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Network+ Guide to Networks, Fourth Edition

Chapter 9 Networking with UNIX-Type of Operating Systems

Describe the origins and history of the UNIX operating system Identify similarities and differences between popular implementations of UNIX Describe the features and capabilities of servers running Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X Server Explain and execute essential UNIX commands

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Objectives (continued)
Install and configure Linux on an Intel-based PC Manage users, groups, and file access permissions in Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X Server Explain how computers running other operating systems can connect to UNIX servers

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A Brief History of UNIX

UNIX led to development of TCP/IP Numerous vendors sell different UNIX varieties Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie developed UNIX at Bell Labs (part of AT&T)
System V

UNIX source code was cheaply available from AT&T

Quickly distributed to many organizations

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A Brief History of UNIX (continued)

Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD): Berkeley versions of UNIX
Added TCP/IP network subsystem to UNIX

AT&T sold rights to UNIX

Now owned by two groups:
The SCO Group owns rights to UNIX source code The Open Group owns UNIX trademark

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Varieties of UNIX
All flavors of UNIX share the following features:
Support multiple, simultaneously logged-on users Coordinate multiple, simultaneously running tasks Mount disk partitions on demand Apply permissions for file and directory access and modification Uniform method of issuing data to or receiving data from hardware devices, files, and running programs Start programs without interfering running programs

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Varieties of UNIX (continued)

All flavors of UNIX share the following features (continued):
Hundreds of subsystems, including dozens of programming languages Source code portability Window interfaces (e.g., X Windows)

Two main categories:

Proprietary Open source

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Proprietary UNIX
Source code either unavailable or available only by purchasing licensed copy from the SCO Group
Mac OS X Server: Apple
Runs on PowerPC-based computers

Solaris: Sun
Runs on SPARC-based workstations and servers, Intel-based Pentium-class workstations and servers

Runs on PowerPC-based computers Does not run on Macs
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Proprietary UNIX (continued)

Accountability and support Optimization of hardware and software Predictability and compatibility

Customer has no access to systems source code

Cannot customize

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Open Source UNIX

Open source software available to anyone, without licensing fees Open source UNIX flavors:

Users can modify code

Add functionality

Can be installed on wide range of systems

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Three Flavors of UNIX

Solaris used by Sun Microsystems on its SPARCbased servers Linux follows standard UNIX conventions, highly stable, and free
Developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991 Widely supported and used

Mac OS X Server: Runs on Apples Xserve line of computers as well as Power Mac computers All support TCP/IP and other protocols Support many network topologies and physical media
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UNIX Server Hardware Requirements

Any UNIX-type OS can act as a workstation or server OS Use of GUI optional
Command line interface

To estimate additional hardware required:

Server usage? Applications and services to be run on server? Number of users? Peak usage time periods? Maximum tolerable downtime?
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Solaris Hardware Requirements

Table 9-1: Minimum hardware requirements for Solaris 10

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Linux Hardware Requirements

Table 9-2: Minimum hardware requirements for a Linux server

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Mac OS X Server Hardware Requirements

Table 9-3: Apple hardware recommendations for Mac OS X Server

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A Closer Look at UNIX: UNIX Multiprocessing

Allocate separate resources (e.g., memory space) to each process as it is created
Enables partitioning of processes in memory Prevent programs from disrupting operation of entire system

Support symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)

Solaris: up to 128 processors Linux: up to 32 processors Mac OS X Server: up to 2 processors

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The UNIX Memory Model

Use both physical and virtual memory efficiently Allocate memory area for each application
Sharing memory between programs wherever possible
Increases efficiency

Most use 32-bit addressing scheme

Enables programs to access 4 GB of memory

Most can run on CPUs employing 64-bit addresses Virtual memory: disk partition or a file
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The UNIX Kernel

Core of all UNIX-type of systems
Loaded into memory and runs computer turned on Coordinates access to computers hardware Can add or remove functionality by loading and unloading kernel modules
Files containing instructions for performing specific tasks

Kernel origins:
Solaris: original AT&T UNIX software Linux: Linus Torvalds Mac OS X Server (XNU): Mach
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UNIX System File and Directory Structure

First OSs to implement hierarchical file system
/boot directory contains kernel and other system initialization files Applications and services stored in /bin and /sbin directories /var directory holds variable data Users login directories typically in /home
/Users on Mac OS X Server

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UNIX System File and Directory Structure (continued)

Figure 9-1: UNIX file system hierarchy

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UNIX System File Services

Disk File Systems:
OSs facility for organizing, managing, and accessing files through logical structures and software routines Native file system type on Linux is ext3 Solaris employs UFS Mac OS X Server employs HFS+ file system Can access FAT and NTFS partitions

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UNIX System File Services (continued)

Network File Systems (NFSs): analogous to Windows shares or NetWare network volumes
Attach shared file systems (or drives) from Windows, NetWare, or other UNIX servers and share files with users on other computers Sun Microsystems NFS Samba: open source application that implements Windows SMB and CIFS file system protocols
Included with Solaris, most Linux distributions, and Mac OS X Server systems by default

Mac OS X Server uses AFP

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A UNIX Command Sampler

Command line is primary method of interacting with UNIX-type systems Command interpreter (shell): program that accepts and runs typed commands
Primary UNIX command interpreter file is /bin/sh

Every UNIX-type system contains full documentation of UNIX commands in manual pages (man pages)
Access via man command

