Summary of the major functions, dietary
Vitamin Major biochemical functions Dietary sources
RDA (per day) Deficiency manifestations
Adults: 1-1.5 mg Wet beri-beri is
B It functions through
Whole grain cereals (Hand characterised
or parboiled, Pregnancy and lactation: by cardiovascular signs such
its coenzyme thiamine pounded
unpolished rice), yeast,
as edema, palpitation and
pyrophosphate(TPP) in the 2m
legumes, oil seeds such
following reactions:
groundnut and animals foods Dry beri-beri is characterised by
Oxidative decarboxylation such as pork and beef signs of nervous system such as
(Pyruvate dehydrogenase, muscle wasting and peripheral
a-KG dehydrogenase) neuropathy
Transketolation (transketolase
Beri-beri is usually of the mixed
of HMP shunt)

Milk and dairy products, Adults: 1.5 mg Glossitis (magenta tongue),

It functions through its
B2 angular stomatitis, cheilosis,
coenzymes-FMN and FAD meat, fish and eggs. Whole Pregnancy and lactation:
which take part in oxidation- grain cereals, legumes and 2 mg
reduction reactions catalysed germinating seeds

by many enzymes e.g. L-amino

acid oxidase (FMN)

lacyl CoA FAD
xanthine oxidase

3 It functions through its Meat, beans, legumes, whole Adults: 20 mg Pellagra

coenzymes NAD and NADP grains, eggs and dried yeast characterised by diarrhea,
Pregnancy and lactation:
which take part in a variety dementia and dermatitis
25 mg
of oxidation-reduction
reactions where the transfer
of hydride ion is involved
NAD dependent enzymes:
e.g, PDH, LDH, B-hydroxy
acyl CoA dehydrogenase,
alcohol dehydrogenase
NADP dependent enzymes:
e.g, Glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase and malic

B It acts through its coenzyme Bran of cereals, dried Adults: 2 mg Neurological manifestations
pyridoxal phosphate yeast, legumes, nuts, leafy such as peripheral neuropathy.
(PLP) which is mostly vegetables, milk, eggs, meat Pregnancy and lactation:
2.5 mg mental confusion and
involved in reactions of and fish
amino acid metabolism depression. Microcytic
such as transamination, hypochromic anemia,
seborrheic dermatitis, carpal
transsulfuration. tunnel syndrome

Enzymes dependent on PLP:

e.g, ALP, AST, cystathionine
Takes part in carboxylation
by Soyabean, yeast, egg yolk, 200 to
reactions in gluconeogenesis, whole grains and organ Deficiency is uncommon
fatty acid synthesis. meat 300 mg since the minimal amounts
required are synthesised by the
Enzymes dependent on Biotin:
intestinal microflora
e.g, Pyruvate carboxylase and
acetyl CoA carboxylase
Vitamin Major biochemical functions Dietary sources RDA (perday)
It acts through coenzyme A in
Deficiency nifestations
Whole grains, vegetables, 10 mg

bs a wide variety of reactions. egumes, yeast, egg yolk and Deficiency is uncommon.
Enzymes dependent on organ meat Burning feet syndrome,
condition associated with mild
coenzyme A: Examples
include PDH, thiokinase, a-KG pantothenate deficieney
dehydrogenase and HMG COA
lt acts through its coenzymne Green leafy vegetables, Adults: 200 ug
tetrahydrofolate which whole grains, fruits, eggs
Macrocytic anemia with
plays a central role in one- and dairy products
Pregnancy: 400 ug megaloblastic changes in the
bone marrow
carbon metabolism. Folate is Lactation: 300 ug
associated with DNA, RNA and Neural tube defects in the
protein synthesis; amino acid
metabolism Hyperhomocysteinemia linked
to coronary artery disease

B2 It functions through its Organ meat (liver), meat, Adults: 1-2 ug Megaloblastic anemia,
coenzymes methyl cobalamin fish, eggs, milk, curd and subacute combined
Children: 0.5-1 ug
and deoxyadenosyl cobalamin. cheese degeneration, demyelination;
There are only two reactions in Pregnancy and pernicious anemia
humans known to involve B2 lactation: 3 ug/day

Synthesis of methionine from

Conversion of methylmalonyl
CoA to succinyl CoA

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