Evaluacion 620029

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Saber 11 Inglés

forma: 620029
1.- Where do you find a traffic light?
A) library
B) kitchen
C) crosswalk

2.- Responda la pregunta de acuerdo con el ejemplo:


A) at a bank
B) on a bus
C) at a university

3.- ¿Dónde puede ver este aviso?

Seleccione A. B o C. p1 |height Soccer club Mondays and wednesdays at 4.00 pm
A) in a gym
B) in a zoo
C) in a pool

Texto 1

Asociación entre palabras y definiciones.

Usted encuentra una lista de ocho palabras clasificadas de A a H. Las preguntas

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describe una de las ocho palabras y usted debe buscar la relación entre las dos y
marcar la letra correcta (A a H).
This animal is the best friend of men.
A. Lion
B. Kangaroo
C. Dog
D. Panda
E. Bird
F. Cat
G. Fish
H. Giraffe
La respuesta es C.

4.- This animal is the king of the jungle.

A) lion
B) kangaroo
C) dog
D) panda
E) bird
F) cat
G) fish
H) giraffe

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5.- This animal can jump very high.
A) lion
B) kangaroo
C) dog
D) panda
E) bird
F) cat
G) fish
H) giraffe

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Texto 2

Complete las dos conversaciones

6.- I want a cup of tea.

A) At the back of the house.
B) Iced or hot?
C) Thank you.

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Texto 3

Complete las conversaciones

7.- Liz, would you like to assist to a signing book event this weekend?
A) Yes, I would like
B) Perhaps other day
C) No, I don’t have time

8.- Have you tasted Gruyere Cheese?

A) I would like to taste
B) I ‘d love to
C) I haven’t tried

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Texto 4

Escoja la palabra gramaticalmente adecuada para llenar cada espacio. p1 |heightA FIELD TRIP I
A. Was
B. Were
C. Am
La respuesta correcta es A..

9.- (5)
A) From
B) Of
C) To

10.- (7)
A) For
B) To
C) With

11.- (3)
A) could
B) can
C) might

12.- (6)
A) got
B) get
C) getting

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Texto 5

Lea el artículo y luego responda las preguntas.

Marque A, B o C p1 |heightMY TRIP TO BARRANQUILLA decided to visit Colombia becau

13.- When does the battle take place?

A) On Wednesday.
B) On Sunday.
C) On Saturday.

14.- The author:

A) had lots of fun
B) didn’t like the carnival
C) hated the carnival

15.- The author’s friend:

A) doesn’t like parties much.
B) loves going to parties.
C) doesn’t mind going party.

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Texto 6

Responda las preguntas de acuerdo con el texto. p1 |heightCardboard boat Can you build a boat ent
Adapted from http://www.newsinlevels.com/

16.- What is the presenter’s opinion about the boat?

A) He thinks the boat is not possible.
B) He thinks the boat is an obvious idea.
C) He thinks the boat is a bad idea.
D) He thinks the boat is not a bad idea.

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Texto 7

Responda las preguntas de acuerdo con el siguiente texto “THE WEDDING RING”

17.- In many cultures the circle is a symbol of

A) love without end.
B) commitment.
C) eternity.
D) prosperity.

18.- If a ring fits perfectly, it represents

A) jeaulousy.
B) carelessness.
C) safety.
D) a perfect fit between the couple.

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Texto 8
Lea el artículo y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.Marque A, B, C
o D.

Men Vs Women

Among many things, it is something that (0)_____ always annoyed women about men
– some of (1)_____ think they’re so clever! Well, research has finally (2)_____ that
men overestimate their intelligence while women apparently have a precise scale of their
brain power.

A study carried out at Washington State University (3)_____ men and women to
take a math test and then (4)_____ how well they had done. The guinea pig men and
women were (5)_____ told their scores and asked to take another test. (6)_____ the
second test, there was no information offered about how they had done. And it turns
out the men consistently thought they’d done (7)_____ than they actually had. The
women, however, guessed with far more precision how well they(8)_____.

The report basically says that gender gaps in areas like science, engineering, and math
are not necessarily the results of women (9)_____ low self-esteem when it comes to
their ability, since their estimations were right on the money. It’s just that men (10)__-
___ too highly of theirs.

A. Has
B. Have
C. Had
D. Having
La respuesta es A.

19.- (6)
A) According
B) While
C) Along
D) During

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20.- (3)
A) Asking
B) Asks
C) Ask
D) Asked

21.- (1)
A) These
B) Those
C) Them
D) They

22.- (5)
A) Than
B) Then
C) And
D) But

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