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State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Pat? Division of State Environmental Conservation Police Sgr cassmdbEn heron ame Se SRL a [RO Rew ree nor Tore magenta a ee PPR Eee ee ee oe Pe i |e _[ sce [owen] se = NERTONIN — Jorgarg rvestaal TOOT ‘On the above date ths officer conducted 2 histoncal analysis of Bear #217, Data was pulled from calls for service to tis agency, as well ‘a sightngs reported to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Wildlife Divsion, from residents between 2017 and 2021 ‘The frst reported contact by this agency was on October 29, 2017 inthe aty of Wateroury This agency received a call rom a resident who advised that a bear had charged her wile she was standing on the porch of her residence. This agency then recewed numerous cali from residents who advised that individuals were chasing the bear ard that the bear was becoming agitated, The bear was, subsequently "reed" by officers in the area of 13 Summit St, Waterbury. According to officer notes the bear was not in a suitable area to be safely tanquiized Officer notes also indicated that the bear was in proamty to sutable habtat; with darkness, and inclement weather approaching, Officers made the decision fo leave the bear inthe Iree and allow t to safely come down on its own (Ses/Connect FS. #1700024253) (On October 31, 2017 this agency received another call regarding the same bear in the area of 233 South Elm St, Weteroury (Maloney Magnet School) 233 South Elm St 1s a short distance from 13 Summit St. The bear was subsequently tranqulized and relocated to Mattatuck State Forest Prior o being relocated the bear was tagged #217. (SeeiConnect #1 700024966, Video ##17-24266) ohana arses’ es stn ana sear meth ee a od aT 160 Sean J welsh/ | onee (EAPT David Nomecok? | ‘amoeracot State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Pss2e Division of State Environmental Conservation Police CASE/INCIDENT REPORT CUFPLENENTARY = row tisowno | ReRnceoweo FerEnGESveONe) cssctemce | ure] nest fae ivaapwe neo sw | weisiae [oanain | sea ene — losin] Tt (On November 21, 2017 Bear #217 was sighted inthe area of Gracey Rd , Simsbury There ware no interactions vath Bear #217 and was simply reported to the DEEP Wildlife Drusion. The indvidual who reported the sighting advised that Bear #217 was not aad of barking dogs: ‘Between March and April of 2018 Bear #217 was again observed within the town of Simsbury Of those sightngs Bear #217 was reported fe have climbed a high deck railing and made off with a suete feeder The reporting patty removed therr feeders (On May 9, 2018 this agency received a call from the Connecticut State Police (Troop A) advising ef @ black bear in the Colonial ‘Shopping Plaza, Waterbury. The bear left n the drechon cf the Naugatuck River and no acon was taken Itwas later determned to be Rear #217 (See/Connect #1800008483) (On May 9, 2018 this agency recetved another cal from an employee with the Connecticut Deparment of Chiren and Fames reporting a bear n the vicinty of ther facilty (285 Main St , Waterbury) The prosorce of the bear was preventing employees and chiren from Jeauing the facity. Officers trom this agency contimes the bear to be Bear#217 Bear #217 was subsequently tranquiized by the DEEP Wildlife Division and relocated to Naugatuck State Forest. (See/Connect #1800008514, Video #18-95 14). (On May 11, 2018 Bear #217 re-appeared where it was observed inthe town of Oxford NVESTIOATOR SGRATIRE TNVESTIONTERIO# | SCHED ONE SUPERVGOR SGRATIRE [sursrvaoRroe /CO Sean J Welsh/ | wane JCAPT David Nemecek! |e our cot State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection "#017 Division of State Environmental Conservation Police “bon maa CASEIINCIDENT REPORT sure.oweiae [SSX EGET AE [fe [One] mere TrEcenccOe incon era armor [mace meow |? [mea | [cuore [ter puseonasinceice a ease oo L cy wensuise | cera | 1040 — cwrovn — lorena) 18 (On May 13, 2018 the DEEP received ts first report of Bear #217 in the town of Newtown (On May 14, 2018 Bear #217 was reperted as having been sighted n the town of Bethel The Bethel Police Department received three ‘complaints from residents. It was reported that Sear #217 was getting into bird feeders and trash cans At the beginning of May of 2018, Bear #217 begins traveling to the southwest portion ofthe state, Bear #217 1s prmarly observed in the towns of Southbury, Middlebury, and Oxford. itis during this time that Bear #217 i reported to have knacked over a chicken coop in the town of Oxtord, and kiled a chicken. (On May 23, 2018 