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BANK NOTE PRESS DEWAS - 455001 (MLP.) Miniratna Category -1 CPSE Wholly owned by Government of India ean! Tel sMbuaate Wen: nupioadcoeoneencen E-Mail : CINNo. : U22213DL2006GO1144763 MANDATORY CHECKLIST ream | ae Teer Weal ES “gage Tis Sac SG TS Lbs fe tenes eS Re in | Hisiemar ripen ‘host fur See ate er nv ot ba ane eae | {Sidy te spe tear h odlbetpeasd ees abot enh sli Bde (Teo: Corey Pe BT The tenders shall remain valid for acceptance fora period of 120 days alter the date of tender opening prescribed in the tender document. Any tender valid for @ shorter perod shall be treated {38 unresponsive and rejected > In exceptional cases, the tenderers may be requested by BNP DEWAS to extend the validly of their tenders upto a specied period. Such requests) and responses thereto shal be conveyed by surface mail or by faxie-nal folowed by surface mail. The tenderers, who agree to extend the {ender vaiy, are to extend the same without any change or modifestion of their orginal tender ‘and they are also to extend the vality period of the EMD (¥ applicable) accordingly. tenderer, however, may not agree to extend its tender validly without foreing is EMD. > In case the day upto which the tenders are to femain valid falls on! subsequently declared holiday or closed day for BNP DEWAS, the tender valiy shall automaticaly be extended upto the next working day > Compliance with the Clauses of this Tender Document: Tenderer must comply with all the clauses of this Tendar Document. In case there are any deviations. these should be ised in'& chart frm without any ambiguity along with jusieaion SIT7 : Number of Copies of Tenders to be submitted : “Tenderer shall subma their tender in “Original” rly SIT 8 : Submission of Tender. Techno-commercial_bid and Price Bid are to be submitied in Two Separate double sealed Envelopes on or before the dus date ofthe submission ofthe tender a slated below othenvise tender bid (quotation shall be labo for rejection. a Page? bid (First Envelope) Mandatory Check List I, The tenderer has to submit sealed & signed tender document by authorized signatory of the tenderer as a token of acceptance of al sectonterms & conditions of his lender document. IIL Tendor Fee & Earnest Money Deposit Tender Fee of Rs. 690 (Rs.500+GST@18%) in form of DD/Bankers Cheque drawn on any scheduled commercial bank in Ina in favour of "The General Manager, BNP Dewas payable Dewas, i the tender document is downloaded direct trom SPMCIL wobsite or Cash recspt in case the tender is purchased form Bank Note Press Dowas. 1) Starups and Micro and Small Enterprises fm are exempted from submiting Tender foes and Eamest Money deposit. Please send the copy of vald registration cortfeate of Micro and Small Enterprises slong with your bid / quotation otherwise the offer wll not be considered for above exemption, However, Tradersreselrs/csiroutrslauthorzed agents will not be considered for avaling benefits under PP Polley 2012 fer MSES as per MSE guidelines issued by MoMSME, 2) Against EMD, bidder frm have to submit a seal & sign “Bid Security Declaration” accepting thet if the frm withdraw of modify ther Bi during the period of bid vail ster opening of tender they will be suspended for 8 period of 3 years from the dato of opening of tender. (As per leter no. F.914/2020-PPD Ministry of Fiance, Depariment of Expenciture dated 12.11.2020) In addition to above, fms paricpating as MSEINSICIDIC/Star-up India Campaign, needs to enclosed cericates containing validly (including registered category ary) 5) Relaxation of norms for Startups and Micro and Small Enterprises on Prior Experionce, Prior Tumover Criteria may be glven subject to meeting of qually and technical specifications as per cirulor no.1(2) 1}2016-MA ot 10.03.2016 issued by Govt. of India, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, New Delhi 3) Relaxation may be given under order No P-45021/2/2017-B.E-l for Public Procurement (Preference to Make in india) issued by Misty of Commerce and Industry, Department of Industy anc Internal Trade (Puble Procurement Section), and Order No @/18/2019-PPD for prior reg)sration on procurement from bidders from = country or counties on ground of Defence of india and national Securty, issued by Miristy of Finance, department of Expenditure (Pubic Procurement Division) will be applicable as per guidelines of Government of India 1, Manufacturer authorization Form: - As Applicable. V. Power of attomey / Authorization