Waves and Colour

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This study involves the nature of the ether and its relationship with matter and the different kind of waves.

The two types of electrical energy in nature and the principle in which they exist in relation with their

properties with matter. The relationship between the different kinds of waves and radiation in matter as

well the principles that govern the existence and properties of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. The

relationship of ether to color and principles of the color existence and operation in nature.


The lectures on the theory of ether and its nature can be used to discuss the mystery, properties and

behavior of waves. The ether is known to be the universal material medium and it permeates all matter in

existence. The ether by its nature is said to be a wave which is longitudinal in its form. The ether

comprises of both positive and negative charges but the attraction between the charges is said to be

infinitesimal or viewed as zero while the repulsion between the charges is said to be very high up to

infinity. Longitudinal waves and transverse waves are waves which require medium of propagation even

though today scientists and conventional physics accept or agree that space which is vacuum possesses no

material medium or material present in it. Longitudinal waves such as sound waves is believed that air is

its medium of propagation or sound and longitudinal waves require a medium for propagation while

transverse waves such as electromagnetic waves do not. This belief by scientists is wrong because the

actual truth behind the matter is that both transverse and longitudinal waves require a medium for their

propagation. Transverse waves in vacuum travel at their maximum speed but in denser materials they

travel at lower speed until they enter the densest material which can stop their motion completely while

for longitudinal waves it is the reverse, because longitudinal waves travel faster in denser materials and

the more dense the material is, the faster they become, but the less dense the material is the slower they

become. This is the very reason why sound waves do not travel in vacuum. Vacuum by definition is

surrounding in which there is no air or gas present, but ether remains present in this surrounding. The

more dense a material, it means the more the amount of ether that is present in that material and thus

meaning the more the attraction forces between the charges in the ether, thus making the particle or

matter to be more compact. Longitudinal waves such as sound waves are similar to the ether in nature as

the repulsion forces is far greater than the attraction forces in them while transverse waves have the

repulsion forces to be greater than the attraction forces but the attraction forces are not infinitesimal like

that of longitudinal waves. The attraction forces in the transverse waves are far greater than that in the

longitudinal waves but the repulsion forces in transverse waves are still far lower than those in the

longitudinal waves. The process of longitudinal waves being faster in denser materials is that when

longitudinal waves enter denser materials, the repulsion forces between the positive-positive forces in

longitudinal waves and also the repulsive forces between the negative-negative forces in longitudinal

waves surpass the attraction forces of the denser material as the denser material has its attraction forces to

be far greater than the repulsion forces in the material, thus the more denser the material the more the

attraction forces. The longitudinal waves having their repulsion forces to be far greater than their

attraction forces means they are very unstable while the transverse waves are more stable than the

longitudinal waves. As the longitudinal waves travel in the denser material, the negative charges of the

material repel the negative charges of the longitudinal wave likewise the positive charges of the material

repel the positive charges of the wave but since the attraction forces in the wave is infinitesimal and the

attraction forces in the material is very high, the longitudinal waves will travel faster as the repulsive

forces will be far greater than the attraction forces thus the attraction forces between the positive charges

of the wave and the negative charges of the material also being very low thus this would make the

longitudinal wave to be more unstable than before it entered the dense material this would thus make the

longitudinal wave to be much more faster. This thus explains sound waves being faster in denser


Transverse waves such as electromagnetic waves are slower as they enter denser materials. This is the

reason why lead element can stop the motion of gamma rays or as conventional physics use the term

today absorb the gamma ray. The alpha ray can be stopped by a piece of paper, the beta ray can be

stopped by aluminum foil while all the waves such as gamma, radio, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared

waves and so on can be stopped by lead element. These electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light

and light itself has been accepted to be slower in denser materials by the experiment of Hyugens and