Bear #217 1s reported to DEEP as being sighted inthe town of Redding A resident of Redding reported that Bear #217 broke into her screened in porch and took a bag of bird seed The homeowner scared Bear#217 off by banging pots and pans ‘The homeowner then reported that Bear #217 returned, attempted to re-enter the screened m porch, but was scared off by the homeowner's dogs For much of the summer of 2018, Bear #217 remaned in the town of Redding, accasionally entenng both Newtown and Monroe Residenis roported Bear #217 as being attracted to lird feeders and humming bird feeders Notable reportings were on June 25, 2018 ‘when a resident of Newlown acvised that Bear #217 took down a bit feeder and did not react to loud yelling The reporting party Fr ee Roma CONTNED HORE Wa SEED OA RESULT OF PGEN OSE RUTNE HULE Ee Ch GNFOMUATON ABLATED TO ME OTHER EEG erersouceceneeyr om rere ha tert onsen Wh GRCTER vac DMT PCN ERS ESE /6O Sean J Welsh/ |“ wx ICAPT David Nemecek/ | zzsares cot State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Psse«0i7 Division of State Envirenmental Conservation Police CCASE/INCIDENT REPORT surrueenrany |X zmoonras | * | eeepc seoranze |yex0 __ PRUREDHWUISANCEISCK oe een oe 8 eso nware neste] 387 ‘advised that took 2 log, thrown at Bear #217, to scare it away June 26, 2018, a resident of Newtown found Bear #217 at thei front door On August 24, 2016 in Newtown, Bear #217 1s reported to have teken down bird feeders and npped off three sections of screens toa back porch September 9, 2018 in the town of Redding, Bear #217 1s cbserved on the front porch of a residence. October 16, 2018, Bear #217 comee wthin close proximty toa residence in Newtown where t approached the door ofa residence The reporting party advised that Bear #217 was staring at the occupants and their cogs 2019 brought an increase of reported property damage, as well as en mctease in reports, that Bear #217 showed itl to no fear of humans 2019.was also the first ime Bear #217 was reported to be seen with cubs Dunng the months of May and June, Bear #217 is prmaniy observed in Redding The remainder ofthe summer Bear #217 ss sean predominantly n the town of Newiown Like 2018, ‘many ofthe reported sightings in 2018 showed Bear #217 attracted to bid ‘eeders and humming bid feeders One resident of Newtown, who reported damage fo their humming bird feeder, acknowledged ignonng warnings about leaving feeders out Notable reportings were on May 23, 2019 n the area of Gallow Hills Rd, Redding According to a resident, Bear #217 damaged the screens to @ screened in porch, and entered the porch seeking a bag of bird seed The homeowner reported banging pots and pans to scare Bear #217 away Gear #217 thon retume to the residence, where i attempted to enter the same screened in porch, but was scared away by the homeowner's barking dogs_In September of 2019, while attempting to enter a yard n Southbury, Bear 2017 1s reported to have damaged a fence in August of 2019, the Monroe Police Department investigated damage to 2 residence caused by Bear #217 In CCctober of 2018, a rosidant of Newtown ‘eparted Bear #217 as having entered onto their deck, where it proceeded lo take a trash can Containing sunflower hearts Dung the same month, a resident of Newtown, reported Bear #217 as having entered onto their deck. TRVESTIOATOR SHONATIRE TNVESTISNTORIOS | SONEDONE “SUPERVGOR SGATURE [SeenON OF /C0 Sean J Weish/ | owaan0ce CAPT David Nemecek/ | m5 Baers cont ‘State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Ps9S017 Division of State Environmental Conservation Police CASENINGIDENT REPORT surrteveranr [ast an RODEILERE [RE [OREO wi Tacorne] weer noOET TSE oY BESTA OFPERR | DOENO |swwne |? | eee | | oourzae [tee [RUREONUBHECOK ‘3 [asst Bi e [bonne GuSCNNO | REFEREGEGMGOY REPERNCEOVSICN) GSEXRERRGGE [ONTO | wis EAE TPRSAR PED ee eee os ‘Shortly thereafter, Bear #217 ws reported by the same resident, as having entered the garage, wher it remained, eating bid seed, In ‘September of 2019 an officer with this agency responded to a residence in Newcown, to investgate the complaint ofa bear n a garage Upon artval, te Newtown Police Department contimed that Sear #217 had entered the homeowner's garage The officer who responded found a large pile of bird seed and peanuts, purposely left on the complanants deck (SeeiConnect CFS: #1900019084) In November of 2019, Bear #217 1s reported by a resident of Newtown, es having entered onto thesr deck where itremained eating bird ‘seed that had been left out. The same resident, reported that Bear #217 had retumed, and damaged a screen while