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Comparative Analysis of Methods for Estimating Arm Segment Parameters and

Joint Torques From Inverse Dynamics

Article  in  Journal of Biomechanical Engineering · March 2011

DOI: 10.1115/1.4003308 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors:

D. Piovesan Alberto Pierobon

Gannon University Brandeis University


Paul Dizio James Lackner

Brandeis University Brandeis University


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Comparative Analysis of Methods
for Estimating Arm Segment
Davide Piovesan1
Robotics Laboratory,
Parameters and Joint Torques
Sensory Motor Performance Program (SMPP),
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago,
From Inverse Dynamics
345 East Superior Street,
Suite 1406, A common problem in the analyses of upper limb unfettered reaching movements is the
Chicago, IL 60611; estimation of joint torques using inverse dynamics. The inaccuracy in the estimation of
Ashton Graybiel Spatial Orientation Laboratory, joint torques can be caused by the inaccuracy in the acquisition of kinematic variables,
Brandeis University, body segment parameters (BSPs), and approximation in the biomechanical models. The
Waltham, MA 02454 effect of uncertainty in the estimation of body segment parameters can be especially
e-mail: important in the analysis of movements with high acceleration. A sensitivity analysis was
performed to assess the relevance of different sources of inaccuracy in inverse dynamics
Alberto Pierobon analysis of a planar arm movement. Eight regression models and one water immersion
Ashton Graybiel Spatial Orientation Laboratory, method for the estimation of BSPs were used to quantify the influence of inertial models
Brandeis University, on the calculation of joint torques during numerical analysis of unfettered forward arm
Waltham, MA 02454 reaching movements. Thirteen subjects performed 72 forward planar reaches between
e-mail: two targets located on the horizontal plane and aligned with the median plane. Using a
planar, double link model for the arm with a floating shoulder, we calculated the nor-
malized joint torque peak and a normalized root mean square (rms) of torque at the
Paul DiZio shoulder and elbow joints. Statistical analyses quantified the influence of different BSP
e-mail: models on the kinetic variable variance for given uncertainty on the estimation of joint
kinematics and biomechanical modeling errors. Our analysis revealed that the choice of
James R. Lackner BSP estimation method had a particular influence on the normalized rms of joint torques.
e-mail: Moreover, the normalization of kinetic variables to BSPs for a comparison among sub-
Ashton Graybiel Spatial Orientation Laboratory, jects showed that the interaction between the BSP estimation method and the subject
Brandeis University, specific somatotype and movement kinematics was a significant source of variance in the
Waltham, MA 02454; kinetic variables. The normalized joint torque peak and the normalized root mean square
Volen Center for Complex Studies, of joint torque represented valuable parameters to compare the effect of BSP estimation
Brandeis University, methods on the variance in the population of kinetic variables calculated across a group
Waltham, MA 02454 of subjects with different body types. We found that the variance of the arm segment
parameter estimation had more influence on the calculated joint torques than the vari-
ance of the kinematics variables. This is due to the low moments of inertia of the upper
limb, especially when compared with the leg. Therefore, the results of the inverse dynam-
ics of arm movements are influenced by the choice of BSP estimation method to a greater
extent than the results of gait analysis. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.4003308兴

1 Introduction arm range of motion within the horizontal plane allows research-
ers the use of a biomechanical model with a low number of de-
In biomechanics and motor control, the estimation of the joint
grees of freedom 共DOFs兲, which results in a reduced dimension-
torques necessary to perform a movement is a corner stone of
ality of the inverse dynamics problem. The inputs for inverse
muscle force analysis and the study of movement control strate-
dynamics equations are the kinematic variables measured during
gies and proprioception 关1–4兴. In the case of unfettered move-
ments, measuring the joint torques using torquemeters is impos- the task and the body segment parameters 共BSPs兲 such as mass
sible, or at least very impractical, as force transducers need to be 共M兲, center of mass location 共CM兲, and moment of inertia 共IM兲
placed in series with the two interacting bodies, and that would 关2,5兴. The measure of kinematics is generally a direct measure
only be possible through surgery in the case of human joints. done in vivo with several methods. Depending on the method
Alternative insertion methods would require the subject to exert used, the errors that can affect the measured kinematics are due to
joint torques against an additional load, proper of the device, 共1兲 inaccuracy of the transducers, 共2兲 movement artifacts gener-
rather than just moving the arm segments. Hence, the introduction ated by the wobbling of soft tissue, and 共3兲 numerical errors due
of a measuring apparatus would automatically interfere with the to calculation of derivatives 关5–12兴. In addition to filtering tech-
goal. For this reason, inverse dynamics analyses are the preferred niques to reduce high frequency noise, there are several correction
estimation tools, even though such methods can be affected by methods that are still in development, such as marker clusters 关13兴
errors deriving from several different sources. or joint constraint optimizations 关14–16兴. On the other hand, ac-
Planar arm movements are of particular interest. Restricting the curate estimations of body segment parameters are particularly
difficult to obtain in vivo and are seldom the result of direct mea-
sure 关17兴. Postprocessing corrections of the estimations, such as
probabilistic approaches 关18兴 or numerical optimizations 关19,20兴,
Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOUR-
NAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received August 5, 2009; final
seem promising but are seldom used. Hence, it is common prac-
manuscript received December 20, 2010; published online February 4, 2011. Assoc. tice to estimate BSP using regression equations. Estimations can
Editor: Richard Neptune. be obtained from different approaches and assumptions. Several

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering Copyright © 2011 by ASME MARCH 2011, Vol. 133 / 031003-1

