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Journal of Materials Research and Technology

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Ultra Grain ReÀnement During the Simulated

Thermomechanical-processing of Low Carbon Steel
Alberto Moreira Jorge Junior1,*, Luiz Henrique Guedes1, Oscar Balancin1
Department of Materials Engineering, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil.

Manuscript received February 25, 2012; in revised form September 6, 2012.

Grain reÀnement is a useful method to improve the strength and toughness of steels without changing their chemical composition. In
this study, critical temperatures for the thermomechanical treatment of niobium microalloyed steel were determined experimentally
and through thermodynamic data. Simulations of conventional and controlled thermomechanical processing and a thermomechanical
treatment to obtain ultraÀne-grained microstructures were conducted using torsion tests. The Ànal microstructures displayed
signiÀcant grain size reÀnement. Conventional processing produced grains with an average size of 12 õm, while controlled processing
led to an average grain size of 4.9 õm and severe plastic deformation at warm temperatures resulted in a grain size of 1.3 õm. The
ultra reÀnement of ferrite grains was associated with strain-induced dynamic phase transformation and dynamic recrystallization of
as-transformed ferrite.

KEY WORDS: Grain reÀnement; UltraÀne grain; Physical simulation.

© 2012 Brazilian Metallurgical, Materials and Mining Association. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction times between deformations leads to signiÀcant grain size

reÀnement[1,2]. In microalloyed steels, grain reÀnement is
It is well-known that low-carbon low-alloy steels today are achieved by controlling the precipitation/recrystallization
the grades yielding the highest production volumes at the interaction during hot rolling[3–6]. The Ànal microstructure
lowest cost. These materials have a wide range of applica- of these grades is attained during thermomechanical pro-
tions, albeit limited to low strain loads. One method to cessing, with no additional heat treatments.
increase mechanical strength and toughness is microstruc- Recent researches involving metallic materials can
ture reÀnement. Reduction of the average grain size can lead to technological innovations[7]. Both advanced ther-
be achieved in several ways upon processing. During ther- momechanical processes and severe plastic deformation
mal treatments, control of phase transformation param- strategies have been developed to obtain ultraÀne fer-
eters such as temperature, holding time, and cooling rate rite grain with size close to 1 —m in low-carbon low-alloy
reduces the average grain size. In hot rolling or hot forg- steels[8]. Advanced thermomechanical processes involving
ing, control of the recrystallization kinetics during arrest modiÀcation to conventional large-scale processes can be
optimized to operate in deformation conditions where
*Corresponding author. they beneÀcially exploit solid-solid reactions such as re-
E-mail address: (A. M. Jorge Junior) crystallization, precipitation, and phase transformation.

© 2012 Brazilian Metallurgical, Materials and Mining Association. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2012; 1(3):141-147