indicating that authorized signatory is competent & legally ‘authorizad fa submit the tender and Jor o enter into legally binding contract VL. The bidder should not be suspended banned by any Ministy/ Deptt. of Government of India or by ‘any Slate Govt. Underlaking!dedaraton cortfcae forthe same must be submited in Technical bi ViL The bier hve submit a be doamnis/ oven! oahin suppor of leven! cause mentioned in Section - VI: List of Requirertéyt and Section +Vil: Technical Specification, Seaton oC: ty ite i ' Pages VA Copy of the price bid proforma shal! be submited slonguith Techno-commercial Bid leaving ‘blank the price parton (.2. showing the unt curency & total price ofthe goods offered as x0) $0 {28 fo inlcate the goods being offered. It may be noted thatthe price le NOT fo be quoted with the {echno-commercial Bid otherwise the tender shall be liable fr rejection Price Bid [Second Envelope} > The tenderer shall quote thet prices sticly 2s per the proforma given in Section-X! ofthe tender ‘document. No addtional /exra ior with price shal be cluded other than that of Section Xl ‘NOTE: ‘The envelopes containing bids shall be super scribed 2s Techno-commercial Bid and Price Bid ‘separately for Procurement of "GRAPHITE FINE POWDER”. The sealed envelopes shall be ‘2gain out in another envelope and should bo sealed & super sexbed as tender for “GRAPHITE FINE POWDER” Due on: 29.01.2021 up to 14.30 brs i. Ifthe tender is not submitted as per above format, fer! Bd /tender wil be liable for rejection. ii Late tender shall not be accepted. Tenderer shall submit thelr offer only on prescribed form. ‘Tenders by faxemail shal not be accepted. Tender by post / and! courier reoaived on or before the due date & time shall be accepted. Postal dela / delay by courler services te, shall not be condoned, what so ever reason may be, ‘SIT 9: Evaluation Criteria In the first instance, the Techno-commercial Bid (The Techno-commercial part) ofthe tender ‘document wil be considered for the evaluation, These ofers/bige wil be acrutnzed & evaluated by the committestauthoniy with reference to the paramete's prescribed inthe Section - Vi List of Requirement, Section -Vil: Technical Specification , Section - IX: Eligibility criteria Section of the tender document. the carficatons required by the purchaser the bidder have to submit their reply within stpulaied time period by fax Jemailsourerlspeed post aocordingly the offers submit by the frms would be soutrized & evaluated > In the Second stage, the Price Bid of only eigibethe techno-commercal acceptable offers (as ‘mentioned in fist stage) wil be opened for furher scrutihy & evaluation, The evaluation criteria for awarding the contrac shall be given to L1 Bidder a8 per Section-XI ofthe Price Bid. SIT 10: Additional Factors for Evaluation of Offers: Paricipating MSME® registred with MSME under Single Point Registration Scheme quoting price within pice band of L1¥15% shall also be alowed to supply a parton up to 25% of requrement by bringing down thor price to Lt price where Lt le nen MSE SIT 11: Parallel Contract: Not Applicable, ‘SIT 12 : Pre-Production sample: Not Applicable. Pages ‘SIT 13: Corrections in GIT Clauses : —__ Git [WRITTEN AS IN GIT ‘CORRECTED (CLAUSE | ASINSIT 211 [Jae ine of procurement manual the words Para 11 of NIT" | ‘Para 1 of NIT 2141 [In Gth line of procurement manual te words “Clause 11 of | "Clause 1 of NIT™ NIT 2ii in 2rd tne of proawrement manual the words "Cause 11 of | "Clause T of NIT - 184 | Inthd ine of asi para of procurement manual te words | "Clause 3 iNT” “Clause 33 f NIT 707 170 fa) second ne eause 90.70.10" rotate 19-401 GIT SIT 14: Site Inspection: BNP reserves the right fr site inspection for assessment of capacity, capability bythe BNP officials ‘SIT 15: Earnest Money Deposit: [Against EMD, bidder fm have to submit a seal & sign "Bid Securty Dedaration’ accepting that f te firm withdraw o modify ther bid during the period of bid vai after opening of tender they will be suspended fora period of 3 years from the date of opening of tender (As par lear no. F18/2020- PPO Ministry of Finance, Department of Exporsliure dated 12.11.2020) In addition to above, fims parcipaing as MSENSICIDICIStat-up India Campaign, needs to ‘enclosed cetfcstes containing valet (mekicing registered category any) Page 10 ‘SECTION IV: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (GCC) Part: General Conditions of Contract applicable to all types of Tenders Please refer to our website for