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studies on cadavers employed statistical relationships to correlate
the geometry of the limb with BSPs of different populations. Yet,
regression equations based on cadavers are usually obtained from
a rather small sample population, and the loss of fluid in the body
segments during measure can affect the accuracy of the estima-
tions 关21–25兴. Other methods estimate BSPs by approximating the
limb segments’ geometry and volume either using simple geo-
metrical shapes 关26,27兴 or more accurately through photogramme-
try 关28–32兴 or water immersion 关33,34兴, assuming that the density
of tissues is constant and invariable among subjects. More com-
plete studies estimate BSPs from the geometry of the limbs and
the density distribution measured from energy absorption during
irradiation with different sources 共gamma ray, X-ray, and mag-
netic resonance imaging 共MRI兲兲 关35–39兴.
While sensitivity analyses on the inverse dynamics calculations
have been extensively studied in gait, posture, and single joint
movements 关7,8,14,18–20,40–49兴, there are no comprehensive
Fig. 1 „a… Upper arm, forearm, and hand segmentation em-
statistical analyses performed on multijoint reaching movements. ployed in our „PI… estimation method. Each section was divided
Studies concerning reach to grasp movements pose an additional in portions with length up to 0.1 m starting from the distal end.
challenge, as it has been observed that the shape of the hand tends The moment of inertia IM of each portion was measured about
to change within 120 ms after the onset of the movement when the y-axes and combined in the matrix of inertia of the com-
reaching for differently shaped objects 关50兴. Current methods to plete limb by means of the Huygens–Steiner theorem. „b… Ap-
estimate BSPs do not extend to different configurations of the paratus used to measure the volume of the portions. The water
hand; thus, an average shape must be chosen. was warmed to a temperature of 37° C for comfort. A graduated
Previous work on sensitivity analysis, applied to inverse dy- cylinder with a resolution of 2 Ã 10−7 m3 was used to measure
namics of gait, explored the effect of a percentage variation of the volume of water progressively displaced by each portion.
The graduated cylinder was emptied after the immersion of
each body segment parameter independently. However, M, CM,
each portion.
and IM are clearly correlated with one another. Furthermore, al-
though the effects of BSPs and subject somatotype on the estima-
tion of kinetic variables are often considered independent, an in-
teraction could occur 关18,29,51兴 and can be explained by the sumed the hand to be flexed to approximately 30 deg with the
sensitivity of BSP estimation methods to differences in somato- fingers slightly curled in a relaxed position, and Chandler defined
type 共sturdy, slender, etc.兲. the position of the hand as “relaxed.” McConville, de Leva, the
The purpose of this study was to statistically and analytically two methods of Zatsiorsky, and the water immersion method as-
quantify the influence of different sources of uncertainty and their sumed the hand to be in complete extension.
interactions on the variance of the kinetic variables at the shoulder To compute BSPs using the water immersion method, each sub-
and elbow joints during fast nonballistic arm reaching move- ject’s right arm was divided into three main sections: hand, fore-
ments. Particular attention was paid to the influence of the shape arm, and upper arm 共as also suggested in all the estimation meth-
of the hand. Specifically, methods that modeled the hand as com- ods above兲. The length of the hand was measured as the distance
pletely extended were compared with methods that assume the between the tip of the fingernail of the middle-finger and the sty-
hand in other configurations. loid process 共with the hand flat on a surface to avoid flexion of the
fingers兲. Lengths of the forearm and upper arm were measured as
2 Methods the distance between the styloid process and the olecranus lateral
epicondyle and the distance between the olecranus lateral epi-
Thirteen subjects 共ten males and three females; age: condyle and the humerus great tuberosity, respectively. Each sec-
32⫾ 14 years, mass: 78⫾ 15 kg, height: 1.75⫾ 0.09 m, and tion’s main reference frame origin was placed at the center of the
mean⫾ SD%兲 gave informed consent to participate in the study, proximal extremity: With the arm extended and parallel to the
which was approved by Brandeis IRB. We estimated the BSPs of transversal plane 共plane of movement兲, zk-axis was aligned longi-
the subjects’ right upper limb using eight sets of commonly em- tudinally with the distal positive direction, xk-axis parallel to the
ployed regression equations and a water-displacement method 共PI兲 transverse plane and positive in the medial direction, and y k-axis
关33,34兴. parallel to the frontal plane and positive in the ventral direction.
The first method, proposed by Hanavan 共HV兲 关26兴, is based on Each section was subdivided into portions of up to 0.1 m in length
the approximation of the geometry of the limb with 3D basic 共Fig. 1共a兲兲. We measured the dimensions along xk and y k and the
geometric shapes. The second method, proposed by McConville perimeters of the base, center, and upper edge of each portion.
共MC兲, determined the geometric properties of the arm from in The apparatus we used to measure the volume of the arm con-
vivo photographic images 关28兴. The third and fourth methods, sisted of a cylinder filled with water up to the top ridge. We
proposed by Zatsiorsky and Seluyanov 共Z1, Z2兲, are based on in measured the water volume overflowing when each portion of the
vivo scans, performed using gamma rays, to determine the distri- arm sections was gradually immersed in the cylinder 共Fig. 1共b兲兲.
bution of density 关38,39兴. The fifth method, proposed by de Leva This volume was then used to calculate BSPs knowing the geom-
共DL兲, is an adjustment of the previous two, considering a slightly etry of each portion and assuming a uniform density and percent-
different segmentation of the arm 关52兴. The last three methods, age of tissue distribution as given by Clarys and Marfell-Jones
proposed by Dempster 共DE兲, Chandler 共CH兲, and Clauser 共CL兲, 关54,55兴. All moments of inertia in the results were computed about
respectively, derived the regression equations from cadavers the axis of inertia centered on CM and orthogonal to the plane of
关21–23,25,53兴. Moment of inertia values for the method proposed movement. Subsequently, using the Huygens–Steiner theorem, we
by Clauser were extracted from Winter’s review 关2兴. Each model calculated the moment of inertia of each segment with respect to
suggested a series of limb and anthropometric dimensions to input its proximal end in order to compute IM about the wrist joint for
in the equations required to obtain the inertial data. The evident the hand, about the elbow joint for the forearm, and about the
difference among the methods was most pronounced in the mod- shoulder joint for the upper arm.
eling of the shape of the hand: Hanavan approximated the hand
with a sphere, Dempster defined it as “fist-shaped,” Clauser as- 2.1 Movement Task. Many experiments on upper limb focus

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performed a total of 72 reaching movements 共12 sets of six
reaches兲. Verbal feedback was given to help the subject maintain
similar movement duration.
The starting point and the goal target were in a straight line on
the medial plane and parallel to the horizontal plane. To maintain
congruence across subjects of the start and finish joint angles and
their variation during the reaching movements, the placement of
the starting and goal positions along the line was varied for each
subject. This was possible because a proportionality exists among
the average medial-lateral distance between the sternum and the
average center of rotation of the humerus 共ȳ s兲, the upper-arm
length 共l1兲, and the sum of forearm and hand lengths 共l2兲. In
particular, the ratio l1 / l2 is a constant equal to 0.73⫾ 0.02 共Fig.
2共b兲兲. We obtained average angular displacements of
1.13⫾ 0.09 rad for the elbow joint and 0.61⫾ 0.05 rad for the
shoulder. This arrangement allowed us to minimize the variability
of angular kinematic of elbow and shoulder joints across subjects.
Three-dimensional movement kinematics were measured with a
three-sensor Optotrak® motion capture system 共model 3020,
Northern Digital Inc., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada兲 and sampled at
200 Hz. Eight active markers were placed on the subjects’ right
arm and sternum 共Fig. 2共a兲兲.
The three-dimensional accelerations of the hand were also mea-
sured with three single-axis accelerometers 共Kistler, 8352A-
10M3兲 placed on a very light mounting bracket on the radial sty-
loid process. The signal was sampled at 4000 Hz after anti-
aliasing filtering at 1024 Hz with a four pole Butterworth filter.
Fig. 2 „a… Position of Optotrak® active markers: „1… index fin- The mount was part of a rigid brace used to constrain the flexion
ger tip, „2… styloid process of radius, „3… head of ulna, „4… lateral of the wrist during movement so to simplify the biomechanical
epicodyle of humerus, „5… deltoid tuberosity, „6… greater tu- modeling.
bercle of humerus, „7… acromion, and „8… manubrium of ster-
num. The shape of the table was such as to restrain the move- 2.2 Biomechanical Model. A planar, two-link mechanical
ment of the subjects’ torso, minimizing the translation of the model was used for the arm. Kinematics and dynamics were de-
shoulder centroid „xs , ys…. „b… Variables used in the floating scribed in a Cartesian coordinate system where on the horizontal
base double-pendulum planar model. X denotes the medial-
plane, the x-axis was positive in the lateral direction and the y-axis
lateral direction and Y the dorso-ventral direction. An Optotrak®
system was used to measure the constants l1 and l2, the coor- was positive in the frontal direction, and on the vertical plane, the
dinates of the shoulder centroid „xs , ys…, and the angles ␪1 and z-axis completed a right handed frame 关59–62兴. Subscript “1”
␪2 during the movement. The positions of r1 and r2 were calcu- referred to variables of the upper-arm link and shoulder joint,
lated for each estimation method. while subscript “2” identified forearm-hand link and elbow joint
variables. Therefore, ␪1 and ␪2 were the shoulder and elbow
angles, respectively, r1 was the distance between the upper-arm
CM and the shoulder joint, while r2 was the distance between the
forearm-hand CM and the elbow joint 共Fig. 2共b兲兲.
on the analysis of proprioceptive feedback. Hence, the visual Inverse dynamics calculation accounted for the translation of
feedback of the subject is often precluded, causing increased vari- the shoulder 关63兴. Gravity did not influence the joint torque since
ability in the kinematics both within and across subjects 关56–58兴.

