Listen To The Song "Pretty Hurts" (By Beyonce) Answer

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NOMBRE: _____________________________________________________

1. Listen to the song “Pretty hurts” (by Beyonce) Answer

a. What is the message of the song?

b. In your opinion, physical appearance is important for women feel happier? Why?

2 . Revise the meaning of these words. Use Google or any English app, to practice the

weight / well-being / gain / disorder /obsessed / laxatives / binge / purge / throw up / once /
try / hide warning / keep from / faint / refusal / baggy / self-perception / fear / starvation /
upset / pressure / mood malnourished / dietitian / pick / counseling / severe / involve.
3. Write examples using the above words. Share them in oral or written form.

LESSON # 2 and # 3

1. Read this text:


What is an eating disorder? It is an obsession with food and weight that harms a person's well-being.
Although we all worry about our weight sometimes, people who have an eating disorder go to extremes to
keep from gaining weight. There are two main eating disorders: anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

What is anorexia?

Anorexia nervosa is an illness that usually occurs in teenage girls, but it also can occur in teenage boys,
and in adult women and men. People who have anorexia are obsessed with being thin. They don't want to
eat, and they are afraid of gaining weight. They may constantly worry about how many calories they take
in or how much fat is in their food. They may take diet pills, laxatives or water pills to lose weight. They may
exercise too much. People who have anorexia usually think they are fat even though they are very thin.
They may get so thin that they look like they are sick. Anorexia is not just a problem with food or weight. It
turns into an emotional and psychological problem.

What is bulimia?

Bulimia is eating a lot of food at once (called bingeing), and then throwing up or using laxatives to remove
the food from the body (called purging). After a binge, some bulimics don't eat or over-exercise to keep
from gaining weight. People who have bulimia may also use water pills, laxatives or diet pills to "control"
their weight. People who have bulimia often try to hide their bingeing and purging. They may hide food for
People who have bulimia are usually close to normal weight, but their weight may go up and down.

Symptoms of eating disorders

The following are possible warning signs of anorexia and bulimia:

- Obsession with calories, fat grams, and food.

- Using any medicines to keep from gaining weight (diet pills, laxatives, water pills).

- Throwing up after meals.

- Fainting with no explanation.

- Fear of gaining weight.

- Refusal to eat.

- Wearing baggy clothes.

- A self-perception of being fat when the person is really too thin.

What causes eating disorders?

Doctors don’t know exactly. Possible causes include feeling stressed out or upset about something in your
life. Developing an eating disorder can also be caused by feeling like you need to be “in control.” Society
also puts a lot of pressure on people to be thin. This pressure can contribute, too.

What are the problems caused by anorexia?

Girls and women who have anorexia may feel cold all the time, and they may get sick often. People who
have anorexia are often in a bad mood. They have a hard time concentrating and are always thinking
about food. People who have severe anorexia may be at risk of death from starvation.

Eating disorder treatment

If you are malnourished or very thin, you may be admitted to the hospital. The doctor will probably wan t
you to see a dietitian to learn how to pick healthy foods and eat at regular times. Family and individual
counseling is helpful. Treatment of anorexia is difficult, because people who have anorexia believe there
is nothing wrong.
For successful treatment, patients must want to change and must have family and friends to help them.
People who have more severe anorexia need care in the hospital, usually in a special unit. Treatment
involves more than changing the person’s eating habits. Anorexic patients often need counseling for a
year or more. Some anorexic patients are helped by taking medicine that makes them feel less depressed.
These medicines are prescribed by a doctor and are used along with counseling.

*Article taken and adapted from:

2. Read the sentences and decide TRUE or FALSE. If the sentences are FALSE give the correct

a. Anorexia Nervosa is a physical disease. ( ) ____________________________________________ b.

Anorexia and bulimia mean putting on weight ( ) ________________________________________

c. Anorexia can lead to death. ( ) ______________________________________________________

d. These diseases are easy to observe ( ) _______________________________________________

e. People with anorexia eat very little but very often. ( ) ____________________________________

f. People with eating disorders avoid exercising. ( ) ______________________________________ g.