bttp:/ GIT (Total pages : 28) Pagett ‘SECTION V: SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (SCC) “The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) wll apply for this purchase. The corresponding clauses of General Conditions of Contract (GCC) relating o tho SCC stipuiatlons have also been Incorporated below. These Special Conditions will modify! substitute! supplement the coresponcing (GCC) clauses Whenever thee is any conflict betwoen the provision in the GCC and that in the SCC, the provision conlalnes inthe SCC shall preva ie ‘GCC Clause No. Topic ‘SCC Provision 2 Packing and Marking [SCC 1 (Mentioned baiow 2h Transportation of Domeatle Goods | SCC-2 (Mentioned below) sj. Insurance [SCC 3 (Mentioned below) a hast Ineldental Services [Not Applicable 518 Distrbuton of Dispaish Documents for | SCC - 4 (Mentioned Below) Po Jearancal Receipt of Goods (eo f62.164 jaranies Cause {SCC SiMentioned below) [703 ton Claus 'SCC.- 6 (Mentioned below) fa 20.1 Pros Adjustment Gaus {Not Applicable lo piz, Taxes and Duties. [SCC 7 (Mentioned Beton) 10 _2.22.5.222,22.4 223,726 [Terms and Mode of payments [SCC 8 (Mentioned beiow) bai uantum of LD ‘SCC - 9 (Mentioned be!0w) raps. Bank Guarantes and insurance for Not Applicable ‘Matera! Loaned to Contractor — [baa tesolution of Dispules alow) 14 p6.329830 Disposal! Sole of Scrap by Tender [Not Appicable 15 [Aroialion Clauso — [SCC -11 (Mentioned Botow li Faikre & Teminaton Clauto [SCC -12 (Mentioned below tt Force Majeure Ciause. — [866-13 (Mentioned below. ‘SCC 1: Packing and Marking: ‘Tho cuppler shall arange for adequate protection and packing ofthe slores 60 as to avoid any oss of damage during the transi. ‘The qualty of packing, the manner of marking wihin & outside the accompanying documentation al sticly comply with the requirements packages and provision of 5 provided In Technical Speofieations and Quality Contrel Requirements Under Sections Vl and Vill and in SCC under Section ‘Vein case the packing requrements are amended dus to issue of any amendment tothe contract, the ‘same shal also be taken care of by the supplier accordingly. SCC- 2: Transportation of Domestic Goods: The transportation ofthe goods to be procured wil be ‘done by the supplier on FOR BNP Dewas Basis, The foal cost ofthe transportation should also be indicated in the price bid ofthe ilem to be procure. ‘SCC - 3: Insurance: As the supplier has to dover the material on FOR BNP Dewas Basis therefore the cost ofthe Insurance wil also the part of the loll cost Insurance charges should also be Indicated in the price bid (he materialom by the supper. The (tia materiaitem, Page 1? ‘SCC - 4: Distribution of Despatch Documents for Clearance! Receipt of Goods : The supplier shall eend all the relevant despaich documents well inte lo BNP DEWAS to enable BNP DEWAS fo clear or receive (as the ease may be) the goods in terms othe contact. ‘SCC-: Warranty Clause : This warranty shall remain val for twelve months after the goods or any orton thereof as the case may be, have been delivered to Bank Note Press Dewas and aocepted by Bank Note Press Dowas in terms ofthe contrac. ‘SCC-6: Option Ciause: The Purchaser reserves the rightto increase the ordered quantly by 25% at ‘ny time, tl final delivery date of the contrac. by giving reasonable notice even though the quanti ‘ordered nally has been supplied in fl before the lat das of Delivery Period ‘SCC-7: Taxes and Duties: Supplier shall be ently responsible forall taxes, fees, levies ete incurred untl delivery ofthe contacted goods to BNP DEWAS, ‘SCC-8: Terms and Mode of Payment: The terms of payments would be as follows: The payment term is 100% within 30 days after roceipt, inspection, and acceptance of goods by the Purcheser and ‘on production of all required documents by the supplier on actual basis. The payment wil be Gone through RTGS Only. Therafor, tho eupplers have to procuce all the Bank delals such as - Namne of Bank. Account No, IFSC Code No, MIGR No. along wih te Tender Document. 