再 冎
it was acting orthogonally to the arm trajectory:
To take into account this particular aspect of the upper limb stud-
ies, the experiment was conducted in complete darkness. The sub- ␶1 = ␶2 + m1 · r1 · 共ȳ¨ 1c1 − x̄¨1s1兲 + m2 · l1 · 共ȳ¨ 2c1 − x̄¨2s1兲 + Iz1共␪¨ 1兲
ject was seated at a table. The seat height was adjusted for each
subject to keep the arm trajectory planar, allowing a maximum of ␶ = m · r · 共ȳ¨ c − x̄¨ s 兲 + I 共␪¨ + ␪¨ 兲
2 2 2 2 12 2 12 z2 1 2
0.2 m between the table surface and the acromion. To limit the 共1兲
movement of the torso, the subject was restrained between the
edge of the table and the back of the chair 共Fig. 2共a兲兲. Two light- where ␶i were the joint torques exerted by the muscle to accom-
emitting diodes 共LEDs兲 placed under the semitransparent plastic plish the movement, 共x̄i , ȳ i兲 with the links’ CM coordinates, Izi
surface of the table were used as starting point and goal target. were the moments of inertia about the z-axis calculated at the
During the movement, the goal light stayed on, and the intensity links’ center of mass, si = sin共␪i兲, sij = sin共␪i + ␪ j兲, and similarly for
of the light was sufficient to localize the target, but not to see the ci and cij.
trajectory of the hand. Each subject was asked to lift his/her elbow The coordinates of the center of mass can be extracted from
from the table while touching the starting point with his/her ex- Fig. 2共b兲, where 共xs , y s兲 account for the nonholonomic translation
tended index finger and wait until the goal target was lighted, at of the shoulder:
which point the subject had to reach and touch the location of the
goal target in one continuous fast, nonballistic natural movement x̄1 = r1c1 + xs
共duration of 500⫾ 35 ms兲, similar to picking up an object on the
table 共peak velocities of 2.53⫾ 0.17 rad/ s for the elbow joint and ȳ 1 = r1s1 + y s
1.05⫾ 0.09 rad/ s for the shoulder兲. Contact with the surface of
the workspace was allowed only at the starting and target points. x̄2 = l1c1 + r2c12 + xs
If subjects reported any surface contact during the reaching move-
ment, the trial was discarded. The planarity of the movement and ȳ 2 = l1s1 + r2s12 + y s 共2兲
position of the shoulder centroid was recorded and is reported in Equation 共1兲 can be rewritten in a matrix form by calculating the
Sec. 3. After four training sessions of eight reaches, each subject second derivative of Eq. 共2兲 with respect to time and substituting

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering MARCH 2011, Vol. 133 / 031003-3

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冋 ␣ + 2␤c2 ␦ + ␤c2
␦ + ␤c2 ␦
册冋 ␪¨ 1
册冋 +
− ␤s2␪˙ 2 − ␤s2共␪˙ 1 + ␪˙ 2兲
␤s2␪˙ 1 0
册冋 册
␪˙ 1
mum velocity of the reach were normalized to the weight of the
subject in order to limit the effect of the subject’s size on the
distribution of joint torque peaks. Absolute values of shoulder and

冋 册冋 册 冋 册
2 2
elbow torque peaks were considered to account for the fact that
− ␸s12 − ␷s1 ␸c12 + ␷c1 ẍs ␶1 when reaching, the shoulder angular displacement ␪1 progres-
+ = 共3兲
− ␸s12 ␸c12 ÿ s ␶2 sively increases, while the elbow angular displacement ␪2 de-
creases 共Fig. 2共b兲兲, which results in angular acceleration and
torque profiles of opposite signs for the two joints.
␣ = Iz1 + Iz2 + m1r21 + m2共l21 + r22兲 The NRMS of torques for the whole movement was defined as
follows 关5,47兴:
␤ = m 1l 1r 2

␦ = Iz2 + m2r22 冑 冕 1/T


共␶ij共t兲兲2k dt
共NRMSij兲k = 共6兲
␸ = m 2r 2 N

␷ = m 1r 1 + m 2l 1 共4兲
1/N 兺
共max共␶ij共t兲兲 − min共␶ij共t兲兲兲0⬍t⬍T
all k

The rigid body dynamics can be rewritten in the concise form where j 苸 N 兩 j = 1 , . . . , 9 identified each BSP estimation method, T
was the total duration of the reaching movement, and 共␶ij共t兲兲k was
I共␪兲␪¨ + H共␪, ␪˙ 兲␪˙ + N共␪兲Ẍs = ␶
the time-varying torque signal of the ith joint 共i.e., i = 1 for shoul-
der and i = 2 for the elbow兲 calculated during the kth reach using
␶I + ␶H + ␶N = ␶ 共5兲
the jth estimation method. The expression max共␶ij共t兲兲 represents
Thus, the torque can be expressed as the sum of three components the maximum torque within the interval 0 ⬍ t ⬍ T for all the k
that depend on three system-dependent matrices. I is the matrix of trials calculated with the jth method.
inertia, H represents the Coriolis-centrifugal components of the The rms of a joint torque is a parameter that expresses with a
torques, and N is the matrix that transformed the acceleration of single number the modulation of torque throughout the reaching
the moving shoulder into joint torque components. Equations trajectory. A high rms of torque means a higher average absolute
共3兲–共5兲 show how the inertial matrix depends on the kinematics. value of torque during the movement. Normalizing the rms of
2.3 The Body Type. The subject body type or “somatotype” torque with respect to the subject weight, in the same fashion as
as originally defined by Sheldon 关64兴 and subsequently revised by the torque peak, would not capture the difference between torque
Carter 关65,66兴 described the morphology of the subject’s body. profiles with similar rms but different amplitude range. A peak-to-
The shape of the body can be characterized using three main peak normalization 共Eq. 共6兲兲 highlights the difference between
somatotypes: 共1兲 the athletic body type with wide shoulders and torque profile shapes: For a given rms, torque profiles that span a
thin waist, referred to as mesomorphic, 共2兲 the soft and round wider range have a lower NRMS. This allows for a fairer intra-
body type with the ventral part larger than the waist, defined as subject comparison of torque profiles across methods; as for a
endomorphic, and 共3兲 the slender body type usually tall with thin given subject, differences in torque profile shapes across methods
shoulders, called ectomorphic. The physical structure of a subject that do not result in different rms of torque are captured by the
is the combination of size 共weight and height兲 and somatotype. peak-to-peak normalization, but would be lost with a normaliza-
Most models of BSPs relate their estimates to the weight and tion by subject weight. Nine distributions of each kinetic variable,
height of the subject 关23,38兴, and often either one is used to nor- corresponding to the nine BSP estimation methods, were calcu-
malize the kinetic variables across subjects. However, individuals lated across subjects. A grand distribution of kinematic variables
with the same height and weight but with different body types was also obtained by considering the whole population of reach-
have dissimilar arm geometry. This causes a different spatial dis- ing movements among all subjects.
tribution of the arm mass, thus producing a different moment of The experiment was designed to restrict the movement of each
inertia about the joints. If the method considered to estimate the subject’s arm to the same trajectory in the joint angle space. The
BSPs is particularly sensitive to the somatotype of the subject, maximum angular acceleration for each joint was reached ap-
normalizing the kinetic variables with respect to weight and proximately at the same angular configuration across subjects.
height alone might be deceiving. We divided our subjects into the Torque peak for each joint would also occur in the proximity of
three somatotype groups: mesomorphic, endomorphic, and ecto- the angle of maximum acceleration 共Fig. 8兲. The inertial matrix at
morphic, consisting of four, five, and four subjects, respectively. the angle of torque peak would be only dependent on the subject’s
The somatotype appeared as a factor in the statistical analysis of BSPs 共cf. Eq. 共3兲兲. Assuming each BSP estimation method hypo-
the inertial parameter estimation and the kinetic variables. thetically independent of the subject’s body type, the average of
each normalized torque peak distribution would be dependent on
2.4 Data Processing. A Lilliefors test 关67兴 indicated that BSP the method used to estimate the BSPs 共method effect兲 while the
populations, calculated with each estimation method, could be dispersion would only depend on the variability of kinematic vari-
considered normally distributed across subjects. We first per- ables at the configuration of torque peak, across subjects, and
formed a one-way analysis of variance 共ANOVA兲 and pairwise across trials 共subject effect兲. Since the effect of the subject size on
one-way ANOVAs to compare BSP populations across estimation the distribution of joint torque peaks is minimized by the normal-
methods and across subjects; we considered one BSP at a time ization, a change in the dispersion of torque peak distributions
共i.e., M, CM, or IM兲 for each section of the arm 共i.e., hand, fore- across methods indicates that an interaction between the method
arm, and upper arm兲. To analyze the combined influence of both and the body type of the subjects accounts for the additional vari-
BSP estimation methods and subjects’ body type, a two-way ance 共interaction effect兲. Hence, we expect the variance of the
ANOVA was also carried out. normalized torque peak to depend on the method, the subject ki-
For both elbow and shoulder, we evaluated two kinetic vari- nematic variability, and an interaction mostly related to the subject
ables for each across-subject population of reaches: The normal- somatotype.
ized joint torque peak and the normalized root mean square Similarly, the variance of the distribution of NRMS of joint
共NRMS兲 of the joint torque. torques was affected by the subject effect, the method effect, and
The absolute values of torque peaks occurring before the maxi- the effect of an interaction between factors. However, the inertial

