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Musical Genres and the relevant dates

Definition of Terms

An Assignment
Presented in Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the course
MU 114 – 001 – Intro. to Music Literature

INSTRUCTOR: Alona T. Alexander


Jason Lawrence

August 29, 2018

Dates for Music Genres

- Antiquity – 2500 BC – 400 AD

- Medieval – 500 AD – 1400 AD
- Renaissance – 1400 – 1600
- Baroque – 1600 – 1760
- Classical – 1730 – 1820
- Romantic – 1780 – 1910
- 20th Century – 1901 – 2000


1- Primitive – Of or relating to the music created by indigenous people of a particular

region created before a method of writing this music was introduced.
2- Chinese Music – a style of organized vocal and instrumental sounds developed in
China that is largely based on the pentatonic scale.
3- Egyptian Music – music that originated in the Predynastic period in ancient Egypt and
includes the use of several percussive, wind and stringed instruments. This music is
believed to have been used by the Egyptian God Osiris as part of his attempts to
civilize the world.
4- Greek Music – (also referred to as mousike) referring to the music presented at social
and religious events via a variety of instruments. This music was also accompanied
with dance, lyrics and poetry and was considered to be an integral part of Greek
5- Notation – a system of representing aurally interpreted musical ideas using written
6- Doctrine of Ethos – the belief that music has a direct effect on the soul and can effect
character and emotion by way of morals or ethics, with the use of separate scales etc.
7- Roman Music – music of ancient Rome that was an integral part of funerals and
sacrifices, and was also used to ward off evils. In a social setting, it was often used as
a symbol of status, as only the upper classes were able to afford musicians.

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