'SCC-8: Quantum of Liquidated damages : ifthe supple fails to deliver any ofall of the goods or fails to periorm the services within the tmo frame(s)incorporaled inthe contract. BNP DEWAS shal, without prejudice to other rights and remedies avaiable to BNP DEWAS under the contrac. deduct ‘rom the contract price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to the Vi%e (0.5%) pervert 18% GST (or any other percentage if prescribed in the SCO) othe delivered price of the delayed goods ‘andlor services for each week of delay or part thereof unt actual delvery or performance, subject '8 maximum deduction of the 10% percent 18% GST (or any other percentage f preserved in the 'SCO) of the delayed goods' or services’ contract price(s). During the above mentioned delayed period of supply and / or performance, the conditions Incorporated under GCC sub-cause 23.4 shall also ‘apply. ‘SCC-10: Resolution of disputes: dispute or afference of any kind shall aise between BN° DEWAS and the supplier in connection with of relating tothe contract, the parios shall make every effort to resolve the same amicably by mutual consultations. i the partes fall to resoive their iapute or aiference by ‘such mutuel Consultation within twenty one days of ts occurrence, then, unless otherwise provided in the SCC, either BNP DEWAS or the supplier may seek recourse to settlement of csputes through arbitration a Per The Arbitration and concilation Act 1996 as per folowing clause. ‘SCC-11: Arbitration Clause: Al dispules & differences arising out of or in any way touching or {coneerning this agreement (except those fr which spect proviion has been made therein) shal be Feferred (© Sole Arbitrator to be appointed by CMD, SPMCIL. This contract has to be interpreted in ‘accordance with the laws ofthe Union of Inia and arbitation proceedings shall be conducted In India Under the Arbitration and conciliation Act 1896. The Arbirator so-adpointed shall be an SPMCIL (Officer wh had not deat with matters to which this agreement relafés ando pouree of his duties had ot expressed views on al or any ofthe matter in cspute‘r diferenoes: the Award of tha Sole ‘Acbtator shall be final and binding onthe partes. 7 S——— Page 13 ‘SCC-12: Failure & Termination {A} Cancalaion of contract for Default: Without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, Tike removal from the lit of registered eupplier, by writen nove of cefeut Sent tothe supplier, the contract may be lerminated in whole ori pat: (i) the eupplier fails to provide sny oF all the goods within the Ume period () specified in the Contract, or any extension thereof granted (ithe supplier fals to perform any other obligation under the contract within the period (6) ‘specie in the contract or any extension thereof granted. 8) Termination of Contract for convenience: Bank Note Press, Dewas (MP.) may at any time terminate the Contract by ving you one month's pri notice n wetng to that effect and shall have the liberty 19 appoint any other agency to carry aul your abligations under this Contract ‘SCC-13: Force Majeure: “12:1 Inthe event of any unforeseen event directly inlerering with the supply of stores arising during the. currency of the contract, euch as war, sites, acls of tho public enemy, chil Commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosions, epidemics, quarantine ‘restctons, strikes, Tockou's, "or acts of God, the Coniracior” shal, within a week from the commencement thereof nlify the “same in wring to’ the Purchsser with reasonable evidence thereof. Unless otherwise directed by in writing, he supplier shall continue to perform its ‘bigatione under the contract as far as reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable ‘lterative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event. If the fore® majeure conttion(s) mentioned above be in fores for a period of 90 days or ‘more at any tine, ether party shall have the option to terminate the contract on expiy of 80 days of ‘Commencement of such force majeure by giving 14 days’ notice tothe other party in writing. In case of such termination, no damages shall be claimed by either party against the olher, save and ‘except those which had occurred under any other clause of this Contract prior o such termination, 13.2 Notwithstanding the provilons contained in GCC clauses 23, 24 and26, the supplier shall not be lable for mpositon of any such sanction 20 long the delay andor flue of th suppl in futiling its obligations under the contract i te result of an event of Force Majeure. 18.3 In case due to @ Force Majeure event is unable to fil its contractual commitment ang responsibilty. BNP Dewas wil notiy the supplier accordingly and subsequent actions taken on timilr line deseribed in above sub-paragraphs. Pagel? SECTION VE: LIST OF REQUIREMENTS. js n of goods (Related specifications etc. are in Section-Vil [Quantity |. [GRAPHITE FINE POWDER SSS 7200 Kgs (15% 1. Required Terms of Delivery & Destination FOR BNP Dowas. 