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terms set forth in Article Six applicable to the Separate Share Trust for Issue.

If there are no such issue then surviving, this share shall lapse. (2) A share of fifty percent (50%) of the total trust property outright to RAQUEL, if she survives the settlor, and if she does not survive the settlor, this share shall be distributed to the then surviving issue of RAQUEL, with those issue to take their shares inthe manner provided in California Probate Code Section 240, as defined in the Article entitled "Concluding Provisions" of this instrument. The share created for each of those issue shall be held, administered and distributed according to the terms set forth in Article Six applicable to the Separate Share Trust for Issue. If there are no such issue then surviving, this share shall lapse. (b) If the trust property is not completely disposed of by the preceding provisions, the undisposed-of portion shall be distributed outright to the settlor's heirs. However, if an individual issue has not reached the age of25 years at the death of the settlor, the trustee shallcontinue to hold, administer, and distribute that-issue's share in aseparate trust for-that issue according to the terms set forth in Article Six applicable to the Separate Share Trust for Issue. ARTICLE SIX DISPOSITIVE PROVISIONS OF TRUST CREATED AFTER SETTLOR'S DEATH 6.1. Separate Share T~st for Issue. Each portion or share of the trust estate, or of the trust property of any other trust created by this trust instrument, that is allocated to a Separate Share Trust for Issue for the benefit of the beneficiary (as defined in subsection (a), below) when that beneficiary is under the age of twenty-five (25) years shall beheld, administered, and distributed by the trustee as a separate trust, as follows: (a) Beneficiary. The beneficiary of this trust is the mdividual issue of.a deceased child of the settlor or the. individual issue of the settlor, as the case may be, for whom this trust is created pursuant to the other provisions of this trust instrument. (b) Discretionary, Payments. At any time or times during the.trustterm, the trustee shall pay to or apply for the benefitof the beneficiary as much of the net income and principal of the trust as the trustee deems proper for that beneficiary's health, education, support, and maintenance. In exercising discretion, the trustee shall give the consideration. that the trustee deems proper to all other income and resources that are known to the trustee and that are readily available to the


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