Thomas young and also many others. Light is said to be a matter which has dual properties that is it exists

both as a wave and as a particle. Light is said to possess dual properties of the ether and due to the fact

that the attraction forces are far larger than those in the longitudinal waves, this thus gives light the

properties of a particle but limited because the repulsion forces in the light as a wave are far higher than

the attraction forces thus almost all properties of light is wave. As stated before, the denser a material the

more the attraction forces in the material and the more the reduction in the repulsion forces. Transverse

waves when travelling in denser material become slower as a result of the attraction forces between the

positive and negative charges in the material and the attraction forces between the positive charges of the

transverse waves and the negative charges of the material also the attraction forces between the positive

charges of the material and the negative charges of the wave. The repulsion forces in the material is very

low, but there is still repulsion between the negative charges of the material and the wave and also the

repulsion between the positive charges of the material. The increase in the attraction between the positive

charges of the material and the negative charges of the wave and also the attraction between the positive

and negative charges of the wave restricts the motion of the wave thus reducing the instability of the

transverse wave, this causes the wave to travel slower until it reaches a material which is dense enough to

stop its motion totally. This is the very reason why light is fastest in vacuum or in the universal material

medium (ether), because light would be slower in gases, liquids and solids. I believe that light does not

travel at its maximum speed in air because of the fact that air is denser material than vacuum thus light

would be travelling very close to its maximum speed. The reason why light is at its fastest speed in ether

is because the ether is at its lowest concentration in vacuum that is the attractive forces are weakest in

vacuum and since light has its attractive forces to be more visible than that of longitudinal waves, it

would travel fastest but not faster because it is not a wave of the same nature as ether and thus it will not

resonate with it. The longitudinal waves are waves which are parallel to the vibrations of the material

medium when they travel while transverse waves are waves which are perpendicular to the vibrations of

the medium producing the waves when they travel. The reason why transverse waves have more stronger

attraction forces than the longitudinal waves is because at the point of propagation and due to them being

perpendicular to the material medium, there is strong attraction force between the wave and the material

and thus the wave becomes perpendicular while travelling but the longitudinal wave is parallel because

the attraction because the attraction forces between the wave and the material medium at point of

propagation is infinitesimal or zero, thus this makes longitudinal waves to be parallel waves in nature.

The experiment of Eric P. Dollard on longitudinal electricity shows that there are two types of electrical

waves (electricity) in nature, just as ether is electrical energy which is longitudinal and transverse waves

such as electromagnetic waves. The experiment proved how one could generate a longitudinal electrical

wave from a transverse electrical wave. The longitudinal electrical wave is called magneto-dielectric

wave while the transverse electrical wave is called electromagnetic wave. In the experiment the use of

capacitors and inductors in different arrangement used a system of resonance to generate a high frequency

longitudinal electrical wave and a transverse electrical wave from a 60Hz alternating current source

power supply. It was confirmed the reason why electromagnetic waves have the speed of light as the

maximum speed is because the di-electricity is present and builds up while the magnetic property is

absent but the magneto-dielectric does not have a maximum speed and travels faster than light because

both the di-electricity and magnetic property are present and build up.


The electromagnetic spectrum is said to be a band or set of waves which travel at the speed of light

and include the gamma (ɣ) rays, X- rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared rays, microwaves and

radio waves. The gamma rays are said to be of the highest frequency and the radio waves are of the

lowest frequency. The electromagnetic waves are of reducing frequency of the order gamma rays, X-rays,

ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared rays, microwaves and radio waves. The waves of the

electromagnetic spectrum though all travel at the value of the speed of light, the mediums or materials

which are able to stop their motion completely differs. For gamma rays, it is lead while for visible light it

is the human hand or even a book and for radio waves it is something of lower density. Knowing of the

relation v=f λ and since v=c (speed of light) therefore λ=c/ f meaning that the electromagnetic waves of

the highest frequency will have the shortest wavelength and that of the lowest frequency will have the

highest wavelength. These electromagnetic waves exist because of the ether being present and which fills

space (vacuum). James Clerk Maxwell claimed that light was electricity moving at a very high frequency

and so is all other forms of electromagnetic waves which make up the electromagnetic spectrum. These

waves exist due to the rapid rise and fall of the ether’s frequency. The frequency is actually the level of

attraction and repulsion in the ether thus meaning gamma rays have less attractions between the positive

and negative charges while radio waves have the greatest level of attraction and lowest level of repulsions

among the waves of the electromagnetic spectrum. The ether being a wave is due to its level of repulsions

and thus since the repulsions are infinite, ether is said to have the highest frequency in nature. For this

reason the ether is massless as possesses no charge. The method in which the waves of the

electromagnetic spectrum are produced and exist from the ether is similar to the energy levels which exist