attempting o gain ‘access to the porch In December of 2019, Bear #217 1s reported by 2 resident of Newtown as having damaged a bird feeder That ‘same resident reported Bear #217 to be slow to respond to yelling, banging of pots and pans, and a dog growing and barking In 2020, Bear #217 prmanly remained in the town of Newlown Again, the common attractant as reported by residents was the presence of bird feeders. There is also an increase of repors to the DEEP Wildlife Dwvision describing Bear #217 as not being afta of humans. n April of 2020, a resident of Newtown reported that Bear #217 broke into a chicken coop and killed a chicken The reporting party expressed concer for the safety of his chidren_In May of 2020, Bear #217 approached a residence in Newtown and stared ‘through a window The reporting party descnbed Bear #217 as having no fear. In June of 2020, another resident of Newtown descnbed Bear #217 as stanng through ther window after accessing a humming bird feeder, In July of 2020 @ resident of Newtown reported Bear #217 as having destroyed a bird feeder Bear #217 was again described as not being afraid of hursans. Finally, August of 2020 a resident of Newtown reported Bear #217 to have approached a group of seven people Again, the reporting party descnbed Bear #217 as not being afraid of human beings, Ire tera conan HED WS ECD SU OF LY PERSON ABENATEN ID OPLEDEL 2 NFRURTEN PAD TOME OMER OME Srcrsen no meran na prvi sehr man ince creek St HOODS /€0 Sean J Welsh/ | ween /CAPT David Nemecek/ _| so accr28 Cont State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection *us8=17 Division of State Envirenmental Conservation Police CASEINGIDENT REPORT srrcmoroey tennere [2 [eesti] | osommm [sew [MUREOMUSANSESEN ee = NeNTOWN ——s [orweong iweenga| TOOT Bear #217 remains in the town of Newtown for much of 2021. In 2021 sighungs of Bear #217, as reported to the DEEP Wildlife Division decreased Itcan be surmised that the decrease 1s due to the fact that Bear #217 remained in a smaller geographical area, and thet ‘aghlinge of Boar #217 became co commonplace; that residents dis not fee the necessity to report those sightings to the DEEP Wildlife Duision Those sightings tnat were reported by residents, agai, showed Bear #217 to be primanly attracted to bird seed One noticeable change in 2021 was the frequency of complaints regarding Bear#217 damaging chicken coops and kiling chickens. On. ‘August 28, 2021 ths officer responded to a residence one block away ror III] where Bear #217 tipped over a chicken coop land kiled a number of chickens (See/Connect CFS 2100017005, Video 21-1705) On August 29, 2021 officers responded to another residence in Newtown were Boar #217 entorod a chicken coop, and kiled the homeowner's chickens (See/Connect CFS: 2100017168) ‘As previously stated this officer was not provided with data for 2022. In past years, previous sightings did not begin until the month of May, and would typically merease dunng the summer months The shooting of Bear #217 occurred on May 12, 2022 which would account for the lack of data SUMMARY ‘There were approximately 191 sightings reported to the DEEP Wildife Division between 2017-2021, regarding Bear #217 The majonty TRVESTOATOR SONATIRE TVESTONTRIOS | SONEDONE ‘SUPERIGOR SUTURE [Senna Ge JO Sean J Welsh/ | we owzznaee (CAPT David Nemacek/ | m5 zac ore State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection = *=»7017 Division of State Environmental Conservation Police CASEMINCIDENT REPORT sueotewennany — |X] isan TiasOwne | REFERENCE GMBON PEPERENCEGNSGNTG] GDRETERENSS [UNTO | NmSY ATE TAEafNE RD [ee | weiss | ecru | te a e005 — orcoinense] TH? of those sightings involved Bear #217 either accassing and/or damaging bid feeders Other sightings included damage to residential homes and the hiling of poulty A disproportionate number of those sightings occurred in the town of Newtown This officer noticed a direct cortelation between the accessibilly to 100d (bird seed), the limited home range of Bear #217 (Newtown), and sightings regorted to the DEEP Wildlife Division where there was negative behavior reported This officer also noticed that between 2017-2021, there was an Increase in the number of reports to the DEEP Widife Dwision anc this agency regarcing the negative behavior of Bear #217_ In addition, there were five nuisance calls reported to this agency where t was confirmed to be Bear#217 Of those five nuisance calls, Bear #217 was tranquilzed, and relocated twnce £0 Sean J weish/ | % oscoace (CAPT David Nemecek/ | 6

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