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A UNIX Command Sampler (continued)

Nine man page sections:
Section 1 covers commands most typically entered Sections 2 through 5 document programmers interface to UNIX system Section 6 documents some amusements and games included in UNIX system Section 7 describes device drivers Section 8 covers commands used by administrators to manage system Section 9 documents UNIX kernel functions programmers use when writing device drivers
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A UNIX Command Sampler (continued)

apropos command: find possible manual page entries for a command Most commands are lowercase alphabetic characters To specify an option, usually type a hyphen (-) followed by a letter File globbing: equivalent to using wildcards in Windows and DOS UNIX directory separator character is /
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A UNIX Command Sampler (continued)

Table 9-4: Commonly used UNIX commands

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A UNIX Command Sampler (continued)

Table 9-4 (continued): Commonly used UNIX commands

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A UNIX Command Sampler (continued)

Table 9-4 (continued): Commonly used UNIX commands

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A UNIX Command Sampler (continued)

Most frequently used UNIX command is ls For each file, system stores all information (except filename) in a file information node (i-node)
Beginning of disk partitions contain reserved space for all i-nodes on partition Contain pointers to actual file contents

Pipe (|): combine commands

Output of one command is input to next Pipeline: two or more commands connected by a pipe
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A UNIX Command Sampler (continued)

Figure 9-3: Anatomy of ls l output

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Installing Linux: Planning a Linux Installation

Be prepared to answer following questions:
What is the new servers name? What is the servers IP address?
Also need subnet mask, IP address of servers primary gateway, and IP address of new servers domain name server

What kind of video card is installed in the server? What is the administrative users password?
Root: administrating user name

How can this information be remembered?

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Installing and Configuring Fedora Core

Installation tasks:
Select language Confirm keyboard layout Select Server installation type Select disk drive partitioning options Choose booting options Configure the network interface(s) Configure firewall and security level options Set the time and time zone Enter the root password
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Administering a UNIX-type of Server

User names and passwords used to connect clients to network Access rights for groups
Users may be members of multiple groups

groupadd command enables addition of new group useradd command enables addition of new users Mac OS X Server uses GUI Workgroup Manager application

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Establishing Groups and Users on Linux and Solaris

groupadd command creates new group ID and makes group available for use
Assign unique ID number to each group Does not automatically assign access rights

useradd command adds new user ID

Creates user ID and assigns it to one or more groups -g option specifies initial group -G option specifies additional groups

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Establishing Groups and User on Mac OS X Server

Use Workgroup Manager application Creating new group does not assign users Assign unique name and numeric ID to groups

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Establishing Groups and User on Mac OS X Server (continued)

Figure 9-4: User creation in Mac OS X Servers Workgroup Manager

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Changing File Access Permissions

Every file and directory is owned by exactly one user and is a member of exactly one group By default, when a user creates a file or directory, that user is the file or directorys owner

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Changing File Access Permissions on Linux and Solaris

Use chgrp command to assign a file or directory to a group Use chmod command to change file and directory permissions
Uses two sets of abbreviations to specify permission changes for files
First set identifies for whom change will occur [files owner (u for user), files group (g), all others (o)] Second set identifies access rights [read (r), write (w), and execute (x)] Separated by plus or minus sign

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Changing File Access Permissions on Mac OS X Server

Accomplished through the GUI Must be logged on as system administrator

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Connecting to UNIX-Type of Servers

UNIX-type of systems and Windows can both communicate via TCP/IP
File systems not necessarily compatible

Samba: one application that bridges file system incompatibility

Provides networking services necessary to make a UNIX-type system a fully featured Windows file- and printer-sharing server Communicates with Windows servers using SMB file-sharing protocol and CIFS protocol
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Connecting to UNIX-Type of Servers (continued)

All modern flavors of UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X Server support data sharing using directory services based on LDAP
Solaris: Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition Linux: OpenLDAP Mac OS X Server: Open Directory

UNIX-type of systems include full complement of Internet tools

e.g., Telnet
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Connecting to UNIX-Type of Servers (continued)

Figure 9-5: Windows Telnet session

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UNIX is a stable, flexible, and efficient NOS that relies on TCP/IP and forms the basis of much of the Internet Many varieties of UNIX-type of systems exist, and each of these belong to one of two categories: proprietary and open source Characteristics of UNIX-type of systems include the ability to support multiple, simultaneous users; hierarchical files; a uniform method for interacting with files, devices, and programs; hundreds of subsystems and dozens of programming languages; and source code portability
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Summary (continued)
UNIX-type of systems use virtual memory and also allocate a memory area for each application The UNIX kernel, the core of the OS, is loaded into memory from disk and runs when you turn on your computer UNIX-type of systems were among the first to include a hierarchical file system UNIX-type of systems support multiple file system types UNIX-type of network file systems include NFS and Samba
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Summary (continued)
Consult the commands manual (man) page by typing man command at the shell prompt, and pressing Enter to learn more about a command ls command is most frequently used command The useradd and groupadd commands allow you to add new users and groups The chgrp and chmod commands assign files to groups and change file access permissions

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Summary (continued)
Installing the Samba application on a UNIX-type of server allows it to exchange information with Windows servers by using Windows file system and file access protocols All modern flavors of UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X Server support data sharing using directory services based on LDAP Any client that runs the TCP/IP protocol can connect to a UNIX-type of host, such as a Linux server, through the Telnet utility
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