3par-Power Down Up Procedure

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Overview of activity
1: Hook up PC and verify clean system HEALTHCHECK
2: Verify system is not in use
3: Shutdown InServ then SP
4: Power down the system
5: System Power on and verify
7: Host verification


HP 3PAR Storage Systems – Inform OS 3.1.1: When a HP-3PAR Array Is Shutdown for More Than 24
hours, Manual Intervention Is Required to Complete the Boot Sequence Once the Array Is Powered up
Again. Hence would recommend you to contact an Engineer from Remote Support Team prior to the
activity for any kind of assistance.


Hook up your maintenance pc (i.e. laptop) and establish a serial session with the SP with
HyperTerminal or another serial terminal emulator. It is also good to set up this session with it
in logging mode so you can record your session for future reference. You should also hook up to
the Red Ethernet cable to eth1 port on the SP to your laptop Ethernet port and establish a web
browser (Internet Explorer) SPoCC session. From here you will need to run the Health Check
at 2.3.x selection on the page. If anything unusual shows up here, we may have to fix it first
before proceeding with the upgrade. If you have a popup blocker set up on your browser,
you will need to hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while you select Health
Check to allow a new window to open.

NOTE: After HEALTH CHECK is run from SPOCC, connect serially to the SP. All cli commands
listed in the action plan are run from a SP serial connection through SPMAINT, unless instructed
other wise by your 3PAR Technical Resource.

Verifying correct system and serial number:

Enter CLI command: showsys –d verify system serial number is the same as in the plan

Locating system and drive chassis:

   Enter CLI command: locatesys   (This command helps locate a storage system by blinking
the node status LEDs on all nodes of a storage system alternating amber and green. By
default, the LEDs in all connected cages are also set amber or oscillate (depending on
the cage type).

2: Verify no host activity

A: Connect serially to the SP : spmaint

B: select 7 ==> Interactive CLI for an InServ
C: Enter CLI command : showhost – ensure no Active port assignments (if there are go to
step E)
D: Enter CLI command : showvlun and look for any active VLUNS. Should be none.
E: Enter CLI command : statport –host –ni - ensure no I/O going through ports (if any
consult with customer and advise them to stop activity and bring down host)

Example of NO IO OCCURING output follows:

r/w I/O per second KBytes per sec Svt ms IOSz KB
Port D/C Cur Avg Max Cur Avg Max Cur Avg Cur Avg Qlen
total Data t 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
Press the enter key to stop...

3: Shutdown the INSERV then SP

A: InServ Shutdown:

From SPMAINT. Enter CLI command : “shutdownsys halt”

F Class Node Layout

Wait until the Hot Plug Okay Led turns amber and is lower LED is green blinking
3 times per second on ALL nodes.

b: SP Shutdown:
Go to SPMAINT. Select Option 1 ==> SP Control/Status
Select Option 3 ==> Halt SP It will take about 1minute to HALT.
4: Power down the system

A: Once the system is shutdown, drop the PDU breakers to power off the system.

WARNING: In running Inform OS 3.1.1 or greater: -

If the 3Par array is shutdown for more than 24hours it may not be
able to complete the boot sequence because of a old TOC metadata
being found. (Old being greater then 24hrs old).
Ref to advisory: emr_c03025368-1

5: System Power on and verify

A: Turn on all PDU breakers.
B: Check all Power supply, Node and DMAG indicators to verify a clean power on .
Wait for cluster to come up (green system status LEDs flashing in unison)
C: Connect laptop to SP and enter CLI command showsys to confirm InServ is up

6: Run a Health check

Hook up your maintenance pc (i.e. laptop) and establish a serial session with the SP with
HyperTerminal or another serial terminal emulator. It is also good to set up this session with it in
logging mode so you can record your session for future reference. You should also hook up to
the Red Ethernet cable to eth1 port on the SP to your laptop Ethernet port and establish a web
browser (Internet Explorer) SPoCC session. From
here you will need to run the Health Check selection on the page. If anything unusual shows up
here, we may have to fix it first before proceeding with the upgrade. If you have a popup
blocker set up on your browser, you will need to hold down the Ctrl key on your
keyboard while you select Health Check to allow a new window to open.

7: Host Verification

A: Have customer verify host connectivity (if they wish to bring up at this time).
B: Review ‘showhost’ and confirm a match with previous ‘showhost’ (if all brought online).

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