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Broadcast Music Inc

State of Florida
City of Tampa FL


Beginning of problem 7th

Continue problem with levels continue to give with knowing the start date of the problem before 7th - 10th
without seeing records of no history of diabetic condition and a mix up in social security number by drs staff
assuming 263 when it's 264 from my knowing of the more of a believing the fail of stoping and going to the past
before change medication to prescribe as no problems of levels with testing and testing results before directly
the mie disnoioiss document in the medication insurance system no coverage of insurance for malpractice suit
even the same case discion nurse transferred from office to current office still allowed practice in office and under
went discipline by fire termination and results in standing my mother event of the mis dionoisis of being a
diabetic and low blood sugar causes a disnoioiss of a airborne disease when in fact the cause is the prescribed
medication documents as diabetic treatment for lowering blood sugar levels no history of diabetic condition in
family history from birth record and last name parents Rights only but born son of by birth certificate record
reviews of previous records before the date by Lab Corp and previous office proven of no history of a diabetic
medication and well care no low blood sugar levels and no blood pressure not stable levels complaint by false
reports by unknown hacking of teleconference and new false Created Records proven no history by no provider
co pay and payment Substitute Cash Co pay and Broadcast Music Inc Coverage request accept on behalf of the
facts of not having these problem of mistaken identity and disnoioiss of dieabetic being the cause of health
Complaint CMP-22-0009101

Contact here's

Complaint CMP-22-0009101
and normal changed providers of United Healthcare and And United Transportation bring primary since 2007
first start of problem of false records start date found proven by United Healthcare Dr Lelia Kissick By Lab
Corp Testing and primary physician and in care of myself Robhy Dupree Armstrong as child and dependable
person Attendant of Drs Appts to identify the problems and state truth of facts and not of new false documents
can under sworn oath of U.S members and State of Florida members to hold in honor the constitution and not
deem an

Contacted here

illegal practice and operations as legal under action as follow the symptom of are as mysterious fainting and
falling out of the mistaken disnoioiss and as follow the symptoms of not being as in the listed state of taking and
stable on the medicine not as a diabetic fainting and passing out from having a normal level and being allergic to
as taking and effects of low sugar levels when in study of and not consented as a subject of institute study of
evaluation of taking and prescribed as test trail and being in care of under actions of judgement the reason of
release and stable request to removed false statements of symptoms as listing as stated as follows being a member
of the city of Tampa FL and State of Florida as a test subject and and subject of all and any follows as pain and
suffering as a class action of the affiliates judgement of so and in such of malpractice of follows not as and in fact
of test trail of studying of institutions Studies

Assistant City Commission Accel


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