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Tamar Kahn Unit PLAN TEMPLATE (This is what you will turn in)

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Choice means the right or power to select from a range of alternatives.

A. General Plan for the Unit 1. Class Description: First Grade, regular education, 20 students

2. Title of Unit: Elections Curricular Theme: Choice 3. Objectives Students will understand importance of having choice Students will interpret information through read alouds Students will experience voting Students will collaborate before making choices Students will compare information Students will support opinions

4. Standards - which state content and developmental standards are addressed in the lesson (Social Studies, Arts, Technology, and perhaps other standards) 5. Strategy Include a flow chart and description of the learning process in your unit 6. Rationale - simply asserting that a given activity is aligned to standards is no assurance that this is so. Describe specifically why you think this unit will have students address and learn the standards you cite.

7. Content - what (specifically) will the students be reading, viewing, talking about, and producing content tin response to (i.e. books, websites, teacher offered prompts, graphic organizers and learning support items, videos, podcasts/audio recordings, etc.) 8. Student Preparation (what students should know and/or know how to do before they are presented with this unit) - Obviously this can't be inclusive of everything. In this area, though, mention items you feel are key to success with the unit, especially ones that you intend to assess or teach in order to assure that your students will succeed.

9. Motivation I think the students will be motivated by the ability to have differing opinions and no real right answer. Students will be challenged to prove their opinions and back them up with evidence. Going into a voting booth, created in the classroom, will also be a motivating factor. 10. Technology will you use technology to present the project? preserve and share the student work? assess the learning? Will the students use technology to learn? (i.e. do online research, collaborate, produce a product or performance, etc.?) 11. *Student Product/Performance (description and mock work sample) - What will the students produce? NOTE: In Project-Based Learning the production of the end product is the organizing structure around which the entire experience is planned and implemented. Simply adding-on a drawing or essay assignment to a general study of a subject or theme is not Project Based Learning! 12. Assessment how will you determine if the students learned the instructional objectives? - How well they learned them (give examples, samples, etc.) 13. ALSO - Modifications/accommodations for any special needs students in the class or special populations of students. B. *Session by Session PROCEDURE/IMPLEMENTATION PLANS (step by step how the project will be presented to the students and how they will do it). List each session separately, and for each session, in sequence and detail, describe who does what in order for this units objectives to be achieved. Account for time, student grouping, discussions activities feedback etc. Present this in both a) a short overview statement of what will happen in the implementation of the unit and - b) give a session by session description of what will happen. Include: 1) Time and time flow - how many sessions? how long will each session run? Account for the flow of time within in each session (i.e. whole group discussion/ 10 minutes, distribution of materials/ 5 minutes, hands on work/20 minutes, put materials away/5 minutes, whole class debriefing/ 5 minutes, etc.) Use the following format (copy and paste this as many times as you need so that you have one for EACH session): a) Session Title and/or Number b) Time How long will this session run? (you may want to indicate the length of each segment of the session) c) General Description of the session what will happen? what will the students do?

c) Goal(s) What will be accomplished in this session? (which part of the unit/project will be done) d) Logistics - where will the students sit or work? how will they be organized? what sort of activity mode will each segment establish (whole group instruction, small/collaborative work group/ individual learning) how will you distribute and collect materials and store projects? e) Teacher Narrative what directions, observations, etc. will you voice to the students at key points in the lesson/activity? f) Materials and Resources - what will be needed to teach and learn in this activity? (i.e. chalkboard, interactive white board, computers, notebooks, crayons, LCD projector, paper, etc.?)

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