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The time has come, and so you gather yourself and head for Old Kalemport.

At the
gatehouse of the high white walls the city guard begin to accost you and turn you away
until you flash the key. At that point they agree to let you into the city but give you an
<I>escort</I> to the Royal Victoria. Once there they turn and gallop back to the gates.
The blandness of the Old Kalemport is nearly sickening, the majority of the buildings are
made of white marble, of those that aren’t most are made of some white or off-white
stone. Some of the cities more elaborate buildings and finer homes have gold gilding and
the greater majority have guards, at least two at the front door. Even the Royal Victoria is
made of a grayish white limestone but shows off no gold gilding. The trees give the city
most of it’s color as well as the occasional colored flower, the streets are all cobbled in
white granites and are very wide, obviously made for carriages and the such.
The Royal Victoria is a splendid building standing 13 stories tall looming above the city
as a patient parent. At the door an 8 foot bruit with a sloping forehead, wearing a
decretive set of red chain. It is a sure bet that there is either giant or ogre blood racing
through his veins if not both. Moving omminently in front of you, an immovable
mountain of flesh, he begins to ask where you think you are going when you present him
with the key, at which point his dwemeoner takes a complete 180. <font
color=brown><I>You’ll have to check your weapons.</font></I> it is clear that this is
not a question of any sorts nor negotiable, however, for some reason this does not seem
so bad and before you do know it you’ve handed over your weapons. The giant doorman
gives you a quick pat down that is clearly for show. Any well-placed daggers are slipped
in without a problem. <font color=brown><I>Thanks for being so
cooperative</I></FONT> he says as opening the door to the Royal Vic.
Inside the Royal Vic. is far more decretive then it’s exterior. Its floors are made of White
Corera (that’s the white marble with the black veins) tile, its walls are a beautiful cream
white with gold crown molding. The interior walls are not as bare as the exterior
decorated with paintings and rare potted plants on the floor give it a classical look. The
ceiling is huge some20’ or so above the floor, with a huge crystal chandelier that
illuminates the lobby. On the wall to your immediate left, situated between two
particularly attractive plants is the long rosewood front desk. Behind which is a beautiful
female elven clerk dressed in a red gown. Upon showing your key she indicates that it is
the penthouse key on the top floor and advises you to take the elevator, pointing to a large
box shape shaft adjacent to the front desk. The white marble shaft has a door on its front,
over the door, in gold letterings, is the word “ELEVATOR.” Standing in this elevator is a
rare thing indeed, a short man with curly gray hair and thick glasses which make his eyes
look enormous…a gnome. Across the room is a set of red carpeted stairs with a shiny
brass railing, the stair too go up to the top floor but a thirteen flight stair romp would be a
bit tiresome. The last wall has a huge double door that stands open and leads into the
famous Open Floor Restaurant. The room is darkly lit and has a large dance floor that is
made of a single seamless slab of black galaxy (That’s a jet black granite with small
specs of gold and copper) with a raised band stand in its center. The floor itself has few
tables as it is mostly reserved as a dance floor. The majority of the tables are aligned on
an upper balcony that wraps around the room. The only thing more famous then their
exceptional food is their prices. Rumor has it that a glass of water costs a gold piece and
if you want ice, that’s extra.
You ascend the tower to your room (either by stairs or elevator which arrives with a
<I>ding</I>) The room itself occupies the entire floor, in the center of the room a
circular fireplace encased in glass crackles quietly emitting a soft glow that adequately
illuminates the room. Arranged around the fireplace are a collection of plush couches and
chairs, as well as some coffee and end tables and a fully stocked bar. On the south wall is
the elevator shaft and in the eastern corner is the stairs. The western corner has a large
cherry dining table and chairs that could serve a dozen. Though there is no china on the
table it is decorated by 3 golden candelabra. The eastern wall has a door which leads to
the rooms large balcony, which grants a masterful view of the city, and <I>hot tub</I> (a
large tub kept warm by magic and bubbles on a command word). The northern wall has a
king size 4-post bed covered in silk and satin linens and a rabbit fur blanket of soft snow
hair fur. The room walls of the room are adorned with beautiful landscapes, small
statuettes of and busts and exotic flora, put together in an eloquent manner that would
make even royalty feel comfortable staying here. As you enter the wall-to-wall carpeted
room sweet fragranced air assails your nose, as the comfortably warm air is circulated by
a systems of ceiling fans, that are made from enormous feathers of an unknown origin.
Showing up within a half hour are several others, ok guys I got lazy and grouped all of
your basic meetings together so that I would only need to post one general post, but its
exam week so oh well. Anyway I’m going to give you guys a couple of days to do
introductions and talk, so I won’t be posting any plot advancements but I will be here to
answer any questions.

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