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2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.

0 (ACMI), 8-9 July 2021, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Cardiac Disorder Detection based on Features

Analysis and CNN in GUI from ECG Signals
2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI) | 978-1-6654-3843-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ACMI53878.2021.9528206

Shadhon Chandra Mohonta Kusum Tara Md. Firoj Ali

Department of Electrical & Electronic Department of Electrical & Electronic Department of Mechatronics
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Rajshahi University of Engineering & Rajshahi University of Engineering &
Technology Technology Technology
Rajshahi, Bangladesh Rajshahi, Bangladesh Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Abstract— The detection of cardiac diseases is very tunable Q-wavelet based features have been extracted from
important to prevent early cardiac death. The ECG signals, and used for the support vector machine
electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is an informative as well as classifier to classify cardiac arrhythmia [10]. Moreover,
non-invasive clinical tool to diagnose such diseases of the human wireless and wearable sensors as well as computer-aided
heart. In this paper, a MATLAB based graphical user interface technologies are emerging trends, assist physicians to
(GUI) has been developed, and scrupulous attention has been diagnosis such diseases, in healthcare applications. A wireless
paid for cardiac signal processing to distinguish the subject with body sensor network (WBSN) has been implemented to
malignant ventricular ectopy (MVE) from one having normal extract ECG features for the detection of atrial fibrillation
sinus rhythm (NSR). Here, long-duration ECG segments of 60
[11]. A cardiac state-inducing prototype and MATLAB-based
seconds have been considered from the MIT-BIH database, and
different analytical approaches have been conducted
graphical user interface (GUI) have been developed to analyze
throughout the study. In heart rate variability (HRV) analysis, the psychological working competency from ECG signal [12].
significant variations of heart rate have been observed for the An IoT-cloud based wearable ECG monitoring system has
subjects with MVE compared to NSR. Afterward, from linear been developed to aid in the primary diagnosis of certain heart
analysis, the extracted time-domain and frequency-domain diseases [13]. Recently, convolutional neural network has
features of each subject provide divergent numerical values to been exploited for the classification of various cardiac
differentiate these two classes effectively. Also, the numerical diseases using extracted heartbeat features [14-16].
values of these features have been displayed in GUI which Furthermore, both time-frequency approach and
provides an overall picture of a subject’s heart condition in a convolutional neural network have been used to detect various
single window. Moreover, time-frequency analysis of ECG arrhythmias for dynamic ECG monitoring [17]. So it is
signals has been carried out using continuous wavelet transform evident that the diagnosis of arrhythmias is limited to
(CWT) that also categorizes particular heart diseases arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, or supraventricular arrhythmia,
significantly. In addition, the incorporation of a convolutional and the detection of malignant ventricular ectopy is rare in the
neural network (CNN) in the GUI is a novel approach that literature.
facilitates the arrhythmia detection and classification process.
Here, the CWT scalogram image of ECG signal of a particular In this work, a graphical user interface (GUI) has been
subject has been used as input in CNN which identifies the designed on the MATLAB platform that diagnoses the loaded
subject suffering from MVE or not with 100% accuracy. ECG signal and distinguishes the patients with malignant
ventricular ectopy from the normal one. Here, various figure’s
Keywords— malignant ventricular ectopy, graphical user options such as original ECG signal, filtered signal, detected
interface (GUI), HRV, time-frequency anlaysis, CNN P wave and QRS complex, HRV, CWT scalogram have been
implemented and can be plotted separately in this GUI
I. INTRODUCTION window to visualize the conditions of the patient’s heart.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is very effective and efficient Moreover, linear features (i.e. time-domain and frequency-
signal that contains details information about the function of domain) have been integrated with this GUI platform to
the human heart. It is also used as a non-invasive clinical tool display the numerical values of corresponding features.
to diagnosis cardiac disorders such as arrhythmia, atrial Furthermore, a CNN has been included for the first time in the
fibrillation, supraventricular arrhythmia, malignant GUI platform which takes the CWT scalogram of a particular
ventricular ectropy etc. Irregular rhythm also known as subject as a test image, and detects the cardiac class of that
arrhythmia may lead to sudden cardiac arrest or stroke [1]. As subject. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:
the analysis and monitoring of arrhythmias from long term the second section describes the methodology of the proposed
and short term recordings are time consuming, researchers diagnosis. The results and comprehensive discussion part are
have also proposed ultra-short-term periods of 10 s [2], 30 s depicted in the third section. Finally, the fourth section
[3], and 60 s [4] for cardiac disease detection. In addition, concludes the paper.
various steps such as pre-processing for the elimination of
different noise, P wave and QRS complex detection, features II. METHODOLOGY
extraction and classification are implemented in several heart The complete layout of this work is shown in Fig. 1, which
disease classification techniques. comprises of seven steps: (i) Data acquisition, (ii) Analysis in
In literature, different feature extraction techniques Graphical User Interface (GUI), (iii) pre-processing stage, (iv)
include time-domain analysis [5, 6], frequency-domain detection of the P wave and QRS complex, (v) linear analysis,
analysis [7], and time-frequency domain analysis [8, 9]. Also, (vi) time-frequency analysis, and (vii) Classification.

