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Image Number 1

1. What kind of problems are they having?

The young man has a somewhat delicate situation because his job is at stake. He
forgot the password to start the section and be able to carry out the work that
corresponds to him. If you don't go back to work from home, you won't be able to
do what you're supposed to do.

2. How would you have felt in his situation?

Well, I would have felt uncomfortable and worried at the same time. In a job you
must have everything in order and always try not to forget anything because that
only remains for us. But apart from being uncomfortable, I would have felt
ashamed since, not even that could keep well.

3. What would you have done?

The first thing I would have done is try to remember it or look somewhere to see
if I had it written down. I would also have asked my co-workers to see if they
made it easier for him to get it. As a last option, I would have asked my boss again,
since we are human beings and it can happen to anyone.

4. Have you been through a similar situation?

Unfortunately I haven't been through anything like that.

What did you do?

It didn't really touch me but if it had touched me I would have done what I
mentioned above.

Give an example.
Well, my mom had to open the business where she worked every day. One day to
get out quickly, she kept the key at home and when she went to open the business,
she couldn't find the key and in order to give access to the business she had to
return home. by the key and to be able to open. Moral: Let's never leave in a hurry,
always check our luggage to see if we have everything in order and that we don't
forget anything.

Image Number 2
1. What kind of problems are they having?
The boy could not have a communication via calls with his parents because the
calls were interrupted. Sometimes or very often this usually happens because we
have no signal in the place we are. It also happens very frequently when we are in
a place far away and outside the area where we normally are.
2. How would you have felt in his situation?
I would have felt nervous and distressed to know that they would be worried about
me and to know where I would be that I had not arrived yet. Even knowing that it
was nothing casual or planned on my part, but as long as you were not with them,
I would have that concern in my head.

3. What would you have done?

The first thing I would have done is try to get another cell phone or find another
way to communicate with them. I would also have left them with a direct message
that makes things easier. Finally, I would have left the excursion immediately and
taken an uber since desperation won't let me.

4. Have you been through a similar situation? No, whenever I go on an

excursion I try to resolve what I have pending before leaving and tell my family
and friends that I will not be there until such time or day.

What did you do? Notice in advance the time and how long the excursion
may take so that they do not make plans with me.

Give an example. I really would not know what to put since thank God I have
not had the chance to have to go through something like that because I am very
cautious and in order with my things.

Image Number 3
What kind of problems are they having?
The young man is having technical problems with his presentation. His laptop is not
helping him with this important presentation and he tries to keep calm. Sometimes devices
are heavily loaded and tend to do this kind of thing.

How would you have felt in his situation?

Well, really, with the little patience I have, I think I would have voted for the pique
computer. I would have felt powerless and very angry not knowing what to do at this time
with the presentation. I would have felt a little embarrassed because something that I
already had time preparing for the day that I really need it does not work for me.
What would you have done?
The first thing I would have done was to pass the presentation to a memory and so I have
access to it through other devices. I would have also sent them to other colleagues before
presenting them so that they could give me their points of view and by the way it was
saved in their chats. Lastly, I would have restarted my laptop to see if it worked again.
Have you been through a similar situation? Well, really yes, this kind of thing usually
happens when computers ask for updates and we don't give them.

What did you do? I just did what I mentioned above, restart my laptop wait for it to
open again and everything worked normal.

Give an example.
One day at the uni they let me make a presentation which I would be explaining to the
coordinators of my area and they would rate me. It turns out that after a few days of
preparation and a lot of hubbub, at the moment of truth the computer froze and didn't do
anything and I was like okay what should I do. Very embarrassed at last and a little
nervous, I just took a breath and shut down and restarted my computer until everything
was working properly again.

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