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Sea MIVIDA PROJECT TIME NY ‘transmittal No. : 0488} Rev.00 [Contractor Name : CRC Contracting - Dora Group Date : 22-08-2018 frmuroron | cone TRANSMISSION OF DRAWINGS, OOCUMENTS, saMPLES, ETC] —Didectae to PO ; Mivida - Construction of DOC-Architectural Jyouw srowerion : Contract PARCEL IA, bo ; DOC-AR-028-Rev.00 PACKAGE NO. 113 ACTION CODE Bee DESCRIPTION TPE NUMBER Sabra] Acton Method statement for Marble works ee i DIP S Attachment = ob Cor aT for At Powe CONTRACTORS SIGNATURE Hosted Meteially bate oot RECEIVED BY CS pare CO PROIECT MANAGER (Ste Action Codes and Remarks an tun Con Wao Dare B10, Gay RECEIVED BY CONTRACTOR bate CCPROIECT MANAGER Thr a pane Tamas 1 APPROVED APPROVED AS NOHED roc ssuunsemsn neTHo0 STATEMENT -MARSLE STONE Project Name: vida Project Parcel 18 Project Manager: Project Ho Petia Supervision Engage: Employer ERA we ‘contactor: Execution of Marble Stone shall be performed in compliance wih Drawings, tests and with the requirements of the specications , and the specifications of the American Sociely of Testing and Materials (ASTM CO26) {ll personnel engaged inthe Marble Stone activ shall have adequate experience in thet respective dsciptine 2-Construction Enginsers and qualified surveyors ar responsibe for all Marble Stone actives. S.QKIQG Engineer wil cary out surveillance inspections including coordination of all required sampling and testing This method of statement for marble stone installation applies to the following = —— axl (instal all Marble Stone according to approved shop drawings } eo aatigh sr = Marbia Sona Flooxng (Ciesta Marble) SAC, et “Marble Stat Treads and Risers, (Testa Marble) Fa o “table Been (stanton) ne ei + Marble Threshold. (Trista Marble ) " aa pie Flooring, Treads, Risers and Throshold 4: Marble foering shal be set with tick wet mortar bedsing 2. Each sione shall be carefully set nto a level and line required and shall Be beaten along f full contact between mortar and back surface ofthe stone + Tamp and bea sone with wooden blak or rubber malt to obtain fll contact withthe setting bad and bring ished surfaces win tolerances, 4. Inspection Request fr Marble Flooring or Treads or Threshold Insalation. fon send bedding wth a thickness of 25.30mm, fal surface area to ensure fim setting and External Bas 4 Bad matble bases en Stee! angle Pieces approximately 10 em long and instal adhesive 2, The exterior and interior comers must be mitered at 45° 5. inspecion Request for Marble Flooring or Treads or Threshold instalation. 1 dicey to masonry wal ith Mortar or approved Adiusti ping and Protection {Remove and replace marbles which are broken, damaged, stained, dete requirements indicated 2. Prohibit trafic rom the installed marble stone for at least 24 hours 3. Ater Grouting and Pointing, Stone shal be cleaned with steel wie brush and water 4. Finish the loo surface and the base surface 5. Inspection Request for Marble Finishing ive joints, and flaring net complying with other Arch “| Inspedion Request for Marble Stone Floecngs & Treads & tvesholds & intemal skrtng lnstall 2 Inspection Request for Marble Stone External Bases Insalation 5. Inspection Request fo Marble Stone Finishing

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