142 Jorge Junior et al.

UltraÀne grain size has been obtained in steels through lization temperature (Ts) can be calculated using Irvine’s
deformation near or in the intercritical region by exploit- solubility product equation [Eq. 91)][19]:
ing strain-induced dynamic transformation[9–11]. Ferrite dy-
namic recrystallization can be exploited straining in warm ͳʹ ͸͹͹Ͳ
ª ·º
condition inside the ferrite domain[12,13]. Also, ultraÀne Ž‘‰ «Ψ„ ˜ §¨ Ψ  Ψ ¸» ʹǡʹ͸ 
or nanocrystalline structures has been achieved by warm ¬ © ͳͶ ¹¼ •
or cold deformation of martensite starting microstruc-
ture[14–16]. The dissolution of the precipitates is completed by
The strength of low-carbon low-alloy steels would heating to temperatures above the Ts and grain growth
undoubtedly increase signiÀcantly and their range of ap- takes place during soaking. Thus, the deformation schedule
plications expanded if ultraÀne microstructures were begins with a completely austenitic material and a coarse-
achieved. However, to Ànd the processing route for reÀn- grained microstructure. The imposed deformation sched-
ing the microstructure, the phenomena that take place ule changes the shape of the ingots, plates or slabs and
must be known and the appropriate schedule to control continually alters the material’s microstructure. Two types
these phenomena during processing must be determined. of procedures are used to deform austenite: conventional
This kind of development can be done by standard pro- or controlled thermomechanical processing[5]. The former
duction equipments but, usually, it is not economically consists of multi-deformation schedules aimed at changing
practicable. Another way is through laboratory simulation, the shape, while the second also aims to control the micro-
replying the processing parameters. The purpose of this structural evolution.
work was to simulate the grain reÀnement routes cur- Controlled thermomechanical processing has been suc-
rently in use and to investigate a new thermomechanical cessfully industrialized in modern steel mills and can be
treatment attempting to obtain an ultraÀne-grained mi- deÀned as disciplined deformation schedules under contin-
crostructure close to 1 —m for low-carbon low-alloy steel. uous cooling and controlled conditions, aimed at attaining
In this treatment, unstable austenite was subject to a se- Àne-grained microstructures[3–6]. This kind of processing can
vere deformation. be separated in four different stages, as the temperature
decreases. In the Àrst stage, grains coarsened by soaking
2. Critical Temperatures at temperatures above Ts are reÀned by the repetition of
deformations and recrystallizations at high temperatures.
During thermomechanical treatments, ingots, plates, and The second stage takes place under conditions in which
blocks are heated up to austenitization temperatures recrystallization is no longer completed during interpass
and soaked at these temperatures for some time, then times due to strain-induced precipitation[20,21], i.e., below
strained on a multipass schedule under continuous cooling the non recrystallization temperature (Tnr). Grains in this
conditions, and cooled to room temperature. Fig. 1 is a stage have a pancake-like shape and dislocation substruc-
schematic representation of the thermomechanical treat- tures are created inside the grains.
ment for microalloyed steel, indicating the critical tem- In the third stage, deformation takes place in the phase
peratures (Ts, Tnr, AR3, and AR1). Upon heating, austenite transition region, i.e., in the temperature range between
nucleates at the Fe3C/Ş interface and grows, completely the start of ferrite formation (AR3) and the end of ferrite
consuming the ferrite and cementite which is present at transformation (AR1). Ferrite nucleates within and at grain
room temperature[17,18]. Inside the austenite domain, as the boundaries. In this stage, austenite continues to deform
temperature rises, the compounds present as precipitates and the transformed ferrite begins to be strained. In the
dissolve until the whole material becomes austenitic. For fourth stage, a variety of microstructures can be obtained
niobium microalloyed steels, the Nb-carbonitride solubi- during cooling, depending on the cooling rate and the stage
in which the deformation was interrupted. After the Àrst
deformation stage, when the material is air-cooled, the
ferrite grains are relatively large due to grain growth dur-
Austenite ing cooling. After the second stage, the grains are smaller.
Rehearing In the third stage, increasing the cooling rate causes the
Ts grains to become Àner and substructural dislocation occurs
Recrystallized inside the strained ferrite grains.
Temperature (oC)

During conventional thermomechanical processing, the

Tnr multi-deformation schedule is similar to that of the Àrst
Deformation stage, where the recrystallization kinetics is very fast.
Work hardened
Thus, static recrystallization occurs during interpass times
AR3 and no strain accumulates from one pass to another.
AR1 It is well-established that the start temperature of fer-
rite formation (AR3) and the end temperature of this trans-
formation (AR1) depend on the cooling rate. These tempera-
Pearlite tures decrease as the cooling rate is increased. When higher
cooling rates are imposed, austenite is present at tempera-
tures below that of equilibrium between the phases (AE3 and
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the thermomechanical treatment for AE1). Thus, it is possible to deform unstable austenite[8–10].
microalloyed steel, indicating the critical temperatures Upon deformation, strain-induced dynamic phase transfor-

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Ultra Grain ReÀnement During the Simulated Thermomechanical-processing of Low Carbon Steel 143

mation (austenite to ferrite) can take place. New ferrite (a) (b)
1400 1400
grains and transformed ferrite during cooling are strained 1200
600 s İǜ= 1.0s-1
600 s İǜ= 1.0s-1
İ= 0.3