12. Replacement: f the material i rejected for any reason the supplier have to replace the material at fis ov cost and risk from our press. ‘3. Proferred mode of Transportation: As desred by the bidder which should be in safe and secured 4. Required Delivery Schedule : The successful bidder will have fo supply the material in 30 Days: ‘Wom the date of Purchaser Orcer. 5. Security Deposit Ifthe value of the purchase order will exceed Rs. 1,50,000/- then the fm on ‘whom purchase order wil be placed wil have to eubmit 39 ofthe foal cost of the purchase order ‘aganst socutty Gepost inform of DD/ FOR! Banker's cheque drawn on any scheduled commercial bank in india oni in the favour of "The General Manager, BNP Dewas" payable at Dewas within 21, Days from the date of order. The Security Deposit should remain valid fora period of 60 days, beyond the date of completion ofall contactual abigatons of the conractr, including warranty obligations, and wil be refunded ta the contractor without any interest, whatsoever, after it duly performs and completes the contract in all raspects but not lator than 60 days of completion of all Such obligations under the contract. (As per lller no. F.9/4/2020-PPD Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenciture dated 12.11.2020) 6. Other requirements for the Bidders: (2) The bidder shal provide names of organizaton(s)ims) with addresses & telephone numbers, numbers, email addresses to which they have provided similar type offers annually during the last five years. (6) The application should be submited in HinaVEnglsh Language. The authenticated copies ofthe documents n support of the applica’ claims may be submited in HindEnglsh Language. (6) The bidder shal indicate that authorized signatory is competent & legally authorized to submit the {ender and /or to enter into legally binding contract. Note: Tenderers altention is drawn to GIT cleuse 17 and GIT sub-clause 10.1 11. The tenderer Isto provide the required details, information, confirmations, etc accordingly, faling ‘whichis tender is Hable to be ignored. Following datalle may also be provided. (Mandatory) Page 15 ii Nammo ofthe Proprietor / Owmer/ Director W Complete address ofthe fem iv Contact of firm Phone No. - Mobile No. FAX No, Esmal No. \V_ GST Registration No. (Copy of certicate enclosed. f applicable) W_ Income Tax PAN. No.(Copy enclosed). vii For transection trough RTGSINEFT 41. Name of Bank 2. Account No 3. MICR No 4.1FSC Code vil Detalls of TCC /NSIC / DGS&D Registration. Please enclose Protostat copes, Whether the firm is MSME Registered i yes, please enclose the copy of relevant documentary root. Date: Name & Signature Sealorthe Fim &Adsross 6ST, es 2 hr Page 16 ‘SECTION VI: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Graphite fine powder Specification “Blue Skyn" coliders graphite powder 98-90% pure absolutey black extra ne to pass through a wire ‘mess of 200 meshilnear inch, density of ponder in compact state must be in between 0.3-0:5 gm fem’ Packing ‘8, The ponder should be sealed in HDPE bags of 10 » 10 mesh with thick polythene inner lning & further to be packed In 25 Kgs cap card bosrd drum halting gross weigh. tare weight & nat weight b. The sucoessful bidder wil have fo submit @ Laboratay Test Certicale/Analysis report of their product “from reputed laboratory if he is suppier/éealer,or ifthe suppler is orginal manufacturer, otiote from hie in house ab. fe Paget? ‘SECTION Vil: QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS (4s por technical specication mentioned in section Vl) Pageis For MSE / Start up Firm- Capability-Equipment & Manufacturing Faciltios: The bidder frm must have an annual capacity & have the capabiliy to Menulacture and supply atleast 30% (ie. 60 Kg) of the annual requirement of the Tendered item. > The fm needs to be eubmited al related documents along with the bid For Other Firm- : Experience and past performance Bidder Firm should have Manufactured OR supplied in ary one year during last fhe years ending on 31.03.2020 at least 30% (i.e. 60 kgs) ofthe ‘annual requirement othe Tendered item. > The fim needs to be submited al related docunents along with the bid Page 19 ‘SECTION X: TENDER FORM ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS & CONDITIONS To Date. ‘The Chief General Manager Bank Note Press, (unit of Security Printing and Minting Corporation of Ina Limited) Dewas (MP.)