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Lesson plan template:

Topic: Musicality

Goal: To introduce vocabulary about the art field.

To explain the importance of music.

Vocabulary is explained

What is the difference between performance VS. performer?

1. Pre-teaching:

Teacher asks students:

-Write down the names of your favorite song and answer these questions: 1. What kind of music
is the song about? 2. Where and when do you usually listen to this piece of music? 3. Why do
you particulally like this song?

-Look at the title of the article. Why do you think we need music in our lives?
Students answer and the teachers talks about the importance of music (taking into account the

2. While-reading
-Teacher asks students about unknown vocabulary.

-Class activity:
3. In groups of top 5 people, the teacher asks students to create 5 (English) song PLAYLIST
(PLAY + LIST) for the following situations:
-A fancy restaurant.
-A friend feeling sad.
-A Christmas event


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