Check For Understanding 5

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Module 13: Motivation

1. The self-determination theory relates to the motivation that a person has

without any external influences it’s the thing inside of them that pushes them
to do things.
2. Teachers can help student stay engaged by catering to their needs by making
a student feel like they have some autonomy in the classroom you give them
more reason to do things because they are getting to choose what they are
doing to an extent. You can also help them find their reason why to push
harder everyone has something within them that drives them to do better and
push harder some people just need a push to figure out what that internal
drive is.

Module 14: Management and Mindfulness

1. Select one element of the decomposition of "Setting Up and Managing Small
Group Work" that is covered in Module 14 under the section "Focus Practice:
Setting Up and Managing Small Group Work" - you can pick from any of the
stages. For this element, give an example of evidence you might see in your
classroom that would demonstrate that the element is in place.
2. In tier 1 one of the things listed is establish clear expectations a good strategy
for this is to constantly reinforce the rules and procedures of the class room to
and to have them posted in the room so that students never need to question
what the expectations are. In tier 2 one thing listed is teaching mediation
strategies to help support problem solving. Often students don’t automatically
know how to self regulate and talk out a problem so teaching your students
methods of self regulation is a huge thing to aid them in problem solving. In
tier 3 having a behavior plan in place with a student who may need extra
attention will help them succeed and learn to self regulate.
3. Breathing activities are a good way to help students work on mindfulness.
Having students focus on their breathing and just thinking about the in and
outs of their breathing can help center them and take their minds off of
anything that may be going on in their minds.

Module 15: Course Review

1. I don’t have any questions I just need to review everything

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