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Aquatus (Demi-God)

Right Hand to Xaroz, Aquatus is the god of the Storms, Wind, Oceans & Seas. Not
nearly as quick to anger Aquatus is benevolent and actually difficult to anger
however when angered is often a force to be reckoned with. Xaroz and Aquatus are a
strange pair near opposites even but best of friends, well as gods go at any rate.
Role-playing Notes: Aquatus is a benevolent and generally kind, he has no dreams of
grandeur as the rest of the Pantheon and is all and all quite laid back. He takes
his job seriously and unlike most gods sees mortals as more then just "ants".
Statistics: AL: NG WAL: non-evil AoC: Water & Storms SY: A fish jumping out of a
wave with a storm in the background

Aquatus' Avatar (Fighter 12, Wizard 10)

Aquatus' Avatar form is typically the upper torso of a man thirty feet tall made of
water rising out from the sea with a great crown upon his brow. This form is
limiting in that it can only be used near water, Aquatus has also been know to take
the form of a grizzled old sea captain, dressed in rags and a long white beard, who
walks with a Cain and is fond of smoking a pipe.

Str: 24 Dex: 15 Con: 18

Int: 19 Wis: 20 Cha: 18
MV: 9, 48 Sw SZ: 30'(5'6") MR: 30%
AC: -2 HD: 12 HP: 100
#AT: 2 THAC0: 5 Dmg: 1d10+3(Trident) +12 (1d8+2(Cain sword)+12

Special Att/Def: Can create a Tsunami(same as spell) at 20th level, half damage
from fire, ice or electricity, he can summon storms and call lighting as the spell
except 1/round rather then 1/turn. Aquatus' Avatar can move freely in water as if
it were air.

Duties of the Priesthood

Unlike most worlds and priesthoods Aquatus' is the only on Kerillia that can create
holy water, it is therefore the priests job to create holy water and sacrifice half
of the proceeds to Aquatus in the great alter at least once a month. Also it is not
unusual for a priest to travel aboard a ship to bless it. It is also common
practice for a ship to sacrifice a pearl of no less then 100gp value within a
league of its maiden port for good luck on the voyage.
Requirements: AB: Wis 17 AL: Any Non-Evil WP: Trident, dagger AR: b SP: all,
creation*, elemental water, summoning*, travelers, weather PW: 5)acts as free
action in water, 7)Water Breathing 3/Day 10) Call Storm 1/week TU: no

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