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State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection P™*"2® Division of State Environmental Conservation Police (CASE/INCICENT REPORT sure () Phas ee. area [PEO Siow BMs.OvNO | RETERENGEDUSION FEFERENGEDMSONNG) CASEEREFERONGE | UNTO | TPT AE WEORIE AIS | cx | oa [osrasea | 1950 Reena OTE FETS | NTERGESTNG TEETER TOE [PREMERA [saree frowned = sew — lomwetnesca| Te? Eas oe "Pelee 008 | Tearwone —focncas = Eesmesno——] a a act 7 "I we ai 1 ner On Thureday, May 12th 2022 a approomately 1112 hours, Iwas depatched tc IENINIENowown forthe repor ofa black bear being shot and kaec by tne homeowner. Upen arnval, | met with the homeowner (later identified as Clarke, Lawrence R DOB [EEE who was standing in his yard next to his chicken coop. | asked Clarke if he was the one who shot the black bear and Clarke answered in the affrmatve It should be noted that atthe time of arnval, Clarke was barefoot, in shorts, without a shift Clarks had blood on his arme, lege and stomach but stated that he was not injured and the blood was ‘rom the bear (see attached photograph log) Clarke provided a sworn handwriten statement (see attached statement) In his statement he said that on Tuesday, May 10th at ‘approximately 0830 hours he noticed one cf his white hens on hs back deck He immediately went to the front of his house and ‘observed that hs chicken coop had been tipped over and he was missing $ chickens. Within an heur of noticing the chicken and chicken ‘coop knocked over, ne saw a large black bear at the coop, He then ran outside and yelled at the bear causing the bear to run into the as aren a CURED ak EBT iv PERSO ORTON SMR EDGE OF RTSMNTN RELATES TOMER GEA ENDEAE APO Jordan Jacquo/ | 5 sce [/CAPT David Nemecek/ | saowoera8 Cos State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection "24° Division of State Environmental Conservation Police CASEIINCIDENT REPORT seneuvont — [] ‘wsion [ Bsiouno | RSE oxo 4 caenenrerence | ows] ar E re [Secerncl REET NE ONE THO] NERSESTIG TREETHONEMD TPE RESTS aE [saus —fowned 8 oo — Jcooona teste] Toe woods For the next four hours, the bear was circling the south side of his property Clarke eft the bear alone until it re-entered his property and went towards the coop He yelled at it again and the bear returned to the woods That day, Clarke went and bought a $300, lecirc fence to protect the coop (see attached photograph log) According|to the elecinc fonce manufacturer, it takes 3 days forthe Solar powered fence to charge and he was unable to set up Clarke later provided a verbal statement clantying that on Tuesday, May 10th while repainng the chicken coop, he observed the bear 15! ‘away from the chicken coop. Once Clarke saw the bear, he went inside to retneve a starter pistol and fired the starter pistol twice nan attempt to scare the bear When the bear did not go away, he began yeling and walking towards it At that time the bear rotreated into the woods He also had his wife call DEEP Wide to report thatthe bear was in his chicken coop and kiled 3 ot his chickens DEEP Wildlife formed tim to purchase a electne fence to protect the chicken coop and Clarke went out and bought one that day Clatke stated that on Thursday, May 12th, 2022 at approxmalely 0800 hours his son (later dented 2 ET 008 HEE cart roterredto 2s INE anc his 3 yoar old grandson were outside in the front yard His grandean was playing wth his ume trck by he trampoline when MN spotted the bear approximately 30K away trom his grandson MNNMsew the oear was Teoking at his grandson ard no: the c'cken COOP ANN en ran, yeling a the bear and grabbed his grandson. The bear hutfed and stomped on the ground in the direction of IEMland his son WIIIIEEEMlIthen ran inside with his grandson. Clarke then went outside and yelled atthe bear causing it to run te the woods Over the next hour, the bear kept retumng tothe chicken coop and pawang ati Clarke continued to go ouside ard ye atthe bear causing tt run nto the woods, Te Bear retumed again and was on ts hind fee wth APO Jordan Jacquo/ | osoursce ICAPT David Nemecek/ | ss zona cnt State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection "9° Division of State Environmental Conservation Police CASEJINCIDENT REPORT svomuenewrany 7) See eee] ner” ta 7S pears (SRT | STREET oN ND TPE TING | NTERSEETOG STREET IONEMD TE PROTEOME Isms foams cs | 001 lonara sia] TOs? iis paws on top ofthe chicken coop attempting 10 pull over. Clarke went back nto his house and retrieved his AR-16 nfle (Gee attached photograph log) He then walked towards the bear yelling, the bear slowly walked away The bear was approximately 20ft away and was hufing and pounang on tre grouné Clarke yelled al the bear again and the bear took a step towarde Clare, Clarke then shot the bear ‘one time hitting tin the head At this tme, the bear was on allfours After being shot, the bear stepped back and dropped to the ground ‘At tis point, the bear was aoproxmately 15% from the chicken coop The bear was stil alve and Ciarke stated that he felt home, The bear was having @ seizure and Ciarke could not alow himself to watch the the bear suffer Clarke then walked closer tothe bear and fired 7 oF 8 more rounds untl i ded (see attached photograph log) Clarke then had his wife call DEEP. Carke shot the bear on a