031003-4 / Vol. 133, MARCH 2011 Transactions of the ASME

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matrix changed as a function of the joint angle 共Eq. 共3兲兲, resulting
in an additional source of interaction between the subjects’ kine-
matic variability and the variability across BSP estimation
SSpwinteraction = 兺
all subjects
冉 兺
two methods
共共xsubject兲method − ␮pw兲2 冊
methods. 共10兲
To determine the extent to which each effect affected the com- Equation 共7兲 was adapted to the pairwise comparison as well:
putation of the inertial parameters and the kinetics, we used the joint
statistic ␩2: SSpw
兲joint = 共11兲
variable effect joint
SSgroupeffect total

variable effect
= 共7兲 where 共␩pw 2
兲joint is obtained for each variable as the ratio of
SSgrouptotal variable effect
the SSeffect between the two considered distributions and SStotal
For each joint and each kinetic variable, SSALLeffect was the sum within the union of those distributions. The effect size ␩2 quanti-
of the squared differences between the total mean of the popula- fies what percentage of the variance of a statistical population can
tion ␮ALL 共all movements, all methods, and all subjects兲 and the be explained from the variance of the factors from which the
means of the considered kinetic variable population given either population depends. According to the theory of measure, the vari-
the method 共all movements, one method, and all subjects兲, the ance of a variable is the squared standard uncertainty to be attrib-
subject 共all movements, all methods, and one subject兲, or the in- uted to its mean. When a phenomenon can be described through a
teraction between subjects and methods 共all movements, one linear model, it is possible to analytically correlate the uncertain-
method, and one subject兲, namely, ties of the inputs with those of the outputs through an error propa-
gation analysis. Therefore, the variance of the population of ki-
SSALLmethod = 兺
all methods
共共xall subjects兲method − ␮ALL兲2 netic variables can be compared with the standard uncertainty
calculated from an error propagation analysis, considering the
variance of the populations of BSPs and kinematics as the squared
SSALLsubject = 兺
all subjects
共共xall methods兲subject − ␮ALL兲2 standard uncertainties of their respective means. In general, the
squared combined standard uncertainty of y = f共xh兲, where h
苸 N 兩 h = 1 , . . . , n, is given by 关69兴
SSALLinteraction = 兺
all subjects
冉 兺
all methods
共共xsubject兲method − ␮ALL兲2 冊 u2c 共y兲 = 兺

冉 冊
⳵f 2
u2共xh兲 共12兲
⳵ xh
共8兲 h=1

where u2共xh兲 is the squared uncertainty 共i.e., the variance兲 of vari-

SSALLtotal was the total variance of the kinetic variable across all
able xh.
subjects and all methods.
Our data set 共Fig. 8共d兲兲 supports the results reported by Borto-
After analyzing the set of kinetic variable distributions obtained
lami et al. 关3,4兴 on baseline reaching movements, which have
with all nine methods, we restricted our investigation to the
shown that the net contribution to the total joint torques ␶ of the
method modeling the hand in the extended position, namely, Mc-
Conville, Zatsiorsky 共2002兲, water immersion, Zatsiorsky 共1983兲, terms dependent on the joint angular velocity 共␶H兲 and on the
and de Leva. Equation 共8兲 was modified to account for only the linear acceleration of the shoulder 共␶N兲 is at least one order of
“hand extended” 共HE兲 methods: magnitude smaller than the contribution of the term ␶I, which
depends on the segments’ inertia. Therefore, in this specific case,
SSHEmethod = 兺
HE methods
共共xall subjects兲method − ␮HE兲2 the terms including H and N in Eq. 共5兲 can be neglected when
applying Eq. 共12兲 共see Appendix兲:

u2c 共␶兲 = ␪¨ 2 · u2共I兲 + I2 · u2共␪¨ 兲 共13兲

SSHEsubject = 兺
all subjects
共共xHE methods兲subject − ␮HE兲
It is important to note that all three terms in Eq. 共5兲 were used
in the actual calculation of joint torques. The aforementioned sim-

SSHEinteraction = 兺
all subjects
冉 兺
HE methods
共共xsubject兲method − ␮HE兲2 冊 共9兲
plification was used only for the analysis of uncertainty expressed
in Eq. 共13兲, in which joint angular accelerations were nonetheless
calculated with a moving shoulder model.
where ␮HE was the average of the considered kinetic variable
distribution, across all subjects, and across all hand extended 3 Results
methods. We modeled the arm as a two-link planar system with a floating
We also performed a pairwise comparison between methods to base 共shoulder兲. For each subject, a 95% confidence dispersion
determine whether any two methods would produce comparable ellipsis of the shoulder centroid position is presented in Fig. 3共a兲.
kinetic variables as well as whether any differences existed among The movement of the finger tip and the centroid of shoulder and
different groups of distributions. Equations 共8兲 and 共9兲 showed
elbow along the vertical axis 共Z, Fig. 2, following the right hand
that an interaction effect was proved to be statistically significant;
rule兲 was at least an order of magnitude smaller than the hand
therefore, a pairwise t-test or Tukey’s honestly significant differ-
movement trajectory along the Y axis 共Fig. 3共a兲兲. The reaching
ence criterion could not be applied 关68兴. For each of the 36 pos-
displacement was Y finger = 0.234⫾ 0.039 m, while for the rms
sible combinations, Eq. 共8兲 was modified by restricting the calcu-
along the vertical axis, we obtained Zfinger = 0.015⫾ 0.004 m,
lation of SSgroupeffect to the two methods considered pairwise,
Zelbow = 0.015⫾ 0.007 m, and Zshoulder = 0.005⫾ 0.002 m, respec-
where ␮pw was the average of the distribution generated by all the tively; therefore, the adoption of a planar arm model movement
subjects and two methods: was justified.