— INDIA Rot Your Tender document No, dated We, the undersigned have examined the above mentioned tender enquiry document including amendment No, ——-, dated ~~ iT any), the receipt of which is hereby confirmed. We now offer to supply and deliver... (Description of goods and services) in conformity with your above refered document forthe sum of =~--—-—= (To be mentioned in the Price Bid only & not to be montioned in POB & Techno Commercial Bid) (‘otal tender amount in fgures ahd words), a8 ‘shown in the price schedula(s),alached herewith and made part f ths tender. ‘ou tender is accepted, we undertake io supply the goods and perform the services as mentioned above, n accordance withthe delivery schedule speciied inthe Lit of Requirements. We further confirm tha, if our tender is accepted, we shall provide you with a performance security of Tequred amount in an acceptable form in terms of GCC clause 6, read wih modiiation, any, in Section V— "Special Conalions of Contract. for due performance ofthe contract. \We agree to keep our tender valid for aoceptance for a period upio —-—, a8 requied in the GIT cause 18, read with modification, If any in Section ~ "Special instructions to Tenderers" or for subsequently extended period, i any, agreed fo by us. We also accordingly confirm to abide by this fender upto the aforesaid period and tis tender may be acceplad any ime before the expty of the aforesaid period. We furher confi that, unt a formal contracts executed, this tender read with your ‘wilten acceptance thereof within the aoresaid period shall constitute a binding contract between us. ‘We further understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive ‘against your bove-eferred fender enquiry, (Signatur with date) (Name and designation) Duty authorized to sign tender for and on behalf of Page 20 ‘SECTION XI: PRICE SCHEDULE {To be submited slong with the tender] From To. ‘The Chief General Manager, Bank Note Press, Dewas (N.P.)—| INDIA (Ounitof Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited) SSub_ Price Bid for Procurement of Supply of Graphite Fine Powder. Ret. Your tender enquiry No. 600001SS86/BNP/P/EF/Graphiter20/0T: Date 17.12.2020 Dear Sir, We have received your tender enauty cited and we ae pleased to enclose the ee ee og rear ares ee (ee [eee TT ee TS foalges [RD | |fate Jose | | Rs. | charges | Per unit | appicabe) | Bewas) Rs. | BNP | tm (E aa oz z a 5 € 7 cven7)_| (9 | rogers — [aon , [rome TE |" la | | | Code. LL ow: kan some Seto in ten iL” Price should be quoted exactly as per the format given above. i, Price bce with condition/counter condone are lable for rejection li, Firm has to quate the price win 2 decimal place, Price quote beyond 2 decimal place wil be ignored. L1 Will be decided on totality basis, contract Is indivisible. Iv. Supplier shoul fle the returs pertaining lo TCS (Section 208C (1 H) for TCS collected in tine {and provide the TCS cericate to BNP. In case of any Credit loss to BNP by way oftheir falure {oles Retums and provide TCS Certificate in ime, BNP reserves the ight to recover the amount {equivalent to TCS paid along with appeabe interes rom the payment of futher supplies. vy. Payment will be made on actual quant bese, Date: Name & Signature ‘Soal of the Fiem i Address: Page2t SECTION XII: QUESTIONNAIRE. ‘The tenderer should furnish specific answers to al the questions! issues mentioned below. In case 2 question’ issue does not apply to 8 tenderer, the samie should be answored withthe remark not applicable’. Wherever necessary and applcabe, the tenderer shall enclose ceriied copy as documentary ‘root evidence to substantiate the corresponding stalement In case a tenderer furnishes @ wrong or evasive answer against eny of the under mentioned ‘question issues, its tender willbe lable to be ignored 1. Brief description and of goods and services offered: 2, Offer i vali or acceptance upto 3. Your permanent income Tax A/ C No. as alloted by the Income Tax Authority of Government of India Please attach certifed copy of your latest curent Income Tax clearance certfieate issued by the above authoriy 4 Status 1. Are you currently registered wth the Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals (OGS&D). ‘New Deki, and! or the National Smal industies Corporation (NSIC), New Delhi, and! or the present SPMCIL and! or the Directorate of Industies ofthe concerned Stale Government for the goods quoted? Iso, indicate the date up to which you are registered and whether there Is ‘any monetary limit imposed on your registration. . Are you curently registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 or any other similar Act? Please eltach certified copy{s) of your registration stalus et. incase your answer(s) to above queries is in affimatve. 