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Date: 7/12/202 Candidate: Jennifer Anguiano

Context/Grade Level: Summarize contextual information about your students, such as English language proficiency, cultural background,
funds of knowledge, interests, reading levels, developmental learning, social-emotional, and/or behavioral needs.

My students are 6th-grade students and they all range from different cultural backgrounds. These students are in summer school because for the
most part they are below grade level and need that extra push to meet their goals. One student does have a speech impairment but is capable of
completing work effectively in class. A few students do have behavioral needs, but with constant redirection, they can complete their task in

Standards: copy and paste from: https://main.calstateteach.net/index.php/standards

CCSS.6.Rl.7 Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version
of the text, including contrasting what they “see” and “hear” when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.

ELD Standards: https://main.calstateteach.net/index.php/standards/subjects/ELD

ELD.Pl.1.5.Ex Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts

ELD Goal: Define target outcome(s) based on ELD standards to refine the academic use of English, and provide students access to subject area
knowledge, skills, and abilities. (Consider terms like understand, learn, analyze, solve)

Students will be able to search the web for a speech that they felt inspired by and will be drawing an artwork that
correlates to the speech. They will be able to understand the meaning of the speech and how it goes along with the
students' artwork.

Content-Specific Objective: State what students will know and/or be able to do by the end of the lesson, how they will demonstrate the
knowledge or skills, and at what level of mastery.

Students will be able to understand why the speech they choose is important. They will be able to show their knowledge by creating an artwork
that replicates the speech 100% of the time.
Academic Vocabulary: Identify specific words or phrases students will need to know, so they can engage, practice or evaluate target content.
Include both high utility or process words, such as analyze, function, or navigate and academic content words, such as acute, ecosystem, or

Read, speech, internet, historical figure, important, navigate the web, draw an artwork

Observation Focus: If this lesson will be observed, please identify which TYPE Support Elements will be the focus.

TPE Support Elements

Uses a variety of strategies to differentiate student learning, including multi-tiered system of supports, UDL, culturally sustaining
strategies, and cross-curricular connections
2-5 Maintains high learning expectations for the full range of students
3-3a Designs and implements cross-curricular learning segments
Extends learning opportunities and cross-curricular and cross-cultural connections
1-8 Adjusts instruction for active engagement
3-3a Designs and implements cross-curricular learning segments

Optional Video: If you have a video you’ve uploaded to your Google Drive, please paste the link here.

CalstateTEACH 3.0 Lesson Frame


Procedures How will you use students’ prior knowledge How will you provide learning experiences for How will you provide opportunities for
to engage their interest in the target students to explore and develop their students to reflect on their learning, connect
content? understanding of the target content? it to the world and/or other content areas?

Students will be able to use their prior I will use an art project when they are Students will be able to reflect on their
knowledge to engage in the target searching for a speech that they find learning by creating art pieces that
content by thinking about a speech that inspiring. I will have students navigate represent the speech. Students then will
they might know of. Students then can the web and look for a speech that they present their artwork and tell us why they
either think of what they know or find inspiring. This will help the students choose it and why they drew what they
search for something that they find explore and develop their understanding did.
inspiring. of the targeted content.
Anchor What anchor competencies and teacher What anchor competencies and teacher What anchor competencies and teacher
Competencies moves will be used? Describe how. moves will be used? Describe how moves will be used? Describe how

(link) Foster growth mindset: connect learning to Cultivate perseverance: set and monitor Create community: create a culture of
the brain goals engagement
I will use the internet to connect students to I will set critical directions and instruction Students will be engaged by providing them
the targeted content. when teaching the lesson. with a fun activity to do at the end.

Adaptations What differentiated content and/or What differentiated process activities will What differentiated product will specific
alternate pathway will specific students or specific students or groups of students need students or groups of students need to
groups of students need to access the to make sense of and/or process the target demonstrate their learning of target content?
target content? content?

I will use constant redirection and I will use the internet to make sense of Students will be able to access a speech
repetition. the targeted content. by using the internet and will create an
artwork that represents the speech.

Technology How will you and your students use How will you and your students use How will you and your students use
technology to engage with the content? technology to interact with and process the technology to evaluate understanding of
content? content?

Students will be using their Students will be able to interact with and Students will use technology to access
Chromebooks to access the internet to process the content by making sure they the speech of their liking and will be
look for a speech that inspires them. read the entire speech. evaluated by creating an art piece that
correlates to it.

Assessment Pre-Assessment Formative Assessment as Progress Formative or Summative Assessment

How will you assess your students’ prior How will you gather data about what students How will you determine if your students met
knowledge and how might they self-assess are learning as you teach? How might the target objective? How might your
their own prior knowledge? students measure their own progress toward students self-assess their outcomes?
their objective?

I will assess my student's prior I will gather data by seeing what the I can determine if my students met the
knowledge by asking them if they know students know. This will tell me if they target objective by having them present
of any speeches that are either understood why I had them search for a what they drew. It will give you an idea
important to them or to the world. This speech and what they learned from it. as to why they chose the speech and
will spark a conversation before having what it meant to them.
students look for a speech. It can give
them an idea of what to look for.

Reflection After teaching the lesson, reflect on whether or not your students met the lesson objective. What was most effective? What was least
effective? Use evidence to describe how you know.

I do think most of my students met the lesson objective. They enjoyed searching for a speech that they thought was important
or something that inspired them. The activity was hands-on because they had to navigate the web and then physically draw an
art piece that goes with the lesson. The most effective thing would definitely be giving them a timeframe to look for a speech
because if not students can spend so much time searching through the web.

Application Thinking about your students’ performance in this lesson, what will you include in the next lesson to support your students’ learning based
on what you observed and learned from this lesson?

In my next lesson, I will have students search the web, but instead of having them pick whichever they would like I will give
them 3 different historical figures to choose from. This will have students spend less time looking for someone who is historical
and not get confused if they are historical or not.

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