Although the experimental setup was designed to achieve a
SSpwmethod = 共共xall subjects兲method − ␮pw兲2 consistent and comparable angular trajectory of the joints’ across
two methods
subjects, kinematics variability was important, especially when
considering the elbow peak acceleration 共Fig. 3共b兲兲. A summary of
SSpwsubject = 兺
all subjects
共共xtwo methods兲subject − ␮pw兲2 the total acceleration distribution 共all movements and all subjects兲
is depicted in the first two panels of Fig. 3共a兲. Notice that the rms

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering MARCH 2011, Vol. 133 / 031003-5

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Fig. 3 „a… Distributions of the kinematic variability for the arm reaching task. In the first row, the peak and rms of joint
angular accelerations are represented along with the rms of the length of reach and the displacement of the finger tip, elbow
centroid, and shoulder centroid along the vertical axis. The second row depicts the dispersion ellipses of the shoulder
centroid on the plane of movement across subjects. Solid line represents one standard deviation and dashed line two
standard deviations, enclosing 95% probability. „b… Quartile distribution of peak and rms of acceleration for each subject.

of elbow angular acceleration is indeed much higher than that results for each individual BSP.
measured at the shoulder, ␪¨ rmselbow = 6.0⫾ 1.6 rad/ s2 versus The hand BSPs had the greatest variability across different
methods. Estimations of the hand BSPs were quite diverse even
␪¨ = 2.4⫾ 0.8 rad/ s2, and so is the absolute value of the
across regression methods that assumed the same shape for the
acceleration peak: ␪¨ peakelbow = 13.3⫾ 5.2 rad/ s2 versus ␪¨ peakshoulder hand. The mean hand masses were 共Mhand兲ALL = 0.53⫾ 0.08 kg
= 5.6⫾ 2.0 rad/ s2. and 共Mhand兲HE = 0.48⫾ 0.08 kg across all nine methods and the
3.1 Segment Parameters. Commentary to Fig. 4: A one-way hand extended methods, respectively 共Fig. 4共a兲兲. The estimated
ANOVA revealed that the BSP population computed with at least hand masses obtained by the methods of Hanavan, McConville,
one method was significantly different from the others 共maximum and Clauser were statistically different from most of the other
result IMforearm 兩 F共8,108兲 = 2.72, p ⬍ 0.009兲. The pairwise compari- methods.
sons showed that the different estimation models led to different The estimation of the hand CM was compatible within three

031003-6 / Vol. 133, MARCH 2011 Transactions of the ASME

Downloaded 22 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
Fig. 4 Quartile distribution of body segment parameters. The figure shows
the populations of mass „M…, center of mass location „CM… with respect to
the proximal end, and inertial moment about the proximal end „IM… of each
section as a function of the estimation method. The right hand panel indi-
cates the pairwise compatibility of the distributions across methods: Hana-
van „HV…, Dempster „DE…, Chandler „CH…, Clauser „CL…, McConville „MC…,
Zatsiorsky and Seluyanov „1983… „Z1…, water immersion „PI…, Zatsiorsky
„2002… „Z2…, and de Leva „DL…. Boxes with gray background correspond to
“hand extended” methods. „a… Hand BSPs, „b… forearm BSPs, and „c… upper-
arm BSPs.

distinct groups of methods: Hanavan–Dempster 共CMhand = extended; and Clauser–Zatsiorsky 共1983兲, which assumed a
= 0.045⫾ 0.004 m , F共1,24兲 = 0.13, p = 0.72兲, which modeled the slightly flexed 共Clauser兲 or fully extended hand 共CMhand
hand as sphere/fist-shaped; Chandler–Zatsiorsky 共2002兲-water im- = 0.117⫾ 0.008 m , F共1,24兲 = 0.92, p = 0.35兲. Both McConville
mersion method 共CMhand = 0.128⫾ 0.010 m , F共2,36兲 = 1.84, p 共CMhand = 0.076⫾ 0.004 m兲 and de Leva 共CMhand
= 0.17兲, which modeled the hand as relaxed 共Chandler兲 or fully = 0.097⫾ 0.006 m兲 gave statistically different estimations to all

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering MARCH 2011, Vol. 133 / 031003-7

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the other methods and both modeled the hand as extended. could be neglected; therefore, we limited the statistical analysis of
IM of the hand was the parameter with the largest variance inertial parameters to ␣, ␤, and ␦, which appeared in matrix I. The
across methods. With the exception of the pair of methods by distributions of the three parameters were similar across methods,
McConville and Zatsiorsky 共2002兲 共IMhand but their variability was much higher compared with the single
= 0.0016⫾ 0.0003 kg m2 , F共1,24兲 = 1.61, p = 0.22兲 and Chandler– BSPs 共M, CM, and IM兲. This could be attributed to the interde-
Zatsiorsky 共1983兲 共IMhand = 0.0009⫾ 0.0002 kg m2 , F共1,24兲 pendency among BSPs: A change in any one BSP results in
= 0.04, p = 0.84兲, all methods produced statistically different hand changes to the other two, leading to a variation in ␣, ␤, and ␦
larger than the variation on any single BSP. Methods could be
IM estimations: 共IMhand兲ALL = 0.0016⫾ 0.0004 kg m2 and
grouped into two sets with similar distributions of all the three
共IMhand兲HE = 0.0021⫾ 0.0005 kg m2 共Fig. 4共a兲兲. None of the inertial matrix parameters: Hanavan, Dempster, Clauser, McCon-
methods were pairwise compatible for all the three hand BSPs 共M, ville, and de Leva estimated ␣ = 0.362⫾ 0.104 kg m2 共F共4,60兲
CM, and IM兲.
= 1.42, p = 0.23兲, ␤ = 0.119⫾ 0.034 kg m2 共F共4,60兲 = 1.27, p
Methods could be arranged into two main groups according to
their estimated forearm mass: Hanavan–Chandler–McConville es- = 0.29兲, and ␦ = 0.118⫾ 0.034 kg m2 共F共4,60兲 = 1.39, p = 0.25兲,
timated a mean forearm mass of Mforearm = 1.377⫾ 0.277 kg while Chandler, the two methods of Zatsiorsky, and water immer-
共F共2,36兲 = 0.47, p = 0.63兲, while all the remaining methods esti- sion produced ␣ = 0.302⫾ 0.087 kg m2 共F共3,48兲 = 0.56, p = 0.64兲,
mated Mforearm = 1.16⫾ 0.23 kg 共F共5,72兲 = 0.91, p = 0.48兲. A differ- ␤ = 0.090⫾ 0.028 kg m2 共F共3,48兲 = 0.61, p = 0.61兲, and ␦
ent grouping would consider Hanavan as an overestimating outlier = 0.077⫾ 0.024 kg m2 共F共3,48兲 = 0.83, p = 0.48兲 共Fig. 5兲.
of the forearm mass 共Mforearm = 1.423⫾ 0.263 kg兲, the water im- A two-way ANOVA, with the method and the somatotype as
mersion method as an underestimating outlier 共Mforearm fixed factors and the subject as a random factor, showed what
= 1.095⫾ 0.265 kg兲, and all the other methods compatible to each percentage of the variance within inertial parameter distributions
other 共Mforearm = 1.228⫾ 0.239 kg, F共6,84兲 = 2.17, p = 0.054兲. The could be attributed to differences in somatotype, which was rather
forearm mass distributions were generally not symmetrical, pre- homogeneous across the three inertial matrix parameters
senting a consistent skewness toward higher masses independent 共␩␣2 = ␩␤2 = ␩␦2 = 14%兲 and to methods, which
somatotype somatotype somatotype
of the methods used for the estimation 共Fig. 4共b兲兲. was higher 共␩␣ 2
= 15% , ␩␤2 = 23% ␩␦2 = 36%兲. The
method method method
The pair of methods by Dempster and de Leva gave a mean remaining variance had to be explained by the variability of an-
forearm CM position value of CMforearm = 0.113⫾ 0.009 m thropometric features across the subjects population.
共F共1,24兲 = 3.54, p = 0.072兲; Clauser and McConville gave
3.2 Joint Torques. Commentary to Fig. 6: Shoulder and el-
CMforearm = 0.157⫾ 0.010 m and 0.098⫾ 0.008 m, respectively,
bow joint kinetics distributions were calculated from the distribu-
while all the other method estimates were comparable, CMforearm
tions of estimated BSPs 共Eq. 共5兲兲. Figure 6共a兲 shows the distribu-
= 0.146⫾ 0.011 m 共F共4,60兲 = 0.61, p = 0.66兲. The populations of
tion of normalized torque peaks for both shoulder and elbow
forearm CM were all skewed with means toward lower values. joints as a function of the method across subjects and as a function
Almost all methods were pairwise compatible and had symmetri- of the subject across methods. The dispersion of normalized
cally distributed estimates of forearm IM with means around torque peak means across methods was higher for the elbow than
IMforearm = 0.0070⫾ 0.0022 kg m2. for the shoulder, even across methods representing the hand in the
Groups that gave compatible results for all three forearm same configuration. In fact, the water immersion and McClauser
BSPs where Zatsiorsky 共2002兲-water immersion-Zatsiorsky methods 共Fig. 6共a兲 top right panel兲, both of which assumed the
共1983兲 共M 兩 F共2,36兲 = 1.11, p = 0.34; CM兩 F共2,36兲 = 0.16, p = 0.85; hand as “extended,” produced the largest difference between the
IM兩 F共2,36兲 = 0.83, p = 0.40兲, Chandler–Clauser 共M 兩 F共1,24兲 means of the elbow normalized torque peak distributions. The
= 3.5, p = 0.073; CM兩 F共1,24兲 = 3.04, p = 0.094; IM兩 F共1,24兲 variance of normalized torque peak populations across subjects
= 0.63, p = 0.43兲, Chandler–Hanavan 共M 兩 F共1,24兲 = 1.02, p = 0.32; was uniform 共共␩torque_peak
兲interaction was small兲, suggesting that nor-
CM兩 F共1,24兲 = 0.65, p = 0.43; IM兩 F共1,24兲 = 0.21, p = 0.65兲, and malizing the torque peaks with the subject weight limited the ef-
fect of the subjects’ body type on the estimation of kinetic
Dempster–de Leva 共M 兩 F共1,24兲 = 1.31, p = 0.26; CM兩 F共1,24兲
= 3.54, p = 0.072; IM兩 F共1,24兲 = 2.94, p = 0.1兲 共Fig. 4共b兲兲. The method effect 共␩torque_peak 2
兲method on the normalized torque
The estimation of the upper-arm BSPs was quite consistent peak distributions was more evident at the elbow
across methods. Two compatible groups estimate similar upper- 共共␩ALL
兲elbow = 29% , 共␩HE 2
兲elbow = 31%兲 than at
arm mass: Hanavan–Zatsiorsky 共2002兲 estimated Mupper_arm torque_peak method torque_peak method