5. Please indicate name & full address of your Banker(s) 6, Please stale whether business dealings with you currently stand suspended banned by any Ministry! Dept. of Government of India or by any State Govt. (Signature wit date) (Fullname, designation & address ofthe person duly authorized sign on behalf of the tenderer) For and on behalf of (Name, address and stamp ofthe tendering fm) Page 22 ‘SECTION Xill: BANK GUARANTEE FORM FOR EMD (Not applicable) Page 23 RS ‘SECTION XIV: MANUFACTURER'S AUTHORIZATION FORM To, Bank Note Press, Dewas ‘AUnit of Seculty Printing & Mining Corporation of Inca Lito Wholly Owned by Govt. of Inia Dewas Dear Sits, Ret: Your Tender document Ne. dated, We, who are proven and reputable manufacturers of (ame and description of ne goods offered in the tender) having factories at here by authorize Messrs {name and address of he agent to submit a tender, process the same further and enter info @ contract wih you against {your requement as contained in the above refored tender enquiry documents for the above goods manufactured by us. ‘We further confirm that no_ supplier or fim or individual other than Messrs. (came and address ofthe above agen! is authorized fo submit a tender, process the same further and enter info a contract with you against your requirement as contained in the above referred {ender enquiry documents forthe above goods manufactured by us. We aso hereby extend our full warranty, 2s apolcable as per clause 16 ofthe General Conditions of Contract read with modiication, # any, In the Special Conditions of Contract for the goods and Services offered for supply by the above frm against his tender document. Yours fathfuly, [Signature wih date, name and designetion} Note: This ltr of authorization shoul be on the letter head of the manufacturing fim and should be signed by @ person competent and having the power of attomey to legally bind the manufacturer. Page 24 ‘SECTION XV: BANK GUARANTEE FORM FOR PERFORMANCE SECURITY lIoe: Bank’s Name, and Addross of Issuing Branch or rear Beneficiary: [inert Name and Ades of BNP Dewas] Date: PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No. WHEREAS - (ame landadcress of the suppl) (herein caled “he” supple) has” undertaken, in pursuance of contract no. dated ve 10 SUpY (Goseription “of goods and services) (heen after cad "the contact). ‘AND WHEREAS I, has been stipulated by you inthe sad contact tha the supplier shal furnish you with bank guarantee by a scheduled commercial bank recognized by you for the Specified therein as securty fr compliance wth ks obligations in accordance withthe contract AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the supplier sucha bank guarantee NOW THEREFORE we hereby afiem that we are guarantors and responsible to you, on behat ‘ofthe supplier, up toa total of (amount ofthe ‘Quarantee in words and figures), and we urderiake fo pay you, upon your fst wetten demand ‘deciaring the supplier o be In default under ihe contract and without cavilor argument, any sum ‘or sums within the limits of (amount of guarantee) as aforesaid, without your neding lo prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified thesin. We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the seid debt from the supplier before presenting us wih the demand, We further agree that no. change or. addtion 0. oF other modification of the terms of the contract to be. performed thereunder or ‘of any ‘of the contract dosuments which may be made betwesn you and the supplier shall in any way release us fom any lilly under ths guarantea and we hereby Waive notice of any such change, addtion or modification We undertake to pay BNP, Dewas up to the above amount upon receipt of its fst writen domand, without BNP, Dowas having to cubetantate its demand, This quaranize wil remain in force for e pero of Sty days ler the currency of this contract and any demand in respect thevsof should reach the Bank not later than the ‘ove dat, (Signature ofthe authorized ofeer of the Bank) Name and designation of the officer <= ms : Ki Seal name & adress ofthe Bank ard adcras ofthe ranch (8 [Name and designation ofthe offer ‘Seal, name & address of the Bank and address ofthe Branch Page 25 ‘SECTION XVI: CONTRACT FORM Contract No, dated. This isin continuation to this cffice’ Notification of Award Ne. dated 1.Name & adseess ofthe Supplier: 2. SPMCIL's Tender document No... date. and subsequent Amendment Ne. + Dated... (any) issued by SPMCIL 3, Supplier's Tender Now dated... and subsequent communication(s) No. dated (ifany), exchanged between the supplier and SPMCIL in connection with this tender. 