in the atom whereby an electron on the higher energy level falls to a lower energy level or from lower to

higher energy level. The same is for the ether, which can be viewed as the highest energy level and the

particle as the lowest energy level thus the longitudinal and transverse waves in nature exist in between

the ether’s energy level and the particle’s energy level with the longitudinal waves being of the higher

energy level and the transverse waves of the lower energy level thereby the longitudinal waves will be of

higher frequency and the transverse waves of the lower frequency. As the ether’s frequency falls to the

lower frequency, the gamma ray is emitted first and when it falls lower the X-rays are emitted and when

lower ultraviolet rays and when lower than that visible light and even lower infrared rays and even lower

microwaves and lower than that the radio waves. This means the waves of the electromagnetic spectrum

are all forms of the ether and which means that they are all forms of electricity of nature. The alternating

current (A.C) electricity which is of lower frequency than those of the radio waves and thus if the

frequency of A.C electricity is stepped up, the radio wave is observed or seen. The frequency of the ether

as a result of the force of repulsions between the positive and negative charges shows the instability of the

ether and that waves are unstable in nature meaning the ether is not stationary but mobile and this

instability causes the rise and fall of the charges of the ether which is then viewed as frequency. The level

of attractions do not affect the speed of the waves but shows what their maximum speed will be when

they interact with the forms of matter (gas, liquid and solid).

The colors of white light (visible light) which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet

(ROYGBIV) are similar to the way the waves of the electromagnetic spectrum are, the only difference is

the colors of the visible light travel with different frequencies within the range of frequency of the visible

light in vacuum. The colors of the visible light travel with the value of the speed of light just like white

light and the waves of the electromagnetic spectrum. The reason why colors of the white light travel with

different speeds when moving from less dense medium to denser medium such as in the case of air to

glass prism is because of the decrease in the frequencies of colors of the white light but this decrease is

unequal. The red light travels with the maximum speed while the violet light travels with the slowest

speed thus the speed of the colors of white light decrease of the order red light, orange light, yellow light,

green light, blue light, indigo light and violet light. Sir Isaac Newton discovered that white light is made

up of the colors (ROYGBIV) when he passed white light through a glass prism. The reason for the white

light scattering is due to the refraction as a result of the frequency of the air being different from the glass

prism thus affecting the speed of the white light thereby making it to scatter. The X-rays being formed by

the experiment of Wilhelm Roentgen is as a result of the change in the frequency of the energy of the

travelling electron in vacuum tube from the heated filament to the tungsten metal and since the energy

level when an electron is in the electron sea in a metal is different from that outside it, it means the energy

of the frequency of the electron fell to that of the X-ray and that is the reason why X-ray was emitted

another way to produce X-rays would be to raise the frequency of A.C electricity to that of X-rays and

thus X-rays would be produced. The alpha (α) particle, beta (β) particle and gamma (ɣ) rays which are

produced during radioactivity come from the proton, electron and neutron. The α-particle comes from the

proton, β-particle comes from the electron and the ɣ ray comes from the neutron. The neutron itself is a

form of ether without a magnetic field thus ɣ ray behaves the same with the properties of the neutron as

the neutron has lesser force of attractions compared to the ɣ ray and since it is known from the Lenz law

of electromagnetic fields, the frequency of the ɣ ray will be less than that of the neutron. The α particle is

of positive charge meaning it has a magnetic field similar to that of the proton and thus has a lower

frequency than the ɣ ray and the proton. This is the reason why ɣ ray can only be stopped by lead or

something denser but the α-particle can be stopped by thin sheets of paper. The β particle comes from the

electron with a lower frequency to that of the electron but higher than that of the α-particle for this reason

β particle can be stopped by aluminum foil. Another thing about α and β particles are the similarity in the

difference in mass similar to that of the proton and electron.


