I - 2 - WVILLACIS Unit 5-6

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Intermediate 2 Unit 5


DATE 03-05-2018
Intermediate 2
Unit 5-6
Group 163

Unit 5
Dreams And Ambitions

The Promotion
a. Do you remember the video, “The Promotion”? Mark all the true sentences about what

1. It’s a rainy day.

2. Peter and Jeremy work together.

3. Peter and Jeremy haven’t seen each other in a few months.

4. Jeremy had asked Peter to meet him.

5. Jeremy has good news for Peter.

6. Jeremy is offering Peter a promotion.

7. Peter is upset about the news.

8. Jeremy will be moving to Brazil.

9. Jeremy and Peter celebrate the news by making a toast.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 5

b. Complete the sentences with the words below. Then write who said them, Peter or

offered • been doing • important • fantastic • to see you • the worst

1. _____________: the worst
This weather is ________________________________.
2. _____________: been doing
What have you ________________________________ with yourself?
3. _____________: to see you
It’s good ________________________________.
4. _____________: When you called this morning you said you had something

________________________________ to tell me.
5. _____________: offered
They’ve just ________________________________ me a new job.
6. _____________: fantastic
That’s ________________________________.

c. Read the next scene in “The Promotion” and circle the correct choices in the statements

Peter: Wow, so when do you leave?

Jeremy: In two weeks.
Peter: Seriously? That’s really soon.
Jeremy: I know. But the company needs me to start right away. They’re in the middle of a
big project, and the deadline is very tight.
Peter: How will you move your whole family in just two weeks?
Jeremy: I’ll go first, and my wife will come with the baby about a month later. We’ve
actually packed a lot already.
Peter: We’ll really miss you at the office, but good luck. It sounds like an amazing
Jeremy: Thanks. I’ll miss you guys too. But it is a great opportunity. It’ll be an interesting
experience, and I’ll get to practice my Spanish!

1. Jeremy will be starting his new job in two weeks/a month.

2. Jeremy has/has not started packing.
3. Peter wishes Jeremy goodbye/good luck.
4. Jeremy will/won’t miss Peter and the rest of the team.
5. Jeremy knows/doesn’t know some Spanish.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 5

The Singer
a. Read the four sentences about the characters in “The Singer”. What do they tell us about
these people? Match them to the four statements below.

1. Cindy thought she wasn’t good enough to sing at the concert.

2. Cindy’s mother encouraged her to sing in the school concert.

3. Cindy wished she could sing one day in the concert.

4. Cindy’s voice was deep and full.

3 a. She had a dream.

4 b. She sang beautifully.

1 c. She wasn’t sure of herself.

2 d. She believed that Cindy was a good singer.

b. Mark everything that will probably happen next to Cindy. Then write your own
continuation of the story.

1. The students will clap.

2. Cindy will not sing in the school concert.

3. Cindy will get the main part in the school concert.

4. Cindy’s mother will tell Cindy to try harder.

5. Cindy will never sing again in public.

6. Mara will be jealous of Cindy.

7. The other students will tell Cindy how well she sang.

c. Share your story with a partner. She will get the main part in the concert.
The student will clap.
The other students will thell Cindy how well she sang.
But Mara will be jealous of Cindy.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 5

d. Find one word in the story to describe each of the following.

1. How Cindy felt about singing in public: __________________
2. How Cindy felt in the morning of the trials: __________________
3. How some of the other students sounded at the trials: __________________
4. Cindy’s voice: __________________ full
and __________________
5. Cindy’s size: __________________
6. How the music teacher described Cindy’s singing: __________________
7. How the students were when Cindy stopped singing: __________________

e. Use the words below to write sentences about the story.

1. The auditorium let her sing powerfully
2. One by one, the students was deserted as if under a spell
3. Cindy’s teacher sang onto the stage
4. Cindy seemed anything she liked
5. The audience climbed at first

The auditorium was deserted at first.

1. ______________________________________________________________________

One by one, the students climbed onto the stage

2. ______________________________________________________________________
Cindy’s teacher let her sing anything she liked.
3. ______________________________________________________________________

Cindy sang powerfully.

4. ______________________________________________________________________

The audience seemed as if under a spell.

5. ______________________________________________________________________

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Intermediate 2 Unit 5

a. What does each person in “Assignments” do? Circle the correct answers.

___ asks for an assignment.

1. The girl / boy

2. The girl
__ / boy hands her his assignment.

b. Mark the correct answer to each question.

1. In which sentence is the person asking for something?”

“Do you have that history assignment from last week?”

“Is this what you need?”

“Here it is.”

2. In which sentence is the person giving something?

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

“Do you have that history assignment from last week?”