4. In addition to this Contract Form, the folowing documents etc, which are included in the ‘documents mentioned under paragraphs 2 and 3 above, shal also be deemed to form and be read ‘and construed as part of his contract: (0) General Condivons of Contract; (i) Special Constions of Contract (i) List of Requirements; (iv) Technical Specifications; (¥) Quaity Cont! Requirements: (3) Tender Form furnished by the supplier; (ul) Price Schedules) fumished by the supplier in its tender, (il) Manufacturers’ Authorizaton Form (applicable fr this tender) (Ge) SPMCIL's Notification of Aware Note: The words and expressions used in this contract shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them inthe conditions of contract referred to above. Further, the definitons and abbreviations incorporated under clause __of Section -V- General Conditions of Contact of SPCIL's Tender document shall also apply i this contract 5. Some terms, conditions, stpulatons etc. out of the above-eferred documents are reproduced below for ready reference: (0 Brief particulars ofthe goods and services which shall be supplied’ provided by the supplier are ssunder: ‘Schedul | Brief description of |Accountia | Guaniily to [Unit Price (in | Total No. | goods! services” | gunit” "| be supplied | Rs), pre ‘Any other adalional services (i applicable) and cost thereof “otal vale (in gure) (in words). (i) Delvery schedule {li Detais of Performance Security (iv) Quality Control (a) Mode(s), stage(s) and place(s) of conducting inspections and tests (6) Designation and address of SPMCIL's inspecting ofcer Page 26 ES (¥) Destination and despatch instructions (W) Consignee, including port consignee, it any (Gi) Warranty clause (i) Payment terms (0) Paying autnorty (Signature, name and address of SPMCIL’s authorized offi!) For and on behalf of. Received and accepted this contract (Signature, name and address of the suppli’s executive duly authorized to sign on behalf ofthe supple) For and on behalf of. (Name and adsrose ofthe suppl) (Seal of the supplier) Date Place Page27 ‘SECTION XVII: LETTER OF AUTHORITY FOR ATTENDING A BID OPENING. (Refer to clause 24.2 of GIT) ‘The Chief General Manager, Bank Note Press, (Aunt of Secunty Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited) was (M.P.) INDIA ‘Subject: Authorization for attending bid opening on (Gate) in the Tender of Following persons are hereby authorized to attend the bit opening forthe tender mentioned above on behalf of (Gidder n order of preference given below. [Dar efPitrence ‘Specimen Signatures ‘Alternate Representative ‘Signatures ofbaderar—— SSS Officer authorzed to sign the bid Dooumenison behalf ofthe bidder. I Not: +1, Maximum of two representatives will be permited to attend bid opening. In cases where itis reetrcied to one, fist preference wil be allowed. Altemate representative will be permited then regular representatives are notable to attend 2. Permission for entry to the hell where bids are opened may be refused incase. suthorzation 25 prescribed above isnot recovered Page 28 ‘SECTION XVII: SHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS FOR LINER CARGOES (Not sppicabie) Page 29 cl ‘SECTION XIK: PROFORMA OF BILLS FOR PAYMENTS (Refer Clause 228 of GCC) Name and Address ofthe Firm BIN. . “Dated nsec Purchase order No, Dated. Name and address ofthe consignee, “S\N6 | Authority Tor | Descripion of | Namiberor [Rats Price per | Amount] purchase | Sores quanuiy |Rs.P. | Re.P. (Tear |__| {|__| _| 4. GST Tax Amount 2 Freight (if applicable) 3, Packing and Forwarding charges (If applicable) 4. Others (Please speci) 5, PVC Amount (wth calculation sheet enclosed) 6..(-) deduetion/Discount Not amount payable (in words Rs.) Despatch dotall RR No, other proof of despatch Dated. (encosed) Inspection Cerificate No. : Dated. (enclosed) Income Tax Clearance Certificate No. Dated. (enclosed) Place and Date Received RS... os (Rupees) | hereby cerfy that the payment being claimed is strictly in terms of the contract and all the obligations ‘on the part ofthe suppl for isiming that payment has been fufiled as required under the contract Revenue stamp Signature and of Stamp Supper Page 30

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