978-1-6654-3843-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE

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Data Aquisition

Preprocessing Stage
Analysis in Graphical-User Interface (GUI)

Time-frequency Signal Processing and

Analysis Features Exaction

Linear Analysis

Time-domain Frequency-domain
Analysis Analysis

Scalogram Plot
Extracted Features

Fig. 2. Graphical User Interface (GUI) for arrhythmia detection.


C. Pre-processing stage
Cardiac Disease Detection The recorded ECG segments assimilated with the
unwanted artifact, baseline wander, and noise that need to be
filtered for smooth cardiac monitoring. Here, moving average
filter has been used as low pass, high pass, and derivative base
Fig. 1. Complete layout of ECG diagnosis.
filter to filter the signal. First, the numerator and denominator
A. Data Acquisition coefficients for the rational transfer function of low pass and
high pass filter have been computed for a window size 32 to
In this study, the ECG recordings have been collected from remove unwanted artifact and noise. However, those
the MIT-BIH database, available in Physionet [18]. Two types coefficients for the derivative base filter have been computed
of ECG recordings from lead II have been considered i.e. first for a window size 4 to remove the baseline wander. The
recordings are from MIT-BIH normal sinus rhythm database, selection of window size has been done by trial and error
and another recordings are from MIT-BIH malignant method.
ventricular ectopy database. The MIT-BIH normal sinus
rhythm database includes 18 long-term ECG recordings of D. Detection of P wave and QRS complex
subjects which include 5 men, aged 26 to 45, and 13 women, The P wave and QRS complex of ECG signal hold
aged 20 to 50. The MIT-BIH malignant ventricular ectopy important information where P wave represents the sequential
arrhythmia database contains 22 half-hour ECG recordings of activation of the right and left atria while the QRS complex
subjects, sampled at 250 Hz. In this analysis, five subjects represent the activation of the right and left ventricles.
have been randomly considered from each class of the MIT- Therefore, irregularity or loss of cardiac rhythm, also called
BIH database. Then, the first 60 seconds of ECG signal has arrhythmia, is diagnosed according to the abnormalities in P
been segmented from each class of subjects. Therefore, ECG wave and QRS complex. In normal condition, the height of P
segments (duration of 60 seconds) of a total 10 subjects have wave is up to 2.5 mm (or 0.25 mV) and duration is between
been used as input for the GUI developed in MATLAB 0.08 – 0.12 sec, and for the QRS complex the duration is less
platform. than 0.12 sec (more specifically interval is between 0.08 and
B. Analysis in Graphical User Interface (GUI) 0.10 seconds). The T wave is omitted for its insignificance to
detect MVE arrhythmia. In this work, the Pan-Tompkins
To make a decisive conclusion about the subject’s cardiac algorithm [19] has been used for the detection of the P wave
class a Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been designed to and QRS complex from the denoised ECG signal.
analyze the individual ECG signal as shown in Fig. 2. The
ECG segment of each subject is loaded in GUI for pre- E. Linear analysis
processing using the Load ECG Data button. Original ECG The features computed through linear analysis have been
signal, filtered signal, detected P wave and QRS complex, subdivided into two categories: (i) time-domain features (ii)
heart rate variability (HRV) and scalogram image of each frequency-domain features. In this disease detection analysis,
subject can be plotted separately in the designed platform the selected time-domain features are average heart rate
using the Select Plot button. To facilitate this, a Clear Plot (AHR), SDNN, RMSSD, NN50, mean PP interval (Mean
button has been incorporated which clears the previously PPI), mean RR interval (Mean RRI), mean PR interval (Mean
plotted signal. Moreover, the Compute button calculates the PRI), and Mean QRS duration, and those have been extracted
numerical values of linear features (i.e. time-domain and from P wave and QRS complex from each subject’s ECG
frequency-domain features) and displays them in their segment. In order to assist and realize the diagnosis, on the
corresponding boxes. In addition, a Classifier button is added other hand, the frequency-domain features have also been
to display a comment that the loaded subject is affected or not computed which comprise of low frequency (LF), high
with the help of CNN. In summary, the performances of the frequency (HF), LF/HF ratio, SNS index, PNS index and
GUI have been divided into several stages such as pre- SNS/PNS ratio. Besides, LF (0.04 – 0.15 Hz) and HF (0.15 –
processing stage, the P wave and QRS complex detection, 0.4 Hz) frequency bands are widely used to quantify
linear analysis (i.e. time domain analysis and frequency parasympathetic and sympathetic regulation and their
domain analysis), time-frequency analysis, and classification. interaction. Here, SNS and PNS have also been measured to