“Here it is.”

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Intermediate 2 Unit 5

c. Jim has a dream. He wants to be an actor. He has decided to study at a drama school.
He goes to the school office to register for his courses. Read the dialogue and write
the underlined sentences from the dialogue in the correct category below.

Jim: I’d like to apply to study at your school. Do you have an application form for me?

Secretary: Yes, I do. Here’s a form for you to fill in.

Jim: Thanks. Is it true that I have to pass an audition, too?

Secretary: Yes, that’s right. Take this list of telephone numbers. Call Mr. Black, the first-year

acting teacher. He’ll tell you what to do.

Jim: OK. I’ll do that. There’s one more thing. Could I please have a student card?

Secretary: You have to pay the registration fee first. That’ll be $50, please.

Jim: Do you accept checks?

Secretary: A check is fine. Can you just sign the back of the check, please?

Jim: Sure.

Secretary: That’s fine. Here is your student card.

Asking for something

Do you have an aplication for me?
That'll be $50, please.
Could I please have a student card?

Giving something
Take this list of telephone number.
Her is a student card.
Here is a form for you to fill it.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 5

Conditionals: Unreal
a. Read each sentence in italics. Mark the sentence that has the same meaning.

1. If I had $15,000, I would buy a new car.

I bought a new car and it cost me $15,000.

I will definitely buy a new car next month.

I wish I had enough money to buy a new car.

2. If she weren’t so tired, she’d go to the party.

She will go to the party even though she is tired.

She won’t go to the party because she is tired.

She was tired of going to parties.

3. He’d get to work on time if he had a car.

He didn’t have a car, so he didn’t get to work on time.

He gets to work on time because he has a car.

He doesn’t have a car, so he doesn’t get to work on time.

b. Ivan and Claire are talking about their dreams and ambitions with their teachers.
Complete the dialogues with the correct phrases from the banks.

If you practiced more • If I weren’t studying so hard • If I could play • professional tennis

Teacher: Ivan, what is your dream?

Ivan: If I could play
________________________________________, I would be so happy.
If you practiced more
Teacher: Well, you are quite good at tennis. ___________________________________,
you could improve. Sports mean a lot of hard work.
If I werent't studying so hard
Ivan: I know. The problem is my schoolwork. _______________________________,
I would have more time to practice.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 5

• My parents would pay • If you studied something else

• If you had to choose a job • If only I had $10,000

If you studied something else

Teacher: ____________________________, what would you choose, Claire?
Claire: I would choose to be a doctor. The problem is that university studies are very
My parents would pay
expensive. __________________________________________ if they could,
If only I had $10.000
but they don’t have a lot of money. _____________________, I could afford
to study medicine.
If you had to choose a job
Teacher: _____________________________________, it wouldn’t cost so much.

c. Complete the following sentences to explain what is really true.

a gift for you

1. If they were here means that they are ________________________________________.
had a free day
2. If Sandra had time means that she ___________________________________________.
had learnd a lot anathony
3. If Tom were studying medicine means that he _________________________________.
had a excellent health
4. If I exercised every day means that I _________________________________________.
hadn´t confiance in you
5. If Diane knew the truth means that she _______________________________________.

d. Complete these sentences about yourself.

with me
1. I would be happier if I were ________________________________________________.
work more time
2. If I could _________________________________________, I would earn more money.
had help my family
3. If I had enough money, I __________________________________________________.
will travel to other country to get it
4. If I could choose any job, I ________________________________________________.

e. Share your answers to activity d. with a partner.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 6

Unit 6
Money Matters

a. Do you remember the radio program in the computer lesson? What kind of program was it?
Mark the correct answer.

1. A radio news broadcast

2. A TV soap opera
3. A radio quiz show
4. A TV competition

b. Mark the true sentences.

1. The radio quiz show is on every day.

2. The radio quiz show is always about composers.
3. Today, there were two participants on the show.
4. The prize was tickets to the Symphony.
5. The announcer asked each participant three questions.
6.The winner was Cee Cee Rondeau.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 6

c. After the show, Susan writes an e-mail to a friend, telling her about what happened. Fill in
the missing words or phrases. Choose from the words below.

two parts • Symphony • quote • weekly quiz show • deaf • remembered • participants •
Composers • winner • never mind • announcer

From: Susan
To: Katy
Subject: I’m a Winner!

