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CFC   Bosquejos  CDP   2  al  7  Junio  2014  

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am
holy.” 1 Peter 1:15-16

Questions:     Objectives:    
• What  is  holiness?     •  Understand  the  meaning  of  holiness.    
• How  can  we  live  a  holy  life?     •  Understand  the  importance  of  living  a  holy  life.    
• Which  is  the  reward  of  living  a  holy  life?   • Leave  everything  that  keeps  us  apart  from  God  
and  dedicate  our  lives to  serving  the  Lord.  

Illustration: A small town was preparing a major music concert the best of the bands
playing pop music, so everyone started working for this big event, setting up tents,
chairs, sound, lights, etc. . all that comes with having this great event, but the members
of this group sent the instruments in another vehicle and not all the cargo was delivered ,
finally the last cargo came but not the keyboard, they began to try what they had but it
didn’t sound good, near there was a Christian church and they had an idea, to ask them
if they could borrow the church’s keyboard, they went there and the pastor came out to
talk to them, they came out empty handed and there was no concert that night . The
instrument at the church had been dedicated to the service of God and could not be used
for a mundane service, also you were separated for the exclusive use of our Lord Jesus
Christ and should not be used for the world.

Introduction: We studied last week about the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, today an
extremely important study will be necessary to await the coming of our Savior. Today we will
understand what holiness really means, in terms of not only people who are considered holy by
men, but the holiness to which the heavenly Father calls us to live each day.


a. Holy in the Hebrew and Greek languages, means "separated and set aside for
God," devoted exclusively to a single use, be made, dedicated and available for Him.

b. It means devotion in the sense of living a life of service to God; and in the sense
of imitating, and resemble the God we serve.

c. Living in holiness is to live a life consecrated to God, away from evil and sin and
dedicated to God's service. Example; Who are we and what do we do when no one
sees us? What thoughts do we meditate in? How do we react? What do we watch
on TV? How do we spend our time? What do we talk about when we're with other


a. Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and personal savior, we must allow the Lord to
govern our lives; it is He who controls our whole being, spirit, soul and body. (1
Thessalonians 5: 23).
Águilas  CFC   Bosquejos  CDP   2  al  7  Junio  2014  

b. b. The man sanctifies himself when he separates from that which is evil and impure.
Ephesians 4:22-24 we must put off the old man and put on the new man is to leave:
the bad words, bad actions, bad habits, bad expressions, misconduct, we turn away
from sin and be consecrated to God.
c. We obtain holiness when we repent from our heart from our wicked ways, we turn
our life 180 degrees and turn our eyes to God.
a. Holiness is the fruit of a true conversion to Christ, it is also the result of repentance of
sin and faith in Christ.
b. Some people think that because we are already Christians and serve God, we don’t
have to repent or not do certain things, it is not that we are almost doing things right, but
it comes to delivering all sin, all evil, all gossip, all criticism, all gossip, all litigation, all
anger, all jealousy, all rebellion, all sexual impurity, all impure thought, every glance of
greed, all strife, all violence, all vice, in short, everything that displeases God.
a. We receive the inheritance of the Heavenly Father and see the greatness of his
power and glory. Hebrews 12:14
b . We are saved: Holiness is a defensive weapon , keeping our selves clean and pure
, Satan cannot attack , touch, steal, kill or destroy a child of God Psalm 37:28
c . We give good testimony: It is a testimony for the ones that don’t know Jesus, for
holiness is manifested and attests that the power of God can transform lives. example,
the alcoholic not drinking anymore, the adulterer adultery no more , the liar does not lie,
who steals steal no more , the abuser does not abuse again, a broken marriage is
restored , etc. .
d . WE ARE HAPPY : (Psalm 119:47 ) Those who pursue happiness, cannot reach it;
but when we pursue holiness we receive happiness without asking for it. Example: We
get a huge relief when we know that no one will discover something evil that we did, but
when you stop doing those things , we have a clear conscience , we sleep in peace
knowing that our life pleases God and the devil cant accuse us.
e . We prepared for the Lord's return.
To be holy is "simply" to be more like God. It has nothing to do with knowledge, skills,
gifts, charisma, and so on. All these aspects are important, but none is necessarily
evidence of holiness. To be holy means to be morally blameless. It’s to be set apart
from sin and therefore be consecrated to God. And this starts accepting Jesus as Lord
and Savior of your life; would you like to do a little prayer this day?

Sinner’s prayer

Lord Jesus I recognize that I’ve sin and that you died for me. Today I repent and I ask
for forgiveness. I give you my life and my heart so you can be my Lord and my Savior.

Águilas  CFC   Bosquejos  CDP   2  al  7  Junio  2014  

Practical application:
• Do a self-exam to see if your life really has been consecrated to serve God.
• Renounce to all sin that separates us from the holiness of God.
• Three days of power Retreat, and three formation: June 6 to 8.  

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