Temperature (oC)
İ= 1.5

Temperature (oC)
together with austenite and continuous dynamic recrystal- 1000 lt = 30s 1000
lization of ferrite can occur. 800
1.0 oC/s
800 8 - 9 oC/s
600 600
1.7 oC/s 3.3 oC/s
3. Material and Procedures 400
air 400
200 200
0 0
The material used in this work was supplied by Villares Met- time (s) time (s)
als S.A., Sumaré, SP, Brazil. The measured chemical compo-
sition is described in Table 1, which indicates that this low Fig. 2 (a) Schematic representation of the multipass tests under continuous
cooling conditions; (b) schematic representation of the thermomechanical
carbon steel is microalloyed with niobium. The as received treatment to obtain an ultraÀne microstructure
bars with a diameter of 35 mm were reheated to 1,200°C,
held at this temperature for 30 min, and hot-rolled to a
thickness of 15 mm. The samples used in this work were To study controlled processing the samples were subjected
machined from the hot-rolled bars. to 12 deformations between 1,200°C and 870°C.
To determine some of the critical temperatures, dilatom- In the experiments aimed at obtaining an ultraÀne mi-
etry tests were carried out using 2 mm diameter, 12 mm crostructure, the imposed heating rate was 3.3°C/s. The
long samples. These samples were heated to 1,150°C at a samples were heated to 1,200°C and held at this temper-
rate of 2°C/s, held at this temperature for 10 min and con- ature for 600 s. In these simulations, instead of straining
tinually cooled at rates varying from 1°C/s to 9°C/s. under continuous cooling conditions, a single deformation
Thermomechanical treatments were simulated on a was imposed (Fig. 2b). The samples were cooled at a rate
computerized hot torsion machine. Cylindrical specimens of 8°C/s to 9°C/s to temperatures below AE1 and strained
with 5 mm of effective radius and 10 mm of effective length to 1.5 using a strain rate of 1 s-1, followed by air-cooling.
in the reduced central gage were reheated in an infrared Three experiments were carried out with an identical ther-
radiation furnace coupled directly in the test machine. momechanical cycle, changing only the deformation tem-
Chromel-alumel thermocouples were used to measure the peratures: 625°C, 575°C, and 545°C.
test temperatures. To prevent oxidation, the samples were The resulting physical simulated microstructures were
protected by a quartz tube through which argon was in- observed through optical and scanning electron microscopy.
jected. The data were collected using a software program The average grain sizes were determined with the aid of
that imposed test parameters such as temperature, inter- the image analysis software analySIS Pro 3.1. The misorien-
pass time, amount of strain, strain rate, and heating and tation between grains/subgrains was determined using an
cooling rates. Electron Backscattered Diffraction Equipment (EBSD) from
Two kinds of hot torsion tests were performed: multiple TexSEM Laboratories (TSL), model MSC-2200, coupled to a
passes under continuous cooling conditions and a single Philips XL30-FEG (Field Emission Gun) high-resolution scan-
deformation after continuous cooling. Deformations under ning electron microscope.
continuous cooling conditions were conduct to determine The specimens for microstructure observations were
the critical temperatures and to simulate conventional and collected in the torsion sample surface in a perpendicular
controlled thermomechanical processing and single severe plane to the transverse direction and prepared according
deformation after continuous cooling was conducted to ob- to the classical procedure (mechanical grinding and pol-
tain an ultraÀne microstructure. ishing up to a 1 õm diamond paste) followed by 2% nital
In all experiments with multiple passes under continu- etching. Samples for EBSD were prepared by an additionally
ous cooling, samples were heated to 1,200°C at a rate of sub-micron polishing with silica colloidal for about 3 hours
1.7°C/s. After 600 s at this temperature, the samples were before the observations. The grain size was measured in at
continuously cooled at a rate of 1°C/s and subjected to least 10 different Àelds of each sample by means of opti-
schedules of deformations. In these multipass schedules, cal microscopy, by following the ASTM E112-96 standard,
identical strain of 0.3 was applied, at an identical strain and by SEM in at least 50 different Àelds of each sample
rate of 1 s-1, followed by identical interpass times of 30 s. at a magniÀcation of more than 104 and, in both cases, the
After the tests, the samples were air-cooled to room tem- results were averaged.
perature. Fig. 2a schematically represents the applied ther-
momechanical cycle. To determine the critical tempera- 4. Results
tures, 20 passes were applied during cooling. The initial and
Ànal deformation temperatures were 1,200°C and 630°C. The solubilization temperature calculated using Irvine’s
To simulate conventional thermomechanical processing, solubility product equation [Eq. (1)] was 1,150°C. The
the samples were subjected to 7 passes. The initial and À- equilibrium temperatures between phases calculated using
nal deformation temperatures were 1,200°C and 1,020°C. Thermo-Calc® software were AE1 = 879°C and AE3 = 727°C.
The transformation temperatures under different cooling
rates measured by dilatometric tests are presented in Table
Table 1 Chemical composition of the steel under study (wt. %) 2, together with the calculated temperatures and those de-
termined by torsion tests.
C Si Mn S P Al Nb N Fig. 3a displays data from multipass torsion tests under
continuous cooling conditions conducted to determine pro-
0.076 0.49 1.36 <0.005 <0.005 0.011 0.04 0.004
cessing critical temperatures. Fig. 3 indicates that the plas-

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144 Jorge Junior et al.