Hi Katy,

You’ll never believe what happened! I’ve just won a contest. It’s the first time I’ve
ever won anything. Here’s what happened.
weekly quiz show
Last night I participated in a (1) ________________________ called “Know Your
(2) ________________________ participants
.” I was one of two (3) ______________________
on this week’s show. The (4) ______________________ asked me a question with
two parts
(5) ___________________ He asked which composer was deaf and who was this
composer’s first music teacher? I answered Beethoven and Beethoven’s father. Both
answers were correct.
Next, the announcer read us a (6) _____________________ and asked us who said
never mind
it. It went like this: “When you play, (7) ________________________ who listens to
you.” I was about to say the answer, when I forgot the composer’s name! Luckily, I
(8) ____________________________ it in time, and answered Robert Schumann, which
was correct.
Then the announcer said I was the (9) ________________________ ! I couldn’t believe
it. The prize is two tickets to the (10) _________________________. Do you want to go
with me?

Let me know soon!



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Intermediate 2 Unit 6

Get Your Money’s Worth

a. Do you remember the article, “Get Your Money’s Worth”, in the computer lesson? What is
it about? Mark the correct answer.

1. A furniture store
2. Advice for shoppers
3. A magazine for shoppers

b. Match the descriptions to the names .

d 1. Quality Bargains a. The manager of a furniture store

c 2. Edith Shaw b. A regular column in a newspaper
a 3. Tim Wright c. A writer for a magazine
b 4. Customers Come First d. A furniture store

c. Complete the information about the store by circling the correct words.

_______ store that is suited to people who (2) have / don’t

Quality Bargains is a (1) clothing / furniture _________
a lot of money to spend. You can buy (3) second-hand / brand-new _____________ items there and the store

offers you a ten-year (4) down payment / guarantee on all purchases. The (5) deal / delivery
___________ ______ is
free of charge and you don’t have to pay for the (6) item ____/ sale in one cash payment. Quality
_____ at prices you (8) can afford / can’t
Bargains offers you good (7) quality / budget _________

d. According to the article, what are the two most important things people look for when
they buy items like furniture? Mark the correct answers.

1. Something that is second-hand and inexpensive

2. Something that is luxurious and expensive
3. Something that suits their budget
4. Something that is on sale
5. Something that is good quality

e. According to Edith Shaw, what important information should you know about sales? Mark
the correct answer.

1. You always get your money’s worth.

2. Sale items are delivered for free.
3. The items on sale are always good quality.
4. The stores often raise the prices of sale items before they put them on sale.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 6

f. Write the following words in the correct column.

products • purchases • consumers • items • buyers • customers

People who buy Things they buy

buyers , costumers ,consumers
________________________ products ,items ,purchases

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

g. Replace the underlined words and expressions with ones from the bank below. Write the
new sentences on the lines given.

customers • don’t have enough money • don’t have much • recommended

that they can afford • thinking about • value for your money • with limited budgets

1. Customers usually look for prices that are reasonable.

Customers usually look for prices that they can afford.

2. She suggested that we buy at Quality Bargains.

She recommended that we buy at Quality Bargains.

3. People without a lot of money should buy there.

People don’t have enough money should buy there.

4. Buyers can get bargains there.

Customers can get bargains there.

5. We are considering buying some new furniture.

We are thinking about buying some new furniture

6. If you are short of cash, you can pay in payments.

If you with limited budgets cash, you can pay in payments.

7. We can’t afford to buy expensive furniture.

We don’t have much to buy expensive furniture.

8. This is a place where you get your money’s worth.

This is a place where you get value for your money.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 6

The Raise
a. Do you remember the dialogue, “The Raise”, in the computer lesson? Answer these
questions about it.

The relationship is like coworkers

1. What is the relationship between the two speakers? _____________________________
tAbout a raise
2. What did the speaker ask the boss about? _____________________________________
No, she didn´t.
3. Did the speaker get what she wanted? ________________________________________
She wanted the twenty percent of a rise.
4. What exactly did she want? ________________________________________________
No, she won't
5. Will she accept the boss’ offer? _____________________________________________

b. Which sentences from the dialogue report what happened? Mark the correct answers.

1. I spoke to the boss about a raise today.

2. She offered me a ten percent raise.

3. Do you intend to accept the offer?

4. I haven’t decided yet.

c. Match the words from the two columns to form expressions from the dialogue. Then use
the expressions to complete the following report. Make the necessary changes.

1. accept accept an offert

a. in mind __________________________________
2. offer offer a raise
b. an offer __________________________________
3. have c. a raise have in mind

offered a raise
1. When I told my boss that I wanted to leave my job, she___________________________.
had in mind
2. The amount she offered was not what I _______________________________________.
accept an offert
3. I don’t think I will ________________________________________________________.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 6

d. Complete the following dialogue by adding Annie’s answers. Choose from the sentences

Yes, definitely. They have only the best quality clothing there.
I got a pair of jeans and two sweaters.
I went shopping for clothes at that new store, Best Bargains.
They were really reasonable.