= 2.61⫾ 0.50 kg 共F共1,24兲 = 1.31, p = 0.26兲 and all the other meth- the shoulder 共共␩ALL 2
兲 shoulder
= 5% , 共␩HE 2
torque_peak method torque_peak method

ods estimated Mupper_arm = 2.12⫾ 0.40 kg 共F共6,84兲 = 1.82, p = 6%兲. For elbow and shoulder, respectively, 共␩torque_peak 2
= 0.10兲. were 44% and 48% for all the methods and 43% and 49% for the
hand extended methods. Statistical errors coming from sources
The estimation of upper-arm CM was not homogeneous. While
independent of subjects, methods, and their interactions made up
de Leva and Clauser provided the higher and the lower estimates
共CMupper_arm = 0.175⫾ 0.013 m and CMupper_arm = 0.117 for 共共␩ALL
兲elbow = 25% , 共␩HE 2
torque_peak other_source torque_peak other_source
⫾ 0.016 m, respectively兲, all the other methods could be divided = 22%兲 and 共共␩ALL
兲 shoulder
= 45%,
torque_peak other_source
into two groups: Dempster–Zatsiorsky 共1983兲 provided 共␩HE
= 43%兲 of the normalized torque peak vari-
CMupper_arm = 0.133⫾ 0.009 m 共F共1,24兲 = 0.31, p = 0.58兲 while all ance at the elbow and shoulder, respectively.
the remaining methods estimated CMupper_arm = 0.162⫾ 0.014 m Both shoulder and elbow normalized torque peak distributions
共F共4,48兲 = 1.8, p = 0.16兲. across methods had many outliers and many observations clus-
The populations of upper-arm IM had comparable distributions tered far from the mean 共positive kurtosis兲. High kurtosis does not
with the exception of the distribution produced by Chandler, emerge in any of the distributions of NRMS for each subject
which had a significantly lower variance. The variability of fore- 共central panel of Fig. 6共b兲兲.
arm and upper-arm estimated parameters across methods was sig- NRMS distributions for both elbow and shoulder were more
nificant 共⫾33%兲, despite the fact that, unlike the hand, these can- affected by the interaction effect than the distributions of normal-
not assume multiple configurations. ized torque peaks 共Fig. 6共b兲兲. The variance of the distributions of
Commentary to Fig. 5: As we noted above, as a first approxi- NRMS of torque influenced by the subject effect was minimal:
mation, the contribution of terms H and N to the total joint torques For the shoulder, we found that 共␩ALL 2
= 8% and

031003-8 / Vol. 133, MARCH 2011 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 5 „a… Quartile distribution of inertial parameters ␣, ␤, and ␦. The central panel shows the
populations of parameters as a function of the estimation method. The left hand panel indicates
the population of parameters for each subject across methods. The right hand panel indicates the
pairwise compatibility of the distributions across methods. Gray background boxes correspond to
“hand extended” methods. „b… Two-way ANOVA on the inertial parameters: variance accounted for
when considering the subjects’ somatotype as a factor. Subjects were divided in three groups:
mesomorphs „4…, endomorphs „5…, and ectomorphs „4…. For each of the nine methods, the influ-
ence of each factor was analyzed. The variance attributed neither to the method nor to the soma-
totype had to be attributed to the variability of anthropometric dimensions across subjects.

兲shoulder = 14%, while for the elbow 共␩ALL 2
兲elbow the method effect was more pronounced for the elbow torque
NRMS subject NRMS subject
= 6% and 共␩HE 2
兲elbow = 7%. The method effect accounted for NRMS. The influence of the method effect was more evident in
NRMS subject the variance of both kinetic variables at the elbow than at the
most of the variance, especially for the distributions of elbow
shoulder. In particular, among all methods modeling the hand in
kinetics: 共␩ALL
兲elbow = 84% and 共␩HE 2
兲elbow = 85%, while the extended configuration, we found the choice of BSP estima-
NRMS method NRMS method
for the shoulder, 共␩ALL 2
兲 shoulder
= 38% , 共␩HE 2
兲shoulder tion method to be the principal source of variability in the com-
NRMS method NRMS method
= 40%. putation of elbow torque NRMS. Moreover, almost all the pair-
Interestingly, the effect of the interaction between method and wise comparisons involving the Zatsiorsky and water immersion
subject had more influence on the distributions of torque NRMS at methods demonstrated to be sensitive to the interaction effect.
the shoulder than at the elbow: 共␩ALL 2
兲shoulder = 22% and The variance of the elbow torque peak distributions was the
NRMS interaction
兲 shoulder
= 17%, while 共␩ALL 2
兲elbow = 4% and most affected by the method effect; therefore, we applied an ana-
NRMS interaction NRMS interaction lytical model to further analyze such findings. The elbow torque
兲 elbow
= 3%. The percentages of torque NRMS vari- ␶2共t兲 is a function of time, and its variance u2共␶2兲 can be calcu-
NRMS interaction
ance independent of subject, method, and interaction effects were lated at each instant from our data set. Using the theory of error
close to 30% and 6% for the shoulder and elbow, respectively. propagation, we could compare the calculated torque variance
Commentary to Fig. 7: For each pair of estimating methods, the u2共␶2兲 at a certain instant with the squared standard uncertainty of
␩2 analysis of variance for the shoulder and elbow kinetic vari- torque u2c 共␶2兲 calculated using Eq. 共13兲. The squared standard un-
ables is shown. The variance of each pairwise combination was
certainty allowed us to understand the influence of kinematic vari-
normalized with the total variance within the pairwise distribution
ability and BSP variability on the final variance of the torque.
共see Eq. 共11兲兲. The distributions within each pair combination of
Using Eqs. 共13兲 and 共3兲 we could write 共see Appendix兲
normalized torque peaks at the shoulder were mainly influenced
by the subject effect and by statistical errors attributed to other u2c 共␶2兲 = ␪¨ 21 · u2共I21兲 + ␪¨ 22 · u2共␦兲 + I221 · u2共␪¨ 1兲 + ␦2 · u2共␪¨ 2兲
sources, while the variability due to the interaction between
method and subject effects was small across all pairwise combi- 共14兲
nations 共Fig. 7共a兲兲. On the other hand, a significant portion of the where I21 and ␦ are, respectively, the element 共2,1兲 and the ele-
variance of the normalized torque peak at the elbow 共up to 44%兲 ment 共2,2兲 of the matrix of inertia I 共Eq. 共5兲兲. For each instant t0,
was attributed to the method effect.
u2c 共␶2兲 is the squared standard uncertainty of the elbow joint
Across most of the pair combinations, the torque NRMS vari-
ance for both elbow and shoulder was influenced in a significant torque at angular configuration ␪共t0兲, u2共I21兲 and u2共␦兲 are the
way by all three main effects 共subject, method, and interaction兲. variances of the respective inertial parameters across all methods
The influence of the subject was comparable for both joints while and all subjects, and u2共␪¨ i兲 are the variances of the distributions of