The colors of the color spectrum which is dispersed when white light is passed through a glass prism

are the colors of the rainbow (ROYGBIV) which are of the order red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo

and violet. The visible colors of light show that color itself is electricity (ether energy) operating at a

frequency which is specific and different colors possess different frequencies. The highest frequency of

ether in the color spectrum is colorless and after this white color then other colors are observed to follow

which include the colors of the pattern arrangement of the electromagnetic spectrum which is ROYGBIV

but in this arrangement of ROYGBIV there are other colors which exist in between them until the color of

the lowest frequency which is black. The mystery as to how water which is colorless in nature has its

color to be that is because of the frequency of the water due to the difference between the macroscopic

frequency of the water and the reference frequency which is the microscopic frequency. This difference is

what that is termed color frequency and it is this that indicates the color of a particular substance in

nature. The observation of a particular substance possessing more than one color of its form is as a result

of the reference frequency of the substances remaining the same but the macroscopic or outer frequency

being different and thus the same substance can have different colors. Ether understood to be the

universal material medium is the reason why all matter which exist possess a certain color, the ether has a

certain frequency or different frequencies in different matter. The color spectrum of the ether shows that

the lowest frequency for color is the reference frequency which is of value zero and the color is black but

the separate colors which are of different frequencies is due to their frequency values being of difference

between their frequency on the outermost and the lowest or reference frequency of the color spectrum of

the ether, thus any matter or substance which is black in color has its outer frequency and the reference

frequency to be equal.

The coloration of certain matter or change in color of a substance is as a result of frequency change.

For example in the case of water which is colorless turning blue or any other color is as a result of the

outer frequency of the water falling or reducing to a lower frequency in which the difference between the

new outer frequency and the reference frequency of the water is equal to the frequency of color blue as a

result of increase in attractions in the matter. The same is observed when mixing colors to form another

color such as red color being mixed with the color yellow to form color orange. The outer frequency of

the red color is reduced to the frequency of the color orange as a result of the attractions of the color

yellow which is of lower frequency to bring the red color frequency to an in between state, the reference

frequency is zero remains the same in this process. Another mystery which has intrigued many was to

understand the how images are formed in connection to colors, conventional physics speculated that the

reason why colors exist is due to the absorption of light and the color which is reflected is what that gives

the matter or the object the color that you see. In conventional physics, it was explained that an object

such as paper which is white in daylight reflects equally all the colors of the spectrum red, orange, yellow,

green, blue, indigo, violet. When it is illuminated by red light it appears red. An object which appears

black in daylight absorbs all the colors and does not reflect at all. So if it is illuminated by blue light only

it appears black while a yellow flower will be yellow because its petals absorb most of the other visible

colors in white light and reflect only the yellow. So the flower looks dark or black it is illuminated in a

dark room by blue light. There is a problem with this view because it poses a question as why all matter

in nature cannot have the same color if really it is about the light absorbed and reflected. The theory of

color from previous statements and conclusions has shown that color existence or emission is as a result

of ether relative frequencies and the interaction with matter. The images which are seen today or

everywhere when one looks at objects is due to the different frequencies of the object. In an object has

more than one color on it so that you can see its properties and how it looks like, the reference frequency

of that object is said to possess a certain value and the frequency of the different colors on it are of

different frequencies and thus the outer frequency of that body passes through the different color level

frequencies meaning that the outer frequency moves from the frequency of highest color to frequency of

lower color which indicates that the frequency of such matter is not specific. The ability to see the object

when one looks at the matter is as a result of the visible light colors emitted to the observer which is

similar to the phenomenon of the blackbody radiation whereby at different temperatures different colors

or radiation of electromagnetic energy of different frequencies are observed. This phenomenon of the

blackbody radiation is as a result of the repulsions of the matter increasing and the attractions reducing as

a result the frequency of the body is observed to increase because matter is ether in stable form or energy

in more stable forms. The different substance which are known to produce reflection of the object

standing in front of them to be seen are mirrors, water and mirror surfaces. The reason for this

phenomenon which is observed is due to the fact that mirrors have a colorless face similar to the way

water is in nature and thus when the light colors radiated from the substance enter the water they are

observed to be seen on the water and the mirror because they cannot pass through it which in return is

reflected to the eye of the observer as he now sees the image of the object or himself. The color theory

explains why space and the environment in the universe is dark. This is because the ether’s frequency at

the maximum is colorless and at the lowest for color is dark, due to the ether in its existence being an

unstable wave shows that it moves rapidly from maximum to minimum frequency. The minimum

frequency state is state of total stability and zero motion of the energy meaning it will be color of black.

The continuous operation of the ether in different phenomena in the universe and nature remains endless.


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