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MGMT 117 | Introduction to Human Behavior in Organization

Case #4

What do you think is wrong/ errors in this case? The committee, the
president? Who is the one responsible for the errors?

We believe that the committee leader, its members especially the accountant and
the president are responsible for the errors.

Most of the members of the committee cannot devote the time required to finish the
job within the time indicated by the president which is to determine the various
factors relevant to the determination of the rates of the various jobs.

The accountant had numerous absences during meetings and failed to contribute
and justify his objections for the finalization of the report to be submitted to the
president which we believe is very vital. He did not even explain his non-
participation. Though, he had communicated with the public representative regarding
the development and committee’s work but he hadn’t provided much of it.

The president also overlooked the reasons behind why the committee had come up
with its recommendation. He did not assessed the work load of every committee
members if they could finish the report in which everyone could participate and work
effectively with the allocated time or set deadline.


These errors can be leaped over or controlled only if;

a. The president provides a special memo to excuse the committee members’

from their job and to require them to attend, so they can focus on the revision
of the current compensation of the company.

b. If a committee member will fail to attend then he or she must send a


c. The committee leader must also encourage the committee members to

participate and he has to be proactive.

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