B.Tech Project Report format-ECE2011

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad

College of Engineering
Sultanpur, pulkal (M),Medak-502293 Telangana
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Guidelines on format of B.Tech. Project Report

The Project Report must be organized as follows.

1. The Report cover should include Title of project, Name(s) of student(s) in the team with Roll
Numbers, JNTUH emblem, Department name, Institute’s Name, and Year of graduation. (See
Attachment A.) Colour of the cover: BLACK.
2. First page. (See Attachment B.)
3. Certificate from the ECE department of JNUH CES (on letter head) for all Projects. The
certificate must be signed by the Project Guide(s) and Head of the Department before you submit
the report. (See Attachment C.) [Number this page (i)].
4. Certificate from the Organisation (for external projects only), where the work is carried out
[Number this page i (a)].
5. Acknowledgements (Thank your supervisors, lab staff, and anyone else who has contributed to
the Report). This page must be signed by all the members of the B.Tech. Project group [Number
this page (ii)].
6. Abstract (1-page summary of your project work) [Number this page (iii)].
The abstract should include:
 an introductory sentence that create interest and draws attention to the topic;
 the project definition and goals;
 the method of solution;
 the results; and,
 the conclusions.
7. Table of contents (including certificate, acknowledgements, abstract, list of figures, list of tables,
chapters, references, and any appendices). Generate the table of contents at the very end of your
Project documentation work, since page numbers often change due to last-minute
additions/deletions [Number these pages (iv), (v), etc.)].
8. List of figures [Number this page (v), (vi), etc.]
9. List of tables [Number this page (vi), (vii), etc.]
10. Chapters
 Chapter 1 is the Introduction. (Number the pages as 1,2,… this point onwards)
1.1 Introduction. It should include a brief about the topic of work.
1.2 Aim of the project. Define the objectives
1.3 Methodology. Technical Approach to the problem
1.4 Significance of the Work. Importance and Application areas
1.5 Organisation of the Thesis. (Chapter wise)
 Chapter 2
Literature Review related to the topic of work. Presentation of the problem, methodology
used, and general outline on which the solution to the problem is arrived.
 Chapter 3, Chapter 4, ….
Actual Work done by the candidate emphasizing his/her contribution.
- For fabrication projects include detailed component drawings and PCB layout.
- For software projects give detailed algorithm and flow charts, followed by
the code (program) with detailed comments.
 Chapter 2, 3, and 4 should begin with Introduction and end with Conclusions
 The last chapter should be Results and Conclusions including Scope for Future Work.
 Organize the Report into sections and subsections. For example, number the sections in
chapter 2, as 2.1, 2.2, etc. Number the sub sections as 2.1.1, 2.1.2, etc. Do not use more
than three levels of number. For example, do not use “Sec.”
 Give captions to all figures and tables. The figure captions must appear below the figures
and table captions must appear above the tables. For example, number the figures in
chapter 2, as Figure 2.1, Figure 2.2. Follow the same method for numbering tables. There
must be a reference to each of the figures and tables in the Report. For example, "Figure
3.1 shows the organization of our software."
11. References
 Number all the references
 For a book, give the name(s) of author(s), title of book, publisher, edition, and year of
 For a journal/conference paper, give the name(s) of authors, title of paper, name of
journal/ conference, month and year of publication, volume and issue numbers (for
journal), and page numbers.
 For a web page on the Internet, give the author's name/company's name and the URL.
Include the year.
 Each reference in the Report must be cited in the body of the Report. For example, in
Chapter 2, you may say, "Algorithms for optimizing the chip area are described in [3] and
12. Appendices
 Number the appendices A, B, etc.
 Figures in appendices must be numbered as A.2, B.3, etc.
13. Other things to remember: Page setup, Font, Font size, spacing, etc.
 Use 1½ spacing and 12-point Times New Roman font within the body of the Report.
 Give 1½" margin on the left hand side and 1" margin on the right hand side.
 Give 1" top and 1" bottom margins.
 Use 18-point font for chapter titles, 14-point font for section titles, and 12-point font for
subsection titles.
 Use single spacing for references.
 Before taking the final printout, check and see if all section numbers, figure numbers,
table numbers, and page numbers are consistent. Check if all figures and tables have
been referenced and if all references have been cited. Run a spell check before taking the
final printout.
14. Submission of Report
 Submit the draft copy of the Report to the project guide before the specified deadline.
 Include the corrections/suggestions given by project guide before generating the final
 The number of Hardbound copies to be submitted are : (1) one copy to the Department
(per group), (2) one copy to your Project Guide, and (3) Individual Copies (equal to
number of students in the group).
 When you submit the hard bound copy, ensure that the cover page is in BLACK
color and the lettering is gold-embossed.
(Attachment A)


(Ft: 16, Bold, TNR)


(FT: 14, TNR)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (Ft: 14, TNR)

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (Ft: 16, TNR)

College of Engineering (Ft: 16, TNR)

Sultanpur, pulkal (M),Medak-502293 Telangana

. (Ft: 14, TNR)
2016 (Ft: 16, TNR)
(Attachment B)


BY (Ft: 14, TNR)

Name(s) of Student(s), (Roll Nos.) (Ft: 14, TNR)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (Ft: 14, TNR)

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (Ft: 16, TNR)

College of Engineering (Ft: 16, TNR)

Sultanpur, pulkal (M),Medak-502293 Telangana

(Ft: 14, TNR)
2016 (Ft: 16, TNR)
(Attachment C)

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (Ft: 16,

College of Engineering (Ft: 16, TNR)
Sultanpur, pulkal (M),Medak-502293 Telangana
(Ft: 14, TNR)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering



This is to certify that the project work entitled _____________________________

____________________________________________________________ is a
bonafide work carried out by _______________________________ bearing Roll
No._____________________ in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological
University, Hyderabad during the academic year 2010-11.

The results embodied in this report have not been submitted to any other University or
Institution for the award of any degree or diploma.

------------------------- --------------------------
Name Name
Project Guide Head of the Department

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