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investigate the effect of ANS as well as to monitor different The function of convolution is to activate certain features
types of arrhythmia. from the images through a set of convolutional filters, and the
most effective and faster training is provided by ReLU. In
F. Time-frequency analysis addition, the pooling layer reduces the number of parameters
Time-domain investigation conveys information about the from the network for simplifying the output. Besides, the fully
amplitude of signal, and can be affected by noise, while connected layer keeps the input image size remain fixed, and
frequency-domain approach provides only the spectral softmax layer before the output layer assigns decimal
information of the signal. Hence, in signal processing time- probabilities to each class in a multi-class problem to converge
frequency analysis is a powerful technique that analyzes the training more quickly.
signal both in time and frequency domain, and also exhibits
signal’s spectrum over the time-frequency plane. The time- III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
frequency distribution for a waveform of length n, is In this study, the raw ECG recordings of total 10 subjects have
calculated as follows [20] been obtained from MIT-BIH database where five subjects
2 (i.e. S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5) having NSR and five (i.e. S6, S7,
M −1 2πfn
S8, S9 and S10) suffering from MVE. Next, 60 seconds from
 w(n − m)E(n)e
1 −j
ρ x (n, f ) = M
(1) the beginning of each ECG recording has been segmented for
M n=0 analysis. After that, filtering, and P wave and QRS complex
detecting process have been conducted in GUI platform for all
Where E(n), and w(n) are respectively the discrete-time ECG segments. Fig. 4 shows the raw ECG signal, filtered
waveform, and the window function of length M. Hamming signal, and detected P wave and QRS complex for the subject-
window has been used as a window function in this time- 1 (S1) only, who has normal sinus rhythm. Fig. 4(c) shows
frequency analysis. detected peaks of P, Q, R and S wave for 3 seconds only due
In this analysis, scalogram images of all 10 subjects have to visual convenience.
been analyzed using continuous wavelet transform (CWT) Fig.5 shows the heart rate variability (HRV) curves for
that describes the signal both in time and frequency domain normal sinus rhythm (NSR) and malignant ventricular ectopy
simultaneously. Also, this CWT technique provides better (MVE) conditions including five subjects from each class.
visible localization of high-frequency features and Here, the HRV has been measured from the variations
components that are of diagnosis importance. Moreover, this between recurrent inter-beat-intervals (RR interval) from the
method provides more detailed information to identify the ECG segments, and these variations are cyclic in nature in a
normal cardiac rhythm as well as the abnormalities in ECG normal healthy subject. From Fig. 5, it is obvious that there is
signal. The CWT is defined for a continuous signal, x(t) [20], slight variation of heart rate with respect to RR intervals in
∞ case of normal sinus rhythm compared to malignant
1 ∗ t −b
CWT x (a , b ) =
a  x(at )ψ

 a 
 dt (2) ventricular ectopy.
∗ 1.5
Amplitude (mV)

Where, ψ t , a, b, and t are the complex conjugate of the 1.0

mother or basic wavelet, scale factor, location parameter, and 0.5
time shift respectively. -0.5
G. Classifier
Convolutional neural network (CNN), used as a classifier, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (secs)
is deep neural networks commonly applied for image analysis (a)
such as to recognize objects, faces, and scenes. It consists of
an input and an output layer, as well as many hidden layers in 0.15
between. Here, a pre-trained ResNet-50 convolutional neural
Amplitude (mV)

network has been used for classification purpose as shown in 0.05
Fig. 3. It comprises of 177 layers. The most common layers 0
are convolution, ReLU (rectified linear unit) and pooling, and -0.10
each layer performs particular operation by learning and -0.15
identifying different features from the input image. -0.20
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (secs)
Image Input (b)
224 × 224 × 3
0.15 QRS R R
Convolution RR interval
Amplitude (mV)

0.10 complex
Hidden 0.05 P P
Layers 0
-0.05 Q
-0.10 Q
Average Pooling
-0.15 S S
Fully Connected 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0
Softmax Time (secs)
Classification Output Fig. 4. For subject-1 (normal sinus rhythm) (a) raw ECG signal (b) filtered
signal (c) detected P wave and QRS complex.
Fig. 3. Architechture of pre-trained ResNet-50 CNN.