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering MARCH 2011, Vol. 133 / 031003-9

Downloaded 22 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
Fig. 6 Distributions of joint kinetic variables. Data relative to the shoulder and elbow kinetic variables are
reported on the left and right panels, respectively. The top panels show the distribution of kinetic variables
across subjects as a function of the estimation method. The central panels show the distribution of kinetic
variables across subjects. The bottom bar plot illustrates the influence of different effects on the kinetic
variable variance. Boxes with gray background correspond to “hand extended” methods. „a… Normalized
torque peaks, „b… NRMS of torque, and „c… variance accounted for when using only hand extended methods.

031003-10 / Vol. 133, MARCH 2011 Transactions of the ASME

Downloaded 22 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
Fig. 7 Normalized ␩2 analysis for each pairwise estimation method combination. The figure shows the contribution of
method, subject, and interaction effect as well as other sources to the variance of the joint kinematic variables. The total
variance of each method combination is indicated as a percentage of the total variance within the union of each pair of
distributions. „a… Shoulder normalized torque peaks, „b… elbow normalized torque peaks, „c… shoulder NRMS of torque, and
„d… elbow NRMS of torque.

joint angular accelerations across all methods and all subjects at mation methods 共method effect兲, 共b兲 the subject-dependent kine-
angular configuration ␪共t0兲. For each instant, all the aforemen- matic variability and limited repeatability across trials 共subject
tioned components, as well as the means of ␪¨ 1共t兲 and ␪¨ 2共t兲, are effect兲, 共c兲 the interaction between the BSP estimation method and
shown in Figs. 8共a兲 and 8共c兲, respectively. The absolute value of the subjects’ body type 共interaction effect兲, and 共d兲 other effects
the elbow torque reaches its peak around the same time as both such as nonsystematic errors.
joint accelerations 共Fig. 8共d兲兲. Around the same point in the tra- We showed that the method effect was the primary cause of
jectory, the inertial parameters ␦ and especially I21 have very low uncertainty in the estimation of the normalized rms of joint
torques. The variability of the normalized rms of torque at the
absolute values 共Fig. 8共c兲兲. The terms ␪¨ 21 · u2共I21兲 and especially elbow did not depend much on the change in shape of the hand
␪¨ 22 · u2共␦兲 represent the major source of variance for the elbow during the reaching movement, but did depend strongly on the
torque peak, as can be seen in Fig. 8共e兲. The contribution of the change of the components of the inertial matrix along the trajec-
other two terms I221 · u2共␪¨ 1兲 and ␦2 · u2共␪¨ 2兲 was negligible. Figure tory as a function of the angular configuration of the joints. In
8共f兲 shows a comparison of the variance of the elbow torque dis- fact, for five methods representing the hand as extended, we ob-
tribution estimated from the data across all subjects and methods tained 共共␩HE2
兲elbow = 85%兲. The motor task that we analyzed
NRMS method
共statistical method兲 and from Eq. 共14兲 共analytical method兲. As required the subject to keep his or her hand extended throughout
expected, the two methods produce comparable results. the movement. We found that the variability of the distribution of
During the movement, I21 rises monotonically with the angle kinetic variables introduced by BSP estimation methods that mod-
␪2, and its estimation is progressively more dispersed across meth- eled the hand as completely extended was comparable to the vari-
ods 共Fig. 8共c兲兲; therefore, the contribution of term ␪¨ 21 · u2共I21兲 be- ability introduced by methods representing the hand in different
comes a more predominant source of variance during the second
A reaching movement could be described with models as com-
half of the trajectory, despite the fact that ␪¨ 1 is lower than ␪¨ 2. plex as having up to 13 DOFs and five links 关70兴. The nonperfect
planarity of the movement could account for part of the variance
4 Discussion and Conclusions not explained by method, subject, and interaction effects. This
We quantified, statistically and analytically, the influence of dif- modeling error could have been reduced by adopting a model of
ferent error sources and their interactions on the estimation of the arm with a higher number of degrees of freedom. However,
inverse dynamics during multijoint fast, nonballistic arm reaching this would have added a considerable computational and theoret-
movements. ical burden, and further assumptions would have been required in
We found that the variance of both normalized torque peaks and order to calculate the kinetic variables. Models with more than
normalized torque rms at the shoulder and elbow joints was influ- two degrees of freedom are seldom used in the study of upper
enced by 共a兲 the differences in BSPs introduced by different esti- limb motor control due to the difficulty to establish a trade-off

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering MARCH 2011, Vol. 133 / 031003-11

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Fig. 8 Comparison between the variance of the non-normalized elbow
torque estimated with Eq. „14… and the variance of the population of non-
normalized elbow torques. „a… Mean of shoulder acceleration „solid… and
associated variance „dotted…. „b… Mean of elbow acceleration „solid… and
associated variance „dotted…. „c… Components of the inertial matrices I21
„black-solid… and I22 „i.e., ␦ gray-solid… and their associated variance „dot-
ted…. „d… Mean of non-normalized elbow torque ␶2 „black-solid… and associ-
ated variance „black-dotted…. Here, we compared the different components
of elbow torque ␶2 as they appear in Eq. „5…. ␶2H is proportional to the joint
angular velocities „dashed-dotted…, ␶2N is proportional to the shoulder linear
acceleration „dashed…, and ␶2I is proportional to the joint angular accelera-
tion „gray-solid…. Notice how ␶2H and ␶2N are close to zero and tend to cancel
each other, confirming the assumption used to formulate Eq. „13…. „e… Com-
ponents of the variance of the non-normalized torque calculated using Eq.
„14…. The dashed-dotted line represents the component ␪¨ 22 · u2„␦…, while the
dashed is ␪¨ 12 · u2„I21…. The influence of the variability of the other components
on the variance of the non-normalized elbow torque is negligible. „f… Com-
parison between the variance of ␶2 estimated point by point for all subjects
and all data „solid… and uc2„␶2… calculated from Eq. „14… „dashed…. The maxi-
mum variance of the elbow torque aligns with the absolute torque peak, and
it is mostly dependent on the variance component ␪¨ 22 · u2„␦…. Increased de-
pendence on ␪¨ 12 · u2„I21… occurs toward the end of the movement where the
u2„I21… increases concurringly with I21.

