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Prepared by: Dr. Alan Y. Cabaluna
Due Date: Today July 15, 2022 until 11:00 PM

Instructions: This is a thorough Case study. Please submit your work before the deadline
and avoid plagiarized content; the school does not tolerate students who copy content
without properly citing their sources. Follow the APA standard (references) for discussing
your sources and elaborate on your opinion within the context of the pertinent topic. Your
response based on the rubric's criteria.

Case # 1 Work teams and Groups


The head of HR department, Atty. Mila Bravo was directed by the company
president to act as leader of a committee whose task is to revise and update the current
compensation scheme of the company.
The president designated the following as members of the committee:
1. The accountant
2. The executive secretary
3. An employee in one of the operating units
4. An officer of the labor union
5. The internal auditor
6. A representative from the public
During the first meeting, the seven members were all present. The president made
a briefing regarding the purpose of the group, the circumstances that lead to the
formation of the group, and his expectations about the group’s output.
The group proceeded to determine the various factors relevant to the
determination of the rates of the various jobs. Most of the members of the committee,
however, cannot devote the time required to finish the job within the time frame indicated
by the president. It turned out later that it was not only time that hinders the committee’s
effectiveness. The first two meetings were held without much fuss. Everybody was given
the opportunity to air his or her views about the various matters forwarded for discussion.
For one reason or another, the accountant failed to appear in the succeeding
meetings. He never attempted to explain his position to the committee leader or to any
member, but his body language indicated that he was too busy doing more important
concerns for the president and the board of directors. He tried to communicate with the
public representative asking for information about developments in the committee’s work.
As the meetings progressed and without his active participation, he made piecemeal
reports to the president.
When the committee submitted its final report, the president was not satisfied and
he voiced his objections that were clearly the objections of the accountant.
The other members of the group were dismayed about the actions of the
accountant and they vowed not to participate again in whatever committee work where
the accountant is assigned as a member.
1. What errors have been committed by the committee members? By the president?
2. Who should be held responsible for the errors?


KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Stranger on the Shore

Ernie is a very likable person. When he passed the board examination for electrical
engineers as a topnotcher, he applied for a teaching job in the state university where he
obtained his bachelor’s degree. He and some former classmates were hired by the
Ernie enjoyed teaching and it was in the course of his employment when he
finished his doctoral studies in engineering. He was elected vice president of the national
association of electrical engineers. Within ten years, he was appointed dean and then
vice president of the university. After twenty years of excellent performance in his job,
he was installed as president of his alma mater.
It was not very hard for him to perform the job of the president because of his
long years of association with the university, first as a student and later as a professor.
Some of the professors occupying critical positions are his friends. His subordinates think
of him as one who is not only respected in the academic community, but one who is fair
and honest in his dealings with people. They supported him in many activities and projects
including the social affairs he sponsored. During his term the university enjoyed a period
of academic excellence.
A few months after Ernie from the university, he was elected grand knight of the
council of the Knight of Columbus. His position is the equivalent of the CEO of a private
firm. He was very enthusiastic in his first month in office. Later, he found out that
managing the council is not as easy as managing the state university.
Of the 200 members of the council, not more than 30 are regularly attending the
monthly meeting. Ernie finds it hard to improve the number of active members. He could
not even get the required number to attend the necrological service for deceased
Ernie is now thinking hard to find a solution to his problem.

1. What could be the reason why Ernie is not very successful in his current position?
2. What must Ernie do?

Case # 3 Conflict and Negotiation


Perfect Taste Bakery Products is a company that is already on its 12th year of
operation. A line of bakery products manufactured by the company is delivered to
the different marketing outlets located in five provinces of Luzon.
To facilitate delivery of its products, the company maintains fifteen mini-
trucks. Each delivery van is manned by a driver and a helper who are both salaried
employees. Products are delivered twice a week on each outlet.
For the past 12 years, the company appeared not to have been affected by
any conflict either between management and employees or between employees.
This has been so until just recently the drivers and the helpers of ten delivery vans
went to see the general manager. They denounced the manner by which the
dispatcher makes delivery assignments. They complained about the easy routes
assigned to five drivers whom they thought to be the favorites of the dispatcher.
One of the complaining drivers mentioned that he discovered that the five drivers
and the dispatcher are members of a certain fraternity, another driver also
complained that the newer vans were assigned to the “favorites”. Some other
issues were also mentioned. One of this is the questionable performance report of
the dispatcher which indicated high ratings for the “favorites”. The complainants
are agitated and they became angrier when they were informed of the
performance-based salary adjustments schedule within thirty days.
The general manager promised that he will do something. After a month,
there was no indication that the general manager did anything about their
complaints. The complainants, however, noticed that the dispatcher has changed
his behavior towards them. He became stricter with them. It was then that they
began to harbor ill feelings toward the dispatcher. They began to talk about how
to get even with him.


1. Do you think a conflict is already existing?

2. What should have been done by the dispatcher? By the general manager?

Note: Please respond to all three cases with a minimum of 500 words and a
maximum of 600 words per case; failure to do so will result in a deduction of
points. All plagiarized responses will receive a zero. Today, submit your PDF to the
class representative.


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