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: mul Format I (1 point cach numbered item : tems of questic . : Directions There are 30 numbered statements are followed hy the answer of con Itiple choice questions (MCQs) in this format ALL the n tern der! the 7 jon of the statement Underline the teter ty. nul the life process in th logical isms that cont re haty oo Our Phystological process bas brological mechanisms 7 Wo maintain the cpatGncy of the body values. Which of the fellowing 1s not ttue atu maintain the cpnGaney 0 y We Physiologie process on the cell membrane More water inside the cells of the body stimulates the sodium potassium pump on C. Detecting the change in the body 1s one of the functions of homeustasts a sical syst poy ~ 1D. Regulation of the blood glucose level 1s an example of closed loop biological system in the F. The more water in the blood reduces the concentration of sedium in the blood - A+ 75 years old mother was admitted into corea hor wtal two days before She had shock and tachy card ens to this suby or clevated hear rate. Her blood pressure was severely reduced. Then what happens to thr behind the above conditions A. Her aortic arch baroreceptors sensitivity reduced J. Her blood volume severely increased * C. Her blood vessels, Mrongly constricted & Renin level in her blood was reduced RASS system response elevated Which of the following is not true about homeostasis? A. Essential for the surviving of cells = nee in a subject with a given disease, where the wrong among the following components in the body A. Effector structures in the body, : lable in the body y « fn and the target organs where response mae © fnmand information is not gen ‘ated in the contol system, None of above re years old fathe ini 7 er was complaining the followings such as sever thirst, dehydration, ¢% irequent urinati Hesse ion, and hunger to his family doctor. The doctor order his/her patient made to check his Joo i glucose level and his glucose level was found to be 170mg/dl of blood. Which ofthe following is true, . The body cells were consumed more glucose from the blood . The beta cells of the pancreatic gland sensitivity was strong ‘The alpha cel/f the pancreatic gland response to the glucose was reduced A B C. The closed loop systeff’was strongly responded to the blood glucose level » D. E, Glucagop’Secretion from the pancreatic gland cells was very srong 6. HomeossMtic control system established after body disturbance but before actual core variable changed is Which of the following is true about the negative feedback homeostatic control system? ure after sudden exposure is / Firing of signal from the baroreceptor to the brain elevated E. None of them are expected 9. Select the one which is not an example of negative feedback homeostatic control system? A. Presynaptic inhibition D. Endocrine secretion B, Osmoregulation [rene impulse generation ; End produet inhibition 10. Select the true concepLartong the followings A. Gain of honec®tasis not affected by age and state of subjects « © Salivation is one of the ways to gain heat x - Increased metabolic activities reduces body temperature yo 11. Which of the following is not an example of allostasis A. Shivering at high core body temperature- tion of insulin on the insulin, lependent body cells ~ Reduced affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen in the tissue at low 03 level 12. Who have large amount of water content in their body among the following individuals? A. Adult males B. Adult females ets Old males E, Old females 13. Assume that you have patient with more sodium level in the body fluid then the expected normal value and the patient complains regarding to his/her cardiae and nerve activities, What is wrong on this patient A. Reduction of aldosterone action B. Elevation of Atrila natriuretic peptide activity Elevated. renin level in the body ‘eduction of Angiotensin converting enzyme action E, Reduction of Adrenal cortex response 14. Which of the following body fluid is not included under transcellular fluid? A. Synovial fluid sarcoplasmic fluid B, Peritoneal fluid E, Pleural fluid _ C. Pericardial fluid — 15. Which of the following is true about the donann effect 2 More cataiony are found in thy tissue than in the blood 1, More proteins are found in the brain than in the blood c ces anions are found in the blood than in the tissue Nike charge attract to each other in the body .- Chpillarien are more permeable to proteins tuted its influx proces by chemi 16, Which of the following electrolytes not fae gradient A.Na' B,Ca'" CCl ki, HICOx” 17. What willbe the osmotic presture of a given solution if water molecul Jes are lost from the solution? Red WNincreased ©, Not known 1, Neither elevated nor reduced 5, Increased or decreased 18. Ax 65 yours old woman has got reduction of water in her tissue (tissue dehydration) and level was strongly increased. Then which of the following is true her plasma prote A 13. The hydrostati motic pressure of her blood elevated pressure in the capillary elevated C. The net movement of water is into the tissue A pressure doesn't uffect movement of water D, The hydro: I 19, One of the following does not stimulate hypothalamic thirst center during regulation of ‘The osmolarity of the blood reduced water intake A, Ang Il B, Hypovolumia ~ C. Drying gf'mouth © D,AcTivation of intestinal stretching receptors Hyperosmolarity 20. All trigger the release of ADH except A, Traumatic burn C. Watery diahrrea —~ B. Profuse sweating —~ . Hypotonic solution infusion —~ E. Sympathetic nervous system activation 20. All the following factors contribute to tissue edema except A. Increased capillary permeability ~ B. Reduced plasma pro E. Chiohic kidney diseases ~ 21. Which of the following is not tue about Na* balance in the blood? fe Aoivoowsiaae eee Na* retention ~ B. Ang Il increases Na* reabsorption ~ C. C. Renin increases Na* retention” DB. High venous return increases ANP secretion “Increase baroreceptor Stimulation increases Na* retention 22, Kee researcher was elevated into high altitude at about 4000 feet from the sea level for a week. However, he has got altitude sickness characterized by fatigue, reduction of appetite, headache. What physiological response made wrong on him A. Heart rate increased B. Hemoglobin oxygen carry capacity elevated C. Red blood cell concentration elevated D. Respiratory rhythm response increased Body fluid volume elevated years old boy was admitted into the teaching hospital and he had less consciousness, sunken eyeball, less skin turgidity and elevated hear rate. His laboratory results showed an elevated atrial natriuretic peptide in his blood. Which of the following conditions is do you expect. A, Hypertonic dehydration D. Elevated BP BC Hypotonic dehydration E. Excess sodium in the blood C. Excess body fluid 7 / 24, Nucleus controls the cell activities. This is because A. Found at the center of the cell 25. The'correct sentence about transport across the cell membrane “ A. Large uncharged molecules pass the cell membrane by lipid bilayer ~ B, Down movement of substance via pumps is facilitated diffusion jy Nonencea channel proteins dissipate membrane potential D ansported substance is interacted with channel protein « E, Rate of transportation is fast via carrier than channel 26. Transported proteins can be closed or opened by sensing the change in membrane potential. This kind of transporter protein is, ‘A, Ligand gated channel protein B, Leakage channel protein Voltage gated channel protein é Stretching gated channel protein E, Light gated channel protein 27. All of the following ideas are true except one about the diffusion rate of substance across C. The higher the number of open channels is the higher the rate .e smaller the area is the lower the rate E. The higher the permeability of the membrane is the higher the rate 28. The rate of movement of substance through carrier proteins becomes constant after > maximum ransport I achieved. This explain one of the following, fer sensitivity D. Cartier inhibition ‘arrier saturity E, Cartier diffusion °, Carrier competition 29. All of the following ideas are true about water intake regulation except one 7 figh Plasma osmolarity increase saliva secretion ~ - Blood volume reduction increases Angll secretion &, Reduced plasma volume inhibits atrial baroreceptor activity D.Al iiuretic hormone receptor stimulation increase kidney water retention E, Increase Na+ concentration releases ADH» 30. Flexible barrier that surround animal cytoplasmic contents and separate the cell from its surroundings is A. Cell wall ngepfasmic reticulum Plasma membrane D. Organel membrane Golgi body

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