Gail: What did you do yesterday afternoon?

I went shopping for clothes at that new store, Best Bargains
Annie: (1) _______________________________________________________________
Gail: Oh, yes. I’ve heard of it. Is it a good place to go clothes shopping?
Yes, definitely. They have only the best quality clothing there.
Annie: (2) _______________________________________________________________
Gail: What were the prices like?
They were really reasonable.
Annie: (3) _______________________________________________________________
Gail: So what did you buy?
I got a pair of jeans and two sweater.
Annie: (4) _______________________________________________________________

e. Write a dialogue between you and a friend. Write about shopping for something familiar,
such as food, furniture, clothes, or music CDs. You ask the questions and your friend
reports what happened.

You: Did you buy something for the party tonight?

Yes, I bought a delicious cake.
Your friend: _____________________________________________________________
You: Wow! That´s wonderful.
Where did you buy it?
Your friend: _____________________________________________________________
I bought in Cirano.
You: _____________________________________________________________
Cirano the new Cup-Cake Store?
Your friend: _____________________________________________________________
Yes, I wan to it.
You: _____________________________________________________________
Me too.
Your friend: _____________________________________________________________

f. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

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Intermediate 2 Unit 6

Reported Speech: Time Aspects

a. Who said the following? Choose between: a salesperson and a customer.
Then answer the questions below.
1 Salesperson
“Everything is on sale, just for today. We want to sell all our winter clothes as
fast as possible. You can get some wonderful bargains. We have never had
such a sale! You won’t find a sale like this again for a long time.”

“She told me that everything was on sale, just for that day. They wanted
to sell all their winter clothes as fast as possible. She said I could get some
wonderful bargains. They had never had such a sale! She reminded me

that I wouldn’t find a sale like that again for a long time.”

b. Which speaker in activity a. uses reported speech? 2

c. Underline the words that speaker 2 uses which mean the same as those underlined in 1.

d. Match the ends of the sentences in B to the beginning of the sentences in A.

1. Last night I participated in a radio quiz a. that I could pay for it in three
show. I didn’t think...

2. I wanted to buy some new furniture at a b. that the sale items were all great
reasonable price. I asked a friend... bargains, but they weren’t.

3. I was looking for a new sweater. I asked c. which store she recommended
the saleswoman... and she suggested Quality
4. I didn’t want to pay for the new TV set in
one payment. Luckily the store manager d. that I would win, but I did.
e. if they had any winter clothes in
5. I was disappointed in this year’s sale. The the store.
ads claimed...

1. d 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. b

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Intermediate 2 Unit 6

e. Which sentence accurately reports what each person said? Mark the correct sentence.

1. Glen said, “I wonder who won the TV quiz show last night.”

a. Glen wonders who will win the TV quiz show tomorrow night.
b. Glen wondered who had won the TV quiz show the night before.
c. Glen wondered who would win the TV quiz show the previous night.

2. Jane said, “I don’t think I will buy this furniture because it’s too expensive.”

a. Jane said she hadn’t thought she would buy this furniture because it will be too
b. Jane said she doesn’t think she will buy that furniture because it was too expensive.
c. Jane said she didn’t think she would buy that furniture because it was too expensive.”

3. My boss asked, “Why do you want such a big raise?”

a. My boss asked me why I wanted such a big raise.

b. My boss wanted to know why did I want such a big raise.
c. My boss asked me why I had wanted such a big raise.

4. Kevin said, “I didn’t know about the sale because I hadn’t seen the ad in the paper.”

a. Kevin said he doesn’t know about the sale because he hasn’t seen the ad in the paper.
b. Kevin said he didn’t know about the sale because he hasn’t seen the ad in the paper.
c. Kevin said he hadn’t known about the sale because he hadn’t seen the ad in the paper.

f. Read the conversation between Betty and Pam. Then complete the report of the conversation.

Betty: Have you been to the sale at the furniture store?

Pam: I went there yesterday.
Betty: What are the prices like?
Pam: They are offering very reasonable prices, and they will accept a twenty percent
down payment on all purchases.
Betty: I must go there right away!

had she been

Betty asked Pam if she (1) _______________________ to the sale at the furniture store.
a day ago
Pam answered that she had been there (2) ___________________________________.
were she
Betty wanted to know what the prices (3) _____________________________ like.
had offered
Pam told her that they (4) ___________________ very reasonable prices and that they
would accept
(5) _________________________ a twenty percent down payment on all purchases.
Betty said that she (6) ________________________________ go there right away.

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