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Top 12 fake universities

While its no longer news that there are fake Universities operating on the Internet, one would be
forgiven for thinking that these only exist in parts of the world that are often termed 'Banana
Republics' but you will be amazed to find out that there are quite a handful operating in plain sight
in even the most developed countries in the world.

While others work hard to earn their degrees these bogus Universities are busy handing out fakes
degrees and diplomas to unsuspecting students who can hardly afford the fees charged by the
main accredited Universities and have resorted to finding cheaper alternatives.

Which is how these bogus Universities usually present themselves to desperate students without
many of them knowing that they are being ripped off.

So without wasting anymore time here is our top list of Universities which have been exposed as

No. 1, the Irish International University (IIU)

In 2008 it was revealed in a BBC investigation the length to which some bogus Universities will go
to hide the truth about themselves with elaborate fronts, flashy websites and convincing photos of
Awards and Graduations that have been staged within the facilities of top Universities such as
Oxford and Cambridge.
The main focus of the documentary was on a University called the Isles International University
(IIU), formerly known as Irish International University and European Business School.
It was founded in 1996 by a Malaysian businessman who is also suspected of being a professor
without any campus of its own in Ireland but relied mainly on unspecified partner institutions for its
academic infrastructures.

According to the BBC, Jeff Wooller an 'honorary chancellor' of the University even admitted in his
own words that “the whole thing's dodgy” to a BBC reporter after he was fired from the University.

This allegation was further corroborated by a publication of the Irish Times in April 2018, in which it
described the IIU organisation as a "bogus university" that "targets overseas students with the
promise of earning an Irish university qualification online that holds 'international recognition',
whereas according to the BBC the whole thing is "an international education scam".

No. 2, Columbia Pacific University (CPU)

Columbia Pacific University (CPU) was an unaccredited nontraditional distance learning school in
California. Founded in 1978 by Richard Crews, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and Lester Carr, a
former president of Lewis University.
It was initially operated with state approval but in 1994 some Marin County inspectors discovered
eight dormitories on a property of one of the founders of the Columbia Pacific University, Les
Carr's which was operated without permission.
The Marin County's officials cited Les Carr for "multiple zoning, safety, and health violations" which
is to say that the eight dormitories on his property were lacking in health and safety standards.
Les Carr was forced to remove the dormitories as well as remove all references to the property as
"a retreat center on a beautiful 14-acre ranch in northern Marin county" in the University's
promotional literature as that was clearly not the case.
In addition on August 1995 a site visit from the Council for Private Postsecondary and Vocational
Education (CPPVE) found that CPU had not met the new College regulations set by the
Government. It found that CPU fell below the belt by a massive 88 points. Amongst the numerous
academic standards violations listed by the council's review Team included the following:
• "One master's-degree student was given credit for " a learning contract describing how he
would continue taking dance lessons and watch dance demonstrations in order to improve
his skills as a Country Western dancer."
• "A Ph.D. dissertation written in Spanish was approved by four faculties who cannot speak
the language."

• "One dissertation "had no hypothesis, no data collection, and no statistical analysis. Infact a
member of the visiting committee characterised the work as more like a project paper at the
college freshman level." whereas the dissertation titled “The Complete Guide to Glass
Collecting” was 61 pages long.

• "At least nine students who received their Ph.D. degree in 1994 had been enrolled less
than 20 months, four of them less than 12."

Obviously the University wasn't going to go down without a fight, so in November 15, 1995 it
submitted a legal response challenging the CPPVE findings.
In the response it argued that the CPPVE's August report was grossly inaccurate and therefore
utterly unreliable as an objective and thorough evaluation of CPU. It claimed that the CPPVE
Visiting Committee's review of CPU dissertations was based on superficial judgments.
Despite all the defence and explanation offered by CPU, Kenneth Miller, CPPVE director at the
time issued a Denial of Application for Approval in December 1995 to the University.
This decision to close down the University was robustly appealed by CPU but on June 10, 1997 an
administrative court judge ruled against the appeal and found among other items, the University
awarded excessive credit for prior experiential learning to many students, it failed to employ duly
qualified faculty staffs and most importantly, failed to meet various requirements for issuing PhD
This was too much to bear for California's Deputy Attorney General, Asher Rubin called CPU "a
diploma mills which had been preying on California students for too many years" by offering "totally
worthless degrees to enrich its unprincipled promoters.
Subsequently, the Marin County Superior Court ordered that CPU be completely shut down and
levied a staggering $10,000 in fines against CPU for its "deceptive and unfair practices" in
operating without authorization and failing to disclose its unaccredited status to prospective
The sitting Judge lambasted the University for making the defence that its students were happy
with the kind of education they got from CPU. She said "The decision is not whether or not the
students are dissatisfied because It's like saying that prostitution should not be illegal because the
customers are satisfied.
The University appealed against this decision as well but the Supreme Court of California upheld
the decision to close CPU down.
After CPU was closed down, some of its founders relocated to various parts of the world to form
other academic institutions which are still operating to this day.

No. 3, American University of London (AUOL)

This is an unaccredited so-called University which bears a similar name to the accredited
American University in London which is an entirely different organization.
Established in 1984 as the American College of Science & Technology, it was incorporated as an
independent distance learning institution in 1999 in St. Kitts and Nevis.
However it turns out that the AUOL is nothing other than an online diploma mill which is known for
awarding degrees without requiring any significant work from its students.
In one case the university is alleged to have awarded an MBA to a dog for just £4,500 which would
have enabled the dog to work in a major Bank. Who knows what role that played in expediting the
2008 financial melt-down which saw the collapse of Lehman Brothers and many other financial
The University however disputes these accusations and instead describes itself as a for-profit
unaccredited educational institution which offers undergraduate and graduate degrees purely by
distance learning. But the charge is hard to refute being that the University has no actual campus
other than mailing addresses registered in London and Beverly Hills, California.
As expected there are more fake Universities operating in order parts of the World than you can
shake a stick at. In April 2018, the Indian University Grants Commission (UGC) released a list of
24 fake universities operating in the country which brings us to the remaining fake universities on
our list.

No. 4, the National University of Electro Complex Homeopathy, Kanpur

No. 5, Commercial University Ltd., Daryaganj based in Delhi

This one has been in operation for the last 70 years and is a public unlisted company that is
classified as a 'company limited by guarantee'. But the UGC was not impressed by that and
included it on its list of fake universities.

No. 6, United Nations University

This one is also said be based in Delhi

No. 7, Vocational University, Delhi

No. 8, ADR-Centric Juridical University, New Delhi

No. 9, Indian Institute of Science and Engineering based in Delhi

No. 10, North Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology based in Delhi

No 11, Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine, Kolkata based in Delhi

No. 12, Institute of Alternative Medicine and Research, Kolkata based in Delhi

As you can see not much is known about these universities apart from the fact that they have all
been identified as bogus since they have done a very good job of keeping their clandestine
activities from the eyes of the public.

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