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Control panel
2. Operating System
3. Desktop
4. Real Time Operating System
5. Accessories
6. Disk Operating System
7. Viruses
8. Utility Program
9. Portable Document Format
10. A Computer Program
11. Software
12. Kristaina Georgieva
13. Enter key
14. Alt + Tab
15. Inserting Hyperlink
16. Ctrl + T
17. Crtl + E
18. View
19. Slide Animation
20. Templates
21. Multimedia Software
22. Text
23. Chart
24. Insert
25. Text Wrap
26. Perform calculations on data
27. Alphabetically
28. Document window
29. Justification
30. Insert text
31. Having same font family as the symbol
32. C option
33. 102
34. By using firewall
35. Search Engines
36. Web Browser
37. Wireless Fidelity
38. All Above
39. File
40. International Business Machines
41. C part (both continuous and analog)
42. Automation
43. MICR
44. D option
45. Twitter
46. 12th May
47. 5 members
48. C part
49. C Part
50. United Kingdom
51. Oranges
52. Culture

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