The treatment of anorexia is only a medical way. ( ) ____________________________________

h. Vomiting is a sign of anorexia and bulimia ( ) __________________________________________

3. Answer these questions:

a. What is the basic cause of anorexia?

b. What is the main difference between anorexia and bulimia?

c. Which is the worst consequence of eating disorders?

d. Do you know someone with eating disorders?

e. How do you think you can help someone with an eating disorder?
4. Check this link: Listen to the song “Just the

way you are” (by Bruno Mars) and read the lyrics.

a. Write the main idea of the song.

b. In your opinion, can a person fall in love to someone without paying attention to his / her physical


1. Find someone who…

… is a member in … likes vegetarian … often cooks … eats a lot of .… eats a lot of

a gym. food or is a his/her own fruit. junk food.
vegetarian. meals.

… drinks a lot of … always has … loves … thinks that a … likes to do

water. breakfast in the chocolate. healthy diet is sports.
morning. important.

… loves Physical … often buys is worried about … doesn’t like … never does any
Ed. class snacks at school being thin or fat vegetables. sports.

2. Read the text:


As we know, nutrition is the basis of health in the

human being and a good nutrition shall give us all
the nutrients our body needs, and good health, in
consequence. It is recommended to:

• Have 4 meals a day. Breakfast, the most important ones, Lunch, Dinner and a Light Snack.

• Eat slowly and chew food very well. To facilitate digestion: when we chew well we form a soft paste the
body can digest more easily and the body can absorb its nutrients better.

• Do not skip meal schedules. As food gives us the energy needed for our body to work properly, to have
good health and to have the strength to properly carry out our activities all along the day.
• Drink a minimum of 2 litres (8 glasses) of water every day. Soft drinks and bottled or canned juices are
high in sugar content; this is why honey-sweetened lemonade, orangeade, etc., or fresh fruit juices are

• Eat low fat foods. Avoid egg coated, breaded, and fried food as it absorbs more grease, which may affect
cholesterol, blood circulation, the heart, etc.

• Include fruits and vegetables.

Bear in mind that each small effort shall reflect in your weight, you will feel lighter and you will rest and
breathe better. Do this, until your new habits become part of your life. Your body shall thank you.

3. Answer the following questions about the text.

a. How many meals are recommended a day?

b. Why is chewing food well so important?

c. Finish this sentence: “If you want your body to work properly, you shouldn’t _________ meal schedules.

d. Which juices are recommended? Why?

e. How much water do you have to drink every day?

f. Why should you avoid fat foods?

g. Apart from water, what other food should you eat every day?

h. According to the text, name three advantages if you eat healthy.

*Material taken and adapted from:


1. Read the text:



The typical fare you get at the grocery store

is practically plain white flour with water
and eggs, this means no vitamins,
minerals, fiber or anything your body needs
so you are eating a bowl of shaped pasta
as empty calories.
These can be even worse
A spoonful of ketchup can be
than the sugar filled versions
synonymous to a spoonful of
because of the artificial
sugar with a pinch of salt, but
sweeteners they use, and
still enough to be extremely
which can increase the risk of
harmful to your heart.
certain kinds of cancer.

The majority of peanuts
sold as snacks these This can be seen as artificial
days come packed with mixture filled with salt and
huge amounts of salt, preservatives which are major
roasted and often contributors to heart diseases.
coated in unhealthy
fats and sugar.


Commercial fruit is pumped

with extra sugar and the pulp
which provides the essential
fiber has been removed.

2. Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to:

Full / _________________________

Natural / ______________________

Good / _______________________

Emptied / _____________________

Minor / _______________________

3. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to:

Decrease / __________________________
Equivalent / __________________________

Risky / ______________________________
4. Answer these questions:

a. Why are packed peanuts harmful for our health?

b. Can artificial sweeteners increase some kinds of cancer?

c. Natural fruit juice is better than commercial fruit juice. Why?

d. Why is pasta no healthy?

e. Ketchup can cause problems in our __________________

f. Soup Mix contains a lot of __________________________

*Material taken and adapted from:


1. Check the Power Point Presentation “Food and Nutrition”. Discuss the information with your

2. Read the situation and write your ideas and proposals.

You are at the grocery store with your mom. You see fish, dairy, fresh produce, meat and canned and
packaged good section. List some things you see in each section. Then choose three products you want
to ask your mom to buy. How will y ou convince her?
Mommy! Let’s buy…
Meat and Fish:

Oh, Sweetie!

Is there any special reason to

buy this?

Fresh Produce:

Hum, I think it is because...

Canned and Packaged Goods:

*Material taken and adapted from : m

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