Table 2 Measured and calculated critical temperatures. The numbers between parentheses indicate the cooling rates used in the test

Temperature (°C)

Ts Tnr AR3 AR1 AE3 AE1

Irvine equation 1,150

Torsion test (1 C/s) o
989 842 722
(1 C/s)
804 682
(3oC/s) 735 614
Dilatometer (5 C/s)
717 575
(7oC/s) 702 543
(9 C/s)
687 526
Thermo-Calc ®
879 727

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Temperature at pass start (oC) Temperature (oC) Temperature at pass start (oC)
1110 1020 930 840 750 660 1100 950 800 650 1170 1110 1050 990
True Stress (MPa)

300 300

True Stress (MPa)

250 250 80

Region I II III IV
200 200
150 150 Tnr
100 100 40
50 50
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Fig. 3 a) Typical Áow curves for experiments conducted to determine the
thermomechanical treatment critical temperatures: Tnr, AR3 and AR1; and (b)
Fig. 4 (a) Typical Áow curves for experiments conducted to simulate
evolution of mean Áow stress (MFS) as a function of the inverse of deformation
conventional thermomechanical processing; and (b) Ànal microstructure
temperatures determined from Àve experiments
depicting ferrite grains with an average size of 12 õm

tic Áow stress level changes with the deformation schedule pass the stress increases with deformation; after the ar-
and hence, with the deformation temperature; at higher rest time the shape of the next Áow curve is similar to
temperatures the stress increases as deformation temper- the previous one, but the stress level is something higher
atures decline, and this increment increases as the tem- than that of the former deformation. One can infer the
perature declines. After reaching a maximum, the stress material was softened during interpass times and the in-
decreases, but begins to rise again at lower temperatures. crement in the mean Áow stress is due to the temperature
Fig. 3b clearly reveals the stress level variations. In this dia- decrease. Comparing the procedures used in this simula-
gram, the mean Áow stress (MFS) is plotted as a function of tion with the non recrystallization temperature (Tnr) mea-
the inverse of deformation temperature determined from sured, it can be seen that all the deformations occurred in
Àve experiments. The changes in the curve’s slopes indicate region I of Fig. 3b, indicating that static recrystallization
the critical temperatures[22]. was completed in each interpass time. Fig. 4b depicts the
The changes in the stress levels are associated with the microstructure observed after deformation and indicates
microstructure evolution that occurs during the multi-de- recrystallized grain with an average size of 12 —m mea-
formation schedule[3–6]. The initial microstructure consists of sured in three experiments.
larger austenite grains. Upon testing in region I, the mate- In the experiments conducted to simulate the controlled
rial is work-hardened during deformation and the deformed thermomechanical processing, the samples were subjected
grains recrystallize in the interpass times. At the end of to a 12-deformation-schedule between 1,200°C and 870°C.
each interpass time, the microstructure consists of equi- Fig. 5a shows the Áow stress curves attained in one of these
axial grains. In region II, the static recrystallization does experiments. It can be seen in Fig. 5a that the amount of
not complete in the interpass times and strain accumula- softening in the interpass times change; after the Àrst de-
tion from one pass to the next takes place. In the region III, formation there is full softening while in the last passes
the gamma/alpha transformation occurs and new equiaxial there are strain accumulations: the level of stress increases
ferrite grains are present and begin to be strained. These continuously in the last passes. As a consequence, upon
new grains are work-hardened in region IV and recrystallize phase transformation the number of nucleation sites raised
and grow upon cooling after deformation. since the material was work-hardened. In this procedure,
Fig. 4 displays data from torsion tests simulating con- deformation took place in regions I and II of the Fig. 3b. Fig.
ventional multi-deformation schedule. In these experi- 5b shows the microstructure observed after the simulation,
ments, the initial and Ànal deformation temperatures were indicating grain reÀnement; the average grain size deter-
1,200°C and 1,020°C. It can be seen in Fig. 4a that in each mined in three experiments was 4.9 —m.

J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2012; 1(3):141-147

Ultra Grain ReÀnement During the Simulated Thermomechanical-processing of Low Carbon Steel 145

(a) tallized. The average grain size obtained at the aforemen-
Temperature at pass start (oC)
1170 1080 990 900 810 tioned deformation temperatures were 1.5 õm, 1.3 õm, and
1.3 õm.
True Stress (MPa)


5. Discussion

50 Comparing the reheating temperature applied in the simula-

tions conducted here against the value calculated through
0 1 2 3 4 Irvine’s equation (Table 2), it can be inferred that, in each
simulation, the niobium carbonitrides were totally dissolved
Fig. 5 (a) Typical Áow curves for experiments conducted to simulate after the soaking time. In the conventional thermomechani-
controlled thermomechanical processing; and (b) Ànal microstructure cal processing simulations, seven consecutive deformations
depicting ferrite grains with an average size of 4.9 õm were applied with the last pass at 1,020°C. A comparison
of this temperature with the Tnr measurement (Table 2) in-
(a) (b)
dicates that all deformations occurred in the Àrst stage of
1220 250
575oC the thermomechanical processing, i.e., complete recrystal-
Temperature (oC)