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110 features between these two classes can be more effectively
100 visualize from the Table I.
90 In time-frequency analysis, scalogram plot for a normal
Heart Rate (bpm)

subject and a subject with malignant ventricular ectopy has
been portrayed in Fig. 6. Here, the continuous wavelet
70 S1 transform (CWT) of ECG signal for these subjects has been
60 S3
obtained using the bump wavelet, where the frequency is in
S4 logarithmic scale. In Fig. 6(a), the subject with normal sinus
50 S5 rhythm has an approximately constant magnitude of R peaks
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
at a frequency of around 20 Hz, while for the malignant
Number of RR intervals ventricular ectopy (Fig. 6(b)) the magnitude of the R waves
(a) are higher than normal rhythm, and have also scattered in
140 lower frequency. Therefore, the subjects having a rhythmic
pattern of high frequency components with invariable
magnitude indicates sound heart condition
Heart Rate (bpm)

80 0.20
60 10 0.16

Frequency (Hz)

40 S7 0.14
S8 0.12
20 S9 0.10
S10 0.08
0 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0.06
Number of RR intervals 0.04
(b) 0.02

Fig. 5. Heart rate variability (HRV) for the subjects with (a) normal sinus 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (secs)
rhythm (b) malignat ventricular ectropy; notation ‘S’ stands for subject.
In this work, the linear analysis has been categorized into 100
time-domain and frequency-domain analysis to compute 0.40
several features which are enlisted in Table I. From these 0.35
time-domain and frequency-domain features, it is evident that 0.30
Frequency (Hz)

the individual with malignant ventricular ectopy can be 10
significantly distinguished from the normal one. In case of 0.20
time-domain features, the values of AHR, SDNN, RMSSD, 0.15
and NN50 are lower for normal sinus rhythm than malignant 1
ventricular ectopy, while contrasting patterns are obvious for
Mean PPI, Mean RRI, Mean PRI, and Mean QRS duration.
Similarly, the frequency-domain features like LF, LF/HF, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
SNS, and SNS/PNS have higher values for normal rhythm Time (secs)
than malignant ventricular ectopy, but reverse situation
occurs in case of HF and PNS. These differences in the Fig. 6. Scalogram plots using CWT for (a) normal sinus rhythm, S1 (b)
malignant ventricular ectopy, S6.


Time-domain Features Frequency-domain Features

Subjects Mean
AHR Mean Mean Mean LF to SNS to
(ms) (ms) Duration (ms2) (ms2)
) (ms) (ms) (ms) ratio ratio
S1 94 70.44 98.71 46 635.08 634.99 137.41 122.09 96.00 2.72 35.35 35.82 0.03 1318.97
S2 82 39.40 23.42 40 718.17 719.53 168.53 116.22 93.83 1.54 60.85 63.85 0.02 4140.57

S3 79 60.95 65.24 39 756.12 756.11 171.62 159.02 89.00 1.97 45.22 49.81 0.02 2530.42
S4 70 47.04 29.85 34 857.10 857.23 176.48 153.09 93.95 1.39 67.70 71.06 0.01 5120.52
S5 93 94.30 105.05 46 647.17 646.99 149.44 136.86 93.84 1.21 77.30 81.38 0.01 6704.39
S6 118 163.70 252.77 58 509.13 509.06 87.77 106.27 84.72 5.63 15.04 16.75 0.06 297.43
S7 130 211.77 275.87 64 461.33 461.98 81.28 100.99 80.85 5.01 16.13 18.96 0.05 378.27

S8 104 153.04 263.70 51 575.11 574.95 103.19 85.81 82.27 16.98 4.84 4.89 0.17 28.79
S9 128 124.43 175.36 63 466.05 466.11 100.01 92.73 76.67 21.89 3.50 3.57 0.22 16.30
S10 110 134.48 205.98 54 542.42 543.30 85.94 59.55 91.19 6.72 13.56 13.87 0.07 206.36

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