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Lesson 2

Celebrating Diversity
1. Listen and fill in the blanks with the verbs you hear. Reflect on Grammar

Reporter: Welcome to another Globetrotters show. Today Present Progressive Tense

we´re in Sevilla, Spain. People are celebrating the Use it to talk about actions that happen
Sevilla’s fair and watching the parades. Some at the moment of speaking.
others are riding horses, (a) flamenco Affirmative / Negative Sentences
songs or (b) Spanish food. Let’s ask the I am (not) eating tapas.
You are (not) eating tapas.
locals and learn more about this celebration.
He / She / It is (not) singing.
Hola! Excuse me, what are you wearing? It’s a
We / You / They are (not) dancing now.
beautiful dress.
Yes / No Questions
Woman: I’m (c) a traditional flamenco dress.
Are you eating tapas?
I always wear it during the celebrations. Look! The
Is he / she / it singing?
flamenco dancers are (d) now. Sorry, Are we / you / they dancing now?
I need to go.
Reporter: Hola! Excuse me, what are you eating? What are you doing?
Man: I’m (e) tapas. What is he / she / it doing?
What are we / you / they doing?
Reporter: Tapas?
Man: Yeah, they’re snacks. I love bread and ham tapas.
They’re so delicious. Here, try this one.
Reporter: Hmm, it’s really good. Key Expressions
Here, try this one: take, eat this


The sound /η/

Listen and repeat.

2. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs in the Present Progressive tense.

a. What are you doing (do)? I (1. decorate) some eggs for Easter.
b. What your husband (2. do)? He (3. hide) the eggs in the garden.
c. What your children (4. play)? They (5. look) for the Easter eggs right now.
Grammar and Vocabulary
3. Match the pictures with their corresponding descriptions.
a. I’m from Saudi Arabia. Today I’m wearing
traditional Arabian clothes. This morning
I’m fasting because we’re celebrating
Ramadan. During Ramadan, we never eat
until sunset.
b. I’m Irish. I’m wearing green clothes today
because we’re celebrating St Patrick’s
Day. It is great. Right now people are
dancing and singing traditional Irish
songs. I always watch the parade in the

Reflect on Grammar
Simple Present Tense Present Progressive Tense
Use it to describe temporary actions, actions happening
Use it to describe habitual actions and routines.
at the moment of speaking or to describe a scene.
The children are looking for the Easter eggs right now.
I always watch the parade in the street. Now people are singing traditional Irish songs.
Arabs never eat on Ramadan until sunset. Today Arabs are fasting because they are celebrating
Time expressions: always, usually, every year, Time expressions: now, right now, these days, today,
once a day at the moment

4. Circle the appropriate form of the verb. Then, listen and check.

At the moment I am practicing / practice a traditional dance for the “Virgen Grammar
del Carmen” festival at my school. Peruvians are celebrating / celebrate (a) this Strategy
religious holiday event every year in July. These days many people are cleaning / clean Pay attention to
(b) and decorating / decorate (c) the streets for the procession of our Mother Mary. time expressions
On this day, people usually are dancing / dance (d), are playing / play (e) Peruvian folk to choose the right
music and go to church. form of the verb.

5. Think of a celebration in your country and describe what people usually do.

Andres: Loo
k! This is my
of the Dead dad celebra
ting the Day
Nicole: Wh in Mexico.
en do people
Andres: The celebrate it?
1st and 2nd
Nicole: Wh of Novembe
at is he doin r.
Andres: He g?
is praying a
t my ancesto
rs’ graves.
Project Stage 2
• Find a celebration that occurs in the country you are working on in this project.
• Get specific information about the celebration (date, activities, food and clothing).
• Get four pictures that represent the information about the celebration.
Lesson 1

Diverse Customs
1. Unscramble the letters to make verbs.
a. R Y A P pray d. R E T E G
b. B R E C A L E T E e. W A R E
c. V I G E f. S E U

2. Select the appropriate verb to complete the sentences.

a. Asian people traditionally (wear / use / give ) chopsticks to eat. I can’t. It’s too
b. Labor day is an international holiday many countries (celebrate / pray / use) to honor the
workers’ achievements.
c. In Japan, it’s very common to (give / greet /wear) a kimono on special occasions. They’re
really colorful, beautiful and expensive.
d. In Russia, people never (use / celebrate / give) knives or scissors as gifts because they can
cause bad luck.
e. In some Mediterranean countries, men and women (greet / wear / pray) each other with two
kisses on the cheek. I always (celebrate / give / use) just one kiss
to my mother when I say ‘Hello’ to her!
f. In Muslim countries, people go to a temple called a Mosque to Vocabulary Strategy
(use / pray / greet). In some of these countries it is obligatory Use verbs in context to
to (celebrate / greet / pray) at least five times a day! understand their meaning.

3. Use the words in the boxes to complete each text.

a. I’m from Calcutta, India. We always b. I come from Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, which
celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights, is a very spiritual region. We
at the end of September or the start of October. in a special way: we mantras
Diwali represents the beginning of the Indian New to create good vibrations. We
Year, so we usually new clothes New Year’s Eve in February. On that day, people
and thanks for the good things prepare special food. We often
we have. We often presents and chopsticks, but sometimes we
dried fruit. our hands to eat too.
give(2) wear eat celebrate use (2) say pray celebrate

c. In Indonesia, we always greet each other with d. In Sweden, people Saint Lucy’s Day
a . Sometimes we greet with on December 13th. Girls always white
a too. We never greet with a clothes to represent the purity of their hearts. At
. When we give , we schools, teachers usually candies or
offer them with our right . chocolate to students and they sing together.
hand handshake kiss bow presents wear give celebrate

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