1020 Tnr
True Stress (MPa)

AE3 200 lization took place between passes. Conventional processing

820 AE1 AR3
150 usually produces ferrite grains with sizes of around 20 õm to
AR1 30 õm, and the minimum average size attained was close to
420 100
10 õm[23]. Particularly in the simulation carried out here, the
1 C/s
3 C

7 C/s
5 C/s
9 C/s

o /s

grains obtained had an average size of 12 õm. This value is

0 close to the lowest limit and may be attributed to the solute
10 100 1000 1.0
0.0 0.5 1.5 2.0
drag effect promoted by niobium in solution, inhibiting the
Time (s) Strain
grain growth[5].
Fig. 6 (a) CCT diagram indicating the equilibrium temperatures between In controlled thermomechanical processing simulations,
phases and the temperatures in which deformations were applied to obtain the Ànal deformation was applied at 870°C, which is a tem-
ultraÀne microstructures; and (b) typical Áow stress curve measured during perature lower than Tnr. Thus, deformations also occurred
straining after cooling
in the second stage, i.e., complete recrystallization did not
occur between passes and strain was retained from one pass
(a) (b) to the next. In this kind of processing, grain reÀnement is
Misorientation Angle
promoted in Àrst passes by repeated austenite recrystalliza-
tion, like in conventional processing. At temperature below
Number Fraction

Tnr, retained strain increase the number of nucleation sites
for gamma/alpha transformation. In these simulations, fer-
rite grains with an average size of 4.9 õm were obtained.
0 The minimum average grain size that has been obtained in
5 15 25 35 45 55 65
Misorientation Angle (degrees) industrial processing is limited to around 4 õm to 5 õm. This
limit, which seems to exist in industrial processing, does not
Fig. 7 Photomicrograph of a sample deformed in the intercritical region
depend on the amount of deformation imposed on austenite.
(625°C), presenting ferrite grains with an average size of 1.5 õm; and (b)
distribution of grain/subgrain misorientation measured by EBSD Instead, it is probably determined by ferrite grain growth
during cooling[24,25].
The thermomechanical treatments applied here to ob-
In the experiments aimed at obtaining ultraÀne micro- tain ultraÀne-grained microstructures responded by produc-
structures, a single severe deformation was imposed after ing grains with an average size close to 1 õm. Fig. 6b shows
continuous cooling. The applied deformation was carried out that the Ànal microstructure is composed of 70% of grains
after cooling with a rate of 8°C/s to 9°C/s, as highlighted in and 30% of subgrains, characterizing a recrystallized mate-
the continuous cooling transformation diagram (CCT) depict- rial. An analysis of the procedures and results obtained from
ed in Fig. 6a. Also, it is showed in this diagram the values of these experiments indicates that microstructural reÀnement
the equilibrium temperatures between phases. It is possible is associated with large deformations in intercritical domains
to see that unstable austenite was deformed in all experi- (between AR3 and AR1) under accelerated cooling. At the be-
ments; the starting temperatures were between AR1 and AR3, ginning of deformation, the microstructure is composed of
however below AE1. The Áow stress curve is depicted in Fig. austenite and ferrite. When the ferrite is being deformed, it
6b. Comparing the stress level observed in Fig. 6a with that hardens, recovers and recrystallizes, generating new grains.
presented in Fig. 3a, it is worth noting that at same tempera- Also, as austenite is deformed, taking into account that aus-
ture the level of stress is lower in unstable austenite. tenite is a low stacking fault energy material; a typical dislo-
Fig. 7a shows a SEM photomicrograph of the microstruc- cation substructure is formed inside the remaining austenitic
ture and Fig. 7b displays the EBSD misorientation angle grains. The dislocation cell walls are regions of high free en-
distribution diagram. Bearing in mind that misorientations ergy and become sites for ferrite nucleation, bringing about
smaller than 15 degrees indicate subgrains and larger than strain-induced transformation of the unstable austenite.
15 degrees grains and, as can be seen in (Fig. 6b), close to Analogously to the microstructure evolution observed by
30% of the boundaries are subgrain boundaries and 70% are the authors in the ferrite to austenite strain-induced dy-
grain boundaries, one can infer that the material was recrys- namic transformation[18], it is suggested that the gamma/

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146 Jorge Junior et al.

microalloyed steel that is usually reÀned to 5 —m in con-

trolled rolled mills can be reduced to around of 1 —m by
severe deformation of unstable austenite.

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