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Competitive Strategy

Unit 5

Dr. Joanna Pritchard

Chapter 9 Marketing Management Kotler et al.

Learning objectives
1. Relate digital marketing strategy to marketing and
business strategy.
2. Identify opportunities and threats arising from digital
media and technology platforms.
3. Apply the elements of the marketing mix in an online
4. Evaluate the opportunities that digital makes available
for varying the marketing mix.
5. Assess the opportunities for digital brand-building.
What is a strategy?

• What is strategy?
– ‘Defines how we will meet our objectives.’
– ‘Sets allocation of resources to meet goals.’
– ‘Selects preferred strategic options to
compete within a market.’
– ‘Provides a long-term plan for the development of the
Porter’s Generic Strategies
Competitive Advantage
Lower cost Differentiation
Cost Leadership Differentiation
• Appeal to price sensitive customers • Seeks to be unique in its industry along dimensions valued
• Lowest cost producer relative to local or foreign rivals in by customer
the market • Higher costs compensated by appealing to broad section pf
• Cost leader will make higher profits because costs are market willing to pay premium prices

lower • E.g. Apple – focus on design and style which customers are
• Fully committed to cutting costs throughout value chain happy to pay a premium for
• Control overheads and minimize spending in R&D, • Must focus in investing in and developing features that
marketing and advertising, service, sales force and differentiate their products
Competitive Scope

process innovation • E.g. prestige, brand image, innovation, quality or reliability,

• Achieve cost advantages that are hard for competitors customer service, or distribution network
to copy or match • More challenging for subsidiaries of MNEs in developing
• E.g. K-mart, Walmart, Tesco, McDonald’s, KFC, Burger countries – some manufacturers in China or Poland for
King (not in every market!) example have a reputation for low quality

Focused Low-cost Focused Differentiation

• Emphasis on a niche market segmented by geographical • Narrow customer segment and competes through

region, income level and/or product specialization differentiating features

• Market niche strategy concentrating on narrow, specific, • E.g. Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai – 7 star hotel with the
and recognizable customer segment and competing ultimate personal service
with low prices – cost leader in its niche • Offer target market something that they value highly
• E.g hostels offering cheap accommodation for back • Must have a strong brand and understanding of target
packers and students market’s unique tastes and preferences and the ability to
offer products with world class attributes
Example 1
Example 2
Porter’s video
Thinking about strategy with purpose -
The relationship between vision, goals, objectives and KPIs
Stages in target marketing strategy development

Chapter 10 Marketing Management Kotler et al.

The SOSTAC® planning framework applied to digital marketing strategy
A generic digital channel-specific SWOT analysis showing typical
opportunities and threats presented by digital media

See pages 88-91 Marketing Management Kotler et al.

Using the Internet
to support different
organisational growth

See pages 80-85 Marketing Management Kotler et al.

Strategic direction & the Ansoff growth vector

“Limited growth



Ansoff, I.: Strategies for Diversification, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 35 Issue 5,Sep-Oct 1957, pp. 113-124
Common online targeting options

• Brand loyalists – convert online

• Not brand loyal – encourage trial
• Most profitable – deepen relationships
• Larger companies (B2B)
• Smaller companies(B2B)
• Key members of the buying unit (B2B)
• Difficult to reach using other media.
Dell Singapore site segmentation
Source: © 2012Dell Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Influences on customers of multichannel decision

Pages 628-630 Marketing Management Kotler et al.

The elements of the marketing mix

Pages 23-24 Marketing Management Kotler et al.

Conducting marketing research online

• Online focus group

• Online survey
• Customer feedback or forums, possibly on
independent sites
• Web logs.

Pages 166-190 Marketing Management Kotler et al.

Differential pricing

• Precision
– Setting prices more accurately through testing (price
indifference band)

• Adaptability
– Rapid changes (dynamic pricing)

• Segmentation
– Different charges according to profiling
Pricing options
• Cost-plus
– Add profit margin to operational costs
• Target profit pricing
– Based on breakeven
• Competition-based pricing
• Market-oriented
– Premium-pricing
– Penetration pricing
– "special introductory offer" – the classic sign of penetration pricing. The
aim of penetration pricing is usually to increase market share of a
product, providing the opportunity to increase price once this objective
has been achieved.
The main elements of the promotional mix

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