downward angle. All ofthe shots appeared to be fred from a crouching position and towards the ground in Corder to allow any rounds that passed through tne bear to enter the grounc. Clarke shot n an easterly direction with no houses or buildings in hs ine of fire. The closest house was approxmately 103 yards away to the northwest and through @ heavy woodine (see ‘attached photograph log). The other house in the area was approximately 163 yards away to the southeast and also through a heavy \woodline (see attached photograph log) There were no houses or property n the vinty (see attached photograph log) IR2 co provided a sworn handwntten statement (see attached statement) In INNNIMIstatement, he said that on Thursday, May “2th, 2022 at approxmately 0900 hours. he was outtide wits hie sen Hie son was playing next to the trampoline and IEMlooked up ‘anc’ sawa black bear and is son slanng at eachother INI tren stared running towards his son whie yeling atthe bear He grabbed his son while the boar was huffing and stomping it ft INF ran to the shang door with he son and went mda /APO Jordan Jacquo/ | osoucooe JCAPT David Nemacok/ | 85 otras cnt State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection "= Division of State Environmental Conservation Police CASE/INCIDENT REPORT sneer] cane RN [a Sei fceesae =a ae aosowran sora702| nan =F seq Jah [mm 200 — loseroinesns| 17 (Once inside, he tld his famiy about the inedent The reich TTT (008 KI heard the shots and later provided a swom handwnten statement (see attached statement) In his statement, he said that on Tuesday, May 10%, 2022 at approxmately 0908 hours, his neighbor STI (008 HIER orcater refered to 05 INI called him to tell him that her husband, Clarke, had to fire two warning sho to scare of the boar [IMetso told MH tnat the bear had taken some chickens Illadced that the chickens are fee range On Thursday, May ‘2th, 2022 at aporoximatey 1040 hours, Nailed Mo say that her husband, Clarke, had to shoot atthe bear § tmmes. About an hour later sated he heard 2 more sho's At approxmately 1212 hous, MNIUcoled IM again to state that Ciarke hod led the bear NNNERSIé MINI tnat the bear had charged at their 3 year old grandson and that is why she had her husband, Clarke, killed the bear Neigh; TE (008 MEN vas an auditory witness but dectned to provide a statement She referred me to her wer, ‘Wile walking the area that the incident took place, | observed claw marks on the outside of the chicken coop (see attached photograph Jog) {also observed a pile cf chicken feathers cutside the chicken coop, n between the chicken coop and the deceased bear | was able te locata a Remington 225 spent shall casing on the ground at the aporoxmate location that Clarke statad he was standing (see attached photograph log) | tock possossion of the AR-15 rife (Colt Match Target sonal number CMH040418)(s2e attached photograph APO Jordan Jacquo/ | psouroze UCAPT David Nemecak/ | i08 omc cont State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection "**"* Division of State Environmental Conservation Police CASBJINCIDENT REPORT suretewewn eager a RoR ef Jog) along with 7 Remington 222 spent shell casings, 17 lve Remington 223 rounds and a 30 round magazine (eee attached photograph fog) | hac DEEP Dispatch run the serial number tough the CT Firearms Registry and no hits were relumed Clarke as wel asthe nfle had bioed spatter on them fram being close to the bear when the shots were fired (sae attached photograph log) DEEP Wiidife personnel responded to the scene and later preformed a necropsy on the bear The bear was struck al total of four times all in the head by bullets withthe fatal shat entering the lft side of the mouth and exiting the rear of the stl (eee attached photograph og) These findings were consistent with Clarke's statement that he shot he bear in the head ANCICICOLLECT in query revealed no wants‘warrants for Clarke A DEEP in house in query revealed negative results for prior fish and game history Trough my nvesbgation, I beleve tat Clarke killed the bear in defense of himself and his agncukural property Clarke should not be subject to any cnminal charges. Clarke's Colt Match Target, 7 spent shell casings as well as a 30 round magazine with ‘7 unfred 223 rounds were returned in the same condition as seized with a signed EPLE-14 (see attached) It should be noted that on Faday, May 6th, 2022 a bear matching the came desenption was involved in "multiple" nuance wide call to Newtown Police Department resutung n a folow up assistance request in which DEEP Conservaton Officer Buonoccre #645 respondes to [IIE Newtown (approximately 1 mnute away) reference case number 22-6847 frre nears cowaneo rene tes tine sa AREA (MY PTUON.COOTATON SH OGMGEDCE om CEUTA REED TOW SOT KET /APO Jordan Jacquo/ | #2 esoeance (CAPT David Nemecek/ | 0 eet cone State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection f=" Division of State Environmental Conservation Police CASE/INCIDENT REPORT sueruemeamer [J] SH Rv RERERTSR [ge [AEOCI or aM NrEOERIEINT SST SESS [eoaNS ones cel "| onan = e aoe (STREET STREET NaN AND TPE REINS” | NTERGEETNG STREET NERO TPE isms [roan = sure [rane nein] _ TO CASE STATUS Referred to GA 3 for Final Review APO Jordan Jacquol |= ZCAPT David Nemecek/

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