between the complexity of the model and the assumptions re- flexion-extensions and, therefore, were not representative of gen-
quired by the researcher to ensure model fit. The contribution of eralized arm reaching tasks. Challis 关41兴 reported a torque peak of
this paper is relevant for research concerned with upper limb mo- about 6.5 N m for a single-joint elbow extension 共throwing task兲.
tor control because it points out that even a simple model can The value of the IM for the forearm and hand combined 共␦ in Eq.
show how the effect of BSP estimation methods and the interac- 共3兲兲 was not reported, and neither was the maximum acceleration,
tion effect between the BSP methods and the subjects’ body type but the author used Chandler’s 关23兴 BSP estimation method. Since
are a considerable source of variance and could easily override
the task in Ref. 关23兴 is a simple elbow extension and not a mul-
modeling and kinematic errors.
Previous studies on the sensitivity of upper limb inverse dy- tijoint movement, ␣ and ␤ are not relevant as the dynamics equa-
namics to BSPs analyzed single-joint movements such as elbow tion reduces to simply ␶ = ␦ · ␪¨ . An inverse dynamics analysis
2 2

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that uses the average value of ␦ estimated with Chandler’s method segments’ inertia is generally inversely proportional to the vari-
across our subject population, ␦ = 0.083⫾ 0.024 kg m2, results in ability of the measured acceleration of each joint. In our case, the
an approximate maximum joint acceleration for the throwing task variance of the acceleration was higher at the elbow than at the
of 70 rad/ s2. Challis reported that a ⫾5% imposed variation of ␦ shoulder, while the inertial term ␣ 共Eq. 共3兲兲, used only to calculate
resulted in a variation of root mean square of joint torque of 4.1%. the torque at the shoulder joint, had mean and variance 3–4 times
While a direct comparison of Challis’ findings with our analysis of higher than the parameters ␤ and ␦, the latter only used to calcu-
a bi-articular task would not be appropriate due to the significant late the elbow joint torque 共Fig. 5兲. Hence, the normalized torque
effect of the shoulder rotation on the elbow torque 共Eq. 共5兲兲, some peak variance for both shoulder and elbow was comparable 共Fig.
observations can be made: Different BSP methods can produce 6共a兲兲.
differences of up to ⫾50% in the estimate of IM of the “hand The parameters ␣, ␤, and ␦ were all comparable across some
+ forearm” about the elbow, and the interdependency of BSPs in- pairs of methods 共see Fig. 5兲. While normalized torque peaks had
creases the estimation variability in the calculation of ␦ 共Fig. comparable distributions across the same method pairs, that was
5共b兲兲. Also, from Eq. 共14兲, we see that the effect of the variability not the case for the distributions of NRMS of torques. Joint ac-
of ␦ across estimation methods represents the most significant celerations and BSPs were required as input for the inverse dy-
source of variability in the calculation of elbow joint torque, given namics model to calculate joint kinematic variables. The variance
the high acceleration typical of Challis’ task. Therefore, Challis’
of the angular acceleration depended mostly on the limited repeat-
sensitivity analysis, while numerically correct, is based on an un-
ability of the subject, rather than on the inaccuracy of the measure
derestimation of the variability of BSP estimations across meth-
of the kinetic variables. The method-specific regression equations
Most of the inverse dynamics sensitivity analyses applied to used to estimate each BSP set could influence both the mean and
multijoint movements found in literature focus on lower limb the variance of the kinetic variable distributions across methods.
tasks. For lower limb analysis, the estimation of torque is report- Differences in the means could be induced by different model
edly sensitive to the variability of acceleration, and it has been assumptions, such as the geometry of the hand, or different seg-
hypothesized that the effect of uncertainties in the estimation of mentation of the arm, while differences in variance arose from a
BSPs becomes noticeable when the acceleration is higher than a combined effect between the method and the subject’s body type.
certain unspecified threshold 关40,44,46,71,72兴. Double-pendulum We adopted the NRMS of torque as a tool to analyze the differ-
models are commonly used to represent reaching, gait, and pos- ences across BSP estimation methods and across-subject body
ture. While unfettered arm reaches occur in a single continuous types. The central limit theorem states that the distribution of the
movement with no load at the end-point, a gait cycle is usually sample average of these distributions approaches the normal dis-
divided into a stance and a swing phase, which represent approxi- tribution. Hence, the “mean of sample averages” is the most prob-
mately 65% and 35% of the cycle, respectively 关73兴. Estimating able value of the actual kinetic variable. Therefore, assuming that
the inverse dynamics of lower limbs during gait can benefit from the intrinsic variability of the task was the same across subjects,
two main characteristics of the movement that are absent in the the most accurate BSP estimation method could be identified as
study of arm dynamics: First, since during the stance phase both that with the closest average to the mean of sample averages and
feet are in contact with the ground, the system can be modeled as minimal variance of NRMS of torques.
a closed kinematic chain, and the limb acceleration is low when Among all nine methods analyzed, the one proposed by de
compared with the maximum. Second, at least one leg is always Leva consistently estimated values of the kinetic variables closer
“loaded” with the weight of the subject and the ground reaction to the average across all methods, still maintaining a small vari-
force can be used in the estimation of the joint torque at hip, knee, ance of NRMS. When restricting the analysis to the hand extended
and ankle when using iterative algorithms such as Newton–Euler methods, the method proposed by Zatsiorsky 共2002兲 produced the
or bottom-up methods 关5,45兴. The highest variability in the esti- results closest to the average values, and it offers the most reliable
mation of kinetic variables is reported during the “swing” phase
set of regression equations for practical use.
when the reaction force is not directly measurable 关43,46,49兴.
The swing phase is the segment of gait most similar to the
unfettered movement of a generic double-pendulum, which we
used to model the arm reach, although the inertia of the limb, the
effects of gravity, and the intrinsic nature of the movement are
quite different. The kinematic variability during gait is a funda- Acknowledgment
mental factor in the analysis of the kinetic error because variabil- This work was supported in part by NIH RO1 Grant No.
ity in the kinematics is amplified by the big inertia of the limb AR48546-01. The authors would like to thank the Robotics Lab
共Eq. 共14兲兲. The maximum angular acceleration at the hip joint is and Dr. Sandro Mussa-Ivaldi for their support. They are grateful
approximately 38 rad/ s2 while just before heel strike, the maxi- to Dr. Eric Perreault and Dr. Yasin Dhaher for their useful sugges-
mum knee angular acceleration can reach 107 rad/ s2 关2兴. These tions and to the anonymous reviewers for their help to clarify
are much higher compared with the average maximum angular several concepts of the paper.
accelerations of approximately 5.6 rad/ s2 at the shoulder and
13.3 rad/ s2 at the elbow that we measured. Higher accelerations
are prone to higher variance, and inertial parameters of the leg are
three to five times larger than those of the arm: Average values for
the inertial parameters of the lower limb are as follows: ␣
= 1.72 kg m2, ␤ = 0.49 kg m2, and ␦ = 0.34 kg m2 关74兴 compared Appendix
with ␣ = 0.34 kg m2, ␤ = 0.11 kg m2, and ␦ = 0.10 kg m2 esti- The results of the statistical analysis that we performed could
mated by us for the upper limb across all methods and all subjects. be compared directly with a first-principle-based analysis of the
Thus, the terms I221 · u2共␪¨ 1兲 and ␦2 · u2共␪¨ 2兲 of Eq. 共14兲 are larger uncertainty attributed to the kinematics of each trajectory point.
when analyzing leg movements compared with arm movements. As a first approximation, the shoulder translation and velocity-
In both the leg and the arm, the segment with higher inertia is dependent terms of Eq. 共5兲 could be neglected 共as shown in Fig.
connected to the joint with slower average angular acceleration 8共d兲兲. Therefore, an analytical estimate of the joint torque uncer-
and vice versa; therefore, the variability in the estimation of the tainty given the joint angles could be approximated as follows:

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering MARCH 2011, Vol. 133 / 031003-13

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